OMAHA , THURSDAY MOKNTXG , NOVEMBER IP. 1S33. NUMBER T-8 MILAN IS NOT THE MASTER j Trwps Iff t ft Crathisg' aid Disaftrtns JVfer : st SERVIAN LOSS THREE THOUSAND A VftrJelj- Contradictory War Uts- WhJoli Imllcnton Sucp- tf 15 learl in Vl elRti Now * . Scrvl.i' * lluhl on Sofia. LotTx s , Jfor. is. The fiu' ' ! tinan , tilt * * df imtitJe dglit'na. ' have rTl < M e\\fy Ofie ol UHrservten pusitionwhiih wei-e mcuiving .s ivitwia , ] 'rlas > Ak umkir led tbe & * ! * * lan o"luiT.ns in p ra-m. Bnf , RAi > K. VOT. ii. Th report Jrom the front tt < * tliat the > n- Uiivd lti\nik je-1cid y , the town havlui ? Ixt ti abnndoned by Um who , in tlieir b sK to itei awa > i teft Hula jruan t P- hind. 'Hip capture ot Hresnifc" leaver tm1 ! rontmrien to So.iTli , U > iUraria.o ivmyof M iddiu dlstiict nmy b. ' lj lf uoyed and di p"- . IXISDON , XMV. K Tbe UnUjmriftn force at V I'M In ba- . bloked the l nutvriver. . 15i U'KvtiC , Nov. lAn ofilfiiU dixp * * 1 r l. live Jo tii a.rcin * nt near blivnIUa says k x ti-at alter bfwtvv1"tititinp : Priti'-o Alexander w. . forrod to retire to Si.-rnitzs. Both sides lost bc-aulv. A hhan < . ' 'tt ' ha - ox"arTR < l on Ihe lft l of the S'Txian hue. v liej butii lore * * bold tbnr positions. UjatjiiADK , Vov. IS. Fnrt'upr ttrtails of the r-Hj-luiv ot Hr > .nk ! * aJc tnal the fen-jans. canitvlfiirhl'Hen ' liaison tbe entrenebmtmts ai.'l mptnr.'d Wl pr'sntiwn ' 14li aumber of rliles. Tlw Dn'tiim fo tiin u < k > r at lln t- ul flfl. ksrhic h ntllriwy jwipr | behind Io > i. Tli.i HultfaJiaii v.mut.t < eis vMiU tbeir . Nov. lw. TiiP PajJy Ncvrs has a di jot.-b fifqn Soiw cun rn'-RK tli * njK- ! < --i tl i lu.f.irBnvictury. ! ! . Tin Sen io .t ten pmisn.i'1 .Vi hoiMfl aiirt it is c titnsu.-d that | ' Ki , ariati - < aptnrud 'M > iSerrian . . 'the have again rc- * -tf tl.v Tin ? l > aly : Tcleziajih sajs it is almost e < > r- thst Greece vlil goto wur. A captain tif tlie tJreek tor Ix > udon to A dir t < "h from "soilfi ai < : ) s are ar- IIMV Irtiiu J.iMtuii-lia. } nle then * v\i-re otilv 1\ iliranans In the encr-Rc-mi-nt. " There le l..rliting t fciiMiitaa to- dt j . Tiic llnli ; ra"'ii ! forced the Sx'rvlan i iL'ht txiiiliMl ; t the jKilnt of tbe Ir.nonc ! for M v i ral kilometre * w ith irrciit kis s. itln re- l > -'rti.1 that tbe Scrxiunsni'wU'j.r.u the IJtuI t ' .i-s niibuJnii ) : < s. The militia lore from ' \Viddinhu.stnadc a eu. > . < ? ; i , ] iunoad into - ! v i.i agd C pturvi 1 ) j.t "iittu-i-s Thp S > a-- M INS niiCdUt ) iii di md ln ui Butciiiuo , fcni iit < - ! ' < an j Tudon. L. following .Servian nrfitint I1 ? frnm - - ; < l : TinSenians f'-uud the Bui- c. < p . .n of unp\jH > od : . ! niftb at Jin sx-rvians , nrt r routinvineiiM * nsnt iiirlitct'U htnirs. are A It x uudttr toward Nona , the 1 . 1 1 111 : t\ > i < -h. Thirty thnu aiid v.-i tn/ In * at M A d "patt-h frr.ui Bf > l ra < ] e ws : Onwn Vu.uie rwx'ived a teo-rmn fron Zulu-bar nn-iiinin : the fall of tt iddin. Theqaiiie diMt -h .vs-tlr.d a jwrtiun ol the Morn ra. . ( d . ision , nfier a he'.Te nsbt cjjrtiired lta-10 ji..r. Fo.r bundled prisoucrt , have aitived at 11. 1/radeHMin the 1out 1 ' - i i \n\v.v. Nov. Is.-Tbe Xeu ! TjTie Press ba < - n n port that Prince Alexander has been xvi'tndcd. .si. PKTEUnrno. y < > v. IS. It 'i rppnilod In t < - that Use onm dirisious In KielT , Kbar- l.oil and Otk-flsH disuiets have btvn ordeicd to ] inqian > toinobirnal ! any inou f-nt. - la. Tlie rt'jj'irt tlmt Urn of f tublful atUlK'ntKity.It 1s Mjwiited tJiat TuiUish troops 'vlll oentiy 15'itiiu 'li.- ut-i'i < tr- row , the jioito nslrln/cos nlsoi the jmwers to af onijiRny thnn. Tlie Ilonuiaulau gov- ' ! nineiit is ma--sinar froup in view of i jir hahllity of Aiuvtris ifiiitiritif ; assistan apintt UusMa. Tnc hstest adv'ei-j ' fn.ra Jtiinbiod hay. the united Ss'ivla-i \Uioan are marchini : iu the direction ol sia. LOMIOV , Nm. 1'J. A dispau-h lioin Twir- Ibrml to Ihc Standanl F.V.ITho ; Inek uhsdidajr l until all the Sen-i bad t-een con entratftl. A iutovy numonwle was Kejit up throughout tie ! d > , and scvvml hham atta'-k-T were ina < l . A private ti'l % imiia itv-civnd nt Ui-Untdf f- that all cotnpii'ing tlio Wkldln looa have been Nov. IS. A tclerraui states that tb HulpuriKi ) Inwipsnteanuuxxl Bresnlek and st-rwd tJie Servians. Xo- tear * aft ) ajuud nt iireseul for tlif * atetj ot On teeN oNXvr. . 1--Tb * liritifb fen ? ? * in Runnah Imv * ; rie4 a fort in lha v5ra ity ef Miiihlnandc.tptutiHi , aft r t.'ut-o boon' tir- lug. the tlL < aJ-ing batteries , atuiixl launrhcs and liosrv suns on boai-J Uie si 'ai'U-rR. Tbti ] ! ritsh ! lost tour tuen , l.llicxl and "ouvided JillnUla vxai the rnost stnniKly lortlimd jmsl- tion on the nxer , and bv its capture the way isclanml foi the British tutxancv to .Mmulii- liy : , ai tl.e toil atAva tvvelvn miles frmn tlie Uui mi capital , are very eli ht ttruct- turc iu uuLiuiU , . ; . > \iJi Uiu > i : ut 'flip VOHMS Mrui COHK , Nov. iH. Thi'ie Is a prowl D < move ment amen , , ' the ymtn.f IVotostant men buro In favor of home rule. At a crowded meet- In to-da > a manifesto v > n adipel. which depn < ealV ; > Uio d."i io'i of ; Uio lo..ilists to e\eiy 1'aniel.itfdistiic * . on tbe { pound that Mich a eoiir o w ill int nsil.v the jutweut iir- tion in lieland. Toe manifesto slxj nivis reiorin ol the Isind lavvs , in order to o mnlo faimersatid lalMiiers to derive b"iieat Uiwv- iroiu. and develop the rebouivcs ot the couutrj- . Tlio devolution lit rent. I.I IA , % 'ov , 1X. . Wf , fixmi the InU-riAr is to the rflivt tl t the iravvnitai'nt e\tK < ! iUan- im force Is eontinulnc the forum .1 move ment lit full pursuit ot Urneml L .irceit ! & A Settlement n KOMH , Nov. hirnnany h A in tin poi-e's N'ttU'inflit of tlw ii. il i'ii ! > leiiiRinb HUH to it fttrui. Till : TIU-CULOIt AT UAf.P-.MAST. The I-THK : | X > rercsl ami Kc- liy tlie Trench KIIMUII. t Nov. Spe.UltotheHLij ! The leelins over Itiel'i lian t.ig rotuinuei in- tun so and a mo list > r in as.- . \ n11114 ha bo n culkxl bj tbt liitl defence ixjinuiiuw lor Sun- da ) to protacL An iucd ; < iitliirii siiow.s that it vximld not tale nun-ti t.i finite u sur- I' u.dMiiili.iiicc took pliw > i > : uiUAI - diJiuun ItoUit. chairman ol the i it ) Hall iKiluiulltec , oiileii < d tin ? ltrUi h fusion , nliirl. vn > . at linn nui on the oily bull , to Kn \ tiifti d b ) the ruuieh tri oUw. It hid n- , Utai thern Ituitf , hovmver , In-Joie the matlr , VM * * iv ! irtHi to Ma. . or Ikuucrand. It wa. then taken oUiv.ii theui& oi { 'AJIN .iii ? iiit n fret that it had Uvn lun tetl. Tt.o lla. : wan. ntitiw.iiit louciiNl , I.i.t not before twoot- . liovr- . who did i.ot tlii'il. tlie fcteps tolovvei the ilai ; were t < "lii. Uil.en fact euoiufh , { ailed iijKiu the niHVoi and mm it be did itot htvf it taken down in iiflivu iiiinuu's , they won lit take it dov.ii fuit-iUly. Jt Iv.uui-Kuuwn tluit UH' delay was occasiwied by tlio fuct Uiat Al * deniian KOK it IMH M isti.n , ; tu luve thu lUK latin dow r. , to > J , tl key to thy trapdoor boiue TrtfJliim R d Uiu diwr bud to In- of Our i'lowlu a.NoIN Tlio X3iuinitt < ? oc > t thcMibM > ' commission is in &e.