.i ! THE OMAHA DAILY BJSK ; MONDAY , NOVEiMUEK SO , 1885. THE DAILY BEE , OMAH * OmcT. . No. Ml AND 910 I'AUNVM ST. Mw Vonic OmcK , HOOM i llt.U.UI.M ) . rubiuhexl ever-im/niliiirnxrciit Pnn < lnr. n o onlyJIoiidiijinonilntr pnpcr iniljllslieil In this state. TI.HM * IIV MAIM Onr > Vrar f Hum href Months BU Months. . . . BJiOOno Month. . . .1.0) IIIBVi7.Ki.r IH.K , rubllilie.il livery WciluciJay. 1I.IIV8 , I'OSTI'AIU. Ono Vonr , wilh prtmlum JJ-W Ono V < ntnlili < nit preiiibim l-a > MX Mntitlio , nlllmnt premium . Una Month , on trlnl All roimminlcntlorn if Inllnjr to news nnrl fll forlnlninltcni should bo inlilrcsiud to the Lot louoi tin. Ill F : . All luif ln fl 1 tiers mid renilltnticot should bo mlln * nl to Tun llth rriiMniti.io COHCAVY , ( ( M.MIA. Diufi * . UiifM mill poftoltlco onlfis to li } iimilo piijnbletollioorJorof the company. IHE m PUBLISH COWAN , PBOPHIHOBS , i : . SIVJHAI. ; : now fae'torlos are preparing to locate in Omaha. Let tlio good work goon. WiJ : ire really anxious about tlio hcnlth of i\lr. \ McSliaiiu'd railroad project. The public want losee Hand si/u tip its pro portions. KOMI : of those days when llio supreme mint has finished iU labors Nebraska will liavo no constitution. Wo can thun live on tlio by-laws. Dit Afniiu : eh-nieH that ho Ins any interest torest in thn Patrick torcilo. | ) The cdi tor of thu Ikruld is too busy in blowing up his party at homo to invest in outside expletive's. 'I'm : completion of the Atehlson , Tope ka & Santa Fo railroad to San Diego , on llui Paeillo coast , dales the planting of the .seed for a new city. Wo shall here more of San Diego by and by. A Iluiu.iNGioN' barkeeper presented a tramp with nineteen Thanksgiving elriukn. The1 tram ] * will tramp no moro , ami the coroner's jury will probably add to il < verdiet that prohibition elocs not prohibit in Iowa KITOHTS from Mandalay confirm tlic news of tlio de-ilriielion eif Thebaw's nitvy onu old war vessel. There is eon polatiem in tno fact that ono country is worse oil' for a navy than tlio United Slates. Tun death of Cell. Otto Pimkc will cause slnee'ii ) regret among the veterans. Uon. l-'unko was a typical old soldier brnvc , gonorou ? , and patriotic. The ( iermans of Nebraska lose in him one of their most prominent and distinguished representatives. .NS comes to the front with an article on the "Mistakes of Grant. " It would take something more than a mag- a/iiio article to expose the mistakes of Kosucrans , One ? of the greatest is the idea that his views upon General Grant have the slightest weight with tlio public. l2i''JJUKsn > r.XTllAyis : islobo : i promi nent liguro in the lleudriohs obsequies. Between feeding his chickens , delivering wldreshtsss at county fairs , and attending funerals , Ruthorfoiel manages to employ his time and keep his name before the public. WHY can't Judge Dumly recall that I'niteil Slates grand jury and have Jack .Nugent indicted at onuo for the murder of Col. Smith ? Tins is the only thing that will Kil'.afy the Itcjuiblieun and compensate - ponsato that enterprising concern for in terviewing 1'ierson , jilias young man Mender. , * extensions and projects for railroad extensions coutinuo to bo thu order of the day in Neibrnska. Now it is an nfl.shoot from homo Kansas line northward - ward iuty the southern part of the slate , again it is tht ) reaching out of the iron fingm'H of tluj Union Pacific or IJurling- or Northwe.-tern systems Into new terri tory , but the railroad movement in what , over boction Is always in the line of in creased construction and added develop ment. N Dousvv has boon inter- yiowud on the eve of his eicpnicuro for Washington , and plants himself on linn ground for the maintenance ami enlargement of Nebraska's two frontier military posts , on the northern border. As thi.s in hi accordance with Gen. How- 11 nl' * > latent recommendation on the sub ject , ( hero ought to bo nodillicultyon the uurlofoiir congressional delegation in fjcouring the appropriations needed for this purpose. Tin : report on our lorolgn commerce , for tliu year ending Juno ! ) ( ) , 183.r > , just is sued by the bureau of statistics , makes a Hhowing for our shipping as humiliating UK that of our commerce is magnificent. Our toteil foreign commerce ( imports and exportsexhibits ) a value of $ IM8,105- ! the oxpoits being $710,000,000 , , and the imports being fi7,000 , < X)0. ) lint only 14 } l > cr cent of tlii * enormous ceunmorco was carried In American ve * olHanel of the to. tal tonnage engageil in our foreign trade , 13,000,000 toun , only 0,81)0,01)0 ) ) tons were American , it is cert.iinly high time that something should bo done to revive our idilpplug interests , mid if the next congress - gross wJU devise pnictleal measures with that object in view , It will meet with popular approval. TIIIIK : la no good reason why a first' class flouring mill would not bo a success in Omaha. Flouring mills luivo proved successful tuiil profitable at other points in Nebraska , and it is rather singular that Homo onu has not long ago started ( [ his industry in Omaha on an extoiis-Ivo oali- . This city is thu focal point for Him grain export from Nebraska , and jbfiro is the natural location ( or flouring Bills. In Minneapolis , Davmiport and Inline , where thorn i.i plenty of uator jjoweir , htoum is now being largely used tu tlio motor. Con I ciin now bo laid 0pwn hi Omaha for fU.UO pur ton in larjM jyanlitlua. amitith faiieli chuap fuul llvurinm'll / ' - . , nsvoll as otlu-r maim- jf cturing ( KtiUillsliiiients , can bu opera- tyd jiut M prolltiibly hcio us olsuuhuro , To Invc.