Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Vettns A'tor ia-1 7. . -\i.
li-et z , L.a
The IWnly Hnatrhr < rs sH if
l .itln nirWhfol Tlie
ffemlils- Variety of
city % * .
vnihS after ihu performance
o \ \v ( op c , Mr. * / W < ! onl-
d i vv y to Ui ( Joinmercial
h - fofc retiring he sit in the
fllffc * and smoked ar-i nr. A * tliernriko
W Itod towards tboveiliatfatid the perth
. an if in ' ! " ( it'll Ut
As he sat * md ! forms nf
those who pa , > d i i * I iiiellV | |
M.lorN < r-
t'rnnklin , the del u v ot state
ol Nebraska. 0 100 lfc"
rotneraUw ywj , r -.11 I , ft- '
major jwinsed in ft .1 n ' VV
you Iu NftstnrllU - > er > , in ' "
When H lujtmf.ii ai nupcii ' .
there T"
in i i 'iiber \ iho k.
otn with iri lire City Ha. ,
li i , t wns it to rind a
re in the t v When you
offered ul hospital ! i told you
that I cmtld not accept lK > ctu. e I had
to take .in early morning train for my
rofrinu-nt. You n reed to awnke me at
the hour , rind you tultilledour promise.
uoeideM tilling mu a neat tLwik ot old
llaernitajie to make pleasant the hours
of tny journey. "
Tliu old veterans of 18W. throne m
.actor and the other a mddier , shook
hands tind tour * teed in the cv < w of both
as thev muiuaily promised to ( , e each
other -igain. It wa certainly a cnrions
oomciiinnce that thc-e two men should
meet in Lincoln after a oeparaUon of
twenty years , and thatOouldock , who is
over il ) warn old , -hould remember the
major after so long a t ime
Tlio Ixxly Hiiatclnui ; case still exorcises
the minds of the eiti4ens generally , nnd
the mavoi. it must lie -aid to las cicdit.
Is very tingry that -uch a thing should
occur in Uio city. In the old Journal
building , oorner'XItith und O , a reporter
Vtas given to undi ratand a room hud
formerly boon sjt .ijcirt for a dUM cling
room by some phicians of the cilv , and
an inspection ot the premises snowed
bowral barrels of human liver * , entrails ,
hair , uud other things When Ma or
Burr , v > ho owns Ihe premises , heard of
It , ho wns wild with fury and rape. The
jiretnisi s vveru rented lorin entirely dif
ferent purpose , and wen * only u short
time njiO vacated. The room is on the
second iloor , and as the building is a
large one , nothing was thought nnd no
particular mquirv uiit li a * to Its use. It
It was only accidentally discovered by
fume person desiring to rent it.
The inM'stigation i-ito : he asylum matter -
tor has been postponed until the return
of lion. E. P Hogjren. secretary ofUtte ,
nnd Attorney Uenenil l - se , who left
yesterday for the east ontite business.
When an attorney visits Lincoln his
object , as .1 rule , is to | > roit'ente or defend -
fond com case in court In order to get
tin his law point * -vstematlc'slmiip ' , he is
obliged to consult the authorities , name
ly the tn\t books and theieH | > rts ot states
having c.u-es winch boiir upon the 0110
under con-idi ration In the state library
tlio luwjcT has n numerous class to select
from , und the profe--ion may be seen
Mtting around the rooui nay day court is
Thu entire stnte librcrv consists of
25,001) ) volumes , which could not be replaced -
placed for over $100.000 Thu library
wna established by the -state in 1871 , nail thul tiuio has been under the man-
ngcmunt of ttuy A. Brown , who has also
compiled the state re | > orti jinco-ind in-
Cliulm the fourth volume
HOMIi inNII roivrs.
The reports received b > bt-ito Suporin-
tondcnt of Public Instruction , JontH.
show that tlwrc are oulj betw uu twenty-
five niul thirty oi the olil uiiiuriuteiKletiU
remaining in otlicv Thurit arc about
Bovonty sufKyintfiidents iu nil These
flguriH : ro compiled ly Mr .Jones for Iu *
own usn , and they : ir not exhibited in
Ins report. Hniom it county is organizi'd
tlio Rcnoola arc. no'-xpouae to the tute
und roceiva no fundtt.
Mr Jone-s mud that the law requires
that each county clerk shall make report -
port to the st U ) sii | > eriutt uilont of the
election of sohoolupenuU'iideuta , but
this they almost inv in.iblv neglect to do ,
greatly "to his annoyance The addition-
: tl build ing of tins normal -ohool at I'eru
is nearly conipleKil , and will prolj.ioh
1m ready for u&u by January l t. 1'he u-
poriiitoiiilont will i-oiuniunco riaitin thu
vnrious cuunticfi niul hold tonoher.H' iuuet-
iu&t nuxt month , commencing with Kich-
onl.-on. bo I.u but twelve hlorelMl-
oalCH Imvc been is-ueil to t aohurs in the
Htato. und about xeventv live others have
Btalo ccrtilicatcH oi the HrfctKrude.
fmiiroveinetiU in Lmcolu are ffo\ng \
stondily torwnni. ind iluwti1 of a public
clinnuter arc notit till'behind. The
city ulurk is nt wresmit enfflijjcd in draft
IIIK a proposition to IHI subtnittuil to vote
Un.t ( Kinds b < iMiu-tl tor p iving the main
stnieta ol ilia * it > It u the intention ; o
listvu a j per ucut Iv.uing fund tor thul
l > oition ol the work which wilt UII.IH !
for b } tlm city , and to n uo iiit-tultiiii nt
Ixuuts for the abutting property owner *
Ixtwur D nnil I * * irmti will bo pated
with nlune , while uu the u ) > | ior or I\K > \
dcncu | iirtai < plHlt ) > \ill pfowtLil ) be usud.
IIH. < iiAUftos IIAM.
When thu Kit/4p-rnld IIO-B comiianv re-
Uiniml vu-ioiiouM from liranu UlituU
tlmir leiulur , Mr. K K P.ukiugtou , vvtti
prii i > nt 'd with a scoop showl. which
WHS carriutl by him in iheir p.irailti Iu ro
lu t siimmur. Mias livn IJi-rrickJ , u
youn luiiv vvoll known tur thu nuinbt-r
of IttitK | io.iuiiugbluliuU b\ her at tiu <
nt.ito fair , ilecoruieil thu hhovid in an
elegant manner It u uow un exhibition
nt Ui'imm' hat > toro on O * Wixa. Die
lies ooiup.iliy l tor NKWOrleans
rlii-iiiiilille of Kiijrn.irto tstko part in
thu N' I'lii-incii'-unirimuieiit. Tin-
iKiys will L-umuu < m-c trniiunjf tlm lirst 01
Ditivumbor , ntiil unicrtatn rent hoiK'a ot
scooping ovorytliuir ; aV tha Kuw Urltau--
rrrv JUT *
The | iroi rint r of \\'ahiiigton ho
tfll , nemtfluiluH | > t. WHS up Owfore the IM.
lieu uourt for tliktiirbiuiu : ut tlio uvuii
Ho VVIU , Illluil f I : Vlld ttl-tU
lr ) .1 ( i.-rth. ir. hu stall * vet niiarv
biirgoon , vvn uksitiHl i uwol ry uf the
nutioiiMl vt < t4 < rmar > MwMy , t iu rvtm
nuHiihi ; : in Chicago
A. A C.illom , a tornwr nvwdent olLm
coin , now in IIIIXIIUH- Ha < itiurs ! , wu-
pniAiMitul by liw wiii- with tin olevii.
pouiiil Ixiy fust Monday.
The n.-w Uitilwnla ijook , at the eorm-r
of Klk\-nth iui'1 D-trooti. is oiiUur or.
cr , Miid Uui iuMiiuful lou'iw HI UHI ovnit'r
in Hourly linuliml.
J.l tCimhn. tln arok'teot , vvas rttociit
ly tdt ) . ted a nit HilMtr of 'l.t > Nation : I
iM4i-i ) of AiuinTuw , a woil
TinHwtn * buiiil ng OH O ot
twcci. Pwi fftb ii < ) l TII nili-
oni i'f " i i ml i i' ' 'h1 * v
I'd i * vi ti "i r\ -i | P "M . !