-loi bore , and has dctex- uilned to Issue a < ? a'l to-uinrrow for a vw.s cyjiivention to l > o itid mtlilsi-ity IKKTUitK-r J , t lrt > n at all MatuM an-t U-n t rnn iu * i.1 vill bo rejuesf titisL TIK' IUIIKM * - tut > . tc kdegucte kv4H.fl A riGHTlNG ML'IIPHV. A Crazy Man AVallortern Men nr fore TnUinj : the ll n ir- ns. BO - , x Nn , . K [ Sf iiU t-i the Br.r.- ! IVJn-K M.trihy is ) n ? t gpjij of the New Yi-rt. New ! la-pn linrtford mud t West fwin. > "Vinn. . tfidcn't r. % mH treH ur > r of Uie ! " ! Mcn' sitation. . lie is one ef the U-t known men In Contwtivnt nad nobody is teller liked io Weapon. Testefday V.TU tinr t ( by in yearntlMt Murihy < vuid nut be scn pt ht * IittJc Ticket i.t ; window. He was thci * cArlyin the morning , but &t 3 ti'cl'ick sliat down tha window sml walked out to Ure ! raane of Cx-Son t r John K. Wheeler. Wlicc.w in not up. but Murphy fxid it ttuuic no difr < * feB4 And wvut up to VhOekr'sUxr. > .T u. He aviisud \ \ iiwlcrof conpbin * with Prc dnt Watrous t > f tb corwTiditrd mwt to dcpnve hi > n of tbe I > l > i of Uekot sMjcnt ( uid alaoi-MH ! ? Hi a. con jiimy with Watfwa" to ? f { j * > i ( ' < : H | . a of it ] wt nt raiini d ticket-holder wj Kb Jl'irj.hjr inv ut l. * A & ! manae'-d t rmcl'v In ui and b < went luk t hi office j\i-t bt'l. < re UH VU train raia-a ns. tX > l. Korrlti , of NorwuIJt. klciip d uptotnewm- . and noting in n M bill , for a ticket to HrtdiTp rt. The fareftoin VVe < t4 * 'rt to Bridgeport in t-wnt.v-1'isrht oi'iits , afid < ol. Penis iiatniallyrtiMvicdivrty-fiiiir coiils rtiMice. To hisMirnrw Murj'ln Imnded bun l -k - ' . . ! . Col. I'Vtris loid him that he iial pivf a him nrarl ) S'Ki ' I.HI uiu h. Murphy " * id be hadn't and flr.iniiust the window don n. The tm'n ' cam1 * l mj.u ) * t Uif n. anti on boaid and carried tne StP.W to Brldgejiort. J , U. 3J' ir s , a .lerwy oatUeinan , h i.3sl ilnrnliy A $ " > bill ana lor four ticket * , which etwt 1.0 fwh. Murjihy I'ftiidod ' him T. "You imvn fnv ? n me * 7.S > lee much , " Riid Mom * . "T mt's nil riirht" i'l Miiri-hy. riicttln < : down the window to avoid fur hit discussl-m. Xo on knows hoA much more nionex Mcn by pave awav. but S < HHI alter the tra'n Ictt lie shut up the trket : otb.-e and t'Hitt A i-artor up t < iwn. He wanted to take the Mies awaj from fie driver , who objee' l. Turn MurpbyjirodnoH a ivvolver and urejl si-vciu ! Shoi * at UKhorses' heeds. He. didn't hit tiit'ui and Uio driver managed to quiet blm. Lat r he tired several frlioti at ilr. tiodfrey without ttftet. Tin ? e-nr was then nejir Uepisty Mipriff Kcmptn s tnaiket , and Iii'ii ; | . -u bearing phots , e iur out. lie tlmuirht Murh ] > must IK > pridi-r the iufnen ! ? ol li'inoi. and thnntrht it Mrantre , ton. iH-eause in ivvntv-iive vears nldenin \V ? stjiort Mnrphv liad never be < n iiitoxi/aU'd. lie manak. * to indii'x. Jlmphv t'l obarK to tue nain. . Tlwn he li suA4 > ft s-x ; Dti ; ) to ajnoe to fail nntiti Alnr- > ihy it onre and make him imfe'iurr. 'ven tried to hold JIun > hy. vvl o whippv4 Uioui all. M' > jcmenvrre jtbt.H.ned aud M iri > h > was nnallv m.nle prisoner and ban. c ill * i-iie plai'cd on his vvnsts. it is evideiu that Mur phy is insane , and aiur consulwtinn his iricr.ds dnri.U-d to M-IIU hii-i to tlie innane osjhiui at Ilitnturd. lie \viij taken there iu TO GKEEP TI1JtiDEn. ; . Cotntnlitec Appointed to ISocclvc on lii Auirrlcsti N. Neb. , Nov. ls. Tiu' folioivini ; imionaut circular WHS lsfru Hl to tbe Natitiual League by Pte ident : ' : OFKI < B luisit XATJONAI. , .icoln , NVh. . Nov. is , iss-j i'o ttic National EveeijtivfCotiiuiittveand ilem- bersol the Iiirn' I > t.rMl.l MIS : Mr. Par- tifll and CLuleiirnes of tile home deleca- tnm au ron.isip to Uiis country as tbe ftie ts ol the Irish National Ixsajraeof Ar.i'-riv-a , and it Is now time that -t"ps MiotiUl h.- taken to nrraticefor a teefption worthy alike of Uie league nnd of on r di'tinsuishcJ visitors. 1 tiicrefore ix-'iici'tliillv jfinest that the fol- lowini lu'r ons vvil ! futisider lhrm el\es a cominilt43t' to art v.ith the piesldent of the tnttnicipsioottitt'll > f HIP h'nsi'e in Sew York : o su'tablv n-oww oui ctitsts on thi'ir arrival nnd to naciin them totlie natlotml c.invention at CliKiago : Tlie s.'vrral ot the i.itional ViP-Mtivp r-ounnitt v of the leairw , Kev. riiRilesO'Ilcilly , 1) . H. . nati'iml tn-as- nrer ; Hon. Patrick . \ . Collins nnd Mr. James M Mmey , cs-pn ideot ; Mr. Alexander nl- livun , cx-iiu-siikMit of 1h Nuti.Hial Land I K if : IJcv. 'J' . J. Con.ntv , p\-tn-aMir ot the J'aniHl innd ; Mr. John lii.yle O'Keilly , < > ei. 5L Kcnvin , Mr. Patrick Tuid BIK ! lion. John I' , l-'inertv , i'oiindentlj relvini : mi tiie and fl > < ctivcatiiin lit t1. coiuiniiuv , Iironipt remain , gentlenn n. j.iurs iaiitifnlly , > J.VN % Pn idcat. Bill fjihonr'is Punij-c MeTe Bls > t v CK , Dak. , Kuv. IS. Tba report tliat Senitor M Uiiinis ahnat to le + ve Yir- ginin and takmip his ru.sdonce in thp Ttd Hivcr valley , vvhieh hvibeeu denied , is lul- lowed by private adv iws from .Majuiii J'Ftate to tbo ellr t thit he bv di-'ldtxl ' to eouie to the north-Test and ! < 'ate In tin. Mis-ouri Yal- ley. It i < kiid that hi in remov ms to Tako'.t. lb to JV HIII the political liire whirti has been wivt-ted him in Vir- giuliij tid to follow the ( ' > Hinilv ; st bv Tlno- doriiI.Vm nrl ! ui taKiii iid'.rtjiVainoltdie di- ] M4rtunitii tor pt < - italiie inve tmi-ut in the northvv- * ! . It i . ; i iais > l IK-IV tluii these re- IHirtx tiuvcb1 ! ' ! ! htm K > il hv practical althoush Uieymn - to r < ot thcuoithwestiu all Pt , Josppli 10 * Grnntl T-lunl. ST. Josiini , Mo.Nuv. 1Tiic dircctois of tlioSt .loifji'i & Grand Island road have approved an n ic.'m tit made xvit.i the I'nion Paciuo la-st Julj In whUhUid cvuipany was f ojx-nUe the St. Joseph A l.rtind 1 sin nil as tb y Uiou'n bfrst. Tee M3 < l has bwn ojM'nit.'d as an in ievn'lepi. | 11 'if and thi- swiejiiu has prov < < l hiKWssstul. They also rallued the issue 1. 