-llcato Croeik. Dispatches from Washington announce that Gcnoral Shrridan necotnpanicd by Inspector General IJaird lias left for Ari zona under special orders from the pres ident , the nature of which has not been made public. Prom private sources it is learned that the president is much con cerned over the conflicting reports made of Gcnoral Crook's management of thu Apaches in Ari/ona , and that the lioutcnaitt general of the army has been orelercd to proceed to Port Whipplo and get at the bottom facts of the rumors which accused Crook of inefficiency and delay in his suppression of the Apache troubles. Uvery fiieud of George Crrok trusts that the investigation A\Ill bo a thorough and a .searching one. It ought not to .stop with an inquiry into the pr cut Apache campaign and its causes , but should reach back to the manage ment of San Carlos under the interior elepaitmcnt and the overthrow of the disreputable gang of swindlers , land grabbers and Indian robbers who , bill warked behind tlio favor of Henry M. Teller , held high carnival until over thrown and ejected by General Crook. The investigation should reach out its prying fingers into Port T homas and the history of the two courts-martial of ollieors who wore dismissed from tlio army for frauds and blackmail by their ollleers , and reinstated by ollicial in fluence in Washington , only to open the fire in tlio rear with w hicli George Crook has been bombarded for six : mouths past bv these cowardly shoulder-strapped assailants. Let the Investigation pro ceed. The more searching-ami thorough the better. Perhaps it may bring out what motives have Induced displaced Indian adonis and contractors , dis gruntled reservation jumpers , disgraced lieutenants and envious rivals lo onen a literary bureau for the purpose of pull ing down the name and famn of one of the best commanders in tlio army , and ono of the truest and most humane friends of the American Indian upon the continent. That Ulktiorn Valley Uoael. The Union Pacific proposes lo cuter the ) race for the traffic and trade of the richest portion of northwestern Nebraska , whose other name is the Klkhorn Valley. Manager C'allaway , who has been put ting new life into the system since his ar rival in Omaha , assures the public that a line will bo pushed from Sehuylcr , or fcome oilier point west ol Fremont , north , early in tlio spring , with the aim of com peting with the Northwestern for the pat ronage of that section. This move of the Union Pacific is a wise and a timely one. It is undoubteelly to the interest of that corporation. At tlio same time it will bo beneficial to Omaha in giving our merchants compe'itivo rates to points on tlio Klkhorn Valley road not now tapped by any other system Per this reason our people are to bo congratulatcel upon the proposcel construction of the new road whoso actual terminus will be in this city. Every extension of any rail road hy.stom whoso eastern end is Omaha and the Missouri means new trade facili- ies for Omaha merchants. At the same time , our people canot be impressed lee strongly with the fact that Omahu needs and must have a road of it.s own to the norlhwefat , built with Omaha capital and managed in the in tercets of this city. The Chicago & North western will never release its grip upon the traffic of Ibat territory , which it is diverting by overt means in its power to Chicago , until a competing line who > o intorchUi- center in this city forces it lo deal fairly and squarely with our whole salers ami business men. Promises of stub roii'Is ' , reduced rates and impartial treatment are well enough in their way , but they are not a final solution of the problem. Direct connection by rail with the thriving towns of the Jilkhorn valley and a chance to Miow what they can do in a business way with the country mer chants of the northwest is what our job bers dcmanel and must havo. Ouu friend , Mr. Burrows , sends us a communication upon the subject of leases of the public lands to tlio cattle men , in which ho nrgues hlrongly against such a project , and points out the dan gers of a free range. The Ur.i : is not prepared to endorse the proposition for which General lirisbin iniulo such n for cible plea some weeks ago in tlicio col umns. It pointed out very distinctly at the time that such n plan , whilst ilic only feasible ono for securing tree range on the public lands , should not bo con sidered fora moment unless the elangers rom land-grabbing foreign syndicates and collusion witlr corrupt officials against the interests of thohuUlor could bo successfully avoided. It i just hero Unit General ISrlsbln's project is weak as has been fchown before in these columns. Hecogni/Ing fully the importance- ihu cattle industry to the west and to Ne braska , the importance of the feotllemont of her public lands is still greater , Every mile of range divided into four farms is a hundred times moie valuable to tlio state than when occupied by range cattle The position of the IIE $ : must not bo misimdor.slood in this matter. The Mitchell Dcolhlon. After a elolay of two months tlio slate supreme couit has handed down n decision affirming the constitutionality of Judge Mitchell's title to the additional judgofihlp In the second district. The court in rendering this oMraordiimry opinion docs not attempt lo give any reasons for avoiding the plain provisions of the constitution which prohibit an in crease in the number of district jmlgcs oftener than once in four years. The bench simply arrogates lo itself the power to nullify the constitution beeaiibo there itf no appeal from ils dooIMon. The pill- fill pettifogging to tvhluh the court has resorted in this case , lirst to ek-lay action until after the election and then to bol ster up sin act which all reputable lawyers will agree is in flagrant violation of the constitution , would dUgraee an Omaha jtistico'd court. The supreme bench goes out of its way to say that ordinarily it dews not "INtou to an objection made to the constitution ality of an act of the legislature * by a party whoao vighu it does not afl'eetud ; who has therefore no interest in defeat ing it. " It strikes us thai a citizen and tax payer of Oloe county and the fond end judicial di'trict3 \ Interested