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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1885)
TJTtt QUA HA IJKK , 'JTKSDAY.XOVKMBKK 17 , 1SH5. T1IR 'DAI HY UK 10 COUNCIlT BLUFFS , NOV. 1 ? : : KO. 12 r nri street. 1 n'or 11 J iiirlm In i ny J art of t ! oclty nl twill ) K fin I LI ntttt. ) l W.'I'll f < N , .MINOR .Mi\T10\ . ) ! i ilrr , tintiilir , for f. H Tin ic h to Ini : flnni'i' in ( tranijo Inll , ( JntiH'i touiNiip , on Tiinl ) ! % Ki\iiitf ou'ii- Jmj Pi'milto woil WHyoMlotiluy jrUon i Lloyit sinltli. nl NTroIi. and .Mis r.v.-ui L. 'J < ir in r , of 1 > nuilli1 , 111. Tin' initvnr JIMS iiiiolhrr n fi > rmit : < u\ -ivrt I ! < roiiuntMiui'H ut tin1 wrong i-inl III' lldS ht'IlUll Oil tllU JKMlll' ] . ltii < _ i' stninjH : iin ! water , 'it a ilf.itli of fi'M-nu fii-t , . o .zri'.itly liotlioiiny tin1 liwiili tli oi A on MailiMjii strci't. .Sf\f > Hum * WPUI MiirU'il in , toik on tin' m'Wor ilitHi ji"it na.v.nnl ] . . the foil1'1 H tu lw J.ugiily TniireiiM'il HOOD. 1'notnsoii UK ; ppi'oml tloor nf ll ' oily j.til anin ili'inniiil non Tin ; nnli at Ili'i ' loiluIiiK plum1 i" jru'Utt'r fur lllnlltlln | > ! Hl W < As Mi'yc-r havi' ntnilo nrrmiKf- iiii'iiU for niiini : iti { ; tlii'Mknlitipiink ; , tml tnti'ii'l ' Jfiiin it. nut for li ills nml untcr- UJimiinit ) this bi-amn A horse stolen Sunday nl lit from Wil liam Lewis' Jviin , has lit-cn fcund liy Al.ushal Httf-i , Jjuttlii' bridle nnil j-.ulillo , valtKil nt $10 , : ti i ! still misMii . The | : i\inj , , of North Sei-ond short wis oonipli'li'il hint I'VcniiiK : it 6 IW o'nlot'k U In ) lilooliH ire boiii tlijiivi'ii'il , and nv line will .IM > bu coinplrlt'il in .1 few ll ! > H A S. } \ < "M li'ts ' ne.irly conipJetrd IIIH now lesiileneo in I'alinern ; ; to\e on .Ki.uiKl'm slii'i I His : inirooinud IHW-O and is to liivi : > till thu inodern iinpioNO- Jiients Revival meetings wilj be b'jiun to- iiijjlit sit tlw Ali'lhodirtt mission at tin1 ror- Jier of JsKlh : i\i'iiiii ! and Sivteenlh stieet. ' 'ei vices will be inild nightly dimiiK the AM'ok , bi'jjjiimmj.1 .it 7 DO p. in In in uoliing iiom the jail to tlio coiuL jooni will ) the < j in" jesterday inoinin .Inhnmni , i-olwi'il , n.itl a watch * loli n fiom his pot-Let. It was found l.itur in tlio day nml ivim baek to him. homo ar < > ui cad v being named n t probablu e.iiulidalos for eitv olliccr" at thu ni'Nt spring election. Theyaro jnob- ablj named tlim e.u l.y bee.iiiso this } \\ill liavu M > lo i nn tictoru they gt'L tin 10 The funcial of Mrs. C. Persp ichcraa hold yeslouiay afternoon from the Cilh olio church and largely Jiltended Tlio family deshed thioiixh thu lli.i. to i-\pi CM their thanks to their m.uij'fiii nils for thu s m ] > ith and kindivhs Hhoa n in many wiiydniinjj hei illnes-H and at t'lc ' time of hoc de-ith and imier.i ) . Yest < rday nf ( < irnoon O licor Inllen ) iinl oi"'n-ion to sliool .1 ilojj , whieh acting elj on liioadway. Tim of- liei r lired tltiee nhot beloie the doijy.ue up tlt < > ghost Onuollhe b.ills glanced 011 tlio Hlmu ; ) > , i\iii , and n.tnowly missed hiltin a uiitlrinaii and l.idy. In phootin ; ; In tbu stieetn this fchould lie thouglilof. Tlw ji.img stories an1 wi 11 eal'Milatcd foi bulls to uarom on , and great o.tio should be taken. The piojivt for orginiying a eompiny for the eneoiirageiiu nl of mannlat tm- injjheie. in inc 'tinjj with coiiHiderablo fa\or. It is piopo < < ( d to have a , hundred filu'.reh. ofV1.030 eai-h , and tlio comp.iny Ixi divide Una tl"D)00 ( ) nnioug m.uial factories. It is believed that in thih w.iy n qnaiter of u million of ean bo huenud in manufaetiiiing lieie , and tne local capital would bo ili-Py