Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OVMtl Olllll. Nh I'll ' VVi til 1'AI.NV"
Si YIHSI. i ( in i . ltiii i r * > 'it ir IMC
111 II 1 1'- '
1' l > ' ln 1 t'lfrvtiminnr1 i IK | > t ai"i1nr. The
< n. v VlotiUuj nmriii'ii i < \ i l-i.l u-iil ! ill tlui
fl Llf.
1 HIMS 1.1 M VII , :
On , ' ar . $ HX(0 ( Tlll Months . JS'fl
Kit Month' . i'.C" ourMonth. . . 1 < w
J ii \Vi I.KI v Hi r. t'ntil ! lifil V.rny V > i'ilniilay. .
TKIMS : , io tr-jitn.
l i n V 4iii- . with ptotliiimi . . . J100
die Vi ni . Mlilinni I'K'niliiin. ' . . . . I.-i
S'Vl < HI . wltlmiii pn-tiilum " '
d..o M i ' 'ill Inil . . . . 13
A | n innuii-Itiili'in * u-lnllii ! ' to nev ! 'Hil > ' ti
ll * ) nl mnlU'M fhimlil to iul < l.-s ( f it ID tlio Uoi-
10Iif7llt. | III.R.
tlfSINES' IF.m'ti'l
A'H'ii-lhc'.s Idlcro nnd icliilttiiliic * MiniiMtiQ
nlih ( fil lo 'I m : III' ! . I't'til.tslliMi COMISV. .
O MIM. limit" . ( lirtUl iliul po'tofliin or.lrrs
loli tnadi pujntilclotliiMinli'i ol ilipuiniimnj.
12. noiw ; All I ! . 1:1.i : . roil.
\Vuijf ; Dr Miller found the people
of Omalin didn't want him In bo deputy
f-IU'riirhc made up Ids mind that deputy
Him slml would bo the nest bf-t lldtig.
N'i vv uniforms on the p > licjire wel
iMiousli in their way , but new police in
the uniforms would in s--\eial c-c-es { jive
: i nrl d"al more satisfacli'iu to the pub
lic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ft r.AVt.rsnss is nc\t to godliness , but
it' ' i | R. i-.ue nt which Oiii-ilm is paying lor
iiniiccrs'.ar.v trips of the sweeper * on her
sin i-t i , plet y would come nt n good round
Jigi IP in this city.
Ii Mcyor 1'o.yd cmild ony [ mu//.li1 his
fo'il ' friends in the / / . rnltl olliee lie would
csi-ipc , i great deal of unpleasant erili-
I'lsni , and his ndiiiluislratlon would bo
ileculi-dlj more popular
P. iiNi ss propprl.- , steadily rising in
A-alu in Omaha , bntllic price of real es
tate on our mam streets is vet far below
\vli-it such proporlv is selling nt in Min-
inipolLs , St. Paul and ICansns City.
II VI.K the range entile of the country
me in Texas whore the government does
no ! own an acre of public land. This
fad cuts down greatly the force of the
appeal of the cattlemen for leases of the.
unoccupied public hind for their benefit.
Cm MCii.Mvv Kfitvv inav be dead as a
door nail in thn Sixth ward , but the Her-
ttlil' * foul-mouthed abuse and dirty Ilingi
nrc liable to send him ba-jlc lo the conn-
oil next spring by a larger majority than
( Alburn reeoived over I'addy Ford in
Mi1. MOKO.-I.XI wlio peddled peanuts
several .years ago in New Yoik in a rich
Italian brogue , now declines lo forgive
his eloping daughter bccim osho has dis
graced "his family. " The process by
vvhie'i ' we are forming an A'lieriean ' snob-
ocrac'y is enough lo make a her > e laugh.
Tnr. law and order movement in
Omaha , is not a prohibition crusade. Jt
is a spontaneous outgrowth of public .sen
timent among good i iti/oiis of all classes
and creeds , that tint law doffing ehis i s
sball be repressed and the oll'ieuM and
courts charged with the enforcement of
the law shall be sustained.
I'ltn death of Mr. IVtcr Ilugus , which
occurred on Thursday in this c'.ty , re
moves another old s-eltlcr of Omaha
vvhodo name and face have been familiar
lor ninny years in our midst. Mr.
Ilugus was one of the lir-t pioneer merchants -
chants in this city and clung to its for
tunes with n confidence in its future
growth and importance which he lived
long enough tolind more than verified in
itfl present marvellous advancement. Ho
loaves : in aged wife , two sons and n
daughter. Mrs. Koger A. IScml , to mourn
his loss and to receive the sympathy of
many friends and neighbors in their sorrow
Tin : Nebraska Telephone company
operates under a license from the Ameri
can Hull comp.inv , and the Ainuriean
Dell company has a compact witli the
'Western Union which forbids it from
lG-i3in telephones- lival lines. Such
nn agreement is in \ lolallon of our .state
Idw.s. The Neliraska company has noti
fied the parent telephone monopoly of
this fact and nsks permission touxtoi d its
fiorviento tlia now Panilio Telograpli. It
it Kufe to say that it will be granted.
Hi'gulation 'very frcquuntly regulates , in
hpltooftho feivld denials of tlm men
who nr paid by the corporatioim to deny
this truth in duuhlo leaded editorials.
8txATOU : KDMITXIM in preparing to in
troduce his postal telegraph bill when
congress mouts. Mr. Klinun Is' phui is
to lay out four trunk lines of telegraph
connecting the national capital wit'i the
principal ckio.s of the country , with
branch linen to such points as may bo
needed. This svatom he proposes to con -
noctwllh thn Postal .system , leaving pri
vate corporations to condutH tluilr busi-
JIP.SS with pleasure. It is safe to say that
JMr. Kdmunds' measure will bo fought
wJtli all the vigor and mean.s at the com
mand of the giant monopoly whoso stock
iudobtxulnoss aggregates ten tiin H the
mini at which their plant could bo du
plicated to ilny in the country.
Wi : vcallj hope that the spasmodic at
tempts to form a cabin company , and
construct lines which will give Omaha
boiler local transportation fiieilitloj , will
inatcriali/.o into something delimtc.
There i * u go6d Held for handsome re
turns on the Investment In a cubic .syg-
luni horo. The topography of the city ,
with its hills and valleys , crossed by red-
itlmicc ! btivott ) , is particularly favorable
tur the cablu cars , while It U n serious
IKndrnnco to rapid transit by the horso-
oar linos. The present nito of travtd on
tlfoMrcot cars nvorngesaboul three miles
mi hour The tibsiMico of double travk
on the o.xtonsioiiH nupossitatos long wait
ing on the switches and lo.vs of turn ) bo-
Wvccn the side-tracks. With a cabin sys *
tain the spued would mount lo from eight
Uu nlnu miles nn hour , n very important
8 vii ) < j of tinio to our merchants and
nJorks who so liberally patroni/.o thu cars
in1 n iiciiiflg their honioj mid places of
'I lie Mcaxiii-c
Ii i-i a tciideney of the times to nil rt
> M ( ' ( ' ( ' S only bj reiiilt * The world at
1 irg" is to i apt lo adntiiv wealth for
what it all'onls vr'lhoiil in ( Hiring ( or >
clov-ly into th mulho Is by wliich il WMS
a'uired | , In the rush and hurry of
evciy iliy life th ro is little lime for mor
alising. 1'aets an I lijjures talk. Ite-
eiilu sipn\ | ! more directly than finely
drawn argum-'nN. The two hundred
million < of u Vuiuli-rbilt , an I thu him-
dr- I ni'liioin of a tiould. tin ih 'ceured
by il 'ionrst , spcculalivi' 111 'lliod-i. .ip
pi'.il direcllv to a pi.ietieal approval
\viikli slumps Ihuown.M * u < a suaeos fiil
man. The simiiopct'.ilive nu-thods car-
ricil ( no far and ivsiiltliiirin the i iiiiiien u
toisex of a Drew , a Iveene or a Villard ,
draw out tlu < verdict of disapproval on
thn siveulal'ir a < nn nusnec. ' fiil veil-
tuivr. ltit ! there is. after all , an uudci-
Ijlng diU'eronce in | | appreei-ilioii in
which tlm usually thoughtless ptildie
hohls busiuuss SIIUPO- " * . \\'ho \ \ can say
Ilial lo day the nanios of ! l 1'eabody and
a I'etcr Cooper are plaucd on the same
plane in lh < ; public e < liniatiou as thrive of
a Vanderbilt and a .Stewart ? Their suc
cess in life , measured in dollars and
cents , was nearly equal , lint estimated
by the standard of an honorable and Use
ful activity which a siils in la.\iiig
broad and ilcep the fiiuuihilious of a com
mercial prosperity , wh it : i difference
there is hctwcen ihcm. Wluitncomiiar-
i-on , so far as the lasting results upon
society is concerned , between the success
ful career ofu Gould orot'aCooper and a
Clatlm. The passing verdi 't ii not the
linal invaul.