' i IK i < i inisi il
sTTiKI.IV vl.
W H V\ . -i'.v. ' . i I , n i \ 'ul
" it \ i t- * II - i i > \ \ , i i - \ B
H Linliin i t Mut'-ii H U Uwn- .
! i-mtint. . ( tl U n ui , < inir - i ce. B P
if < v tiold" Omah.i. F. \ \ > Lt.gBii ,
THIS 1'L.vsio.v
OowwH-loMer TH ok' = rirst
Ills 'rniM ,
W vtm-roTrtT Xnv. J5. - Ilio ecrctart Of
tbe interior has rcneiv Hl the annual icport of
( fen. John O. iJliu-k. coiaiiiissioner of pelt ,
-lofts , for the vear ended .tune .TO. i It
hews that tht -vcreat 'he < lose nt the year
" > I5 1'ii peiitioueis purirnt il.e venr there
w re added . > . n7 ! new aaiiitsnnl l.sir rein
statements , Unnnie ( he < amp jK il d the
names of li.XKt p. > n n ners were Mr
from the rolls fnr v arloiis cans * * ,
nrt m < r < i i ot fi. m Tin * average nnntial
vn ! > . cat h pc isn i > 'shown ' to be Silo * ,
iiul the mntresfatp ,11111 tal ttia < * of nil pen-
* lolia iS an over their
; , -ir if " , u'4 TH4. The
moiiht out in p < n- rindtirimc the ear
isW. . - - ; -Ci an mi if i < > m the amount over
the p'i U < 'Us \ par ' - ' " " ' ' k-f < ,
The c ' t - ijcc-t * that nn inn -
n l"inM In * elvcn in n ps nt
total . a'lii thtwe life * wiii * i in a
ippioMiuuu1 defines * , unl ho
. > um : nis n of * 0 toi total deaf-
- tun proportio iii at'iiCR for ! es i t ie-
" i if tins i rout. ! ' ' lie , vl n < IUZC H that
' netilx of the mt f March 4. l * I * * -t-
i > t iii * ildicrs . .mil.rtilois who. while in
ne ( diitv , io t an svrin above the cll * > w
i i i > awne tt > e knw "Hilt , und ho
ii "ti-muence I'eitsii have been snhstnn-
i . -i il > ; . 'il. to tin -an-e nt-cree t though
t li.oii . hid Ix-en jieiioriued it the -i.uul-
ii i i I ip joint
1 it n tu 15m k i .ills attt ntion to the wide- itfiliu that the Mia'tAtlon imposed
t ui Jot the act ot Mauli < l ; v , is
ertu.ti.i. : rtid < . .aiit is nniii-t ui tnitra
tions. If -oldicr wvpnt'tlfrt ' to | x-n-n > u
at anv ti.ue i.iior to the nrst dav oi .li'U. l-"s > .
no inxid ia.Mth is KIIOAVII to e\i f vvhM ! %
lioiiid in t tie n iw alioviid lo nial.e t'ltntf
thcn-oi. Hciiardinx Ii.'iuliiieiit ' and llt-ual
claims the ioinini mier ! avsttn t" < l IB-
tlturii . , tre iK'inv prtmcateti v ith vicw'o
Miretnk' the i > cnsion rolls ot ( he various iurcn-
i runt thcn.unts nt tho-w * tratutuUMitlv and
illi salij liorne thereon , and ireattKies' is
intend Ins tlie work. At the same time the
.rreitBst care is tcrmM uot to di-titrb the
rwhts nt anv vvnrtnv ] > eu-ioner.
LOMII.V. Vtiv. A So far rf tmics , TO lib
erals , nnd > Parnellites me clectea. T. P.
O'Connor Ik-tented the tory i-andldate In
Scotland H vi-u > n , Liverpool. b > i mat > rity
of I..K1. ; Tl e ton cai'iiu ttcdeifntwl e'ln'-lprs '
in I'ontclrat c. A-huiead Uwtlett , oii-erva-
tive , is elected in ShiMt'cld. ' Xet ' iuso lar
are. llheials - . lories IT.
Without Sniictton.
'ov. J3. The Star
.Sometime aito tien. hparks , commissioner of
'hewneral laml otBce , issued a i irrn'ar ' giv-
ine a sv-iem nt reeulntlotut govern i cr the
cutting < > t timber lor agricultural .tint uomcs-
tlc purfioses on mineral lamlin the wet.
Thi'-e itilcs prulubited the uttmit of t mbur
except in the MMiiit } where it was to beion -
stiined. forh d its use tor manufacturing wir-
po-cs , , md provided that a Tattler < u ii
not | > a ) tor its cutting but must
do it himself. The * * new rules
ha\e seriou-ly interfered ith nd
In consptjuence a ureiit number ol pntitioni
and protest have l yn received at tR-inte-
nor ( lepaittni nt.Vl.cii Sccrt lary
JcnksIooktHl into the matter lie found that
thecomnns-tiinHr luid pieparwl thc-i leiru'a- '
tions and lind them i ue < l. evpectm'r they
would receive thn oaiittion ot the secrrtai v of
th ? Interior. I'liis has ut'vor l > een Kiveii. and
tfuliiv an official statement was nrop.ired at
the interior deranment to the effect that
theiw teauliitii-ns v\i ru ii-ned inadvertently
: uid without authority ot law. "
Assigned Important Duties.
DES MOIXKS. tow a , Vov. "ii ( Special to
theBF.r.j Dr. SUUkcr , professor nf veteiln-
ary science in the fetatc Agricultural willeae ,
has Ueeii uivcn -jxcal commi-sion by thu
nevi riiineiii to lnvi-ti : .tc the ( .nu-e--of'he
dnoaMr , that mie t the i attic un the plains.
It was Dr. .Stalker and a * t < dent under him
at the AKrienltnral j-nllege. now prol s ( > r of
ve e ! ne in the Vstncnitui. 1 oilejre
ot colonulo. that diseoveie < i that it not
th tout and m.mtli illeathat athictvd M > me
oi the lierd ot KHII-HS U t icat , l > utergotism ,
01 the n--ult of | Hi oninif from errot catintt.
Dr Stnlker vvill rut during the winter is a
suHial | .iinmt of the bureau ot annual indus-
trv anil will explore the irnum : : o'aflis ot
Dakota. Colorado. Nen Mexico and Moutaua.
Tlio Iloroucli lilcctlou
a Tory Victory.
NEW Toms , No > 25 Special to the BKB )
The Herald's Lmiduu caolo ay . - Tau
Tunis wh iso proprietor after -eivi'-em foni
| iarliinieiiti : leure.vavs : "It is impoi ible ,
jiiiUiiii ; by icsnits of tuu j Killing vcterda > in
a liiixe iiuinlmr ot Iwrmiih constituencies , to
re-int the the veiiliet of the
conntrv Will -how the progitol n decided
reaction m tavitr ot i oii-erv.itive pimupi'ts.
I' is-uert can be reai heil td'toro tha
county t lei tors xute. Ihu veidiu of Uiisl.inil
at ill < 'vei.itMMII - 11 kith" to bo leached in
tavor ot Lord alinlijry'N ovoininent and
ojnunat lilailstone s iitnt u.uiiiii to powot '
Tii tory . tHHil.inl a > s : "Tho only re-
fiinnruM uf the nidicaui * iuii to IHI to dis
parage tha result .th indecisive , ( lladstone
liiL-i appealinl to ( ' .f-sxr .aid he can lend to-
dav what the judgment of C'.ear witu ri-
c.ird lo him is. It will cnu t * luui , uc tuia -
ine , i note pain than surpristi. "
LONDON. Nov. ss. l'.irl ! montry electiou
al Chfl-ea } e u nluv iexiiit4Mi lit uu mmu of
. sir t'harle Duke , liberal. b > a > oui ol * , Jil ( ,
111- opponent leoeivintc 4.11ii voteMr
ciiaiic.s w.ia presidf nt ot the 'ocul ' tcnvern-
uit'iit board under the UUUatoiii auuuuutra-
tlun.Lovnov Vov ! . . Tlio ic iitof ! the par-
IhimeiitaiN electioui , .L- taris Known tins
Iruviioon "m torty liberals , thun-r-ix tones ,
two nationalII.IM. ' Tliu liburais huvu teamed
one und the lonea twelve.
