Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Adwrtl cmt > ntRindor this hpml 10 cents pc
lit c for Um first ln "rtloti , nnd 7 cents for cat
nib'ctiu"iit | ni > ei Hon. Povcii wonls wl 1 1)0 coun
td In thn linn ; they must run consecutively nn
imtrttro jmMln nilVBiice. All itdccttlsumcn
ii.tfct tHihiiuttt In buii < m 2 r/ ( look ji. in. , an tm nitutfiM nws vill they bo taken i
I'nrtlrtfihcrt lnit In thcsp rolurnnp find lin
lnptlipfln < Tf nddrtwHi inpnro ot HKI-.WI
tilpnco ( VAls. for chefek lo i-nnblo Hif m to tret thp
IMtcr.s , u notio will bo delnorod except o
l > r ( > pnntlon of ohee * . AH ifnwcr to ndve
tlWiioiitr. ! hiiiil' ' lie cndosed In pn\elOK | ; * .
O LOAN Money Inmiy nmoimt
< n nil cln fp ol * ( 'iurll >
Miort tlnip 1 " n o ' rf'l r In1p.
I/miriln l < nn-on mil ioiuU %
Jlomiylo loan on
Mcitni ) to loiin on mii'itTiiU.
M > tiy ! r > l < nil on ftny Rood
'lund o * ) * rnntiipiiit
Apnly ttiii < in .tia rin 'iel l
tlcirnlmiMl iif , MVuornorof
l"if k-p/ith mid I'm imm st * ' 1
TlfONKV for oiprj-boily ! Vou cnu borrov
Jl'L innncy ou furiiMito , horps. wnnonf
rliuio * ) , Mock ol hll kind * , illniiioiuli nnd III !
wfttclicoou j our nun t lino. 1 ninn-nts rrcilvc-
* t nny tltw , nod lnt < 'tt t rcnm-m > i t-atn
Property lolt. hi jour ottn IM O > IOII. n-i-m
low n the lowest , roll hint wo mo. H liiin
oonlMcntlnl. NoniUntilfitrnMkcn.S. . Il.Orofl
Iloom 1 , Wlilitipll Niiwliulldlnir.Northcn'tcoi
nor l.'ilh nnil Hmuey. Ml
rpo LOAN Ono or two thousand ilollnrn I in
-i rnFiIUiol/ for 1 or a yours W. I ! OTPOII
131 h nnd Kiinnitn 1KJ
. ' tolonnon lent ifctalo fccuntv. . IS'
commission cluirifcU. 0. II. 1.1th nn1
rnrniim. > ) Nov. Si
1OSCV TO LOAN1 O. T. IViXl * & Co. Hon
BI Etlnto and Ijonn iigoutd , I'M Tarnum St.
TVTONI'.V TO 1/MN On peed pwnrlllps. A
BIM ' > cek. ruom 7 Itvdtulc DlooU , Ktfl Km imn
Bt ! R7
> * _ _ _ _ _
OSiVTO : LOAX On phntlPU. M'ooloy . '
M Ilarrieoa , 100111 ! X ) , Umnlin Nntlouid Iniul
' TO LOAN Ou real estate and ehnt
MON'HV 1) . L. Thomns. KX )
: 1.0.\Nli-On : Llinttol4 , cut rale , H
It tickets bouuht mill told. A. Kormnn. n
B. inth hi. ui
MON15Y Tl LOAN In rnnna of S2001111(1 Up
viunit on ( Ir-l-rlnM ronl csluto eeourlty
101(01- ( Cotb , ird5 rnruiou St. < V
I.OAMII ) ut C. P. ItrtMKVCo'B. Lour
onico.on fuiuituro , plnnos , IIOITCS , wnjnti <
ripiconnl proppiiy ol till kinds nml nil other nr-
ilclci ol value. Ithout removal. Over l < t Xnt'l
Him ! ; , corner iili ; ; mia 1'urnutn. All burincb !
Milctly coulliloiilal. t > 5-'l
'I7UNK improvpil fiirmi.ivlll trade for unproved
J ? city prop it > - . \V.H. Orceu , over M Nu-
tlonnlll.inlt. 5 > S
! /7t 'UNO 01 tot Ituwlnnx , I oiler for sale inj
V-Tcntlro ttouk of dij woods , boom and Mi
i 1)t < nv coM , Hloin lor IPIH nhlch H 22 by lut
foot. CountPis , chelvliiK nml t-liow en ps foi
Halo cheap. I. lovy,7IAS. 1'Jllist. 7u.-dl :
SAl.i : Ho'liUHuit. : and pon'cctlonery
Foil and II1 tliri'M In n linn lo nt o i , in ist bo
eod I ninniltitolj. ( W. ll.Orcon , luth nnd 1'ar-
nam hts. Till
fT OU SAT.K In small townjironpral tockot
JL' inercliandlte and store lor rent. A M , lice
Ollie.o. Cfliilocl *
T7IOK i\CIIAXii : An IniiTOved fium of i
J-1 Wi mlvMM \ rr Hud Oi k. I own , u III be ox-
lor do ! itiblo rocicleiico pnipnly In
Omiihn , either or nnlmpi vcd. Ad-
ilriXM. doscrlbhiB propeity , John Iliiyos , lied
Diik , low n. KJJdcciQ'
TTlOlt HAT.K Rnkcry ilolnir n fair business.
Jiood ion ons lor EclUugr. Addresa A 40 , lice
onico. DJ > 3-2a
TTIOR Nt T.I' Tlio only leather nud llndlns :
JbuMntFH In I Incoln , which bus I p"ii car
ried en lor ten jearorvfliiece' < jfilly ! ; tlio ron-
K > n for PI Hint ; , dpiith of Uio proprietor ; cupllal
fioui atOI to S-t.LOJ. Address Mrs.
Jacob Hnberlo , IIpvoln. Neb.
1,101 : JSAI.K Small Ptock ot clnics and ineill-
l" . , , , , , , , , i toilet nrllclos lor fiilo nl n bur-
( tnln. Wllllnvolcijduo. lloxcdf tlilnmcnt. J
yItocdcr. . 70 ! N Ifith Btroot. Kil
AltAIlt : CHAXCK The ploprlutoi-H of tlio
Mctiopolltan lIobtaiu-aiit.IEU S. 10th Et. , lie-
inK about to ( ipcu the new \Vlinl-or Hotel , olfor
he rCBtniinuit touothorwlth ICUMJ of thobuild-
IIIR lor i-olo. This Is an excellent oppoitunlty
lor the rljtht parties. Apply ut tlio rejtiiiininu
mm : W. a MctzncrStovoIlcpalrCo.lUSouth
JL llth St. between Uoiluo and Doujfhis.
mAKKN Ul Tly the iindcrsljrned. n black
Jiiiulo IIK. ! . Owner . . cnn hnvu sumo . by tinylng
.I'bnri'.es and provinjr pmppity. Mrs. Kle'n"ir .
IJrow u ht. , neur Biiercil llunrt Convent. tOldol *
Eosl' "A chllilplain cloth cloak. LPIIVO nt
Sonnto icMiiiiruiit iiucl yet Mr * . M ,
A. MoMuumriu 740
TOST A Indiesnlllj'iitort.kliihnir , contalnlinr
-t-Jl iu'coLiit books , t'iudor pluiuu Icuvu at
lco ! Ulllce. 71.1
TOST n I'lirtonllotpnvntor Olofpt : oidcr
AJ In o't . po , fcpt mllcutro book , coutnlnlnir
c < rtltluiito No t.OHN.V. . I' . M. A 1'liiUo r plensu
leuvo utliotcl o.lli'o nnil rocelvo liberal ri > ivninl ,
AOI'.NTI.KAtANiiul wllci P obtain board
wl h a private fun 1 / in n < l eslrablo p.iit oC
city by imdreanlng A KI , lice Oiico. | ( i'j-2a *
WANTKO I'lrst-clnss tnblo board In prlviito
liimlly , near IniMni'vi center , I'oronoor
IwoKcntlcmeii who will pav I'.ilr rate a Ube
ptrimmcnt ifmilted. Aildre&s A 4 ! , lleeUlllce.
A I'KtV Kcnlli'mrncnu bonrcommoduled with
tnblo board at 02 S. Kith et. t > ii-27 ;
IJOAltDiu Ul'J Joucs st. CCS 2'J *
T > OOM niiilbonril , fjpor wccUj vciy bostlo
O.V ciilloii. Wl IXivciipoitSt.
. u
T > KliRON' < li T'nr'lea oiviilnif or conlrolllUR
> .1 rpnl.tiitiMteaIiIu to bull thu HUH o will uo
vroll In IU. uJlli.J. L. uico , icnl uatnto biol.or ,
1 2 I'lllllUlU bt , 7o5
K-Wd iinuiHIlIro llll buck *
. wheat Hour i-olil uiiUcr our biiiiul , I'uitit
If you rKroc-cr iton t keep our hriiiuUj.TcJefilioiio
U4lumlvn 'I ' hnvu jou bUpplkul.V. . J , Wnl *
khnni 4 ; t'ji , .flllv . Mllla . * k > 4
LAUIIM in wnut of irood tloincotlolu'lpc.m
bo eupnlkHl by culling ou thu OniuliuKm -
, ui'ii'i i iiiid.iimuitslliou.i. Mrs.
. w. MoirKon juopriotor. 371
cliaiicit ;
untlrcly \\ny , K. I'.ulnir Ad-
pohlulUco. 4 ! > Mui" . *
A l WAVN on Imnn lit n biiiiuln. No. 1 second
jf > Imiul mi i luiu phautoui. iiuil sliln-bur liu j-
irlcs , ut A. J. Shupaun , lluu uiul llll
1)IIVV viiullfl nun iT-ioold ] clouiicx ) In nil
4 , oUoilc wuyby f. G.Abcl , I * . O. llox-na.
Foil K.l.lr1 liuirbli ) top ccutro tsl Ic. Kiwy
iililidlstcKHl cliiiln > , ciino M'ut nut wood
chiilra , thnrle mnltie.s , mnttln ottuma'U olc , ,
t ) , i i up , I'.ka Karutilu st , -r.t-M' } >
TTItHt. ) j.U.K UH TltADH-A tluu tcamofJ-
-L1 > ir ol.l . | njiilcs nt Hit llu nuy.
went her strlpii , storm sitsli nnd doom ,
to 11) . .Mt'iiU , iVJ 8. ILth bt. WJ
Foil t.Vl.f : Furniture ninpleto of n ton-
room house. H block from postolllcu.
