Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A Tabulated Statonsr. . Salraitted to t !
Oomnii : on.
J > lstrlcL Messenger Serticcv to lie In-
1'rrxluc-ctl in Lincoln V Hall Well
to Jlo Sunk In the Sallnr
Jia IuCity Matter * .
Of Ilic nine railroad * opnrating in Ne
braska eight of Shorn hnvu furnished the
following sUtt-ineut to the r.tilwjiy com
mission , which the board uillonuw to bo
published in a few dnj * TinHurling -
ton & Missouri road i ? the only road to
1 e hrnrd from. Its tabulated j-t lemcnt
will be forwarded to tlio eommi iou in a
low ( lays. That company apologi/es for
ils tit-lay , flaying that thi * is : new tiling
for llio ofliceinnd they are ntixiotn to
innkc a true and detailed statement of its
entire business. Tin- table contain * tin-
1-oUils of each of the road- ' , and there-
juirt runs from July 1 , l&M , l < > Jtini1 Wl.
Sls.JSSa { = -
rf-V i4 : -
SHPll Co
WeutiCMlay nliiht a ixei-ling was held
t the iJSec of School t > ii | > eriniundeni
Jones , of the executive counnitiee of thu
State. Teachers ; ' aifiation. . There were
prusunt A. W Vanduriuun Dr. CJ. L.
Fnriilniui , I'rof. N. IJ L ncli , Snperm-
tcndeut J. H. Sexton , Mis.s M. S. Hoiinu
and I'rof. N. W. W.-loue , . Thc.\ ar
ranged a j > rogrimmc : for tiie no.\t an
nual meeting of the state a ocintion
The nieeiing of the association is to beheld
hold Mnrcli an. U > SO. at the iintxc ity
cliaj > el in Lincoln , and lo bi-l four dai- .
Superintendent Jones w.s : iiiMrueted to
correspond with the United States com-
missioiicr of public education. Hon.iihn !
Katon , anil to fccinv an hddre-s , fruin
bim. ( Jov. D.iwes will also be reijim.-tctl
to addro.svj the : is.-ociati < in If the pto
gramme as now arranged is carried out
it will bo Iho most inU < re tln ; and in
structive ineoting the Nebraska teach-
era" nwocintion ever had. I'rof. Jones
EiiyRhe i.s determined to mtiku it a grniat
Mr. Lane , manager of the Ainoricr.n
District Tel grapli ser\ic , is in the city ,
Hiid i.s completing arrangement * to place
the district telegraph in tins city. Mr
Luiic Mt f , that lie thinks ho will have the
ByvU'in fn working onler in this place in
H bo ut three we L . Mr. Lane resides in
Denver , and is very lavish with bin com-
liliiiicntfl on the prospoots of Lincoln 's
The board of public lands amlbnjld-
lapj to-day advertised fur bid * tor
n well in the rialine basin Wt > ( of the i ity ,
lor lhe nurpo-e of making nalt. The notice -
tico calls for bid * to bo iu.i < in on oaeh 1 I.I
/ of the probable i.OJJ teul to be .sunk.
and it ro orveiJ ih.- right to Mop the work
t any time without the con-ent of tlie
contractor. It if thought by nioiuber of
the lK > ard that lhe entini work will bo
completed by iho oj > eniiig ol upring. The
jirobiiblo o i-t ettnnot tit the present tinio
IK ) approximated. The board in t'rs
move ih carrying out the law as emu-ted
liu > t winter , and the money to bo uv-
ncnded is tnat which was rouli/ed by
lhe rale of the naline lands on thu
llth 01 * tnis month. The bid > for the well
w il be opened December * . ' , lei. (
A r.ooi > suh. .
A number of farmers have called on
IT ( lorth , the stito veterinary Mirgeon ,
Hiid liiivti f-uggestttd tno Mtivi.sability of
culling logeiner. even at the e\pc.n-oof
the dilVeveiit hor-o ami oaltlo
tloctow throughout the hlulo who claim
to bonbloto cum ami prevent hog ohol-
urn. , and to experiment on bog * at the
Fttttu farm , jn-t east of iho city , and -oe
If Kimu medical trmtment cannot bo
/ "iMsl wlu-reby the thousands of
ilodars last by hog cholera could bo
raved to thu people of the stale. Among
tlio names nmnlioued of Hit. men who
should b inviUitl are W. 11. Young , of
SewHrtl , who bus cunni a greal many
rate * . J M. Hulloek. uf Lancaster coun
ty , who nlf o has had good suceuss , and
Mr , HopkiiiB , whoin it i elHiined IKa
sure cure for In1 , ; ciiidern if thin meet-
in 'un brii i about n niiued.v. it will bo
worth i.illions to Xebra k hog growers.
C'lTV KllKVIlUdt. I
Mrs. Dearborn , of lliU citjapiuiired | I
U'txlneittliiy nighi in tlm Lady of Lypu. * . I
The pi.KV d * are to go for this of
the poor of Lincoln Thu opera huu o
WM well tilled , and tho' ailair proved
quite H sufcess. The tmtiro troupe w.ts !
made up oi home uilenl.
8 , J.TutUe. Im ! laid out nn lulditlon to
Lincoln cn t of huiiiiy hldu iiddition J
K. McKarlniul , A. K. 'I ou nl.ii uml I icorge
Harris am a IHO preparing to iuy oul an
ottdiiion to tlui ciy ,
Judge I'arkiir yuslcrday mtirr'.txl a
oouple , bii\ing lir > t issued , i warnint for
tlKvrn&caUy gnwm He wub given h' '
choice to go lo jail for an in-'Hinile '
periml or marry iho KrlAt lirst lie w .
cjuplnitio in bis rilus'l to wed i e in-
jurud would-be bride bill ti uy eaveil ,
and went out of < ourt H i covered witn
smiled. It n i nu t..u iiMitk'iiitn bad
been xro < I'inyly ' inliniKte with the
lai'y for > 'iiu < lime. Itotli are r 'j
uf Laiicoatc'r county , and In lhe
hope Hint thry will live to bo a happy
htisbnnd nnd nifo tlieir initues are with
held. ci'iyetis in Lincoln nro en-
ilc.nvoring t'i lui-rest Ihe olnniJi'-M dis-
] . ' < sed in lai-ing ti fund for th" d . ' .i - ' ' > n
j * ufi'i rers Tlm * far but little u-nh.iv
has IM-OH made
The . * nbdip1iin ( ( < i the Statr DCHH.- ( irant fund hn * thus fcirrrwMd
$ l.'i"l ) ) "W Tlie amount to be rnis il WHS
? .
W S. llaniiltnti , nn jittomoy in Lin
coln , is llio son of one of Nebrl a fir-t
terntorisl gocriioM. Mr. H-MU ! " ' *
fattier wis : ajijxiii'.U'd go\erii i" of t ! , -
tcrritnrj bj iVesidetit I'.uchniiHii Aft < -r
his c < ini'iiiiMion hsd been n , eeivetl In him
Ids friends in the wiullu rn patt of IVim-
f-ylvanu wenjolliljilnsc over lii g < od
luck , in the mid-t ot whicli tuviimm !
evplodeil nd ( lovernor HnmiltMn was
killetl CJovernor Hiimillon wi : n d' i < m
oral , his -nn is a staunch repubVi .IM.
Attorney ( lenernl L"PSO lujrme to
Omahn. l"fore ! . t : rttng hetid he
thought the Investigation tif II ; < -h.trgcs
against L ( . ' lltirr. the Xinimeri.iau li -
yer , would IK- brought befon ! u fiiir
mittee. of lawy < > r appointoil .b ) the * u
prcme court. He said fnrtlic r. tint a
tin' as he was roueerned , he was willing
lo submil the t-.isi'to tlm supreiiu court
on the papers-and pleadings alhenox \
.stood , and tint lie thought there wa
MtlUcH'iil in the { iliuiding * alone to cii-c :
the ili-ib.irnienl of Mr. ISiirr. As < lenernl
Cowin is rhairman of the couimitiee. he
has the power to order the convocation
of the board at his plenMiie.
