Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1885, Image 1

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Defeated After a Dcperately Fought BaUlo
with tlia Servians at Trn ,
The \\'nr lleMveen the IJfToU'Monnrnh-
los of tin ) Knit Proving riillel H
J'lny for Serv la \le-\nn-
iloi-'N I'itceniH 1'len.
'I lie AVnr In Iho Hulkniin.
Ri.K.uuir , Nen. 17. fii-numl Tupova-
% Ilch , with the Moral In divWem , had a elcs-
peraie battle vvilh the Huh-nriansatTinand
the latter wuu totally defeihd. Tim b < r-
\laiii fonaht with gre-jit s.ill.-uitrv and rap-
liiinl twoKiins'inel limn } pil'emeis. 'Ihree
battailous i.f Bulgarians SIIITI mlcred. A
liittalloti of Hulgai Inn volunteers stuttoiied
lit point (111 ( till'I Imillv tlVC ) , inpltlll.lllMi
without nrlnga ( fun to Col. Dlulnltch , COIII-
lnalldillg the SctVllin I'lnlolv lllvls'on. ' 'I III'
liulgiulans } cstinlnvaciuted ( their fotti-
luel position nt Di.uoinnn , whldi llui her
viatis ittaeked bund i } . I in- details of tint
c.iptme of lira omiii pass liy
tin ; feotvl.iim shinv tuat Iliu Drena
siliil Mium ulg.i divisions , iniilcr
( Vono'sM 1 1 k i\ii th anil llencky wen1 i n-
\ - paaed mill iittiu kid tinItnliMlliins In tune ,
ID i ji etch mutiny tin in Monies ol llnl.-.i-
r mis laid d I\MI Ihen aims belinr pmle
fticlvin. Scvcial ' 'HUM weie < aiuii'i | | and
ti c pasi til .imloin d 'lio d vHon
in.iii hing on U'iild n tr.ivtI I .v llito lue Hid-
Kill aim iii'iii Wldittn and intnctcd upon tliim
: i . u .1 ing dclcal I , i- , < In' iv mi tout i
Tnc M'lviiti eap in d 1,000 UIIMHICIS.
Ts \ 1:1111:011 : : , Nnv Ii. The present berv Ian
older ( it bittle is.-H tollous : Colonel Deli
nk } , with HK > Miniii.idja dlvi-inti , lilts
n * < ended Hie Itiiknulskii stteani and is now
nnnioadiliigbljviilt/a ( n-mial Jovanovich.
villi a l.ugo lonu , In In Diauonmn pa s.
rolonel Djiiknlldi Is : it Knvn/cv it' with tin1
reserve's. ( ieiunil Klijanln iciniilns at
Klola.hlili lie hascapttlicd. < olond I'op.i
lov il < h , with his tone , Tin , and irf o-
I ig to Diasiilk. whence lie will cioss hj a
diicitioulc to blivnit/a. 1'ach marching ill-
\IMem iimnhciM 100,10 'I lie Jiulgariatis aio
tniiccnli.ilod at Slivnlt7n.
1'iiiin , jVo17. . biivialuiHelccided to an
nex tliifllu gui Ian iei ot tlio Interinitlon d
ialhv.iv unile , wlihhill eimlile bcivl.ite >
( iiniplcle liei Iliieol i.illwav , al-o the Wid-
tlin dHti let , so she e.ui rniiittiirt a mil-
way to tlio lowei I ) limb by.iv ol Clmiiiia
Xaltclian nnd U'iildin , to meet ilie pioiM.ted | iall atiom Kiaio\a In K'alal.U.
'J'r.uelers jepoit the Mulir.u lans me
liojio essH depiciied and expect the Senlsins
toentei .Son i lortln\itli. 'I here ale onlj t\\o
li.ittulhins nl llnliii i.ui Int.intu at \ \ iililln.
I Aim. NX , Nov. 17. 'I lie Invasion of
( Ionia In the ( ip-ek IPMIX is imminent.
Ill i ( ii : vni , Xoi7 ' 1 lie lie.idfiiiaitcis of
tlio bciiaii iiimj lias been Ii\i d at f/ari-
( .VINHI vsri\oi'ii : , Nov. 1" . Tlio pnrto lias
n plied to I'IIIHO Ale\imlei Until huie.iius
IIOIM Konmcll.i and tesloies the status quo
nnU1 , TinKejIII coiiildci his ieiiioal | lor : is-
lilldiiMii. Nov. 17. The Seivhns li.ivo
on aim d all the positions in Drairom in p.iss ,
and Ii i\c ( . iptimd the xill.i'/o ot Di.uom in.
KI iMll.iii ImitM'Dt adispitch to ( Jneen N.i-
t.illtiannoiiiu'intr the -ucccss of thcbuiviati
niiny. ' 1 heio is miicli luioieiiK here OM'i tlie
in us Ironi the si it olar. . All the plotters
.iv.iiii'.t IChn ; .Milan hi\o b-en Ilbi'i.ited e\-
ei nl Mind ( nivli hei ) ik In thu vvai nlllie. uho
isehnueilith peijiuj In Uonouiiuinjj his
Nov. 17. Snois falllnirin
the timpdin dNtiK ts , but it will not .UVeet
llic : idv.inie on biiiin. Thu battle ol Tin
lusted font teen boms.
I.oMniV , .Nov. 17. It Is reported tlioTinlc-
isli aiiny ( oips has Loiieenti.iled at Knma-
nov.i at the jiinelion ot thu NIiH.i and SIMM
ro ids , ami has jil.ued onlposU on tlio Sci-
\Iaii and liiliarlui ! tiontlers.
VirsvNov. . 17. 1'ilnct ! AleXandur , of
liil ! : iria , sent ( ho following notu to tin ;
powern : "InlK\iia ! did her utmost to complj
with tlio iK'ci ilon of thu ambiSMidors an I to
prevent agitation. She hios now aSeivian
InvaMionllinait SPIV la .eiidlii' through the
pdile , Hie Duly ( ' ( iiniieti'iiL ch.uiiR'l , an ulti
matum In eonfoimitv with
IavWill Kmope , who Is anxious , and Tui-
l > evhols jealous lei the Integnli ol' hei'imit beivlatolntiinireon jirlneiple ,
on that lliteL'litv on vvhkh they laid siiess in
the I'.IM ! o ! nndei a i in must uuuol
iniieh les } ; r.ivity' ' The io\\eislciiovv\vlicm' ) ( )
the IIKJI issliiii eimin , tteil. lnlir.nia ! as i
t > .il is unable to dccl , ueai , and h.isaddicsscd
tlieSnllan dliictlj on the mallei without < -'el-
tlnic.i > . bho mileiedf. . 'JV.iinIl ,
liei sneefal envov at ronstaiitlnoplo. to demand -
mand a ieiilfioin Said I'.ish.i , TniKlsli iuln-
IMci ol loielun atl.dis. Ituluaiia has not
vici ati'd the Inlexilt > ot TinKuv. whllit Kei vm
Indeiieiident state , and violale-s llio in-
t > ot 1'inKev for teuiloria ! ai ; randl/'u-
* " ' at the cNpenso ol linliMtli tos.itlsiy
/ Ian ambition and egotism , liiiln.iri.v le-
V lies on the M > IIF of justici ) ol the powers , as
3'uropi ) must spe.ik the last word on the
Ijiidy .Sleeps for Pour MoutliH
anil Still SiKifin1 .
Ntb. , Nov. 17. | HpocIaI to the
Jli.i.J A jonn , , ' l.ul > , 'Jl je.irs of aire ,
duiiKldei , ot .lolin Deslinur , living el.Jit |
mill's limn Colnmlms , went to Rliep a I In
ovei foul \\erUs. i u and In spite ot all el ' , s
to in OUMI In i Mcpt foi nined.i > H , bhoir. .
vxoUenp , v\ii-hid hei > ell ami ail-alined tier
toilet , a lei ulilihslie went to Hleep and is
filu'jilin ; vit , u'tiii ' ; * Ilirr o\ei a monlliilli
tin ) hi let Inlexal inentliineit above , bho
Mums noInns ( iif Ille except when ttho Is
pileUed upon tlm leitt In runnrlhini ; sharp ,
and thiiii slm hetves aiu'li Miov\hu she 1
alive It Is conildeied a vei > lemaikablu
ActIdeiilnlly Stint.
( iltVN'i ) lsi.\si , Nib , N'ov 17. [ Spex-la ]
to lliu lir. ! : | i\picss : MchM-nu'er \ . V.
Kite , of tint v.i st bound Union I'.iclae train ,
.Sunday night , i mil ml atVood \ Illver a
i ) oonl.ilnlnj ; a hliolKiin. U'hIM ar-
i' ' tint picl > a es hoon atlei , ( lie 1:1111 was
luvldc'idally dls ( hailed , tlm eontunts .stillv
ln ' Ids le ' , sevuiiif , ' thoartciles and piiHlnc-
IiiK a daii eroiio' wound. Tlio enmpaii ) NIII-
ceon. lit. ( ii' ' , who liipjianed to boon
lit ) id , diessed ( hu wound and in.ulot'ui ' mi-
loitnniito man as cumloitahU ] as ixissl
lluvvab tent to Ins. home la Noith riatto.