Ildtito w iL'iit-(4& pur luunth. Appli nt luA )
I Ct. IlJ
V TTjUlUKAtH 'fvin lot * in I'l'lliam I'luco , ono
X' Mock fioui Mrvut nr trscl ; .
t , Uth street. . '
"ITIOUSAUJ riulfOMU 8i > rln ? dolUery wnvon
Jfor mlo cheap. W , J , Wdiluius i. Co. , City
unii oc ; Or would trfldufor n oed hone
J. nni ] lniVcy , WiH-roslu ( lojpcir t-ouuly , A | > -
ply in i'lH tjouti ) tWlioct. . Wl
N O P'ration o * u cle-i triisie * . lr ) , M. M
> | QO n , ; NJ Wni'iixli IIVK , < liictijru. Will
f ut 1I < JU3 ' , Hi Oniiiiut , i\tt } wi'iijti
" \\7ANTKK-A tnldillo ntroil nomnncookl
V | p ire thn illy , lt"il of watt" paid "nil tw
onil dln'nr rtvi n tirl Inniilir-iiKim t Kn l
' ll > ok Hitli ntul Don * n > t. 747-ill
TKH A ylrl for oMiornl
ln < tiiwortli ) cll-cSU
lAMt'.Ii1lrlrtsHl > ft < i , . . .
\ L-ood cook. usher nud Ironcr , co'ou7.V3J <
MrANTIJH A tcinpot'-nt ( 'irl for pcnpn
bo > 'i xr nk In ttntill mM t-otivpnlci't linn *
rnnllyof Uirco Appl ) M tnicp to M - f <
l.iirl on. No KU Turk A < OHUM. 7iR
"XITAN Ayonnp III So l lTPirp of l > b
thico hour * Piicli ilny. Us S. still nt
- *
A y injr iprTy towoik In n More
. . - . . iK fiutny pouilB , eto. AddrpM loci
U , North III nu , Nob. 7ls-23. )
i\fA > 'Tiu : linmtNlhilotj u flrM pn | s found
ir fool ; mill ill'hu ivlicr nt 1G17 Itovatd ( .1
' , IMV
_ _
ViMNTlJli Dliiinu : room trlrlO irood eook <
' > mid ,7bl for & lioiiHoirOrK ! mill II'-J
Inmiini mwt. _ _ _ ? O'il ' _
\ \ ANTii : > nirl for hOU'tnvflik. Mr . 11
llliifli inMjboiuh loth M. KWi-81'
iwANIKn A Rlrl for HCtiPrul houepwniV
> > ( food pny to nrtt-clliss trill , ' . ' .MO IkmirliL
street. ru'i
" \ \T "Avriro a I rl i TiniiiTIfmTs "ot iiotiuisiTi
work : plno icl.nn to Klil freoof '
cull nt Npbni'kn ti : " ) me it Avuncy , liu till
M.cor. OipltolKVo. . Crottn < ii'B ! block. 0.17
"VifANTi ! ! ) I.nOlc tooik for ui nt ilioli
ii oHiihonii" , 57 lo MO per wppk cnu hr
nulcllrmiulo. No photo pilnllirr : : mi can v i m
\ng \ , IVir full pnrtl"Ular < . | ilcn < * * mWip , , ni
onco. ( 'rcpnt Art Co. , IS Com nil M. f" '
ASTJI > I'or-otn to lii tnit't In book-kcnii
Injr. .1.11. binlth , la.'i fmnam. 7I5-W )
A mnn and wife to xrorl : i
'i fitr'ii. " cltv , Mnn must tin ipisUim
fnrnlit-'MiniM > M uiul \ vlColllliiK' to wink , > vil
bo 4 ! > II lui'li to cook lor , iiood 1C p IMIPO * Ic
on r'il tlnip iiuinlicr In tamlly , Ad irowfully
1 > . O. bov J4a , Omaha. ' .8la )
\\7AXTii : > Airput" , mnlo and Icinnlp to pan *
> \n s this niul nrijoluiny cltlos nml IOMII * .
Aiiiprlt'iin . iiocl.ili } Co. , loomll Kill I'm mini
Bt OmaliuNcb. 71'icll *
M'ANTI'.li I.lvnynumr innmrlionuiUri'iitiiU
t-Prtl o tuto tin lilies ; olitrlit tu lituo $ " > 0ni
(1 Olnciisli. but .r no. brnlna ill do us < wt'll ' ,
Adiliof lioxriiKilty , 751
\\'ANTl.l > All hctlvo lntelllcnt ! inini foi
) vnlPiinnn Inronl i tnto odli-o , must 1 : unv
tlio city , imu boi-.o niul hugfry , to rhrht tiiiui
liberal conipeii atlon. Acidrcsn A. 01 Ilils ofilcc- .
" \\7ANTi : A frcntloninii roon m-to. In
i i prlviuo Inniil.v.c.xcollcnt ixjom. ueut-ut locu
tion , 1 tin Jones St. 7'-WJ ! *
\T-'AVTii : > M jouiiir men nml ! .vlp | to on *
p-au-o In the lo'o'i-nphlc PI vicn. 1'or pur-
tlci IM uJcliuM It. 1) . 1) ) . , Croinidu lll'vlt , llnoin
I , lottisU f.'fl.liH- : '
" \ 7ANTiH ; StiMioirruplipr , who Uiltnto rnph
it opcriitor. lloxK5 ( , Uiiudin. 4J''iicl ( ' ' !
WANTKIJ--Ascnts. Aililj-nsi P.loctrlP Lump
nnd StovoCo. , tt. LouK Mo. , lor c'li\iil'ir ! ,
cut nnd tciiiHofu'l ' candlopouer M.u-h Illcptrlo
Lump. I'll
Acs HATS ScllliiKT Jtlxfourl Mtam wiuhor
ninko blr ; money J. Worth , Solo Miinnfac-
turcr , St. I onls .Jlo. UOlilecl Ip
T\TAVTiii : Sllimtlon by ( "tpoilpiicvil clnif-
t cleric who ivnnts to poinn we s , ll prpncps
pl\cn. Adihbbs W. 31. Wooiliriiril , Conc < r 1. N.
U. ' , Ucl 2 *
A j oiiiw nltin 21 j pnra o'd wants
n | > rs'tlon ' nt tiiijthliw wl'O-o liu c'lin rnako
lilnwir iibuCul , II.IH-OIUO knonk-iigeol prlutiii' ;
mill al o conlectlonary business. AUdro-s A.
C5 liooolllco. . 121
\\7-ANTHI ) gltuntion by n No 1 hardware
mauwliolnnituodipfercnpos ; nn oi > t'ind3
wlio'cs.door retail. Address lluiluess. 1 N.
15th M. , city. 7W-J >
\TrAXTKD-Ity nn oxpprioiiccd clerk nnd
' bookkccpor , otllco work of nny sort ;
M'ouMuorcptiilowiuiliiry. A 1 rcferonceM. AU- "
drev ) U , box DM , I.lnunln , Neb. Cfli-2S
WANTI'.l ) Situation A llrst-elsw book
keeper. acconnlant , stcnon'iaplipr and
typewriter nnt * u situation .liuuiaiy I. Ad-
diesb"i\pcit ; , " Ilnirlstoirn.lll. OWKo *
\\rA7fTKli Uy jrood ulrli who nnderst.ind
il housework eookinif , dlnlnr room ,
c. : ( rood pliu-o ? in private fmiullos : PHI ! ut tlio
NebniSMi tinploynient Asunoy , 111) ) 16tb st. and
Uipltolnvo. _ . _ . _ ftS ! _
l7ANTin : four ireiillouicn to tnlio t\\o
* iooms nnd board , ! f5 per wtck cuch. 4 :1 : X.
ISth St. 7 J4iii *
AVl'KH To rent thrco or lour loom" ,
iKhod or iinfimiblii'd lor llplit bon o-
. cential location. Addro'jJA. fitl lleo.
ITTANTin-To : tioilo 7 lots for hordes. C. K.
11 Jlayno , SV. . cor. 15th mid I'uinam.MiDee.
Mi-Dee. 2
J Teams. T. Murray.
( H1 ?
ror. uniiT-Kousca AND LOTS.
ITtOK ICKNT Ten hellos from SID to $ Co per
J-1 mouth , llnllou llrosU17S IJthst. 7IUI )
J71OU HUNT N'owoottii'4-oon ! looms with all
J- necessary oonvonltnjo. IiiquIroatUlliJ Uiisa
t-t. 710 d
ITIOI : KINT : npBidonco N. w. ir. inth mid
California tit. A. S. Vmikuiau , U. r. Ity.
- -
Tmou.UXT-OiiEtioet car line , cor. ISIh mid
X1 j'ani f ti-pcts , now 7-ionin Imu-o ; all ronveu-
encos. Teiius modoiato. 70"Jcleol *
T71U11 ItUXT u-room house. 11,7 Uiivonjiort.
- _ - - ? '
J7 < Olt 1.IJNT A burn with two slulls. Apply
. ut lbU7 ritrniun bt. , next county court house ,
Ir.OIt ItllNT ll-rontu house. Papploton nve. ,
1 $ i1S-ioonihou ; > cu'lth uud Dnvcupoit. Sil ) .
K. r. itiuKcr.iiuN. irau. mil
ITIOK ItKSr ( 'hp.ipiicoiafortiiblo roshlonco
-'and barn ! homo Inn U looms , clsiuiu , cll
uutl city will IT , ! iath loom , closets , btutlounrv
wiiuli tubsoiu. , etc lii'iulrul'iimoUUtuly of I * .
1) . Cooper , NW cor ZM ami lluitjt , fOj
"KVtll lir.NT Nlco 0-rooiu cottiiffo by rC T
-L1 I'ptpi-t.pii.s. . K. ion l.'ith .V Uoumiis. Wl
FOK HUNT A 2 toiy brlokliullillnif fitore ,
front on Cusi , bet. llth anil 15ih ; Wl pur
u o , < ; , i : . .Mnyno , cor. l.llh niul Karnam. Ml
FOR itl'M'-'j story house ofSiooni" , "tyj
Davenport. liuiuncMr n , stuvons , "iOl Da-
vuupoit. 41.M
17 oit IIKVI' Nctv store on St Marys Ave and
' Itlhbt. , Jj"l pur monlli.
