Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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    TRE OMA NOVEMBER 30. J883.
forroMor onllicr. n * llio titesrnt mild trm-
Jx-Hitiirt ! innKt t ihe liaiiillin of came too
inili-li of a ti K , I'l.latiMs ilitllltie lobo in
\rn-pooil ili'iiintnl , and otilj uriiinary slo < k
will \ anserj \ full juiees 'I'lu-rc Is no
elianirc In tlioanple jnnrket since In4 week :
Hie nloek liolil In ilr.ilcn Is MTJ largo anil
mole Ilinn ( > ( | unl lu the ilt-tnnnil ,
' , Xot.
Kio 'I'lio icieipt of c irs me not la sc ,
bit t nltnnt ui , nl to Ilic ilcin.iiul. Tlin major
ity ( if suits sue Ijt'lin ; inailu : it "Oi ; few yi > -
Ill iTiiiIlivcliilsatn : in t'\ef sof llio ( k1
jnnritl , ; in < l thery is vety llltlf iii'inli-j for
duller oi n > Kiiule , 'This is i' | Mrl.illy luio
of infriinr Rt.tili1- * . TheiileMiillntr iirie 'i
mi' ni follows : Choic ( table , 1) ) MiV ; fnirlo
; infeiiorgraile.s.
' , . .
Citi.ii : : 1'itiiey ' full rrcain ehrildar , Oct.
I''e < > et.
; l.iney lull cie.Un llaN.
j'c ; tnney full rrcntii Voting
'Oct. inal.c. ' . ' ( ' ? : ! ; lull erenui
ll.dx , AtiR. iiiaKc , lOo ; full eieain Yonni ;
as , A tiff , innlu1 , lie : lull I'li-ain , .Jtilv ,
t'/i'le ; 1M ttiality | bnhs ( liee. c , 1 ( ' 'Jii
S\\iv. eheisc , l.'ViMIc : liriek
J'oli.iusMo I'lilckniii. M.XV.ivr.ol ( . ;
fowls ate in nl S 0ili ' < " - . " " ! HMJ
ilncks sold til S.'iVrf. ' . " . * ! ! llNcturkeyH , W-Sp
pel 1I ; ilii' ' < . - -il elileki-ns , eholee , per Ib. f > fftCc ,
mil to IIOIMle ! ; Iniki' s dree < l , lOO'lli1 ' ,
per Ib ; ihtek * ! . , clinic u. per Ib ,
gee ' , iliesM-il.
( { . \MI : Deer Ib , 7 ( < Jcc ;
s.i'lllcs ( , liiiU AiiU'lopp rarert-ses JUT Ib ,
TrirKfij fiailtlli1.- * , iV ; Klk C.IUMV.M pot Ib.
r,7e ; sidtlles , Kkullc : pnililuvhlvkiMis. 62.75
rfil.(0 ( ; iiiiail. S 7.VVL01 ( ? ;
Jaek nittbitK , : i. ) : sm.tll nibblt.s 81..W ;
inall.ild dlieks iU'.IKI ; leal , l.f,0f-il. " , ;
, Sl.rxvcl.7ri ; * ' '
s N. Y. eounl , 4 > ; extra selects ,
3 < o ; selects , ' " * ; taiulanls'XL- ! ) ; mediums , 2.V.
ovio.vs Salt Lake stock is Bellini : at.m \
tier bushel ; eomnion hoiucKiown icds , 70 ®
Me. Tlieie aio a lew extra ehoicii in the
tnaiki-t Hint are held nt Sl.tK ) per biHi.
CiiMit llnxri Caliloinia 2 Ib. name , CO
Ibs. in ease , per Ib. , lite : e.\tracted , ii Ib. In
cans. 2 doin tas < , per ca o 4.03 ; 10 Ib.
I tallies , Nebraska , Ibc. New Yoik icllned pcrbbl. , 57.00 ;
tin hull bbl. . $4.00.
CoroAXur.s. 'I'lieie is a llbcial supply in
the Dial kc-t atSI.UVfl.50.
.Nri.s. Kins AMI l Aiiv-Clifstniils : , lee ;
pecan" , law polUhvd , lie ; pecans , medium
IV ; walntiK l > c ; almond' ! . Taira-
Rona. 20 ; do. Iviea , l' ' c ; Brazils I2e ; lilheils ,
He ; fiieUoiy nuts , larj't1 , bit. SI. " " > ( ; do
miall. bit. JiLMKu 1.75 ; ) ieanuts , hand picked ,
\ imlnia , 7edo. ; loa.stcd , ' . 'e ' : liir , news > 'i ' Ib.
lni\ei , per Ib. lwc : do. 1W Ib. keu's. per Ib. ,
12e : dales. Kaid. 12 Ib. kech tierlb. . 1 IP
tJAfint KitAVi Best ntiiilitj , SO.fJ ) ) icro : :
( ; al. baiiel ; po Jj Iml. 5fi.75 ; ,
Vios' Kiir : , Tiiit'i : , in c. I'IRS' feet j'cr
I' bbl. , 54,75 ; do. ' ' bbl. , 52.40 : do. pov Kit ,
M.OO. Lambs' tongues per ' bb ! . , $ : J.50 ;
do. per kit , S2.75 ; do. quail jaw per do/ . ,
fc.V > < l ; do. pint liirsjiel do/ . . S'l.W ) . Tripe ,
tier k' bbl. , 4.50 ; do. ptrt bbl. S2.25 ; do. per
l'iti > riivr.n. .11:1.1 : n : , rrc1. P
All kiixlV-'O-lb. palls l"'rlb. , lO'.c ' ;
Mb. ) i.iilsier ] ilii&,9\uO. , ) iiltlt"i , nil Uimls ,
Jliittcr.iIc-0-lli. palh , per Ib.N' ; nil UiniK
M'eouil unule , iiO-lb. i ; iil . peril ) . , re ; AsMiitcil
Mb. { ulH , per do/ . , S"i.ou ; do. : Mb. p.iils ,
S-.ifi ; ilo. Mb , 'Jtioi. iu enx' . jwr LMSC. S'J.'J5 :
h-chnoixiiH , per dot2J."i ; tnntbleia. 3
doin ea'-o , i > erea e , SI. 10 ; apnli' butter , 10-
Ib. p.ilU per IK ; peneli and plum butter ,
10 Ib. p.iiK MIT Hi. U1 e ; l-'ancy "lloino .Mnile'
c'ntmip , - tio/ . pint bottles per ease , S3.00'
Hoi.-ei.tilKli. tjliu bottles , per doSi. . 5.
Ai'i'i.i > Kaney X. Y. npnlcs , letl bbl
SJ.iVi l.t .j lauev N. \ . upiilcs. 10
bill. loN. S-J-'M ' ; fanev N. V. np-
iiles , ! W bbl , lots , W.'O ; Illinois apples per
libl.i'r ; Illinois apples 10 bbl lots.
Illinois itppl.J. . . . bbl. lots S2.-W ;
' s-oiui ami Kansas appio , ! iT bbl.
ore , Si'J.VjJfancy ) ; eating , per
fu-.2. ! ' > ; chou'oMiciiirnut.ti ! > elt. ta.OO ;
n 0 n ! bbl. lots. S-W ) : ear loN. S .iK ) .
JjKsioxs Quotations nro : Kaney llotll ,
iior ease. St'.OO ' ; fmiey ItiMll , per box.
N1.WI ; Medina , Mimll Iniit , prt- box , S4.00
( c . .V ) : lilalajra. pci bov. S-UXKSii.r ) .
OIIAN IS : Louisiana , per obi , S7.00 : per
box. 5-J.OO ; I'loiiila lEussutt oninges , Sf..VJ
s Catawba , per basket , 7r 200e :
n. per bbl. about tK ) Ibs. iriobs , 7.00.
UitA.\iiiitiiis ! Capo Cod , fanev dark , nor
bbl. . 59.00 ; Hell and ougie , Per Obi. . t00 :
I'cll nnd clien-y. elioicc , per bbl , S0.0 ; Hull
and elieiy , flood. Si'i.'Si.
