THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , ISSf AbsottiHy Frco from Opiates , tmctics and Poison. PROMPT. AT DBUOIIMTB Al > I THE CHARLES ft.VOGEUH r,0.CfitTIMORE. MO. , Jlt. JfAJJl'S Asthma Cure. 11il Invnliiiitilo rpffMn rcnillly ami pprnm. ntiiitly MUCH nil kliin < > f A-lliiini. Tln mmt olx-iiiiitto and lonif MI ruling cii--s yield iniiiiiiit- ) y in Kit womlorful oi.n > t | iniKiitic-i. | It Is known UiroiK-'hiiUt thu uuil < t lui lt iiiiilxule.l tillieatT. J. I..uAMWI'lIcllj-or ) Lincoln. Null. , ivtae . .IHII. 2.1 , IfJ-l : Hliuu iislur Dr. Huh * A-.HIIII Ciiro , lor m ri ) llniri tine > nr , niy wllo him IIPOII - well , in id nm uvun u Bj'iapluiii di tuo riiwimy IIIIH iilii'eiiiivl. ' Wli.i.IA.M llUNMrr : , Ulctilnml , Iowa , willm. Kiiv.lU , IKK ) : I linxo hoeti ultllvtixl with liny I over nml Aoihinii ulncu IS if. I lollouctl > nnt' diiuc'ttoiirt iinil HIM liiippy to vay Hint I imvcr klopt iKittor In my III" . I run irliul Hint I nm otuotiir ttio many who ciui sH'nk | w > fnvonibly or jtiuiri'inrillen. . . A fiilimblfHUpnxfl tronll o roiitiiliiliiK-plinlliii it < ' ! ' fnim ovcry flfilo In Iho U. S. . tttntiiln mill ml llrllnln , Kill lie nnilloil ii [ > n tiiiillcHtlon. | mil tmvlnjr It In uluuk wUI pro- tlr lhiiu * tl lauf e * . ii'l'llK * wmnt Mini muliif Imig nrtlrnlNiTsi'i-'ni u il. I .I . * " ' ! , ii.intititlHITfni n ilKmmwr t. 11 vi -M.IT.UI i i.nrri t.s IHI l et thiir llh V t l-l'A nl.KTHKTlfK n 't. < l nnlirmi'iill' II I' r 017 Arftnl rffrRiui of t CUR it * * ! In the * [ * -1 tr .tiiiADt of tliift nd Kw .n Un 4 * j L n ur othrr Ph vi clif | w ( ri thot iu U ct'l rtl lrnt < cnt * Nervous Pfostrnt.on , Debility , cn _ Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflec- linns of Throat. Skin or B ones , Blood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , * r ir t . | vith unpMr.tieioJ iucr < > * ion lat * l -i ntlflo prtnfIr'c ' , B ft1j Prjvtl , i/ Diseases Arislngjrom Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vMch rrM " " > iri r th roltuwibg fTi > et4t rervou ncti , tlelillltt tllninmi of ilflit oddrrreUfr ronuory , jni ! | > leiiou lh fM pbrileMdeci/ , * tcril n tolbe * uclet/of femkl eoofuiloa or Mfti , etc. , r0ndrlHT { Improper or u h ppyt &re . , Ininlnl cDvr'oir. ' frefxoatijr tdlrr * * . CMt < * uliiiilGa at of * flee ar by mkll firtjnrlte'l nit 4 it led ; C nflititll. A Positive ) Written Ounrantco iirrn ln f rren. Mbli > M. > leiIelueiouterrtjwti ( iQl > jia.llorciprrii * MARRIAGE GUIDE , flOO PAOE3. FTNE PLATES. 6l * nt cloth f o4 Rill tladti f , K-lcd ftrCOc. In | ntn * toreurretia7 , Ot r fitly woiideimi I > u leturt. , true lo lir t * rtlfiton the rwilowlnc : who tnmj n rry , wlunot , wli/I m nh t'i , wo rain- li lof of r nro4nclfoat and tiihnjr nnm. Tbv u mtrrl d or CfintvtBplwiliie ttiftrrl.c * thnull r nd II. l nrl r rtltlitn James Medical Institute S Chartered by tlicStatcof Illinois - nois fop thecxprcsiiparpo&e J of clvinc Immediate rcllellQ r all chronic , tiunary and prl- Ivnte dlaea&es. Oonurrlicca , JOlect nndSypluIls in all their 'complicated forms , nlso all diseases of llio Skin and Blood promptly relivedand permanentlycured by reme- . dles.tesledln ctFurtuVrnrt _ . _ _ & itiirriul i'rartiai , bemlnjl Weaknet * . Nigm Louses by Dreanu , Pimples on Ihe Facc.I.oot Manhood , } > < aHivrlururnt. Tlirrt ( f no rxirr ( iriiMnr/ . The appropriate remedy il at once used In eacli caic. Concultatljns , per- anal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icine * sent by Matt and Express. No marks on packace to Indicate contents or sender. Address < DRjAVESNo.204WashnnlonSt.Cnicarjolll. ! ! ! -AT- WQQDBRIDGE BROS' MUSIC. HOUSE OMAHA NEBRASKA. Sen fula of Lungs , Tnin nnw-lOyciirii nil , nrt'l ' linvr > Hiifli-roil for jtliolusi llfloi'ii vii rH nltli u liinir iinuh'it ' I Imvo < | vi'nl IliiillMiii'lh ( if ilolliirs to airi-l the ninrrli "T ill H iiNnn-d I ill | niiiiii > iHr > rullolvii - nil Hint I uti'ii ' mil. I n unlit 1'orii'ij iniiiiuul lilior f ii -ii > ( ( -iil.yiiyii. A frion I atronirly rno oiiimi'iuloil thn'tfiut of Rultt'i * SHI | > ifln'r < H S.\ \ , cliilml-iirtluu IKI lilniK" ! hit I lioun irn'.itlv IH-IIO- tlUtl In wiinn li nir tiiiiilil < H t iv > Iviil to trv It Th i will H nrii nj iiiirKuliln. My rnn li him loft mo mvNtiru th liiiMnitiiriuxl.iinii I wnli li ? ' ty | iou iila miiro limn I o or did in mv lltr. 11 Im" lM < n.thic'onr . hliiiii I loi' | ol lln < u-o of thniiifiilli'ino In t linvo ro ri'iip il nl thu ills en-1 , mi I tlii'in nm .HI i'H IIH or wii-iKiio-wi lull in my u ! I ilo llio h'T lMl lilnil nT iiii'i'linnli'al work , mi I fi'i'l aitoll IK I over foil > lnrn I HUH a I < > y. Tln > a I Kn < nv"niH' < ii liu fill MIIIIIMNI'IIM lo niikliii Inn I nm lion-ft li < u I Miy Hint 1 II\MI lny nxlHtrii'ninl hi'iilth tmli y In H S. S. I \vo > U Inociu nit In my duty I owe in Imm.ui- .llv II I f.lili illo In iirlli'M u oirlnl li > rt inoiiy to tliu merlin ol l.iU nioilioliui T J HOI.T. Wonlpoincry , Alii . .limo i , Ifv-'i. bwl't1" ' Si ci'll'ii ' la on Iri'lyoi'lMlilo , Trontl i on llli'oil nml Fid i liliuiisus iiiiiilt < tl I TIIK fiwirr Co. , ; ! , Allaiitu , On. , or 167 W. ! MI . , N. V. I1OIIT. II. DUNCAN. AI.KX Trleplioiui 110 DUNCAN & WALLACE , 'PlumbersSteam , and Gas Fillers I llKAI'ISO ' A Sl'WU.M.TV. Jui'iiNlicil , or will r-ill iii liii liiiiiL > liin Jluu.iino. IbS. Mill M. . Omillm N'rli. ttOiYlt. CANDIES , W. B. EISBOW , General Insurance Agent I'luunli limiriitu-it Co. , J/iiiJoii , Gusli . % Vii.