Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1885, Image 1

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The Hp.ngrofvn.3 Hrltcr Ho'sta ' Eobel Kiel
Into Eternity.
Quebec and Montreal in rv Suto of lliotona
Desperation !
Pi ouch < " .i n.idlau *
lu nint Oi'iiouurluK tin ; Oi'atiflo
Men I lit i ti In q ; I2lli h'si > r Do-
Illllllllll OlllcbllH.
The n\i'cutloii ( if ( .let.
Kr.mXA. Nov. Hi. Kiel ha * hi en eon lined
'n ' the guaid loom ol thu Camdian mmmli d
] > olliituiia'ks ! , xxh iso ! icaditiailcr.i'poi | Is
local's : ! on tliu piahiu three nnlcs-xe-l ol this
cltj , e\ci slmu tliPioiielnsion of of Ids dial
lien-In Jul ) . Thu trial and bentenie ne-
pimcd In thih rity , xxhicli Is llm capital of n
Mist teriitoiy Hiiehlilng iimth if f.n ns
Alaska , wiMttoHiiti-.h Columbia , and tiimxvn
nstliu Nottlinc-'t 'leiiltoiy. Tliu
iimncll meets heie. and It is likewise llm
olllclal lesideiici' ol tlie ivs di ul
govcmui and nllu i aupontixe ihi
mill oil olluas. ! ! The hull lined
leader ol two lex oils uunlii-t
thu anthoiilj of the Canadian govciuon.'it
hu.s been kept iindci thu eio-i-'st suivellam e
bal'oiccol mounted police sluliiined heio.
tbti lallei a vuij t-hoxxx liodv ol innimleil
tioops , wiiulng se.ulel jacki [ > , bine tKUi'-i'is
mid Ihu tm caps ol the Hntisli diu-"HM.
Kvel nince tlie denial ol tlm impel tal loum il
ol local Ililtaiu Ionian ! tin- appeal ou beh.ill
ol Kiel to oveitmu tliecitlict leinleied
airuinst him , espionage XMIS mme ( ( l Hi in
evel , both lo gn.nd aalllsl ( scape ol then
statopii-ouei and to picxcul , an.x ullempt
al lest ue , xxhleh mlghi bo made hiscoim- . -
tryiiieu hi Canada or oxei tliu Ameiicati
bonier. Ninety men h.tvu toiled oil toi this
dutj bulimia ) nijhi and li > t mulil. J.xeii
thin umiibei was im leased hj xidi'ltes open
m ing commanding p nuts a milo tiom tliu
liaiiaek.s , ami acoidon ubuxu Hie camp pmp-
er. riiupiison ot Kiel is a Ion , , xxnndcn
Btui'tmu xxitli t-lantim , ' 100 ! ami MII.II ! wln-
doxxs uinlei UiieaXs ( plated xxnh hull. 'Ihe
txxo ichels ot tliu guaid otcupied iniiuis
111 thu ( tout pott ion ol tliu bmldiiu ,
while sis i-entliiels p.ucd iiiaud | tloxxn 1011 *
Unuoiit-h outside Hie stiiiclme , and aimllici
M.'iitincl in limit id tliu cell ol the con-
demmd hall-bieed. Tin ; pieiautmus . \ -
tenth tls < i lai Unit an iillhui ot the umnd was
eompellid to xihlt mid ccllllj thai he hid
MMicd tlie piisonei each ijuaitei hour. Nexi i
wasiicaptixu mule jealonslv Miiudcd , and
po-slbij next i xxas aiapnvu timing Iho lull
jitiiiidol his mini iMinm ) m lest , in mcd id
wuiCiimen in his onlvxaitl depoiimenl.
Ali.iu xu his ch.u.iulei m ly luxe licen
ill ) the Held as a mail Ml ieadei ( , t hisenimlix-
ment in pii-im hu hib i.Uh n little -hoil ol a
rulluieiiso. 11 ifi lime lias IKCII dexotul asshl-
imuslx topiajei. hxen wdun gixt-ii his i 011- xxulU ou the o. en mound aduiu- |
iliglhcguaid luom lei an horn caehmuin-
iiit , , be hasjiaced hi k mid ioiili xviln litnds
clasped lo cihti in limit , his h ad boxxed.
and pi.ijois ls--uinj ; tiom his lips , xei-cd
in cilhei I'l.nch m in Hie Indian
Cieu tongue. \ ciy MIOII altei his tap-
In ro bx thu Canadian tioops hu
iiiolossed to tlnoxx oil his alleulmicu to thu
liumaii Catholic t hincli and took ihe .iiiit-e ot
aptophct claiming to hcu visions and loie-
teiung uvcnis. l.alleilx , us Ins late Mi'imd
inoie finely .sealed , Im lias .sought .ignin the
comtorl ot luiili , ami liintuiistunl
and iMinu-t Ins iiiiiy companion toi ttiu
past txxoxxccks has bten 1'ele Alldle , Horn
roit Albeit , to Uiu scene til Ihereient Tlm cliuichmair.s visii * Imxe been
tw icu daily and in Insabscnee Kiel tic.picml.x. .
klicIVtu hisiouyi lii piaieT. The icniaimlfcij
oMiis'tinle Inn been spent In wiitingtmt pic-
dit lions ol Ihe Inline and a deleiise ol his
conduct in leading Ihu liali-biccds txxiiu to
war. Tin MI jiapeis haxo all been entmstcd
to I'ereAlidiuund xvill doiihth-sbe pi.dined
alhoiii tnin : in the Inline , although Hiu jue-
lutu reliiscs lo Hiiiicmlei them iiovx.
Xsoonl ; . no mallei what his cicdenti.iN ,
was pel milled to pass thiough thu guild
loum to bcu tliu piihtmei in his cell.
and Ihu Immediate liiemUot tliecolult'iuncd
man even did not see Inm , thoncli no iconic-
turn \MW plated upon them. He icccixed u
fuxv dajM ugo a leuei tiom hl.s ugetl iiintliei ,
\vliicli allccicd him vihililj , no olhei
\t > time dm ing his coniiiicment did be stioxx any
Hignti ol xxeaknes.s xxnicli xxas imimlcd lo him
aitei his captuiu h > thu Canailian .scouts
Tbuhtricl pnxauy ot thu pilsoiiei xxusl.ioUen
doxvn je.iiciday lor thu liibt time , wlien
a * repieseiitauxu ol tliu Associated
Views xxas jicimittetl to xis.l tbu
piisonei in compauy ot thu liiizli
shciill ami cimimaiiilant ot the iiiouuted po
llccc Tliw xxas on tlie uccaMon ol the Iminai
iinnouncemenl thai his death waiiant hud
m rived. Tbu colloijny wlntli eiiMied was
/ r embuiccd in lasl ingnl's dlspakliey. Thu
eliaiin ol Ihe icLiel'h miinnei xxas iindenirilile.
He anticipate.I theshciillonld ; a > in
_ his oxxn giictingVill : , jon h.ivu cuinu
Ci lib the unnouiicumeiil. I am glad , "
Hu hpohu biowl } but xeiy distinctlj , hunting
nl thu slielilt xxlth a ILRUIIIIC
( > ( ) and \\iihont u tiii u of hi.u-
gadocio. He smiled xxlien tliu l.utei
Huugestcd tliat he should nol npuik too lung.
> - " \ oil think I w ill i pe.dt lee lung , tliat I xxul
* ; uiiinei\ed. ; Ml Ilie lni inmiient 1
( Kill bu mm. " 'I heie xxas a liacu ot tin ;
I'lencb pums in bib uiteut , xxlncii did nol
lessen the ilia ! in ol his tiptedi , His beaitl
wus daik bloxxn , ueallx lummed , and lu <
ban was Imislied b.iek ; imm a high to ehead
"Vvdli a lemlem > lo enii in comi.i.-a lo iho
j-.igbl iiaii ol his tmliiin pii > ieiiilois. IIs
l' * is bllgbtly Itnnian , his hkin
, I. ! ' bill not .sxMiillij. Looking
n.hi and xxltiiesslug liis nmiinci ilx s
| , Luih Mii llm miliieineliu , had with Ins
vie. 111 * uddiess xxus lhal ol -killed
. - . i Ilei and lniollciu ir.nuing luil ncxer
" .Sciied him in the p.leilion and glace etuis
uis ptf' Ii , all thu mme icmaiuaoh ) in cnn-
intnl to thai ot bis imloxxeisliilc it lias
h. un chair. ! ' ! ! thai he NIOed ! a hu K ol .spcct h
( in Ihe jialue iieid 01 in tlie pi I'M mu in ihin-
uei , lie one xxouiil nr-o ll ngaiii-
htm In xvitnusraiig ihu mmchahiiicu in
his be.uiuand , citaxclj ol r.pctLli
IniickuoxxKilglng ihu Hal m msdoom. Thu
hiuh Mil lenllix I Iiu .s.iuir.u strain in Ins blood
It xxoiml bu contfdcd Blood mm in xxell. us
nl'.uiade ins nnal pica Una lu < xx-.ts mgcd on
i. , , ili c.ut.ei hv tlie mm xeot a pall lot. " 1
nine on I ) tins , ' uiklmshie.iM ! , to Icavo
nml Ibis 1 iintleud to m > coining nllecii
jL.usiino , and am willing togne u mnx , "
llejond llm pleiale xvho x lilted bun , it was
HID latent Ku I lli.u tbeio weiu none ul Ins
lininei lompaiimiis , elihei tiimi political m
jn'i emu leal , lli.u loum ! liien xx.ty to thu
cell , and bui | V ' ' " ' animunccmenl ol ihu
resiuu nl /.luoiishiatus ol his uial hu
had no kiioxxhil e ot ji. slng
events , or ihu ciilicisni passed
upon his laicri His cmiclndlng hours
went pas.scd in tlm noleeomiMii.x ut hinspiiit-
nalmlxiher , vxho pcimimetl mas-es im Inm
.lining llm uul ) pnitmii ol Hiu nlglu. Kiel
tiien laid doxMi and aiipeaud tu Bleep .sound
ly , awakening at un tally hum and again 10-
MIImed hlsduxollons.