( JAi.j--oi\iA ] ! I1 KHIT J'oniC. . TJcurm and
pound pears , iwrbox. : ( ; r.ijx > s
JCmiM-ior , per crate , tiO Ibs. , S'J.iO ; double
erate. Sl.fA ) .
1'iiovisioxs. Jlnui , lie , brpalif.tst bacon ,
SVeleir Hide bacon , 7"fu ; diyhaitid sides ,
< > ? , e : filioiilduiii , suioknl , Dj-.e ; muss pork , I
perbb ! . , 5U1.00 ; dtied beet fiams , IL'c ; laid , j
to Ib. can * . 3 in box. 7' < e. 1
fiitAix The lullciwlnt ; arc .lie prevaiiing
prices paid lor tliiiwaicoii loads on tne su , - , ,
and at tbu mill s to-day : New < oil ) , . ' c ; now 1
oats.-'e ; \\heat , Xo.-.fiOc ; lyo..00. . uiet.i- 1
tor juices fonar lol.s : eoinJTe ; , SSJu ;
\\beat , t57j/e ; no , 27u ; baiJey. Me.
I'OTAIHKS Thetis is but a MTV short time
loll t .ship potatoes h.ifely. iJato recelnls
lia\e : ill nirtilh icadyMle , pliees lan iui ;
fiom n.Oo per btibfiul , airoidinK to the
ilimlily , and tlioie Isaprnod no iiatut.
HiiANs-lIniid-iiIcked navy , S'.OO ; hand
picked medium. Sl.IWCrtl.C' ) ; KOOI ! clean coun-
iv. fel.eoyi.lO : infurlor. .vii''Oo. '
Fi.ons AND .Mti.i , ijTt'rrs U'lnlor Wheat
I'll in ; best ( iitalitv patent nt
.Second nnallty * 2 Mi ( < ! ! 00.
.Spring U'hoaf JJcst quality patent at S2iO
Second quality S3 40SS SO.
JJuck\vhcat Flour In lu itcis , SC.OO ; ready
, ! l Ib packages , SI. 10 ; ( J Jb
Jii.inVie < ixrc\vt ; ,
Chopped I'Vcd IVr 100 Ibs , SOc.
Coin jlrMl SI 00. 1 10 per cwt.
Jieii t'liiuij .Vn. 1 , 'ify per cwt ; No. 2 , fiOa
Jlomlny ? 1 50 per cwt.
' Khoits 70e pi'runt.
( iialmin W 00 tier cwt.
liny Hilles. { : lUiln7')0 ) ( ' ) per toil.
KUJS : AMI bKt.vs .Mink , each , 105 > 1'\j ' ;
nniHkrat , winter. 3C < ? r * ; ito. kiU , ' 'o ; Otter ,
Sa.W t .00 ; skunk , slioit stiincil , IV'OiSe ; do' htiiijicil. ) 10fil" ( : baclstor. SJcgS ) ; Hue-
( ( ion , Nf . 1 laih'e. l-KicM ) ; tu. No. ' . ' . SOftd ! " ;
do. Xo. t ! . lOtif .e : \\olt , iirairio .VJ ; 41.00 ;
do mountain , ti : ) ) ; wildcat , ISfiHO ; beaver
vor , C' VJ | > T i , > ; fo\ , each , -lO aLU :
ikerskin ; , clrj wltiter. l. lt-c inrlbdo. ! ; tail
iiiul .sunnii'TO i , ' ) - ,
lliitsiieen ) : ( bulcltcr.s' , 7'in ; groun cured.
l\r drv lltnti : > j ; diy .sail , KM ; damaged hides
: ttc ; No. 1 face leather , tJOe ; puniu
T 'olo leather , 2-'u.c e ; piime oak .solo
. . . . . . ir. ; Mi.r e. t'pper ' leather , per loot , 2ii ( §
2-le ; Hemklp5 ( < McoaJlliNVirt : : : | nKiencli ;
Idii.jl.tXK > Jl.2.-i ; Hem call , S1.CWOI.10 , oak
call , fcUXXul/il ; i-'rcnih call , Jfl.2.\ ' < ; i.b5 : Mo-
.locco 1x )01 ) Jo' , S'OY.jiKe ; iloioj-co oil pebble ,
2 * c ; u ; tojiims | ) and llnluxs. SO.COfjlo.f > j
jici do/ .
AAIMU.KKV it viiKWAisi : S ( Jconibliintlon
bieast Miauhllde , 40o ; I'-iXOii I looii champ T
btlcllert ; , . l.Ci ( ; l-1apl !
l'1'i ; X O ! l loop ; > cttampT LueCles , gl.JJU ;
3Ji jap limp champ buckles. ifi,2tJs con-
UIJAVV HAiMMVAitK lion , rates , 53.1.1 ;
jlou tcc ! , .peel.ileabt , o ; cruoibit' ntcel , f-r
r.wl luols do , I'.vUN" ; wa un btmlu'A , r > r nvt.
M.TWuy.OO : liub . uer > et. J l.iUlliif.s fiavieii
- , ciieli , T.V , nxle.H. each , 7 3 ;
Eiiiuu | : iiuty , INT It" , , Tcillu ; eollrlialti per D > ,
( ( 'ifl'Aj ; inulnbli1 , ! v : lion \\riijL's , cc : MOW-
II.IIH , 0 ; hariow teeth , c ; snuiiif rtt-el , 7 < rfv :
aiiiiilcii's InithO hluies ft'lHiiuk'u'i ; mule
hliue-s $ M , liaitioilVlit \ > in mr lotx , S OO
l > er 100 Ili. ! lion .NullKnU'B , 10 to t < 0 , s. . : iv.
ohol ! > 1.M ; Imekhliot , * ! .IN' > : o , ! < > iitnl
jxMulor , Istvs. $ a.oKii t.t : do. Imlf leis , SiOO ;
do , quaitrrki' D , 61.00 ; liittitin ' , KI-KS , fri.ij : : ;
fuse , ucr Itfl Icvt. fiOiLiad , JJar , Sl.iVX
COAI < Anitinifitu up , * , 5 * . ; > j : nutliroclU-
nut , S.75j Hiitlintcllo rango. SH. S ; lonii.
&a.'A ) ; U'ulnutbloek. Sl.T.'i ; Jllhinis , S4.7S :
Oitv I'AiMH Whlto loail. R.IJ KretK'h zinc ,
12o : 1'arU wliUha'.C \\liltliiiRllili ; > rsl e ;
v.liltlnc.c.nii'l , I'ji-ilaniiililiu-k.t.i'iiiiiiiitinvn '
I''o ; laini'blaek , ordinury , loot l' blue.
6.V. . uiitiiimtuliutci viuulykc , bin\Mi.-.v :
uinoer. liiiriii , 4u ; uintK-r , raw , 40 ; sienna.
burnt , -Jo : nii'nnu row , -lo ; lki isirrci'ti. gfiiti-
1 no , - ' . ; 1'itns utivn , eotiMiionTH. . ' ; eiitonu
jriiTii , X. V. U\j ; flu mi , u > .icen , K , 1ei'i ;
million , Jcii llst ) . In oil a > t , } 5c ; rnw nml
bin lit uinbor , 1 Ib i-.Uis , UK ; ; IDW niiii burn
fiienim , IDcatulj ; ! ; o bio\\n , i : > o ; lotiinx' '
lainjibliick , 1-c ;'i black anil hcry bliiek
KKJ ; ihoiil.i | | > ' \ , lt o ; l'miiii bliu * . u'i ' : u
tVamariiiu blue. IK' : eliittiuu cu.n , U , M. .
! . , l o ; blhnlaiul M , rer , nn , 1. . . M .v Ii
1U > : I'aiih : i r < t , . l-e ; J nl. . it i - . ( . t\ \ , n
tlnti nil , ' . 'c ' ; 'i : . oia iril , - . o ; Au.oi.eaa M >
inlllinn , 1 , . AWe ] : jellow o-liit ? . Oc : L. M.
