Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Ad.cHiff mrntmniilcc thk limtl 10ccntp
lire fnr ( lift flrct inM.Ttlun.nml 7 etritJi for mi
frul.tqncnt Insrrtlcii. Sovcn word * "I Iticcour
tfl to Iho line ; tury tntiit nm cnnsfciitlvcl.T ni
mii-tbo jiahtm nJvanco. All rd\cni8onoii
n\.Kl : ti i , < nmxl in l-oioroSo clock p m. , m
will be taken i
nmiii'i no citcuw-tnnteK ibrjr
IK-oitlini , l l > v tt-letihiinc.
VBrMil-tultcrfWhirln thr o eolumtis nml hi
innii'W PI * IIMI | e < l Incnro of IIKK.W
BRk forcliook ( o rniiliU ) tlicm to et * Hit
H. nmin will lo dclivercil cii < | it t
f "pninlhm > f ehf-ck. All imxivoM tn iuu
fKl In cnrnlnpo .
o r o \ s lonry m iny HIIIMIH t ,
I n nil rln Ttol ( " iirl' } '
Plant tii'io I HIM n i IP ii e Into
J.nntr 'it ' ; o I' ' nn on roiil p into.
J'oiuyto loin on rliitii-U.
j lo lonti < m eoihiti rat < .
to Ir nn on ( vny pi.ol . tjo\trity.
loin'p y. i inPtoMW
Aiiplv ( tnnl m ilm I'llin'aliil ' Kliango
II ik'rsboll.lliif . loinorof
Vtf M nth mill I'm iiam ws. Wl
o MIAN fU lto linprovoit pHi |
ty. AmiH. liV)7 ) Kurtinin. > )
for cvorjlHxIy ! Volt rnn linrro-
innncy on fiiniliiiri- . her PS. WHirun
iltulc t lt klmls , dlnmomli mid Jli
on jollronn ( Imn I KjlaPi'l" torohi
nt nny time , mul lntere ( rpilnrnl pro mil
TrattfTtr left In j our own po t.c lon. Torn
low ii tlie lo u < sl. fall mul KHI me. llnxim. !
rontlilondnl. Nnmlvimtniro liiken. % \ . | { . rroi
Koom 4 , Wlthnnll Ntav llulldliitf , Nortliciifttni
tier IMli nnU Hut ney. Ml
mo MIA v Ono or two tlioiHntiil diillnrn In
I ini'dliiiel ) lor I or : ! jcars vr II Oi-fn
lutll nnd Vrtinnm _ l * >
to loan on teal estajo RI rnnty. N
commission clmrxcil. C E. Mnjno. tfith nn
Vnrnniii , ( . Nov.'J = l
ONKV I.OASI ! ! ) Ittmts , IJth ami Dmnrliv
M Wsnovj
\roNnv TO r.oAN o , v. Tnvl ) tt n > . lioi
I'JEiituto and Ioi n iiKcnu. 1 JUJ I'nnmm HL
TO U > AN-On ( jwiil ooonrltloi. ;
MOHBV ( , room 7 Hoillcli Illock , IVJ I'nrmu
St. U7I _
TIT ONKV TO I.OAN-On rhnllrli , Wtiolcy ,
J.T Ilarrkou , room CO , Onmlin Ntitlonnl lian
ONI3V TO LOAN On rent estate nml chnl
M ( els. U. I. . Thomns. MO
TtjJOSIJY MIAM'.O On cliMtclR , en ( rale. II
.111 H HckcU lioutlit tout M)1J. A. t'ornmn , ' . ' !
s. trsiii St. MI
TO LOAN In sums
MONKV nn flr t-clii R real cstatu eppiirll >
1'ottcr .V Coliti. 1'ili'i 1'Hniniu 8t. tM
1\ONin I.OANKIi nt C. 1' . HceilV CO'B. Um ;
I'l ollli o , cm fnriiliui ( ) , plmmt , hof-Ds , Hiiirini
permmil propel ty of nil kinds mul nil oilier at
ilcleiof Miluc , without retnovnl. Over li t Nut1
Jlnnk. eoinrr Kith uml rnrmini. All biiHiriu *
Ml Icily conHiJontnl. 6W
: i : < ; inTAiti.i ; KSTATK AOIN V ris
Tin lot" lorniili-M Itli . .1.V. . .lolio-oii , OM ;
Jsl .Viitlomd Hank nnd cave RKI'IIIS li i-jro com
initl < ms Coii'iill him us to how bujer am
ollel > are nlvun a Mimie | deal 46s
"IjtlNK linpiiivrd fnrms.wlll trtulu for nnpm\o <
JL ally piiipci-ty. W. II. Qiccn , over \M \ _ Nn
tlumil flank.
. -Cattle timclie , It. * * acres wel
JTtOKSAr.K miles ol water , frontum * on He
pulillen river bofldeslII mile * of a Npilmr cicel
that doi-K not trcozo , iiuinln tliiou h It ; ' > '
ncrcR ctiltivateil , xoiid warm liulMuiirimiehin
orylorhuy nmkliijr , 4UI tuns hay this \unr
1,11X1 hcadnf viitlln , - " or Imt-ics Viiut
J.V. . Mauliall , IM > I'lirmun bt.KBB3
. : Itcstaunint ami tlxnriH. dolnu
FOltSAI.i businc-Mif tiny pliu-e In Ihoelly ,
cheap for ciibh. A at llee Ollice. : WI-U1 *
OIt SAI.i ; In boor town In BtHte , peed rcsi
denre , jjcraln and stet k yards ,
$400. Aho , well Impiiued U ) neui fiirin , "
Iliilfilown. Would take Mock Roods and pay
cash dltloicuco It any. It U. IJldridjrc , Nellgh ,
Nebraska. JW-'Je *
TIM ) bo disposed of within ttio next GO
J established lianklm ? Luslnt'ss In county scat
Jn one of the beat-cartel n counties In thostiite ;
or would Incorporate and take a portion of thu
8tck. C. E. MHytie , loth and Kurnam. V13
"ITIOlt SALE Mill pioett | ) > at nirrcat barKnln ;
JL' hpcnilld Hour nml feed mill with > rood jrraln
eloviilor comiertcd , now dolnjr a very desirable
HiiKlncxint u prosperous railioad town In east-
oil ) Nitliraska ; has a side track runnlmr to mill ;
InrKO never falllnpr watui- power ; best of snr-
roundlnjrcoiintiy and no competliijc mlllhiieai- ;
nnoxcellod us n compleln lour run mill and ole-
vntor. HIIR ul o a laijro Biirplun of power , BO
cnn bo readily onlarKOil by nridlnsr rolls or other
inachlneiy. AddretH Lock Ilex 518 , Omaha. Neb.
HAIi : Small Mock of drujrs and mcdi-
FOK and tollot articles lor xale nt H bai-
tiilu. Will Invoice $100. ttoicd f ehlpmcnt. J
A. Itocdor , : m N IGth street. Bll
AICAKK CIIANOK The plopriotors ot the
Metmpolltan llcstanrant , IKU 8.10th St. , bo-
Inff about ( o opou thu now Windsor Hotel , otlor
ho restaurant toitotlior with louse of the build-
iiiKlortHle. Thin id nn oxccllunt oppoitimlty
for tbo light partlu-i. Apply at the loatiiuram.
\t <
. 774
rplllW. . C. Mnl/norStnro HepalrCo. . Ill South
J Hth St. butwenn DodRonnd DOUKKIS.
niAKKN UP-Hy the nmlerslKticd , a black
JL inuluplk' . On nor uun have bamo by palnjr
clntrifuH and piovlnjr properly. Mrs. hlcnMi ,
Drown at. , near Hacied lleait Convent. BOIdcl'
T OMT lletl cow of medium Ue with small
.1 Jw hlio i-pot on loiohead. S , W. Cor. 17th mid
Capital MVO. 4. < ( ' - o *
ROOM nnd bunril , $5 pur week ; very boal lo-
cation. Iblt IXivunpottSt. IM.kclJ *
| > iiSONAI. : ( Wo liavo Just received a lot of
J decorato.lehiimbt-r M-tu , wlili h nine boujfln
utKrc.itly u'diu-cd pilc-rs. For tlie next SU ilaR
HO will oiler thoKO bets nt lower p Ices than
lm\o \tr been ottPiiid beloro In ( uimlui. If
you want Imrgulus in L-lmmber KUIH , rnll nt
Meody'Nchinasloie , tor. IMhnnd Davunnoit.
"T roitltll ) all porhiniK IriictlUK my wile on niv
1 aumint as 1 will not bo lOipomJhle.
WK'O' DAMHI. .McN.Min.
UIKN > , protcsslonal nur-o ,
to VJI S IHIt t. tiuit Oimilm
HAYDKN'.s I'lio Kindlow , wlmlosale uml rn.
tallutJ. MoVittie'H lllliand rarnam. I'.llnil
hand nl u bauraln , No. 1 second
linml cm rlajro pliaetons nnd hide-bar bim.
t A , J. Sliuiion | , UW and 1411 Dodjiu St.
. _ _ , , _
LAItlKS iii want of KOOI ! domesllo help cnn
bo tuppllcd bv ortlllocon the Omaha Km-
Pl"ymoiitome.iS17N. leih Hr. , up-stalrj , Mra.
J.\V. .MotrifiHi propiintor. d7i
"OHIVY vaults nun co iiioiila cleaned In rxu
J. Odoik-eS way by I1. 11. AbU , P. O. llox U78.
. _ ai5
17IOUSAI.K-A Itadlant HnmeStoioTrprcol ; !
- liinnliDl.ilB 1'anmim.t. iiiV o
ipUl HAI.K-Leather lonMdn bar tintriry , 'M
1 umlLv.ivenwuith st. limn tiros. iii ;
FOItieatlicrhtiliK | , storm a h nnd doors , go
tq J' , 1) . Mead , 3/J H. Kith bt. My
MK'AT Pflllii ) . ' moat ai pacKiuir house pilccs
lori-iibliifiltou-iinUto.irHtli : ; , rrcsilm -
Foil bAlK rurnllurv omplcto of a ton.
loom house1 , ! i block from postnlUuo.