A remarkable Icalure of obituary mil ices
ofthehilell. II. Cliillin , the merchant
jnince of Xew York , is the space devoted
lo the discus-ion of the lione-l biiiiuess
mulhoiN and integrity of purpose whieli
marked his comiuerciul career. The
business of the great establishment which
lie founded amounted to < piile one-half
of our national debt. It bi-gan in a little
country store in Now Kugland with a
capital of ? 1W ( ) . Ilslait ipi.irlcis wens
in a granite block in Xew York , with
-sales of ? 7 , , OJlOJt ) ) annually. Three
limes in its history tin * proprietor was
forced to stiipeiul payments , and thrco
times he paid oil' Id- creditor ? dollar
for dollar with interest added.
Mr.lullin's ( bitccci-as a bu-siness man
wns nut entirely due lo the ability and
sagacity with which , like ,
lie assisted in mar-hailing the legions J [
trade and indu-try. Thrift , po.i istenl.
application to details , iturdy manhood
and ingrained integrity , were elements
which contributed a- much as any native
ability to the monumental icsultsof his
career. Other merchants have built up
colo-nl foituuci only to see them-ink
into nothingness before the torch of
panic. Mr. Clallin in thu crash of 187 ! ! ,
with his name out on nearly § W,0)0,0JO )
of paper , was able on the -trcngth of his
personal int-grily to pilot his ship
through the tempu-t to the port of safety with honor un-
-pathod , and with credit un
damaged. A man of simple
habits , full of charitable impulses , poi-
-sps-jed of .strong moral courage , big
brained and hirgo hearted , ho was n sue
ce.ssful business man in all tint the word
implies. Hi- , death called out the praises
of the press of an o'ntire country over
which his business Extended in its great
ramifications. Unlike thousands who
began with greater capital , his career
was a. success to HID close , because
throughout itscour.-u it was guided by
the principles which alone can make
any succcsi real and lasting.
An Insulting fierier.
OMUI.V , Nov. IP. Dear Sir : f icccived
notice to ( lay icimcrtliu attendance as an ap
pointed mumbur of the law and order coin
inittce at Its meetlm ; in the of tr.ule
moms Ihlsevenlmr.
As I chosen a iumibnr ol this pominlt-
tci'without bi'liu consults I , [ inn inou : liue
to say that 1 UMppjlfully di'i'liue to beive
upon II.
I am in full svmptthy wltli any object that
piopososlo sc-1iirohJttero.ijllienco ; to the law
: uid , t sti'iimr preservation oC or.L'r in our
city than exists IDVV , h it f ib not thin c wo
need law and oul irco n nlttees half so much
as Wi ) dn a pi > p ilar u iridu ; ariliiit a cornijtt
coiiihliiatioii ot roan ilic m in Min us of the
cltycimiitll , who 'iro plu.ljoil to thwart every
etfoitol' ' M.i\or lljyd to put lit inu in innver
to nuke ci'italn u vlgonuis eiiforeenunt of
the laws. Veins very rispivlfully ,
( < ioiiiii : : 11 , if u. I.KI : .
To tlm ot ttu Law and Oidi-i
This letter is not niproly an insult to
the committee , to whom It was directed ,
and thu majority of the city council , but
a rollcction upon the intelligence of this
community. It is nn open bid for the
political Mipport of the law-defying cle
ment , , and nn dibit to curry favor with
the liquor dealers. Nobody knows butter
tor limn Dr. Miller that the law and
order meeting which called into being
the committee of which .Fumci ) Croighton
is chairman , was not in any sense par
tisan or .sectarian.
The letter bristles throughout with
so f-coneeit and insolence. It is a libel
upon republicans and democrats alike.
Mr. Hoyd's effort to displace Marshal
Cuminiiigs was made with a view to a
better enforcement of the laws , but for
thu purpose of placing the police force
under the control of u marshal who
would convert the force into u political
body-guard of the mayor , and make itt
mombiirs political puppets in llm hands
of Boss Miller. Not u cinglo man ap
pointed by the mayor totako the place of
M'Ualml Ciimmings had any police ox-
puiienco. MOH of those mun wore known
to hu advui'so to the enforcement of law
and ( inter , and the most olUcleut was the
keeper of u saloon ,
\Vlto demands the removal of Marshal
< " ! unimlng3 to-day outsulu of the bosses of
thu democratic in loldno ? Is it the law-
abiding ohiss of citizens or the mon who
want to run riot nightnnd day an I m iko
Omaha u paradise for urouki , thiovus and
IhujjsV'hy doesn't ihu mayor suspend
tlm marshal and prefer charges ugainst
him if ho U guilty of any olomo ! or
brunch of trust ? If It nun b shoVii that
Marital Cunumngs is in collision with
law britakvraiul ha * mUiH'd his o'lloo
to the detriment o ( public safely ,
h J republican nnjorlty in the council
will not I UM uph'dd him. lint if , as wo
have reason to bolleve , ho U being ruu
down nnil ba > K eii pe 1 f r ti" bttr pur
po e than to make w i.y for some pnlMi-
calsub liois. ( ha eoni'ii miiv w > ll su i tin
Hut council Dr Millcr'i insulting let
( < [ will h'irillv help Mi. I ! ivd in Ins ef
lorl to disphictM.irih ii < ummiiigs , ; nid
it will eoriMinly not r.iii Dr Mill-T in
the e-tivm of our people Hwn the h'pior
dealers"a'inol lie ( lecci\'d liv Ill-timed
and ill mannered effort in Ihnir b.-hnlf.
Those of them who eondiut re-peeabli ! )
rosin t- and are t r iug to remain w ilhin the
hounds of law. have no v\nipahy ! with
the cla-s thalliavc dcliantlv iifu-od to
olicy the midnight oidinaiice and been
the cills'of the prosMit agit iliiDi. They
ivali/e thai it is not to their lntere-.t to
thwart the elloits of the marshal lo en
force tin * ordinances and will hardly
thank Dr. Millet for piilM-ing the ! i-ts in
behalf of the di < otdcrl > delimit with
hi" stupid letter.
Other Ijiinds Tlmn
eyes of Kuro ) > o during the week
have been riveted on the llall.ans , The
war in Ihu Orient has bi-giin , and no one
can -ay when and whore the end will be.