iinisti-d. Such a inovn will Imlp the eil } -ii itlv. TJio projuckiihoiild not bo allowed to die out. Thtiio i a .strong piobability of the netive business men of the eity organiz ing for the pnipoio of buciiring ne t , bpiintyn btismi' s for mi\or. : It iner I'OIIIH il I Shift's nee < led a nun who ean e < ) inman < ] leopuot and e\eit inllu- euro , it IM nuw. Tin 10 aio borne ehanues opi ning up , mid il tlu ; eity im- piovcs lluhi' opiioitunitii'.s , it inunl have as its iwpgni/iv.1 head a man of life , ro- Sjionsibilily , and one who kninvs how to talk biihlneKto biuine.-a men in a busi ness way. The public bns been watehing for some time to see what would be thu first arreht made 1)3' the mayor's pel , Nngunt , whom ho lint on the pollen lorco. The event has -it last airhed. His first olli- cial acLlfi in keeping with the man. A young man from the round y drove 1'ito the city with tno maiden ; ; fair , am ) liituh- ing the horco to a post Iho tlio went to this matinee. AfJor the hhow they1 took sonic oystcra. Nugent notteing the horho and buftry hlanding so long on the street nrrcstcd the hoi > o tor vagrancy. Ho put the rig in n Jivur.v stable , but forgot to jnako ai record of it at polieo head quarters. The young fellow finding his horse gene imported to the polieo that it had been .stolen and a long hunt was made for it. At last mime one chanced to speak to Nugent about it , and he re- membeied where he had placed it. Hav ing made thin glorioiiH uaptmo , ho probably rcobon hi.s laiuelti. Notlco to Tc In view of the change to be made in the conduct of this olliee , no certificates will be insiiud during thiH year , evopting to thoao who are to teach this winter J. AI. MATTIIKWb , Co. Stlpt. . Judd & .Smith's Kloetro Magnetio Insoles. Only fiJty cents. No. 1)0 ) Fourth St. , Council liluiln , Iowa. AgentH wanleil. The very linont fnnges , fine silk ) ) luHheo , line upholstering of every do- hcrlption , foot icsl.s , ottomans , cot nice poltiH , window hliinleH rind all kinds ot interior drapings the very eheape-t west of Chicago. C'all on K. btookoi t Co. , No. &U Brondway , Couneil UluJls. J'erHonal II. O , Jleniew , of Uenlbon , was in the oityyestordtiy , -Mrs. C. WoJloy is quito ill. but it in thought hho will reemer. II. C. Chouo3" , of the Sioux City route bns rctiuntil fiom Ids eiibU'in trip. Harry HiandcR , of Omaha , was taking ndrivo : U'oimd the Itlull cbtciday after- noon. Herbert Hood has returned from Hous ton , Toxaa , where ho has been with n car- JOHU of horsea for the Wells , Fargo tV Co , IXpress compat 1. Jlrs. T. A. Clark leturned yrntoidny from Qnlnoy , llllnoln , where she has been to sue her husband's sister , \vlio LHH been quite 111 , but who Is now better. I'incst display of nicorslmtim and fcmokers1 goods for holiday gifts , T. 1) . King & Co. , Cigars and Uobaceos , QKi Ihuuiivvuy , _ _ Try John ' "JUwo" Teniploton's cigar. Correct Abstracts of Title ami Heal Ks- tate Loans at MuAlulion V Co's , No , 4 1'oarl btiet't. _ The eleetiic belt ot Judd & , Smith , .10 Fourth htieut , Council Hlults , positively cures ilioiinialUin , neuralgia , d spepbia. piles , pat . ( lysis , indigestion , tits , cold feet , ner\oiihiies.s , headache , kidney and Jiyer complaints , loss of > ltalltv , 'lead pol ( = oniig | , laok of nerve foreo and \igor , wasting weakncho ol the o dNe , uf a peihoual natiiio in male and female , Lamps cheap nt Homer's , M Main St. WATCHIM ; OUT FOR FOYER , An Uiiitivl Aiuonut of C.ii.a'lan Jao J7 THE POLICE CLEANING STREETS. 3ln 1c ( n Itnllujijfl .unl A Viiilolj of Tow n nml Vni loimOH llenii. ' 1 bo Iliinl roi-Fojcr. Oil roadiiig in the llir. .v teiday nioin ing about Ueoige 1' . 