Hoiitoroieiit , i5 | ' r month Apjily nt Ij l
Uudeu bt. _ _ _ HI
77OltSAi.i ; Two lot m Polhnin Place , onu
4-1 block t'iou tlfct't i-nr truck. Imjulro 'ia A
< ltthtre ! t. K
TfUMt 8AM ! Or Would tretlo for irpooil horse
J. ' iind biiK/ry , N ) acres In Ogeper county. Ap
ply to : ! I8 Boulh liltl ) tlncl. Km
" \TO operation nr usolcn trussi-s. Jr , M. U
J- > Moore , ! IU Wnbiuh AVU , CUIoairo. Wjl !
built Ci/ioii5 Jlnuso. In OmttUrt , eve
A > 't' 7ii A to assist In
UifbSUiuUllls , SU'.N' , Jilhet
\ \ rAXTKD-Olrlfor ( foaoral I oas vror1c (
> > tlnco la family , at No. ! U9 South 10th at
_ _ _ _
Two fiti < nrlCnc < Nl snips lndlf > I
' K ( nil dry prx > d irnrtesro ort-nces nvniin
Xtelnnls A llucy f.7--ji !
"XyNTii : - \ f'r t el ff-nifo | enok ; in
i > ( n 'ti elm inued tipiily. II
{ Inmtmin 1 I H r rl < rrot. .VI 'JI
W.'TKI Immodlatclv. n m-m , will
nur o tor t ireo < > MMrr > n. Apnly tel lIt
It I ) I otelnml , ad door fiom Louvotinai-li
Col.ftXst. fV ( 1
\\TANTID-A : poii'o ' nttio jriri 13 or ttjoi
old to tiilfe ciuo ( if sm 11 dilld. .lolin
. lloom 7 , lledlck lllock. ftv
\\rANTKIl Oood Rlrl for jreiiei al hnu'ono
nnd'Jjroo.i okf. ( 'Kill 12J I'arnam ct. (
ANTKIi-OIrl atSU N nth street.
W street.4IS2M
irAvruii-VonnirKirl fur light
* Apply nt once. 8IHS. IBth. 4 i-'i
> OiilforBiMlciidhoiispwoikl I HI
llvof Ihree.
" \\f ANTil : A yoniifr laity not over 2.1 to lal
i clinrKe of IHIIKO lursliialo went. MUM I
n peed limifekpeporun I ilo K IIUIU | lioii'ewoi
Will elvo n iriwiil iintno mi I other linlJio-ncnl
AMilrfH A ! W , lieo Otllco. liM-'Jj'
\\'ANTitl-At : NotrlV rcMnninnl , tfltli. be
i ilo ntlKH nn I 1'otluo ' olio llrst-cmji a nli
rqnm tlfl ! come prepum ! in stny. 4'iO- "
V 7ANTKO Apootl fcnmlo cook nt St. .Inme
' hotl'l. ' 47H-a ) *
\\7 ANTKIi-mii to wath tnliln Imon urn ! n <
TT l t In nulling lablo fordlnner nml Rtlppi
C. It Webster , lutli st icstnurunt : i J N. lillli su
l-3u *
WANTKH A ( rood woman conli at llnwlc
house. Norlli I'lntt. < mo Hint can mill
jiood lireail , plo . enkrn mid la a treed jrciiut
cook , will ha e second coolt to help , vtuos J :
pm-month. 4J.V.M *
WANTKIi Airnmljrlil for ircnrrnl IKKII :
wink ; mimt be neat and ugood plain coo !
iril'-'SlMaiy'sAvo. 4ir >
WANTKI Ladles toeurn $7 ( o III
their honioIn illy or eonntty.
kiinwlcdpnat cmchet unit fancy ork reiiilhei
Head ) work , ( leeds n-nt bi mull , Send Ife li :
fmnplo mid | tn > tniro. Etna Silk Worki , licj V
17th ft. , Now Ymk ll-itn-i'
WAN'I'HJ ) A Ktrl iiliniit It jenrs oM a ? nnrsi
Aiilj | | N\V cor Vhflnlii AComiil ( iiiint M
-l'ik ' _ _ 4.4-
- : ! iL - - _ - * _ . -
AOKN1 \Vmtted KOMI ! men of neat nppen
mire ami FOIIICI oviU'rlencn. vlth * "i In $1
ca"h ( o 8how pmiile we nmiinlnetiiro tn liu
nrfs tni'ii. i-i'll uMidlh. ( idlMl uml iicrniiuirt
MHKcienlMioinnile. Anioricnn Sippiulty | Con
iiany. Hnl I'mmim St. , loom 14. opp I'axto
hotel , Oimilm. .Wi71'
D-l'rew ipciler. Isnun Sjlvfslu
Jolt prlnt r opp. , Mllluiil lintel , fj.7-0
WANTKO Imtntd'nle'y. pond gen iiilpnn
lor invry rvptiny In Kiiiin , wliilomn-
Apply ( lilel Enp n ci. Oflico. loom C , I' 1
NTl'.ll-A bnrbor. Kl South U'lh st.
" \\rANTHD-A > ouiir ( man ltli MIIIIII evper
f coco nnd uooil i ufuioneus would like u sli
nation as elnrk in n trioeery : am not nfnild (
oik. Adilio bAJW , lluoOfllee.
" \\rANTKIl riOmunnna.M tonisnt I'le-cotl
' lu\\n ; tennis. ( LxVi. AUo ioiid ; Mat.m
wnrkiit Ilio nrd 17e per yard. Tiaiispmtatloi
fteo liolh iviiysovor C. U. & Q. Cull tit III ode
nek u , 1110 S. lutli. 477-"l *
WANTKIl A ttrsl-clins furnltlua siilp mxn :
one iiuimiinteil u 1 1 Ilm installment IHH
ness ; jrood puy and MI a y "Itunlkiii to the
man. M. K. Jim tin , 1118 S. Ijth. -WJ. .
\\'ANTKI > Sort lees of nn alitlve Intolll/fen
T * man of jrnod adiliobs .1. H. Itox Ulis. ITO-X'O-
TXTANTKO S ennjrrniilior. w ho is ntclejrinpl
TT opcmtor. lovCj ( , Omaha. 4flVilcul
WANTED An elderly gentleman wlm i ;
willing to work lor a modcratu balnrj to ue
HS cashier In n w Itnlcsulu & . rctaJl estalplhlimcnt
Address I1. O. Itox U- . 110-L'o *
WANTKD W ) men and ! X ) teams nt Present
la. TeaniH SI. 5 iil-oKuod station work n
10 ana 17 per yard , Trim pottiitlon freu bml
witysovor thoC. 11. & Q. Call 11-M rarnain st.
WATfTKD Aronts. Adilrnq * Klectile Lump
amlSlovoCo. . St. Ixiuls , Mo. , lor circular ,
cut and teimaol'CO camllo power Marsh Electric
Lamp. L'U
AC1KNTS Bolllnjr Missouri ttam washer
make bijr niouoy J. Worth , Solo Manufac
turer , St. Louis .Mo. OCXkluoUp
' \ \ rANTKI A situation by nn experience
T Inyy typo-wilter , Address "Clork , " l.ln
loin , Null. Bi > a
-V NTiiA : nosllion ( o dtivo a. family car
lingo uiHl takocaiQ oflmrsea. Addie s A
10 , lice Ollice. 515-W :
\\7ANTKD Hy n mliMlo-iigcil jrontlcman. r
, ' ; poslilon us liookkeeper. Call or iiddieM
J. 11. L. , 1111 Faimun bt. OUR'1 <
\\7"ANTKI > Partner with SlOto $15.000 to ev
T T tend a wholesido Innoy dry jroods busliieHi ,
ulieady hilly ostrbUMird.will tome lo Oinalii
Ifpiulorcd. Addrcasll. P.O. Ho.x S7 Cliutoi :
Iowa. K10-M *
Position (0 ( dosimimr iii pilcntc
T fnniilicj ut thulr housos. Addruu A Jtf
Ileo Ollice. 611 *
WANTKD Ilynn educated lady , nny posi
tion by which to make a llvlnjr. IH u btoii-
HKraplier. ItcleroncosKlvon. Wliilnir to luavt
thoelty. AddiLHs AU7. Uooodlco. yyu-U'l *
WANTKD A position ns seaniBtrosH in n
family of pet fett lospoctahllliy ; lady mi.
aneiimborcd and thoroughly coinpotcnt. Ad-
Jiess A as , lieu Olllco. jSO--'O *
\\7"ANTKD Hooks to post ultcrnoon and evo-
TT nines. A 31 , ileo cilice. 400
WANTKD-Employmciit as eoueliman. Ap
ply 414 S , llth it. 420 *
\SfANTUD Hy a jnniiK man withexpciiencii
1 1 in jf w oru city , liisiinmco bnsiiiuis 0111-
[ ) loymciit in an insurance oIliccasclerkorlMiuk'
keeper : host referoncus. AUdnissV. . O. 1C. , P
D , Uo.5.W , Lincoln , Neb. 4U1-SI
\\TANTKD Sitiintinn ai PCCOIH ! jrlrl In pilv-
Tt iite finally by jounf Uerumuulil. Inqniro
it b.'t S. lull M. 427-U1 *
\ \ rANTKDI'lLldontiy younir man li7Im >
1 1 pluir ruom ilopailmcnt of whulesalo Imuso ,
lot till. ihl nl nork , food leforenuo. Aililro s ,
> V.i : : UeoOllke. 44J-al
Al'lr--t ( . 'lass liinilturofulesmnii uml futiural
illieetut ddMrert a nnsltiou. The best of iel-
neo liuni'-lied. ( .ociillty no objcot. Aildions
' / . , " lock liov i'Rt ' , Netiihslin City , Neb. 4U7-ai.
