Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1885, Image 1

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lacbatspolis Eisped in Xoirning in Mem
017 of Her Honored Chtiien ,
The Preparation * Moilc Tor the Tun
era ! Scene * in niul About tlie
If onse Action of the lr * l-
Ocnt end tlic Cabinet.
Tlic Dead Vice
lM lA.XAI'Ol-ls , N IV. 'Ji. All
incs here aie covered v , ith emblems of mourn
ine and flags aie displayed ! t half mast a )
ovtrthe city. The citizens me doing every
thing to tnaVe the obiciuies ol the vice pres
ident uppropriatc and fitting.
Phy.-lcians have ordered that Mrs , Hen
dricks see no one except on an emergency
She Is almojt pro-itrated Irom rriel and ex
haustlon. Tlic house was close-d latt even
ing lo all vititorf , but this morning the corrl
dors neie fdleJ with syuipathlzln ;
Iriends R. A. Parks , of Chicagt
the sculptor , a 'lsteil by H. Muellci
of this dty , and F. B. Gessner , of Cincinnati
took a plaster cast of Mi. Hendilclis * face
but itwas not altogether satisfactoiy and a
Mrs Hen di ! cits' smrire-tion another will b
taken to-morrow Irom which Parks wil
make marble bust ,
A force or men ate encaped In building i
inaihle vault on the Heudricks lot at Crowi
Hill cemetery and it will be finished tonight
There has been no chance In the funeral at
ranpements , and the funeral will tak <
place Tuesday at noon , the bed ;
lying in state all day Monday at the cow
house All rooms in the principal hotel !
lia\obfen eupacfd b.v distinguished ctiesti
from abroad. Thesenatoiial party andothe :
Jcpiesentativcs of the government will anivt
from Washlncton Monday night. Senate ]
springer , chairman of the reception commit
tee , sayhe receives ! no authentic informa
tlon on the subject , but he is inclined t (
think President Cleveland will not be able te
( mine.
At a meeting of the various political orcan
izalions this morninir , appropriate tribute's ol
icspeict were adopted , and e-ommittees weit
appointed to nrranire for participation
in the funeial. The i lH > earcis al
the luncral weie selected by the committee
this morning with Mis. Hendricks' appioval
They me Governor Isaac P. Gray , ex-Govei-
not X G. Porter , Hon. W. A. Woods. Juelne
of the United States court ; Hon. Johl Me-
Master , nmvor of Indianapolis ; Aquilln
Jones , David Maicy and Judge Fiedencli
Band , all of this city.
At Hendricks' residence this alleirnoon
and evening a curious crowd continued
about the entrance , and the pallors we-it
filled with callers. For the tirst time since
her husband's death , Mrs. Hendricks' came
down stalls lo dinner this evenlni' . and
talked cjuietlyand compo > eid with her relative
tivehavinc recovered somewhat from the
prostration of this moruiue. She icce'lved
rather a length } letter fioarMiss Cleveland ,
sister of the piesident , but on account of its
personal chararte-r. she declined to iriv e it w
tlie press. Just before daik Bishop Knicker-
bocKoi. of the Kpiscopal church called , and
with Mi * . Uendiieks went intotiic darkened
chamlK-r , wheie the body was lAgueh dis-
cernablc , and prayed fervently and emnestly.
To her Irlendij she gave a loviiift iic-
couut of her husband's last hours ,
what he was doini : nnd what he said
about ordinarv allairs , there not beinir any
aj > jirelicnsion on the part of either ot the
Miekteu futal tennraation ol his illness.
When Ivlng on the bed , only a few liouis
beloic Ills death , he read several papers.
Only a few hours hefoielil death , lie read a
fewjiajiersand alow chapters in the "Lazarus
of Coiidon. " in which he apj > eaied much In-
tcit"-ten , and discussed with hei Uie book nnd
the elispatches in the papers. He wanted to
lie at work answering letters to personal
friends , but she urired that he should
qtnt'i in accordance" the physician's iu-
Mructtons. She talked calmly of these
thing-i. but when she attempted to
tell how , aflei leaving him cheerful
anil almo = t fiee from pain foi
a few minutes she i eturned to nnd him cold
In death she bmke down completely and vv cpl
almost hystcriiyilly. Tlie ladles who wci
with her could administer no couilort , but
after a time she grew calm again and ex
pressed her appreciation of the kindness ol
her friends and neighbors and the citizens
generally , who lelleved her of o much caie
and anxiety in matters pe-rtainlni : to the
luneral. To-night the house was closed and
visitors excluded , the lamilv of her brother ,
S. W. Monran , and her niocei lemaiuhig with
hei. Ab dmkness came on the curious crowd
on the&tieet in front of the residence dis
persed , and nobody was left but the uni
formed sentry v ho pacenl solemnly up and
down before the entrane-e. The body eif tht
vice piesldeut Mill remains In the f rout pailor
chamtiernp stalw , which is darkened and
The cast taken of tlie face this morning
was not wtiFfaciory , and aui > ther will be
taken to-morrow jus | befoie' the body Is put
In the coffin , and with this es.tia precautions
and caie will be taken.
The city 1m now put on the ensign of
nioiirniiii : . IViblic buildings are covered
w ith black , and above them all lire flags at
half masu Hundreds of business houses and
residences aie likewise dipped , and it is a
noticeable fact that in the portions. of the city
w here the humble homes ot the vv orking people
ple aie , in almost even- one of them there is
u picture ot the vice president , Ktirroumlod
by crape ot snme other emblems ot sorrow
and re-pecC This is by no means conven
tional , fur it indicates better than anything
else could the ctrone hold llendrieks had on
the affection of Unpeople of nil cla.-ses and
conditions. Unlike many public men , he
was easily approacbabl . and listened kindl }
and attentively to tlio complaints and le-
questsof ever } body ,
An ail of gt'nej-al depression hangs over
tlie city. But liltta Is being done in buslnms ,
and while the public oHice-s are all e > jHii , Oirti
uifairscienot w-elvini ; jiartlcular aticntlou
Ncai ! } all the societies in thecltj soctet ,
fratenial. mania I , religion * and benevole < nt
have held c-pecir.1 mevtings , at which thcro
nave been expiti-slons ot theii tcdlucb In the
form of resolutions and memorials. Mes
sages of t'ondolenee continue * to come by the
heorelrowall paitsof the countrj' . Among
thoncUed this afternoon was the lollovv-
tiur :
l iirMOKT. Ohio , Nov. 27.- Senator Hani-
sou-Plea tender to Mrs Heudricks the
tiKUtfel ! sympathy ot Mrh. Hayis , and my
self in bet BTT.U son-ovv. IL B. Hvi s ,
Mr , Hayes also fna private ) telegram
statintiiat he vvould attend the lunrral.
Uovi-ruor ( Jray to-dny jecelved the lollov.-
ing :
As a tribute of re ncct from ills native stale
1 propoM'to attend tlie luneral of Vice ) Piesl-
dcut HendricUs , arcouipaniwl by inv stall.
I'Jeaie notltv the proper committees. *
Gioue.n : HoAtii.v.
( iovcrnorof Uhlo.
Js-Pi-esldent Arthur wilt atU'nd the obsev
ijnicj if heeain get away from his buslne-ei.