The rilvgernld ho e coinpiitivari' link
ing arrangements for a Th iiik-gi\iug
Thnnl-gi\ ; night the Lincoln Ma n-
iierehor will given grand ball f r the
bcnelit of the toeicly at the citv hall.
The Indies of the ( iunntin Hurmony
societv gave a-social lust night nt their
hall oil Tenth-treel , for thr > beni ti' ' of Hie
( lerinan poor of our city. This s.c.jety
hiLsijoi'c an immense amount of efl'octhe
charitttble work in th" i > : u-t few years.
P.M. Sutton. of northwest * nt lov.a.
has been liguring on the amount of money
spent in Lincoln nnnually for I'ip'or ' , uud
ho suites that he liiids that e.T-ll of the
twenty-three .aloon * tnku in f.Vi j > er day ,
which' i- ti low aveiage , thus making tiv
tolr.i Ktniinnt VH,0ii ( ; j early.
Typhoid fever iaid to nave brnki'ii
out "in Lancaster county. Several ci--.s :
are reported in lhe ontlu > rn portion. No
dauths have yet occurred.
No steps liave yet been taken to
the alleys in this cit - , and tin ir condi
tion is terrible. The properly owners
pay litre or no attention to lhe orderof
the chief to clean up. Winter is Muninjr
on and with all the deadly filth remain
ing in the alleys il will Iw liltlo w.-.ndnr
if n fearful epidemic should br < : ik out.
Great discontent and dis-ati-faction
lias bniken out at the Mate univcrsitv
among the students against Chancellor
Manntt. Vat ions cause.- are assigned
for the grumbling , and har-h remarks
agninst the management. It is nl-o
claimed that one oHhe teaciicrs of that
institution is very billed v opposed to the
Hianoellnr s metnods. Detmite charge *
will bo formed in a few day ? , it is nid.
The name of the manager of the I'aciiio
Telegrajih coniiny | : in tbis city is D. N.
Cyford , not Seifert , as heretofore jiub-
li-hed. Mr. C' employed legal nssistiifce
j'e.lerd.iy , and gave irdor. ' ' lo bring 5-ait
at once again- * the telcjliuno company
to compel it to furnish a telephone in bis
J. M. Gray and wife , Sutton ; E. S
Uiirke. Nebraska City , K. K. Lyie"a -
hoe , L. Oiirlnn. Miiulen ; I' . 11" Fowler ,
Onnilia ; A. C" . rrothwaite , David C'itv.
J.N He.iter. Columbus : L. C Gt.odcll.
Wilbcr , 1' . N. Heinrieh , Omaha ; John J.
( Maguey , PhitUtuoulh , J. 11. C'ti ter.
How to Hold n Partner.
Allen Dodwurth , in ids "Dancing r.nd
its Kelnlious to Hdueatioii uud Soeial
Lilf , " ajs The idea of ono holding
the otl.Vrshuuitl not bo too strongly en
tertained. Todanco together in sympa
thetic tinio and motion ought to be the
dominant , thought. The manner of
holding is , however , of very great consequence - i
sequence , as what ieon i in tliiis very i
frequently used us a measure of char- I
acter. In this i- its greatest imj > ortanco. I
Among the vulgar , uncultivated and I
vicious curUim methods prevail , uml wo j i
liiturilly : suppose that tliose nii-thods I
lire the result of the habit * and tceliugs J I
caused by Iho MII rounding : , of thocso j i
unfortunately placed ; but when hl o I
methods are found in cultivated fcociu-ty , i
among those who have hail every oppoV- | ! I
( unity to improve their , it i.s umpies- t
tionablv a nhoek to a thinking per-uii.
To liol.l clo i ly has many oiijeetions
without one advantage. It is indelicate j
ivulgar iniglit be the better word ) . It
reflect. * unpleasantly upon the character J !
of the dancer * . If prevent * freedom of 1 i
motion. Ilis ungr.icfful in upp 'iir.ico
If lhe observation ofocial waltzing [ I
in Now York sind Ktirope. lor mor > thuu : i ,
forty years , proves an % tiling whatever , it !
i.s that the mcthoil of holding whieli is I
preoribel btdow is to-day. . - at the boI I
g lining , adopted by all who may bo noticeable - I
ticeable lor reliucd mannerami inn.u-
The gentlemen npproachofi thri lady ,
ofloring Ins loft baud -one who is au fa t
will at the iJ.une tinu nuk i a = ' g'lt in- j
dilution to a hall bow. The lady place ? j [
her right hand in that of the gctitlcmuu , '
wlio tnon extends hi right arm in a di
rect line to the bide. lh" fore.irm bent seas
as to lorm an neuto single. In tni , nuglo
the liuly u'ill placu hcr-elf , with the ceil-
ti r line of the pereron ojiposito the line of
the gentleman's right .s do , both persons
on parallel linen , not forming an anglo.
In tins position each will bo looking over
the other o right shoulder , and i > > Ino
lady turning Her head sligiith to
the left thy effect of the group will
bo greatly improved , and prevent till
jxissibdity of taking each oiher'n brealu ,
which i.s rarely pleasant , ami in the ca-o
of : i young man directly from the u o of
n nieor.-chuum is "positively horrid , " as
inany ladiei have ivmarl.ed. The ladv ,
it not tou nliort , jihiees her lofl hand ,
hooked , upon iho gentleman's right
shoulder. Iho ling/ri app. > 'iniig in fruul.
Tiie right hand ol the getitl.-in in s.'iuuld '
rest very gently upon tlio Indy'o back , ni
near the waist as possible , so : us not to
remove the upward pressure of thu clbuw
directly uml.T tlio lady's shoulder , as
this is the lady's support and imial beheld
held with sure but gentle tirmiiem Tlio
hand on the back Mtunld rest very
lightly , aud on every possible oc'c.-u.oti
should bo slightly raised , o thtit the air
in-y pass betwiH.1 ! ! , HS in Kime eut-a lhe i
close contact induces pronpinit on and ] |
nmv b-uve ita mark IIIKUI tholKdy'sdrcss. |
Itoth PLTMIII.Slioidd bo Alightly bent
torward , fiom the hips ujiwnrd , MI
that the shoulders my lu * onlv tiireo
or four inche- apart , thu di.sUincu
increasing downward , lids loaves both
parties live in tliuir limbs , MI that any
contact of person or knees msiy bo
avoided , and tilionid be so avoiilod as a ,
iit ) > st serious m stake. Thu gentleman a j
loft hand , holding the ludy's right ,
should oo extended downward in a line I
w th the l > ody ( ho luiiuls three or four
inches tlisUtnt front the pen-on , iho arms
forming a gentle curfrom lhe shoulder -
dor downward. No weight is plncod
ujion this arm ; nil the guiding aud
changes milt bu governed by the- elbow
under Iho lady's arm. It will bo found
Unit this irrouuing will be perfectly mod
est In uppoininco , no nio"t t of
l > irrtou occurring than lu u lady taking n
jcniiuilltil : S ului HC U.IIKI.In con-
clijMOii , let it b ri'ineinb 'rinl thnt pur ly
of thought mid action may bj IIH exui-
Apieiious in wiiluing n/i in any olhcr i-
nsition of lifo , thit liu < grrm wattgrtu < -
ly , tlie vicious v cioiistlio ! . reliitcul and
luiuieont innocently uud in u
Scbwsfer Plays a Faulty Opting and a
Remarkable Ol > 9.
The Curly I leaded Cue Handle. ' UolU
I'p A ioiiMiln nilllnnls After
Vigtiniiv Ilnd the Onnio
JIN Own Way.
Knurl h Came of the Tournament.
Cim-.u.o , XuIQ. . Sehnefer mid Yls
\\erofoi.tteUttts lit the fourth panic of tLo
balk Iluu tonniameiit. Thu tittrtt < tatifo was
acnln u-ry l r.te , though le-s than tint < if tlto
preceding tfamcA. Schaefer Ml dpeplyclm-
l hi * two ilofcnti , and i\\pro * cd
confidi'iir * In his winniti : : lo-nishr * .
Mine. Ki'ttint : was llvel > at even money , as
Vlgnnm hail shown in the K.IIW of Titu.dax
idiflil that he was In .strength of pia >
lo ellher ul tlic AiiHTieiuis.