A vN n No. 1 hotel clerk of I IKO aciiuaimmico
t v iiinoiiust the cnmim-iclal men , dcsltes a
tion In MIIIIO ( scoil Imtul in thostato. Thu
lelcrenco liiriiUhod. Address "S , " Ne-
City , Neb. 40si i ,
l\MNTKD- for imnlinjr tlvo hundred
T T thousand Ink'lu al oiue , fiimi .lones ktieet
raikto If. I' , hetidiinarteis. Iliilldini ; in > t
oinmence Monihiy oc.\l. John I' . Coots , tor
th and Jones. 5IU-UI'
IWANTKO-lloaril nnd fiitnislied loom b >
l > jouiii ? mini near the oulsUina ol thei-ltv. '
kddiets A41lleelllce. ) r.-'j
l\ANTKU Hoommid bo.uda ; room alone In
M iiprlvatnfiimll ) by n re pecinblo jounif
nan ; inmil bn near the piiktollicti , or ulfu neur
treet cur lino. Addx' | John M. , care lieo
UTANTUn-Sloclts , of neons In IIXUIIIIIBI | > for
Hi d lollowiuj ; :
" 40neie larm Iu Kana > , f'.I.WO. ' aci Cf. wild Mud In Iowa. $ tliQ. ) (
137 iioro farm in Iouats-JihX
cs ) acre f m m in lima , Sl-.ooO.
Iftliu-ro ( aim In Nel > rat > la , tG.Oi' . ) ,
Addict t > horwiiidhunvn A Co.Lincolntli ,
l\rANTKI > To Bella irond payliij ; restmtimit
TT on easy terms. 1715 Si , Mury'smo. l > 5- ' *
T , Murray ,
ffi $ _ _
L\rANTKI > ToIJxohanjrOBputHif horses fur
> Koodiictho. minllum epuu ol uutlL * . ( \ 11.
ttoto it Co. , 1515 DoiUiu 6t. wi
roa xtsttXr-uusEBuiD J.OTS.
KISNT Now cottat'o of tl toman
L uvery convenience tacessary , Imiuiru ut
111) Cuss sticct. CH'l *
> OK KKNT UOIIBO , 4 looms' , tbruo blocks-
y cast it itnnscom Prii'k , $ IU pur month. J , L.
r K. U. Houliuul. ' wtilol' Park.
fill-it *
710 K liivxicu : 6-rooni cotasoiysT
- Puturscn,8. U. i'or , 15th * Uu\n-l 3. Ml
71(111 ItKNT On hticct car r. 18th uml
Paul t . , HUM 7-iuum hotisuj all ixmyen-
'tirca. ' Toruts uioJuran.- . '
ur.NT-A 2--tory I r ck tmllrtlmr Moi
J' front fin Cns , brt. Ittn and nth ! Mi p
n 0 I ! . Mnyno , cor. ISth nnd rarnntn. '
liiolt ltiNT-Ooiiininrn. : S. W. tor. tltli ai
J Cnpltnlaxo. IS !
"l/OIt ItliNTl-etorfO N' . IRth nt.
llll lit M 2 Morj hnn c off room * . ; 'l
J Unvcnport Inquire Mr It. Stevoii" , 'J0n | U
vcnport. 4-J
ItKNT Now tnro on St > litr > Ave ai
JTtoil si. , Ml pci month.
Vert hiin * ( > . ! ' looms ilty wnter. nil c-onver
cnces..iiid , near Ciinumc M. , $ " > . U. U. Main
Hcoi 1C.UI nud Farnam. ill
IjVHt KKNT-rottiijfO on l ili and Hurt ,
I moult , IIS per month. Also collate on ( n' '
lurnlH nnd 'SM Rt . , 7 roonn. f--0 per moiiih , bnt
ti t mrnuirh ln < | iihn ol A C. Uiihel ,
ovei Oninhn Niiimnal bunk. ; ! 7'.i '
IIVllt KKNT ? o\etal cottnte * . tit } to SJO pi
J. month. Wnriun t ? lt/lvr'ri llttiit. ' 'i
' mo l.KAtli-lmprm-pil S aero tract wit
1 hoti e of 4 rooms peed larije cellar and wel
within I miles ol Po t Ulllee. Inquire of , li > ep
Mleltal , mall earrlor. 870
JiVlll KKNT Sm PI nl eottalri-s In poodloci
tiom O. r. Din Is \ Co. , 1505 rainam PI.
; i ( ) i : KNT-Sinnl I'rlck ' More , II U 9 10th
-I- near Ililwnrd. S. tiuhman. "M
FOK ItKNT Uimei ) bolomrinjr to the estat
of.ludifc Uhadwlektt/J Park avenue. W. .
Connoll. 2.JI
nKST A Morn room with jrood collnr
ipOll 1 Hurt street. Apply to. Ijiti ill i n i. '
> oit UINT : A lt-room : liouao on .InckRonsI
1j between 13th and Ifith. Apply next poor.
FOIt HKNT-On Capitol Hllleolta7e fi room
wllhiir wltlmut Imrn ; ImnilroIU ) Cnpltn
fTlOK KKNT Two oTthe liin t comroTtiilii
JL1 hollies In the eity. rooms each : Imtlt room
cellar , closets , KII , city water , all modern lir
provemenls , Inuuiio XV miner of ld niv
Hurt I' I ) Cooper. 2T
lilali school. nl
J1 Btalls , mod loom for enniaiies ami IIIIT
Appl > to ( ieo. 1 * . llemls. 30.1
HUNT New hoti o ronm . Ono o
IriOK built hotio < In Omaha , Kind betireci
cumlmr and I/milfi" .
Two trout ollices second story UniKcr Io6'
ITith and Cat num.
Two IniRo looms In city hall Inilldlm ; f-tli nil
I'arnam. C. 1C. Miiynel.'itli nnd I'lintum.
OK UKNT-Slme , corner 111 mid Leavni
FJJ uttli , KI > OI | loeation lor procory. Wi-'JI *
"Him : KKNT-a room house near cor. Uth amOK
M. I' . Maitin. 'Jib 3. 15th 11. ( V.l
IjUMUCKNT Now lioiiso ! ' rooms , One o
be-t limit houses In Uinulia , L"Jnd bofveeii
Cnminpnnd t/atd.Ji' ) .
( ottiipe 11 looms , ttftli near Iniigln ) , JT
'I no limit t > lllces second story Darker lock
15lli nnd I'm num.
T o laijio rooms In oily hall bulldlmr Idh am1
I'm mini.
Oneor luo-sinnll lore rnomson IRth st mini
rarnam In Cit > Hull Imlldlm ? will be nriamict
to nuit tenter. C. K. .Muyne , l.'itli mul I'liinam
ItKNT Two ncwrnsIdcncosO rooms rnoh
FOIt nun 5 roomshouse Iu moms. J. 1'hipp :
I'M. p5. " ) _
FOIt IJKNT Two m-wSmid'J roomedliou > es |
fuiiiace. bath loomimd nil moilein coinrn
li-nccs , one block tiom stieet enr * . Imiutro.lo. .
r. llarton.oll itht. . , or SmelHiiB Works. Bli. .
ItKNT T o-story dwelling , 7 rooms !
t.'ood locality. Apply Cor. lltn und Doujrhij.
f. T. Taylor. 715 _
KENT "storcnonyth nnd Leavctiworth
1 i > toro on South 1 < Hli si. llolh llrst-clni busi
ness locations. Also boiio3 to rent. A.-Mcu- !
ock. KM
KKNT House of ! looms. Apply Cor.
IpOK 1 and Doutrlag. C. T. Taylor. 710
FOK ItKNT-Sovcrnl dwelliiiKR. Apply Cor.
14th nnd Douglas. C. T. Tnylor. 718
F 11011 KKNT-FurnUhed room ; . 101.1 Dodtre. '
I OH 11KNT Tiirnlaheil front room -witli
F board , If desired. X.M1-Iluiney tt. .M. 'j : ! "
KENT , ' 1 front rooms III Lee it lllifjln's
FOIt , on Howard st . bet. loth aim 17th
st.s ; may be rented scpaiatcly. Inqulio on the
piumUcs. WS
FOR 11KNT l-'our rooms nt IKIXl loujlii.s ) st.
{ U pur month. ' VJA
IIKNT l arlor and bed loom ortluee
rooms fur liulit homx-kei-plm' In pits ate
Inmlly. 1111 talltornlu stioet. Call Irom a a.
in. to 4 p. m. 4Ul-X'l"
FOIt UKNT-Fuinlshcd fiont room , TON. .
- *
17lh 4S1--J1
I71OH KKNT LurKefiiinlsneil loom , liniuliu
JL N. Vf. eor. Ifcth and I'limam. Is.1- !
KKNT Two fiiinlshnd rooms for Ik-lit
houaelieeplngUuemcr lllocli , cor Klgluh
nud Howard. i'.i
fjlOlt HUNT Handsomely Imiihhcd frontal-
JJ eov loom , southern c\po ii ; alno larjfu
slnglo ronin for jrentlemen onlj , with or without
board. 1718 Doilne. "M
FOIt KKNT Nicely liirnlslad Irout room ,
s. w. cor. 1'Jtli and St. Mao a a\ . 4tj
FOIt ItKNT Too. , irluOUiet | ,
a pleasant furnWiu-l trout room with lire ,
tloset and use ol bath loom , Sl'th ' and St Marys
nuenue , Ml S.'Uth. . 415
T71OK HUNT Furnished rooms , a J DOIRO. |
TmiTKNISIIEU loom with boai-d , 1117 Howard.
J : < u-ai *
? OK KKNT rurnUhod looms , f l S 18th bt.
OKKIJNT-A larco front loom furnlMied
w Ith lire. Kmiuhe at 101i < Hurt St. liM
IM' : Wlti boiud , iilc.-l
1J looms w Ith jra * and bath , - . " > Dodge at.
FOU KKNT With boaid , larjjo 1 1 out room ,
trasand bath , HiW.loiioul.o ( able board.
_ _ : _ Uffl _
FOK KKNT A nicely tnriiHhed fiont room ,
for 0110 or two t > entlcmcn. lllUCapitol a\u.
_ lbJ ! _
f TDK KUNT-ruriilihcd loom , lam .lnek-on.