It is the most complicated -late of all'airs
that ever came up for di-cu-Mon sit the
beginning of a war. The principal- are
only wailing their chance to come mi the
stage later. On the Danube , 1'u ia is
reported to ho concentrating hvo army
corps ready to he sjnt lo liiilguri r in
Bosnia and D.ilmalia , Austria bus a hun
dred thousand men ivady to bi > phuvd in
Albania ; Turkey has pushed h"r troops
up lo tinfionticr south of Itoumclia and
Servia , ami is guarding the route to
Salonica , while Ktigland is considering
whether or not to allow hciM-lf to be
drawn into the conflict. Servin'i army ,
in three division- now in liiilgariti ,
and ( wo of her army corps arc almo-t
within gnu -hot of Widdin and Sofia ,
( he cilics wln > 5 ( ? ] - ; ' - - Scivin is
striving for as her former territory
taken from her by Hi-acou-liel l\ Meaty
of Berlin. SK iinporlanl cugMgemcnli
have been fougiitsince Monday , with Iht ;
result of pushing the Servian advance
far aerothe. frontier. The Kit inn
pre-s is charging Austria with fomenting
the trouble , and Hungary is cheering on
the Servian advance. This Ihrctiiciicil
invasion ot Bulgaria by Kus-ia , anil of
.Sorvia by Austria , brings a general war
between the powers within an apprecia
ble distance. As matters stand at pre-ent
Kiigland is pledged not only to oppo-c
the annihilation of lite Turkish power
in Kurope , but , by her pn-l support
of Alexander of llnlleiibcrg , is morally
bound lo supjiorl that prince again-l the
threatof Kus-ia to depose him from
ruler-hip m Bulgaria. ThcKiissiuiis can
be jiroventcd from entering Bulgaria
only in case Prince Alexandrhall lie
able to defend his principality against
the Servians , but as it looks now he will
not be able to come out of thu struggle
victoriously unlo-i assisted by this Turk
ish troops. Bill it Turkey go.-s in to UT
siit Alexander and dt'c.Uthe. Sen him ,
then Austria will eomid.'r it her duty to
advance to the . -upport of King .Milan.
The relations between ( Jcrmany and
the porte have of hit yc-irs been c.xcei'.l-
iugly friendly. The sultan has reneat-
cdl. > sent to B Tiin for advice as to what
lie should do in his difficulties , and it
may safely lie assumed that he i- well
instructed from the Berlin loreijn ollica
as to the best course to pur-uu to-day.
The advice that siieh : i statesman as
I'riuce Bismarck would hu likely lo give
to Turkey would doublle-s be , for the
pre-ent , lo allow Servia and Bul
garia to light among themselves
for awhile , believing rightly thai they
will lin nil the better friends
when they have threshed each other to
their hearts' content. But he will
scarcely allow the dep tsition of I'riuce
Aldxander from thu Bulgirian throne.
In L'rinco Bismarck's ' hands rests at llio
present time the decision whether we
hhall have a general war in r'urope or
not. That he will allow it to hjircid
.south of SiTvin and Bulgaiia is doubtful.
Mr. Gladstone contintU's 'o he the
center of interest in tlio Ku lisli
Daigfi. Ho is .still in Midlothian address
ing enormous uudiemvs on tlio Irish
( jnetition , and endcavoiing lo turn the at
tention of the constituencies from the
disestablishment. His success in this di
rection is doubtful. Tlio radical wing
suoms to bo supreme , and its leaders are
still pushing tlio Irritating issue to the
front If Mr. ( laditoiio's object , In his
Midlothian speeches- , was to demonstrate
his phy.sioal ability to retain tlio leader
ship of his party , his mission lias been an
entire MICCUSS. But the ostensible object
was to unitu the libjral parly , and in
that ho has apparently failed. The mo I-
crate liberals have not withdrawn their
circular , and the agitation concerning
dliiOstiihlHimunt has not sensibly dimin
ished Mr. ( iladstoiio began his work at
least n mouth too late. His long con
tinued retirement In Hawnrdeii Inft
the disunited paily without a loader.
It gave opportunity for Chamberlain and
Dilkc nnil Morley to publish find dissemi
nate their radical programme and to
fiirnMi ammunition to the onomy. Tn
addition his treatment of tlm Iri-h ques
tion is considered unfortunate. It has
decided many wavering nationalist mem
bers to support the torlos at the gnuornl
election by making clear the iniiii > ui > o
advantage whioh the Irish party would
obtain by bringing about something Hko
an liipinli/.allon of power between the
liberals and the lories in th now parlia
ment. No decision has as yet bi en
reached on this important point , but
since Mr. ( Jlndbtono'd ( mooch many Irish
menibor.s who were formerly in favor of
supporting the libornls. have changed
tholr opinion , and will vote when the
time conies at thu polls , In both Knghind
and Ireland , in favor of supporting thu
Should the Parnelliios finally decide to
adopt tlui course they expect that sixty
soat.s in ICiigland and Ireland will ho
transferred from the liberals to the topics ,
making this laltur biillluii'utly strong ,
with the eighty Irish votes , to remain in
power mid to defy the liberals so long as
the alliance with the Irish parti' ' * main
tained , The lory government holding
ollicu under these conditions would bo nt
the mercy of the lilsh party , nnd would
huvc to pay for It * support by
to Iivl.imlr livi h i n rule p < VIM
Irish landlord' anil In.vnli-it- * would pr. -
fern s iluiion ol tli iutioii | b.v n con-
s.-rviliv i'go\er.ini nt. tolling coiivimvil
Iliat Inttr Irills I iiild > lie mi'le fur the
prot H'llon of l.indjord inl'Mvls ' and Ihe.
p'llilleiil repivM-matinil of the minnnly
in the home rule pm-ll uncut.
The nbandoniiiciil'nfrraiic-'s , costly
effort * , nt colonial iiiriiraiidi/eiiii'iil
tobo foicsliadovvcdb > thi'-pcoehou Mun
day of Prime Minister IJri * on. Tin-
voters put the MM ) of their coinleiiitinliou
upon it in the iate elei'lionThe pi hue
lulnister now ncknovvh-dgcs thai il lias
proved too much of a drain upon the
national tren < ury , and be proposes prnc-
ticnllv to uilhdrau from Mmlaga-ear
nnd 'lonquiu , It is doubtful if b.v this
moans he nverl-a cabinet erisi * If the
French people have learned the lesson of
attending to home a Hairs instead of
wasting their onices and encruics on
Useless foreign expeditious , it will be a
Steal gain for thai republic.
The people of litirnr.ih nrn evidently
Hot much given to military pursuits.
With a population of at least : : ,00)01 ( ) ( ) ,
und probably lOi)0,0)J ) ) , the regular army
of ihe I'ounlry is aid lo lie about 10,000
men. Tills is oiilj one in every " 00 or
lOJol thu population , while ninny na
tions have , at limes , put nearly one
tenth of llii'ir inhabitants under amis ,
and maintained an army of nearly one
in cvcr.v twcnt.\ for a considerable pi'-
lied II King Tbci'baw Wiis a popular
nnd able monarch , and his people were
reasonably warlike and patriotic , lie
ought to lie able lo mit > lcr tit least 11)0,000 )
nidi tc i-isist P.I itish invasion. As it is ,
however , be will holm-Icy it' he can keep
lO.Oiw Milliters in the Held for 1111.1 length
of time and .save his own lifenom mu
tinous followers.
Xxn vn the lire limit- . Brick and
moi tar , nol sheathing and shingle- ; alone ,
are w Inil Omaha needs in her present
A SlnjjiJlaely .Modest Man.
ban i-Vaiiciseo Alia : Seerotary l.amar
! is ii singularly modest person. Ho is
the only 111:111 : in lint coiitury , union it be
Clou-hud , who admits , that be docs not
thoi'iuighK luidcr'tiind'tiHIndian prob
A StijfKcsiiiui to Saraii.
C hicago Herald. Poor nlil Sharon is
in bis grave. It Id * relatives have no ob-
jeotiniis .bat-alt A'/iinU ' / Kill will run : i
steam udlui' ' Vi few time * to that
hlie cmi il.ince on ' ' .l vv'illunilinking in.
Ills CJit-l Diiln't > Hack on Mini.
! st. l.ouis ( lloljL'-l'cmocrat ' ' The mar
riage ol cvl'liiof liistu-o Vincent , of New
Mi.\icii , and .Mi-.s , IiKJgevv.iy , of Spring-
Held , HI , is announced. Mr Vincent
has failed to convincethe ! administration
that it did wrong to ivmoM ) him irom
olliec , but ho can point with pride to the
lacllhai his girl1 hiisii t gone back on
him. i
The OI-C-KOII fjen joi'lal ICtcoiioii.
