Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1885, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA 1 > AUYY HKtt , .SATrifD/W , NOVKAJJJEil 21. ISS5.
T /k P 1 f % TTM1n 1ll Ttlt Tt V
LOCAL Nt\\S \ \ Ot HIE IA\ ) \ ,
Testimony Before the United States Court
os a DtciJeJ Sensation.
Tlio Hliiiliieiinim Mnlt'T Doty He-
eelveu ! J,7O ( ! ; ; : 1011111 !
Oiillty Tom Unllnrd' * ) Kxeou-
tluii SIujoil-Oilier NcWit
United Statri Court.
When court convened yesterday it
1 xvtis announced the grand jury had prc-
paied n icnitil in the Ximinei ea o.
Tins , docnmenl , in tliu ptven-e of Judg"S
Drawer and Dnndy and tin- assembled
juries-and barristers , the' clerk 'proceeded
to ic.iil.
The report treated tin subject exluu-l-
ively anil al length , minutely repoiMlin ?
the eireum tnnecs of the oii'o. Ai't-r
tracing the coui'"e of the pi isouer through
his lir-l tiuil and appeal , vvhciein a Kau >
KIS lawyer tunned Hamilton vva-i his
. ' then pa-i-ed to Hurr's failure
wilh Ihe case in the lovvvr court , and his
appeal to the United Stilus supteme
licnch. At this time /innncrinan in
tlie penilenti'iry and within three of
the dale of hi-"executimi , Warden Nohes
in sxmimlhy xxitli him prevailed on Hurt1
to o'htain a stay. This1 Ilurr succt eded in
iloiiii : . The second tiial aNo resulted in
conxiction and Xiinmerman was nguili
MMitenecil to bo huii' ! ; . While lying in
the lluHalo county jail under the last -en-
tence of death , n certnin Dr. Henry
linker from Kearney Junction n
friend of C'l'nimissioner Sax ilie ,
served Zimmcrmnii , xvho was sick ,
' : in the capacity of a ph.v-ieinii Here
, Baker xvassei/ed xvilh an attack of maud-
r liu symiiathy , and he infornied Murr thai
, ' he Ihought he could work huville for a
* habeas corpus H.iKer .mil SaviHo were
1)0011 companion1and. . as Ihe rcpint
holds , both dissolute fellows. Hetvvcen
tlic doctor and Ilurr , Sav ilie was vvorki d
up to the belief that lie had jini-dii lion.
Then Hnrr olit.iiued Deputy Mir-hal
Hastings logo with him to Kearney nnd
serve tne papers from tin ; couimis-ioncr
upon the siierilV of linfl'nlo county.
Everything went their vvnv , and Ximmer-
mini xvas released to lleo the country.
The report , in comineiitiug upoii the
malter stated that , the jm'y was unabli ; to
discover culpability on the jiiul of
those concerned warranting criminal ac
tion , but at the -.line time it indulged in
n little censure. Hnrr was reproved for
his caper , but xvas relieved of all suspi
cion of purposely undenvnring lo thwait
justice. Tlic sl.erill'of linll.ilo county
was branded ns a lunk head. Dr. Henry
linker xvas set doxxn ns nilosigning Knave
in this traiiMielion. Tin ; poor old coin-
missioner was crushed out Hal and Depu
ty Marshal Hastings was exonerated , Inil
x'vith a very sarcastic1 rebuke.
The report was greeted with much in-
terc-ted intention , and Uion ) the conclu
sion of the leading , the judges inadu a
few coniini nts thereon. They tli linked
the grand jury for the care an < rdijigonee
tln'V hail oxcrci-sed in invc-tigatiug thu
matter , nnd e.xpres-ed much satisfaction the federal .court had be-on .freed
friiiitispicion tlinl it was attempting to
inierfcre with Iho administration of jus
tice in the state courts. Judge Dundy
riMUPl'h'jd. Unit Saville had never been
per-onaiiy known to Mm , but had been
appointed upon the recommendation of
some of the mo-I responsible eiti'/.cns of
lhal locality.
sr.xi.Mi.r.N IIIMIKUI nnu.vits ro nonr.
The en.sii of Malcoui S. Doty against
the ] ' > . .incian 'ir.teisof XeliriinLn.which
'I'lins ilti'iuli'duchvviil -pread attention ,
xvas Jiuisheil and giycii ! > tne jurj Tlmr-
day atti'i'iioon The clo-ing arguments
of the counsel were made alter dinner ,
Mr. Wclistor for tlie i > ro opwion tmd
Messrs. Woolxvorih and Tlmi'ston for the
detente , naeh pol.c with all the lervor
and eloqfu nee which the circumstances
of the caseinndc possible. The jury vvas
iiiBtructedb y the court to return -ealed
verdict , nt It ) o'clocU .xesterday morning ,
'but tlilll llour , noun and Ivyo o'i lock
p'as ed ami the juiyxvas still out At
about Ihivc o'clock the jury entered this
courtroom and announced that they had
agreed upon : verdict otf 1.700 for llio
DOONT. COL'STV X'S Til ! : I ! , t. U.
The Hoone count j bond case bi ought lo
collect s(17OnO ( in taxes from this Hiirliiig-
ton tx > Mihsouri , vvas lini lied bcfote
tludge Hrevvcr yesterday afternoon. The
Judge look tho' case under ndvi-cmcnl
and xvill reserve his decision unlit Mon-
THI : I.IINVRD : ; rv i : .
The trial of John H. Legnard , ngain l
xvlion ; a half dozen indictments for sub
ornation of perjury and conspiracy to
defraud the government exists in con
nection vvHh Ihe Valentino county hind
frauds , xvas commenced before Judge
Dundy yesterday afternoon. A jury vvas
drawn and Charles A. Violence was
placed on the stand for ihp pro ° cculion.
Hits testimony vvas clear and comi , nnd
as it progressed , the defend ! seemed , to
an outsider , to be paraly/.cd.