Selwofci won the bank for load , ami
counted f torn tht' laj-off. lie niled thu
-ceiutil Mint , an nnsy nnc-euslilon. Vlgimux
niailca run ol ii in lii.s Mvond inning. Mop-
pine with tlio ball * In line , n- lie mls-rd n siuit. Selia"icr .started In * Iowivnnd
in a i.iitwd fashion , tuning no knack of con-
tiollliiu tlic bills. In hi * half nf
the1 eighth inniiitr YUnaux ran ' / > , nud
Tire scoie .itootl n.i to K In his lavor. Ho left
the balls elnse lufethci fur Sclmefer , who
Imiidlcii tin-ill ralhcrrrunisii ) for a time , nnd
w ; s nhliucd to rcsiirt to 1(1115 ( drive * mid d.fii-
cult shot * . Ho.tiipptd at T4 l > v icssou in r
Inulty ib ivo shot , anil left tin- ball hunched
for \ l imux. Thp ( ( in'i ni'i iilayed with pn-
fisloli ninl si If roinlii.iliil. iind In his cu-ito *
mary stolid ami im-vivablc way. plJnlup .V. .
Jli1 fi'lt Sfliacli'i u fair opening ; , luit tint Now
'i urki-r mlsHxlcakty. . -V-'aiii the 1'arislan
pr.WYded In masterly syo [ | J0 d inalKti
SchaeletV for iliplij jirizc , thi < time
ma kin IT a i mi dl in , invljicli some supi-ib
'Jiot'oro-irntl. due wa.s a two-cushion haul ;
lor position , nniillin a ilnuv .shot at an nuirlo
niTiisstlsf entlie uidlh of the tahle , and the
third .icninltinailon Icissshi'tanuiiiil the table
| tor iiriiciislitniis. Thref Inll.s | . v in a line
e use I'lueth'-i luainst tin1 l.eiil of the -
ion. A fo 1 > w was out of t ic < pie < < tloii
and u striniit kiss WTS iuii > iariirable.
\Vlth eon. > uin.ite ealeida > o i the bic fon-lmi-
M 11 i > td nil tlie whiU' ntiii theivb ) kis-se. ! Itie
ivd over toward the riiht hand etuner ,
where hh cw.i ba'l ' met it and eonnted on
the return innn the tri'i around the table.
This , pn-at shot \v is lo'tiil > - elieercd. At ( SI
lie stopiHsl on a dilliciil draw to the cushion.
Oneu more , in Im ele-.entli inniii- .
Yiu'liauadtleil to hisy \ \ total , thU HUM
with a uell-pMjed run of ' > ? . Thr . - orv was
iniw 1814 to sj jn | u < favor. hM'haefer ini-t'iied
nnd inis-x-d in his twetith Inidiu fnan sheer
nervousness , Vhjnaus foiloweil with 13 ,
missing on a oue-eu-hion bank. HP left the
ti.tllh htnl : { < > ! .schncfer. who oi > eiifd out w 1th
a spli'iulid inas e , and in oue or 1\\o more
jut Ihii lulls in hand for a irood lon run.
1 le M'euied to CTtliiT .sclf-eont ro | as ho went
nloiijr. nnd altlioiuh nut plnyini : with the
UMial stnme diil extremely well. At ' .17 he
s ) > reHi ! the hallo wide ainri by a fanltv drive ,
and then niisTod a Imnl dri w shot. " Score ,
VU'imnx : yr. Schaefcr 1-1. Ah usual ,
Yiirjinux found a sel-up and woike-J It lor ' .
AVhon he Imally niisMsi on y lianl hr.nlhot :
lie left Srhacfer a bad bnvxk , hut tin- little
man went afier It aiound the tn-
he and cot it. Another .shot ,
and a very hard one. too , pive him
CTxid.Hisltion ] and with the l > -t playin ? he
liiil yet dune , Im went on with a heautifiil
i mi. At4 ! ho fnizi to the red and b.inked
unsuccessfully. Ascain at 10 * lie tloze. hut
with an oiuurini mis : eonute < l iimid
tiviiicndoiis cheeiini ; . At 110 he au'aln silicic
fast to the nil , this time in suchn | K > i-
linn tint he could neiilier Ititikor utussc.
Tiie balls \\erc Miiott vl an 1 h in idj u .strin ;
t-hol in elegant ehajie. He stoiit-d | ] al 133 on
a \er > iianl two - usldonh < > u
Vliniii.N ! was peiveptjhiy nffift d by this
tin looked fur sUittf ot lliin ; s. nnd in the ! H'.t :
tour innlnirs tiroluin pieces. mi smc ms
favurile < lia-Vs. blncfc-r jjavc linn Nife.y
medicine tor two innings , lint In the .suveii-
ttvlilli hofijviKsl out oiieo mom In urand
style nnd in tdo n rjn < f * . Tnere w-as Krivit
rliecrlu as ho ed bin oj/jinm-nt s 'ore
'I do ojll now showed tfchaeicr ? ,
During nil this time Vlcnauv stood near
lie ! table cotistintly nnd kept his eye * on
brhaofcr. Twice he t-.alined no count on
Scliaeler but tlie referi-e ruled against lilui.
bchauter'fi run of : > r in tliel iitcetuh mum : :
ca\o libi a lead tit e\aUt UJ. .Score , 'Hito
Viifii.iii.\v\ : In the last half of the nine-
tceiuh inning \ 'Unau.caught hi * send
wind and cot In a run of 74 , mir-in. ; on a
draw nhot and leaving the Kill * , fur .V.i.iefer.
Score. .S-haefcr 4 K Vidimus 4fi. Si i.iefer
utilized tlioset-up ; with another mn ninrpnt
inn. in winch he pfa.\fdbalk-Iinuuud worked
ends and corners r-s they have nut
been worked hemru in this lournnimn. .
He Mopped at 111 bi u hair bre.ulm nu . , a
two c'Ua.duii IHI Lion slmt. Seine , hehaetVr
-t'-1. Visrnnnx 4iO. A | i.uvJ ! 111.1 uf
IS' n tiie twentieth inniiir en l.iluli a miss
of , t drat * shut. The lulls were lett \t-iv
hard lor S-h infer , nnd he m id j two blaiin
inuitizs nn I tried thu sifoty plan. After
imtkH'i ; tutu | Hint In the twontv- > t.
Vim a A was kissed out of count , bin n iu
incii.j-srfcond he nn jinid ica-h14 ! h.n ast
t.inn _ ' . Se.iio. Seln-fer ' f. Yunuix ftti.
A inlsscueby Vu -c-ra\e Sdne/er / a set-
ii'i in liio twenty . . t'i ' and he mid > s U.
Vi.'iiaiix had no ehaii'-e iu hi- halt of the
t went-aft i. and -iiaeler oinliu ; out w ih
MimudirinirehiiLs. ran li an I mm : in inu
tv.-cnty-siMu Inning , tliUi wmniiu
eMiaordmaiy vict iry.
To morrow ni ht Mn scii and Vignaux
jin ! > .
Mihasfer-l , 0. 1 , 0. 4 , i ! . 0 , 0 , ? ! , 0. 2. 0 , 07.
iw , 7to , ar.ii , iio.o , o , 0,0 , 10 , u Total !
( "Jll.
"Jll.vigimnv 2 , " ; , 10.10 , a , M. i. oi. si. mr.i ,
1 ° . , w , i , 0. u. ; i , 5 , T , vi , l. ' , l , Jj , lI l , o. Total ,
' jilsliesl run * Sehaefer , 12 , 110 , f > T , 80.
\ iu'iiniix , r.r.i ! , , r\
A vra/iis Sehaefer , 23 1-lS. Vi
jori. ; .
Time of game -J hoars. 4s minutes.
A Kansas OlHulitl rtiitrKeil with Hob-
lilii/j / a County Trcasary.