.St. Paul Pioneer 1'ccs , : The result of
the .senatorial election in Ongou is not
ol a cliaractcr to cause general republi
can s itisiaction. Whether the chaigo
that Mitchell .secured his ntajotily
tlir-iuglt an agreement with the demo
crats to "support the present ailmini tra-
tiou be true , it is of course impoibli' to
tell with ccilainty as yet. It musl bo
conl'L-scd , however , that the circuni-
slanci s sin founding tin- election arc such
as lo raise .strong suspicions ot a bargain
of sonic sort. Its c.lcct on the republi
can party in Oregon can hardly fail to
be most uul'appy , and unless wiser coun
sels picvail heroaitor than in the past , il
will not bo Mirpii"iug if llio democrats
begin to build hope * of changing tlm
political complexion of the state.
It , ! Ins He'jtiiu l4 > Operate.
A Washington letter su s. "President
Cleveland's rule of not receiving con
gressmen and their friends in his private
room has bi-gtin to operate. A card is
tacked upon the vv bite house door jamb
containing the order. Senator Vest
.strutted in the other day witli a lot of
lady frlundrt whom he had told that ho
would give them : i ' audii nee \\ilh
Cleveland. Ho colored to the rooSof
his blondi ; hair \vlicn ho was point , d to
tlio card , mid wis ; forced to ti.ll Ins
iiiciids that it was impossible. Congress
man hprmgcr , of Illinois , came ne\id.iy
with ii parly of ft lends. Ho was served
in like milliner ; mid there urn other con
gressmen in the city wiio have had tlmir
way thus li.uTud. It is a goo.l idea and
.saves Cleveland from lots ol bores. "
The bowing machine is not what it peains.
Asuviros never lin , the cashier's dclieit Is
alwajs found out too Into to make him the
principal iK'iiro in a uimlnal suit ,
Imitations may bo the Miipi rest liatteiy , as
the lu.ixlm . avers , hut don't risk an imitation
sealskin sack in nt't'iiiptlu to flatiei ) "iir
wifuatt'hristaiis. U won't woik.
' iVothliuf like loathtT , " exclaims a me'rv
polltau paper , l/t't tlm man who wrote
tai'kk' n rnlhoail-u'staiiiant .saudwlc-h nnd
Im'll cfian e his miml ipilrkcr Ihau an avall-
ahlo vo cr will got iU'iiliiiialL'd lo a raudid.ile'.s
bad whii'ky.
"ily luisliaml 1-s.o ipx-lte. " RI | , | OPO l.uly
to aniilbei m n if. ' viitli M i eel cai the oilier
iliy. "Havo you eioi filed riibbin1 bin jius (
willi hartsliiiin llnljui'iit , miimV" lntoriuiti ] < l
n hiiiM.v lunkiiu woui.iu with a m.iikct-basl.ot
at her twn , ulmv.asltliiiirat hri ellunv anil
oveihcaid the tcmiirki ' I'lial'II htial hieu
him out asijuk-k IINI inn tiling I Know 01 , 1C
hulMlu'tgot ittoulnil./ /
A low days n ft 'well-known society
yoiin. man shoukml mio of his Inily
fiy his l iioraiii'0 of , lilKory , It was aflci a
dliini'i party at hin hoa.s.y , and . -hu was tttllbi ) ;
him v > hat she had IcMiui'd In IHI : inlvalo his
tory lass. One tlilru V'd In another , and all
tlm thaw ho was cettin line ilci'pcr water.
At last . - Miipil-fir'.him by Inijiililnt ; ;
" .Sow , tell mo Mr.u h-it - am the Knights
ol tlm Hath' . ' ' Hcstaraiiicrc , < i foi awhile , und
lliullyb.urtL'doutiiViiy , H.itanlaj nlshts , I
Iiitniont ol'llio Turkoy.
'riianls , ivln ? Day IH drnvvbi' , ' near ,
Us pleasures liuiiiitii-klnil m.iy
Alas ! In me 'tis jcn clear
The dny Is somVthliis of a "roast. "
In the buck counties of \ \ ' , st Virginia
the pocket tlask is called n "Holder , " nnd
every farmer has one , In HOIIIIS country
stores a stout linen cord mny bo sueu
hunglng from the colling to the lloor ,
The pnrclmsor , slijiping u quarter of a
dollar Into llio Split cork of fhu "tickler , "
ties thu empty bottle to the string and
walks out of thu placo. As soon as the
coast U clear the "tickler" Is rapidly
drawn up , passed through a small trap
In ( lu < celling , tilhul and returned. The
purchaser outers , uiitli-.s his pruciotu hot-
( lo. and , concealing \ \ In his pocket ,
ridoi avvny to enjoy aU toddy In Hohtudo
und puucu ,
Mrsii. i.M > nnuTir. .
\ricr hi i < Ina.'ii -ca-nii Mi a * . .Itid'n * wl !
tru In San Pi.tiiH-co.
Mill'ina il I ! en tliil.niulitn f.ivinle
thinks iif ,1 tutu tu AmciliM.
Vcull's .Mil i' hnlici'ii uiv < ii In tin- Hits
-ian InnsiiitKi1 nt \ \ niMiW.
\V. T. ( niton's cniiiioiiv bail1 imiilc !
irie.iliiivcs inan I'lam i-co in Nntiim '
Itli-liaul .M'ln-neld will plaj with Mlnnlp
Madilclll in Slei Mnrkin's "III Spitf n
All. "
Miss Mntlicr will u'i\c tin' flfllpth pcrfdim
nnci'or.hillel nt I'ldmi SJIMIO thcativ 01
Dcci'ltilii'l I , > ( ! _ > iiiiM'tiiis.
.lohaiit'.s Binlims , < ! cim.\n.v's mcati..4 ! llv
linr conipo-crof sMiiplionlcs nl the pic-en
pet loil , has just liiii-hcil hi < loin III - > mplinu.v
Mr. l.awiciiic D.iuotl will phn a sis weeks
eiiiai.'omeiit in Chlcau'o next sun-nil. His
cncaitcini'iit ' just clu-cil I- the uiu-t succc-s
tul in evcij wav that he has cvci plavcd Ii
thai rity.
Mine. ruiM'h-.Mdl. , Mi < s Helen Piidlej
( 'amii'iell. ' Mi. Cniiiliibii ami Mi. 'Miiihl.ui
Imp In en etimuiid h.lite . llaudel am
Hn.\diisivi | > | y m Dnsloii fin the pel fin maiii-i
' I "Klljnh" mi l.islci Miinlay.
Tlieapiilicatiuiis to witness the ichcai-als
ot the ballet school nl ( ho Atiicrirnii sphnolo
Ojicia have hem-o theiulcs
ot the 1'aiiopeaii ballet M'l'ools ' ate liclnj } lii ;
lillcnloiiril. .
Mnd.uiic 3Iiidic-ka is in MHIID tiibulatioi
over the two bibciiaii bhiiilliomiils ) Dial ap
| icm In hci plav. tlm 'Pihurss Xillali. * ' Tin
HIIcumcs | ( , thai Ihcv hir.e lu'come sotronhle
-iimu that Mammei 1'inlimaii has hccn cum
ui'llcd In send them to bis liuin at Stmiiluid
Ceuhcctti'iit , In nit ud thcii iliaiiucii. ,
Altci itlvlnv.i eiuiecit in London 'ten d.ij s
aio , Mm < > , I'.uli let ) r.n lnnd for a loict i
t iiu. I.ntoi In the vent MIC will giictluci
oprrallr iieiloi malices at Iliicliatest , ami
should p illtiial allaiipi'imll , she max atlci
waul sinii In ( . 'iin-laiillnnplc. and po lhl > in
Caiui. In Apiilhe will ic.i"h I'.uiam
\\ill then icttnii tolCnu'laml.
