RV3TCS-WM" * . * * T11E " THE DAILY BEE. ( M.un Orrrcp. , Xo flit ANO tin 1M\ t ST. yoiiK ( urif K , liooM < ' . , Ti.iniM ) ] : < ti.uiMi. M-m irnins.f tr < ' | -'tin(1iiy. ' Tin uii > Momlny nnri'ti" ' I | T | "i ! Inhol in I'm ' ptnio. JI i.M1IY VUI One Vrnr tlouiThno Montln . . . .tiM ) .six MontI.P r.niMino Month i.fJ /in : WI.UT v III . I'uMKlicd lit fry Vt'o-ltiMilay. TKHVS , lliatt'Attl , One Vonr , ttlili jitfmaim ( . . 210 One \ ir. wlllioit ! nn-mltim i" " ' fix MI > ITvllnnii' | iiinil : ! l * & OnoMiuill'.otl tuil . . 10 ( 'Mllir-T'OMIKSTl ! ! All rottmitilrnt. . < iii : : itltiir tit t > ptr mul full- tnrinlin.11-pi sljouM bo udilti-t , f.-'l ' ti > llto un ion wi n. lift : . in MM , * " iiim-im All lrti-lr. - l HITS ntnl romlttiiWM OiiniM bit mlilti-Mttl to'Iin Hi. . I't'iiraoniMi rmii-ANV. Ovuiv. Drafth h-i atnl | H > liilIle" onlors 10 do miiiiu piijuMf t Mi onli roC llio uuinpntif , HE Ed nmm COM , PROPRIETOBS , i : . iir f-r.w \ rr.it. r-umm. Tm : council has In-lit another secret his time nil the er.iekt nnil ere pasted up. wnr stroke In 'llm Curopean pulse means activity iinil higher prices in the produce market ! In Amriea. . TUB railroad situation is improving. All our people want Is nnil.v of purpose , n bold ftunt nnil a fearless demand fnr fair treatment Ourilia is lariro enough now to coninnnd tlm situation. Ci r.vii.\xi : > ii perspiring libnrally over the composition of his an- ntial insaij1 , 'HI' ' il isn't a ( Million to tin- way the ollii o seekers are pi r.spirlni ; who llml the front door of tins wliito house locked to all visitors. At.nr.iiT K'MVAito lias won gambling ut IJ.idon P.adon. Tim example of his royal brother , Leopold , Dnko of Albany , who died from excitement wliilo at play a little over a yuar ago , uoms to have boon loat on the heir l lluglund's thronu. TriKofTcotof Kev. Sam Jones' visit to St. .loo is Hhown in the statement that "no Sunday games of b.isu ball will be por- initled in that city next snason xvilhout indictments following " It was Sam foiKiS who said lu > would not wipe his fcolon a , professional base li.ill player. WHY do not the saloon intercs-ls of Oitialui forcti this lunatics who are flying in thi ! face of public sentiment U rutiru atonoo from their dangerous position ? They are arousing an antagonism which is curtain to damage thu businuns of the early closers , as well as the bnuun viola- ors of the law. SOMK of the educational moss-backs uro inclined to throw cold water on Lo- laud Stanford's plun of founding a col lege in California and endowing it wilh $ 'vM,0)0,000. , ( ) Thisy Hay that colleges inut grow , that they are not ready mado. The St. 1'uul I'toHusr l'rc.i > tersely replies to these moss-backs by Haying : "A poorly endowed college gets uiudioonty in its chairs. Hiuh ondovvmonts can malio an Ovford , or a Cambridge ) , or a Harvard , or n Yale in Minnesota , Oregon or Califor nia. " IF Mr. Hu hilt has boon correctly reported the Northwt tjra pro.u i.M to build from K'Minar I to O.n t'l.i by way of Piipillion. What i-i thu ojfL't ! ) of t.i'ilii ' this rainbow rout into ( ) m Ui.i. and Wii.it advuiittigcri of "diruot uaniuctio i" is it unppo3 d tHjjivii o ir in irj iiuit < ? Whv , if Mr. Ilu iiitt. is lu.nil ) ) in liii dj-ilrj to "satisfy" oar pe ) plj bvubjltjr line by rail into th t Rlk'i ' > i > avalLiy , d i tt ho not build dir et fro n Prumout to Uainha , or from I5jll Creak to thid eitA rainbow road which HWJpniu' ) ri I uUlh ) < sj ith and then alxv.ajjs by olovv status to tlio rmiii ) line north oan h.trJly baeo-isidjrjil umeh of iuiiin rovoinontoviirtlu route. citio-i by fltoam In the same manner that tluv arn HIIIO | ) | 1 With ; .ts and v/.itor IH ta L bjeoaiiuj ; popular. In Siiv'oral of the lar j cities of tlio tust the busincai centers are Irtatnl by ntoam companies who Hiipjily the sto.ini from a Contnil boiler ntation. This Hy.stem in proving vury satisfactory. Tlu heat is kept at an even temperature , aiitl the t' - POIIHO in not any m > r.i th n th it of any Other mctho.l of hoatin . Tlio biiHimiss ConUir of Djnvur is uo.sInaliiil In thii way. There is no ROO 1 rea-son wliy a \m-hcntliiLtinip.uiy : cannot be or in- i/.od in Omiiliii. We believe lh.it ft would provo paying institution. A.N'air of Hiibdnod mel inoh'ily is por- radlng the e ( it irs of fc u m ij v i n > or- RHiiseast , T.IJ MiV.ilo br.u 1 Htium to have thrown up tha . > \ < D ontiruly , and proclaim thro i 'i ' t'u KS't > vn tint "llti Booptur h.is dep.ift 'd from the republican party. " T.ni p trly at 1 ir i arj h ir lly ready ynt Ui a 1 nt : th it tliuy have llnally Hbdicatcd. Waat iluy neuil is a clian u of load ira and an iafinloa of imv 1 IJ.-H. The lloatbi. ; votjoftlno3uatryisst.il lar oononjh to g va u In nv I' ' > pular mnjority lo any pirty wiiich will lu.id the way lo W.ijhinxtnii witli a fr.uik and fearlessdctor.ninilioi IT rl 'ittlieab iioi under which tlu pi ! ( , ) lj.-.u I'jr .in I jj ve thorn it Kovurnmmit of tlm people and not of thu o.llue hi Tun work of exterminating Thoebaw la rapldiy proir ) ssiii { . Tiu Uritis.i force in proceeding alinoal unoppiHod up the Irrawaddl ami olourin the great stream ns they advanee. The Irrawa.ldl la I00 milas Ion. ; , and for 4 ) J miles from tlieeiiiitr.il iinnth of it * delt.i is from ouo to four mife.s widj , anJ n ivi- ptnliln for ve.siols of J ) to-H tinrdin. Ittm < ; eon , the capital of llritish llurm.ih and the Uvso of the priis ut operation * b tt city of U3 , . ) ) ) pupul.itiDM , built ul the nation ) in tilth of tlu lir.iw.uli. Uaudrtlay , thu o.ip'til of Independent Bnnuah , in about 4 U miles up the river , liliiiriti population of lO.Oll , and i' now lot'tlliod in u\peotatlon of thu DrltUli aJ- vaneu. Theobaw IH only 'J7 years of a e , md. us Ids treatment of Ids people h.u itcon nniformly brutal , it is not impost- He thnt lie m.iy ho assas > inateil before Hie liritliOt reach him. The war in likely ( b bo brief , mid nntnoce&tarilys.in ulnu , H thu Unmake are not likely to ahow A'.d'tor ' Ch'Howilh , who is auttnm to J'OT I * 'i n fcrnvr in piiliinu itowu nn tiee.irv rs ] > : > p < t at Wii'liiii lon. hn undo u > m mii''ik" ' tat"ly in liiw irk , but IIP Irn done n Hr o amount of { food in cilliii public all nti'in lo sosn of th'1 ' fungou-i tji'owths which li-ivc ffiMonud llii'UHehf's upon tia ! dep.irlm'nt.x His ln < ) diiicl'mi Iru b.ijn tlial of the iclen- till" prof < - > fir3 and thalr ovpon ivi ! ft.