A1) < ) . . ivo : colilon > rhn , ifjr- : patent drjcr ,
v ; ( iniinlliirntloisi , licht oak dnrkoakval -
jnit elu lmil and a h ! >
I'AIMS IN Ott \ \ Idtc lead , Omaha. I' . 1' .
' < ; whitiilead , hi. Loutsput ? st. . , .Marscit *
lc. Ktvi-it , 1 to r tt > cans y' " , Krencli 7lnc ,
j'nf n eal , 12 < " , French /Inr , re < l * al , lie ;
Trench ylno.Innriil lii * laM ; l-'iciicbzlne ,
7.Voriiiillion. ; . American , IV Indian , icd ,
10i-roso : nink. Ilo : ( . 'ook'on < > ,
Oii.s-llOcart ) ni.pcr ualton. lie : 1500 heart.
llKht. pei-nallon , H'c : 1" . = hrad'iu'ht ' , pcriral-
Ion , iu1 : ire * water white. l.V : lin e < l. raw ,
per eallon. Me ; linseed , bol'ed. per imllon ,
4te : lard , wintci str'd pfu'lillon. . ' > o ; > o.
1,4.IV : N . 2.4 c : tflstot XXN , per callon ,
Sl.V , ; , So. 'I. il.4 ; sweet , per Dillon , Sl.W :
sperm.V. . B. , ivrcallnn. M.tW : lIMiV. . It.
Ion , 7 > c : tiiiitfiitinc , per gallon , I-VJ naptlia.
per Kdlloil. 7 e.
\ AKNisiiinatrcJo. . per pallon : 1 urn-i
tine. r\ti-a. tl.ios fiirnitnrc Xo. 1. SIM ;
co.ieh , c'xtia H.40 ; nweh. Nn. 1. Sl.'A ) ;
Daiiiar. oxira , < ; l.7" > ; , "Oj ; aophalttint ,
I'.xtr.i , 8Jc ; shellac , Si-'x ) ; haid oil linish ,
-IS * * . U
- proof , 51. ;
do. 101 pioof , 51.1 ; sjiiiits. second quality.
101 proof , ? 1.I3 ; iln , l iiioof.SI.ll. Alc'o nl
iss proof , kJ.IOH-r | wlniialoii. ! ! KcillMlllol
whiskies , sl.iHX-'l.riO ; lu blended , p1..V ) . /'iiMj
Keuliteky bourbonsS'.MWrfHR ( ( ) ; Kentucky
tiud l > pntiUaiiI.i 1J.C.S . , . ' .WKj'fi.GC. < ! oldeti
Miraf , boutiMin anil ije whiHkk- ' , Sl-'O faw.
r.randles ( inputted , t.Vt iijS.rfl ; doni' le ! ,
SLfiOirTJlO1) . ( ihis ImiKirled , Sl.'x.u"h ) ( ) ; do-
liieMtie , S1. " > I : ! . < X ) . lluiiis Importod. SI.W
( if.uoiw : injl.iM : ( ' , W.0i > (7 .0i ) : domestic ,
Sl.fjOiMiht. Chainiutrnes Itnpoiled , iierease.
5'i-.0ty ' : > l.00 ; Anu'iican , per c. e , f.0.0i ! > y !
10.00. _
111 I11UM11- | 3 \TCII. .
, ,111'ill't , Hl'sVr. HIM I'll Kts
si . , .
fcii. | ; ; illj , yj , o M 40 j,0 ,
Mtlnn'nStXo.lMtT t I fll.1 ( W2 0' . I TDrilS ,0
I/BOtilli'ed rnneyi ) ( SJil Mi ) : S.'il M ) I M7. > r > ; WJ
l.'lo JtMJJh'lO Pey C , WiJ S)3 1 70 1W _ 7- i TO
i.tKii rt.sii dcCateh )
Now 1'Isli. H'f IVI5 O'r Il'ls P'U KH
1UO ! I W 'J ' i 12 I 10
No. i wiittTTriSiT. TT.T. H7u 5"M a 7S y w 0S"
Knmlly " . ' 1 Oil ' . W 1 Nl I M .V ! 511
No. 1 Trout 4 M4 O.PJ . iw IU 71 , tVi
No. " 1 Pickerel 'i ' OJ : j r.l S ; i ) I Ui ) os _ GO
JiArKt.isKt , flsv'i
Non I'lih. llbN. Hidr llblsQtr UN _ S3
AW | 1W tM I 50 M , - " .
, V > fly IS ( > J 11 ! Si ! l ( V. 7 ! W 1 ill
P.v. Mo. I. ' ! 1)012 ) iVUl ; HG U3 K ) t 4t )
No. 1 Slim e. | s to it rvi r1)14 ) Mi : ; til I 11) )
Mod. No. 1 Mime. . . 13 ill 7 ( U l ) T.i : f.-J'.Mi hi
" " Haj . . . 11 III i ! W . * ! " 11 i "i 2 M 7'i
ramily n W ) 5i ) - l IBIJJ W2 to | is
; to i ( w a ( , : > : or. 17u K >
& 1AT 'K llll'lllil-Or. Itbls Palls or Kit.i
J H J ! H ) M 4U | n 1 10
lllooil Ited | ! I
Ahiskii . . . . 11 CO 7 Wfl VI : \ Kl ( : 10 I Si 1 01 , IK )
llloodlicd I I I I I I
_ Cill. . | 14 C07 SO * ) fl3 | H'l ) 10 1 Si I 01 !
UIPOItlKII Kl'.ll.
rien . illblVilll' i "lllils Or flbN Piillx'url.its
y 100 UO , .VJ 40 , 13 12 IU
1 i ' ;
IKK ller'ln s 14 M7 MU : l W.'l 10 1 25 I Ol1 UJ
NO.-M cfc'lmi I t | I I l
KK Heiiinif . , i : W7 oir , , r.-i 5,2 tw-i 10 * ' s- ,
ISrl-tllncM I ii tW4 .V)4 OJ2 : ii > 1 'XM _ ) ' _ : IX )
CODFISH N'ew hii e bank c-od , 4e ;
hea kuiK , ( icoi e ? cliunlcsfi'ije ' : ei"\erleal ,
Ceortres smps , li'jc : l ib mils , 2 Ib boxes ,
7c ; pralriollDwer , 2 Ib bilckt' c ; wild lose , 2
11) lirielf. ( < .
KMoKi'.n I'tftiiHalibut , new , loc ; new
scaled hcriings. ; 111.1ueiel - J'.c ; s-ahnon ,
Holland herriii ! , ' , new , j-er keir. S > ; new
lonir split stnckiish , lOo , new short split , li jc.
Sit.VDJitr.K Domestic Il'illand iK-rruifs ,
kptr.1 , S'Je ' ; Hussian siulines , 45e : Anelii >
vies in class , Utc Bull bi.iiiu , JH.T itot. ,
? : i.5 < ) ; Aueliovies in kegif oe Bull bi-aml.
S4.HO ; spiced lliimbnix' henin . nklns and
heads off , per pail.
Dry Gooiln.
PKIXTS Sleei . . .v i , t t , ; American , 5'ifc ;
Ainold's , Cic ; Cooheco , > < ; .Maneliester , ( le ;
Jj.Miian , oc ; Olouee.slei , r > Uc : Diuiiifll , ) ae-
ijiiaid , < lc ; Dunnell , fc ; Windsor , tc : 1'a-
itie , Cc ; Harmony. 4i.c ; Anchoi Shillings ,
.jc ; ilerrimaek Shillings , ! c ; Berwick ,
c.Jli.nACHnn COTTONS l < aimers' Choice
JHe ; Cabot , f,8j < ; ; Hope. 7e : Hill J-4 , 7 c
Jlill a , ojj'c ; LoiiMlalo , H ; Kinil , b ,1Warn ; -
butta , lOjie.
Coit ir JHAXS Keaisiuve , 7e ; Armory ,
7c ; 1'eppcicll , 7 e ; Indliin Otcliard , tij 'e ;
NamiiKea-f , 7c.