Mr Kloremo testified that in 1 8'l he
was n passenger agent for the Sioux City
iV ; Pacific railioad at Chicago nnd his
biiMiic.-s wib to procnro sctllcrs to take
up lands along ilie line of tlm load Ho
had known Mr. Legnard for eleven
years. In IBS ! ! Legnard cnmc to him and
wanted ro know 51 there was nny way in
which he could lake up cattle lands. The
witness told him the only way ho knew
( it was to get men lo pro ini'.nt it and
then xvliunthu ) had "proved up" on it to
tiiin the deeds over to him. I'lie witness
and Legnard then enlcied into an ngiee-
meiil vvlioreby the former -eeiired nine
men to go out to Valentine to lake up Iho
hind. Lcgnnrd and'lhc men h id a meel-
ing in the witness' ollicc , t < iic | Legiiiiid
explained to them what he waule.l. They
xyero to pre-eiiipt the land and to reeeivu
Irom li'mfan \ : i month. He told them
thtiy xvhulil only be nhiigci ! lo stay six
uionthAtyould / liava a nice easv time and
hi ) would''furnish tlm provisions , llu
vyoud'nlfo | furnish tlic money for the
] iri'-eniiti | < m. A : nnn named Lni'Minvas \
iippointcd foreman over the gang , and
heYIH. \ \ . | o rci'oix'o larger pay than the
otlii' ; ) : In conslihualion of thu money
I'tniilslu'd. the men xvere to deed
the hind to Legnard after it
had liucn "proved" upon. Legnard
agreed to furni-h the lumber for the
hoii-os , and also horses nnd implements
xvllh xvhielrto do the necessaiy work on
tlin laud. He reipdrcd boniln from Iho
men for llio Itdthful piirforinanco of their
part ol tlni contract. After Iho land had
liven "proved" on by iho nusn and the
deeds ti'itnsfi rnul to Legnuro , these
, bonds vvuro tout tip in thu ulllco of the
xvltnes's ' ,
A ( { itr.AT nuKounir.xr.
When the M'itnes , airived at this part
of the testimony , Dislrict Attorney Lam-
bcrlson asked :
"Mr. I'lornnvo , can you Mate to the
court tlm conti nts. of these buiiih < v"
"Vcs , sir , " replied the xvjtim .
" 1 object" to the introduction of tiny
oral oA'idejico on Hint powl.-'HniTrnjjiU'd .
ilisiljjij'riiiirstnii , of llio counsel for iho
defonso. "Th ? ' " - = l ! ! ) > nAs ! ! are what
hhotild bo put juuvidcnce..1' '
"Wo'xvHild , like to have Hint testimony
put in , " replied. Mr. LambuilMm , with u
grave faqn ,
"I objectrciturntod ' Jndgo Thurston ,
nnd .ludyo IJiindy biiatahied iho wbjeu-
J'icivMjlnmbcrlson ! turned to the
\yltmiSb , Ida dyi'.i IxvinUUn ; ? , and in u tonu
of triumjih , said ;
"Mr.'Morcnco , can von proilnco those
"J can , " ropnc-l Iho 'Vness , xvith a
distinctness and force uhich almost
kiKiekcd Judge 'J'hur'-ton oil" Ji.s fret
Have yon them with you'-1 continued
Mr LiuniK'rUon
"I leixc , " replied Mi 1 Joronco , and n =
he reaelied into hi" pockri , to dra'v forth
the ( loeiimeiits .Ittdyo Tlnlr ton suddenly
collapd. .
Dftrlot Attormy Lambert on's smile
broadened as henwMr Thurston's ex-
iire ion of 'nrpri-u and coii'iiTiiation.
! ' < 'aiijou t''ll the court" ho resumed ,
the witness , "liow you ecniu
in pok-ession of thi' o documents. ? "
"I can , " replied the witness
Tin witiiP"- ! * continuing , ? aid tlint aftpr
the bonds hail been torn lip In ; gatheied
Up ( lie pieces , pi : ted them loiiether nnd
preserved them. The dilapidated docu
ment' wet e then prodtte dand Intiodnced
as evidence in the Cii-c.
In ISSJ riorencc came with Lognard
iitid the men to Long I'ine A Mr.Vlul \ -
more and Ilie witness located the land
all in a MiUd bcdy. Legnar-l bought the
linn i lon for the nun in Chicago anil
had it snipped lo th m Ono "of the
houses was built so if to cover three
quarter cclions Thai is , itwasbuilt
where three nnarlrr xeetion-- joined , and
the corners ot the h'ni"e were on diller-
out sections. Thice men slept in the
hoij < < t > , eacli man oieuping the corner
which Wii ion thi , land wiiiehho had pre
empted. Tin re were also two other
houses each ot which coxured two quar
ter f-cetioiis Legnard vMlcd the men
twice whili ! they weic on the laud. He
gave ( lie witness the money to pay them
tor their , irices , and aho the money to
jiaj thu tm-emmion chargeb. The men
turned the deeds over to I'kircnee and he
transfer ! cd them to Legitard. riorence
xv a1- indicted on the same charge now
pending against Legnard , and tiie latter
adxned him to { dead guilty and agreed
to pay the lino. Florciine waste
to gixe his note to Legnard
for the money so funiNicd
and to nay it back to him at some future
time. When his ( I'lorimi'i-'m lawyer
heard ol the agieement lie advi-ed him
to go to Legnard and get his note back ,
as ho .should not be obliged to pay the
money at all. Florence tnereforo xvenl
to Legnard and demanded his- note ,
which was returned to him. He then
pled guilty lo tlu1 charge and and was
lined $ : ! iK ) , which Leguaul paid.
This clo-ed Hoi cneo's testimony , after
which tlio court adjourned. The case
will In * continued Monday.
I illi roitr.lNlt AFTIUAVirS.
ifo-ppl ) It Hughes , a law. or of Alma ,
and 11. Cook ( Srillith , were indicted by
the grand jur , > yesterday alleruoon for
lorgmg allidavils to nrocnri pension
money. Hughes was a member of the
I'orly-lilth Indiana regiment during the
late war , ol xvhlili Dr ( "iiamberlain wis :
surgeon Hughes xva.s de-irous of hocur-
iii'j a rn'iinioti on account of wounds re-
ceheii during the war , and accordingly
applied to Dr. Chamberlain for an
nlhd.ixit as to how the wounds were
received. Tlic doctor , hawever , failed
to recall the injuries leceived by Hughes ,
and relused to make the allidavit.
Hughes thereupon secured the services
of ( inllilli to impersonate Dr. ( "hambc'r-
lain , and the necessary allidavit was
sworn out and tor warded to the pension
oiliee at Washington.
Dr. Chamberhim , who is now a min
ister residing at Denver , is in Omaha ,
and as crls that he never made the alli
davit , and it looks as if II hcs amUJrif-
lith had | ) laccd themselves in a lix. The
court has appointed Attorneys Ualdwin
and Stone to represent the defendant
Hughes , and Ciillith is allowed to select
his own attorney.
Tlic Friendship of JScbni null Lecilcr
Fall to Convince tlio Jiity.
Tiomptly at 10 o'clock yesterday the
trial of the Iliggins ease was resumed.
Councilman lielim was put on the
st.ind and testified to some immaterial
facts. Ho .said that certain lawyers in
town had approached him sumo time
ago , and told him that there was money
in it if lie would gy and see HL'gins , and
arrange it so that no coilid rim all night.
