FIFTEENTH YE AM. O3IAIIA , FKIDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER : ( > , J8S5. NUMBER 120 , A Judging from Contradictory Accounts of tLu Balkan War , CABLES OF DIFFERENT NATURES. TIOIIIVlilcli the Hour llr.iilci * < " J'nncy Vli-torloH as lilt. S > iiipn- tliiCH arc Incllneit from tlu ; Conflict. Ac.countK JVoni thuVat - . LO.MJO.N , > 'ov. 1U. i.Spe.-d to the HI.I : . ! - News from thu ' .il ol xvar in llnlKniin , lirintcit here this mnrnitK , Is ovuu IIKJIQ contiadlctory li ttiiully th'j ' c-i-te. and il Isiilnm-'tlinposslblo to tell on which banner victory IIM pen-hod , or which h.n gained tlio advantagermther li htln and -liijlit succcs-s for the IinU'arians , bat adisastr'nis retieat from the Widd n dlstilct by thn sanio Iroopv. nnd the repoit.'d tall of4d'lin \ is a brief suiii'inry of tlv xvar noxvi received up to the hour of this o.iblltu. ltu sia. Austiiii and TurUiy are still xvnlrhin thuproliininav i'aiiil b'tra\iii < { si mof tnu'iislnnii , \vHhi.ut yhowlmc any oiitwatd si n what their future action or eoursi ; may bo. In fact tli nutter inl\ed , and depends so much upon chinee that il is linprobablo anyone of Hie pnv\ei . bus a dolinilu idea ul'tln'ie nlt. A little blood b tliliir It e/ontined to thopics- -llt eombalints may liuvo a lii > nltnv oiloi I Upon easti rn pnlltli s and lo-tllt in pat < : lnnt ; uji a truielhat imiv lust until 'pi inihou b hut texx ale Mii nlne I'Doti li to beliie un.v Hiinv' shoil of a fronorn ! eonilamiilioli can Imrllx M'ltle Hi ijii ' -I'on ' nl is'.no. The fa.-t llril Kirn ; Alevaiiilei's tioois | have made iuilies Horn Mivni'/ii andcaniid the JM.SI- tions oi' , Mpiod tiy the fvixhnts around tlint city , will cUi'or tlm lieuits of his subecls | and pr biHv ; prolong the war xxilhoutalteiiti the ai tnilt He n : iiti'itlis , as a radif-al ohai e nl fconio di'sciipllon neeossjiiy " to biiniiHie iciilei povxoisnpon Iho Held of balllo. Kim ; . \lo\at.ileils-iidto linio led his Hoops in pet on. which iMiivM ib > m to n hl with a de-pcinti'ili hilherto unknown In even Hieii wa'rnii t ininilicrs. 'I iii > v may also bo said to ha\e a-lonishnl Hienisolxos , I.ond.'ii mill'ai ' > \ > 1 I.1 In ie thr Hiem-v I 1 out th" Illlis t uf eel i Hi etilljj lepmls icceixed Hint Hie ( iperiilions iii the xicinilx m siivnil- /ante intended as n feint on ilii' pail ol Hie sicn I.-.MS , Tiio pos'i'sslnii ol Siivnitya.x-.ldch is onh lifTon ml.Vs tiom Holla , is not noces s.nx al.-nlulelx . lo Hiecaptnio ol the Hnltfan- ani.ipii.d. 'J ho .beixians hold stioii posi- limis ; i | Dragoman , ten mdes novili ol Mix- nil -a. and on all the mail- leading lo the soi-ihwiiiil. The ! ildnl tlio atta.k o\p ! < : : np- eli ( has beeii m.i Ie l.i dixcrl atin- | iion Unman mil ami * on the loads Ixim ; Im- Iboi east mid a rnsb upon Si'iia. The i lum-- oii' i 'ii- ifsldj ) oin | HII | | Ihe leh i.iph a-nl Hieniiiils vxhinh isoieivisod by Hie Unkaiiiiiis aec.miillor . tin1 IIH , iionoss , ol war nexxs ll'iio tinI'lili nlati side' . Most ol the piess ilisp.iti li - sent bi oi iosondonls | on the Sei - vian s'de mo ills i inleii opted , bat Ihi ! Sei-vi an i'lleiiiN ! ! mecnl loiuand lii hlv ooloi-C'l aii oi ills ol all Ihe hcixjan vii'lmies lo Vi onn i I'eo i-oss ( if i lie Win * . 1 i.Mms Vox. -Ilnlcaiia is denudim : the rmlvi-b liontiei'ot tloopsitnd sending all h' r uadablo lorcosln HK > trout to combat ' xxilli llic s-eixians. The public aio allowed to II' &o lo the depots on lollto to00 'belt lolatiios aii.1 1 1 tends. 1'iiiii'o Ale\aiiii | r's success b > loio 'slivnit/.a has toviied Ihe COIII.IKI ( ol Ihosi diii to the lioul and Ibex uiiilci n extieniu haid.-ihips wilhiemarkiiblofoilitudo. In main c-.isoslhov ; tie eouiielled | lo mnich ' lomr ilisiance > in 'bad wi-ntlier ami nl nijjht camp in open spad's. xvheiotliey ate shi'llor- less not bax-iiijt oxen ouliuaix lents to pio- lecl tliem Irom the si xei it ) ul lln ; wealher. A minor Is thai 101 itiniKlico lias been ii iei ii iiiui'i ' hetwoun Seiviaand lnl ! : iiia. I'.lio . \ ' > i , Nov. P. * . - An aceoniii Horn 'I saiibioil , Hie Seivim hcailiiiaileis | , ol llio battle xcsicidiix belnie .Siivnil , a. states thai llio Sop.iaii , xvoie unable 10 liiiun their lull slieimlh into i o'li n. and We 0 llnisilelealt it and i ompclled lo \ > kiluiiivv ! o | ) ia 'oman I'as.s. Tnc inmtion ot llio Danube , Uiimi and Mminelia divisions xxilli Hie M-cond elasb H'seives xvill In1 completed Inla.X. . . This will bsing loitx-onhl imiio lii'llalioiis of intanirx ni'o aition lovthei. A dlspilch liom fsniilnod . , \s | , \i liul a- liiin 'lattaliousweio ' deieated lo d.n in an en UUKi'inent with Hie Sei nans mi Hm load lie tween liie-nik and I'einik. The KiiLaiians lost 'J01I men in killed and xvoundeil. The Servians c.iil ] in ed shlypiisoneisaiida ipian- tlt.v ol ammunition ami iitnvisions. .Srxn IN , Nov. III.l.'eliable reports . eixod beio stulo Hint the Servian losat .Slixiiil/a josleulay was llueo limes uicalei than that Kiven in the onicial iiccnunK and actually exceeded Iho plevimis total los- > since Hie oul- Ineak ol hostilities , 1'iinco Aloxandcr In Hie thick of the battle fnnn boijinniiii : to rnd. The 'seiians noticed Hut ho liisi mdo anldlo Imiso. and aflerxxMids si bioxxn lini.-e. It Is iK'llevi.-d tlm while hnise was shtitiiom undoi him. J.O.NDONox. . ll. ! Itiitish Cons' , i l.a.cllo. x\ho Is nt liel iado keeping land SalUhmy informed of whalexor tiaiiipiies in eonnee- lion with the wai , makes no monlfon ol Iho icpnrl ed oapt nro ol Widdiuby Iho Soivians , II is believed the UiiUaiians still hold U'lddin. CoxsiANn.voi'i.i : , Nox , 10.The J.illaii ! i onloluncH met lo-d.ii , and it is st-ited mm nt Iho lo.snlis is that a 'I inki-Ji cnxo.x xxill m > to l'hillipipolis ) iindci Hie purte's iiamc , liul xvltlmnt a mandate Hum the conlei once. Vll.N.NA , Nov. P.I.--AII ollicial heivian rc- ) uirt tecolxvd hem this alieinoon saxs : Ac counts luloiiapliod jeslenlay that 'the bci xiau lioops menacint ; Miuniua pulsed I ix the liid ailiin lioois ] un der the immediate command ol I' ; line Alexander aio lalse. 'Iho Ibiluau.ins siie- eeoded in ilpiloiieliint | ; the Scivian positions iindci eovoi ol a lic.ux lou , but iilloi liuhtiilK woie lepnt eil. The Soix ian-i dune tlio llnl uiiaus lo Hie ontieneb mclils. and in the wboeem.uiment ! ! bad ' .W men Mllul and xvonndod. A leconnolteiin loice scnl in Hie diioction of Slaxin.xi sj ; | . mi si icd toi IXVD hours xvilh llio liilitiian- ! : . and then letitul v. itliln lines. HnisMisov i'.1.'lln1 Iiiih'jondomo | llolKO today jinbli-ho.s a disiuich liom HM ( oiiespondi-nf at s.itia , slaifns Hint Hn < .Set vlans altnc-ked Ihe Third Jiul iiiian ro i- ineiil osfoilin an ambnlaiico train , ami haxom > tcd iMiundeil soldicis in Hie ambu lances. The I'oirespoiidont also Mates th.l I'liiiL-o MoNiindei siiimtit-i to Iho icuin ot , -iiillan ondxidicd in Hie lail"i'rt icplyiothe piinco'sape.i | | lot help , and hp s iho .idian 1 1) aid him at once. CONSI.VN riMn-1 1 . Nov. 10. Piinee Alex ander , in Ids iconc-i to thu jiolto lei help , stales that in hu loinpllaiuo with tUesnl- lanN demand ho has wii'.uliawn Hoops from oa&tPin llonnioll.i. liKi.iiit.iiir. Vox. t'.i. 