in the creation of a tax eating office not warrantee ! by ( he con stitution. We feel sure that if the Union Pacific railroad or the Hurlington road had been the rclator Jnthis ca o the court would very respectfully have listened to their objection. Hut If the position of the court in that respect was proper why was not the attorney general directed by the court to do his duty and make a lest case ? It was only after the refusal of the attorney general to take action that private citi/cns were compelled to ask for a mandamus. The court elcclarod when Hansom ami Watson a kcel for n writ of quo warranlo that the ntlornej general was the only officer who coulel properly question the vallelity of Judge Mitchell's title. The decision of the supreme court In this case is revolutionary. It sols a most elangorous precedent. It virtually af firms that two-thirds of the legislature anil the executive may combine to violate the constitution willt impunity , lido- slroy.s all the respect and confidence which is elite to a supreme ) judicial tribu ual from the people , and the bar , Tlio Spanish The ufl'ect of the premature death eKing King Alpliouso tiimn the course of Sjau- ish politics c.iunot but be marked. The : title of the infanta to the throne is not disputed , for tiio constitution of 1870 secured that when it secured the succes sion of her Father. The event which etc privcel Spain of its king Was too budden to permit time for the hatching of plots which arc ready to mature. Court in trigues will probably bo for some time to come tlio polities of Spain , until revolu tion is afforded lime to bud and rlppu into revolt. In the interval the queer rcgcul will bo the nominal ruler , her ministers the guiding power , and the e'hiofs of the army the directing force , Danger is to be feared f rom two soinee. the adherents of Don Curios ami the republicans Neither are in a condition at present lo profit by the present crisis. The republicans are gresatly divided Don Carlos was expressly sl.ut out from the succession by tlio constitution of 187(5 ( , a 11 el is keeping a Siow * of court lifo in Venice depleteel in moans and with his Spanish followers divided ami broken in strength. The mass of the Carlists in Spain are in the Ilasquo provinces , whoso inhabitants until 1870 enjoyed a very extensive system of self-govern mont , including the control of the militia and the local finances. Now all these mailers are managed from Madrid. The Basques are conscripted like other Span iards and scattered througli the rank's of the national army , where they are without power to promote their individ ual political views. There is no local treasury for a pretender to swoop dovru upon ami make the nucleus of his mili tary chest. The memory of the slaughter and devastation which accompanied the last struggle , now only nineyoara closed , must bo sufficient ' fresh lo deter the Dasqucs from once again plunging into n struggle in which four provinces would be practically pitied against foily-iive. Still , time ami successful intrigue with ho leaders of the army might material- /.a a Carlist rising of more llian respect able proportions. The success of Don Carlos is much more probable than the creation of a republic. Spain contains none of the conditions which make a re public or any system of representative government practically possible. Itotir- bon rule has made her the most back- warel nation of Europe , and ho must wait for a gouerul advance before an ad vanced form of government can be adopted with any hope of hiieceb-t. The only change to be looked for is a change for the worse , unless Castillo by his pru dence and ability succeeds in retaining lirm grasp of the reins of government as minister of the council anil adviser of Ihc queen regent. Tin : establishment of rival literary bu reaus is the latest outcome of ( he canal and the f > hlp railronel schemes for the Isthmus of P.iuamri. Each project has writers employed in Now York city to originate arguments for Itself and against llio other , and these are put be fore the public in all feasible ways. The indications are that both enterprises will bu felt in Washington next winter. Lies ami truths concerning the costs and elilli- culties of DeLes-.up's canal are BO plenty ami confusing that they can harelly bo separated , and the abuses and attacks of Ead's railroad are not less remarkable. Wall Hlrcol is uiieler a shower of prinleel matter in the form of avowed circulars and articles In Iraele journals , and it Is certain Ihat a great elcal of money m being - ing preliminarily expended In efforts to make public sentiment. Thcio bin cans have been properly uharuclorl ed us bu reaus for the promulgation of lies. THK modern way of hulhlluga railroad on nothing and making it a paying en terprise for the projectors is well illus- tratcil in tlio case of the Arkansas Cen tral , a narroW'guago roael , cobting , for the forly-oight miles constructed and equipped , loss than $10,000 , a mile , Prom the counties and cities along its line the owners obtained bonds and grants lo llio amount of nearly 5DioH ) ; ) , The state gave it $100,000 , for arranging that the bed could be utilized for levue purposes , and lent it l.KiO.ODO . worth of htuto , bondh. The road was then bonded for ยง 2,500,000 , , and it coiiblderable amount of stock certificates issued. Then the road mtido default in payment f its Interest , and a receiver was appointed , who made n liberal issue of certificates for complet ing and repairing it Then it was sold at auction , and bought in for $10,090 in receiver's cortilleitlns , purcha oil at a heavy discount. Any syndicate desiring to go into the railroad buslines should cut this out for future loforonco. [ IT is suld that the only good Indian la n dcnd Indian. The Canadian authorities have just added eight gooel Indians to the list. _ _ _ _ Ur lo the hour of going to prowi there liad boon no new