Tlmh.imcexlnioidlnaix pix-i , uiIons ( against
thu pubMlne e p.ipu ol Kiel , tlm inliuMon into
t .uuaiuickb bj iinaullioii/cdpi'iaous , xv.isub-
ncixcd iijiain ihlsiiminliig. Ala mlie Moui
thulxuiiieks mimnted pauoH challenged all
pelMiliMltld eiimpclled iheiii tu llieluoUt -
ten iia8ses. Txxo other lint's ut gu.iuls vxeio
tvatlmu'd at jMiinls iie.uei the jxisi xxlieru thu
Kniei : ! ! " nilioiiif weio a ain ob'-encd. No
ono was ticlliiltled Into llm guaid loom
untilbj-j-ioelocK. TliOM.viU' piusentcdthen
was that ut Kiel on tlie N'Uttohi witli I'em
Andru nml I'mlit-i MuWilllmiii wiiii ! ; 5
CWit'Oliitllig iiiiiAr < . Kiel XMIS on his bended
Itneo , vxe.uiiitt a luo-o woolen mil tout , guty
t , - * > ami woolen > diliI. On hU tcciwuu
mcHra ins u' ; " 'mly Icatuiti ot his div.vsilut
jurtuok o'f tholimi.i.t. Ho ucelved tliu no.
tlco to jirocetd to tno sc.Ululd in
thu Mian i'oiaiMiM'tl iwintiei
te. His fae wa > lull ol
color , .uid hu iipiRMivd lo liaxu emupleto &t-lf ; sinlim , u-spomlini ; to thu hwviio of
the nubs In it eie.ti luiiu. Ihe inisoner its
elded only u mmueiit beloio uuiui : to Hit
cjitlold not J rnHkout-pmli. fliln was
owing to thu1 varatst eoltvilaliuii 01 bulb
prip M ntti'iidlnir him. tlo dNp'ijed ' nil III-
ellnntlon at mu ia t uiiiim nt to i.i.d.u mi nil *
ilnss. lint I'ciundiij reinimiivt him of
Ids pioml-p , nml hi ) then nin-i" and
walktd toxx ml the ixci utionei rrpntini his
pl-iM IX to the li > 'niniiiMil , II u nnal welds
csciplii'.r him bcini' "iiu'itn , .U'siiV Mi )
died without u stiiu lP. "Not to exceed
twenty peipntm were pirmlti"d xvlthiii tlio
poniliiesot the b.urai'ks to xvltne the cv-
( nil-ill , and it v ast crtamlx in inmidilii
diimum und di-patcli. His t'odj was taken
III charge dl by thu coroner , and HIP M'tdlcl
u inl t4i ull slutI'MiMilmns wuicinlcr , ,1.
'Ihi'MjilTolil had been created wlt'iln ' the
coiitracte * ! liichisure liimii'dniiei ) In UKle.u
of tlm Kii.ud lioifH' the enl > \itxvol xvhich
x as thrnn li n xvlndoxv iminediately under
thu railers. Thu last irmniciil x\astikcn
by the coinlcnim d man within the Kii.'id
ImiiM' piojwi , ami tlie imenlii' xvlnch
led to the sj-affoiil. He le pnlnled to tlie
l/itm pray-Ts xvltli i h'll. e'ea. \ ) lce 'Uille
on iK'nded kiice . yhrll tin * moment came
fm him to rise and h we Ids Imnd-t and nnift
pinioned tiukepi looKlm ; up. slowly n'ls-it-
imchis piajers. He then xvalk-d lhiou'li the
i'0'itriu ' ttsil niHitilnt ; and t'l-xti ' Hie n.irtow
malrxxav. with his face tinned uxxav mini the
lexv clxili.uis and Mihlieis vho stond abiuit
Ihe ojii uliiVhen ! \ he xxns nhniil tlake
his jil.uo on the trap Hiideputy
slieiilf a lcd il he Irid unxlldiii ; to v\v. \
lie turned to his conle sii. 1'eie Amhe. mid
ilMMinsl | : " .shall I nut saj u few winds1" '
"Nu."iiili'kl | > lespomlid the mlu. < t , "maUe
this I ist saeritiiu and xoii xxl'l ' be re XN aid eil "
Kiel tmne < l mid lumaiked " 1 have nutldm ;
nioic to sax. "
'llieie wus MIIUP delay In ndnthi | ; the
no.ise hut Kiel did nol leimuk upon it , and as
ihewldtit cap closed oxer him hu w.ts to ho
lie.iid disllni H > pii ) I lit ; . Dmlmr the illicit
I'eiumlie in Kit ! tipiin him mil to atlempt
nn addit > - > upnn the NalTold , ami 'ii t'sled
lhal a lepnuu * nii lit still lie on the wax. hut
this Idea Kiel slieiumusl } lepclled. Hit
-aid lie kiiexv liis liom had lome ;
that IIP xvas not mil ) jucpaied , but
eiiiild not haxe an > olhei w.i\a'i tiothhu
nil the iillernative of ] iilson lite awaited him ;
to him death xxas jireterahle. Duiiii ! ; the
nljild he addiessed a lultu to his motli-'i and
shlei Aliich toiic'ied upon the allee 01 hu
bun' them , He adduced.i codicil lo h s xxill.
spi'i il ) inc Hut he divsiii'd his liuiU lo he laid
beside hit ( aldei's in at. Itonllace iciiieterv
at W in nepci : , w i It'll u quest will hi * i iniid
out. Pen * AuditKIIIU | there with his ie-
mains in a lexv daxs.
liis bml\ was "intciied undpincalh the
.i.illold lo-il.n. He | , 'iacd ahuoit eontiu-
nniisly dmirt ; the nielli , vmplojlii. ; the xxr.t-
ten pi axeis of I he chinch , and lie ai ; dn tinned
I'Mempme in both Kiuich and Knu'lNi. 'He
duelled a PI.IMM lo his Irleiids in tlio United
Slates , when * he deilaicil moslntthem wi'iv ,
ami airaln Im hitiiends in Queb. , ! . Hu
pi.nedtm his l.iwieis , speaklmr ol tltoli
elliul.sin yt\HK \ lo Ciuluild 111 Ills helllllf ,
'Hie iitieudtn fathera.ild ll was his dntv to
pi.iv tm liis oiu-mies. He icplie.l , " Is
. ( . ' ' an I atoiige li.van to piay in l-'mrMi for
the p emii'i ot Ciiiula. bat in his
nhliu.iiiiiii lie asked that HIP noveliimeiit
mmhlixui le ) leliexed tiom Ids ink1. He
I MI I uok ot a liKhi it-past at II o'clock and oil
Un lui aklu > ( . xxhieh cailsul him to bhoxv at
one lime soiim slmiot lainlne , hut hu
alleixx.iids lompti'lely leeoxeied fiom this
and displ.ixed miciynit in luomilim : Hie l.ul-
dei xxlm h lid to tlietllie : ol thu tiud house
on hixva \ In the -cahnld. Theie xxasbucly
aipuxei asiliidiop tell and his death xxa
pinmmm ed in--l.iiilane.Mis.
Hiiiinu tliei.ulv hums of the mom in-'lie
albeit d up all tliu piH'is | xxhich coveittl his
desk , eniliiMixlim supposed xlsions he had
set n and bis piophesies , ami isked Uic pnxi-
li „ ' < ' liom ilie otlicei of llm tiid to destiny
tilt m. This is.illoxxcd , anduatlitiiii them
lo.elliei he c.n i led Uiem to an open stoxeaud
tliiusttliem in , xx-.ttelniig until Hie tlamesih-
Miiued tliem. Ho then leUui.ed to thu cell
and hi-dexotions.
It would be dilllcjllt at this time to gauge
public reelimicle.uIy in Hie noitlixM-st an lo
Kiel. K\pirsvpi | \xxs mo almost entiiely
iint.iMirahle to him , and thu hilt biocds aiu
iMiallj sih nl upon tlm .subject. A iiiajoilty
ol the ic.sideiit population beliincd hu dc-
seived death , and tlna is undoitbtcdl ) 1huv.ii > e
in Munltoh.1.
Here lie xvns tiled. Tlipin was soinn cxprcs-
smn of sxmpiihv for bin anI at tim s
ik-claiatimis that hewas li htin his demands ,
as tin1) h.ixe ue.tilv nil sliiiu been granted to
HiorJuilMuccds. 'Ihcexecntinii ol Kiel is to
be tolHixtrd nl ll.Ulhloul ! > v the liaiiKiiik'ol
leu Indian duels tnr atroeillcfi committed
iliiiim ; idfiicu'iit leliellion. and in each casu
Im mnideiscominitled. This xxill closu thu
work ot llm ciiminal inoccedintjs tiowlli
outotthe Nmtbxxesl icbcllioii , as the other
jiei-sons conxicted xxcie lor piison hcnti'iiecs ,
all ol which aie mixv iieiiiK M'lxed out. The
exi'iiitiotiei ot Kiel xxas a nun n lined .lack
HciidciMin.xvho a captain ot Kiel's in tliu
icliellloncit IbTit.