He xvent to Iliggins , and tottl him that
lie xvould try to arrange it H ) that
be could be allowed to urn all night and
would do this not for money but for
friendship's sake. Mr. Uehiu tfusn testi
fied with regard to the alleged arrange
ment made by Marshal Cnmmings to "be
as lenient ys a democratic marshal" and
to allow Iliggins to keep open all night ,
but Ins testimony on this point was not
very clear and developed nothing iii w.
Coiim/dmen Tlirane , Lee and Hechcl
0fibred some evidence , which showvil
nothing , and tailed to prove that Mar
shal Ciimmings had promised to mitigate
the severity ol the 10-o'clock closing or-
diuancp. 'Air. Hechel said that ho fits
tinclly told Marshal Cummings that it
vva i Ins duty to entorco the ordinance , as
hit was acting under the mayor's orders.
Capt. Sullivan tcatilied that ho had
nothing more to do with enforcing the 12
o'clock order than to obey the mandates
oi the marshal.
In t ho nf lornoon the marshal was put on
the stand and submitted to : i rigid exam
ination , lie said that ho had n conversa
tion with l.ccdnr about the twelve
o'clock closing oulinanco but did
not promi-o to make an
exception in fayov of Ilignins or any otli-
or saloon man in enforcing il. He said
that ho had been told that Hehm had said
that he ( .lichmi had ? 5tW with which to
prociiro marshal's dismissal , but but
\vlienho approached liehm In : denied
havins madu any such utterance.
"Did yon iner say that you proposed
to bust hp Higgliis' coiner if It tool ; nil
ihn police force to < iccomplish it ? " xvas
asked of bun.
'No ' , sir , 1 never said anx thing of the
kind.said M.irsiial dimming1 ; 1 have
always maintained thai I proposed to en-
ton e ihe major' . ; older vviilmul lavonng
anvbodx. . "
The inosecution then called Mr. Furay
and nski d :
"Sitjtiv whether or not thi > removal of
Captain iiiilliviin was bi c.iu-o lie too
strict about clo-ing the nalooni at midnight
night/ "
This was promptly objei ted to by the
counsel for the , and thq objec
tion sustained.
Mr Leo was then called , and testified
that ho htiil advi-.ed Marshal Cummings
lo obey llio mapor's order. This closed
the evidence.
It w.propo \ ; cd 'o submit the case to
the jury without argument , but Attorney
Hawc 'wanted to tell lu little story , and
the pro-eeution concluded to answer
him The argument was lordly cfmi-
mcnccd biippir time when the court
adjnunud togi'l t-omething to cat. Court
rcasieinbled at 7 o'clock and the aigu-
meiit wis continued until ! > , xvhcn the
jury retired. At H.iO : o'clock Judge Ston-
berg called on the jury , who announced
that they had agreed. Their xcrdict
found Iliggins guilty us charged , and
the court lined him $ IO'Jiind costs of the
Miii. The following composed lh jury :
M. llcllman , S. Jacobs , Louis Brash , M.
II. HlUs , Charles Mansfield and Charles
Doiijjhlorty ,
U'liomns llulliuil Ornntcil a Iongcr
lucado ol' Lire.
Lust evening word was received in
Omaha thai a stay of cveoulion had been
| rjv ; ' ' * ul m iho case of Thomas Ihllard ,
now' 1ing in tiio KV j-iU in this city
under M'lilcnqo of death. The nuxvs
proved to bo true , the stay being granted
by Chief Justice Cobb , of the supreme
court , in order to allow the entering of
the xvrit of error in that court. The
writ will bu argued at the January term ,
which commences on the 5th of that
month ,
H dlard xyan sentenced at the Juno
term of the < li-tnpt cinut * o b < > han ci
J-iuuary l ! ) next for the murder nf Henr' '
VerjxiorlPii , the bartender at the St
James hotel The crime was committi i
early InM , spring , one Sunday ex cuing
while llall'ird was under the inlliicnce o
liipior. The murder was premeditated
however , as Hallard iind said ho intend. M
to kill Voipoorleii. He vvns dcfciidci
by Attorneys O'Urien and Hnrkul , tin
defcnsi ; ct up being that he xx-ns '
ing from dip oman'm , a peeie'of in
"iiuily caused by overindulgence i )
intoxicating liquor' . When Mintcnc , pn cd upon him , his altoinoy liled
a .vrit in error , which has ju l been nl
lowed lo bo enteied in tin. supiciiH
court _ _
A 1'loncpf Passes Axrn > .
Mr. J. T. Allen , HID well known ic i-
dcnf of this city , died xory suddoniy JCH-
tcrday ni'iruingsomo time bclwcrii the
hours of 1 and ( ! o'clock.
Thursday night ho had been
snlVcring considerably from ! i
peneral feeling of debility and
ilepiesioii , but his fomlllioit
was not such ai lo awaken any serimis
apprehensions. This morning bclorc
daybieal ; ho : ire o and went diit in the
back yanl piepaiing to build a I'm , bill
stumbled and fell dead p few tpp. irom
the threshold. Miss Mijllio Allen , one ot
his daughters found him prostrate on
the ground about l ! o'clock. She could
not rcall/o at lirst lhal ho WM- dead ,
nnd Ihought lhat ho niu t have
fainted I > ut a elOser examimition re
yealcd the fact lhat the body was indeed
inanimate. Dr. Mercer who xvas at once
called in pronounced the opinion thai
life had been extiucl several hour" . Sn
far as can be determined , death xvas
caused by apoplexy or congestion
of llio heart. Air. Allen has been de
pressed tor some time , and it wis quite
evident that his health was slowly fail
ing , so thai his doinNo xva * no ! cntiiely
unoNpuctctl , sudden and startling ,
though it xvas. Arrangements have
been made for the funeral
to take place this afternoon at 'J
o'clock fiom llio residence ot the family
at Twentieth and Cumingstieel.s.
James T. Allen was one of the oldest
residents ot Omaha and Douglas county
and xvas respected and cstecnvd by all
who knew him. He was born in 1'on'liac ,
Mich. , .September Urt , It ? : ! ! , llo was reared
in the tree and nnr.-erx busino * * and XVIIH
engaged in the mercantile busine-s in his
native place lor six- years , lie was of
Scotch descent , his father being a native
of ( Jlasgow , Scotland. In 18. > , ho xvenl to
Iicllovno , Neb. , where ho engaged in tiie
hotel business , belli" proprietor of the
IJollovuo house , at tiiat lime the finosl
hostelry in the territory. In ls'r > S here-
turned lo Omaha , becoming manager of
the Ilerndon house. In IMJ1 he became
\ \ * proprietor and remained as such un
til l tili , when ho went to Julc'hiirg and
subsequently to Cheyenne , in both of
which place * ho ran eating houses. Up
on returning to Omaha ho xvas
chief cleik in the postollice for four and
alialfyeats , since which time lie has-
been superintendent of tree planting for
the Union Pacific. Mr. Allen has
been identified xxith '
personally X'a-
rious state hoilicultural and
agricultural enterprises and has
been for many years a member of thu
State Horticultural society , sr\ing lltnl
oig.inu.alion in various ollicial niui
lions. Up to the time of his death In :
was unremittingly energetic in the pros-
uciiiion of the various enterprises in
xxhich he was interested.