2 Niraiituu INCHi\sisn.
i : : in \ | ( | to tlm I'arnell
Ituoopiloii Committee.
I.I.VCOI..N. J ub. . Nov. A. I'.itnck K/an ,
i Ibo In-h National l unicuu of
-cut Illu luilovviiu tll-'iiU'h | firilay
ui y . U. ( .iillu hc.r , inc-i.liuu oi Uiu muniu i
lial council of the Imtguo. Vew Yorit uTe >
To AL U < IAI.I..VI.IIKI Sew \jrk-I
tvouid li'sUuJi | > .inn tUU ( HimiuiUoo .tc
| ioinutl tou'ieivu Mr. Patuuil < uidcolleiigiiiin
MI .Mid to their nunitK-i Mtr U'Veil1 and
Hvim ot ht. Utiuls , Thmim > V. Ui'iuluriv it
Diiotou an I M. \Vnheie \ of I'liil.ulv-lpliia.
vU-e-prct.iiienitoi' thu Nutional l HfU Ale
Uui proiuVnu or Ui xnvt'iul inuuiuimi ewtiii-
Lila Uirouuhuni Um louuirv.
" " ( .AS , Prwldoot.
tlio BneiD's" Myry.
TuicAtio , Nov. i5.-iiUc ) ! I'nmduiKMt , in
thu Cook count ) cnurt , thi- . . | o. : uu . i'ocidei ' >
that it wiMtlrt tn > iM'ois-r tn on > n the bullet
! > & * nnd ciMint the ( uillo's cunt fur iimrur
l.x l-pliiiJ , and -iiDiuit thu insult ol innnuiit
u exliifllio ill the ii'iitc-t nitvv ( tfJiiliii I.I
that court u toltK-i'Klit < t r rnjr ll..umi ;
to tioiil the nillin' of uirfvor "I I'lii' . ' ifhix
( n Hie IMIIUI iimttvUNl l > v the att'illnv * tor
IUniMi.i and IKirv an iiiuntliiit * ) recount
ol till' Ull..l.- .
iifTOV * .
aw Ti '
' *
PRICE aAKI\Q f " 'DCt " 0 I
As Indian Nnmd Long-Bipis : Escapes
from HiaOaptors.
Matters lit Pretty ttwitMeo
Ciuulroti. the Maslo CHy Invest ! *
tjnt inje SohwiMtok'4 llmiroatl
Trouble *
KA Citt , Ser 'S.-r prota ! to tlie
BRB-J Althotigh the district court ronvenwl
ben a week ice last Mondar , to < Uyvns the
ttfst day that tt shi'vrpd in jr life of neti'viiy
unntut the 1r. 3nAte Pound nfpsldwl. The
ease of the Mtate vs. fliomas * Williams ,
chanced with the killing oi hla undo , Rabe
I .i per. nn the nurht of the : ti of Auirnst
last , at the atnall town of DPT
lln. in otuo conntv , was crnnmenml
There appears to ha * e l en some hard teel-
; ne tor some ilmc existing twtwen the uncle
and nephew , the sequel of which was the re.
suit us stated above. On the night men
tioned Katoo Camper , accompanied by his ton
and man named Phillip * . { tossed yonnif
Williams' hoiue. on their war to Berlin.
WitlHms. a * was his usnal custom of an
evening. loft shortly afterwards for the game
place , tnkinar the precaution to put his revolver
ver In his pocket as It had coma to him that
hit uncle had made violent threats against
him. Williams turn uot been in to vvn more
than a few ininu es when Casper approach !
him. xnd arvM-t-d him of having come pur-
ntHciv for a luiit. This Williams denied.
\V irds followed. and Casper. hem ? twice the
M7i > of willmms. a ml making signs ot
assault , Williams iln'w his revolver
nrinB two shots the ilr < tni ! ' lnir. while the
- ecoml.tni'k Kabe in tbe heart , iromthe
ffccts of which It ? died In a few momenta.
Williams alter a tew hours'concealment. .
ira\p himself up rlaiminir the art was one of
sell rtefen e The prelimmnry examination
caine up lietoreIndite Motican. who refused
to nioeot toil , when a writ of hihea.s corpus
was M rved and Williams was bi-oturhl up IK -
tore .Indite Mltchel who also rviused
bail. and icinanded the prisoner hack to jail.
At ( he last term < f iwirt the irrand jurv
found a true bill against hi in tor manshtuith-
ter. .iurl the defense settinif a continuance ,
\ \ illiama was admitted to bail ( a the sum of
Some difficulty was experienced in obtain-
In a jury as most all the regular panel had
either read ul the cn-e. or talked with wit-
nes-es. The case will be hotlv touidit. Dis
trict Attorney strode is assisted bv T. D.
hteveiiM tind A. s. Cole tor tfap prosecu
tion. while lion. J.V.iUt > n and ilon. K.
T. Hansom , .issisu-d by Col F. R Ireland ,
will watch ti j' el } the lutere tsof the detcnd-
antTlio board of trade held a large and cntnu-
-iaMicmiM'tlnir Montt.ix evenuu the truitof
which it tiun ixaii/etl w ill rivttuisciu - tuna
a boom a * slie neter had ot-tore. I'nicaifn
wan present and uuulu aouiu alirrin , , " and
telling rciniirks.
A- our pi n at postTOte.tertlmo expires
within aerj lew WWKS , the -core ot appli
cants i on tic ixi-itiou are m-uin.c quitti um usy
le t s > oine eamhoiud t > e tott uuciu | > lo > ed on
then i irL The Btii man lu.t it , and trom
reliable -oiuce. mat ci ateen nut nf tliu
tncnu nre already out 01 ihe race , as tar as
the 11114 here i < oiK-eincd. and tlmt the olticc
no * lie * l > eiwee ! ! L > r. M. > . CauiM | ell. an oid
remilentoi this < in. , -uiitich iti-miN rat and
hwtu > it pt'ctcd i > > .Ui tnusu who Kuotv him ,
while his opjHiiiciu in tiniae ' is liuu. Dou-
aid MuLi'nuu AIIO ror mauje < t Held tne
olllce ui luuiuy clerk , witn muuu abiiit > .
An ImJlnn llapl-t nt
CXIIM Nob. , Nov. i > . [ & | > ecial to
the UEE.J iL A. riiomas , Indian Inspector ,
has left Jinn ) for PintRtU i ; nzency to a.'aln
Investigate the charges uaiiut V eut Mcliil.
licnddy. McUillictul ly must be a bndly i > er-
ocuted man trom the number of his inves
tigation * , lie mat be an innoci-nt man and
a capable uifent , but it secraa paaintranze
that while he is in a constant statu ot investi
gation as acnt of the most r > eacetul a nil civ
ilized Sioux at Pine Kuleitirencv , that Major
\Vnlit of Rosebud agency , having in charge
an < tual ( number of Indians containing all
the crsc flciuenta of the nation , man ) uf
Whom \\cre in thu 1'UAler mabhacre , dwell In
hnriiuiin and pence.and is rapidly ptuhingtho
people under tit. lia e to the ironi ranks of
Inuiin schonlg , t.umtn un < i cuili/jition.
