Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Frco-frpto Opiates , tmetlca and Poison.
Cliartcred by Uu-StateoUlIU
: * ll chronicuunuryund prl *
; > vate disease * . Oonorrhcea ,
iaiectandQyphitl in all their
'complicated forrni. alto ell
dtatasca of the Skin and
Cloodnromptly relieved ind
permanentlycurtd by teme *
. diet Icstcdinn/'WlylVyitJ
tHjirnnl I'rnrtlrr , iiennnal
fipht Losses by Preatns , Pimple * on
the Kate.t.o t fctantiood , ti'.l ( rrl//ciirrtl. / TVirro
ifiiu txtierlntrtitltiu , Ihe appropriate remedy
laatonco u d In each case. Coniultatl jns , per.
r.onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med *
Iclnei cent by Mall nnd Kxprcca. No niorkii on
package to Indicate conttnta or wnder. Addreta
o. 20tWasliinCjon ! GI..CnlraDOlll.
Pianos aod Organ :
Wiihor'cj Cnfl.l ivcr 'Oil n H Lime. Pe
BTRWlm luivc licfii ii'inir roil t vrr oil lll I
| loiit-c < ltnli-irn ! Hint I r Willmr Inn pinvcc.Ii' .
lifimil rcuMnlH ot ncvornl piti > lonnl KUII !
iron lo co'i't-lnhvi-tl C'IIIMC ' oil unt Ilincln HIK
r -fiiniT.ll'ti'II NHi'iiMi' " intlit ) tiiHtf , uiul I
< tt rl"liiliiiH'oiii | liilntnni truly wnnderlii
'N , ry ninny ( o'Mini ? 'ho c rnes woic iiimnii
ml nvi ! ? ( " < > n l wlio lind tnko i tlm c'l n oil Ii
n Innirtlnin trillion t ninrkeil olfuct. lulto ncen i'
tlrxlvoumlliviioinir Dili propiirnMon Ito pin
ii"il e 't Itioiri'iinlnc. Miinnrni'tiircil onlv' ' \
WIHwr Ulininl't Ilii'tnn. Solil liy iilldiu K *
nr * I su' rqil rrl'h ' a cfn'ir o
my mro. ' E ul i. n ' s n H Ii en I r
ronnni n t' < l no < n n B Id - Sp c c u. il I i :
< rrmlniM o nil'o nn ovt lo ii n.o It , m tli
) tuiHFiUL 8 fi i. uu ti Run IIH nm. . 'I'lu ; I ill
cncn < f Ihd inci I nu ill III Hi WMH In soiuetvl
nirjfriivuff'In'oroi tint t-ooli Hio Ini'nniikiii
wn * " 'llnj utl in d I IICKI" * lo'ln ' p i v utter tl
ilrst f iw huitlcrt Myjrtn nil lu > 1 'ii-uri'iii
itnprovoil. I , P-i HlrniiHi'r. nnil ul I i to ilo in
Ulnil of work. T ficmiuuruainy lit i > IIOKIHI '
ilco oiM'nndtii i lufr to lu'p' , null thcicUn
it vi'eiUo o" " Itlclt only 11 I t iu n-nr iniiiks ll
P'0. Mil" . .Ill' IK A Ml DON AT.I ) .
Atluntn. Ol. , AninisUI ; 1 8 > .
1 Intvo luul n CIUIPIT oil n\y \ fnrn for P' > n
yrnrs , I'vicndluir troin "mi o ucli li no wn
llio IIIIPO lo Iliu oilier. I lui * . Iven mo n tire
< liincs i.i > niliiK uiul ltd Inir
B loll im i XU-nr thitt It ton * nliliUHi i u .I'lii-.tnlo.
'omniiK'c : < l uslnir Hwll't Sprcll'o in Mm , 1
n il luivu in-iMl ul 'lit liot'lcs. It IIHA ulvon tl
C I'ntcfll icllcl In r'lii viMK'llio Inl'niniitloii ' HI
lostcrii.V my | . ciU'iiiriiouUi.V. . ISAIISUS.