The deceased was married in 1S.V2 , in
Ponliac , Mich. , to Mi s Kli/.abcth A. IJud-
dinglou , who is still living. Ho Ic.ixco
seven children Mollie , Jessie , Mr- . Jen
nie M. Johnson , Mrs. CJruce Hradley , ot
( . rand Jsland , Donald , Ulaiicho and
It is not necessary to say that his death
hag cast a deep gloom over the large
circle of friends and acquaintances in
xvhich he moved. With the bereaved
family who have lost the husband and
the father , the tondurest. sympathy of the
entire community will re-t.
Tallis xvilii fiocal AycntM of *
lloails Hail Notes.
The very hoslile attitude in which the
Western association loaiU stand to each
other , as lirst made known here through
the HKK'S special tolegr.-.phie. service of
yesterday , is now the reigning topic in
railway circles. In llic event of a fight
it is well that the public should exactly
understand the situation nnd causes
lending thereto. For this reason the
matter is set forth herein in liio umplcal
possible form.
The Western association comprises all
tlio roads converging at this point the
Council Bluffs transfer from the na > t ,
vi/ . the Chicago , Alilwaukcp As Ht. Paul ;
the Chicago it Northwestern ; tlin Chi-
ciijro , Ilock Island i\ : Pacific ami Iho
Wabash , St. Louis it Pacific. This as-o-
elation xvas created xvithin tlio past year
and built upon the ruins of tlm
Tripaitite and various other o.x-
ploded agreements. The purpose
of such sin as.sociatiou is simply lo uuilc
Ihe-n live competitive roads on n live
and-lei-lix-o basis their
- - vyhioh independ
ence , wilh it rivalries , would not render
possible. Schedules of freiglu rales cov
ering every class of shipment was made
and the managers pledged themselves to
adliLivnce thereto. A rate of Ml cents
between Omaha and Chicago was cst.ib-
ikhcd and the several roads went home
from the truce meeting satiiilipd with all
details. Prior to this , however , tlic Mil-
xvankco had made n contiacl xvith ( See ,
H. Hammond ACe , the Soutli Omaha
meat packing linn , to carry Ins ship
ments of dri-seil beef lo Chicago ai10
cents , This contract bar. been maintain
ed by lhat road over since and right up
on this point are the grounds of com
plaint founded The other roads not
sharing Hammond'.s bu.inoa > and feeling
that the Milwaukee is violating its pledge
to them ar < i loudly objecting
A rcpoiti r made a tour of the agents
for the eastern roads in ibis city to learn
their opinion upon Iho matter. These
gentlemen have litlo | to say and claim
t fiat they have received from hoadfpur-
tnr.s no instruction in tjm premises. A
representative of llio Milwaukee , xvho is
n veteran railroader , talked freely , him-
ov'i'i' , and put forth sumo interesting tacts
ami ideas.
"Thu only soveii ign remedy lint 1 can
" Nidd ho " . the other roads
see , , "i.s lor to
como down to thirty conts. Sunh a stop
would inoroa-c business and , it is need
less to MIV , be of great advnntago lo
Onmlm. Iliumnond , , von sec , has a con
tract for thirty cents with us giving him
a miirgin iiinido the tarilV rate of nearly
ten cents xviiich moans the very good
item ot tf'v'l oaveil to him on uver.v car
load. Tins mciuis the o.xchision of til !
other meat packing concerns here us
the > could not carry on a com-
peiilivo business long as Hammond &
Co. hold ih'm advantage -V gunoral
reduction to ift ) cents would invite now
ccncorns th the South Omaha .stock sards
and Inereaso business all around. Hammond
mend & Co. are probably the only par
ties who would .soiical but as llunv inter-
C3isiroof : much le s ciiu.-idei'.itiuii than
the ambitions of Omalia and the vyellfaro
of tlm great railroads , they could bo left to
squeal. Ilownvcr , thcro U ono piinl )
ujiou which the other roads
ucuti to clear their minds , if
' ave going to take
tho' biiMiiess of Hummoii ! - ' "
the Milwaukee they had bettor save ilnur
energies Hammond has n contract tor
live years with us and U prepared m
such u manner to do hu no-s xvith UH
that ho cannot very well- relinquish his
contract. Hif > arranguucnf is for Hv
years , the greater part of which time is
jpt to pa * s In1 litil built hi" ! ien nuu-i-
for icing his refrigerator cars at Sav.uv
nah 111 , on our line , nnd bv hi * c"iitic |
xv I Ih tis is constantly ndxi'cd nf thi
xxhcreabfttits of won item of rolling
stock ho tisi s , ; how sotul ho can
be i rvcd with oars and is kept informed
upon and accommodated to cvorjthlnp
necessity to thu luirmnnious manage
ment of this busiin . lie cannot c\er
from the Milwaukee ! nor oxen divide hi-
> 1
"What do I think of the prospects ?
Xoxv , if tlio boy xv.ill only keep iheir
shirts on and rxurcise n little patience , I
iiclievi ) cxerythiug xvill blow over , I xvill
show xou how thc o lows arc
started mid prriipilattd , in n
measure. We \ \ illelect mercantile
bu.Mnes for c\ampl ' . An agent
for an en-tern r.i.ul , Ihe Q , say , goes to a
merchant xvho i < . abuut to undiiitnko
some large < . | dpmc ul The agent bids
for the job , tlic merchant to work down
the tigurcs think- awhile nnd , a.\i ) , 'Oh ,
J guess I'll shin mor the *
The merchant im-- not aid so. bill the
rmi'iil at once dc < iih lhat ho has been
plvi-n n special rate , ando Jpportto In-
superiors Several of liie c incidents
are reported liom xarions part > of the
country ; the management begins to
think it is losing business ; a big "kick"
is made , cuts auintiluted , and in an
incredibly short space of lime a xvar is
on. Intliisea-e if a little wisdom and
care is employed , : i disa = tiois row may
be averted "
.Xlnrrtli.-xl CiimniiiiKu Tells llti' Tun :
l'cii'-in ( ol' Snllivno'H IHsinlt-oal
- Whin litSny4. .