\i\4 \ ivi" ! uro li\iiii ; at the nitoitt ! : : i'\p. n < ' and Indin in pcn'lcro'.is voluni's of yov- prnm-nt ri'i'orls l'i > muul < of pn 's of ixoti'iualed * oli'tifo , copied fi om Kuropcail ciu'ycldpt'dlas rind fidioi of tineedotr- ' nnd rtiMiHli , polleftn-l from the diaries of tlirir jim'ti-liinf ' ii -lnl inU. As p'll ' by n roniinenl.itoi' on Iho Vceeiit exposures , "nndc r ( ho republican theory of the jjov- rrnin'-nl cncuura ument of coinnierce , bamU of sciutililie ini'ii have been yoin up and down the land and the lil u eas , nurvnyln our national bulotiuiii < ; 4 , 'ind making many rolorod m ip ; mon with Sctuclus | ) ( ! have tabnlat"d our lishe , and oxpo. od our miiiiMMl wealth ( goUfraMy afli-ritwas evpo-.cd by suiH.1 ! ! idy ol- ; mun of a jr.irian min hli.u c eh-uud t'ii ' p-niis shoi'p rle.\r Into antiquity and photo lithographed the result -put tea plants in the smith , sor- Kliiiiu in the pre-H and the .silk-\vorm in the hands of the widow under ( he mul berry tiTu ; Mitiiriiuirhui < linvc m-id-s iikuro-pnenmoMia .1 hoiisuhold word and placed I'liyr.iviii'js of iliseasod cows' 'iin ' \\ilhin lhi ivaeh of the humblest citi/t'ii as n parlor chrotno. Thee ivho have had occasion the < o p.il l yeaiM to look at { jovernin'Mit spi-uiiil ivports have olten bt'en annoyed at the v.i-l a'lur.int of prinlinfj in-illur ini.-rl.id . vlli . iI i3 utterly be 'oud the province1 of ( ho de partment * " The ITnilcd Stales lias de.ilt most iifiioron-l.N with her seientists. Tin * surveys of the territories wldch are still nnconi ] > lctud have i veil employinonl to limulri'ds of as | irinic profo-nors and on- thiisiaslio pupils. Special roiniuUsions on almost every conceivable neientilic siibjeiit have been ctvaU > il by congress which have called to their assistance their mo-a ii'iled i > iieulisls ; under the various specialities to be invcslijj.itod. Much excellent , work has been the result , and a pivit. dvilof important information ha- , been collect ed and puhli-'lic 1 side by side with at > till { Crcater amount oC rubbWi. Iul ! there is no imealion tlrit the suiniirilic : publishinu : bnsinevj of the UnitedSt'itesovurnnient has been < ; rc illy ovurdonu , and it 11 to Air. ClrMiowith's credit that , lie proposa.s to restrict it to the proper limits. .Mr. Chonowith's llinij at the lish com uission w.isa Ilipp.i'U oaj , it is trivs. N'j oie believes tlr.it thousands of dollars are lu- ing poured out from 'ho ' treasury in or der that ' 'a fexv pails of minno.vs nur be cart id nbo it to bj d'lin ' jl nimtvi-ro at lit > f u'lic ' ) cvp 'iiss. " IJ it for all t'l it , the rt'fu lal of the auditor to pas ? a bill of SJfl.o.'X ) for plumbing in the hot.d of the fish commission of WooJa II ill. Mm , , beeaas's ho bplbviid tint C > : n'ni > su i-r Il.'ird osoeeded bis authority in incur- riiiS such an o\tr.ivaij.uit c\i > onse , is proper , nnd she > ild bo applan led. Thu pnoidi of the United .States bjlieu ) thoroughly in education , nil.1 in the col- leiition and diiTuiinn of s-u-h lntulli < rrjnco of natinnal int.'re-it as tics governm/nt in ly properly hecure and d'Hbjmin.ile at public expense. It it they will n > t a > provo of hilf a doju pennioa o IkviS in as m my dupiiit'ii.ints wh ire st'itj .st.i- lilics. o'luyclop lie facts an I invo'vtiiyi- tious in olnsVo fables sh ill be cojn ) iiod and printed at a ho ivy cyst , to bti [ lahnc I o 1'on tlu p'ibl c as hpiseiimns of Am > ri- cau Hcio-itllic rtK.saroh. A lurgi p irt of this ikb'iso of y ) ver im it JJMH ro-.ity is c-iused bv t'ns ' spaai.il coin nission in tlio dop.xrtiijut-i ] wiieh ! flhonM receive the tlioriMjja overhiulin waicli they deserve servo , "Itlpple. " Mltclioll. A dispatch from Portland , Oregon , an nounces the election of the notorious "Hippie" Mitchell totho senate at Wash ington. This br.ujii and corrupt c.ipj ) T of t'l ' ) our , i > r itio H , W1HJ dis ric ful record cans 1 1 1 10 oiitr.i jd people of t ) r- oyon to rjtirj hint from public a T.iirs nit years ii' n , co.iuj OI.M morj to Ih.1 front and has doiDtless < ; , iinu 1 his cli'cllon by the disr.tput i bit ) -Llio.U for w lich h ; is noted on tlu P.ui.io co lit. Mitali.ill's wholecarecr h is Inoa a disjr.iee ; to him- ? elf aiul n hli.un. ) In tu ! oo.istitueuci- ; wh ch ho Iii9 misrepresented. A na tive of 1'jnusylvania , ho dj.sort.-d his wife and rom.irrie.l In Oregon under another name which is the one hu has since horno. IIj early made himself prominent as a politleien in the woi > l Kon.se of the word , ami rallied to his support - port thu most unclean eliminls of btilh parties. T.hron.fi ! tlnsir aid he w is clceUul in ISM to the national senate whom hu promptly allied hims.df with the monopoly tools an I corrupt riu s which m ike up the lobby of tlio senate tiud house. His voice and vote were uniformly cast , in favor of every measure of doubtful publte Inter , st , an 1 hs aid w.is frojly o l'r 1 1 t > ti3 ! l.in I ; r.i'jb ' irs and joblurs w.i > sj p , > j ! < iU wjrj 111 lit I fro.n tlu piullo tivasury. Oiv ou , in HJJ , roj ) aim nt t. > a nun mil retired him to ih j pnv.uy fr > n w ilo i tut never ou ht to h I\M u.u ir.5) 1. F.i.ir years Liter he m uln a despor.it. ) attuni.it to r.iliiru to lliestiiiatti , hue wu luitjii by Sjii.itor Dolph. HJ h is siua ) . < b I in t m prjs i it c.mv.is.s , to tlu ot.MMil dis r.nj of t u Oregon dum > jr.its , wlio , aeuirlin lethe the disiatelies ] , "llojed ! at tli.i I , lit mo ment to his standard , " and mile a