r THE OMAHA DAILY lUfllO ; TUIr-SDAV , NOVMMUMK .17. 1885. THE DAILY OllICB. NO. CM AMI SIR I'MlNUt NKU YoiiKOfru'i : , UOOM O Ml trcrr mornliKf.otcopt SunilAy. Tif ! only Monday ninrtilmc I > npr ( iviblljlioil In tlio fttnu * . TITMS 11V M\lf , ' Ono Yrnr. . . . . tloi rriir Mnntlii . * ! M PU Motitli * . 6.WiOno : Mouth . LOT Tin : Wi EKI.T llf i1 , I'ub1l tip < l HVCTJsytdtiu'dnr - tl.HMS , l-OSTIMIl * . Ono Vrer , wllli prr-tnlum . tJWJ One Vi-nr. without t're"ilum . I. ' " ' Hit Mi . .His , williom I'trinitnu ' . ' Ono Mi-iitli , on trial . 10 All njirimnni < 'ntlniinn > lutliiit < > iirnsnnili ! l' ItirU.liiintti-M houl < l lo adJmssfil lo the I.ut- aonor-rnt ; HP.K. HP.K.r.ff iNr s i.r.iTV.us : Al ! tniflncep U tti-n nml roinlttnnc < "i sliouM bo niliJi > rl to Tin * It I'imi.isiiiNO COMI-VNV , OMAMA. Draft * . cliiTU * nml imMolllui onlern to lie in iuli' poj alile to thu orilfr of tbc cntnpuny. HIE 8(1 ( PUBUSHISfi COMPklll , PHOPHIHflHS , i : . nosnw.TUIC. . BI Tnr weather elerk is belmving himself very well and is tuniinir out some futilt- lean wimple * of weather these days. * i " - CAV the board of trade galvani/.e Mr. McShano'.s r.illro.nl proposition ? Home thing ought to be done at once to nuikuit show some ngns of life. TIM ; fetatoMii-nt is made that the total number ot ptij sieians in the world i.s esti mated at 1IMMKK ) . This evidently docs not Include the miacks , of who'm there urn million" . WAK in lluiniah has begun and English fltcnm launehis have captured King Thcrbaw't ) war vessel. The Hurmo > e navy now consists of nuat-hont and one four oared barge l''i\Nft ( i him ! ( ,100 saloons. At Nebraska high license rates the annual revenue would be something over three million dollars. Under the ordinances of that city the revenue is $ . ' 08,000. TIIK New York Musical union is "boy cotting" an oboe player in Theodore Thomas'orchestra. The great need of tlib rural regions just at present is a per- polual "boycott" of the bass drum. MONTUKAI , has lost 2,500 lives from Binnll pox Blnco the beginning of the present epidemic , a number equal to the natural mortality of tin cnliro yc.u' . Ig norance always pays a fearful price for experience. A.vv day In tlio week is good enough for politicians to erect their lightning rods , but Sunday is the chosen day for telegraph companies lo erect their poles in the streets without fear of interfering lavvyors or enjoining courts. SAINT , of Indiana-who was ap pointed peiiHiun agent a few montliHago , has just been convicted of taking an Ille gal fee while acting as n pension attorney. He will bo given a chance to relied and reform behind tint burs. Br.N HOOAN , the reformed pugilist , travels in company with ancli men as John V. Firwol ) and Jlr. Hemingway , flecrotary of the Chicago Y. M. C. A. If wo judge a man by the company ho keeps , Mr. llogan is doing quite well. Tuosr commissions for the big federal olVices in Nebraska are still Hide-tracked , nml the candidates are .still on the anx ious Heat. Patience is one of the greatest virtues , and the Grout I'athcr nt Wash ington evidently wants liu Nebraska children lo learn that patience never ccascb to bu n virtue. CONNECTICUT Inus long been considered the banner Etato for old people , but the recent showing made by lowjt makcH the jr state take second place. This H eenenn in Iowa , which fiaa just completed , shows that there arc vvcnty centenarians in that stale , the oldest person being ll ! ) years of age. HANK clearings continue heavy out- uldo of the great commercial centers. Thlii IH a hopeful sign In Ui business nil- Unllon as indicating an inenmse in the volume of luglrim Ue ( rude tmnsiiotion- * . In the Inrge cities , especially in Now York , I'hiladelphia , Boston and Chicago , a part of the improvement In doubtless duo to Increasing slock and grain specu lation. Thin argument cannot be used in thp case of the smaller cities , which are homing gains of 15 per cent and up- witrtlfl In the amount of hualnc-ss trans acted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - * , Sr.OKirrAiiv ESIHCOTT bus ordered thfi ' , ia pcotor general to inaUe iv thorougli ; 1 iuvosll ition of the oireumslmioes eon- f > cU'd with the riieeiit.ooiirt m.irtln ! pro- . OrcdmgH at Fort Ale.yer. As ( jen. Ilazen - ' . payti he wunt.4 It , tluire is no reiuon why' ] italiouhl not bo both snarehing and roin-j 'J ploUi. Fort Meyer has long beau u storm : center , iind Ila/.en in bulieved lo have boon largely responsible fur the scandal ous disturbances in the digital bcrvicu at- ntosphoro. He is bL'coming u national Uuisatiuo and ought to IMI ubnted. Tin * council shonl I nut full to p.xtcnd tht > iirn limits at once. There nro too many rookorle.s aud lire traps going up atul endangering the u.ifety of thu city. 1o lesson of tialveston in which fifty- two Mocks of fnimeu were swept iivvuy iu H few hours .should not I HI lost on Oiuuhii. Wu , too , urn likely lo have a jpt.li ) hero which will fun u spurk into a eoaflagrntton and do Irreparable ilntnugu to tlie city , It Is the munlfcjit duty of the city council to provide against oonlingenoy by prntcntlng the portion of our city with walla ul solid liriet , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 nr.t'iciKNOv of $0,7i'irtiirt , : is reported from ( ho postollice department as the reef - of Its operation * during the lust ( is- enr. A heavy dollcienoy VIM ox- 'il on account of the reduction in letter postage nml on Beixmil-ehiHs mail uuler , while additional until fHcllities ktivo assisted In increasing thu exciwa of loiiilItiiriiHover rec < ilpt.s. The publio V M not IMI Inclined , however , to grieve tuuoh over the khowlii ! ; , U hud gained tfuddixi advantages in the ctiHit , unit aru tvUJIng to overlo < ik a dolicluncy which ItH/itist-ntHonly / soiuueh money expended tint their porw.mal pro'llum ! fcou. 