1 S.OJ.i..w.i ; ( ur-t nioiljM e bunds and ? i.oooOjO Mvsond mortgage. Tne stuck vv as niiU'jiMl l. Unl at the Now To > k block eyliangi % sow -iliiiiii vxhioi has nevtr bevu done before in the hi tr > not Uie road. I'orstins Drnvvncil , Nov. ltv-A Uht.-ivia * > : AI iut 'JoVlOL-k tJil * untrninia til live young | n < oil ] cuiintif ; frr-m Milloixlto Uutivia : ina vn ou were tl io.\n OMT an jjninn'iit MJIIC IJrk iiijo ten Jo < it of water. Jliss JL Be aui , a.rml > , jjillon w , a'tsd U JoM-jib Bukflei , a od . ' . , dm.vnetL Oiiir'e ' * P KH , .vm of IV. ii. P iV of Uie Oiiio fc llU .lft.--iti ; > l i-u'.lruud. and Mi > < I5Ha Yagw vn' baxi-d. Tlit-brid-v H burntxl two r line > ear.jtijo n , id ya pu v i > - ioii VXUH nude to ktrji hn-ui ! ; frout ii 71)rnM8. I5u ros , Nuv. Iv0. . L. Wetb * rbH % one of the most prominent membwso ! teu S iiolk ooutily lui , was in Ui o3u * this H3oiitin . h. ing con mitttsl Eirrido fruui til ; > ing cygiii.iei.t potasMiuu. He w s AatHli < ! nt fitrdemtr-rfttictcp'-tvnt.aive in the leifUiii- turn Hint < lunu. ton ra..i i.i < < n * - deal of nnf > l < 'a.s.tiitnes.s I.IILIfrom | | the thru u of his iKilitUttl i'liemies mid it l probable that this pitted upon IIIP mind to tucii an fiU ut that thealKnen'-'dt ] olu\vtxL ! anil Iltiiiiiuiltai inn- . ST. l > oris , Nov. lThe * wend xtuiun ! po \-itit'U of the \\'o. < U-ru Association uf Aii-4iluvi uit't heitithis luornin1'rttcidntit ( 'ba-le * I ! . I'.lslev ' in tl.e iluur. Nearly loj deli aU s are ] i4Viut. . 'itie ninth iniiiuil iuei tin ? uf the Auierirain Humane ! ! . > < -uilioii convem l lu-ie tln > I'lll ) J Jatfs Jiviu New Yoil , , . , . Wisconsin , lll'iiois , Ohio , .Uijuy > uri .ud lit her dalea WIMO IH > UI ! ( Iranied a Divorce. Nov. Ifc. [ h > i8eial to the IluE.j in Uie sunj ina jtulicla ! oourt Tuanday , Jus. IK * I ) > VHiasfrant-0 .1 tlivoroe deem ? to .Mr * . l > njil ( nun her iiuslutid , wiih le ve to her to I" * iuant u tiauie A IJluvv nt tbo Tts e . III. , Nov.Itt AttbeFruit ( > rM > vfra' conwnUon to-tlsy a ivfoat ! ! > n was adapted bln-Hiii ; tii4 ? fr.utinovversto hsverji thlt.jt joe oo \ \ ith it uit NG A GOOD CAISE , A Ktbnuia Imtittj'.on in K d With Oea- eraas Fnends in Dwd. THE M. E. COLLEGE AT YORK. ContrllStio i FUnvina In A Serious , \ \i'Hntton I.litlc Ulate nt Vwrk-A Hull Case of Insanity. for YORK , Ntfx , N'ov. lfttyieiM to il e -f Uw 3d. U. coltego are vi-ry moc i eixtcd over th. * r < vut donation of J.Y. . Stftiai , of 1'alMeM. He dx-w 51.WJ to thcidloe JwiHInif , one section cf Undto the viakln r fund , wMrti not Io be W an U I It can bnr. S-MW low iris meeting the debt of SW.033 ns iln t the inttltntion. Mr. Sinill & .IMI cixes S13.JJJ to Uio fnn.l. aiakinc Rlto.t-UVr * tt.OAnother fripn L name cannot now be made publio- , pivw S10.03J to the ondomaent fttnil 1' . C. Unable has donatad to the sink ing fund A ciuniter fkctiun of lanJ , tio\v valued at.2.00J , w ii h. It i < thi ) ? hUtin in a few jcar * IKS sold for enoiurli , with tbo bind donation of Mr. Small , to cover the debts of tbe institution . Oilier are civ ! ni { to the en dowment and building fund < iu smaller amount * . JJnouh tiai been done in the psst bistv dayc to Indicate that not less than Sicucjo will ba raised for the M. E. college tbi year. The MA of U e new btilldln ; I * thought to be MI iiiipcrative Uiat the presiding elders Jiave tsMHil a call to the | ieop.e ot the Ne braska txiiiletfnce , a < kins catti td the nve distrirtt to raise 4rNKO f40.oO l > siii the nxjwroJ ainoniit. Tiie Sunday wrhool chil dren are tokeil by a couimiit e of the presid ing eiders and irnstwi to laise Sla 0top.iy the debt on ( be tiia niucem jmisouin of the Institution. President l'hom ou tualics Mi-cial ajM > ' 'al f < r an inTeaso of the coHw libmr > ' . T o hundred students me now in aitendunoc' in the \anons department- . , and ! \vorkint ; nledy. Small Kfroat York. YORK. Nob. , Nov. IS. | bp rial to Oic Br.c.j A one-story dwelling , located one block from tlie M. E. cell ; a and belonslu : : to a Mr. Wilson , was burned ta the ground last nicht The housi- bus not been occtipi d tor several monllis , nnd the burnins is sup- poied to Intlie work of an inreudiary.bat to wliat purjn > se no one knows. The ore was noticed on the top ot the ro ii about H : : * ) p. nu Tue houiC and ladder company were on hand in a ie > v nio.n J K but s uie bjiid xva > entirely oi vvoo.1 out iiit.e wa > saved. Kaflroiul Prospects in flrand N < iitAVDl = ! LAXr , Nef . , Nov. 1 * * . ltii > ecial totlie Bne.j i.m ! < ref numrtp.nt eiuui es in tbe local m ino euicMt and ofUees of Uie fit Joe < V tir.iu j Uland railroad are current here , to take elTeot on or about the l t < 1 Ui- tvmber. The iiiacbiner ) and in'iieral rpjian wurk of the , ii is mtiiuatfl , vv nl be done ET tiiehops i.ejx' ai"J a niiiiU er ot emloyes are prepanni ; to remove thwr faiuihea fct. Joe here , Snd Gn/se of In-atiity. I i..vxr , Neb. , Nov. Ii Mrs. Eiiiabet'i Anderson , ol this < 'ity , has liovrn tinmistakablc evidciipes of insanity , aud have taken pn- liiuinarytois ; to have hr-r i.on.iiied in the stntc insane usvluni. A lew Wvks a o t.he threatcnoii ti ( .ill her lamily. .she has been uiidiT tiici-ii e of a doetor siu < \ but ha grow n so vicijeijt Uiat n u tant vv'iiU'Jiin/ : necessa ry to jireventhc'i troiii lujunii : ; net chuilreu. I'roni 12osurc. [ . Neb. , Nov. n. While visiting with his parents at HI wood. Piie'iis ' county Iftst week , lh live old son of J. II. Nelson - son of tin ? pa ! < 'e. wnndeied nvxay from his conipniiioiis and was lost. l > iluenl search fit ilm I to rev < al his \\hei eabouts until tnlay , when hi- dead hod ) was loiind nearly two miles liom wl-ere he was lirs-t missed. C3 An Hlcvator Dc-troyctl. Anu.vcTo.N , Neb. , Nov. 1\ | Sii to the lliriII. ] . Y. Roberts * extensive elevator at Uiis iilaee was coiiiiftey | ! ! destroyed by nre at H:3J thiii < 'riin. ; . Th loss is quite a luiavy one , amounting t-j fl\WJ , wltli no iii.-uram-e. on : IO-.VA A Murdered XTctiui's ftroilii'iSeelc. . ii'X I n form MI ion of the Crime. , low a , No * . Is , [ .s-jiccial to the Aaron < . Cutler , of bprin iieJd < Mass. , &nd Austin Cutler , of fchrewsbury , Mass. , brothers1 ol S. W. Cutler , who was murdered near here a few days a o. aj o now in tne vicinity of the murder luokins up Uie eireunn-tanc < of Uie crime. They claim from 'wimt Miderriso they have ob tainted that the ivh , otiii < : took place , noi on ae < f > aiit of any improper pjojxjs-ils mmle t i Mi'veiiT-otr > ( tup niumen'r b ) wile bin tbroti rh H < | iuntl ovei crib of corn vviik-ii L'utier liiul Mild to SUnent-uii , but never reccu ed ji.t > tor. The Vote In Iowa DCS SIoivcK Iowa , Nov. irt. Thu t-cinl of * ficiai canvas lor govanior , complete , dies LaiTabt o. n'publloan , 175..VM votes , \Vbitlng , fusion.'s Uoty , rtraUht gr nbiick , UaJ , Jli-k ! ! v alt , i > ro iibltion , 0,1U1 , hcattenn : ; M. Iin bwov 'r\Vhitiiii , 0'i7fl : overall , & .210 Hull , lejiublicuu. foi Ik-iik'iiunt i'livenior , has a niajfirliv oi ; , .V ii. HI--KH , 1m niprpmejndrc ,'i ; AKeJ's. . for Miperiuteiident of public- in struction , S.OT7. 