Ml. l.ockc. his ; ciilitl.icteililh Ilcili'l'l. ol
Pails , Dclibcs * pnliHslici , lm the Mile liuht ti
i > iodii''i' ill Ami'ilcn I.eo DelllirV t.iiiioii-i
( Mitels " \vlvla" ' mid -'opiH'lia. ( " llnlliot
tlic-c will lie t iviii iliniiit ; the MM-OII ol
Amciican opera at the Acadciiiv ol Vlu-if
NcvYoik , licjiiiilnj ; on . ) annai.I . I , ISMI.
The "Ihilcntcher ol Jlamcllii , " at Mblo's
the Kit all \-willpic-cnt an linil-.itinn nl ll'ins
MaUait's histoiical pun c Ion of tl.ldcs'
which v\asi ; le.iliucol Hu Iwentv lillh aiiul- ol the lanpeuir 1'i.uuls .lo-eph's
\\iililiiii : , at Vienna. It is anumnicuil that
: ) ' ) people , : ; 0honi's and Ii chaiiot- will hi''d.
Kdwtn Booth'eimngiMiiciit in I'altlmoiv
has mot with vciv l.ti/ ; ille'iiltiiiV ; tins pa-t
woi'l ; . As nil ill-lance dt this it is stated that
on the occasion when he ajipparcd Hamlet
the icecipf . vu'ie s'iuid. ! The whole hou-u
was snid ( iinliiR the dav. and the hex ( itlioij
closed hi'toictlicpPtloiiiiiini'pbi'iMn \ week
Irom Mouda.v .Mr. Booth will plnj In Brook
lyn at the Acailcmv ol .Music.
A Vjtia Attempt.
A wasp went luwinnto hisworlt
And vaiioiis things did lacklc
Hetnnga boy and then a dor ; ,
Then made a roostci i aokle ,
Amlla-t ilium a diinmuci's cheek
lle-elllcdilown lo ill ill :
He piodik'd theie lot hall an hour ,
And then he hioUe his hill.
[ Philadelphia Call.
iioxr.vKois TIII : KADIIM.
Plash tiiuse with bending of miloipcil ;
Iiiiuih ii-eil.
Bi billions in monps of three apui'.u nil
many stylish iomh ; fiodds cnstuincs.
Bieti'lles and V-shapcd tilniiulims on
hodli'Cs aie a leatnrc in winter i-tvle- . "
.Inpsiiicsi' ami Chinese ideas In dicss cITciMs
aic mitilc poiwlai 1 the nsje tor"itlkado. "
'I IIP lomr paletot ol scil. a I'r.Micli fancy , i
the leading long scdsltin { 'uaunl this "SIM
Metal el.isjv.aie supci-eilim ; biooihcs for
fastening the hl h collars ate MI nmili
Bolting cloth has be > n dtscovoied lo be an
Inviili.iblc t.iluic lor the Use ol the ait cm-
) : ( ! " ) ' .
I'm-will be worn to a Ricnter extent than
ever this soon as ical cold vu-iitlwr
H 'ts ill.
( : iip- | with sleeves ; uc-.cuii nnmni : short
ami hu'hl wraps lor mild days in Vovcmbi-r
ad > l Dipcinlicr.
Silk and vc'vct ' die sps aie pomlmc lollie
trout iiuilu as the pioper sluiTlor toilets lor
all suits ol oocM-itin- .
Kill : dit's-cs never tsit out of tashion. The
limitation-ot thcb n-e I or cci tain occasions
are only moicdelimit.
Necklaces c.mipod of nniiy strands of
IniTjo pcarl-i are much worn with low bodices
at evening ciitfit.iiinnents.
Silk filovi s for winter we.u me a novelty.
They sue Heccy on tin1 Inside and less cum-
hoome than wool gloves.
The Inily who sic-hci conk wllh a liraml-
new lioiinet the exact ponnieiiiaitol her own
Uc ! , an } tiling lint llntlcicd.
Knmli Kondtahrlcs to loo'c v\vll must bo
lincil and laied with .silks to iniitrh or hai-
inonl/c with llioiolor.4of the wool sttitl.
A census-taker has lis. ovcied that when a
womiin willingly ailnuts slioismi'i thiily-
livesho Is luubldtolm iiiiL'siloned nliout her
am' .
LDVC'S hikinc ; powder Is exlenslvoly ad-
veitiM'd. .Some ot the upper-crust Kins
think thu jomi mi'ii don i rise quickly
cno'h. ! :
Kmbioldcicd woolen lai'es aio worn In as
Kieat cxce-s as in the.snmmci. They me miw
adoincil ami tiansloimc.ll with embioiileiy in
color and tinsel.
A line K < iiiso lisle thrcail white . ' .torkln1
hhiin'd ' always lie woin niulcr a bhipk 01 101-
oicil siocLiiii. . no matter whether ol silk , Hslii
tliic.ul , 01 cashaK-ro wool.
An astrologer Is ailvcitlsin ? ; an amule * '
which is iruiii.mtepil/o pi event women noic
Kiowimriilderlor ten veais. A vvcddlntj ihifj
is the hi'st ' preventive we know.
A Virginia iil adveni-ed in a Dakota
pnju'r fora lm < bmil , nnd rcoclvcd so many
iciilies that the po-tmasti'iV salary has bi-cn
raised mi ace Hint , of now business.
ni.irktitocklnKRiuo worn with all sorts of
Bticet , e.uiia e , indoor , icreptlon miilnvuii-
lmdiesses , when tlichiblet ( > is not neic--a-
rily of the color of the dock or It.s.m-e oilos.
.Mix. Itoss , tliiicliaimlni ; Newport postmis
tress , Is In Washington l.tjin.i ; her waj 101
icappiiliitment. hu Is y011111 ; nnd pictty ,
mill they ate haid to boat , jou kninv tlm
wlililer-i. '
Tlio L idles' rluh has come to naiuht. Jus
ns wo oxpi'ctid. Ol wliat use Isnciiiii to the
aver.ii , ' ! ' wiuaan' ' Tlm common , nidbraiy ,
ovcryihijbioomstiok is a KOOI ! enough
VM-iiion ) in her bands.
HosH Is to be one of the fnvorlto colors for
clcennl evening wear this winter. There aio
oxmuslloncw shades ot this color , both pale
and ih'i-ldcd in hue , that are becoming to both
falrmid d.iik women.
Hhnit jihistrons with velvet bictcllps be
yuiiil nro iicciueniiy i-een on new costuniM
as ihu IIIMK jtoimhtr vc.sts. The hk'h collar
imilchcs tln < iiustion , and oltfii thcielsa
Hc ! < iiiii c-iillai tm mug down to match Hie re-
ltou h , v hoiu'li's , Srotoh basket
ehitliH. and oilier heavy nmtctlals In mixed
' heathei" colors , nhot with jiolil , me this .sea
son made into vciy stjlish amidlslliiKiio-
looklngcamlsaiils. 01 IOIIK I'rench traveling
cloaks thus named.
AIiN Stnnloid'iidlaiiioiiil.inio valued nt Sl-
( Her husband Ixnuht loin sets at
dlnimiiids for her when the valnablcsot'Qui'cii
iMihcllaot ( Siiain wwe .sold in PaiK mid
imhl upwaiif of SISOCMWOlor the foni , hlic
also lias slxtj diamond linger lings , which
hho Keeps on uhtiiii ) ; ot black tape.
Tlm soft gracefully dinpintj caslin-i-ru
( roods , dear to th < i hc.its ; of nil 1-icnch
wimmn , never go wholly out ol liisldnii , ea-
ticclallv fordii'ssy nltcim < on toilets lei home
wear , The involcool tlu.-c mntcihiU Is mire -
ro ionly large this Pca-ou , the un in-
cluilliuputtdiwln deep , rich , wlntoi tones.