Now hoiitoH loonw , cllyrntur , all convcni-
piicus , 'iiil , UPnr I'liinlnjf it. , 1 JO. C , B , Mtiyne ,
b\V cor 15t 11 unit KUVMIUII. -ill
FOR HINT-COUHKO : on IMIi and Hurt , ( i
roonij , $ lb permouth , Alsi > cottuoon ! Call-
loiiiia ntul.M ? ts. , "mums , $ nor month , both
In tlioioinrh repair , Imnilici ot A. \Vakely \ ,
uicr Oimibii Nallumabank _ , : .TJ
IU5NT povcralPOttaRos , * 10 to f.M per
-L' month. Wi.ricn riwildor , 21U lltlist , 2i < 7
Tpoi ; JTHST 'Ilciucc boTonKlifs" > lIuTi'sialo
-L' ot .Iiidgo Clmdii Ick , bUO 1'uik lUonuu.V.J. .
L'onnoll. asi
IpoilitlSNT Aetoro room "Itlipood
1 I'JuOllutthtioot ' , Apply llu n tr
_ 140
irum i.nXT-Stablonenr hl h fphool. Tour
I1 htnlN , peed loom tor currLtecs mill hay.
Apply to Ulo. 1' . HciuU. UiU
Foil Kli.N'i' Now hoiifii n itioinc. Ono of
best built houtvri In Oiunhii , .i'na between
Jiiiulnt--iMd l/.m-il , J o.
Twotiont otilpoa si'ooinl story Utilizer lock
i nmt '
Two largo rooms In city hull luilMIng IWmul
I'anmiu. C , U. Miiyuo.loih and I'uuuiii.
_ _ _ '
ITtOR II -uToomlioiiko uear cor. tiiti'iuul
v tiodac. M. r. JUu tin , aius.ioiiiM. tui
IrtOU HUNT Now lionso U rooms , Ono of
best built lioiiteii hi Oi&nhu , 22nu bct'vcea
'uniinx uitJ Ir.ard , SXf > .
Cottnffo 3 roiling 2t > lh uenr Douftlns , ? J.
Tw o 1 1 out olllcos sw-viid itory ISurkvr loclt
51 h nnd I iiniiun.
Two luntii toouib It ; city hail bulldlni ; 16IU nutl
Oiiocir two Pinnll Morn rooms ou ICtU st now
urn nil In Clly Hull tnillJIn will bo nrraiueJ
o tult runtiT. C. U. Ma ) no , Wtb unl 1'unvim.
_ SM _ _
FOIJ ItKN'T Two nowro ldeiipc 0 IXIOIIIH ! h ,
ottuL-ufirooiiia.Uousinujooui J , 1'hinna
loe. _ _ _ 65.- _
ITIOIl iiST : : Two utu-iSninlU icoim-.d hou > ci ;
liiiu.uv , bnih lomunu I u'l ' moi'itn ciui > ( iit-
uei'S. mo liluf t tr < ui tiei ' ( 'iv. Iniiufro.lo.
. llu lon.lilUJiU e
HUNT Ttvtory clTrelllnp , 7 room !
treed liHiiIilp. Apply Cor. lltli nud DoiiL'lii
C.T. Tujlor. ir >
> OK lir.NT 2 jtoreo on Jth nnd U'livftuvort
1 More mi SouTh l"tli Ft. Ilolli llr t-cln lui
tie s ItcntlotiS. Also houses to u-nt A. McUiv
oek. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ lA ! _
lir . > ir flome of n rooms. Apply Co ;
Hth nnd DotiFliK. r. T Ttiylor. _ _ " _
ll 1ir.N'T-s croMil lHplllii8 . Alply ( V
14th and lioiljrlw. C.T. Tnjlor. 716
lIKNT-rurnNipit J'toiit room -rlt
lionul. If tip-died. au12 llarnoyRt. fin- ! *
. RUNT A baiidtoilio lillllfhp < l trt <
trout hittlnjx room nlth nlpoxe and Inrg
plo ct , tlrt et nni nt the door , 112 S. IfJuIl. .
_ _ _
Irioit HUNT iii ; > iiint < nlo ! nf tinlitinie'ip '
toonio ult'i ifi-sile ii'id ' buy window. rll I UK
of lint f aln : n o rotum o i llrsl oor w-ili In
II Miiilklt.liPU , telrieucosieiUirPd ] , ( S.OS 2tt
atlvet. "Vdl
17th st
oi. IMMsioTc.30 ? rr isth st"
Rr.NT l lpn nnt lilnil'hrd front worn
37IOR fiont , llr-l Hour. No. & 0s tlimiinl * , !
ItChf 06HCM * hotel. IK1-SV
Itr.N t' Choco otllpp ioom on lli < t lloo
J one UPKl In Unlit window , frotul locality. Nil
inn fmrmmM. ApplJ to IMM lit Jn ) ! rv >
l''nrnamst. 711-dJ
r.iOIt KliNrTvucc InrnMird front roomer
with lipdroom til , Scpnrtlelv or tivrilipt
712 ll'lliiienr ' Webstei. TtW-ill *
J710R HUNT Xiifly funilt-litfiProonii , Ifi , '
Dodiie. 7l7iM'V '
Iti : > 'l'-To tirutlemen. tuin ! hetl fnm
mom with Imvo c'ioset , I71J Uililoioln it
ltiNT : ruttilslMHl1ui'i n in roome ; "In
( | Ulvo ot L. \ViltMt , liiJl liii lrt { , it ,
| J1llt ) 1SKNT Tutlil'llc l tootiis. Kin'iTnninv '
JL ? 1. W.--2S'
J7Olt ( RiNT : Ap.irtnieutH of slroomttwi
1 bhiek * from HIDcoiut liott o , iinlurnUhciI
Anplv at 2011 Iliinipy , or to IMwln Ou\H , l.V.
l ° n nam M. iijl
tir.XT Smnll furnlstinl uiom
J' liorrd. ir.ll Howard tlricr.
1"Jlolt HI S I'Ji'n'nut looiiliTlltinl''iio.riutiii
. iiufiiinlihed , lor llaht lmu p eopliiir , cm
li-Mtally I p found in llcemoi-'a Itloolc , c-ornei
Howard. 00
HKNT rtnnMheil nmm. OlflP. r.ih.
oi : Rivr : Nieelj inrnlshcd loonti with
Jr board al 7II > orth Ilth st. wi-'ja
lixr : rurul died rooms , 'JJ43t.leol
ll * Iloivnrd
IpOK iiNT : Vurnlshcd I-CPOIII , 1017 Chlriioo
ticti. | mi
_ _
POR UU.ST NloeKftiruWio " 1 rooms. fl\r
bloclH horn 1' . O. M7& . loth st. IIHWIi'
POR RJJVT ; ro HUB. up tilis , 510
monlli. S. W. cor. i7li ! mvl Cltuk. W'7-2 ' < 1
TjtOK RKXT 'i fioilt rooms in Ix'i > .V IlltvluV
J- bulldlnaon llriuarif hi , bet. Kith nutf 17lh
htniay ; be lonted toparalely. Imiulieon Uio
j. MS
TpOK ISKNTToiirioonu al 2WJ Hoilitlat St.
- - ; iupcriunnti. ! Ins
" { TiOR Iir.N'T Handsomely fiunl-diod front nl-
- - cove loom , Miutlieni oxposiiru ; also jiii refer
for ffentlumen only , wither wit hunt
boanl. 17181)odKo. ) SA !
FOR RUNT Nicely fuinWiel liont looinT
S. > V. cor. 1'Jtli and SI. .Mary's live. 4:3) :
rr > ou RUM ruuii'hcii 1001113. sin a i ih bt.
J-1 .tiiiiooi :
"ITloit Hivr : A Iwiffo trout i-oom fuinlshpil
-t ? with Hi p. KnunliDiit lOlti Hurl nt.
I . .lir.NTWith board , tiicply lurnNhuJ
1 1001113 with { rasimdbiitli , Ki ilJoilo ! < t.
71OR KHNT 3 loomsnml bn cmont , cnr 19tli
-1 and i'outh nvo : JlOppr month. JlcCairuo linn ,
Opposite postolllen , ' 1)77
FOR JCINT riiriilh < * il rooms , with or with
out board 1701 Cupllol nvo. Ull
T710H RKN'T To ifontloman only , nicely fur-
JL' nlsheil trout room at S U coruor 2Utli and
Douglas sts. OJ. :
F'I { ItKNT-S simci n ho brlcl : b iilMlntr on
llowartl si. , IIP ! intli nnd 17th , No 1016 and
IU17. Inqulro tit drug fcloro cor. intli st. W\i \
Foil RUNT A nice , plt'ii'.nnt room , furnl h-
c < dor uulutuiccd. liHjuiru ul 15W Leavun-
worth htrect. < 4U
"ITIOR IMJNT Itooms with tear psirablo for
J-1 summer. Apply at. SU Ql.ades Htitol. Dtil
BII\ : IDIUI : : : AC I ion , $ .01 to
mnsr nc 'ifil > lo , uc > ii\8 and choapcit ncio
pro01 1 lo ho mid. 0. E. .uayno , H W i-ir IMh
mid K.irnam. . 7pjdel :
T7IOH SALE Lot C0\10i ! , loom cottage , bean
J. tllul and olipnp ; . . . . , : ir , ' i
'ourcottwosl,5JJto . . . < XX )
fj is | hi Kii'kwooil . 4U (
Ji tsln lllmcbansh's ni'ddlon , aeies . . . Mm
1 )11 ) In Illiuobii i h . .vl'.ittpion'tf sub . . . 'M )
l.nlt ) in I'attci--on I'laeo . tm
For Kent Tin eo cotlnifps. now , $15 mul $ .10.
II. C , I'altcisou , Uth and farmim. 0 > d < X )
BiiVii : : > iii : : Acre lots , Sr05 lo fOOOoaeli :
most nccos < lblo , noarcit rnl cheapo t.icio
lirojinity to bo bud. 0. U. Jlayno , Sv ror i.'itli
and l''urimm. r SJdel
rj ( LO'lX in West CumhiK iiildltluii , put
w on ale Jloudiiy , . < oUv ) , at liom JJO to
SI.\U , one lontli cnsii , balance ou pasy terms ) . 41
loth.comprlsinjf the orUinal plat of ihh nddition
weroBolihlurlntv thu mo ilhof Auai8t. : Tlio-c
lotsnnwolfi'iedaro vu'i lluo and win go i until *
ly. Calleaily , .McCaa-ne , Opp. 1' . O. B : J 0) )
BrlViuiiJirArTo : : otBoi : to $ ; > m each ;
ino tfNus lllii imaiust mil elipano-t IIPIO
propel ' y lobe luiil , C. Jv..Mii > no , 8V oor Uth
nnd 1't.imm. TIKdol
fjlOUHALn-Onrllno lots In Tnbor I'laco , In
A.1 tOiiialiauillUliu ( , nil ) bo hold at u bur-
SUn lor a shoit tlmo. Urulmni , C'icJt'litnn llll.- .
llitnoI'lve otsln Klrkuomlnt tlOioni-hi J.i" (
'Poifh , balance fll ) per mouth , lloilloixl \
Bni.vinxcui : API-O lots , juw to $ m > onob :
most IIPIO i ib o ncmo&l uiul ulionpo tiicro
. to bu lii'l. ; C. J ; May no , H W ror 1'ith ,
nnl 1 n ihiin.
