Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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TLt Approach of Winter Lead ? to Icy
To l'r rcnt a. rnnncr from Building
* Itntn AUI-OIH Onk Creek A
lltcc/.j liuilfict ol'Idvcly
liocnl Malt cm.
( niriv 7/n. m.n'ij LINCOLN iiuuc ut.l
Tim Nebraska Stock Yards company
lia.s applied for an Injunction lo prevent
the construction of a dam nonm Oak
creek. It M-emi that Mr. C. K. Held-
m an haa n farm iidjoinuig the ntock
yards company1' ' landind , ho has
dammed the creek , as has been his habit
Ht.ll i u pa "I live years , for the purpose of
Hu jng ice , and also for the purpose of
sccu' ig n gvist mill The .stock yards
riiinpany now come into court and say
. thai if HcrdmanS dam is pel-milled lo
Btamrtht-y ciinnol procure ice lo biipply
their packing home , and accordingly de
sire to enjoin Hcrdmnn fiom conlinuing
liinlainllinlnmu ( asset Is that thn stock
.Tindscornpnny was not organized lo build
dnms , nnd that , therefore , It hits no
power to appeal to the court. The deci
sion ot the court if looked for wilh great
iuteic.-t. If the injunclion is dhmibscd ,
it will leave Ihe .slock yards In bad
.shape , an a. packing house will stand
a poor dhow without ice.
itor-vi. nr.ns.
The district court of Lunc.isler county
will luljourn thi-r week. This has been
one of thu largest and busiest tenii.s of
1 court ever In-lain this county.
j Deject.\o I'liunil is out ( Hi the street ,
and is not likely to nee even the inside of
' ; i [ all , let alone the pcnlu tiliary.
The Lincoln liruncli ( if Hie Irish Xa-
lloual Ica ucjwill have a griind mass
meeting ntlho Opera house. November
I1. ) , tbi.s week. John l'il/i ; uilil is taking
Ihe matter in charge , and theie is no
doubt but that a hirgu .sum will be. sub
scribed to parliamentary tuiid. lev. !
ticorgo Pepper , I Ion. James Pil/gerald ,
and olhur.s Irmu ahrouil will address the
meeting. Ho'b of these genlli'inen have
dpokeu on Hie subject in thi- > oily botorc.
A law und older league has been es
tablished in Lincoln , and i" to be a
brunch of the Chicago Law and Order
league. Some of Lincoln's most nrom-
Innut liUHincKs men were elected ollicers.
'L'his Bocioty piopoies ti ( sec Unit each
und all of tiis stale and cit3' laws are en
The Lincoln Literary circle met last
ululil. : il the L'nitiMl ' .Stales court room.
A large attoiiilanee was present and the
enlottainmeMt WIIR very enjoyable and
benelielal. All persons are permitted to
IHJCOUIO me.mber.s of this inlcllcetual so-
clnly on thi nu iucntof fifty cents.
lii'orgo Dubaeh , who fell through the
clovalor in Kiehurd'.siiov building Kriilay
aflcriioon , i.s recovering , and Iho doclors
i fiiiybis escape from instant death was in
> * . ' s. deed miraculous
The. physicians of Lincoln have opened
n free ( Iiupenaar.v for the beiielil of tlu
poor , and n number of the doctor : ) have
entered into a compact whereby they
agree lo furnish their services free to all
needy pci'sonn. on certain days in each
week. The prime movor.s In this char
itable iiudcrt : > ! < ing ate Dr.s. Simmons ,
Keed and ( i.trtcn.
I' . M. Mutton , of Marslialtown , Iowa , ) ! s iraveling Ihrougli the western
states with the imrponc in view ot exam
ining into the dilj'ereiit .state liipior law.s ,
nnd writing hi.s . SOUH on the ( iiicslion to
the ( 'hieago Tiibunc , has been in the
city for several dnyH.
John 15. 1'ineli , the great temperance
orkor , is in the city on his way to
The Lincoln streetcar companies have
placed stoves in their cars , and they are
much moro comfortable than hereto
The Lincoln Medical iiiHtitute has
( bunged Inuuic , and Dr. Simmons has
moved into the building and taken
I5oss Stout has siibiicndcd work on the
napilol building , and nothing moro will
bo done until spring.
K. Winchell , from IVoria , Illinois ,
dropped dead in Lincoln Sunday night
11:80 : o'clock. The cause was found
bo heart disease. Mr. WlHcholl was en
gaged in the s lo of catarrh medicine.
Ifo leaves nuvonil children at IVoria. Ho
was 70 yciird of ago. His HIII arrived
to-dav , and will take the remains to
A drunken farmer , while driving
through Lincoln yeMorilny , ran into the
WhUuurcuBt coal wiigon. upaultinir the
Eaino , and it nan with great diHiuuliy and
prompt action that a serious runaway
WUH averted
The Congregational chin oh has at last
commenced to put the gbiss in the win
dows. The dehiy of several months was
occasioned by the eastern manufacturers.
The Alcthodbt church IN mirrounded
by tdogantly out stone Idlc.hing posts ,
about fifty in number These pots were
"jry muen necdc * ' , us a large number of
I bo coninitmicHiitb urefarmerd whodrlvo
( ociluirrh.
The Fit/gorald hose company is mak
ing arrangementti to allondlhc. grout lire *
Miens' tournament , to be held in New Or-
next March.
Uolnlulc. John 0.
have died articles
tabllHhing the State
Tbo capital stock
, , . . . . , , , , . . . . viaha , Will open H
dunclng school In Omaha in a few days.
The gentleman conies well recom-
inondnl. He will hold forth tit Mnsonio
Temple hall.
County Trnnsufcr eleet Hocho has
moved into the o < tv , having uccurcd a
ilno resldenee on Tnth Mrnet.
No chaiige.s bave iisyet been niade in
the ninniigom''iit of the Lincoln pesto -
o 111 eo.
I tow a Trio of Yoiiun ItuiuH Tbouglit-
lonal ) IMayeil Illuliwityiiieu.
There are four youa < ; g ntlumon In
lhl city who wnt t bud early Sunday
morning with u full realization of the
dnnger of meddling with the street cars
while in motion at night.
Ono young fellow sweaU for a living in
the Union I'aeilie liuadqmvrtcn ) , two are
l-nnk boys and the other is a very genteel
grocery olerk , They worn all iillku Sat
urday night In that they wore drunk.