In moiuxInoiiiiMir tufted , brocnik'il In simdl
rtnts , single llower.s , nnd other llijiiicsi In
rteci'd or contra-1 ng colors.
The rnzo for feather * is not c Imiist-d , The
fancy anil tinsel ilccorated featlicw have been
in dimuind up the present momuiit ,
but now ta t Is lal.lng 11 tilt In la-
vorof ostrich tips , aigrettes , and pompons ,
but not to the exclusion of luncy feather * , by
any means. Thou weiu jirodiiml In Mitfi
raii'lynrtUtlcniid novel forms und coloilngB
this fall as to warrant a long run of poimlitr-
lUmiict of rich velvet or iilnsli arc Increasing -
creasing In favor , being nrefcirixl to UHHO
of HID l lzari emhroldored or woven muter-
lull worn In the early part of the bo.ison.
( Johl , Jetaud Iridescent beads of all h.iiKU
are HH I In profnoion on thuso bonnets. 1 hey
uiosouotluu luavuriuty ot dcsl.'iia. Ouu
of Ilii' lii , ' fTlli-irs is to ilif b ailict
r-ivcrvd witli "Ins bldcM'cnl Ineutl ilies.
Tlicic1cni - (41 ( iw ln > one shape that
VUTi'ilciii1' * . altii msh cniniics lire ns
us cvci.inonz htil > the I'.iili-li !
hat. wuh luthci lull , tapciitii ; < ni-n and
irtll'd lm. u - Hie r.iMnilc.
The diilicnl hiiim-Mi-sof Mt'lh' ' ills sin l.n-
Klaiid icpoi ! a ir.Uli ofOH incinli r * Ihepi-t
Moody , the CvaiiSelNl. expcrls lo * p nd
thciiio-lot th" v\imci in Mcmtiliis.ttid V w
MI lean- .
A New Veil , man cj.dms to hnvc-tHsmr-
eicd the ( iiinleii ot lylcli. and offci * t < > MI |
the inhumation lei HOUXI.
Caidinal Minitlmr nnd fotiiicpit I'tltMi
I'nll.oiic bishops haviIssind a manifi Mo tic-
nouneini ; miMil ( diicallon ,
Musi's Monlciole's | | 1\4'S UVMU.111
Mate of alu nt J.tKhi.UiO. mosll.v lo dcvvNIi
ielliloii and i Kn liable insliitilhiiis.
A new 011:1111 coiilainiin : llvti pipes and
rosllinr.Vi.Mll has JIM b.-eii pn ! lip ill the
Ph-i Method-si clnm h. Allautn. tia.
Mctho'ilN- Chieintmti lo wiilKln that cltv' .
He will cntei upon his labois .laiinary 1.
The chin , h coinm"- . which was to have
In en hctil In Canada this monlh has been In-
ilcllnitcl.v postponed mi act omit ol plcxalcm eel
ol smallpox.
The new diixM'sc ol Ui.xud Kiiplds. Mli-h. .
has a ( alhobe pomilatioii of ui,0' > ) , with Illtv-
one piie ts Catholic MbooIsaeademland
paioehialnnmbci tueiit\-llw.
IJi'v. li. TV nit's will loaves an cslnlc of
SIOiW to In * wile , mid Ids lihrarv to Ihe
Pivinilv M-liuol In Philadelphia. The name
ol hi-soil is not mentioned hi Ihe ii.stnt-
Mohammed nd-m lm imidn meat Miidcs in
Aliiia v > IHdn tin- last lllt\ . \cais , und Chrl-
tiaii mlssionaiietieely s.iy thcv uill MM > II
have lo deal with it laihei than wiih pamm- Second I'niMi ali-l chinch budding
sit lialtimoiehas been M'ld lot vJIiXK ) nnd
will be eoiucited Into a ISohcnihin Catholic
chmch. The I'nivci-alisl soeictj will build
anew In some mote initial section ol the
citv.Dmlni ; Hie piist leu veins ihe nnmbci ell
l > , ipii-t cltun lies has liiciei cd b.v . ' > ss , the
member-hip liy . "i\iXi. ( ) and Sund.i.v > > piiil.n-i |
by HI'.O.HI. iStiaiiKO toav , the nninbei-
p.i'trns hadi'iicnsi d.
The . -s'nai.i i- . have c-tahllshed n icpiidlinu'
stallon in Philadelphia. Coiivuts , altci nn-
dei-irobiK n liirid ili eipline , me icinoved to
\Va civli . N. \ . . \\heie Ihcv ale tinthcr
instnii ted in the doittincs and piacliccsol
the SPPI.
Thi'wothls population i-j i.ooiMnoo. ( ) Ol
these CluNti.nis nmntieile th-in athinl.
Hall ol that thud hi-'oin ' ; to the Itoman C.ith-
ollc chnica. ilie Piolestaiits nnmbei
( M'l. ' Tlic.v me dihied In to MM seels.
The. lic'v. llemy Hopkins , ol ICansis ( Ily.
a son ol Hi. M-iilc Hopkins , ov-Piesjilcnt ol
\ViUiams mllcic , has been irlvcu'n uiiniil-
monseall lo tlio pulpit of the CoiisriCKationa !
chinch ol Ninth \dams. Mas . , nlasilniv ot
S'V 0' ' and Hie ficen-i' ot the paisona- .
The Insl Snnili.vMnml . in the tTinlid
States was held m' lloxlnm. Masin inn.
A Sunday school vvis : established in Kphrata ,
Pa. , in 11 Ii ) The int ol Hie modern Sunday
schools in ti- ! : cotnliv w < instituted b.v
P.ishop.V'-'mu. ' in llanoxci eottntv. Pa , , In
ITS' ! .
'Ihe Indian Ua.ti-is | of the Clmcl.nv and
Clilclsasaw , is < ni imam tepoil no fe\vei two
hendie.l b.i-.isn\s | \ in the past jcar. One
Inil ! in clmr-lt ippmtcd thiiteiiht haptlsiits ,
witli a tiK-.iliei hip ot iiliu-tv-nliu1. Two
new i luiichi1vicie ii'ci'iveil , and six \veie
dismi- < : ( . | | to IKIIII anothci as oeiation.
The lollowinii appe.iis in the special chinch
nnlii1'1 ot a MI thodist papei , siirnidh } th' '
pte iiiimr cli'-'i of a Wisconsin dislii't : "I
want a pienchci ol the old sivlcvhocan
iiib-in a i i ; < nit , live In a small paisoiiasc ,
woiU lind , I've ' on small claim stfti-pa.v
his wav. mi'l c-ome lo conteicncc wltliniee-
enl of loiiy coiui itXone others need aji-
' '
NcirValla \\alla W. T. is a colimv ol ic-
lltfiims cnthiisiaslshneall thcit oiL'.ini/a-
tidii the Kin 'l'iui ' of Heaven on L.nth.
They I'l-n-tiie imlvnamy. lielievc in the
tiansinfj-'i it'on ' ot.onls" and claim that
David. > o'oiioli ! , Mo c.lohn the llaptist
and M. Petn have b.'ii Imiii acain and aic
now in the eolon\ , and Ibov v\ill MHUI beirln
acilPiTol piiiiitic [ t and hiliulnc the woild.
Tliey luilil jnopeity in common. There aio
vciy low Ami-iici'iis with them.
A Roo'e that PIO.-.S like a lonster is one ol
the novelties at ( 'umhciliind , Mil.
A snow-wliiic Minlnc ! a liltli' larger thai' a
chipmunk v. as iccentl > caught near Tacoma ,
W. T. The local natiuali-ts have inllcd to
classify it.
In Svv.dn fount ) , Xorlli farollna , isn lock
boa .e , hollowed out and hhaj eil cntiicly b >
natiiic. 'i IIPIC me M-u'ial loums , nmt the h iihcd lor a chmoh.
A man In India hatiaincd onoof hisclc-
phants to cut and pile ncwsjiiipeis in an 01-
dcrly mannci' . 'I he tinting is done with a
paper knilo held in theanimar.s trunk.