Immense crowds are existed hern Monday
end Tuesday , All the railro.ids w ill inn ex-
cur lon trains. Nearly all the rooms at tlie
hotels have nlteitdy iKfii enoiged by telc-
graph. Hon. O. IS. Hind , Uiaiimau ol the
committee of lUTanseiuents , ihl afternoon
issued tlie following ;
lM.iUKA.roi f. Nov. OT. To whom it may
concciii : A cordial invitation is extended to
all Irateniltles , with e > r vvitlKiutbadgesofdls-
tlnc4ion , to paitlcipate in theobsoqtiies ol the
iatovlcc piesldcuu Immedlata notices are )
lequts'eHlfiouituosovkho acw-pt Uie invita
tion.Tlih is intended to npply to all orgauired
bo4ie.v .of every Ul d , the Itu Station being
Kf'icraL'A uieivement to raise funds to erect
n juA uU < rent moiiume-nt to Hpn.1rk-Ks U
Inking tangible fchape. At various uieuiiuiial
to co-operate iu arrauiing a plan to Ukesub -
H'liptious and already tcenerous donutioiis
preitTt-rui by prciuiineiit gentleineu.
The Hcndrieks club , HU or auUation
i > f l.OUO young ili-mocrils , took iuitiaj
i > t ? ps this , mornuig. A lueetuig
of the state liar association
been called fur Moud& > , at wliich Hon. Wal
ter Q. Gietham , ri-post master gt-neral , but
fcovv jiidso of the federal circ t court , will
preside and Hc-n. l > avid L > \-tviil ; delivei
an 8ddre < s.
Thefoiiowm. : tel : rain as ret-cived bj
James H. Dccrv :
LISCOI.S. Neb. . Nov. ST. Kin < ! 'y ' liavi
pretiared and presented in inv nfttr , to l ,
law on tlie coniu 1 emr deimrted friend
Tliouias .V. Hwiiirk'ks. a handsome and | i
propriate wreath with the motto : "Erfr
mourns a fe ri5 patrim. "
The Jclc atlon from Washlngtou.
WASIIISOTKI.V. Nov. 'JT. Tlic question o
attcudinc the luneral of Vicc-1'ifiideat Het
dricks was considered at the cabinet m < f tin ;
to-day , and tno or thiee meinl 3rs of the cabl
net said it woi'ld be Rltne t impossible fo
tlieiu to leave the city jit t novv withou
n clectlng many matters which it is Import
ant should l e scttlc < l bcfoie themeetiuEo
congress. The president expras ed his detei
initiation to attend the funeral HiErne aff' '
was almost ready , and could easily bi
finished on his retuiii frmn Indiauajiolis
Thci-ostma ter general and sccictaiies o
war and navy saiil tiieir K-p.rH were ready
and thev would l t > able to iiccompany tin
president The sirn-tary of state thought lu
could arrange to go with the party. Tht
otticr member * . however , said tin
filial ! * ol their departments vvoidd pieven
them leaving the city. It was filially
decided toleaie the matteii with each mem
borwitha general understanding that al
who cousUtentlv could go weuild do so. Tin
party willirobaul ] } leave heieMonda.v morn
mp. The details of the tup have been placet
in the hands of Col. Laiuont , and have no
} et been comple-tevL
The chairman of the senate comi'iittee ha !
added Senator Bttk to t.ic e-ommittee to at
tend the funeral of Vice President Hendricks
Messrs. Canaday and Leedom , Mii-gcants-at
arms of the senate and house ic-pe'ctively
have made arrangements for the committee'
to go to Indiannjiolls- the Pcnnsylvanii
mad. leaving Washington at 9:30 : Mondaj
moniinc , and arriving at Indianapolis Tues
day morning bei'clock. Kcturning they wil
leave lndianai > olis at 0 o'clock Tuesday even
ing and arrive In Wellington Wednesday
evening at 0 o'clock. Tne committees wil
occupy looms at the IJenison hem c while ii ;
Inelianapolis. _ _ . _ = >
Action In NevVoik. .
NEW YOKK. Nov. 2T. The feeling of thor
oughiegrct at the taking off of VicePresi
dent Heudricks becomes moie appaicnt
time passes. The Game-Id club , of Brooklyn ,
today passed lesolutions ol regret , an > J
"joined witli the whole country in mournini
tlie loss of one of the nation's most patriotic
statesmen.1 The County democracy to-dav
adopte-d appropriate lesolinions , aud Tam
many ami Irving hall look similai action
this cveninir. Tammanv also appointe-d a
committee of one from each assenuily elistricl
to ro to Indianapolis to attend the funeral.
Appropriate McniuriaN.
WAErrue.ToNov. . 27. A Hendrick *
memorial meeting v\ ill be held in one oi
the largest halls of this citsouie time nej.t
we'rfi. The Columbia democratic club will
send a delegation to attend the funeral.
A Father Confesses the Killing of Hi *
LoGAsrorrr. . Ind. , Nov. 'JT. This commu
nity is wonderfully wiought up over the
death-bed confession of Clement Gransingei ,
who died ut his home , Washington town
ship , Sunday nichL The fact is made public
to-day that Gransiuzer confessed to murder
ing his own daughter. About six years ago
the announcement was made that Annie
Granslneer had taken her own life. The
statement wa made by the gill's lather , who
lanto his nearest neighbor for assistance.
The , gill was lounel lying in the smoke-house
A haltei-strap susj > ended from h beam , be
neath which was a banc-1 , ana tlie blue and
bruised condition of the dead girl's neck , bore
out the statement of the apparently
grief-stricken father that tlie daugh
ter Sad exmimilt'Wl suicide. The
fun eral was held , und In n short time Clem
ent Gransinger le.rt his home in the country
and moved lo town. He led a m-.eiable ! life ,
living in a little , old shanty in this city. In
this shanty he had 31.503 com ealed. but it
gradually slipped away trom him. as he lo t
the control of hi * mt-ntal faculties. A few
months airo , broken down In b < > dy and mind ,
and with not a cent It ) his name , he was
taken out to his brother's to die. He lingered
along until last Saturdav , and vvaen told that
he could live but a few hours he rallied , and
calling several persons In the loom to his
bedride , made a confession thut amazed
He stated thai the story of his dauzhter's
suicide was manufactiued ; that he had mur
dered her in order te > cover up the story ol his
Intimacy with her , which in a lew more
mouths must have become known to the
world. Ueturning homo one evening he
found her sitting out in the yaid near Uie
kitchen , paring potatoes. He went to the
bam , seemcd a halter strap , and , makinc
a noose cil It , sneaked up behind her nnd
strangled her to death. He then dragired
the body into the smoke house with the in
tention ot hanging it to the cioss-beam. It
was too heavy , and he loosed the strap , tied
it to the l > eam , plae-cd the barrel In position ,
and the surroundings lndieaied that tlie body
hud just be n taken down. The e > ld man
staf-d that alter comiiiittlni ! the crime his
lile had be n a hell on eanh. He could not
raiiiiin on the farm , .aid moved to town In
the heipe that lemoving from the scene ot the
deed mil-lit Ios eu the teinblu recollection.
This , however , only apH'aied | to inciease his
mental atony. He could not die with the
awlul clime untold.
An Ohio Illvcr Steamer Sunk ,
Pm nt'iso. Nov. e ; . Tha steamer Kmnia
Graham , of the Cincinnati packet line sunk
this uioining at IJipley's Landing. W. Ya.
She had on board quite a number of passen
gers , all of whom weie saved. Tlie cargo is
a total loss. The steamer now lies in sixteen
leet of water.
Fuller details fiom the wreck of the
steamer Emma Graham near Kipk-y's land
ing last night show the rircman ,
COOIK.T , was drowned. Several deck hands
an * also missing , but it is not known i > o.4-
UveJy thru they arc lost ,
Pobtinnstoi-fi Appointee ! .
WASHIXOTOK , Nov. 27 , The postmaster
general appointed the following fourth class
iwjstniaxtei * :
Dakota Heights , George U. Stolfoid.
Illinois Edinpton. Henrv P Stoddard.
lovva Gieen Castle , ileiekiuli'oods \ ;
Hentonville , S. W. Houn.
Nebraska Long Pine % George W. Love ;
lleynolds , C , 1) . Mciore ; Ilockxllta , Mrs. A.