'I'o-dax's dlspabhos fiom the liom am adxoiMj lo the . ( jeneral Me.skixoloili failed in hKaiicmpi to captnieidlaviiiy , .ind was mublo tojoiiuhe fou-esat SIUiill/i. ; Militaiy elides an ; do- Joclod iiu'oiiMiiionco ) | < ii' iho lovoisos. It Is ioioited | that ( ioneral llcmt/ky's division lias occupied iho load bclweei vl Miit/aand llr.jnjiAiir , N'ov. 10. Iheleivimi head- ijuaitcishav ( ! lieou vvitlidra\xn lo 1'irol. l.o.vnoN , Nov. II'A ' dlsiialcli Jroui T/uri- I n oil , dated Thinsday nuon. suis : A violent eannoiiiido is ioii'on ) itt.Slaiiniji wheie the DnlK'nifatis aio stioiiL-ly enlionoJied , ntevont- hiB ihuiipnoachot ) tlieSenlaH turning col umn Irom ( ilind p.o > s. ' ( 'ho Uulir.iilans aio udvanolni ; liom i-utia in the dncotion nl 1'einlke to inooi Ihfl Sfrv-j | ; dvanclii ( Mi- ) ravii ' . .Uiiiuir , wmrh isliravilx * handk-apjieil , llio siio\y imiVin-r the plain .1 Mxuinp. ttortA , Nov. U' ' . Tlui IliiluiiiianM ( odav iop\dscdtUo onian attacks on .Slaxinji and diovo the enemy bark cislit kilometrebuo - M'iticiitl.i | the hoi vlans opened a strong ailll- Ihe ilsht wintf , The lluljjar- lans Munllv defended theii po > ition and again Jeimlsed Ihu Fenians. This Servian IOK-O coiihUted of three batalllons of liijht In- Janlry , ono of mtillery and a Mniadion ol cavalry , the vlclori finally lu'loiigm to the Hulir.irians. Tlio latter fmtlicr icpulsed the Seivian attack on ( illnt/i , litl.inu seviral iirimncis. 'J'ho InOiavlor or ihu Jlnl arlan Ircops was admirable , rift ) .Scu'.tn ' piN era have lurlud here. A VCIUtlliUU'H N CVVrj. A Study In 1 lain ex I'lii'iil-lie-d liy loxxu'a KnOfonil ( " "oiiioii sioii. DK- MIIIM.low.v. . N' . . ' . I- ' i'-i < ial to Hie HM.A'h."ire , hh'els ol Hi" I lehlll an- nt' 1 icihiit ol Ihe honul of railto.vl com- mi-sloners are Jii t i "U''d. Thej shoxv the ootidiiion of railinad ba ! ncsM in Iowa ill a better Mat. * tlmn la t , n-id ( tlvet a nnioimtof vnlii.iHIu Infonnatloii f'i < > enplinl Moi'k , tlibl. piMi'mr ' * . jr"i ! < * ra tiitfflc and < yindlti'ii of HID inndidoinv hsl- : : n -s9 in this slut * . Tl'i. totnl iiMinber of milw of railroad tit ojmraiion In Iowa in t.uw.4'1 inlli" . Th" roKtt | < f Iho wpinl * tifknn.ldolit ifbastd on Itm entire linn * of ( no loads ivliirli ran into other still's. Thotp llti' s an- Jli' mtiiMi. T'i ' ( oniinisilom 1-1 oitliuato tinpropiirtlon of stuck of tlic * ' i ( > ! wltthatrovr" 'iH iHiP Ilii'-s m Iowa , ndded to the , tik ot Ui. " mads ' 'iitlroly in Iowa to be , broiid natiRC illW.-JSs-M/JI , eirStt.tXJI.-S'l- ] ' ' ittlliJ ! narrav suuu ro.ili. St-Jiirjr."i , or S7.n-jn.fis per "ille. Tin- total amount of stoi li iiwni'd bx person s II vl tit ; in the state U & ? , ' ! > ' . C . Tlie total il In of the road in lnvx.i. as 10- ported b.v tbooompaiiles and appoitioned by tin1 ostlmati'HOi itiocominissioiiots \ , Inoad- iiiacei i7J.Viii.7i. : . oi MM.ii. : 4l per mile ; ol lliis amount tM.V-oj.v.-.o ! : ! : Is funded debt , SI.7-lt > J.Vi Is unfunded or lloatln * debt. Naiiowpanti' ; roads , jji.illi.x' is funded dehl , SNSita. : l-I lioatiln ; iti bt. The Im-leasod milrano toporiod ii J-l.-'si'.lt. ' The lnetea < od in.ebti'dne | < s is ( . . / . . ; . . , irom which deibictlm ; the Im loa-od , j-ir- and there iviiMin- net increase ol MiVU'l.-C.l./.1 , oi v-l..TTl..H p"rmlle. The entile earniiitninl iiH'teasp roiinrled lor the loads in loxxaine loported : I , ts on- KITS , mail , ind o\pres , jS'i.x'l.1.i.l" ' ( : fivitrht and miseclJii neons , ? 'jri ; total cam- lints tm ihoyoiii elided . I nne : ) . Iss.M .l ij- "I-H.-CI ; total earninirs lei tlioxeirendedluuo , : : 'iO , | s ( , H'l.I.Vi..M.Vi : ineioase oxer Hi' pie- ilmis .xoar. or torloxxaan iinio.i'O of J.WT ] iercont. ; " ss.iir.iVi. : , The Nittil iinioiint of taxes ] iaid bx the tall- mails in tbesiloof | : loxxa iss > ; rV ? ; l.l.t , xvhlch is ! less than lepoitod last .ioir. : This ( , ui be aeeoTmtcd loi. as iiiiu > ol Ihe iitlds buxo ax ailed themselves of the proxi- sinus of the piesent hiw and pidd but one- hall their taxes bctoto they leporlod. The lamest amounts paid b.x situsli ! eoiporations woie by the Chliaio & .Vi.ithxxo-toin , ) : b.v thoChirairo. Milwaukee A : St. I'atd.IVi. . . I" > .HS. hj Hie Cliieauo , I'o.-k Island , V 1'acilio. > 7l"Ji.ll : by the Chicago. HnrliiiBton A- I'ulney. ; | . ; ; ) . Tliese last two loads haxe ovidouH.x paid but luilf their tuxes , as tho.v repot ted last yoai Kii.Ol--.1 : ; and MM.- ( . * ! . : : ii < i . tivolv. The iimonnt ol ucuoiid Irolirbl eairied during llio past jeai is i--r.iliri ( ions , which is an increase ox or hist voar of : il ! .7Ts tons. The xalnooi'ihe articles iraiispoitcd dinins ; tlio.voai is estimated at > MO.s.i.ii. : ; ! ; Kilty olsht ami one-halt per n-nt. ot the entiic truck in the smlo is laid xxilh steel nils : sos. , ! nnlos ol the roads aio leporlod lencpil. Tlm eoinniissioiiei-H locommend the oi'iictmeni ol laxxs loipibiiiK nil loadt , lo bo leucrd. During Hie lear l-Mi pf-u-oiis wile killid on the mads in iho stale. Ol those nine xxeio jiassotijri'is , si-ventx-lxMi omplojos , ami so\otil.x-lixo olheis not connected \\ilh Hie opoialion ol Hie loaiN , Tlie i ommission- eis lecomnieml the iidoiliiin ) of safety coup- lei.s iiud automatic biiiki" , on all Height ti.iins. 'I'ho eoimnisMtmei s clou' Ihoii i epoi t by iceomiiiemling- the coming le islaiinc provide bx jimjiei enactmonl for soeiulm ; to laihoad omplioes tioedom I rum \voik iluiim ; Hie hours nt . jund.iy. A Good li.iili'oad in I'l-ospoct. Dr.s MOIM.S , Iowa. Nov. I'.1. ( Spceial in to the I5i.t.lTlie suit bejuin lei -10,000 ujTainst iho lormer otllecisof the Dos Moines , Osceolii A. Soulliern laiboad , xvill bo largely alTooteil b.x the chants that aio noxv belli } : made lo impioxe tlie road and make it ol Manilaid 'auye. It xvas i > 'polt"d sumo weeks a otlutt the load had heen pureha-ed bx the Chioaso. ililxxaukec.xl St. Tank but 10- poil xxasxxithont any I'luudalion. Thefacls an- thai effoils mo nowbein nmdo to con- xoii il tosintidaid ii.iu o and extend it to Kansas f'il.x. \Vliin that is douo a pur chase ) lei I lie 1 0:1 : d will not ho haul to nnd. An a it-omcnl has been entered into between tlio liondiioldci-s and the Aim i lean rinancu companyot New Veik , which has such an object I'M licxv , and unless i ompliciitions shall aiisO which cannot bo toiosoen , the Dcs.Moinos vxillbaxoii .stalid.ild K.mue load , liisi-elass in exoiyio- spoot. liom Des , Monies lo Kansas Citv and M. Joeovoi the OsccolHlino xvlihin the next .10:11. The receiver is now leceivini ; am ! put ting inlo the hark twelve