-iclu Hior. N V , , Aa-otb . l. ( wun Oloiia I'ulU , Assets I InuM Km' . I'hiliiill-llilllii , Al'ls Kcw Huui)5lilio | I..KJI Amoi > The Mirror * Js no flatterer. Would you make it' tell a sweater tale ? Magnolia Kalm is the charmer - , er ihaf.almost cheats the looking-glass. THE ADVENTURES OF A"DCDn" His Hash Desire for Information Landj IHa in a Cell , CrrhltiC tlio Origin < T Hlo Xninp-KId- loiiled liy ( ho Multitude Jo- ntrliitcil to li liu llrcakN the Now York Times : Hwns nlj'it. ; ' The 8ot ; radianeo of the cloetrio li nU WH.H Illuniiiiiiliu Ma I > s > n & ) ii.iro and play- inp ; ovur tlu trees an.l jnm and ( lowers. A jointx man was walking pensiNoly rtlonj ; the cast .tldn of the park , lie n.i WHS a tooil-ookiiigyoiiii man tinil win drese < l In thu licit ol tasto. Me worn n hilk hat of tnu latest style , and a hi h col < lar encircled by u neat wnilo scarf. lli. < wiiM a fonr-bnUon hlack eutawiiv mid Ins trousers Were dark brown , wtri' | icd with lilack. Hi.soiOL'S \\efo pnlishod , nml in his gloved haml ho carried a sil ver-headed cane. AH lie walked tilon , apparently wrapped in deep thought , ho was suddenly brought to n standstill by u tiomendous coneii.ssion. Ho bad run in to Romc.lhinjr. The next moment llio honiethin uxelalnied : 'mi ; sr\ "Why don't ymi look wliere you'ro yo- ln' , yon blameii dudor" 'I lion llio .sonittliiin r , whoio clothes did not til him , ami wno looked as it he had not been snavcd lor a week , la.led itw.iy in the distance. U'hu ' Vullo stood as it wrapjieil in deep muililation lie had nceivcil a gooil edne.itioii , was u cli vcr 'writer , somctnin of an or.ilor , could paint well in water c.dor.s , ami UHH a tinu miisiuian , lull no fell Inat ciln- cation had reached n point iieyond ullie/i / it could tiot o , U could not tell him what a diule was.V as ho himself u dndcv If no was , how should lie know itr lly w hat dist n iiislnii characlerih- lies were the greut .irmy ot du ics distin- Kiiisiied from tno rot ot maiiUiiuir now . -.iionld hu reeo iii/o llicinras it n good tiling or a bad thing to be a diuler it a dude and could be maili cir- : taiii ot it , should lie ivjo.oo thereat , or fo aw.iy and hide his in naine * Or \\.isiliimattei ol supreme induiereuc whether a man wcro : i dude or not ? It coulil not be , lor the yuniiLC man was auaieola feeling of niiuoyaiieu wiieu the Nomelhiii-j ; had called linn a dude. At l.i- > t liii mind .seemed to have re.toll : d a conclusion. Me would impure lor Inm- solt ol nil sorts and conditions of men what thvy meant by the word "dude. " \Micn should hol > in ? Wheior Why not right there on the snot ? Thai it. lie would strik'e the hu man iron while it was puNuting \ \ illi tno heat ol w.irm September night , lie advaneiid to the nearest bench. On il sat u Had ami dejected ipeciiiien of hu manity , > \ ho appeared to have sprung into e\i > lence discouraged. His clothe- , were greasy and ragged , nnd his beard long and iiiikempl. 'I ho young man sal down beside him and said blandly : ' "My Iricnd , what is u dndo ? " The dejected man raised his head , nnd , at the young man for a niomuiil wilh an expression of di.sgust , replied. "Come oil' dor roof I" "I'm mil upon tiny root' , mental , moral or physical , " replied the young man : but I do renlly want to know what a dude is. Somebody just called mo one. " "Wai , he was a-gnin' il toyorduad straight , S'junv ' ; don't yor tumiilu ? " " 1 in not aillieted with a de-ire to turn- b c"s.ud the young man. ' \ \ nl. den , go yersolf nroiinii der park. ' , "Aren't you going to toll mo what n iluiio is ? " "Look hyor , Timmy. you're a dud" . " ' 'I have been told that What I want to know is , what ti dude is.1' "Ah , wot's eatin'yery" The young man was discouraged. He was more or less convinced thai a diulec- t-ie method in which thu searcher alter truth was answered by quoKthjns was a poor method , oven thotigli il had dos - s < cndc < l Irom bo , rntcs to New Eng- land. So he said to the dejected man : " 1 see thai you are not in u communi cative mood. 1 will bid you good night. " ' 'Tn , t'i , Timmy , " said the other , sink ing back upon Ins bench. ItKIHJKl'.S. Then the inquiring young mini wnlknd nlong until ho came to a bench on which wore seated several young girls , who seemed to be enjoying life ivitli great in- tonsUv They were talking earnestly in low tones and occasionally breaking into loud laughter. " 1 beg your pardon , " said the young man , "but can any of you young ladies toll me what ti dude is ? " For : i moment the deepest silence reigned , and tlmn' n storm of huighter broke out and rushed across the nark , breaking in nil very echoes against the Kitth avenue hotel , Why , a dndo to , ho. ho ! u dndo is to , ho , he , hoi don't y6u know ? " "No , indeed. " "Why , n dupe is-to , ho , ho ! ho , ho ! it fellow - Inhe ! like von ! " "He , he , he ) Ha , ha. IKI ! Ho , lie , lie , " chorused the other irls. 'I know that , " leplied the young man amiably , "but why urn 1 a dndo ? What makes me one ? " "Wai , yon put on airs , " said the spokeswoman of the party. "Oh , indeed ! " replied the young man , a trillo nettled "It sueiiH to me that if 1 put on airs , as you express it , I .should not bo hero talking lo you. Good 6veuing. " And he w.liked nwav followoil by the shrill laughter of the girls. He had not gone far when he reali/ed tliKI this was not tlte way to learn. He must bear the taunts of the common hnrd in his great search after truth. Ho wusabont to turn back and face the girls again when hu saw one young silting alone on a bench near him. lie approached , and takingoll'hihat , said : " .M.idomoist lie , von will pardon the liberty I take in addressing yon. but \oii see b-fort * , u > n an anxious seeker alter truth. Perhaps yon can extend to nut n help ng hand , and I can read in your o.uis thiil yunr heart i toogood to let y < m refuse. Can yon tell me what a dnilo Is' " For reply the young woman turned Imr head mid called to u man WK ( un : lighting u cigar not tar nwav. "Hoy , Ch.irlio. " she said , ' 'byer's ' a dnilci egivin' inehoft soap. " With two strides ( he man < > amo down , and gl.irmg into the anxious iinjnircr'a lace , said : 'hook hyor ; can't ' I Iciivn my girl n mhinle without some o' yon durnud dn les Ir in' to get a mash on her ? " " .My good sir , " said Iho young nun. "I meant no harm 1 only a.sUi-d her what a dude was. " "Ah , iret on , get on , " said Iho mnii wralhfully. "Just us if yon didn't know.1 ! "Hut I don't know , " protested the young ma-i. "Wai , go take n walk round thu block ami think ' * oul with yur feel , " replied the mini , IN A THEATBIl , The nn.