Kisi ; HimwxCono.Ns I'eptwrcll II. O'/c ' ;
IVpiwrell O. . " ) > < . Atlas , c.i4istatue ; of Lib-
city' c : Sarantsc K , I'Se.
i'ii.Nris : Steel Uiver , 4o ; Aiueiican , 5' c ;
Arnold , tic ; CiH-iieeo , tic ; -Mancliester ,
Cc : Lyniiin , . "ic ; Gloucester , fi' e ; Dun-
nell Jucipiard , C : ; Dunnell , biILitna \ -
po , a c ; Windsor. Oc ; I'.tciito ,
ix- ; Harmony , JVc ; Anchor Shlrtln.s , t u ;
Men iniack tiliiitini- . , -Hc ; Birwick , 4c.
JIMMH : lea\er ! tieck AA , He ; Beavo
CiecU. JJB. lOc ; JJeaver Creek CC. ! > c ; .lulliey
XX , lie ; Jatliey NXX , 12e ; .lalfiey 1) AsT ,
W'stj ' ; Columbian. 12'axc ' : YinK , lllc ; York ,
Inner , WJio : Kveielt , ISc ; Haj maker's hum
and brown. 7kc.
DUCK ( Unbieaehcd-So/ ) . Jia'inolia , I0'4c ;
10 / . Magnolia , 12e ; 8 oz. U'eit. . Point , 10 > iu ;
10 at.Vre > t I'otnt. 12Kc ,
DUCK ( coloied ) Boston 'J or. brown and
drab , ISKo ; Boston U H brown and drab , DC ;
Boston XX brown and drab , lOe. ; Boston
XXX brow n and dran.ll > vu ; Boston Ul'blue ,
lltysairenTiicot : , UK : ,
jiuowN Covrox Lawiencc l L , nc : Shiiw *
iniaJjL , fie : Beaver Dani ! < ! / , Cc ; Atlantic
LL , fto : Head , 7c ; W.iuclitisset "
Crown XXX. < i.4o : Clifton CCC ,
UH % C.lie / : Atlantic I' , 5kc.
TifKiNos AimiiiKcaiACA. 12) ) e : Thoin
iku OUO , 7-\e ; Thorndikufancy. H'fc ' ; \ oik
A , lOMc : Yoik Janey , lJJ.o : Millbnry , ISJjc :
I'l-arritUiu- o ; Hamilton. K'o : Swilt
Kivcr , < % c ; blietueuet h , 8'ju ' ; Shetuekct SS
l > ) e : .MontaukAA , r.'c ; Montuiik BB , W o ;
UmcL'aAOA. ISJse.
lilMjiiAMv- Ken flow , PIOja'c ; Amnskra
iliithS , Ho ; Ainu-ikctiifi htapic , 7J e ; ivanhoo
l > , ' < ; o ; > YamMiilU , oj e ; Nubian , eJs'c ; \\ri
\\ick. t > - e ; Whittendon , He : H.IUM. dress sc :
Bates , staple , B fc ; Kandolph , htaple , , ( ! > /c
I.aiHdowne. 7e ; liloucester , i" ' < e.
Ciiuviois Amoskiiji' , cliecis,9) ; ) c ; Amov
I < : .ii ; , htriKis | , hUe ; Slater , ntrlpe.s , tv ; Kdlu-
burr , l ) ) < \Vhlitendon : \ , htrjies , bo : Uleu.
HIM' , I'lj ' ; Otif , ehi'okp , Ols'e ; Otis , htript'h , t'c ,
Ho > al O c : Amoskear , nappcil , HJi ) ! : ijii-
ray , book told , 1'Je ; Oheron , boot fold , lUiJu ;
Kndurance , book fold I'-'c.
Crooors' Lint.
Sue \ s-INniui-n-u , i se ; tut loaf , * 7Vc5
l.'iMnulated , 7e ; eoniecliouciM' A. 7c ;
.it.indanl oxliac' , o'vejefti-a ' C , ii'c ; nu-di-
inn sellow.r.'n1 ; dark u-llow. He
CAN.VKU ( loon Oysters. Standard per
c.i'e. i.i.Si ; btrawbctt ! < : > , -J-lb. , jierc.i- . $ i. 0 ;
laiphcnies.ib. . , jii-riuse , s.'i ) ; Cnhtornia
Ill cj : Louisiana , piitno to choice ,
f u m.i- .
M vrciiES I'er caddie , 'Vie ; round , il. case ,
l.lo : biiiuiru cas s , 31.70 ; iMibubli e.i es , r. ,
sl.'A ) , mini' hunari' . ? , : ,
OAI-III.I : $ Bines , Hopi , Cs lie : & ? , ICc ;
boxes , 403b , HI o * , Os 1'Aj ; halt box , 'MOt
r.KR Onllnary graae. , ! c : fair ,
lo\ifiic ; piimo , II i is c ; choice , W jc ;
W . ,0 : Jiitioy in-en und ji-llow , 11V V
15U ; > ltl Poveiniuent Java. iOy-iO' ! ( ;
intcrl'irJava , Iti ui.0ofooha : , eJorJin : At-
buckle's loastisl , la eMel.auililiu'aXXX.X ;
ioafcteil.1 c : I'iiwoith't UJ o ; lied Cross ,
IS' ' e ; Mcl.anKhlln's , Aibuekio't ) nnd Me-
l.aiiKhlin'aXXXX nioMiiil ioo per easa oir
alo\o prices in Measelots. .
KIM : Cu r Until t Beat , 70c ; Clianuof the
\\el , < iOc ; l-'oiiniain , 'Uo : ilulden Tlncad ,
r > 7i > ; J'avorlte , Ute : ButU. wo : Itoeky Moun
tain , .VA.- : Fancy , 40o ; Daisy , lOeViuth ; Mar ,
. .otiiHid : ( latck , We : fur iUtM. 3'e. .
I'l.L'o ' TotiAtco Climax , 44c JHT tit ; Horse-
-He ; Star , 4 e ; hpc.nlieuliiie ; tur
SOe : Pi | > er Unldiick UKs ; I'unch , 4Hc ;
rf Fritz , 41c : hlr'ra'A ! Hfie.
K ftlsol , Inch and larger , sc ; Inch ,
l c : Ji Inch. V c.
IiiiKi I > Kntrirrt No , 1 cuartor a
evnHt-alcd. | IKIXCN b 'ii <
OAM > V- Mixed , NVSVJe ; stick , I0 filc
.S < IHA In Ib euk'iK , tW : a case ;
( 'IHEH l 31Sc ; wliltfl wine , l' M fillvm lntniil , $7.fOdo : D
half harreK S4.(0 ( ; small In ban-el" , S00 ; cli
In half banvK 54. a ; i-hptkius in barrel : ? ,
S'.Oi ' ; do in half barreK S'.tM ,
SAM Drav load * , per bbl , S1.5.V Ashton
In sacks , : : , ' sack ? , Ashton , ftV ; bbls
ilalry.M .C0.j40.75.
R Ib. si < c : Klnssfurd's pure , 3 Ib o4c ;
ford's .
' btatidard 0 2 o , bbh ; Standan :
quart cans & ! ( > .
bi'iCKi Uronnd Ulack pepper , boxes. If
( RJ.'ie ; alsplee , l * < 'JOe ! cinnamon ls < rfJ > Oo ;
plpvpsi K < jiV ; ginger , ift&2.'jc ; niustaid , 15j ;
" °
C HACMHS : ( larnean'rt s-oda. butter am' '
pirn IP , oUe ; eieaniH , S tc ; glnjjcr snaps , Sue ;
City soda , 7'v'p.
1'oTA-it I'cnnsyivaiita can" , 4 cans In
rase , si.R. : * : Babbitt's ball , 2 doin case Sl.'JO ;
Anchor ball. 2 doin case. Sl.M ) .