I.'K.I.N.X , Nov. Hi. Kev. Chas. A. Sfc-
Wllli.iiux , xvlm asslsii-d Katlict Ainltu in his
attendance upon Kiel dining Ids hist horn- ,
and \xas , t cl.tssmatu tif the tehel at Montieal
lolle e hi 1N4 > . is mm in the beliet that
Kiel xvab Insane , ami see piessnl hiniM'lt lo
a lepie-eiil.itive ol Ihu Associated press to
day. Ill this belli- ! licaddii..v-cd.i leller last
Mmiday lo Ihu piii' id Canada ,
Liiiimhis him ( oiixiition , and saiinu tliat
xxhilu liedoemed KicladaiiKCioiis ] iei > on mid
xvho should bu cimmiid lei lite , expressed
the xiew lhat il thu M'nteiicu ot death
xvas cai lied out his blood would
be upon thu head nf Ids cNct'llcncv , Lord
l.aiisdoxxne , and his immediate adxi erH ,
He addiesscd u similar to Su .lolill
A. MaeDnimld , nriuii' minister of Canada.
I lev. MuWllliaiiih n i.s in Ids im-scssion a us-
rlesof letters xviilttm by Kiel the past ten
da > h which SIMM'S as a p.uilal iiuhix to Ids
charm tci and his claim to lieim ; n inlilnt and
liki'wlst ) a piophet. Hii'l'n li.'lidxxiiUm , ' is
hold ami mndoutclv : e nl.n. He handed
1'iitliei Mc\Villlams Ihe lidiiuxing Niuemhei
D , tour bums belorfln' lic.ud ot ins n bille ] :
Ki.diNA.lAM. . N. W. 1' . . Nov. d. On thi'
ltd ol Noxeintx-i , | SV > , il was icxealcd lo mu
join deatd Is lepilexed. Tliere an ten l.ux-
. \crs < > n tliuntli , in tliemoiniin ; , it was said
to me limn alioxe. the council xxill iuv'et'1 lies-
day on ioui Indlelment.
Louis DAMII Itu.i , .
These. hnnpcnliikM tiauspiud us hu
Indicated in bis papei. All Ihe
Jitleis aio signed Louis ' 'David'
Kiel , the xvmd I lax id inxaiialily hem
oimtid. Tlm lulliiwiiiK letlci xx.u xvnltcii ,
I he I ex ei end gentleman Hild , while Kiel was
kibniini ; under UMMteiiient :
Iti IIIVA .l.xiu Nov.1. ' , 1 amniostncknoxvl-
cdu'ini ; toxxaiib , xo'n , mx < iodtm haxIIIL ; lul-
lilled the piomi-e which .Mill nexer liilly
made tti mi1 tlnoiielioiir helmed ,
iHiniee linuite ; | , tliaton xximld not idiuuliiii
me on ai count ol the mission \\hli.him
haxe Ktiodly Ixen mo to Inliill In all points.
Lot is DAVID 1(11:1 ( : , .
Tin1 followlm ; wns xvrilien Ihe s mm day :
itio.NJ.n. . , Nov. ' .i. l > s , " . I'm ussjsiin
to iilievuitu llio xMoiigsnl my ( onniiiiicn I
HIII to bu , lint 1 will iiui My It. Tor
liiivim ; done all I could to bettet ilie con
dition u ! Ihe peoplent huu'e as aa ahmlj.- ! , as im , and as a piiiphct ,
will 1 losumy temporal Ule.
l.iiuis I ) XVID Kni : , .
Alnnt 7 oMick this luoiuiu. ; Im xviolo
the lollmxhii ; :
Ki'.v. C. A..WiuiAMR My ftuntl thanks
fm assisting mu in dilleient wa a principal-
| x In join puixers. Louis DAVII > KJIU :
'N iMMiiUr 0 , ihss.
'l .MMity minutes befoio hu went to ( ho
M'.UIold Im xuotu llio tolloxvim ; In Kimuli , tit
wliich aelnst ) translation Isgixen , This xxai
Ids nnal missive , and Is in a clou bold baud :
"What llieie Is too pieMimpliuli- mv
xsilllnu's mu t h.iythat by thesu pic.seiilH I
biiboidinatu it entirely to thu * , ' < > < > ( ( plcasuio
of my ( iol. ( olhudnctilnoot Hie cliiuch and
tu thu Inlalllhlc decisions ot thu hiipie.uo
poiilltr. 1 die a Catliolle.
Lui m DAVID Ititi :
Kivltm.l.ill. Nov. It , is 5
I'atliei MeWlllhinis ilt'i laics ho nexer xvII-
ne-hed a nioiu lesl ned Icellnx than was
hhown In Ihu cvu of Kiel dining his laat
Thu nit'inlwrs of ( tin nnrtiiwc't pouneil aio
mnv In M-ssioii here , but as a rule are nut
willim ; tu pioiiii > stlcitu thu probablu cirtvi of
llm death of Kiel upon tlio hal-biccd.s ! ot Ihu
country geiieiaUy. Onu ol thu Halt bleed
Ini'inl't'r * N UJ hi ? ci > ' . , ntr.\ men nudoubti'dly
sympallil cit with tlielr le-adcr. and donbilcs.s
would do bodoubl > now that lie was dead , It
is declared this atUruomi thu foxermncnt ;
will piubihly not allow thn body to hi ) ro-
moxcti to Winnipet ; tliiun h fi-ai of tltudem-
which nil ht bo made by half-
bleed it at Ida luncral.
KxoUiiuieulO C ' the HxcuiU ion.
MiiNftiCM. , Nov. 15. Thuru xx-as much ex-
clU'ineiit nuiunK thu French CaiudUu.jijUl-
here xvlieu thu nexv-i of Hlel'tt executlo'ii
reccixed. French Caiudlau sludeuU , to
tins tiuinbt'r of 500. rarrxinsc a tii-i'd'ir ' ,
nmnlicil iluoiiuli ; thu eovuiil nlrt'iH of the
rlty , giving vent to i lnor * for Kiel ami
irin.UH foi bli Jolin Mi'Donald. I la , " ) aie at
half uiAsl In many piils of Ihu city. Tlicio
will probably b.adcm matiailnn In nl ht.
Moxntc.M. , Nov. It. About 400 ctndrnti
tartPd ftom Vlrtorla iinlxcr-ltv to nluhl to
P inule tlirouitli thu city.Vlmn they nwhwl
Champ de Main tlie nnu.bor had IH-CII aug
mented by a foUiming xaihmsly r.stiinated
t from 'iii , 1) ) to 1D.W ) JH'IS-OUS. The
piiiideis carried I'rein h llats. trails-
it.mnelcs , ami i'fll les of Sir John
MacDmmld. fair Ilci tor Lnimevlu. linn Inhn
A. Clupleaii , Hon. Mr , Lan 'ovm nml Mr.
Quimet. tiaplcauaiidSlrlieetorweii ; ! burned
In I'lllity on tnelhaiup , xvhero a numbei ol
KhotHere exchanged hctweii Ihe piraders
and HK ; pidlco. No otin W.IH luji'rcd. liox\-
i-vcr. i-Tom tills jilaiu llio pi icr-'ilmi
luovixil to Vlit' > riiJ Sjinun * , wl cto Sir
John Maetimiilil'i etlUy xsas ti't on lire hi
flout of IJueeii Vlctuila'a statntr. IJultua
IT , ; " hudy ot pnllin' wisn prc-n'iit , li'it olTerrd
no resi ianre to tlm parndcrs. WliPii the
pieiiilei'H niiy ? ind lieeii partl\ binned a
puly cut it with thu icm.tik ,
" ' 1 heiu KOP.S the cuived serpent. " 'I lie
ipii'i-u's statim XXIH much blackened. After
m.iicldiit : tlnouili the west end of the city thu
cioud ipturnud to the Chump , wlieru thu
( lcmmi lratliui H now In caking np ,
< ii Mihf , Nov. Ifi. Tiiu oxeltvtupnt horc
ovir HIP uxcniltim ot Keil If in-
ti'iise. Wlien thu nexv-t was icepixed
that Kiel luul paid the la l nenalty H viu-med
nslf u thunderbolt had t.u'eu ' anmtis tl.em ,
lexersin thuir fwlltiif toalune ol lefmcliii ;
\xhciithediripalch was reiei veil Kt.itimr hu
had "Dlud ( Mine. " It would ein as if it
only icipiiied this nexvu tostaitthem ptmtin
fonli llieirtoiTenl ot ( LHjllm ; . Althoimli thu
1 leiich C.inadlaiisuro a it.itvd In thu e\-
tienie. tie dllllc'iilty is oxK'ili'iiCvHl. | Tliu
Pieiieli Canadian inluistrrH aie beiiiise\t'icly
critic , ? 'd on allbldoi ) . A uublluiiKt'tln is to
be held to nielli at St. ItoeheH. nail fomu
tiouble Is oxjiivtwl to arise tlieiefrom.
( ifimr : : , Nov. W. The o\eltoni"iit horc is
almust beyond all rcbtialnl. A llan was
hoisted at ball mast on thu Canadian oil Ice ,
and soiim Kiullsh hpcaklin ? clti/ens who toll
a Kileved al ( Ids came near hcini ; lonelily
handled. F'tuhdivked with momulnt ; em
blems aio also displajed , mid ninny men
haxe crape on theii lints and ; \iound \ tln.'U
eoat-sleuxes. It would b h lid to tell whit
Ihe icMdt will be To-ndliL ! Sot ) or 'JOT stu
dents , with theii friends , ha\u been maieli-
im ; tliioiuli tlio stieuls sliiiutitiK , "Ciloiy lo
Kiel , " and cursing thu Onmjenieii , CtoxviU
me gathered near Sii Hector Loiiguviu K
limi'-e , mi St. Louis licet , and it Is liurcd
thuv imond miscliier in tliat ipiattvr. Tlio
iiolli e , however. .UP patiolitj | : in l.u ce iiimi-
heis. Hand lulls haxu IHSMI d Htilbuted
to all pa si'ii-hv calling on Hum lo meet to
night , TltoM- lulls aiu headed in Uigo letli'M
ami ii'.ul as lolloxxs. "Kiel haiued ! Tin-
raiiiieconsomiuel tlio timmph ol Oriuuu-
muii ovei tliu Catholics and Krcnch Cana
dians' There xvill bu this evening at > Ja'-
riues Cxi tier mil k ! p ! ice a meolim ot a I
1'iuiii'ii ( 'anadlansoi the city ot Quebec to
protest i nira insl Hie tenilile iiundci i ommitted
this moiiilng by Sir .John McDonald , bli
Ilei lei l.nimevin.Sir A. P. C.iron and lion ,
Mi. Cli.tpkaii. I.ctuvciy mm of } > m bu at
join post to-nlnlil. "
'Ibis hill , appearing as it did , put tliu people
ple r'most ' hes-ido theniselxes. Nnthing lilit
loai ing and inoiecatlnns against tliu UiaiU'e-
muii could be Irani In any ipurlei ot the
cilx.and it isM.ui'd tliat a number ot Otango-
ineii have been "spotted" an I 'lie IlkeJy to
leel the icsiill of M nnrhl'ii dum iiisti.iilon.