Tor Ansault ,
I f Run Cixiun , Ni'bNov. 17 , ISpi'cinl to the
Uir-Tho : | trial of \V.\ \ . King , tlm demo-
cnvtJo editor , who MjucK Ui. IJenney t > miiu
vurKs nco , tame oil' In Hit ! disdiet oonit to-
i iy. KmK'vvas ainiiK'ind for uaiilt with
Intent to Kill ami plead icnllty to av..uilt.
Jiuk'O Caslln Imposed a line of 3 too and
posts , ami sonttMicod KliiK t < > ninety dujb In
jail , _
I'oia Konutor.
SAI.KJI , Oie. , Nov. 17. Tlio
took the Hist ballot Knlny for United bt.ites
hun.itor. Mitchell m-eivi-d twentj-Ionr re- votm. VVIIIInms lift vn , and tlicio
\\ein boiimMMtlt iini'lliu democrats voted
Pi lldl > , lei blater , "Tht-io am ninety mem-
b 'rs In the JeKl-latnie. ieiiilrinu | Imtj-Mx to
Chvt. Mitchell elalmi hu will bo elected to-
iiuininv , lint tiovrrnoi Moody la CM HsiUUy
inuiitloiu'd as a "diulv IIOIMJ. "
\Vcnthci' for'T'o-Ony.
Upper SUfslHslppI Valley-Colder , elcarin ?
ve.Uhcr , jireocdedliy local rains , northeast-
crlvwIiiiJsnmliMiicbirqmctor ,
MNMIIII | | Valley- Local tains and light
BWOVV , lollovv dl > > slowl > ilslnuteinpoiatnic.
- -
Killed liy u Trnlu.
PoNTiAr.-Wlch. , Nov. 17. This inornlnp
the Uctiolt and MllwanKto train mn ovci
mill liihtuntly Killed Win. Siinbiool ; and wllo
The bvUleamo flight ! illy ni.injiled.
MIV : iv
Hotinu Inflictions niscii scd nt tlic
Cattle OrovM-l"1 Coiivpntlnn.
Cltti Ano.Nov. 17 The thltd alinml con-
> entlon of the National Cuttle ( innvers a * < > o-
tiation was . allwl to ordrr at 10 TO this mornIng -
Ing by 1) ) . M .Smith , of Illinois , pr Kidont of
tlio a 'oclatlon. About ono Imtidiul dt'lc-
patcs f i oin all thr > organizations of atofKmen
In OVPI.V MR'P ' ami terrltorv are in attendanrc.
'lliu > snrKdins nnd leplest'tn.nives
of tlm veKiinurj ii.ssoilntion in numlm of
Klaleriiiml I 'iiltmles ale nlio iKililinr a ion-
ventlnii hen'Ihu oiiH | ( t of the I.Uter Is
mainlj to dl env < < rontH loiidiseases. . Hi.
.Salmon , chief ol Hie bme.m of animal In
dustry. and olhir prominent men , aio In
llenrv IX Alvord , of Vow York , was inado
teiiitmiarv ohaiimati. I lie ( oiiventlon was bv .Mr I'oleman , Vnlted si te-t
eommi'nloiicr of a titnlture.n Invitation
wis extended to Vim I'lesldnnt lleujrip ! .
and Senator Allison , whoiuu In the uty , to
attend thnconveiillon.
At ( lie oH | > nlni ; < ir the afternoon ; p < ! - < loii the
coiiiiuittre on p < rininenl nionl/anon pi
eiitdl Ilie n.ime.s < il iln > follow In p ntleiiien ,
who were eleitul olllielt ol thu ah > iclUlon
lei thu ensiiinif veai :
I'r.-si.lent . Majot II. H. Alvord , Mass.i-
elm etts
Vice I'HsldfMits-Wltliam T Smith , Iowa ;
( ol. Cdwaid Mm land ; ( iianvillo
Mevviirt , Montnni ; rheodme Divld , IXikot.i :
I1. . I. . I tins , Ohio.
bieivt.uv I'rof. Morrnw. Illinois ,
AsMlstant hiHieLnles W. ,1. S. Doin ,
Michigan ; ] dwaid t'eny , Illinois ; Clinton
ll.ihhitl. U'iM on-iii.
Dr. I ) K. H ilmon. of Wnshinc-lnn , chief of
Iho huic.ui ot niiliiril indii-tit. ii'dhlsie-
port , In the course ot which It w is sh ivvn the cattle plodnrtlon ufllif linited bt lies
is 7HKliK ( ) ) h ( ad : expmt trade. U-JlKt ) head ;
aiiniul pioiliict ot tlm svNlue Indnstiy ,
tfi.OMiHW head ; value ol the piodtiet wlneh
KIH-H into inter state t ommeit e , -1 1,000 00 < > .
l.vdoveinoi Ciiinnell , ol lo\va spoke In
favoi ol ple-enlatioll ot thu neixls ol the
asso ( iation to llio KOV eminent , FO
adequate measui inlulit soon be to
stamp out disease. ( Jlher sK'vhes | mad )
on the subject showed tlm iccneial fieliiu
was that ample tnmls should lie piovld d by
thu froverninent to stamp oat pleuro jinen-
At this evonlnij's ses- > ion of the vetetlnni v
hiir'eons , I'lisidciit Unidikoper , ot I'liiuiiK-l-
plihi. icpoitud the existence ol a nnmbei of
( onta ious dlst-qsiis mfei tin domestic ani
mals. Mostotthcsu w 'ie Impoited and con-
lined to the easicin states A majoilty of
these diMMv's could not bo cmed , hut then
sprtad toitld be pivvenli d 'I he speaker ad
vocated complete e\teimlnation ot all ani
mals iilfei ted Wll i 01 exp neil to dlsc.iM * li ) ,
( ' . 1 ! .Mildinei. ot \e\v Vmk , iiiesentid res
olutions , which weie adopted thai in dealing
wiih Inlet turns diM * iss ( u d i u ' - ils ,
national ai tion , ii.ip'eineiuetl ' by atato ac
tion , was noes5.iii.
A bimous Accinr.xT.
A l'ullio ripliMin licndu to ( i rrl lit-
I'ul Koitil Di asief.
NASIIVIII i : , Tenn , Nov. 17. | si > cctal to
tlio Hi. i ] A deplotablo accident occtiru d
buiidaj evenlnicat loiil tn\vii , eiyht miles
lioin ( iallatin , Tenn , In which M'ven pei-ons
weio injuicd , some sciiouslv. A public bap-
ti/lni ; was tliu inmedlatu e.uiso ot TOOpeojilc
coming together at the pl , < ce. le\ ! . John ( lil-
laia and lamilv weio ( nionteto the baptism
and weie in n baioiuhu when Dr. A. C.
Hijant diovo up fiom behind , liuant's
horse into ( .illlam's baioudie. lloth ve
hicles vvde upset thiovvlni ? thu women , mi n
and chlldien out upon the mad. In then
tall IIcv. John Cillun iccelved injniies about
thethl)4li ) , Mrs. Cillam had liei aim btokun ;
Aithnr C.IIIam , n lotini ; m in , icceived hotii-
bo ! wounds .itmnt the head , ami It is tlion.Mit
his skull Is ciiishcd. Two little Kills , duub-
lets ot ( illlam , iccelvi d inteinal IIIIIIIICH , and
HID joun est was badlv i nt about the month.
Di. liilluu , liother ol Kv .lo in Cill tin , 10-
cnlved p ilnfnl biulses aho it the tlii b. His
supiM ) < e < l the horses tnimnlcd upon some of
them. The t lightened hot ses thrinuli a
eiovvd ol ' "OO people without doiii-i anyieii-
citia damage.
I'orlmpi Tlicy aio Mugwumps' .
WASIIINI KIV , Nov. 17. The Jtepnb'ican
to mm row will piint the tollovvliii ; li t ot
United States consuls , win It savs H his re
liable anthoiitv lor Ki > ln , will be retained
in ollico during the present admlnlstiatlon :
IMvsaul 1 1 , Hakcr , Jtili noj Ajres ; I'elK A.
JIjcis , Airier * ; .Ino. blewait , Antuetp
riuiinns M. D.ivv-oti , liniian villa , ( ' ( iliun-
bin ; Thos. Ad.iiii ° on , r.inama ; 1'rank H.
Mason , Marseilles ; ( ! co. V , ' . Koo'-evclt ' , Hor-
ileanx ; Doianco Atwatei Tahiti , Sucletv Is
land : Win. 0. I'os. , limn.iek , dctmanv ,
.los'ph P. Potter , Crefeldt , ( ierunny : .latnei
M. biiilth , Mavcncc. CeiminVin ; I ) . Ciin-
neil , Itiadford , Ilii.'l.uid ; I , irini ; V Litlnop ,
IMstol , Kiiirland : i\an : K. , limes , ( anlilf.
\\ales ; Ilo\viu | Pox , Palmmi Ii I'nclaiid ,
Ilonitlo.I. Spilune , < : tlralt.irO ) : > c.u M.ilmi'ii ,
I.cltli : Adolph ( ! . sieutei , .Situ'anoie ; AVil-
lium Thompson , Southampton ; IMward Mc-
Knl ht , St. Helena : ( iildctov W. ( itillln ,
bjilney : U. J. btevcn . Vhtoili ; I'nillp Car-
mil , Paleiino ; Mexandcr Willittd , dn iv mas ,
Mex. ; Kavmond ( J. Willis , 11 ivana ; William
T. Kleo , lloi en , Swlt/erl.ind.
on Kiel's n\cciiton. ! !