\ion > iuiiuirer begiin to BCD thnt the path of knowledge was moroor | C > H beset with thonit ) , bu.t ho was determined to persevere. Ho whs going to tind'out whnt a dude was or die in the iiii mpl. So he strolled up Broadway nnd dropped into a theater , Thereho t > uw n play go ing on , Upon the stage wac n man with carroty red hair nnd ii , crimson m ii. Hu was dn. vtl in u Riiitof clothe * nnd hnil on n propn neck- tto with ti ircat rnrUtMi tiiamond in it. "I'm a dude , that. ' * what 1 nm. " remarked - marked the aetor. That was too ni"oh for the nnrioifi in quirer. Ho couldn't resist tli ti-m itutn.i. So he rose up in tno middle of the par quet and iaJd. "What \ a dudnV The act ir lo > k-.1 < ctrpr''sit for n m > inont , nnd llu'ti Went o w t'i ' h'.s part. "I to know waat a dti.L * is , " said thn young man. Hut at that moment an us'r-r ' stnvh down the Ule , to k Iho youn m in by thn arm and led him to the door oy which lie Imd entered. "Vou'll have logo out fir. " salit llio na'ier. "Hut , " salt ! the young man , "what i.sti dudoT" "How the bla/.os should I know ? " re plied Uio usher. "Well , that's an honest confession of Ignorance.said the inquirer , "and I'll go out without any more t.ilk. " At the outer door ho mot a policeman. To him lie nddrossuit , in sheer dospa.r , the amo old Inquiry : " \ \ hat tan dude ? * ' " ( . 'ome , now , move on , " Bniil the po- Ilcetnan. A .jal n thn ba'llivj ' Hoaroher after truth turned away. On llio p.ivomont ho mot n cabman. "iCeb. sir , knb , " said the m-tn. "My friend , 1 will take your oil/for nil night , " s.iid tinyoung man , "If you will answer mo ono question. " "Well , wotl.sit ? " "What isadudur" "Say , young feller , " replied the cab man , "you do.i'l want to lu to.i Olanud taniiy. " "lint I'm not fanny. " "Ah , go horn , g , > li'inii. " And llio cnlimnn walked nwny with an expression of fathomless disgu l on his rubicund countenance. The anxious in quirer was weary. Men would not an- H\\or his simple question , or they could not. Ho bojan t.i suspect that tney could not. Bill hu was dittcrmjncd to go on tr.\ing. it wu : early yet. So ho went up t I'D sirjot .itiil oni.-r'd n pop r.i- sort , w let1. . ; th i o inihino I oh irms of eating - ing , drink 114. billarls , , liosvlmr , iMlo Miontin ; ( HIM HID pis-i-r-.H' . T inro Ins int a narty of his ow.i oVis-n trinntU. They w-re bowlinir "cook . ! haU" an.l drinkum o.oetails. The miuirer | appiMiiched tnem. \ u \ i'ASTIH > nIK. "ll.i. II irry. boy/ ' Bail ono of them , "M > glii I voivo o IIH - , old on ip. " " \VnntS \ the mittor , ll.irry * " s.iid an other , "you look tire 1. " "I'vo been s urchin : : for in'ormat'on , " said th ! anx.ons inijuinir , "and I've had no Ink. . " "What Inform ilion do yon want ? " "Well , can nay of you follows U-ll mo what a dude is ? " The young men stared at the inquirer for a lew niijinonU and th-n tinr-it into a prolonged lit of hiug.iter. Tno voting man waited until they llniahuil , and then said : "I don't HOO anything funny about it. I really to knowI've oo.m called a dado. Now w.ut is si du lo. " The inquirer's friends bjjin ; to lo > k d'sgustod. S.inui of tne looked angry. One wa'kod up to the iinnihvr and said : "Von'ro ' n dude , eh ? Well , a dude is an oiit-r.igeous fool. " Tn.s was lee inn ; li for Iho anxioin in- qnir-jr. All the I ) tt srness that na.l bnen gathered in his soul during tlu evening burst forth in nil ovorwiiiliiiing llood , and with a t-traig'it ' left-hander , lull of the soo-ieo of his old college days , ho s -ii' 110 in suiter sprawling at full lengthen on i o lloor. T.I. ) next , mom -nt ho found himself bein f prop -lleil speedily up llio street liv a gigantic poliuomnii. In a few mo mt.-iit.slie lound hi'Ms-If ' under th ho * i- I ilble roof of C ptai i AI Nan or S. Wil liams , in Went TH.nielli .street. 1I.J tr.ed in vain to IIHC ! Sergiant Werte.rv-ll the old old qu stion , tint ho W.H h istlod down stair- , with so great coiority t.iat it wa-i MH o siblo. All night lo ig the pour i.iqiiirorlay wondciing way all s. i rollers after truth had to sifl'o' so much ion- ; tmiOy. In the mo nin ho was tiken briht und early to Joileasoii market po- Ice court. Th.M-e he foun I Ills insmlter of the previous night siiilering from a contused oyo. but ro.ulv to m.iko : i com- plnint against him. The case was heard by the .judge , and the pour inquirer was lined $ IJ. Sadly ho handoil it to the clerk and turned lo walk away. )5nt ) the uiiMiii-licd longings of his soul woud ( tiot rest. Turning witn a face that might have moyed iv ntatuo , ho saiil in an agoni/ed lone : " .ludgo , can 3'ou tell mo what u dudo. i ? " Hif , honor was for-n moment too much nstoni.slied to speak. Then ho burnt out : "Ten days ! " ' And the poor inquirer was led awny , "for crime unknown , to his dungeon cell , " where ho is asking the four stone walls : "What is a dude ? " Hoop Out of Debt. St. Louis Republican : If Americans could have rooted out of them the ruin ous and pernicious habit of living beyond their moans , ono of thu active agencies in producing panics , bnsluons collapses and depressions of trade would bo re moved. Wo never know how this haiiit is , till a crash like that of 1871 ! conies on the country. These crushes are sharp , peremptory notices to pay up , nddro-scd to every p.