mil.'sof now soi- | | . uitx-six pounds to the jaid. and in lad all impioxoimMits made on the bx the to- ceiver iiie belnif made of iliimlaid saline mi- : leiial , haxili ) ; in xiuv , [ ho ultimate xx ideilillk' ol the mad. A V Him \ Cirv , Iowa , Nox. I1. ' . J pedal to Hie l'.ir.About : ( .1 o'clock tlds muming Ial. xx-aid Hooxcr. xaidm isler ol Iho Illinois Cen- lial railway , XX.H iniiaiitl.x killed b.x the cai ! at Iho I'omth slioot eios.sin < ; . II is .sup- iio > ed ho Mumbled oti a , ilalik and fell oeneith tlio miiviiiii tiain. Il was lloovei who shot Kiank llnbhell in Hie llnbb.ud house a loxv > oats a o xxhen ho louiid his wile and llubbell ocuip ) i'u ' the . amo room. Coniliiutoo Censer Ixilleil. liAl'ins , lima , Nox'J ] -A Chie.r ffoX .Noillr.vostoin condueioi named Cm- sou was iuslantly killed v. Idle switching lids altcrnoon. Ills loot xxas camlu in a tiojj. l > : iknta'M Hiu I'rciiinec.x llooned. VKIMII.I : ION , Dal > . , Nov. I' ' ' . A liie bioko out in P. M. .Smith's noainciy jotoulay. at : i"Uii.m. : it vxas lust discoxeicd binninc ; in Hie tool oxer tlio ciiclni ! lioli e. and xxldle nothing'' I ) knoxxii as to tlioeaiise ol Hie hie , iljs supjioM'd U oilinalei ) ; | tumi Ihe en ini ; loom. Tim buddings compos. jm. Iho eieamuiy , called the Ku- xino ciciimoiy , v < ere M-xcial in limn- bci. all built ot pine , and en-- eied noailv half a block. It is claimed b.v mam- that Ihi. , waIlin Kiip'si i n'.imoiy in Dakota. Siliiellfiu ; ; o ! Hie ma niliuli' ol llio lilisines-silono bj iLiui bit Kallieied limn Hie lad that dining Ihoiiminei M'ason il undo liom : iiXfl ) to f > .oio pounds ol butter poi day , This is piobably llio only cio.minry in this section of tlio oountix thai niijs all Hut j car around. The loss iullohciv.Tin ( | . * instir- ancoamonnitoSll.wn , but ihKMl | lall tar ot joil.u'li ] ! the buildin iii.d niii'-hinei.x. A I'iri * fii'itlro ii I'oiiii1. l.i I'tsl'lIM , Nov. ! ' . > . - A se . < i > Npudid | III the oily hospital nt'o : . afieinoun iindsti.oil a lire on the eli .aioi wa.x be- twron thn Ihi : d a1 d fourth Iliciix. Tim lire binned luriotisly and Hide xva m eh twili- iiient asHieio weio main liol | < io > jmtionli In tlm adjoining winds , 'Jliesn woie. howovoi. lomoved , and the liio vvhich had been com- munjc.iied to the loof wassDim under con trol. Tl.o Ins- , will not bo heavy. All iho patients craped uuliuil. An Amorous 1'i-ciu-lior. St I'Afi.Xov. 19. A ebinv'i ' sonniMl is asltatiii ; ! the .Nintli I'losb.vteilan eonji"i- llon. Itm. Dr. McI.iMii II.H been b.ined liom thechnr'-h on charges of eiimmal intiniacv with Jly. ! Mitchell , ol MemimliieeVs. | . Hi * now annoinuos thai ho will make a public stiilonient Snnda ) at Maikel hall. I HI niu'lit Ihechiirel ) lixhucb vxeredemoliihcd bv inah' Ions pc A SiuiL'Ossl'nl i-Jxhiliition. Xov , jl ) . Tlm fit btOv-i ; and uiultiy blniw held hero in Hie exposition building , closed tonight. The total alien- daneesliiPO thel ) > -n'Innin.iif the show is c- timatedatoier Ki.W , 'Jlinicrchilrt iunonnt- od to liom 10.00010 sl-J.oO11 , ami the piom- iinni paid a 'KiVaalnlS _ 1 < i'-fl. ) . -V llalf-Ki-otber of Talli Demi. Viui.Awni.rniA , ' Xov it' ' , Siynor ICitoro Itaiill died this aficinoon. He was the half- brolliivrof Adellna and Caiolitia I'atli , and hou of J-nnL IJaiilJ- oioi'iilar ' Itnlian singer , A BLOCK ABLAZE IN HEBRON , The Ba y Little Nebraska Br.- , ; Scorched liy a Serious Conflagration. BUSINESS HOUSES IN ASHES. RiilMfliiiiut OilVrliitt to tlio lit'tuiiT in * the Ii-lsli I'.ti-tv A iiiil : ct or No- l > o < sit'iii'ilv ' Flru at ttohfoti , Ili.UHOX , Neb. , Nov. l\ ! Special to the Ilrt-.J-A terrible tire broke out hero at : t o'clock Ihl.sinoniiuffU'ul swept one-four ! hot the biiMnos { KiHlon of the town ainty. \VIictt first dlsiororcd It w-as iindi't1 horci * hondxvay In .fohn Snjiln's bakorv. ft Mitoad both uji ami down tlu * > trop ( , and bolero 1111- ilor control totally destroyed oiaht larijeln i- lies- ! bid Idl nps and two innll she | > , t'oitn- nately no liies wore lost tintl no on u was seriously Injured. Tim estimated loss Is Sil.O'K ' ) , of Axhloh hvs than * ' , n.n was eoieied by insimiiiro. The heaviest loss falls upon Tliompso'n ' llro . and tho.tonrnal ollico. A. 1) . Colonial ! , lewijlei , six'ed mallj .ill his points and hoiiio- hold Cffeuts. . > lr.Sinbanu'h. . milliner , lost most of hoi hotnphohl iromlH and a grout pail ot hot slock : insured for SI.OOi ) ; loss S2.000- ilohn So ln , , lost nearly all his < toek and hou-eliuld 2-mjds. Tliomp-nn llros. owned the dnu'ilo ' stuio ciiii'.ainin ? Serin's restantant and their own jiroeoix ; aNo tlio building which Mrs. Hniluuch occupied ; all a total loss. Mot o ! the nooiU went ; no insnriiiico. I'hobas lost tin * gi enter jinitof his goods. Ihi ! building and about P'-OO In oiv-li. The .Tomnal lo-s will foot tip jj" > ,00r ) ; iifiircd lor 1WO. AVillex's nnisio Mine had no insurance. 1ml the piods weio saved. The p.istoflioe had < - tM insurance on the building and 'TOO on the tixtnips. All the poslolliee maleiialand muil matter was sued. : i' , tin * baiber. siixod his fmnituio. Thunnis , resiaiiiant. was the last logo : in."inanco ht/M. N'otliin but dospeialo eoura o and wink .saved luither dostnielion. lliiiiuox , Neb. . Xox. Vi. ( .Special to the ! : : . ] Diioenllio block burned down this mm Him ; at ' > o'elook. The pnstufllou and Hebron doinnal otlioe xxeio bninoil. ' 1 he liio. slaitod in Serin's bal < ei > . l.o-s S"MOH ) . The lolloxxing poisons were burned out : .InlinsThoniiis. 1ms 3. VW ) , insurance. t'fiOO. .1. M. Fil/.paliick. S..imo , insui-anee , Slo ( ' . ,1. A.Villoy , ? l.-,0ti. no instnaiu-e. liebion .loiirnal. S\iK)0. ) iiisuiamo , ? l"iOJ. C. I'liebiis. S-2.00J , instnancp. Mini ) . \V. 1 , . Thuinp.4011 < V ISio , , 54Xn ( ) , no instti- iinco. .luo. Socin. l , ! ) ! ) ! ) . no insuianco. Mis. Smbanch , s.l.ooi ) , insurance , Slo" i. A. I ) . Coleman , . " > 0ii , no In&iiiatiec. .1. il. I'.ennctt.VJO , Insniod. The .streets me eoxoied with sonds. Tlio lo > s on Ihe same is lioaxy. A ViM'ilirl Against the l-\iot . 11 AM INI. - , Nob. , Nov. I1. ' . [ Special to fie lii..J ! : Considerable comment was excited this nioinini ; by the lad thal.Jnilgo Mouis advised a special ijraiid jmy to investifralea coitain can1. Tl.cic . wus much speenlation as to ids pmpoH' . but your cut ie < pumlenl nneaillied the tollowltij ; faels in regard lo Hie matter in llio dislikt coml. ' 1'hisxcek one U' . A. Davis was tiled lor idirhway lob- beiy. The nimi'ivasioinniitlo I in lliis oily hist .lanuar.x. and the pii onei has been in custody oxer since. Ono l-'ranlc I'liderxxood iVijN.ii'LMtod xxlih Dai is and tinned stato'.s exiilence to saxo liimsell. 