Drunk is u harsh word , but niter a gang
fatti fooled nronnil all the early evening
playing pool tor the whisky and then
UiriUMibi utility to beer , iw com lion ! - .
little Hhort of drunk. Some foolltili er
rand took the dobauohe * out bl. Mar.vV
ttveuuo for awhile , and jut.1- about eleven
o'clock they Btarted hack W l wii. Ibe
last oar WIIH coming down the lull and
nave for the driver it wa uiioceupieil ,
"Lead vide lown" one ol the
Upey youpg men , and with a wiout the
w.-xs whirling by BB they
> runohcxl this conclusion. HIIII with a until
ru li I hey van into the middle of the
, street. , .
"Hold tip there , you | nfitrlngof tin-
complimentary names ] , " they shouted tn
Ihu driver. Tliat individual , taughr. b
rewinLe.Npcrieuce.4 ol bin lollovv-t-ralU
nieu Utbuwuruol stvaugertf , wiltly pro
diiced from hla pockcl s. largo Mv
Mioolor , and. leveling al thn youlliful
Inebriates tnin d It looo as hi."car swept
by Crwck , whizz , three times-tin1
w'capon spoke followed bv the UMOP f-f
( ho Icinlen pellet past tlic cnr.s of the
.startled oaroitsers. The fourth shot was
too much and with a yell of tciror the
quart'1 ! ! " fled up the Uill. When On V
got back to town an hour later thov told
now tlu-y VVCIH assaulted by murderous
highway men ami howpil their cars , in
prwif , where the shot * vvhizyed hi' .
Tin' l'nllliTelcti-apli ! Company Opens
Its Omaha Ollice.
Onifdiu now communicates with the
world nt largo .through the medium of
two telegraph companies. The I'acille
company finished the work of bringing
in its lines Sunday evening , and the llrsfc
menage was .sent ut 7 OS o'clock p. in. ,
a follows-
IC.VNsVS ClTV , Mo , \OV . 10 - I'l'n \C-
brnsku Fuel Company. Omaha | -We have
tin1 pleasure of roiiirmltilatlnit yi'iu ) ieoie | |
iiwm | the completion of Ihe new ( ch'L'raph
line Into your city. Webaveciijoyeil lids
blc.ssini ; lei two vears , anil llieieforc leel that
> oiirciti/eiiH will appieciate anil stiipoit | ( lib
new incilliitu of busliu"-i coiniinuilcatloii.
YouraTiiily , HovAitti A ; DKKSOX.
At 10 o'clock ycslcnluy morning the
following answer wired :
OviAiiv , N'eh. . Nov. tn [ To I'.ouild and
Dl'-kson , Kansas ( it'v , . .Mo.lVe lelurii roil-
Uralulalioii' on the o.eiiiii'f | of the new lele-
| ; r.iib | line , anil b , ' < peiU for It the iieaily sup-
porllt dc'Civcs. S'r.n. l'ir.i. Co.
The local ollicu of the eonipaiiy is lo
cated al No. : il Soiilh Thirteenth street ,
and the line is open for nil kind.s ol bus-i
ll ess
She \Vnnted a Warrant.
"Yes , your honor , 1 want jitHticc. I rim
nn abused woman and I waulvon , tolulp
me. There's Mr * . Caliow , now your h on
or "
"Hold on , don't talk M ) fast ; " quoth
.fudge Steiiborg lo a woman who was ad
dressing him earnestly in police court
yesterday. "If , vou have gel aiiycom-
plninl lo make tell it out and don't take
much time about il cither. "
' Well , you sec , your honor"continued
the female complainant , "my name is
is. Swift , and I live at the cor
ner of Fourteenth and Hurt slreeH.
I have a house next door ,
which is occupied by a tenant ,
and her name is Mrs. Cahow , bad luck
to her. For a longtime 1 have thought
that she was taking my coal , and so L
locked il up in the died so .she couldn't That made her mad , nnd she
lias been down on me ever since. 0. < i
day who came over to my house and bor-
lowed a baby-bottle trom me for hei
child , which is in arms So , Saturday
night I went over to her house to gel the.
bottle. I found it lying on Ihe table ,
and slat-tod to go oil' with it
Tut that bottle down , ' KUV.S she
to mo. 'No , I won't,1 says L 'the bet
tle's mine. ' So she got mad and com
menced lo beat me. She's a great big
voting woman and vorvfclrotuy , and she
bruised me up mighty badly. 'Deed ,
judge , if il hadn't ouen for my little boy
there she would have aim ist killed me.
And now I want to get a warrant for her
arrest "
Army Notes.
Ollictal ord.irs from ( Jon. Scholield
were received at headquarters yester
day for the transfer of Dr. Va.liim , the
local army medical director , to the de
partuient of Texas where he will assume
the position ot chief medical director.
Dr. Vallum is u courteous , affable gentle
man and has many triends here who will
regret to see him leave. He succeeded
Dr. Shannon here some months ago.
There was a rumor about army headquarters -
quarters yesterday that Lieut. Uoodin. Un
celebrated sharpshooter ot the depart
ment and a mender of the department
team , was dying at his home. Lit ill.
Coodin vventt'o Morida Homo weeks ago
on a lieu of alsence , to recuperate his
health and it i.s understood that hu has
since been foil ing. N ( > mithontio con
firmation of the rope * ' , has yet boon re
ceived , however.
The leave of al ence granted First
Lieut. Kdgur 15. KoberLson , adjutant ! lth
infantrv. Jv'ov. ! > , Jtf-Ci , has been extended
seven days .
Moro Street Car Accoinodnlloii.
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. iJ : , trfjr . [ To Iho
Kdilor.J It would accommodate thu
people of South Omaha , Thirteenth
btreel und neighborhoo 1 , if Iho street
car.s did not slop running so early in ( he
evening. Wo cannot attend theatres and
other amusements unless we wish to walk
honn. Many of us have relations or in
timate friend.- ) whom we wo.ild like to
visit after vyorking hours , but as the lust
ear leaves Farnam at ' .iIJ : ! wo have but
little lime.
It would bo highlv appreciated by Iho
patrons of the car line if it would run
one car unoli way at 11 or 11:81 : o'clock ;
and it would be sure lo pay when It be
come.s known that Htioli an arrangement
hu ? been uiudo. Yoiir.s , eto. ,
A Tiimrw.Nni SntEinut. ; .
A Narrow HSOH | > O.
Mamie Norris , u young lady of
this eity , met with an accident Sunday
which cunio very near proving futal. She
was cron.slng the street at the corner of
Fitteenth a ml- Douglas , having jiibt
stepped from behind a street ear when
ehe wns knocked down mid run over by
a buggy containing u _ couple of young
men , who were uproariously drunk , The
shall of the bn 'y struck her in the
riln , knocking her dovvn , the wheel./pas
sing over her body. She w. i picked up
in an iiiseiiHiblucondltion and conveyed
to her home. She was found to be quite
seriously bruised , but lortunatoly her in
juries are not of iv dangerous character.