P OIt KKNT n rooms and basement , cor lutli
and Soulh mo : tlOptr month. MiX'uuuo llros.
npposlle postolllci ' , , ; 7
Ij'OK KKNTFiirnUhed looms , with or with-
I-1 out board 17UI ( "apllol nve. ( IH
iriOlt HENT-To jreiitleman only , nicely fm
* nltlied trout ruuiu at S I ! I'oincr 4)1 1 1 nnd
Dou lns bib. UJ-J
Foil KlCNr builoof ollico loom ; ) , llushman's
block , N. K.eor. lutli mid Douglas. Iminlri )
ill Kd" llowatd btrcet. TV )
F ( It HUNT-SiMnir-g ir"hi ) brick "ii'iilldlnjr on
Howard et. , bet null and 17th , No 1016' and
017. Iminlru at driiK Hloru cor. IGth st. Vty
FOK ItKNT A nice , pleasant room , furnish-
LI ! or unfurnlsoa. Jtmuiru at 161J Leaven *
I71OK ItKNT Kooms wih ( hoard , desirable for
1 summer. Appl ) at St. CI ailes llotol. Ml
LV lt KALK-lly A. MUiiuock , 1W.I l-'nrmin s
Ilnom7 , Kidick IllotV.
fl room hoiisii. lot ril'SxU..Parouport ' St. ' bet.
.Mil nud Sltli. ? 'Jm
: i-ioom IIUUBO , lot 15illO 1'aclflo bt. , ncarSCtli ,
Ujiood houses , rent for S'ti prr month , lot Wt
II , South nth , near Lcai cnworth , itMti.
b-ioom house , ovuy eoniimlt-nco , lot CO.xlCO ,
'opplulon ave. , nt-tii-.Tilli , tJ.tiOO.
7-i oum IIOUKI , Kood barn and nvory modern
iimvcnlencu , lot : .1)\1W ) , ( it ortrla nc , . $ 1KiO.
New b-foom liousu , lot IWJ.vl S , Voppktou live. ,
icajrW : , l i i. <
New 5-ioom house , city water , cistern , lot bOx
IH. Klf uiiwlh tu-iir Center , SJ. .
UuiHl larjw house , lot COtlC-i , on Plerco it. ,
linrSkl. 1M.OIX1.
( ltd nere- . Improved studies ? m in Savpy conn-
? . Aunnram. . " "
a acres with houfo and other improujiu'iils ,
Veei Omaha ,
Nicely lorn ted lot on Virginia ave , , ncnrPoiv '
'iDiou.COxlJO. ' Jl.lliO.
IAJIS in lluuucoin Place. Ctodlt Konolri--
ujiuit/c's ' 'd. Kountzo & HiithV. liowery Hill ,
ftrk Place , Hodick's. Shlllli M. Dnltfht & l.y ,
nun's. Kirnuod , t'ltunviuvr additions.
M 7 A.MCQAVOCK , ijOLiFarnnm.
[ jlOK SAI.IJ Hotif o and popd lmriirconinr lot
L In thickly ettlled luiljfliboiliooil neur bcliool.
'inu oponlny lor physician. Terms for nnu
i cck f.M down lialuiice In monthly Installment ! *
llnllon Uro * . , 1117 b , Uth HI.
, lots , Unda-Uoiub , UUnrld
Bopp. '
opp. prfi Ou ni
Pull lot , 1 'th. near ( lark , with two lioii i
rents for Rood liili-iiMt on the itiicstmn
K.r 0.
Cottn'to ' of fno rooia , f"M 'ot ' , In t'ro pr
Plafe , m > iiinifvtHFnti . $ i-0j ; cash $ Ji , In
an % e In montli'y ' titfj mwit- " .
( litrtd llvr- mom 10 * trtVenml hhlf lol tihlfhtoi
fmni S' , . .
Coiner lot Innln 'Hill with loin room < <
o , well and oil ci m m > vomen' , ft.itw ; ont -
t Inoeoincr lot , 7"iiira feet , In linprnvemei
A * > 4oclntliiii mid Htnlt. rt'Jth nooil thiie-ttiomi
hmmoniul bH'O neut. J.VI.
ljul W TiO with ( ri'oottnsfo ! and other Ir
pttnement" , In thol-n. 4 nttt pail of llioet
.7i < i. lln propnrll tAf a 1 ome , nnd a bat'id :
fK 2i ) iMCflir , Opp. To iwfllio
Aii-l ; hniise w th capacity ol "iv
I1 ton . s.tupli'l . ' nn HUP of I ) . , v M.iiiul I * '
trr.rks K > Hi of btliUo. Apply to John A. M
S lanc.t'mnha. ul Ji !
-I71OU SAMl-lOlIni * ncur llelt line fltA \
JL ri" " > fitdown nnd nitmthlv .imenls , vi-t
eai ) terms. In y now.
Some \ery ( ImlcuInN In el t | iorttnn ( if tli
elty both tor re-Idciue nml l-n lne. s Inratl'm
.1. W. Mat shall. IMKI I'ninam M. r.ll-Jl
OUSl'AT otsTixmta-lIf mis" ijThnnd ntmpli
6M-nj-nui.'u |
OKKKVwiMUi-lit.juitirul acre an J half nci
1QK tlno Ideal Ion. ; p } in lie" from l' . ( I. , emit
few1 mo minis vi nl k fnnii llaiiieom I'ark. Acu
flOtl > Hall acres tiM , M percent easli , liiihnu1
monthly mi.v 11101119 , 0. II , Mnyne , S. W. eor 1.11
and I'm num. 4711
Foil SALK 10lots , block In lloyd s nddltlot
lor tiTiii lti < iulip of A I' . Nicholas. 4il
T-TOUSKS , lots , lands -llemls , 13th and Ooiiirln
" roll KATi :
Aeies HlmchatiKh'g addition fp > 00.
4 101 nor lots Klikwood $ > i > .
CoN PmtcrHin I'lare $ > .U.
I < ! < HlmebattK'i ' , v I'atlct-on's subdlv $1X (
Lois 1'n cr-on ss.iihdivt lnii $ JIKI.
To Hcnl I Hun cottnxes fl" > per mo.
4ftp"l It. U. I'vrtutM ) * , ith : ! and rarnam.
T7101 M\I.I : TWO lots tmntlmr llanscon
1 ; Prtlk. A. P. I'tikey. l.tlt Knrmim t. ; K1
FdK SALi : Knll hits on Hint street , snutl
runtmo ( bluet , from street cars tW , $10
down , balance imini lily payments. CunnliiKhaii
tV Ilionnan , Ifill Dodue. 4'JT-VJ
Q VI NI > Kl si itie-ct always olfers srood Invent
v ' moiils. MiC ijruc , opp. pestodlce , ollcr. < fol
lowlm ; luunliiN in lot -nii.niil ( iloar niimlei- "
Cornel lot. block fvnm c r line , $1T > n ; jot nex
to llils , HI Itet front mi Pauudcr * , sl,0' > o.
Lots In I'laltivicw , tiotulujr on Saumlcr.s , at i
Half aero' half Mock we t of Paiiudeis. clc
Rant site lor n resditesll."OI. | |
Lot In Shi m's adillMin , ? 00.
l/it m I'nikur'9 iiildltion , ttn. ea t front ; cornet
netIOH In 'a no addition , $ IOM ) .
L < t < In Walnut lllll.sino , easy pavmeuts.
/cm lot near l.e.ivenwoith , f i.iwi.
lots in llaii-coni l'lnc < al abaitaiii.
l > > iraiillot Iu Smith h addition.on "Dth.noai
Cl..rk. Jli'OO.
Twotrood lots In Yates * Heed's MibdliMlon
ei'st fiinit ; one n corner , $ MK ) .
Ten olejrnnt u.-t fi ont lots In Kllby I'laco at i
KM 1(0' front on I'm ! : avenue , flijnml icsi
dcnco Mtu , i lriOO. iiS'l ' l
FOItSVLK Lotsisimldlll- Knhn's s-ub
division , c.i t ot Itch Llile , on mnnttily pay
meiits. ( ii-iiham , Cii-ighton lllock. fkli
TjlOU SAL11 Tim llm-ht suburban riHldcnci
Jpiopcity Is Walnut Mill. Without a dimhl
tills pi opcily has better prospects lor immediate
: idviim-e limn any other addition ( he name di- , .
tance out. With street ear line now belnjr tmllr ,
Itelt line irvadeil tluotitrh , and a depot loealed In
the ccnli r of the property , ne.irly UW tlno hinld-
mps creeled duilnjr the pail t-innmer , makiv
Walnut Hill the imi t desirable ie-ldencc pion
erty hi the market , to-liny. Call and t.ikc a ride
with us , nnd see Inr yourselves. Prices ami
terms \ory rra omilile. . C. E. M.iync , southwest
corner ntteemh nnd rarnam. M.-itJU'l-JU
FOK SAT.r-lljrpniiui iu thirty lot In Hpauld-
itig , V ICuhn'h Mlbdiylsion , nn Dodx-e ftrrel ,
east ot licit Mir | railroad , J1JO to V ( " > , on
mimthly payments , W. T. ( Jraham , Crolirhtiiti
lllock. 771
FOK s i Li ; Lots In Hmisemn Place , $ ' ) to
t'.K ' > l. Grahani Oio fhton block. iU
FOKSAM : Cho.ip to'son mnnthlypaynipuu ,
on Uodico street. Ohdmm. Croljshtoii block.
"fj OH SALK The llAo't Riilinrlian residence
JL1 property U Walnut Hill. Without u doubt
thin property ImtbeUm ; prospects lor Immediate
iiilxmicotlmiinny other addition the ills-
tniKu out. With Mrrut car'llim now bnltiK' built ,
llelt Him Kruded throu li , and u depot located In
Ihe center of the property , nearly lee tlno build-
liiirs ercctfil durlnjc the pa-t summer , makes
Wultint Hill the mo'-tdesir llo residence piop-
uity in Hie market In day. Call and lakoa udo
with us , and see lor yourselves , ,1'tfeos nnd
loims very rciiHouablo. C. 13. Miijuo. Fouthwcst
coiner rutccnth and rarnam. C4."itri4l !