Vailroael project in Omaha II was a dull day in railroad ' " ? _ Statutes. Our estcomeili democratic contcmpo rary , wlmso opinions on national pol itics are about As f.ifo to follow as its ndvico on local teipic3 of parly Interest , refuses to agree with the 15til : that noth iugbut President Cleveland's life inter lo ) cs between ( ho presidency and a re publican successor. It elcclines to nolo the urgent appeals front various demo cratic leaders that the president shoulel not leave Washington at the present time , and quotes with approval Senator Pugli on the situation , as follows : Piesldont Cleveland's death woulel nol ol necessity put the jro\ eminent In the hands ol the opposition imrtj. The tcpublleaii presi dent of Ihc senate would nol become piest- dent e > f llio Untied State * ; ho would merely Isolho olbeotf the president In a per- funeleiiy way until the secretary of Stale could call an election , anel under no elroum stances could he hold oflleo more than slxly days. lie could not change the cabinet , 1101 In any way affect the outer of ! the executive eleiiitnicn ] ( . With all due respect to Mr. Pugli and the Herald both are badly mistaken. The law under which presidents and vice president are now elected and their sue In case of vacancy during the term of olllce , are ohoscn , is Ihe not ol March 1st , 17 ! ) . ? . That portion of this act which refers to the present discussion reads as follows : That In case nf a removal , death , tion or Inability , both of the piestdont and piostdont , the pieslelont of the semite pro trmpwe , auel lu case thcio shall be no provident of the sen.ite , then the spe.ikeir of the house of reptesentatlvcs lor the time bo shall act as incident of the United Stales , until the disability bo lenuneil , or a presldonUhall bo elected. That whenever the olUcos of niesldonland vice piusideutslull both become vacant the sei-ielary of state shall forthw lib cause a neil li atlnn to be made lo the ex'ectitlveofeveiy slate and shall also e-auso the s.uuo tn bu pub lishcil In al least oiioof the newspapers pi hit- eel In each stale .specifying that the eleclois shall ho appointed or chosen In the several stales w Ithln thhly-ilve d.iyn precedlm ; the liiot Wednesday in December then next en suing ; ZVeittleC(7 ? tlnrc shnll l > c RjHire nf two months between the elate e > f salel uotillcatlou and the said llr.st Wednesday In December. Hut if thcio shall not bo a space of two mouths between the date of such uotillcatlou and llio lht Wednesday In December , and If the leiia for which the president anel vice president lasl In ollluo woic elected shall nol expire on the third day ol Muvh ensuim , ' , then thcseeietaiy of st.ito shall specify In his notification that the electors shall be appoint ed within tlihty-four d.iys preceding the loiuth Wedncslayiof Dccembci in the next year. Knsiilug fillther action to be followed as prcscilbeel by law for elections oiilluarily. From this it will beseen * that in case of the death or inability of President Cleve land llio functions of president wouhl de volve upon Iho president pro temporc of the senate , unlithj \ ) choice ) of a new president by the electors of the foiitth Wednesday of December , 188li , ami until Ihe election votes have been canvassed in the several stales and congress has de clared I ho result iwhieli would jirobably be two months' hiter , or Fob. 1st , 18b7. Under the statute the ueCessary thirty- four days preceding tie ] date appointed for the meeting of Ihe electors woulel be wanting this year , and the call for an oleclion would nol take place for nearly twelve months to come. Senator Pugli is clearly mistaken , and Iho Herald , in fol lowing llio pro.ss dispalchcs instead of the revised falalulc * , is slill more in Ihe wrong. Our ad\ice \ U > oure/steomeel con- temporary is to search the statutes. It is true thai Ihcy are not always : > s inter- csling as ( ho eastern exchanges , but. as a general rule tlu-iv is moro meal in thorn. Tin : propriety of discontinuing then e e > f electric lights by the oily of Xow York , except along the water fronts ami in Iho public parks , on the ground that they cost ? 10D,0'Jl ' ) a year moro than gas , is bu- ingdl-eiihji'd by the aldermen. The elec tric light will mil I'onio into general use until tlm co-l is iivi'le as low an that of gas or perhaplowi r. This is Iho prob lem with Iho ( ! trie light folk's , and in all probability n solution will o\eiitually be reached. ' Tin : obituary writers have been kept pretty busy duiing the hust few days. C < iUired ) the I'nun. Detroit Free Press : The Servians wanlod a rallroael lo tlio Lower Danube , so the flrot thing they did was to captuto the pass. They Worn Not Well Au < | iiainteei. Fairbury Gazelle : An Omaha man shot his wife last week , mistaking he-r for a burglar. He spent so little of his time nt homo they wore not very well ac quainted , ami it iri not surprising that ho mistook her for a s | ranger. The Sixty Vour Extension lllll. Fremont Tribune. That sixty year U. P. Extension bill introduced lasl sesaieJii of congress by Kdiuunds ought never to become a law. The government has al- readvv \ u lenient enough with this com- j.u- - , . | ought now to bo held fatneUy ho Thurimm acl. b "Dooillc" in Knulanil , Chicago Herald- The word "booelle , " signifying soap oi grease , and usi.