-rson in debt. The demand has to bo complied with , and the bankruptcies and breakups in every com munity that follow reveal the num ber ol persons who have boon living on lavor. It is eiwy enough to l.vo beyond one's means when times are pro-- peroits. Credit is promptly extended to all who oan maku a show of property , and not ti few make u-o of credit to MI- euro ti show of wealth , mortgage prop- rli wliioh they do not really own. and the Interiist cnargo on which Hwallow.s up n largo fraction of their income. Debts are inexorable , and sootier or later they must bo paid , either during life , by selling llio unfortunate debtor's mint- gaged po us'ions und leaving him a bankrupt , or at his death , by stripping his tamily of all their imagined wealth 'anil leaving thmn dosl.tuto. There is no clans of persons who can lent tillord logo into debt limn farmers and this because , when nticu in debt , they rarely get out. In many counties in .Missouri llio American larmprs are being gradually displaced by ( ! er- mans -a d the piocess is HO com plete a to have entirely transformed the community from what it twenty years ago. Tim explanation i.s simple- Ui'rnuns do not go in debt nor live bo- .Mind their moans , hit ) , they liny farmof the Amorioatin who do. Mivtouri fann ers nhonld roinombur the lesion of loM , and prollt by it. That disastrous col lapse , involved no many por.sons in ruin , was brought about by ovtrava- g.inoi ) and the lioxtone thateomos will be , in a very largo measure , tno product of the Ritnio ciiusu. Tlio only safety , wlun it comes , will bo freedom from mortgage- holders nnd innnny-lcndon > . Financial revolutions , names , depression , nnd all that sort of thing have no oil'oct upon the farmer who is out of dobt. They pass over his iinmortgngud roof without dis turbing H shinglo. Alter lUiditliorla , Dlplitluinn is ; i tcrrilih ) ilisciiHo , rcqulr- in < ; Um ivnU'B ( iiii'illi'iil skill to nH'uut ! euro. Kvoii wlii'ii Its i u\vur is broknii , lLclinjs to till ) ( uttUiiU n'ltJi { runt y , and o u letivo llm syhtcin , nml 1 1 OH ted , Jithf liuru lln douMi mat "iniint of good , iiiK iinpuiit en from tlio lilooil , ' { riving it rllmi' ! s i nil 'vitality , wliilo' it anil iitiuuKthuiiH tlio THE ORDIrfXRY THO.VIAS CAT. Bonic Chnritotf r | Jlo < i of All Itlnil * of I'Vllnes Uiu d pliTci cut Clrcuiu- HlHtlOPS. Tlioro nro n firenH niiuiy j > foplo who , lluinj'li otiiurwiso uliui'tionutu in thuir ( li positloiH , ilo not loxo eiitrt. ' 1'liuro tinin.iuy p < ' ( ilo , ) wno uro cspfuiiilly fond nf do s no iinitliT how iiisijfiiiiii'.int , how dirty or othcnviqit "ornnr.v" their ajipoiiraiifD in. iv ou , und wao vvi'll duvoto u half hour of tljon : jlnisiticss period tiny liinu toconcilia ; JJii' ivho is 10 far from liuiiu in ihuil oft iriiiirslinpi. ) a * to baikat tliL'tn wui'ii limy would o.ily spurn titiiu I'liou li to pick up : ind sliin nstoui'iit an inuoi'i'iit totn oat \ \ lie .stiiiniti < r him- f-ulf upon tiMit'iof IIH own door-yard and iniiiiliiiK l s own I OM. two < i ii , And yi't wlillw Ihis thu doniustlu aiiinnil u\ial , thn inol wliinli can \m \ said a .dnst thu nrdlifiry ni i of cuts of Unit lliuydistiirn UioiiPijj'i- ' liors with thi'ir inn * c and stay out ! ati < nt niiilit boinuliniLN , and i.s no niorr tiiiin can bu brouijnt alrainst an GO rno t pnyor ; and many highly citi/.uns. No cat , itionins or olhcrwiso , onn lie nocusL'd of constantly slan ling at thu front tratu sinil scurituoun children , OninalniMi ami puddlurs as thcv pass alonj ; tin ) Ihorou li-fari' . Cats nuvur tiy to liltn horiiis' lii'i'ln ' or lie in tin ; iniddlu of thn Mduwalk or upon door stop * tor puoplu to utitniiilu "Uir. TIIKV AUB IIASIU'ITI , . Oats nro prt'-otnlneiltly liashfnl. Whnn n strutifjiT addrosm-s a cat whu will either r.vii linn aroy filani'o and tlmn lly over tun uonvunuinl funco or nlhii Hlio will maku acniiaintani'i' vury .slowly , up- proai'lilnjr by a o.ri-uitoii.s ronto li-r trail ruHcinliliiijr that of a wandering cow , Itur ta.l incanwliihi I'ltrlin to oni' hide in a duprccatlnj ; sort of way and with a ironurall.v dcinuro and liujuiriiii ; oxprc-i- Wion of coiintitnaiu-n. in : MVKI : : divis ; niM.snt.r A WAV. If u eat Htays out all night hi ) will not return in tht ! niurnin < r\\iiiii ! lint family urn at or , > akfait and complain of a lioaci- nuhi ) . Not at all. \Vhun t HI hired { i'rl oneus the kiclicn- door in tnu moi'iiii ! " hu 1.1 upon tin ; door- Htt'p all ready , standiiijj up and er.vini ; in such a loi'loni manni'r Iinil Um hired girl s himrl is smitten with pitv for tln > hard luck and Wiiicli o.uis d him to bihut nut all ni lit. and in her pity > ho yivc him a drink of milk or a portion of the I'.imlU slc.-ilc. This tiie-t ) hiiJ .stomach and ( ronerally braces him up , u nl hu 1 1 ion washes his tace with a paw ifid s ihv.i , c ) IIH whiskers out i-aivtiilly , and by tlio tinio the laniily conies down to breakfast li is sitting in front of tlio lire with his coattail - tail coiled neatly nbout his person a > id weariii < ; a most profound ami ine.l.latKu ii ] pi nuance. Later on , when Iho family gathering lias dispersed , In ? lolds hi * "ptnvs under 'his ci ! < --I , and .settles down under tin ) Move , and jjci't * up his lost. slee ] > . A > all ciits tin this , ( hero is positively no ovi- dcnci ! aKaiiihl him.Vlnlo many oats : . „ very irregular in their habits , tlioy arc not by any meaiiH ohtriisivu in their dissipat'on.'anil no easy has oviir lieen re iiortud of any ono having lusun itibiillcil oy a cat when in his cups. iVifnunr. When eats li ; li tlmy lijjht w'lh ' bare kimokles , and tlijir batllod are never hip.ioilrome.H. 