'Jlif 'I'elephone Monopoly. Th" li lephonc hearing which Js iitnv in progr * - > in Wushlngion bcforo Sctrctary Latnar is altr.-u'lllig nniuTsn.1 attention. The plainti""i" " i"\u \ nro bringing strong : rgini cnls lo ti-ove tlmt tlie Hell patent was o. < > . . .neil ! > / fr.-iuds in the patent iillice and aru supporting ; their as seition by an iinim in : irray of allldav-itH and testimony. I'iof. < ir.iy owear.s that ho filed his caveat for n telephone on February U , l < * ? t ; . and that on the simo day ProfMl \ pni hi his application for an iinjirovcmont in "mulliple telegra phy. " It was not until llell'a patent had been granted that Prof. ( Jray aseortanied that Hell made any claim to having in vented a telephone , : uul the professor avers that he belated fnllv In the him. esly of Hell's discovery until li < < learned snlisc'iuenlly that ho had been given ac cess to his ( ( Jray'.i ) invention and Was allowed through olHcial connivance to steal it and claim il as his own. This is a reinark-ible uilidavit and fully warrant * the im o.sligution now in progress. The singularity of the case is increased by the admilted fact that one olllcialiu the ( latent ollice gave f'ra.y the priority of invention , while another gave Hell the preference by two hours. The inletc l of the publio in the ca e is enhanced h.v llio knowludgo that if the Hell patents aie declared illegalthe yivat telephmm monopoly will bo broken and llio tichl thrown open lor competition. The ext ut and value of the telephone business has been carefully concealed from the public. It remained for the Chicago Tribnnr to publish the roinllsonnvestigilitiis uudo by its representatives in the Ihirt.v-three largest cities in the United Stales rela tive to the management and tarlll'of local lolephonoeAclumges. From the- table prepared , it appeals that the entire num ber of instruments in use , in tlie terri tory covered by the reporters , is U'U7 ! ' with charges ranging from ; t,1 to $75 i\ year in New Haven , to ? 100 to $111) ) in Chicago. The prices vary , siipposahly , in : icoordouco with the distance traversed by the wires ; but the wide dillerenc.es In rates for service .show that the com pany liiw everywhere charged as much as the public will pay. The extent of this great monopoly ii scarcely shown by this exhibit. The ! IH37 ! telephones re ported in the great cities with an average - ago rate of ยง ,1J a year , would realign for the company the .stupendous income/of SJ.niS.O.'O. This vast .sum is easily doubled by receipts from hundreds of local exchanges and thousands of pri vate licensed lines No other monopoly in the land reaps pueh marvellous re turns on so small an investment. What wonder is it that the stol'k has been watered again and again to make its in terest returns seem more reasonable lo a complainim ; public or that its alleged inventor is a millionaire with one of tlio Unost and costliest establishments in \Vafihington. Previous investigations into the va lidity ot the Hull patents Inivo linen warded oil' by jug-handled suits and pur chase of rights for the use of the tele phone company. The present ease is being argued on its merits , and 1'iof. ' Hell will be forced to establish the va- lidityof his patent , or the government will bring anil lo vacate it as a fraud. Servia neil The war between Hervia and Hnlgaria , which is now in progrcs-i , invite * men tion to the geography of these two conn- tries , which me raised lo an undue im portance by the clients which their dis pute may liavo upon the map of Huropo. The Halkan mountains form the .southern boundary of both countries , and thu river Dannlio Hoparatcs them on the north from Austrian Hungary and .southeastern Russia. Until 1873 Scrvla was n Turkish principality , although anciently it was one of tlm moit powerful kingdoms formed out of the wreck of the Hy/.antino empire , i'.y the treaty of Herlin it be came an independent kingdom , wilh its own ruler. Servin lias , nn area of 10,817 square miles , and contains a population of I.-'O.OOD. It is a mountainous and wooded country , with a people who have been at war with the Turks since ( he fifteenth century , and who are noted for their br.ivory and military urovvcss. Its , army on a war footiugamountB to 210.000 men , well nrmed tind equipped. ! > nl- garia , which ml joins Servia on theeiist , Is n principality paying tribute to Turkey , but protected in its political independence by tiio treaty of Horlin. It is a larger country thiin Sorviu , couUiining 28,000 flfjimro miles of territory , and 2,23l,000 ) population. The peopleare largely of ' 1 urklsh extraction , and do not compare in valor or daring with the hardy Servian mountrtimvirs. One of its chief cities is Sophia , long since eltiiined by Sorvia as its iinclonl piHiosolon , but confirmed in 1878 by treaty to I'ulgada. The Serbs havu invuded Hulgaria to nx'apluio Sophia , nnd are now lighting tor it. To Kuropo nt large both Sorviu and Hut- garia liavo been for yearn past ehlctly in- terenting Uhthe border land between the Turk nnd the Slav , upon which many memorable battles have been fought , for and against Mum. To preserve their autonomy nnd to protect the countrles from inva.sinn and uonqiieat by either Tin key or her adversaries baa been the aim and end of continental diplomacy , which luis HUOII In their destruction Ihu removal ot the last hairier to the in evitable conlliet for tliodisinuiubornionl of the Turkish empire. TIIK administration Is to bo com mended for Its olVortn to gather facts for nn intelligent dltont > tihii of the silver question at the coming congress. Mr. Marble' * Kni'oponn missiun and the re ports of several of our foreign minUlors and coiiHiih will bu valuable as supple- mentlng the treasury report * of the past ILscal year In hhowln. ; jun what function ailver \ performing under present con- dltloii8 , both nt home mid abroad , There id u general feeling that In Ihu interests of bcith pro Incur aud consumer the con tinued coinage of the silver dollar must bu suspended nn'Jl uu international ngrcuiuont h arrived nt which will force England and ( iermany to coin their own silver and not to dupead : w tlmy now do ilium our own country nnd l-'rance for their subsidiary coin , Aside from the of thu d iinx'laton ! of the silver ilolhir.tinil lU ccitain decline hi pin chas ing power , if the volume of eight.v cent dollars Is Increased , ovcry iiit-lHg.