Knoivllle , lou n. Pqpt H. ISM , }
TreuilMion tilnoil und eKln dl.'oneca nnilli
frnu ,
ThoRwIf 8 H'fltlc Co. , Utnwor OAtlnntu , ( J
N. YMfiT . - lsnctt.
I luiv apoaUlf r4iii ilf iiitftbuTedlftMie.bT in
UM th > miCDiKurct.M i.t tli wiii.c klinl Miulitf furs
t ttdtniliK * ' ' ncti rU , I oiirniie | nir ] f i'b
lallirnlciir ; I , t I w I HIL
* V > ) tMti r llii V il.l' .
' o * tuffw'iir it Kif inr/ftt BII I * O hiltlr r. .
18 T A ULUCUU III Turiai . Ktw Tojfi
_ Hum thu uiulliilny.muni
clilldron I * Inr irionii'r In t1" ' RIIIIIIMIM * ninnil
limn lit niiy other KUSOII lli'ullh nml porli'
ncllcin of ilic liii\ < uit > n Hiiri' < lli\ ilirii o < N ni'iitriil In ItHiu'ijon. IO.IIMI
llyinUcn tiy llm Mill1 ( HUM , iK'cn Inns nn tu
tlprin thn illirn- > tlMorKiUf. . . nnd N n-inmilit' '
ivliun thu Hdiiiiii li i cin t ill ) i'l.c.
, Conrul-
/ > . < * * , St. Vitns
Dance , McoM-
, Opium Kat-
Bcroul ( , J\'inyi
tta , NerTousncs * ,
QONQUER Ileadacfit ,
I'.lieuinat IBIM ,
W'tabuu , Drain.Vony , Jtitxvl Horn ,
i , Kfrrousl'rOKtrutlou ,
J\idi > ' < j Tni'tl''i ami Irrrjular'tirt.
V lm f.vr reirt. < Kllicli r' ' Plirrrn when Illh
tnfallililu - iiioily Kill liiiinl ? T'.ie flilc- ; . . |
villllnd lt < o -oiitilutlor.UsK | > cinu , unit
n ( uunliitn of vitality anil \ IROT. UH.I elro lilni {
innl nxlilllratltiK auirool.uuMiIni : 6irln | uf
vaierlutlOii.irlH | > ilund lulntlnt : trutrli-r In
tlunlc orl. To ili llno tn.lliiji : surort'nipily
lit fir , S. i. EICnHO.NPJETIIW f 1 , St. Jmpb , Mo.
tiolil I.y i.l I Di-ncBl'tn.
$ l.nn ii r 1'iiiilu ' , or tour bfitrs for $ xoa
The Orluliuil nnd Only Hi niiliip.
8&N 4 l yi kclUM . H wirvvr irvrtlllr * * iHlt.lltK
l j > . .i * ! * < > l < t L 'A DIES. A. ' . J.ur lr ffl t r
" F. . ll.ll 4 Ulr > i 'tll wiuclul
At nn Tr.J. b ; fuller A foil ,
4tk TMV.Mt. III.
2 Mirror
\ / Is Ho flaitferer. Would yet
" ' make it tell a sweeter tale i
Magnolia J < alm is the charm
cr that almost cheats tlu
vnnr\ PTf t PITVIC vr itr t iff
The Eeitf\rV.ablo Bnsinesi ! oiral i
OWs Old M t.-opol's.
Tlio 1'ncklnt : llousc.t , Cooprr Shop !