-d in ( political ejampaigjis ij ) America , is al ready employed in the. _ ' English elections , i ow in progress. Mr. Gladstone might not grcasei a voter , 'liuf it is riiiiioe'te'd that iio woulel winl ; at the iiao ot booille on him A Vi-ryl'oov JHHIIC , ha San Praneiseo 't ' alfi' , About tlio only hb between the , pai io.s in ( he bcnalo b s that of oonfirmiiig ilr. C'lovohiiid'8 up- Bt pointmcnts , On fho "tarill1 , the silver l qrestion. and nie l olhur que-otions likely to como boforu Iho-Bemito , democrats and republicans will eli hle without much re- lation to patty Clovolauel'o Cluuii Shirt. Chicago Tubunci : President Cleveland is saiel to put on n clean shirt every day , and some of the organs of his party are assailing him for it. Thiu was to be i > \ - peeled , A more uu-deiuoeratiu thing ihun Ihij has not yet been clone by llio iredielent. The clean shirt is opposed It jqunllv to the traditions , the practice mid the inoliuntions of his parly. Oinalia'ri Futul lilundcr. Onkdalc Journal ; Omaha's fata ] wo jlundur In not considering Northern No- miska us a portion of the state , U now of bearing bitter fruit. Sioux City inuelu a sweep into thuhtate and secured the trade i\v of northwestern bcbrusku. And whether Omaha can elo anything to retrieve lost prospects remains to T > o scon. We of northern Nebraska , have practically grown into something in spile of the ef forts of Ihc southern portion of the state , nml now that our wealth attracts atten tion wo o\poel in the near future lo elo- luand ami receive n recognition in politi cal affair * . This ielca Hint a man lives north eif ( ho I'liillo disqualifies him for nn office has about come lo an cnel , and the sooner the republican parly recogiii7.es this the better it will bo. A rinliy Talc. Crete Viele'llo : A senseless , sensational story appeared In the Omaha Kcpublleau of Sunday , regarding llio confession of a states prison convict that ho was the murderer of WaNon I ) . .Smith , txnel was hired to do the je > b by Jock Nugent. It Is u very iMiy tale , though the Kypubli- can gloats over it as a mallei' of great enterprise. The Vldctto as appiiscel of the whole ninllcr as carlv as last Thurs day , but il ellel not consult1 ! ' il n matter which ought to be made public1 , prior to the findings of the grauel jury. Some papers seem to think It their duty to gt\c the news regarding crime ; others to assist the officials in ferreting out crime and bringing the gullly ones lo justice. Thi-baw lias four queens. When he has n loyal flush he can beat them. It Is woitby of note that Hlai-l ; Isa popular novelist ami I tlackmeiro a more popular one. Washington Porter , of Chicago , has by his own ai'kniiwh'dcmcnt , made 1,000,000 , out of his ti.ule in Calllotnia fruit. Colonel Tom Ochlllroo's hahIs the color of an iimipc e'hestiiiit , and his stoilc.s have a Munchaiisen Haver , lie is all right , how ever. ever.M. M. do Le = wi > is has ju l celebiatcd Ids eiish- tlclh blilliday. It Is a safe meellotloii that he 111 neit live to celebrate thti completion of the Panama canal. Theodore Knosevclt sajsthat rich men who tiieel teuim bli ; fauns out we > sl have been compelled to luck down bcloio Hie enter prise ami linlusliy ol the small f aimois. SlrCauii'l Wolseloy Is sometimes spoken of as "a milllaiy 0 } clops. " lie lost the sfelit or erne of his cjcs at Seb.islonol , bill c.tn sen as much with the other as some men can with two. Civil Set vice Commissioner ] ' . P. Eelgeitoii is a man eiC seventy > e.\rs , with jriay hair and whlskeis , hut posH'sscd of both physical and mental sttciixth. ills manners aie pleasant and conllal. while dignified. Willanl ScaiH , o'ie ' of the sheet car con- ductois , new In ancstatSl. Louis foi plac ing d > uamlto on the tiack , Isagrueluato ot Shut tlclT college , \slio falleel louaui a living as an attorney. A life-size crayon poitiuit of the lion- Hannibal llamlin , who is picsldcnt of Ihc Tarralino club at llungoi , has bcon hung In the leading loom of that organisation , Ills easily levognl/.eil by the absence ol an over coat. Some onotflio urolo lo Gen. Sherman , ask ing for a lock of his hair and an nulograih ) goi thN unsigned icnly : " 1 icgict to state ( that , a * my oidcily is bald , ami as the man who foimeily unite my auloijiaplis has heen dismissed , I cannot comply with your ic- qtiest. ' ' "At Foily-KlBhl1' is the caption of Klla Wheeler Wilcox'rf latest poem. Ella is fcet- tim ; faithful since she \\ns mairleel. Two . \ cars : uo she wouldn't lun council to u day over trteiitj-thii-e. We al\v.i > .s fancied that she was a coy young thing of about foity- two. ' T/IT1015AUV NOTJCS. ICstcsit Latirial , of lioston , conlilbulo liberally - orally to the supply of holidav books. Leon- ore. | Pi > e 's most popular poem , comes liom liom 1 that house , most beautifully luted. l ! The bonl : is piintcd on heavy paper ' , and Is piultily bound. The K\o 1'Ji St. Aiiie > . ICe.it's ever populai jiyom lormsa lilting companion to the iibeuc. It is' Issued by the fi.umi house and put up In the Mimc.style , though the eiiguuinsjs aio moio Jillincious 'illel iilti.ictUe. D. Latluop & Co. , ol lioston , have Is sued tlio "ChaiilntKiiia Young Folks' An nual. ' ' It is an Intciestini ; and instructive \olnnie , contalnlnp ; eight series ot Illustitited lutlcles : Chlldien of Westminster Abl > e.y , bi Koso . Klng-iloy ; Souvenirs of My Time , by Alls. .IcssieJJenton Kiemont ; The Tempeianco Teachings of Science , by Piof I'.ilmer ; Wajs to Do Tblug , by vailoii ' authors ; Uoja' Jleioes , by J3. K. JIulc ; 12n. tertaliimcnts in Chemistry , by Ilemy W. T.vler : The MaUliiK of 1'icluies. by Airs. Ha- lah Ur.WIiitmanhuai-il ; QuestiuiiH in Anieil- can Llteiatine , by Oscar Pay Aelams. s White , Stok-es & Allen , ot Now York , h whoso holiday publications last je-ar met witligicatfiivor , aieaiUUng to theli reputa tion this scasem b > the issuance of mimeious aiti.stlooiks , which are vety appiojulato for holiday glltn. Amen thebo may be ineu- tloueel the Klower SougH st'ilori , luoliuling l''Jo\vei.s for Wlnteir D.iys. Miilsiuiimer PloweiH , and SpiingUIossoms , arranged and lllusliateel in colois by Sunlo liarstow Skol- dlng , with accompanying poems byjuoinl- ncnt iKiuts. The illustrations aie beautiful , ulillo the novel ami handsome illunil. naled ceneiri make ol tlioso oil(8 ol ait very atti-iictUepailoi-tablo oinamciits. "Ploweis tioiu lIcieamlTlioie" Is the title of a vol ume ol poems an anged and Illuslnitinl by the same , author and , publlshe-el by the same house. It Is pilulcil em heavy paper , con e tains il : pages , twelve illiHliations and thlity-four poems fiomellknown JIOCIH. It is a vcryaltnicllvo volume.anil Is ulcg.intly liouiid. 