TOPBKA , Kan. , Xov. 1 ! ' . This city , and a-
IHx-iaily IhojueonnecttMl with the stole ofllce < ,
is In a turore of exi-iteinent o\er a .story
which couu'.s from K.c count ) , and uiilch ii
\ouched lor by u priiauut'iit resilient of that
county. Tnu stat.-jai'iil in as follows :
batnnlay hist It w is rumored at Lvo'is ,
tliuciiiimy tn-at ol KIL-O co.inij. on hs
dcjilli U d u d.ictor wiu h.ul died in that city , 1
had imjilic til' Hun. . .loanViii.v , nt jnu's-
ent iL'jiiuseiilliu HID Tiililx-fixlli dirict in i
thiifttaie seiuuin roliti.nj ; ii coiuiij trcas- i
UIJ ot .soiuo jl.J , OJii .sovciai yenraa u. j
At th. ' IIIIIMV'iu ' was comity attorney
and a IIIHII natiud Lawimco was treasurer.
l.a .vieiiw ! was arit sied. tried and ejuv itie I
o. robbing tlio tii Os iry vnnlt , Att r.ievViu.u
c iiiilicUii' ; the | i.imviitiiiii vi.oiuu.-Tj3 , auj I
Uiedelendaui was "uiiteiuvd to t.ueo ; i I
in tiie jienli < u > iiiy. Lauren- * * jir ea'inu-.l I '
hih inline -nee iiiiiin.'hout tlio trial , and when i
lheerdict ot tru ly wa unallj n.tched liu
ivi-.s t'o.nji utcly tir men duwn. Ho o aim -d
tliul the aiuiiiiiu' iu-r tne nu-lit 01 tiie rub-
b TV ne went to iiin otiicem thu court hou-o
HI thu ciusUijiury Inuiriinil tne doors ui
In.uuli iiaJ OiV'ii f-iui-d dtiiin. tin infill ,
and that l-UJJ : luul bn uiin. . N'otwlui-
htandini ; Ids pnilfKintion * ol luinxvnco lhe
nun ua-iluuaduuiil ) . At the tlm I..IVMjut )
liaillii'i u iiiitini ; ; nuiuenuis linjiiii oiiieiitn < iii
Ins luiui. ad ( K whic.t. It t > j.d. H.I-I dona
with the Miilen iinniey.
Thucouittnsiou in iimd > in' ; doctor wnsas
* ' "On Iho n.-nt Ihj Uisasary vault
> 1. I , liy c'.unec. liapjnieHl ; : to IM
. _ ntvir the otlici' , and cal'linij ; ilu
f-UllllU ( li all UlltldilJl ilu Ml 111 thu illll ' 11 ,
Hu'jnuxl ' in.sidc. liiu'lne my Kuipri-so when
I b 'he.d John U'nue in the ivt 01 rotibin ; ;
lhe vault. 11 was wi.n-1 tlm > befure tVaito
KIW UH- . but wh'nhe did he t vi r/
i aie. Ho otforid me < 1UJ nut to ma < e
KIIIIWU wlmt 1 hud nuoii that night ,
and 1 urcepted the iii'Jii T uud
with It puruhasfd two dnu iotns. "
I'hu fact that thU doctor a ! oiit HIM time of
tie : robi > trry did purchase two dra htonta. nnd
thutniiliof liu staU-mcMiUi' , uatconuuvtlun
i * therefore probxhle.
" " I Itlir .I'l | lV | \ " | < | M Is IH | | , > \Y . 1 - > | 1 (
favorably known nil over Ivnnb s , and made
i.u.ui a itjiu.a .ull ntjj li t . j.j.a.jij f..i
ik-iiait'.r a.iU iuli9 K'jint-kj.'il.imtv JlU < riendi
in Ui scity wui i luiiaod at lis ! ! > iry , uud
letu rii have addr IB-MS ! him liHi'iiruf. ' ; Into
the Irulli or fabKy uf iho iu A.UI.IIL
at Cuouoy & OUon8
, AM ;
I The KOMI 11 of AVJik-li Will 1'roUably
i Knit ItatilMIn nn br Se.HToltl.
ATI inst.v. Knn. , \ s. is.- -Tli" jury in the
j Ilildv.m mnnlcr m t , which ha * lif' u ( .n
, tri.dlieiffT * UT < 1 < \ \ \ i.i t I'v r.-'nrnej
I n t onli. ' ! of ! 'iiirder In "i trt tl in-c. The
\c-Mic ? * * ms to gi\e n > in .t ni-i-er-d , 'ili-
i f. tioti.
c-dllv was > ip m > M VorkMi * ? v < * r .
in thisronibinnil ; . tUelctlm " '
sister of th" dwin'slit. ' ? } m
( "iivuinstfln'Vprovitl.sheImd b iMi *
with eliliiitif'rin tlie Idiflit before. 'I IIPTP
was no one " -leeplll ! In the hmw but herself
nt the time. A vuiitl lisd li"n rut 'mm the
ImpJ ; door nnd Uicliom. t\a in co feM'iti l <
In'll'atebiirelr.ibut nothing of Iwws < s
tuissjnc. Suspicion ( Minted at oner > to linkl-
win as the ninnltrer. Ilu had abmil niiei t
Ids ] > ortion of Ids father's estate. HKitT
still lifr's intact and w * , nl-out to
main. T" picu-nt this inaiiiaf ainl : it iho
Mmlo ei nrethe inlicritinnc to his mother ,
so thnt he niieiit jret t'ic < ntire e ate nt.i ! y iho th'-orv adoit | < I by the pr-isci-iui'iif.
AVIioii liio jinv aiitiuiiiiuHl liiis nmrnitu
lhc > were lea'ij to n purt. til" int'llicelire
( li'ickly ' was spiead idmit toun and nenulo
becan'to pour into the court twesn. U'o'neu
enme baiv'ietdeil. moil e'Htleis ami haHes.
nnd when tats . .1wl.ninivtsl : : th ( * loom v\.is
vcty ii"arly full of peoi le. When
the vertlicl w.-i * ivn : | . % a dermnstrati-iu
ol apjiniral went around the riMiiu and m-n
and women rushed in the jur > tn cun-
irnitu Hte them. The women weremmt dem
onstrative , < iicli jurxinaii hnvinc all he could
attend to. The defendant' . * mother knelt and
attended In. Tlie defendant' * n.olh'-r kiicit
liciran H hys'ciieid prau-r. Ills w ife eowi nl l
in lierehiiir , but fie defendant sat throiuii
the c\cit inelit with hi * usiiil stoicAl ul'"li -
eern. making no otitwaitl Mgn of Ids It el-
An Aniorcum Son Slopes \Vllh UN
lxniAN"Ai'oi.i , Ind. . Xois. . An clojH > -
incnt with unusual features was made juilillc
yesterday. Lasl KrhliiyiilchtOearniwon ,
the unmarried NIII of John \V. Dawsmi , a
pioneer settler of this eoiinty , t1i appraied
fi0111 hi"ilhor's ) , house In comuny | with his
{ .tepuiother , a woman alxmt his own nvei \
years. Sue waiIhc s'titur DawsnnV fmuth
wife , married to him in October. IS1. ' , w icn
the trroo'n was TO years old. She enti red I'in '
lainily tirt as.i domestic , nbmit a year proI
vioii * to her iimniase. bavins bi.'cii sent there
from the Home tor Friendless U'oiucn te-
uether with hci Illegitimate child.Vhpii
It \\.is known that the old man won d
nnrry her the family broke up. but
mtei a child was l > in thev acecpicd tlio
.situation and old rdal ion-were resumed. The
first to co biiflt was OMar , a man of little
forop of rhar.i"ter. somewhat dissipated , and
easily inthieiicfU. It is believed thut the
woman run nwav with him They made
elaborate i r-pinitlonh tot their < ! ej > .irt4ire ,
nndto'ikn : : ooilly.sum ol money. The wo nan
pdindniird liotli > > er ehililten in the lli ht.
The ( iCsprted hiisltniid will make no effort to
follow the couple. Their intimacy ha-been
ii matter of suspicion for a year or more , and
the clforji of relathe * to Induc Osear to
leave home ha\e luvn itnavailiiifr. The
woman cave her name as Kato MessprsmHh
in the mairiairc eertliirate and bailud irom
I.iwicncelmr . she claimed to have been
led astray lu-a < lar dealer of this city , who
betra > ed her under th < * promise of mamnw.