' 1 he uneasiness tull has been in-
tpiihiunl lj ) tlie fact that Miyin Lan.eller
lell tlie eitv thi.'i morning on proltsslonal
busimvs. and it xvill ho impossible lor
him to vetiim to night , except by sp < 'cial
tiain. Hoxxuxer , it Is believed he has left
borne one to act in his place in ca > c ol a riot.
"H" batten and olhei sohlieis on tMirihun
duty at the citadel h.ivu not beun alloxved out
all day and aru buhl in icadiiiess lor any
iMiiPigi'iipy. TlniHj w.iffolds liave been
iMictetl in St. Kocho's , ami elllgie.saip to be
hoisted and binned and each mock ti\o utlon
to bu accompanied by a Stirling nation il
siM eoli , whicli xvill nmloiibtedly Etir tliu
alienly kindled enlluisi.usm ol the populace
and cause , i i lot. A meeliiiLC of tlio St. Jean
Haptislu Micictv was held this altcrnoon'
a resolution pusscd ordeiiiig the piesillent lo
have their national lla diapcul in mouinim ;
and hoisted at lulf lei eight IHVH. | It
is stated tliat a Mr. .Monlsptle.
who was to 1m o been man led
tills morning , posrpmud Iliu mariiagu mi
account of Ihu execution of Kiel. For thin he
is hiiidly applauded by some of thu French
evening pawl's.
rrench citi/ens residing In St. John Biilh
ui bsh.ivo decided to cloji ) their imusos and
business estahli-ihmcuts , and attend church
oil masse to.siu a solemn service lor thu re- of Kiel's soul. Lu L'Ec tour , liberal or
gan. annearw tiHiiight draped in tauurnlng ,
and all Its .uticlis me most htirrimr. All Us
columns are devoted to Kiel matter , ami It
calls upon the French Canadians not to fornct
thu "martx i who xxas niiiiilnrctl lor thu
I'lendi c.uijjp. " Thu storv that the KiicUth
batallion aie ontcied under arms is conlra-
dlctcd. It Is bi'Jieved 11 that batallion were
called out a gieat disturbance xxouldIK !
caused , aa Ills almost entirely comiioscd ol
Dnglibli sjitiaklng rcbldcnt.- ) .
Nov. Ifi. Tlio city < umncl ;
thin attcrnonn adopted a icsolutitm to ad
jotini ,"iiotcst | an'.iiiibt the odious viola
tion of Hie laxxs of jnsticu and hmiianity in
the p..ecutlon of Kiel. " Portraits ol Kiel ,
Him , Mi. Cliaplean and Col. Qiihnet woio
exposid in ( lie xx ill loxvtiim St. James sti eel ,
und an extiled croxxil kept Hie Mdcwalk
lilnckcd all tliu day. itiel'H pit tun
was tiameditli crape and had a
Trench lla tor a bickgiouml. Tin
otlier txvo poitruitsxero jin.stiate , and e.icl
had a drop of sealing wax on the tmeheui
to icpicseiit diops of Kiel's hi nod , IJmler-
iieatlitheM'plctuics werolicndisliiiiTilptmim
Kignilving "tniitor , tiailoi , hiingman , etc.
Tderw is a movement afoot lo hive aie
ipilem mass u'lchratcd hi all tlieCatholit
ehmchps tlnougliont the ptovinui next .M < m
day lor Ihe icpo-e ol Kiel's haul.
No Trouble at Toionlo ,
ToiK'N'io , Nox. 1(1. ( H ) 1 o'clock this morn
lug crowds began togathei about tliu v.ulous
nuxvspaper olllces , e.igcily waiting for till
news icgarillng Kiel , Kxrn- tit tlm last ino-
miiiit doubts xvciti trcely espies-cil that thu
execution would take nlaie , and hctNworu
made , onu man wa/ei ing S.X ( ) even that HK
pii-nner would not bu handed. When tin
word was iieelvisl th it Kiel xvas dead. Hu
louds pcuiM.l tliu bulletins and ( hen ijuk'tl )
at Ottaxva.
Out , , Nov , HI. Thu news o :
Kiel's fate xia In tit received quietly here
Tlio i' coiibenalives wcro consider
abl > elated , dox\exor , oxerhat they tern
their tihinuid. A largn iiiimlMT of then
wiiiltilou tiiu premiui and Hon. .Maolfenilu
Hoxxell , mlnlstei of customs , coii.'ratiilatlni ;
them ou thu c.ui.xlng out ol the .sentence ol
tliu limit. Among Ihu Fiencli Canadians ,
xxlm aru in , t huge uilimilty hcic , there Isa
deep fe < ! llii0' gf dlsplcMMiie.
Ills Mletofiavo Itiol.
Sr. PAUL , Nov. 10. A Winnipeg sixHiial
to HID Pioneer I'HSS i\s : The lact was kept
M-cicttill tinlay tliat J.vcksoii , llielM llenk'ii.
ant , xvho 1ms been coniincd in a Inuailu
uhjlinu , has escaped aoioss the line. Ha
w into a letter to his bibter noiii St. Vincent ,
asking hei to xviitu to .Sir Joliu .MacDonalil
begging him lo bhout him ( Jackson ) ami
hjuro Kiel.
AVciitlier lor To-Day.
Upper > ilb i-wppi valley 1'nir tvaniiflr
\xcathcr , follow d during Wednesday by Jocal
nilns , wind treiicrallv i-oiitlicrly ,
Mlst > ouiiYalley VViirmcr lair weither. In
creasing clondiip'-s and local raln , xvinUs
generally boutucily.
The Montreal KcourgO.
Nov. lrt.r-npveti ci ea tlia from
ninll-pux In this city S.iturdjy , aud : twenty
inude.ittis .Satiinlay ,
Tholinestlotof Hand Pickoil Winter
Apulca in tlio city at 0 , B. Moore & Co. ,
1015 Dodge Htrcet.
Alexander's ' Armies Defeated in a Battle at
Dnigoic&u Pass.
The Minor Conflicts HO KmI'rovo tlio
Dulgnriiuirt an Unequal Mntoh
lur llio Servian Troops
Foreign Ncu's.
The ISuls Han War.
LONDONNIIV. . U ! . TinTlmc.V llpigradn
ctiiieipi.iik'iit.s. ! > ii : "Thu piwlamatlon of
Kim : .Milan celling forth SCIMIV'H gi iev.uice s
uiul tki'liiring Nvurnganist liul iul.i does not
loucli tiiu tuic cind.ot' national feeling In
Sou In. Tlio nation ujoes noLsliiio thu king's
re ut mi-lit against Ihilgaii.uuul the III will
of tliuScrxUtissigalnit Uulgatlalsonlj Mem
CONT YSTixoi'M Nov. ifl. Tnrkpy or
dered 'AM.itJiJ luimol con ul Ncxx'casiii ) to l > o
lll'ilVl'Icd Ill hl.Wl'ekt ! . tlllll IIO.S svill 31 lO.tHI
tolUlllLj.UX 101 till ) llUlCIUbl ) Ut
alUlieJJ lllllhl'h.
I-.ONI > ON , Nov. Ifi. The ilallj newspapers ,
in e.liioilalson the wai , ute
imannuoiH In condemning bcivia , anil e\- anxiety us lo tun luuuo ol tlio
Hi III.IN , Nov. 11. KmiH'rm William
tri-.tntcd pet mis-dun to IMuicc I'Y.uicii" , i i
.Uaueiibuu. tosoixelii tilt ! tlnigai uiii ami } .
AIIII.SSu \ . M. I'he lilven ' toi nl\ty initi'rohutHo gum and
liUiHKiintmls ot ammunition at a tosl of
tli'U.uOJ. I'ne goxtinuieit ; ai-o eonliaited
\\ilh tno niiM'jiM. b.uiK mr a loan 01 ij-WvVJA' ' .
lii. : < mHNov. . W.llci ilesperab'ught-
ing jcsti'itiuy Hi. * Servian Hoops iH.uipied
positions ai iC.ipthha. Tile io.t s on tin in
sides weie heavy. 1'liisictoiy enabled the
iieixi.uis to turn llwxeiy diilicmt. and loc\y
Luigcol Diaguui.ui pat.s , and lae llukai.anb . ,
ailti a galmilt Icslbtallu ! , iclie.ited In
JJix nilalkio an imiouanlen.u'uiicit , ) is
i'\pc-cied to t.iitu place to-day , xxnicli will
pionaijlv del hie the late of no.ia. . dir. ci
load to auitii ] ) .i bj.s thumgli TeMUihiod und
Ur.Uoaian , imiaunllirr imn b > xxax ut 11-
naml and nuns IKUII dc.nes of lus.inbiod
and Dra uma.i , UMChiiig tSim.i l > i xxax ol
Jiivsnil , . 1'iooabl ) on tile latter load the
nblot xcet.'idax look pl.ivc.
KI.I ( , Nov. m. Djnknitcli , coin-
in Hiding tlm TiiimU division , dioxe tliu
lu ! 14111 la im liom Ihe entHlHliiiielils ut Kic-nl
ami c.ipimed nlicen prisuiieis. Tne lot it
aeivlan loss is oilleersaud , > U men ,
ami aw wounded. Tliu ulllcial lepoii liom
Cut , Hciicoicy sax * , mler it iuilli.ini cliame
the Scixianscaiiii.d turn liiiigaiiail icdoubls
beyond Tsailoiod.