-nt M- im taliht iniisl . ee the neer lty of stop ping the coinage under present condi- olons if wo are to hope for : vMable duuble Rtiimliird in the future. A canvass of the next hoitsi ! of representatives shovya that opinions will be very evenly divided and that n hard battle will bo fought , before the question is disposed of . listiiuntv * give ) republicans ami I democrats as favoring Mtsnonsion of the coinage , Hi republicans and W democrats its opposing suspension and IS repub licans and O democrats a * noneommiUil- llntotiliiK a Storm. If the saloon keepers in Oninlin who are trying to prove that they aroMtpc rior to the law nre wl e , they will stop at once Ihelr obstruction to the enfou-euient of the midnight ordinance. Their present eotit.se is H rousing n sentiment in llu * community with wicK they will Iind il dangerous to como into conlliet. They nro causing a demand for a strict en forcement of the high license ordinance , not only as it aflccts inidnlgni elo-iiug , lint in all its .section" . Their .short sighted persistency in Haunting their c pcatod violationaof the law in the face of a law-abiding commtmit.s , will cer- tninly react to their own dlsulvnntagi. Niiu'-tenths of the suloon keepers of Omaha appreciate this fact. They are complying with the mid night ordinance themselves ami will not support the men who are doing their lu'it to damage the'bitslncss of the entire yaloon interest in this city. The whole trouble has been inspired and main tained by fhv or six parlies who violate the high license ordinance in order to bolster up their violation of the law which forbids the running of gambling houses in Omaha. \Vheu the question of high license was lir.sl brought up the Hir. : vvti oiieuf its earliest advocates , It supported the Slocumb bill because It believed it to bo a practical method of dealing wilh the iqnor question. It warned the saloon keepers at that time that their attempted opposition was un wise be'causo it. was an opposition to their own best interests. . Our predic tions were reuli/.ed. The passage of the high license law look prohibition at once out of Nebraska politics. The opctalion of the high license ordinance * wherever it has been enforced has proved satisfae- ry to all concerned. The liquor .selling interests are now ready to admit this. The question now being raised is whether the law shall be .sustained in Omaha or declared a failure. Da the saloon Keep ers wish lo place a club in the hands of ( heir enemies to beat their own brains out withy Am Ihej prepared , by bold faced opposition to the enforcement of tlio midnight ordinance , to draw down on thoirhuailsahtrii'lciifoiceinuntof both the letter and the spirit of the Sloeiimblaw which has boon Mrotehod so tar for thoii hciteliu Are I he men who are daily violating lating the gambling ordinance and vvhos-e- occupation continues only by public suf- era nco ready to foice thatqucstion lo an is-ne'y Omaha is practically a unit in support ing Marshal Ciimmings and hi.s force in maintaining law and order in this com munity. The law abiding element care.-i nothing for the threats of the law break ers or the technicalities of police court juries. In Ihu cml il knows that it holds the remedy in its own hand' ' , The ques tion is whether foolish violators of the midnight ordinance will insist upon its application. Tin : latent method of dispersing a cor poration meeting is for some inquisitive .stockholder to put a , question concerning the Management. The hist Western Union annual mceling was dispersed in tins' manner and the Manhattan Klovatcd railway wnt horvo.l last wvok with the same dish. The New Vork Tiuict , com menting ; on the event , say.s : The .Manhattan udlw.i } cllinm seems to bo in even crealer ihoail ul iiiii'stions tlnin tlio Western Union telegraph clli'iio. la fact , they won't listen to them ut all or give any impertinent Hto'khuldur outside oC the Cioiilil-l-'icld coaihimitieti a chance to ask them. At the meeting ycsteiday the mere pie-siMieo of n pornon stisptvtud to be ( ended wlthqiiivsthiiiiKsulti-d In the siqiiire.s-,1,11 of Mr. Klcld'h coiiKr.itniattiry speeoh , the dis.ip- penrniico of a pieparod set of resolutions , uad a hast ) itiljoiniuiieat In so netliliu ; llku a panic. An Interrogation p'l.nt SUJIIH to bj as dreadful an ulijeut to Cu-ild , t'ield an.I their accwnplliujs us Alnid oth'a nir-iliiiwn dagger. Tilt' favorable weather will enable ua to c < miploU ) a good many buildings now under WHV. The trouble now is that there I.s u { .careily of brick. Our brick makers are living on a hand to mouth policy of meeting the wants of contract- , iirs and any extraordinary demand throws them ut. once on their beam ends. As it in now , llio yards nro almost empty and when spring oponn we shall proba bly liml ourselves again delayed for want of building material. Thoru ii no rea son why , in H oily of Omaha's si/.o , this Ptato of nllalrs should continue. Our brick makers ohonld lay up a supply of several million brick tliit , winter to be readiness for the curllan demands of next spring. ACCOIIUIVO to the Mirgeon general of thu army , during the past year , ( ! . ' ; ! : of wounds , accidents and injuries vvero reported from thn army in n mean 8trenglh of 1,001) ) ofliuorii nnd men. 