M , Gust ; Schwcdt , i'eidiiiand Midler.
Niiictct-n Drinks Ended Him.
OTIUMWA , Iowa , Nov. 27. [ Special to the
Bin. ] A tramp wa , found dead in tlie sa
loon of Thomas McGJene , new the Chicago ,
Burlington A Qulncy depot , at-J o'clock this
morning. It is leported that last night the
barkeeper pave him nineteen drinkb ot
ivldsky. winch he diank with scarcely an in-
aud that Ullexi him.
Residence 15 u rued at Albla.
AJXIA , Iowa , Nov. 27. [ Social to the
UKL. ] Shonly alter midnljcht this morning
Ihe residence o ! Dr. Leonard was burni-d.
The furniture was raved , but nearly all the
slothing of Uie family and S3CK ) In money
were burned. The Uie originated in a wood-
ihesl adjoining tlie hou-e , unit IK to
Iw the work of an Incendiaiy , Thci * was no
insurance on the building or cement * .
A Session of ihe Cabinet.
WASuiNftrov , Nov. 27. A regular meet-
in ? of tlio eabinrt VTKS liri'l to-day , ail the
luentbe r j .Nsciit. The pros d eut's messaro ,
> a far as f < aat 1eitd. wsu > mad and linaul-
IIIOllslipjllovinl ll ir > raid tO btJ aU Ull'
u -ialiy > trv > iitr p.i ) < 'i. containiut icauy nt-'v
tad > a ' ab. " a se
The Body of Alfonso Transit i red 1 <
tlic Pnlncc.
. Nor 27.-7 > pl nd > o' Kii'c V1
received in tlu < city riitli cre
lK np. TlK nuetn and her daughter ocer
pled tbe carriace wWch follow ed immedistel ;
after tiie luneral ear. There wea ? 20tK cm
ria e ? In Uie cortege. The ijneen was deep ! ;
v eiled , in order to conceal her emotion. A
the profusion pa > " " l throuch the street * th
populace w ept. Owasional ! } a clieMir wa
5iven for Queen Cliristina. On arriving
the rwJaee the v a carried by rrandee
from thecar to the hall of the palace , when
the I > ody will lie in tate from Saturda ;
until the dn > of the funeral Tlie membei
of the new miniHrA'are fu'iouists. with tin
ex.eptions of Uios. Marlo and Morel , whi
belong to the dvnastic left. Gen. Mattiu
Campos to-nlaj convened the supesior otlicer
of the army near Madrid and declared him
self ready to obey any ministty or chief tha
the. queen might appoint. All present SWOB
to uphold the constitution anet maintain th' '
succession. The Epoc-ha says that soldier
on a furlough have been oideied to lejoit
their reciments immediately. It is repe > rte.M
B Cflilbt rising is Imminent in Navaiie.
Cubans Monrn Alfon .
HAVANA. Nov. 2 * . Tlie exchanges and al
theatres aud places of amusement closed lo
calise ol the death of King Alfemso. Th <
government buildings , foreign consulate
and many private houses display drapet
flags at half mast. Fortresses and all th <
warships in the haiborhied guns every Cfteei
minutes all dav vesterdsy. The rovcrno
ceneral was called upon by a committee o
the conservative part } , a deputation troin tin
Spanish casino and a uumboi of colonels o :
volunteers wlio evpiessed sympathy will
the governor on the country's Joss. Fnuera
vrvlee ? on a laige scale will be held on thi
day ot the Interment. The people mauifes
irie. t an\lcty to know what will happen ii
Spain. The uoveiue r geneial has been au
thorized b } the home eoveiument to take al
necfssary measuies to ptevent disor'der here
MAI > KW , Nov. 27. A state ofsierehai
been proclaimed in tbe provinces of Barce
lonaand Carthesena andlheCanar } Islands
Ii patclies from all points , however , icpnrt i
tranquil state ol allairs.
The New Spanish Cabinet.
MADnii > , Nov. 27. The queen has accepte <
the following euibinet : Senor Saiasta.
prime minister ; General Jo Yellar , iniiiislcj
eif wai : Senoi Couiaeho , minister of finance
Senor Kios , minister of jmblic works aud o
public instruction * : enor Gainazo , ministei
ol the colonies : Senor Beranrer. ininistsr ol
marine : Senor Gonzedlo. mini > ter of the in
teiior ; Senor Alonzo Martinez , minister 01
justice ; Senor Matet , minister of loreitrn af
lairs. Senor Maret is a fiee trader/ Tin
cabinet as a whole is con-ide-ied an excel
lent conciliation of the ministrj .
Don Carlos' Sclierue > .
PAI-.IS Nov. 27 The CailM chiefs of this
city have icceived a nuuil > er of telegram ;
from Don Cailos The dispatches indicate
that Don Cailos expects a republican risint
in Sjiain as Ihe outcome ol the. death of Kinr
Alfonso , and that he bfclleves the army will
k' and rallv to hisupport. .
An Armistice Atjrced to Between
Scrvia and Bnlcana.
LOJTDO.V. Nov 27. The Times Const anti.
nople says : Servia and Bulgaria have agreed
4o an armistice on tlie meditation of Turkey.
Austrla > nd Prussia.
BuixiitAi > n , Nov. 27. The Bulgarians yes
terday vigorously attacked the Servian * al
Pirot and captured the city aftei being twice
repulsed. The ministeis- have started to 1o n
Ktuc Milan at Ni sa. Lai ge bodies of Ser-
vinji troojis are hastetiinc lonvard.
VIENNA , Nov. 27. It is rumored here tliat
King Milan ha- > secretly visited the cmp'-roi
of Austria for the purpose ol seeming assis
BILORAT > E , Nov. 27. Gen. Leshjane' , ol
the te Tinn army , leleeraphs that he is born-
hardiuir Widdin.andexpe-cts to surrender the
city to-day.
LONDOV , Nov , 27. The statement that the
Bu'earians capture-d Pilot jesterday , aftei
bi-iug twice icpulsed. was incorrect. It ap-
l ear * . tliat tlie entile Bulgarian army made
an attack upon Pirot A long struggle en
sued , during which tlie Servian ai inv i en-
dere4 excellent ervice , and maintained such
an effective lire that the Bulgarians were ic-
pulscd. The losses of the Bulgarians are re
port * d to have been very heavy. MR
VIKX.VA. Nov. 27. It is ported that the
Austrian minister at Belgrade , who was in-
ti netted lo visll Prince Alexander of Bul
garia , bears an ultimatum in Uie name of
Francis Joseph to be delheied if Prince
Alexander refuses a truce. The Bulgarians
have driven the Servians back to Nissa. It
is reported that Prince Alexandei has fixed
his camp at Pirot.
BmoiiADE , Nov. 27. King Milan has
Joined the army near Phot , where tie will
soon take command of a force of bO.OOOnu'U.
On to Mnudal.iy.
RANGOON. Nov. 27. An official dispatch
fiom Gen. Prendenr st , comraandei of the
British expeditionary force , states tliat the
British had a succeessful fight with the Bur
mese at Hatrouon on the 24th Jn t. , and tliat
lie expats t-o reach Mandala > the capital of
Burmah , to-rnoirow.
RANGOON. Nov. 27. The British expedi
tion leached Nvneeyan on the 25th inst. , and
piooeeded lei Maudalay the same evei'f'iig.
flic MadiasSajipers , supported by the Haiup-
shiie regiment , scaled tlie earthworks ut
Pliairan and the enemy bolted into the
jungle. The Burmese were stioncly en-
tieiiched at Nyneeynn , their Hue extending
two miles. They oiK'ned a sharp lite on iho
British flotilla and the latter leplied with
shells , Ailer two hours bombarding the en-
1'iiiy tied into the jungle , leaving thirteen men
killed and a lar.'e number wounded. Tlie
Dunnes * leader liacU'iied to Mandalav. It
appears Uial the Burmese Iuiporte4 their am
munition in buscuit and suidlne tinn , and
thcli rifles as consignments ot machincrj- .