'I'liey som-'liines have uon- s .terable wranillii , hard talk and pro- lanitv while nrran iiiL'tho prelim , narin.s , but there is newr ; a dispute about the di- vis-oil ol the if.fto liioney or any appeals Irom the dL-eisions ot the referee. Thcic are no dianiond-stnddel ( mastcis of eeremony to lie t ( > tin ) erowd and no ( 'aptnin \ \ ill'snns with his ulnb to st , op procio iii'g-i wl/iu.illcj / ? preliminar'ius h ivo Hi-en iirruni.11. . Tlnro Un" boautj/ul. simplioily about the wholu huaituwi 'Tnuy ' retire to a. Hi'ijnostori'd .spot , often upon an ash-heap in an alloy , or lae apiof ( some lonely tence , and there , without neconds or spon eH , they coniluet the liyht lo a ImiHli. There i.s a circuliko Painoncss totheso comb-its , to le sure. There , ir < - the us ual feints and pn's , with an occasional eoii.siilerabledotl'jin ; at tlio bo- ni ; . During the two or Ihreo ronnd.s thoieombatants tire apt to be lirelty free in tlio uxprnosioii of opinion of each other nut the wind-up is always oxeititif ? . Then it is that tlioy lie down ( o elher like two tired children , and cla-spnd in each ntlior'n enibrauo , the fur Hies , and the intestines snap like whip cord as they dexterously tear onen each other's vcitsfrom chin to waistlmnd. In hiiorl as a Denver lady o\prossed _ it a few days ujjo , "tako them lor nil in all , there ! are a yreat many worse folks in thu world than eats. " HIS ONljY niUI > IOIM2 KOH 25 VISA Its. ' CriKsTKi : , OitAN'ni : Co. , N.V. , Apr. 7.8."i. ! ! ramlreth'8 I'dlss have been my only medicine for the past Wyoarrt. liy tak ing two every nifjht for ! J ) nlKhl > i 1 curc-il myriolf of a very bad allac.1 ; ol Klienma- lisiu nnd iiilitiMnoss. ) Never loit a inual and attended to my business dunnj ; the time. J hate alio found them ono of the best blood punliun * and liver regulaTora in the world. Villbc lad toaiiHwerany .Cn.\ii.Ks JI. WKSTIIHVKI.T , .lustiiiii of the I'ease. PLAY WRITING. Tlio Most IVolltal ) ) ! ) IntornryVork. . At prosenl the most prolitablo kind of literary work isthatot play-wr tin j , and the rea.son why dranjatio authors are so highly recompensed is beoaus ithoabiljty to i-oiiatniiil a successful play 1s * oxtrenre- ly rare. A dralnalist Hhoiild unite with literary skill an intimate knowledge of thoio niinnle details of M.aii ) business and dramatle eilecl.sand ultinavcH whioh are < -.ssentitl ; n tlio theatre. Nearly all modern pla\s are written either by literary nidii jirjoiirnallsls or by aelors. Of I he latter it limy bit naitl that they are. apt to I'.tll in their ; cIl'oiU bocaiiM ) they think too much i ftin hta o "Imsiness1 ' the tableaux , e i's { , < ; iiid entraneus , eland - . , and lee little of a eenlral idea -the nii-oi ] enrrent of human H.Miipalh.v - whieli alone cvirrmaki a o > d pl.i.y. U hen the litnrafv'rimn or jonrnalisl tails it it beoaux ) he ii no eniirosi ( > d willi ono Idia , t'harae/ter ' , or hituation that ho nej'leelii his miiiuf jlet.iils of MniniiicM ' anil . < the caiHind skill requisite to tlie eiiiHtniclioii ofjlviiry ri'-i'itenco ' of a dialo uothutiH notj J appear on a prinled pap ) , lint must lie ilropped , word by word , fiom the actor's liw. | lint let a man wi lie one play \\liiuh ean hol > l the attention of an iui'ioi | / ) ditrinx an e\'n- Inyand liu niitv'eimihler his forliino rnado. lie will bo llomled with orders for more plays thairjic ean write and bo able to dietate UM i > tvt , lornis to Iho man- a -rs. I know a dramatist whoso in eoine a few years ajjo waa not less than . ? VW ) a week ; lint it n ucarooly tair to eito him as UM example , Mince a lar o sharoof hi proiits wuro duo lo thu fact that ho wan , lo a lar o extent , bin own mana'-r nnd look hea\y pecuniary risks. Ono ot his pla < tj alone netted him f.'iil , ' > in t liu oourxu of four yunr.- ) . From .uiothorho hn.i drawn royalties whioh unoiuit I'lfl. jjv your for the labt six rears I am auro that no literary men n this ( -Mintry ( ca.n Hliow n y uuoh romunorHiion for his labor UM this , \VIAUY : WASHKIIWOMBN in. ln'un made find liv the introiluol'on ' of JAMKS I'VUS'.S I'KAHLINK , n peerles * imoound for the laundrv It elennt-es fabnc without injury. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL CITY NK\VS. Pointers Krotu n Sport. "Do j < tu son thut liltlo folio .v .just com1 Ing out t'lero , with n cijjar pore-hod In liN mouth ? " asked n well-known sporting 111:111 : of tliii HIB reporter. Tlii HRK * .UT him , but didn't r.ile liliu. "Well , you wouldn't think by thaluola of him that. IIP i.s one of thi slickest lillli < followin tlio oity , w > itll 30.1. ' lh > is , till the simiu. I tell you liu is hard oni < lloisa follow for Ir.ulin , ; horse * , nn I dealing in tli-m. Tint is , In pre tends to make t.iat hi business , but ho is foully a capper. Ho knocks around antoni ; the Htablc * nml win-re ho can pick tip a niitn lie tells him about some line horses nh.t'li liu wants him to go unit src. On tlui way there they drop in to } : et drink. Alter fj'ttinjx n drink , llio slick little. follow peeps into tun piiiiljlin room , just lo t > i-n wnat is Kiting ono.i . know. TIID nu\t stop is to jjot the sucker t- > wait a mintili ) winhi tlio follow , jnt Hianc.c.s a dollar or M , ju t lor luck. Hiitnro lie plays out his elups liu usks tlio su 'kui to pla > tliiMii out tor him. lie has fol to stop out. thti bark door a iniuiili1. it'lll ho rl lit baoU , do , 1'noiutim is thus ; rot iiito the ; ; HIM , los.n his chii'i , and ton chances to o. 10 , puts in u dollar or two ol Ins owa , and w.iiiit hei-ts started oneo liu is in tor it. Tlio liltlo tullow ilnu't comu back. At least nuLiii a hurr > . " "Ho don't look much like n sport. Ho drones .snab.iy , an.l snuni- . more like : i working man or : i farm liiind. " "Ho isn't. a t.pnrtin < r man. lie don't know much about cards , not enough to iilu.y them , but liu is a < rooil roper in. 1 unown him , and know ju-t what ho in up to. " "Why don't tlio pollen run him in ? 