1'ojcr , who nb-'condisl from IJlencoe , Out , about November 7 , withJ - .OIH ) of Canndia1. inoiii-y- which bdonp d to ( lie Ameiic'ii j express company , of which he vva n wit-v ; i liiimbei of projilo in thi eity thoit 'it 1 > 3 the deseription given tint they' ' een th'j fellow in this 1113' . Mr J. C. Mitchell , the tick , t agent , 01 the Wnba b and thoMi emi 1'aeilio mil- loads , who has hia oflloc in the mom with the American e\pio seompui3 , on the eoincr of Hroidwiy and Main stieitx. pt\s tliat whi'ii h < rea < l in the Hr.i : the item about I'uyer it icmindcd him uf a man who came into the cxpiess olliee on Sattlida.x. 1'ist in nueM of u jiackagc He sa\.s the dr MMijilioii t-illies \ith tliat of the mini wanted , only the ml bend was clipped as witn * > ci .oi co that il was tinmen and npi-ared ] ) as if it had been glowing about a month 01 soVoun ' Jim IJeebe tin1 ton of tlio 'gen ? , icinembers the man that Milchell ii.ft rte - * to , and can't remember the same that the package was to bo add * > * ° ' -d to. 'Iheio wus no package for 'he man Win n asked where the p ickage was lo be from the stranger gave anovisivo answer and * tumid for tln > door J'oth of tln"-c ] ) i' ] > ons agree an to his bi'ingii huge , sqiiaio shonldeied man , weighinjc about .00 pounds , but never hiving then he-nil of tin1 abaeoiuler , neither paid special attention to him , onl.S that hK at cent w is somewhat Kn- glish , and hi ) ipie .timsand.insWLisweio ( icinin kabl3' shoit and ( piiek It was fuither Ic-iined that on Monday , NoM'inHer ! l , a ' trangei aji ) | aied at tlio l'ir-t National b nk in this oily and had $ l-iuin , ( ) C.iii.idi-iii motile c\eiianged. In ion with thoclerk liomenlioned the fact that he had bought the money in Hullalo , N. V' . , Intondingtogoto ( anaiia , but on aeeount of the small pox Iheie ho I'oneludi d to come we .t , and eoiisc- IJIK nlly wixlud il clringed igain. YeKterd ty atlerucon nvin went into the ticket otliec. _ No. )0"i llro.idway , and asl.idfoia ticket to London , Can-ida .1. L DC lievoi'-e , the : igint , tool , him into the savings b.-'iil : on the coiner ot Main street and was Informed that ( anidiiin monej was rathei su"iieious ) moiuy to handle just , now. Air. Warner the Amcriiiin li\pic-s company detective , and Col lte < be , the agent for the c\pietH company , weicnotiiiul.and th'1 man was .niLhtid. It wau nioven , however , to tlio satisfaction of tlie'JO gentlemen that the s ! ranger was not the man wanted. Ho had a letter chow ing he had leeched 'JiJTiO ' fiom his wife. One thing tint looked suspicious was that m tiie 1-tler his wile requests him to "Hesme and sell the monebeloie leaving. " Foyer , the ab'-eondir , when in Omah.i gave the name ot James \ \ biting , and it is thought ho is in the company of a woman. Another stranger appeared at the Citi zens' bank jestoiday and got iin Cana dian money changed. From all that , can be githered it seems a plausible thcoi.v that Ftivcr is not 113 ing to woil ; oil the inorwy hini'-elt , but , Ih it he has sno- ceedeil in pl-ieingat least a pait ol it in the hands ol others. 