The Intl 411 'P.wk -tlii'-lrairie-Oluc ven. '
who outragid Mi = J Mnjnui'd. a M'hool
teacher , ten mile's et f V.ilent > ne la t
I summer , and who cs < up d floui the -hut iF ! on
the il.iv fit li.trul .it liulivt term nt ttie ilii-
tnctioiirt. wasrfcapiured at Kospbtnl atron-
cv ii\ the airencj pullet1 , r'.tlihli.tii ' Mpfd
from MiL'titt' L ttlt1 . 'lid D putt " lieiiif Miaw
in the hlindiinr ' . .nowtorm WMU h preiuileil.
lie had l > e * > n con ined in the .rturd noiiw at
Foil XioLrara ! ) < Un > tnn from the
I time or his arrest is it > vj > s ti-ucd If pluci-d
in jail Iwiche would be Ivni IMH ! l > ; Indian t t ,
i itizcns. lCiuthhcillt | Shaw had bronmit :
t..c-pri-tmt-r ironi Kurt Nioltnift un'ioiit ' i nits
r shatkk1as tli - ortlcer wi ll ' ila % reItisml .
to lo.ui irdM'iiiuiijMt tuvpurn to > t tte oltiom.H ,
and tlie conntv authoiitiodeeii ) to tlunk
thev are ton jxior to buy sucli necaviury
th ujri. On IIH urn\al in KAMI he made a
hif.ik tur hbtitv and hiHi-i iiHt m iiial.iiu
his laeiii * ' in the tfro\nii2d4ir .ni and Mind-
iUK blu.ianl .vliii'.i piMV uixl at tliu tliui * .
i liu wnshol at several tlmeci by
' the shot lit and deput } , failing unuo
in lib ? tlhfht and 'TMTIL , ' ant in > ioux ha
waxshot. rlns w.i M riii * I on ht % capture ,
lln i mi' of IIH HD-Ts w.m s n.t utf. On hla
iMptnrt' . A'L"H W'ri nt hid nun plated In the
uiiaid House and pronictlv notiui'dtheHuth > r-
ititw hern. On > .tinr.lav lu-t Mieiiff Little
wtmc to Ko-cliMil ioi iiji prisoner t ut unite
ifL'ttiiu hidinnur at the I mini llut Indian ,
tlirou ii the aid of tncndi' , u.nlH his tMcapu.
He ikirrd to mtiku MUIIU nn j > , nation in
cJolliin before IC.IMIIUthe .xueui'S and was
nndnced U > the houim < > i H rclHtue a hort
dittamt ! tioui ihe u- : . .iicrfiiani hoiil l > \ t\\u
poiitfiuen , n > ibiother lilaik i > uil IXMIIC ono
01 ihruj. On raifbluK the liuu-e the bi oilier
ot the piiHonor eut the other | M > ui-cmiin buck
to Uut ( 'UHnl JIUIIHU : ur - > no urlmio .inU tliun
witii his ! > riv > iiur muunu-d .1 roupleoi imrM >
wluut ) hud i MUentl ) buea iilatcuiltutui'iiitiiU-
1 } ntm bv trii'lidnnud tied ioi the c-iiujoiit.
or 'iuVtiltt.1 \ iti t r , fne i > < lIceman nn his
i ruturu < lisoow.Tfd tljv eauiixj ul the pnnuiicr
I ainl at-iinvg.iVH thu .il.iriit. A l'.nt > ot ( Mt-
lieu'KM' hot > llt and . ' ,
| -'KM' put > > Mictcc'flijg in tr
taking tht ) brouiot. l ) uck ! Jul : , inv mile *
fiom tiiO RKencj at the html "I ono of
the deapiujdiiimcult o.ges leitUin u > the
\vlut nver. Tlw pi IWIUM- mid i rt liU h rso
hw brother .nul i'od ' on t o . It txiinv
Mbic to t'U w him on l..nwhwik the
! rvniinwt ti > lID ( turinvv with the
ifi wuu VN.IJ , at mirat * irn KDII iroiii the
larctiNiid piaond in the yi'uril ' IIOUHU
to remaiu until his Itratlwr Kivt'it IniiiM-lf up ,
or 11 leuipturod. A larKf numm-i ui iluint \ -
IIIMJ art'cmt | o.ik im l..i tin * | iriruiu-r , , who U
Kiip | > n-txi to havu dud to onu ot the upper
OIU ) Huwlluru ) tlitia ,
Political Pr > Jm ftxnn JJefltrioc.
IlKYTiucit , Voii. , . . - , ' . [ isn&eli'l to the
Jit i. . | Tlia iHihtmttiei * and laud oltkt fnrnuih
laik at the present time , saui Hl.'f. our duin-
uuraUi * druggixt * h& > guzit # to
with a ueutfmi ol uvri you iiuiut- *
drover for " 1 * . M. " Omoift iliinni. Marvin ,
UK * tlitor uf tUc UtMii'M'j ii. lit living ai umd ,
Irv-iu tor the 'dum ihia . 'fliu hflic/
) ! l will | j t thu otiiio ,
'rhti'I..UO- < iiy ioiiKil ; have ordered
flnn-1 Umirrot view , tt'c prtMiiina iliuy
vva i to MH ! tiiu Uvti i arnil.Hi aw pruiu
lw.1 to U ) i nulling iu-\t week. l tet Is
mlaim. . , ' iwr hi-rt * .nnl driver * tor Uui
4 ir tcrtUv cvorybotlv wa * sifiiin * A rwll-
tiou uak. u ' "f 'h1 8i > r uiiiUi.ent nf K. It ,
mo'iilis , uo I'rmtdint Chreland apuolntnd
Jo.-fiui Hill tu nil Uu * oHuv. hui tlm buttd
o-niitjnr i ilr. Itllt a < uiiutilo tuivo ( it ,
Mr. i't ' 4 i-au 4'ivr aJuiiiit it ill * 4tixl bund 4114
fs t ft-iiiuwiiaii m emry iiinu-nlai biw u a
ik'UMx-rat. IHH that hate be. If oal > IH a
mild lurni. to tf K uUie *
\ , i t N
I 1' 't t i
\ . il Ul ' ! - . ' " -i l" ( I K 1 i _
formal ch.xrsp * airlinHilie i'rcni"tit , FVkh' rn
V Ml * o > iri Vi.lev raJlr nl i-ompMn , i-hari-
DC Hi-1 : iMiipsii ) ' M riniinatr * : iu.iin t
Norfolk in fa or ot , , ther i > ottit Dr.
hwenk nhmtttrtl liiemrnt itid freight
I > ilish.nvinif tiiat dMu.mmatinn n made in
f.iM r "l Fremont . .ucainstorfoik. . thatrate *
Iwitram Froiaont arttd ) * nts we t of orfnlk
on thl line te nearly the aine , from " < * -
lolk to the Mime ptrinto. arhoturh the di- > tan
l4twi < ia.i meat : Mat Mctnont dealer * pay
rt t > ate of I reitrht W twtr < ntomer and have
the amount i > t rebatw 'oiunrttMl h\ the railroad -
road c ) im iny , thu" ! emii nut them to iet 1 < -
ter ran > s , nie comBtH iouers hare tstteti tha
< ase uudcr adiseiu nt
tllmtj ! c * >
Keh , . Nov.
Brr. ' Wlwn a town with ttwmwrrelniti
growth of two thousand in thrw months
springs from barren piairie. it l $ indeed a
fart that It should be known to the people
thr"tighoMt ttte tat * . ( hatlrou is the lxd-
\ ille nl X'-brnsk * and oj > of thcirrowin *
j oung cities of the * et. Three months i < o
it started , nnd now tn- < lavontains two es
tablished new papeTt three banks , and other
himltipss hwnes tn proportion. During list
ehvtiitn t hnilmu alone , st overHDO votes ,
it is the div ision cndoi the F. E. .til. V. K. U.
ifoinit north , and also of the otte wring wesL
.un I bids lair to lie one of the lirst cities of
Vfbraska , One of Mw im t notable person-
'uti-isthat nf C. P. Trent nliu has his large
inpplv- house here. Ills large btdlding is
iiearlj * ft-et long. Hi'consttilthmpiovs
from ten to twelve men to ina his IIII-I.JPSS.
I'nis. like allother western towns. c > 'iians ;
ph ntv ol aloonsan ife'htirches < hi'f a snore
onifilv town could not bo loundaUn.the
Hue. _
Public Improvements in lln titir ( > .
HASJTISO * . Nth. . Xov jSpecial ( to i'ic '
HKI-.J Major Wliwld Ins caded a
lection for December iu lor the purpose of
-ubnilttmg to the voters of lla tuifs the
1 nest Ion whether the < itv of llu tinss v lll
nint iianciiises to the liastinccs Mreet rail-
\vavi-ouinaiiv to bnild and operate atrcet
ratlwnv m the city ot HasUnns. Theeom-
panv is headed liy IL L. * C. L. Alexander *
nnd the mpiUU stock is lixed atUW.ooO. .