'J'huhO ligures exceed the ciifltinltleH of or dinary war/arc. Thu beer Ixiltlc and broncho nru evidently moru deadly than thu bullet. Is hard at work slinginglnk In criticism of ( Sen. 0runt's expose of his failure at Chattanooga. Thu only inter est the public has in Rosucraiis Is nn earnest desire to learn ( hut lie Is attend * ing to his dntied us rcgiitor of tlm trim- bury with more olliuienoy tlmn he did to his duties as commander of the unny of thu Uiunborlnnd. Mit. TALMAOK Ina been striking eomo very Inird blowd from the pulpit Ht I'rof , John h. Sullivan. Mr. Siilliviin , hoiv < ever , is &U1 ! In the ring , nnd oan draw u bigger crowd than the pulpit pounder. Ittiitillnr : .Inspection. Tlu crention of till * tilHeo of budding itispi-rtor. ns urgeil'at ' Ihe lasr board of Irade meeting , should lie prompllj m-ule by < it.v ordinancivThe neco' lty of this a'-llon hn been urged for the pa M three yonr.s in Ilivso folumiiri. and I he sentiment of our business lnlere.-its now voices the demand through Us trade organi/ntion. The new office can bo comlncted without additional expcn e lo the city treasury through a system of guuluatod fees to bo paid by the constructors of new build- ngs. Kvcry proposed building should bn laved according to il ? cost. Tor strneture.s whoso csHiu.iled Value is lessi than 500 u n'gis'ration fee of lifty cents ami an inspection fee of a dollar could he charged. For buildings costing not more than $1,000 the fee ? could bo increased to ifl.fiOi over ? 1.000 and less than fi.OOO the fees should advance proportionately to t- > ; while the limit of $10 .should bo reached in structures above the lust mimed amount. Iji all buildings' valued at over $ lIXKt , plans and .specilications altonld be " required to "be placed on lilo and ap proved hy the inspector , the width of foundations examined , the strength of walls and joists tested and the position of dues invcstiguli'd. A proper building or- dmanee ngiilating snch matters should be drawn up and passed by the council , and architects and contractors should be forced to comply rigidly with ils lequircments under proper penalties tor infractions of the law. The. salary of the inspector .should come out of his fees. No licenses can be issued under ( hat name , hi'cauxc under the constitutional provision all license money must be passed to the credit of the school fund. Hut the emoluments of the oflleo as "fees" c\n ! legally go lo the inspector jn t as much as the fees of a city weigher , or of u clerk of court , make up the salary ot these ollicials. Omaha needs a bureau of building pur- mit.s which will exi reisc a proper super vision of building construction in this city. Afa matters are now there is noth ing to prevent a false economy and greed from erecting shells and danger ous structures on our best streets , provi ded they are Unilt of brick , iron or stone. In addition , wo have no reliable KlalisliM of the value of out-private improvement , except Mich neccs-iarily incomplete re. porlb as newspaper enterprise collects al the clo.e ; of each year. Muniil fill' OIHce. Kaiiias t'ity Jotil'iiali This mania for ollice is not. only' ' , injurious to the in di vidual , sacrijicingj hi.s. ) money and manhood - hood in making a mendicant of him , but it is harmiul lo tin ; peyplc. . Milliner ! ly 'Correct. Chicago Herald A j ciod deal of money is involved in thuxlispnto as to who in vented the telephoiiohiid ; in their eager ness toM'curo it tlnj various claimants ficum to forgel Hint thfcro are men in tins country who would like to interview ( he guilty party with shotgun as soon as the verdict is rendered. How Uic Hey ! I'roaolier Slriili's } Milwaukee I'veulii'i Journal : Ml. lliiriisoti drawH n Hillary of S10 > ) a week during hi.s slay in Milwaukee , ami boards : i ( the I'iankinlon house : il the c.xpcn-c of the chmvh people , llo sells the hymn hook * used in the services , and pockets the prolit.s. He alwi sells his own pho tographs , the procoeil < r of which go to his own pin-fee. A i'lesitlential itee ii : tlie Jionnet. Chicago Tribune : A Cincinnati woman is suHering greal agony from a bug which has crawled into her ear. A woman can or liiuvrily endure more than A man ; but there an * , a number of men of some prominence in Ohio each of whom has had a bee iu his head for a long lime and never vvhimpuied. Mail DeinocrnlB. Chicago Tribune : Ijin. > cr.iN are mad enough already over thu order which keeps them from unking Ihu president personally for 1'lao.c , mid what will they not sij iu xt week when at raw i.s laid in the slr > . -I in 1'ro'il of the white lions. ! that the no'sj ' of pa-i-un'j ' ; vehicles may not break the Mow of thought while thei'r one time ii'ol is engaged upon his message , AVbyTlioy Will filvo ThanUM. Chicago Herald : On being asked why he left Ilia name of ( iod out of his Thanksgiving proclamation ( lovernor Iloadly said that hu had no right to com mand pcoplo ( o give thanks to ( ! nd for an,1) ) thing , and that all his proclamations were purposely so word -d us lo Include .lew and ( ienlili ) , Christian nnd infidel. Nevertheless , n good many people are thanking ( io I tlmt Mr. Iloadly is about to retire In private life. IJojroon. " Denver Tributio-Hepuhlicftni Tlm word "boycott" vva coined during llio 1/ind league troubles in Ireland in Ihu year IfrW. Captain Hoycolt was the agent of an' Kngllsh landlord , ami forborne reason ho beeanui very obnoxious to the labor. ing classes in the vicinity of llio estate of wnicli ho was in charge They combined In ruliisiny to assist him in harvesting hih crop , and th' < HIICCCSS wnioli attended this fichenii' made