'I he unusual amount ot Can money' being cashed heio and in Omaha , and the peiiohs cashing it ecitainl3 not } tug Foyer , gives color to this theor3' . It in tins part of the count 13' he ocitainly would bo simp cuou'li not to p/e ent hiniFcli in person at 11113of the bunks with Canadian money. List night aearch was made in r.ll the houses of ill icputc and such pl.ieca as Foyer would likely bo tound. Shorl ll.uid work and Typo Wilting. All kinds Kd Wiight. oil JJills it. ' 1 Iicin l"i. | Vest * ul.i3 w..s hileh a field ilay in the police comt aw liax seldom been known hero. The police , the night before , un der homo fre-h burst of I'ntliuMnsni , "lounded up" several good si/ed heids. This disieputablo part of Pierce street known as "rottun low" was visited , and abouta do/on women , blaok and while , were gathered in. Frank Adams' hotiM' was also pulled , and a largo number of colored gentlemen anesU'd Then theio was a feathering in of nevoral stray OUCH from oil' the btreels. In all there weio about foitj' cases to dispose of , most of them charged with > : igraney , which coveis u \.uicty of sins , ( iambling , pio-ititution , etc. , lu well us being with out visible means of supiort ) , constitute , vagiancj' . With this wide field the num ber gathered in was attor all only a annul poition of those liable to convic tion. Among the gentlemen of color weic "Pamnaign , " who is a coachman for ono of theaiidtoeratic families of the eitv , butho was diM'hmged ; Chailes Curtis , a. youthful politician , who is active at election lime. His ease was eontiniu d , ho having a biok child demanding his -it ) > Wild and Alex Jenkins , who work lei Mr Stiaub , were at once dli-charg ) d as being hard woikoin , ami not vagrants. Frank Adams , Harry d'recn ami Julius SoMers had their cases continued until Fnda.\ , and gave $ . 'iO bond1) . Ono of the colon d ganj" , hmith , \\.islrenlifioin Omaha , and was sen- ton eu I to go there at ome , and keep away from hero. Two of the .lohn.-on famllx were up , and ono was let go , the other wan released on his own reeoj/ni/aitoo to await fuithor investigation. Among the white wcio Chailes Sanlord , known as "Cute , "who remaiked that ho did not think ho liudiioM'deiy | 8111:11 : 1 to p tnm in , John Ahlen. who admitted that ho worked for Jim Wilson , in his gambling hoiieo , had his ca o dcfcaed , Lloyd For- grave alto had n continuance , Johnnie Maher got bonds , and was let out. In the crowd wasJ W. Knight , who used to l > o an Omaha pollcunan , and who Is Known as "Sandy , " Theie weie eleven women , whoso eases woiodHpofcc.d ol in vaiions wavs. Some wcio continued , otheis wore discharged , and H few were put on their trial , Not ono of them admitted being guilty , and ncaily every ono elaimed to Iw "woiking out. " Knch a large poition of them made this claim that the judge , in bidding the marshal to bring them up , told him mod estly to "bilng up the lilted gills. " May Alley was found guilty of being drunk , but her lien man paid the tine , William JoMVU'H , Charles Allen and John Hell weioehargiH ) with lighting on the MUM I with lists and bottles. Tneir cas-en were put oil' until this moininjr. Andlow Jlaxik wahchiuged with steal ing sK do/tin bottles of "H. H. , ' from Wheeler A : Haivld's place. Ills ease went over until to day. Albeit Caile and Mike Sodwlg wuo fined for being di link. The uuuilouii VUIB ciowdcd till da , } . 1 1.e ji ! # iiid o'liri ' i's ' w iok . , ifou 'In ' jimp and the .p. t i.ifors \ > r i. < lc di > of ill Hi . s U n'-i. | r. d tl . . uo PHI. 113 p ( Tj Iii , \i { < rd.n w lui h..d lint hili j cl"-1 ' ' " ' ' 1 ' 'iii ' sit HM'tnd md v i i-lv tin H i tiiiu itj' Win thi.uddi n i iidint ( > A go > 1 m .n arkid thai nm-tion jeM'Md'Hlinl n o"o i mild * po.ik oiithnritalivc y It was m a < jeoidiiK'e with the order ni thema.i'i hut whv he should 'o smldi uly eh inge i a wendi r. It may lo thu lie w is o a > hained of the r < | in t ntilons ! In hi * 1 iloly Hindu in the Clncairii pnp is thai , 'o coneludi d to hii\e a. sjiiut of i.foim t nialtrs little wlrit the imivor's object ' i If hiunh ido ins up the eitv some by getting ild of ' erne