nnd AricuHiu-nl linpteinont
1'nctory Oilier Import
mien of the HIK. : ] The nxcilcmunt c
election being over our citizens havose
tied ilnu'ii to business again and at
using tivisry means in tlinir power lo hmn
thu old city into promlnenco us nn in
portunt manufacturing city , and wit
good .success , too. Several largo , cute
lirlses tire "on the siring" and the boiir
of trade and business mun generally ai
doing everything in their power lo nial
tlie prospective enterprises a present r <
nliti. Hven 80..0 of llu > "old fogies"-
thc Imrnaclo element ua the Press civl
tlicm liavu been known to open the
pur < e strings of Into nml donate liherull
toward the now entcrtirises which ai
being worked up. litist Saturday a con
milieu from thn board of trade M-clir.i
$ WNU ) stock In n new renper and mowt
manufactory , a schema which is bum
agitated. The balance of stork neeess ;
r\ , , I'Ji.UOO , it is-siiid tan be I'ltfll.v ra'sei
Uhc now enterprise will work : IH ) mi
thn venr , round : itnl will do a general in
plcniont manufacturing busim-M. <
.sterling Morton , \\ith his aecustomi :
liberality , be.sidos subscribing largely I
link stock , presented the new cnmpaii
w th Uyonty-live acres of land as a si
for their establishment.
TiiANs-jii'sni'in IMCKIVO rn. ,
tin' naini * under which the new paekin
house company i.H Known , have tin *
1 u Mint : completed and are now busil
unmixed in lilting ul ) the necessary in :
chiner. } and expect to lie re.uly lor tl
tcstuc porker Nov. lli. The Nobrtsli :
nnd I < I\MI Packing Co. begin their winti
killing this \\cek and will work full tin
ir.iiu now nn. The latter company hin
large Ion e of graders tit work upon tl
ice pond , enlarging the same lo twice i
toriner s./c to preclude all possibility i
tin- ice supply tailing next year , as w ;
the raie both Deal's past.
bTtlCKVIU.l' .
Your correspondent look a llyinsr trite
to .StocU .lie . uddititin.- his i the "Ne
Ne raska City" addition spoken of in
previous letter , but which has been r. .
chri.sieucit "Stoekvillu Addition toNi
brissku City. " Kverything thereaboir
indicated the greatest activity. Tin : J
cV-I I' . Co had a largo force employe
getting their immense establishment an
and giounds in .shape for work. Tlie ne
consolidated cooper shops had alread
commciieed operations and were won
ing a lull complement ot men tiirnin
out purl , barrels a lid tierces for bet
packing houses. The hoop-poles necc
.sary in the manufacture of the eoope
age are being cut near the city , and n
ready quite an indiistry in hoop-pole en
ting has been started by many of our ai
jstet nt farmers.
The U < Ns M. It. K. Co. has a largo fore
of men atorl ; upon thu stock yurdx : in
oxpeet to havu thu same ready or bu
ineiii J\ov. 10.
Nebraska Citv needs another railroai
and needs it bul. and any lirnt-ea.- ! rai
road that around lor a good ol
juetive iioint cannot do belter tlian Ion
over Nflii'iiAka Ci'ty. What with t\v
packing houses , with a capacity of ! > , ( ) .
nogs daily , reaper and mower manufai
tnring company , working JftiO hund.s , in
ineui-i ) cooper sliops. distillery , llourin
mill and a score of other goiuj-si/.ed mai
nlaetiiring , our city ollern ii
diicementri in the way of freight trail !
that cannot be snee/.ed at. I're.sidet
I'erkius , of tin : U. H. & Q. K. H. , was i
tin ; city a few days ago and talked null
lavoruoly of u new tiinn table , wnic
will enable Nebraska City people t
visit Omaha and return the same ovei
iug. As it in now , it is as much of a trite
to Omaha a.s to Denver or Chicago. On
city cnmu very near Inning an "item
last week. Tlio bon of a prominent pr <
ImMoiial man of this Oily forged h
father's name , to a check for % ; , > , am
hcing detected , tried thu laudanum roul
to the celestial regions. A liberal do-
of spieud whisky convinced the yonn.
man that life \\as.still worth liguringoi
and the v. m has ytmo cifst to grown
with the country.
is on the tani-i for our city. It h to b
a \\cekly devoted to prohibition , and , <
cum se , k is intended to "till a long foi
wiiiii , " and , of course , hopim lo ero'
ileluiiitly on the Nebraska City gravi
yard ot defunct newspapers for man
\ tu come.