Work is to oe commenced on the ttrect rail-
' . > ius soon as the Irani lu-m is in-anted. Tins will cover the principal Im-ino-s and
ifsidence portions of the . -it ) and aiwut ten
miles of track will be laid.
The city council emraiied Mr. Blrkenblne.
ot the lloilv vvuter wurnsvstem. . to prcp.ue
estimate- , and - fcincaiiintor a svstein nf
w iter 'vorks. It is thoinrht ihnt the work ?
will ifrst in fie neighborhood ol siSOUO. A
-peeial election will be culled -Hime lime next
mouth to vote on the prop"tinu. .
Accident at Blnir.
WIST I'oijrr , Xeb. . VoS .Sixvial to
the BI-.I. . ] A.S the accommodation train iroin
W < st Point for ilis-ouri Valle > was ruuninc
into Blair this inornini ; at o'clock , an old
man named Ijone attempted to drive acroso
the track. The waeon w.w struck by the pi
lot and rut in two and thrown W fret from
tlie track. Lou : : WHS thrown on the pilot
aud terribly mangled Ills head was < ruhed
and hevas otherwise wounded , lie will
i ertainl ) die The her pcte unl.urt.
Jim Kri-hin Jti ttie Cli.iii * Tlie P.esoltt-
tions Kcpoiictl.
ST. Lot is Nov. 'i" ) . 1'he National Cattle .
and Horsa < > rowers' t-onvt-ntion reitimeil if ]
< ision this moiniiu , with tteneral Bri > bin '
in the chair , fhe ctnuuuttee on n olutiona
reported .w follow ? :
lie it Ke olvni. Thatthe T'nltod Statwron-
srrcss hp iesH.Tttuliy | | * ntioniit lo t-na < t a law
b > whicnttiiu ore 10 ran eund timber a
the putillc domain of the tinted State ! ) ut in
tin * Indian < . .ountrhail ' be punished b > uiiu
and niioiiMniiuciit.
litit lieMjiMtl. Tliat thi convention is in !
fa\or of the adoption ot a law which shall
provide tor appoinuitont by thtt president of
the United Mate's 01 a i-omiuission 01 live
men , who-nail be cTiareed with supprchsin
and extirpating the tonuurmn 01 pii'iuo-
pneiunonia amoiia tattle , and who -hall ho
i.ilhonwl ior that pnipoMtniin.iiiiitiue one
poiiion ot tin * ciminn IX.IHJ-.I the -uipmcnt
ot live cattle trom unothciherc the di-ease
e < ci-t- > : to emplm UAM-tancc. mclndui 'he
bctetennarv -kill to hu toiind , nnd to make
, \11 nifew-ary rules and rcijiiinuous tor cn-
torcinu the duties \\ith which they are
' Ir.irireil. the niemtaor- -iiid < omtnin ion to
he utiin tar with tliu matter of breeding and
tmnUIiU live sue K. and men ot
'OIM | i .wumoiiblliu . tne inemberi * ot said
i oinniivion to Iw paiil aal.uj i-oinmt-n-ii-
rite \\itli their dutU- * . When it Ijecouu-s
nc < 'i an for said eomui um to slaughter
cattle tor the purpose of e irjiatin , ' a < lis
etiwe , smd commission -hould pa\ for the
-unit-out of tiie appropriation made lor-the
purpose of enforcina tlie laws
Fne rf-oiut imtiirthiT lecoinmend that
the contention re | He t < on re s to IWWHnch
lawn ashall pi ice the nholetibjcet oi
iiiiartintine tmtti r the control and jun-tln1-
tion oi thu general gou-rninent , Kivni.iiHth -
ortry to extablisn quarantine rc u'at ons
VMI un propT limibi. amiet apart trom tne
lamliM'mnrimr to the I'nit d Mates , -uch
i i.inuuiuc yio in is ashah ! > the mo-t putt -
t sti\e. ami l > cst promote mill subsfrve the
cattle interenbi of the > ntin-1 otintrv.
The icitortot theeo-nniitweon resolutions
provoked ,111 aiilmtied iiml prolonged ill- u- > -
- > lou. pailicularlv t iat part" ! tliein referring
to pleuro itnuinnoniit. It w.w un uly laid over
until to-morrow.
Tlie Chlno.-o 31 list Ro ,
SAN PitAvciioo. Vnv. i" . r.imre i men j
M > rrow and Felt n leit \Vaohinjton yes- .
ter-lav , ami H irclai * lle'ile ' > K-tt to-da > . Sen i
ator Miller'till ' too un well to leave. r < m-
remtn Hcn'ev. ' in .HI interview piiblislusl
in the Kxainim-r. SHV-lie and Morrow have ;
ilr.ittenl a iu-w ( luiie-e lull to bo submitted ,
to itnigreiM It is an exclusion bill. Under
its provisions noCliuunun will ba allowed
laud in rho ( Tuu it btatu ufter July 1 uext.
A I'rmo-it t'ro a d-o on ,
\VAAICIN TON \ov iX ro U
Moorly , of Orecon , thionsli Cupt. John Mill
ion , Orepcn'tau aa > nt , nle < l iormul complaints -
plaints with ecreurt K.i'imr ' acnin < , t the
. -oinmiwioner oi thu 'enrai land office for
failure to I--MI- | ' ! [ tu Ouon for
hwtotor < - apphive I t < -id tiieb\ <
l.i ! iiui . | 'i' c.ind lor iwr.uittlni ; i
lo IH loitutfl ior SHU ! Ian Id tor.uoli ot >
Aniittior ItlllliH-ii Toitriunom.
CittOAuo , Nov. * > . Vu atrnvment was
drawn up and signal 'oilay byV'haefer. . j
Visnam aud ho | r-jj > tnenuaratournarut-nt
to be liuld in V w Vcirk ciiv ltwwn Decora-
tier IS and ) l' < ( nd iilav to nnifch for
the i haiii'iionMiip nf ttu < v\oi Id. Kucli nf th
; -I.IVIT ha * ueM | MU l > W. wnloh amount i
to bo the -lakt i.j.mxi lor. Ttie im'CioW
will Iw lilviiirtd amoiix the p'avers. ' th > vm-
ner i < rm ivo I V ) and tHA nocond < iud uitrd < A
and 'JO i ercfiit
hocuses w < re i 8iie < i v
to hiunit ijund antl Vmuuila Cjr
li > W c J. rui ! j jftid MUa Clara F.
A Panillj ltBinr ! .
Ni-tWn * aad * mon , 10 'bo ' tH.-artty of tif o
hupptnaa * mid In lUUi ! ilimi n mie und iv1 table
tumUy inbdiumu. atuimuu * Liver Itc ulaMir
IMS won for u.u ihs * M > oU tion of "tim tavor-
Ue liomo romixjjr. J { MtiJapcoJ to alqrupro-
pttniou of the Dint'ivuiu'ioi irniun ooour In do-
mu lU ; life If tUo ihUtt Im9 tbP Lollo. it ii u. ur * > .
mle uaJ pltmnuit reuii'i ) If the fatier n oi.
h 4ilH * < i , ertrurkwt , k 1'illWUKl. it mil restore
111 * railing -trou th if ibe wile tatter * from
< iytpoMW ! | , kiw | iint > . iHwUuoao , ir will trlr
roiluf. If oar tst'uilH.r at tto family tin * wteo
anjiUiujr ! : ur < i ol < int uou. a muU doM uf tuu
to Iq uo i ) wl > rt >
nurootlo bwrcrviind , it ia Um un.-r fHr.VRtivs
Hr-uit i > f , uudiu to bdgtn tritii , no matter
wb ttli Miuck. Mid la HJniwrf ewrjr i-u e wUI
aftui l n-Uut tu * tf M a | M > 0d/ cure , without
cue aid of < Mupr nuxtkituM. Vo < rror 10 l j ttmtt'l '
; uutaluo
i.I ' .Minis in , ii.tii < ( , , i lin- i , . . , . :
t i
i n u
Jcha B. Legcard Proved fo Hare Coasp-
to Df fraud tfa
Ciathcml From iho CN > ttfts
\P\VB THIIH I'nHpfrirMF" For *
soiiHl lnrasniiili rttlttsf
News Vliotit 'fattni. '
i-vtiiHi ottiur.