I71OR.SALI. Now house , 11 looms , ooliairo.U
JLA lots , null , I'opplPlon a\o. , cheap ; f . 'HW.
lloiuo. H lol , .s , I7lh St. , 5-1. Vlil.
House lull lot , t'ewaul st.l,5W.
b-ioom boutu , jj lot , jitli mid Davpupott ,
p 5NU ) ,
HotHO. ! ilotL'lth mid I.ivoupott , { .
IllioiiU'b , 2 lolx , I'opidi-lon > UO. , % > , < ) ' ! > .
lloil'-o , > 'i lot , l'ulr > low , 31.701.
1 l-room IIOUI-P. ISi It , m > ar OIIBJ , fiOO. .
Coiner lot , ttlmu iii , { 'lurk ' , neur liiili , $0,00) ,
' . loom liouto. itith , near Chu K , 1,5 JU.
-.Ill lots' . Omaha view , S.'V ) to $ IXU. )
lulols. .Miiiohadd..i.lUJto ) tlK .
CIS i : , 119K , 15th ,
; . : ) : : : Acrn lots , $ aio to ywj ciu-h ;
most iiwo lbu ! , uoarofci mil chcaiiest acio
irnpoity to bo had. O. K. Mnyiio , H W cor Llib
iiidi'.iin m < Udcl !
y\rr-AT < fIJMIN < J-lKjUiullilf ) addition. t-'J
ii In | 4ii , oiio timili ilown , b alnneu * 1J per
nonlli : on Line , Hirco lilucKs fiinit ( 'umlui ;
itn.-ct depot ; and ohi-upc t piopurtyon thn
mil Ut. .McCa'.Mie , Opp 1'oalollluc. t'JI-iu )
J7tlRSALi-lIalflot | : Iii UimacoinVluco. M7J.
L1 Uiulium , Cii'litUtnu IIIU. l 'l
BILVIOIRI : : : : ACIO loip. wo ) to rwo
moat HpfCfslble , neirc'ht nnd cheapest ncio
n-opi'ily C. K. Jliiyny , U W cor lath
111 raiiuiui. 7EldPl ;
mon S.\Li-ll : msc and lot 2PI S SJtli nt.tchoap
I1 und payincntb. Addrus j O. B. Chipmr.u , l.ln-
uln XtAi. ? 071
nut Hill ou the south , nice lots , tuxldi each ,
-J7"i tof4iO c-rtch , on monthly p.ijiuonta. t\\ \ , ' .
la ) w , S Vf cor I'.ili mid I'lluiuii ) . 7UO !
"J liixu'nn ; : iiraiitltul neroTml half nuro
J loin , lluo location , ! l't mik's lioni I' , O.oulyn
ew miiiiionn walk from Huiisrom I'uik. Acied
IM. Halt litres i.-io , III pni-cout cash , bnluneo
loulhly pnymculti , C. K. Jlii ) no , S. W. cor. 15th
ud Variuuu. 47J
: villJtl5 ; | Aero lotf , f'00 tu
J most itpcoislblo , iiemest nnd ehe.ipcisi nciu
lopeily 10 I o had. C. U. .Mayuc , KV \ cor rth
nit l''arnum.
In IM Spididlil nddt-
Hull will bo put oil billo Miniitay , .Ni.v. ! j ;
limp mid easy terms. McCuputi , Opp l'o t-
IlltC' . Oi'o-IW '
7 oit SALr-ioiotbcx-ui'Mioyifrt ud-Jlilon ,
' fui Una.aKjulio of A. 1' . KU-hola % 471
IrOKSALi- ; IAMltff > pnMlnir & Kuhn > * n
( lldelon. oft t or llc-li Lino. on tnunllilj pa
inputs. ( Irnhntn , CrplifMou Illoek. ; CH
Bnt.VlMH.ltAc lo- . w ) M
ninsl no slblw , noni o > t nn I o ion i 't nt'i
proni'l-iytit hiij. 0. K. MIIJ nO , S W o ir K.l
aid I'liuuilii. , , Wile !
SAI.I : oilitn.vTso neies
. ' , o m-res com 'On ' Uiul now. lunulro S. V
cor. SIM nml Clink C4
"ITVMt < \ ' .f UftnriM * Hi thlrtv tn In San1
A tnjt.V Kuhn's iiibillvislon , nn Dnileo Mren
rnst of Melt Lln > ifSlronll , $ ) ) tb $ I1 ,
monthly ] > n ) moms iy. 'iirnhnui , t'rei tito
lIKck. M 1 - , -
1 ftM. ( Srtihaiti , <
. . .
lno f nccpllilo ( .oaresl nml t'lifi tot IUT
prop My tobohwl. c. 15. Mn > uc. SV cor IM
niul K.miHtii. ' . ( . "ill
JjiousALK t'hc'tp toll on innnihlyirty no it ;
. on Ucnljroslroct. Urrthnni. Ci-emitou bloM
\\fifsr fPMiSi ToTeo itlneks Frniii ?
M Mnt > cliot. | . on ( 'mill is Mreci : lutvo lol !
cn y niyiu nts. solpiiJll mvortup'ii : nn R-I !
m xi week ; cull eailj. ilct'ngiic , opp rosmlllet
| j10H H.VI.K-l'InP lol III Itirllptl'dllililltlOII
X1 flnw. ( Uimnm.CrelitimmUik. CVV
\\rAI.NPT im.L FiinllliPsT ir hft-nVeVo !
> Iton ofllio c tr Morn IIOII Muro luill
tilVnlinil Mill tlurliu" lite | MM miniinor I linn n
nny other pnrt ornnmtin , tin.t iillnlcon in. tin
1'or n Mithtly loo.uloiii iifiirno's to I'o't clopu
mid nli-cct wirs. ui uno of llm principal sirpnt
In tlinct J.SCPVniiiit Hill tin , j UMU $ av
\ orj isny terms. 0. li. Mnyno Till-no
piiviiiui ; : : : Arre ot . fan towo
JJ most HOTIS bciuo.ivtBt , unit u ionpo t ncn
propm y o liti linil. C. JH , Mnynu , SV for l.'tl
mill I'liiuniu , '
Tin K SA Lr-iij .T."k uiicy s. ifti ;
I ? Mrept.
IfioriH-t mi t'nrtnim. ncnr court house ,
I'lilllin.nnviir. , Uiiur riirnniii. ? li ) , n\
11111)01 ) , f-ovlVi iiniH. > f I'lirnntn , tlo'lMblo foi
' . .
" full lotion ftrndot oulh Imtit , corner , in
) oiirolrrtnr ) n ixnii.
ir > n loot on rnrUnxu. , rnU front , running bil :
< >
1'nll lut In lliin rein rind'.oii Cuthorin f > t. ,
I .IM lionl , tl.yi' > .
Hull lot , Irdntlnirini llnnsrniii I'nrl : , $ I"W
TliXion ( iHnjji'.i IIM- , { . * H1 In SI.VX ) .
niot-iiiii Snnnilprs Mifct,4 Mot'ki Irum KiotMi
ritr linn , noith , tn t liiitil. ? ? " > ' fuc.i.
10 lot . S liluolcs irotn inccn car HUP. ? .w3
tinl l ili trcoti , iii'iif } | ii cnllV
1'iiik , till c.nili : CUM pnyiiipiits.
" liillcoiiK r lot , m liloi-'v tniiii it'll car line
nml King Mivrt tolmol Jiouso , t-l.i'M ' ) ciicli. llitr
l-'ull riii-ncr lots , a Hdi'liS fwin icil ear line ,
full Ion. now ( ( iniiiuiilluii'4rooni IIOIKP , cK'
tPI'll. ( MltllOIIM < s Illlll ll'IK't'i. Mllltll 1 1 Ullt , I !
blnoK wcsl nri'nrk an. , 81.VHI ; linnp.
< 'iiiimr lot. fkiurlth : ! alley , one I'lool. Ironi
SI. Mnrv'H , arc . JI.'Ji'i. Tiii lt voiy t'lu'ip.
lloiis-cnnd lit. i u l I null , I'tli nml Ci'ii
J. I ! Hilcj & . Un.StiS. Ittli St.
I > KDKllK-Tlipflnc-t : nnil clii-i i" < t ncir
J > proppilj. C. i ; Miiynr , soli uf u , SV i-oi
15tli mid riuiuiiii , . .l.'dcl
i\is-r : ci'Mi.N t-Tlux-o bloe'ti Jrnm Ilt-ll
' I 'n MU'.df | , on Cuinlntr Mrppt : lur'o lot * ,
i'M < ii piiyino > < . Hplonill I Invos'inpiii : on sulo
IIP : i woi'k : call fin ly. Mcdiji'uO , < inp 1' . O.
DO\l.rK\ | ADDITION AdlolnillT Wit
nut Hill iiii t'li'suillli. uii'o lot.UvlihVnilc ( i ,
S2T. tu $ nilp.iuh , p i inoiiili 11 tynu'ii.M. t' I ! .
Miijno , s Wor liiii nlul I'ainnin. 7,1) ) ol
\ VMl.M'T ' HIM , 'tho llucst i-P-litoni.p poi-
I of llm cllyl M < < ro lintiitM weio built In
Widuiit Mil ! iliiilm. lhupit snmnnir than in nny
ot IPI- purl ot O nil ulcco uis. ton. 1'tir
li H frilly location iipirupw to lli-lt ilopr > * nml
strict ear-on ouJ ofrtiopilncipil s rcct-.n bo
pl-y. HPIWalnut1 Ililrlots , $ ; ou to fftwn. . eiy
oi'.ytorm * . ( . ' 1J. .Miiyue. VJI-30
ONIA .10hits uAiailJ lor liupiovcil ) ) roporty ,
willnssutimrimrltfttirisor pay dKTorciico in
ctifh. 1'nrllC" wIsliluK to trailo bolter call tit
OUCP. W. II. ( lix * n. over 1st Niitiomil Hank. 174
B t nmt pliojipo
pionnly , O. L. ilnj nt'i solo iigcnt SV cor
niul J-ini'im. i , VJ d !