'I lie li M ceiisu * of tlie s.tal4 ? taken HUN .vcjir Mniwcd 4 & , OM voters , ho that then < was a fi v-at-lioiiic vote this > eat of lit . ! > W , { i03. ' 1 his ollli-iHl cjinvus does not ina'tui any cbiin e in thn irent-ral as tubly Jrom tlir nctmis lu-n'tuioru given. It v ifl Mand "etiakivpublican. . . " -O ; fiinlonistK 1. Tbe house , 1 icpDl'licalis to * A IlnrKaKcuinn Hilled. RATTJ.J : ( "i.nKh , Iowa , Nov. lt | Sj < aeial tnUi > nir.l : OurtDradrield , a bnaeinau on the Maple Hiver division of the Chicago t mtlrtwd , was run over and ! while his train vva svvitdiiti here this tm-niitif : . The dw ' M < d Scales a witeand cl.nd , who u-side at Mji.lcton. Tilt ) l Mly w s j r < > | K-ilj caicd lor aud taken to Maplc.iii lor t.n-l. Ii } tlio Cars. lis ) : Moijrcs Iowa , Nov. IS. ( SicUil to the IJnr.3 ' batles .Button , a eoal miner of Kim-kit , while- intoxicated was run over by the raj Hiid lulltHl itrtMfvii ( 'ornin and ' and hih dva ii j the rv.s.ilt of ouu caie- Sent a Hall Jluougli lll ST. Loriilo. . , N iv. 3 * . \t an tarty hour yetwday luoniing i'einhardl Kainji , n mar- , ru l man , loft his iiuiiu. v eiu to the river ' bin ) ; , and , WJi.dmi , ' av tlw water'f. edge in tlia pn eiice ul frcveral ipoetalors dix-v * a ro- volvcr end s-liM hfniwJf in the teaitdi * . He wa * Uen to Uie h < pi > a ) whtsro he < | u l t ; 30 a. w. No cauMis ab.-i4r ml lor the S CL Denier'ii ClourliiK llonn . DKNVKI Nuv. it. [ biie al to the lj.c.J $ The baukers and buiJtiei-i men conuoefed wiUitlteuliamber of foinuiorce ot tlus city liave organized a clcirin houi . First NaiioTnrrtr ' ' ' l tie nrst to a "t as tf-c i -l lATins hou > e , and in ti-rd * r n u-jm - > l I UiiM mouthi exli bank ju D n\ir . , t u' . tbe tama. CATTI i ; AND jji ii : Pisa ; vets. Cattle Growers nail Veterinarian * Discuss Important SutUcctii. Tnic\f-o. Nov. IN The * v > n1 diy'--- . ion of thrnall'Dftl oattJ * cMwir * * as. * . c a- tion of Atiierfc-a O.JB I ith Pixsident Henry E Alvord in tbe chair. Thomas SurtK ! of Cbejreiitii Wyoming tcrritorj' . r d a iwpcr on lire tsUyk di'af from the oommptrlftl rt.-.ndp'Mnt. Tb * rtxxnnmerided Brt , a xoinewhat larjw pnrt > - pnntion ( orjU.ijrd ( H n * tinr , tital UK butt-tin micht retain men of characltr and ability ; Mxxmd , tbe sapf < res < .ion uf f i igii Ui-at . increased l * wcr to the bnn > * n of animal indtmrv. aad th < JW-MSW of jmiiitAry laws ta KWed i-n ! < of Xebrt&u : third. K wtstainand riridlrmfi.w lo al qttaranlino for p t vlion aiMlri't d.- > Tips iJo Tne iwi-er was WATUI.V applunt ) K ! . 'n.-echainn.wof thcromuiUtae on tion * then made n n | f > rt Tiie te * ! utf ! n < pfovlded for tla ? f01hinnr ! : A flnaaw vnm- mitt * * ol live I < collert ntm-rilitioii iwid ral * * fiind t < i projcut * utesws to f cc re leci-- lation. tins comuiiltic Jowl nndnr thcdlixw- tion of the t'xetiillxe fti nintttin. of the na tional catUc crowets'assiH-iation ; a coiamit- t tn jrnther nnd icive to the newspaper ptv - > wit'ii-u'lc InforraaUon mrmxlinir contatfiwi1' disiR > c . MI a < > to re- iintve jflpular ii-coflccptlnn : third. Jl eimi- tiuttw to urire upon ci > nires tlie iKvassity of jieilwting existing law-i nnd to maavtois ) - lon * for national ovejv'.jrlit of cattle < II IMIS bv the cowimis-iionet of a ricuJtiirp. The res olutions asKed for an ai > pr < iprintion of tx-t lesUIBT ? i.ri-Xi.OOJ fnim congress to pay for diseased cattle s auirhtercd. and also t" pro vide for the ] ta > uuMt of experts Io jettle Uio Miiueol the cattle ona ha isof b t th b-loix ; infivtion. The n-Mthit'on * . were H lm t l The < te veterinarians , r.l ilK-inonventlon tMs tnoi ninir. heard W'rt by Dr. Honnins .hicb > vas to WVHmed to the cattle oon- \erilitin , reoousmpiidm m ire Mrin vut lavvs in connection with cattle fjuarantlne. The lires ? nt o31rs VUTC Pkvtf'l to M 'TO dnrin < the ensuinir term , Tbev areI r. Hinde- kojter , pi-sidfntlr. ! : ) < .Jerth.oi Lincoln , Neb. , secretary and treftstjrer. l > r. Honkins said Uie convention of tel rnnrinn ? had been HU ev ] > priine-nt. Thev had roeehcd pneourafc- juent and considered-that their elfods Imvp l ien sUivesslul. Tue tx'aventiou adjourneU fine die. At the afternoon ept jon President H. H Alvoni rcivl a pfter entitled "The Dairy Interest ! ; of America. * * He t epres.'tiled that tbe tanner and dairyman , in pull-in * ; upon tap intrk-H a trjiminti aiiiH" could not eniii- pte wiih paniexlw ndult ratert their pi o- duels , and npjitialcd to tlie te islutiveasKeui- lilies to either suppress , the nm nu fact ure of the twunsanicl * or to e.iiisp the.n to be so liihkxi that the publb -\disUnijuith the Vfrnrrrt * ir nn -tmuu'-i T 1. " L. s. CK-riin. vi lowtj. iip.'M'tu l an-sfilution caillne Uj.on l..oIHK aim nationnl le isiH- Uve bo lie-s to rerulnte the sale < > f adnlterat'il butter if the tinttic lull tvpenn'ivj ' to roou. Thf resolution vvncaciiisj unaunnoii > . | v. Tiie re ert of thocoiuiuitteeoii ie * oliitions was received and tile nsoliitious calling ttKin | thecovir iment t/t.tld'nstampincnnt diseasp and to suupa-ss o > redilaie thetr h > - in ailu.- teratd dany iirorlut-ts , mid in relation to bt - tvr cars in vv hich to trarfspfirt bleed me t-.Uthv , vvi re adopt > .i. in lorfaioli Uie c-uiiveDUou od- jouined tine die. CHOVEU'S OKOWIVG OUIP. Our Ilel.itioifsVilli the Iron Prince . - Mnttt-r of Special Investigation. Nr.w Voun. Nov. IN A Washinrton sj ia ! says ; The pit-sid nt Im called on the-Ute depatin : jnt tor a lull htatemcut of our relations vxith ( .icfuiany and Austria in tejTird it , tlic trcutwjnl of na.nraliied citi zens of the rnitod.St U's in these coantriPa. It Is understood , sayp'Uie dispatch ; that the' United SUtes Viallionin no loncor inac tive on Or * question , "in the ev.