CiNsiAMt\oi j.i : , fov. 1(5. ( The inin's- '
tiy has Hiibmitied to Urn tmllan a matt 01 ilie
poitu'H ic.ny to I'liiiuu Alcxiimleih s
101 assisuiuce. il kiUcKrlii , inu pimct ! e.n-
cim.ajctl thu bcixnui attack by iniMniug tins
Ik-run tical > . Tlio poin has uddiussud to
tlie I'oxxcis a chcuiui noli ) Uiuclnug me bitn
lion in Ihu I'.UK.III- * .
Hi Mn.vui , Nov. IR. His ipported from
the Hunt lhat the feemaiis , liuviuj ; limned
Ur.igoman 1'ass , uu now nni.'liin , ; on bo ia ,
and tn.u tne to iliu'limol eiitivnob-
m ills to thai elu iscliini.
LONDON , Nov. lit , Tim Duly Telcgiapli
h.i > 4 tli it a iitmicrmaly.iuud petition lius
" ' 'hi. I'oteiyUuiv Innu ho.i.i piaying
HU > car i from in i "oU.iii-
joi ' in tln'ir couup'/ . The "jjtnuiKt'J
to ! s l'iiin'0 A It I
It in ii portvil lliiitiliui'j\llll\n ; ; at thu lupil
ot u liody 01 Ills tiiioKT. | .lUninpled to alt ) uK
tl > BH'.ir ' ! ' wi3 met. and 10-
palfi'd ly a iiMiuiimltuOrinui ) Aii'\aniler.
i trooim ate
inaldn/.in ob ln.ilo niticiit iiious tin * wliolu
inn * . 1'iui luindivd iiiiigunniis have boun
t.tivi-n inKoiu'ih.
bi'ivt.iu teliyi.iph onii'i.iH have bienlor-
biddun by thiMi guveiiiiin'iil to uuivpt tiom
loioUn w.xrioirespiinluits : ( ills , patches lelutr
ina to the iiioM-iiiiint-s of tliu
SOVIA , Nov. 10 j'liiiii ) Ali-xaiiilcr has
stalled 101 blh nil/i to assiinio co uiii.uul ol
tinm my. Tin1 iniro ot ItuU.ul.ins troin
Wlililln liiv. c'Hi's'.iil tliw'I'Imoc ini'i anil un-
U'K'd hcuii , and irt iiiiwati.ic lnif Ni'jrollnc ,
Biil ini.t r > sul\vil to n lit. to tncfbitU'r
end. i'liiieo Alcvandci h is a .iin huploi 'il
tin * IKH Ic foi assKtuiu\ illltiii out ( lint Ihu
hiilt.ui IsMiA'raln in or Hal iitl.i thu
ben Uum aic almost at thu gatvs ol tiiiii.i.
The French I'urms Doplutcil.
PAIIH , Nov. lit. In the ch.iinhur ol' ilciiu-
tics tiMl.iy I'li'inln 15ris on said the cost ot
UK ; expeditious In Tommtn an I M ul i .isuar
h.ui hoi nc too onerously upon the iltunccs of
tlipgineiniru-nt , aiul it t > uliiiril l rranee to
aliandon her toinun' noliny , h win. ; , ho\vnvcr ,
dtiu ro.uil to hi > r nation.U Inturu-iUi and tin *
honor of the country. It was jirojio-cil ,
thuruloio. to t'stalillsh a system of protection
at line whieh hlumlil radi'itu tlnon liont An-
numamlToiniiiin. anIl Uic lain. ' tiuiuniu'-
fnlly avoid tjvi'iytliin ; thatnifglit Irad to an
eventual ev.irii.Uioii of tlio-e countiics. Jt
was also Intcmlcd to fin in an aimy
'onsistiiii ! of Aiiii < iiicM3 | troojis liy thu klnyof
Annain , und ot Tomiuincse , p.iid temporarily
by I'lante to puiteut the Toiiiiuin tiuutieiM.
'lliokliiirol would n lininlslei OVITII-
in. 'lit to thu w.ioiii cotinny und * r thu gnid-
amu ) of tliu KiciH'h lo-jidfiiN. With iL't'.iu
to Mail iif.i car. M llrNHim sijd the | ? O IMII-
inent ri'to ni/i'd tliu fact tlm pw-nnl
statu ul .ilTiirs ionl'1 not eonLi > iiu . The
Htatoimint.s in ido by ilu piimo iiiinlitur urn
'ii to IndiiMut.icom isuot Kit'iioh enter-
Toiiimln and JJ ulasrascar.
The Itnlknii
Co\ST\Nii.voi'jju , Nov. in. The tiftliain
probably last lttiiiof ( thiu-onfi'ieiiwon thu
Kounu'llan qiR'htioii \ IH licld today. M
NclldolT , < < .idiii , was pii ont
Thu ilolegalos auri'i'd on thr prineipal pointf
in Ksiu' . 11 ij bcIiuvL'il that owlin : to tin
i' ( Tort of ( icimany it will Impossible to locali/ <
thuMII In tlielldUiiu ,
CoNsrA.Nit.No M i : . Nov. 10. Tlio c.diinr
connrll aio now ill'cn siiii ; I'rini-o
Alt xaudiT'rt appeal lei nsslstiiiue.
I'AIIIS , Nov , -Tho.Iiiuiiial Dos IVIiats
ronstantinoplDcorii'sjiondi'iit * , UK that 'I'm
ii'liiM'd to iiiterfeiflJL'twc'eii berv'n ' am
Co.NsT\\ri.vm-iR , NTov. 10. It Is stuted
tliiti iiioinlng that at a meeting ol tlm Italkan
eontercnce , it wis ; dccidpil to continue tlm
conleieiito rixardlesi oi'lhu xv.u bctxxcoii
Heixla and llilliMiiK. ' Tliu delegaU'.s x.eiu
uuanlinimsly in favoitof tlioroe tabllHliment
ol thubt.itns imoanto. '
The 1
KAVIIOOV , Nov. h ) . Jiiu light with a war
vessel Ieloiinriii0' ) to Ixti.iJ
ycMerihy , thu llrn.'from tiin Uiltlsh
thu ciexv of the HurmortU .ptel to jump ovei-
hoaid. The Drilled thM Ixraidcd thu u'Sso
and pioccpded ui ) ilia \ \ with hor. II I
ii iij'i < > iii > < > < l ttji 4IIVJ * / * f 1 | 111 lltl * \ I
repnrled that HAn ) tniojis am htockaded a
FoiLKu l nn , which owipht ; a high doml
natiiiL' potitlon tivertiansliitf thu iher a
Jllnlu.i. i
Hinall Pox r Vai"H'tllfax.
HAUPAN , N. S , , Nov R Fifteen C.W3 ol
small | wx weiu dlwovcntl at L'Uarlotic , n
nulKhbomiK fi\\n. No deaths reported ,
CUircns aiu taklm ? enertctlomeaMius to pin-
vent thu nnpad or thu dUe.iM' . 'I lie local jjov-
rinmcnt renihcd to allow Ihu nso ol thu old
unoccupied lunatic ahyliim near town ni : i
hospital , hut the townspeople took possession
of it and placed thu patluiiU In it.
Tlio P-inn unit ! ho Carolines.
Jf viuui > , Nov. Id It Is understood thai
lliep ( > poli.isiivo,5ijl Hl .S | > aln'H govciclgnty
o\cr thu Carollim islfiuds , and advltcs ( lor ,
many to accept tlirt'eomuirrciiil conccs Ioii6
cnntaiiiud | n ihobimubh note of .ScjileinbiT
10. Thu dwihioii , it b ald , was pnst'iitc'l tu
Ok-nnauy andSpaiu tol.iy ,
An .Igrecifient on FJuh.
I'\iHhNoT , ! . An Aj'.glo-riemh r.qroc-
inentii'sjMX'this thu Newfoundland llsheiici
lia-ibccii hlKiutl. U K H''iirJed niawUH
laetniv c'nnniu4sl'A ) ou ilsu jui llxm in
Otuahii Hlitoontti in ( ho l.lfit of Load.
lit ) ; Cltli-H.
HIHTOV , Mass. , Nov. Ut.Tho follow in. ;
able iMinpllcd from spicial dlspaltlies to tlio
ioiton i'ost from the le.iilin cltvuim ; hmiM-s
if Ihe United htutei. K ' " * the pro-s clear-
nncesfoi the wevk eiidimc No\emb.'r 1 1 , with
cirentaftoof and ItiereaMJcompaied
xltli thu rot tvspondlm ; week In ivM :
eluded in totals.
Hevicw of the I'nullsli Market.
I.ovituv , Nov. 111. The Lane E\-
press , , in Its icxiexv ol Ihe lititisli gi-aiu ti.ulo.
su.xs : The weather hash -c-n damp and lugg ) ,
ami nntavoiable fm thieshing ur deiixeiing
irrain. Trade in wheat is mdn. ; fiom bad lo
wof-e. Sales in Kuglish wlicat during tlie
week weio fi7llO ipiaileis at ills , agiiinst
fi'iilJt fiiulcis | ul HI i . "id dining the ciiiies-
polldillg week J.lst je.u. Tne malki't tm
liui'ign wheat is \\ieliliedly-luw. l-'louris
Mjjls loxxei , and the Icndi nc ) is still doxxu-
w.iid. Coin lias an upxxaid teuileuc ) ,
a tlmuirh buxers haxc tally illhcnmiti-d the
Jiiieni-o Aiui-ilc-Hii ciois | xvhicli aie e\pcctid
toaiiive . ) in l Nt. Ameiicai oatsaieixl 'ihcio is no fealniu in Hiom.ukct
tm xxllthl cau'oes. 'llnceauoes aiiixed.
foui eii.oes weie sold , live xxitlidiaxxn and
Hxu icinainod. Tiade toixx.ud is dull. 'Iiu
xxai In eastern Emope lailttl to i.nisinnj e\-
cllement in the niaiket to-d.u , lloldusol demuid an adxanee ol Oil < nIs , lint
IIIIXCM do not iPspniid. O tlsaieiitl iU.lU'1 ,
Oilier aiticlcs , u < ' gtiii'ia
The Visible Supply Statement
CHIP viio , Voin. . - Tin' lidlouimr iij
taken tin n then 11ill state iienlol the bond
ol t ) ule to hi posied on ce to ninnim
iiminin r. ' how the a u mnt 01 icrain in si hl
in tlie I'nilcd Sl.ites and i inula on h.ilm-
d ly , Noxomi'r II , ami thu .vmmui ol in-
cleave and de'it'iissoxer thu piciedlh weu' ' :
Wheat . .TJ,110.WJ Inere.ise . . . . 7M.Uli . !