The Wioked IVnlter rninllr.
C'tJt AGO , Xov. 19. Jt is now bulelved at
Kiverdale that \Vllliam Walter , nqetl rrt ,
dairj' farmer , who-o disappearance tivitcd 'o
inucli lamentinnxuiiii ; Ids creditors. U t\- \ > } t-
pin with his .sewSid son , Heniy Walter in
lhe Litter's farm n : ir Cherokee , Ohenikc-e
cciinty. Iowa , ami slcii * aio b-'in-4 taken to
C.IIIMJ hiarre < t and extradition to thi.s
ptnte. .la'iies Walter , th" yj.inirfston ot
lhe fnslttve. w.n arip-tel veit-jidav in
\VnsliiuKton IIeuui . where ho h-i.l inme In
sf-ll soiiif cloth , oij.thu char . < preferred by
V'nin'r ; .la logins'- of an aitc ni > t to mur
der the latter. Tii. > 'voin ? m in wist.iken
before-lu i ire Loivent'inl. at nihinet. and
cn'unillteii ( or trial. Yeans Wu'terwnsal-
mllpvl toinil ht-rlii nudiy anil his ca e&it
forSaluntay morn in ; .
Htorni-Tos-tc1 ! Vessels.
rinc\f.o , Nov. 10. A Sfxero storm ha ?
bfH-n riidncon this snore of Lake Michigan
since last nlshl , the . - u ninnlnuryhlgh i
In seri ' of disa'ter-i Isiu-
conso'iueiieo , n ' - - j 1
ported , and It fearel thiro are nnru to ho
heaid from. While tr > l s to nvike this pent j | ,
t'ire ' < ! sehoaner * went on t't t'ie > lire ikw er. I
O IP wa.h. . Andprsoii , lu mKjr lad-n : HII > I
oilier. t'iI'oona. . also lam i * r 1 i hn , and t in {
John K.ldeihoiisc , licliL Ta" An lepifm an I ] j
l' ( or a wi-ie from the eist sior ! p'iMits. an 1 i
the Klldoihouaa wa-i on her way to Kcanab.i '
for iron ore. All v "s-els wcretikf n o'f t'io
break water.but In a bid'yd ' tin i'd condition.
Ilaa itrons I'rairio Firos.
Ai.i.s , Texas , N > v. n. Infer *
tmtlon is reeeive.l here to-d iv ofx'crydi
a'troai piairlenr--s In tlio Indian T.r'ltory ,
esp -Ialy ! north of I-d ! river station. A.s
near as ej n ha learnel tfi3 lire Wild
Hor-o IT.c. ! . a'mt fort v url'M nort'i of lle'l
IJivci station'fid burned down to fie ho'to'ii
hinil-iof llie i to I ) aver ere-i ; ,
twulvo miles w .tof K.-d liivjrbtatioii. Tlio
f-a'tern H'nlU of tie iiro arj not known , it ! helit-v I ih < 1r b * ! t is from f-iilv to
sixty i Tiewidu. . T IP lo s to cadlwnea is
plht-ed a * hiijli a * S49J.of > j.
The Cele ! ratlo.i ol' Its Flr t Aiinl-
G rtimita H-ili wn ihi scano of bril-
limit festivities last ni lit on t'io oceaskm
of tin lirst : nuivera.iry ball of thu Arion
Club. Tiioiljtdiis of tlio ( i lair wire ttr-
ranged by ixcomniiiteo consistln ; ; of F.
J. Lon a. Hu-nryJ. ilehir.l mil Cliule.s
let , and thu occasion was in every [ I
feature grandly siioee-sful. I i
The pro r.ttmia of the evening's [ '
nlonrtnrn opi'tr-1 by the provenlttion : |
by the lady friendi of thu club , of a hand- , '
s-oine Mlk banner , \ > -hich was form illy
litndod over to the elnb bv Mis < J'.iul j !
Mtirehmr. in a si , 'eli. 'I'lieuddresi
of aeoupUinee was niaJ ' . by lliu | Msi lent j j
of the or nuiTiutio.i , Mr. 1'rud Met/5. j
The banner U M boantiliil one , of him
silk on one sl.jiRH.J . tit.on thu otlir. .
On tfiuonu Aide ! < thinjrij tl > i , "Prj-
b'ntud by tin htdy Fno uU. Nnv. l.i. "
wth u prettr hiinl-piiltel t ! isi n , ji-i 1
on t'io ' nth r is th d viy . ii'itwim J with j
( lower * , "Ario i.or'.vniKH 1 NTov.i' . loll. " ,
After the formil cjr > * n > ar. dinein' ; '
wis ; coinmenued an I up to n liit-i I
hour to in > nira nof tiu .Mu eal Uiio : i [
orehcstr.i An aiippor was fjjrvc 1
lit 11 o'uloek , w ni'h w1iitt ! ) n 111 to with
the jjr-at'st zjat bv tiio nijiujjra a.i.l
their friends , " ,
Altogether tha nnniveniry wn ; n
decidedly pleasurablo'ovant , anditwn :
the kvUh of all pr.-smt th it tin Arm
club miijlit live tin oploaratu maayiujrt )
Mich tinni\crviiif , , ,
A IMckpouke'l „ . . . .
Ja in us fanny , a man about 4 5 yeur-i i
old. wivs arrtted'la4 "night ss H pie-1- : i
packet , find lodgell in Iho city jnil.
When thi larjje nudJen.00 left the lioyd
last evening ft'-r ' wltaessin llio pur-
forninncu of Haverlv's minstrels , the
btreet cars { 'olnjj in 11 dirjet OIH w ro
( triM'dod. A man nam-d Muizner \ \ .ir >
f-tnndinj' in oun of them , closnly crowd.'J
bi jifOilo | whim hu lhou < ; lit hu felu-ouio
tiling tuj'ri'ig ai IIH vu t jiookul. Hu
riiiteiiKil down Ut sou what the matter
WHJS and d eioveretl that his watoa w.n
onu. As Im made tlio tllnpovery he aw
Urtscy iLHviim the car nn I followed him
Hu mel a bpociul ) > oliootunn on tlm eor-
tmr nnd dr-"tei ! | hiiii 'o nrr stCns-v.
A * the ollcer touched hi * man on Iho
p.ioul a-r ii.tiirew o .t t .11 < i.v.ij > i i
hu held in his hand. Alter taking ( * . ; y
Ui the jail , Muizuur ami the o luvr r > ) .
turnml lo where he iva < arreslml. nnd uf-
ler a short search found tlm walcK.
For clocks jio lo
Tin ; i.tyiou c-vst : .
Coiisu-iliriiiii f - eileion the Stand
j Tlint At-rrement.
* '
The ftconil of the Ilijjgins liquor en- ' -
, wa < on tiinl je tenliiy : ift < rnoon in
J t ! iec-eourt b'forejudge Sten'veri ' : and
n ji'r.r 'Hie int < rr-t in th < > c-\-v in-
er-.v-.ed when it bet am , * known that
iMnr.-hl : ) ( . 'ninmiiiK-i bad returned , nnd
that , by an fisreeinent Iwtwveti the op-
lK\iifigcoiiiel , the evidence of C < nnicil.
men Li-cdcr and ISeiim wa-s to b admit-
ted. The litllo point loom Was packed *
and n nnmlx > r if melons saloou-kueper
were itiii ! < ; within Iho railing. The
same oonnxd was retained on both sidosi
n < in the former case , nnd thiirtatr -
ments at the opening of the trial were
thnilHi- lho e put lurth on the lir t e se.
The wittiitf-ies t-alled jor the pro" > eu-
tiuti were t" < ' : Uttnin .sullifan nd Oilicer
( ln < j > trson. if the pnliot * tor'illntli
tilied to hminj , lMni ht ijet-r in
r ; i'ii iil < iy > * 11 * t ijU i it -
phiee after I,1 u'clonk on the nmniuiu of
November ' . ' , : ; nd thai others were in thu
i place drinking at Hie snme titue Itntli
I witnesses tvcie ero-s-pMimined 1 > y Attor-
ne.v ti' dwin ate whet i r they bud any
ill-fueling again-i Mr Higsjins or not ,
1 nnd wh.v ( hi'\ . had | iurcha od tin ; li'ii | < r.
