THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , S AT I1 h DAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1885. i * $ * > " ftv - JJWW'WV 'Us trtl1' RTHE GREAT r.Jif Cures RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. i Krnilnrlic , Tiiolliiioiic. fiprnliK , Ili-iilurt , etc. . dr. 1'llc * , fifty Ocntl. At DrursUts fend ticAlnl. THC CHARLES A , VOCELER CO. , Sel Proprietor * , lr f p nif r m 1J"rlh KT dl n > tblX | | aw ttir > fiftn'ii0reMr f > rtin * nrBt tiud ridnf fatf tus < iiflvMf FM ' tnlti ffietrr i IfitnTitrwiihk 1 l&noaMcallnitilub Ch rttredbylIiL-3t tcofIIII- r.ftls for tr.eexpresipjrpoia ofclvinelmmediateretlc.'la ll chronicunnary nd piU vate cllicawt. Oonorrhcc * , ' cumpIicAtcil'forin , also all dlciaies of the Skin and Blopd prcmptly rrlleved and permanentlytured by reme i dies.testeilln a I'oi III Vrnr * _ „ , _ ! f < pmnll'rarttrt. Semlnil 5. Nipht Lottraliy Dreami , Pimples an the Koce.IxJ'.t Manhood , f'DJfr.-l ( ( f/nirril. r/irre IsnorxpHttitfilUMU. The aprroprlate remedy nalonca used In each case. CDnsuHatl-'nj , tier- aim ) or fay letter , cncredly conHdentlal. Med * Iclnea eent by Mall and Uirrcss. No murks on packege to Indicate contents or Render. Address OR.AIVlES.No.204WahlnqlonSI.Clilc&80.lll. ! ; A I-IKE LINK ( ) ! Pianos aod Organs | -AT- WQQDBRiDGE BROS1 IVJUSiC HOUSE OMAHA NKUKASKA. Scrofula of Lungs. 1 run now 4f > yrnri" oM. Mini linve MilH'rnil for thitlnst tlfli'f'ii yoarrt Hli it Inni ; tintililn I Imvospout Hmli imilH of ilollurlo nutt t tlio irm roll of this iltattiM' : but tmiitioiury H'lli-l wim nil tlinl I obitilniMl. I win Unlit fur HM > mliminl Jnl'Or fur - uTH | yniir < . A Irlinul Mimiirlj ii'u- oinincndoil Iliu u > < u nf bVltr * Spt"itio 'ri ' S S.I , olnlmlnjr tlmr hi- lilinlt' liml lie on eri'iitlv IM > II < > - llk'il lit sninii IIIMK trouble * I ii'Mihfil to try It Tim r < nili mo runinrknlilp. My rniiuli 'nis ' loft 1110 rnv Mi.'iiL-lli lm rctiirneil , mid I wolvli nlxty pntiinirt mine than I over tllil In mv lilt1. It hiw boon tin oo j 1'iti-ii Blnro I xt < ip < oil lli n o nf thnrnnilleliip. lntthHVoi'n rflltinof Ilia ills- on'n , un < l tlicrr arti no pHtnr or wpiiUncs-t toll in my Itltii ! ! " . I iln tlio Inirilost kind of nipuhnnlrnl work , niul fri'lni won f PUT felt fincn Ivrn a boy. 'llip-e , I knowarownnili'i fill stiilnmmitH to jnnko. lint I am lumott wln'ii I > . v Hint I ewe my ( iilHtoncr nml lioiiltli tiilny. . tu S S. H. 1 woiilij haipoinitntto niy duty I m-t < IK linmmi- itv If I fulled to lit-nr tliis c .out till testimony to tlio morlts of tins wonuVrlnl inedlulnu T , J Hor/r. Mnmproinpry , Aln. , Jiinn2.'i , : Se5. bwlltV S | > cclllr Irt rntlroljvpjjptalili' . Trentls.i nil Hlund Mini bklu Uiscut-cs mnllo < l free. Ga.TKB HWIIT KITCHK On. , Drawer ! ) , Atlnntn , Ga. , or 157 W _ SSJat. _ ± N. . V. BITTERS , it tt llMl k l Uc to Jf f MHlriu frtnitlovw vK * > l * voflA. ir * # Dr priiift ( , X > ltnfc k , ? * i4 * ( * ! 4 * rlMf * f Ib * rii > itlt Uikal. A few drr > lufcrt tddwlnui Hi l t ( tut f ck Mp c * , &oi I * ll lUMtMvr JM | | * Tu It i k * tr * # f * Hitt ifriu. jUk * nr trw r rdrutpitfar ttiut MUiU ( uurtrtnrt4kr I R.O.S | KUkflTl 0.1S. J. W. WCJriSMAUlT , CCI.Z A3StT : , 5J jD oajjir r > ' . r. HUMPHREYS ; HOMEOPATHIC ICS CnraDli 3cio ( Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , PODLTRY , In use for over 20 yoa'ra by Farmers , Stockbreeders , Horse II. It.U . Used by U. S. Government. * s-STABLE CHART-e Mounted on Hollers & Book Mailed Free. nmpbrey'Afed. Co. . 100 Fulton HI. , Ji. Y. _ SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC No , H 8 esrV ! Th onljrmiece ifulrfm .iljrfor Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , rul froHiiitluo , .from'orin-work nr olhor cm . (1 lr ( ] , or fl tUU ami Ulctr vinl lor i XMfCflpt Y.tut I Itl. , It. Y. WHITTIER IT Ht , Chorle N < . , S . fconl , Mo t ef l o U dl ICi > , htilr l.nir fvi1 * ! lr fctmfakor r tfciv Netious Prostration , Otbllltr , Mental ind Phytlcil Weakneti ; Mercurial und other AHec. lloni of Throat , Skin or Bone t , Blood Poisoning , Id Sorn 4n < 1 Ulcers , r irn.i uh uo .r.n.i.a co i , aUI ltrl.Qtl&3 prlQflitUf H&UU. PrlT.lplr. Dlitasfit Arising from Indiscretion , Eiceu. Eipoture or Induluonce , .ii h nojoc. .omi i it. \ jllH | .n.f.i niin jiur , , , dtbllll ; , dltuMii of tlihl ud Attt etl inl i > r7 ( pimi l i on ihc r e . | > b v le l d r /t mfkatoiii * t.clri ) w f fnaiiti. eoafbalnt af Ijtti , * tt. , rvnderlCK IfurmcQ improper or nnli ppr , 4i > imtLrbtlj f'jrt > l. IV biphltlttft | t | floatb | atolf , ifBt laMftUI tnTfrrffeiu : ! aojr i4rf . CuaiulttiUafttor. I , . .rfc ; U < t i. Hul l iiit l'lrlljc.c .l.tll ! , A Posltltt Written Guaranle * cir to e > .rTci. Ull KM. lUJlllut tuU r ; t t li ; null > l t J | rui , MARRIAGE GUIDE. 300 FAOB3. ritfE PLATES , et th tai < Ut ( 4f'rfiOo. U < i iMu e7. Ov r tfiy T r 4trfa | | x j lgt r4 , Iru * (0 I if1 1 rtlcU i an th * f U lt ( btUtUt w I o4. ( > br ( v The Mirror Is no flatterer. Would you 'make it tell a sweeter tale ? | \lagnolia \ Halm is the charm * Cr , that almost cheats the looking-glass. FOB BESSES SAKE , How U stormed Hint duyt The rftln perpendicular ot ono nioruonti horizontal the next nt the mercy of tlio wind The streets Were urlft rigors. In fonio places the wnttT poured \\\t \ nnd nut f tlio shallow gutters' nud completely submerge the sidewalks. Front Ilia road * wavs of tht great brldgo sheer torrent- * eamo rushing down nnd llio crowd Unit had taken refuge in the bridge entraneu could hardly sen thu city hull or park. It "torini-d slcadilv for sin hour ; then , in ft Might aliatcinenl. 