: SAM1 : 'flinty lota Piiit of Hull Line on
monthly pnyiututs. Uruhuui , Croisrhton
llloci. At > t \ KJ3
D < > NiRKiNltAimTION | AiljnlnlnirViU
nut Hill oviiu | ( tuntii nlco lots , ( VJvim Mi"li
S' . ' " ) to 4 IV ) oipli , ou'inimililr p'luiu'ii a 1 ! . C.
31nync , ISV oor 15lli anil 1'urnam. 7 jilol
TTIOIl SAI.i : Pico lotin ICIrkivooil nt $110
JJ c'uuh ; $ ) cash anil J-lOn nioath. Itpilloid&
Sonor. C'J''ilocl
THOU SAM2 Clicnpest linn inslilo proporlyln
JL thn innikol. -ilpiioc ) lots' in Illll-lilo uihl. ,
? T5otoIloo. I'OIUT XfObli. 4W-tl'
BniA-r.DIUtK-TliC'dnpstnnil choipo't ncro
IHIII in ly. C. 1 ! JIi.J IIP , bolo HKcnr.V cor
J.'iili a ill I'm u mi. 'l Jol
t'liolc-o rcsiilcnro lol , : M toot front by 187
Iff t ilcop ( ' "nil MU'i't > . $ ISJ t ) .
Kino ncro In North Oiimliu , -J. '
Two jure lots In ( ! HO'S luld , Piicli SI.W ) .
H imro in r.u It I'liK'o.diiirKiilnl , f tiU ) .
! j lei niul ulKlit-ntom hoiiso iic'iuIlljrli School ,
Tdltoi-'rt aililillon.nt coiner Farnnin
and I.OHO iivcnno , M"x ) to SOJ'J.
Very line propi'in hOiiiliotor , city , In fi-ncro ,
ItViicni , nr ai-iu-ro triieis , phc.ip , per nero ntJUi.
HIlNlilK : idilitlon < rlii'np , W ' to M.'M ,
Two lots. llan&L'oui 1'lttco , ciii'li S"iM.
KB 1'OTlhK it COIHI.
BII.VI : , | IKI : : Tliri1lni."il nnd i > lipnpn t IIPIO
lir ipiirly. 0. i' . Mil ) no , solo mjunt , SV cor
l.'ith aii'l I'm n nil. T.ttlol
p.iyn7i ;
. o. cmtrally locati'd lor piullu-
iilnra. AdUiPssliX. llpoollli-o. ( All
DONiriix AIHMTIOV A j iini s Wui-
iiut IIIU on tlio wiulli , nlco lo k iV .vu Piioli.
$ ; ; , " > ( ofl. . i ou'li , on inontlily oiiyiiionf. tJ , 1 ! .
Mn > IIP , SY cor IGtli fin I ranuini 7uUilol
i 71 OK SALI : rirc lot.i In Klrkwooil nt fim
1 p.ich ; * . 'i cash anil ? U per iiioulh. llcilloul
.V cc n r. . 7Ki ( lcol
"IjlOK KALi-IIy : Hi own & Hawley , Iteal Ki suite
-L AROIIIS , N. W. cor. llth and DmiKlH-t HH. !
fi'iino vciy lioilinhlo lota u"j clMcilins bouses
on I'm mini Dtruut.
Abe , u cottiW ) nnd lot , fflillll , on Ilnrupy
F-tiPot , near business.
'I' o lots and c ttur04 ) on I'limum street ;
frriuloil nud well located lor ro'lilonco.
OnuKciin ot n cottiigo nnil lut , cradoJ , ttcll
locutpil. iiL-nr htn'i'l iiillHiiy ,
AUo many vuluubln lots TiX ( )
- cheuppst aero ;
propeity. U. ' ' Ma > lie , bolo ii eul , 8 iV lor
l-'th and I'm nam. . IJ del
. ; - A two Ftory , 22.vl ) , frmuo bnill fora hloro , Dili mi.l I'.ir
Applyat tltH oillL-o. 'JIT
: < ; KI.V : AI ITION Ad
nut Ilillon thi > south , ul-olots , Ui
s27fito SUDI ach , on monthly pnyiiienls. 0.13.
MIIJIO \\"corrith \ and rarn.un. 7J Mcl
\\T 1:1 : r ) ! / tiTMi Tii7ou Tdodr7i-oin "llj
\ Line depot , on C imlnif Htreot ; hir/o lots ,
may payments splendll liueitmeiit ; on bi
icut w-ec-k ] call early. JtcL'tijrup , cipp 1 * . O .
n w-SIO
BiL\inia.i : : : Tliiillnebt mid chcapost ac < ij
piwir v.y , CI Il.Jlajne , solo iij'oui. HV cor
Ctliimd KiiinaMr u W.Mol
I7IOI ! SALi : IlJrsriqns In lots on Dod-co stroo t
I.101 to fclw oii'Viionthly ' payments Oru
mm , Croltrhlou llloflt. _ _ Itw
IT ALMJT 1111,1-Tlio Iliiost uildeiieo P n-
M Hon nl ili.l ( uD'-lMmu IiuiiH > a were 'iMlIt
n NY I.tut Hillninhifr the past siimmorthi n u
in ) oilier part oKOifiillia , and all tilvooups , , no ,
'urn 11 litlj liVMi ( oil , nuu u usi lo llelt ( In o.
mdb iciul ciui--f/l / oiin of 1.10 principal hti
iithi-cliy , cil'iMaliyut Illll Iots,4.iij0jo
cry o.i y loimbf U.'l ! . Jluyuo 7-Jl- )
171 ou SAl.i ; Lots In llHnsuom Phtce , oiiiit
I fronts , f700 lo tMutisy \ \ touns. Onilniiii ,
; ic ! htoii llluck.C 'U 10j
n'A I.NUT HU.Wihillnojt rosl loiico portiou
it ol'lho clt-.ii , ftiitti lioii'i'a weio built In
Vidutit Mill iltu lii llH1 pa t hiiinuii'r itmii In nny
ilhorpait ul Oiuiiua , and nil nice ciui'n. KM. , For
hlxlitly looition , u < iim. , tu Holt depot und
trcut caia ou ouo of h ' injnclpi ) stiui'ls jf the
Ity. hoe ulnut IlilllDts , * WJ to ttKiJ , Very oa y
i-ims. C. H. Miiyne. WI-W
j o.\ii : siiKiit3 : ; : , A'IIT.XTION r\jr rniTjinT
-J. tlcuhiri ubout licci und chcaii laudg In
riftcin Ncbuiskii mlilros ratturson Jc \Vlilt\
Ivul li.itiito Atft'ilts , Nurlli I'latto , Nt'b. UJJ
: , ' > iitK : Thotlnost nml chcttppFt ucre
3iiVI'l . f , Uluyne , * ole UBcnt , H W cor
> : li nnil ruiiuuu , , Vil'dcl
noi : SALI : ain.MMnt inuciion n. i M. and
MO. 1'iic. nilhuii'lrvIlT' per aciti
icU . ' ' Aur , IDti ; r.uuiini ,
J1OK KALK PhilnrKw , Onk C'liathiuu , flar *
- onilon , Aillujtou. AML8.IJUT ruriiiiiu.
( l -I
iioi : SALI ; inILUIMWUI i'luro , umii lot-on
' ly pimento Auti , 1'ij ; r.unuiu.
> vi.iAcio : pi'Mcitv on .i )
uiJi'thly. ijiiHru-ily o joml/niy n is
' r I-ii "
UJJ A'H ,1
T71 ) l
-I1 n IcfidH I ti-'pt in tinm ii : i > 1 * > i Id tl uro
ftvillms no s nilc-.i onll : wl.l IIP soUer
l rptlrlnir from I in no . Cm
m.iU ! trill Do i ; o
IP Ht ? y i : ' " ' ' " > P Ton In HinitmTl'Mci
minthlyiiij * imu : < > ot , om btr < ir , > nil M
solii. t'ntiiiiiutmm .v HITMMIUI , ( All
IJMmsll.t' p'illln'Ron Lontnnw il'istrpi '
J Jujilno'loirt \ \ iiTOtiuo , oiioip , 0 tnltif
1mm X llrcntmn. Inll Oodsc.
niy * nn R room ho i e ami lot. Cunitln-
.V HUiiiuaU.l.iil
77 ) R Vl.n nr will tt-ji lo lor upro propTij
J. , r > om iioinomid full lot tiit s iRtn rireei
Ciiiiniiunam jc Ilrcumiu , IVI IKvlpe.
" | T ' ) 'iehenuloti In llnvthoin n Ul.
r. ' . , "Ay , P'yuienls. ' Viiuiilugluiin .V llrommn
17101 : s\lr A IIMI pinsn ho'pl In Oimhn
p HI I h MHO. val tu .In lol , evpiy c.invculpiu >
T.I mi Inimcit nip pureiuiier , } < , iK i.t'unninnmiii
< \ Ilieiinun , I i
17" Jit MALIk l'nlltot n-nl two tr iod hoit'ruoi
MP luUisl. , M. Oioi Will tlnde. CuniiniKli.ii
71 lilt \LK-A lot oil t'iv ! avenue , $ IWU. Cull
A ; llicnnnn , loll
1/1 lt > ALi : * Ati flrvruil home nnd lot 01
( ieorjrla aeiiuc. . wlh be Mild i hi flp. Cuinllna
liniu , V llipmmii.nn Doduo.
TJ1 i .s.VLi-r : lean lot * In I'lrtlnvlowi tin 3
l. Mo ral ? . tiiiiinii.riiHiii ! iVllreuniin , lliltind u
3.1 Ull AtiiJ H i-oom aouso nnd minor lot 01
' I'ar.ciivoiiii ino ; > d burn , oto. fl.fln , u bm
i. l'iinuln > Mam.v Itipnuan , I.MI Dodito.
s \ : _ , , , inV. \ . A.'uoJlpkV luiiir MOO
lu'lm n \ HMI mil. tui Ho.lvre.
TH IK sALIJ 2ner ijou Lviuenwoith ft ; i
; U hnii o , $ l.ikio. C.uuiliHiiHin , V llreniinn. 1511
Do UP. _ _ _ _ " _
'IT ! ill SAI.t { > ( i-nur IiitT"liT i'urkor's mU
- < > no bio 'k IIOIH scixiol o ir , $ l.\ijO c'lich. Cnu
A llrtmnin. Ill I
IT ? " s V'1 (1 > ( K' ' hiuso uiul > ncius near the
JL1 cily : will bi-o | , | ,00 jii , o i > ns i : < tlusnt
UUCP Cuu.iliiftlui n.V IliTiinun. Pill Djdt'o.
i Hts.lLi-nlots : ItiHjulh Omnhn .f'Hin foi
till , fiiniiliigliuin Oc Ilioiimiu Uoi1 ri > .
j1l > lf sAlii : lliiii'-i'ii'i ; ! lot corner of 2-'ld nml
- D.ui'iiport sis.ncnr HlHh mnool Imildmir.