SOAPS'KiiK's hnum Jnipeilal , 53.00 :
Kiik'ssiitinel , SU5 : ; Kiik's standard , W..V ) ;
Klrk'.s White Ktissian , Sl.CO ; Klrk'a Whit
Cap. sfi.W ) ; O'onc , a MO.
brtc-fi Whole Pepper , lite ; alsplce , lee ;
CiAiden allspice , 12He ; Xanlbar CIONC-S 13e ;
Ambojna clou1 * . V0e ! : , cassia , lee ! fc o
elm nmoiM.V ; halcon Cassia , J2e ;
Phingles ha\o advanced 5 < ; and dimensions
i in nilcauo.
iiiMi.Nsio.v9 : ANU
u ft H ft M rt is rt i-o ft n ut ft
01 r.o ) tow i7.
Jl . I4.M ll.oO H..VI IS VIWM \ \
? * . . 15 o riiwis.wi iflonn.tiiil
-\lo . ir.i i t.-.oo irH ( M.m i7.tni .
stii . ism 15 mirmi7.nai ! > .f sow
a sxS. . . . . _ . _ 1VO fi.O'J IT O-J I'M.'OJT.Ul ' ) 18.00 19.W
noAin > .
No. ibo.uds , 12 , Hand 10 ft . 5K..W
> 'c . iiboatcN , 12 , Hand 1(1 ( It . 1-1..V
No. y boards , 12 , II and HHt . l-J.rn ,
Xo. Iboards , 32 , H and 10 ft . 10..W
No. 1 , 4 itO Inch , 12 nnd II feet , rough. .
No. 1 , 4 .VO inch , 10 tiet , nmirh .
No. 'J , J.VGIncIl , 12andH teet , lough. . it.75 :
No. ' , ' , 1 iV : G inch , 1C left , rough . H.25
1st Com. , "f inch White- Hue . S30.00
JiK'om , . ? , inch Wliile 1'lne . ' . ' : ) .uO
Cic iv , V inch Yellow Vine . S2I..V )
< tear \ Ineli \oi\\ay . H.OO
' V1 Com. , : ' „ inch , Noiwav . 1:1.00 :
1st Com. rt inch , white plue . fcsr. 03
"d Com. 0 inch , white pine . : VI 00
: id Com. ( i inch , white pitie . sai oo
D. niiich , while pine . 20 00
Com ! anil ; incli > ello\\ pine . 17.5) )
st.n I and n Inch > ellow pine . 2t.HO
1st and ' 'd clear yellow pine. 4-0 Inch. . . IK.u
firti * LAP.
No. 1 , Plain , S and K ) inclt . § 17.00
No. 2 , I'litln. sand it ) inch . 15.HO
No. 1O. U . 17.50
1st and 2d Clear , H4' inch. u. 2 <
Island 2d Clear , 1 > ; and 2 Inch , s2s MOO
: id Ueiir , I' Ineh , H-J-
Clear , 1' . and 2 Inch , s 2
U fcelect , U" ( . I'lfand ' 2 Ineh. s. 2s : ijoo and -d Cleaf , 1 iiich.s.2s M0 ( )
"d elear , 1 incli , s'Js > 4 nJ
A beleel , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000
1 ! Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 21)50 )
uTOi'K HOAItl ) .
A 12 hu-h , I s 12 , 11 and 10 ieel S10 00
B ' 41 00
C u tl u u " 4t
: u ( o
Tk U II II II II II > . , it. )
' ' '
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s12,14 niid'lV ft , . K : . ,
No. 1 " " " 10 , IK and 20 ft. . IS M
No. 2 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 35 SO
roi'i-Au i.iMiitit. :
Clear Tojilar Box lids , ' < in , s 2s SStJ 00
" in , panel Mk wide. s'Js. 27 0 > i
' " CoiniL-ated Ceiling , > < . . . . 2U 00
nvrrnxs , WI.I.L i , i'icKii .
O. G. Baits , 2'i ' inch SCO 70
' ' ' ' ' '
3 Inch Well rr'ubiiurSD. & M''and Bcv' . 20 60
f.Standard S2 fiO
fi inch , clear , 51.50 ; 0 inch , clear 1 CONe
No 1. . . . . . 1 10
Lath 5220
I'OsTf ! .
WhituCedar , Oineh , Jiajuw . . .8 H
' ' ' ' '
" " \ " round'.1..1..1. ! . 11
Tennessee led cedar , split 14 '
1.1 MI : , i i < :
Quincy white lime ( best ) , STxj ; cement ,
Akron , 1.7 * > ; planter , ? 2.X ! ) ; liair , per bu liel
tXX ; "U'li.0 jicrei-nt nit list ; doois , blinds ,
mouldiiiL's , : ,0 per cent off list : tailed lelt , per
cwt. , SI.75 : sliaw boaid , Sl.W.
Le : Land of Qrsngcs ,
Sunshine ,
and Tropical Siener ? .
A lot 40x100 f < * t , la Bilvei
I Bprias Park , riorida , only $10
fur CO < 1aonly. ! . Every roan ,
vromnn anil child * lioul4 ovra a lot. lllph , dry ,
rolling land. No nwaraps , or malaria. Ileuses ,
Btorcuotel.nlrtadybuUt. . Several trains dally.
1'ive-acto oran o erovo tracts , $1200 each. A
jJatof llio townehowimrntreets , 4ohurch Bllc ,
depot , Ac. , ta ; al o linoOranKO Grovoln clpnl
l rtlllant colors , vrtth elecant , 48-pa odepcrip >
tlvo book of our town , and ft Ions printed list ol
over GOO land jmrchascru. All Borsf Freo. Pop-
ulctlon 7n , and new orrlvala weeklr . nEPKn.
ZWCB. ll'm. II. OakJru. Pice. National Clilrew
Uank. New York. Addreia. for full ymrticnliira ;
Qraucb OBrc.l CLIceto , JlI.Bll r HprlDr TUk
lh . p niT.r mo , , r.wrt1Tdl , , . . 1b IU
Jid ihcaian la of rki t i > i tli worn IfnU undof Ion *
iQlttomcdrr.tliHtlul t iftn-lTWO HUTTLKH fltU
U Better'/Una V'I.ViCI.KTItJiAllSlIon ili dn *
* AOI taffcrtr. * ii\rtc pr i iinJ O ddr
"M T i df t'4I"l HI ! * " W
'Jlir Orl Intil and Only
. ,
loilMt. ( * v ! ? tt LADIES * AtU > eur UriirffUt f r
* ' < lIrkr ter * r riETiti7 > < tt < i ( * Ve to other or fruta * * * .
OtAini > * ) io u fer p rlUuUr * in litttr * ty return malt *
NAME PAPER. I.U-b Ur lirnN'l < *
, , .
J.ilr. lIuJLunf-ijlin-r. . . I'u.
At nrux l < < . Jii-llfJ l1'ulljr .1 Tuller
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
AM Chicago
Tbo only rosil to tnUo'or I > es Muliioj , Jlixr-
< ilmllfo\Mi Coil rlliiililN | Clinton , Ultlo , riilivi ii.
JtllH.itikcaiiii | < l idl joints iti-t. To tlio peoploof
Motnusl.B , Cdlonulo , NVyoinliirfUtrth , Mftho
Novinla.OiosonVii5hInatfiii nnd CillfoniiK It
oir JW npoior ! iidvnnliiaos not posiltlo liy any
other Him ,
Amend'a fo of ibonumoious i olnt8ot snpo-
ilorlty enjo > ed liy lUoputronBOf thin louilbo-
mceil Omnlm nnd rhli-.wo , isro It * two trains a
diiy of HAV I'OACHKS which urn the line < t that
liuiniin urt unit liijji-nuliy ciin cri-ilo. llHl'AI
At'K SUU'.I'lNfi CAIIS. wtdcli iuo > ! iMlH of
lomfurt un.l rlefeiuico. Hi. PAItWH UIIAWLVn
ltl"MJl CAHS , iui' ' iiiiias > etl by tiny , anil lUwMm
y Cfllebiatetl PAI.ATIA1. DjNtNi UAHS , the
i-'lUHl of nhleli euniiot bu i-Ktnvhoi o.