1) > n'l tney know him ; " "Know li in ? Of eonr.50 they know \Yhydonlllioyrun him mv on tell. There art ) plenty of Mich iellovvi h iimin < r around town hut they uru never touch.d. . U'licn .tno o t.v to maku a apart , and make tlio f-oo I tolks thnii ; they are doing nmnotliinj ; to clean up tlio town , they arrest n lot of cho.iji loaferami | io r darkies , tun make a bij ; hulluhaloo over it , bill tau fclhms who are really doin tlio dirty work are. no , touched. I tell \ou jr'ainbliii < ; is all r.sjlit , but lot folks fjamnle , mil rob the pooplo. U don't coilnt lor miieli lor a Ntiorimji uVin to say tnis , t'or folks would tliink thai lie was : IIIMOIIS to dri\o Irado nwny Irom other plAeos and jct it lor Ins placn , but It is u t'aet , jllst tne lame , that is dead ronbery beinjj < louo " . . A Xow Town. Odell & Day have unrealised witldn tlio past few days eijjhty acres on the ICang.ts City railway , iiliont sivtoon miles from this city , and laying a portion of it out in town lots. This plauo has boon named ll-ntonvillo. A uioo little station house has beii ! built , ami arrangements Hindit'or having : ind handling corn in Hood quantit es. An excellent Mono quarry is there , ami w.lMio worked. Tliero are ether points promising Mie.uc.s-t iu t lie aUompt to bnilil up a little town of CM' several limulr.'tl inlunitanls. There has boon n plauo of similar name. but. With tun change "f the r.i Iw iv by which ( ho track ha.s boon thrown faither away from I hu river u new s to has been selected riirht on the. now line of road. 1'U.KS IMliKS ! ! IMIiKS A saiu cuio fur llmiil , lilcodln . Honing and IJIcor.ned 1'ile.s lisus hi-eu dK-ovcicd by Dr. \ VillIiiinan ( Indian teiiii-ily ) , failed Dr. \Villinin-i' Iiulmu IMu Oiiitiaeiit. A Hiiuli ! IHI-C liiw en icd tliovoi > t chronic cadi's l i > or IlOyem.s .staiiilbir. No onn ncetl r iifTcr nvu inlnuU's nitvrupnlyliu this wonderful south in1 , ' iiicilloinc. Lotionnml InstriiiiientNilo iniiru harm thiin > : OIHVIIIlaiii.s' \ Indian 1'jle Ointiuont nbMirbi tlio tiuiidiN , allays tau iiiiousu Itclilnu , ( paitlfiiltirly at niirlit alter { 'Cttiui : Harm In bull ) , acts as a poultice , ulve- > instant icllel , and isprejuied only tin 1'lles , ilolilnu'of prlvati ) parts , : uu | lor iiothini ; ol.if. "SKIN OIKKASKS CHHtlOl ) . Dr. Vnizicr's Iticic Ointnii'iit eare.s as by nui''ie , I'inlliles , Hlaelc Heads or ( lull- ) , liloU'lics and Kiuptions on Um face , li'a\lir. ; tlichldn clearaiul -atitlful. l > . ANo cnu' > lieli. iSnlt lilieinu , Son : Xlmilus , ijoro l.lps , and OldOlislinntoUlpei-s. Sold liv ' drujrici-.U , or innllud on iccelpt of 1' Kelaill'd by Isiilin it Co. , nml Sf hropti-r * llcchl. \vhoiuMlu l > y 0. I * , ( ) An lOxampol In Aril lioicllo. Tcfichor : "Can yon taku live from three , Johndyr" ' 'Yos , I borrow two , and then I CMXII do it. " "Hut if your pa gives yon " oonl.i , and tollH yon to KH to HID untidy More to buy fi cents' worth < candy , how would yon do t'lt-n ' * " ' 'I'd ' keep the 3 cents and tell the. mane ( o uhartc" thu 0 cont-j worth of candy up 1 1 pa. . " Hut what would yon toll your pit when IKI asiced you about if/ " "A lie , of ISonton Hecord ; 1'orlnips the rev ion of ( ho bible win uniiecortsary ; iltcr.-il3 The ni-lonan ir > impelled to Ui.h rcllec- lion by a H.I.JO nmiuric waic. i w.u nil -r < l in hit ) hearing in a Htivot car tlic oilier day. ( Jn tno opposttti nldo of thu car were two woni'in ' who wur talking rather loudly. Said onet Did you know Sarah had had another lot of money lol'l her bv her uoiiKin t willr" "haw moy" cxoluimed thu other , "tho bible nuvor saw a truer uonl tuan 'them that IIIIH , \\i' \ \ ' ' " RAMAKITAN NI.HVINI ; . TIII : OUKAT XIUVB : ( ninpieror is invaliinlilo in Nervous l'roitrilion. : "May ( Jed blc-s yon , " said Kov. W h. Alarlin. Aloelianicitown. Mil , ' Samaritan Ncrvino eurod my Tils. " ( I 00 , tit DriijK'hl'- { ' A man who ptx.os at a rod Hiin ct hns a oldiin pnnioct ) buloro him. So liana man who ns-s Kcd Star ( ' < > nili ! Ciuv. - thu prosjicclof teen hndin his lun s n.s iiyor. oiiKju i Kill' VMIIIJ ai lii.n unit ill'- > ' ) > 'ii ' id't T''MHH ' n iicrsol mull iinii t is i.ii H > i li > u icii y tinil win uliroiivii inin | l11" ' IIU..IIKIIIIII1III ll.ll,0 i I'lUKl CIIDIIDt CHUM- . Ill- llynr nil 1 1 thuhioiiuicli , Moio c idinc n inoci I ecu m cchsli lly iciuiul in It III n u on nil OlIlOi llMtllH ClllllllllI'Vl. I Illl ! H KIIKIll I lllllUO II niiiiiot ( in * mill UioO HDtliintr L' O unlil Una hii : U-cii incil. AH Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of ma' mid beast need a cooling lotiuiu Mustang Liniment. SXD F c& > SStoxie's of Hi r Ucst and Largest , Rtoolts in the (7. 