'J'he evidence was ionelti iii'ii.s to the Ktilll ol Dnvis and his oxvn slalciueiilvau enouuli In eonxict him. To Hie sinini-c ol ox-oiybiidythojmj biounht in a xeulict ol not nuilty. The iiri'e' ' was in ( liicet onposition to toe fids bioiicht out in tlio ovid -nr ' . and .Iiulio Moilis oidcred a special ( 'rand .mi v to Invosilirato Uie matter. II is inmoied Hint one jm.x man wa- . drunk , and hh combirt is aNo to bo.inxesll ated. l.lnciilo'N ( 'reeling to I'arnell. li\ ( IH..V , Nov. I'.i.I.Speoial ' lo the Uh.r.1 - The liisli .National league hold an immense * the opera house. 1'alriclt Ksnm xvas ( lie chairman. Hlmpiont and stininj ; speeches xvno made by lion. J. S. .Morion , . .liiilutril / oiald , ol Cincinnali. and -Mr. Qinnn. ot J'ooiia. 1'ov. ( ioorijo 1'ejiper sent lejiiets at haxint ; misled ( lie tniin. Twenl.v- llneo bundled dolhtis was laKcd for the pailliimL'iitarx Iniul. ( onilnisiasm pio- valled. Suilalilo le ohitions woie adoploil. lion. .John ni/L-fiald cabled tin ! tullowiin ; toC. S. I'atnell. Dublin , lioland : "I am in- Mini-tod by ii mass meeting ol eiii/oiislo- uiL'ln lo send moiid nnd nmtoiial aid to the In-h peojile In llioirstiii ' , ' 10 to make Ireland as ol old iirospoious and happy bythuxxis- dnm , ) iatiiotism and genius oi n mitixo par liament , soon to bo a happy and gin ) Ions loal- itv tlnoiiuh .xmir .siatosmanshijiand nnsxxcix- injjde'.otion to lliocoinitiv and people. ' ' 'llio YOIIIII : "MiMi's Si a to Coinootion UISIIM.S , Neb. , Nov. 10.fSp.vial lo the lnTl.o ! : ) 'tale ooniontion ot Hie Vonni ; Men's t hi istian a . iaiion met in this city Ihisailornoon. Aboi'l ' oidily delegates ate in atlondiiiicoiliisoionin in Hm nexv b\\\\ \ \ \ \ < \ - liioi the llasiiiiv'.s UNMII iatlon , which is to hit dedicated xxitb aipioH | | ialc ceromonlos. The biil'dint ; is a o i\\o storj biiek block , localeil on l.imolii axenno. His in the lalc-l slxlo of .iiclnleclnie and cost iibout .S."i,0Xi. , Il coiilains 1,11 0 , mil olosant lead- inx looms , lilnaij , chapel , etc , and is the llt t ooei.iiiiin bmldiiiL' elected in Hielate. . Tlio MnariiK ; I'ohi pon.'il. fcin.M.l , Neb. . Nov. 1' ' . ( Speoial to llio lir.j- ! : The pielimimiiy he-.iilnt ; ol Collins aniiyhaxv for the accidental shoolinj ; ol Mar tin II. Coliihs in a sdnon inxvat Camp Claik on llio 10th , was postponed until next Mnmlav owing lo Ihe absen-e ot niateilal U'aieeVoiks Tor ) laKlin > > u , HASTIM"Neb. . . Nnv. -Special " [ to iho Jnu ! ] ] topie onlati\cs ol iho IlolljVater Wotlis , company aio in ibo mij pioparini ; plans and estimates fm a sxsieni of xv.iior woik : < . Tim system willie i in tlm noiirh- boil ni'd ol S : . , ( K % . : i Mutual C'oinpai'l. . Minn. , Ni.i. r.i. , l. j : . Xim- blin , ii.pcrinfoMdcni ul Iho liallinioio , V Ohio Teksi iih | , held it confeieiico huie to-day with lopie.-enlatixos of | | HI Xojlli Amoii an Telexiaph coiiipanx in ic aiillo an OM haiie ( ; of bnslnl'ss al Milwaukee , the idea being lohave Ihe Noilji Ainciiian coin- IUDV la ) . ii llalllinure A- dido mr am's ilirio Im wi'ituiii jitilnls uhllu Iho llalilmoiu , v Olnoi onipuny dKpo-os ol luisiness dc-tlncd east , hnpeiintendentenblin xvill nuhinlt Hie proportion in wiitliiK. Tim Noith Amciican tompany ; uinonniOs that ihov jiroViiibl1 , shall mil build bi-fom spiinir , bn't wltU'cl iiiati-ilal ( oolher ; this tall and uNi r.s coon as the 1101 is oin ol the View OrtiyhliiU-K' " l-'iohl. fii 1 n .sin 1:1 : , I'a. , Nov. 1U. Although lim wtather was inelcini'iit , ( Jon. Hancock , at tended by t ii'n. Walkei ol his. Mad , hfitoilan ot the svooiid eoi ] > s , t'ol. H.UI lieldci , < .ro\orn- men i bixioiian of tholmtllolleld , Col. .Njchol- HOII , i ecu ) det of thu grand rouiinaiuti'xy o | thu Loyal Legion , nnd others , ilsiuM the baltlelit-Id Unlay. ( U-n. llancuck KAH inir- licidai attention to the po.siilons of the left ocitior , whole he iniumanded , ff i'c'nt ' ' cf Interest , The Kiiloi * ! ' 0 | fiiw UlliJtclcliNtaR with j UN Uvnil ; Impel In. ! Speeuh. j Ui.Ki IXN.ix. . . 10. Tllji UoJcIi.stas opened lo-dax with tin1 nsTiiit formalities' . The 1m. | Hviinl ' in sub < ttticc | ivan1 * follows : "Tho I'ojw's nii'dldtiiui H expected to settle thoCnioline unwHon In n manner eonev | M > iiilint ; to the iiiejuby nlntlnns oxiiilliitf be tween Sp.iitt iiud ( ietmanv , The foretell to- Intlonsol iiiTiiumv .Me jiMeefnland fiiendly vtlli nil n itiuiiN 'J lie cripiirur eont'dontly In ion that tlii'Hilkiut emiUiet will n it dlv ttiib the | x.Hi1 1'niojv.1' Tlio .rwi'li jMlnU out HIP iiorosty | of in- I'K'.isliiK the ' 'rants nf thu ntinv and nnd iinii'nmred Hut bills will bi * presented iloitimr with t'"i * tMutlnn nl s-mwr and bnitidv , the i tension ol the mvnlent lu- suruiiee Lixv. the ti > nim.'ion ' of it eon- iioetlnn Hie i.iltie ; s i with the rixcr Kbe ! ninl the NoiHi son. It adds that negotiations iuoprocei'dinz xvillx Kni'iand. Spam , rtiineo , Portncalnnd Xitn/.llwr uvaiMiiiif tin ; extent to whioh Gorman trans-oceanic establish ments and ne'inl'itioiis will henccf'iith In ; placed under the immediate protoi lion and super ! ision of the ( ieiinnn empire. 1'assnifes of the sH'oi | b ioii iiimf to III. ' Caroline and Halkau tiotiblcs XM re loudly applautMo 1. LO.X-IION , N > \ . t' ' . The.Standard , ivlonins to Kmpcior "iVIIIIam's nuwfui' to the Kolch- stau , s-.i.vs it distiie Is his liopr ) with pe.-vo nnd mcos him to speak te aidln ? the Inten tions \ustiiannd Ku iii. Tlic AVnr in Huniuili. IX.ANIIOON , Nov. It' ' . l-eieral ) I'roiuleitfast , eoIiimandiiiK the DritNh oxprditlonmy force , stlonely cai risoncd Minhia , ivhlch ho cap- lined liom Iho llnrimw. llce\-pocls toioaeh Mandiilax on Tuesday next. It.vsiiiM'iN. Nov. il' . Kmuo 111iti h shells sot the to tlio town ol Minimi , * : and it 1ms been dosiioxeal. < ; 'riiiaM-AiiPi'li'ini - .Must Vamoose , Kiu , Nov. II' . Tito authoillies hero haio have received lenoxxed Instructions- order ( .iernian-\iueiieaiis to mill fho Island of 1'oliei. ucr.iKD IN Tina UM'INS. A I'ni'ty ol' Laborers d'lmtipil IJoiionth a I'll Hi 111Vill. : . Ni.w Voniv. Nov. P. ' . This afternoon a part > ol lahoiei-sweiapiiiraaod in biiiohujtlio walls ol the binned I'nipiro mills on Uuthnno street to keep Ilioui tiom f .ill 111 ? . A liio eiiiiipanx was throw ins watt-r on the smok ing inins and ; i numlni- ; ohildion and poor people weio encased ill piokimc up bits lor lilndllmwoo 1. Suddciilx one ol llic xx-.ills doubled up , the lop tailing inward iipon Hie lidioiers and the middli ! in the diiection ot Hie liiemen ami xxood irathereis. Tlm cliildien and inomen all managed to set boxond the icacli ol the talllli1hiiel ; - . but Mf . Man Kolm , a xouui ; matried woinan. wai oanplit and killed. Tins lalmren on the inside had no ehnneit lo ntn and weie bniicd under liillimbiick.s and mm lar. Tbox xvero duijont : isiilicklj.'iis | possilile and 10- moxed lo the hospital. Thehstol the iujuiod is as lollows : Archie ( leer iais veireomponnd li.u- tine ol Hie skull : -.ovens injuries and shock ; will piobably die. JitniL's