Nothing m known about the young
men e.xeept that the name of ono them m
"Diek. "
- Coming 14 veil I s.-
The noxl. few weeks promise to bo gny ,
In a hoelul direction. Already an inter
esting Mtrins of events are announced.
\Voilne.sday \ , Nov. 18. Iho Metropol
itan club give a ball al Metropolitan hall.
On Thursday , the Itth , thu Arion club
will hold the bourdH at ( jurnmnla hull
with their lirM. anniversary party ,
The sumo evening the Unity club will
give u grand ball at Light ( iiiard'ri hall.
The Musical Union club are announced
for u grand ball and concert on Decem
ber , al Casino rink.
Cook riIilliiu al llm Hlook Yards- .
A cocking main occurred In Dug John-
ton's .saloon nt the wtock yards Sunday
afternoon and the "elite" of the local
sporting element was on bund. Three
black breasted red guinea , with inch anil
a half Meet gall's worn entered and a
regular main , ( wo out of three. Af
ter losing ( hu llrst light , Dug .lolmson'j
bird went In and one after llui other
licked Jimmy Doyle sand Darby & John-
.son's chiokonii. The pur-HM were un
known , Cock lighting , it U nuderntood ,
will bo a regular Sunday feature at Dug
Johnson'a in the future ,
A Noted Hpilnler.
William .Johnson , the well-known
sprinter of I'ituburg , Is In the city , try
ing to arrange for bomo rucuj with local
Chicago's Billiard Ball Puucher Beats the
Trench Expert.
Tlio flrcnt lUllliinllxlH ol'Two Coun
tries Jit a Conteit n r the Tour-
tcoti-lncb I talk liiiio
Cliaini > louslilp.
Tlin l.'lnt ( iiuiio of tlio
Cilir.uio , Nov. l > . An ussi'in'dage ' ot
fully 1.VX ) people attended the openlm ; game
nf the ifreat fonrleen-ieh balk line billiard
lournatncnt. In which Maurice Vltfiiaux , of
Paris , Jacob Srluitfer. of New York , and
George F. Slosson , of Chicago , are
ants. There wn : ' large attendance of ladles
In the boxes and parqnOlU1 cliele scats and
the Milld business men of Ihe eity were well
reiHescnted. Amonjt Ihe billiard notables
were Hngcm * Carter of Clevehintl , John Callahan -
lahan of Milwaukee. I'orker llyer * of. Lafay
ette , and many others. The winner of this
tournament will bo entitled to iceelve the
whole of a ptnor of * . " . , ( \Jand ) the rx-cess of
receipts over expen f-i. It h rx-peeted the
prle will nirirciiito ; ! over SVMi.
The toiirnainent was toimally oi'oned j
Mioitly alter 8 o'clock by anuddr.'s , ? by . ! ml'e
( iaiy. of the Mipeilor court of Chicago , As j
each ot the plnvcrs was Intriulured a hcaity j
loiunl of applause was given , Sloven Ketllni ; >
inthci thu wannest lereiitlon. Wiiymiu : Jlc- ,
Oteery. of .St. Louis , tin accomplished ama- '
tear , had been prev loiisiy turreea on u.i icferoi1
of the tniirnatnent. anil Charles Matthews
served as inaiker. Vl-'imux wen Ihe bml : ,
clnisutiiu while ball , counted liein the la-oil ,
lint stopped at I. Slosson did no better , both
plujini ; nervously. In the next iiininn both
notjruod positions , but lost them by Impeifert
pbyliti ? . In Ihe ninth Innlntr Slosson began
los'liow somcthiii'llkc punt I'oiin. lie did
.some veiv handsome nursing In the lower
left hand" corner and tolled up : n , fulling
on an uwkvvanl two-etuhion elfoit.
Vliiiiuiiv responded with a handsome iiinol ,
! I7 , In vvhleh lie made itsheit ilrivv , when his i
own ball vvasirozi'ii to tile enshlon , ellultliifi
apjilaiisiSlosson now ( ilujcdwl h care and '
precision , ami reeled elf a succession of Kliol * , >
stopping at 57 ! , and leuvlmr Vlunaiix an til- ,
most impossible shot. Alter u blank ImiliiK
Kln-s'in impioved the twelfth for a ran ol1:1. : .
whieh Inomjlit hi.s were up lolWmraliihliiH
tor VlKiiuux. Tlie I'ailsiaii then went to
Krasa on an easy one , and blos oii asaln took
possession ot tne lulls lor ao , which KUVD
him a lead of an even bundled.
VlKiumx took heart at Slesson'.s miss of att
easy shot , and In hi.s foiureeiith Innlnt : made
his btotitin ll-wh'ch made his total HU ,
hloison having IV.i. hlossoii now lapsed Into
loose plavjiii ; tor an iiinim ; or two , ami his
opponent let Ihe nfteenih KO by with only u.
At his ne.xtepenlnihe tio/eto the led f > ail
al S. bnteoiinted lioialhe lavolT , and kept on
until he hint aceomjilislied his best uin up to
this st.c'e TV-ami rallied a lead. Ills
seventeenth netted him ill. and the scoio
now hlooil til I to 171 ! In Vhfiianx'H tavor.
.S'ossoii ' now miide a line rally , and pnl in his
lartre.strtin , whiuli atain ; KIIVO him the lead.
For the nrst time his btroke .seemed what It
ounht to be. and ho played like a nice horse.
( Jrcal cheering giccted the shot which passed
Yiiriiiiux's best run. lie ended atbUona
veiylmid masse shot. 'I'ho call was Slosbon
" '
s'miilTiesiilts lollovvid fora llttlewhlle and
Slossonas the to iiieaktho .spell , whieh
he did with a handsome run of 77 , nnd thu
scoto.stood : Slosson sni , VlHiiuux- ' * ' > . Hlos-
son In the t\venly-iii.-t inning did .some mure
excellent work tiom which he lealUed r > ! > .
Seoic , hloiisoii Cl ! , Vhjiiiiux ' W. The balls
weielelt dead f-afe lei ViKnaicc , whereas
Slosson found an opening in tlietwenlx-
.second liinimr and Imnroved it to the extent
ol5.5. Yicnaiix. in the twenty-third inning
ctuergcil fiom obscurity and lather labotiotisly
pioduectl a inn 01 (17 ( , slipliu ; up on a nils-
e ic. Score , Slosson 11(5 ( , Vl n.uixWi.