Nothing ! Was' developed , however. j.'u > win -
in , * enmity toward Higgins 'ihej- hud
sunld.f bonjrlil lhe liquor t > assist in con
victing him of a \ lolaliou of the law.
The defense tilen pl-iecd Mr. Ilisjgins
on lhe bland in his own behalf He did
I not ilunj M-liiu ; : lhe liquor or keeping
open hi * place nt business after the nour
for closing , but tetiiiedtiuit he bad done
. ' o on an uiuliir-'hmdinir ivith the ni. > r hal
thnt he was to b.- allotted toiuuall
night. On cross evirtiin.iunu it wa de
veloped that the uuJer.siiniliiii ; was not
Iind with tlie marshal pc'-s , tially. b'lt
throuirh stmie muuibera of tin etv : totin-
j I ctl. rile counsel tor HIM prosecution ob-
I jeeted lo such evidence IKMII , : admitted ,
nnd the court sustained the oS-jcetsoa.
j ' Mr. Higgiiis aloaid tint he w.n
i allowed to run livoui-rnts without being
1 j arrested , nnd when tuc lirst eomplnint
, w a-served on him , he bf'nnn t\nzrp
i and resolved not to closij up but light it
! ' out
I The next witness called was Council
I man Leedor , who proved lo be a little
; ' more lively a witness-than even Hie defense -
' fense wanted. Upon taking the "tantl
] i Mr. Leeder "said he wanted to "unload"
I himself. He had been placed in : t fil-e :
light before the public and hu wanted to
inlt him--if right and let everybody
know how the council stood
on tlie saloon bn-ino-s After toa-
.s.derablo loud talk -and
, , disputesand objec
, tions by lhe opposing council , in wiiieh
I tlm witnc-s joined in ids "city coimci' ' "
style , his evidence was admitted. He
| i -tiled that ho would tell how the agree-
! incut wij : m-ide with the m irshal t < i let
I the h-.tioon * run. Three weeks ago when
about entering lhe city council he met
Mr IJi-hiu and Mars'nal Cummings.
"i'lie mar.-hnl told me"said Mr. Lcedur ,
"that h i uiuler-tfoJ that his head was to
bo cut oil' , and that I wa.s prime mover in
the atlair. 1aid 1 it was lhe fir-t I h.ul
heard of it. Thn mtrsiiul then SMI 1 that
ho could bras lenient as a democratic
maf.-iial if thn 't-olid ei ht' would stand
by hint aud keep the mari r from pn-h-
iiis him t-fio hard , lie w-ts ; willing to let
the .saloons have a little li eway il the
councilman thought it best and would
I nllow him to keep lii * o.lieo. 1 told him
, I thought hu was too strict
I and that he oujclit to uivo
j the sal'Kin keepers a chance to < ret tliuir
I custom out after U o'clock. Tlio
marshal -aid JIB thought i-u t < io. I told
him I would fjo and sjo tu : olh-riium-
bur-of the council and -uc wliat tli-v
thought. 1 saw lijchtil , Lee. Ford , Uadey
and Uoodricli. and thoyall s-tid tint tuey
thought Im ought to bo lenient aud give
them lime to close up. So the inai' iial
agreed to jive them a chance. "
On cro-s-e\aminatioii .Mr LnedT siid
that he did not in fur in Mr. Hi un 11 it
an agreement had IKVII in-id > - to allow
him lo run. but h iimk'r-tooJ I'jhin
bad. It was also developed tliat Miirsiiul j
Cuuimiugs h.ul called o i 110 witie * * thu
nest dav iiftor Hi .ns all niirht ,
tin 1 told him Hi ins was o'lig ' furtlier
than he was w.irrantud to. Mr. L-cler
taereiiuon said wis not right , uud
lay marshal rcp'ied that if Hig ins con
tinned to run all ni lit lu wo.ild havj t-i
arru-l him. Another jxiint brought out
was that Mr. LuuJur and the marshal
had never com ! to any other agreement j I
further than t tat the latter would Da a
li'.tle leiiit-iit about making the saloon.-
clo-e promptly.
At t.u ( M.ulnVon of fn witT-sS1 tpsti-
moinr the court adjoiirne. . ! until this
mor 1111 nt 11 o'clok. . Tu pro'cution
had sutipunas issued for all tni : lU'-mbers
ol tnu c.ty co.mcil m Mitioao.l by Luedi-r
as having been s-en bv luin in rof-
ereneu to allowing thu sah > ins to run aft -
t T niidni .it. A lively tuuj is f.\K'oUJ , ;
M irsli il Cunimin s xvas m ; t by a repor-
tT yesU-r-lay , w.ioiujstionml { him abuul
tnd of Lol jr's ncciis ilioa
taat ha ( mirj.itil ) haJ given Hijjins
piirmission to run hia saloon after mid
"No. sir , " ho s-iid , replying to the lead
ing < | uo3tiou of the reportitr , "it is not I ever s lid or inliniatud tnat
Hur ins coul.l run nfl * r in dnigit. Eil
L-cdcr is t < dlni : i lie w.ton ho ssi a
tnal I did. "
"Jid you ever intimate , directly or in-
d.rcctlv. to Ilig.ins tnat liu could keep
ofuMi an pi luo a littl i while after li
trclook , provided hu did not run all
.N'O , rlr , most emphatically not. _ I
novjr m ulj an ovciipt.on of Hig ins
ag.iinst unvoiiu el * . "
"Uid youcvcr h.-iy to Locdur or lo anv
otlmr cjuiiuilmaii iliat you could be its
li'liunt witli tiin s.iloau'mjn as a
< ; ratCinnr.s-ialr" ! !
"No , I never said or hinted anything of
the kind , for I d.ia't care a whot.ier
I remain in mv present po itlou tw.i d ivs
loas-'f and J wouldn't mikoany bar/ti'ii
for'thoso uoiinuiliniti lo keap inn in m/
Mr ISeeh ! was al- ! s--i-n liy a r > i-jrt-ir
liisi fveiiuiij , an I denied t rat ho h id ever
bc.-n a party ta auuh tin nrran ;
A Series or Inter ? tl \ * I'.irtio fiiven
The sa-stal givjii by tlu "Life-Haat"
Lil4\N. ) 1 * < ) , In lijija i nt Orl-ir of
( JooJ Tain > l tri , Htllu Saunljr * Btf.iot
rrinbvtjri.ui church last urunio' { was
well attjihl , a jut 3 pjj.ild par-
tUipttin : _ . T.iislolji ii m yet in it <
infancy , alt'i > i ; 'i n i n ) inn.svmty . -
ei 'it c'lirtjr'l niinnri , including
l.tdic * : is > v dl .u ; < il : t M * i. Itwn or
gini/.o-J bv tin HIV. Usniras , of l < iis-
vdlo , Kv. , t irui ! m i nn ! a ' > , and \ Ain
in a very llo iria'hiiri coidtioi. Tliit
m : mb rsiii ! ) | n u illygro'Vi'i ' lur or ,
initiatio H fii'tnf ma 1 at ovjry inotin ; ,
waieli an * h dd on 1' uv'uniiigs Mr.