Mnr lml riimming-xvas excited Friday
morning about the way in which , n < ho
ehdmcd , hisulti rnnccsof Thur'-dai nighl
had been di-torl. d in locaprint. " 1 never
said that 1 vx'iis forced to drop Cap ! . Sul-
livnn because I heolid cvcn told mo
that I must oil lie ) do that or lose my
head. I have m ver told un.xbody lhat ,
lie aid to a rcpoiter for llic IUn. :
"U'luil connection then did the council
litix'o xvith Sullivin's dismi'-sil from the
po-l of caiitaiir' '
"U'ell , I'll ' tell von They met together
n my ollicc , : iyou know , and
di-cus-cd the -iluation xciy careful
ly , nnd they advi-ed me for the
.sake of harnumv to appoint n man in Sul
livan's place. Tin-1 , told me that thole
vyotild bo no peac c "in the jiolioc force un
til there vva" anoi her man in his place ,
and that thciu nas n very strong public
sentiment again-t him So I did con
clude to lollow their auvicc. The conn-
cilinen never assumed a threatening alti
tude toward moMid never forced mo to
let Sullivan out.1
"Has Sullivan'.s altitude tow aril the
liipior men hastened hiicmovii ! at nil' ' "
cpU'riod the repoi tor.
"It may have Ind omelhingto do with
it. The lad ! - that he Iiiis never done
an.v thing eKc thin to < > lic\ my
01 dci's. though , anil I tdon't '
see xvhy tin : salooni-ls
have any particular spite against him ,
any more than against me. Ho always
reported to me the liquor men xvho ken I
their balooiis open after twelve o'clock.
I 'iiiwax ' s i-- tied the warrants for aire-t.
Now , I'll tell .xou ically what has caused
all llio trouble And , mind you , L don't
s.iy anything iigainst Morris Sullivan ' . -
character. Ik is as honi st a man as- ever
lived , and lii ! = i'lvvays done hisdnty faith
lullj iind well , ljul the trouble has been
that ho luts talked ajjont some of the
couiiiilmcn in a rather lnn h
xx ay , and some of thotc men lhal ho has
lalkod to have gone ajid told Ilie councilmen -
men about it. The consequence is that
ho has caused a good deal of feeling
against himself Ho' got some enemies
on the police force , and all in all , I
thought it best , to remove him. That's
the truth of the whole uH'air.1'
"Is it true that you and I'echol had a
conference last nighi about llic situa
tion ? "
"Ye ; but aboul the only thing xvo dis-
cn = eil vva.- the statement of Helim thai
ho had itujoived an oiler of WOO to
"squnrq" iTigjiins on the midnight elo--
ing business , liehm denieit , you know ,
but Bi'chcl told me positively lliat , he had
siid : that very thing. "
"Did he * ax sinything about the secret
conference Wednc'-da.y ' attcrnoon , nnd
the icsullof ito far as you are concerned -
corned y"
"No , lie did not So far as I can sec
now , f shall remain where 1 am , even if
Bchiu and Lecder vote against me , for
hen ; are six men xvho will stand bv me ,
thin k. "
Ono Kims Awav on Thirlenntli and
Two Colliilc on Soxvaril Hlrcct.
The heavy grades on tlic streets in sev
eral parts of the city render liorso car
travel quite perilous at times To this
the company adds additional ( error.s by
employing bionehos and wild ponies
which take flight , at the least provoca
tion. Yesterday xv Hues-red Iwo acci
dent of si hair-raising character.
About 11 in tlie morning , us car No. 5 of
the Thirteenth -treot line was passing
IliiscalPn residence at the head of a
heavy grade , bound up town , the hoives
ran away. Thediixcr who had gone out
with the car , cxtn-iieiieing Ilie tractions
nature of the hortes and being : i now
hand , had trailed with tlio driver of car
No. ( i in passing1. Ono of Dm hoi es is a
vicious beast , which has icpcatcdly
run-away , and was in Iho recent smash-
ii ) ) on St. Man's avenue , where its mate
Wits kilhd. . . 'lien the animal * started
down llio hill this morning they were too
much tor ( he veteran driver behind them.
The man jammed down the brakes , but
Unit was of no avail , as the wheels slid
aslhuugh the track wa.s gn ased. In a
few seconds the car had gathered trom-
endoiin headway , and was pushing hard
upon tlm heels ol the lining hor-os. The
crowd of ii.isscngors was sei/ed with n
panic , and a. few attempting to jump
from the rear platform xvercset violently
on their heads. Near Iho bottom of the
lull another car xvas coming up , and but
a few feet more and llic two would have
collided , when the rnnavva > liojr-cs
stumbled , and the cor following < < n lop
of them , was tin own liom tin : track and
stopped Strange to Miy , niiiher pas-
bcngerii nor lior.-iia wore hurl.
About the name hour , the team attached
to a red line car coming low.ud town
ran axvay on .Sewaird treel Again
the brakes vyerouut aed again they glided
ever Iho rails like ( .luigli runners over
the snow crest. iAt llic cornur-of Saiin-
doi'M street the up csw was encountered
nnd both came together xvith a resound
ing craih The iwiiiigii ) s leaped to the
Mice ! and for a fo v srcondn the air xvas
full of hor-e tails , lugs and hovvls. At
hiht tl e suurl wsisavorkcd out , \vhi-n \ Mid-
denlytho hoi.scs nvliieh had caused iho
whole trouble bnik * away iignin , i'ii-
langllng thu driver in their h.irnoss nnd
drajii'.ing him holjiml 'liom. ' This.inui -
ilcoil. added trt tiin frijTht o ! tlm paiicsi-
Jici'a , but the driver fortimatuly sucecded
m freeing liim-'lt bctoro being luully
hint. Tliu hmvcs lied out ofiglU but
were oaplurml later
Hello , Thcro.