'I hose \\iiikb aiolur sulo In Omalia \ by .1. S , Ciuilliclel. The Century and St. Nicholas inacra/.lnes for tlio ycai just closing nio Issued by the 'euttiiy company , N'ewrork , In the sump tuous binding used by the company cnch year for that pill pose | . Of the puriiuine * " } value of these pcilodlcids nothing need f/o said , but It e-anniit be out of tlio way to e'X'- jue-'i adiniiatlon of the extraordinary evenness - ness which the St , Xieholun Is kept up to Its high standnul as a iieilodle.il lor tlio joum ? much inoto dlllleiilt end to ntlaln than lo kcnp a iimkM/Inu for iiilnlls nn to a given Btamlntd and to migL'est that people In se.icli of njit gifts for boys and girls cannot go astr.iy in selecting the bound volumes of this peilodlvnl. If tlio little folk huso token and preset veel It , doubtless tlieiy would prulerthat tholr well-thumbed mimbeis should bei bound , If bat ( licit ) uio thousands vvhoelo not do this , . nml for them nothing cou.d ba b-tler thun these elegant two \uliimes to tlio y.o.ir. \ \ "Kosfl Buds , " by Virginia ( Jcrson , pidi- c'ini llshcd by Wlilto , Stokes & Allen , .Vow Voile , ami for sale In Omaha by J. S. Cauldold , Is a ni 51 bouk liiteiule'desoially | tor the little folks , I > ltv l whom It ( Mimot Kill to delight and eiiteilulu. lU I A H volume of nur ory i liyiiHw , artls-tlcnlly tv llltistratc.il In brliclu c Jiujy , and made uitau- si. the lu uvury other way. The most lelinod humnrous Illustrated pm > of Ilisitlou In Amorlcu Is probably "Life , " and luuuto'thank WhltJ , Sleikes & Allen , of Now York , tor giving us "The ( leiod Things the Llio , " In a humloonio volume. " 'TIs Irlllcs sucli as thu- that mnke n Imiipr life , " mil iileuh.intly assist in pissing H dull hour S-J y. TliInork Is tur bule lu Otmtiia by J. tor HTATIJ AND TKKUITOKV. Noltrnskn .lotting * . Nance county's com croi ) Is figured at y.Xooi ) > . Corn avemgcd fifty bushels to the acre in Dlxon count ) . Two dnnclnt * clubs ate the pilnclpal ctr ilus In Poiic.Vs imi eiim. Mrs. Isabel Mosler has been commissioned poMml tress of Uakdidi1. An opium joint has been added to the met- iotolitau ] institutions of Hastings. Weiner Marxa Cednr coiuily laimer , has an car of corn Inning luJO ( kcincls. A man near Creiqhlon gathered SH > ! bushels of potatoes from four acres of ground. riallsmonth has commenced to asitale the subject ol bulldim ? a county court house. Throwing dice for chickens Is the Mini tolnl of gambling wickedness in Columbus. Nov. and Mis. ( MI. Ka\idge. of Central Cllv , cclcbialed their ruby weddlug on the BOlfi , W. A. Thnnipson , of Iho Hiainaid Knler- tiilsc , has been appointed postmaster at that place. li vine Montgomery , who iceeiilly stole a horse nc.u Ulbsou , has been trathored in and jugged. A i > ork p.irkery Is about lo bo built at O'Neill. A site has been secitled and con- Hauls let lor the main building. 31. / . ll.ildwln , the maiiitKCi of the College Home In Kiciitont. has skipped , leaving nu- mcums unsettled bills behind. Hastings w 111 vote on the lOlh of December on Iheqiiustlein of in-anting n fi.uichlso to the Hustings bticct Kallway company. Vnind Wood , anotorlonciook , Is airaln In tlm Jug In imllniiula , foi peiMiiiatlng cer tain paitliw and mortgaging ptopcity thus Hceincd , The stiect cais beiran i mining In Beatrice .Satiuday. Tlic dial dip was the eiecasiem of a demeinslrntlon all along thciemtc. A mile ol Hack Is In opcialloii. The ticasiucrof Yoik county pieseiils a pliciiomln.il icpoil , showing that he collected S7i ( mom than the levol' istll. The amoiini collected w as pWl.aoi.'iW. A eoiiHof ndlway surveyors are examin ing the lay ol the guiiuid In Ihe vicinllj of Waviu- , and the lo lde-ntH aio MnUiii ; up nights tu llgiueoul the meaning ol It. The lli.st annual coim-nllou of the Xc- hiaskn Dairymen's association will bo held at I'lomnnt on Ihotilh and lOtliof December. An interesting pioguimmo lias been pie- pat eel. ThoPonca Mill company has piopn ol ( an e'coiumileal system ot water munily for I'onca. It would ciist about. SiX ) . The Mill company would luinlsh the pumping power fiee. The 15. AT M. has contracted for the ? grading of a blanch line iioni Kiwood into Cieisper and Ftontler eoiintles , a distance of thlily- clgbt miles. Cashing , Mallory tte O'Kccle aie the coutiaotoH. Mr. and Mrs Miehael Kennedy , of Weep ing Watci , celebrated their silver wedding last wqolc. The loilanate cemplo were the recipients ol'u number of elegant testimo nials of lilcndshlp. The Coiigiegational chinch of 'Weeping Watereelobuited its twcnty-lifth auiilvcisaiy last week. The oee.ision was made niomoia- bio by the collection ol 10,000 for the con struction ol a new building. The editor of the O'Xelll Tiibane feel * oat- taged aud elamagcd lo the tune of ? . ' > UOIHI , , which ho piopososto reeo\er. e\en II he haste to siev.e the shetpof tlio lival who accused him of imurlage. Mac Is uot anxious to cultivate a b.ild hc.iel. Thomas Williams was tiieel at Nebiaska City Wednesday tor the killing of his uncle , Itabe Casper , at Berlin , Otoe county , and was acquitted em the giounds ol jastinablu bond- oide , as the jury wcio ot the opinion that bo acted only in sell-delcii'.c. Lawyer Howe , ol the Omaha load , has made a proposition to the commissloiicis of Dakota county looking to the settlement ot thu tax dispute. He pi opuses to submit the whole question to tlio United St.iles com I lor Dual adjustment. The t'oinml--sionois have icfi'iieil the proposition to the county attoi- ney mid lieanuer. John llickoy. of Foiest City , K.upy county has ibOacios of coin UIMMI bis laim which will average litty bushels to the iiwe , aggie- irating : wUOO