liassio. tl j ears b th les and thiclis ; bioken iiud head badly injutod : xxill die. Coo. Maiiveiia , : M jo.u < .soveiul woundson Iho : comiioiind irachiio ot the skull : loitlognnil shoulder broken : will die. James ( liapman. i" years , loioman ol the Kan : . , compound fr.tduro of the knee joint ami all HIM timeis on bolhh.tnds ; loft arm bioken and head ininrcd. \Vm. I'itclile. lesidoncc-nnknovvii ; cut and biuiscd ; xx em home. An unknown iuanwaMlghlly xxonniK'd and xxenl hmno. , . Mis. M.nv Kohii'Wfl.s killed. nied 01 yo.u.s. Joseph liltUe ! .died ill the hosjiltiil toni - ni ht. TUB IIUMANTAKIANS. Dismissing Cattlij 'I'raiispoctulion at Tlicir Convent ion Yostoi'dny. Sr. Loi'is. Nox. P. ' . Tlieeonvenlinii of Iho Ames lean Humane association this moiniiu ; took iii ) the question ot tin ; transpnitation of cattle. A letter ftom O. L. Diidlov , clilel aKent ol Iho Illinois Humane .society , callini ; nttention to the crncJt.v piacticcd in ovoi- loadimr cais and tailing lo Iced cattle , was lead. A letter was aKo lead liom Clunles ] ' . Adams , ol Hoston , stating tlie teasons why Ihe raiiioadsoiiHiso ] impioVfd ? topk cms is because the eh.imro involves the side tiaoKim ; of H.ihW old sijlo C.H-S. The only wa > Iho ( vil evn bo leniedied , ho said , is b.v conifics- sioual action. Mr. d'oldon. ol' ' Milwaukee , opposed oan which piovided lor teedimjand watoiiiiR cat- lie whilom them. lie lavmvd taklm ; cattle out ot Hiecais while in Ibex mi ; > lest ; is xx ell as be fed , A icsoluiion vxasadopled noeepliii ! : the 10- p-nt of Hi mnuittoo on le.ri-laliou , vxith the exception ol that part ot il xxhich relois toimpioxcd cats , and | i.rliciilar ; modes of trali pnilation , iiud diiodimr the secielarx to to . DIICH'SS on the Millie , t. Locked Out in tin'olil. . IJiisroN. Nov. Ii ! In view of lii.s lel.itions towaid MrTabur , as dcxoloped in the to- cent dlvoiei ! oa i ; of Tabol vs. Tallin , Kov. W.V. . Dow iii was this evening di. mis.od by Ihcsocietx Irom his jiastorateol the ISovidoin tiqiiaic ehuicli. iiud it was oidered the chinch ( lootsbeelosudii'viiiisthim. . * > fr. DoxMissax.s the sorleiv'siu lion is llleu'.il and a unpiKe to him , iind Ids inline cuui-o Is as xcl unde cided upon. Vow locks have been placed upon the chinch doors and M'toial policemen me stationed about Iho pkico , which has been boilou'i d bx croxvds ol people who had oonio lor Ihe putpoic ol atloiiilinc ; tovival meclimrsvxhich have been in pie n silicic since Tiif'sdiiv , " Naiiuiiiil ( .oiiuiti ! ol'JIitll I'In AITS. Ni.w YOIIK , Nov. 1' ' . Tlie annual oonion tion ol tin ! n.itionul liase ball league to-day concluded its Jabors. The special commlileo icpoitrd in laver ol alluv.iu liionihors , \\liite , 1'oxve and liiclinidsun , llio I'.i 10111 , " in K to Dettoll , arid the ifpoil was accepted. Noai-lioiixvas taken in the appli- tion ol Luea-i , ot si , l.jus. | to bo alloxvod to play L'amo.s on siimlav. 'J'ho ajiplleation oi iho U'ashlnsion elnb'l'or admUsion to the Iciiiruo vxas plii'i.'d on Jdo willioiit iictiun. No other appliojilon has thus far been to- celved , nnd llic jiiobltbllitK'i M'CIII lavmable to Washington bccomlu ) ; v membei. ( . 'oloruiv oil tlicViirpaih. . Dr.xvi.n i.'i.l. Jiii ' . , . _ > ( , l'i.--Coloioxx xxiih louiteon lodges , mil live hundicd pmiie-aiu emi-d : | on Hie Vamna livoi , fvxont.x-ihu milesalio\c TIOV mountain. They Imined ( he radio laiu'c , alonfj Ihotiailjeavim ; M.O-X ) ealtle without fted. Tliflmlians .no shmijht- oiinu'llmusaiids ot'eJJ.-'t , deer und antelopes lorihoii hides , lo.iviu ; : the oaioiivtlo lot. The sdilcisnio wild.ovvitho dosiiiiclion ol iTdine. Hie i,111 0 .oxi'lif-rs huxo ; i-sombh'd ' iiud xxill older Coioinvr lo leave. In I'IM ; > nl his lolusal a - L'iicrd-.Xtoa-iuiliatiin | | is export ed. The Indiansanj well supplied with ti tles und ainniuiiihoii , A l.inv With Il > rohys. Vlt V\KI i.x , Idiho , N'IX. Pi.Doput ) Mar siis | | lii'iinolt , ( iioeno and stalker made a laidhoio last night nnd anoilcd Thiitnas Lowe lor alleged illicit cohabllalion. Alter thoaiicst a mob omleavoiod to ic-ciii ! llic prisonei and drive Hie inarshnH Jtomiovxn , ) ) inliii ; ibo niei ! : < ) iUibliisMii , one of llio lin le.nloi.s , vx.ii hhot but muna'4i-d to escape. J. 1. . \ Voh.tiiiand others wejo aneiled and will bo taken to Oxfoul for oxamiiiiiHun ' - ' ' - - the I'liiled hlatcsj-cijiiiin' - < * - - - - Al'CCSlcil I'll1 Si. I1 in , Nov. If. A Hlsmau-k spci ial lo the 1'iojiei' I'icss snj ; A man named Jidxvaid Yiimlolink , who anlud UCJG < Jcto- U'rlast , iivM.'i'.u from St. Paul , io l-d b.x Chief of J'.ilicii Kins , ol Miiskoiruti , Mich. , ehiii , i vxllh Iho mnidi-r ot I'.Uo ' " ' ' " " ' ' ' " " ho I't" HATED IN HIS R03IAS HEART , Giovanni GVOTCJ Rah W5a Pagi Over His Daughter's Ilnmblc Hii'bnnil. DE LESSEPS' DIG DITCH DOOMED. Malls Iii .MontrealKilniumli I'Ohtlll SL'lHMIIl * KiKhtillit OVOI' Till liy laturc Otlioi' Spr1- 4'lnN to llic Hoc. \ Peon/loll ratliei''H Hitft * . Xuw YUUK , Xov. P. ' . [ SppcUl to the HLE.J f'efmlni ? to tht ) nllazvit Interview in whlrh he. was iUotM | ns savin ? ho would forgive. Ins dmuhtor Victoria , now In lna ; n few birn us an artist In Hie opeiatlu "Annrita , " for in irryln < Karni'st Sdiulllnc. Giovanni 1 * . Moroslnl sijs : "She has tor- cvcr passed out of my lite. Her associations with Unit fellow plnen null a eoiitliiKoney , if it ever cxibted. Iwvonti ti. ! * hope of roall/.a- tlon. I oan never foralii * , fur I am n Itoinnn ami know how to h.tto. Why , my dear follow - low , II the HI-MI ot Hoal'i A Co. . that lailed the other da * . , wore toeoine to mo with SIM- 000 they O\M' mo , ami pliit-o it in my hands on the solo cniiilillun that I furjveniydanilitei , 1 would H.IV : 'Take it ; iil- keep it ; 1 don't want II. ' Slio nii'rrii d a loafer , a follow Ulitiml belitsxe H'ally intended to kill ML * by purpinely thtowiiiK mo out ol my ru : ria e. xVhoio is HID niotlcstv Dt a Kill , ttainrd ns my duuahter was , mum lo. wK'ti ' it permits lu-'i to exhibit liorsi'lf in liylil. betoiu a ] iuliii ( audience , to lc ) iM/i-dat , Mieeted at , ciitici/ed and lamiliod at by tliooiowdI'lioonly pos sible reason I can assign lor hei action is that that scoundrel wants hri to support liiin in idleness. lie oa n't u ml : : lie isn't lit to work , and I doubl il ho xiants to work MTV hard.Vlicn I thoticht Unit Mis. Morosini \\as dIn. . ; , that ielioxv would not let the irl em IIP lo see in1- ! can ] lornivo that'.1 Novcr ! " The Panama Cnual. iSiw Vdiin , Nov. I'.i. [ Special to I ho I'rt- : . ) in elosiiu ; a loilexv of. I. C. Model lino's "The Panama Canal , " the Tiibano says : It oiitfhl to bo impossible to offoel another loan. Tiio Panama route never was the best. There never has bt'on oiidom-c that it was praetiea- hie. Thooon ent of tin * 1'nKed Status had not been uht.ilni'd for this undertaking and will not bi' obtained