-nt of ( Jer- uiany isnonn pur jiio'.csis. it is believed a fiiverani-e of n'.I ' dip'oini'i1 ' r"'ations ' wiCi those eountnes vvoufd rhfidly b me about n crisis. It ! < nut tli'ui ut bj-ani e the presi dent will mention the trouble In his message , but he will nuke a powerful u < ; ! : e tion about the ne-'d oi a new n iv. . and ina ni.u .11- HIK condition of ourcoaM defenses. In con clusion the K.ip'isJ sivs. In c.isc waiters don't uiradbeiore the adjournment of coti- Rreas , the pn- dent will link t it the subject nt a srcial message tirziti" ujion the kv'is- mtivebr.uu'hoi tuc iroxernmeat the ahMiitac noet'-Mty of fnrnishiuucu manner ot of fense nnd detense that in ease Hie woist comes this wiiuitrj'hoit d not becAiurlil na.i- pinc. It Is not e\p ! Cl that the president vv ill put thm titcr a * b.ui.Uy as this , bat he vv ill mum the Fame. " The Kcfurmeil Hebrew * . PJTTMJUKG. Nov. Is. At the session of the national Rabbinical co.iveutiit ( ) of the rcfonned II > rvv cliurrh to-day a te jpitlon was uuaiiiiuoii > ly Bdopied dcclarin ; ; Uieie in nolhiug in the bpiiitol Judaism or Its laws to prevent the Intro diction of S inrtay wr- vlw.s in localities where the n.-cc sity leu sui-h Fcrvice ajiptiaiis or is felt 'i he im- jiorsuceol nmintalaini ; the historical iat > - ba it us a b'i'id with the pas' . : md as a svmboi oi theuni y of Judsi'ai tli vv uid over , i * recogni/cxtl. After reo niacrdtn the Inrma- Unn of Mx-i.-ti s i < ir t.'ie jiiijtu.iUoii : ol r. - lonued .lew is i iloctrlnw. aiiioiit ; the pnon-r elas.-c * . the > nvenann a i iouinrtl to meet in Cincinnati the nrst il.tnd.iy of May , ItS-j. Omaha , Abilene & Wichita. Kansas , Nor. ITae directors of Uie O n.'iha , Abilene Wichita railway held an important tneetld in thiM-ity ve - terday. IeiKiK ! iroiu all along the line were of the moi-t cneouracfn ? ch.ini-l"r. Tnls county votes next Tue-sdHy on ajiropusitiun to take tl.Vj.OJv' stuck in the roiul. and il the prujur-JUon C4\rries , as It Is enn.idntly btv Jluvert. u ivill fly i-Kf Uie flowers bioom uext tuinmcr. Weather lor T > l-iy. Up'ier Mississippi Valley Uenejally fair weaUier. northwesterly winds becoming vati- able and rising batx > raeter , .slowly iicin ? ti'inj-erature in the iwrtiiPrn i firtion , falling , lollovv d b.v rising tfiiijK'jTiture in the suuUi- ITII portion. Mi-souii Vullpy 1'alr weather , fclowly rlsiug temiieratuie. vi-.ila'ile w inds. Celeliraiiiii ; a J'liilron'.l Hvent. SAN Dtu.o , Citla , Nov. is , The ciij Is crowded wtlh vUuivis who Imve come to takepanin ( ttlthrititis to-day the com | > ! c- tion of the southern California railroad. vhlcli L'hetluAtt6is < iii , Toji ka ANiuU1 IV i < > iiiein tlmi n-li tmlnsHIT the ( ontiiifti- tal Ki.ul to the i'lidna coit t with the tenUfiu > ut tif ) : > jKiint. A Trultfin a Creek. IvnuxviftMs. NfjjIs. . T.ic loial freight on the Ciuoiniuii , H imilUm A. In 1 anajralis ruiiway , which left hevi t 'itJ : this motninc , 'ratilUlii , { . intvr will die. The Ni'hraRka.i .Vortlivvoeiern. N-AS City. Vor.'l' . . rMli-iivv miles of tliepropos , < d rirtttadf tb -bra-ka A Norm- vu-4ern ruilroid have bw-ii ninejtxL Tito hue lias bv-n $ takyl to H'tlton. cuuntv Hrat cit Jm-k-on < xnu ity , Kansas. I'lltrwles are ta-y aii'l the vvori of Uuildin will ir lu ini- ineulstt'iy MonoTor tlic ( itUMi iUriii * . Midi. , N-iv. is. There was a iRit'iJy attondtid Parnell int-etiuj here tfi-iii l.t. Adilressoj Wi-ro made bv Snator Joueh , of < i FaUior J. P. Nugent , of J > i-h MoiiHti , Jt.vrrt. Hieviii lii.ndivtl dul- lurs wvre rai-oc for ! PMI tit-i ! fuuS. ( 'apt. 5fll | ' I'oi-ci u Tour. v , Jr. itie pr "kle t ta M yii ! , lifih i 4 t ' . > , ii Jn" rv p.\ - 11 . . . ( . j , , s f Jj * i j , , , . , , ? , aj . In 'is. FATAL CASES OF CREMATION , Dtetrariire Expkwoa cf a Crude 01 Still ia Philadphia. ! BEINGS BURNED TO A CRISP. A Tank litrilodes ThrovrttiK Oil In All Dlroettons Thij Dead , ami lujured rell into u 1'urnnee. tf Nov. I& TIM 01 x tank of oil at Uw Philadelphia couifut'M works llili uuirniug r.isuHod la the ( Jmth of a wan and Die probable death of A b > v. Uw jttiriou ? injuring of four others and the partial de'tni.tjon of llio t tablisb- Uirot The vieUuis are : Alexander Hanks , nxcd 40. burned to R cri t > . l'ewa- suiK'rint'ndentof tbe works and twnilv from Pittfchjrcn. Maisimll. aired i , cannot be found. losepu ilobinsun. : ' ' > . enure body U-r- rUily burned , can not rwwer. Patrick llo.xle. , head. tm i > .t and extremities IliCiitfnllj Iiuiii-il. will die. Ctiarlra Mellon. su-cd si , Iwrned about Uio bead and cxuv.mties. will prolMtily die. Arthur < ; i\t > ! vr. JMP.HI i % entire body terri bly burned , witldic. 1'or w ' 'mi' tbe work * have.b' 'inmnp.ln.r tothtii lull eapv ir. and curiy lium.innin ; a iraus n ! ufuvn men wasn't to work to repair - pair & stonn foundation under a Unre iron Rill , which eonuinod 1VJ barrel * til crude oil. Jse'raol ! Inc ii pn < Ml iu pUstti- ine ui > tin * interior wall. when the manhole ot the -nil wa * blown ofl. settnii ; J to oil on nr % tiltini ; over I'll1 ' still , and cvisin- the b nninj oil to IH ! ) out upon i In1 men below. Tins vx * jilosion was followed bv a second r > ; . .iri * rmn tiler. and tlK dt-li- * ' volume < l au ke vju * J the utmost cnrf sternal ion ani'tii. ' the men. The lire depart men I reached IKetie wnne- what tardiiv. and thp work oj iwuin : : the nusi WAN di'fnvpd. An elder ! v man , whose. name is- not l.n. < wn. was found hma ncainst the lence whieJi sin rmiml * the vvoiks. about f-cventx-nve vanls Inun the evpnnled tauk. He was umsnis , nnd terriWx binned. Alexander Hank * was workim ; iiuiii.Min.te- l.V uuilvr the InnK when Uiep1i > 4uui took place. While the tvsruiiii : partv was inc for 1he victims his bod.v .i > observed as the wind rarritvl the MII ke UAHV. l.iiiu tin Ilie z ' "Uii'l close MI icmiuUtHiti "nil nnd Mirruumli-d itli hl.i'ins ml. ttiic t tli * " ineu. nanaslMichai'i C.n.Oian \.ilurUwmI to rescue hiiu , an < l n itwiUiMaii'luu ilupn > - uT ! ; | s c > ; ; ; u. - , Jl" ! ' " l.l .iloiu n irniutnl. dr > r one 1 Uie nrciuoti ' : ! l his clotlil iz ith tvaivr. Wln'n it < aoh of llii utitortun it < * innn he his rich ! loot , and n lion ti < > iiuulian edort to draw ilie innh nut tin- nun s fix-t piiruvl lioni UKbodv. . ( . ' .iv.ui iit li drop | * > l it hast.ily Kiid r M''Jirtl n jilit.v ol salety. leaving 1Jie body t < > the U.ttin's. 