POK SAtn-Lots jr. , in , 17 and 13 In Iinirnik
aild. This tuiet wus selectetl 3 IMIIS ajto and
, onu of the fliiost places for icsldtnce pmpos-
liuo-tiffnio uml make o.lcr.
Lou 1. " nnd J In Lake's add , cor. 17th and Lake
ilreois , with now tl mom house , well , lencod ,
utc. f j.fiju at ea y terms.
Lol rl\llij , w. eor Castellar and lath streets
n-ltli r > ixioni e\tia oed luillt lioiibo , I nun , cur-
lia u house , jfralnciy , lur o clatorn , picket
fence , ete. 1 ,7110. Do not fall to Inve-tfRiito
5 and In aciolota near Mllltiry load. Small
: asli imymentsan 1 very ensj tcmiH.
Choice lois In Win A. Uodiok hadd near Far-
namand leaivnwoith , liom fjOJ to fi > UO.
1 acie lot with binull new house , well , Mublo ,
? tc. , hi HuioKlliie udd. $700 only.
$ .i.UOO will buy lut 7. block 4 , S. tilth street ,
Kount/e'sau add , near Williams bt. , with a story
lows tore bulldimr.
Lot 'flxliwwlth hou-o ISxlO , PJeieeat , but.SOtlt
mil " ( at. VV , ' WKay touiH.
iM ( noru farm hUhly Improved , only 5 miles
llroct wo-l from city. 5n per iioro onlv. '
rt'oith Invostiifutliiir. Pnubou i Co. , No. li'LJ
I'armun st. 3jl-0
POK SAMJ-llyJ. E. Itiloy It OI..S15S. Will
ICO teet on Fnrnam , near court houso.
1'ull lot.UlvWI. Lower 1'nnmni , $ | lXJJ. )
rnlllot , fiUxlM , UpMr I'uimun , detlmblo tor
csldeuce. H.flvXI.
S full lots , on trnidrt , south front , corner , on
15 < lleelon Pai leave. , cast fiotit , tunning back
o struut. J < 4ril ) .
1'ull lot In llaiiscom Place , nn Cathciln st. ,
Jaet trout , fLI/.1. ) .
Hull lot , limiting on llan"eom Purl ; , il.'JiO
7 lots on GeorKia iuo. , SSK ) to $1,500.
( ilmsim SiiiindersMrcot , I lilock Irom green
Mirlinu , norlli. ca-t limit , f''i'l ' i-iich.
10 lots , 5 blocks liom urct'ii eai line , Stfft each ;
'ii-j payments.
lUlotKon 17th and IBth blioots , near Hascnll's
'ink , f7CiU each ; eu > y paymentx.
y tulUoincr lot * , ono block trom rod car line
mil Kins t-lrt-et ictiool house , $1UV ) oa'-h. liar-
1'ull inrnvr lots J blocks fiom red car line ,
Civii.uolii . cany I'liyiuunti.
I'ldl IOIH , iiiii/eiimniodloiiA 1-room liouso.cH-
inn , outliou p § and lences , south liont , it
iluel , * viOhtot PaiKavo , , Jl'iUO ; cheap.
( burner lot , tl/ixllt. / , with nlloy , onu block Irom
t. Jlary'H nve. , JI.WW. This Isery cheap.
Houoand ! < > t , last trout , I7lh and Center
W. J. 13. Hlloy \ Co. . ' 'If. S. ] .lth St. WJ
7iOlts tKrmo ciilliivo. 7 rooms with all
[ 1 modern c.onvtiili-nces , bain , lot MKIIK Ic-i-t
nl'mmmist wul olItli , $ SU'W ' , Wll.Ciecn ,
: tthmid I'nniiuii _ _ 11,7 ,
[ 71OK S.VLK-oiOscrosof good land In Howard
L1 county , this stain. It soM soon will make
lilia baiKiiln lor either iiixestnient or Inniilnjr
urposes. Addrisi , fieo. N. Hkks , I' . O llu.v
iimilin. . . . , . : J77-J1
71OK SAI.KUarj'aljis In lots on Uodxo street ,
. } . | iK ) lo tlM ) , ' im'monthly payments. ( Ira-
am , CH-lf.-hion'11'orKl > Uj
; 7 > ( ) ll hAI.K Conitr oikyaundora st : Iniili
-1 lol , IMxliO ; si JX lii'-'O * . I'oiter \ Cobb.
.1 T _ _ , M 4M.-j <
, lotL.hinlloiaU.lSth and D
HniihcoTii T'lacu , tu t
; euty terms , liiuhnio ,
ItOK SAI.K-lly Potter H
-1 ClioK-o nUnU'Wl ' lot , M i cot front by 137
> et deep crrud sdVufr.'fl iijUO. ,
i'tno nerb in N' > illl diiiulia , fi'M ,
Two ucui lots til li'.ttl'i add , cuch tl.'W ,
H ncio In PaiU'HaLO.ilmrjrnlnl ' , JI.'WJ.
ii lot and t inliCi xm lioiibO near Hh/h Bulmol ,
ixits In Polior's' ddlilmi.nt corner Purmnu
ml Lowe nveuuu , f 4W to frJli.
Vcyy line propoityevuthu estof city. In f > acre ,
kicrii , i > r' i-acie ) tiiicts , cheap , per aeiu nt f 173.
H Ill-Mo ndditiom , cheap , f iJoft to f U'W.
Tivo 1014 , lluiiicum I'Jai.e.eiR-ti r ; > > . .
SiS , Porrun & Conn.
TIOK.SAI.i : | lqu > o mid one of thu litet cor-
- iii8 In thoellf liii n plisleiaii , cheap.
llootti nnd full lo on Saiiii Jeis stJOJO. ; .
Thiibouthcaat corul'rlCth ' and CiUU'oua | | , atti
irtialn. ,
Lot und twohoupct contra ) , f , .MW
Lot nud new liuilbQ wltilln mil I a uillu of
iurt ho txi JiOJ.
HOIIM- al lot In Hhlnn's udd , Jl.liV ) .
IliniMi on le.ued j/round.
tkj-i5 ; U u.i.oir Duo ? , , U17 S. 13th ht.
flOK SALK Two Noiv cottuKcs Q moms ,
J ( ivery lomeiilunct' . Two lots i\ih ( each eot-
ire flN .i , f.vicuiili mul $ w pur monih. itlva
cattun two in ! ' liom P. ( j. C.-U--inriic. .S.
' .cor , lilh m d rmm.u. . i" ' > M
ro--r , ioi.J , lauJsIkmU , Ltu mul
X i't
FOKr.n On mil'mr t cornt-i Ppi > plt-t
and Oeonrla nvcs. , ivin fro n Park aie ci
eomploio , new , imidem dw'rl IIRJ bnth , urnt
mnntcK eemf ntcd eellnr , ete : east nndm > i
( i\po ure ; eplemlldly built : A I linmi > : pn <
t- . ( ' AMF * . ir ' 7 I'm nn in
/ - iiOK s.vl.K-MdtiKu ltoK omy lot *
-I' ii iiimuu walk from Hnnscom Piiii. , at $ .
) ; Hi per cent down
1W Avr.s , t ( i7Pninim
I iK ' SAI.C-Acre lots In t'oto llrllllnnte
II Hjilo Pink atiiao to fl.Vl per Int : eastern
* AM . , lift I'm nnin
_ _
1 0it < tvi.i-iiironror : : > cleunnt lots toi .i
I In llnremloii at JilSd per Int. fcheols , tori
chlirt ln-9 , cai-s clo e at hand ,
U"1 " AMT , 1M7 Putnam ,
1/MMl 'vLK-MelOV. I1HI lotsII ln ( and
1 pi > oi | ImyeM. MrltiKe Hill lots at law in f )
| n > r Int. AIIIIM , IftrjTiiriiAin. U7
IfOU ! , { - < tt In Pratt's ! iilnll\l io
J- ' Kliailt aero I. IB ut $ ) , Vij
* ( ! ! A'tix. IV)7 Karnam.
171 lt It , Lenienworth Ttrinc
-L ( nt 1/oavctiwoKHst. , nt JIVi men. on mom
tj pajmonts. AMIS : , 1V1T I'm mini ,
< Al.i- : < : | ili > ndl < iVat > i lot. Title * su
divlJlori , nt $ ! , ' ) M. AMt.s , I j i7 I'rti nnm.
4 : . I
T7UK SAc-Mcroso " lots
J1 mlmtliis' walk fiom llanstom Pnik , at K !
to Jltnlj 1 per cent down.
4i AMEU , 1007 PnriiRtn.
I1 f.V ) Ho $ ) . on rny pnymontc , Plamvlew
level croiiod , splendid location
rvi AMKS , fiOT Tin nnln.
llilnlilot.Ppund !
li cation ; iHiailtllnlrn. \ . llrUrhlnn lots
li.O ) per lot. You will like K when \ otlee It
4 > 7 AMr.9 , 1.107 IMi nnm.
7.'OK SALK-Melto e Hill lols , otilr ' lot *
I1 minutes'walk from Hnnscom Park' , tit $ ' , '
to fliiX ; to per lent down
< Cd AMI'.S , I jnr rnrnnin.
TpDIt SAI.K New pert , nrwe tiioir-3t.oliea |
JL' est uctolots for the money. Newport wi
iilca eyoi an account ot neatness , beauty (
location , pncu mid ternn nf pavmem. Com
nnd sco it. AMK15.17 . I'mmim.
171 OK HAM : Cheapest lot on Park iu c. , W fei
JL1 lruatlorl,3U. . AMKS , iiri7 , l-'arnam.
Irifl ) ! Al.K-Iots on P'-erntan a\o , , near fin
1 rnmnds , at Jfl.DJU each.
4M Aw f , K.07 I'arimm.
7/1OK M.ll -2 gaud lotj left In Arlington !
-L1 l&Oi ) cnvli. AJIIW. I.VJ'i K-iiiiam.