Slosson's inn ot 5fll in the tvventy-lifth In-
niiiir was siiiilcmented | | bv : i7 by Vi natix ,
who stopped on a vcr > hard draw. Two In-
nliiKS later Slosson went to his laststrinjr
with a run ol H , so that the maiker called
Slo-Min Kll , VliriiU ! ! < : t'.H ' ) . The I'leiichman's
.inn of U in the twiaity-niulli inning made
the game a ain look dnnbtlul , as It bioiuht
h m iiji wilhln 101 ot Ids Mppononl. Hat
hiosson came promplly forwaiu with S > and
needed but tire polni-s moie. He mis-ed an
easy thiee cushioned shot und ( lave V v itiux :
aiitliui ( ? opening , which he Imiiroved b. plu.v-
inc hlsbes'l billlarilsand makfn-jrthe best inn
of the Kiiine. Sliwson watched his play with
palntitl siilicitiKle as the bi man iiiijiroached
the century point , and when the maikcr
called out "l > e bundled" the Iiou3o ran
with iheers. Vifjnaiix stojipcd at ll on a
mlsciie , and Slosson ran out with Ids live
necessaiy points.
SrhnMer and Vlijnaiix jilay In-morrow
nl ht and Schaeter and Slosson Wednesday
night ,
Slosson i. in. o , o , H , o. o , o , : n , J7. o1:1.20. : .
10 , 0 , 7 , b'J ' , II , 77 , 1 , ( i'J. 5W , 10 , SJ , 'M , 0ll , , I
" " 'VlVnanx 1 , 7 , fi , 2 , 1 , ! ! , 1 , 0 , 1 , 7. 0. 0 , 1 , 41 ,
P. . , 75 , ! , 'J , UO , M , 18 , 0 , 07 , 0 , i ! , ! ! 7. l"i , 0 , 40 ,
Vlgnaiix 7S , 07 , 100. Slosson
Wl. 77 , 1X1.
winner's uvorage , 19 ll-Sl. Loser's aver-
iifie. l7'Jt-l. !
Tliuo of guiuo , 'I hours , 40 minutes.
in N'eoit of Alii from Gcn-
( ! \ ) , Tex. , Nov. Id , A muss meet- | 1
in was held thlsntteinoon tosecnie pojuilar
expression in I'JiU' 1 to the ndvisnbillty of ao i
coptliitf teiidi-r-s of aid trom other cities. I I
.Mayor I'ldtun said that thu distress was
muuliKiciitcr limn nt lirst estimated , and
ho thought ho could nccept without lots of1 i
dignity all vohmtur > tenilers of aid.
A rosoulntloii was passed nnnnlmosk up-
polntlnt ; a committee of ten to telegraph to
the nowsp-ipers and indivlduiils that thu loss
wasL'ieaiertlmn ilrst sii iost-d , belnj ; fully ,
SJ.VoOJ , or oiio pUhin of thu taxable 1
value ot the city ; that t KI IniiiicdUto ami np. ' In view ot the coming
winter is \eiy ieat and desperate ,
and Ihiit proffeied aid will hu tlmnKtiilly ae- 1
ceptcd. &c\uiTil thousand dollars wenninid
out to day , and about SI.OJJ rec.elved. Total
snbMTlptious ait ) NISKI ( ) ( , of which S3V > ft' ' has
been paid. Contributions hnvo been
ii-celved from Austin nnd other
Texas eltles , nnd Inqiiiiles If nKsihtnnce ucio
neeile < l Irom I'ortlundMe , I'hlladelphla nnd
Chnileston. S. I' . Iteplles haMi been Kent ,
nrpcjitluj ; the moifurs with tliank.s , A care-
till investigation shows that .Mi > lesidenees
wciudeslioycd , over 103 moro titan iirst re
Niw ; Yoin : , Nov. KX KlKhteen hundred
nnd twenty-iivit dollars was to-day sent trom
( Ills elty to CaluvUon to tx > lht\u the niit.snl-
With Mtmlct * .
CHIC AOO , Nov. Id. .MM. Mary 1'arker was
to-dnyaruMted , charged with hiving coined
thu death of her hiisliindVilllam I'ailtor , a
baitender , whodlril 1'iidiy. l'iior ! told the
ph > skuiiin ho iilt-'iided ' him liN ulloliuilu
\Iolent temiicr , ami had hit him with n si-l---
wir < . She saj thu wound tiom which her
huslia nd died was Indicted by iiiluur lulling ;
upon him.
I'ollco Court Doolcet ,
Judge Stenbcrg hud a light IIOIIGO before -
fore him yesterday. The following \
( uses were disposed of :
Put IVlty and ( Jeo. Tlunuis ) ( n , drunk .
and disorderly , $5 anil costi , Thompson
I'M. Cain , intoxication , discharged.
Samuel Lowe , lighting , $ .1 und costs.
Allen Jcliiirjon , disortleily conduct , $1
and costs.
\V. J. Jenkins , currying concealed
wcupons , $11) ) anil costs.
Charles ( leanm and ( icuron , $ ,1
and cost.- ! .
L , Diinbaiini , allowing nuii--iiicc : , dig-
Sold Iiiuu- | Hop
In the diatriet court to day Hu
Mr.s , AnnluConiUli vs Hartley 1
lus been on trial before Jmlgo
I'ho pluiiiliil'.sue Mr. Magmuia for
OT.l damaiie.s on tcuiunl .i IMS
! Ii'iunr In h. r In * ijitil , : t c m irnied Ine
brialo.ufter ho hjul been roiUPMcd | not to
do 1 MI. The stilt 1 * brought under the
provisions of the Sltk-ninli law. A Mini-
: : owrn decided last \ear for the
l > lainttir. , i
t'nlleil SliitoM Cniut.
The court wn > busy jesterdtiy with
the 1 continuation of ( he case of Doty vs.
The ; Sisters of thoOrdor ( if St. I'rnuuis
of Nebraska. I
Tlic iiind jur/Mi : ! occttplcd with its
MPctel delibeiattolis juitl iinulc no tintl-
'I lie Itclupiicd Swindler.
Hcv. if. A. Hood , of Jschu.\ler , stated
clerk ( if Trosbjlory of Onialui , " writes
to .f. II. T. liuhinan of this city "There is
no Uev. V. A. Sehnlt/.ler connected willi
\Vinneb.iKo j I'rcsb.Merv , or with any
other J Presbytery of our churches. "
Two W
Judge Weiss married ye-letthiy two
coupleKiiihard H. MeMohus unit Helen
Seek , nnd Herman Moelilo rind flr ! arct
Hittiel. All parties reside in Onuihu.
There will bo u ineetinj uf the \Voin-
sin's Cliristisin nssociuttiin'iil " p. in. , on
Tuosdtiy tlio 17th.