The Failnre Kecord.
NEVV YOHK , Nov. 27. Business failures oc
curring throughout the country during tle
last seven days , as reported to I ! . G. Dun ii
Co. KKlay , number for tlie United States lliy ,
ind for Canada 15 , or a total of ' 'H , as com
pared witli a total of 240 for last w eek and 223
Ihe week previoui to last. Except thai fail-
iircj , are increasing in the s-outh aud on ihe
L'acila : coast , there U > nothing -ppcial to
An Oolong Collision.
ST. PAUI. , Nov. 27. Tne Pioneer Pn-sa'
Helena , Montana , pe ( lHl st > ys : A west
liound freight train e-ollldtid with a t a tniin
from the Pa'-ltle coast on the XonheinPa-
* ific railway thirteen miles east of Mlssoula.
Ten eats weie wrecked. It is reported three
iwrsons were UlU-d and others badly injut&d.
So names given.
Should Carry On ; the Idea.
Cute AGO , Nov , 27. The Daily News prints
i letter this evening pui porting to be written
ny S. IL Smith ho murdered his young vv ife
icie last Saturday night. The letter Is dated
Kaltimoie , November 23 , and decUits tha
ie VVHS about to j-onimlt bulcide Tim le-ttcr
ippcars to be undeniably genuine.
Death from Yellow Jack.
Nnvv CHILEANS , Nov. 27 , A di-atii from
Fellow fevereipturml on Itoard the steamer
VenrueJu in thU port yesterda } . She came
Finm Ceutwl Ainexican , Mtixican and W t
Indian i irts. The health authorities hnse
Imd the Aesse-1 tliorouphly fumigatexl
. .
Weather for To-Day.
Vr-Kr Mississippi Valley SHrhtly colde
: -loudy weatlier ; local rains or Uiovvs , fol-
owtilbi fair weather- variable winds.
Miiouri Valley Slightly colder and fair
nrcather , with mds iliifting wotctly.
Sntl Would be Ik Sit-satiet SLnV Gr e
Gep ! in Connection \Vltli the Scuat <
Selection ur n lic .Ullnp onii-ci
AVortU ol' War-nine to
the I'l-esiUem.
Who AVIII Fill the Vncaut Cliali.
W.UtinxoTox , Nov. 2 ? . " peeial lo lh <
Hi r.J The fact Unit thu-e is no "ac now It
the line of preside-ntial'MWxv'loii lo assume
( lie pie'side-ncy incase of Cle v eland's death
diH't not excite alarm or auxletj . Tl > e re
publican senators canc-us Ii idaj 01 Saturdaj
of next week to select a president pro tcm o :
the senate , TV ho would net as president of th
I'nited State * lu e-ase o ? Clev eland's death
Already the contest for the honor 1ms be
come lively. Senator Logan It not much ad
mired in the senate1 , nnd this , fefllnp way de
feat him for the caucus nomination. Cut lie
Is a candidate. as lus silence on the quostioi
clear ] y proves , and it i piobBblt that hevil
do lib IKJS-I to ret the honor. Ill' , rcpublicar
associate * , did nut treat lilin very well las
sprluir. They vent ahead and rcorcaniet
the -enate committees nnd left him emt , wber
he MR' hehtiue for le-t-lcction. He held ne\l
to the hlcticst place on the judicial- com
mittee , and would have been made chair
man of that eonmitltw vlien Mr.
Kdinundc wa = elected pccstdent prei
tern of the latter had follower
ccneral usacc and icsicned his committee
positions. General 1 lOran vva second on t IK
commit tf > e of apptopriations. llewa * chair
man of the tuilitarv committee. Don Cam
eron. an old friend , was chaiinian of the
senate caucns that made tip tbo commllte-es
la t spiinc. lYiendsOf General hosan wem
to him at the time the committee * w ere to bt
reoreanlzed and asked him to hold . enatoi
Iran's places open lor him. They -wld it
Mr. Cameron that the eeueral was makinc
hanl light fo : his- election , nnd that hit. elec
tion whs an important one to the lejiviblicaus
in controlllnc the senate. If thev should cole
lo work and iill iheplaces. It was artrned that
liis it'publlcan associates In the senate would
zhe the public to tuiderstaud that thev re-
carded him as te-alen. Worst of all. the ren-
eral's place on the committee on appropria
tions was clven to Mahone. Locan. to-daj .
i the \ ietorious senator out ot Iris commit
tee , while his place is held by the defeated
senator. The fact that the senator stand *
outside of all his old committees , without
any fixed plans , and successful alter a Ion ?
Unit , w-111 entitle him to special consld elation
from his republican associates.
Senatoi John Sbei man is said to be anx
ious lobe made president pro tern. He be
lieved it to be an important matter in the
next pie ldential nice , and he , too. it Is ( > ald ,
isdis atistied with Ids place on the finance
committee When the committees were an
nounced last spriue. shortly alter the senate
met in sj ecial session , Mr. Sherman's name
was second on the fmnijce eommittee. He
openlj said in the senatejtiiat he would not
serve upon that committee subordinate to
Mi. Moirlll , wlio has been the chairman
since Match. 177 , Sherman left tht
senate to take the itosjtion ol recietaij ot tlie When Mr. Sherman succeeded to
that chairmanship by the appointment of Mi.
Fes > enden as secretary of the treasury. he
yielded the place promptly to Mi. Tessendeu.
\Vbeu lie again returnesTto the senate , , Mr.
Merrill , however. was notKUVpoM'd to c ' ncjli-
ate Mr. Sherman or follow'uden's
examine Thetinaneeromnuttee consists of
eleven inembeis sis of w om aie rennblit-ans
and five democrats. ToomVtMr. Sherman's
name from this ooninuttrt : vvould1 > e to practi
cally snub him. To keep him on tlie list \ > ould
make a tie in the committee on all questions
of importance. Mr. Shenuan will not , he
says , attend any of the meetings , and qne.-
tlons of importance are to eouie up belore
thK committee this winter.
Senator Ednmndi is also a candidate for
the place , liut senator Allison savs it is not
customary to elect a ptesldent pie tern of tlie
senate f i om the same section ol the country
as the piesident is from , bo seopraphical
objection is again > t Edmunds. Allison savs
ilhas always been the rule of the senate to
nominate a pte ident pro tern ftotn tlie we > t
when the piesident Mas Jrom tlie
east and vice versa. Senator Edmunds
was the exception to the rule and his elec
tion was brought about through a peculiai
combination of ciicuinstaiices. When Gar-
fceid became president Anthony was very
anxious to have the place and felt that he
was entitled to it on account ol his Ions ser
vice. Tlie republican .senators were willinp
to concede to this , lie received * he nomina
tion in the republican caucus. You vill re
member when the senate met in sjic-cia ! ses
sion that the parties weie so evenlv divided
that tlie jetmblicans could not elect their
nominee. Mr. Hayard was cho en and held
the place one day and then vie
dispossessed him bv electing David Davis ,
and when David Da vis went out we lemem-
l ered Anthony's claim. He was- then in
leeble health , and was- not able to come on to
the fall suasion. Mr. Edmunds wa * temporarily
arily put in his place to hold it until Mr.
Anthonj should be able to come Mr. An-
thouy never did come and M > . Edmunds was
naturally left in the place. This explains
how a president pro tern came to be elected
tiom tnesauie section as the president ,
An Indianapolis Journal Objects.