'uvirMnh - fa < v nud lianileroti.idl.i . buiiii'd. A teiiiinnu nlUT CnMiiiuiiirli i'Avd | tli. ' unk tell Aii.l Ui'ik's Imlv vra-shid from vi - \ > . ( "It irles Mcl in and ArtJiur < triit't > ir uvus nSu tutrid Ivjnc cliiso u > tli biinini : Mill , tilt * for n T biiiij uncon-'ioiis Hinl Iwli U'lnhly binirtl. - feral * - oral other moil vvniKiiii cl.i-- to Ilie Mill at the tune o ! lite exclusion wie nls t butnM , hut tliir mj mi' * Mre * > n urativcly ii rhi. ' The iiiiiiHvl uijrriiKen to I * iin'svlvauia linsjtittl , x * liert'tli-'ir % \ MII Is \\\-ra < U The lusd will reach abjut JJ.OJJ : iiiiUrouce , T o inorr victim" ; of tlio explosion .Io i i h rtobniMjii and AnhurUructKS ilu-dUusalter- uoon. _ . , Fell Info n Knrn.irc. - ' JotnfsTou-sc , r.c , Nov. is. .Monday nlcbl - " \lilc ] repairing oiieof tJit > liUck funiiiceof Mil * Cambria Iron coiiipiny. J. U. Smith \ ova come hycas aii-l Ml hf.t.llone Into the furnie : . Pun iou > to tn.vniniui ; hisworl ; tie ! lireli.ul bi en thoioiidily UiuiMJ. > et thi * In- sdo ! of Uio luinw. ' x\.ts wry hot. lo ! | > o wt-ro thrown to him. Hut. b lnir tinooiisfhius. hecouldnui tuke r.d\- 'li : i < or that method of iecut ; . Tlie fas arose from the lui IUM.V to Mini ) an extent the work of rcv cuins : the bodr w us ver > ' dangerous. and m n few IUOIUCIMS one ol the re 'iunj pirty ua oreicnuIn th C4s. JIwt dmijC'\l away , and n fellow \voikin.i < i to 'k his ji'aoiv ' Htfd lie too , was soon rend r l unconscious. Ma : < ets . .miinius ) thus initil wventiHin workun n were | > iosinitei | . Finally the remains of > inil.liM > I > r illf.l upvllfi hooks and r.iiws. Tiiev jiii-seiiioil a h.iMU and ii'I : 'iiii : s nviaelo. l'nz l elurnil : iu. | buiiKHl. nn.ljravMi int'i su h sltaiv th y onild wtartvly lie m'o.rnirt'i ! d < tl < seol tihii- niau Losing. ' < < > othei deaths icsulU'st. HYPOCitlSY'.g Ai'OST BS. Iatron' or Itell iou In One Toivnt Ilrutliol Keepers in Another. Bo'TOS . Kov. Is. , > , ) i il to the I5ic.1 ItwasexpecUHl the suiry of the dna llvo , of Kdward 5. Sanuoin nod Julia A. Hilton would be' ted : in the ] uoi.ite ! couit yettwdny when the heiriii < was a-sjtfncil on the contest o\t > rUieUUfiV will. The tacts alKHjt UIP career o' th ; < coiij > lc WPIC outlined by the IJunp. fi'.v iwls ; a o. San born atnl ili-A Hilton ncre kisowa in this c-ity as pro- prlrtors of SPM-ral liou-ps Of had repute. In Klnp ton. X. 11. . tliey wereiwtrons f jt-li - ion nndtHlucalion and hnllt and cndouod thr banlxiin ) ' . ISA Union ditd ia Apt il. lea * iu ovt-r Sso.ouj Ut t > iib > ru. * siii- tKirn died in su'ptc uiif-r IIMVIII toe Iml ! > xl his property. l-tw < vii f-iHiikJ an-l W i. i.n. to an academy utuch hi- found * ! , jt a : iniouiifU ) that b th ill > v. uud ) be * f n- Uwted and banburu'hill it. ei u ! < t > U l l > v Dartmouvli eoJle c nud his Je'al IK-II. on the ground that lie was ol U/IMHID-.I mind vben it nas nnde. 11 tl.o "ill i overthrow u , the jiiv. imi tpstitinejii btKtow- iu S-v'WJ ? 'n Daftuiouth colletv mid the nt niKin hU natural li n will t-.ijitr 'ile it. ii-- ! Jjillon's | | KconUstc'd bj jui -jrU l : in'iis on UIP srioutid that * he v as undiUj by baiUHiin. The hiuiin on Hie iin'iiu of the l ntid jf t 'rda > t loie Nek in. Imi nhi n the matter wtisrallti annoiineed that tile ease had been ( oui ] ro > mlMvl and tlierewould t > e no fiirthtr opio ] i- tion to ( Uiiiiaun. MIC will. The comproiiiine traiifwall iiticatinn to New Jlatii > * lme courts. Tilts pr > int thiff toljtsdeii'iininwl is wlu-tuvi Hie M-ininarj uill rocxMve ihf buU : of Hie coinb.nod states. Tiie neiuinai'y Iws-uot leen } iei l and MJI ! not l > j ] Hidiutc ! a dei IN- inn U ] on lite disKi ili'Ol of tlis projienv. T < > * iii-titiuion ha > no ot thti building ami iAn i A An Infurlnit'd 'ienant Di-pu-es of Tlirt'c Kclailvci- . CIIAUI rsi \ , S. O. , Nov. is A trat < dy wamiiaettvl In Kl i-.ieM o"-mt day. \\ namd lEolK'it .Irtit- land rental from hi Tlioy him that ; - > he i-ould IM lunger paj tx-ut lie iniiNt vacate t wl.i.v. .lons wr-ut to the. bc'd NVlw fe fcdwatd J'rwsi l.v. lui-J * > J. and lniMius. ( luii it's nud JXwitiil . .Ir.ieic p1 .wiiti. anil Miot ( IwJlfile.uL JCdu id ktarleti in I'uj- Riiit , f.ixt Joit&i stal-ln-l liitu iti.irluily wiili n 1:1. : ite , .leu' ' * then rel'i/ 1 ! lii , -HU u.i : | ki < i il ihe i.-.tluT , oi.l l Pri s y.Uio is t-'iaiKll.ttlier ol .louts' \ute , > 1U'J" C4inf m Ute < ourt ! > o'js4' itijii suiri'iiijt isj u > m.iiL.ii Dial JM * li.irt killrtl thnu-of ih. ! > > ! III--U ill tht ! CitlUlt. > . AllnlluT H'- -.I'.lllt . < I s UK. ' I'jl'vjyx went to tl. . ' , rf ! , < j nljele Join * working , tttid tliat Jouttj ! killed 1'ieiu ia Ie\iiifoil lit llio .Mountain's , ST. l' . ruV' v. 11 - V lliiluiw sjrf * \ to lite 1'ioueer { 'r < ' > < > > a } > > rity to Uay Iroui 1 . t tiv Itm wny .wicss { lit ; iiHU' minis > * rii'.l > l i. ilui , ' m i .I . 'n > t | l. HI i-j-j - . .ljlc e.i.n K-,1 a .lt J .iul I in .41. H | t M i * 'l ; J. . i , nil ! ' . M iu . s re- | fi-f of * . e'.j ! . ! U Sc.rit r nnrl ltcromtito l tlnn ? Oitnt the Nmlqni'prt IJttrfnw. ltlvrTvNi. . \ . ! . C - nnjnr ? J. f ) . . rhH f of the burein of na.ianktn. 1.1 life annual n-jmrt k tlic sen't r > uf Un > . ulimits tiiii to < for Siro.COj for the MipiMrt of bureau during t > c iii-st uxye ! r. It Is proposed thnt ibe ! Un < cr U llbcmpoyd ! in ounil'n. ' in * h Pci..c OC.-AU offUif P > * sl of lxitrerC lifornii ftnd Mcxlos : Mid in et- Ainimnjrthc Narth r hicavctn for rock iuid * . ! , ! * whaU have tien r.-portcd in the Ujck of.vcfl4 Oldsunfj-x of Ui cst of the SjmtiMi unm arc known toomuin HIVIV errors a U 11 i prnj t- < l tli U the Thetis siill be n e 1 1 m * K < litv un rj s noc 's < f Jo * tvt tlu-tn. li > on roaiptft4 > n of tills duty , } * O , . HITfwti h nl l ha sent to t.w t M'.t i P. cia < - to i in naiicjtiiiii rvp > n < l h > tlmt Hioo. . tlie esi t Kt of winch htu In Wiiltt-r sJj-onirly r * . i.mijt't ; ii ? an in-iias. " vf oom-n ! * the iiaval n-coriN of Ue vent lot t inibiicatton. He submits a * apr * idi < * > the report * of tbe I c d of the several Uivi > | Muns of his bureau and vaJi ulhllUi ! > n to their rc timmendat ions. Plentyor Peed nt ttte Agency. WA uixittis , Nov. is. Acent Armstrong , at Cinw jurt-iicy in Montana , hn trlpprnphed the lutcriiirdejurtmcut that Uie Indiuas on Ttin ae river are properly tiupull with rations ami in no dauw'ei of tarv.itioo. It l said att.Vdi.inrtiii-ut thatannm' - r of In- di n Wt Pine Hid re-areni-v liu.'Hme ' am dil } ite th i prot 'sts ol 11 'ir .1 wn K an 1 went Into tl Tonfftie riverctmtitrv. Hie aucnt at Toucue HUer aijencr , unitor Instructions from the dwurtaiN'nt , refuse. ! to i-wue ml ions tothera and it l < presum > d tlieir > . 