Corn . -MOt.'lU D-eiease . I'j07ftifl
( lats . a'IS7m Decn-asu . ( . > * !
KU ) . HO.V.II IneiiKise . UVWr
ttarloy. . . oji , oi 7 Ineieaso . 10SVi : !
Tlm umoinit 01'iUln In .slou : in Chicago1 un
( ItiMlatn named was :
Wheat . 1'VWWl't '
Coin . 107.1iJ
Oats . tll.TVJ
K\e . 2 , < Vd
liarley .
KtTocf. oriho War mi the
LONDOV , Nov. lii.-fTho rft'e- of tliu var
ted ty In thi ) v.uioiid linaiicliil eenteis
was ( iepiP.sHim ; to.iluos. . Tliu boms.1 at Vi
enna wvs weiknnd pi at t.uclo showed
an iinportanl decline as compare I with tlio
closing piic&s on Satiiitl.iy. At I'.uis tiu !
bnnrMJ was unsettled dm In. ; Iho irreater ii.ut
ol the day , but closed xvith a. bi-tk'i feelliu.
The Heilln XXMSeiy we.ik and closing
iiunt.itlons blumiil a lurther ireiieral decline
ol 1 pjr cent. Tlie niiiket at thu Loiidmi
Mock exchailfro oiH'iied Hut but clo-eil
stron ei on thu befiul that thu w.u will bt
The Dniry M'lirket.
CIIICAOO , Nov. H ! . On thu ho.ud of tr.tdu
to-day butter was steady and in need demand ,
Kennlar sales , 1VOO ) imiiiilsat J7i ( 'J71 , ; cents.
Tlieic worn no sales ol ehee-e. Tim ho.ud
adopted icsulntlu ns condeinnini ; thu state
bund of a'i Icnl tin e I'm adaiiUm. , ' buttcrinu
to thu dairy lair.
; V CowMillujj Horapis in Front of
Ncxxurk Chuioh.
Niw YoitK , Nov. 10. [ Special to th >
HIK : J \ iiiiiiio dioxu up in limit ol the
I'hht I'li'lijleilati ( limcli alNcwaik , justbe.
Ime S o't lo < 1. last nin'ht , and icinaiiied llieie
iihont ten iiifnutes. Tlien a well-diessL'ii
lady and gentleman walked nmlci thu gl.uo
ol thu sticct lamp.Vhen they camu i.ppu-
site tliu lairhi e a liandsomu lady , xseiulm ; a
IUIIK Im-limd , and with hei d.iik
hair nmuntul hy a lashlnuabl } ti humid ,
spiau liom thoeonpc , uishul in fioulol tin
couple , and , diaxvlntf a whlplium beneath
her circular , oxu'aiiwil : "Von will inn awa >
with my husband , XM | | > oi. ' TaUo that. "
bliu lln u dealt tin1 man two hluxxs , xvln n hi
ran h.istll ) awa\ mid d-.ipNMied ! ) In tlm
Nuwaik A NIHV 'imk railwa > st.itlnti. Tlio
woman then tinned hei atlention to thu
man s leiu.iiu companion , w lie Kin acio-Mhi-
stlcetMMcaiilin . Ilei ns-iliint ennihl hei
ny thu hail and if.ivutwo bioix- , and I lien toll !
hcitoKo. Tm < lad ) then lelmned to t.iu
e.uiiau'e , diovH to llio JVitiis\vaal | i Matiun ,
and took tlm : - ' ( > tntlu lei New Yoik N <
elili ! was Bullied us to Ihu identdy ot HID p.n-
tles. Kill tliu lady It'll a s-it'-hcl maiked ' 'is.
h > . ' in tlie coupe. It is nndeisluod the man
Is a New YoikbioKei.and ilieastanltin lidv
hiH wllu. It l.s nt.itid slit aiiixed in Nuwaik
at iUi ! : o'clock last night , lined ii coupe , ami
\\ent to a xxull Knoun home , liom wluth Mio
b.iv,1 tliu man ami w 0111,111 emei o.
HOMI : ) iiiAi < ivn.
A Victim ol' tlio Hangman Dion in Hi *
CinrXoo , Nov. K ! . It iiummred hero fo-
day that AAUI , ono of the Italian muidi'iei-t
handed Salmday , was not killed , and that
when the collius weie opened at Ihu ceme-
toy Ills IKII | > had changed its position nml
Bhowcd hl ns ol Hie , It in laid that the at-
teiulanlri , idannedat llmdisdAci ) . ami fe.u-
in. that the muideici h lestiiration to Illti
, would causelilm tosulh i u Hcond hnnilli'r ; ,
I I Hiilysciewed do\\u thu collln lid nuMln ,
I ' 1 im coffins \Vi-ro pi.iceii In the \.mlt owin to
Indications that thu bodies ol thu bulled
I wiuilii liDtakiiu tiom ( heir paxes ,
1 Mi. K. dMeli. . jnesiduiit ol Ihu hoclcty lot
, the binlal of iudiiciit Italians , to xx'inm inc
bodies weiuiluli\eiid , wai si en to-dax in ie-
lailon to tliu minor , iiu admitted that tin ;
hixly of A/.ui liadcli'itued itH position , lint
belleu'd Ihatlilu was e.Mlnct when thu collin
was opened.
Victoria und Her Conohinnii.
NKXV YOIIK , Nov. U ) . [ Special to the llm : . ]
Kinurt Schilling Hulakamp , the coaclmiaii
of ( ilovannl Morilslnlvlio made hiniMjII la-
nioiHajcar or bo a o hy doping wlihliU
i'inplopr'sdaiiRlitci , Vlctoila , appc. tfd yes
terday as tl o comlucloi ot a Sixth ax'eiuiccar.
Hiihai liltii liis hand at euxoial thlnKti im
mairied , but h.t.s not .stuel : to an > ihliiK' Imu' .
MIH. Hnlnliiimii is eiiK'ed tm u now iiluy ,
"A iimrlla , " w hich Is to bo opened t the CA-
Unllro.ul and Com t Mattel i
at Ncbraxku City.
Cirv , Neb , Nov 10. TSpceial
n tli UFK.I 'I'he Nehr.vskn and lovxa park-
nc l'ou o cotiiiiiPiu'od killing tinUv. some
.JUOliu lM'limsliiulitoifil. Tills emnpaliy
mplojs al'oul KO men ami hojs. The new
Hin-o , tlu'Tians-.Missonii , will start a week
loni tu day , empo ! > iii4 ahoul as in m > liauds
as tlie old Imii'-e. 'I hi > Inxv piico atpruent
K'lliK piid lor lio's uukisa dull niaiket , and
lot until the pilio coiun up OAII II be ex-
icctedtliat Imih our p.u liu' hoiist" ) wdllm
tbloto tun to tlnir lull c.ip.nit ) , but when
he > do iroin UiM. ) to M.rtn lie s will Iiu
slauuhteied ex-li dav. The cooper -.Imp * al\ )
tow luiuiliii : "lime lortv men , but tills limn-
> . ! \xHI lie ineieii ed tci UM 111 u luxv v.teks.
'the piojceltd linn ol tlie Misstmn l'iciuo
-allway liom I.lmoln east has been -mxejed
ns t.u as AXIIIM , .Neb , nml It Is li-amed from
; oed aiithiuli > th.'tun IniptiMiiptii * mxcj bus
iet n m.ide liom III it pom ! to a l 'ilil on the
luin iiiile ulKixe tliiscii > , kiiuxxn heie
is .Iniit'i * l.iuiiimr. This , as \\lll he - en ,
would cut nut MIII iitvbuteeannnl ; licliexe
llml Uus lead wmiid twin' lie so tiuillsh a lo
inke tlie same mistake I. ' . to ieax Se-
ujtkn Ciu to the sltte. paitleti .11 iv"\Vheii her
siui til pitiipuiity isbliiiuurf as bikldly asit
dues at ihe pie eut lime. If the aboxe lontu
should he - < Idled , tun enl > hoie | ul an entiy
ul tlm load Into tun ill ) wtmld lie bx u
jiiiudi load liom Dunlin , siuiahd nine
miles xxrsl ot us un tin ; main line.
liistiieteoiiiime 'is heie to miuiovt. There
me M-xei-al Inip.nlaiil eases on tlm doel.ct ,
lidtalile alnniu-t uldeli Is that id Tlionms
Williams , imliLtcd tm mmil.imilitei at the
ln l teim ol roint tnr the killing ol
jvei last siimmei. Tliodeiendaiit x\ill bu lep-
ii'sented bx , theiomii ? , tnmih | ( aceiedited 10
lie , the besieilminal l.wvcl in the stile , the
Him. John \Viiisun \ , assisted hi Mi. 1'
Kunsiim , holhol tin i eitj. 'I'lie di uwul hu
wuti lad xxitn much liueic t , as the deieuse
\\illumloiHileillJclainilliattlit ! ad was but
one ot > .ell deteilso , Mid in tuts theor > tliex
me Mippmted hi all tint wit' ueipialuted
with Ca.spci , xxlm appears to h.ixe been ut a
disposition mil udt ulated lur peace m UIMM !
will , xxliiio Ihe tlulriidiiiit bi.iis a neuid ot'
u ipiiet , Miher , lav. alndlm ; elli/en , _ Mi.
hlinile. tm tilt' piii-iviition , will be ussisttd
b > Hon. T. U. hlexLiisim ,
Shooting AlVraj iitC.unp Clarice.
SIIIM.Nib. . Nov. 111. [ hpcukd to the
IJi.K.I AnnlliPi rlmpter ol eiime has been
added to Ilie. hstm | > of Chejeillie I'.illlilx .