Nrvv YOICK , Nov , 17. [ Special to thu HIP : |
The lleiald'fi London eiiblo savsj All pa
per. , this inoinln fduvoto miuli sp.u o to llio
execution ol Kiel. The Dally C hiontde sa } s
II Is Impossible ) to doubt the execution
wasjnst.ind that it vvlll make -sudi jnsuiicc-
tlonslmpiobibli ) In the inline. The Time *
ur.'ites tlnil the \eentlon i Is enlltel } puipei ,
and eonc Inch's , ' Wo nine etelv tuist that this
v low will tapldly commend It ell to I bo torn-
nmn bciibool the I'luneh Canadians. "
Ilallot HoI'liievuH. .
IMHAV , lnd.Nov. 17. ( Special to
thu Hi.K J Duiln , ' Iho incut count of llio
city vote ) lor maor It was elhcoveied Hint all
Hie ballots ot thojiist piecitiet , Isih watel ,
had been stolen la-it night. .Mr. Cotticll ,
ditiiociatleeandldato foi major , mule an at-
lulavlt lli it they had b' u slolen bv ( 'has. ( oniniitteein in , and ( ieo.
W. Hill , republican insoicim of ( hut waid.
'lliey vvciii both.incited and g IK * bill.
Mr. ninino In I'cilreinetit.
W.\hiiiMirov , Neiv. 17. [ bjiccial to the
Ilui : . ] Senator Hale , of Maine , airiviil to
day. IIo reports Itlalnu In good health and
hphlts. IIosivs lUdno yieat lnteie-t
In Ihogencial political bituatlon , but Hint Im
does not u\pce > to ' )0 ) > v eatidid ilea aiii. Halo
thlnkh Klalno will have MmitMhlmc to b.iv ,
hovveve'i , about \\hou111 bo nominated b }
thoupubllcMiib In lw.
Ho I'roves a Clli/eu ,
Nr.vv Voittv , Nov. 17. 'Ihu Post'H Wash
ington t-iwclnl hiijs : The repoil that O.nirles
Poster , nvently inndo consul at Klberfeld.
\\.is not a cltl/en when piolntcd ; arose from
a mlsliike. When tlm .state denirtincnt
asked tor his nalniall/'atlon pop > rs no could
not lind them and .sent homo for a topv.
Thotoml olllcer In I'idlaii.i Miit him a new
paper dated November 1 , IS ? } . Ho was
naturalized > carn uyo ,
An AutopHj-.oii > [ uCull ( > iiKli'd JIiMin ,
1'itii. vni. 1.1'in.v , Nov. 17. [ Special to Uio
UmJ : An autopsy U to bo held -
iLtyiiioinlngonUio brain of John Mjfu- !
loiiijli. The wlduvvhaH been feart ul that the
bed v would bohtolon and believes If an ex
amination is made and theie-nlt Iven to tlm
world , H will satlsly Jngeneuil and
then lliu body will not U ) dbtiubvd.
VcHiivluh * Btuiunch Aulied.
NuvVCJIIK , Nov. 17. [ Special to Iho
ljri fjTlio Mt'iiildN Naples cabin Bajs > :
Vesuvius h aualn In a btato ofeiinitlon.
Lava UMiiMiuliix down on the vvcblMdoof
tlm moniitaln and homu alaini Is axpii eil as
thoobseiv.itoiy uiithoiltlus bello\e tlioeni | > -
tlon will bo minis seiluus than It Is a
A Ecsuuio of Wbich ia Given Bsforo Tr..ns-
misdou to Congress.
\Vltli Biinsestloiis 011 Indian nncl
Army Mutters ) Our Trade with
Other Countries Vnt long
The Comtn.imlliiK OftlcciN ltopoi-1
WAMIII.SOION , JSov IT. * Tlioanniui le
of thu lieutenant p m uf the ; um > is made
publln to day. lie f-aja : "Nolhin , ' h us inen
dotty III the dhihi. in ot tlie. Atlantic for Um
protiiitlon of the se.iboard by Improvement ,
enlargement or Incie.iseof Hiniamentof our
loitltlcutlons , so that man > ol our large c iticd
ale still at the meicyol the liotulads of tor-
cifti ! natioiiB In CUM ) ot a rupture ol oni tela-
tlons. It Is hoped ill U public f-cntlmeiiL will
boioieloiiK pievall on con res-j for lilx-wl
nppioiiatiuiiH ] in this respect. " "Tho Bin-
cciitj ( if thu Icadus of thu Uklalnmi.t colon -
on > , " writes den. Sheridan , "maj well bo
doubted , but they aio bold In thch move
ments and eatricd theli scheme to the vciue
ot li.iindsned. Tito bedel exists that their
intention was not actnil settlement but to
cud the attention 01 congress to Me openini ;
01 Indian teiiltoiv , and that money was. vim
scrilxd lot tlnu pmpoMj by inteiested cui-
IioritioiiM "
( . ( iniliminj , ' , the penetnl Ptijs : " 1 am In
hopes ol an eailv settlement in the Apache
dmlcultv in SIR Ii a mannci as \\ill totever
pieventi iccuiivmoot thi ; raids ot tlii" < e In-
( Hans. bo loii as Cen. Clook had
contiol ol the Ap.iche.s undei an
a ieenieut of tlm secietary 01 wai
and stvietarv ot Iho intetioi , m.itteis went
on vci > wen In Ait/oni , but when lonteii-
tlmn liLXiin nndei tliedtviikd aiithorlt > that
existed ac.u a o , dlstlitst and uoiiD.o arosi * .
ImsAp.'elies siiimld a I bo exterminated 01
Laptincd , and 1 hue tin ; gioiLest CJHI id Mice
In den. Ctooks aullltv to aL < ouipilsii this
puiiio-e. though the dllllcnlties ate ver >
L'le.U , Ihe tiie pt-ople In tint ve ( in to
beat in mind that lien. Ciook is tlm Iv-n man
we hive 10 with lhe > e hostile Indians ,
and will , ii ( ouiplish In the end nmut than
an > man in thoaim > . I take rieat n.e. uie
in commending den. Cioou 101 thcail.niiahic
disposition ot ins tioopsan I tils sceady
vcieiuo mulct disheaitculni ; ilu inn-
" ( it'll , lluuanl , umnii in lni the depui-
meiii ot tlie 1' . .uUin addition to tinnisiinii ?
tic ) > ps to the dep utnu'iiLiii tlm MISMMIII , lei
appieliend si dull nines , ha I and now h is to
iitiivulo ttonp-t on iii count ot tne Chinete
I dim ttouolesat KocU spiin s in U'vo IMIIJ ; .
and othei points on tne Union I'aclac i.iil
load. When \ve i ome to estimate tne duties
iiciioiimd b\ the troons In tin1 division ot the
\IKsoniiit\\illbeMtiitlut , thej have b 'en
most , aiduoiis mid icspoas b e , uimim | < u
ilKtce oi activity tin be on. I anudpition ,
, ind olten oi mini ; tmd-l living disnlv int
akes In . ) 1,11 as iela < cs to t ie mm KL or
ued tr.inspiiua.l in. T.te biting ol n.'id
tia ispoitation in CISCH of eni'i eii'V is e\-
pensive unsilisi.u'ion i id vexatious "
Ketenin , ' to the Indian cjuestlon he
" 1 would H.rommend that call >
be ttiven and li-iaied on . ) JJ acies no.v pie
vidcdlot tncm b > law. In i.ise ol actuil
i-ettUment the gov cm incur should then con
demn all ( he balance ot each ic-eivalion , M'll
ii at 1 J > pei .u-re , and witli the piocteds
pun Ins- government lands to bo held In
iiustl ) > the intenoi dep iitmcnt , enl > [ 'iuiu
lo tlie Indians c'.ich jear die inteiest on me
bonds toi theii hiippmt. I.e. ! tills monc.v then
bo distnhittcd the sime us Ilie mone > iipmo
piiated c.u-li jeai by eoiuiess. 'I ids then
would be more monev than fs.ippiopiiatod
by congress , , ind vvotild t ike theifiu'siion ol
annual .itipiopitatloiH lei tne Indian oat ot
toneless. '
( Jen , bheiidan adds : " 1 cannot > ? rec with
( icii. Miles in ins ideas ! < „ udin , ' u , lian lei
iitoty , oi In his coiiiulenci ) In tlie ability ol
thu Indian to nuke himself elf snppimin ;
in so shcn t a time. All oar experience Im'e- '
toloie diM-s not watiant SIHM cim.iilenee. an 1 oinioiis [ ) slum d lm ic aiiLd as individ
ual i-aliiei than icpieseniiuivi' of tlie .tuny.