4in < lttj'in liai eiven ri jn tJu rejnul if sujTerlu ? nmoiiii Uie Tutiriie riv r lit'thns. If the ii.iauf Indian juviu tlistivst U must re- 1'im ' to PieiiQgca.tij'.y ; ! ; ; : wum-tiiea are Mexico's fiovcrnor Ttpports. WA iiu fTo v , Nov. IN Uovernor Edmund C. Ko i < i , of .Vi'\v iletlcn. in lilt ntitmil rc- jwjrt. dwells ni m Uie faM that into the -rrltory i < ; n'sirlcttsl by the xalidiiy of lind titles ti ei\ > . how tiniani < li and Mexican erautshivo liet-n maile to cover UUC4 * vastly lar.'er UiaH oriirmally intend tl , and ctv.ituuii' / . ! of I land have h ien iraudutentl ) enu-iwl Uiruazh luiwry nnd j r.iur > ' . H < * Jvmn irtuds that s > njre is Mjjjmint a comm1 siitn ti Billet Uie titles. Th < : itjli ? " | iubl a of Uietorritorr wv ticated at JeujrtU. Soorot Servleo SncTPKtloi = . ov. Nov. IS. The chiet of tbe sr iePd vision , in his annntl re 'irt , | iiliir : ! lo-Jay. recomnK-nds It vis ] at ion the inin of dies or m laid * for of f&c slinih's fur b'Kin ss pur- niitMj States coin * , nnd an rt'ier ' forte to extend the powers 01 the ser- vi M > as 10 iiielnde ant.iorily to iM in all caj b of Irauds a aiust the goveratueut. Iptti < > il. \VA ntxf.To.v , Nov.sTho M-ato depart- ortlriiils p.isit\f : | .Vl. > n\ that tlie prc < J- dent has made anv re-im-t toi jmivrs in ro- pii < < tothemnd lion of our natiiraliyod citi zens HI.istua 01 ( irruian > or that then * is HH > In. ih uh.ilf\ei in the \ \ ashiu tea Sjwciai to a New Voik pajx-i to-day. A TIUUBIOW > GKIMR. Occilj of Arson , llobbery. .K. ICv. , Nov. is. Burglars , aware tint Woodftiid ASJ ! nndViiJi.un Bry * ant. w Jtli > iiirni'-rs lixi'ij a in le apart , in Itidlm < onl\ : . li.d made hi-r tfllesol HOft : lor rtsh tlie < l.t > p.t'vioiis. wwil to the Ijoiis , s nl tliii e enllein u : it oiitliuirht. lno.1 Uie r pieinlses iitul CM aj > td v1th2.0Mlkt ! oJj. TiiP Loiiseot MJ. liisaul vxas nisi .ir < * il in the MT- \ \ants' iiarii'r-'Uii'M Kinnts ot the friirlibn * d d nn 's1ii's mMikenuii ; the t.iimlj in the fr nt p.ut 'f the lioiiwvhoeM5iiifd in tlieii n jrtil- { lotlies. All ol the M-rvaiiii ' exo-pt I'lioaias | ) , u dining lomii ( HM. wliciis : tiunitfd biiliMlli. He matte tianlie rtfoilsto esi-tH > . hut \\.IM-II | olT bx the sheets ol tlamO shot lip the narrort Malir-ast * . The ! < < > - pie mho lo'iled ontie i i\\erle.xs. The lt y c oiil < l be M-en iiislun ar-utnd In Ihr * ( l.tities. and on < v udv ncnl to the uiudow to MinK iluu'ii and IV.Lomiuiinil ' leipimt , lint IV.L- > - , \Vlieu the me. duvl outw > .ii.-li uiuioie aui.'iifi tlio nslies , but ouiy a leiv jillk1 Uuiita > con M lie found. In laie iiK-aiiinun .nuntfuT lifht wtis seen In Mr. A h WHS H.-OH hlii/.iim npa li.ilf miledovvn the ttind. Mi"- M-im.Ts iiislit * ! to the housi" and ir.ueUie tiuiuly VVMIIIIH4 haivl ) ju tuiic lor Uilre - cap > ' . As .Mr. Ash ran Iwin his liM room Jie ei/-d a . | M .T in IM Iwd deiv si | s | ? l.itKl. tlie | .I K.VIS | nl a v.i ( , d | luinle that istitiiiiniii. The dniuer ua. i'mtii.1 ui have bueu jmod ojieu , uid the uione ) was tUllsslHC. t'lti 'ii nrc sr'.uin tin' > in v.--jivh oi thellueu-s. vvlioaie li.'lie fj iu be tr.imjis. il loutid ihej Will be : AND TIIU The Sccrt'tnarj l > a. s Down Uio T.avv to tlie Counsel I or tlie InvriilorH. WAsinsi.Tf'Tt. N v. li. Svcreiury J nmnr has tent the K'llow ina ImifMu \VadeJIc- - Donald , wmiisel for the Oklahoma bjotuerfr at XViiH'i'ld. Ka'isas ; ism 1 lnnyvivp.1 your Jotter of ihf 4th MH us ihiu ii ne ot the persons a Hiiist wliniii indii tnu'iiu vv.-i'e ) wjiijiny in tliu Tnitcd Stauw court in Kaustn Imc pmo a nin into Indiiin Ttrriloiy. or in any way broken tailli vvitu Uio a rtviiK'in in pursuance oj which ol nro * . CHI.I..II \va ( > ideiod ; aJs4 > tliU : Caiiuiu ( Vn > 'b hits at your ro-iubiit Rene < | HK't3 > ' Into the terri- torj with Uw % ! " of Hh-fititiiiiii tU : number ofp < > isoi ) tlu-rr. iliIVix > i > < . n.-Kin-t nhoin cri'iiinal ' I'nx-c.'d.n sin - p-ridiii wt-re rttj.ii'MUUnine * ' " ' " vl < 1 > > of person * . bandt < d and mofiiUHl to.i > ii > er l r llie pui-jM-se of niiUMluJ umin.'ii of ju- diau loiiit'Ty. It wits ii | ui iis Hijiiivc nod > ! > i.iadi1 liy joiuwJI . ; nij ultn ; > . lit tins depanmeiit and to < 4iudeiiniMet | : ( < > jusin-f. that Uie "iitiliihuiiia Ittmmeis. " < % Mnhn Cuvair > Ccrfiuiy , ' ' MI a > it Oi i r-"ii : < . - riai * il Uirnvwil'i , w.niM HMlti * n < > Imilii'i at tempt at nniawiol .si'iUOiiii'iu in hiiliriii t.-iijt tor > . and tlu t they Iu4 disiuodt-d th ii * * etc. fit' . . t'sat ' tlw . . Il U vi'.i ii'-ji < li > 4'i ' > "iiMii 'iji tliftt Uli dejiftrtme'it leuiilsot tl c ii'ic'rtnl 41 ! nlt.empi > . ai iinlawiul invasion tif Mi - Irnit4ii > by Uteisiine j 't in . ( ili.ti' ' tTUu" ) IIIHV ! ' iiium' or the nil. ' iiili > r nhieh ilii > jif tiainli-il or onstun/4Ml. Tin * will uaK > ' UM' pivi'inyi'iit ) m. w tautiiHts in any lulnrc 3Billies tvilli tlietn. M' L''i fl | slsiri'Jd nut o ilitolhe I od 01 il ! V4n-i ; | > lei NIIV inir ) " ' * ' . iilld if he d.ifs uii vvi1 ! int H IMJ uoult ) ut Uli ojtt-il I ii'juUt'tl til lavt. TJIR ONUV J11AN A Iiiantiru | lt.ii 'llfK. " V.1 > > . - ( Kjii-i-u ) tel 'I ' .c "i j.oi-dou inlilf sjjrx Ti ol the t' ' i ' . . ' ! ol tin * Ue-uitidil It ir ] > , < rh0 U M .H < | in c-lMiii-v ! > . nu I i .j niter tlie tutnl ; 'itstiijiol HUH. ttahoiii < ! JUi'l ; ' , lUinrtl AluleiT.I , t\4k Id t | i..liii lnxl HI 1/oitil'Jii tn ! i I'-iuius * u f iliii' su.isjina , > f the day N" uam > ' * < " ' , * t i.4 > Uiied tlial II. - . ' . j.e h .J Bnl ! > M < t.'i''U - Ion n. Hue r.-vilt ot tMti j tti ) > ilitt uaM Hut litiitv ii , .us I WTfni ( lH d M mirtf' , Ui > liu Ib-lUiu u. ii. UMt Ckery onu id tlniu . . ; the ln-ri-'iiinol thfiw . i.l muiji bun ' ' n ( h' > ol lU.jlurt K jlUti m # viil ) tUe iu ciis ; Iu lyu all ifit 4liiiil li > iM.rintT' : ! t-ali. Ui AiitA i < n Wit . 