The position of the Nebraska Tclo-
phone iMinpany tow , it'ds iho I'aciliu Tel
pjjraph is oNpluiii"il In llm follovvlng letter -
tor to the editor < ji tiiu Lincoln Dn'ly '
Dumocial *
OMAHA. Nov. , 18.To ( the JMitor of
'l"i LJMoln ] jusjjco ta
parl'u s ooni-er- ! , -uUl.Jou , do ns the fa
vor of pul'bh1ift ' ) llio foiin H' ! {
lli Milircdllo.'ial of the ICtll HIM J'"U
acne Mr Dii l \ "l . i < n u rofii-in * ;
' . I' . . . . 'b Co.
a l- ! ' iihoiiin i i | '
lor vxmoli ln < w n ' ' ! ' ihi !
inciptionof thr IcKphuiic businc'-s Ii
this country thenmo vari-un competi
tor-i ip I lip ltu ' ( .i ' | ' | | o N'lti'MltlHU'I
I'dr-phono t ' < > and tlifYoUrn f'nioi
TehgtapbCo vvcn tl c , trnu < ; c-t The" ,
pilelilciitilltcted. . Litij'ition followed
refilling in ! ncxx telephone org.ini/.u
tioii , the American Hell 'J elephant-
and a working compact with the U'c-tcii
Union. I'i'oiii the American Hell ' 1 dp
phone * Co. the Nebraska Telephone com
panj receivejti ! franchise ; md hire-
or rents its instruments. Noni
others xvorr or me to bu obtained
This company can obtain th 'it
only upon certain condition ; ; , one t
xvhieh is that they shall not be used l i
the convey-ince of telegrams to ativ t > ! :
graph company except jiu-li ns-liv ! in
named by llio American Hell comp -n
Mr. Dickey ns an individual , or even n >
nn olilcer c f thi ? company , ! < powerh >
in the matter Mr IMct'cv lui- not cii'u i
as an iiulividual or as an olliiei refn-iv
the Pacific Telcgriph cotuiiaiix ' * rcine-t |
( jwinglo Ids rclaiipns vvitli the \ \ e-d 11
I'nion he has n t'raiiicd from tnking iuiv ,
jiart in the matter.
On behalf of this company ( Ihe Xeliris
kn Teh phoncl I liid the mallei belnn
the Ainciican Hell companv , ndvi-inj
that the leanest , bo granted , stating that
our customers at- Lincoln rc-cpie tcd it ,
and that under'In ' lawns inteiprctcd l > i
our supreme court , xvc could not rcliisc
' \\o \ do not desire In place our.-olves in
Iho attitude of di obejing 1'ic ' law of thr
Jnndnorof any municipality. So tar ain -
in our povvcr 'wo cndeaxor' ticat all
alike. The gentlemen ot the Pacilie Telegraph -
ograph comp my kindly consented In
await n reply fiom the American Hell ,
nnd this is at present the status.
Verx truly your ? ,
-sJw Nebraska Telephone , Co.
Jfi.uio.v DIIAKP. , Gonl. Mgr.
Hulk apples by the bii hcl at H M"-
Donald's commission house , Hlo So I'Jth ,
Come before the cold weather and gel
Next Ihiti'silii ' } Th < >
'J'hc Omaha Turner society xxill hold
next Thui-daj a grand turning anniver
sary. The day will be taken up xvith
pri/.e turning , both by i lassi-s and indi
xiduals , and in the cx-ening there xvill bo
a grand ball and concert , accompanied
by distribution of | ) it/.e . The event IMS
been arranged for by Prof. ICummcrovv ,
under whose -upoi vi .ion the classes hax'c
made xvondertul progro"1 ? during ihe iiast
year. The exercises will be lield in Tur
ner hall.
The following classes will p.arlieipalP'
ClaNn. . i I'rauk Lange , Ilobcrl HM-
scn/.w eig , Win. Schiilt/ . Morowcs , J.
T. IMHUM. . C. P. Schmidt , A. Dovle , C.
Albce , ( ! . AnthcH. . le-elin ! , II. Iloofor ,
II. Sxoboda.
Second Cl.i- = ( ! IH. Spitk : : . H. Steen ,
M. S. iiil ; , J. Mange , Win. I Iodine , Win.
liaumann , K Newman. II. ( Jro inanii ,
G. Blatter ! , 11. Holt'Al Ilei-e , C. Staen-
gel , W. Trapp. C. Uch-ehnb , P. K. KKas-
"cr , J. I ? . Clark-oil , K. Smith. T. Mo-
Dowel !
Third Class-C. W. Haller , J. ( loebel ,
II. ( ! ros = , ( . { . Wiukelmann , K. V. Fair-
Held , ( I K. Doauo , K. li. P.ingw.alt , J.
Booth , II. Itollfs , J Wilde. J. Brown , W.
C. Wakelo } , J. II Ixoimcr-mnnn , F.
Pourth ( lass J B.ick , A. IX Ton/alin ,
II. \ \ in-ton , S K ISiown , S. Carton , 15
C. Fcrguon , M Stevens , M. oihau en ,
W. Thom-in , Pollard , H New man , II
Nasal Catarrh , Tin oat and Ear , suo-
ees-tullv treated , ( 'has. Impoy. M. J ) . ,
< f > r. loth and llarney , Withncli Block.
Shooting Xoiir Kot'l ' Oinnbii.
Ocu , Howard said . \csU-ulay that s omc
complaints had been maJo xv illi icgard to
Iho dang n * from tjie targ ' | practice near
rortOinaha. On invi'-li ation Iho complaint
plaint- had bivn , loiiud to bo without
good foundation , ho said. K\ cry precau
tion will bo t ikon to render the farmers
and tho-o thought to bu , exposed per
fectly safe from tiring.
It is undcr-tooil that the propeity
owners in lhal locality luvo tlneatcncd
to issue an injunction 'to pr v < mli the sol-
diirblrom targi t firing on the ran"-1.
"If such n. course is pursued , " said a
uromincnl army o'lieer ' to-day , "the up
shot of llio whole atl'air will lie that tlic
post will be removed from this point.
General Scholield will not permit seven
or eight companies to b .sialionpd here
withoiil bein ' allowi'd Ihe privilege of
practice in firing. "
A Lunatic lenitive.
W. II. Harrier , constable at Valley and
an opur.Uivo of the Western Detective
agency , arrive/l yesterday from Ol-
tumvxa with .John Cowing , of Valley , in
custody. < 'ovv' ' ! ; is : iu vvlin
lives with his tamily at Valley. LaU
year lie \\n \ sun 'truck and upon recov
ering WHn found to be demented. He lias
an dct : that plots against his life are be
ing hatched by his family and the other
day ho ran away fiomhome , but was
overtaken at Ottumwa. Mr Hauler left
him in custody ol the shcrill with the in-
tenllon of hitv'iu him cent to tin insane
The suit of Corinne hue , ono of the ox >
mumbiir.s ot tlio disbanded Craig ( /'omedy
compiuiytiguinsl K. ( i ( 'raigtliiiqiioiidim :
manager , came up for trial in Jii'tico
Biirtlett's court yesterday. Corinnc
chums that Craig ovve-'her ? 't , while the
latter says that situ i.s entitled lo but
i ? . ! 00. She has attached to Ihe scenery of
the company , worth some $ otKi , toecuro
herclaim. 'On motion of the attorney
for the defuiHo tueuit was continued
for thirty days. It is understood that
Craig will lile a bond and replevin the
Tin )
Within llic past lew day two or three
of the leading financial eitlsen.have
taken iienvy stock in tlto exposition
building and tlie association n-nv has at
ils command all th lunds it n-iiuiros.