Tnc iHiimiiii'iit coiiiinl oi the Inlianslsnot
disiicdbv the in my atlar e. Tne Ntatus ol
the national tfiiaid , " he s ij s , ' 'shou ' d be rej-
nlated bv a Kcneial law oi coiuie's. Tne
number of oilleeis .ind m n shimul be llxed
and unchangeable exieiit. is change is neccb-
bitateilat stated n.'imds bv the fjiovvili of
population. Tno general o vein men t comd
then Issue them the best .HUH and ea up and
aiii-on eipiip.ue , aihl ex.u't.i lespoiiiiulllty
whiib in not now leimncd. "
( ! en. bhc ulan leport.s tlm army consls n of
ii.'Jll olliceisand JI.7J. " ) men. In concliibloii
ho says : "Tne dthclpllno thioiibimt ( the
aim } is veij ood. I have note o.iimcnd.i
tlon to tn.ike except to Incicase tne niimbei
ot men in the companies , and to add two
mine companies and t\vo inajois toe ich reg
iment ot inlanti ) . I most heailily ( olnclde
the lemiiUs ot dm , behoitcld on tlio
nuil of militaij len'iilatlon. His vie\vs ate
ol hiich Iiiipoilaiico tint 1 transmit them bod-
ilj to in > tcpoitas tollovvs : 'I hero Is neid
in the in lit , n v service of levfislation. II fil
iations establlHhed and subject to chan.e
enl } b } conn'iess would hive sucli tidi'o'iceol
stabllit } tv * to li.'como the IMMS nt a sound
milltai } Astern , which tip to the picscnl
time has not existed in tills e-nintiy. Al-
tliou li le nlatluns have nndt uono changes ,
the most imiioitant ( pie.silons Involved In
tlio ( ommami and gov-inniL-nt ol Ihoaini }
leinaln nn-ettli'd .it the p.isenl time.
No ( omm imlini : encial , lioin the hl-'licit. to
the low ( si , ( an knnw tlio extent oi limit ot
his anlhoii ! } , and no one can have any
stuff n hjioiismle to him lei the laithiiil ev
ciition ot ni.s oideis. During the last twcnt.v-
Itvo } cats the ( oiuilrv has pissed llnoii.'h
tin o miimcntiioiis c MSS | wheiein these nn-
s'ltted ipiistiotih wetDolitaliinpouance U
the nation , and thcli dcdslon lei the occa
ion depended o cly iiHin | Indlvidiinl ojiin-
ions. Another h cii ls may not IM i u dis
tant ' , when sue i a dceltiiun ini ht nut IK * MI
loitnnito lei the coitnii } . Heinevhilo 1
present the ticu'ssitv ol a consul 'table In-
ol the aim I also siu eM , as.iHtlll
uatei ne e sitv , th it laws Iw eslaolished
uv e on < , i > ss tin thu f iv fin ncnt an 1 ie.-iiii-
Hun ot the milllai } lence's. "
Our TriuleVltli Other Oniiiiti Ics.
WAflitiNi.rov , Vov 17 , Ohiel hvvIt/let , of
Ihtt bureau of KtaU'-tio- ' , to-day ( Otnplc'ted his
annual rejmrt on foieUn coiimerre It
shou s a falling oil In our toielirn trade dnr-
in'tlioUstllsc < dear of lil,0 > i. Com
piirln ) ; otii loielKti commerce with that nl
otlici natloiiH ( inal Ilritain alands lirst , ( iei- > second. Kr.uico third and the United
btatCH loin th. The most notable features of
our loielKi ) trade dining Ilie last lls-
cal jeai , us compiled with the tindo
of Ibsi , was a di ( leanIn imports -
ports ol men liandUi ) ol S 10,000,000 , nnd u
iiilllin ; oil In I'xpoils ol ( 'old ol sU.OQJD'jd. '
Thedeciea-oixcitned main ) } In HIM values
of impoitsol sitiMr and mnlabses , silks , \vool
and mannliutnieis of bilk and \\ool , ami
lion and-tcel and niaiinl.K liue-i ot lion and
steel , ( ircal liiitaln not enl } takes about 1,0
peMt'iiiol out .urrlciiltm-al and unmannttic-
tmed piodiu ts , but HM | > a 1 irijoHhare , amount-
in toJ7j'i ) cent moio ol our niiuiiit.ietine- ,
thin do Aniukw , tlio West Indies
and boulli Ameilcn combined ,
the Kensni | ,
Xuv. 17. There will Ixi n
caucus ot republican senators a llttlu while
befoie con'u.'s mc 'ts to deeldo upon the (
to Im followed with ri 'rtnl to l'je-,1
elent Cleveland' * appoinlmcuU. AJJ the time
for congress to nu'et approadics it bicomes
appare'iit that a vigorous eiToit vvlll bo niadu
to clian-j'o the hoiiso ntlc.s. Iteprv entatlvo
HptliiBerliaH pupawl , i revision which ho
Intends to submit for adoption early In the
session , II jiKiiuve3 ; to t.iku three of thu aii-
jiroprlatlon billy Irom Iho ui'l'ronrlrs ' ; ; , , , ,
committee. The army bil | ti ( jiven tei the
mllltaiy committee , tn ) ) luvat hill to thu
naval commlttiH ; , and tlm postodU-o bill to
the iKistoiiUe. comnilllee. Spriiu-er b.irf that t u wav fun : piomiil
iransaetlon of all business vvnlih meets iho
appio\al of llio majority , und j.r hlba uliluu.-
Platform of the Itc/ormcd llelirew
< ; iiurch Ctm > ciitlon ,
no , Nov. 17. After a lenithv dm-
the natlotiM rabbinical convention of
the ntunned ? Hebrew church In ss lon hero
adopted n platform to-day. It holds tl A
evei } religion Ian altempt tn grasp lie In'
Unite , but lli.ilhulals.n presents the Idnhe-a
concept Ion of the nod Idea. .MiHlcrn discov
eries ot i , ieutllic rc.-ciivh In the dom ilns ot
natnteand hlsioty aie not nntiuotiHie to
the doc trine of JiulaUni , the bible ineiel } tc-
Iliclin. : the primitive Idow of Its si e. Tnose
portions of tlui mo-iaiP le Hlatlon which do
nut sanctify tin ) lives ot the people
and not lo thu views and
liahltt of modern clvllzatlnn , me
rejected. The livv reiiaidlnt ; diet , priestly
ptititv and d ( ' . - < , are condemned as mi-
fliitated | and apt to obsttnct pinlial eleva
tion The Hebrews' aio declared to be no
longer.i nation but H lolldous co.innnnl v ,
and theietoii ) u\KXt | neither n retain 10
Piler ine. nm sicrlrtchil wtirshiti under the
Mins ot Aaiim , nor a riuttirilfoti ot unv of
the lawMConicrnlnglho .lew H i fiate. 1 no
plattoini asscits iniin's sou Is immmtal.
Kioundini ; this trllet on the divine nituieof
the human hjililt , vvlnch lorevci iimls bliss
in riu'litiimsncssand inlM'tv In wicked less ,
but rejutsas ideas not.rooted In.liidaNin tlio
belle f < b ith In bodll } tesiuieitlon and In
p'henna nnd edeii ( hell ami p.uadi-c ) as
nb ides for everlasting pii.ishneiit or re
After the adonthm nf tlm platform tlio
< piestlon ol the admission ot iiiost > lti" ) v.itli-
ont the idesof elrcumclslon was taken tip ,
nnd a i ommittee ot live , consisting ol Itablus
\\IMI , Hlisell , Halmb'a e and Sonnensch'In.
\\.H appointed with Inslinctions to leputl at
nexteat s meetiiu. A reso utloli deeiaiitu
in i.uin ot Siind.iv Rcrv ices instead ol balm
div ptovolud a heated dis n-islon , and the
in.itteivas nnally laid ovei until tomoiiow
inoinlng. Thehlev of holding Sundav ser
vices v\as m-nci-ally favoicd , but the abolislt-
mcnt ot satinday K'tvli-i's met with deter
mined opposition ,
Jealousy l'iillstlioTri ; ee mill Oruck *
d T.illor's SHiill.
Onir ao , Nov. 17 , The Nitlonil hotel on sheet was the n-eno ol a ver } seiiii-
tioual shontiiir alliay ab ml 10 o'clock to day.
Pdwanl ( iiievit , a jontig 1'rcncamui , was
hhot at t\vko und dnnieioiisly ; wound 'd by
Adeline , Ids mlstiess , liot'i whom ho
had Depilated a lew da } s n o. duevit bait
enl } been in this eomiliv a tew months and a tailor b } tra le Ho met Adeline Du-
val soon altei hisartival lieu * . When he left
liei a leu da\s am she lolloped him to Ills
new abnde and tliie.ilened to k 11 him If ho
did not letitin to hoi. List evening she
( ailed at the hotel and re Istere I mil ted ;
bieiklast at 'o'clock , ind when ho letnmed
to his iiioni aftet breakfast to Orct Ins h it she
was concealed behind tlie door. As
soon as he entered the loom
she made an cxclsitnation in 1 lench , and
stepping into llio room nted t\vo shots in
lapid succession at tlh ! } imn tailor She
was about to shoot again AV hen he irrapplcd
wiihhei and llnevv her on a trunk He
\\iemheil tlje levnlvei 1'ioin liei.
duev it tainted 1mm loss of blond and the
womtn withashriek tiibbi'd tot the weapon
and u on Id have mcd nirain lint lei th" intei-
feienie ot a l > > suntli.'i. An otllu i \\.is called
mid the womin w mplicud nn lei an st. Dl.
lit .don was sum urm d' and loiind tliittne
ball cnlcii d the top ol tlio head the toie-
bead ami h til tiaversed-the skull i oming out
about loin Inches Irom vVheie it enteic I The
phsiclan said tlio wound was ding.'iotis
( .ii'vit Is II veirs nf m e , well educated and
is said to be well eorn'o-fiud In France. The
pi isonei is about tlio t.uau a.e , and a i-'ioncli
Canadian. _ . , * *
Thousand * of Aoros in Indian Terrl-
tuiy Hiirnucl Ovea- .