ot the lonfi H nnd pio-stilntc-5 , he'ill do will. . , ' r.inp-4. ( iiilnml Mirtt , 1'n- illuiit Monies nnil Hut ) Jio.Ufs of llicet' , \ ltti-t . .mttoriiit : IHM ! toeh inli'c , til ppci vV MdJii-X No It Al iln strocl l > ervoiiiibininn JlivnN mnth tnf T I H King A Co , in , i cb'iuec , fiet' , ill tlio I i at ilraw ing , Drcombi'i-'Jl. . } illov.inpt the change uf lime by Uie ' f 'His i-Uhviiys oomes a Hmn.pj f tliili1 ing i "Is Cut this nut iml pa to ji for K'fi'reiuv Ounilin , Neb , M5'iuti Villiy , lotta , Omah.i and Mi Cook. Ml'-omi Vnllev 'Hid CliMdion , 'lioiu Cit. > uml Alt ouri Vale3 ! U.'Ua m. O.iiaha , NtOi. , Omaha ami At 'liion B O'l a. in. Marlon ami Council lUnfl's , 1'uilingt and Council UlullWi' t l.ibiil.v ind i CutiiH il 1'ilnlVf Coital ItapiiK and ( 'n un cil llluli' , Couneil lUull xnd K ins ( . ' 113 -l ! a in ' 'ar Toute for Tul < r Mundav , i dnt"-dav , Frid 13 I ) i. m Omaha and Marysvillc 1 .SI p. m. COMIICI' ' Itlntli .tnil Iti MIIJ- . ' ' ! ' ) p m ( iii'iha. N < b. It p in Vo-a Liberty am ! Council lUnlJ'- , Cedar F mis and Council IMiillV , Fer-ia , low a. J' t'-momh , Iowa , Fan irnn , luw.i.Jinil ' " n , , Iowa , Temph ton , lov..i , Doliaiieo , 'OMM II 1(1 ( p m. 1 ) maha , Neb , Omahn and O-idcn. St. . 'mil and Council HlulK Tlop ' " K MIS H Cilv , Mo , M JiK'ph , Si Louis . ail Atchi ini , St Louis , Mo , and K.iu- s is ( 'in # ! " > p m Siind 13 mails elo-o at ti p m Snb-tiiiliiil ili-lract * of lillc and ical o * . | ite lo-ins J > \ . , Asll. L Sjuhe , 301 Fcarl street. _ _ _ _ _ For the l > -si mid chcnpeoyters ! call at Chie igo Lunch Cotnitci , UW Uroail- w 3' . C < 3sti r * oiip all day , uiilj lOicnts. ol' I'iino Tiitilow. The change rtf ihn time tables of the "raihoidi i 'io' t\\\\s \ \ \ : ? ei.ti n ivo as in.iuy l'oio\-d ] th.-y wo'ild ' be. 'Iho Uoek Islmd , .Nil thwcati rn , Mdviikoo t .St I'.iul .iii I ( i , imt wl of leaving the truisfor about. 5 'J"j p , m , tlo not nov now lone until 0 iO p. m Clio K. C ar inuKi.lUp m m& ol 7' . ' ) i > m , wheli allows that ro id t < i make 'lo - ' ctions witli tlic e i'tf rn rouls ' ) ho Union 1' icilio linoii < ; h ( > pnM now li aes aLlOlPci m. iu-toad ol II ( Kl. the L'n coin ji'i-s'-cngt i at J I ! ! p m , nistad ol I.Jo and the "l > i nvcr" : il < " .V ) 'Ihe'ois soinolittl' chnn ' inllu iluinmy tiains They now Ir i\e the Iioidwi.v ! ; depo * at 701SOHJ1 IO.M11 . } ! u m , 1 ! il a : JO--'S JW- , ) : } ' ) - r. : jr > - C. . ! 0 and 1 1 in p m Ko sill o 'ind o&L jour gu-H-cr fur the bread made at Smith .V LIK'I koS b ' .ki r.y , No. tiU Maiti stii ot It is the vciy best made. Try it and bo eominocd. Forh'udwaie ami hou-e furnicliinos ; get piiete ol Cooper iV : M'liee , No. Il .Mam stii el , _ Pit'ot Hibl ) us in the late-it oolorv Mrs. Kogoio. _ The MTj-lalfsf New Viok "Ulos re eoive 1 at Mrs O. A. Hogers. A sine e'iri ) Tor JJiiinl , r.lenliiiL ' , , Itching and llciitd ) J'di-t ILIA IHS-II ( li-i-'i.iied lij Jr. ) Will ! IMIS , ui linlUn re led , ) , i.iUotl Dr. Willi.iin-j' linliim i'lliOintinuit. . \ ln li box luus inn d tin \.ni iihionli e. is m i'in : xjeai's ) tandlmr. V one nmi n.ilitr inr iniiiutts aflti . | { ) bit ; tins wnnil < rfnl "nolli iuir ineilu Inc. Lotions ami in.tiiiiAi nl \ iln lanie hauu limit pxul.Villl.iiuV ! i. li.ut 1'ile Oilitini nt aliNdrlto ( lie tumms all.iithe Inten-e iteliiiic , i.arlk' | larlj at isit'li' " ittet Kfttlll ! ! Wd'Ul 111 lllll ) , at'fs HS .1 llllllllld LlM'l iiiitmiii lid , anil ii .nej. . < ie < ! mill f u Ti ! " , iteliliu of iiiivale ( uito , anil for uoihliij < l o SKIN jisn.