dis- reput.iblu riiiuldic. | . n wiu.i tliuy fo.i 1 1 tlioms.'lws unable to eleet an huiu t in.iii of tluir o.vn p irly. "Hippie" M tjlull will now boar great er w.itoliin * ti ! in oy ir. H ) is on a par with the DK-JJ , I'nvill C'a tom , and Tellers , whose in ilo lorjiu ropulation has aiiiircli-nl tlu oharaet of tlu sonat j for hoiie ly anil abil.ty. II.i m iy nu oountj.l upon as the frKmd of thu m t lopulisu of every shadu , anJ thii enemy of the p toplu In all intiirestti vvlilch contllct with his Tin ; domoonits haviiporaistwl for years In I'jfuslu j ap nijiri.itions for tuu naval csUblish n > it-son tiu groril tiat ! tluy distr.iitiJ t u ivM'jliu , in d3orotiries to w'i > ) u tli t * p m lin ; of tha ap iropriatio-H w.io ( o tiu Imrnitjd. Now thut they have no sni.li UXPIHI' th" fiiinlry \\\l\ \ \ wntc't ' with inlerc-tthc course which they will jiur 'ie ' in llm ne\l ses-iou. Aelion in th" promt's1 * cannot be too prompt. The chief of th b'iroa'i of y.mU and docki retcil a sl-itj of a'l'.iirin the gov ( iniin < int navy ynrds which In um up as follow : "ll'iildinyj ' lumlilin < ; d > wn , 01 liable ti do si > nt n-iy nmnnt ; " * * wharves rotten and falling into the water ; slono dry douks h.iviii ; to be i'11-.lnnvil up witli with limber ; road' and wavs broken in and in bud condi tion : wal.T sjrvice defective on ac counl of worn out pipes , nnd a com plaint of decay th it imnlies i eucral destruct struct ion. " Tlio Vow Insane Asylum at XoeTolIt , Sworn statements , \\hielt we pnhlMiin this i-'iiic , conccrnlii the manner oi ( on-truotion of the new insane nsylum at Norfolk , show that Mime of the material n ed is of a defective character. The parll' " * who make the charges have for warded to this olllcn specimens of tlm sand used in the coiiittnction of tlir building. These fiamples justify the ( 'liai o Hint the asylum is bein , built with poor m-iterial. Under the ciruuin- slatices , : v very searching and impartial invc tiKalion < < lioiild b.i made by t'ie Multloml of public lands and build- inj1- " , for If .my public building rcipiires honcM. careful and .substantial eon-true- lion it is mi noj linn for thu insane. Tlm citixeiH of Norfolk are not the only par ties concerned in this building , but the whole st.itu is iul rcMcd. Tor the credit of the contractors and stipen isin ; ; arehi- teet , we hope that ( lie charge * wilt not b i su-taincd. On the face of the evidence -o f.tr produced it would sivm that the tvjietioii of the work and an order to liavo the bnildinn- reconstructed would b" .jii-titiublc. Ir is s-arccly worth while to reply In the cranks whojjriud the railroad or- .m ? and who are attempting to coji. i'lc their readers that rippo-iiion to the alii-c- ) < of railroad mana'inent is incon- si-tent with a demand for increased ivil.'oad facilities on cvi.tin linc and more railroads when ) they are needed Aiiti-iU'nopoIisls ) have no dsire to r < v turn to the days of Iho sta c coach and bull train. They are not oppo-cd to the i.-ii1 loads , as .such , any more than they are opposed to any other lorm of com mon carriers. The principle for which they arc llyhtin ; * doaH with the relations of ra'lroad ni-tnagenieiU to the public , which have boon lived by the hi < ; lioit law in the land , ami for the lawful rejrula- li'ii of which tlio anti-motionr > lisn aiv worliinp : . The immense powc.r wield.d : by the corporations , and iiicil by them continually ajrainst , llio public int-u-est. ishat the advocates of anti-monopoly all over the country ate endeavoring to curb. In the end , when success crowns their ( ' ( Torts , it will be found in America , as il lias been in Kutlnud and on tlm con tinent , til-it the clllcient regulation of corporate- management U of no les * ad vantage to tin ) corporations themselves than it is to th , ! public which they are created to fcorvo. WmNi5viu : : a new telegraph line strikes a town of any importance it is de nied the use of thu telephone. It runs up against an alleged contract between Iho Hell telephone company and the We.--l.u-n Union , which prohibits the former from purntittiiis ; any olli-r tele graph company lo have Uiu use of tlio telephone. Tliis contract , however , has been ups t in all the citiu.'i whcro It lias been f-et up ju an obstacle , and M > it will be in Lincoln , in which city the new tele graph line , the Paci.'io , ha * boon refused the 110 of thu telephone. The .same dilli- eulty will no doubt bo encountered by the Puciliu in Om ilia , b-it it is only a question of time when the courts wdl compel the toluiihonn monopoly to grant the iinii of the telephone to the Pacllic or any other telegraph company in Xobras- kn , ni ha ? b-en d.iue cUewhuie. It has been decided beyond quoilion thai tolu- phone companies are common carriers , and thats teh ( "colusivu courraots as that whkili cvists between th-j Iwo gigantic moaopolie.-i , the B.sll teleplioao com pany and the Wotcrn Union , are contra ry to public policy iin.I are not \v > rth the paper tluy nrj writMn on. Tnis con tract , liowevor , horves the purpose of dc- laying an I iinnoyinj ; new enterprises until coart projo.dtngi ) h.ivo to bj re sorted to. MrriiIro'ibh ) is cvn u-ietrjo I by I'll ' government in roojiving proier | iiDiiuls for tlu cavalry branch of the army. Suitable her w arj h ir I t > I'm I ail their pmvlrtsi is atteuttl with nriah dtday ami di Uuiilty. The ( I'.j.illlios do- sirale in a oiv.Ury liorsj arj nut tluo posjessed by a trotter or a w > irk horsu. The r t p'nt4 ! ! of b ill > u , . ! , spirit , an lovon leui ; > u-.rn it , w lio'i th i sei vice iL'in.inds , combined with dinliucl pDCiillar'.ties in b.iill , urKCJJ im gly liar.l lo Hid , Insjiiictor d'eiriril Divts sug i'sls that the goviMiiiiiiiit Invti a Mud for breeding , to n lim'te 1 o\tent , hoi-sjj of the bist strain , h'i IJM an I vi or , whieli sh'jiil.l bj tlu ht.ialir.l oivalry liorse. This wo'ild eneoarag i faraurs to r lise a like class o [ horsjs aa 1 In tinu would funiihli an ain.iln supply for the sirvieo As m itteiN n > iv ar.i Uure are luiiitlru.la of SOLID J Inrsn p irj I-HJ 1 every year and uondjin ie.1 mil bold at military posts aftjr a f.iw noitns trial for no other reason th in tliey are not ° , IIA > .I ID the roijiilrornonts of the army. TUB now Stile of paving block , as de scribed by the Aiiurictin Miinu.fuctHror , is composed of n hollow iron shell lilted with any desired concrete , the .shells being - ing arched underneath , and for street paving are four inches wide nnd from ten lo uvolvo inches long. The blocks , or lilted bhells , are laid against each other upon tlm prepared roadbed , and the form of thu bottom compacts the suml underneath , making the whole btruclimi very tirm and solid. The stir- tacu of u htroot paved with these blocks would bo abcut us smooth n-s if paved with asphalt. HIM. M.