15eii tlociin , tlio reformed pugilist , will
hold ] iiicctinps every night I hi- week in
the | JUiekingnani hall.
W.I' . McMillan , nsMsiaiil cenerut
freight | ngenl of the Tnion 1'ncllie , left
for | thu east yesterday morning
The tir-l four of tlio new tinlform coals
\\eie turned out from the tailor's jester-
day i nnd donned by thoiv icsjieclivc own
ers The other uniforms will bo ready
before the Mlh.
\\r. \ .T. Jenkins. , who was sirrested by the
police for fast dnvi g. was found yes
terday to have : i pnir of brass knuckles
on his peivon. He wns lined * 10 and
oo < ts for currying concon'cd ' weapont. .
It was reported : it the police lioadipiar
lor yesterday that burglars entered the
fuel ; ollico 'of 1' . Milu'tono iV Co. .
Sixteenth j mid Nicholas -trculs , Sundiiy
night i , by cutting a pane in one of the.
rear i windows. Nothin ; ; of value was
taken i , however.
Ceo. ! Thompson , recently acquitted in
the district court of a dim-go ot highway
robbery , got ou n big spree Satnrdtiy
iiighl , nnd was corralled b.v the politic. .
lie wns lined by Jud < > u Stenberg yes-
terduy , uiid in default wont up to the
county juil.
General Manager Callnwsiy and tJen
oral .Superintendent Smith , of tlio Union
1'iicilii ! . lelurned ye.steulny from at-
tendiinee upon the meeting ol the Union
depot company. The clerks of the party
hul.i : : great time "feeding" the Kansas
City reporters about ' 'tho removal of
llio'Iiusuliiuartcrs. "
Yesterday Messrs. iMtC'nguo Hros. pur
chased the. 'lot on tlio northwest corner
of Fifteenth aiidJodge streets , on whieh
McShano's livery stable now htands.
They will erect thereon MHIIC lime xvilhin
tile next two ycUrs' ' a haiidbomo bank
.striieturo. The 'only reason that work
on the building cannot be commenced at
once is that there is already a onu year's
least ) on tlio property.
Thursday evening occurs the soeial of
the Knights of L-iboit , the occasion being
the opening of tlieir now hall , over lilU
DoughisNtivet. Ait vnjovnblo time is an
ticipated and arrangements are com-
lib'ted for an evcniiiK of i-oeml pleabiiro.
Tlio irognimmo ) I will consist ot music ,
both vocal and iivstrnnieiital , dancing
and ether amiiifinicnts. I'efrcshnionts
will lie served ii | _ tliu hall. All Knights
of Labor and. , their "familio.s arc invited
to bo attend. '
Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis-
tigreonlilo disease , liable , it negk'cted , to
develop into serious coiHtiinptioit. Ho
ng a constitutional ( 'is-onso ' , it recpiires a
coiiRlitulionai remedy like Hood's Snr.i.i-
ptirilla , which , acting through the blood ,
reaches every part of the system , cfl'eel-
ing a radical and permanent euro of
catarrh in even its most severe forms.
Made only by C. 1. Hood & Co. , howell ,
If. T. Leuvitt , of Lincoln , is nt the
Pa .x ton.
W. II. Michael , of Grund Island , is ut
the Paxton.
Bartlett Uiehurds , of Chadron , is a
guest at the Puxton.
W. H. Parker , of Bussed , Neb. , is in
Hie city , slopping at the Mi'llurd.
Frank M. Northrop nnd wife , of
Way no , are guests ut the Paxtou.
F. H. Oulbruilh and F. C. Kieno , of
Albion , are quartered at Ihu Piixton.
W. K. Andrews , president of the West
ern Newspaper Union , ib in the city.
I ) . H. Cook. J. II. Burks and W. 0.
Washburn , of Picutrjce , are at the Pax-
.Judge Isham Kcavi.s , of Falls City , uc-
companied by hi.i son , is stopping at the
John S. Slurl. n prominent attorney of
Auburn , is in the city , btoppiug" ut the
Mrs. Mary A. Livermore , the distinguished -
guished lecluress , is In tue city , .stopping
at the Puxton hotel.
The friends of Trunk P. Welch will bo
glad lo hum that he is convalescing
trom his attack of pneiimoniu.
J. Stiitimun , Milford ; A , W. Hoffman ,
Bullulo ; Pat Gibbons , Orleans ; E. W ,
Hayed. Beatrice ; W. 0. Swam , Silver
City , are at the Cunlield.
Hon. H. F. Tlmrnton , of Providence ,
U. 1. , F. W. Lehman , W. 10. Andrews
and A. H Cummins , of Dos Moiiics , are
in Iho city , palled here by the ausi.oa of
the United Slates court.
Ijyncli llolilx Court.
KOUFUI.K , Va. , N'.iv. 10.Tiiu ne io Noah
Chuiry. who ntt impic < | u iiendUh u-.Muilt up.
on tlio Ilitnj wlntt ) L'ji-i.Jenido I'owell , and
then mindeied her yi Itjjncess Ann count } ,
wuslmiucd tea tico wfilim n nillw ot wheio
tint dctd wns ( ( iMiinHiti1 * uboiit I o'clock this
molding , lie contHsH ( ho crimu after
tint iiijiu vta * p.iicedMnniinl his nwk.
The Greatest STsiKaTrrTuTnpli of ths Arjol
iiMi mm Mnpntniii
IiOEianfnpiiriiiCt HpivcJjrostlvc , 1'nlii la
tiiD benil , vtllli dull'Hrnsnllon In ili
bnck t > nf ) , I'll In tui'v tlio ( Iiocldrr *
blnile , l-'iilliieis nflrr uallnu , wllhndU-
Inclination to excrlloaof tiuilr nrmluil ,
lrrliubllltyol'tcnipi < r > Iiixvuplrll * , wllb
n feellricortmTlnB neulrciil DOHIO dutfi
Wonrlni-ci , jJl'/-lnem , f , iu-rlii3 nt tUo
I'turt. Dotii bi-fniollio pycs , Jlctielaclio
urer llm rlclit rye , Kc tlcrtnririlb
atlul ilrriinm , Jllslilr colarcil l ) iufi and
TD'iT'Sl'J r.5orurfneclnllyBflapt ( l
to sucu ceres , ono iloau cltccts eiicli a
cliiiinnffiBliiiistou3iiini.'lt : | ] | tlio an in-ror.