\srs rrnnu. i Ii. ) % | ! l/ie ] > s Li'ilc Ointment , ean > ni li. i rnuie , I'liiijiN , lil.t U Hi ails m f.ipli | Hloti lies and LnijitlniH on the f 11.1ivm ! tlio skin don rand IN intiful. AKoi atfslLih hall Klioma , Sum Mimics , fjore Lip' , a'u ! Olilbstin.itctrlui ( . .Sold by dnii'dit" , 01 m.iiJed on rec-liit of Mi cuts. IteUlledhy Kiihn it Co , nnil "rhioctu fc At wiiule- . lie by ( J. r. ( ! o < xbiiin. Northwestern Hole ) . Xuwly fitted and rurniiOied. ( J | > | i Jiroudv..i > JJiiiinn > Dejiot. nl.MJ jiet ii iv. .SVMUKl , TATK , Vi.ij ) . IA If. I'.nitSHA , 1 inin. . PAIILO , LATL oi . v. rm , Han opnnril iibiillool iliinniil.iiit ; putlorsJt OPPOSITE THE PtOPLES1 S10HC. litliii- ) ( .p. > ( : lt > DRESSMAKING , CUTTING AND FITTING. jj rris. j& . . x . raoisnan-i's. I'ormeily of Now VoiV , No. S < 1'e.ul Slri'tt , ' Council HluffH , lowu ( GEO. W. SCHINCLLE d CO. , ) i No. 540 Broadway , Council Bluffs. All workinnirnnlooil oquul to Trr > / J.inmilry work , .Wort c.illoil for nnil ilulutiiuil TIIU.X .Ml.-ooJa by raail or IIXJIIUSH roccho jii'oinpt uv leiuloii. Ppco' ' < " Clcanllnovi uml ] > roiaitno&3. | Tel rjiliotii , No 1T ) . ONLY HOTEL In Council lllutta luivlut' 3 ? 'ire ' Elsoep > e Anil nil nio.iiin liiuirovcmbiiln , tall bcl'j , nro , Hlarni hulls , no. , tellm CJU'JST O Ar J { O VtiE ! oli. ilSii ; niul 210 , Jiiiin xttn r , j I . j Council Bluffs Carpet Co. OlirMoel tp limt foniplolo Itl rrry ilfpftr menl find foufdtns nil Hid UU tit > ksniiO viro 111 CPIt'J'A SlIADKti UPHOLSTERY GOODS , nrc rinv Larest Stock Lowest Prices. A'i.v v.xn.nsivi : i'Anpir : IIOIM ! IN KPTT.HN IOWA. PASIJ' inrnishu I upon npplloatlon too of tow I'lHU UPKOLSIERY WORK TO 0110X1 ; Council Bluffs Carpel Company Jtrortcfti'fty. I Tn I H * - & & 342 urxt 3M BROADWAY. RETAIL Kens FaH & Winfer Wear JloMi' anil Ilo > s' Ilusnc [ ° fl HulN. Jlciiinnl Itois' Die's hulls riiililn DM' UMTS li ) > mill DrCfS S'lll" . Men li Hit Tiillur Su. JIii liaut 'I'ldlovijsi io.tts. . Kijiial 10 Iho | M > I , xo onli ! ' , M bait I ho priiM 1 at "Ii as' hultn unit OM'ICH it- . . I L.n : Mfnt' Sin' " nnJ Omxijiti J ul Moiib' Trowsf rd iTs Phirtf , Trmv iTF In Hortf. ' ' li llcatiil Kisirli IK. llxtni llo.iy Itiilluiiwi'i" . J'un. ) i.oloi l Uo'lsunl : inucil iitiiililiL-1 , II-OIH _ . > c.i li : o f < C.X DONLAP fif49 STETSSN HSTS iou am : TAIJ , OK Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars And Cuffs , Of Hrs.tclnf , ' iiualltics unl tonson.ililo pri RETAIL DEPARTMENT 2 atul J41 llrouUnuv , Council Hlnu1 * , IOITJ , * if f * " /JP"ffm"B"B" JT4 . SMITH Tailor ! N0.7and9 MAiN STRKET , Council Bluffs , Iowa HAIR GOODS . B. A. Benedict's , No. KtJ IlroaOway , t ouncil lllutrd. Hair Goods Hair Goods ( if oil klnila made to Qftrrvry etyk ) rc i3 } ' or.for. ; u.nfo ) , Hair Goods Hair Goods I NOTIf I' . . Vf | llfj 'nl > fti > i nl , mh i ) 1 ft 1 o\iuil , r , > liiinror , nli To Itonf W ID'S I li'.anlnifr , no , uiil he infrrti I in tlif column a * J il ION rn'o of riA i I've * 1T.U l.lM.for ttf flt Mn Mllonnnl 1'IM : ( lVlt < 1'lllt 1.1M ! for our n'co , No I ! 1'cnl stioti , llromlvnv \VVMS. U\\ " V5 l lo luij nil Ilio IliiNliitq pcoi'iil Imiiu .on1 ! linlil pooiN Uml me o fi rcil lor ' iv-n'fl not liiuliif.STIIK ri.v DiM iln-.i ifo-v- , 111 MMMIino\i\ \ nplliu' | . All o'liorx ill n > < i'lu | iiomii | ilh-nlion ami will 1m pitiil tlio lili'lirM inn i kit | nlc < \ \ \ \ . .1 , Mnmli I , ilTt ! lUdi < ln n.ilrnlir In now nnI tru'ly ] Urt - hits MiiimMiiuirt fui future , i lo , i le l.AN I i'l-l : Ir f oln'a lio'irr tit lion oH'cniu ' " ' s.So Mi ) UtoivhMtj ( ounrll Illnlls Ft 1\M ( II1,1I lllM-\ iiutH tilini'hi.l liitji ln"il i < ooin lot if nt nt No l Vine HlPOl.l Illllllll I" Ir > OH