\im\i : u thinking of ting from Virginia to Dakota. Dakota will have the cordial sympathy of thu re mainder of tlio wuat in her atlllctioa. Mayor nml Mni linl. M.I } or lioul i \ \ prt M tiled by ( lie tl r nM as s-ujng ili' \ l | , . | ) ; i4 no use for Mar slial ( 'iimmiug * ; 'tin' imNiin iguorani.iu compolent. worliihvolliecr , and ullorlj unlit for the portion of marshal. Now , if Mr. Hnyd's avcrsnm t < fumming * hail s'lrh ' n ba is and 'w.-n ' in the lnteu-s | o ! lav- and order and bolter government- , the council would b jtistilied in iii.ikin a change at oiiec. , All things beiup uoual , it is desirable that there slmuld In1 no dl cord between. Iho mayor and tin mnrshal , becailfij i > od dUeipline in tlu1 police force can drily be miintuiiied by the co-operation of ( he two executive olllcurs. But wo iiavi' no cxidenec , ; \ yet , that Mr. Ho.vd desires to iniiro\r ] tlin police service by a change of mar- .sliab. Tlm men he has nominated for that position were cither lest com pel -nt than f'ummings ' or weio notoriously in sympathy with the class whnso disposition tti set tlm laws at d llanec. needs to lie crushed. Our impression is thai Mr1 llovd wa-its llrst of all a demo -ratlc ro- worker as a nvirshal who will u 'i the police in the tnt-r-dt of the machine. This is doublles ? th- prime ron-on why Mnrsh.is Cuinmings is beintr pushed to the will. The mayor's e.hanco that Mar shal Ciimmings is ignorant nnd ine-mi- petimt would bo true if by thai is meant that Mr. ( Juiumiiigi is not a scholar or a graduate from a eolli < gn or academy. Hut it looks ridiculous fo.- Mayor ISoyd to call him an ignoramus when only two weeks ngj he 'w.u-kcd hard at the priiutu-ies loin-ike I'addy Tord shun ! ! ' of Douglas county. If Pat Ford could till the olliee of shoriu"aecept'ibly to Air. Hoyil , wo fail to MHO why Mr. Ciiminings is not e/jiup.Ucnt to till the olliee of marshal. So much on that score. As to thu general charge that li is nil fit and inoompotonl , we can only judge by his conduct as an oil -r. Why i * it lint the clamor for his removal comes from tins mn who are blug eternally hauled Ivforo the police court for violat ing the 1'iw. ' If thu polieu force is ilc- mnrali/ed or disorgani/.ed it is because M-ivor Uoyd is i-o-iitintly weakening tins authority of tiio unrhal over his subor dinate. As long as tha mar'ial ' is placed lietw.ien tiu ! tirj of tha mvyor on tha one ide and the law-breakors on the otlur , with lliu police banked , up by one part , of the council in patronizing the saloons and gambling IIOUIL-.S , there can be no discipline. Horn side * an wuming thu same bat tles in Iiiilgaria , U tlio contradictory ea- blegrams arc to * hoci edited The ad vance of the Sorfriani. however , seems to be.lady and oonliinton * in tlui diri-c- lion of Solia , whrto cfipturu is tlic aim in view. Itolh lll Happy. N. V. Journal ! j-k-poitmastor Price , of ISorlin , Illinoi , ) , lo-it the olliee because he i * a icpublieun , alid his ifc was ap pointed to the place beeauso .she uas a democrat. Hot Ir'are still happy. PJ , . , _ Serves Kbe'JnsI Kif ht. St. Louis ( ; -ljnoirat ) ' ) : : ICciley has moved from Iti binoiul to New York , and in view of ( lie way New York be- baveil hur.self in the reconl election , we don't know but it serve- her just riylit. \c\v in Comedy. ( Jill N'yo ; If v.i are to m ike a new kind of coiivdy , my id.M would be lo introduce soimitlung laceUous into the miiblle of the comedy. N'o one \\ill expect il , you see , and it will tickle the audiunee almoil to death. Ton Insy for Ci-a/.j York .Jouruiil : Mrs. L. M. Wil son , superintendent of public schools at DIM Monies , Iowa , lias under her charge c-iglit buildings , eighly teachers and about i , 00) ) pupils. II ir salary is $1,81) ) a yea , She us too busy to bother with cra/y quilts. ( JlailstoncV Sni-jirUo. Tn the Nineteenth C'entury W. E. ( ilad- stouosi.vs : I own my surprise not only hi th" fuel , but at the m inner in which in thi'i day writer- . ivio-uam-i ! is legion ! nnimpoaelie I in cli-tracler and aboaud- ing in taloul , not , inly put away iroin th 'in , cast inlo shadow , or inio the very gulf of negation its If , Iho coacplion of u Deity , an acting and ruling Uiiity. Neeile-l \Vanlilniilon. . Cleveland Leader. Il is lo b. ) hoieu | thai I he cllorUj being in ide in \\'as'.iiiig- \ ton to secure liio services of Sam .lone. * , tin : southern revivali- , will prove suc cessful. Washington wan never any lee too good , and now that it is filled with a democratic adm ni.str.ition and demo cratic politicians , a .stul , y iiue.ls .loiltis , Moody , Snnkey anil every oilier HICCO-S- fill rovivulis.1 in America. AMSOKT.J. . A bill peeler always sticks nj > for his bail- noss. A bucket uhop should bo uiaiKi' cd by a pale man. "Tlul puts a different face on 11 , " as the boy s.Ud wauu tlu1 ball Ho U td up till IM u.uok dial. At Helena , 3Inn , , ariiinainna , named Ah Hiirrf , has just been anenteU lur coiuinittinn' Ah lJiir laiy. The teli'ph me is uu nci.ui ciufiit by which two men can be in uacn oilier s\itauu ( The