to I lie construction by foiti u capital lo soeiiio -Ii"ili'i route fiom between the Atlantic ami I'.ioilie polls ( il this natiiin iliau tinlniti'il stales nuval ic.s- sols possess. It is mil need ) ill lit'lt * to loeii- pilulalo \\ his hi'onso loicihlj said by lllaiuo and olbcr Mali'sinon ro anli'if ; iho na tional rinhis and iuloii'-l , lint il would In * an aol ol laiincss and kindness In Ilio Fiom-h people il llio piesidoiitoiild put nil end to the uiisiepiescnt.itioiis nl Del os-eiv. liy pluinltatiiiK in Iii * ino . : is" Iho jio- > ltiitn and pinpo-os oi tin' I'nitoil Mato-- . ( Yil.i'm il i > , il' Djiiniiin of tliisi'oun try \\.is known , not ono dollar muio uould o\oi lie jini into llio I'.in.dna undortaUinR by anvs.ino o.iplMlNt ol Kmuoo 01 any mlioi nalinn. . \ Itail I'iiinily lo Tic To. Spniv.m i.i > , III. , \o\ ' . ii. ! [ hpccinl to IhiUi.i : . } On hnuda } la t IVjtoii L. llan'r li-on. a - ibu Kilo pioic'L-r Motlio- iliil liio.iclioi , 1'i'tcr I'.iilwiiiht. died al hi- near lJloT5ant I'lain. lie loll a u , and aftorllic funeral , which iw- currod 'I'lio d.iy , a di-pnte .no--o nmoiisr tlic tiiombrisof thu f.imil > rolati\o to the c.stato. 'J'liis w.isiPiioMod toidiy and one of the son. * , ( iiiinirJhiiii-on. , i-.viniioii one of the sitorJIi - , . Amos lllx. ul Clii.ijo ( , ] lo llnow hoi \io1onll > air.iinM , < pioci * ol limn- tmu and bioKe one ot bor till- . 'I'ho ) ) h\i- : who \\jis callid.iys hoi injuiios ma > jiiovo latal , thonili ' Ibii loiidl is lun'ly looK- rd for. llaiilsoi'i was anoited and bion-ht to llioi'ity , bn : his uial x\.is doionud to avail the lo-iiillof iiis .sistoi's in mi Jos. Ilivrison is at | iio-ont : < icsidi'iil ol ; , Many \rais a o hu kil t'd ( iiook I'r.Uloli , \OUIIK man , whose brother bad married into llio ll.iiriMin luiiiih. lie % \a- . MICOIfnllj < lii- tcndod in bis , and ai Mo.rnn \i. , N'ov. in. fSpcolal to the JJr.i. ] --About lioVlnck l.iM ni lii a mob of about ! , iitj ) rioncli C.iiiHiliiis I-OIIHI man-bin ; , ' fiom tliooast end , aimed \\illi ase handles , heavy clubs and bniiian Ihi li liniiep.iradud tliiou h tin ! pilnripal btK-els in Uie I'cnua ] ] initioii ' I'u'rilj , clnqiii tlw ' M.ii'suiHes" hootiiiK i. Iho I'roU' ohniL'hos and novis- p.ipcr olliiul.iisllinj : p.ivs"n ers off Hie sido- v.alk and iiiMiliini : ladieVhon \ they wen ; m.irehlngihi-t the Sih.ttion Army b.ui.icK. a bu le sounded .ind Hieyalli-losediip. tlireal- onlns : an atl.n-1 ; . but llio lO'tolniu altitude oi abiinti3J I'.nglKliini'iiho IMI ! piiberrd aionnd thiHlom.s , indnood Hitini to change their minds and ilic'i m.irelied oil' without ot- loiineany Nioli'iR-e , it hascomo to ho ICPOK- ni/it : that llio i'U ! iiiitllu : morev of iho mob , -o Ions as iho.aio . oi the ame n.itionalitv as thoeliiei ot poJIro , who i-a KieiK-li ( ' t'o > tit I Tle r. pli Kill. N'rw YDJK : , NON.I ! ' . -l - - to the U.i.l : : TJu ! Tiilmno'1. \V.i-hlimton eoirespoiid- ' out' -.iys : ! > onalor l.'dmnndxsill . push hi > , postal loloiiiih ] bill when eniiKIO- < liHCt' , MJN phlll is to cliMliJ .1 liD.iul eon-iitin of the epp'l.n ies -.fatoand wai , md Dm pul l master la-noral. \vho--i' diilit -.bill I lie to 1. 1\ out loin Hunk linoseonneeiinViNdiuion ! \ willi thu imith- east , noilbv.esi , voiili\\o- | > ! and -oiilh ; biam-li lineto bi : < t.lblilied us needed. The postal tolo iaph 1 lo toim a pal I nl iho jmstnl ij'h- torn and lalos .110 to be fivd Imin llmo lo tinio by llio liiuid. Xolhiii duiiu bv llif'i\- ( oinmi.'iii in llio m.itu-r is to intoiiero willi or jiioblbll imlhhliiiils or ' . fiom i'.ni\ilii ; on tin ; bi.sine-i oi npi'i.ulii- tijle- iri.ijih lino- , Tlio I'orllaud HfHiirrccl ion Slury. Ni.w Void. , N'o\.l'- ' iSjioelal tothiJSii : .J Tho.sioiy nl the ir-niioeiion oi .lo-oph L. l\er ) , telo 'i.iplied liom I'mtlnnd , M * ' . , 10- " eenlly , jno\os to bo the iiuon ! ' > ri ot iil.inebu I'.Muanli.lio lias IxM'ii eoniled tiy ( Minrlos Aiellib.dd . , nndoi the name ol l ) > oi. He dii'd , ai doilbi'd , and - - hi'ont into minim- in . Hoi p.iionls objtoled lo IUT iiiniiiiunt. lor onn tliev liad not -HIM. One Ind to anollioi , until - Inusoiled lo the MailliiiK n.iualivftot the 'ii.un'iTin iip its , | .a > t nielli sin : undo a < Iran hruaM of 11 lo llio u A .Mexican'retci ) SAV As IU.MII , 'JVN'ov. . i'i. ; to tliulii.K.JTOIH.IS JVno , a Mmnait wrotrli , atlomptod lumitia e ihn pmsijii oi .1 uniiied woman n.uncil loeuluno'l ! < ' in Iho .Mexican iliiailorot Hie filv ! . ! 11'nht ' Undid not ac- rompl- ) hisdoii n- , lot HIM xxoinan doltind- i'd liei-olt willi , i lai'ijii Knife inlln lin MM- Ions \MJUlidi on I'enu'a 114 ! . t aim I'niii- plainlsismidi ; ! al hiMil < | Hiili r- . .milbllo rillohi settlliK his \uiuiil- > dti---iiil t a Urn ; ; -luro , rues' ' . -ii anil jailwl , * * A Jliirilcinnlullirr. . Xl.VV VOIIK , NOV. I1' . * l OstlMtU ) , X | i'l Oil ) woman willi u\o hildifii pu-'ciiU-U Iliein-ohes al ( be DniiilJ.vii niiMory and bi-gKi'd to lit ) l.itveii in , as > ! < < and the rliililien WOKI in a hlauin. i. ' > ndition. Her nanm is .Nli.-i. .lolniiion. One > i | lln < aliriulanluin ; ; ; ( to lior looin tliii moiiiin , ; . limnil 1 1m jomi eil eliild had bnn.nfio - .ileil , and .Mis. .lobiiMin in thu act -nij'.oi.dlit | llio other Thu mother had ntnfled the Idld' * inoiilli ullh runs liold her leiso , and | d.\oeil | iiuwn | ! over her head. The moihei id Iho ibildien it lll to bo out Ol llDI l : > ' .ld. ipid-d'on.'ial'y ' Ian vu.illior , wo iorb wlmlN Miwlji J | < IIIB lonipi raiiiie Miuriil V.uU' l.i < i.liribtlj - > tiim-r t * -.l'-l' ' > v\.d . In . n. iif vnraij- ) ' AV VI.IJH lMPK SI/.IC. Ifoxv : i \itliiinl Iliireiin ( "ilof I'aiil t'or His Cra > < iu ( .irtnillx. \V.\-iii.\ ' i. isN'.iv. . 11)T ) i- . * ' > > id enniji- trollerot the t t.i-iry has fnrniibed thoti'i- loWiiu ; xtu(4 ( > in 'lit In rolalio.i to oi.iiins which ha\obeeii di-uo\\od ! ! by him : In .ulinttiiiK tht' aeconnt.s oC J p.iy tllroo- tnrof the Utiitod 'Slites nav > , the second comptroller d.-.cou'ro'l . two vonchi't . otipfor S'4T. imri > ; > r.iiu ui hi * tor .M1 ilv. ocnt foroleu taao and aindhor for S'l' , purpuri- to'ic lor i 'ii'toarapbinc ' titty nnatomleal for Itio iinval dls | > eiiary. . They wort * uolli niiido'inl in HIP name ot it woman who is an an 1st , icsidiiu in U . ) hin ton.and were ooitlnod to n'nl appnivod bv Philip H. U'ali'ch'cfoi tintiuvu nl nn dl'-inciind snrjory. I'lio eotnptroller icpotls ( hat In- vex ! gallon piovod tlmttt.nv Wro bolh faUe and iia'idiiloiil.ind ' that the injury wits , i > < tn- allv pidd lor twin rnyini porti.nti' \Vilos. ilrnwn tiy this artiM. The aiti t - < iiiu'd the vonohi'i-si uiwm the ropro-piiiatlnii tli.xt there wasiioniipioprhitloii out of wbii-h noh e\- iienililnn-Hi'on.d o pi.tpi'iHvml. ] . and tint it was to m-iVo the Minoliois in this 1ofin in nidor In obtain pajmeiit. mid Hint It wnson-'lomatj to ! > > w . The vom-hors bo- inc re > .ii nr in fo , in tl.o taj diiootor was rUlit In paltiK them , but ibocrnnplrnUor di rects that Iho amount l o eharnod .urulnst SuiD'on U'.ilot In till nccounl with the gov- eminent. The eomptiolloi al o disallows In the fie- ronnt ot tl n pndirielor nn Hem of SHI , beinc for Iho Mmsl-fdrtv ot Hi . mimlttoi' on ions oi ( he Imio-o oi lopn-eiii.i- live" , while m.ikint ! aNil on bond : the Tinted Males steamer Tullaiio-a trotn Wn li- lnitiiii tn VoriolK , Koi I .Monroe nait Hamp ton , .M.inh > i to ill lnehisi\o. I i. Tlmo was no roMdnlion ol roncie-.aulliori'/iiu Iho oommitloe to nultollic tlip at the mivi'tu- ment'se.