it a popular method of bringing obJHotfnjiabJo andlords to terms It was. rtjjopijml In other casns , and the name of tuy. IM/IJI against vv horn Ihi.t kind ( if war uvs oi'i''inally made fol lowed the in'.iuticKand Llum becamu in corporated into tlTfi Hvniigollst Mo iI3 rttSnotmcM chinch fain ; IH an iihoiimmtiun ll'itle-H ' ) ho thinks one ojsler Is not vnnu fi for a stew , Dohaoiilco bus Ujjtui jn soup after Jenny June. It Is BiiiidU'd | ) ui he inailu ol spnnj , ' bonnels and iicsh i-A'lcu' articles. illss Anna lllckln on n rapidly iwnveiln ; ; fioni a burhnm lllna-Sofseveralniunlhs. hho ha weiiuinol Iinloi.iafilu . energy nml jinwei ; Ccn. Hlioridun Iss'/ : / ! ; lo contemplate wilt- liiK a hook this winter. It will proliibly piove 113 iHijiular its ( lie | > i > eni " .SlicilJiin'H Ithks" ilis. Kale Clinfcu Sprauo In living In one of tint most elegant msiilunces In 1'arls , wheru Mio Is i > lvlu a series i dinner i i Tiulli nilvlsus Mr. M\ples ! < ) 'i lo re- Ids roimiiis.sioii ot llciitonnnt colonel of thuTmvur U.iniH'tw volnm ix Mw \ juluiiLU to reslitu In the United tititle.s. Kdlter Puliui-r , orthu Now VurkVoild , busy fur W > HIO vviH'Us precedlmc thu eleeiliin , Ui.it bo iid | nut tci-t three ( iltC ! | > a day. This accounts tor the W' Air. IJrain Stnker prnpow to lectuiu In I.niuloii un vvh.it hu knu ysiiu.iut A luiriuuns und lids rounlry. II is MI liitlu. however , that thu tmuuuuccuumt taultca llttlo in- teu-dt. TUB UTOPIA OF ENTHUSIASTS the Ilolguts of Braiiia nuil Uoodle bj a Sweep of a Pen. COMMUNAL PLANS DISCUSSED. Two Tltoiisimil Vcnrrt ol * Trlitl Pall * l'i Itrlntf Attniit Ihu Millennium MtiKKP'lintm to the Mlllloi JIITB | of tlin ( 'OHM try. ivrimr.x Fou TUT. mi : : . ' The v lews of some congressmen recent ly expressed in favor of putting the Indians vii lamN set apart for them sep arately , teaching them Ihe. process of farming and compelling them to cam their own living , or btarvc , brings up thu land tenure question again. Your correspondent , " \V.'and the writer had some discussion ot that question some weeks ago. 1 did not I him reply to hi * last communication , as my thoughts were turned in a dlfl'i're.ul channel , but laid it aside for future reference Our friend "W. , ' ' whoever he may be , thinks he has the true lemcdy lor all the evils which prey unpim human kind , and thai remedy Is the ownership of laud In common , or rather , Ihe ownership of all the lauds by the slate , nnd the hitler leasing them to the individual occupants , livery one vv ho sets out as a reformer has his hobby , in which he believes - > much a- > does thu inventor believe in his di.s- co\ory , who claims to have solved the problem t perpetual motion if he can only remove one little obstruction. They havij loiind what the wise of all the ages have failed to iindand their only sur prise is that people are so stupid that they cannot appreciate Ihe remedies and inventions which thev oiler to the public There are qmu-ks in medicine , there aie janaties in religion , and there are cranks in reform. Now , I do not mean lobe understood as placing "W" among cither of those olasw , fur his ciimmtinieations were couched iu a courteous tone and tolerant spirit and they invite respectful consideration. His idea seems to be that all ellorts lo improve the condition of tlie human race are barren of results , that povcilv and misery cannot bu lessened or removed till we overturn and root out tlie sole caueo of all the poverty and wretchedness which exist , and that is , the present .system of opening land in several ts. "W" w rote this in his last letter : " \Vo believe the stale should own all the land within its bounds , and that tlie citi/cns thereof should pay a certain rent tor .such lands as they use , " also ; "the land tenure retoim-rs are laboring to n-euro such a change in the use and holding of land , as they believe will go very tar to wards ameliorating the condition of society. Tlui believe that , the adoption of the measures they advocate would banish poverty , de-troy sellishness , en throne the beatitudes in the heattsof mn , cnoble and elevate mankind and intro duce the millennial day upon Ihe earth. " Tlnift will bo achieved that which ( lie wisdom of Most- * and thu prophets , of I'av id , ami Solomon , mid Isaiah , and all the siyt-s ; and teachers of the olden times that which the sublime doctrines of ( he sermon on the mount , and ( he in spiring te'icliings of Him who came to proclaim the everlasting gospel , could not accomplish. 1'ily this imuvclniH discovery could not luive been made two thousand years ago. Then , the cross nei dnot have been erected on Cn I vary Hill ; tie-snit'enng. ? of the Saviour , Unit the race might not perish , need not have been endured , for that , which would Usher m Ihe millennial time , had been discovered , and all misery would cease toatlliet Uic human tatuily. Hut my faith " does not enable mo to grasp this"ques - tie i with the coniideiK'o which my fr end " \V" pusse-M's. I have little hope of be holding the millennium on earth till the puritying inilnence of ( iod Almighty's grace vliall ronovati" all hearts nnd make all men and women puru , as He is pure. Ownership in coalman doi-s not seem to have been a success where it has been tried. Committees founded upon this principle have generally broken up as unsuccessful and unsatisfactory. Adam anil Kvo managed to get into trouble in the very beginning of their starting out jn life , by attempting to Irive everything in common on which they could lay their hands , Inking fruit which had been for bidden to them , and misery has been a portion ol'Uiu lot of tlio human family ever .sineo. Hut how is the remedy of hind tenure ly Ihu state to bu ( nought about ? Thu number of the population of thi.s conn- try is fast