2Jli > eton Kiirnnii "I. , . .
HoiiM' and loicornoi-ot Jlst anil Oilcaso Bt3.
( , ' Kh )
llpitulllul lol In Phi in' a U. , $
One lol InSilnirB.ild. > r.iJ.
Thi-pj lots In Shlmis .id mM. , t S''J.IO.
Tuoio.ln , I'lii-iciMatidd -rl.i'no.iali. ' .
rum- lots mV \ ulii n dill nt 5-f.iicau i.
2 lo.sin Dnuh .V Ly nuiniiJd. , ( MIU
I lot in ICIrkwiinilaj I. . ? 1 1 1.
2.1 loci Tat 11.111 si . upii' Jith.
1 Int wltli2liiil'e- > ! r.ii.ium M. S3,70J , n
Al < oalew more ) loN In Snuuders & lllinu *
iilll-irs jiilil.
Till * pi-iipnttyMovhlciitlx'tho oheuppst pio- *
i'1-ty now o Iert-,1 to t'.m punlls prl-es continue al
Irom $ .MO loc'i-'ii pi'l-liu. Mum ily pn j Clients.
A. Saundi is & Co. , 1UI riirmui tf. , Opp.
Pauou. 71J-1
I > RUHR .t \VNis : snli UvTsinn ou Vouth
1 > I lib st. , ' ! bnc' ! < 4 Miitlliol < lriiet ei r I IIP. nice
lois , < i , ioia i , in ) nril ! , ' p.ij niDiit.-i. ( J. JMuviio. ! .
SW cor l.'ilh and I'ain mi. 72-Ulel
lUiCIIItA : MAV r/s K ' .iltvWou on boltli
B 1II..H . Iblou.cs rout ' f r { car lluo.iilou
loi"1. . . . r.ich ; m i uhlj | a atuuts. C. I. Miiyue ,
SV cor 1'ith and I'armim 72bdel
| > \ > f < : : il.t.UVVM : s subdivision ou south
HI h ' . . ; ihl > cM < i "inih of strpeleu- line , in 'u
I ns { , ( nMoli ; mr.ii lily p-.iyinoulii. C.U. M ivi ,
SV eor t'.tn mil rurniun. 12-dl
P VKKKIt MAVXir.S siiblivMonon poith
J > I Ith st , : iblo'ks soin i ot huontpnrll i' . nice
loi'i. f Itoeauii ; inon'M , paymotilj. C. I' . > Iayno ,
8 VT cor 15tu and Fa n l u. 7 8 lol
SI'IXMAL Uiu-salis In Itcal K-litto bv .1. P.
Illro , fill raruam , over I'redorick's II it
Sioro :
llonullful coiner In Vntos& Heed's add. , tOOx
107. 41 At ) ) .
Uo flint lot In Uonl'o's ndd. , ftUlSS , S and R
Iront. 9S5J.
liOMrunllmr on Sauadeia Pt , , l',4 miles from
po-lolllc-p , 40vl2pheiip ) ut el.OtU.
l ) lfiJ\I18 Uino s Tir < t a Id . only f 109.
A line Improve I res dnco propmtj on Charles
M. , on MK m car 11 o worth $ iuUJ ! , can bo
bouiihl tor ilj.f : ) / 1.1011 soon.
J. L II i'i. , Heal KS mo llrokor , 122-J 1'arniun
B . , tor i.itli. 1' . O. llon7H. .
ritR s.\l.i-Hy A. McOuvoclc,15C3 rnrnnm st.
X1 ] | oniii7 , cdlelt Illock.
O-room lion-.1 , lot 51'Sxt.U ' , D.ivonport St. , bet.
2-.W and 21th , $ U.m
: i-rnoiu house , lot 41YI10 I'uclllc St. , ncnr 2Cith ,
ilKooilhnu&cs , tout tor S > 0 per month , lot 50x
144 , Ninth Kill , near Lea vonworiiMfiOO. !
i-i-oom lionso , every convenience , lut O0.\109 ,
1'opploton nve. , npnr2"ith , $ : liXKl.
7-ioom lioiibo , rroml burn nnd every modern
poinonleneo. lotSOvinj. ( ieorela n\e. . f."i,00i ) .
Now rf-room lionso , lot Iotvl23 ) , 1'oppletou nve.
oar2JlSIM : ) .
Now 5 loom house , oily water , clstcin , lot 80v
140 , 1'llleeuth near Center , S.,7fiJ.
( iood liiriro house , lot COvlCJ , on I'iercc Et ,
iiuiirSiil. SI.IU ) .
Impi-ovoU stock farm In Siupyconn
ty. A bai-Kiilu.
linpres with lioiio and otnor improvements
West Oinnhii. S-H.OiH ) .
Nlcs'ly located lot on Vlrulnln ave , , near l"op-
pli'ton , riOxir , ) . $1,100.
Lots In Ilnii ctim Place , Credit Vonclcr-
K'oiint'O'B . ICount/o .V Kiith'Ituwei } Hill ,
Park I'laee. Itodlok'H. Blilills 2d. l ) laht & Ly ,
miiu't. . Kit-wood , Plalnvlow additions.
M A. Jlcf ! AVOCU , 1503 Tin nnm.
BLL\ii : > iRt : : Thollncst and choiippitnpro
propmlj. C. K. Mayne , sole ajjeuU 8 W cor
d rarnam.
FOR SALi : Hot O ) ft frontiiiro on Sliermiin
ao. . , noi Hi iii Nicholas. Very desirable rosl *
dPiicppioperty ; f . ' , TjO.
1 lot ill ) It lioni on 17th-st uorlh ol' Nlcholivs
Dcslrablonnldoneo piiperly ) ; Jl.BiJ. I
Corner lot on 2.M and Iturt-sts. Mvl'll. Gnu
bou-.pd cither for bnsliie > or roldenco pur-
loses , but puuullarly iidaplod lor u tononioul
{ ilork ; iJl.rjHl. Supplied with water , iras and
tiuiltaij hewer ,
1 lot on Leaven \vorth-st ndjaoont to rallw.iy '
trunk , S'ixliU , forwnrclwiuau purpo os ; P.I.7.V )
Niuolots ouboutl > lUtli-bt,2 ; > toot front ; fl/JOJ
The most dcslrablo lot In Campbell'1) ) addition ,
eornerof 20lh and Outer-Ms , fiUxl'i ) feet ; f ) " > ) .
Ono IIQIHO of nlno rooms , and lot , on south Ulh-
Rl.UPUrCliniles.lor SIh > J.
iu | iilioof lll'OII MIJIII'IIV.
101 Dec. 1 No , 1W rarnaiii-tt , , ! ! d Hour ,
FOR SALi : Nowporl , nonrcst , nii'l ' best ncio
lots lor t 10 inuniT. An ncro lot iniikos r >
L-lly lots ! . Acroa or hull aeros In N'owpori : Pii y
leimv. AMIS : , 1MJ7 rarnam ,
FOR .SALi : A ncnural iiiPreliandiso liu Iiu < s
In n rapidly vroH Inn KIWII not Lir trom Lin-
rain , llust iradu mid locution In town. A fcplcn-
illd opiiorluniiy for n party wishlnr a twod
: ipoiiln , and havlnir from covi'i.lolcii Iliouti itid
Jollars In c'.isli. Will tell for uuli only , or part
. : Hi , bnhuieu etiato In Omaha. Address
MiTchaut HeoOlllco. B-i5
TTiOR SALK-fjJH III Afoliose Hill , ou Ho
J Line , at SU'I J tu fJ ) ) pur lot ; 10 pur ten
Jonn : balance montldy , finutoily | orye.uly.
H.'J AMUS. 1607 Parnnin.
WA TTMlTTf rLL-7fiIelTucit i oHldoueo porl ItiTi
ol'lho oily , ilnro hou js wo bill c In
iValmit II II clurhit ? the pan minmo' ' man In
my oltinr pai t of Omahuiind all 11. 1 UIIOH , mo.
I'oru if illy location , IIPIIIIIUSS to Holt ilcput
or cars , on ono or itio prlmOal siruotH
ntlieelty , tco'n \ > niit Hill lots , t'OJ lo ( a > p.
I'ery easy lerms. O 13. ilnyno. 73I-'W
niLVKIil : > ; ili : Tiollnestaul chcapeat acru
pi-opoiljr. 0 K. .Mayne , bolo ut'ont , S Vf eor
'till and I'lu-iuiin. 7.1.'ol ' '
I .1011 hALlT-IotM In SnaldhiB k ICuTurs'sub-1 i
1 dli Hon , east of Holt Line , on monthly pay * i
nouts , ( } rahamCicUhlou Illot-k , ' . 'Ji
I/iOR fALI5-n-f-tory brick block-Tl-fooT front !
. by lit ! feet ilcep , routs lor Sl.ownjour.
> WfA , J , W , 11. Ortnm , Uih nml Kunitim. IDS
ri OKSALi ; I'mo c'ottao , 7 moms with all
1 modum fouvonh'iiuoj , burn , lot i > ) \l 12 teet
m raiiiam bt. ciibl of 2ltli , tiVJJU. W.1I. Urenn ,
'Jtli and rarnnm. 101
j OK SALU-Hy W. 0. ShrlVOr.
ulllotf.itlnio4 loomson iBthand Paul
JtU , . a birHilu : . % HflO )
nil lut , i-otta o I looino.I'iviipuct I'luco. . 1'j'ti
't II lot iTiita o U i ooai ' .cor Ucoi-j-ni nvo
und Uai.wiilhHi . 4'iOO
ml Igl.cottii u 4 inoiiH.cor Pat loknvu
ulcarllne , &lie ) n i balon Hum . l,4U )
9u 'ioi > i iar blooit yuida , t > cr ucr. ) . . . . 10U
ij urn' ' j neur block j lints , per uuro . . . . 100
or 10 n no Ms 4 m h' MOIII r. o.ou mil
Itmj rpiKl , i-fiiii hlmlniioootjor'ipfoi-o '
4ilorrt > oai-s , pornoro . , I'-Ti
ijuil lot ou ( jcnr.'ia avu I'ojiplitju
\\ciinti \ . . . . 1,00) )
: V'L&t on Vlrs-luluuvn.cii-t front . . . 4.7UJ
"M : iou liiiriuiy rt noiir lUtli . bfln
! x\D \ DII Howiird neiirl'th . . . . , It/ill
ixltion 10th near lluraov . IJi'U '
a. Rirh or , Opp 1' . t > .