The plans of the structure have been
slightly altered and llio walls will bo
made double 'trengih. It Is believed
thai the building can be completed in "K
xveoks and the estimated cost is put tit
[ krbii't Hoy-tun , of the Atlantiu fas !
fuight li'io , is in tin i tt. >
's Rillitml riinmpinn liip is bring con touted for in riic.ijro ] t y
Vignmix , S < liaeier and Mo oii. on a 5x10 lablo mndo l > y
Who .ire al-o the most in.iuiifiu-tui'crs in the world of
Artistic Snloon Kurnituro , Counters , Uncle Bars , Mirrore , Bar Screens ,
Counters , Beer tint ] Wine Coolers , Etc , , Etc. Designs nnd Xstimnlos1 furniahod
on application. Scud for exits nnd price lists.
OMAHA BRANCH 600 SOUTH 10th ST. , Omaha , Nob.
"ritr xxit u ) xv rot-si : . "
A fair audience witne ed at Ii ! > xd's
opera 11011 = 0 last night the prc-cnlalion
! > y masterly arti-ts of the strongest
pioneer play of the modern melodrama.
C.V. . Couldook and hi- company played
"The Willow Copse. " In the thick ol all
tlio bass di tint , burnt cork and hurrah
lion-eiiM1 which at these times flood * the
stage , it is a boon scarcely to ho mcastjn'ud
by words to catch : i glimpse of the
drama as the nni o of ils
creation designed it for the ed Mention
and education of men "The Willow
Copse" is an old play , but it is nonetheless -
loss I'ffoctivc and pos-ibly mellowed by
age Ha * a more subtle lorce. At all event's
tlm interior lights < if the theater which
usually bla/.c upon the M-CIIOS of clown-
i-hness from the toollightanswered by
roarol hilarity trom tlic oi'owdoileat - ,
sparkled last night on the tear drop
Irom many.i Hooded eye. The play is
lull ol melting periods and situations ,
lee , that inspitc cx'-itement and iad -
dros cd as eipially to the ivliiioment of
the dress circle a-to the wild emotions
of the gal lei y.
"Tho Willow Coj ) i' " is the product of
thu pen of Dion iSnucica-ilt , n istcd bj
his friend and fellow-phivwr.gilt , Cli.irlcs
Lam ! ) Kinney. It was lirst pre-entcd in
isi" , and threes . .xe.irlater Wiis brought
to this country by Mine. Celeste , in
xvho'-e company Mr. Couldoek held the
role in which , more than tidily yen's
later , hi' to day appears in Omaha
With -Mine. ColiMo ho torced such -ign.d
recognition for his jinrt that when 'he
lei1 America , "he genorou-lj piv-oi'tod
him with the right to Ihe pl.ix. For
many years ho-Uiired in the piece , but
of recent vcai'h abandoned il to acci pt in
' 'Hazel Ixirko" the role ol Dun-Man
Kirke , in which he probably now be-t
known lo the public. The plot of "The
Willow Cop-u" is iiitt'ie-tuig , heightened
to a thrilling pilch al tune- . , and subdued
again lo tl > o most touching pathos
Hrioliy told , wilh last niglit'i ca-t noted ,
li'O'-o Fielding ( Miss Kngotu * P/l-iir ) . the
daughter of Luke Kidding ( Mr. Conl-
dock ) , an Hngli-h , is ruined by
her lover , Sir Kichard Vaughn ( Mi. A. S
Lipmau ) , who for -omc reason cannot
right mittor : by marriage' Circumstance
stance- : , , while oil un yrnnd of myrsy
f < > r l iVj , forcr Lno.y Vansnard ( Mi-s
Kate V. J ouseyX a , friend ol Ko-c , and
Sir Hieliard into n compromising
ium , which plunges them both into a
wretched scandal. Hose , then to save
her lady friend's honor , expo-c.s her own
dis'ionor. To her father she ivfitaos to
betray her -ednccr , and ho banishe- ; her
and goes mad. liiohard appears > n the
M'uno and lieiir , IJo-o away. The old
man , now a lunatic , followed by Meg
( Sidney Cowcll ) , a laithfnl dair ; ,
maid , iocs TO London , where lor live
ycar.s tlii\x live in abject pox city Mean
while Sir Kichnrd ha- married Ko-c and
thc.y : iie both settled down in nn elegant
London mansion , < urrounilcd wilii all
tlic liiMirii'- wealth cnn piovnle , when
one dav old Luke , while hiieiJ to run
sonic errand , i- , -eon by Hoio. Mutual
recognition and reconciliation takes
place , the heavy x 'Mains ' who have Bought
lo rob the old man and I'o-o of properly
convoyed to them in two wills which they
hold , are hustled oil by the police , and
the drop falls upon a scene ot happiness
and serenity.
The foregoing i- llu > merest skeleton
nutlinu , and excludes a number of char
acters well worthy of recognition. The
entire cast is good , and the comedy bits
of Mr Holmes , Augustus , are very
The i-Io-o of the third net pic cnt' . ii
situiiiion that is i xlraordinniily 'n' '
tense , anil demand the highest
ability to < xccnio. IIOM- i- com
pelled by her lalhei1 , in tiniircenco
of u number ot people to road aloud hi r
own confissioii ol dishonor. This she
does amid tears and supplications for
pity and tin audience is nrou-ed to de
mand her appearance before the curtain.
Also at llic close ol the Jouitli ad , Mr. '
Couldoek is called out tor his tlnilling
performance in what may be termed the
"mad .scene" of the play.
The people ol Omaha -hoiild rccugni/o
that they are now being o lie red Mich a
dramatic treat as is all'orded here only nl
infrc.iicn | ! intervals and should -el/.e the
opportunities offered by the matinee this
ntti-rnoon and to-night'H poll rmj'nci ' , u
( ill ( lie Ojlcl'a ilO'MC ' ,
Cliini'h ICii
The ladies of the lumpurnnco ur.ion
yavo an enjoyable * ofiablo Thursday
night al the West Omaha Method ! . , !
of rnUlii" funds
( ihiipol for the puipo-u
to pay I ir tliiJtehurch organ. The t\ci-
oises , which xycro well carried out , con
sisted of a loig ) fccrv ice , literary -elco-
tioiis and tableaux' . Them was ti largo
attendance pivM-nt and Iho nmoiiiit 10-
ali/ed was l.aiger than unvi'iio 'in ' MI
ticijiatvd. _ _ _
Olhtrlt i Court Xoli'd ,
Tliijuiy In tlm c ase of JImery v-8 thu
ciy * of Omaha , rctiirmd n vcitliel ycstor-
dnj in favor of the plnintllV for .J&O.'i.