17OK SAI.K t-'ni nnm t. , he-it location , IIIIR
lot , ( 'ood 7 loom hoii'O , barn , splendid ic *
ilence local Ion , will rniddly IIICVPII-O In vftlut
$ SKI i w ill boy Ihe plaeii ami under cciiaiu coi
ilitlons $ i,00i. Ame.s , tV)7 ) I'Hijiaiu. IlVl
ITIOKOAI.K-Melrnsu Hill lots , only lots I
Jt mmiitcs' witlk 1iom Ilnoscom Park , at ( . ' , "
to $ * ' ; 10 per cent down.
tw AMKJ , 1W7 I'arnam.
OK SAI.K-AerooM In Ililuhton. Splendii
F loiation ; tidiitltiil view Itrl litou lot a
5-'iO per lot. Vou will like it uhfsi vou see It.
407 AMKS , 1M7 I'lirnam.
FOiiSALK-l.oi on Vninnm st.enxi : , fo
SIO.UOJ. AMLS.I.W I'drimm.
s.\f.K Lot > In I.i-avenworth Terrace m
Lcavciwortlibt. , at Sl.'xieaeh. monthly pii >
mcnt ? . AMI.S , IfiUT rarnam.
41 ! , ;
7 < OKAI.K Lots in Onl : Chatham at Jif ! >
each , on easy teim . Itc-lt Line eeiitinlilv
pot loeited In Oak Chatham. Ono block ea t u
baunderiHt. AMU.S 150 ; F.miiiin.
FOK 'i.VMi Some excellent lots In rapid ) ;
Ktowintr iidditions ( hut toil can buy To ;
small cash payments , bal.-nice In .imsaudn
timi-i o thai you will nov r miss the mouev
and at tame time w-JII save it.
IIS AMES , PJ07 Tarnain.
SAI.K-Lots In Oiik OliKtham ut WX
I71IHI It , on o.isy ternia. Holt L no Cdiitraldc
pot lueatNl In U.ik Clmthum. One bloi-lc emtoi
Sauiuk-rs sU AME3 , 1507 Karitiim.
48- !
FOK SALK-Lota In Prntt'S subdivision
Elegant cru lots at SiljO.
4id AMKS , 1507 Tarnam.
SA I. K Lots In Lcavenwoi th Tcrrneo , 01
Leaveiiworth St. , nt SIVJ each , on monthly
pnjments , . AMI ; * , IM7 rarnam.
. ; Ixts In Oak Chutham ut KM
each , on easy terms , llult Line cunt ml de
nit located in Oak Chatham. One block cift ol
jauudorlst. AMES , 15J7 1'iirniini.
171OII SAI.K New rORidonco , corner , ill Hod1
1J ii.-k't * add. , on VliKiniil ave. , at fT.iKX ) .
451 A.MUS , 1507 rnrnam.
I TOUSKS , lots , farms , lands-UeniiB 15th and
SAI.K-I.ots In North Omaha. $70J to
FOH . ; cucy terms. ( Jruham , Croicliton
Illot-k. UJS
, OKSALK-Ixts 111 SimlillnK & Kulm' subdivision -
division , east ol llult Line , on monthly pay.
nciits. iJiiiluiiu , CiciKliton lilocli. 'JW
FOU SALB The flno-it suburban residcnco
property l Wnlnut Hill. Without H doubt
his piuperty luuibetteipii ; > AiCcti > foi-imiiicdlato
idvanie ( ban any other addition ( ho bamo ills-
anco out. With street ear line now liolnjc built ,
telt Him ji tided Ihroiitjh , mid n depot located In
hi ) center of the property , tieiuly lee tlno build-
UK * fleeted diniiiK : the past sinnmer , makes
Valniit Hill thu most deirable leMdcuctt piop-
! ity in the maiket tiKlay. Call mid take u rldu
I'Hli us and see lor yomsohcrt. Prices and
eimf , very rca-cimble. C. 13. Mayne , so
oiner l-'il ( < ontli and l-'ariiam.
SAI.K 't-Mory brick block 44-feot fiont
V by 1IM leu deep , louts lor 51,000 u jcar.
' .O.OJU. W. H.Creen , lutli and Fnrnam. 193
HOUSES , lots , lands lleiuls , I3th and Doujrliis
6i7no 'o
RKI.l. A MC'CANUI.ISH offer lot * In-
I'lalnvmw. jiuo.
Klikwood ,
, . .
Jlillard I'laco , 11,700.
MehhiH , ( ikjo.
llrookllne acres , K
HimubaiiKli ucroh.
Now poi t nci t-s ,
Viili-s , $150.
IlurrOak , JIKKI.
CobuinV , $ I.OilU
Miinu's , t-iiiO.
( ll i > ' 4 iieiu , $710.
Park Place act its. fi.'JM.
i-v 'l IU : i.i , if McU iMit.lSil , 1511 Dodjru st.
,1OK SA LK New COHUKO D rooms , acre lot on
Davenpoit at. , splendid vlow of whole eity.
lioiec jiiec'Mil pioporty , fibOO on very e.isy
. rms. ( . MIIJUO ; , S , W. eor. 15th and I'm mini ,
_ | 01 si > , lots , lumls-ltcmis , 15th nml Douglas
i . fil i-.Wlnor.'o
7 > OK SAI.K Thirty lots I'nsl of Hell Line on
1 monthly paymunts. Ur.iham , Creljlii < in
loc-k iru
OKSAI.K Hot CO ft froiitajju on Slim man
- a\onoith of Nicholas. Vm > ilesitubloioii-
[ ) : iutpiopeit > ; > - . ' . " 0.
l lot 1'id'tt limit on I'lh'St ninth ol NMioln
i-slruliln resilience piojicrly ; M.t'O.
Coiner lot on M nml Hurl t > tx. iWvl'l. . run
L-UM.'il ( Itheilor Im-ine-- r < ! iloneo pm-
ue' , but peculiarly adapted lei a timeimmt
' 01 , U ; fl.V < l. tjiipplied with water , > and
fieitaO tcwor.
1 nit on l.i-.ucn noith--i adjacent to Midway
iiol , , \1 , for warchoiiso ma POMS ; $ J,7V )
Nmolola oiibouth mill bl-lnoi IIODI ; J1.0J3
The most desirable lot In CamphcH' * addition ,
irucrof L'Oth mid ( 'enter st-s , 50x151 loci ; $ Vi ,
Oiiehoiisuol nlnoioimis , und lot , on south 'Jill- '
, . , .
lniiirpof | lll'illl MI.III I V.
Ill ) | IK'e 1 No.l50)lainam-si.dlloor ( ,
\Nl.VtiOlotsto Irodo for Improved property ,
J will assiuno iiiorlHHRfb or pay dllft-rom-o in
ish. Parties wishing ui trndo butter call at
tie. W. II. ( jrecn , over 1st Natlomtl Hunk , 174
neil SAI.K Cheapest line imdrto prnperly In
' the miulii't. residence lots In Hillside adj. ,
I > ! io3too. | | POlter , V Cobb. VM tl
nOKSALK A llrst clas and null paying
; bmddlmrlioiiso.cintrally Invalid ior purlieu -
, u . Aildrt.snCVX. llcpoihco. Wl )
, ols.latulsUuiutei K > th and
riOK SAI.K A Kl'lioral mcrchiiildlbU | IUDIIL-S | $
in a rapidly Krowlm ; ( own not 1mfiom Lln-
< ln. llct iriuti ) mid locution In town. A splca-
d opporlimity for u parly vl.liluif n * nod
idiilnjr , ami liavlnjr irinu sever. lotenthoii aitJ
dim ri In cash. Will sell | i > r rah utt ! > itir purl
> li , bnlnucit ruid gsltiU , cmtdia. Addiuss
lliiicerOHeo. / . f''l
JTOMB SIIKI : : : S , AWKNTioN'-ror mil i" r
1. tlculura nlxiut free and cheap landi In
inleiii Nebraska uddrnsj , Paliivi'l ' .v While ,
-ul Kitato Ajsent * , Noi th P uuu , .Nt'U. UjS :
TLo Fight In tto East Controlling t
Wheat OroVd on 'Change ,
I.ifjlit 1:100111(4 : ( < * i-pittp a Hotter Co
( lltlon In ( he lie Market
HoS1 * Droj > n THHptloino
and Kotclpn UCHUIIIO.
citHUdo ( ii\iv : MAKKKF.
CIIH Vf.ii , Nov. CO. ( .Special to the HIF. : ] Trndeis In wheat covcied thesllu
tlon thU imnnltn : li.v explaining Hint " \\ai
( leclaicd one niliiule and JHMCO nssuird II
next " Cables of this soil weie ntmut nil Hi
uhent had to nM on. Nfaturall.\ the mark
was hcav.x and heltaled about iimklinc mm
of n iiio\cnicnt In either d'ucclion. In n vfei viaj tin * tendency wa-ulownwatd. lltoiiq
ratlin lllxiinl sales \\cre inado liy "llnteli
nnd line biokeis , who usually net tor 1)1 )
housi's. The oppnlntr , It will bo oh ervei
uas Jic on" . 'I'hH was mainly on free i
relptshme , although theimvas a Ik'ht ihnv
lust at primary ( mints. That thu honm eio\v
nro not so despeinlcly InillMi us they hnv
lately been wilttcn down Is seen in the tni
thai tlmy tool ; little. or no luliiintaec of tli
lexerauuorreied lij lliniei cables and 'J point
lower on consuls. New \\hunt ndvaneed ' 3
ovei theopcniiii : llanos , hut \eiy ooii fe
back to a pnlnt ' 8o undi'l the 'plaen ftoi
which its tatteil , nnd forou'i nn hour lluett
: ited between MMje nnd Mt" < e lor Dcccmbei
Inwards Uia..itotu : Dccendic'r aihatired t
Mijte on btieniti ; ) ( 'atheud lumi ( lie l.ict tha
earlier coiiM'l ' ipiolatlons weie fnlie.V.i
cables also. e.iine In , but were sin
jilcmented by u'porls ol an iiriuistfei
I ho matkei towanl 1 o'clock H.I
si little unsettled. The chw was ntilet a
( ) iiotatlon.s As I" theean' lowaid the latte
iiait ol CM r. . week , the etuwd bciati to taekl
the vMhle supply pioblem , hut ni.ule little o
nn lieaihv.iy with It. In this cohnectlni
lliero WH > ovpiessed-a ijootl of MtMar
tlon that lieieil'ter U'alkci , of Xew Voik
K'Cianee11I include in his lepoits tin
Mock * til Minneapolis and oilier lame point-
ol ai-euiiiulaliii | * in Ihe nnithwesl. This \ \ II
put Chicago and the New York on piaetlcallj
Ihe saniii basis and imiinvv the probabilities
ol aiij wide varlniice in tno two lepoits
CoKN-Tlie. corn ciowd weie. not MI hart
pressed fin Miniethiiu In "woils" the iuul.ol
on that Ihej tuok anv undue ad\uitaire ol
Ihi ! eon i panto in C'ipenliaien , as theli
luotheis in wheat would pioh.ihly have dom
liad tlie turcljru disturbance bivn'in anva \
sii-ccptihle ot tli ivmotest eonnecljon will
wlie.n. The 11111:50 of piiees \ \ iIUMOU , be
Inn within ' . < rfVl.'einulo deliveries weu
faorltes. . The clo-o \ \ as steady.