At Cooneil Illnllr. iliotnihmi.rilio nnUm Ptvol *
fn Ity. iMiniicti In Union IK-iiot ulth lh < ttof the
tUtt-ast : > & N < inliwt li > rn Ity , In Cidedtto tlio
tnUnt. ot thlt linti inakoiloto cvrnuvtkin with
UiO'OOf Hll I'lliMt'l'll Illia- .
1'or Uoirolt , t ili mi u , TiMPnjihiioll * . Ptnuin.
mitl , NiiiTnnt nilU llutlalo. l'iit liunr. rnionin ,
Muiiircnl. llontoii. No York , Plilliidt-lplila ,
limoiv Wiifhln ti'ii und nl ) ! > < ntHlu ti"ii-4al , n3k
tl'O lii. it aieni rin-tii-ial. vl.Ui.o
xouTi-\vt'nit\ ( : "
Ifjoun ill llui l : . . mi mix. i.iodi. All tlv''nt
OHi'l' B * eTURERS'
Billiard Tables.
Manufacturers of Billiard & Pool Tables ,
, Office nii'l ' lltnk Tixturej. Markt
mm Huron Fts. , Chletiifo , ill , Omaha ollleo.Wi
y. loth st.
Book Binding. Etc ,
1111123 PU1NT1NO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Hook Manufacturer * . No . 109 and
1W South HlhtrittOmahn , Ncl > .
Butter Tubs ,
Manufacturing of Bntter Tubs.
M Rec ! 40 * , noc ; 21 , IMP ; a ) rt > , KC : lee a nrk
Ins , iiv. 1'th and Pirtxo fct. , Oinuhn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
" "
> L\X MBVUll fc CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
dims nnd Ammunition. 213 to 2Jnonth 11th
Street , 103) to 11K * rnrnnui Street , Oinnha , Neb
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dcnlcrslu Leaf Tobaccos. Xos.
108 mid 110 X. llth Street , Omahn , Net ) .
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Krone er , Proprietor. Manufacturer ol
Halt nnbiii Iron and I'ornleo. 1ft ) Dodco , nndlJl
nnd 105 North 10th Stiect , Omnhn , Neb.
Manufacturers or OnniuienttU
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , finals Ktc. , 310 S. lath St. Workdono
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPEl HT. Proprietor.
Oiihanl/ed him fornlee" , Ktc. Ppreht'slm
provcsl Piitent Metiill'c ' Mjlight. Wa ) nnd 610S.
l-'th fct. , OiunhnNcl < .
Doors , S.ish. Etc.
Planing Hill ,
Doorf , Pnsh nml IHIndP. A ! o nil kinds of
tinnlnir. s-eroll tuidhtidr uork of o\ery Jc-
A. Un
Mnnufnettircr and Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Ktc. Stair Hull * A specialty. Telephone No. 33.
11th nuil Mutej fct. , Oiniihu , Neb.
Elcctricil Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
L. U. WOWK i CO , KlcctrlcUns ,
Miie-onio lllock. Oiniihu. Ilurvhir Aliirni' , Hells ,
riru Aliirms , r.nctrlo Miiltlinr , Speaklnjj Tuhos ,
( old , MU er und Niekel I'lutlnir , we.
Iron and Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
1'iro J nU HiSpeciiilty. Unnihii , Nob.
Omaha Iron Works Company ,
Machinery , Ctmtiniri , Steum llnjflnes , Itollors ,
Areliltittuinl lion Work , Iron Ilriilses , Minim ;
mill Mill Miichlnery , Ollieo nnd noriF , Union
1'ueille It. H. 17th owl 18th Streets.
& into. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. Hth mid .Ii'.ekfcnn f Is. , prepared to do all
Kindof Iron nnd HIHSS ra"tlli s ; nl oO. C.
Jlannl'ter's Hot-kluzGnito Hare minufucturoj :
Mattress "Company ,
Munufnrtiirlnir Muttrofses Ileddlnir. rcnthot
Pillows , r ti , file. 1JU8 aud UUb Doutclns Street.
Omahu. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Punts , fhlns , Hie. , 1102 and 1101 DougTas
Street , Omulm , Neb.
Paper Boies.
J. I. WJUvlE ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
108H. lllli St. , Onmhii , Neb. Or.lers by mail so-
lleited and will retHvo piompt itttentlon.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mniiufnctiircr of Tin1 und Iur ! > : Hr Proof Paf
Vault Door" , .lull Work. Shnttera mid Wl
Work. Cor. Hth and .l.iekton Sts. , Omnha , Neb.
I1. J. QUKA1.BV ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofllco anil I'nctory , near Powder Magazine ,
Uinnha Xoh.
Wagor.s and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1.115 und iil" : Biinicy niicet , Omnlm , Neh. Folo
Acoiits in XelmuUi furJone ' Celobruied Split
bbatt Hulhle.s.
A. J. Sl.Ml'SO.V ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
IKliiind 1111 ] ) CKU < . .Stjcel.Oualm , Kul ) .
White Lead.
OMAHA WlllTi : l.iAncO.MPA.Nl' : ,
L'oi rollers and ( irindemof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Oiunha , Net * . I evl ( Art or. Pies , ; ( ' . W. Jleod
VJLO Pres. : II. W. V.Uea. bee. nuilTrtNis.
The Hillart ,
Ehcni B , J , K. Muik ( l Tlios. .Strobe , Proprletora
Arcade Hotel ,
Jamiis ( 'iu-ej' , J'roprktor ,
1215 nnd Ii7 : ; DoiuioH Si. , ( iinulin , Xob.
JliepiUnmairoof cDinmmvhd men rcniiMiif
eollcitixl , They will tltnl lids tlie I'tat ' t-aday
houtu nest fit Clil
Planters House ,
o. B. nimtiH , I'ltoiMtiirroit.
Hates , tUO per day , -ftieet t-uw tioin U. P.
ojKjt , uiiniri uiUi Mock of lioiibC. Ojrncr
lull Bti < sjt < = . Omnha , Nub.
The Cozzens ,
l1 , Hiim vy & Co. , Proprietor * .
tales J2.IK1 j.or ihiy , no ilnrk rooms. Also I'alaco
lluiul tUntii I'o , Uamlia , Xc-U.
Canfleld House ,
Tor. Xlnth ntnl rurnuni St& . Tlio I-ST J3 per
ilny liottl in Oiimtm. ItiiiKulcldl. r-C.i.i-hih | ,
( siiwrutoil ; ono block fivm iirmy nenilauurlers ;
upiHielte I'lnini I'.u'itio luinliiuaniMieoteaid :
into Iliu I'onr. IJbunto CittitU-lil & . ' ! . , pinpriu-
ore. AUti L'niou block Vartld lloiel , totuU
Hole ! de Gees ,
1' . tHMhi , I'r < ipreior : ,
lliiii.pui > l' ! i > 'Hitonly efiitrft
aJa ) lii'-isik tin > ) dooM fiiotl IIi ) > ilH
Inn i nml oiu-inilf | ) i ( > 'k I'mm ln l'n toiUoo
mil lln < limn liubeo. Ijli , IM ,
. . . Agricultural Implemenls.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
Ofllco , Corner Cth am ! 1'nclflo 5-ts , Onmlia , N'cti
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
niiJUujTglf , Oiiiuin ! , Neb. _
Boots and Shoes ,
" " " " *
w. v. MOHSI : A. coT
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1411 Fnrnnui Street , Omnlm , NV1 > . Manufactory
Slimmer Sticet lln ton.
8. A. OliCIIAlll ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttliigs , Curtnln OUCH ! * , lite. , HXJ r rn n
Etrcet , Omaha , JCeb.
Coal ) Lime , Etc ,
JKFKV. . UKDKOltl ) ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OIBec,213S. , llth St. , Omaha , Net ) . Ynrtls , Stl
anil lH\eiix ) | > rt Streets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
nest varieties. Oftlce , 21.1 S. istli ? u Telephone
Xo. HW , Omulm , Nob.
NiilIASKA : 1'UKIi CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
514 3.13tli St. , Omulm. Ncli.
( ! EO. C , TOWI.E , President.
Gro. PATTnisox , Sec. and Trcas.