.Sinnu of our inurchants are talkin
of a
which siitill havu foi Us e.-ipecial objci
thu protection of the tlill'ereiit busiucy
men of the a.HMc.iuii ; > ii from thu ravage
of u goodly number of the deadbr :
order \vlio make their habit.ition in Ni
bra.-ka City , anil who receive auipiisition
to their number Irom tinm lo time. Tli
bcheme , if conducted by thn right kin
of a man , would nave our incrclmnl
many hundreds of dollars annually ,
The ground plan ol thu
M.\V ( iOVKUNMi.ST : Ill'll.lUNfJ
has arrived , nnd it in i\ieeled ! | work wi
be commenced upon the structure i
oiici ) . The photograph of the new buili
ing , as shown > onr corresnoudenl , Is on
\\meli\\illbea very decided ornamei
among the public buildings of our cily
a Noi man design , nt the name time m
itu | < and elegant. It is said that Mr. , Ioh
] ' Itrown , a prominent architect an
contractor of this city , wi 1 ha\u tli
supervision of construction of thu nu
Abigsuhemu is or foot among tli
"West Kutl Uutcli" who havu long ha
bored ill-feelmgf ) toward thu K.iit I'M
Morton hoiisn , to purchase the Ciran
C'enlral proiurty | , take out tlio slot
rooms underneath and convert'thn ei
lire building into a Hrst-clas * hotel wil
all the necessary conveiik'iicm elovatoi
electrii ! bulls , wntiu * Myt tuni. etc. A wnl
known hotel man , unti of tnu beitlntli
\vcht , is now in the city watching the on
come of the new scheme , which It is t
be huped will culminate favorably an
gie the upper part of the city nistrict ! elnss hotel as well us tlm eastern em
Mr. A. Ho s. who closed his lirowor
when the city ordinance was passed di
claring lirewers htibjuct to the $ riM ti ; >
has lately ruopuned and in now innnnfai
luring buer iih of yore , 'lltis in connci
lion with onuiiuw saloon which lias ju.
been htarted in thu west end by Mcatiri
llnlfmaii iV Iteek , make.twentyUv
places where aiiti-jSt. John iuiee it dii
pensed which wu opine is fully adt'ipial
to supply thu demand of the thirsty nil
/.ell * . An addition of tw < j stories ha
in-t bctiii liniahud tu thn Cineinmi
house iu order Ui aeeonunoJatu thu rus
of travelers to llio favorite ho tlerj
Three new boarding houses am boin
lilted up in untlolpatlon of thu booii
uliu'h we expect from our iirospccliv
now enterprise ,
The CJn.i cynipany Is laying- mains t
the depot and il will bo but it fuw daj
beforu our depot ami the street loudln
lo Fame will bo lighted by Kits.
Thobiroet c.irooiH.uny 1 Inyiiiff lot
just now to awuit thu outcome til tli
new n. pa * and ipowur tuttiititacturin
bcln. at'i as ! t is urobublu tliuv will
lo chniigc taoir route consCdfrdblo-U lh (
new entori rise Is locutod wlleto it ; ii
now ronlemnlated.
Applications lor the position of prlncf
pal rtf tlio s njond wnnt stjh'ools , whiel
will sooli be vnnitnt by rowsbn of | h <
preijcnt incumbent h.iving bden' elcrlct
county suporlntundont , are rtishin" It
In ely already a score or moro liuvi
been Illod.
Mrs/Mcllndn Flntcher Ircttlrcd Monday
nifjht nndor the anspinns of the hulies
Library association to a good audience
and quite a sum u a.i rciiiiKeU for tlu
above association ,
Helvu Look wood the gtrnt and onlr-
will lecture in this city next WcdncJila ;
The llrst cold windy night of the sen
son starts the record with a good tiro.thi
residence of 11. A. Newman beiugburnei
to the ground.
A large sand Inr is forming nbovo tin
bridnii ami the furry boat has been foroi't
to Hinpeiid opi-ratious. The railroai
coinnany it is said will put in Hal car
similar to those In use at Omaha on tin
bridge for the transferring of teams , &c
As it Is now the company charge $ JO pe and upon one occasion thu car con
taiucd one tune emigrant team , fo
which the usual $ .0 tee was charged
iniikingn rather expensive transfer.