3iVi.irui.KK The ilniwt nnd chcnposi O
J tnotmrly t' . 13. Mfiyiic. w > lu ugoui , H IV coi-
ilh and Karnniu. TJ-dul
jini ! k M.iAcre , " t finJO ir-ciir prrty , J.
- V M.tiBiiall 10"Uliinium. 1 17
o \ Ti'nn i x'H" * tiiU'i'T n/M'nr1
The Oourso of tlio WLoat Murkot Rtii
Mluof Ornin < t nml rtovinlotmVltliot
ri niirc-Tlib < 'jilllo Mufkft Dull
AVIth n < iuln IVir tlio Week
Cinovoo , ISneelixl tothu Hr.B.- )
\\lieat"rematkeil n gentleman on Vicing
to-day , who does notcotiiine himself to tin
ruvtlenl spot-illation , "hail Inokeii off S or 4
luusiimlo tiny , 1 should say noMllvelv w
would Imvo n ivn < Hion , nnd that tlio iti | tttr
onto established might possibly conllnn
for n few days , but now I tee no hope ot an >
tliltiKUf tlio kind. Tlio decline 1m beei
nnd Is now so Meaily that there srenn n
hope of jmlllnnlho tnnikul tu . Tlioheav ;
weights have all cither let BO of It or nro Ret
tlnjront. The market la irninclo nleoes fo
want of nmteilnl Interests to bind It totrethi'i '
With the .May option nt We.vmt will soon se
It In the NV's. It was n hour , but by IK
means the bltrfcost beat nn the lloor , win
( itivo ntteratieo lo I ho nbo\o etpiiHslnti' * , Th
conservative heads aio uotlliK to reali/.o tha
"wind" will m > t Ueeji the \lslble Ineivaso un
tlersomelhliij , ' nenr n l.WiMH ) ) n week , no
HtvuMit stoeki all around Clilento fnnn | > Iuk
ltitU ( atnn nlai mini ; into. I'rom thowij
IxMlnnini : this monilni ; theeiowd thonghi
jiootly of uiiat ( 'nib traders maltlni ? " r
market ol s.1' f tlmuili ; It oiienetl olllplaliy ki
hklierthan t.n.s tor .Innuary. whleh has be
eomo llm lauirito luluiv. All day tlioetowt
weie sellers rather than hujoi-i , the uisl sale1
belli } ; nt the highest liirtne.o )
the day. The depllno wns abntit Ic
nnd Induced a tci'llHK In the breast-
of that ininnrlty , who may he classed as "on
thMence , " lint who nt the SHIIIO Mine seem tr
hold the "lulaupeof power,1' nud not niv
lieiiuently make tlio mirkel ( o suit thorn
M'Hes or tlie IntoieMs limy lepiesonl. The
i'onrt.0. ns obset\iil was aluuist bteadllj
downwaul , > 1aliuusilllntr : hlowly nl IsVc
by noon. Siowlv , uwatise even nt this ligtnt
theie weie lew. If any , htijers. The imjiivs.
slon wni general tlmt thetoeie no heavv
\\eiilils ninlpr the inaiket , and nothing to
Inin ithimt unj hlirher ( itlees. I'lihlie eablp >
\NCie ! Hat and iiea\y , thoiuh nut maleiiall >
lower. 1'iiMite cableii.ilnted the tiueiitii
situation < icry hlnc , reimilliis-nodemaiul lot
wheat nt uny juice. The Viilumeoi lo-dijV
trade was small timl Iherlosu lustry nt Ihc
net dei'linn noted , buying nraliiijj Ihr
ix-i-ii\eiy in , lauu.u.tiom . M e to l e.
Aiuoiii ? the minor Drains oals wen * proha-
lilj iiieMioiu'c t. May * -pIllinr up tiotn ) ! l'rt '
tool'Mi1 ' , but MIIM | > iiu'iitly itKiti/the liaetii.n.
A pielt.x .sead | > lecliu'ran tliriui ! ; ! ) euro and
also provisions , tlu.iuli theiv was an nbsunec
ol lentures In both these pits.
CHICAGO , Xov.1tsiieclnl to the Hr.n.1
CATn.i : . Theo ) were only about " > OJ natives
ninoin ; the tresh leeelpts , and they sold at
about fotmer prices , u few good making 3. > .00
@ \in , niul a load or so of prlino making $ > . * >
( it There were IDS loads of Texnns ,
largely cows nnd mlved , timoni ? thu livsh nr-
livalM , and they weie .sold out to eanni'is at
about tormor iirloei , namely , S-j..VJi.i.M ( ) for
cows and iiiKed , and . - . ( ) 'l..5 lor stppis ,
Tlieie was lilt e or imlliiii- ; done In hiilehei t
tiicl ; on account ot theMiiall , ' , iiipl | > . ijloi-ker
und 1 coder trade remains Meadx. Taken
nltojjother , tlu'ie was littio or no clianio ns
compnivd with Kiidny. and the market for
the week closes ubinii 10 1 V < lower than on
Thursday , jet it is vi > ( ij > JUc hlKhcr
than ti week nio to-dav. Shliipliiir
steers , lav ) to iw ) ) Ibs , S5.i ( ) ) ) . 's.120) ; ) to 1:510 :
Itw , si.twi.w ; ovj to I'-ioj ibs , 3.70ait.r. : : ( ' ) .
Tlnoimh Texas ealtlo.nclive and steady ; 7a
pare sold.TO ; to lO.UllH , S .oiV'f ) I.7i ) ; 7oO to
IMO Ib , ? AlK ) 3.30 ; UUJ to .00 Ibs 82.11) )
lions Tindoopened active with n slight
ndvauco o.i lic-h leeoipls uiul on thu oidi-
iiaryinnof inekln ; ; viits nud at the close
thojio is weru well eleaiod , fewer teiuainiii ! ?
tin o d than loranySalitidii.-tho past in mtli.
I'riine paekiiiK sorts s dii at SI.70 to $ : ' .V0 ,
nndrimo ] ) h nvy nl S : > .M ) to : > , with liaht
nt vf..0 ? : to 5 : ! . . 5 , uiul pijs ut gt. ; 10 to.5J. : ! .
lioiiKh and mixed. # : ) .tViJI.)0. ) I'aokinjj and
aliipiliij ; , 'MJ toHO Ibs , S J. iOil J.i'O. '
' Ncxv Vork , Nov. 2iJfoKKY Money
on rail , o isy at iJC't. i > er cent.
Poi'.tnaK nxciiAxon BILLS Si.S'ii ; do-
niniid , sl > " > .
( lOVKIISJIKXTS Dull bill StlOllfT ,
SrocKfi lullne- ) , aceomiunletl by n
stiotig undeitone , was the prevailing feature
to-day in tlie stock m.uket. The iiioie active
stocks show advancer , tlii.s ovenlni ; of Jg' to
y , per cent , wiili eNcepiional gains of l to 1) ) * ,
per edit.
SJteont boiuts. . . 1 < ) . ! : . < C. ite-N. W
I f. S. l lf . lii : ' „ jrefenvil. . . V.6
Now-l's . 1'il X. V. C . un
" 01. 12 > ' < ; ( HxjKon Tnm. . .
L'cntnil I'aeilic. . in's ' I'aellic ilull CO.V
U.&A las ,1' , . . 1) . .VK 2- . ' :
jiieferred. . . . ISO ll'.l'.c 133'J
a , a iVi ( 131 UJock Island. . . . 1'JI
ix. L.V \ i2oy st. i > . .t s. r. . . . 2
' ' " ' ' ' ' ' "
bli'Ie. . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2.1J , C. , M.l&St.'r. . 01V
piefened . . . ft ! i ' piofuned. . . lid
Illinois Ontuil. . IHT-i'st. I1. A-O -li
I..H.i\\\ ' 24 piefeired. . . - "
ilcToxaa. ! > Hj Texas 1'aeiiiv. . .
W Union I'.iciilc. . .
L. iVN WV. . , St. Iicl' * . .
Mleh. Centtnl. . . . 77 nioferred. . . 21'A '
Mo. 1'aciiie lOI'-J UVstein Union. 77 , '
S'oithern 1'ae.M'A O. K.&N 1/J
lueterrcil. . . .
Ohlcuno , Nov. SS.-Klour ifatket dull
nut neiriecled ; sou hprliiK , frii.TU
tlinmxola bikers , ! > V > O.JI..V ) : patout.s ,
ifi'i \Vl9consln tf 1.0. < ; .Mlcld 'an ,
\Vhpat-\Vealc , unscttleil nnd nervous ;
'iik'tl I'idAl' ' c lower , and closed ! ' , ( ' iinilni
veMtuniiiy ; 6-fijtjr } { Wc lor push : wi-fc lor
yjvciulK'r ; bl'.c ' lor Decombur ;
or .lanuaiy , bjo for I'ebiuary ;
or May.
Coin iloilcratply netlvennd weak , closing
Co under yciteidny , oxwjil lor deteiiodfu-
uri's , which aio nbont uiiclmiti.rrillie ; tor
ash ; -llvj I ! ' < ; for .Voieiuhcrlo' ; ' o lor Do
eiiilioiIt ; ) "W.p lor the year ; JJJ tjJ'iIKo lot
niinaiy ; ii'i'u/j.nyofor ' ' Miiy.
Onlb-rKalilv net I vn nnd Him ; IWi ? .
\\'Awn \ \ ! 'SJ r iS'ie torcneh ; asjjVs-ior Nnvoui-
tw.'c ' lor Dwmljci'Sice ; lor January ;
' .
Ityo Knsy at (11" ( .
Jlailoy gnlot nt ( J.V.
Timothy -Weak ; | irlmc , Sl.Ol l.OI.
FlnNceeil Dull nnd easy : No. 1 , 81.11.
I'oik Iiii'gnlnr-nnil mniler.itelv netlxo ; ml *
niipeil ft'jiilOo duly , but later ifecliiitd ft ®
! < e nnd closed Me.uly ; lor < iish :
s.o. i.M lor November nnd Di-cember ;
D.b-J'j''S'J.ti'i ' . tor ; M > .V' > &VJ1)4 ) for
Vbrmuy : Sto.w : ? r. io.3 : ! I'm Miiy.
l aril l-.ilily nemo nnd hte.idy , eloslnjc
luiit ) iiuehaiiL'od ; eHOVi ? I.U7K for cash ,
rovoinbcr nml Di--eiuber : sjil.l'Jj 'wi.15 lor ; $ Vi > < i > i.'iy { lor Tebiuaty ; SO.iOu ! (
Jlulk .Moat.s-Slionlder-1. f.703',7.'i : : ! ; ehcul
' 0.1 r. SS.l-WVJO : Mtort ilht. Sl.WJrfUW.