Tno/Inrrentehe Ai rtiloaUlc.VJ < iitii *
bnjy In 'I'jiUpou IMeati. tuntl * * tcjn ! hrihcTTonlu - - . , Action . . . - - . . en
tuo IHtf
TUTT'S F tl.-j iKwiy. nnV heAlllij-
Mrouc-l i'-n I icpalrs IhJ niiEtj o
\iiE ; > iu-in Mill ; jinrn ll-- n | mul luml iiiu.j.i ! i
ccr.'io Ihe r.frrou ayitun , ii < TU'or.-vru ( the
brain , mil iraputtj lha ylgcr ot tnutUicxxi.
SI. Kr' 1 livilrni KU ,
OJ'I'iUiJ (1 .Hiirmj-SI.Neu-Vorlt ,
How Slint-oii UOCAIIIC Sonntor .lint tlio
U'nj Me Ttr.iK'il Hs rriftnls -
'llio \ iri > lnln ClljFire. .
A correspondent writing * o the Denver
The iHsi-ovorv of Ihe bonan/i : > i on the
UOO and I.C'K ' ) foot leveU of the Belcher
and Crown Point mineon ' the south end
of the great t'om toek lode , being the re
sult of Hill Sharon's eonlideneo in the
stability of the mines and that Inrgo
quiintlles of nch ore e\Kled below Ihe
levels which had bet n worked for morn
than ten veins , entirely exploded the
idea that the jrreal ( 'om toek had iietered
out. The wonderful change from almost
oeaj > 'iir nmong the p who " had invented
their capital in this .specie of properly
to that of uni'Miuipled ' prosperity im
pressed the people of the Imttlo-bocn
Mate with n SCIIM > of deep andeverlastn.
gnililude to Mr. Sharon , and they , being
of a genetoimly disposed turn of mind ,
were inclined to reward him , and only
awaited a chance to carr.\ into prncllcnl
operatiott their wishes Accordingly , in
1 * 4 , the opportunity presented itself.
On the lib of Alnreh. ' IN" , , the term of
Ihe Hon. William M. Siewart , seual'ir in
congress from the state of Xeviul.i , would
evpire , and a logiMaturo so elect hi iue
ocssor would ha vn to be < ' | K M n nt the
f-ill election ot 181. .Mr. Muiron wax
con = ujti d with reference to the de-siren ot
bis friends , and he espresied gre-it sati < -
fiiction on learning their intention uml
nnd I'litirc willlngne" lo represent the
slate in the senate lioiild they succeed in
electing a legislature favorable to bis
clev.ition to a > cat in ihat hourable body.
The political machine w.m cic'-oriliujily
set in motion : imi n thorough cnnvi'-s of
the slate ni-ule Xomimiliims of men fa-
Vorablc lo ll'e ' ele ( tinll of U'tlllam Shaioii
In the senate were made in the M yew I
counlies ol the --tule , and the ] iolilial
Held from n republican standpoint Inoked
ai serene as a May morning , lint oou
another KicliilHiiHl appeared upon ( be
seone and challenged Mr , Sharon sun-
disputed route to a ueit : in the smalv.
That person wat ten ! Thomas William- " ,
iinothcr millionaire residing in Ciilifnv-
nisi , as did Mr. Sluiron , but owning a
largo intercut in the ( . 'omstoek. ticn.
Williams had been in N'evada , and had
long cheri-ihed ti desire to occupy a seat
in the United Slates senate. Heiug a ster
ling democrat , ho indulged himself in
the pleasing thought that his opportunity
wits now at luuid. Ho entered the cam
paign with the deltn-niinatioii to captuie
the pri/e if talking would avail anything.
Hy Ihat system of canvassing he suc
ceeded in arousing Mr. Sharon from the
apathy ho was m inififl'ing , and his
fnemls impressed upon h in the necessi
ty of prompt action , otherwise the demo
crats would capture the legislature and
elect On. Williams. He accordingly
unclosed the strings of his "sock , " and
the political caldron did then boil. In
tins large towns and mining camp ? in the
stale an era of prosperity and life en
sued which hud been previously unknown
to the oldest inhabitant , and as the day
of election approached , Sharon's man
agers left no stone unturned which
would .strengthen or promote his cause.
The day of election arrived , and Hie
opcnnesi with which votes were pur
chased at $ . "j , ! ? l ( ) , and oven as high as
ij''JO apiece eau cd dismay to sii.u the
( lomoei.Uid ranks , and they abandoned
the contest. The entire republican ticket
was elected , involving an expenditure of
$ ; : 'ri,0 , ( ) . ) , which Mr. Sharon promptly
piiid. The voting population of Nevada
at that ( Lite did not exceed ID.OOO. This
high price for voters luav astonish the
? J voter and scheming politician of vir
tuous Colorado , aiul cause them to reflect
how , a man could expend that largo
amount of money for an otlice whieh
paid only if 13,0)0 ) for the term of six
years and ever got his money back , but
it can be readily explained how easily
Mr. Sharon did it.
The legislature met on the first Mon
day in January , U7fi. ! Mr. Sharon was
duly elecleil b ; > iied Stales senator for the
term of six years , and , leeling gratcinl
for the honor conferred upon him , in
duced a majority of the inumheio w-tio
voted for him to put the money they had
corruptly received from him to secure
their election into tlio stocks he was then
manipulating. Relying on hit > integrity
of purpose , they , lamblike , entered the
scheme in the fond hope of further en
riching themselves , but ahu ! the point
ers these wise legislators had received
from their newly-lied senator proved their
own destruction , for on the expiration of
the session si.xtv days Mr. Sharon had
all the money back expended on theelec-
( ion , with a large surplus besides. In
deed , so fearful had the cinching process
been applied to them that many had to
seek him tor moans to return to their
During the interim of Mr. Sharon'1 ;
election to the United Slates senate and
the taking his seal , therein , Virginia City
was visited with a calamity which came
verv near reducing him lo absolute want.
That beautilul city , which stood almost
in clouds , near the .summit of Mt. David
son. the pride of the Novadian and glory
of the miner , in the month of November ,
1875 , was visited by a lire which destroy
ed buildings nnd property lo the value of
millions of doH'irs. Thooilgiiiof the lire
resembled it : sonio respects the great lire
in Chicago. In the latter case the lire
was the result of a kick of that famed
co\v belonging to mi humble washwom
an named O'Leary , while in the tormer
ease it originated about (1,111) ( ) o'clock , a.
m. , in a little shiintyon A struct from the
from the upsetting of a burning lamp.