approaching .sixty millions , it not already that. The lands of all these stales are pwiicd by individuals. They hold their titles midertlie laws of thirty- eight ditl'eivnt states and of thu United States. How are those titles to be ex tinguished , or cancel led rVhat com- pcnsat.on i.s to be made lo the holders of the lands taken from them , or is there to be none ? la this change to bo made against the consent of the owners ? I.s tne legislature ot a stale by one sweeping act lo wipe out titles by which billions of property arc now held ? If lands aru to bo owned by thu state , why mil every other species of property , cattle , horses , sheep , and all purnonal property'/ Are neoplo to be compelled by law to trans- tor their property to the state ? The United .Stales , and nil .state c.onstitnlloiis. * declare that thu rights of property shall be held sacred , and contracts shall not be impaired. lint under this proposed , reform , all f\ir > ling ownership of prop erly is overlirowii ! , and is vested In the Mate.V" \ kindly tells us "biiuh a pol iey respecting land need not iniurieru wilh the osistmgr rdor of things further than to abolish land speculation and monopoly , The citi/.en who has his home , thu farmer who cultivates his l.-irm , Ihe inerch'int who own * his ware house , and Ihu manufacturer who linn his own shop , will not be iiijudiou.sly at fccteil , but ultimately "reatlvln'iiehlled. " Ami Ih'o millennial day will then have been ushered in' ' And this vast change , in rcgiud to which , nnd its coiiHeipieni'c.s , the human mind js lost in Ihe contemplation of immciislt.v.ix lo be brought about aseisily nnd quietly as a man moves Inn family from the old liousu Into the new one ho hits bnild- cd. How nice things look on paper , and how easily relormscan bu acconipliahed them. Onu hus'unl.v to say il , and the thing is done , and ( hen the retormersaiu nimr/cd at the stupidity ot mauliind be cause they cannot ace things an thuy bco them. If attempt * should bn imide to o licet this radical and univei.sal change n to thu ownership of land , I should predict social and political uitrt'iiniakos and tor- undue. * , upheavals mid convulsions ot so ciety and government , such na the world luus never witnessed , iiphunvnli and con vulsions ( hat would hiirpasrt the horrors of Ihu French revolution of VJ-'i/y / , when reason was ovel thrown mid men becamu demons. Overturn society , repeal thu laws which hnvu protected property , and it u'em * but natural that chaos should follow Then we nitty evpecl to sue Ihu ling of the commune , as the world .saw it InT'aris in'tfJ-V.1 and In 'TN' ? . ' . Then will bu thu Imrvcol ( line for the llerr Mo-ttH , the Schwnbi , and the othei pe.stif- eions crunk. * , who , tor BOIIIU insernla- bio reason , aru p emitted to intest ( lie land. Krurj good cili/.en , every lov er of peace and order , cannot lee strong ly sot himself against any tendency to ' ivuriltt eumiuuitutu , buululum , or nttisni , In anvjf < > rm In my hnmhle nieuK snUi a icmedy , or .in > allenipls to c.slablish the common ownetviiip of prop prly , would rpMilt in nnsi tiling the f-mn itntioiH of social order , and would en Imnee the evils that cOst a ( hoiionid fold. Attempt to take away men's prop erty to put it in n ronnnon l 'i > l , or turn it OUM to the t.ie ( , ami Ihe.i will It hl for it , law or no law , and vrho Would nol IlnvliiK writ ten thn nin"h atfaiinl com munism and a i animism , I join " \V. ' in asserting tluit m > iioti < t e\il do exist , which ought to be removed , but he dee < not propose a practical remedy , and I shall not umlcrlnkit to , only saying tin' ' power of n united public opinion can < l < : much toward * removing thpin. To me , one of the most icriou.i .si < ( nt * of the time- ' is the aggregation of vast wealth in the hands ol : few individuals , making them thirty , lifly. n huidrcd , or two hundred titne.s mil lionaiies. A half do/.cn moneyed men men in New Vork can be named , who. if M > disposed , might embarrass the lltuin- cial all'airs ol the governmenl , and erip pie the Inistni' s ot llveeonntry. Another evil sign of the time * Is the rapid ac cumulations of immense foilnnes , mak- the owners ten. tweiily , Ilihly or eighty timcs.millionanes in ten or nfleeii ye.M-s Whose was that enormous wcnltn be fore , ami how came it that it changed lintuli M > suddenly , and is Vtmccnt rated in the hands ul so few ? There is a vast disparity of wealth which ought not to be. These be serious signs They give coloring of ground for the communists to .stand upon. The \etv rich alhud Hit- very means to tin1 socialists tor their agitations. There are Miikos in m.iny parks of the country. The ( cndeiieie's towards conflicts between capilol and labor do not diminish , more than once in the lust year or two have millinnuirr.-i Miuglil a place to sleep oilier than in I heir own houses for fear the excited croud might call lor them. There are splendid palaces in Oth Avenue , and rickelv dwellings of gnant puvery , misery and crime , lilteen iniu- utet" wall : away \Vnll street should be christened , Gambling avenue , for it H one \ asstein | ' of svt indling , operatoti there laavvake nights , concoi'ting schemes hy which they can sweep out from under their victims , tlieir-linanei.il all , on the morrow ; they deliberalely plan to wreck and ruin their assoi-iutoi , ami may hi- scud Ihtm to the madhouse. Christ thrust the money changers out of the temple ; would tlint there was a Christ on earth now who would kick the money changers out ofVali \ sirivt. Money kings and corporations had best lake heed. There m.iy come n conllict between capital ami labor which they will dread to face. They can do mucii to prevent it Thine who are blest with millions should give millions away. Let them