liiishels. Tbis is one OL the 1uge"-t Holds of ce > i u In the slate , mid at tlio mudciato pi ice of ' > cents a bushel , would bee e mivaloiit let the h.indsome sum ol 0,000 for one j ear's eioji of corn alone. Clnislii . ( Jrabi'iisteiua faimcrof Frontier county , weal to titoclcvlllo anel solel blstaim ini & 1,000 cash , which bo bail in his pocket. lie wont home alter d.uk , when an attempt wits made < to lobhlm as he diove by a coin- beld. Two men spuing out to giabhls team , when ho slinuk his sphitcd hurni-s with ( lie whip , and they boumleil awa > helot e llio tldeu'.sgeit possession ot the oiitnt. A'cligh tuits out the boss chumps In the slate , l.enming that his homc.steail claim was to be contorted , ho wont to the laud ot- ! licei , leliiniiil.shed his claim , and Induced bis girl whom be hoped fionn would be his wile1 , to lake It up. Tills poitiou of theiuogrammo .she gladly assented to , bat when she ob tained ] ieis3U.soii ] o ! the olaim bo told the ceiiinding young man she had no further use Uu him. Iowa Items. Dunlap'fi now opoin hoiiao will be opuimd Jaiuuny 1. v Tlios.ilvatliia army Is doing up the timers nt Cedar lnpil ( < > . Tlneo Ottiimwa.saloon keepers have bcein lined ' t"'UO each lor \ iolatlng inJnnctiuiiB. Daveupoit I'xponduel a total oti'jr7.0J ! ' lu Htiuet woik tor the se.ibon ending 2S'o\em ber 1. Davenport is dismissing tlio piopiletyof aboli.sbmg coipoial punishment in the schools. The St.ito Travmlng Men's association will hold its annual meeting in DCS Molnes Do- eembei 0. A Noiwegliin farmer named John Land was killed near Calmar on tlio"4th , while ing ciusalng the itillioael Iruek. ce Keokuk packed 1100 ! ! hogs up to Xoxcmber IS. a tailing nil ol neaily 7,000 , as comjimed with the same poilud last year. Chailey Miller , a Bohemian , cluiigod wlfh burglaiy and malicious mbchief , suiuldcd In tlio liremer county jail by hanging. Chillies llollby died in llnmplon on the mill , ot cancer of the tongue , Ins ease being vcr > Hlmllar to thatol Ceil , ( irant's. The tenth annual session of the Iowa Mut ter ami Chci'so iit > soflatioii will meet In OsKa- loosa , Di'uumbei ir > , aneU'onlluuo in session thti'odays. The Jewish h.viiagogno at Davonpoit Is aboutcompluted and will he icatly 101 occu- Ci paiicy in a lenv wt't'ks. Tne cost of tno build- > \tTL'ds 8-K/0. ! It Is uow proposed lo erect a "governors'H mansion lu DCS . .Molne.jnovldeil , of thu leglslatuio uppiupiiated tlio "h. . . . \V. A. beott ollei'H to dnimtu the mound on condition lh.it the building b cumjiluteel In An old coltonwood tico In Dubuipie , called by the Indium wnen tlio iirnt selllcme'iit was made thcie ' 'liuatei'Htiec , " strueik by ilioiuh. was ininoveil thu utbi'r eluy. Anotlnirold lumlmaik , a Jog boiiso built overlurlyye.ua ago , bus recently been torn elown. Ilitf Mis , Anna Katrine Book , nged OS yeais , . . diowiii'd lii'isnlt in tlio .Mississippi ilier , opHI posilo Miisenliiio , e > n tliu sMlh. nlies had a daiigbtcr. Mr % 0. Hoppu , In Mnsciitiiie , and Pn twi > daiigbloiB and two slslori * in iieiinimy , . I' | " \\iilchvuiiniry she came lust April eau ' , visit. a l.ufavctlo McCllnthcn , a boy about 10 yearn p oriKe'hnl : his tool so bnelly cui.slicd by a lo freight tndii ut Meiietio-iu on the Ullli - , to ronuernii ampiilailun necussiiry. This Is the . . Hiimo boy who was nhaeist luwen lei death lii-t winter wldluiidliig I rum Keokuk on llio pjatrutm ol a eiir. Stephen li. 1'ackaid , tl'o ' famous New Or leans republic-Hi , bus licc-.ti'io llio owner ol l.yiu acres of Mieiabull fountv land and lias icmoMiI ! to Hint county. JlU jinu-husti is wlmt mi ; known as tlm Allen tiiims , ami In- M cladu peiMimd jiioiieity. cle. , and tlio pint'l chase imcu Is n.lined at sK'.OJJ cash. CPIIIVO W , Pascal , Jr. , abunt 'JO years of nw , bo.inleil a noiilunn tmln nt dianil Mound , Clinion c"imiy. to rldo to his fntliei S iihice. about halt n mlle distant. Ho jumped liom thu tniln while ft wiis rniiiilng at about twt'iity-nvu nilhwiin bom. lie iiiicutred bis sKull . , and died the loilo-\lng day ol lib In- Des Moliirn lias cnn tnietcd thirleen miles sowerrtof VBiylng sixes In law fast mo The total cost was srilJ.7M.74. llio Or [ ) In size from twelve Inches lo sixty inch' a la dlnmote-r , and cost fioi.i tl.r : , lowe-st , w > > . < ) , belli ; , ' ( iiu hWiCht julco paid 1 01 ihexoiiMntfilon ot auj sewer In llio citv. Thei total cost ot paving JP to dat < * wits li UK ) . ' , < > . \V. 0. IVi-iing , of Des Mollies , adinlulstra. of the citato of Kubm auel Clmilus K , Uamn , who died fiom thei cftect of nxvlved lu the Cromwell wieek on the Old eatt , Unrllnclon v Qnlnc.v laKebiitary ! , has liiHlltnttd tw n suits ncnin-t tlm rnllronitcom jmny , clnlmlni ; SAOiMdamaire In cnehoue. The suit will comeMip before the circuit com t at DcsM oiiics. The report of Dr. II. A. Oilman , snpcrln lendcnt o thu lown hospital for the Insane at Mount Ple.isniil , shows that a larucr mini 1 creif uatlenls Inue In * n under treatment than dtuliuf any iiuwlom iK'tlod , re-nchliif. 1US. exclusive of Iho o elLschatceel mid 10 admitted d lite Ihe term. Of this teiHI number of which ffii weio men and Cite women TiWweicmlmlttcelanilrcMillscbargcd during thu teim , leniii'.j ; ' a total number of Inmates of Ml ' " .U men and J5" women. Ditkntn. Tlio avciatro j leld of corn In Clny coiinlv Is about llfty binlicls peraeie. It is worth 18 to 20 cents a bushel in Yet million. A meetluir of selllets at I'ukwaiia lookac lion looking to ( he pctllloultu of COIIIMCHS in behalf llio immediate opening of the Crow Clock reservation. The DoadwiulTlmoi M\S Mia * the ] > < y > i > V of tlio Hlack Hills luvo icanm to lejl rf'iO'l. ' At no time in the hMor.v of the Hills reiiiu try , It says have the | troeeN | ( orprespcii \ been belter or bilijbter than at ntcst-ul. The completion of the iiilhojd to Dead w-ood next season , -ms tbc lcid\ ) \ > el limes , will bo slunallrcd in a firaiid deuiiiii sliation , pioiuratioti lot which mix pu > pcil\ be said to bo under waj. .loliu Castim nnil eithors will domdo a sid | | M pll.otoln driven bv a solid silver Immmer contrlbut.d by the lion Hill comp.inj. The elrama of Statehood is bebiT plincil b\ theiiolltical axiili.intof Hie Mmilieni hull nf tholciiitory. A pi < H. < iiritmiihashccii Issued h.v Ihe'Vtatoi'xeeiitiMi committee. " older ! m ; the lonNlatiirc leienllv ehvled ioas einlilo in the city of lluion , tlic euilu.xo eaiiitd , em Monday , the l-ldi of Docemlier. "tlieii and thoio tooitfanlrc as llio lexNIatmo ol the slate of D.iltotit , auel to cxeieiMi the' puwc.1- . nnil tie1 ! foi m the duties btlio \ constitution ilnveine-d upon them as mu'h le.hlaliue. ' The play will contluuo until conmess lings down the cm tain. AV.