IxuiAXAj'OLis , Ind , , > ov 17 S ] akinc :
In connection with the announced inten
tion ol the president to attend the obsequies
on Tuesday next , tlie Journal of to-niorrow
will say : While the citizens of Indianapolis
and the state of Indiana would be both proud
and pleased to meet the pie Ident of the
United States for the prluality ol them cast
their votes lor him a vear azo with such
honor and leMiect as the proprieties ol the
sad event ol the funeial ol the hite vice piesl-
deut would permit , and while theuiend and
netehbois of Thomas A. llendricks lully ajv
pie-date tlie honor that would be done to his
memorj by thepieence of the chief magis
trate here on Tuesday next , the Journal feels
constrained to ay it lielieves Clevelund
hhould not leave the white house at this
juncture to uuiku the jouiuey. Tlie perils
incident to the necessarily rauid movement
of a sjiocial railwav train j-hould not IK ; haz-
ardedoy the iird ident , vrfiose life and active
Mffvicts are. novr peciiliarJy valuable to Ibe
whole jHH > ple. There are too many risks at
tending tne trip he will necessarily take
AS w a remarkm Lnn the honorable vice
president was so mJiicnly taken away ,
it is the unexpected that iiutq en , and agaln-t
the unexpected , undwetiitst audbeilcNe the
improbable , it Is C'lnland' imperative duty
lo take all projxT ) iftxmnUou. The country
lias irene through swwsfuliy many jierlis
liming the last ( juarter of tlie cent urv ' , but
Ilio line has on moru tuui ( nw ; occasion 'been
drawn toils tiphteUUa n. There should
not ix ; a ] > o > ibility of . nptber storm il Jm-
man pniUem-tu-an piever it. Everjhonoi -
able fitl/i'ii of the Kuuutrj' , ic ardless of
party faith , pi-ays for tiw JWe and health of
llie president , wlio stands alone now as the
mubodimeut of tbevuiiKtituiiorial power and
authotity , and from ilm uioiuent iie should
leave the capitol until ! ' riwhed It aza'n in
safety , tlie c-ountiy would be in patriotic un
rest and uneasy. The Journal leels
Int ? to iuHlti : this ouFKestSoti , to make tills
t4atemi'nt , us a republican mnvMiaper and
published at thti liowe of llrndrtcks , and as
[ ine upiinst whom the ( -liarge' can not l > e
made that It would do or ray anything
against the lanrt-Kl possible ineaMiie of honoi
lo tlie distinguished dead. Dnt Cleveland is
not his own ; be in uot hIs-iaii > V ; he cannot
lollovvnieiflj the dldatrsol his ] K-r oual 01 friendbhiiu He is the nation head ,
| | ie only Hie between the Koverument and an
iiiterifsuum. In vien-'wul this we vould not
liav lilin take the ritk * incidental to the
rapid transit u hlcli ttuuid luailr his journey
from thu national capital to Indianaj > o1is.
[ jft all Uie frretiit ) fouie who i-au l a
.pared tioui their iillu-iarduties. but the pit'sl-
ieut > Uould nut lw
A I'roU'61 from
XdCsT Tl * " Evt-niu
isoioy , , * ?
in U news rvoluuin , sayr that ie ) < il piouii.
Dent democrats liare ftdvi l the president
: piinst his proposed vitit to Jndlsuajtcl's to
attend tai fiiiur ( f Jiiudiit ) . " ! . and it *
"The Ht ) < rt" > r C\PIT S { > < I by tlie prpMdei
to c"ti ludlniiMt < ( > ' , < > ii * tlie pnrpo-e of R !
tei.dihc the fuiii.dc > 4 Vi.-e PivudMit Het
drhksi.fxi Ti-e-'l.i > i'in thelnrhest riciri' ) ?
rifditsMe to him s f jpnn an < 1 cti7en. but i
is nrvertli 'lf s cm-at'y ' to be tefiettct
b * is uot nt > V f ce his "hiche
duly to the republic enti-ely absolve
him iivra fifty ? tij > | > os per ortU ( or offieia
oViliration to be pie ent on th t occasion
The pre-rnt juiatuiv in public affairs i
uch as to make the ---wit of Roveinment thi
true j > l ce fet tbep'-e-ident for eome time stu
it is fr > ! > e hotKnl tint such connsels may } el
prevail as will jet , j-ersuade htm tofotejri
his jitirte , and plttce him a little s JKKS.I
We in tne wnj of adveisr fortune nt this in
clement -nson of sj > i cliil ritk to I'ndth fern'
Imbility of accident in travel by land o
water , ihe countr ) will need no outv wi
MIO\V to piove the depth nnd Mr > o < iity * ' thi
pivsident'sciief at ttie loss which is wiuallj
lelt bv it w ith himself. "
TheXntionRl Itepttbllcan irepiMlcatO wil
s nv edltoi lally : : 'Althoud tlie prv-idcn
w-Q ] be tjuitp as fle as other oflirials v.ho in
( end to ro tn Indianapolis lo attend lb <
funeral ol the vice-pi evident , he will incit
the risks ol accident * nnd exposure to cold
Conslderlmt the iiiii > oi1ance ol his Hie at thi
time , it would lie eminently pro per for hln
to IVVOTV his jiieseut deteiminatlon and re
main at thei > mi'he laansion. "
The J'cH-t idftnocratic' will eav ; "Le
Cleveland eo to Indianapolis by all niems
What atrnnt nonstnsc to Intlmnteovcu tha' '
the American prt" > lde-m Is safei in Wa hinp
ton than in nnj othei city ot the rejiul'li'1.
Goal MlnertIniltilK * ' >
ous DemoriMratloii- . .
PiTTanrnc.Nov. . 2T. It is jnst annoriicec
heretltata riot at tlielomth pool , bet weei
the strikeis and non-union coal mineis , tool
pint * this inornluir. Two bundled sttHceii
lire in pos e.ssion of the mines. A nnmhei o
men weii" iujuted. The police vveic com
pelledto n'tieat. Jfoth sides sent lei u-ln
riTT.-uuitG , Nov. 27. The ttonblc whirf.
wn nnticijiated in then1 disjiatchos- nicb1
took place this moraine at Jordan Xeli'scba
minei. at the fouilh p. 'I he stiikeis vvht
arrived at the j > ol last nichl on the stcamei
Stella stationed themselves , about -"A' ) strong : ,
near the mines tills tnonilnc , nnd as tht
woiknien appealed they nioe in a bodj ami
demanded that th ? woifcmen iflurn to theii
homes ut once. Those who icfused wew
rouehly neated. Neil had a bundled men at
woik l > t nieht , and when the } attempted tc
let urn to work Uusinornlng they vv ere diiven
back with sticks and stones. Quite a nuinbei
of men w ere badij hurt , 'mt ' none fatally.
Robert McClmc ol the iron and coal police ,
with six si > ecial officers , were on hand and
made an eflort lo check ihestrikers , but in
eider to avert an iioticudinc latal riot they
renated. Striiersaieno In possession ol
the minttiiid havent for more of their
immbei to be on hand this evening. Sheiitt
Chambers , of Warhini ton countv. luis been
telesinphed lei by tlie oflicials. Ameetluc
between the ix-lnlorced tides is awaited
with much anxiety. ' The jieople in the legion
about the mineme terribly excited.
After tlie strikeis had cleat ed the S"ee3
mines ol workmen , they juoceoded tr
Wood's lluu. enteied tlie mine nnd bioucht
the men out , beating one , .lames Collins
badlv. At Xeel's w 01 lv > f out diivers .lames
Ailes. Joseph Iteed. Bob Keed and 'Jeonjc
Keed were bad ! } t > e..iten. bheiifl Chambers
airh ed on tne scene this alteiuoon and ie-
stoied older lor the time being. He expects
anothei attack in tlie moiniiiir.
LA-ruii Sheiill Chambeis , it is lenoried.
ha anested 100 ol the strikers. ] t claimed
1,1103 s-trikers wilJ be at the pool bcioie day-
Secretarjr Bayard to UI-RC IIB Con-
Ttructlon Its Advantages.