A C.diloriila paper < < nys that n ample of
owlshuvi hfcn caught In ( Nmrc hill enmity ,
Nevada , which havp iialrnu thcli larps like a
iiionic ! > and eyes nmlcyeliHW-HKea Immaii
hcliiLT. The body ot ono is sjieekled like a
limit , and that of the other Is .vcllow.
A [ .inner living near i'orl ; , Pa. , h the pos
se m ol a womli'ilnl | iig. The let I foreleg nt an infant. Attlicev
tic.mll > o a hand with n thumb ami four
tapeicd tingcrivhtch an ; lognlai minim
even to the nails. 'I he face also hems a
sinking icsumbhiuc- that of a human bc-
nir.'ihe Jiiilinir of fiiihna have only fnm
nnmlieis In tlu'ii -J-HMII ot muiiciation.
rims when thcv ic.n h nve , Instead ofuing :
-o , they call it a hand ; MX Is tlu'iclmn a
"liaiul ami mI ling-'r , " seven "a hand and
sti'ond migei , " ten Is "two hands , " but
twenty. In-ti. tit ol being "I'niu hands , " ha
"i mill. ' " lenity is "two men , " and thin they
go nn bj twenties. Knit ) six Is cxpic-sed as
"two men , a and nist nngci. '
Onuiit the nio-t icmaikablo .somid-inalcliig
or musical ishs : thegieat ill urn iisli , 01 | io-
oiilaschiimii-.eimimon on out western coast ,
mil mine than once the crews ot vc.sseN luivo
iiccn astonished at the cm Ions hounds that
came up fiom the -ea. A vessel that was l.v-
Ingofl tlm roast hot-aimed homo''o
was Miiionnded by a utijiilni bund of iiMis
hat nltoed tlm most remaikablcfionmls
now a shili k would rise , tliitn a groan , tol-
: ovvcd bv nnmeioiib grunts , tlm rnshiiig of
steam , tiic hi-s ot boiling water , mnlllcil
tones of a diiini , and oven the clanging nl a
Iccp-toiiPd bi'll. wcin imiicoi tlio u'liiaikahlc
( muid.s that rose from the musical sdi eel ot
linn.v bin jjcrs. _
Tlio CIilnoHn AiiHvvcr.
You sUnotcomnaii'l haneiu me ,
Von bootee ineaiid hangce me ,
Mil deco worM'c. irctic boodle ,
lilveo onci'iatee. imodlc ;
Oh , inn HVPC oh so i'lie.ipi'0 '
And me WOIKLCv.4ilo von Mee/ii'i' / .
iPlttslmiff lc-.iiti.-li. ) |
Thn Hx-KliiK ontio
Berry U'ull , ox-king of llio dudcH , still
Hants about Now York- city , wearing thn
icwest of clothes , nnd diiviiitf the t'astcnt
of liornoH , and lonkiujj ns ho did be
'oin his foitunii , evcupl that tlm circle of
Tiouds who -nnonndi'd him a few
monthii nifti has disappeared , and that
only a gambler or two Is M-CH in Ins
! Uiiipany t ( ! > undri-tood that his
fnlluro wiii > foinpliitn , ami pcojilo are tit
i loss in know how Inmana us to keep
ip Ids rttylc OuaMOimlly re rnts are
le.ird .xircsscd | lei him. There is no
eason why he Mmuld bi > pitied , lie is
tut'I , } cars of nirc , and has mai'tipid
o run ihiou h a tortuni ) nt' )5UUKi. ) In
loitifi so ho managed lo create a good
leal of ; * o-slp in New York , hon ltinnch
ind Saratoga , and lo advcrtiso oxlcn-
sivcly the fact that ho had .sixty or f-uv-
cnty .suits. Wall has lost not only for-
nnc , but laallli. He fatoops and tntin-
dcsas If ho wcro Jin old rouuol 70 years
li > > people ant rich , and ho IMS .soveial
very ii i'd rclntivoi concurniiiK whoso
demise he hasoxpoiitnnuy. and doubtless
f ho lives lonf , ' enonph will again have
deiity of inoniiy 'Ihcio is6omcsvnim- |
by for the iccklcjs ioimg spendthrift
ixpret < 8ed by curtain people. ' 1 peo-
do would 'not mi jiity to a widow who
ulyhl bo defrauded out of her nnmiift of
Ivullhood by n plaunihhi coundrol , or to
mrd-workiiiL' man who IH deluded into
iultinK hi * lifVtimo'ft BiiylnKsinlim wildcat -
cat flchemo. Ucrry , they say , i * a good
ellowVithout disputing this jmJg.
nont , wo can diHiniss him with the re.
mark that there are dlflbrcnt idea * of
vhut coustitului u "oud fellow.
The innrrlntro of I'lrsl Lieut , .lames \ . 1'ti-
rlniinin. Pomlcciilh Infanttv , lo Miss-Helen
\ \ tin u. took place at Washington on Nov.
A sivci | I'ov. shut at a wedillns in Hiutfiml ,
Colin. , the oilier div , Is s.tld to be kepi under
M- l like ( hat of Painloin , till HIP limn foi
tin i vi-i nniilvci-saiv , Iwcnt ) ihe
belli c.
A Mimtitna bachelor , woilh P7.,0 ( > 0. clvos
pnli'linollre ' that be will soon mini' c.isi mi
the liinil of a wife Tlmchniices me that ho
vvl.ll bi > 1'caihd oil bcfme ho re.u hc.s the
At a fashionable Vcw York' woddlns ; some
ot ihi'Mii'siinctended to bo shucked tlm
Klln-i d.iwhin the father ot tin : hi Ideal
'udid ' lo the diamond files fastening his
din.'l.toiV u. | | ,1H , tin-in bujt.s. "
Tbe ilib. be.inlltnl and aecompll.slied
damrht rf a ( icnmin nobleman icienllv ilc-
M'ltcd her home In older to many a f o.u i > ,
biulal and i tiniiiut tUliPiiiinn.who romppllpil
him a'l ' her loitiinu befoio maiij-
The api-ioachliig mntilagc of Mi < s Dora
Miller , ilanirhtcr nt Senator Miller nt Culilor-
iita. in l.iciil. llichaiil-on Clover ol the
Dulled Mulenav. . pmmlitM to In1 nnc ol
Hie leulltig < < o ( lal events of the M'.IM ' > U in
New \ i ik.
Twnnf tl.c c people who want something
lemaikiihli ahmd their wcildliiKs wciv nun
mil ii''emlv . at Acwoith , ( icoiclii. standing
on a i ml"tonc , and Iwn ulhcrsi havciceeiuly
pllublMl thrii tiotli on an hcbcig hi Ihe
An tli ' eciiii.
av-t the Atlanta , ( da. ) rnilftilllllon1
"Tliciclsrt chaimlng .vming willow living
ncai M 11-4111. who , it 11aid , wilt shmlly wed.
again. The ciieumst-iiiecs me .something mi-
ii-ual. The lath's hu-baml has been dp id
nine nionths he has a baby loin months
old , ami uill hae two inntlicis-ln-hiw living ,
a lom-immili. ohl IM\ ! ' , and will be a hi hie
III Illl's-mie til'li' .
Theie i - ti'i'1. in ( blowing an ohl shoe nl
the Inldi mid cioom aftet i\ nunil.imhut
-inne times u i- haul hick. Such was thiM'iiso
whin at a wedding in the south lately the
lalhci nl Hie uioniti thii'w all old shoe utter
hiti'iul nil-piing. The sliuo was old mid
hiu\v. the i-aient excited , and the groom
w , > - hit in the c.u. Tlds kiioekeit him out nf
the eiinlii- . whercnpim the hihlo tainted
and nil hands uen < InvllPil to ntteml Ihecuu-
ni'mj nl u v iv ing the "happy" couple.