eslablish reformatory schools , homes for the fricndles * . hospitals , and charjtable institutions ; gather up the gamins of the streets , the dwellers in the sjunis , future candidates for the pen itentiaries. school them , send them west , ami give them lands to cultivate. There are Imndiidn of wavs _ in which llieso many times millionaires can nnike a noble use of their extraordinary gains They can help to elevate their race and make men and women better. Senator Palim-r lias lately completed a $ IO'i.O"t mansion in Washington ; now let him build a > IOO,00'l ' charitable institution at some point in Michigan where it is need ed. and endow it with enough to sin- tain it. Another evil sign of the timc'j is the tendency to e\tr.tvaiuiee ; , to the vain display and pomp of wealth , and women come in for their sh.ire ot censure. Many of them cannot find anything in this country good enough for them to wear , but they must send aerim the sea to Worth's lor their wardrobe. Maguili- cant onteil. liuments must bo given * , al though there will be those who will &hiwr with col. ! this coming winter , and their stomachs will cr.ive food. I dipped the tollowing in the suminei : When Mis. ( Jcoiue M. Pullman It-It Chii-a- p > for Loin ; I'.iiiiKh , her siu'ei.d tiiiin was ilrivvniip almost at the lent ot her l.iwn. With IUT weie hei childieii and nliont olclit atlenilants. Her huutlnlr cai was he.uiilinlly ( leonr.iteil with ox-eyeil il.iNles , yenmlmas , hellelioiie , paiiilcs and ntlicr lavnrile hleoins t.ikeu fioia hei own llmvci lieils ami the lilts nl I'aiislitn diapi'ih's , v .iter colors , pi hits , peilodleaN anil new hoot.s uhoiit IIu > < - < i u Ii Kaveit a lioiaehl.e yet elegant aspect. One \sasile\oled to her l-.in-ses ami naotliLi t < > the'J.nihiitesof hi'tselt i-ail childieii. How did I'ullman make the fortune that enables him to meet such expendi tures how but by extortionate charge- ! for what he has to sell ? While thousands of railroad men are idle for want ot work , and thousands more are working on half time , such a display was un- seemlv. And another : ' 'The sapphires worn l j Mr-i iMack.iy at the last Marlbor < nig'.i house lull i elipsi'd anything of the kind evei he-lorn M-UII in Knghind. " In some of the dimiy hack streets of New York , emaoiated women are making shirl , ' . al two and one half cents npiece. In agony they repeat the song of the shirt : "Wink , work , \vnilc , Till the 'jiiiin lit-tfln * to swim. " It. is stitch , stitch , stitch , till they stitch themselves Into early graves. Yes , there are evils which should bo removed. The very lieh should scan the signs of the times , these are muttering warnings , f am no alarmist , hut 1 can not fail to observe those slgn.s. The Knight * of Labor lire being recruited with wonderful rapidity. Their organi sations are now rainilied Into every city and comity in the land. What means it ally There will bo a vast arni.v of Knights mid the cry with many may bo , money or bread. Let no one pooh hooh at the warnmgtho nfnlliet may come men niny be shot- blood nniy Him buildings may be burned the clash will be slmrt , but terrible law and oulervvill triumph - but no well wisher waiit.s it to come , The very riehan prevent it. Charles Crocker , vice president of the Southern I'niiilie company , him donated tflll , OHO to the bojs1 and girls' nid aoeiety of San Francisco , for the con- trMiciion of their building ( iood so far , that is most equal to most People in Nebraska giving live dollars. Let him duplicate it ten , twenty mid Ihlily times Let other great capitalists throughout tlio country do likewise let the large emplo.\er.s look out more lor the welfare of HIM employed seek to pro mote their well-being , narrow the gulf bet WITH them , make the employed feel that I heir employers urn their 'iriemN. and there will be less strikes , iiud Ihu Knights of Latior will be out of hm-hn sn Let mil the li'KMin of the conlbet ol 'Hi bo forgotten. It may occur ngiiin. A united , powerful public opinion , tightly direct ed , will do much to avert it , . /UIIN M.TllAVKU. GltAKIl I.SI.ANII , NOV. tilth , Work ! UK I be Detective "That's a detective l.tlking to u New York Herald reporter , " remarked . , ileaaiinl-faced man to David Ke nulds , . ( Newark painter , liillniViinH ) > l\iiniiiiuil- way depot .it Jersey ( Jily. "Yon don't wiy so , " 'ejann luted Key- mlds , eageily , " ( Jiiessl'll watch Imii. llo' got his eye on some New Yori ; niuco-Kleerer. no doubt. They s.iy these loi'soy City diteetlves ale chain light ilng on skaloH. I'll keep myocli awake mil Hen how it's done. " The Newark painter watched the de eotive like u hawk. 1'romtnlly he turned o sprnk to the Htrauger , hut the man wan gonn. Ten minules later Ki-jtiolds liscovered thai Ids watch wits munlng , ie Niioke to the detective about It " 'lh.it eh.ip yon were tnlkiiig with must have picked your pockets , " replied thu pleasant-f.iced ollicer Then chunk ) * of nld'fashlniied New .lei'sey dnvlllil burst in upon the Nevv.rrk miiid , and its owner took the lirst trum fur hume. Ho'il was born In him , nml he conldn'l help U. Ho drifted into n promt- neiit town In the Pouth soon after Johnston's surrender , nml hoforo any- body's timper hud cooled down , lie was aflor cotton , and ho lot thn f.tcl bo known , lie was from Connecticut , nml he did not try to conceal it. He hadn't been in the town two hours befoio an "nnfcgi uprated" pulled his 1100. "Ah - \ $ ' ' . , the man from Ton- nei tii ul "Was that accidental' ' "N < > , sirl No , .sirl" WHS the lloiro rc. joinder. "Did it a purpose , cht" rAn r "Of c. > ur e 1 did"1 "Well I shouldn't n-tlioughlll of yon ! I'll * it . of pas over a.s u case temporary " An hour later , ns ho sut In ( hn hotel , a tile eater approached him Mid pit on III- * hoots and stood and glared nt him. "You must liavo \vobblo to yoiu- tongue ifoti . can't pit strnitrhtcr thau thai , "said the man from Uonnecliuut. " 1 meant so , sir meant so1" "Wanted to jji-t me mad , ch " A "Yes "if ! Yes. sir' " "Yon shouldn't do so. When I'm roused I 'ni a hard man , to handle. lil ; excuse this on the grounds that you don't know me " In the afternoon he was given tv hint tluil lie Ii. id belter leave town nt onco. and v hen In * demurred n lawyer sent him a i liallemre. " \\li.if-i it - " " - tinasked the Yankee as he lead Ihu missive. "Yon insulted him , iind IIR demsnds ; itislai lion , " explained thu nu-Hii-nji.