C viM : ! Vii i.r , Tex. , Nov. 17. [ Special to
the HIM . ] Intorin itlon was iccoivcd haio
vesteid iy that a dis.isiioiis lire hail been rag
ing in tlie Indiin teinloo , nordmcst ot heie
im seveial Tlie entne r.iuge in the
vu'stcni put of the Indian teiiiton has been
bullied. Tnousands 01 cattle are diittingln
evciy direction , in , 1 miles ol pasatte tcnco
had 10 be cut to en.ibiethe cattle to escape the
tin } ot the llaines. Mail } v.iiuable t.tiins and
a luc ; quantity ol h iv and coin vvviealso
dcstioid. The nrociosse.l to this Hide ol
the Kcd ilvci. and Chv countv cspedalu lias
snlfei cd ireat loss. The whole ninth i nil ol
that count } tell .iprey M ) tlio dcvonting cle
ment. II , tun ned some ot the mo-t v.ilualilu
( aims In that county. It laid In ashes aUo
loity sipiaie mile's of exiellent gi iin laiid ,
Including . i number ot splendid taims Ivin
in its ttack and at last tepoits was heading
Its ( lestimtive m neb towaids ths noitlu..isi
portion ol tin ; count } .
'I he ( attic in the leiritoi } are Rcattering all
ovei thecountr } ineiich ol food , rattle-
men have .iiieadv unhid in this section en-
deavoiing to bit } up. dl tlio coin in ( lie cuun-
tr } . 'J'hooiigin ol theme Is tepottcd to have
been thuwoikol cowbo.vs who had hi en dts-
chaigid. Theloss tocattle'iien ' and latmets
will be very L-'iett. 'J lie ( omp.i. lies
owning laito in that imitinn of Texas ad
joining the Indian teiiltoi.v will also sullei
ne.ivilab man } thuusind MICS vvero l.iid
baie. _
Iiiliiiinlloiis that Sonic ol' ilie I'rodti
Went into OtlloliU 1'ockctH.
Ni.vv YiiitH , Nov. 17. [ bpccial to llio Hi r.J
The Tiibitnc ijt , : The maiin cis < il the
IIIi'jjii pools at Hilghton lle.icii have
leliud lioin business toi the sea-on ,
and the track \\hidi has done mnio
Injiirv to hone > t i.uliu' ttinn any otbei
In A met lea is closed tin 1SV > . The men in
contiol h.ivnsiuit the gates , not because they
iiltli delt er t ie four-legged staiec'Kuvs tint
limped aiiimid theeiH lo-ine six da sin evei\ \
week , 1101 bccatiso the } had any nione.v tm
the ollid ) bo\s and } onng cletks uliom
their criminal svctelii of iramli Ing lias
templed Into lobbing theli emplovets ,
bit the hiiman vleliins have been to tin i
om.'hl } llccced that iiluckint ; Is no lon.'ct
| itoiitable and just at tliU tiitio when tlm foi-
loin dupes have got In Ilie end in theli le-
H inn ( s .nil hive no moil -v lelttiibuv po ils.
loith Mi'p the pnllco ol Coney Is a id aid
t thnndei loilh an c ; 1 dill it Iheiii hh.iil be no
mom vl ilatlon ol lau-.u Itii.'hlon , ft Is b -
vend oiicstlon Hi it a gen ions slutU ) ol I'm '
snolls has fnn id IIH wav into the possess on
ot thoio wlio-,0 duly it was lo cnfoicutho
Ohlci Suprilino Court.
COI.UVIIILIS , Nov. 1,7. The hitptenio court
this moi nin ; icnd ) ird a decision lioldliu thu
penitential } ' paiolo law piss. > d b } tlio last
lo.'islatiim to bu unconslitiitlonal. No de
cisions wcio aniiQunud In the Cincinnati
ehcllon ni.ind umuc'.i-t's , um on tin vail liiy
H tlm legisti } | : iTlio comt ndjuir ncd to
ThuiMlay morning , t
i -
A I'rnteatnrata Dnriiecl ,
Si. Loris , Nov. 17 , Thu Catholic jirnlcc-
toratcat ( Jlencw , Jfo. , tw rut } -six mile-i fioin
heio , binned last night. Nine Clnlbtlan
btothers and ulghty-.iyj bns weio In Ihu
liiilldlng allot vvliom ewanccl. Loss S00tjO ; ) ,
A Dakotc llAiik
Iovin : , N. H , , o . 17. The Mist Nation *
al bink of riaiiklngton , Dak. , nf which It ,
W Welch , ot this city , la preshu nt , hat > .oiio
Into voluntary liquidation. The depositms
and htoekholderK will bo paid In ( nil. The
MUM ; Is oveitaxation by the town und countv
authorities. A Jaige amount of block In luU
Suicide lu u Hotel.
NEW YoiiKNovlT , A in tn irlvlng the name
of J. W , Kvans rijjNteied at thi ) Ilnshuian
hoitbuliist nUht and was I'miid dead In the
loom this nmrniuir. hiiviiu Mint hlmselt
thiouih titerh < > .ul. IIa b bollevcd to bj liuui
Jacksonville , 111.
Olilo'n AiHltl < > r Kot Kreo.
Oiujiinuf , ( ) . , Niv. 17. Tao fitato audi.
toi , Kinll Kte-ewc .er , el. n/c > d with hhootln
v\lih intuutci kid w/ / I'llott , at thu Ned
hou-1mo ) ! , mo Simla ov nlitA 'v.ts
dl nar d 11 > i 1 1. hv.uln lic.iio
jia > oi \ \ r ,
Olfttlstono Tina a Volley of Faceti.B tit
the Scot" .
The War on llio DUsoliitct Itulee of
ItiiriunliDion Itoticleitult Ap
pears a lUfjninlst I'nrnell
alleiu l iiKllsh Sent.
Citnil&tonoinoii < ; the Knits ,
nniMirimii , Nov. 17. AVest Calder was
lmnd omel } dedinited todaj in homn of tlm
\lsituf ( iladstone Great clouds' enthusi
astic p'ople line the Mreits. ( iladstone ar
rived at : ! : iO p. in. The hill In which he H
Bpeaklng Is pie'ted with people.
Said he , I liaveaheadv point < d out In my
foi liter addiess that It is veiy possible tint
ban _ cneiuhelmlng mijorlty ol her num
bers Iho lush nation niklit picsi-nt somj de
mand 1 c xptcsxod ion , idem o , lioucu'i , that
liel.rul won d nevei foir her d ilv I i tlio
union and tlieemplie , thmuirshe infill ] iie
sent a demand toi a lai HIM liaise In I tie nuin-
a-'eincnl ol local nllaiis. AIU deinind ol
tills cliaiaitei , 1 deiliied. ought loiteelvo
the attention and icsiiect ot paillament.
blnce that deelaration 1'ainell has convcved
tome Iliiongh the medium ot
newspnpeis tlio sit esnon that 1 bad beltet
liame a plan foi unal goveiiimcnt lor lie-
land. I iitoposo now to iepl > to I'ainellln
an eiiuiill } ( onndenllal inaiinei. Doubtless
\ou uentlemen will not mention It , I'cihatis
m } til nls at , the taulo IICMONV duunlin : tii
ieKitus | ) vvlll mil uu ntlon it , but ni } le.i
Fousloi not complinwitli ! I'aineU'siciiitest
aru that though lieland vv , sites and
ivit.un v deceives re-jiecttul and favoi-
able attention , } ct until the eliclions
tlm Irish wishes ate constitution ill\ un
known. I believe I'atnell has me tor
a pel-son wanting expeiience in public Hie ,
ot one \\lin has not pio.ited b } cxpcili'iuc , il
1m lung lies to m ike m > sell
avohint.u } tot theneoploot lie-
land Instead ol the amhoilml doctois she
fends to tlu * house ol commons ,
It would M'liouslv ( laimu'e my
h tidied in my mind il the lnsli coiisilin- iltestion | s-holl d.iiNe It the
IHJ m tde , it ( .in enl be elfcrlhil } made bv
the givernment , iilthoiwh the goveinmcnt is
i.uhei silent on the subject nnd app > us
d hitii'llmsl to use langitw calculated lonn-
len 6 lens eas } then iclations with the put } '
to vviiom thev ouo mm h IhioiiL'li tne tiatisac-
tloiiMot the last pnliaiiieiit. It thepicMiit
govetnnicnt ( ( intitules , evei } milii tei ot the
opposition will ie < | tiiie to lie.u ibeii vievvsbe-
loieexpie.ssin his own. I'luis It Is lmpoi >
slide t4i .iccede to I'.n lull's kind Invltiitioli
The leiualnd i ol the speech was devoted
rapid lev lews ot vaiinus le'ilin.4 topii s , in
cluding toieign allalrsand disesiablishmcnt.
Thehaw Jlust lieT.unccl.