\ion ] , and t'loseiiotni ) ot the navy had noatitiioiily to lumNi tlie eommilico with Riihslstonoe and p.iy foi the out of thouppioprl.itlon lortho Mippoil ot the na\ > . Tliiioiniitroller alflii lNjllow < in HIP settle- input of tlio iicconnts ol l'.i > ni.istor Siuilh , I'liitrd States oriny. an Hem lor l.itto lor M. ki miles of tr.nol olaimed to ha\o Ix'on pcrlnin.eil bSurkvuti ltillim.s in .itiondini ; the Intcrnutinnnl Minlioal01110101100 ( in liondon , Ainriiil , l l. and tnneling ol--o- where Hiimm'h.irions olhei eonntrles in Kurojio under oi dors of Mav 1\ ls > | . I'hu coniptioller holds Iho u.n dopaiimenl had no authoiitj ( o st'inl .1 doloitato to HIP In- tornatlonal Metiie.d Ko\oiiiniont expense : Hint eoiiinM ( < < ' alone enind , inthon/o such icpio eniation. and thai I IK- senicoiis in no way in llio proju'iseii ' o a niilitaiy soi- vico. The amount p.tid ! < to bo elmiirod a ; dn-l nr eon Hillings on liis piaoconnl. . i.'l'OVei1 : nil ( His Apiiiil \VAsinxi.iov. Nov. P.I. The Xatiniuil I'o- publican lo-monow will luIho lollowim : : The piosidpnl , in eonvoisallon with a ix'pnb- licall senator on Tnosd.i > . told HIP 'attci ' that he would estpom it a ta\oi if senators knowing nnvthlni ; ob.K-eiionablo or deal- to pnlillu inteiests uliont any poison 01 puc-oiis appointed by him would appii-o liiin of Hie laels , 'I'ho pipsidont expects : i liu'hl will lionrtdoon some ot his apjioint- mont' . . i > nt bolluxes ihit ; the ma.loriu ol the lopitblii-an aomtlor < will ojtjiose any attempt to defeat i-cjniiimalion exoopl in eases when * nnimpeieitible ; | tiu't.s aio pio-enled , and il such o.i'-OM'x.isl the obloelion will be i ullod 10 his attention bofoie theio is anoijaniml oppnsiiion , I'listni.'iHi ers A | ixiiitgil. | ! \\\siiiNt.inv , Nov. ID. Tin * postm.islor yonoial to-day .iipointcdtie ) ! ! ol liming lourth- olass postma > i , > i : .N'obrnsl..i - ( J.ikdali * . Miss Isabel Mosoi : Hioek , Thomas \V. Sell ; Uiainaid.V. . A. 'Ihompion : I'nlo , ( , 'haile.s A. lU.'i-L'-lK.'iiuer. D.iliot.x IJnil'.do ( taji. Thomas ( Jniulex : l-'ormali , I'ollVell.s \ ; ijninov , .Miss Janet lilaeklial ) : Warner.V. . I' . Kingston : Milnor. Chjiloi li. Siowe ; l.aKoon , Alexander s. spiowl : Dnnbar , Albeit C. ) > . ( iai-Lind'n I ail Opinion. \V XSIIMION' | \ . 1 ! ' . -Thealtoinej ( ; en eial has hon an opinion lo the soeieiaij ol Ihe lieasin.v lo llieelToel the row ! of fominissioiipis of Iho Alabiim.l claims is u Jp 'iilh eoiisiiinlod boilv as at jnp--eiit organ- i/ed. Tin1 opinion applies only to Iho ap- poinimelits of. indues and dues not tonrli on iiiiestionot llio le-t.iliij ol tlie. < ] i- poinliiionN ol olhei om'tots of tlio loiill. Tim > ! < % \i < ' : ii Ti-onl.v. \ VSIUMI ui.v , Mn. P.I. Soeii'Lil. * ol Mali- D.kxaid and .Mo\iem ; Minislei llumeio aie about lo exchange lalilie.ilions of an addi tional ailielo lo the eoinmoii-ial lie.ily t > o Iwoeli Hie United States and MoNieo ol .Ian n.ii-v-'i. ' IRs-l , iistondlnirlho time to Mu > i , i-s-i'i. lortho ol nivc-Mii lawlo oaliv inlo ellei-l Hie iiis . t"U. t ! . 'iiM to His I'irnt oN. NoID. . - .1. ( "iiixkly. ol Itm lain , loixleied his icsitiia ioii .isiijipoMilmonl elerU ol thu | , o-.tulico ) clcpaitmenl. lie wa- aj'jio'tiili-d to the jiosition oin ; inuiilb : iuoand ; einiiillir liom .ii'livo uex\sjiiier | xvoilc"linds the oilii'p ill appointment eloiU too nionoton- oti . SppaKor < ; .n-li li.- Very 111. \VAMIIM.IO.N \ , Nov. I'-- ' Speaker C.nli.-le v.asso HI when ho aimed heielliis allpinoon that In ; was obliged lo lake to his bed at once. Vi .itoiMiie not pet milted loee him ami cindsan : not uvken lo his loom. A I1crsiiil | | < ll' llllpiil't.inri * . I ! xi iixiotir , N'ox. P.In ' the I'lilli' ' ' eoiiil box1 .IniiUe Moilis docldeil in the ease ot jl. ( iatosSniitli. Chili lostownV \ V.i. , ii ain-i I , ' , ( i. Dun , V Co. , lor libi-l , that the pl.iiinill mil-it iiiinish .1 nill ol patliciil.iis as lo \\ln.-ii , whole and t < > whom Iho libtslloii- . iiiibliv.iiliin was'1. ' This decision In Hie I'nilcd Malts coint ioniumiiuilai liiidmi- , in the st.itoioinlII ; holds that in onloi lo nial.o jnKileLied romiiinniealions lilioloiiHie pail ) nbliiiniii. ; Hie n jioil liom nioieaillile nioitoii"iiniiit ; bo diilod - \ Mdivnnei lo an agency uho dhnl es infoiiiiallon may thus IIP niadu juilltlv baliliilb ! the airency. l.iol Keiliiceil to Ai-lios , S | . I'M I. Nov. I'.I lVin.l lo HIP I'ioin'or ' I'li-i- . ; ' 1 liolinih nl lands Jtlnl was binned t i d.u by 1'atliei Audio in itanll nndeinciHi tin ; iliun-h ol iho linni.uaihtle I'oiipojitioii. and .laiiiinl ji | < ii > cd oxer limn- : mail : " . Tlii' ( 'Ptennililiil w.xjiiilpli ; lint iin- Voiihoi'ii I'ni'illi ; IC i elisions. Hi. I'M-t , Nov.H ! ' Ilo.nnod to-day the .N'mlliein I'.it-im xxill b > nli | .1 n t i : Inan'li i lo llnllo , .inolhei n mi Hm mini : * , ami e\cnd ( Hie j-i iu'\t "i-tt'on. ThufoHoivinic trnn k'rs were fiiml Nov. Ib , xxilh iho uutinty cjork , and rojiortud for tlio-lJfS by Atuui' Kuai I'l tliplM Shiix.rand txlft ) In Cotdeba Wilkie ; It i > ' ! l , I KitKwnim , nhl , iiin.iha , xv. d -il. > ( . 'I'lminas M > Manns and xx ilo to .Nniinan I' , Cuili : - ; ; ol II > , hlk 1 lil.f'3uil : ; ! , Uimdiu ; w d - -jl..W. Knil.niian .Minil.n- isins.'n ) lo < : corKo. 11. Kejcs ; . ' ; of II . ' . hlk , ' , filmliS add , Unitili.t ; w. d. fit ft. I ) . A. Nolloand wife In U'lllum I'liteison ; If ' , bll : - . ' , IClMioro , l otisl.v ; > . oiu.t > ; > v. d. .Iriliii Mcliucii and xxifo tiiju-iiili.\lilli''nn , n ' > : ni I. . I ' .i an. I n : , of o J ; ol lot in , ( iud- i.'l.1M ,1-lit ( o Oiiiafi.1 , w il-i'J.uio. \lxhl < iiiiinliisiii ; | ; < | \xifr lo Hxd.M-y Ji.iac- bun , lot , bll. X. hhinn'a 3d ailil lo Om.di.i , r. d VX > i. J.e.wi1V. ! . Ui.-uton and wilnlu J { , 1' , CJi.i- man , a jjuf nw 'f ' ui'iiv * . bi , in , - 1' . C. Hiuirbatuh and wile lo llaliie.M. U'ilfX. lot . " . liik : ! , lllmlnMii'iSiuld ' loOm.iri-i , l-.t.t I itibi'ii ami lin-l > , i'u ' ! i U.nni-i I' ; i , | ,011. lift D Mi I , ' sn'jtl.i i\i \ 't . . ' ' , , ' 1 ' Vlt i M 'i' i' ' .1 i d " . ' . J 1AHI I If 1X1111 IMlt PPlMA 111 1'IS BRLAKUl ( ) \ DRESSED DEM , Omakn and Nebraska Froi Ut an Immfdmto Ccitniuty. HAMMOND GAUGES THE HOWL. The Kt'loM Plan ( o I'n.i Tnterost Dotil * A Piojni'-oil .Now ltrttio ! to Hjinit Ilin IU Mnihly Otlioi ltdllt-onit .Alaltoi- . t'l u-pO ( t i\ iWar In ProlRtil Jtitlo Cnti .Mm , No\ . li'SroclHlUi ' [ Iho H r All luij'osof M'ttlini ! the dimcnltie.