J. H. lluuihiir , 1' . A. ,
Pioprictor. Mumigor
Kebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
Omcc , KIT S. 13tli Etric-t. Telephone 13.
Oto. 1' . l.MiMin , Prcs. C , 1' . GOODMAN , V. Prcs
J. A. StM ) > rmtM > , too. unil TIC-US.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbcia of lianl and f-ort coul , a S. Utli St.
Omnlm , Noli.
Hard and Soft Coal.
EicluMvo dealers In Ilnnlder Colorado Coal,217
couth Ulh street.
Coffee nnd Spices
CJ.A11KU illlOS. &CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten Coffees Spice * . linking Powder rinvorlns
K\tmct , hiiiiimry llluc , Ink , etc. 14U-10 Har-
nej Street , Unman , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
JJKANCH & ( X ) . ,
Wholesale Fruits Produce
, , Oysters ,
11C1 Karniim St. , Omahu , Apples Our cm n pack
ing Mutt & ( O.'P Tijfcr Hnimt Oysterb , lluttvr ,
KpKb , ( .nine , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce. Piot IMon .rrulte , Hour nnd Kccd. 3 03
8. lull St. , Oiniilm , Neb. Consignments solicited.
Itetnins mailo promptly.
tons IIUI.LUR ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Fiuitnpe , 1'rnlts llutchers Tools and
Supplier. 1218 Junta St. , Umuliu , Neb.
VT. K. HlDDliLL ,
General Commission Merchant.
ErFCiAi.Tihs l heei-e. Butter. PBKS , Poultiy
and ( iiiiue. 112 H. 11th. , Omaha , Nub. Tele
phone No. ! W5.
D. A. : iuiti.iv.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , T.pgR and Produce. A full line of Stone-
wine. CoDplb'nuicntH toliclted. lilt Doduo fct. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter K"s. . Dici'i-o nnd
, ( -"s. - tommy Pioilueocou-
ci itlly , 3uU S. isth St. , Omuiin , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlfrermor and Pneldnw House , Hill A : Ienv m-
woitli St. , on U. P. K. It. Track , Oinalia , Neb.
Establlclied 1S70.
General Commission ,
CHS. H'"M. ! . Nob. Specialties Butter
iltiynnd ( Sumo.
i KK 11UOS. ,
i jj Merchants , Fruits ,
] ' ! > . . . % . ! Provision ; ; , Omnbj , Neb.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Fruits , Setds nnd 1'iodiicn. No S11S. KtuSucet ,
Omulia Nebir.sJfa.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fniltp. 1'loiir , Apples , Htono ai o. Oliior.Vinesnr ,
Hints frec < lb. llnttor and Iteirs , UU and U15 h'outli
liltli btieet , Oinalia , Nolmioku.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultrj , Ililtter , Oiltno. Frulto. Rtc. 2flfl. ) lith
St. , Oniaba , NoIirat.Ua.
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Mtalp , foml , . .lellletIlnttrr. . Kw. Cheese , I'.lu.
No. ! toi S. 12th St. , Omaha , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
, Oinalia , Neb. Coiielfiimcnts
Ktli SinOm.ilia , Neb. Bjieciallles : Hut-
ler , Ktfjf u , and Clilckeiib ,
\V. u WHIOHT ,
Afcntfor thu Mnnufiietnreiij nnd linportera
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chitunuje , Kir. Ollleo , :117 : South 13th
bunt Oiniihu Neb.
Dry Goou's ,
J , J. IIIIOWN i CO , ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
ira : Uouglu.-i Sttott , Omuun , Neb.
\Vlioloailo Dtuleiuln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Unrn9 , IJKCS , liinbtolrtery nml Wlnto floode ,
lUAlUoUKliu Street Onialni Neb.
The Faker Automatic Engines ,
Elatloimry and pnitaliln cnHlnen , bollorfi end
fl.eet lion noih , nucrins , ttKrieullliral Implu.
iiontn , ] > UIIIIH cic. tijt-K'15 l.t.tU'JiHonli fct ,
Leather , Hides. Etc ,
_ _
L. C , HUNT1KOTON i. hON ,
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
BJvOMAN 111(08 ( ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
addlery UIHI hm.o FHIOIIIKH , Illdee , Wool , furs ,
1'oJuj rente , 'JlUJun' , lite. , Oi.i.Uu , Nub.
Flour. Etc ,
WU , I'llEnrilN : 0) O. lUClIAUDsO.V.
WM. P1U > TON & to.
Wholesale Floar ,
ICF , CIO and &K i'iucu Stitit.Ownbu , Nek
nnuxo TzsciifcK , .in. ,
ARcntforJ. C. Uofftnarr A Co. ,
Kanufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour
11 } Jtolier nd lluiipaHan Process. Wntt.tou i ,
_ 1-13 Jones btrcct , Oinuhn , Neb.
\v. j. WILSIIANS : & axi
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturers of W. J. Wel hans A Co. ' Quick
ItnlMng lluckn liont Hour anil proprietor" Omnlm
City MUH , cor. Mb and 1'ainnm
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Kamin Street , Omnhn , Neb.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
_ _ 1110 nnd 1112 Doiipliis Stieet , Omalin. N'eb.
K. 11. CHAPMAN A. CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolineeo and Smokeis' Articles 1J1T lloiraid St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcis , Cltrars nnd Tobai-co' , VJ17 and 1JI9 DOUR-
_ las Street , Omaha , Neb. "
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd rarnnm Streets , Onmlm , Neb ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nog. W5 , 707 , 7 < and 711 S. 10th St. , Omahn , Neb.
W. J. llltOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Fprlnps. AVamni Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc.
l-W Kiiil IL'l' Miirney stiect. Omaha , Neb.
I : v i ci i niioN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And rnrrlairo Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
Ktc. 1J17 and 121'J Leaxonnotth i-ticet , Omaha ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and lluiralo Scales.
labStifct , Omahn , Neb.
LKK , ntir.n & co
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron. lite. Acenta fqr llono Scales and
Miami Powder Co. , Omaha. Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Unites , < - Mood . J'l J and KITJ Tar-
mini Stict'l.
itr.cioit & wii.iiKr.M\ . ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Strel Nalli. Cor. inth aud Harncy
bit eels , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturer of the
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Wrlt to Wiu. JI. I/orlmur. Oencnd Agent ,
Omaha. TulephonuUlU.
Iron Pipe , Etc
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbers In Iron Pipe , lion Oltim , ' * ' . lion and
IlrasH ( iiKids. Engineers' Supplies. ItUi nnd
llodgo Sticcts , Oinalai , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam , Water , Hull way and Milling Supplier , Etc.
KM , OK ! und W4 Kmimm ht. Omaha , Nob.
Y/hoIesaie / Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Pteam and Wtitct1 Supplies. HcHdinmiturs fO"
Must Foost Co.'s Goods. 1111 i'aimiiu Stieet ,
Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers in Sllvenvnro , Diamonds. Watches
Clothf , Jewelers' TooJ nml Materials l.'tciul
nnil 103 , J5th Street. Cor. Uoiluo , Omnbii , Meb.
Fish. Etc.
; o.
r to Icl n > ] ein cn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers.
Importers of Korclirn Fish , Noi5. 311 913 .Tone *
Street and U. P. Track Ouiahu.Neb.
Liv'c Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yardiijro Charged.
Cloto to U. P. ISiicJxe. t ieel l iweoininodatlon
nnd a seed inuikut for lmg . E. C. Cooper , ilim-
asor. OlJieu. 01W Soulb fitli feu-cot.
M. nuiticn & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Ueo. llurle. : .Manager.
Union Stock Yards , B. Omaha , Neb. Telo. Mi
\v. r. HHOWN * co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
nffeo Exebanpo Hiilldintr , Union Sloolt Yard. . ? ,
South Omaha. Nob. Telephone No , ( WJ.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Bloek Yanlf , Chicago , HI. , and Omnhn ,
Neb , Kuinlv ( 'hlilendrn.Mnna orOinaha llrunch.
releplionu No. iSJ. libtnlillsheU IMi.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AddiocBalleommmilcatlonsfn Haul Union Sioek
Vuids , South Omaha. Advautcs made on. 'tuck.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1" . llo > d Supeilntendont ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
PlilrincnlH ill nny and all kinds or block solicit
ed , I'nluuhicuk Vaidn Omahrt Neb , _ _ _
_ , , „ Lumber , tie. _
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Linn ,
Sa b , looi , Kte. YiiuM-Cor , 'tb nnd Douglas ,
Cor. Mh and
iioiiN MANurAcrnniNo co , .