XEW Tome Xov. 27. 'Special to the Bnn )
It was repented heie lecentl } that Secretary
liayard has determined to prcrent the Te-
haunteiiec canal scheme to congicst > as a
basis of a foreign ] > olley which shall b& dis
tinctly Ameiican. The isthmus it 155 miles
wide. An American company was at work
there for some time and up to last year on a
railroad , the pi on-ess of which was stopped
by forfeitui-e of the ii land grants to the
Mexican govcintuent. The president of this
company was Edward Learned , of Massa.
chusetts. who saysIt : is entirely feasible
to construct a canal acioss the isthmus.
What lhi country ouirhi to have is a
treaty right over the strip of terri
tory theie say fitly mies ! wide.
We should also have a fortress and naval
station at Car * Catsehe. on the outmost point
of Yucatan. We have ulieady one irieat de-
lense of the Gull of Mexico at Dry T ortucas.
With uiort tit Car * Catsche the gull would
be B land-locked sea and vve would be able to
protect the Mississippi and it < tributaries
from any loreiirn invasion. With a ship
canal at Tehauutepec we could piotoct Cali
fornia and Oieron and become absolute ! } nn-
iiSsailabl < - . Beside * , tlie canal would biini ;
us ull the tiade of Enuland that no fcots
around the Cape of Good Hope or the sue ?
Waiting fora C < nilt-s ion.
JACKSOXVIU.U , Tex. , Nov. 27. About 9
o'clock Tuesday night , when within two
miles ol the village of Reynold. In this comi
ty , Jackson McElroy and Philip Owen , two
farmers , weic fired upon liouitheioadslde
by several men who were evidently lying in
wait Owen was instantly killed , his breast
being filled vith sings. McElioy was walk
ing beside his horr-e when the attack was
made. He fle4 to the woods , pursued by the
murdeiers , who fired upon him without sue
jess , Itaachlng town McElioy pave tlie
ilann , and a posse immediately oiiranized
ind guarded ev ery road. About midnight the
iiosse came upon live men named ( ieorire
Hess llanee Muric. Benjamin Northctit ,
Ixandei Xonhcut , and I on Lowry. They
were arreMed and esirried to Jacksonville ,
Aarged with the clime. Nothing will sae
[ lie iiHokf of the uiuiderei > as soon as it is
settled beyond ntKMlon that tliey me gniltv.
V poe of 200 farmeis aiesecietl.v oi ii
a raid the jail as 1-0014 as Kos
roi-tccl by Iiullans.
SAX BnnxAitiwsro , Cal. , Nov. 27-nios.
stanton , cooking sujtper over a Cio in the
nitskiits of the city last uiylit , was aj > -
iroached by foui Indians who demanded
Ahisky. Having none to sue them , he was
mmediatelv lifaleji. tlien held over his fire
mil loasted alive. His less vveie binned to n
risp. He cannot live. The Indians , il dis-
oveied , will be lyiicbod.
Itr-hellion in Nepoul.
LOKI > OX , Nov.J" . Te-legrams have just
> een received here fiom Calcutta announcing
.he blinking out of a ielx.lllt . > ii at Xepoul.
I'he premier has been murdered and the
naharajiih ot the piovluce lias t een taken
risoiitsr. Tli British lesident has lieen ab-
cut from Khatuiander on a tour of inspoc-
[ ion.
The CaiolinitAfl'uir. . ,
JSOJJK , Nov.J7 , The Elgnatuie ot the Cato-
ine protocol by the Spanish amba&sadoi and
he German niinlstei is imminent. Spain lias
onceded the same ndvanUi''cs to England
hat she ha given to ( eimany In return for
vhich England is. 10 rwogime Sjiain's sowr-
inty over Uie Carolines and J'elew islands.
Presielenilal Appointment6.
A\'AsuiXno.v , Nov. SI.-The jiresident to.
lay made the following ajipolnuiit-tus :
lac < h Seht-enhoep , of Vevv Veil : . to IKS t'oiibiil
if the Uniied.States t TutisUll , England ;
'r < tnk J , IVilt , f West Virginia , to be prin-
ipal del k of public landx.
Killed by Caving K tli.
MIUVAI-KKK , Kov , 'J7.-B } UiflCHilni ; in
if a quantity otarth in a deep cut on the
Central rallvai"new line , a
namivl deorge St-haefer
to death t'Klav and another t'rr > b-
iblu iiijurtvd faUUy ,
Pi-ooecellnc * or tbe COM Pniiclicr *
Concrrss at Si. IAMI ! * .
Sr Loti * Nov. 26. A Isrrc nnm' cr o
dclesrtes to the convention ol the Nationa
Cattle and Htn ? Grower's asocial i n lef
for home last cveninr nnd tUe attendant
vras much reduced thii morn Inc. ,1tidr <
Carroll of Texas , call-ed the convention tc
order at 30 : # > . .Mr. Mercer , < rf Wyoming , k > -
livcicd n addic1 ; on "The 1 Inner Country. '
Mr. Laphain. if wvsetititit the- National Tan
Hers' and Hide and Leather Drolers * a'socla-
lion , epokc at Ictiglh upon the subject of : cck
lcs brandinc of cuttle and tbe eonM-qneu
datitaw of the hide. He advocated Mnal
brands upon the side of the -mlmal ami sole
this wonld save np ai < ) of aquaite-rof .1
million dollar * yeailj. He utced that tht !
syste'iu In-adopteel and.that the association bv
lavvsbacke-d bj penalties regulate the entin
The chair announced the le > llnvvlni : com-
inltte-eeni uatUinal lecislallou : Judce Hub
bell. e l New Mexico , chainuau ; .Itidce Cat
tail , of Texas : M. M. Curtis , ot New Yolk :
H. M. .lannisott , ol I'ennsvlvania ; John 1 *
) * oath , of Colorado : .liistu < Claik. of Iowa ,
and C. H. Uardln. of CalKnntla.
Harvey M. Taj lor. of New Mexico , Intro
duced the following :
liesolted , That it is the seme of the Na
tional Cattle and Her c Grovvets association
eif the United States , that the tine policy ot
the ceneral government is to buv
all ul : the reservations now oc
cupied by the rovinc nd uuclviliresj
Indians ot the United Statef. and Uke u |
said lands for settlement ; that i-aeli individual
bccronted3-0acivsof land in the une ccu-
pled section of Indian territory , to b ? paid
3t > i out ot the tweci'ds of tin1 alc of the land *
above mentioned , , and the balance of the pro
ceeds to be devoted to Hie support of the In
dian * and educate < their children : thai as the
Indinus are the be t Bime'd people' on Uiu
Irontierthelaw apalnslthes-aleof lire aims
and ammunition * of war be nioc : stricil.v
enforced and j > enalty for Its violation be1
lately Increased : in our jndirmcnt the
wljole conduct eil Indlhti affair1' sliould be1
placed in the hand * of the militaty dciart- ]
nieut ol tlie United States.
A spirited difrcusslou endued , but after
striking out the telerenre to the unoccupied
portion of Indian territory. ihe < icsolutions
weie iidopted unanuiouly. ! .
Adjourned till to-morrow.
A Susquclianna Sencntion and its
SrsyrnnASSA , Pa. . Nov. 27- Special to
the BLI ] Tor many year * J. 1Z. Payne has
b > ? en n le 'Cotedaud cnterpiisinu citizen of
Arrarat , a Email Ullage on the line of the Jcf.
lerson branch of the Eric laihoad. He is a
nicjt-hant. Sixteen years a tro he took from
the pooi house a girl - yeai sold. She was a
homeless waif. He : cared hei and educate d
her .is a daughter. A. IL KosLelly. sonoi-
15ev. 1. T. 1'oshelly , of tha same village , en
lercd Pnyne's store us a clejl : tv o 01 thiee
years npo. He bc-camu enpaced to hi em
1'loyer's ' adopte'd daughter and they weix ? mai
lied & year or so asro. Not Ions after
the mwilace young Koskcll } chaifred
Payu with havln ? ciimtnal intimacy
with Ills wile , nnd demanded a larce sum ol
money from him as a i-ettlement. The charpc
was sustained by a confession made by Mrs.