\olnlnu. Two bundled and hlxl v llmiis.uid dnllai.s Is the total footing ot' building in Clicyciinii this j car. Gold oie in paylnc riiiniillttcs lus boon dis coxcrcd in the Ml vet Ciown district. An ussay show.s SIO to HID ton. Mavor Keel , of Chejeuiie , tins imn'li.Hed O..OOJ acicseif land lin.ntlu . rmoii 1'aciac compan.v in Unitn eoniilv. John La\lu , an iuuni'eiitie ' tidnr of a liuc.isin lionl of a salonii In l\ullns. ! \ \\as Instantly killed bi asliaj bullet. Cheyenne is cry hit ; lnu.llv . lei , i elnrler amcmliiicut that will authorl/c the evtvimin- atlon ol'tlie juvenile hi.ess binds. SubsCilptlonsliavo been liken up in ( Mie\- enne ami Ijaiiimie for Ihc st.u \ ing miiieis at Hock Hpiiuns. It is said Ui.it 0110 linn- died able bodied men me a''lnallslanin ' ; ; thcie , bolnu'iiiiiiblo to obtain woik and sup- poll their families. An Improbable Sleiry. Stilton Ue ialer : The Omaha Kcpubli * can elcvoleel a eonjilo of ptijjcs ; of space to the publication of a st.nsiij01isil : ! lo. count oi an alle-gcel confcj--ion of one John 1'ieTson , a eonviet in the ] ) cuilon- Ihtry , that he killed Watson 15. Smith , eif Omaha , in 1881. The story is inlriiulcally improbable , auel its publication at such length and with such amplitude of sen sational coloring , may posaiblv patss for joitninli.itio onlerprisc , lint in 1'aoL it is a oaleriuy to a depraved taslo that cannot bo too strongly eeineloinned. No earthly fjjood can eome ol such an HVusivo narra tive of all the details , real or imagined in this ea e' mostly iina ineel of revolt ing erinii1" . It not onty pandora to 11 de praved lastc , but il creates il. A IJlow tit the AVest. Pioneer Press : The order of Mr. Spaiks forbidding the issuance of linn- tit I os to .scttlorft until a personal iuvostil Cation shall bo made by the govern ment's agents , a thing practically impos sible , has unsettled lilies and values as no act e > f forfeiture could ever do. It has brought upon the nortlnve.-l some of llio precise evils which are neeounlcd as the natural result of uncertainty in lilies. Il has dcclarcil that no settler may bo maelc the owner of land that ho has honestly acquireel according te > the luw.s. It prevents him from borrowing on it. Ho elare nol mil improvements on it. It makes him liable for recovery of cost , with elamagoH , if he dares to soil it. It slops his credit ut the country .store. It has been a greater blow al the norlnwcst Ilian the1 iniluslriul depression whieli biw so hardly nlleeleel the e'awt. If iii velom- ejcrat is seeking for wrongs to be right ) el , hero is ono nol remote and contingent , but pre'sonl , palpable tind inexcn ablo. Tiui foe of the settler just now is not a possible not of congress , but an actual dejcreo of the eleinoeralie ailiiiini.stration , as promulgated by the inellieicnt nonsa- tion-mongor whom it retaina in control of lauel oilico alluirs. Ailillnj ; Insult to Injury. While conversing with Mirf * r.smernlda Longeolliu , an elel maid of Houston , Tox. , she aHkud a young man in a ban tering mood : "How old elo von really think that I amV" "About 30 , " ho replied. "Yon are jeiking , " said Miss Long- coflin , indignantly. "Well , " said the wretch , looking at her more critically , "you euin't bo uuuh older thun 8T > or-lO. " Complclo Treatmenti wilh Inhaler for Every Form of Calarrli , SI , Ask for SAN- FORD'S ' RADJCAL CURE , llrinl ( ) lilw. W'nlcry DIscli.u/'C" / fiiiiu llio il l.-.u 3lll"-iMi ; I'1 I'm ' lleMiif MeiuliH Im mill liHiinilly 10- IIIIH'IIS (111. ( , IHt'llllllilMH elonii-.fil nnil liciilcil , III Chill MV IM ) ( . ( III Oil , hiiioll , tiiwlu , nml hour * roslnioil , nml ravilrob | uliexl.ril , Uoujrli , IbonuliltM , Dtoitpliuri Into th ( flironl , Pabih In tlio Uliiist , DyMpiipslii , Wa&llntr of JtrmiH'tli nno I'loili , i.osb nf rtluop , ( i t. , tiiix < il. Ono iMillln Kaillcal I.'IIHI , IIIKI lion Culm rlial Roh out nml ono Dr. Hiiniiuir Inlnilnr , In ono iiibkiiKi. " ' ' " 'I ' iliiiKKiHIt , $1. Afl. fin HAN- IOIIII'N ' It vnicu , CuiiH , a pure illbtlllatlun < > t vviuili Ilii7i > l , Am , I'Jau , eVii. l-'ir , Mutitfol < li 1'lnver , llln soinN , utii. Poller Driiffanel _ Chemical CompanyBoston , _ , > 1JOWB YOUft ItllHl'MA'Jl/.V Is a fjiiofllou Hull npiunl4 | to m'ury lorlnieilJcllinot ItlMiii- mutism , who Units tlio oiillimi } I'lun- ' torxuiiil HnlmuntHpou ct lets to i-cmivu To snoli tliii I'uiiCimAi AMI > l'.ASiin : h mic Itwuil iiml n < n or julllnjf i-oiiruo nl icllcl. Imnlalilmr j iliuitiniillo , nonnilt'lu , ( .uhdlc , Binlilcn , nnil niiiioiiH I > HIIB | MH lii niniflu .S'niv , ill , ( -I'i'Otly. ' Milo. At diiiifKlttoS.KI , ! llfu r "no ilulliir , imilloil trco. l'ornu : " L'llHIICU.I O. llixlAll. TO rovpncri'K' ) HV B/oyal / Havana ( A fiDVKIIXUKNT iN rav/nM Haianj , Cubi , E > 't-ry 10 to 14 Dayj. . WI-miM J3. IVncfom pie Hulijoa to iimii'i-i ( iuiniiii.1 not ( uinijfill ( < ltj- ) ' lun 1104 In ii.ii u 'i. Ii I" inl l li .t elilnirlii ' II UIIIVIll { I i , | i | i vis i , . . 1'or UuUi-m ii''ly ' til Mlli'-P ' .1 11) . , till . < Juu > , A , V. I nvi .il. e l'I'CSd & . e J , , Kmi < ! 4ii ! Uu Mo.