8. to Select front * No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ( iio. : lit KICK , Miuuuivr , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , tiEB. TNTK' ' ' ! McirliBiilHmiil I'Arnuu.s' ItnnV , IMvlil C'ltv , Noli : Kmrnor NHtionil : liliiiiiliefiino > iiiilL < uuiiiliiu , Nou. : .MuU.niuw.H uuuk , N rtu I'l.uto , HlMniil Punk , liniiih : ) . Nell. . , , , . , . . Will puj' CUJUMIICIB' iliull wall bill or liuliw uttiiuliuili lot t iro-tlilril3 valiio of HIIIO.C. , US ] ) atirc , Ali-o- lioll'tn , O I m Fa'lnp ' , Fctnlnal Naknocs , luijiotci , piuiiSciufiila , nnd all Nervous and Cloocl Olsoascs. . . , -M- P - u-M - - - - - - - ] j . .MiiiuuniU.niKurH J , Liuni s mid . .illiioso rcilciit ryi-iiiiilo.\mi'iitcai > r > , irvoiifcl ; > ro - t ration , IrreijiiLirltlusof liuior ! ] : > i1Sti > mieIi , Honcbor Kliltic ) . orlio i 'quire n norni tonic , urpcll'r "r sLuiu..i.t , 6 Hi n/ii i tfentne J liivnUialiIi' . _ f/ " ' TliiuatHl- ) . proclaim 11 tlio most | \voadcrfnl luvlgnr- ant thnt ever Biis- lalucili eliil.lis ! * ) D torn. I gl-ts. For Ilia's and | ecinl fUini' . I .IK DR.S.A. ST. JOSEPH , MO. Corrwpniiiltnco Irci ly lror tcktltuonbN unit < Ti-n'ari n-nil tUiup. FOU SALIJ HY C.F. GOOJJMAN. WI'H THC cr > OHPMT or FJtAMlNlNO TH.t . Map 1HI IH Ir reiscn ofUn r ntr l | n > * IH < > n nn < l rloi ulntlontu U prin tpnl linen FT * * an i Wr-t wt ( intlnl nnd l-r- inltmt | u > mt * . i-imUil titUM * nionr ImriuilMiit inhl * rmitmt'tit tl Itiik in tmtf\ t m of ilmunrli i > < ir * tnltiitihlflt nnli-f an 1 hi. iltrutf * * lt3.t t MH | imtlli tM"upi < ni'ltlt > 4i > r Um1tntitt. . - i.-l I'.intlr ( V-t- It t * itliiii tin * Iiviiillr * 'tint 1. * jt innlo to Mil fintii jiottlU I" v-t N Illicit Mful rMtutlM-n-f nint rofl fr.TUItdlflJ | > uliitn U'utt. NoiIliUft itnj SoiitlivM-a ! . The Croat Rock Island louto Omrnniffli Ut patrniM thtt t + \\t \ \ > of j ntonnl rrrti. nlv rvirui'l "l I..Y H t > olil. tliiMOtiulilv l > nlli lnl mut- 1"-1. cm > nlti trirkit nf Minjtiiu.ns cr H .nil Hit-loti- Ililh linlli ml 11111 jiml l'i.tK-t'- ( . i.'Ulint , ic. ( I. nMiMir I' 'ffri tlirll riH lltltMII rUHt ( Ml ) tliaUe Il.tllf t-HltV ni > iintirtti | | T t > ittnt luslfot .t't iff MM rfitrul * h hi n ken , hiti ] lint rturMtitrilliilut | | > tvlii h i tivt > iM tl. * * pi ic- tl'Ml ( lj > rnlln-l rtf nit IlK lllllll- < nirr } Fp.'i IflHifv. of thU riiiit * itrn * J rmi > r 'r-4 id nil itim tutL' i nlntn tti Dnlttn ht-nni , mill dm 1111 itr | * > * > sitl cuinfuit uijil luiiiiiusof iti > I'.ixijn * * r r < | iii'iin tit TliP Ki-t i'Klin * Trfllii * IIirrn rht * * ire uml IVn.i-i , r ( iitt'It ItinlN , Kun is Cil ) l.n l , , iw nil tu tl Athl < * * Mi i * * in-ip tord of well Vftittlnt * < t ( In * U tip. lHll 1 > | ril IMV < Jiirlftt } Mlirmtlffjil I'Mlllimtl IVImd HiHfpi > r > i > f tli * t.itft ilrKl n. HIK | MiiuptiiittiDlnfnv ririii MtiMirliliurtluJy cmiVnl nicnt-ut. l | yiitt-lr cum | { vlwicut'lilifiniKl ( KiitiNunivnrnl Atililfi/n ftiu M | U 1'in ' llio lVUl > utt l ( Utliiiiit , ; ! Inil fa is. The Famous Albert Lea Route I * thn ( litest n < l fMvmltrt HUN brtutcii ( Mitt a to nnr ) Miini > ap lh an l i run ) ivliritrotiiifi lidri .ni1 nmil i ill I'ltlnn ' U--n | r-4 fui ull pititttH lit tlif IIMI itdtl * N Hlnl Uriil-U rnivlnce * , Otrt llii lotiir Ki-sl t r\w \ i > * Ir.niH mo nm ( ti thn wiitorltiif pinion * > iiniitifi 10 * 'U. rk't'iiemiiirt Itx .tltl.n mil htinUn Jin.i . lUliInu ir'iitiinlitnr I u w.i/i nl , Mliine uli. Ii I MM | > UKm. . t ( I Mi.iMw rtiiilo ti > dm tth | ulie t tltliU MtJ pjatuiat lanHnf Int'Tior Pitntv Still Mitutli r nilllX T r.TN'i1. vl H.MifrA nn.l Knn * kiUi * % lii , b'M'rt ot iinl hi'twtn * in hni > ll. lixll n- itnilltiui'l ' f tiiivrntvim < l t'ouii-IJ Itlntfo k"nfC U/ . IIiii'if > nMil | | iiiiil M Paul M I intTinr-Otaio pjinf * I'm ilPlAlliil Itiforiutttidi t-en Mip > ml I'ltlitrrn. olitnlnaliltt. * * H | list ( ulttti. nt nil | itnrlim'llikt | | ( Jill c. In ( lit ) LTnUeU SL.Utl a.l C-nuila , ui bKd - Uruit 111 tf R. R OAOtl * , E. fiT. JOHH , J'ro't v Oi-ii'l M'r'r ( ( J < ISWC G3IFFTrf ! , Commission Merchant And wliolivalo nciiluv In Country Produce , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc. norms ON CONSIIIKSII.NT A SI-KCIALTV. 320 N , 1C. ! . St. , Gmaha , Neb. Hot'ciDiiwa , liy 1'iirni si'iin rii t Nu Hunk , lii'litiiiin : A. 8 ( ! iri--oii , 'ii h in- l < mil Niilloniil li'ink , SI'ilix ( Ty , OHn Vitlioiiul Hiui'X Dm Molnio ; II M Klntr "II , . . Aortlhliinl CI'lHlk Hot Niilloniil Uuuk. I'lil'ii" ' t-lui' A GREW MEDICM WORK 0i ! MAM'IDD nil. IMIIIMI * ! . ! * ' ) in rr . i in1 mi * . " ni * ' , ' , * . . ' . " i i , i > null. In nvury i'ii i' mi'ilnnl illltrrii ) in. IT ( , . , . riiHinl UIHII HiijriiiliiT "nrli In lni iiinniry lur,1 , in Um iimm'I will l i ri-fnii'l In PU'ry limm " . "I i in.I/ . II hv null | in > lii.ilil. i'l ! . 11 hi-iiil IHIW ( jiill iiiolmnwirli" ! UiB'iiiili " vii\t. | lliiHHl Ml-illliil Atrullall til UlO < M1 VMuf vr'il" i 'i I . jf lil lmulil .ii tjr iho , u.i { rir i.l.HOl. . tllC'O , t'lllllllM' * ll'l . ' . lll O ll.rC.I L'f lilU , .1,1. , ijulllivl tlioekill ' iill4iii , < ir pliysi. KNltVV kii.chii r-iirli liruliil n\v \ H uiKinii | y Mii'iu riillwi i 11 mi liiitiUnc-o ' cllullliin. .Mil li .mi Iliii PMIK.T. " ' ENGLISH. ' "CHICHEGTER'S . Tlie Orluluiil nml lluly ( iluliie , Pit. .od.u.ji I " ' . " ' tut ' hlTcu'i.lrr- ( i'.kiwr } i > ' t r-l * I'V rHiirn ni NAME PAf KR. r'-lch Ur t'kmli-il ( . . nAmc iini8 J * i ii-imu-i ciiiii. . ' ! ! . . > . AI llriirtH'l' . 'I'riila , Ml1'ullir A. nll f ' . , Olc-t.,0. 