1 cnnic out of the t'li-viitcd mil way slaireaso where I hud been waiting , slipped up tuy umbrella iintl walked briskly southward. At ono of the en t tloors of the post-oflice , F sud denly ran against ( icrtruilo Hnskcll. Her nppertrnnre was so striking that I exclaimed nloiitl'What In thu world ! " She was droned in ti thin brown cam. brie , nn ordinary m-uNummcr coUumo , und worn a shabby black bonnet. In one gloveless hand she ela ped nn open let ter evidently just received ; in the other she held a dripping red parasol which lie had not yet reopened. The ruin beat Koarely | in her face and . ho did nnt.spi'tn to mind K. Hur face , I noticed then , wus piui'lied nnd wore an agonized cxpros- mon. I quickly drew her under my um brella and repeated my exclamation , slightly niodlliiMl. -What is the matter , child ? " Her lips moved convulsively. "I can't tell \oli here , " she answered. I knew forthwith that s > omelliing ter rible luitl happened. I had known ( ! eetrude Mitnn soren years , antl no formality was necessary. I had not. however , seen her for two uroliths and over , .so that I was by no means informed as to her present cir- rum-lances. "Where do you live nowV" i asked. "The same place ? " ' 'No ; not there up in Harlem. I can't go bark now. " I thought sin- spoke wihllv. "Come then , " 1 said. "I'll let my own ullairx reel. Come home with me. It won't take Ion" I'm Mill in the .square. " I hurried herlalong back to the elevat- j eil rail a.y staircase , whence I had so ; lately emerged , dragged her up the .steep Mops unit through the Ration to thu tram. 1 n-nicuiber the gatnman looked curiously at us. licrtnidu had such a white , drenched appearance. Twenty minutes later we had reached m\ home and the privacy of my own chamber. ' ' , f had a little whin , which I forced her to ill-ink. "Xow , " -.aid I , "tell me all about it. The sooner ( old the sooner I know wheth er anything i-an be done or not. " ( irrtrude was now les pale ; the wine had given her temporary strength. She Mghed heayily. "Nothing can lie done , " she said in a lone of despair. "It ii about ISessio. " " ( ! oon"l said to encourage her. I hail never neon Hessie ; the girl had al ways lived with an aunt in the west. Hut 1 had heard Gertrude .speak tenderly of this absent younger .s .ster and I hud f-een the picture of a pretty , phnialu face set in brown , soft curls. She seemed to swallow something , then resumed : "i loved her I think you kmnv this. It was the object of my life to work hard anil save my money to establish a little home , where lie.-sie could come to me. I did not belii ve she was happy out there. Aunt He.-tur was often harsh. .She let the rhild have no pleasure , no young society , , nothing but haid work. ISessic was not evil miniird ; she was not deceitful by nature. If she grew so it was all A'unt Hester's fault and she should sutler for it. " ( lertrttdu had begun to tromblo. ' Harm has conm to ISPHSIO ? " [ a.skcd rolnctnntl5' . " .Slin is not dead J" "I might bis better if she were , but I I cannot wish she were , " and Oc.rtrndo broke inio piteous , unrestrained sobs. "Still your sister , " I said softly , when her grief had somewhat expended its force. Gertrude wiped her eyes. "Yes ; always my sister"she repeated. "And I must go to her at once and bring her back with me. 1 mttbt to help her begin anew. " "You know whuro she is ! " "I shall find her. " Shu ro.-e then from her seat . "I have a good deal to attend to , " she ' said , "before I leave to-night. " "To-night ? " 1 ventured : "In all the stormV" "Storm ? " said Gertrudeironically. . "What else will my lite be until her wrong's are righted ? " , Sheluft on the ! ) o'clock train. I went about with her and tried to help her a lit tle , though there was not much for me lo do. During the next throe or four days I often thought of my absent friend , won dering what she had accomplished , if anything if .she had found her unfor tunate sister , and just how bud matters really were. On the sixth day I sat writing by my window in the sunlight ; we were having fair weather once again , clear , delicious atmosphere for August dayn. The door of my room stood slightly ajar , runt at , 1 sat writing thuro some one pushed it wide open audcamu through. Glancing around , I gave an excluma- lion of ple'asod surprise' . Tiertnide ! " She had an excited , almost wild ex- picssioii. "I nm back"sho said , "and I have brought her. " "Sit down , t-it down , " I interrupted , " nml toll mu about it. I am so glad so relieved at last. " " 1 have brought her , " she reuoated. "And now I have two objnetM in lifo to be kind to Hessiu. and to hunt down the wretch that has deceived her. " hlttt trumblud with excitement and her face grew pule as death. "It will not be a pleasant hour for him when wo come face to face , thu villain' ' I knew he had deceived her. Thank God1 I knew that she was pure nt heart , "y poor , crushed Hps.iio1" "A mock mtrrriagoV" I ventured. ' 'Oh , ,' ' " She was up now and walked the room impatiently. "Where shall I find you ? " I asked pres ently. "I suppose-1 can ciiino nml bee 3'ou , llcnsio need not know 1 know her trouble-- " * Oh , it would Hot matter ; she Is far too crushed tocaru. * * * Wiry , she loied llio HcounUrrill" "Yes,11 I assented , " 1 supposed as mneh. " Shortly after Gertrude wont away. 1 ditl not call upon her the following day , as I hail intended , nor Indeed tor mveral days. Various roinplicntioiifr < f my own ali'air.s engrossed and annoynd intt. Then I found 1 mislaid thu j-treel number * > ho had given mu. And so it happened that a week had elapsed , when o'ie