In Fnitai States conrl vusterdny the
arguments in the case of John D. Leg-
nard. trho has lieen on trial for sul > orna-
Hnn of perjttry and conspiring to defraud
the gowrnaipnt. occupied all the morn-
ihg. and iu the afternoon the case was
given to the jury. Later in the day they
returned u veroicl rinding the defendant
guilty'.n the latter count of the indict
nient The jxennlty for the ( .rime of which
Legtiard has beeu foand guilty is evi > re ,
the punishment being both a tine and
imprisonment. The nne cannot Ira less
than # 1.000 nor morn than f 10,000. and
itnpiisontnent oaunot exceed two var .
Sentence has not yet been patted by
Judffe Dundv.
This cane has attracted considerable
attention both on account of the t'xtcn-
sivt tratitU perpetrated m takintr uu Vu-
bn ka lands , and been use of the wealth
aud high staudinjr of the defendant Mr
Lfgnard i large brick inanuluuturer nl
Chicago , his office licinjr it ( U La Snlle.
: ind an extensive ranch and stock owner.
He is reputed to be worth over half a
million , Hiole defense m thu case
was the ignorance ot the laws which he
wa.s violating. He was defended bv Hon.
John M. Thur ton. while Attorneys
bert on nnd Bartlett conducted the prose
oonrr SOTRS
The toilers in the United tntes court
will be permitted to enjov a great
Thank'gtvinc holiday The juries
wen- excused by .Judge Dund v until Mon-
dav nex-t. Judge Brewer left last evening
for home tent turkey and will remain
ab ent also until Monday There will
probably lie little business in the court
for the rest of this week.
Judge Brewer finished the Nebraska
Citv barb wire case ind took it under ad-
I Lieut W n Colfin. of the Fifth nrtil-
| lerv , ind formerly stationed at this point.
| has just been appointed to the position of j !
professor of military service and tactics i
} at the University of V'-rraont. at Burling- '
l ton , Vt. He left Fort Omaha some '
montnsago to go to Fort -subujler. New ,
I York. 1
i Lieut Trent waa recently ordered to |
the Willet'B Point school ot engineering , I
but news has just been received that the |
order has been revoked , i
A general courtmarti il is appointed to
i meet at Fort Laramie. Wvo. . on Flinrs-
dav. the 3d dav of December , tor the ,
trial of such persons as mav he properly
brought before it The following t the i
detail tor the court r.iptams Ce mba ,
Freeman , Sanno , Coolulge. Brcchemm ,
First Lieutenant ; liohiuson , Kendrick ;
Young , Woodbridge.Jiick.sou , Fredrick
Second Lie itenant Tompkms. S jo-id
Lieutenant Dauiel L Ilowell , bttventh
infantry , judge -ulvocate.
IA'IVO of absence for one month is
granted Second Lieutenant Edward II.
Brooke , Twenty lirn iufantrv , Fort Sid
ney , Neb.
Itrothcl KeeperTu Caut't.
Tlie prciimmarv examination of Louisa
Smith , chars-id by Florence Dalac with J
cmbe/zleraent , was held before Justice i
Wei-sypsterilav afternoon. All evidence
iti the case was hikcn , but Judge Weiss
reserved hu decision until to-day at
noon. Miss Smith was remanded back
to Kil. being unable to furnish bonds. i
The testimony IP the trial showed that |
the Uuhic woman , who owns several
houses occupied bv protitutcleft town i
reeeuth and the Smith woman acted as '
her agent during her absence. Mi s I
Muith was also a tenant of the complainant - [
ant , and a short time igo was nrrcsted ,
and tined * 1UO for selling liquor in n.
house ol prostitution. U lieu the Dnlac
woman returned to Omaha -he demanded '
that M\tt \ smith turn over the i-oiit toiler.
Tins thu latter w is unuble to do. .u sue ;
had iisitil the monev in piivmg her nn .
Mis < Unlae thereupon swore out a com
plaint tor umbw./.lemeut ttnU the arruat
PUtrlot Court N'oto- .
Court iwljourned yesterday afternoon
until Friday morning , to givn all a
chance to observe Tlianksgiving in a
proper manner. The juries wore also
i-xoiiseii from attendancu until Monday
morning. Court will beheld , however ,
on Friday. court will agam
adjourn until uu\t w ek Thnrsdav. The
meeting of the Snrpv eountv court nest
week is the reason of the ucond adjourn-
Judge Neville will bo absent next
UVUK m uttoniiiincu atIho Sarpy county
The jury in tin fane of .litmus Uohurty
V3. ilurtin L'auiioti istill out.
A Clinriinblb innno Init.
A man giving thu n.imn of J. 1 * Lareon
was taken in charge by OiHcur Uloom
liust owning ut the Union Pucitic ( Input
and conveyed ttt the c-ity jail , wliuro the
word "insiinc" wui : plantid Oipo ) itti in *
name on tha blotter. Lrti-t-on hnl : JJMOII
thv oilit'-i' ' that he li 4 just given a in n
, V > to ive to thtt ixiiiiWno th fellow
was lliiit ri-ceivud the IIIOIIPV Larson did
not know. It .a < | iiiU vid Mtt that ' /.ii-fon
i not imito right tn In * lamd , Uui uu
i to bo '
TJioy I < r > t Their
About U o'clock la-si uveniug i poli - i
officer aiv iwvorul bo\H wnlkin un i
Kluvvnthtroot with * ai'ks on their shoul
der b. They avtad ruthcr > itiiiiciuuHiy
itud tbi' < > lllcr Ofmcludfd to in
When he called to the. b v * Miay
utnl > shifted nil * fiat , .md lie gn\v
Aa he { iiuut'd on thu iud * OUM of thuui
UroM'i | | | hii sack , and wiit-a thu otliucr
ujckud it up IIH found 'hut it uonttii.icd
thrtto turkevi l'hi i > mU w ro taken to
liBuaiuartcr | * Hiiuju they
u lor ma.iitiou. .
il nt \ \ > U ,
MnrrtHgfl licoiitMis were imiiiid
day to Frank Lind uud Amanda C'arlsoiit
Willum 11. Kliinil o and Jiui < ! ( Jhitildii ,
Matthew L- Van Ponton and Mary Uj.iok- j
ley , Ham. Lyik auU Mary Hiw > ola Uii. i
and < jutay Moor aud KJ * Hubiu , nil uf
Omttlm. Victor A. wt.i ; , of Hioux City ,
and Iliida U Ilolmei of Linoolii ; ( titorgo
< ' P'llu'k. ot ( iruiut isliuiU , uuUClaru t.
Uruvvu , uf Owuha.
\t tfaa vceni i veer * 9 motion
a , VV. r1. , Man uf W. F. UH I K UM i Itl
eral wkt pi * * u.iui rtMdunt * . .N . . i-J
NiuUi Htrwt. at J u. t Thuruluy. Hit-
c II t 15 Si vv > is i A : ( ' - f M
i _ i.i i. .1 ' . .t
ITit rit-M Vnininl Itnll ul the t nlon
1'Hntrr * . .1 ( ! rnit < l
f tp 'u 11 inn"il ' ' II ot
ifi "pun 11 union , Xi > Iff ) , which
ncld , t night it ' ' .in'ungham * hid.
iii < cc-s ' th socially itid
( her one hundred couple *
were in tfetidnnec and i "Ate o i ; i m
was cniovM by all Thirty "tuk-
cotrtitnit l the dance prosrTsuuni *
and from time' until ' ! * " i > erM od >
"nulled mil ' Without the I'-aM lmw nf
Wenrinrss Not a line of "time com'
wns run out , no one "soared , and riot
a man w us caught -hotnf'tiir th-hook
Tlie music fwr ihc im.ision , vas uir
m shod by the Music I 11.011 oiiucnr.i
and not a'fiisp motion n is mile
Kvvnthinn seemed to U rmis ior'hv
bova , and not a Ihouirht of n | i < > d gnl
ley" r 'pt ' marred the pita .irt' of ihf
dunce "Time for lunch ' wns called at
midnight , after wuieh tin aierry ioun.1
of ! ' ! asurc i on tinned until 'press tune.
the forms' being a ' , iil. ! t i n
down -livirs , Not s p.ipi i n i
however , failed to m-iki i'
Kvoryiiodt present vouil i. i !
cess , and the 'niyn nrc to ! o _ i
ed on the triumph of tbur uu u i . -
The progrnnltnes for'lie'M - P
elegant attain * , and go t u i i u
hUxlU'St"ty " le ol the ' ait ) i - i v v
the following iti uti > iui ti i' . . :
fair in < h.irgc. and to tin n e
jjrwnt "iiei e oi t us " 'ill - t i
Maslt-r ot ( crcmolilf'm ' \ i
'I'liinuitee < > t Vimnijiiiii i -
< oe , .1. It. Uewis , \ \ . K ' KII
Ueot'i tlon Oomimltee .1. 1 , ' \ ' .