Already the newly-elected county ofll
cors are lining folio wud everywhere by :
hungry horde alter tne various deputy
Bidps. tie "KiT.SKK. "
Notwithstanding the great nnmbprwh
yearly succumb to this terrible and fall1
disease , which is daily winding Us fatn
coils around thousands who lire uiicor
scions of its deadly presence , Dr. Pierce
" Medical " \vill cleans
( ioldon Discovery"vill
and pnrilv the blood of scrofulous inijii
rities , and cure tubercular consuniptlo
( which is only scrofulous disu.isu ot th
lungs ) . Send U ) cents in stamps and gi
Dr Pieree's complete treaties on cor
sumption and kindred altccfions , wit
numerous testimonials of cures. At
dicss , World .s Dispensary Medical
ciation , Hullalo , N. Y.
Tlio Itccenl Kcpuldlenn Victory nil1
\ ulentlne'H
\VKsr POINT , Neb. , Nov. tl. [ Corrcs
poudence of the IJr.K. ] This little clt
has not yet recovered from the excite
mentol the late election. On every strci
corner , and in every store and ollici
knots of men are seen discussing the rt
cent republican victory. The great nu
jority are satislied with the result , but
few , mainly Iho candidates , are deep !
Your correspondent , knowing , as don
everyone acquainted with Cnmingcoui ]
ty's political history , that heretofore th
democrats had carried the county lo
their candidates by handsome majorities
essayed to get at the true inwardness o
tbu present state of ullaird , and sue
cceiled with this result :
When thu republicans held their con
vention , the inilucncu pf cuilain demo
crats was exercised in behalf of cepu.jli
cans anxious for republican nomination *
then , as soon as tlio democratic conveii
turn met these sumo democrats noniin
ated themselves they controlled tin
democratic convention for the sam
positions for they had endorse !
the republican aspirants. This nctioi
caused a revolt in the ranks of the "mi
terrilied. " and before the election tya
held , prominent democrats were ollbrin ;
lo bet live lo one that , not a man on thei
party ticket would bo elected , but with
out any takers ,
A gentleman hero , prominent in bus !
ness circles , who always votes a straigh
democratic tickel , prompllycontradictei
me when 1 made llio assertion that tin
republican party had carried the conn
ly , by substituting the assertion thai thi
democrats had carried the county , am
would continue to carry it in the saun
way whenever a similar trick was report
cd to by unprincipled partisans ; am
when men were nominated who hat
grown fat oil' the county through jobber ;
and al the expense of Ihe laboring man.
15y thu way , there is a rumor afloat ii ]
hero that Valentine is betting his pins fo
the governorship. A very conlidentia
Iriend made this startling annoiiucimient
ami added at the same timu , "very fcv
people are aware of it. " This was new :
lo me , and thinking it might not lie geu
crally known , 1 made a note of it. Di
you suppose it can bo a "tie-up" butweei
the venerable chairman of the state can
tral committee and Val. , for thoiulluenei
ot tint latter in helping to vindicate tin
former gentleman s bolt of hint spring
A great general oilered a kingdom for t
dunk , may it not be that the promise o
a governorship would secure a vindica
tion ? "We shall sue what wo filial sue. '
I listened to a conversation butwccn
two gentlemen , last evening , that gavi
me very clear insight into what the gi n
era ! feulin ; , hero is regarding Senate
Van Wyck. They were discussing tin
senator's recent appeal in behalf o union labor , on public buildings
in preference to convict labor , and the ;
both coincided in the belief that one ac
will make him stronger with the labor
ers , skilled meelianicH and farmers , thai
anything ho has ever done , and aid ii
making , if it does not make , him Id
own bucijessor. IVI.DUN.