morning 1 but out for her boarding house , 1 do not think I shall forgot that day , nlthougji [ Imvo seen many xcitJugtU ; in my life and evpcot to see many moru. It was a clear , cool morning , with heavenly sunlight over all. The occa sional late rains had washed all the dust and disagreeable stickiness fiom the at- mosphcru. It was a morning to inspire ' one , to lighten onu'b footstep * , to give onn a winged , buoyant sonsulion , And yet , aa I left the horsu cjtrj and turned down tlio street toward ( iertrndo llaskell's lodgings' , I felt u weight of ( read or premonition settling upon me. I almost paused to turn away and nut u itor thu house , Hut after u moment I threu oil' tlio feeling and rang thu bell , ( iurtrudu came down to thu parlor , 50 "I want to tell you a thing or two bo- forit n't ) go up bluing" t > hu said , "Ilussio is do/.lng She to rcry much prostrated.1 She fcal dorn Hose by mo and touched my hand occasionally her own I felt to bo cold ns Ice Her faec was flushed anil her eyes Phone fever wishly. Shea& ter ribly excited. " 1 want to tell you , " she continued , ' 'that he is eoming here this morning. I have hern on his track ever . inco ; 1 have tracetl him to this city. He is a travel ing man , and natiirnlly enough hrt . ftonl'n lo Utis city. He does not dream that ? ho Is here t inn her sister. She wa known out west as Ho io Dean ; Aunt Hester insisted on it. I have thrown him Oil' his guard , And now ho Will come face to face with her and- " "Ami thcnr" I nskcd. "Ho shall make reparation"said Uor- ( rude , c.ilmlug herself with tv wonderful cll'orl. ' 't'onie , let us go up now. I'o- member , Hessie knows nothing. I have kept all from her " \\"L climbed the 11111113' steps of ,4tairs to the fourth story. The wns new and tall , one of those handsome n flairs that the city pushes out day by day to wards the north. Wo wtmt in softly llesslo lay by the' front windows on a sofa ; 0110 little hand was under the pret ty worn face with the frame of soil brown clirls. Our entrance aroused her. She opened her eyes and smiled faintly. There Was no evil in that smile. My heart went out to her. They had two rooms , n little parlor nnd a still smaller c innecttnjj bedroom. Wo woio hardly .seated whun a knock ut the door and tlio manner in which ( ier- truilo started to her feet sent the blood leaping through my reins in a furious way. "A gentleman , " I could hoar the ser vant say. "hut him como up. " I know ( lortrudi ; was answering quietly , and a few othe1' words in a lower tone. Then , to her sister " still lles-fle il is " , "Lie , - , nothing Strong HI my nerves nru , much as I have passed through , I could not help trembling and turuiug palo. I left my seat and looked imploringly at Gertrude , who stood by the door. . She motioned lo the bedroom , and I .slipped quickly out of sight behind a homely cretonne nortiere. I held my breath as footsteps crime on the staircase. 1 could hear my own heart beatinc loudly. * > * Then a man's voice in formal .salutation. + * * Then a phtintivo , piteous , wailing sound from Hossio's lips , the one word "Hasil : " The door shut with sudden force ; I heard a clicking sound nnd knew that . - onto one had locked if , I pushed aside the portiere and looked out. At a glance 1 read the mini who teed there , abashed , irresolute. Weak , evil , yet perhaps not too evil for reclamation. Well dresed , rather good-looking , on the whole outwardly respectable. Abo\e the low sous ot Ht"ie , who had covered her face , I heard Gertrude's voice , calm and insistent. "Von understand now , Ilasil Hum phrev , why 1 .sent for you. We need not diseiHs the situation. There is but one thing to be done ; you must nrirry my sister at once. I have bent for a clergyman. .jrew white to the ligs with anger. It is impossible , " ho began , and made for the door as it to escape , lint this was locked. "Let mo out ! " he demanded , fiercel3' . "You can't trap a man " "Hasil ! Gertrude ! " Hessio's voice ro e to a scream. For Gertrude had flung herself uiion him and clutched his throat with a deathlike grip. "I will kill you rather , " she panted Perhaps he was rather at raid she might ; perhaps he only meant to frighten her. Quick ns a flash ho drew n pistol. Tho3' struggled tor a second. 1 sprang torward , but alas ! too late. A stunning report , n shriek from lies- MO , who fell fainting. Then Gertrude , staggering , sank to the floor. Humphrey dropped the pistol. "it was not 1113' fault , " he began , ghast ly with terror. i tried to lift Gertrude. "Alar3' . " site whispered , -'the kuyopen ; for the clergyman. " Tiie minister was on thu staircase. Basil Humphrey had turned to nnd the girl was reviving. "Help me up , " .said Gertrude Haskell. Wo raised her and placed her in ti chair. She held her hand upon her breast. "Marry them , " she said , "nnd quicklj * . I must see them umrried before i die , else-- " Ilumphruy started. Perhaps ho feared shu might accuse him of murder. Other occupants of the house enmo crowding into the room. And there was n doctor , though I did not know when he entered. And there , in the presence of death , the clergyman read the briefest luarriago service. "I pronounce 3'ou man and wife , " ho said. said.And And then some one else spoke. It was the doctor. Who fired the shot ? " ho : iked , with sudden sternness , And Gertrude .smiled. "Accident ! " site gasped , nnd fell back in ni3' arms , dead. In making the assertion that Pozzonl's medicated complexion powder is < htiro- 13- free from injurious or ileadl3' poisons , wo do it upon the atillionty of a thorough chemical utuilysis. It is ono