l'lt ! > \ iMi.Ns l'mch.c < eis of "poll : tool ; , i
lest , and In coiiM'iiueiii'e Ilia lendeiicv ol ( lit
niaiKet waiilownwjiid. .simij- , \\eie Hindi
lesnnineioiH limn \est < nl.ij uiul the in ir-
kct missed them , Fiiil -.iles.'whlcli in poll ;
weioTV lower th.injeituid.iyere at top
pi lees lor the da > . Local opcratois took
sum I lot-- and \uiuld have been pit seller *
liad there been many bnycis In attendance ,
Tlic eloie uas also -teady.
o , \ov.2J. iSpeelal to the UIK.- : |
r.\Tn.K The leceipls werohaidlj up to the
wantiol Imyeisiiinl thcic was a slfclit op-
tuin In piiccs , iiKikinn an advance ol l > " -ic )
since Wednesday on tin ; oidinaij' inn ot Inl
nathus , tankers and Tuxans Lnto jester
dn > n piime load ot nathe steers a\L'raj'ini ;
WOT lbi. . old lor u..7. " . , and that is the highest
) > rke paid ftini'utho liiit week in this month.
Tlieieeie no hi h piiced tattle on sale , but
fat and finished , natives may bo quutuil at
preient tit tiom S.V.VK",1) ; , yet thuic ar
plenty of good bteers selling between * \M \
and ii..W. ' and good bntcheiini ; stuuis at liom
S .M@Vil. ) Tlio be-t fat native
cow.s me in fair demand and
aie now m.iklug lair prices. Com non cows
aiejulbfllini ; ut low pi ices. Texans and
ranueis fccaice. Klorkeralid leeder tiade is
moviiiK aloni ; abuut us horetutoic. Sliipi > lnir
stueis. uw ) to irxxi ! ! ) , , st.-r.t./.j.TO . ; law to
i.'fio Ibs. ; t o to wou ibs , si.'X : '
l.fiO. Throucli Texas cattle , steady : ! LV ) to
toriOIbs.sii.ixXiiA'iOto'JOOlb : - , > -i.NVi.'j : ;
0(10 ( to 7CO lb > . , iiriOtf LOO.Vestern eis ,
.steady ; natives and lialfbieeds , , -i.bUc'M.i,0 : , ;
cowt , , ! 5'i.lini.2' ) : . ; wintered Te.xans , e : ! . ! ) ! * *
:3.7.j. : S.ile.M Montana steers , 4 ( > ft Ibs , s : ! . ' . ' " ! .
Iloos 'I'hi-j Inaiket opened weak \\iih
some a" > , ( HR ( to ? 0VX , ( ) on sale , and liiit sale- .
weie luound about the sum ; as at the eliiM )
last ui 'lit. Tliun later on , and ei i > ei'ially it-
ter theupeulni of the down town maikeLs ,
theiewasa'i..i > of S&DlOe , and slow tiadeat
. ? : . ' . . . and
that. The ho. { pricn to-day was >
this was paid tor ne\eiallot at the opening ;
an hour latin , utter the drop In noik had
been announced , the same could h.ite been
bought at SH.WJ to W.W5. Toward noon , how-
liver , as the wind pulled aiound toward.s the
uoith , and there was a .show for colder
weatlicr , the demand imiuoied , but in Ices ie-
iimineil at about tbo deeline of tlm eailv
liiuu.s ot the day. Ordinal ) inn of lucking
> oitsi.olil between Sif.'OytU.W ) , wltli eommon
it Jjii.OOto.i.O'l. I'.ickin and shlnjiin ; ; , '
too Jbs , S .703t.o.j. J.ight weight ,
Now York , Xov. 'JO. MONEY On call ,
? asat ' . ' ( ( c.i percent.
I'utME MKKOAMII.I : 1'Aruu Oi63J { per
: cnt.
I'or.inn.v KXCIIANOIC Bu.i.s Quiet at
M.&JH ; demand , S4.S4tf. ;
< ! i > vr.isii.Ms Dull hut steady.
S'locKi Ititllway bomU weie even mo : o
ii'tlve to-daj tli , in at any tinii ) ilmlii lhe
ireient iietlxu sieculatlon | , total sales to-day
iKKit'Katiiu if7-'U,000. There was veiy
iea\y tiailinK in Klie second consols , At
untlu A : I'neillc Ineomei , KaTeiineiiee
uid Kansas it Te.\as Isiiies. Tlie list ten-
Tally show * fiactloiial adtancei. Them
\asa llnther lieaxy ad\ance In Indianapolis.
tliiominxtoii tV : Weitein lusts , which closed
\illi u t.iln ot : i pet eent at'.H ) , and eastcin
Ihisluii ii\ei , which aio 1 per cent at 1M.
I'he Ineoimiipihied'J jiei cent at M5. A low
loiid.s ant lower. Tlieie was a halt in Ihn up-
vanl moM-ment ol niiic.i In f-totk.s , and at
lines llttlo lest activity. Total lepuiled
ales howinei. me still \t'i > laice , iimount-
n'J7 liiue > against bUO.OOO yeiteidav.
U the opening , followiiiK n decided advai c >
n London , oiiotntionb weiu K neially ' lo
j percent liiKhei than laevening' ! , with ex-
itptloiiitl u'ldiLs lor f'i eater amounts. Dining
IIH lemaindei of Iho il.iy the mo\ement was
Iteinately nptimldown witliln a moileiato
til i ir ( ! , f'lo-fii | u Icei fin mo-it ol tluiuctho
st aio liom U' to J ( ix'r cunt lower than last
xinliiK , willi declineol OUT 1
ei eent. The'-htiect' Is a KUIM ! deal uosti-
i-d as In Hit ! exact lehdlulH that e.vlnt al
lebctit lielween tlie ti link line ollieials ,
siofKrtoK WALL sriicni' .
Wront Imiids. . . W. > i ( J. itjV W in ? , '
I , b.-i > i's . . . il.y. piefeued. . . > : ! ' /
; IN I'iiSjN , V. C 10- < ! <
'iieilieii'r.01 "JV l 'n OiuL'on Tian. . . M'- ' {
enttal'llu. ' . 17 il'aeilieMall M"
i. , Vi A IS1 * II' . , D. tK ' -1
m elm ltd. . . . INI 'IM'.C ITi
. , O.\si \ IK7U < Itock Island . . . 1'J'J
. . L. 4\c\V 1''J'H.St. L. its. I' . . . . ; ii
. & | { , (1 ( Iri'jiiieleried. ' . , . 4'J '
lie Sii-j C. , M. .t St. I' . .
pu-ferrnl . . .W.JI procried. ! .
, ! , , i _ , , , , .1 1N ! St. V. X-tt
It. , VV ' > , pielermi. . . 101 !
an iti < ; Tii . Mi 'l'exah I'aenio. . . i-M' '
al.oSlme : . . . . 6.s I'nlon Paeiim. . . fll' ' '
. , t.Sf ii\V. ' \ , S | . L. ifel . . 1:1K" :
llch. Cential. . . . - "
In. I'.seine
ottlietn I'an. . .
I'uonuci : .
C'liliiAun , Nov. iO. ! Klour Quiet ( and nil-
milled ; boll fciiilii - ; ! .70fiCLCO ; Minnes ou
iker > , # .i.-Vi' . I..W ; p.xlentsSI.7.V. . , .7J ; Wis-
inslii ; U/.vr < , LS5 ; .Miehltjau , P .W > ijil.W .
\Vhcab-jiiift ( ; bpuinulV't' ' o lower , llnctti
C'ttnijS..tami < hieady : linn for ilarc
H.rrorifeleireil flltnie.s , elosillK' 'fcM'ic ' ' lo
; 14 } , e lore.isliiJWo for November ; 43' '
t'J e/for Upceniher and the jcai ; iW O
RnrltwQnlet atrtTS'e
Tjjnothy ICasier and Krolc loncrj
Klax c l-niill ; Xo l , jJIU'f
Pork Arllxo : Irrecnlai ultliln .1 sinill
laiiite : ( Iwllned UVW , ( ' . lallled KK' WHC' .
and rlosed yt adv ; S'J.tiS'iOio lor rash , mul
NoM'inlM'i ; Sii.UVfli.07' ' * lor DISTIII ( i ; 510.05
( tf U .07it ; for .lanuiiri ; jlO.KSctuAM fol 1 ebon -
l.anl Modcrnlrly nut Ire and on lcr : d < v
rllned 7'j ' < alOe. i.i'llisl 'J1 ( < i .e , and rlo'id
stonily ! fiii.'O fet cish and N'ovemher ; . .
IU"JS for DiVeinh r ; J--1 ilMO. 'J' ' , lor Jaiiun *
ly ; WTfrirt.-MHii' ( Kelunat.v.
Hulk MeatsShoulders. . $ . .i.MKrfnk.shmt
clear. sv.'iXffVi's short tll -4.SV4 ni.