IMU3S PlljKS ! ! JMfjKi
A sine cure for lllliul. Weeding , Iicliin.
and Ulcerated Piles bus beun illsuoveieil h
In. Williams ( an Indian ii'iaeily ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A nliul <
box has cineil the worst chronic eases of > o
! iU yi'n.s ; ht.niilliiNo one need Miirer iiv. .
niimites alter apiilyiu this wonderful Mxith
lu medicine. Lotions nnd instruments di
more linrin tluin pnnl.Villlaias1 linllai
Pile Ointmi'iit tiliMiihs the tuuiors , nllnyH ( In itching , ( purtleiilarly at nltrlit ; ifle
uotliiiu' warm in lulaitsa.s ) ) a pmiliire , i'i\v
llistant lehel , and is piepaied only I'm 1'lle-
ilclillifi of privdnjiirls. ; and tor uothiiiifelsi :
Dr. Fraxlei's MUKIC Onilineiit cui'iis as Ii
niit'-'ic , Pimple.- . , Black Heads or ( irnli-
Itlotehes anil Kniptlous on the fnce , leavln
the skin clear mill btMiitiful , Alxi eilles Hell
S.ilt lilieinii , bore Nipples , buru hips , uin
OldUhsilnutu Ulcers.
bold by druggists , or mnilcd receipt o
Wee n is.
Kciailcd hv Ivuhii & Co. , nnd Sr.hroetur i !
IK'clit. \\ liy C , F. ( Juuilauu.
The I'nollli ; > I\iiiutliii 1'oKlolllco.
PAuii'iijilu.NuriuN , Iowa , Nov. 13. [ T
the Kditor.-Will ) you kindly allow m
space in your paper to say a few word
in regard to the article in the Coliuc
lilulls ( iloho of the lUtli lust. , in which i
Is claimed that 1 am a defaulter.V1ie.
my books were examined by the posi
ollicu inspector they were found corree
lo a cunt. And the charge that 1 had U |
proprlatcd money order funds to my owi
use is without foundation. Hut 1 luiv
failed as yet to receive thu Hum of' $1 , " ;
from the postolilcu department , thu bn
unco due me as postmaster on postal ac
count , or my coinufis.sio'us for mono
order : done in thu J it qitartei
1 nuve vouchers for all money that eve
cutuo into my hunds as postmaster.
Your * trulyi
I''A. SnuitJiAH ,
Wben iht n * * b Child , ib * oric4 for C'MtorUk.
MTicn she b cain * JiUi , iha cluuj to lla ( orU ,
Vlmu the LJ UUU u , Si j r e tt ra CMtstia
Tolling Abonts ( types of Dr , B , 0 , Jlowor
$ f Boiton. ,
Statements of'.Btiiiioor ' UinWomlcrfli' '
Cures Mntlu fiy tills Kxtrnordl *
ttnry I'mblltlnnui Almost
SiiiWutona ,
From the IlMtrmaro Aluericnn : W <
published u BhorMlnic ngo quitd iv length' '
nttii'lo about tlio professional work o
Dr. H. C. Flower of Hostor. . Wo liuvi
recently coma Into possession of it pain
phlot devoted to the llfo nnd work of I > r
Flower , giving munoroii' * accounts of hi :
mid nlmost supernatural triumphs eve
disease , Wo l > ulinvo"u review of tin
sumo would bo highly Interesting to on
readers. The ijouk reads more like ;
fairy story limit anything else , yet over ;
claim and assertion ia substantiated b.
numerous facts.
Wo publish below a number of extract
from this book that our readers ma ;
know more about llio doings of this won
derful physician who seema to Imvi
stirred the earth with his " profossioua
triumphs from center to almost circtim
toronco. The ehjiplur Isi biograpn
ical history of the doctor , which start
out by saying :
' 'For some years Dr. H. C. Flower hit1
startled the eastern world from time ti
tiine. by pc 'loimUig what h.t1
seemed miraculous bV btippriial
nral eutes. One writer. inde
scribing Dr. Flowers triumphs in tin
Riek room , says : 'Sickness is a toy In hi
hands : in the most plicnomlnal vvav In
t-heds light into the darkened eye , life in
to the d ing form , and robs the roon
of its miitoror and tlio coilin from it ;
prey. '
"Dr. Flower has been called to consul
over important ami bad cams Irom tin
Koekies to thn Ches.iiieako , from Canad ;
to the Hio ( Jraude. H s grenteM ubilitj
is seen in despcr.iro eases , and his might
ie t feal.s and most m-raculous cures a
the dentlibed itself.