\Vhlbky Nominally nncliniiKod at61.l. ' .
Hnller Htttntly and unchanged ; piiid to
inny eieaiut-ry , Vu.Mafood \ ( o rliuicu daily ,
Quli't ' : choice full cVftnin eheddan
, ,
n ; call nkltis , l c.
Tillow--No. J totinlry , 5v ,
lour , libla . yiov : )
'IllMl.bU . . . . . . lOr.OW 17.WJ
inn , ou . I. . . . 'Jii.ixX ) 21M.OX ) . . , , . , IH.O'X ' ) . ' , "
ve.lm . . . . . 11 , ( " 4tx
Ulh-V.bll . . . . . bl.OOU 4S.OOU
Ht. Ijoiiln , Nov. m.-\ \ Wt'Mc and
W'ci' : too lor i-iuli , .N'ovemour nnd Docniu-
ir ; WJflofoi'.Inniuoj&J.ujror Ma/ .
Corn honor ; mxo I"1 ' wh ; ! } < " ' ' " '
Hxomber ; ! * UV | for ywu i - > y < ' tor January ;
Ko hid tor May.
Oals .steady ; 27S ( ! for nisli ; ' ! 7f bid lor
rtv.'iubcr , Dta'iubvr und thu t , u ; ) ' ' < bid
r M.iy.
live -NecloPted.
1'oik-Dullnt ? IUX ) .
Lnnl Dull ; notniii illy s
Hutler UncliaiiiTc'd.
Toloilo , Nov. sw Slcntlj cisli ,
( oin SttMdv ; w40 \ ? .
Ont8-K.i lef ; May , s : > fe.
Knnsns Ollv. NiVi ) S * . Wlionll.owor ;
cash , iiii e ; Mnv ,
, .
O.iN Noinlnal.
l.tvoi'iiooi , Nov. OS. Wheat Holders
citfer frcviy ; new No. a winter and t riiiR ,
Js 2d.
Coin uolttnrq offer lively ; < 1nll ; Is fit , j
lor spot. November nnd December ; - IsId
for .limitary.
.Now Vot-k , Nov" . UrcelpH
liWO ; evports f\0i > 0 ; spot lowei : options
uicnctl | sle.ulj and ploM'd lio. \ > ; nnit ! < iil < 'il
ivil. H-i'rfv. , c : No.'j ml , n ? 4o niloat : Do
cembei , rloMiiKiil , .
Com Siiol steady and faltly nclHe.optlon.-i
clo-iltiftn Miitdo lower ; iincrhiled. fit ) . i'
No. 8. . > ' > ( ij ) , > ' 4e In elevator ;
at M\e.
- ( ) i ) ; mixed \\osloin , .ivn Vhllc. : . . :
reti-oleiim Kinn ; united elosed nt l' ' . '
KIJCS 1'inn ; we.siomat s ! < Vif > ! 7c.
1'oik riim ; JIHVS da ihy'H''J.'i. '
hnrd Lower ; \\cdtetn \ Moaiu ttpot , 6
HnVloi-rinni r for line slorfc ;
-Dull ; woMcrn lint nt
Milwaukee , Nov. as. Wltfnt - WaK
1i,8. ' , c : May , W\'e.
Corn Dull ; Attl' c.
Onls Him ; At 2 - . ,
Uvo-Dull : Al ( He
H.uley-WiMl ; ; Al r 7' ' e.
! ' . IsloiH Mo s poik , cash old ,
now. SU.M ) .
Cliiolninitl , N'oV.'XsVheal l.owor SM.
J ted , viliiClw.
Com No. : , mixed , nnw , ! VMri7o. :
Oata Kaslcr : No. 'J mixed , siMi W < * c.
Harley No. Ulall , Pi'c. '
Pork At SIO.OJ.
I. nnl At yiMKi.
Wlil.skAt bl.Ot" " .
MliinrnpolN , Nov. 2 ? . Wlienl Aclixi
nnil a shade tower ; o. I haid. cash , bV : le )
pcniber , sT c.
I'liuir littli't : mills ate Idle ; nMoiils 1.7- '
it0 ) : bakei s. p i. .v i/i / i oj.
Koeelpts Wit -at , 71,01) ) : ilnur , WU.
Sluiiments WlH-al , 2\tiM ( ; Hour , 6,1)0) ) ) .
lil\'K STOOlt.
n , Nov. 2i Thu Drovers' Join Hal
lepoits :
Iluzs-Hppplpts,2.\nl0 : shonj-nnd Be Idulier ;
oiu'h and iiiKed , 5' ! . ' . " > ' ' . .70 ; iiacklni ; and
' . ' . 1 .
Shei'ii lieceipts. fill ) ; sleailv ; 'ii.dHos
= joii.0 ! ;"i"iW : > ; To.\an . 1.7 ,
( < t".wlambs \ , sii. . ' , ! ) | .ro.
iit.r/onls. Nov. m. Ontllo HiveinK 10. )
liiptui'ins. SKI ; supply small , no in.nKel.
bheep-Hei'i-ijits AIM ; hhlnmcuts , 2,100.
cotruion lochoico J.OO if : ji\
. Olty , Nov. 'M. Oattlo tJeceiuls ,
I , ( " ! ) ; sliipuiuuts , none ; nuiet ; e\iiniieis ,
? . " i > "iif.V "i ; eominou lo choleo. ° l iiv/iMxl *
stool. ers and feeilers , SU.b'J ' ncows : - ; ,
Hojs Kerelpts ] ! 1,000 ; Rldpnieutst.OOO ;
ill 111 and iiehvo ; need toehoiee henvj , fe3.Wi fi
j ; % ; llu'ht nml mlMsl , $ : MOx < .i.50.
Sheep lifoipts , bK ) ; Miipnietits none ;
common to good , JJLWci ' 00.
Salnrd ty Kveiiltti ; , Nov. 23.
Tlio dPtnund foi calliu w.isin > nuall to
day. Theii is but littio stofk In the yards ;
tlieie are a lew leeder.s in but no Irn.uus.
The iio intirket was active iind'nlthouili ;
ea't-iii niUii'pindicati'il n dei'line of 20c. ,
the demand was snllli'lentto Iceepinlees ni ) .
Local paekini ; liou--es ure till rcpitiseuted in
thu maikel by their bn.\cn > , nnu few , if any
hois , HIM beins bunalit lor hhipiuenl esisl ;
for tliatieasou the Omaha imiikel is not irov-
t'rtied losuphaii cttcnt by lustein inaikets
as might bo expected.
Hogs . 1,709
No. Av I'l. Av. lr.
r. ) mo ; ; .m
.Vo. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
U'JV fi7. . . . : KK $ u.7ii : !
( V ! fi7. . . . ! M5 3.10
.V ! TO. . . . JIB a 10
IH r/i. . .
Tit 3.40
OS : % . . ! n w. . . .
' ' ' " : : . : ! } Co. . . .
.11) ) . ! . . . ' JKK )
03 : : 'ki wjiii ! ! 1.50
or 1'incns ron nee .
Thn innifo of prlciiH for rouKh
and hhlpjniii ; nnd light
. 'iClKhi lions fof se\on ilayii * is bhown below :
iiuor ) I ! ' . ' . "u"r ! ' tl vy. " | " . .Lihf
llxo I.
: .i ) ,
air/y. 1.4.1
I'liiirs lay
'iJcl T M
r AND i.o\visr. :
. llu ) Iti lii'Hl niul Irjuest jijlccs pnld
in this iiiiiilii > t lor lin s diiilni , ' the past
iliiyfi , mid lor HID conc jioiulliij ; tlnio
inniiiii :
October. | Novombor.
iat unlay
ilomlay a. 17 ( :1. : 10
'ilday : : .io ( < ' < : : .40
luturdny . " .10 ; ur
Iliu itiinibcrof 11 op * bitt ) ht by local
on Iliu Uiuaha maiket iltuing the
lay :
. K. lloyd 1195 - >
! eo. II. llniiimoiiil it Co
i T. Slow ail 175
Imrls.V ; KlUier m
Note All sale-j ofulock In tlih mnrkot nto
lade per cwt. live witiuht , nnlivvt otherwise
Lalcd , Dead luus sell nt lo nor Ib. lorall
eJ hb. "HKIns , " or lioiH { wuiKiiliu k'Hi than
jo Ib.s. , no vnlue. IVe0'naiit wnvs nio ilockod
.Vjirkot Itoviom
The lU'oduco 1.elliavo lieon coinpar *
tl\ely nteady tmnst ! ] week.VhlIuall klud.s
I'juDiliico havi ) been In fair demnml , there
is hucii no unusual niilvlty manifested In
lyonullne. 'i'hoeg iimrket Is collet , the
juiitiul and sui > | ily buliig * o ncnily eounl ns
i ktv ) > tlio prlco the gamu. The same thing
ay IJD .wild of butter this week , ns well ns
btwcek ; thodeiuiuid is blow and there Is
) tuHK'li sale lor butler of any ( trade. A
r , ' quantity of very | toorltitter Is comlni ;
i , which , as n lido , lituH Its wny into the
iiuliot Ihu ( inekera. AH la ! onThankti-
vitiii week , the | xniltry maikct wan very
live , .Shippers coiniuunued M'ndlni ' ; In
elr cniislKiiments HID 111 at o { thu week , and
a jiotilliy c/iiiilinti'd / to pour In until
! ianksvTnir ! tuoiiilii , ' , U'hlJo the demand
rtmko.vri wasuood , ami nil coiisiimL.it3 | ( ; |
ji ; iid stock we u KMilllj iiisuised | of , there
ID , littio or no deimind for chickens. The
inn weather would not ulow | of dressed
ip.keim ticliiu' held over nny luiwth of tlmo.
ul catiiiai.siilou nnii : wmu eoiupelled to bell
eanln\eiy low ( l''iuo or to o theiu en-
ely. 11 liaipens ) year niter year thai shin-
rH mo warned by cniiimUslon iituu not ton
' - Thnnk.s/lvliu , but In
nin'ii rlilcL-eiis for / ;
id * 01 llm m'ulpu of ehlokmm uro
r.'ci nt that timu Huin dur'nu' any oilier
ison ol thu ji'iir. Tim ri'i-elptii of ( 'amu ,
li.lo not lai 'e , have incic.iM-d to t-omo VK-
it In thu j'ist lew dayn. There iippcarH to
it ti ml ii' union ; ; lil | > iien > to huKl l AcU