OIKtt V. Uunk es U . tt t i. i
FI'X ' r i'iiiiniitti1 * ' la'lu - I' ' . K S.
Klsn | > i. \ . 11 .tnt'iu. ' J.evsis M , i.t i v u
HniiKles. K. < i ( nlltiaud.
Moor I'tiiiinuttee V. W. Sitttua , U. W.
\Vi.urd. Juiuvs Dci'inud ) .
and Tuesday at Boyd's opera
house will be heard the po fiular and fav
orite nrinia donna , Emma Abbott , sup
ported bv .1 bright s&Uxy of talent , su
perior to any that has shone in English
opera in Vinenca for 10:1113' yours , aud
our music lovers are promised a festival
in the production by this famous com
pany of the much talked of "Mikuko , "
and the emitcst of Miss Abbott's suc
cesses ; "Lu Fraviata. " The delicatulv
vibrant nuality of her voice and her pare
sustametl notes lind in 'ho flornl mu io
of "La rnuiita"a better field than m
nnv other opcrn. and her Violetta is eon-
sidered a rrand arti-tic triumph. Her
four "Travmta" are models of thu art of
four of the leading moJutes m Paris.
The lirst worn is by the celebrated Worth ;
in the second act a lovely pain blue
French erupts ili chctie , made by Pin at.
the third ict is m.irvolou-lv rich wmto
sntin , embroidered in petrK from tha
Compuuie Lvonaise. thu fourth net dross
tame from the hands ot Mile. Louise ,
who makes ail of Sarah Uarnhardt tv dv-
tng eene dre-s.'s , whilu her diamonds
urn only nv.Ulod by the % w ) rn by I1 itti.
Die sale of seils tor thu Auoott engage-
meat imgius 1'nday morning.
C. N Storm , of Lena , is at tinPax ton
John T Pershmg , of Lincoln , is .it the
Pi\ton. : |
Hon A. S Paddock , of Beatrice , is tit
the Alillard.
C e Abbey and wife , of Falls City , are
at the 1'axton. j
Attorney A. J. Cornish , of Lincoln , la
tit the Pa vt on. j
Mr. John Kendall left for the Pacific ,
coist yiM < rday |
F Miller , of Fultorton , is rcg-
ist'-rcd at the Paxton.
R H Winilham , of Patt ! mouth. is in
the city , stopping at the P.iton. . _
UV .Simpson , wife and son , nf No-
bnihku. Cit\ , ant ue is : tt the Pattou.
John P Williams aud J. C. I'tites. of
Lincoln , registered at the Ahllard , c-ier-
Alf H ! Sehroter nnd wife left v-tnrrtav
for ( iermiiui , wheru they will pa-v > .1 few
( Km. COP. the well known ,
who li-w had such a loiuj aivknuaa , is con-
Mr. Yeoman , of tha lirm of Yeoman v
Hull , f > > nulby , Nub. , vvaa in thu oU >
U. H. Frans. R. U. Wallace and C. O.
Young , of tJuis county , urn stopping at
thu P.ixton ,
Mr und Mrs Go H Boggs. accom
panied by Miss Maud Kundafl. Jett jester-
day tor ( 'ahtornia.
J. Phil Jaeger , of LoupClty , Wii > in tlie
city yesterda > on Im.tineM regiuiing lUo
exttitisiou ol thu railioad to In . tow u
( > . U. ( Jrnndull , Lincoln. L H. i'lihu
etcr , Uewitt. li hj.-inojflu | , Auroia , M.
U. Moudy , Genoa , anat the C.'anueld.
ilios Alliu Bnitn , the obliging ciulner
t 1'urrill iSei 'ook ihou stor , leltei * -
ttirduy to vimt file mis in tlm vvent. tvliei-c
Shu will attoud n douoiu vn ddmg ot tuo
ot her i ouiiind
Her. v T. Uaviueocinted with Kev '
J N. Bovd , Denver editor of th < Chris- |
liuii Hour which in issued v utenipora- '
con.tlj IJouvor aud tins the
m oity , in m i
cit > .
S f'unninxham , of ( 'unnin haiu
rhonjpMJii , of ( ilniciMtei , , h ,
Inttiii upending some time tn tliin < itj , lias
returned < ' > t Mr. UniHiiiighmn , vvhos ,
linn i o iu of tht ! Im esi tisn | > ri > duivr- '
on iht Atlantic i , U iUu mutcniud
iu tnu Itcuaou - ' * < > , of i ) iuaii.t.
Alics Aniin L Fiillor , lati ) xolo nu.irnno
at . " t. .Stnplittn's i bun h. I'niladclpiii.t in
In thu city vi < itiiir , witn frieiuU Ali-s
Fuller has i vou-u of rnuiai k.iblu Inllnrs. ,
and | iownr Shw sung u solo .it the u tor
u ry l.-ut .Sunday iiuut at I'miitv cathe-
ilnil aud alao Huvurul nriu * from ibu
Ortiturioii iiit.'f ehia'ch niul giv.ttU ili
lighttMl inot ) who hnar.1 her it woulil
Iw a yruat treat if O.uiiiiu pnople could
lien r MU f Kullur in giiurch ilunuu her
ta\ here Shu Will , - -
\ HIUu IViinij i-n-
thcdrai in morrow morning tu a trio
Irom Huvduu Cre iioii
into rest , on thu evening of
y& , a4 Dull-oil. Mit < i , Marv It.
. . . . . . . iiioti sr ot Uoot-n It uiuJi Un
II. Hiii iv.ilt of Uiw fit , } , tului'iuuiit , tl
l ' . .i.bur ; . I'a
A hgibuifl train vrill IOHVB rouncil
Bui I"1 ! .it J orloiik 1'iuliiy morning tor
the iK'Uuiit Ol alii Jl OlViaUit ! > ( . ' > jil. . .in lll.iy
wunt to iitti'litl tilt diiiit-i U > be ivt n 111
MUM > I c hall , un Icr tbu uuspicus ot thu .
Catholic ifMu-intion 1
Thu Kuooud part ) 5f tha aerify KIVCII by |
the A | > oK | htM'ial oitiu wiia Uultl liui ( veil
ing ut. Lijlii ( maid * ' luui iMid a vttion
' ' " 1ai WH4 Iia4fhti ere rniiMiio i
ut Iwonty nu'iiuur * . J'tu. f n- !
vhw liad tlw nttitir iu
worn Kluur coi.uutUtftt , I i J MU i nt , '
durf. ( ' li. * uii < > < * , AJ Ivutuu , F U.
Kuweliir * . A. U i'ouk. rMHiptloM eonimit-
litu , C' li. T. UipMJ.i. | H. J. i'uuilei , L K.
filouj y.
ru ' .ww-uie jii. < Kite ci.iu 1 ta I
! J > i i , ivc I uuf Mi i ] S ;
3 TCTV M nem T itong ind has i i
ijnite ' it
WiUteufel'- lt * > s irr ill , i .
but the itttMt inU Mi'isf utut i
nuuuncd i Lorn * \ sv
' ' 'itni'inut t'p fh Uol Ifi < Hi-
is ijti it i ntn at the present tim y
plwp nt musio pnbllalied.
| > ' n t I.-we Your Mother" IUK i
sncccc I. . | ' .v "MlStaml by Moth1 1
rtii't ( irnv ' Ft is hy HosnbeJ.