- > i\n < i > i tl o Milwaukee .v 'st. I'lml and other to. ds it the \Yvt-t PI n rrolulit 1-oeiatlon , nilsln : ; lron > thprotusal of ( Ke Mihxaukoo .t St. I'.iut ti rojjnil Us droned ln-i f business trout Onmli. . to Clilenuo nndcr the IKimmond conira * at tniiit fates , ntul M'ttlo the b.ilaiito b otltci lo.uls under li' ! ' HIM. iiuif nvrecni' ; lit li been iibuinloned . I'hu indiciitlotis noxv an that another war. not only on Omal.a but on all Nebraska < oiiii > risod In the \ \ < " , teii > fivluht nssorintiiin pools will bo inlnllbtas < ln'toio many dn\s hi\o passed , and n. jsipi to Illioly lids war will 'sol lously involve thr Nottliwo-tern I'seuht association also , .nut oaiiM'.i war of lalos bet xx eon Wt. I'aul , itnl Chicago. In .iipouhnipo with thu nolleo vixen at lite last nicotine ol ihon siHiation , the Missoilll I'.icllie rc.ix'il to mpolt Us Omaha and Ncbia | , ; i biHim .s in Commis sioner l-'ailhoui last \ lond.i.xxlncli . is xii tnnlly a ol Hut mad fiom Iho assm-iation. and wlde'i ' pr xonts IniHier civlns ; "lit of Iho pooling asieomont. So lar bo-illliiios have not * .el ojionod. but ( hole boiinj no loimor : nilesti u'tuiii'- pie\cnllni' inids tiom makiiis wh.itou-r intos they please , il. is eeilaln thiil the coutiaet 1,1(0 ( of the Mil w.tiiKoe , v M. I'aulxill al once bo inel bv othei iiuds , a- > Ibex cannot alfold to let the Milxx.iuUoo A St. I'aul baxe an mlvuiit.igont nine cents tier 1W pminds. Thus xvill cause the Mdxx.inUio .V St. Paul lo lelalinio by inauKuiaiini : n ircnerat mini-lion 'in olhoi tioichl , not onl\ tiom Omaha but tnun Council DlnlVs. Not haMiiu ; as iaie an ini < Mos | in Iho Omah.i and NeliiiisUa business as the Hook Island and IJuilinulon. it lias loss to IIIMIn m.iKiin ; suclian hi. Ibil the IJiieU Island and Dm liuylon s\\ | tlie , do not pmposo lo lot the . A M. I'.iul sliiKe them lo their most vital ) > .iint xxithoiit siiiuin , ' back , \l the Milw.uiKoo , V M. 1'ind in an oiinally sensilixo spot ami the ) moan lo aceomnli 't ' this Iw i-iilliiiK i ales' 1 1 om M. I'aul and no \xcsloin points. Noxv llriil ; ; ! * on tin * Ml Almlily .sr. , losi'ii ; [ , Mo. , Nox. p. ) . ispoi i.ti to the Hi l. . | 'I'lie iiei.ild of Ibis miirniii' , sajs The lUnlinnlon A Mis aiii IJi > oi ' noxx pl.iciiifr a eoiitRiet lor build ing u peimanenl bihlKi' actoss Hut Mlssmnl liver limn I'nlo , Neb. , to Itoswell , on the Mlssomi side ot Hie 15 ! Muddy. The eon slim tion ol llic biide ; is lo lie common , od this xxintel and will bocomplolod call1 , in ( lie spi infill IbMi. The pliin upon v.hich tlio pieisaielo be siinKcan boeaiiied out ninch netloi in winter than in mmmer. When the brldu'o iscumpieteil il is expected that llio- It. AM. . company xxill inn its tlnou h tialns Irom Deux 01 DM r the tout miles ot track Horn liosxvoll to Napier , Ixiioun ns 111 * , ) $ t. Joseph & Nebr.i'ska railioad , and Horn that point ox or Iho Kansas * City , St. Joseph > t Coum.-il IjluIVn llnou h SI. Joseph to Kansas City and vice ior ! i with Hie tralim from Kansas City In Doiixei ol lilllnliii ; on the CHiUle of the ilxoras Urn trains aio beim ; run al pic-cnl. , Tli" ICrio's Noxv I'lao. \i\x "I oiiK , Nox. I'-Tho ' ' Krin diroclois to-da.x iidopicd a plan to issue d7UOin\X ) \ ) now bonds to ji.t > llio Dccombei iontimn : on ec- ondsand Itindid l nn eonuoiix. Divxitl. Mor- ACo. . will hsuo aeiienliii ( 'ivinu the details - tails jo a lexx dajs. Indianapidis , Itloomini ; Ion , v U'oslcin. ciexil'ind , ColumbiLS , ( 'in- oinnati A Indi inapoli . . and Cincinnati , In ilianapolN , Clii'ja"'i ' ' < V Si. l.onis ropiisonta- lixes wen1 pio--enl ami iliseit.i'it al sOnui leimth the piopiHeil pliin ol a consoliilateil niiina enienl. 'l ° he oliecl | to bo uiu-omplislied ! t , , si , linmoiit/e : tin ; inloiosts ol Hm lines under one ii ; > neli : ! luana/ci' that tbcio shall not be aii.x f iimi : of tales. r.f. < , iiitoiKates ! : In llic KM.MI. . I tin xi. ii. Nox. li ! The passi-iiKor ii i-nls oi llio o.isloin lines in si-isioii hoixiloiho le- I.I.J lo niile : the fia-iiu iato liom < 'hi.aio ; to Ne * iiul. * - " . I'lie lalos tiom points w OB I ol CldfiiKO will liu rstablisheil on this basis. Im' HeUels piiii'liasod in Cbieaso for passage MIII Cldciuo to Xexv YtnUillbo sold at II. ' i.i'n .vliich noxx piuvulls. Tli' ; 1'iitilii : CnnveyancoH. ( iniib | , . IV oplis xx ho .should not bu allnxved t i ide on the public curs Men wln.ihiio been oatitijj onions Men xvho .sinol-i' bid : ciyn-.s on Ilin I'l'nnt philfurni. Men x\ho ri-Os tlioii-lejjsxvlien the oars an1 i-ioxxili'd. M"1 ! ! whoi'how and expectorate In this eai.s. ' IVdilli i'i xxho fill lln : oars xxilli llieir v at os nnit .sinoll badly. Mou who whisllo. The stjirefiil dnilo. The mi I'nl iim-ihor. Ali'ii who talk so loudly tlm' ' no one else can hope lo be lieanl liy his noi li hoi . Men n ho will sit sidnwsiys wlion jioo- | de iil'e loul.lllJC for seals. .Men who rioxvd Iho pliiilnrm so that people nil ! siime/ed | iinirlto ; , ilealli ill jjellili'ion oi oil' Ilin r.ns. . Men xx lie pick their leulli in piddio .Men win ) i-'ean ' tln'ir linger n.til.s ill pnblii- . .Inxenilos x'.lio insi > l on .sk lai I , HIJJ I'o.Si who eat | n aunts. 'i'lie .sin , ill \ ) \ iwho. \ . on innildy dajis in. i -is on Itin.'i.-liii'j on Iho.'uuls. Sipmllini ; bi'bies. ' .Men ivlio liavis been uuliilin ; in lee inuiili I'lea 'int Viillo.v ini\tnrer. .Muii who hum till tinway. . Ali.n xvho xv.-int lo I. now where tin- car i uoinj ; and xx hen Ilie.V ot tlntt e. Women wlm Ilin with HID wrong fol JoxvTho The irl who n-an s onto linn all llio xx IV. The bundle The Indy xxho Ims just Ijoon lining n I'-illi' shupjiiiiji and bought out tliorioro. Tile llllllilell.l liend will ) .llWilVh | HU-K ti.eiliiver in Hm biuK : or tin : comloetor in llio . , liiinaeli The stout lail.y v-lio , when the oar Imvhi'v Mibhidiu ill OIIO'H lap. Tin shrill loicod fninnlo , Ti.n . mother of bb.-xvho bringi Iho xvholo sis ulonjA. . 'J'ho laii.x. who xAII inistaKu lliolioll rope for Iho rtirnji. The xvoinnn who nt over.y slnot ; rorner n > ls whenslm is to ot out. Tim nin oatinji yirl. Tip. xvoinoii who nfier stojijiiny Iho onr onl.v take li\s ininiil-'s to Kiss and miy Thu old .voting fi'tvl , Thu .VOIIIIK ohl jjirl. Tin : innsk-al enlhllbifaat. The Mnii- ; * > tni'k ; ; irl. Thu irl xvho < : : iitur | < : d the conductor'- ) iitiontion so licit ho has no eyni or euro lelt for IliTlitl-illi.-.r , . 'J ho loin ) jjjir ) . Tjns xvouiiin xvlio jip.ini. 'I'ho f-tiilwiirt ji-y ! : ! w ho challeujjoa you /in- MiniM a 'I Infilrl xvho loolH you too h-iril. ) 11' ' X\H ! iton'l loot ; at yun at all