boH way to,11caTia'o , | a tra'iiji Is lo hhowliliu a jilloof lul'tvou.l and ot.ier lit- tie axe of kiudiusii i The \\ninBii tin In hlsh fwith"r Just now. Lonk ut tlm tall i U' ' uiuj luis aii.t lu cna- ' ' vii o'd of tlio fact. f , . U is eon -tillered I 'proper In Utili fur a worn in to ask a HI in to marry her. KM to Kiehl didn't know Uibvaoa \ slm bj.ui ; her ' a iisxiultb upon Utiili' There soeiin to Ixjji Ijalt In thu innrch of American chUiiutimi In tuu lar west , Thuiu has nut bviiu a Oai'iiraia ' iu.isntiuted In thut jurt ut tiio uKiutry tor nure than a wook. "So your wife is n conspicuous llijure In HI. Louis hooa'iy , ei.J" ! "Voi , indjuj. &au welKlis.JDpjaiJi , wjiri her luir cut short Hiidliusu vaicj tint lsaerd a ujuv va n Li.iis violin nnd a boiler shop. " "What do they do whoa they Install a mjn- IstciV lniUli | Ml ithmull buy , " | ) o they pat him In aUall and feed him'Xotil.lt"b.iul : Ids father ; "thoy Imrnuss him to a church , and expuct him to draw It alone. " Proprietress of KIIIIU anil "dellciitpssoii" einiHiiiuai I nm very orry ilusa rabbits , mi t bkrlr-r-ulM , mid lir.irio-cd'guus ! ! vosiill sold o\vil ; acr ! luTdis Nip'.fiiilltsaaii'o- ! : 1 roooai- iiiund dot. Castuaiur 'Fralu that wuii't do ; my wlfu'll never bjlluvu I s'uit It. ' 1 say , " said u jjuwt to thu hotel clerk , u , - " . . Trjrrji s"i. he re > ; lleri > l , "eiTi't : jou rjjve my nnme to the nomp.iperrrporlcis n < n | trn nliionl nrriT.il.1" ' .Vn.1 replied the clerlr , "VNCnnt yout name , not fur publii itlou l > afe us n uaiaiitj offtut d.r.iili. ! An.v Impure , sir'.1" STATIJ AMI TKItltlTOUV. Thelw.irdof Irade of I'li-mnut h.n midei eoiHlileitittiin a IMIIP < I > IOU | | Hum eaiterii capitallls.snt | , i poik pai-kiutt IIOUMI In thai city. city.The The NnrtlweMoru rallroul survoylit'f ' rorji- Im arrived in l-'iviiioin. and will beiin tin \MirkorMnkln ? the l.iinoln evtciislon imme diately. Tiie riiailton impors me nlrrailv talklny lelopliiiite. I'lectilu llftht and water \\oiks fur licit town. Tats Imik- * pr.-'smnptidiis tor n six-inimths-olil IIIHI ; . The crowded condition of ( iinuil Island holcls call lur adilltlona ! aeeiiiiiiiiiMlntlnus. ( Smvst ate turned awiiv .itmot it-ill. ) ( o seek lu houiihlit ; lidUses , ( 'has. stockinnn.n pc.ii c-mikerln Oakland , was lined v > lur Intel foritnt In a luh of two solioiilliiix ! , , lie piid il and then wont out and lilted mule to kick him. le\ ! . I' . II. I/'iiion. of Kearney , the vener- iibicsupeiintrnileut of the Vcbrakka uiis.-lou ceafereiice of thi1. Methodist elnuea.siHtiliieil a stinko of iural > ss ! at Nnrllt PI'ille ' , wheie In1 hail SOMC to conduct .serIces. . Ills iccovery is llllllljlllll. Albi'iM'atelin broke jail two yenis nno at I'otummisulle uutleiiiulli'tiiieiil lur burilai ; > . wa * tiv.iiittin'd III Ih.ii dty .Motuliiy nlcht aiuleiuiiiiied in the steel cue. Ya.o Ii.ul voiitmeil luck tu visit his patents In the nmthcin p. ul oi Hie intuit v. The il.im-.iKO suit of .Mrs. Tii > . d > aiTrtla-l the saloon Keepei .uf Tecmusoliasroiieinded at Auitntii , Xitmduy. the jury leiiiriilm ; a veidifl fur Mis. Tiomly , and iiSMSsiiu ; the d.im.ues at - 1JViiii'h ) together itii the eots of th" lil.ulll niiiiiunt to f'J.tWJ. Iowa KCIIIS. Theronsire atlonal elnnvii ut Criuncll has just put In u n 1.0,1 1 pip.1 oiiMii. Tlptoii claims to be the inst tnwii In Ka \\luch ui-d elcUiiuity lor lilumlnatliii ; pin- lxi-.es. The tnt.d assessed vuliiatidii of ninperty in Cedar liapiil * I * S.tiv.iHS ) , an lin.-iv.i-u of 5ji..i , ( ) OJii\ei I tat j ear. Tlu mviviiu memliL-is of the Twonly- fouiili Inaoltuiteer inlaiuryill luild a rcmiiiiu at I'udar liapids December IT. llur i.usent thiiiu h the town uf Dillon , inliiiiiu Hie ptistuillo ' , mi ; - . ; * - ' a lur e number of t-toies , but .seemed verj III- tlll ! > ' > . .lo'-eph H. Spettmau. one of fhe wer.lthlesl farmers m Mieibi enmity , died Middcnly nl his home mar Ociiuuco Moiiiluy lii.iu an uppnleetiistiokc. . ' [ 'he latest society era.se nt Ceilar lianlils isa "ilaii.uii.iidleceptiuu , " \\hcMtirtless m.iiil- eiis m appiiipHateeostumes dispense all tne \lauds v.uicn one natm-.iily associates \\ith tlic d.iii.v. .li'iiA KicluvnNoii. llxiut ; In lUimilion eoiuil ) . bus wii.it he claims to be tin * only pass n\er tin"dead Hues' ut Amlei.suuvilie jui-ioa th it now exisU , wlili'h is tdgned by th.il aii-Ii iiend , Wut/ . Tlie Uiown luiiise at 1'hilville , Pelaw.ire enmity , \\u rutently moved one and une qual icr liiiie * . Tiie build , iu Is t\\eiil > -stK by tliul.\-tuo t'c' > l in hi/.e , tlneci Dallies , two .stniies liiirh , ol ( jolldi ! .stylo of Hiviiiteetuie and illicit m > Mlh biiekaml muilarbrtueen the studding ; . The eoiiimls-siuncr ! ! of Iowa savs vast nuaiuciio : shad. C.ilifoniia silmoii. lYncli- M-I > | .s.ilnioii. 1-iUe tioiil , while tub mid land- lo ; kcd h.iliniiii lia\e lieeii plixnled hi llio lales ; and livers ot In wa , but \\o biive > cl ( o dis cover pliwC of the piesenee nl atiy ol these us Inaiiyoi the .iier-.oi ! this .state wlieio they II.IVD been plined. A wuiiid-l'c mourn at Diihiiciuc on bis wed- dliu nielli as loi-ni'd in the house by Id-Jiia- lenls , and when n mes-eimer liumthe bride s hoiut ! was disp.iiched to iiseeiL.iin Ihe emi-n ol the p.-Iav hevis in unr.cd Unit it wasnui ' ( leiir.e.'s nl-cl-t In wed.1 At last iieeomits tluteoiinulii.ilDshad not boon asuuucd > the jotuhtdl liners , and flic yoii.iv man was bull uudui tlio hurveillimco ol iifetciu father. 1Mmirek has runiiiieteil lo have watoi lu ( ijienitlon by JJei-embcr 1 , nsii. Clileano paitles will build a large low mill at Sioux I alls II the < itv will donate three acres of hind ftiid lake ? l,0j ( ) of htouK. Tin ? Deadwiiol Pimiecr thliikN that Hie ndmniiiiu of suulh Ualcota w > iuld quickly linui ; iihiuil the wilidmr ojiciilu o llie Siuutesurvaiion. . Deadwimd lias iweived assiir.iuces tlinl the Milvvaiikio mad mil builil to that , city next ve.ir. Tne pieeise roulcliis nix been fle- teriiiiiied , lint as a niainu\ ! . diicelois lavnr a line linui Uedat'ld , .such in nil putl > ibilit > will lie adopted. fi. W. btillwoll has comp'pted a lartre. lu- teiestiu mid valuable o..ectliiu ol ll ! "k llillb fossils , etc. , tor Tmit's colic v , Coile.'o Hill. Mii'-s. 