Kve-\thm f i f fof thf" tim. <
vcs w.ij to the ' Mikado " 11 i i i- 3
of t optt's of the mil icore .ire soKl i
Kelloifjt s favor'e son ? , "Prof \ P ,
Olm r ' h.w rc\i i ml the comers
u 1 - ii a few barrel
lar literature , there v % r
m-,1 iH > music * > > - >
uid itad in print > r
u t
tl l poi'iilnr songr is M\ < n.
Km i Htbv , " hv victor M > . .
It is . . i ) ' s"lVek ft-lto < > v m
I I lU-'in gat a 'Old 1'j t
II. -1 i ir s stirt that t i
n demand than it ev i .
i < "Bibv Lenrni'i- ' /
to m Mv SwiM'thi a >
He d in -U.tllod I ( tit ) l
lo In . . -v
t i\ in fa-n
l i- i ' ( lain
V : it.'li
111 Dr i J\
t' , s N , (11 (
t ,
S U 1 V. u i
IV 'I ' M
I , I
1 IK 11 - O , I
> run I .to of ti
| 0l II -i ot t r j
* II \ , e litfi au siugm : * ' P
I'l i I'j.ilJU copies ot
tt fil Bishop , who uomi ;
havS made uionuy enough to b
Proliublr no other inxtrttmrnt- n
so much whistled on th ireet'
l'Uoiua , " introducing the i
sounds , and it is not an easy n
vvhiatle , either.
\inong verv sentimental .on'j- <
Bloom where Mother Mceps" i- i
ordiu.irv iivor. Indeed , all tin
son s ' 'tis well as "babyongs
the rage.
The rnn ol "See-Smv" is vvcr i > f
Thousands of copies ot the mu-
been -old in Philadelplnn As it
oop\nghud. tht re .tre some tivi
tious , and onu uau lie had tor live
Marie Roze's favontu sonir , ' ' " >
Maniuia , ' introdncnd hy M.-trn- . liu -
in " I'lic _ Black llu zni-M , is bav ir t
\tiionlinur } run It is bv Fosn i <
the luiaoiis soi compo < ers of UIL \ . > rt .
1'iijBs piiitss ! i'ir KS
A -.ure cure for ttinid , Uleedlns .u > . A
and I'lci I.IUH ! 1'u - ii.w IHM-H ili-en i >
l > i Indian jenieth i ,
\V. Hi. mis Iniiian I'nc Oiniiiu-nt. v i .
box iiiifi cinvd ttutvoil chmnic i , v.-e- r
JiO vvar * . "taiKtnii. Vo one nee l -u ti i >
minute.itter ipplvins ; Uu * wonderiiu ntu
1111 ; infillue. . Lotions ; unl _ m-iimm n >
more harm than oml.Villi.iui \ - IMI ii
Pile Oini.ntnt iuvirbs the tiiuiois i , . >
intense it > hum1 , ip-vi'icularh at in , r
irettiiii unrni in lnnlj. m'tIUH a pun i - i
in-tant ielu'1 , niiii is prejhtnil onlv i -
itcJiin i of ptivMlc i rts and lor 'in" , t - , ,
Or. 1'r.uior s Vla.iu ( luitiuent < in < < s \
ma lc. Pinipltts. iJuick Heads r >
BloUshen and Urnpuotis on ttie fact- i
the skin clear and heantl fill. Vls < > 1 1 - - ,
SaU Kheum , bore Vlpplea , &oro i.u > - nvl
Sold b > diuinCisia mailed on . - r
80 cents.
ICetailed hv Iviihn A 'o. nnd St . . .
Ileclit. Al vrhuiusulc liy c. t' . duo < i.i > .
A Dollar thin Will Go it < Joi 1 \ -iv -
" rimes arc dnaJfnllv ' , i v
said the grnmbl'ng p.iss"ti 'r ni , v
IS hard to > rt t .ind tind attur .1 tellotv vM vV
it it iloMsu't At'ctn to d > m ic i , ; < i i V
doll ir do n ' o verv far now i l i > -
' On. Vi - t .in > . limic ui i i TI ii
VVltll l ! " 1 1 'I inn i thill 'leie-
I u th i' f .1 n i"l * r MII ill
from I 1 1 n I e 1 1 1 1 u t i -i i
i id > i t iu 1 in t U - i - t\
I' " , , - _
Tta Oreatei : M jical Tr.utua uf its
i l up IK I Uc , ISoitrl * < cm \ i , i'uin ID
the tifiiil , xlili ,1 ilnll at i 411111111 in > U
bnclc purr , i'nin inf " ilin linuiilrr >
liiailc , I'ullneflH nllrr inline , tritli .LIIK.
Incllnnlian lo cxmion ul bnilr or inlml.
u fci-lin nl hnvlii3 iii-ulprli il nunio ilutr >
\Vniiriiu i * * ll /1 tiuHi. , jl u t rt 11 an ft t ttio
I'rurt. Dins lutlui i-ili > ) r. , lleildlt. tin
OUT ( lit * ilslit i jf. HLtMfenne * * , ttltb
Otlul ilK'iiinn. JIi.'iluion d I us
TITTT . > i'll-l.iaiut i.c ,
to SUCll th"i" , olid Uo < 'ictl xi til a
ct'SnSPi tf l stotiiti'TimiiliiiflUlIcrer ,
Tl ty ln > trniti I lir .V liptl liean J ratlin mo
boilf 1 > . l.c oil I , in. BT'Uui l
liuiirlKticil , ii-'l ' v in n Tonlr .irlloii 3
It' . IHtietllt et > rcoii , ltri-iiliirnliii > | iirrii
TMliur , ! UPvUAr. I I aillrntv M. . ' .V ,
Ibiotiti ua 'iui ' laau.i iu..iii ; u
Btreu 'i i > n - < ( , „ > iuu - _ I
_ tto.i .111' u , . ' , ; , , , ,
_ jllp. „ , „ , ] , -ir , | , til j
GoaM the ii r.fHiN niuin iunifora ( < 4 M < I
( i t , tt ' I I Ifu * % t \l' lu a lffl ,
? ' " ' ' ' r'
. . . -
Hetoka National Bank
ai'Alli , HEGHASKf.
' * i'rC \IM-I ! „ . . , i * v l
h tin i s Miv 1 1-si H > J i
il.V\ VVHS , ( V -i nt
A. K I i i" MS V u i' I * ! " I it
IV 11 H | | i ( u s , i . 'i ' -i
W. V MniisR. . ( HUN s ( i . i
U. W V\a- . L wi s It i o.
\ ' r.
yvy oy BANK.
( Vi. liflli rtiiil Kttrn tin fu-pf * ,
Oeucmi llMh-titu i'Uiiuosb rntittiuM L
rr &
( MiiNV < 4 < p4i tn I M InfoiH i
U N O E R T 1 AE H H ,
ASH L\llJAL\il.ll- ,
At till'rihi MiuiU IHf KII ii mi st. 'i ) ! - - ) y
IPtamuiu nod , u | iuui , > if MII jHl CO
or ilir Miinr | Ilalilt. I'oiiin. 1 ;
IliUiiew' dolilitii h > | ieolli ! ! .
Il tMii i e. . ' i n u 11 up oi 191 i n inH - ' '
o il i ' i i > eiua nut u. , 14
I ntid < | IIHS | , i ur > tiiih < r to p ' ( i t II
uuiiMttilktf < ir n . < t nr ti HI < > lui i U
hg * I * * * . * IM u in i no in a if IMI mi m
u or ) ( uxiduLu i MIT < ur li. * i t IT
HKtCII KMI > Pl . P . in o 1C ! 'lip ' -I ' t
W til Illl'M'tliull ) ; ' lH. | t > li. in H 1.1 , i D j.
bil I fill ( iu II tlu rtl'H.H | oi I I
- ' ' v i i . 1 UKtt * i' ru r * h
i- i i 'u ,