-r. "C.iu'l 1 arg.v. the case with him : " "No , f-'n " ' "S'pose'n I give him five dollar. * to Felth-v" "Hi wants to light yon , .sir. And you must eith.-r light or he will horsewhip " "Warm me up with n rawhide , ehJ" "Ho will'1 "Shoo- but who'd a thought 111 Sny , I'll gin bun ten dollai-t. " "Sir ! \ on Itkew ise Insult mel" "I'o. ' eli ! I swan 1 didn't mean tel Then I vegot to light ? " " ' " "You have' "Ma.\ gel killed , or kill the other fcl lerv" "Kxaetly 'I "Well , I'm kinder -sorry. T never had lint one tight in m. > lite , and then I Lot licked. I don't want lo be hurt , umt' [ don't want to injure anybody clSo , and " "You'll wait lobe horsewhipped I" " 1 i u.v ther guess not. I guess I'll light. I'll choose riiios at twenty paee.s , ami .vou km pick out your own ground , Iist let me know when it's to como oil' , aud I'll tr.\ and be thar' . " It came of ne\t morning Ho was Ihar" . 'J'hey oirered hem an opportunity lo apologi'/o , but ho wouldn't touch ty. lie stood up as still'us a new barn oiwir and boied a bullet through his man's shoulder , and came oil' without a scratch him -elf. "Hciii' as I'm "tit here now , nn < l bcin1 as Miiiel > o l.\ else may want to lunswhip me tiiinorrer , wouldn't this be a good lime tin- him to show up and save lime ? " he asked , ai > he leaned on his ritlo and. lookcd-atoiind him No one showed up. The Yankee liked the town and sent _ for his fain.lv. The people liked the Yankee ami made hilu > . I'ostiirsster , and he .stuck there until tivo yearn aao. < JiU'MlliniM Aimvvereil ! til A si ; ( lie most eminent physician Ol iiuy school , wh.il Is tin1 best Ililn-r In llui wmlilfiii ullaviiii ; all lull'.illon ul the nerves mid ttnliiK all foinis ol ncivnus cniiinl.iliitH , ( thlini nuluial , thililllLu lelreshlu sleep al- wajs ? And tlu-j will toll you nnhcslt.UliijIy "Seine loiai ol IIej > - > ! ll" I'll A.I-TKIU. Asl ; any 01 all ol the most eminent physi cians : "Wliat is the only remedy Hint can bo relied - lied on to fine all thsc.iscs of the klilneys anil iiini.il > niwitis ; Itilifhis dlse.ises , ilhilx-tes. letentloii , 01 inahllity lo ri'laln urine , nail nil the ihsi < : ises and uiluieats peculiar to ' 1 Women " \iul they will tell von ex'plicitly and e.m pliiitieall.v "Uin'luiHl" Ask the 3,11111 * plijsii-luns "U'h it is the uii'st u-llahle nail surest earn tot all liver diseases or djspcpslft , constlpii- tiun , imlip'slioii. hilliiiisiii-ss , inaluini , I over , iiiiuc , iVe. , " ami the > will tell vuu M.iiHlnikel 01 D.unMlon l ! [ | llniifo. ulien UID-O reiut < llia arc couililnoi ] vtllli nllii.'r-ieiiiilly ( ) vn.linilili. ' , Anil euaipmiiiiliM line Hup Hitlers , cucli n \ioiiileiliil ninl iiijsiorl'inscnrnllvi- Is it" * . \vloiu | < l , wliiuli ii MI vnrloil In IIK ( ii'1nillH | < ' ' > C Hint ne ihsra-o or Illlicallli rue possibly exlHt' , in it-Mist ilimuer. | nml } nt II Is Iliu mk' " liirllio limit mill ivoiimn , wcttkest iurilU ; ui isiiiallu.sl oiillil lo line. ClIAI'lKIt U. "I'ntlonts" "Almost do.id or iicnrly cl > IIIIT" i Tnr ycins , uiul fjiven up by piiyslclims. ot ISrluht'ninnl other khliieydlsiMscs , llvi-rcom , plaints. M'veit * coughs , called coiiiuiiii > tlen nave liet-ii ciircil. J" " U'oinou ( jeiie nearly crrt ylllll rioiii siKiiny ol nciiralirln , iH'rvoiisneit11 ' v.-nkeliilue.ss , ami various disei e > pvciilUr to women. I'lopluiluiwu oil I of fliiig > ! < fnnii ext-r'iitalnir ; IIIIII H of rluMiimiilsni , iiii'iiiniiiiiiury ' uau L'lllOlllU. lirbllUlTllIK Il-Olll tiCIOllllll , , I.ryhljxiliiu ! "Milli hciini , bloinl | i ( Uonlmr , ilyppopsln , InitN gO'tuHi , niul. In liiwl. iilinosl nil ( ) l < ( 'ii"Oj Irull" hlllllll- llClf 10 \ HIIVII liocn 1'iirixl liy Hop lliltiT' , proof of which c.ni lid loinitl In eveiy nt'UliUorUooJ lu thu known VviuliJ. 1 I'roseouli * ( lit ) Hivlmllur ! ! ' If wliui you cull lor 1 1 up lliii ( r r rliiU'i'iil Iliipn on llio ivlmu label ) ImiMlHoiil iiuy ollinr fluir citllnil C. I ) . Wni'uor' ( ieiniiui Hup Hllleisor wllli ollmr 'Hop" huiiit ri-lusoll uiiiiHliiin iliul ilriixKlil IIH ) ini woiUa | | , viper. Hiul If lit ) IIIIH tiikue ynur inonuy for llio Mult Imllcl lihu lor tlio InvuU tinJ mo liliu'fi hnilniiiu oB for HiUHWlmllouiiU wu on liberally lor thoixiiivlolluii A PKRFI5CT SHOIS roM iAblKU , MIO > ri * CHILDRKM. Oun rnonucTiONO RcriicscNTTHC' fn.'tcTioN or SHOE. MAKING , IN TMtM CvtHY OBJtCIIOM rOUNO IN nci > r-M oc SMOGS i ntMoveo. THC OUCCL83 AT ONCC ATTMNfO Of oun ooooa WHCcicvtn INTHOOUCCO la OWINQ TO THC FACTTMATTHCV AHC ClOWC.flTTinC , CLCQANT IN BTVLC NbnNICH.OFTHEFINCBTMATCnlALa NO WOnKMANHHIP , AND MOOCKAfC III PHICC , THC MOKnoRD op BRCAKINC-IN AHC Avoioro : T CV A MC coMfoni i.c nouTME VCnV FIRST. We MAHC19 BlZtSl IU1WiniMlt AND 0 BHArCU Or TOC8 AMD HCL . / ttifer fur A' < j " ' * " ' I1- ' Si T JS1\V WILBOR'S COMPOUND OP ( PURE COD LIVEEI : OIL AND LIME. TO I'o-MeMIMIVM M VNV II4VK IIKKV II U-lr ' 'l i'll'ilr | li-rtlnirni- f"vi > r nr | i > ii.r or U'Hl ir' < i il'urt * < > ! Liver ( Ml ml llm * ' K . IT'I IHC him ( irinril II | . . - tnlm-liV rrriutlv 'or I'lioa'iniiilloii H-lliim ilh.lillTr'rt. ' ninl nil mil in v II Wu.uuu , tlaiulol , Uoaou. BuJU