'I heenlleetlon enmpilsis a Hum- li iritf raio pieces abmi-t iiiiiiosslble to bo ie- ji.y.-ed. A vein of co.d has been discovered In the Sw.-ct ( Ir.iss rouuiiy. ll-'lem's assflssuiutit tills year it ; about Sil.t'O.i.iMJi ' ) , Tno lax. levy is hlx mills. Tlie b-ililou hhipmcuts fioui Unite , for the week ending Ni\cmber II , aniouiitid to JV.X ! > ( > CiisH-r C'i'iut\.slax Is Sl'.iTi'7. Of tins iweiitv ItMiciitlueompaiilui l'i > mine than ( ilic-liall. The ( 'auadi.in Vacilio offers to build n u , inch lo ilt-iiion b'loi i next AiiKU-t li the luuper bimuses aie ollcml. Tiio prictiuf bcatr > In llielltileuaiiiliilincev- II.IIIKO Ims been laiied lo ? ( I aiiU the mum- i.-r-lnp limited to Hc\vntj-'ive. Tiie utck mid hiliik work on tin basenvnt of the new cnuit house at Helena h cn.n- . pli-led. nnd Ihe whole will tuimi boeuveied over to a\v nil thu lei'iiluiiicucouieiit ol wuiiC lu Ihe suhif-c. Tin 0 iiw chief. Pi-ftly i.i-'le. : eloprd with the wi . ) nl H'lll-ln-t'ie-Wut ' . lu revciuo the biolhm of tlm wi inied Ims'iali'l i in nlf with the hiu-es of ( tie iav I.niharln and cached llipiu. The KIIIIO nlu'lit the IMrunus came ahuu ami stole ' n liornus , uud thoieii tin 0 ows. Tlie I'.icillo Const. Sac growing is n proatablo Industry at f'al- Piesuo hiiincontnnarhin who reads with out ulatis-e.s. A cicinatldii society bus been fmmed at Sldckloii , Cal. TIICIH am now thirty-eight fu1 ! ) whiHiIs es tablished in bi > eiiiio cniiiilj , X. .M. A vme > iiid ol IV ) nciivi , tweniy-livo nilles fi mi f-a i la Itus.i . , retvutly Mld tot 'I'JJan iii-re. In Portland Ore. , prl/e tights can' ba eon- ducted < iiciily | , as iiieiuls noKiwor orilinaiii-o nn'.i.ust them. The assess ' .1 value of Sm Diejoclty proji- eit > irt.-J.JUls : * , iipun wJilcu u levyiu i" cents l > erS.Oi ( to be made. Au-lile I'aniiialo" ' "is Hold all his mliilir , ' iuluie.sls in 1C * ur d - oiinty , Nu\.ul.t , loan KiullHlicom n iv iii .rm , XJ. ) l.c.uidci co.iuty ( Nov. ) lam-hors nrOMifTcr- In , ; icatlv this jeluuii thu depied.it . o isuf ijii ill iiudiab'jlts. ' lu oil ) liiitauce an ciubo Kiiipiciop has botui utterly destiojed. The Virginia City Kvenlii ! ? I'hrmilele s-j\.s ! A nw HJI vies or ii-.li h is beu found ut Hinds Spriu.'s , Lynn county. In-li-ad of the usual eoaluuoi' so lies the. ' itiefaid m be cdvcuxl uitli IIIKJ hair , r h mi HIII , ' th1 luroi a IIIIIIISK. .SpLt-iinons bavo IHXIU nc.nl -o tot elat > il.icaliou. IMiiekin ( Iocs to the I'nn. CniOAoo , Nov. I.Josenh I ! > ( ' . Jticklu will be tiiken tiinii thi ) county jail to the Illinois state puultf-iulary ut noon to-d ly. Thuiif- fence lor which Mr. Makin n III dun a striped suit is not for complicity lu election li.mds dmlu the pieshleniial t-ix.'lion. ! tail lui al- Uued ( H.-ijurv iliulin ; Inn trial. I1 or the.n > t olfeme iliicklu was found guilty ot coiiijilii-l- ly in the eleetfon Irnuds , mid M-uU-nwd to tin ) penitential } , hut w.isitivon a writ of er ror. and the C.IMJ Is nowbuloiu the Unlli-d Suitesiinrem i court. Tim perjury cas wiu iippcuh'd to tliu supreme court ot Illinois , which mutalued the lower coifit. A Hportlntr Slan'H Nuw YOIIK , Nov. b. .l H. Dlmi , tiio bll- llaid o\ | -rl , watt -ni'ht locked up In jlelle- vne hoBidUd , ttulferin , ; with wuiu delnioii.i man hi. _ Tlio Hmallpoif IMuuuo. SfoXTiiKAt , Nov. -There wiroJO eases of uuiuiljiu.x Tlin Vftlf 1VO \ W 4 PI I 111 illli Ktff lASAMi AS i LI ) l , Charges tb.it Poor Mator'nl is Being Usc < I in Ita ( lonstnicticn. AflUliu l- tu Siilist.-inlialc ( Jie C A Ttuii'oiiKli liiveili-.ittoti ; UeniaiKled. K , N'ov. IH. To the IMitor 1 send you per tO'day's express samples each of sand and jjravel inch as are used fur jjroul'ujj ' in the foundation lor Tin insane ai.vlum at this place 1 > _ \ Mr Kind's workimui. Your correspondent wit- uessed the preparation of the yrontitifj : i few dajs a o , and Ihe following was Ih result : A inorl ir boxIxS feet , 1C inches deep , was tilled nearly full with gravel and sandi ? ) ( like sample ) . The < o called -and was tu # and shoveled out of Ihe trenches made to receive the firoutlnir. To the above batch was added a 10)11) ) ) suck of Mutikuto i'4'iueut ula hom-'up-i- thie ) . if , MIU can llml any archill el , iu- tr.ieior , nr maon in your cil\ , that \ \ ill acknowledge any merit" in the matmvil or proportion In vth'di ' It is used , \\e would like to know his full uddr < > s . 1 send you al-o sample of river lio'tom sand which is olU-red ilr. Kinglnnny ( iiaiilitie- ? " > cents per cttliic yard , de livered , the investigation of the Xorfolk editor to the contrary notwithstanding. From a lorn teen gears' experience asi practical unison , I am satNlied llml when \iiur examiners coi > Mider the poverty of llie fjrnuiinir , and ( he fact thai a p irt < if the touuilation rest * on abed of clii'.vand . the balance on sand , that they will'ujjree with me that if justice be dime to me t.ixpu.vii * , ol N'ehraska , Arehiteel Kllis iniisl either older a change of drinker sand. 1 onelofo allidavits from two well- known eiti/eiis of this place , both experi enced mortar makers. .Should the alime fact * prov' iniilllcient Id briny about the neeilMt im estimation , ! . c. one made by a biuril of practical mechanicon will bear from me ajraiu. Kespeelfiiliy yours , in suppression 'ol seuldujjijerv. r'n\XK . \l\iu.s. : At i toAvir or r. WOI.ITI brn op Nr.mSICA : , > . .Madison < ' ( iiuit > , i I. Kdwmd IWnlfer , b"lm ? ditlj swmn , nxiii ] oith state that diirlm ; a pail of Hie months ( it .s nti-iuhcr and Out "li.-r I winked on mid about the iisyltim building at X n-- ' "lU , N-lu.i .kii ami atdillt'nmt tini . - . Im sp\- t ii ! ! da.