The lire depaitmenl responded promptly
lo the call , but that Wiishoe y.epliyr ,
which was prevailing at the time MIOII
wafted the Ilanics to the adjoining small
tenements , they being constructed of
'Very inllammable material. The Mippl >
of water becoming exhausted , and the
lire gelling beyond the control of the de
partment , ( he citi/eiiH commenced lo
prepare lor the worst. Kvery means of
convoy-unco was brought Into use lo re
move goods , furniture , baggage , and val
uables lo safe places. The most extrav
agant prices wore demanded boxprcvt -
men lor Iho use of their wagons. A- >
high aa110 ami $ ! ( > : ) nn hour was paid in
homo inslancca for their me. Hy 7 o'
clock it was evident that all that portion
of the eity lying north of Taylor .street
was doomed to destruction. The wind
was blowing a hurricane , the roaring of
whu h , ( rnnbliicd wild the cnicl.Iing of
the llaimui , the explosions in the build
ings , and the falling of the walls was a
neeiio whhh no change or circumstance
will ever be able to elbico from tlio reo-
olliction of Ihe Com.stoi kors.
The Ihtmes in their cruel career had
ctosiodCutreot. Tlin Territorial Ilnttr building and International huU I
were In lluiiK-H , and It was evident the
( Jon.solldutcd Virginia , Ophr , and possi
bly the Calitnrnia. hoisting works would
BO'OII fall vietimi. The utmim conster
nation nnd dismay pn vnilud. It the
hhalts of ilionii inmca should catch lire
and burn 1 10 loss would bo irre para bin.
Hul ( luring nil this e.xeitiiig scene , two
mon.lames ( ! . Kuir and John W. Miickay
retained their equilibrium.Mimkuy had
anticipated an omorg.moy of thii eluir *
iiclor by placing twenty foot below the
surface in the Consolidated Virginia
shaft two heavy iron doors Thcbo he
eloii-d and lilhui to the lop and with his
forces directed his attention to .saving
thu magnlliceul works of the C.ilitornia ,
which were just Iwing completed , Kojvr
did men work with 'inch a vim in trying
to sav e property und their oll'orts were
crowned w.lli success and each oiu | who
liiid lUMntcd wa-i suitably rewauled. The
Ophir was not so fortunate with its shaft
It caught lire and burned lor homo ilio-
t-ain-e , and required one sU-am engine
nearly twenty lour hours beloro it wus
extinuuMied. During ili progress tv
large'numbcr of building ) WCIH blown
up with giunl poudcr by the cUief of
| > nlieo to Mar Ihe fire's advance Final
li il vvu i hi i ked li ) the application of
h > r > sedlrl ou u building which had been
blown down. The In-ss of rolip * pertain
ing to the i-arl.l d'iv , ol the famous Mali'
owned by thp soci'-ty of piouei r , wns
great for ni'i ' l oT Ihein could not be re
placed for love or money. One "f the
mo-it seriotisMo-i-s.M win I mil of the prifa
Mite pubinolo which contained speci
men * of rure bi-uutv und n # grtut richness -
ness as were ever extracted ftom the
bosom of the cuith or found by the luckv
prospector. Thp < c nil disappeared in
the coullauralioii und where the miigni
licent cttsc once stood' in which they
were expo ed lo view- nothing could be
found but u few blackened nuggets
NervonDebllltaleil Men ,
Yeuaroiillowii li ( / irrfiiiOnfMrj / / / < 1itii ]
of the ii e of l > r. live's ( Yh'hnitcd voltaic
Hell with Klecttle Siisju-nsoiy Aii | liaiiees
for the wneedv lelief Hint pi-rtiiaiient ruli1 of
Nervous Debllltv. lo-ssol Vitality nnd Man
hood , nnd till Kindled doublesANo tor
i nuinv elhe dlsiMsCs. t'oiniih > le ie tonit'oii to
Jii'alth , Umirand ui.inhonf. ( Vo jiiK is in-
fin red. llltKtrated | i.itniihet | with full Information
mation , leiliH. etc. . mailed Iree b >
Voltaic Kelt C'o. Murhall. Mich.
After ' 1'uklnuViuer at tlio
a Cowboj 'H I'lslol.
Itlg Horn ( W. T.I Senlluel- nobby
and Miobbi li miloid of llrlli lie\lriellon :
traveled from Hig Horn with Us and Abe
Idclman on the -lage oonch early this
\vcek. \ Milord exeessivdv exclusive.
lie woiildiri be ociul and spoke to no
ono except the two "John Ilenrv" kcr-
Yiints he had vxith him. and vva altogeth
er as unpleasant nt hi * Midbblishncss
could make him. At a dinner Hlatlon
there were a lot of jolly cow bovs on a
lui k , ami one of ( linn , "treating" evety-
bodv , asked the llngllshmaii to ill ink.
Ot course milord bcnghlily refused.
The cowboy displuj ed a dangerous U > eking -
ing Mvs'iooter ' ami ver.s impressht'lv in-
Msie'iouhis drinking "Lilt 1 ci.wn I ,
yoi < know ; I don't diiuk.vou know , " VMIS
nnlordS reply. Mi . Cowboy brought tin1
.nu//lc in clo'so inoximil.\ the knot in
which milord's brains were supposed to
lie hidden S-MUCH here , ami Ihcu lie sail (
he'd drinkhe'd take soda water , you
"Hotla water nuthiti , " said Mr. Cow
"You'll take . "
boy. straight whisky.
' 'I5ut , aw. tlii- * American whisky , 1
eawn't swallow it , joii know. "
"Well , " said the cowboy , ' 'I'll make a
liolo in the hide of ; \ our head to that \vo
can pour it in , " and lie began to draw on
milord , and milord saitl , "Aw , that'll do ,
I'll drink it. "
Then the cowboy invited milord 'd aer
vnntft to drink , which horrilied him
"They don't d < ink , .vou know , " ho Rind.
"Well , we'll .see whether they dooi nut , '
.said Mr. Cowboy. "The ohaiiei s ale. you
don't give 'em ti 'Importunity. ' Come up
hero , jou fellows , nud gu//lo some , ' and
tin : two John Ilcnryi , with a little show
of relm-lance , but really glad to got a
drink , came up , and Ihe cowboy passed
a tumblerful of torchlight procesiion
whisky for milord , anil the t > orvuuts
poureil for theiusi'lvcs.
Then the cowboy made Ihe John
Henrys clink glasses with milord , and all
drn nfc and there was great fun. Milord
tried niter that to becry jolly , and the
.stimulant insisted him decidedly. Hut
in the coach ho fell back into his ex-
clu ivcness , and retained it throughout ,
anu has probably got it yet.
"A Perfect Flood of Sunshine"
will fill the heart of every Miliering wo
man if who will only pcisist in the use of
' ' " ' " It
Dr. 1'iuicn's "Favorite I'rescriptiori.
will cure Ihe most excruciating periodi
cal pains , and relieve yon of all irregu
larities and tvo huilthy action. It will
positively cure internal inflammation and
ulceralion , misplacement and all kindred
disorders. I'rice reduced to one dollar.