U'hlsky-N'oinln.ill ) ntM.I.V
Hiittet ( Julel and stem ! ) ; uood to f.uiry
fre.imerj , iNrfr-e ; KOOI ! to eholco eierttneiy ,
'CheeseTali Irnihm.ul .ste.ttty ; eholee full
ereiini ehedd.irs , tHjMiO , ; Hats. lO flO c ;
\ouni ; Amurle.H. Utf liUe ) ; slsiuis , 7iifx'
Kcus-Kavlei at IO.C.M , . .
1 1 IdesSlrndj and nnehniiued ; hea\ green
' .ailed , ftlllj ettredi'ie ' - ILlil. s' ( , ; ' ; i | , m-
aued. fi' e ; Imll hides , ii'e | ; du i.ilted , IUC
I allow Meady and uiicn.uued No. t
country ,
_ . . . Shipments
Flnui.hhts . IHOM ll > 000
Wheat , tut . 'ii.ivx ) U.ODO
Cm n. bit . l.r , ooj 0
Oals , bit . 1KiiK ) )
K\e.mi . IIIHU H.IXX )
Hailrv. bn . 47.1KK 2S.OOO
Haitian OUjNov. . ! -\ Lower ;
ra h , 7-Ji c bid. 7l ! > , c asked ; December , 7-to
bid , 74 Ve a ked ; May ,
Corn Lower ; easn , ifne ; .Initnaiy , > c
lihl.SNMiskcds May , iRVWe Hid , liO'y ' ! usked.
OatsN'omliiiil ' ! bid ' ked.
- ; 'Je : , 'ile a .
Hi. ijonlM , -'o-U' nml
lowet , elii. int , ' f't o Iwlow jesk'td.ij ; PV.'o
eash ; ir.ijc November ; Wc l ei-embcr ;
V Mnv.
Corn Weak , and -Vc lower ;
cash ; : t7fr > .Vovontber ; : I44 .lannarv.
Oats -Lower ; ! Me cash ; * un c May.
lljeinlet ( at.ViVtfe.
Vork lleldnt i.Mi lor old.
Lnrd-CJiilet al JfU'J1 * .
AKIKHOOOS ItiiAitn Wheat- Dull mul
about steady Ciirn-Jjtc.idy. Oats-No
sales ,
Now York , Nov. 'JO. Wheat lleeolpH ,
U > ,000 ; exports , none ; spot lots ( < ? s.e lonr
imp dull ; options opeiudeak and -Wtu
lower , later teeoveied most of the decline ,
elo-litK stead Vat ijC'Hc mnlur best pi Ices :
untiiRdedred , hii ( ) .ir e : NO..U led , i i'je ' In
elevator ; D.-eemlier eloslnirat 9 c ,
Coin-Cash ' 4We , and options = ( fr < i-/fi / ?
lower , eloslinc slenilyj loeelpts 1'JI.OJO ; ex-
noits , . .l.KX ( ) : uiiRraded , IVT C ; No.ilt' : (
47Kc spot ; No.J , .M' ' c In elevator , fi4o
alloat ; Ueconber closlni' atM'ie. .
Oats-'i ' ( fl'je ' lower and d'lll ' ; receipts , ! M- ,
000 ; expmts , mis ; ml\ed westetn , : iXitii : ) > ;
whit- western , ; irt < Mle.
I'etroloum Steady ; united closed at
Sl.oi ( , ; teiined , Sl.os'j.
Kvus-Stntimirninl demind fail ; receipti ,
: ) , ( Kii packages ; \\etlein , y'taiie.
I'otli l-'irm and veiy quiet : mess minted
at 'SIO.OO lor nniii.speeted ; ? lU. * > n4t0.5U tor
Lard r-C"1 jiolnts lower : mntiact ciade ,
.spot , ituiied | nt 3f > . - " > 0 ; Di comber ,
( > " ) ! . ,
iUitter Quiet and unchanged.
Cliee-.e Steady and itiictwc.stem | ; Hat , 8JJ
Tulrilo , Xov. 20.--Wheat-Closed dull
and easy ; ca'hnnil N'i\emlicilJ)1te.
Corn- Quiet ; No. 2 cash , -too.
O.ils Ste.ulj ; Xo. 'J cash , tKitf.
Milwaukee , N'ov. 'JO. Wheat Strouc ;
cash. Mi'c. ' December , 8' > X < r 5fay , 9t5 Jc ,
Corn-SteadvXo2 : , PJc.
Oats-Dull ; 'Xo.'J.-J c.
liye-Dnll ; Xo. 1 , rti'jc. '
Ha i ley-Dull ; No. 3 , 5lc.
Provision ! , Kasier ; mess pork , cash ,
old * -n.ii ) ; new , -rlo.Oj.
Clnclniiitti , Xov. CO. Wheat .Stiong ;
N'o. a ud'J" : > > iiU7e.
Coin I'liui ; Xo. 2 mixed , 47c.
o.ils Stninir : Xo. a mixed , : ; 0e.
Kyo-ntillN'o.3itte. ;
ll.iiley Steady and active ; o\lii Xo. 8
I'oik KaslcraLS,1. ! * . SStionirci nt Sli.'iO.
Whiskj Steady at 51.09 , with sales of7Cr ,
barieis ot linKhed KiioUs on this b.ihb.
MlmieapoHn , Nov. I1. ) . Wheat Active
lint a sliailu lower in prices ; largo transac
tions in .spot and iutuies ; a irood deal of
ivheat ! - > liein sent forwaid to Clilt-.iico troni
' .his and other | HiinU in the northwest ; do- * . '
lUtors aioalnmtl all and the prospect Is that
nest of the millH will i shutdown next wpok ;
S'o. 1 haid. W > c cash and November ; S'-Hfe ,
DLvomber : 'WJc Jann.iry ; ! s fc May ; No. I
101 thorn , 8 c cash ; M 'c Uecenibei ; bXu
lnnnary ; ! > J4C fllay.
Klout-ln lijlit clrmaiid ; patents ,
. . " . .
Ueoeipts-Wheat. lfH,600 ; Hour 211) .
Shipmunts Wheat , 41,000 ; Hour , 1,000.
Ijivi't-pool , Nov. iW. Wheat 1'oor ilo-
ii.iiul ; new .No. 2 winter und spilng 7s
\y \ < \ .
Corn Fair ileinand ; * < - T A spotIs ; 7il
s'oxemher ; 4s 7 , d Duccinbur ; 4s 5d Jautmry.
New Oi-luaiiH , Nov. ' . ' 0. Corn Dull and
teak. aMSMWis.
( ) . .ltQuiet and linn ; cliuluu
' '
Hot nmeal Steadv.
IIoj ; I'loiluuts Klrin ,
I'oiTf At $ ( > : .W.
I.tinl Itulined tearce , SC.'J .
Hulk Meats Sliouldeid , S1.12 > < , ' ; loiiir clear.
nd deal rih , S5.WH.
Chicago , Nov. ! ) . The Diovers' Journal
epoits :
. estern raiiKpiH , bteady ; natives and hull
tecds. saHO l.fiO ; cows , { WKWi'isln ;
-leilTexans , Sj.00@ : ,75.
Hogn Keceljit-s , S'J.OOO ; Hlowand nIOc low
r ; rough nnd mixed , $3.40 ( $ : < ,70 : packing
ml ahippinif , ! ? : i.70irti.oakiiis ; , sa.7.V 4i. : ! .
3,000 : uteady ; natlxe
. wusteru , S'J.Oii a.OO ; Texan
1.7.Vj vj.70 ; lambs. Sli.OOai.S' ' ) .
Kansas Cltj , Nov. SO. Catllc-Ilccoli |
, M ; sliipmentH , ,0X ( ) ; about Hteady ; i-
iiters , S-'i.O'xl . 'i.aO ; common to choice hlnii
llIK , $ l'WiVX ( ) : frtockwj mill leeders , fri- '
: ) . ? , ' > ; cows ) , S2.00 < aVJ5 : ; trass Texas
Hoss-Kecolpt9 , 14,000 : shlpmonts , G.COi )
[ icned hte.nly , vlo-diii ; lOu louur ; need li
mien , H'J.MWS.dU ; coinimin lo im-din i ,
l. ' . < 0 : ! .45.
.Sheop-ltecelpts , 200 ; Mllpmcnts , no. . ,
oak ; common to Rood , SL. ' > Ufcj.7. ! j .MM ! i-
ait.s . , fAXi Sc each.
Kt. IOIIH. | Nov. t0. ! Cnttln-Itecclph , *
npnienls , M)0 ) ; very scarce , and local ilem.ii- 1
uood deal In excess ol the Mipply ; nitthi
ilppllik'sU'ers , > lUO ( < $ . 'i.2'i ' ' ; nallvo hutcliei
eois , $3. . ' 0i.i44.ll ; cows and holfei.- , , * .
. ( X ) ; stockers nnd fecdeis , VJ.-W't ' ) . < ,
jiters. SMiXjfAS ) .
Sheep Kecclpts , l.HOO ; hlilpmenls , n ,
e.uly torj'ood Krmles ; common to the ,
L'.vio.s ' bioric Anns. .S. OMAHA , I
Finlay Kvonliifc' , Xo\vW. f
Tim cattle market was sir mi KIT to-d.iy , and
Illy activt ! . A fiW I'liili-lcil Rteeiseio
Fered on the market und lound irmly . alc.
ID receipts of liosveio lluhl and Ihe sal. .
mil. 'Ilm demand lemalns KHOI | . and . >
neb laiRiT iinmlHT ot lie o would llpd .
ady niiirkrt , Kales weio mad ? to-iliy nl
iiml jt'flteiday'H pilcoi.
ittlo , ; . , '
' *
liK'Op ,
r HA 1.114 ,
HANOI ; i > : :
> . Av , I'r. No. Av. Ir.
i < > * (
> , Av. l'i. Xo. Av. I r.
. . . .1-VJI. . . .fc.ViOKAllVI'U.
. Av. IV. flu. Av. i'l
. . . . .H/ : ; . . , ? I,10