of the old est face powders in thu American mar ket , nnd is used in the families of some of our most prominent medical men who have personally acknowledged to the proprietor that they not only consider it but esteemed it highly bunoli cial in every rc.sjicct , not only tor the use of lailiei and children but for the 'lord of creation' himself. Sold 13' druggists. l\\K \ M'limiiiKM on the Itnce Trnck , The Inck3' 3'ouug Kronen sportsman who has won the t'esarewiich and Cam- hridgfish'uo with IMnisantcrio repeating I'o\iall | s triumphs , is said to liitve netted 3.70,000 bv thu double event. This inuy seem good.but there have been occasions , within tin * last twenty years when tho'i winner of the Ccsarotvi'tch nlonu has. landed } : : < IOHK ( ) upon liii champion. Air. Blurry nnd Lore Hastings were each credited with that hum as the amount of their g.iins by betting wlum l.umm'.Sb and Lecturer were .successful in IbUaid ( | IHiiij ; the lalu It.iron du Kothsx'liilil drew | | .r > ( i.iHMi admittedly out of the ring when ' Coris.'ttidt won in 1871 , nud rumor put the stake netted by the owner of lo ! o- bury in 1070 nt f 0,00(1. ( ) ( It is 011)3 ) n handic.ip , nnd on not more than four in the year namely , lite Lineoliisltiro hand icap. the City nnd Suburban , the t'esaro- wiu h. nud Cambridgeshire that n great stake can bo won. o rinns i iijisn . I y . . . . . . _ . . single box IMS riiml the worst chronic case * ot 2ior No one need sufter live ininuti's utter ii | > i > 1yiiii ; this wonderful sooth In : ; medicine. Lotions ami Instruments demure mure hnrin thnn good. William * ' Indian PilK Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tiio Itching , ( particularly tit nlu'lit after L'cttiu warm in bed ) , nets ns n poiilllt-e , uivcs inbuilt relief , and Is prepared only fur I'lli's ' , iti'hlni , ' nf Private pans. Hint for nothing else , HKI.V UIHKASnS C'UItKI ) . A Dr. Fr.i/ler'fi .Ma rie Ointment cures as by tnu'iii ! , J'lmples , Itlru'k Heads or ( iinbs , lilutchc.s nud Ktuptlonri on the facc.'leavln the slln clcarntul Ucaiitlful. Also cares Itch , Salt Itlioiuti , Knro Niiiiilcs , .Sure Ll | > 5 , und Old OliMlmito Ulci-tN Sold uy drugslf-ts , or mailed on receipt ci rents. KrlulledhyKuhn & Co. , nnH Sclirooler & UccUt At wholuisicoy U. i' . Goodman. MINSTnELdYS ( MIDDLE AGE. How llnrnt'CowTArtlsts Acted nml Sana Twinfc- Wars ARO , Denver Tribtiilepublitan : "I've ji t been to the minstrel show , " remarked a gentleman to a Tribune Itcpnhtican reporter - porter last opening , ' and ono of the end- men sang n real old time song , one which carried me back to the dnys of my youth. " "What was tha .song' " asked the re porter. J "It was that onC'Vlth the chorita : I' e g lno away to leave you , ( Jooil-liy , K'loil ' by ; r.siav , ine awa > to leave j on , Uot l-t > y Liza .Line. "It's n't old song , nnd I've not hoard it for lifteen years , but it has Iho real old ring. I always go to minstrel shown. Somp people conipl.tin that n minstrel show i.s like n circus ton see one and 3'ou sec them all , but , although Hint ns n good dual true , 1 never got tired of them , nml that there nro a great many others like mo is shown in the fact that they always bave good hou es. " "How long Is it since you f-aw your first showV" "A little tnoro thnn twenty years. Just before the war. ( ) , I'm not such an nwfully old ninii yet. ami I can't tell yon nboilt the original George Christy nnd the 'Virginia Sercnnders , ' or the very firH darkey troupe which over traveled ! , or any of that sort of thing , My father could toll you all nbout Unit , for ho was almost as fond of mihstrel performances as 1 am. " "Tell me something about the troupes in your enrly days ; there must hnvn been some great changes in the style of doing tilings even since then ? " "I .should think so , " was tlio reply. "Why , the first minstrul show which I over saw was before the war , in a .small city in Now Kuglaud. I cnn see it nil now , nntl I romembur nearly nil of the performers. It was in n largo hall , which nud n little stage nnd no scenery nt all. " "When I went in at an early hour the stage was bare , except for a piano or ti melodeon , I think the latter , and a semicircle - circle of about a do/on hard wooden chairs , There were none of Ilia ohair coverings then which nro in nso now. When the hour for beginning oaino the darkies caino front an auto-room down below the stago. They had only two cndmcn jn thoio dn3.s. The 'tambo came on lirst. and was followed by the others in single Ille , thu 'bones' coming in lat. The .sinnej's , orchestra and all , with the ( -M'i'ptiou of the double-bass players , were in a line. If they had made a tier or pyramid of them a.s they do in those day.s , thej would have made a slim .show. "Among the songs which I remember as .sung t lint day weie 'Heaiilifiil Midnight - night Moon' and 'Kock Me to Sleep , Mother. ' patty , the which I eu'r heard , I know of but one who is .still in the jirofc--ion. ' That is Frank , Kent , a female impersonator. He trav- j elcd for yours afterwards with Duiire/ & Heucdict'N minstii Is , : md was still upon the boards when 1 last heard of liim , about three years ago. He did .something at that time which I bebe\e l ievcr saw done afterwards appeared in female dross in the half-circle of the lirs part , sitting next to the bones , and playing a triangle The end incn were Hilly Preston - I ton , 'bone ? , ' and 1 } O. Upton , 'tambo rine ' The fornlct jis , I think , dead , ifntl ' the latter hits Itiu& Hiiicu deserted burnt cork and is now a teacher of daneiiig. John Lefavour , who played the molo- deon , is now a Miliptugntpliio ' artist. "In those days , or o _ little later , Hry- ant's minstrel's in New York , Morris Hro * . , Pell & Slocum's , and Canicross & Dixey's in Philadelphia , and Dnprc/ & Greene in NewOrl-ans | , and a little later , Kmerson AMailhiug's troupe in Chicago , wore the leading troupes which I remem ber. f j ; ' r j . , v , , "Some of the oldwougaT hear occasion ally now , and they are. the = o which have lasting merit , I suppose , although there arc many which 1 never hear now. My the way , speaking of the .songs romind's me of ( ! ott6n & Murphy's San Francisco Minstrels. Joe Murphy , who played the bones , is now the Irish comedian who plays Kerry Gow and several similar pieces , and the oilier end was hold down by Hen Cotton , a little fat man , who was good then , but I don't know what has become of him. Perhaps ho is dead. "Well , the old songs Tlio first time E heard 'Tramp , Tramp , Tramp , was dur ing the war. Morris nrothor.s' Minstrels ot Huston sungit. . Theodore Jackson , who is still in the business , sang tlio .solo and the whole troupe sang the chorus , beating time with their foot and making a tine ellect. Hilly Morris and Johnny Pull were the end men of that party , lioth are HOW iiead Hilly Morris used to sing 'The Mocking Hird' with a famous whistle , and the song is not dead yet. It seemed then as though it would never grow old. J.Iv Uruens.who was for merly a partner with Uuiiro/ , who sang it long after everybody else had dis carded it , although even then it always got applauded. "Old Joe Trowbridgu , who was a part ner with Morris & Pell , used to sing 'Tho Old Sexton , ' which is still snug occa- lonally by bass soloists. " 'Hcatitiful Isle of the Sea' was n pretty song which used to be sung by the miiisticl boys then. I think that Frank Campbell was the first ono whom I heard sing it 'Tlio'Jockey Hal and 1-eather'wasan old nong. Joe Murphy used to sing it 'The Hroken-Hoartcd Milkman'was another which H. Hishop Huckley used to sing. Ho and his brother. C' . Swayno Huckleyx Tverc the heads of Hueklny'ts Serenador.s , a troupe which Huni-i.-lii-il for a short time during those years. "They were gre : t musicians for minstrel.s , could piay alnioit everything , and they composed a good deal , 'Sally C'omu Up' was u song nnd dance which Swayne composed and executed \vith great .success. There used about this time to bo a toner Kinger named Thayer with Morris Hros. ' minstrels who was very popular. 1 remember a pretty thing which he used to sing , and I never hear it now. It was'I'm Lonely To-night in My Sad Little Chamber , ' and another was'I'm Leaving You in Sorrow , An nie. ' "I night sitting at a minstrel cntcminmcnt where Frank I'u- inont , the compo.-or , was to sing Tlio end man had just gotten oil'a ioke , und tinuiullunco vtis/j / ; aring with laughter , u lien Ihe interlocutor announced a song , but the audience didn't hoar the an nouncement. The prelude was played , and ntill tlioy Ij.iwUud. Dumont began , 'You call mu few jej Sand tender names , ' and had nearing ) a line bnforo his sweet voice roninvo the sound of the laughter. Tln-n thorn was an instantan eous hush , and you could luivu hoard a pin drop until thij end of the hong , when thu vocalist wfc : granted with a tremen deus burst of applause "Well , I might go on talking about the obi days , but U ponld take alNiight , und you have got tcrgo to work. " Gloving day is generally dreaded by tlio head of the housu. Trying to carry a. bureau up stairs while your wife stands by and tells you not to scratch tlio rwpor on the wall , generally brings n pain hi the hack , but it can easily bo cured by St. Jacob > Oil , THE SERVIAN EPISODE. Mllle Ifliitoi'y Wliloh Tlirmvs Xow Uttht on Hint ; Milan's Present Troubles , Under the heading , "A Shamelu ! JIpp sodc-jn Servian HLt..yl < 'n writer in an hnglnsli iiowapaptir recites seine facts which perhaps will give a little insight into HID gigantiu conspiracy oiiUinoil in the Jribuno's cable dispatched to over- thi ow King Milau , and the rule of Prince AK'xnndor , nnd mute under ono rule thai h "tor.'c region winch in the middle ages formed Ihe center of the Servian Umpiri ! nnd the Servian church. The writer point' out that l > v the ndvnncc of i n few liattnliotK , which' , with Ihe aid of I the , ,111'vy r.illwn3from Belgrade ' to Vranj.1 , could have been thrown across the frontier in throe da\s , King Milan had it in his pouer to seize U kup. the .strategic key of Old sen is , by n coup de main , ami thus cut in two the Turkish forces. II N Mated King Milan did make a pretense of acceding to the popular clamor at Belgrade and indulged in considerable bltin and blus ter ; but it is further pointed oul that , with Ins pcni > K < st.indiug (03ally ( at hi * bnek , King Milan yielded to the stories poured into hi ears by the Austrian Ku- voy that n Servian advance on Ihe Old Seivinn side and a consequent attack on the SultMii's dominions being highh dis tasteful at Berlin Were , as a corollarv , equally distasteful at Vi enna. Ho therefore delayed the mnni- fe > to , so urgently desired nnd limit b e\- pcclcd , Avhich would 1101)13 ) 'he people of Old Servhi thai llu-ir king wasnilvanc- ing lo break Iho ojiprcssors' chains , and , instead of taking his stand on the linn and lofty ground of a national lib-ration , he fawned upon his foreign patrols and groveled in the mire of dynastic inter ests. It was announced that Servia would bo appeased l > y a slice of Bul garian territory. A servile Servian press .stirred up bad blood between his subjects and their Bulgarian brethren This was in tlie face