\.s > \iliii-s > ied lite workmen 111111 ; Hie siud taken Iniiii the exca'v.diou ot Ihe asy lum foi iii.ikim ; the moitai and trnnitinl' , wliich 1 emisidoi no inoit1 ut lor UM' than so much ! ih-'s , miicli of which he I UK l.ii-rrly ndxeil with elaj and some times black din. ii ; > \\Ain \ > K. Wot.iTi : . Sub-cubed In my pre-cnce and sworn to bi'luie me ltd * H'.th d.i > id Nmeinlier. I' < - > 1. K. P. Wn.ros. Ndliny I'lblie. \ riuD.vvn oi1 .IOIIN .IOUPAN. Sr.vn : oi' > i IIIASK.\ : i . MADISON Cor.vrv. > ' ' l.luhn .lurdaii , lii-iii duly sworn upon oath , Hlute Uiat diirim ; the mouth of Octu- tier , is. ; ; t wmlred on and aliout the a\luii liiiiluiiu , 't Xoriolk. Neliiaskii , and at iltlfci- eut time tot several da ) < wltne < * ed the man lier inhich the wmkliiMi piepud llie siouliiiK. lu ml.xiirx the iioutlii ; ( tli v ue.l om.1 half tri-tvil ; and one Irilt .uid h > aui , taken Iruiii the excavation mad" tor the asy lum liuililinir , into which tlnn- placed llie ci'iiieut , ] iiittlm ; one bundled and twenty piiiuds nt Maukato cement in eac-h guago , H teet Uy b leot , W iiicliL-.s de'p. His JOHN X .lonn.v.v. .Mail : . Kulxcilbeil in my jHiwiieo and sworn to In-loio mu this lath da. ' of .Viueiuhcr , 1 > . ( . : ioiri : : : N. liii.s. ! : | sivt ; l Notaiy Public. On a XVnp K About the most difficult .stithties to Kuthcr art ! those showing the armd strength of the diu"crcnl nations of l > ai- rojie. Ivdaniatea ol the niimliei of troops which each country could put into tlm Hold in time of war are neeivsarily large ly conjectural. The following diagram \\iIl.hoHcvcr , show apptoxnuatelv the .strength on paper in disciplined and armed niiMi which are available for au- live servicu. ( .ieniianv Franco Kii3sia Italy Kngland Siirvin Komnaala ( Jrcceo Bulgaria riermany bends the list with 3fl."iOrm , , ; Traiiee , J.jiMiJ , 11 ; It isiia , 'JjjJOH , ; Italy , I.UW.OO ) ; Austria-Hungary , l.O.-il.ojj ; ( heat Britain. ( MM ) i ; Turkey , 11(1 ( , ' ) ! ) ) ; Spain , HlO.oi ) . ) ; Servia , slO.UiAlioiima ; - ma , 100,01)Jllrcece. ) . 00,0X1 ; Mulg.m.i , 00 , < nO. | Some of lho"o llgures mean a great | di-al more thai ) oluers , tan Herman , French .mil Austrt.ni armies could bo mobiii/cd and at work in one-tenth the time tlial liii.ssiaor Italy would con.nnni : . Kiissia'f , J , . ' ) 1,1)1) ) ) I is lite bugb.-ar of ICu- rope ; it may in vin u great deal and il nniy mean nothing , Tlie c/tar had great dnhiully in gelling men enough into TurkeJ-during tlu1 but war lo drive tlio Hiltun into the treaty of Sail Klofano. It- alv and Austria ar. < both unknown fau- lors. Their claims'am large , bin tueir power may or may not bo there. Ills curtain the Austrian army is a vastly dif ferent foreo in ld < " ( from what it was in 1.-JUU England's lighting strength , us < nr- cry ouo nnder.-ilaiids , is nol on land , but on sea. Her navy puts her , despite her .small army , fully abreaat of either of the great powers. llio U'lillo VUialo. Now York htin : There uro few oron- ings in August when a lire Is not ; u- ; ceplaulo hci'ii , yet : ii < ) years ago , when laciiii-4 | I'lirtiersalled into Ihut-u walcis , bo gao them the name of lny ! of Dents. The Indian name m inncuio lie prclerri-d , and morn to the puipo e , being Ke Ko- tiiam Nenmuhe , or the bay or MM i l lish. I Kvery other mini about Clmlouit * is it iihh- | > enna'ii , nnd llioMiviiu arn not lihhiinnan are in tiiu lihh-euring busim-s- in MIIIIU ' way couin-fti d witu til" great inditslr > - . | ' 'I'liD oilier morning , beloro Nuw Vork | ' iii'it tvi-ru iiwiikn , I louud myself gliding down Inward I no fiiilf ( if SI hnm-nco In a Irim and us llc"t a foro-and-iilt as it WIIK ovnr my good fortune to meet Kvorythiiig bad suddimly boon planned I oforclutnd , and niter a tliirl.y-niiln run the uohoonor I'ounded to ol'a roi'K.\ point , and a bout appearing , wo look be'r ' nndvcio niton landed in toe ciilnn of a ' lamourf guidu and lislmninin of those parts. i "Wliat lime shall wo blurt. Sandy ? " | linked my triund. | "In about an hour. " rcplio I Iho IMi- ; ' jriuaii , "Hum the lulu's in ebeuk " i "I vo brougiil no taokle , " 1 MUnerftod. j i "Vn don t want tackle for the white , iiorpus , " i.aid Sandy with a lau h. j Thero's the t.icklo for them. " hocoiitin- ! led. taking up an old-luhlouod rule and Idowliigdown the barrel. Ity the time a brolleil. sea trout dinner tad IK'CII disposed of the tldo was full , ind , following ( ho iMicrman , wo > vent ( own into the litllo cove boloruhis house ivhero u heavy boat was jerking at its noorlug as if anxious to bo o.l' . I'lui old nun gave each of us a rillo. "Thoy ain't prutti guns , tluifs ; i fact , " > ald Sandy , ushu Iniumoduft thuduihiud tlih bait bora nnr.iy , "bnfcthoy'roahootors nnd don't 3-011 forget it. " "Thereyon KO , whispered ( he old man as a ftrong , loud pull panto over llio wa * ( iT'imlit faint ploml of spiay drifted fi mu the crcstof a wnvo , "Stcadyl" and tidd ! man let ( ho .Mieot run and .soi/.cd b s rilliTLn next moment a round , Mm lilli' hiilo popped up jn t elf Ilia bi-Tin The ie was a crash n * if n cannon had < 'xpode'l ! , nnd. llio huge fotm of it beluga ros bodllv four fcctut least into ( he ail , and fell back With a founding cra li 1 tviiitfcil him , " shouted the old man. Th"inimiil uas whirling about in an erratic in inner , boating tlin water with lerrilnnv ' ! < with lt powerful ( ail. ' l.ni'k .ut for him ! he's a'comin' " ainlwiih.i htiuil rush the ronnd'htillct j head .ti..ek . the boat n solindlng blow i tint lifted her prow above water. I Iti'iimMhe l et ! " shouted Iho fish- i erman , w ' , ' .va- pushing on tuc oar thnt , an-wcred for a rudder. The passenger got lit11 rnno. and amid Iho spray from the d.