s\ir HrliiK ilesiiiiiH ot imninjr to "niiilri.on in fount of my tniliips 1 uliu for nlottn n liinoi. ! minrr rointli nnno imil Mntli 'in ct. liiiiulix-oii iiiMiil ci A. 1' , llratimul. HOINI t iVlt KIA--.u"jieMfiUon | V t'o i , No < I'uirl "lii-i't WAVll'tl < Jirl to. In lmii > ruuikiil M8 rnnrlli " * - ( , W.nk llvht. ion s\ii ; , loir IINT : : < m N" . M'or | > a1 i oi n-nl , on xrry III" ral ti'itn" 'IlioCuinioll lllulln I'niior > Illl.iiiinpli'li' . with In liu-jro iHiuiillnif tiotiio rnul Iliroo noios ot iliuniiil N-i 20 A tinpliip" ! ] ii-ooitv | In riioi-okio , flu u kr" i-iitiim. IIMMI will iiiulotnr ittiin A nine , ul'imt M ( HI ) No .M v 1 mntlnl lume In the town of Hi f ( ini'i Mills counts , lown , Toi Nobinihn Intnl. A iiluo , J.l u ) Kn < 1A ( jnoi ) tuulac" = fl | uoioriy | nml sl < n n teed nlili iic-i imiportv in tlio luwn ol rin'iuo Ii l.i nn I'onnl } , 111 .low iliiiMi lor ini-'ioi nlll i \ilinnei ) for ( t"in IntnlH No ry \ ipli'tnllil fi'rin , rll ItnproTPil. ( VIT mtts In DiiUtiMiii < > onnt ) , lonn , jnltiltiu tlio to\i n of Spirit Inliy Prko , for n Mioit tJtiie , f , ' > jn r ni'l o No 1HI to is" vie fotit In.n-mcil fiirnm In I'liHllps count } , Kati'-iiH. em li wltli u tin. ill In en nliian o. IlioiHii HUM will tic oM'luuiiM for nelniMiniboioil vllil html In Nrln i > . | < it No 1UV ISO notes In Mult iiittnn , Nell , ( "inly impi-oMvl. lit it liltrl > iitiilii : , Wiuits to nu'lmtiKO ' lot nn lolimiili'c No "il- V HIP two Ftorlirlilt ri'aUlonoo , onn < > 1 tlio 1n > st 1m nlxiiiH In I mini il llhifltIII liinlu lor p > oil niiln"iirili < ] oi NolniKKn liiinl-i Viilno. * IMi ; i Xo Ki nml | ] An luo other lKniiliful lioines In Conndl Hlnllihic In th iiuymtins will hiiy ut a luiiL'iiln No .ii ) - \ tw-iiMtlfnl stilmilinn louillon In loivn fltj , Iowa , will ( XL'IIIUKO tin woKrn Linds. A nllin. JfiOiW 'Ilio.ilioxo urn onlv u few ol inn spiflitl bai1- ( - ; iln < . K jon'xoBol iiiiMliliit , lo tinilooi i II , in.uil , to n II mix u al elate or tni-iLii.inilSo , Wllli it" , Wolmv MIml irooil HIOI K > - nl ! tKj l , , Intnululoi limile. 'i WAN \ WAI.ICr.ll , i mini II ItluUf , lii 7H , UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. DC BEY01SE , Agent. No "A > , Jlio. ilwnv. Coui'cll BlulTs. H < ailY/ay Time Table. rorvcir.iu.uiTa Tlif foUoMlnr lj tliu time of mrlval ili'iuttiifol trains li > com i > il inuinlunl time , ut tin linil iti pots. Tii.h.s IOIIVD iritn-lirilopot ten in Inn it's i. it tier innl uiriip t n unittiti'S lulu : Iiri'MlT. 4III11VI. . cmcAr.o & MntTiiw vrruN. I ) 1" > \ . v . . .Mull anil Ktpr - < M (1 ( N ) p. M. 1'M'I i. M Aitoniiiioilutiou. , 4 Ml I > . M. i 10. ' . M i\iuvi : | . . . UifiA.J. . ( ,1IHII1 & HOCK 1--1.AMI. 1 ' . ' "i S. Vt MlllllllUl l'Uc8 ! . . f'lll' . M ' , . ! ' . < M . . Aioiiinnioilution . . . 0 l"i e. M. 6 Mil' . M. I\IIK-S. : . ' .I ifi \ . si. i mi < IH > > IU.UAI'K ; i , v si I'M'i , . 'i "il \ , M Mini nml i\pti"ji. ; . . ( I "Oi . v D. i r.y. K\pn-s 'i DO A. M. ciui oo. i.i'in ix.ros JUI.NC . 0 < fl A. M il Itl.lIllir.VIUC'-S . .7.101' . M. ll.l-'I.M. . 1. \ | > l i h . S M \ . U. Winisll.fcl. IDl'lHft I' IIUC. 0 IB I' . M I. nlll St l.Otlls Ii\IHC > < i 1 Dull. , i Wl I'.M 'liuie-rorl-t 1 mils r.v. Tiuifier'1.31 1' . M K\NHAB joi' . ' . roiiM u , iiu'ris in ir , A.i Mailufil K\j > rLRrt. . . . . II < 0 P. > i. U l'5 1' . M r\JTI ° S . fl'.J A. M. MIHIX 111 * I'A < Utli 7 15 \ . U . . Mnnty ) Mn.l . H TO P. M 81" ) r. M M I'linl i\pnss : . S-"i . ) j. i MON Pnr. . in w \ . v 'i in i\pntj : . . r > M" e. > . : > . r. l. .liinooln I'.isi .Dm A , H. V .2 : ft e. M It MM THUNHTO I C'inn. . II lliiirs--7.U- ! > : J ID-ID V ) lltl : u. m. ; 1 ! > - . : W , l.