LONIIOV , Xov. 17. ( to thu Hn : . ]
The Bui meso expedition is bv no in 'ins
foiH'otten. U hts just leaked out that the
llvei tlotilla Is couponed ol ve.ssels ol a
draught unsuitable lor the mvUation ot the
uppci Itravvadil } and Imiiicd ptep nations
me making to icmeib tills delict. Tins is
iniloi lunate nnd will tend to ilelaj ( ieueial
I''s advance , 'lliocapiineot a lut- !
iiic-u vv.u vessel announced icccntl } must
not bo taken a& Impoit.uit. Tin ! \vat vesM'ls
pt Diumah aw .but bir cs whet eon aimed
nion"-'anf" stall mcd and vvliilo they lie made tlm icntci ol a
icsKi-efabU ) ' lesist.uico nndei piesent
eliiiiiiimanees , thov ate ol little elicit
autiliist an attack' In well aim vl Uiilisli HIMI- ,
ot-vvai boats sipjoi | ) ted b } powcilul nival at-
tlllei } . An\i , iv lot the tale ol tlio totei n
icsideiits in the eounti } irio" s intense King
Thebivv Is not eiedned with henu poll u
enough to hold them as ho-.ii4 ( > - > toi the pin-
pose ol maUni ; tetms with the invailcis. HP
IsiKliseoinu hi lite , vihose cateer has been a
constant one ol hull liciyatid raiilne.tind he
is likely lo lollovv Idsoun m thoilsindedini ;
with the unfoitun lie people in his hands.
Wai has been iieiidinx siwu 1 71 , but the
hesitation ol the Indian gmeinmcnt bad iiv-
en i Ne ton iiractlcal distinct in intctu'iitinn
In the m nils ot m inv enieipiisliu meichants
vvhiixe lives aie HUcI } lo be the penalt } foi
their advcntuiou.s nailing.
Dion rtinicicaiilt'ti Afa
Nivv : VOIIK , Nov 17. | bperlil lo tlie Hi p. ]
The Herald's London ctblo says : A dis.
pat < h Mates that MM Dion Houclcntilt on
ie tiling the notice in Iho Melb mi IH < pipci ol
her InisbiiKl'rt m iiii.uc to Miss Tlioi ndll.e.
said : "I cannot nn I MS ) ri I it. S i no time
ago 1 began a divoice .Hill a Min t m > bus
baud In New VoiU. Hum le.uilt appealed
against the amount ol alimonv avMinled by
the com t. and then it was icdiiccd b } halt.
biibscipienth at Hie incut icipicst ol my
elder i liildum. 1 witlidtew the suit. "
"Will von icnevv it'.1"
" 1 sh ill bo cntiiel } guided by my lecal ad-
vl = or , Mi. Hllbs , and by my childien s
wishes1. "
Mrs. Hniielcanlt i-eeini to be niirrnundrd bv
vahud nlends and lelaiives , who have lalli. d
atoiind liei to uphold hei In a light toi her
childien'H lights.
I'ainoll Afier an I ; | | | Kent.
Kivnii'ooi , Nov. 17 I'aniell has con
sented to contest an lils'i ' dlstiVt In this city
loiaseat In ptillament at Ihu eo ning elec
tions. 'I ho National league has cn agul
looms lei theliish leid i lo c.onduct hisi tin-
pauti. I'aniell ami Thorn iI'ouei O Con-
noor , member nl piiliament 101 ( ialvv.t } , will
canvass Livcipool next vvi ek.
A Koclullsl SniinV'd Out.
C \ isii , , Nov. 17 , Socialist Mesck. enn-
vldid of the mnidei ol 1'ollco Conn-elloi
Knmpir , at Ki.inUfoil. on t m nhiht ol .Iniiu-
liitv ft last , win beheaded todiv Ho pto-
teste 1 to the l.ibt that ho \ \ Intiocu U ot thu
Decidoil lo tin Ille-iil.
AVvstiiM.lov , Nov. 17. Tno M'cielnrv of
the inieiioi and AssNtanl beeiel u v .lenl.s
today lieaid an ,11411 n 'lit in the eisi ol tlio
Northern I'achic Uilhoad i omjian } vs. ( inll
totd , t Miller , an ap.iual lioin Hie decision of
tlio commlssionei ol the hint ollice. Tlie
( piestlon at Isstto Is of gieat intetesl to tint
lailionl min.U'rs. as It involves III * ilht ol on thij put ot t to govoinim nt
ol lan'.stoi Indemnlly paipov ) , Tne eo'ii-
nilsMuiiei decided that faiah wltl.diauals
vv 10 Illegal.
_ _
Cattle anil Itooiner.s at OKIalieinia ,
W VSIIIN iiiiv , Nov. IT. - Co iimlssloner
Atkins to-diy i ecelvcd the lullouiii , ' dKptlch
ti oni Captain Lee , act in , ' genetal tit the
Cheennu and Arapilmj a'enci' , in Ihu In
dian leiiilory : "Allot tltocittluof tlmeattlo
coinpinlcs have been lemoved liom the
leseivailnn. Tuous tnd-i ol eattlo have been
Illined loosn in Oklahoma to gla/e. One
hunrjteil and tvventv b 10,11 > rs hue been
artested and biouubt to 1'oit K'lioillila the
pjnt ten dah , ami tioops aio till out. "
Western PostintiMlDrri Appointed.
WAt > iiiNiio.v , NUV. 17. Thd poslmi'ter
general to day appointed lau following toiutli
class postniistc-ib :
lllliioia-Nov/ nulas , Henry A. ( Sicen-
ing ; Moix > , John ( i , Hcny t Ashlatid , Jubepli
it. Illinium ,
low.i llo'imr. O. A. Near.
Dakota D < il ma , . ) , H Johnson ,
Prcelelcntinl Appointment" .
\VArJin.sti < i.v , Ne > v. 17. The prmlrt nt
thisalfuruc iiapi liitc.d John Campbell to
U ) WIP > vnr jcenernl ' / , , , " > ' 't"m.1If''i * tlm
' ' H-iibncklu
port ul I'nlade n'lia and
tdboioi ocUir w eiibtoms lor the otstitct of
'T'm ' president to-day appointed Wllb tin K
llu riU'i t' rs poHtmastci at I'
vice * U. b. Jliuclekopu , n-Mgncd.
An linpot ( nut Suit Ini otrlne A Itoudlo
ol' Wealth.
l'r Mot\r . lovvii. N'ov. 17 fSpeoinl to
fie Hi i ] V vi r } impdilanl and sensational
Milt was bemin In the United Mates eiicnlt
eouittodiu bv , the firm of It. T. WllMin \
Co. , of New \otkand ( -orgla J , builders of
the Diagonal i-ailuud , Uk'Miii'-t H. L. ll.iid-
Ing , lite pn till nt of tlm Des Mollies ,
( KrioU itsSoithtrn rallroid. lleni } btlvcis
and P. ( ! , Jones , nianngei and general
fielght a rent of thu Mine roul. 'Hie suit is
biotight lei i1"iOthX lo hccine piuient for
nionc } advanced lo the parlies named upon
alleged fraudulent r.-piesent itloiis The
plalntilfs allege Hi it thev veto induced to In-
vist this uioiie } in bunds ol the D \Iotnes
iV : ( Mo ila load upon the leptescntatlo'i b }
Hirdltiit and Stivers that the line waspnj-
iii' ' , v hen a a mallei ol tnct it was not niak-
h g iniinlng CMien es , I'lie plalnlilTs. in
tiii It pi lltioti ( Him th it the den inlants dc-
eii vi d them as to the amount ol moss and
ni t e.irmntrs ot that mad , us to the amount
ot ( oiupU tedmlle.ueol the i out and as tot'.o '
auoiint ol himded ludeblcdiii ss ol the 'und
Imlnnd bv tin 3 alleged lludnlelil ic | uv
sentalioiis , so th > - plalntills avct , thev wi'to
b d topilti li.ise < HHtiin ) ol bonds ot the DCS
Monies A o-Koli ladwav , whhh thc\ claim
ati < woillilcssnml tor this ICIMIII bilnu the
suit iiaiiud. Mi llaiilni- . the litsi ninud
deleiidaiil. jsa le-lilenl nl Ihiseltv , an enct-
tretie , enleipiisim.itid public splnU'deill/i n.
I hioiuli Ins ellotts ehlellr tlm i its seemed a
Hue opera liou-e , u'luin elev.uoi , bank billhl-
In. .u ill oiliel ImpioM'tiicnts , Tlm eithci de-
lend nits ale lc sideuts ol O-teola The out
( onmol the&iiitlsavvaltid withgieat Intcivst
Klu ; Ijcnrneil It Was Ixnulcd.
On UMW v. la , Nov , 17 , At 11 a. m. to-dav ,
MlbS Molllo Meeker , aged 17 , In compaii }
with anothci } onng hid ) In hei homn at
K lib v Ilie , la , was phiiiii with a icvolver ,
ami banteilngl } leveled it at hercompinloii.
dciuandltig hei money en hei lite , and snap-
pcd the pistol without cilcet and then point
ing the pistol In n piuv tul iiianin i at bet own
head , snapped it win n II vvas dl-eliaigi d the
ball eiiteilin ; neai tlm center ol hei loieheid
and comiiu mil HIM bid , nl the eiriipon the
leithidool the head. Miss Meikci died at 1
o clock.
Ifon- the * Mlwhtj llnFallen. .