of the fact that the Bui- garinns had their attention drawn in an other direction. From a liberator the king degenerated into a would-lm land grabber. The writer In question says "Stripped of I huso ragged shreds of pretext , the aggressive action of King Milan stands exposed in all Its naked ini morality It has not even the redeeming mini t of daring. The meanness of n military invasion planned against the hearths and homes ot women nnd chil dren whose armed defenders were away jn obedience to nobler calls of patriotism is evident to all men. " In almost a prophetic vein , viewed nt the I light of events just developed , tlio writer concludes "Be the territorial gains ; of Servia nt the Bulgarian expense small ii i or great , or none at all , their at tempted il i sci/urc will leave behind a long heritage l of hate. Whatever Servia may secure , the real gain will fall to those whoso interest it is to stir tip fratricidal strife i among the Balkan peoples. And this I I venture to predict with some knowledge 1 of those countries and some acquaintance with the Servian people , within ' and without the borders of thi- present ] kingdom that not even the sup port j of foreign bayonets will long sulheo lo i maintain upon the throne ot Servia f a prince wno has prostituted her honor 1 , and betra3-cd her most solemn trust. t The'grand refttsaTof King Milan , on tlio borders of the Servian 'land of promise | , ' will bo remembered. The alienation of n kindred people will be folt. The thiukiu" ; patriots of the Ser vian kingdom will look more and nioru for the true representation of Ihe national desires lo Ihedaunllcss chief , sans pctiret sans roproeho , of Iheir Adriatic branch. Prince Nikola , of Moutcgro. and to thu rival lineage of the heroic Kara- george with wnieh his daughter's mar riage now connects him Should tlio treacherous seizure of Bulgarian soil be effected without a struggle il is certain that no ill-gotten spoils thai King Milan can oiler will purchase back his long de parted popularity. But should his fili bustering adventure end in mutual slaughter , and the king of Servia return to his- capital after spilling his Bulgarian brother's blood , from that day forth ho will bear upon his brow the brand of Cain in the eyes of the. whole Slavonic world. " The "Exposition Unlverscllo de 1'aitCul- iuaire" awarded the highest honors lo Aiico 4ttir.i Hitlers as the most olllen'clnns stinuilant to e\cile the npiiclite und to keep the digostho organs in Kood order. Ask for the Kenuitm article , niaiiulaoliireil only by Dr. J. ( i. B. Sk'gurt A Sous , mid bunuie of imitations. AVliv He Concluded tu Got. Married. Monsieur X. ( man about town ) "Con gratulate mo. old boy. I'm married. " Old bo3' "Married ? What in thu name of Beelzebub induced 3-011 tu many ? " ftlonsieur X. "Well , I'm gelling nloii' ' pretty well in life , you know , and 1 thought it was about time that I had a wile of my own. " ll bjnM nick , ira five hir C tori , nna a Child , li cried for Cutori , When nil * b came MUa , iha cluii | [ tu Caatoria , Wh n ihab&d Children , ibt K Y tticm Cus'.ori * , WHO l UMAC9JAINTCD WITH THC QEOaKlPHr nf THII coimTxr win tit a < CMMIMKO THD M TH T TMF CHICACO.ROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC RfiiLWAV IMF reason of lt central position * ncl cloa * r l&Uon to nil ITliuinM lliu.i Kail amirl , mInltlut \ nillrr. iillinl | K > ! nlf. ronttllut * . ch * inovt Inipot t * t nil < T rontlDentA ) link In that nvHtrni or IIIUIIKI ) ) trnnipor. Katlnu which hivltm mid rHilllt t > tr tl nil ll-arTM li l irii rltlei of the AtUnllu imil I'urinc ( , ' .i.U It Ii liu ( ha "irlto aixl l" l lOMIe lo mid frfni I olnli l. t. N rlhn t Anil foilll > < ' * < l > nd | > ulutl Wi The Great Rock Island Route Oiiftrnt * i U * pMroiu Umt ni.ft of pfMon&l tf-rti * ill ) jxiruiilxilij \ a rullil. IhuroilKhlr hnllxlHl ion ) lii < l. smooth tint l i t > f ruiitlntio'ii ' trial r ll ulitaii. Hull built cul i'IC Olul hilclK.'i lolling ili.ikii > llritl' pnrliH'tlon n linuiait klll i < nh ninKa II ti ) mtflv vf put * nr lnifluiM , | > latiaiiiiiiini ] all i-ij , " Mini that vxAcllncr illirlpltno Lirli tfDtrnif tltt. iHitr tlcal opwratlun nf all Hi liaint ollirr < prrlillk < of till * iiiulf arn Trjn rii4 at M | | runiin tiiifr rotul In I'lllon ' HrlM > l > . and III' ! lli.Hlp.i > .i-il coinlcilH .lO'l liuurUiof lu rn oncei lrfiutpiu > ut. TI.e ( ait Kinn Tiilin Lrtirrrn riitiaeu nt' < l l irla.Couurll.luir / , I.UTUMI rltjr Ij > avtlivvtli | | .ml .Million * ro iuiiipM < > i ) i < r rpi | triitllau.l , nn lup - fcuUtoit' . ! Hay Cou-lif * lljirnllici'lil rullniih riilut-e hlrliulanf till lal * * ! ileHl n , anil ruuil'tlM.UM Dining Cir In nlilch iloliDMtcIl . 'te. . ri. ' | inral jn. Icl-iurljr cjtt'n. -lneeiirMiii airi , ami Anl Uy i l \UI | | L > U i ri aU run tlio Colutrnti'il JtrLUuin CJiaii Lmi. The Famous Albert t-en Route Il IhUt U VB MM | dJHIlMOla. J [ l vlile roulo lo 1110 wheat fje t Inturlor liaki-la Mill iiiiiib'i lintU'r I.1.SP. rli Frnrcii itiiiJ Kin. ! e I.aViLlut bi-i'M . uiM-neJ britrpii rini-liiimii. li > itun * f UIM.II > Ami LafatMItami ( 'utlili'll Hllirfc , Kan > l I Itjr , ' T umncApoll * Mini st t'.iul mitl int < Tri * ? < llatc | > otiif'i I f' far dDtitliti ] Inrnrmttlnn rco MJ' zin. I' UUrt. < > -' : - . 