A maiiinuc w ; > < l.ilrlv biokcii oil in I'l nice
in -imrulai manner. Anal (1st ( anil a .voting
lnh ucir rir , m'i'il. The bililcgioom had a
siionicdi-liKi- the nppeinhmo to ladles'
diesikimv n , is the bustle. In speaking to
hisluideol hi wedding gown , he happened
to mention that this addition Mlioiild
oe di-pen-i ilMlli. . She icliiscd , saying she
would be mai i icd wealing a bit-He or not at
all. Tht'aiti-l 'heiiMipnn aiiiiimnred thecii-
gam-mem oil. and the two -cpaiated , to nmet
licii'a HIM a-
lad astiaj- comitcilell tiaailei In .1
chmch coiitnbntlon bo\ .
In I'tah Ilie reoturof n fashionable rlmivi !
Is spoken ol as tlm "Anostleot Hieticiiti'els '
lii'linp Poslci savs that the mllleiiium is
iiowhcie neai. Thisconliims om suspicions.
Sam , Ionp > ' UUCP ( Is "cr.uc , fjiil and
1,1 celibacies" will inn a ponnliy newsiiapur
awi II as a camp meetiiifr.
C.i-uiiM I , ' ntiiiils blols to the healhi'n.
The m-M Hum ; will lie lanncd mlsslmiaihs
" 1 Hunk nnr church will last a good manv
yr.ns jet. * -aid a waggish ilcacon to hi-.min-
i-toi : "Icc the slccjtcis aio very soiiinl.
A itciLViii.inays : "Onu picaohcr , stand-
inj in ilie pulpit holding open tlm door ol tlu
Kingdom ol hc-ivcii. doesn't attract nearly as
iniuh iittcnllon as a lalcmihal holillngopen
the il'ioi ol the ( hmcli. "
'Tiicie has been a icvlval In oar town. "
"Man\ people converted ? " "Oh , js , and
and amoin " , ' them twentj pupils ol the Icm.ilu
4nllcie. " "Ihiw ilo von know they aujcon-
" " declined their
vcilcilV" "Uccaii-u thev have
dotei initiation to ilht with none but divinity
simlentsliPieaflci. ' '
The Itcv. f. ( i. 7s nn n , ncoloicd picaelipiof
I'lhi'it 4-nmtv ( , dcoigia , was icccntly visited
ut his hmi-e bv two deacons ami twelve M'-
Uiwlm in-In-d in and IIMM ! him nji badly.
KnocKing him about , palling his hair , aiiil
bieakiiig Ins hon.sehold cJIcetn. The Moiming
pally lett when a light wasslinclc.
One ol om divinity .slndents who was
pleaching mil west dining thu Mimmcrwas
gieatlj limid hy a lad } who adnibed him
vithonr icscive. "Oh , my dear Mr. M. , "
M uhe. . nne aftPinoon , "thero Isn't any
Inn m in one loving one's minister , Is there1' ' ' '
"Ci'ilabilj not , madam , " icplicd the woithy
c-li'ile , "not the in the wnild , .so long as
ihe licllng is not u-i Ipuicatcd. "
"Por v lmt wo me about to tceclvo , mn > the
Lord niiikc us Inily thanklnl. " devontl } 'mi t-
mined DiiM'iibin.v , bitting w lib lohU'd hands
at the dlniici table. Then loouing disdain-
fnll ) at tl e dishes * Pl hctoio him , :
" ( iodd giaeions , Maiia , how many tlmc.sdo
.von want me to tell J4)ii ) flint 1 dnn't hanker
I'm calibiiire ami corn beef moie than thu-o
times a week' " '
"In the lust place , bicthtPii , " said a camp-
'iiceting orator , "we must bo i-arelul of what
vena } , ami in llmxei-oml pliKO ' tlierrt was
sotiie noise In the congH-gatlon cuiiHt-d by
lii-oplo romliig In , and the spcakci iian-ed.
"In the second place , " ii'peatcd tho.spt'iiker ,
and again hi : paused , and a small hey aioso
and ciied nut : "Tlm New Yiirku am In the
-ccoml place , the } got licked jesterday. "
Thcic will IIP no vacancy for pupils in llio
famous Hanow school till IWl ) ,
Klijht hnndicil cldlilien inler w City have
IH-L-II icln-ed admission lo tlm pnb'lo '
sehools l/c'-uien ol liiHiiIlii-h nt nceommoda-
Itcslile.s tlm UnlvPislly of Peiiiisvlvaiiln ,
the University nf .Michigan nnd Columbia
college have c t dillshcd wpL-elal dcartnicii3 | ) |
Ot | Mlllll-il ) | M-ICIKC ,
AlthoiiKh .IniiicH 1 , Ick has bcpu dead twplvo
vcais , the hall-million It'll b > him lor ; t
Mhoolnl lialnlng has been caru-
Inily kept al inlcrc.stby the InNi-us.
No It-sM tlimi l ! i cimr-es , diviili'd among
twenty dcpiitmcnts , me now ottered the
Htmlents at Harvard , instead nt the onu in-
vniiaiilc y.stcm oiiglnally pie.serlbed lor
all. _
C'leiiiincil , Purlllcil ami Jtoaiill/lcd / ljr
the Cnlluiii-a
Wo Imt i I "on f4lllmoniir Ciilli-ur.'l I
foi lliu pi'ht llinoor four yeur * ) , mill liiivn
inner Ill-mil iniKlil lull vl < l unrUI'i Ilinlr
luuii. I'linr I'ulkiiiKi H i.i 1 1 IH -vlili' < < lly HID
IH-M Killing mioll'-lnul M > apa Intimlu mill H
hlithh ( ill/til liuio fur flu iiOOIIihiK nnil
Inn ein cl iium | thi' bliln.
.1 UI.UTONVIIKVI - , Jr. ,
Wmtliiittci , Viu
Till ? I.AlTc'KSTSAM ! .
Our sili's or Ciilloiini mo us I iw , If not
Inrji4'iHIHII ' uny MH cllcli it < on II ; uinl n li-xuru
} ( iu Hull wo Intvo mil cr ml 'i ' i-liiHu liiM'inio m
Hlilih llio | Hir4'hiHnr MIM illc-iut'ii'l ' . \ l"
jimi-MiHp , o4un t-cll eon Innuvti l-o y mints
Culltmit. HIM im & CMAI-M us , III iiKghtd ,
( .uiibimiii , Mo.
HALT itnKit.M oi'iiKn.
T.ui of llm Hdil l CHHIU or will ilin'JliiI ' nvo
ruu Htui ciiiwl Ii } Join" ' llciira Hyiuo li-s ,
uinl lliulixiilus 4-ncicd HIOKO ol nil olliiirllku
ifmcill : < H. I Nil vuy lltllu nt u ly mlii-r moll-
dual soup Hum Umlvuni.
( iF.ounii A. AKTIIOM' ,
h'unance , 111.
Thn Cntlcniti Jluimiliui uio uxitlleiil tnmo-
clit-3 loralli klnill > inH
J. 0. Wii.h if , M. ! > . , Harvel , III.
Aio soli I UK'rywIu're I'rlco. Ciitlcilia , fAi. ;
ItoMili ftil , f I.IK ) ; HOAII 'IO. ] 'ruimn l lir llio I'or-
mi Ollllll AS.D ClIKUICAl , CO. , II08HHI , MlU . r
Snid for puinplilfl ,
Send for "How to Cure Skin Dlsaasos. " ' -\t
l'liii [ > liHHn HloinWiiiMiiiil Duty Hu-
inorHUUruU Ii ) ( 'utlc-nrn HoAp.
nomit ( ho kldncyH , khootlinr ( mini
ItiroiDcli Uio loliM. ntuilmi PKHIH , Iwk u (
it > i Kin Hint iiolh-liv. linlimily n-joi4XlH |
uinl uiiouiiliy cnroil iiy Hiu t'nilour *
Autl 1'uln riotur. AlUr tgUU tia