DrsMuixis Iowa , Nov. 17. ( Special to
the Hi i J-Onc ol tlm tinnier noted dcmo-
ciatle leaders of Iowa , l.egiand Hvlngton ,
ten a lung lime a resident ol low.i City and a
livid with Hem } Cl.t } Dian fur coppei-
hctd honors ilinlni ; ( hi ) vvai. vv is Indicted a
lew ila.vsugo.u ( laiiudi on iK.iaige ol c\-
loltingmime } bv tltteais. A icipiisltion on
tlicgoveinot ot nus Nssttcd b } ( im.
bhciiiian. and lUinul'Mi was toitnd In
Kan- nnd bioiuht to Clai Ind i , vv hcie he Is
nou him ; in jail awaiting tital al the nuxt
teiin ol comt.
Sln.forlty 0,711.
Dis MOIM-S , la. , Nov. 17. lEctnini re
ceived b } the iceu t ii } ot state li''i ' evei }
count } butiuht give i ibee ,
icpiibllcan candid ite for got 11101 , n
majoiitt ovitbitinir \ , fitsu n candi
date , of (1H5. ( Wiiu'lit eniintv lejimts
eiid-ollii a'l > : . icpiibliian miioiiiv ot r > r > ,
which a tot U icpiiblicin majoritv ot
li.i-tl. Mkkle\vait , piohibilioiust , teceived
i.i'Wote - > , and Dot } , , , trii rlit gieonbackei ,
THE initiisVIIONGS. ; .
The IJnilc'il Htntos Coinos in for a
Sluirn of Ilia Dciitincliitionn.
Nn\v Vonic , Nov. 17. The Itlsh Woild , in
Its next ls > u > , vvlll p ihli < lt a loiu lelt'r from
l.ouis Kiel nuclei date of Hatoche , Ma } rt last.
The editor pielaces It b } sang ! t'i ' it it
reached him May IS ; that Kiel was then a
jiil-one ] , and th it its publication was with
held lest it should picjudi o It Id's case. It
consists of Kiel's btiiy ot the half breeds'
wiong > , nnd dcnuiul ilion ol in : l.unl
and Kn lislinien. He nccn-es tlie
Pn I si | ot land lobbei'es In the
\mthvvest In lie und , bcotland India. Ans-
ti.illa and the ) islands ot the Indiin ocean.
P'cn the United sl lies , hesns , has peimit-
tul them to leiompier without piotest , by
od'tipanrv lei eat tin gia/Ing. enough to
make M'veial l.irsre states , and chiiges Pies-
idcnt Cleveland and .scddaiv Hivaid with
] nUiinillie I'nilid State , in the position ot
an all } ol Piu-land In putting doun the
Voithvvest lehelllei' , ' v allnvvltu Iltitisli sol-
dei-.iiid ammiini ei to pass over Ameii-
( .in laip.'ilds jind pii.iiittlng fedeial Mildiei-i
to t..idi , Vie UticenS Own the tiso ot the _
Ao Omaha M.III'M Troulilufl.
Cine voo. Nov. 17 ( Special to the Hii' . |
W. II. Hiuvvitdl , ol Omaha , was planted a
\\tit of liabcas un | ins In Jtidgo Collins yes"-
tciel iy. He uas aliimt In be taken homo on a
cipilsitlon dial -tin. ; hi nv ith the cmhc'/m
ol r > 0and with bdiigalu.Mtivotiom jn-tice.
His petition was to the elicit that be had been
M-nt lioin Davti'ii , O. , In .M.i } lust to o.ien a
biancli lot ISiowncIl A. Co , ol Davton. He
was to | uld s7" > a month and tuvclln cx
pen-is The nspci Intent not stieeessln !
and hiu'inploveis weie dls-atisiied He to
sliincd and went to Moline. Ilk. claiming thai
\\asdiielinn im his hcivucs. lie went
to. ) K liiiiVMtell III this dt } iKi'ittl } .ind
asked lot Ins money , but uasaiicstcd on Iho
charge oi embe//leim in.
Aelo Alioiit
TVCOMX , W T. , Nov. 17. riio public com.
mltlic.ippointcd to iiueslL'.ite the expulsion
of the ( lioin thlseil } on Novembei , !
hiibinitlcd theli lepoit la-t night. It elemon-
the l.n t that not a single Chinaman
Mtlleied bnilllv Injui } . nm was any ol their
pmpcilv de-lio\ed The entice tness ol llio
icpoit ii atle-led by twentv-.nie ol the lead-
hit ; cltl/eiis ii jiie-enliiig the biiiMiu , com-
meuial. le 'iil , and oihei intcie.stsol the city
und county.
Comprnini-cil llio Cl.uni.
Mrvi'iiis. 'lenn. , Nov 17 T. K. Hrowt
of DCS Moinis , la , lliu l.u'e-t ctedltor ot the
old ell ) o | Memphis , to-lay compioiuiriid
lilsdalm ofSiliOOX ) to the satisaction ! of
I'lcsideiil I ) . P. lladden nnd Ids colleagues of
Hie Inndlng bond. 'Ibis \ . \ )
a I oniKiandinn i ( alms ol thu old ( iiyot
Menipbis , ulildi orniinalh amnunted to
nbout his und u half million ot doll.trn.
Now Voile 1111. * fioeieln ISevlevv.
Nl w YOIIK , NeV. ) 17. Demit stlc cotton
goods I'xputtb fen the \viek have be-en D.-117
paek.iges , and foi the expiicel put linn of Ihu
.vcai atotalol I .IM , against ! ' ) : lei thu
snmi > lime last } eu. In i on > iiiieiic ! | ( ) of llio
luncial ( d H. H. Claillln biislnchs has been
veiv lately siinpendnl as : i tunen ol icspccl
to the do ul muchant.
Killcel 11 } PallliiK Oro.
ST. J'AIJ Nov. 11-Pioneer
, . - PiosH Ach-
land , \Vls. \ , spicjal : Allo'cloik thlH moin-
Ing a laigo section ot eiio lo'l ' upon men \\oil > -
In. ; In the noilli vein ot Colb ) mine ,
1 lei man Ilupeit , M. , lli i.nan HIIJH n , ji. ,
Chat \VaiigKtid \ and ( htiles Kangtiwiio
killed , and another mlnei vvasbadl } injniid ,
'IhuOKI tell thiiluvo KU.
DenoiiiirliiK Kiel' " Donth.
Ni.w YOIIK , NeV. 17. Thu libJi-Amorlenn
Uniiin , at.t nieullng lu nl/lit , passed rcbolu-
tloll.s dcnouiK IIIL ; tlm eMclltioli of Kiel tin v ,
judicial immh'i. and uiglng tlm Piendi-Ciina'
ellatis to bilng limit jniivlnci ! into ( ho union
and emeu into thupalo ot Amciitan cili/.cu-
blllj ) .
Itlurilcieel 111. , lirolber.
Toi' KA , Kan , Nov , 17. News in received
that mar Periville , Miu an Cenkidl nnd
hlx brother ( ee rgu iitiaiie'i ' I. I'he foin.ei
llllt ( Jcdige dad. 'I he meideiu
'I he biollieih nut ij i Hid Hi ) , 11 . ' ' " ia-
tor Cwkidl.
PP1I I IM TMl Ol VT * T'niPP
PountU the Ivories hi R ITost Ee-
niarkablo Mautior.
'llu1 I'MMti'tminn Sni'c'oetls In
lu r In Kai'li of l'entrivi ) Hiu-
iiiKH Thn ( Jnine lu Detxll
Kesnll anelSuoro.
The Soe'oiid ( loine ortho Tonrnnnienr.
Cmi .veio , Nov. K I'no second night of
tlie tourteeti-liieh bilk line totn immcnt drew
a largo amHeiue to Cen r 1 MiiHlctnl , but
not HI huge as that on Muiielay nluht , \ ig-
nanx'sdeti'al In sin < s < ) ii JMVO rKi l < > the belief -
lief ttiiilhi ! vumld hive little chance agnlnst
Slnefcr , and the litlei was tint favoiitn at
oilds of two to erne , ami fuel } luckeil at
that. Considerible iK'tllng wtisdoue on tlm
iim-llon of aveunte , ten tWM'ven betiu liM
that It VMiitld not In * tw ent.v the. Kcluuiler
\\oii tbi'b ink dtosiiho black bad and linked
IhehjolV siiol. Until nu'ii slartod slowly
but in tbetoiitlh n ling bdmelir got A
M'lul oil and gilb > iiiil awii > with tk hi
run oH i y. mi'-clng : at lust on an easy ji
tlon dl , ns shot PII Iv one ball ot Ilih mn
was made in iv.-mai lialk line position ,
w hii It lie geit twin mi dillcti nliails. .ScJia I-
1 1nm m d lu thu ultli iiiiiiiiu' a Atio
llbisliatloii ol all jioiind iiillhitets , nnd Ids
miss vas a haid dra\v to Ihu cnshloii. Ills
miss in the sixth was a mass' ) nliol whc'ti the
ha iseie lines : ) , uain-t ( no cushion. i
Attheendot Hie nisi ludf oi the huvcnih
InniincSihaeiei's total was 'j | 7. ( gainst tor
Vlginnx. .sdiaefei s I'mhth , which eiuled
on a inlssicl masse , look him to ttO , . ' Jimt
'JO I iioints idie.-ui.