1 : nrn t nrk-iti. itt | i > rinclp nuhi-c onir _ lu tb 1'nll.d bUlei mil UJiiiul. , ur If U- R. R. CABLE , E. GT. JOHN , 1'rei'l & Ucn'l MV'r. Ofn'lT'H * ! . Atf't , OJs A-GO. ( r All Sorts of hurts ami niany sorts cf t-.iis of n-ii : and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. sx-r o3sxC-A.x-z-A.'rro astrsr is Stone's Ono of the Best , and LnrQpsl Blocks 'hi t/to V" . S. 1o Kctcct front. . . No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OHO. nrWCi : , Mnnnpor. UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA. NEB. TtFrr.rtKNrEf * ! MrroiBnt ) niul Farmers * Il.inV , Ilnviil Cll.r. NVli , ; ICniiritcXfitlflnit nuiVT if nuj.Noli. : I'liliiinlins SIHIP Hunt , folunilius , Ncli. ; Mi-IhinuM's IlnnlJ , Ncnh I'lnitu , Noli. Umun.4 , . N'rli. NMllniml llnnk Oituitin. Will imjcustoiiicr.s' ilmtl with bill of liulitij ; uttnchcJ. tor urn-third * value of slook. CAPITAL PRIZE , $150 , " \Vo ilo li'jroliv crrllfy tlml o Uiri-vlco | Hi nrinti ) ! > iiiii'iil ' for nil tno Motillilr nml Homn - mini ilruwliin ol-ttio l.oiiHntiH Snuo Uiltci- ; t'onlimliy. nml III puiMin Mi.uiajfr niul cniiinil tlHilrnwInm tlu'inspl\o , nilil Unit tlio Jiimc no cuiiiliictod with linnix ! } ' , falrniH < niul In ironI iHllh towiil'il nil | iilrliif > , nml " 0 iiullion/c MID rotntnuiv tu 'I' ' " tlilToiliiloiito , lth ruonn lo 1111 tin ttilvrrtlain 'it LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. IncorpornliHl In l iS lor Jo > CIM liy tlio Ir-rls latiuilor liiliiniiloiiHl nml ( . 'Inirltiililo pin pti-i.j lth cii | > ltiil nf flOKWlto ) ( wlilcli it K-sni-p iiiinl ot o\fi ( Vnl.iMi luib nlncn bi'cit . Killed. llyHiiovrnvlu'lnilnwpopiil'tr llsliuu'liico wnsiiuulc it purl nt Hut pit .mU r-tnlu con tlltlon tlnptcit Di-oi-mlier-tl , A. II. 1ST' ) . Its cianil sin/lu number ilriiivins'S t k ( > ntnco mhntlilr. Itiiovor ? L'iilcsnr po Look ut Hie tollmvlMi 187th Grand Monthly AMI Till ! In the Acailt'iny of Mti ic , Ni-iv Oilcans TiKNil.y. JUwmlwi l"'tli ' , l1- Uiiilci1 tin * iii' sui | ( > ivison anil iiiuuavc- uii'iitof < ; IN. ( } . T. IIIIAIII : : ; , nt I.wi- Kl.iua , tunl ( ii.v. : ilniAr. A. KAI'I.Y. ol \ it- L-inia. CAPITAL PRIZE SI50 , 000. Notice-Tickets arc $10 only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , 51- MSTUfl'ltf/HS. 1 Cnn vi. riiizr.ri $130 fun. 1 ( 'IIAMI I'HI/.R OF wi.n.jii. . . IH.IIIKI 4 l\K < IF. 1'HI/I.M III' : . , ' " ) . . at rm/is : < ir LOW ) CO " fl'l'l ' . 1IKI " ; ; iK ) . . an. . IHI . 1 (100 ( no . AI'I'IIO'CIMATION RS. tplirniltiiAl'oit ' pri/us of ' . . KM ! ! ) . . IW ) 9,279 Ti'i70 , Hinoiinilnjr In . Jo'--.Vi01 AppliCHtlon 1orritrs : to uhilw t > li < nilil ho niuilo only lo tlio otJico of tn cnnipHiiy In NoivOr- lliHIIS. Tor other Information write cloiiilv , Blvm full mlilriI'OST.M. . NOTUS. I.'irpre Muni'y Onlt'rs , nr NVw VoiU Kxclmn o in ordtnury let ter , ctirt-i'iicy liy e.xiicsRnll.suuibOf ( y > ami up- wunlsutonr ftpeii'jui aililii' eil , OrM. A.lMPl'lirN. ' " jfmr Orlcuiisi I . Wushlngtoii. 1) . f. Make I1. O. Monuy OrUcia pr.hablo nml nililrosi ro/rtsti'inl Ir-llcrs to NKW UltLUAXS NATIONAL HANK , Now Urluuii4 , Ln. ANA NATIONAL HANK. N w Orlciuia , I t. STATK NATIONAL HANK. Nnw OiloutH , r.a. GEItMAX NATIUNAL UANK Koiv Orleans , I..L * Alunror Sin. , C \\llle 4 j Uelr HAND CATALOGUE uh hulti. ( ' ! > , l * I'OJiit itis hfitil U Oi-Mmi , ftuitl ) Driitu M jorS Suit u.l . ry Kand OuIttU lc | > tirn lig uirlutlri laitrurllnii m d . t tot Amtlfiif Htiidtt nnd C i- , f L ttvlt * bind uiuklv tcklWd tt * * , THE GREAT CONSPI8ACY , " BY JOHN A. LOGAN. Ajri-irs Wnntoil tor Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming and Idaho Ail tfSS , I I * Sh'JNKIt ' , iiUinlni Itinliilkt n. Inrtit. WILBOR'S COMPOUND OF [ PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. Til C'lfNul'lllTIVBH. M\NV IUVV IIHJS IHI'I'V III irlio HUMI tc liiiiiinx In t'nviir uf lhi > n-r of \Villior s I'm < > ( "nil-Llirr Oil inl Mm" ' IJx- pnru ui't > pro\f < l il In lir n vtiliuilili' M imiiv lor r'Hiiiiiniitloii. iihtliiiiu. iliplillu liu. unit nil ilifiniMi' ol llio Iliroul nml liuius. .Maiiuriiuliiiiil mil ) li.V A 11. \ \ ll.uiiu , clicnust , lioatou. bolil li.v ii / > / / . ILITR'N Asthma Cure. TillOniiluablo cticrlflo reinlilv nml p-rii - nt nlly fund nil kind-o | A-ilmi3. .Tliu nioht olj-tlimlu .mil lout ; etmiUin.rasi > lflii prinnpl- > to II > woniliiilul i-uri ill pniin-illi- . . It in Unuwu tluoiiijlijlil Iliu udilU for UK iiiiih.tlva eltirai-y .1. L i ALUM l.'I.L.clty t Lincoln.el ) , urni < i , Tun. SI , Ibhli Slucu iislnir Ur. llnlrs AMlniia 'iirii , fur inorb tliuu ono > i'iir , my ulto Inib lii'un untiril ) well , iinii not intm u j > yiiipi ti > of mu lllfl'llsl ! llll > llllll | > ! JMIl. WILLIAM irnNMCTT. Illchliiinl , Io , iwrlUw. Nov.J , It-Kli 1 Imvo tin n allllcloil with lluy 1'eMTnn'litliiiiu ' si nun lev. 1 follow f-il j-our liii'tlloas nml mu happy t/i < < } I novrr bltipl luilh-r In uiv Hie. I'mu ( 'Iml Hint I HIII uinon r ttiu iniiiiy wlio riui sp ul ; eo liivi/mbl ) uf your rctncilln. A ruluahlo'U pag-e triintln rnntiiiiilnj' itn'lm oof l rum ii very Mute in llio I' . H. , dinuta .mil rent llrltain , will lu < nmlliil upon iiiillrKtioii. ( | Any druiraist not bavin ? U in ru II. " 'CHICH ESTER'S ENGLISH. " Thn Url lunl and Oulj lit inline. Flfp ftlajv ? I' lUfclr tl.wsrr r utirtlili lutllAlUri IulliMii. tilt u LADIES. * ' I i lltuic lil H Cklrlir.lrr'i , - - . > r h r o , * . .l , Ii ( lUnirtlto u * * .t | Mlru' ) ' < it I'tttt l. | return iull. NAME PAPErf. t hlfhi tfr fbrnilral IV. . tit ft > J illi.u 311.11-r , J'l.lluili. . , > 'I. At I > ru7it > l > . 'I'r.Jf > i I > > I'ullrr A. t'ullo . ' . , ( iikiiico. 111. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. I'AItl I'l- ( \\ITI \l SJM. S ii'M-i. : Miiy I. 1 > Ti . . . . S5,0 l. M H \V. VAna , I'rcMdi-ul A B. 't'' . 