C ijrl.iV itts Ii H la < u 1 1 r 01 pr tiid n {
a * wjrtn.ciiof , whilst all otlur o li-
c-r arj oi'iilly ' q-iiliiul for thjir n-
upcetivo o.licos speeches were madu
IM-I evening Ijy Uov. .1 .1V. . Ingram uml
II j\ . 1' S. IMainny , wno made i > ome very
corniijintonttii'y rumarkri u to the. riuc.K )
of Itiis li > l o. comparing fame with
dt osof t' sun ! < . ir ' " " f n
w'io rcnenllv camp Ii-ro from the oat ,
hai ounnojtud hlm jlf with mis luJ j ,
; t 1 1 i- ' , . . . .1. , . ! a i
meet at t.tu uhtirch on Saturday evt-ning
Mr Still comes highly recommendt d.
and will no doubt rttablish : i Mugmg
olnie wh ch would bi n p.'ide toanv
or initati m. TU i tn-txnutg was vc-o
pi MiiutJy p-mn I i i a jj-nt-r il wiv t.u
uuta feature boil ' tuo * '
J riauds ' uhicli wtit- spread by the ladii
of tire lt Igi aiid'l \ ( n 'h all innd" ' i
| or less disjuii)1i ) i | The melllbi rs j r ,
: . to l * iinjr : itiilatt'd i. | > nn t'i '
sii.-.v . * " thy are li.t uifj , and the.hopr IM- ! c\i > nin < rs ciiU-ilMiMinc-r't will
1 lin : i -i ti ndi n\\ ( t i iMnrt.isi-i'i"ir n "iii
j IK rhi | > , s. ( ) ii i Ihey nmv b > fnllj
j r < t'iK-.i"d ' [ for t'i"ii ' c-ffdrts in b ii.ilf o'f
j the jrinwl enu-o they aix1 so
w orking for.
rum tiirtHit iiwunu : ,
'I'lte ili i of the sj-rlesi < if | iarH M
Uy the ladirj of Uie I'nity ohtiitdi o.-eurrml
lust evening nt I.iglil" Cnartts bad. It
proved n < nee" s "oMsllv , and was n
\cry cleot parly , rtUniit Ilfty oo iil ; < M nl >
t'SJux ? T.\n riru.
Thr almve el 1 anVf their luM r.tilar
iiarlr t Atelroiiolit m hall l t vvf ninji.
Thn ball vrs Well tillo.l . Avith "inerrv
jtllilor * . " andeverjli'i'ty iiav'uiir .1 gud
K. ni i. . sortAULl : .
The I.idies' I'mgre sas'iiil'Iv. K. of I. . ,
gave ver > - enjoyable I'liU'rtrtinmrnt nt
tnelr ball on iiu : ! .is ! treet I -t i enhif ; .
After n few- hours of social pist'tnto
dnncitig was. . rotnmiiiipeillnfh eontin-
tied until late hour. The .ntissif was
the "vcrv late-t. "
1'AltM.I.t. < C1AL CUM'
The iiurlv given ltho above
club occurreM at ( 'niuiinghain's hall Hst
evening. About' IW couple" alU-tidad
and all"nApivss thviuhes a Ii < ! ii had
delightful time. This is a net ? clnl )
nnd Ihey propose giving diim * * every
tno wufk * .
Ho I-siies h Olinllengeto tliuVorlil
His Challenge Ai-cepteil.
Andre C'hrit < d , the famous Frmich
wrestler , who arrived in Omaha Wednes
day , will remain here two or three weeks
? o "re < t up" after a hnrd s".i ou' . Work.
He oatne here from U'iehUa. Kansas ,
where he defcitd easily n loenl cch'bri-
1y , i'rof. Willie.
1'rof. rhrisUiUssues a challctifjc to the
world to wrc-stle in Omaha for fruin $ . * > 0
to ? J50n f-ide. th' door receipt-- logo to
tlio winner. He includes fiery one in
his challenge. IW'al wrcsllors are par
ticularly invited to step forward.
Ho has not been in Omaha lor four
years , and 1 e remarked ttial lie was very
much astoni-hen to Iind it as larg-- city
as it was.
"Whom do you consider thr best middleweight
dle-weight wrestler iu thu world ? ' was
a > ked of him. .
" .lames r.ntlkiur , the young Kng lish-
inan is a wonderful uinn , and 1 believe
him to be the best wio-tler ol the weight
in the world. -hoiild I certainly say thut
ho could down any man ofll.Jorljj
pounds. "
With regard to tha defeat , of Miller by
\Vhitetlur in Australia , li saiil that Aliller
wa- one of the be-t men ho ciirin and
Whiftler "did himself proud"in ninn'mg
a victory from him. "Ve = , " _ he wiid ,
"there i.s no question but that Wln-tlur is
bracing up and is doing wonderlul
work. "
TIIK ciiALLL.von Arcni'Tr.n.
M r. John Leon , of Chicago , called at
the Hii : : ollicu Isust evening in company
with J. H. Moynihau and suited that ho
eould accept Ch.-islolV challenge , the
match to bo for from $100 to ? 'oti n .sido.
He will leaje the choice of styl'cif wrestling -
ling to Christol , either CJnfco-l'omnn or
cateh-as-catch-t-an , as also the tuio : nud
place of the match.
A IJrncc of ! '
Charles. Larson is an old man who has
been a lailor all bi life , and J. M. John
son is a yonng man who also follows the
tailor's irado. Yesterday lhe two men
foil to disputing at the corner of Thir
teenth and I < cn\cnnorth strcuu about a
coat. Ksch expressed the opinion that '
he was a bolter tailor thuu the other anil I
finally they lull to liyiiUiiu. ; Oiiiecr Mur- j
phy was i-uul for aud arre'ttd lhe men.
\\neii Jolin-on arrived at police head-
tiartori | ; , hu hands were oiifconsfd in
l > id gloves and ho walked with a swag
ger. Hut when he .stepped behind tne
bars hu diverted hiniaelf of : ill his gew
gaws and eiidi-Hvored to harmonize his
appeurutiCQ with hU external eurroand-
Fienry Girk.v , wlio is an old tinio ox-
pressman in Omaha , was : irrclod ye-
terday afternoon on complaint of Mark
Dolm , another well-known expressman ,
for avsatilt and batt-ury. The iwo men
hud a liu Id dispute which resulted in
blows , tud whilu fiirky confined for
assault Uohn it > also held u a witness.
Hivcrly minstrels exhibited to another
crowded IIOIISP at the Hoyd la-t night ,
( ho onUTUtinm-nt being lully up to tne
standard of tiu ni ht bofora , and re-
ceivetl its duo meet u : Hi | | > hun .
Tins ovjiiiu.j : t i i tj-in irrcnv , with a
mat nun , t' . * V. C/ultl./ek will appear in
tiiiil beaut.fill dramaticstury of domestic
life , lhe Willow t'op-e.
Ntxt Monday , and continuing nil lhe
week , I'rof. ( Suorge Bartholomew's won
derful Kquiuu Paradox will hold the
boards at the 15o.\d. Three matinees
will bo { riven di.nng the week , ou U'cd-
nosxlay , i-'rulay nnd Saturday.
Arf-cnlc A IrtJcliiro at Crclghton
C.i lese.
I'ov. Father .S. J.
Higgiti , , gave a i-plen-
did lecture in the Crcighton college lab-
ralory last cvcnln , ; oa arsonic. it w.ts
very inU're-tiug us well its instruclivu.
The body of Uio le-cturu consisted of a
mention of thu many ores in which nr-
s-iic ; is fo in 1. its p and oliumicnl
properties nd ifi > many ns.'s. At the.
ck/se all prohunt were invited to iir.-icti-
cal work , and it was statvd that the-sub-
jecl would bo conlinuud next \Vedne.3-
day , at 7W : p. m.
A flail Olrl.
The 15UK isadi'isud in n communication
from fOino individual who \ \ nles lln lish
a oho Is wrote with n vengeance , that
Hiiima'amp. ( . tlu wayward daughter of
\V. S. and iliijv II. Camp , ha ? once moro
decamped. Hun.rt uf il iw the am. <
Kniuiii ) i.s n hard cilbeii. it was slio wno
clood , ri.une several wetk-i iigo With u
( Vmncil IShiil's iudiviliul named Mcyorn.
TiiistiniB it i : l 'i < l. j. 10 h . - * .s'Kippj.l
w ith a certain bjioon ( Kuw UrK-mis nnd
lien Itiiller . i an J nave gone lo ix idu in
that ( | iiartor of I'm worlilwhich buars UM
.Sunday f = elu.ol title of "HcH'o half our . "
The I'.vthlnti Anniversary.