Itoskelly. Payne denied the charge and le-
luspd to pay any mone } to Koskelly. The
latter then Imd Payne miesttid and on the
evidence given before the errand jurv , the ac
cused man was inrtict-ed nnd held in bail. The
trial of the case has liu-t been linihbcdjtt
' . " . " .
was Mrs. 'Koskell)7JiJfs ) ailopttxl dauph"t r.
The story of lh ? AV if ness , who soiurht toprovrt
herovvn dishonor itt ordeir to obtain a sum of
money foi her husband , was e > howu to be
false Payne was acquitted without the jury
lea\int : their s ats , * tnd they ducided tliat
tlie pio'secutoi' should pav the costs ,
Not bl'in able to do tliis
he was sentenced to the county jtll until the
costs should be settled. The verdict had
scarce ! v been rendeied when the court house
bell vva * ranp loud and long b } the villapers.
none ol whom had for a moment believed in
the guilt of llics. accused man. The mob
jaine-cl entrance to the chin chess and all
church bells weie also rung lor an hour.
Payne WHS eairied on the shoulders of the
populace from tlie court house lo his hoUvI
and the crowd surrounded the jail and hoot
ed Koskelly In his cell. The news w&t telo-
praphed to Payne's home and theie the bells
were rune , puns tired and bouiires built in
all the streets.
Astonishing Performance-- u Brut-s
Horizontal liar.
ox , Xov. 27. [ Special to the Biu ]
By some disarrangement of the tJectric
wiles on tlie roof of a Washington street
building on Wednesday night , the metal -on
thefiont of the building became lieavil }
chaiged with electricity. A brass bar pio-
tects a laige show vilndow , and this stenied
to get moie than its shaie ot the electric cur
rent. This bar offered i > cdestrians a tempt
ing place to lean against and the display ol
jewelry and precious stones was an addition-
it ! at traction. Tlie liist victim was the son
of the pioprietor of the store , Alma E.
Norris , He placed both hands on the bar
near the end ot the lion post. In addition to
being violently htuled ii.lo tlie stu t
his face , which c-i couiso did
not touch any r.ietal. was painfully though
noiseriousl } burnt Soon alter a man was
seen to bo hanglni ; over the bar much after
the fashion of n carriage cushion hutm over
a letice , eifiept that it wa unpleasantly nnl >
mated. A second clance showed thespueta-
cleof a man wripgllm ; in the most astonish-
inp manner over a window bar. The Mwond
victim was found to be Mr. MeVish , the inln-
Ftrel. now pprtorniln ! ? at the Bu.-.ton theau-i.
1'atiolman Knlcht tiled to &curut ) tiie man
fiom the bat. lie , with the aid of a pu sci-by
finally reliei ed Mr. McXi&h flora hfspainfiil
iiredicamenL AS he vvns lieed tiom the
trni he shot backwntd us if piojiclled timn u
[ atajiult and landed In tfie stKe ! as Mr.
Noriishadrtone Alter unothcr victim was.
Ian led uciothe street matters woii- straight
ened out by the electric light man.
A Shenandoah monttiosity is half monkey
and half cut.
There Is n mi'Ie in Tennc-soc that If - > : ven
Fe-et high and weighs iwx .
A corn stall : twenty-live feet long was re-
2tntly exhibited in Kafayettc , Ind.
A hunter it ) Bradford , P.I. , stracl ; a tree
. outaiulng seven leet of solid honey , vvelslt-
ing I7S pounds. Cim sueli thtngb beeV
A paSi ol ram's horns which havcgiovvn
Into u tree to the depth ol Mm-raJ inches ,
Mid have become themselves of a. wimdv
iiature , uc niuoiig the ciuiuiities exhibltc'd
in San Francisco.
Oxford , Me. , has twodvvwf women , slstoro
about ! i7 yeais , who stopped ( jr
ivhen four years old and ain now no higher
than then. They weigh Mxty pounds each
nnd lae abaut thiity inches high.
Mjs. E , B , Clialfce. of Mlddli'town , Conn. ,
lias a clrx-k imule liy KailcuU'ra.ut the Hague.
in HIV : , with thf < somev\lialhiijrt-runtnle-i-'enii ( !
nn tin ! fa < "Tenipus Tug-it , ' ' v\ hen , says the
N'ew Yfiil : Woild , tills clock has Micoowlod in
ka-piiig time for - " 7 yuwe and t-tiil keejis it.
A cat blew up n house in Hllno ! > ihe other
lay.tlea4 it is supposed UK did. She
ivrtd It-ft alone in the dwelling , nnd u : nn cx-
n ' .oon uftcr cnx-urred , the theory ao
is that she piuhtnl a can ol niiio.
ne lioin a table vvlicro it hnd cnit--
Uern put. The cat hurhelf was luund
banging in it tree -M yutds uway , ntTUuts.
iul almost iitiinjurivl.
A half-bre id Indian in the Dead lliu'rre--
D'ou ! hits domesticated a huge mouse , and
n it him in farm work , in the v , inter , \vliea
Ilio luwjse is hitched to a sled and is driven
upon the itu , thoie ino iiursc in tin : country
r und alwut hich < an keep i.pitli him.
The liall-brend tuui his. Ill ; : fivful Int" . > n o j-
Llosuin with afenceof rtilinan lul h * O ex
. vvlilletheui ' ' uud'X'M >
.n a juw ji'mjisC'i'i ] n
n e1 ' 'iir-iio'i , b t a-l.eiitver faN ! f > U't'iru ,
this privilege iuot IKT dvnd Mm.
Pnoc'paU in tic Frog Lake Mas' r
Swirgice : on the Scufold High.
Ocail Iiulintis llnntiln : ; lit u
Idnc Puni ticel for Their Hrntnl
Crimes Crttinita Item * Oio
Snuthrt-n Hcciu-rt.
IndlntisKxeontcil at Hut Ho find
MATTi.rroun. Nov. < ! . The exm-im \ . '
the clcht Indians found pillt } of inti'd- 1 t
Pit > gl > ak"and Battlefo l uocunvd e > u ti : t
this morninc. The inechtuhm of tin ? ua\
lows was without friction. Of the eiulil K' '
dians hftuped Oil * uiomlnp seven we're act ve
partidjiants In the horrible nu < sact e at Pro ;
I.akeon tlie 8d of A pi 11 last. Theblw.dy .
work was commenced by W.uiderlt i ;
Spirit , and afterward * ciuiicd on
wilder hl diiection until the whit - pcoplo
of thesettlcmcnt at Krng Lake were ultiiuM e-\-
teiminated. Un the imirniufol the luuidcr
the Indians of lilt Ueur' > bnud dctei-
tniiied to stop the w Ink1 man's rclzn and as-
S.T ! thuli v\n soveielpnty over fie land.
Tills was lK-lieve d to l > e in eon.-eoucnoe of
Biel's uprising and the morning ot the dav
ol tlie mats-acre Thomas t.'ulnn. a Sioux
hnlf-liit'cd Irom Minnesota. v\as m\uswl fnm
sleep by Wandering Sjiii It un l R ntttnl < rr of
his band , nnd they commanded him as H rep
jesenlJtive ot tlie cove-nnnent to incnuso
their supplies immediatly. . ( juinnc < iiiipieit )
without makitic any hostile ttemon nition.