Manufacturers of Sash Door.
, . ? , minis ,
Ji. Man Work and Interior Hani Wood
inini. Jiiht openi-il. N 15. cor. tilb und Leaven-
> oiih Mitels ( JmalKi Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
H 3. Hth Street , Omaha , Nob. I' . Colnei/or ,
c. N. uiirra ,
Lumber ,
13th and California Stit-el , Oimtbn , Nob.
J'UKU W. ( ! lt.\Y ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Cor. eili and Douglas fcue < it , Omaha , Neb.
Olio , A. HOAOLANl )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omulu , Nebiuek.i.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Ptoel > , FanejW > od , Ilrlilfe Tlintiern ,
. W. 1'or. i'th and louflniuiniha\eb. )
0. J % , LYMAN ,
lealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ,
lulldmtf Paptr , I'.ie. Niiuli luih Btreet , Ouiauu ,
Nebraska Lumber Co.
Paid In I u > 'lid StO"k , t ' ' " . > \
Jx orffeM. iniii.u.H iui > rn and ulu'oiili ) d .il-
rs. M ' uiiyiii 1.1M. . U iii' ' < > nl' < unit ifiul
j . - ) uid , U.i..i-.i , iNi'b. oil to. . 'In cU
OMAHA I.t M1U5K ( X ) ,
Dealers Iti All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale. ,
U. P. It. U. It.Ttnnk.Omnlm N
tir.llMAX 1 > . WVATT.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth nml 1/ntilStreets. Omnlm , NoV > riln. .
J. A. WAKI.rtr.I.t ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
Ihtlldlnir Paper * . Sn-h , l n > rs , lllliuH , MonM.
IINTS Pik < t , Posts , l.iinn , Plaster , Hair ,
Onui'iiU .Mntli mill , Ume * Omnha > i'l' .
Milliner } !
" " "
Impoiters unit .toMiowof
Millinery and Notions ,
ii3nmKM \ Hiiiney fllrret.Onnhn.NoK
_ . , art
KlTllOUM KltirkhON'i
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
5-telunny Pioim , WetMsr , IK-eker , llnlnes nnd
llrlptrM Pliinos. Pnekniil tli-jjitw , Chiiso OriUi5
101 aiul ll ( IMIi sit eel. _ _
Notions , Ctc.
* " "
J. U llHAMIty ) i- POX ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Oooit , Notion" , ( IfnK I'liiMi'liliir Oooil *
tlooilii trom N"e Yuilc. Tiado sales Utuly. WJ
end fW South iUh : St. . Oui.ihx
o. s. ( jooimii'ii \ ai. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
i' anil Stnllonor * ' Sundries. 1115
nRIII , Omahn , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
< rtl nnd HO S. 10th St.Omnhn , Neb.
Wholesale De.lleiit In Notions mid UcntsTuSk
nihlnjCiotH4. |
Oils. Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers iu Oils ,
Gasoline , Mien A.\loOrc'iM > , I5le. A. H. Hlsliojj
Munaner , Omnhn , Nob.
. .
U H. _ _ * *
Pork PacKinsr.
. a
* i
.lAMP.s U. HOV1) ,
Pork Packer aud Shipper ,
Omulm , Ncbi " 1u\ .
A. ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Ofllce Union .Murliet , 151T loda'Stieel. ( IMeVlnff
houce , U. P. IU K.TnieU , Oiniihu , Nub. Telephone
phone No. 1 > 7.
Safes and Locks.
p. itovim .1 co. ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
riio nnd Jtuislar Proof S.iftM.TImo I/occ ) < , Vi ulU
and J.illiorlt. . 1U-.1J r.uinim ntioet , Omnlm , Nob.
, T M'ANS.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Ajrilculturiil VwrntnbleKto. . Odd Vollnivs' Hall
N.V. . Cor. 14th and DodRO St. , Omnha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jnblienor Pnints.Oih.Vlml..iT ( IhiFS Ktc. , 1114
Ilarncy Street , OniRlm , Neb.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And DcJor in Paints. Ol' ' nnd Window Cl.if
Uniului , Neb. ,
Wines and Liquors.
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
1AH nnd 1HJJ Doujrl/w Pt. . Omnlm , Nob.
TftCloiloi No . i Di-UN. V.
. w. .
Sueceieor to Me.s' \VVUA S. DUNCAN , Tuiporteri'
and WholoDiUo Healers in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
21J and iilfl S. Hth St. , Onmhu , Neb.
Wines and Liquors.
AVcslo u Agent . ! ) ! . Sohllu Uiuwlnu Co. 710S.
Wholesale Wiues , Liquors and Cigars.
ld.'l Uouxlus Streoi , Omnhn , Nub.
11.KK k CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil I.lijnors. Hole iimiiuliicturoisi of Kunnoilr il
" " 'India JJItturs. 111J llarnoy titicet , Onifiha ,
J. . P. IAltSON & CO. .
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And C.V'ai * . and General AKonts for the Philip
' CoJobrntoJ Mllwaukoo Iluor , OmtUirt , Nob.
Harness , tic.
MannfHctiirera nod Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goodi , IHiinLnti and ItoboK. 1KI l vrnam
bun.1.Omaha , Nob.
England , France & Germany.
'Jliu bteiunbhliiftot'il.b uell known line nro all
of lion , in wiuer Hunt eoit | uitmeiitM , find ro-
luiniMiid wuli eveij tiilnir lit inuUo the paswiifo
both cufo and nxn'eubto. They curry the llnitoj
i-uueuund liuniiioiin niHlltnnd IcuvoNe-t York
Jhnitda > ! iiinil bnturdi : > c ! lor Plymouth. ( IXN-
IMXI , CheilK.ujr. ( I'Altlb nnd MAMIIUUU ) .
ItatoKJifci ejibln , J.-Jy flUJ. btcorat'o to No <
Ciiicaffo Milwaukes & St , Pau.
The Skortlciiiio
and Best E.out9 .
From Omahao the East.
tAiNS nAii.vTin nvjiijx OMAHA AND
'hleiigo , > llnneipilM ! ( , Mllvwnkeo ,
H Paul , Cudar Itapldj , Davenport.
Clinton. ] ) uiiu < | iiu ( ltiM'-oi ) | < ,
Hoeh Inliind , Tieoimrt , Janoavillo ,
KWii. MudlMtn. LaCrosbe.
He loll. Ulnoiin , -
And all other Impomiiu points luet ! , NoiUioast
Tlehirt ofllco nl Kyi Kurnu n htioet , ( In Paiton
Ilnioll , and ul t'liion Pmilllo IKijKit.
pdr * unit llio l > 'iur t Dlulnif ( lira
In ihot.ilil uioruii on the imilii lines or tlio
c.i < o..i.u.A'KK . ; r u'MtAiiA > vvutK
y .itlentlon is p.iiil to | ) iiH < nik'eri by couit * .
ous employe ! : ot lliuitu IIIMIIV ,
It. . ' .In. 1,1. n , ( ien < ml Miumirur.
J , 1' . Tut'KKii , liiuiurnl Mniminr.
A. V II , cUni-KNr'-tt , ( juntnil 1'AMeujfor auj
lieKet Auenl.
( iio , I ! . llHAmmn , Assistant Gtneiall'f.tiJ
fcr and Tieiet
llrcukrof Tliorou hlirint anl Illgb Qrmlo
Hereford and Jersey
A i'U 1) i.i j nuU Jtrcyy liui Snino.
P. BOYEB & 00 ,
and iiaii Work , n
1C2U liii.uin 6trcit , i/inaliii , Nij ; (