The social u.itjrtainai.-ut , in tudohnt
lion of the K'Vetittiunlh anniversary of
Nubra ka loil u N'o. I , Ki.i hu of i'yilii-
as , will tu licld on Mondity evening , Nov
SS , at ihijir hall The prcigrHmmo will
coiisinl of music and hpcecQcH , after
which theii ! will b'i ' refr.fliiuunU and
dnni-iiig. Hcfreffhiiietils orcontrlbutioiH
can bu left with M. Tof" . 'j'hifnt ilain-
luciiiiri trotton up .viiel for the hfiiciitof
tuu knigut and rhcir I uly friends , anil
: n every iirr.ii' ' i'.ni ; nl has been mad. )
w th Hit ) grcalnsl c.irc , a grand time is
llorau null itii Ky .Stolen.
Her e r.nd bugg i-udcn on HID the
n''i ' t ot lhe " 7th ! n"t . fr-in ISirlinril
\Vildo , who wiUi Augut-t Dent-ou offera
and rtapitiru of Ibinf.
Ilorst"bay , with white spot on fore-
h -ad , iio ! \ \ ii'tc. ' f\ \ > it almVu "nn of frcnt
kiieos llorrto itlio it 7 itnirti old ,
tn-tti'f , liolds h-ad high un In irolling I
Hn.-gy Lcuii cut by fruul whtx ; !
'Ihoe.ivot Wll ! IJ.ilick VN Mr C-c , .
inn n has IM en c > n < It deln \ iliulge \\t ! . <
t ' nit. . < 'l lln ib' in Ii IItecli rt s \ pd
1'hr item m yostiTtlnv s I'.n lift * H' j
! > the creelKiII Cif linli.i-ks 'I IJr-ik
Sprnijf * w s ineorrex-t , in Uint th.Im id
inc * ert erected al I.van ton in-'t.-d of
IJuck Spring- .
The suit of Wilson Liri.-i : > n A * John
K. . in HP , tliiiel < - < > uil , has
Ijii-ti di'cided for the plaintiff in , lu > ticc
Solden'5 rwtirl. The suii was l-roii lil on
n prnmi.-siiry note of y ?
( "onittv Superiiileiidi'iit llrnnnvr goes
toValerliK > tml y to nllcml tlio
opening 'if the tiew M-liool IUUIM' Ihcro
in the "e\-eiiing. Mr. iSriiniif-r lia i just
Jft rtipd from H two weeks' tonr of the
rounlmV.s .hools.
Unity elnb will meet at ( lie elinrdi this
rridny cu-ni.ig. Miss Urnnl ill ivail
nHoB .ivon i'ie ' Hii iicnot , Mi * ( Jroll
Will c > n tribute nn ess iv.ubject < > | itlonal ,
nnd Mi' \ \ aHaee will' ] < ad tintonur -
lion on the reformation.
Mr * , " .lack l'rol" invite yon t ) her
* tio\v p..lnco to a ten 'jmrlv this
evening in Iho parlors of tlte St Jl rvV
A volute t'ongn-galitiiinl chinch Her
home vill l i decorated to represent n
KuMaii winter crue , and her table will
bo "snowed under" with superior feasts ,
ices and Hakes , which do not inrll. or-
eept in th" month. The imct Whittler.
in the Costume of S-\nt\ : ( 'lan < . win read
M-lectlons fiom his ' ' .SMUW Itiund ' if hn
fonirs. Otln-r distinguished gin-sis will
bt mvsfnt if you aceiipt. I lie melting
will begin nt 0 o'clock , and will con
tinue rapidi.v for three hours.
M H. Welch , of Lincoln , is at the 1'ax-
H. M , Sihbott , of David C'ily. is at the
.1. 15 Danips , of 1'onen , is nuaitircd at
1' . Schweiick , ot Norfolk , is registered
nt lhe Mtllnrd.
Congrossiiian Jim Laird , of Hastings ,
is at the I'avton.
M. nininglon , of IVntler , Neb . is a
guest at tne Millird. :
L. 1) . Dent , of Hastiugs , is m the city ,
-topping nt the I'nxtoii.
liT w * kicV. wa p T
Wlrn ihn w.\s a Child , the rrieil for I ajlorla ,
\V1icn ituo IxvMtne Ml * ? , li cine ; to L'nUrii ,
TStca ti ! * bkl UtUOrou , auo gare them Uuori %
Silver ( "reel : nnd Indian Territory nro
two of the best. Soft Coals in the market ,
for sain only by JCFT W. lri ! > ruii > .
' . ' 11 S Uth St.
Tlif Famous Kroolclyn flerjry
TclNorS'iinu Predict ion * > ihat
l True.
N. V. ifer.ild. Probably no man is
broader with his idea. * than the llcv T.
De Witt Talmago. In a recent sermon
he made the .statement that "astrology
may yet prove more than : i brillinut
heathenism. "
In coin crs-ai ion held finb-oqiu-ntly with
a Herald reporter the doctor rupii.itod
the remark and said that while he was
not ready to st ite thnt he believed in as-
trologv , he was nevertheless willing to
say that ho expected to see astrology
some day one o ! the teeieiiecs.
"As I sid ; : in my 5.crniiii."addrd Dr.
Talmngc , "if the moon lifts ami lets
down the tides , and if , as by all * eic tilic
ndinis-ion , the i-Icclriu .stnrnn on the sun
l : * t year all'eeled the earth , why have
not the Mars ai : inlluence on mtindunu
thinr * in pioportion ; Now , then , there's
palmistry , ( and the tamous prenclier
smiled one of hi. ' famous smiles ) , nobody
believes in it sa people who arc accred
ited siiirr ) titioi'sand _ tlciifely ignorypt.
I don't say 1 belicvi ! in it eiti'er. How-
t-vcr , let me tell yon a little incident. "
A eiicl.iM clo"k ptrnck tlu h < jur of ono
nnd hilu-r longued chime- tinkled r.iiuyl-
taneou-dy a * Dr. Talin. g > was nbout to
begin. nd in response to the call of his
daughter he repaired to liincli with his
family. Tinreito continued to say
"A number of years a .ro as I was cross
ing tin : Atlantic it wa-i just about
twelve years ago. 1 think a palmist
cjime out o- the cabin to a party of my
friends. When 1 c-iino upon the hoc no
my friends worn ror.i'iig with laughter
and the palmiM was poringover the lined
in ono of my lady friend V hands. From
on ehe wen t to an i > t her. itnd in ea'-hcaso ho
made ftomeof th < ; mo-t sfomimgh * absurd
predictions. NoboJ.t paid any pnrticular
titU'iiti > n to what ho w.r saving to fin-
other , but somehow or other each ono
was impiTsued with lint remnrk.s applied
tu liiin-i-lf. Out of curios ty I had tiiu
iu'ii : go < > \ c-r the lines in nu hands.
\Voild : you belit-ve it , that \vitliout iix-
cpption 'the predictions made by that
jialiuiftt hayo for the most part proven
ninriclously true oven in my own
There wns a silence nrnuncl the table ,
nnd Dr. TalmageV children held Ihelr
breath ns Uioy gazed upon the set ox-
pr K-ioii of his face
"What were the preilict'on- that were
o truthfiilly veri'ictl ' in uaso. Dr.
Talmngo. ' " ventured his guei-t *
"Ahem. Will you lake seine toaRt ! "
rnooucTioNS nmcscNTTHt
, - . . . . .
OUR caocc v/Hcncvcn IHTTODUCCO
ciPVt-rirriNG ctrOHT in sr ie
ANsrinibH orjuc nntsTuTtnit
Ul vnicc.
Avoicco' T < < Y Arc coursnTAULC
i ' / > r < faii-r ta fit ivVj.
J. & T. Cttt'SIKS ,
Nebraska National Bank
I'AIH t'lI'AflTAK . SVOV ) > > 1
h iiiM.i > , Muy I , IWi -
H. W. YAM- : . I'r.-a'.dent ,
A. K. T - / < . Vu-o Piv i 15'i
\V. H. S. Hfiiiti.s. C
' "
W. V. MoiISfi , Joi'N S. Co 1.1.1 KB ,
H \ \ . Y V.K- , LuwisS , Ur.j-.iV
' ir
CVxmh *
AC "UiU * * * * teUUt