'i ( t > \V. II. S. llrmtns , V. MottsB , tlollN S. 1V 1 Vvir.s , Jr\visS. \ K To' ' , BAVKING THE UtOX HANK. r } . U'tli nml Fftrnnm Stnclf. A OctiiTHl liaiiKiiitr llnsuii'-s Tni . Qillclr , fur . I UNItHtilKH" ! , nobllltT , * l votit * < .Ki.w < > ( iltiitM.'No < | UArl lcftry. in * Mi I'n * < ( * . Doiik riMil urAlrX ISItIK MI.P. CO. . lTAUt. N.S ' 1 1 1 1 I I I .ti * V i . nir t i ntic and .Mlilitlo Ai-il Mfii. i.nlj 81 by mall. RHOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANHODD flonnl Ihini iin'ollipr work In tlil > nmntrjr fnrlj.5 or the niiini1 ? will lie rofiinit hi crcry ti ! < uin'-c ; > * I * | nnlr : t hy niiill. | > nntiMit. : llluMrnied aim if , ( IT S riil now. Onl 1 innl il nnHriti * ' ! llioautluir l .hn v tliMiiil .i"utlrtn. ! to Ilia uncvrn of irhlr * ) t riiiio. riiiiiifiuiiinl iiliMlnitli ! liiM'ii liilllrl : : tlin slf 111 of till otlinr plij si ohmn speedily Such trimtcil ftHUn MH fs-fully wlil.oiit nn Instance TUVCPTI ?'imMrnilnii ' this miner. iniuEilj CULTIVATOR A5IO HOU"E- * f > NCUQASKA , limn , unit iuU.-ii. | ruifctftWC Son I I'm ' uti.iH uri't ' i.Mr < ' * < u pft fill Vtinl furi'.iiiirilp rup , utl you will hu ili'llnl.l il * UMillon Ihl , pap r mill n'11 ' M.S. srVilTH. Pub. . Omnhn , Nob. _ GRIFFITH , Comiission Merchant , And wholesale flonlnr In Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc. coons ON v * i'ncui/ry. 320 K. I6ti ! St. , Omaha , Neb. Itufuiunccs , by I'ornili5lon flist Nn lUuik , lilnicuo ) ] | : A. S. finrroNuii.Ouihiur Ion ill Niitionul Kank.Sionv I'liy ; Inuu NiilloinilSloiiz DIM MoliHII. : . M. Kln-'iini , , , Asslstiint Ulliinlc l'lr'l : Nulloniil llunk. I hl.'a Plilo TIMK TABL33. Arrlra imil ilnpnrtiirc uf Oinuhu liuins nml con * llnca ut llio Iniiii'ltir All trains urrlvu ami tli-paH fiuniOinaliu by Ontrnl titiuiilard Tiitii' . Tialus ot the G. til. V. M. AO. . arrive and ili'iait liom tholr ili-pol , cm HIMof Mth and Wi'listei-Kln-ets : tnilimui tlio . & M. , ( ! . , U. AJ. . ami K. U. St. . ) . AC. IJ. from tlio H. * \t. ilcpot ; all otliL-rs lioin tin ; Union 1'nuilio ( Il'IIOt. Ilrliljjo trains will Icavo U. I' . ili > pot at f- ) : " , U7 : : , : ( X,8:40 ) : , b:5l. : 1J10W. : ( lloO : , a. in. ; ! : ( ) , 1'JO : , 1.V : ) , ii:00 : , ; ! : ( * ) , 114:00 : , r : ( H ) , rM : , r.jir. , tKi ! : , 7iO : , iilo : ji. in. I.i-ave Tr.iuster for Omaha at 7:1' : ' . Ii 8.15 , : SO , UW : H I0.3. : ! mwr , ll17a. : ! in ; li7'Jit : : : : , H'Jir : : , : ! ; : X ) . : JJ7 : ! , in : . * ) ? , Sirci7 : : : , 7at : ) , 7fiO : , ii:5'j : ] > . in. 1 ! tiuiti-iiio not run on .Siunlny. All otheis run ilally. Ketry tiains will run as .suc tion ot r\clt : iluniiny tr.iin , cxcciit thoiii liav- luv OiitHliu ut tl-.iiTi a. HI , anil u :10 : p. in , , nml U'luluy Council lilulfa at 7Uj : u. in. ami ll-)5 : ) p in. STOCK Y.viiHH TIIAINB Spoclul .stoclc 1JOI : : | i. in. , l : i > . in. , 4:40 : t > . in. , 5:07 : ii. in. , ' anil ti : ' . * < > ) > . in. C'Dnni-cUn. lines ut tfaiisfi'tilcpot , Council Illnlln. ( "tilc.iu'o , Kock Island A : J'a.'liic . li'iivti , JJ7r : > , HVl : ? > a. in , . < ; nrJOp. in. ; HI- ii\-i ) , I.t:15a. ) : in. , Ji fiiilO. B 7W : ) 1 1. in. fill- ca 'o V Xortliwi'sli'fii Icavo , J ) liir > a. in. , U r.rS . ) | . in. : anlvv. U'.iJSit. : in. , II 7:00 : p. m , C'liiuauu. liurlliiKttin AiQnlucy Ittivo , A UK : ! H. in. , A rciia p. ni. : itrrlvc. AJjl5 a. in. , H ) ; : - ( ) | i. in. . A 7l."i : | i. in. i Olik'uuitniwanUuo , iV .si. ' . -Icavo Ii 15 , - - - : a. in. p 5-jo : p. in. ; aiihr , l ) ! ) : iri , a. in. U 7U : < > ( i. in. KaiiKas City St. Jon .t C. -Icavu. . A W.m : \ . in , , 0 8.Vi : n in. ; iirtlvt' . 1) ) : . ' , a. in. , Ii 7X. : ' . ] > . in.Va | MBI | leave , A U:00 : p , in. ; iinivc , A : iUOit. : in ftiouv City iV 1'acllloleave , A T.otf a. in. , A 7V : > p. m : imlio. A.ih" 'i a. iu..A7 : ) u. in. ; \ \ rstvaiitI'licllnj ustnoss It-avu A : ' . ! ) ii. in. ; auivoA 750 ; a.m. : DOIIMT CXPIOHS , loaxt ) A tl : " : i. in. , uimu A 4tOti. ; , ; ! . I' . mall a < l express , Jtcp , vallov , lo.ivo A 1:20 : p. m. , a'l'ivi ' ! A 'MU p. m. ; Ji , & .M. mull nml i-xpri'ss Ucp. vallnv , lo.iMi A 8:10. : ariivo li : " > 0 a. in. ; II. fc M. ntalit exiivs. ] > , Icavo A fl00 ; 1 1. m. , nrtlvu A lir ) : a. tn. .SiiitiiM.nil M. I' , day oxpie.sH , lcav A 10 . ; o a. m , . aniu ! ( i'i : u. in , ; K-itvo It h-O : p , in , , aitive A li i p. lit. ; K. 0. hi ,1. .V C. ( ) . , via I'liittsiiiontli , liMvi. ) n. in. , IIHiCi ii. in , airlvu I ) 7W. : Noilhw.ud- . , .St. I' . , M. i.0. . . Stout City ( Jtpii'i * , leave A > > : oO n , m , , uirlvu ! > : 'M \ > . in. ; O.iUl.nul nccoiniiuxiatloii , lfa\oC5-IUji : , ni. ' : imvo < ; lli'a. : ( in. Kiistwuid C. I ) , ft Q via K'avH : > : .Vt p. m. . ardM > ' . ) . - ' < ) u. in. \ tuaid-J'af-liio xiei | leaves A 8'ifip. : in. , anive A 7r : > U n. in. ; Unner e\ , leave A iDi.l'ia , m. . arrl\o A fii'jo p , m.i ; . I * . nialUiiil e\nr v > , lii'p.ralley , leave A ! i:10 : p. in. aiiho A I- : ) ' ) ji. in. ; H , it .M , iniiil and fXiie.-.s | Hep. Vulley , IIS.IVH A S10 ; u. m. . c inHi : a in. : II. i\c \ M. nU'.ltt uxptchf , ave A d. ' . ' < ) j > : ; ) . , iu'lvo A 0i"i : : p. in , Soiiihniinl M. I * day cxpiesi , leave A ll : ' a m. . anivu0:0(1 : ( ii , m. : nlu'ht C.\IIH'- , It-avu H ! ' :00 : p. m. , arrivri A 7:00 : p. ni. : K. 0. , fit. .1. iVC l . , via riiilt'iiinutli , k-ii\u AXJ : a. m. , I ! H- : ) . ' , p. in. , iurho D7 : < Wa. in. , 7.Vip. : HI. N"oitlu\ard . , St. r. , M. A O. , Sinus City i'lpmle'ivc A hK ; : ) . in. , nulvo5"iO : p. in. ; Owrlimil . ici'OiiiiiHulntion , leave C 5HO p , m , . airivoC' HIWn. : ( in. S'oii. A li.iliiMluIlj : H dally except Sun- d.'ij ; < dally except Oaluidixy ; U dally oxccH iJuuil.iv ,