TJio amount siuUul for was 5,000.
licforo Judge \Vali'leyyesterday aflcr-
noon tlioca-oof Seigel Bros. x . Mo.vr
\r 15ro , to I'oeovtir tin1 xaluu of n cloak ,
xv lib h the plaintiff allege- , has iiexci
ii , rn p i-l for. was commenced. This is
tlm case in whicn .ir.Jitt- ? - ! " > cv accused
Max Froilandcr , a traxcling saiosin.- ; :
for Soigd Bros , of not turnin < r tlio
money ever to tin Itrm xv'ilch ' 1-nd bet n
paid him for iliu clo.iU ,
Dcui ) and l'iilnuu i' .
An unknown man xvns str'ick l.v No. 1
the rcguhr wc-l bound "o oiland 'tiain ,
near ( happol , 'Ihmwlay evening. The
man liing upon Iho track and HIP j
corner of the pilot btrnuk him in the j
head , hurled his body hum the tni"l. and <
hpht his hl.nll. I In was dead wl.ui pick
ed iiji N < J niaiKs of idintiiiivi < ) > xv. iv
tu.i ! uiiou li ' I't'i-jyii '
The county commissioners are xcry
busy just nt presi ut liiiishlnguplhc xvorlc
of road coiistriiction for tho/cason.
i > idnov Smith , of this city , was
one ol the directors of thi ) Western As
sociation of aichitccts , at the nuollnjj ;
iclil in S | Louis yc tcrday.
The riiloll * liquor ca.-os were set for
xe-t'fdnv in police court , liii ) on ac
count of the Iliggins trial , they xx do
postponed until .Monday.
Very neat invitations have been issued
by the Omaha Typographical union , No.
ItiO , tor tin ir annual ball xvhich oc
curs on ing eve , November 45 ,
al Cunningham hall.
Marriage licenses xvi re i-sued x ester- . Hans Nelson and Marie Cliristen-
sen. both of Om.ilia , and to Xer.i Snow ,
of Portland , Oicgon , and Kmily McCormick -
mick , of ( Jnialia.
O. A. Troutl , a di unkcn gambler , raised
a disturbance , it the Bnjd last cvcnini ; ;
during the perlorm.ince'auil vvas cjeeliur.
Olilcer Kovyle.i tool ; him in chaise ami
conve.xed him to the
Judge Dundy tendered to the ofh'cerj
of his court , at his elegant n sidenco on
Leavcnvvorth street , the reception which
luis been his annual custom. 'J'hc ban
quet "loud " was laden vvith all that ap
peals to the ina-culine palate , and the
I'Xenmg pacd most enjo.yably.
The latest Ireak of the hair-brained
"liic-laddics" ot the No. : ! 's i.s to sliavc
their heads. The men have had thiii1
liead.s ra/ored from the forehead back to
the ha-D ol the skull , and now prchcnt
the mo-t idiotic appennineu iniiiginalilc.
A plea-niil occasion was the party
given Jn-t evening al the rcsuli nee o'f
Mr. and MrM. . M. M rshnll , . ( ! ' ) Nc-rtli -
Sevciitceuth hticet , in honor of the
thirteenth biithdav ot their daughter ,
Mi-s Nina. Over 100 1'hilili.y.nvereiii _
attendance , vv lu > enjoyed the hospitality
ol then'pliij male 'b home to tlieir fullcsd
H'lt. N'lll.-i .Xl > I'K
Col Samuel Deltow , manager of Ihe
Cnlilornia fast freight line , is in the ilty ,
\V. A. Dcuil , a'--.istiul : superintendent ,
Union P.ieilic. at Cheyenne , is in the city
on his return irom a "visit to frii n ls iii
Ax'cry Mi-oro. fn ig ht agent of ( ! " Ifock
1-hi'ul nl Denver , is in the city.
Fiiuornl of Mr.
The funeral of > Ir. Peter Hugu
of the oldo-t citi/ens of Omaha , and fey
ninny years senior xvardon of Triirity
iiarish 'in thi * city , vili take placu fiom
J unity cathedral atJ p m. to d.iy.
Absolutely Pure. V
I'll 11 jioivi'or IIOVT ( lilt1 A innrvd of p > < ri
Iv. ureiiKlh iiinl "hnh MI.M KISS More I'l'iniom'
i il limn llionullimry kmt' ( . s nl enmiol liu MiU
mi-nil put Him with iln tux , liliulo nl Ion Hiht ,
IHUV In cIK , Itojnl lluXmt :
WiillMri'ot N V
l'n Ir l Hldliix VtlilfSo nndr. . ' " "J.
wiUJi > u . | ivrv ! > aMtTo. 'Dm SprlnKti limtfTjirii % nfl
kliiirern iiccrrJlnliitljoKgi uttlr ri ; . 1V'I > JI
writ MilniitfU fo rmiRli 'ounir ruutU HHII
Biu dri jf n it uli i rtj iniaUirl tirrrt n nil iwiM hy
" "
Ifiurco'fnrK to J. O , . ! nw'j ,
U N J ) E H TA K K H H 9
At tllcciMMlUlit \ I'nrnnin HI , Oiilprft Ijy
tilr raili | Killeili l ai'J j luiiipllr uttvnU I tv >
" leave ( ) niiiif ! m"'V'iilhuiin I'lildca
Slci | ) in C.MS fu.i , Ailgeli'H , I'ulllornia.
'I'ii'l.ctH for life runud tilji , tooit ; f months.
31iO ( , I'lisl class pi'i > i < ] ( > , Hint rlftiH tk-bi'tu.
Illstl-l.l-S il'l'llllllllll ! | ! < ltill 3 Oil ttlistlll' .
s-t.'iciiilKi-.iiit laio xvi'stvviinl , but uitfl i st
Imund Is iiiiv. y.VJ.J , unit it h proim-eil to
rnln-ll tcifW ) , winch xvljl nmko llio cirl of I
ciiiiiiiut ; lU'l.i't.-inuH II n thwu I'.iKt - *
c.i | > . < ioiniil inn mtC'i. Ml eiiiikTrtiit | ir : irn-
Keisire CHI licit on cxfic indii.s and uny
niie can uro any ilay at' iiufrivnl ralr.rheio. .
fdioll jini wish to ii'tii'in K" xxlth this lUM ,
cli cxeiiisloii. Full iijiilleiilari rfeirdlna
' on apiik.itl"ii ' ) In
J , W. MOII.SK ,
( en. I'.tw.AL'U U. i' . It } ' . , Uwh