Uy druggists.
.foku Did Not r-no ; ] Ilin.
New York 'J'elegram : "You are lure
every week. What is Ihe mallei' ? You
are a nuisance , " .said Justice D'ufly , in
the Tombs court , to Mithael Walsh.
Michael's luce was in a broad siiiiic in
he replied : "Well , oven if 1 am , judge ,
you wouldn't commit a nuisance , would
"I will punish ( innUuicii : , though. One
mouth , " said the judge.
"It didn't work , " was all Walsh haid
as he walked away.
The funeral of Charlcj Leslie , who was
shot by It.L.I'owell , look place Sunday af
ternoon at o'clock. It was attended by
nearly three hundred fricml.i. The mem
bers of the bereaved fatiii y wisli to I hunk
their Iricndn through tlio llir : lor llieir
kindness and assistance in their great
griet and bereavement ,
. The Great Invention ,
tYitlivtit llurm In FA HltlOor llAlfna ,
nnd particularly wlapted to Iform Cliwal ,
Ko family , rlrli Jr poor , phnnM 1/e without JU
Sold \ > y all Orocors , Ijill dricarn ot Vila 1ml-
tsttona. i'KA.lifltfi ; la manutocturca
only l > f
-iiim HAi.ic-Kmt intir or on or the iicjt
1A lilocki la Ihiiiui AHolloii' : ( ailtlluiii , liouiliix
on l.euvuatvoiili RIUIOI , wiih hoio.u , i-ii * .
K let front lot wllli IKIIISO ninl Ijiira on Kill
8lrei > t lotSI. . .IX ) ; riuy puj meats.
Hiiiana full i it on c'liiaioi Bt , t..Tuo. itai *
toil 11103. , : i,7 , S Mill Plrtiou iiViU
TTIOUflAr.R Afowlolfi In H.irtlotU mtclillon ,
Jihroo ulocki IrtJMi Mn'dt cur , l.Vi'J ' to 4751 on
nionllily imyinuuK. W. T , ( iralmni , CrulKli'on '
blouU. l.'iJ
FOKHAI.K A llrsi elnro. nml iviill paying
lioiinliiijdiciir-t'.ciiliitliy locutiil tor purtlu *
uliirs. Addir > HC. X. lleoiullco. W\ \
HOUSES , luu , MluU-DoiiiU , I'Hli nml Do
Ii il
HOUSKH , lots , fnnus , loads -llcmli IMh nml
Douglus. bH-TfSinov&i
J.l ( ) U.sis ; , lois , IrtHils-UoinU.nili nnd
1 M.I D
HOL'hl > , ottf.liuiUs IliinU , iJtli unit Di (
HOMB SISKICRIIS , Ari'UVI'ION-J'or full | i r
tluulurf Hltoiit li > > nml elieiii | lumN hi
\VeMiTii Noliriiku uildrus-s IMttorxm X Wlilto ,
iicui Uituio Aitunid , NUI-HI I'liittu , iVuii. ; m
" 17\f \ > ltSAI.K A two blorr.-'vilj , fr.iiHbillU |
. .1Inif , BUllnblo lorn btorn , near Utli unJ Fir
' Aiil/ut | | tlili oilicn. VI7
" \r < ) npcrntlnn or lisnlotij trii.j.ns. Dr. M. M
IN Moorq , Stl U'nluili nut. , Clilcdfu. Will
bo ut Coz/bua lloiiao , In Oiuaua , tuury 1U dityn
rt iistuimioii , run
Ft. "I'llI ! UlillAlta. " A Irfiiu-illmf uuJ ( lily
H-IKIO ! lor yoiinIn lios. Dellvmliilly
oiiiii-onruiimn HeUliM. l.tirgt ) irro
LHUoi'fcr.iioaalIcuJViuilu ! < fi- * . MlxJ
iff IM 7 M L L P LI , VON
Sheet Minio ami Hook * .
Munlrnl lii'trnnu'iits ,
Hallot & Davis Pianos
Violin * , ( lultnrs nml lltitijo * .
I'liitio StooU nml IMV
Semi . " ( > sli < iui | lor eiitnlotriKi.
I'tllsh KHHls Illhl NoM'llltH
Engravings , Paintings
isinnot III.AS sriiui.r.
Tlio rollntilo Inlhir liK-ntwl n . Kill tfl
sf Steam Healer
.Siirroiiniloil bjr AVjil
Semi fof Hc.vrliilixu Clrc lor.
1 4th and Dod o Sts
Qea't n for Ni'li " . Dulcotw
Ill N'ottTii liirittiTiiiiKruuiiiA NKIIIUSKA.
J V. SKC5K11 ,
iiKos thu htioiuroit , liiuid-
iuoal.uiii'upost mm best Sml-
illcsVlnis. | . ItoliiH , mid nil urtielcj In tils line ( nipt
uli ny.s on hiinil. Itupiilriim u
Kpooally III. N. Ifilli HI. , bot.
Ioilau ) mid Cupltol Avo.
Oarlichs & Johnson ,
516 N. IGtfi STREET , OMAHA , NEB.
Inveblmcnt Secirltles , Moitua o l.oann.
Loans ne olliitcd on city pioperty mid im-
piovetl hums.
r > per cent Intcimtallowed on tlmodoooslta.
( Juuiliu , Nebraska.
Capital - - - - 5500,000.
Surplus , - . . . - UW.OOO.
Horiunn Kountzo , Presldont.
John A. Crnighton , Vice President.
F. H. Davis , Cuhhlcr.
\V. IL Mej ( < iulre. ABS'C Cashier ,
n. ( . . QAiiLifits. r.
National Bank
! | HI
S. W. Cor. Fanum It I2lh Sis.
Capital , 100,000
C. W. IIAJ1U.TON , ProKiilnnt.
Al. I' . ll.Mtr.OW , Ciwlilor ,
niiihurous ;
It. M. Cnldwoll.O. W Iliiinllluii , II. V. Builtil
M.T. llurluvr O , Will HtimillLni.
7 VrlIt. ' JllU/iM IIIUUll U
i&BHlillY&l ®
§ < ] Jfj ] lirKUIKUU ST. .j .
Mendelssohn & Fisher , 1
11. L. HIIANK. SuiM'ilnteiiilent
Saunders Street Market ,
I'ix'-li.finlt HID ! Hiiiokoil Jli HI * , Fatliuau , INnil-
, . . . , ' ' .
liy ctu. KHJ buiiu.iorci k.reut 'jofi's lllcwt.