- ) ) < : t 5 : r > ( J.s- 11.41 p. in. Jtn i.i- . -7 5 < uO- i- : ; . - - i Xi n ' ] > n in I < m\o Omuha - fir7 : r8 : i-lO OJ-11 : 0 n. in. I J. w- .1 IK ) I. JO 3.0 : : i - I : tp in ri n HJB- 5 S 6jI 0 is. ill S OJ- 1 OJ o OT-ii X > II 1 1 p in. T5IE HEW Y03X / * \ PB 1 I I VYl sE IH A * I V\ sUSTlDing uO. 552 BROADWAY. COUNOn , IJLUKKS , - IOWA. Hydraulic Engineers , Public atid Private Systems cf Sewerage. Wutur woik ami VentilaUon niul oonstinettil , numbing woik in all Us brano'irs.TliIn ' coinjmny have ono of the best assoitcd BtouKs of plumbing good-n in the west JJiUuwtoii ftirnl'ilicil. IIAJIUV 1JIRKJN1JINB , Mnnngcr Now Voik PlumWng company 553 ivny Council lilullJ. Tclcphono No 27. R. RICE M. D. . , . . . nr other tuinuri1 ivnmi'il tvutiout UK oi-ilniuliijriit hlooil. CHR08IC DISEASES n UH.HU . i iaur. < ni ; .11. i ) j. ni i' IIIKIIII'II ) ovii'Jiiillwt. U.ll o > > 11 I r.ui s > 'i' . i oiiniil i ' ' AID UP CAPITAL , $20,000. AUTflOniZLD CAPITAL , $ iflOOOrt BtJCOESSOKS ! TO J. 103 MAI3M STBEET , COll.NCIL , XA. jin : s OF .VXD DIIALI i : IN \ \ \ Musical Merchandise of Every Description. Toys arc ! Fancy Goo.Is. % W mul.o the cclonr.ilvil Ilanlmn-i IMnuw , nml tin ; I ! < \\.l Wiiitnoy Oig.uis , H ialty. lu > ry iiiptiiiment \ > : urnnted Send for t'iitalo iie MUKl.Liit : .MtTSlC COMPANY , I'ouncil 15liill , Jwn. / THE OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE -O.F1 i -MI ' JO N BENO & CO 11 ffr 1 1 lee * Urat * I 1 \ * trJCf \K\r f ll'ne n inovud tothcir Now . toro , Ho8.32&34Hainand33&35PearlSt8.l 5 NEXT DOOR SOl'TH OF I'HIO 1'OS'IOI 1 K K , \Vtieic tliuy h.ivo ) ) iit , a new htoek o i n laJies' ' anj Geols Fufnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc , mong \ \ hieli are the following 1'nrs : Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gents Neckwear , Gents' Underwear. IJoOlb ANDSllOlJ ? , TlMINKS AND Vtll KS , MoNAUrjl 1'lMJ SlIlUTS TMtUcfi9 CltUtiren.'s find Misses' UndenwiM' , Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Indies' Valises , Blankets ana Flannels , Rockfard Carpet Warp in all Colors. JOHN BENO & CO. , N o iW nnil 1 Main Slrcet , Coiuicilp lu $ No. 1M and DJ IV.u 1 SUoet. - - . . . , J ,1 , . . . . n .n . . . . . . . , , . . , . _ ' I" ! No TRAVELINGAGENS ? ; KMPLOi'ii ) UY .1. AI PHILLIPS , wuojT Ai.i ; DIAI.IU ; IN , Shoes & Rubber Goct- ; 3 KTo. 413 Broadway , Coxisicil Bluffs. Our customer- ? , ae' Ihn Iwncllt of Hie exjieiie > i thus s.t\eil. Send foi jn-i v\7" . CcSZP i vCS w o FfrT _ , > ? = "T - n r e - ( _ , 5 r- HOUSE IVIOVER AND RAISER Hi K ) < linllOliiriJ of nny IdiM rnlsoil or tnovo-1 nin ) hnll'f.i tton gunrflntooJ. IVamo ! .Oiifrt- > moti on l.lHlo Glinit trncl-s IJB | In tli world. 103 E Jith Avcnuo and Kjglilh Y STEAM DYE - ANNe ] ) - No , 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs. Kintz & Kleeb Fancy and Staple Groceries , . No. 162 - Broadway. Opposite Ogden House , Council Bluffs , - - la- . Tins liousn lioinjj a now ono , uvtirytlniiK in fctouk is nuw and 1'iir.i's as itiiihoimblo as uny ollior gro in . One la all no nnk. KINTZ & KLEEB JACOB SIMS. ATTORNEY AT LAW ; rnctli'fs In hlat < and Kcilcr.-U 1 o uiiiu r un I 6 , o.i i , ' we , liunu.l. ) ) U. IIIOH. outwit. n. ii u , dittfr. OFFICER , & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. j IlllBtBllOl. HJ > Sntter Hotel MISSOURI VALLEY , IOWA. OKC.A.S SXJfTEJR , Iwta.nG.gex * J'ni Inlli nilJiitnl lei Iho tnivulliiK * ) > ui > lloi | | ; In thu liiiMliiiifConlur linluu fl WIW U > y llibtdittM Ktunjilo rxxjin * ' BT. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. Aiucrlcu.-i 1 ! cu ti j. t.j