'I ' - Jir. < jl Clllt 'll | uilltis n it , . ! . ' ] I. . ' d < cu u < nl nj. al oi. . ii-.l ii\ A i. i- . ! ! v ii rfi a'tt - I K , i I I A . I < Ts .1 , , . . ! . . I , | I I ,1 , , ' , t n t. . , , . . M - I I. , , , it- < . ti. ' ii . t * * . THE \VESTERX \ EXPERT TOS Live QEO. SLOSSthN ANOTHtH WINNER I'recly Witjtf rut on ttio HosuH Of Mn r . Cu luou Hint iJnnU Sliot-s 'Ihe mt f. Thtfci ( tiimeof the Tournament. CUICAI.O. Nov. 1 f o tin I m n jf'l.o bilk line UHirnain.'tit . * plaj < vl t > t . it uy Siofxin and Jje laKcr. in MJ IV oi u - ' i.iuty wvwlior UM h * iie wacniKJivL dA-at tr > tentst w s taken in tais content nn\t a RU .t deal of m iticy WA < < , l at n-r y aj S-Jiw-u-r bixin Ui ciil . own ratA { * Atvi.y lijtht rtdJi Sonffer It i ( tb < ( . rv HVW of W. U. Canon , of St. 1.uii. . a * nw u np'r" ' , The hefaitodto count anll-'l R i o iJ oj > - i " .j lor Slttssoa , who soau w orl.t d h. a 1,3 tiie lower end bjt lost hi { tip an I miN-v > l a round-tlK ble shot .it 11 H < pot an ojv i- itU in the tiurJ Inuiiu an I milo ti \v.i .1 the bulls linM and he mi--'l tie kif"ow ! * . Soha-ier started in g \ > \ in > ? . but tno b - . * liuen BVMI I tlie C'i in i nu f w Uon In' fH'- pd He K. ' * ' ' . J'-s 'ii nun 'u-.r ' svt i.p and . .o ui.idf 4 ! by tjcx ! < 'il. hi tin , . t. . > .in Crtsy kiss shot , t1 l..l fr 1.111 . ' 111 'pi" 0" Lvoliue biti.iks , and IIUH'IX iniss xl a oilli nit Ing a liut l"r l.v oi tjn. " ' ' . w.w not lila.1 .us VM.IL At the cm ! u the tifth innlinju. " ' * ! l sUismm r.i , spi .tetcr Ki. In lit" se * . in i in ulii : s.nuii bad s M.lo u Iy brv'jiks to uonl vtiili butb.i .1 r.u > ' > ! p ay merauut ) tlHUU. and lit 1-lmil Uie b.iosvcil in iiamlatthe hixvi end rail , lit- ran .J , f.4iuiiivn4i | ( a misi-iie , iMusMin InLeiited pniitber M-t-up In uls ciirhUi mnhi . .ml witn a inn oi I ji. sH.jtl io his tiiinl stnu . tne e.ill b'lucIns -n * ' , N-haeter I'l. ' The iMtls xu-lt ) left 'lle on tx-hoefer who n-ain lelt litoininent ] ) aptlt , and he ran > 7 t > * i ol it. Sihtvjit'i now , cvt : lair oi euintrini did sime f.iiH-ib line paving at an avt.M e widih oi tvvcity He ended MI MJ vvitJi a Imo b ) iJt ill tin * middle Of the Ultle. and " lien in it- H ball tro/eti ti iw itnl the Iflv-tff 6 > .l < .ll ) "atlwretl U tc.'h ' nt n r < ftn < 1 * ! ' ' ' " " m " . ' 1 iti. birnu lor a hatid' < hu' . ' rou ot. 8 < i Sclitioier lil. k'i i tt'nr i-oiis. pie m- niujfs bciiaficr srorod ii.anbs. me O.L I- lelt xerv nartl lor him , and hl i > but 3,1 all to it during tlmirnt. . S ixin , wiUi a run ol ' ' HI ta < ? iitteentli. t'r u , 'it lug total to * * ) , b.'ha-ter haiii-it but ! < . -'ns4.5n ' iWiiin | fet thf bn s in tJie .sKt'nttiiul ran sMI ivin/Sr4neler an t i > uninj ; l . ' bi-oniw tot Itfvutoi it. bwro. briuet'T-i1 ? M i oa M. M.lie did nt'u r l otterin t" > e nin. wtind hud lh' bills neil buiK4 , < i In u.f i , ) i.j iel ooiuer tor i.ijo it M t.iu - . when he toolc them oer to th < _ ' ojij > "site iomr for 1 > 1 mow. Then hiiiuseil lnk airiiiu nndat'l nisdj n Hud and lelt UIP balls bo c' ixly huu-.led a hat wm Id cvic-uxl Uit ui all. mi-'iind ut vw and N'l'.v1 ' lei" stut l elf iisrain. At his ! veut'i ' l i Jiis ball ixa4 ii zeu to thu , I Ot v\ilh n Mijierb uia e i'iilvv.iiil lift lull lutiuiuti nnd cuuiib * ] . Ai'aiti at -0 Uio lull- ! hic < l far ajuin , nnd ho fo.mtwl with a Ki-.snd ma -troke. . Ivutid tl.oera rwtfd botb t o-e i-Lotr. Ifn-'lryii the Utlls \vt-lt under"oiiirM"l ir Utp 1th f jiart at tlio npjtr end , Imt In clmn inptbem totlio ctho : < 'i'ti begot iJicm out oi i"y mtcb. uid ie5 fajlmi tin a cus lioa Ulll. tre * r % SJoasonJK3 , tu'liatfifuiu "It-en1 v s rmto * * meriKn'iJUS \ \ uon \ \ IK. ih sides tor a little xtlnlc , mid \Mlli It si > ui bud 1'ieai.ers. lili ! men ti o.\id atU .ini , Inn .Mo" , n uaihuhrrlto cet Ins biealh rind lan "U , missiti r > n ttiu b H * elusteied. bill alter OIIH < niflt,3ii ! s i a dja v. Findiiii tiiai iiiet' ) | ciieiit ) wia badly iliisUTi-d , biossuu to.ok luud omv moie and inn : 5. TJitro wwv some haid bre < is ) : on l > oth sldt.3 and nfithi'J did nuifh cxeLUtlon fui n \\.ile ! At the close oi tlie tv.eiity-nitith inning Ui3 . . - 111 tlio tuiit-Uiiril J with a pand run ol .D. uhlch raiiltllns MOnS lip to.rJJ , V.UVli'll SUlUCll r innts < v ] a dlllii ult Lnitk tuc b.ills wciu lilt xvell Jor blosson , wbu easily rin 0 iml ri4 > d Uie ga.oe ai mint tea Liolojvli o'ctiMJ ; . cn-i.arfer and YUnauv play to-uifiit. Si-Jmett -liiWL o. 1 , < ' . i , io.JiS. . l , J" , 0 , f J , i : , , 0 , 0. 0. 0 , 12 , l ! < . \ 71. Ri I i. 0 , U i S , 0. 0.J. . 1. is , TO. ToUl , SOU AUT.Iglil tw > i. Jlvl.i'-t nin , t-V bUKMjn Wbiit- 0. K ) l , ! W. IT , 3rre7 , r.7 , M , s , M , 0. i > . < ! . . Jl. o li , Sii 0 , 10 0i i . . " . , 7. 4. i .S. s. o , a , L Total , v.n > . A ru u , t > J. , I2 TKsTIMO.VY. Mlmnunn jcnicnt of Coofc County's tiisnno Jiospiinl. . Nov. lb. j serial to llullKK ] At the seJsioa of the slate t"jAnl of elu'Iilca , whli'bisinvcctlgatinjilie iiibaiie a-syliim at Jeff-rson , the mot staillltig lc..timo.iy II-RB given , febowitig a liorrtbinooiiditt jti yl allrti' ' c. A. iliv. Dr. Ilowfevho VVAS cniiio\ed | at Uo ) as.\Jiim in I1 * * ! and I'M , U < sti icd sjjiilisul seen a jwtieiit with n jntket oa Mitim * ou tlo floor eatiiiff pulMve loml oif u duly jtlulo with her iiKiath HKendiy. JsiVcttxl patle'it'i were ako sealtxl at the Uibles wirt oblistfJ Io cat out ol their plates uithuut using tiii-lr bands. The mnuapeiiMit of the dnis roffni was i rribCi ; She scsn'oly ever ciit4'i r t'to drujrooiu thatthndi I not mid < t nlitlMh drinl. In JIHMI. .Site had b i-n l > mifi > > lQlur Vnn 1'ell , andt-veii thr tridiid jmor , ill tJie drop nnuu ( vir.'ii'.n CroTcjue - HOIIIH ! Mle sljit i that t.l ' d..d H-VII p > tieiils r riidly i i nn'-d In Miadii uketh 't ' tlie < | jscji'l ion ul tli-1 Htlrniinnlx 1 1 jai' i'Js f.llcn le put " ( i l"f' tU'lit. Tlif il'.i dd.ili'S reiuM I t"'J'H th < - ii' ! 'ts at bi-r it | Uk. . Mie 1iad i-li U.js JI.IH ulii n II HI-JI ' ii ; - o'lt tiotn liiTt'-tlj oin llii.1 male attend .4 * lnwl kf ) i tlif it ji-Ue vtiiiK hliu licjiujit- 1 } * ai. . ui If cm , ! < > . . HI Uif , ! IKniiij ; tlir ( niLirss < it ilm mil ] ) i. Kieiiwu le ii < < l htitoolc i or the asylum a > i'u M/O l - > t > un i iht j ititi tit ( w-.l uilli I < IHS Mini lii Mr ) J3'-ivf ! UUi r i < dtii' it * ere > .i'\4'M > d tvitii son'f. t " ui- . ulii. tu rnj iniisi.-.l MII.'I xerm n n iuu i' ts. O'lier wlliM j. ! * ( I in d ol Miitili1" ii 4hvt ntiil .Jn'se ' ol ll.t th.Ui'nt by iiUi-liil ill' - Mime u.slaaic a i lilui.i } bi Ul 1 iTjilu t i i or twu I to Iw ln.i iMUiltt. . 'J'r.jutilf > Settle l. So . I * . At a f.iui reido u ) Ti Uir and olU'-iuls ( ' t'te ' bit'-i * uf th < ? inu a ! > * ( ) v y < m work at uum ci'Jil * i < w I.K | I. ) Jor in'n.iti. ' . ' ? q > , I totrU' rwliMR IK-IIHH tlw itnl.i- , > x < n U.lsliUHH udl1lll 'l . ' 1 , 't ( lilt | t"t If V ' , Work v , il ! | ir.i nj'i'U ' > -.iiui'-l in il ri. , T IIT.IIKS in-ill Moudat. To.Mnl.e s..o i Tc ri , Mil ie . Thrii-J. /r.-M ; ; JtiufcJc c Uafco 3 ! ill M.i ua 'V < i"i . H'ux. Is. i M g . ; Presuteiil * llii s er-txry , N K , Hrt .1.4-'l ' 'l' l. . l l-s . ' . . | . U. , IIV J-in-si * . A , H. ivwim . i.d ' h. i -s A l-'iTc l o. the I 'nt ur < > . ? * * * iv'I im t'uni * .o Ji < * < t Hint i n.t rr j jT75 > i ii5. > tlmt a M > l . . "j Uie V \en Senator , PL .11 t - , i N 1 -j. U Ut i t