111. WILBOIl'S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. TO PoVMI'T1 \T1 - M\-cv t'\VP. t" " ' ( MillI'll - " iii-iu I i f Vi'f o" I'm HM lit "Wllnr' Ti-ie f ' I.'P * ll ml llni- > " Hx- reipni'i line nn'vi il I' ' lo ! > < > \nl'n > li'i ' > wmnlr fer i 'tiu'ininlliiM ii | , . | illnhil'er n mill lilt ili i'i-o < o HII < I * nml iitiil.t ii' " Mifnoh'rol imlv ' 'V \ II WILIIOII. clK-nilKl llo ton. Hold l > > nil ilrii'JL'i lM "itn rrrai coBSPinauY. " BY JOHN A. LOGAN. Ai'i'ii s W-ni < . | frr Ne'raska ' , Cohrado , Wyoming and Idaho A il re-ii , i r s : MU. : nl 'mini ' Hill till t II. l ( WIL TIMK TABLE. Arrlvu nml iln | > iiitiiii ) nl Oiniihaiiuins iinil 0111- ni'i'ilhjr lilies nl Ilie Tt.itetloi /Ml liiiininiTlve iinit ili > ] int ; frum Oinnlm l > y Tentnil Siiiiiil.ini Tliiie. 'IlililKnl Hie C. hi. r. M. iV. O , in live anil ilt'p.nt limn tlielr ilepnt , collier nl Mill anil U'eli-lei-.lieetN : tliiliisoii the H. A : M. . P. , H. A-y. ainl K. C. St. ,1. , VC. II. lii'iu tlio It. , fc M. ileK | > l ; nil otliiTri fioiii HID I'.iuliio ileiint. Itiidue linlim will lenvn U. P. ilepiil air , : , ' ' , ' , II ; : ! . ' , . ( in. N : ill. hfi : i. It IOiM. : II : < t ) , a. in. ; Imi. I . I ii. I : " > < > . It 'i-M. : sixi ; , U l.ui , , . ' : o , . % : : ) , < i:0\ili : : | . T : 0 , 11:10 : i > . in. leue ; Trmsler lor Oiiiali.1 in : ! ) , II Hl.\ : : : ? , : a II III.TI. lit ; c. 1 1 : ' ! T n. in - . i : " . .ri l ' , 15 'J.r : ! , : ix : : ) , : ; -.r : , II ij : : ; , r.tri. : ( : : ! . 7'io. Trso jisj ; p. m. It ti.iinsilu not inn on Sunilny , All olliei.s inn > . I'Virj ttaius will inn : H lir-t sec- , lion ul c'.icli iliiiiinu Iriin. exeeiit those lenv- inliiualia ut < : : fiii in. Mini II Mil | i. in. , anil leaving ( iiiiiii-il Itlulf.- lit i : ( ) . ' > : \ . in , anil 11:15 : ] > . in. SnirK YAKIIO TISAIVS Sji.'eliil . slnclc j.inU ii.i > M'iiei ! trains Oiu.ih.i ut'i-Ki ' : ) : , m.Nn. . in. , li ) : , . ' . a. in. , li > : > . ' > a. in. , v-lil ; p. in. , : ! . ' > ' p. in. , nml .r > "t > p. in. I , ea vi1. slock \.inl-i lot Omaha at 7iV ; > a. in. , lil : lu in. , Uil : ) p. ii. , \.i \ : p. in. , I'M p. in. , . 'iur : p. in. , ; ufil lirjd 1 1. in. Coiini elilit ; Hue-1 : it tiiinxlei ili'pot , Ciinnrit lilatls. , Koclc KlaiKl .fc r.u'lni ! IIMMI. 15 7Ui. : ltiti ! : a. in. , f TifiO p. in. : ai'- iu-e. ! : " . in. . It : : . ' ' . lTn \ : < ! ji. in. ( . 'hi- rnuu V Nnilli\Mt < > liii n lease. I ! Iilria. in. , 0 r > : P , in. ; auive , I ) lil."i.t. : in. , li 7HHI p. m. C'lili-nKo , liiiiliimton it Qniiiej le.ivi ; , A livi : : n. in. , A ' ) ; : > > p. in. : aillve. A ' . ' : K > ti. ii | . , H li : ' ) p. in. . A 7:1 : i p. in. Cliie.iio. Miluatlkco .V HI. I'.uille.ive I ! ! il. : " > a. in , , C r. : ) p. ni. ; uirive. 1)11:1 ) : % . u. in. II 7il : ( ) p. ni. KaiiMHCItv St. Joe A- < ' . It. lei\o. A lllltK ) a. in. . ( .H'.K p in. : iiiihe , I ) iirm. : : in. . It 7 : " > . * i p. in. Ut : ba.lileae , A Jl'D.i p. in. ; itjihe , A fifJOp in Slon\ City iV I'iii'incle.ive , A 7:0" : > n , in , , A 7"i : p. in : an Ive. A ' .i : " > a. in. . A 7MI ; ( n. in. : \'.ieine \HIOS- - > leave A MrJU p. in. ; aiilM * A 7"iO : n. in. : Denver i-xinuss , li.m > A UiiJOii. in. , iirnvu A llti 11. in. ; U. I * . mail a il expre . Hep. valley , leiuo A 1 : 'JO | i. in. , n rive A ' ! :1D : p. in. ; It. .V M. nmil anil exiie- | , ( Itep. valltiv , lenvo A Nlu. ; iiiiivud : : ! ! ) a. in. ; It. AJI. . nltflit c\iftws | , h-avo A 0U' : p. in. , in live A HIM I a. in. Sotitmuuil M. I' , iliiy nxpiess , Icavo A 10 : : OH , in. . aiii\H > : i > n. in. : ni lit exiness. leave 15 M i 1 1 n , in. . nrrUo A i ! : : ! . ! ii , in. ; Iv. ( J. HI. J. A. C. It. , vlu ri.iltsinontli , lea vi ) A Si : 10 u. m. . It St"p. : . in , iinlve 1) 7iJ. ; ) Noilliw.iiil-C. , HI. I' . , M. .V5 . ( > . , fjlonx City e\pie.T > , leave A X.ia. : in. , auive . " > ; , ' / ) p. in. ; O.ilil.niil aei'iiininoilatlun , lua\u C Tiill ) p. in.1 ai'iive C II : iHa. in. I5nstw.iiil C. It. A Q. via Plattsiuoutli , lea\e.rij ) p. ni. . nifivc'.irJOn. in. U'c-twnnl I'lieinocvjni'-vH leaves A 8 : ' ( ) p. in. , aiiivu A 7.r : > i ) a. in. ; Jenvnr't\piin ) ) , leavn A lOi.Vui. in. . iiiTiM ) A fifin j > . in. : U. I1. mail ami otpiiss. Hep. Valley , le.iyi ) A ' . ' : W p. in. , ni i i\e A 1 : l'i p. in. : K. .V M. mall , anil expii s Itep. Valley , leavn A , sl : ( ) a. in.univo lUlia. ; ) in. ; It. V fit. nielli.pns'i ; , lcav'(5 ( Or.u p , in. , aiiivu A H.T : > p. in. .Souli\\aiil ( SI. 1 * . ttay , Icavo 11 : ' i > a. in. , anive iilH : ) a. in , : nlulil oppress , leawt I1'.IIM : | > . in. , ariive A 7:1X1 : p. , in. ; K , 0. . HI. .1. . .VC. . It. , via I'l.itlKiiioiitli , leayo A JliO a. in. , JtHil'ip- . , ui live l)7OUa. : in , , 7.V : > ji. " ' \iirtliwiiKl-O. . HI. I1. , M. itO. , Sioux ( 'Ity e\pi ( " > s , leave A Saia. : ; in. , iiulvii , ' ) : : > iip > 111.5 O\erlaml ae 'oiniiixlutlili ( ) lra\e < ; 5:10 : p. in , , airivoC llljDOji. in. Norn A trains ilally : H dally cxcypl Sun day : C ilaily exeeplL/iiUinlay ; D d.iiiy .Momliiy. Sii : < t.s m ornry IKIIIIC I' lljlillJi carry , nnd ro. fiiilri < H llllluuxplHiiiillnii Siilim ni'iiuru nn > iiinkln > | U n wi-i-k. MO vrill IIAJ iliirjr ur t'uiimil'tluu. \ llnwlt'i * ' i up , fur full poUciiiiirj 5 F WiftfHf * CO W ) Aaf * VI CULTIV Tor * o HiiU- ' N n o ndi i MMIII-IIIIII ? ivnit'ifilllMii I'll lini/ini. / iii IINII , I llr < > < , | > , i I < ml Ini'Mim ) , ! * , t VrtM Vlill It * . ( InltKtll. ilL "ll'Ml Illli , | Mf | MU(1 ( | t. s. oivil Irl , I'LJl ) . . Uniiilia , i. el ) . "GAMES" ARCTICS -WITH DOUDLG THICK 0 < M.L. Two Years TEST. TUo " ( 'juii > r < " . u oir ihiiii < m liu iiljuinvj clauMcro tlio iHiiii-y. with llii-tr rri'-.t linprnvriacnt of lb OOIMII.K 'IUK li JHI I , . Tim C-ttr.n tlilrkri-M o | Auk to tta thu "CAV1CH" Ilnnlilo TlilcU lull * in Jloi.ulutn J , ovcr.lioi j , AJ l u , .Vc. A Common Sense