Maitm II. Collins was .u'ciileutally bhut dead
at C. A. MiiMip'ssioK-at Camp Cl.ul > , jcstci-
tl.iy iiimnins. the bullet p sim ; thimuh Ids
head. Twoiiu.'ii tumul , lim Miau and .lim
Collino weie pl.ixln ( .lids when a dispute
.UO-.UOMH the u.une. O ie wdnpsss.ixs hliaw
inilled a lexolxci mil suui ai Col I'm-- , iniin ! , '
liim and liittm Ihe tdliei Collins , who was
iiiiimuei ol Jlunie * ! sime , killing him in-
sianUv. Tlm tnimei Collins ( . .tabbedshaxx
und hit linn oxci the head xxitli a sivsiiomei ,
e.Ulllii ! him a inwaiil and oiliei xilen.iuie- ' .
Aimilii'i wdlitss lexiiiics lo mo lex erse , sij -
in\r ( olilns ilnl Ihe shiintin . Tue nll.iii is
comiilicaled. I mnneilooio stalled lot the
-i cue ut the mi 1 1 del. ThelcMillill he Unnxx ll
to mm row nvhi. Tne ( .imp is mis miit <
llnllli ul lieie. Collins und Huwi 10 bnth
pin in tin- 1 imntx till. Tne iniiidi ted man is
annul Iwenlx ixxoeais o d and nl iinct | and
pleasing disK-itmn. | lie lecenllx cime liom
liiaud Islaml. His lolks v. ln > iistde in ICi-
imia , Nexx Ymk , haxe been eonimiinieaud
xxnh. Tin * plomisi noils di caai u ol K-
\olxerbiB eoiideiiined hy all.
Tlm Tclepliono Case Coutiniicfl to Kn-
Aafj" Ii.iiiiar'M Alli'iiilon.
\VAMii\tiloV , Nov. lii. Tlm healing of
the teli'iilione case was lehiimcd dnlax. At
the leijuest of Mi. Ymui the sivictaiy de
eided to allow an extrusion ol' tiiinsin xxhiih
loeiiHO their uit'imients Mi. JIimipliis. .
icpie eiiUn tin ; ' ( ilubu lompan.x , lead an
allidavit by 1'ioideiit ( iiMidwin , ot that emu
pau > , in ansxxer to the alhdixlt ot Mi.
Tompkiiis , touching tlm aliened negotiations.
Included in thu atlldavllxxeiu copies ol < ur-
lUipiimienci1 passing between 1" . it. Welsh ,
of Huston , and tlio Miurio tepiescntaiixes ,
in Ifcs-i. .Mr. H umphrf.vs stated tliat We sh
W.IH connected xvitli the Hell i-ompinv. .Mi.
Dickin-on denied the statement , and added
that Wei di xx.isonuot the. incuts ot ilmotliei
side , ( ioodwiu depiscs in Ins alii lax it that
Ihu Hell lepiuM ntalixiN iiicniioued llm slim
ot Sl.OO.VM ) . This r.ecictai ) imiuind il the
ientlem in had any ex uli in e thai Welsh lep-
le-ented the Hell ami .Mi. Hum-
pin ex said ( hex xxon d juudnce Hie t xidence.
1'nd. ( liax then lead an answci totlieattl
daxil ol Mi. Ji.ddwin. lleald : ll Deemed
proper Im Inm ( < ii.i > ) lo e\piam his appln.t-
iloli In liv.iid lo ids eaxeal slinv. n in tnceni-
lespiiiidencesuhmitled Ii ) llaldwin. He de-
elated hu hid tultcoiiinlenre ui hisi oiiu-
seN , inttviitv and abililj. and ll id ailed
entil'dx upon hisudvue in ii'li.iiiiuiK IKIIII
( Oiilesiiiu Hell's applicathm. U appealed
noxx lhat he \ ' . as mistaken , lludeclaied llml
Hell's iinentlon , us hcl out in his hpi-eiiica-
timis , XXM.S inoper.uixi ; , and fiat imonu in the
( oml lion of elicliicid "CII-IICH at that day
could liiiM' iiiitde tliu iiistiinneut tipt'ak.
Yi-htoi daj'fl Appoint uienls.
WASIUM , JON , Nn. ( lip , ' 1 hu lolloviins ! ' > -
r'dntmenls weie made to da ) :
To hu LJnltid States consuls : J\u ni-tiis M.
Itojd , Tnxpin , ML.Icn ; Iteiiiandl ) .1. I'lanl- :
lln , of Mls-nmi , at Ihinkiixx. China : Win. I" .
HiU'ar , ot Loiiislumi , at ban Ji so , Covta
Kit a.
hi hill TilIlK KaNilll , Intel pietei to Hie eon-
hiilale 01 thu United bl.ilea .it C'lnll Kianr ; ,
Win. H. llcibeit , of Uel.iwaic. toht < mai-
hhal ot tlieionsnlaicomtid Ihu United btaie-i
at ICana wa , .lapan.
To he ii'L'Nliiof land olllci's ; Kmiui'l
Hoi-an , ol Wisconsin , at Knn Cl.iiip.Vi . ;
r h. 'lliuju , \Visioiihin , at Wansaii ,
To he iciclxci of punllc monlp > : .Siho''tei
It. Keiilei , \\Ktoiisin , ut Kan Clane ,
Tlio TarllV l , > ncnl IDII In
WAMiiMiii.N , Nov. lit.lSpccial to the
Hi i .J Modejatu demiH'iats wlio tear thu
elicits ol lice ii.ud ! agitation In thehouso
this xvlnler ant ijinetly htiixlii | { lo de\i-.e a
tclieiuu whlili will thiiistlhu silxerqiiestioii
upon thu cmisldeiatiun ot that bodi at an
eiulj hinifii ol thu session hclme Ihu wa > s
and menus commltteu .diall haxe time to pic-
paieand ii'iioita Uaill hill. If the plan hue.
tccds they lioim thu Uilir ijnc.stlun will as
Mimun i > ccoii < luy place , ami hi thu time llio
sllx'ci linslness Is disposed of other matters
will lit ) plibxd for i oiihideiatlon to the e\-
eliislun of mi > etfoit at taiili uxlslon. It is
hardly pioliahlu that lieu tiadii democratii ,
xxlmaio almui'tMilidl.x opposed lo any cliaiue liixv and \\lio aimierco
tot "taiili lefuim. " will cmisoiil to any such
Cnthollo Indian
\V\Mii.Miio.N , .Nolit. . 'I'lm niieliug ot
thubmeanol ( 'athollu Indian missioimiies In
this clt > liaselected to nieinbei-ilil | ) IH.-lfev.
Mai tin Matty , bishop ul Dakota , and Km- .
1' . I. . Cliappclle ol Washington. 'I Ids action
pi.ues Hie Imiixui iiiilonl ) under Iliu piotec <
thin ot tint Ian ol tlm United Mates , hut aNu
iindci thaim a dciieo ol tint thud jilenaiy
council held In Ilaltlmoiu , Nuvcmbei , Usl , a :
iippioxud .11 Koine ,
I'rohidPntial Appoint IIICIIIH ,
WAHIIIMHON , Nov. H'Ihu pierddcnt
madu thu tiillowiin ; appolntmuiits today :
\ \ ' . | ) . liloxlnm. ol Tallaha-se , Kla. , t-i Im
HIII xe ) 01 Kcncial ol I'lmidako .lunus II ,
Mil'lcllan ; Cli iile.sK , MtChe'liex.ol Dakota ,
to bu lii'dlun at'ciilalCliejciinu ilxci .ii viicy
in DaUot i.
Thu Coining Jli %
Nnx. li > . > to thn
JUi.j : : Tlm piisitti-iiib m ' , ' < i > M'y '
linislicd and v > lll Lo In li.c p. u-V-4 1 n > t
his week.
That Serves to Separata Two Thriving
Western Ooraiuouvicaltlio.
" % f riimnrlal Iii'itituttoito
OwllOWIIIS ' 1 IIP i'llllllll f I.Oj
the bOHslini In u iloolitl
Tlio M
From Iowa's 'tlirlrlu-r CnpUsl.
] l-s | MoiM-s lo i , Nov. Iti. ( Hpu'Ut1. to
the I > KV , | 'Hits lo thu jt'nr when Uio-tato
ntlii'i'i-s in.iko a Ki'iii'rnl ' loumi tip" aud mio-
mil tin Ir biennial vep' > it . Muvcnil of Ihelr
icjiDit' ; me now cnini'it'U d nml In tliolnnds
ot the piliiKT or biiult'i. Krout nd > .in o
le.u ned that the slate hi tiDomlng
aliimt as \sllliiililtluiuoroUmli
oidinaij pie > prnt > , in fuel , o\ciy dciuft- |
iiient of tin1 pnlillp ItiHliH' i is f-o \ \ \ > \ ) looked
niter ii'p.itdfean otllriah ( hat the
tluiiU It 1st ) \Mirtli while to niu'io ' any"
In the slin\.niNhli. |
The toitliiomiiiK lejwrtof thu Klnlo nmlilor
will sl-\\ ; - \ that lo\v.i's
aie in a he.dlliy and pitispcrous
'I liccoitipm.ttne nuii's : ul tins iiuMrporatPd
h.UtUs ul the sirtl.slui'v tint In I'vOthtjio
\ \ U' loit\ \ hht ii.inl.s duiiii ; a Keurhil haul
III' , huslmt-s inidri tll ( luvvs. Thh yp'.u
Ihi le ale litu ImiUs ul the rmmu kltld In
Kvlun tln List ippmtMIS iiiadii Ihu toUl
a M'l XMMC ri . -lH.'lii 'Ji : , ' ' . Tiii-i MMII thinwMrt1 !
nn < t > T.siii'r' rl < , | III\MIII ; mi livrcAie of
'I lieiiiinibri ill savinuslmilHliis :
Inrie.iM'd inun i\M > nt.v'luiit in issjito tlilily-
linn in l- . \\liile theii assets have liii-tc.isoilr
In the o.iiue time ir . S-vtW.Wi.SJ t ! ,
SII'.M ; . a plrndid Incie.isoof o\er million
ilull.ii" .