Vluii nix geit well Htniled for A itinJiiit
cndid at t ! . ) wllh a liee/oand an un-mc'eiwuliil
bank -hot. He got to going luain in llio
ninth und did somestioni. ] ilalng , hutnpttad
the b ills ulti and mt-si d u bald lllii e eu-ll-
leni siuiU He did iiinih better In lliu tenth ,
\\henbilineleiliadl.nlixlon an ovcr-hU'/jid
oils cllnt I and now did MHIID vciy MIDID ; ilinl
stead } plavlng. \s a dispt.i } uf bl.-ilatd
skill tins vvas n iciuaikahle.cildhUinn , for
he made almost evei } Loneelvablei shot. As
he beat Sch id ei's inn ot 1W the llu erinir
vvas loud ind litiiu and at'aiii when hi ) tied
bdiaetn si i lie. W In n al last tlm loielgncr
stopped at r.T on a haul cushion shot , the call
was v i uaiix in ,
bdmeiu showed ii httiiin and nudee-isy
misses in Uu1 next two Innings. Uoniicjoii
palpable M i.ildi in thu IhliUiiiilh but eunlil
not i.ike advau.ageof It. Again inlhufoui-
teenth lie tell down on aneasv position dtxvv.
Vhrnuivwas also nervous and in Ids four *
tei nth fmldlid u goixl bieik by u laitlty
diavv shut , bdiieii't inns i aught hit wind
air nn and t.itlh d oil li'J hand-oiim billi.'rd * .
Vlmi.uK vv ts mil to I o ciuidoiie in laltvlnir
povvei. In his sixty tided shut ho col out of
.1 tight pi , i' ' e villi a , : i ind three eitsiiion
ot gient dillicmtv , and on o moiogot jmshcs-
sion ol the balls , nnd with u inn iirw ! Ifuik :
Hie lead aifaln , 117 lo ill Sdiadii was now
bull } deiuoia'l/cil ' , and lot lour inniliis
missed the pi Intnhuis. . \ ipn.tnx kept up
his vvinidiiliil avoid ol no niiiuk IUIIIIIK- ,
and In his nlncitentli pts-ed to
btnng vvllli a run ot Ji. ticoie , Vlgiuvnxdli ,
behaelet 'i'.N.
.Schacli -cemed to trd settled In Iho tvjn < -
t-m-t inuitiL' , when he made n. mn ol t > 7 ,
but it ende I In .1 misoi an ordinal y ( oow | [
shot , and lei t the billin a heap lorMgn tux ,
who fan .I. In llio iwt < nl-seconiriiii'l IWnn-
tv-thiid innings .sohaeici .spJaj wm pjtil'nlly
weak , lie bad plentj oi BII\HWI-U | \ ) put' ! ! ) n
blgiun and win ilii'L'tnne but It vvas not in
him. Vn-D.inx took his time , and with a run
ol lOelosvd. in the tw utv oiuth Innliur , II o
most icmarkabe giuno In billl.trd , hhtciry ,
a game \\itliontii sinKlob.aiik Iniili ) ; oli-hiH
.side f
VL-naux 7. U. ! > . 7 , < . ) , t , 'Jo , 2T ) . U.b'.1U ; ,
11 , 111. NS , II , .i7 , isJd , .i , l , lit , 'J. ! , 10. Tt * { 11 ,
( Kl ) > . ,
S ( h.iefer-0 , a , 0 , r : . ' , n. in , Z" . ) a , 5. 81 , 2 ,
"ii , t. y , tin , 'J , i , i , o , o : i7 , oi , t > . T } &
nightst runs : vign.uu , lf ( , 8 < 5. , 17.
Schaefii , I W. Is ( , „ > .
Avcia.'es-Vignaiix. 'J' ; Sclnler IS , HJIM.
Time of gai nc , J hums and M mlinitcj.
A UljlM ) MIAN'S hTtlllV. "
Tlility Vo.irs of D.irknuhH With I'o
in. lie Lieutenant oI'Hntiio.
XMMIIMIO , N. Y. , Nov. 17. | Spedal to thci
Iii.- ! : ] Htijli McCtiin , ( > ! jears old , a blind
man , dialled with ninideilng hiH vvlfo ,
elnimntcd his cane on the matting of'tho
cuiiit-iooin llom as lu1 sat Uclng Judge )
Itarnaid ( luting the pro.'iess ol his tiliU- {
Monda } . His laee vvas white as HIIUVV. Ilia
ji iv hah was niulv bitished baek fioin hlu
oieliead , and Ids lips weio tightly druvvn lo-
( llici Not a intlver ol mnsdo was vlsllile.
I'hi ! tihd was ono ol llio .slimiest murder
ulalh on iei onl. Itteiok twenty minulr * to
( 'etajniy Iho jiiis ) < eutlon oie.upleei unly
ono bom in piesenting thu e.i.'Je. , du-
lenso \ \ , is Ivvlce as luui ; und tint dull go oc
cupied only nve minutes. The old man told
a sti.iightliiiw.ini sior } vvhen ho tool : , tlio
stand : " 1 m.uried m\ wife In iarH , " hi1 mild ,
' anil we1 had tmee i hi elie'ji. In 185" > niy uyca
vveiebloNtii out mid 1 have imvir ijeen.ihu
llghtslnee. My piopetly 1 elecnled to 'my
vv lie altci losing my i'os. On mine
iin.s , HIU | wasiool louaid mo ; iiho hwl con-
tiol of thf ! mone } and I e mild ircl nom ; Itoni
hei , nnd had lo put up with hei lieatmrnt.
! ! } she whip ted mo and
times lind me attih.ed on trivial cJiarges.
bho never icidvid a si'ratelt : imm
mo In her Ilie bho was und of
tlio inlliie'inu ol liquor tor thico
months In loie hei deathvvlihh vvasi'tttiseil by
tailing nvvi a pile m v.oodon the Htoop mid
sinking on a ua stone iH'tinv. on thai S.vt-
iiid.i } woiptaiielid and xliohtiuck moon ( .ho
head , iiiiiii bed me in die. i-toimicli , hi ) nm vilti
aiplteii ol ( oidwooil anil plnciuei i.ey ( li-'ch
and head. Then I piislnel hei and ahu tell
against a dom. When I h allied nho wai
hint , I did eveitlilng I cntiid foi iMi.lml
MIIC eoniliiiied to alm-e me. hlie nntob < i4uc *
tiona In ni ) path , 1 had Icaimsl lo walk tii |
well and tin. w mo di > .vn. 1 novel hit tick
III1 ! Wllh III } list "
JmU'c llunaid ehaigcd dm juiy titrongly
In tin ptisomi slavoi and in an hour he wu.1
ai ( jtillti d Thu comt loom lang wllliap.
planse , and Iho od man was warmly con >
'llio Apiilli.'Hliuii \ llhelravili.
II Mtu oni' ' , CeJiin. , No\ IfTno ujipllro/
tiou ten aiceclvci 101 the ) Chattel Oak LIU
liibuiaiiioiunijiaii } n , us been \Yllhdiavvn ,
Catarrh Cured
( Vilarih Is a very prcval'Mit illscajf , nlth
dl tren iiM ami ollcnuvn siiiitoins. | llood'w
Parsaiiaillia gives ready relief ami ipcrely
nure , ii em Mm I.rt It actti through the ItlouJ ,
* nJ thin n ai.hc'3 CM r } pari uf ilie s/stcin.
"Isuffci ilvMihratarihtlftfcnycari1. TaoV.
Hood's Kars ipai Ilia and 1 ninmit tumbled any
vllh catanh.ainl my iciie' ; health IH mw h
bitter. " I.V I.I/.I.IN / , Postal Clerk Clilcuuo
& Bt. I.uulu lUilreutl.
" 1 tulle red with catarrh core trlcel
many wemilc'fu ! uiroi , Inhihru , cto. , r.penii *
liienoarl } nnc hiiniln ( lilollarswltlioutbcncllt.
1 tiiiil ilooil'd Sirr.ipjrllli , unit \ra.i yrcally
lrni > ro\c J , " } l. A. Aimuv , Worcester ,
Hood < Farsip.irllU U clnradeTUeel by
tlnru i eciih.nllle < i 1st , thu coniUiuttlon fit
rciiifib d iigents ; sd , the proportloni U , tlw
of securing the actlvn m 0citikl !
s. 1 lie result it u nu ellrhio of unusual
h , rffc'ClliiB cuirs 1 Illu-rto nnHiirma.
he lid for bejol. cenitlluhig aclilltlnnal evlilrnco > ,
hinini.trllli Innci up my aysteiri ,
I > mllUsiiy I , hliiiii'iiaiiiy.ii'i dlfo. ana
H CUM 10 111 ID IHU I ! ( ' ! . " .1 , J'.TllOMl'BOtf ,
ticKlbtci ut DtciU , J.mMll , Mass.
" IliineVi BirKip.-irllln bcils rll oHn-rs , .iii
l Ip'll. * I. AUI11.XIJTCK
Mood's SarsapaHUa '
HoW by . ' 'I ' < lrti''fMi. ! ( $1 i l for $9. Mk < Ml *
o" y by < ) . J. 11001) ft : o , Jxiwrii , MSAJI. \
Doses Ono DoMurM