ItwasGo ( > d Kiiday , and the ix'ople vvero
cathcred in the church when Wandering
Spirit matched in covwed vvllliar
paint and canvinp his Wiudie5-
ter with r.n air ol solemn bravado ,
but the time for his taking revenue upon the.
white people had not arrived. A flei the e-Jose
of the service and vhile the concrepation wai
di-persluc the Indian ringleader nroo.ei-ded
to ( lie aeent' house in front of uih. he met
Cjuiun and Ciiarles Uoulu , nnother American
half-bleeui Heeudeled Quinn to go to tliti
Indian camp and on the latter's refusing
Wandering spirit tlmt him down without a
moment's , waniing. The tall ol Quinn was
the sternal for n general massacre umHiouln
and John Oelaney. also rcpie entativesnl the
goveTiiment , vsei-e sh ( > t down in cold
blood. Gowinlark , a miller. soon
found death in the same manner.
Hill. Winiscralt and ( iilehri-t were
killed while attempting to esciijHTUo
priests who earnestly endeavoitni to Mop
the work of tlie niunleiei.s vvcio themt-clv cs
shot down , rather Merchand dyini : bj the
hand ol Wandering Spirit , and Kuther Fafard
liefoiethe ntle ol one of hii subordinates.
The vvliolo atfaii occupiexl but a briel period.
as an Indian cxmes-ed It , "only ubout as
lone as it would take to smoke a pipe.1 The4
only males vvho escaped weie Qultin , a
neili ] < i\v of the murdered agent , and
the employes of the Hudson Bay company.
The latter ow ed their safety to thu respect
which the name ol the company nlvvay- , car
ries M itli it ainomr the Indians. Wnmlei inc
Spirit , the direct cause of all this blood
shed. is descended from Blood and Ciecs uu-
cestois. He was n tall , spare , powerful In
dian with the usual Muck eyes and stionrlj
maikcd Indian features , lie was an iulluen-
tial member ot Big Bear's band though not
chief. He wasnity yearn old and had : i
grown up family , lie attempted to commit
! uicide soon alter he was token Into cu u > dv
at Fort Pitt by plunging a" knllejnto his leit
breast. It missed his heart and passed
tlu'ouch a lung and vaine out
clotted vdth blood and jwtions
oflung. . " The wound was severe enough
to 1ill an oixiinary man , but Wandering
Spirit suivm-d to become the pilze of the
hangman. He pleaded ( rtdltv at the triiL
Had Airow and Miserable Man weie joint
ly indicted for the murder of diaries Gouin.
Iron Body and Little Bear weie triedlor
muidaiug Georpe Dili. Iloung-the-Sky ,
another ol Big Beai'H lollo1.1 er , was con
victed of the muidei of KatlitaMeichund , It.
was shown that he killed the priest whiles
the latter was lying on the iriouud , wounded
by B previous shot fium Wandering Spirit.'W itliout-BIood , beloneed loIo < - min'ti
band , and the crime lor which he win. sen
tenced was the killing of Beinard Ticmont ,
a rancher living neai Battlctoid , The mui-
iler was unprovoked. lktaaStony Indian ,
was hanped for tlie mui-dei James Payne , a
[ arm instiuctor , on tlie Stoiiv .
cause the latter would not furnish him witli
a large supply of flour.
The morning was daik and cleiud } Alt
preparations weie completed by 7 o'cloc-1. .
Fathers Bugonesse and Cochin received the
last w ishes eif therondemne'd. Ail weiu willIng -
Ing to die. No unxiet } w as displayed except
foi theii families. A large number ot Indians -
ans fiom neighbeiring leservations were
piesent. A strong guard of mounted j > olico
-urrounded tlie gallows. The proiedou
Ifliined at 8 o'clock , each man piniontwl and
the black cap o er his head. They inarched
ivith steady step to tlie scafluld , tak
ing then places on the trap. Wan-
: leiins Spirit and Miserable Man lut-
iiessed ( lie Indians , aekncnvle-dgtil the
iustire of the sentence , and warned
Jiem to keep a clear distance herealtei. The
iv hole then joined in a ileath chant tohow
-hey did uot fear death. The CM-cutlonci
ihen dievv the caps over their lanes , tiie pnest
\ddiesse-d iianing winds and eilfeied juayer ,
u the midst ol which tint bolt wasdiawii
uid the drop tell , all t'ying ' instantly Ur.
Italjih examined the bodies and pionouucciJ
Jfe * cvllnct alter they had hanged five lain-
ates. They weie placed in coillns nnd haiul-
; d ovci to the coroner and lur.v. All ai
uents weie can led out w ithout u. hitcli
He Dangled fur IIU GHino.
Itoxnox. Out. , Nov. .M. IJi-njaiiiiii
nons-vvho > ras sentenced Ui death fin thet
milder of Mary Ann Stokesshis : puruinv r ,
, hanged to-day.
A n.ittlf ; vvilli Hard Glotoo.
Nrw YOKH , Nov. 7. John W. I'liUo.i of
[ Jjooklyn. fought seven rounds in Vcvlols
ast night with All I'livveis. ot Git-en Point ,
.vitii huid idovus , uiidei thu Martjnli , ol
i/iiecm-bury / rules. 'I'iie ngtit wa < ver >
> avage. Both men wanted In light to u
nnisli , Imtthc-lr Iriends pievenusl them foi
"tuir of the pollcv MIke O'Lcaiy , relert'e ,
Jcdiaud the light a draw.
Ttio KncliKli iietionc ,
Xnr 'J" . Ilefiuns fiomtli.i rfee-
; ion disti lets so lat n-ceived t-hovv tlinl 11
llberalt , llbMiiiM-iviithe'sand 14
javcbc-eu elected.
Catarrh Cured
Catarrh is a very prevalent tiBcar.r ! , vth !
di'titssin and uScuUvc symptoms. 11'uii's
Eaisaparilla gives ready re-llu ! and t
care , from the fact it nets through th
aud thus nacliet etrry t > art of the f a ; .
" I g'jUcrcd n ith catarrh fjhcfii j earn.
Hood'3 S r aparlllaiid 1 aui t > M truuliU J iuy
with catarrh , and my gcntrjl htaltli in nie. ( it
Letter. " 1. W. LILI.IS , J'wtal Clcrl : Clucjra
Si fit. Ix > uis I'.ailroad.
" 1 suHt-rcd vlih catarrh C nr f years ; hlci
many iTonderful cures , inhalcrf , etc. , t priid-
iccncarly out hundred dollar * without brnrSt.
I tried Hood's Barcaparilia , utid wns nica'ly
iinpiDTCd. " JJ , A , AIICKT , Wortcstcr , Mjt5 ,
Hoods Saisv-paillla is charactj7 4 liy
thric jieeulianUes : 1st , t , , < j romllngfl n of
remedial agents ; 34lli * jirpfmttonr yit o
process < il wearing the ; ictiro infiJlr jsJ
qi.alltlc& The icsult If aiatdlclce ol uiviui4
Mrciiptli , tHccliog ctuce liilliorto uukno 7i.
Semi for book contaliUtig Jiddittotul f vUlejcc ,
" ] ! oM2'st ( > . ! rxai > arllla times up my t.yktcrr. .
jiiirnVji in ) Moud , tli n'i's my lKUi ! , ud
' < iii lu link * inn i .tr" .1. i' , XuOMiui" ,
. .Utiivur ot Jiwds , J.i H ell , J.I HFB.
'MfnAd'c S rnKpnilila l-cate fill ptlirn and ,
If vnrthjtl.wi'lirlitiiipild , ' I lUl.l.uuiy
3M Jlaut Street , KenYuik City , *
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Vy ull druntlslB. tl j MX for to.
fcUyliyC-LJIOOU Ii CO..ov.cUMij * ,
IOO Poses One DoMar.