I ) iu in _ ' Ihetimesluri'iliplast KciiPnilp.sii'iii-
hl\ . .idiMiiimdntu liasle.idilv ntiofon\aVl
on tin ne\\ ( .iiillul. so the IC IM aUnvv1ll
uiul u ii > uh tin .id Its puiin.iiKuiLiKi'up.inU.
II is the .iiliiin.illim ol all VMUHI | Jo DV'M
Monie , and in.iiipiiinoiime it , wlthmit. . n
' pei , ui i < ! a st.ile hiiiise , s.ive thiMMpltul. at
.Mii.niN. It * toi.d test , \\ln-n nnislu'duHl
In' aboiil "i.m > iiiiH. and rcidollar p.lid lor
: > s tliiMxniU xvi'iit on. lioxeiiiot-itlei t Ij-irl -
bee.indp.ntot Inlaunl. . \ visited here lnrlntf
tm'l-MUU'K. 'I Ili'.V \\llloi i UiV | a Mlltl' Of
looms at Iviilnsnod diiiuii : llm winU'i and
tiicn pinUdib lent .1 hiiiiMMir hnlld tmil Ifoi4 ? "
'I'he iOM'luoi mihe : le .nded ilsaVilia | )
ni'ilt ie"Uleilt ol l ) > s .Mni in" , lui at h < il tfio
iii-Nl lout \eais , tor tin1 ll.mUeje it'iilllii- |
IMHljohi'o tint inii1 . 'o hi luin ilei oivos an
oiht'iothi'j ulw.ijs ixo it. The Kincnulr ,
In. the \\.iv. has . .1eiv inleiostin : ; Inmlly ,
audit is nimoi. d t' ' tlie > ulll til.n a puinli
nent p.ul in thesiitial IHeol thiic.ipitiil , ami
the e\'i d iereilK'iis | ' duiiiij ; the winter
The tiiHible h.ibteii iisudlj that llm limited
salan ( > , o > XJi pud inn coveimirs h.isnot
iii-tnied them in enieil.iiniiin on \eryeX
ten iM iale. lint .Ml. I in i dne is a man ot
. and ill not , ' to
-nine > piniialilx u e\pet't
the \\illun \ the limits ol liist-iilury.
The iiu-spett no\\ is that tlio eil ) will IK )
Hillte ll\i-i > the ininiiij ; \\lnUT. Ainoltv ,
the meinlieit ot tlm le.'lslulim1 1'leoL Afti
old tiMililis to Des Moilie.s iuel |
uilh i liiiiiniiu ui\e < A IIDill biMiiiitOau a'c-
to the sin elv ol the i > u < n. D'v4
Momi is n < ii han > ill-ins ijlf
u.uhut thi'iiddition nt thu
\\lientheieaie nue penp -MiL'ia ) y
btisoi It. helps to pimiiU'iillinwb tm
Tlieic has not been much agttntlim Of
the -p .iki'iMilpiiiii'stlon. Thui o mil Uiteijofr
loin caudiil.Uus ulnady : uinuiiiioslMvmoHp ;
them .Ciipt. Htmsi'it ' of l-'r.uikliii ooiinty ,
.Mil'iiv TlmmVson , I't-eoiuix-b-iriaW Hi.J.flin
iiiint ) and i apt. Head ol ( Iivcilo iMInlly.
\Vltb i nniiHiiiy iiHtxi'lllx Iliciubeiji fii'nlllFt
them II edtmoei.ilsduu t need lo disclistj llijj
Api.d.i islup mme than lixe minutes hiaiAir
value ol the elei tiiin. llouexer , whOl | ( bO
tliue cmii'-s the ) aiu fi"itti Illci-ly lo hi ( fl\7
Ihiti-iiiptv lumni 01 , i nomination ugiou aoiha
repie-eiitldixe liom llio nxer enuiUles. IJ
is a little "ingnl.u , bx the xvuy , thai will ) thoi
piiixeiiiial di-iiiiK-i Hie tllshke ot w.llur ( heir
maimliies all Im in a belt ut mi ami
down the MisNsi | pi and MIsMmri fixers : '
The Intelioi tounues. xvlieru the ihi IB
i.iised wliicb Ihej s.ij goes to tliubigdlslillery
at this p'aiv , aie as a i ule all lupnbiicans' .
All-s Kiillei , ihe lu.xa snug bint Ol whom
nn nil.m xvus made u week ago , h.lllg M'lV
meitwlnll ) heie tin. . In- : the past week. Mia in hei eomeit helo Iliu taiUOUSlllla ,
'On-in , 'limn .Mighty Moustei , " Irotu
Oheiun , u M'lettlnn noxv attcmjitcd hy
no olhei uinn'i except Jiliitcrnji.
It is i-o po'U'ilnl and bliouu
tliat im ouo but a singei ol rohimt
Miiie ami ] ilixsiue ! | d.ue touch If. Miw
I'ul Ir's I voieo is ol thai charactui iiiilnycall It
a i oimtcrput ot I'.ut'p.i's ' xolcu and toy that
Miss I'ullei xxill } . 't Iw knnixii o.s HID fjrcaleftfc
iniiloiie simer In tin * X-.oild. After a tew
mme i-iigiigi'iiiciiti In tills paitol Ih'icttuiHry ' ,
and a setles in CalHoiiila , .Minn l''illlir ; m ) $ &
In Kiiiope wheie i-he xxill .sing for fQvvra\ ) \
JIMIS hi loii * n luining. r-w
I un ill ) ; the past xvcek the State Colleaa ot
Aciiciihmeand Mirlnuie Artsrloscilltn iu
ul Ames. Thti giiidmitlug clttv ) immbcic.'ii '
iliiitxsithe * lamest in tliu hlntury of tliu
sclionl , 'I lie hoard ol tin-decs havij been in
M'ssiuii nil ih week , and they arc duvimng ;
libeuil things fm tliat hchool in xvhlch 11(0 (
state iM'cal | ! pilde. The Icglulilluro
xx ill be xskcd tm un iipproinlati m to build *
-cji ladiiM hall , an unpioveuieiU very
miiLh needed.
\ la thu Si r.x ( - linino Hotit/ ; .
Dis MOIVI-K , la , , Nov. 10.-SptMiirt [ to
thu Hn . ] About ' > o'clock thin mornjig |
the ijmlloid of Hiu Union hou.iiventto > tl >
loom ol'i bo.udei , Ch.uics Ii. Cooper , to
aw.iken him , ami loniul him deadi Tlio
lacts in thu eve HJIJUMI to bu at follow * ) :
Cooper was an old ic idi ut of DU.S Jlolne } ) ,
and dining the w.u luxcd In the l'"li.t Io\a }
liath'i ) iindei Captain dlilldli. A tuw jeary
siiicu Ids xxitu 1'iotnied a divutcc fiom lil'm
and iLiuovid to Kaiina . . Cooper x/unt to thn
place xxhcie she Ihid , l fexv month1) f.incn lo
si e his i hi.dieii , ami it iiiimd lo Uci Moinyrf
alimii two wei It * ago. His Imhllfi weio Mme <
xxhai dlH ipatcd , isunilaj night ulioul-U
n elm k tin ; lumlloid ol thu IJnlun house ,
\\heicCoopei wii bualdillg , heaid him call ,
and upon going to tne b.'d lonnd Idiii in noa-
xiiUlmi.In ,11 dm l time lie apjiuui'il to Ix )
lit ttei , and llm laudloul icimiicd to bed , At
ft u'eloik thin iiiiiiniiir' , ar , beloiu iitalml. thu
man xx'.is found dead. 'I xvo botthni pail hilly
tilled xxlth htixilmlne , weiu lonnd In tlio
KIOIII , Itnd Ihe phxslei,111 hUJH till ) dlllj ; VXa.S
tliuc.iii'iii ol Ins death.
Najidleon Ward's Conilillon. ,
Nr.w Yoitu , Nov.10. | SH | ial to thu UKI.J
TlieTilbunoFas ) : Keidliund Ward luw
luuleigonu a th.uin'r lei ihu better , phyalcallyi
within Hit , ki'.i xxeik ami mcanllng to Uie
\ius\bof Hi. I la i her , phniciaii of Hiug Blue
piinon , that institution Is going to bo tlw
means ol Klxliio \\ail a long llfulf not
meri7 one. fco many Jaljehoodn have beou
piintid ot Into icnardiugV'aid'H pbyuieol
comllthm thai the iinpie--'lon ' has gonn
iibioad lhat hu Is ou thu point of eollapjilng
and Ids tn-atnieiit at the h tmls of Um jinsiiu
oihcktlM 11 ti'iidlngto thortcn bin life. VeH.
ttidiy thu keeper , .Inme. ) Cou-
naiigliton , talked lully and lieely with arc-
poiU'i lo aidiiig Waul H health C/ommugh.
ion Hidii' "llm iejM/ils or Ward'n bcini ;
oxeixxoikcd and htokcn iloxvn uro utterly
) , iNe. HD | H in bi'ttei heaitli today tli u
when ho IMIIIU hen ; . Ills prudent \voik ,
hling lion gratings , IH light woik ami do don
luimd nodilhcull ) In doing it. If hi ) had i
hllllllld kllOXV It. NOXV 1 iCIIOXV Of III ) liCXVft.
iiapcrmaii w do has been \Vud ; or talked xvltti
him hliici : jim wt'iii up liuiu when hu hail
been shoveling ashev1 Dr. llarker BiUd
Wanl'i * phBitali'ondition h iniiunviiii : cvory
daj and hu noxv eats pribon lood wlttiiellui
and U thriving.
Unified thu Minet-H1
( iuc\io , .Vox. HI.W. . l > Oc.
Valluy region , to-day tel -
.1 'i ' I their MiiM-ilutoiidc
mi ol ilmMilKiiih'iiiIia'fH