\ing whale the boat shot out of danger , and the old man ro o and SMI ! another bull < -t into the white target. "They're liard lo kill if you don't fetch "cm IIM ! idol. " In1 said. ' 'Now. you pull up and I'M give him tlm laneo. " Tinwhah - was still making the water foam when the prow of the boat ran iili'iiiM'.ile ' A ipiick blow the water was ilNi-obiied l > \ the blood of the beautiful creature A few more blows and it was ( 'cad. ' A barrel was lashed to it , and the bo'it fell ! n\ : \ fur another. ( " I'u-'i'e's ynnr ehaueo , " said Iho fisher- m in , as : i jmfl' c.mn a him I red yard * nw-n " > < * , that's too far , but you can tdl now jit-t w here he'll como n | ) a M o- end tune. Pint your rillo over there ' conliniud the lisberman , pointing to iv simt iwii hundred teet In advance of the pla < - > \\licn tin ; animal had appeared The sport-man followed Instructions , and a moiiietit later almost in fiont of Ihe ni'r to' , ; UKI white head. I li ' ! , : ud iiv one of the most rcmark.iblu ( li-uieen th it come somctlmcH to green h.in.K ih < - liiilb-i xtfiiek lite white whale in the In > < t Astuglit leap in Hie air nod il\\a > di.nl The ob' pornoiM1 s 10 > ti > r diopiu-d the oar and insi-leil on shaking hands. " \ \ all , \otivc been at tins hu * ness betnre. I hero ain't no 110 a denvin'of it ; jou never could have hit that eptier ef yon hadn't " So great ness ij , ih re-I upon some people , and , as I did not -hoot again , I came away with : i proud iciMvd a < an old beluga-sl'iootcr. I'ue others look two more whiiles before - fore tlio day i tided , and for oil-hand .shoolin.x it must bo said that the exhibi tion w is a line one. It was interesting to nolo liort accurately the lislierman gmiged the power of the animal to remain underwater. He. hit il every lime , md his own statement that lie rarely missed eoidd be well taken. The whales wore finally > then in tow anil hauled upon the nearest bi-ach. The while whale , bettor known as the beluga , is very common in the Gulf nt Si Lawrence and .several hundred miles up the rher The adults are about i f- teen feet long , with pearl blue-white col or , the young being spotted or marbled. The bi'liig.i is fjuito valuable. In trade , tlm oil being adapted to certain kinds of ma chinery , and ( he skin is made into a cu rious kind of leather. The meat is eat > n by s.iuie , and il is said that a cnniimny [ forin'iifj , to export it like beef , iiml in r - ald.v there is no reiihon why it shoiibUint be done The beluga is a milk-g\vinf \ animal , and Ihe meat is good and nutri tious , and not ail fishy. A CANNIBAL'S TRIAL. Tlio Colnrnilo Man-ICiitui- Do lie * triedliilol * Illnlory of Ills Crlinn. The ease of Al. Packer , who Is belter know M us tbo "Colorado cannibal , " wa ? _ acted iinou in Ihe stale supreme court of Colorado a few days ii' o , ami the action of the d strict court ot Jlillsdule county was revernu-d. Parker was sentenced tJ be hanged on Mny 1 , Us ; ! , but bis conn sei obtained a Muy ot the execution on the "round of ( he iiiicoustiiutionality f tun law under which he was condemn d. lu the winter of i 7. Park r mil lv companions slarled overland from Kait haku Kiltie .Sm : .luuii country in Colon- do. Tlu country was then almost un known and the party got lent in dm mountains , going lor hovcra ! dtivs witn- out food , ( hie day , in his dcs- par-ition , Parker killed his hall- ht irvcd companions and then lor sixty dn.\s tlierointcr sulisi.stc.'l on Iliuir llc.sii. Packer dncd some ol the ' -meat. " am ) , c-irrvim ; il with him , finally reached the l.os Pines Indian agency in tin ; UIICPHJ. pahgri ) valley. ' 1 hero fie related a H or/ that lut and Ins comp.ni.oiis had become s para led , and tney had probably reached dome other fiot I inont. PiickeV began to spend money luvis ily , and OIID day , while drunk , revealed enough to create Iho suspicion that all was not r.ght between Packer and the men wlip Wo'ni with h m CJe.'i. ( Diaries A lams , who was then a eiit nt Los Pines mad | ) an iiitcxli ! iilion and lound Iho mutiliiti-d ri'inaiiiH of Iho live men where Packer had left them , after Imvini ; hrstdenu le-l them of their llesh. Packer was ) lace ( nnilor arrest and ndinlllcil having kund Ins eompanioii" butstitcd In ' i hud been compelled lo in hclf-do ense. / was eoiiuncd n a ricKcly log jail atSiiguiiQlie , mid one day , nol verv many weeks after Ms : irrel , | | .i esc.iiied and made Ins way out of the rouutry. It was nine ycaiH before lie was heard if again , and that was when he was ur- n-Htuil \Vyoniing \ , wlmro ho was en- Lrit'jed : on u ranch. No criminal ever ere- uled so miiuh interest in Colorado. J'hero was nodilliciilty inobtainiiigproof tocomict him. and Jud o ( ierrysu * , teneed him to death. Within live ditA if Irs execution llio suiircuii ) court ill i-idu 1 the law under which In was con- neP-d to be nucouhl.tutioual Almot three years have pas-o I and th- > ourts have jusl reached lusciun a ain. II s long coiiliiiomeiit m jud has broken lown his health , ami iiistea I of a licrec. ool. n" ; man eaU-r , ho is m reality a lit niiijeet for the grave II wdl now bo re-tried under the law for in insliiiigiitiir , mil is convicted can bo sMiteiic-d to it unu of leu oars in llio jiunitentiary. " A I'l'rl'cot l-'looit ol1 Kiinslilno" , vill till the ik-.ut 01 evvry HU luring wont- in ii KIIO will only pcivthl in tint ii.so of : ) r Pierco's 'Favorili Proscription. " t v ill cure tlict merit i-xenicialiug penodi- aI paiiid , a.ul r uiovit yon of all iiT , ! ii- urlties iiu'd ivj -tilthy action II will loiilivoly cure intorii.il In lainin ition mil nlcoraliou , in H dao.iin. < ut and all ,111 li'i-d d Miir.l.ii's Pncii roJuojd to lollar Ji. > TCTf > ptJCrK ) MY Eloya ! Havana lottery ( A flOVniNMKNT INH1IT' rlOM. ) Irawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 10 to H Days. T.ckt.in . In J'lfili * Wholes , ft. I'niflloiu lire UIU huiijc-tt to no iiiiiiiltiuiAtloii , nut cfiiitrolUxl 'if l.o | i.ii > iM III mluKiib Ilia tno ialriHl tiinii I i u luiino ofliiiucu | u exU'ii . KIMtiok . u.ily , to aMIIMUV ! t ( ! > , I ill Inm.liviij- . V.CIlV ! I.OlTH Vd 4.UJ. , I lint Kaiidun ( 'lly Mo. ipl > M -A- -ttA&N isfe&