"Dr. Fewer is n young man but D
years of age , smooth lace , muuium .size
very largo head , lie isH hard student
deep thinker , a man of remarkably quiet
perception and intuitional faculty , wide !
are said to be marvelous.
"A phenomenal feature in his practice
is his method ot diagnosing disease , lli
liever asks a patient Ins troiuile , but. tin
instant he takes thu hand of a sick per
sou he tells most accurately the disuasi
in all its ramilic.itions. Tnis pheuomo
mil phase of his practice has brougnt It
him thousands upon thousands ot pa
Hunts , and it is claimed that out of u ; >
war-is of 0110 hundred thousand examinations
nations he has never made a mistake.
"In tlie biisiiu-Sh world Dr. Flower ia a :
great a wondciias he is in thu practici
of medicine. jntuitiomil powers n
detecting the \ic.tyal coud tiou of tin
markets itfallible. If In
buys stocks tney go up ; if ho sells the.i
go'down , llu'ha2) ) Inadc tortuncs lo :
many of his frieiuis , and saved nianj
from ruin. \f \
"Ho is a man of great individuality , i
man of method. , tt man who , from al
appearances , lloes"tho work of a hun
drcd men. " _ -
Following is an interesting biographj
of his protossidnal" career. Next is i
chapter upon Ins *
MHE AClr I < OUo CtTItES (
which reads innro iik&thu cui-lnjrof tht
.Jsick , , pinking itlio | lalneiMtjilkii ami ' . .the
'blind seii'ofJei tcgn. filmdted'yodrs"'agt
The ctiupter following cntlllad
lends you still further into fascinating
r.ilnibolyiiiitsiicm to b.e mirneies , Anion < .
tho.sO sla'rthug accomiis and miraciiloii :
cures is ruconled the case of iigentlMmui
for many yearn a auituror Visiting Ur.
Flower , as a lurtt resort , in search oi
health. As soon as Dr Flower saw bin
ho said : "You have a live ilnimul in yom
fitomach , and one which belong to t
soutliern country. You must have swal
lowed it many years ago. "
The horror stricken man replied : " 1
was atraid 1 had. " He then stated thai
he was in the army , during which time
hu frequently dr.iuk from tnu
I-UDI.S ix THI : ri.ouiu.v SWA- ?
And shortly after leaving i orhi
felt the creature , as the doctor du.ionbed
it , in hisstomiich , and that for uvcr
minute of his lifo for the last tiltucnyem :
he had been in perfect dread and pretty
much all of thu time iu great agony. Dr ,
Flower look charge of Inn case. It wae
soon apparenttliat thu remedy was : i
death blow to tliu creature , and then
soon bngaii lo pass away scales and
bonus and pieces ol feet. The man re-
coivud immediate relief , and is to-day
comparatively a well and hni j man.
The long lutter headiid
.MIUACI.Sis , If'Sll. ! ! THIVfiS AKK ,
Written by the editor of the Hoston
Travollor , ivvhich i.s one ot , thu ,
llipst refutable and eonservalivii jouriiah
01 the east ) , alter tlie most Ihoroiigh in
vchtigation of Dr. Flower and Ins prac-
ticu iiuint alwuvs be , al least to the sick ,
a most interesting collection of fact.s ,
He saj-s.
The readers of the Travollttr arc well
acquainted with'tlio name of Dr. H. C ,
Flower , of ! iu-ton. MasniicliUHcltft. In
fact , no professional in Ainurcii ie
butter Known than this * ucc < : .s.siul. cner
getiu , skilled pivtician | of thu 'Hub. '
HIS i'ltlH'l'.aSIONAl. STANDIM ; .
' 'Profcshioiially , Dr. Flower stand. '
very high , and with the progressive nm ! ! iiliy.sieiaiiH , is pro-c.niinontly n
leadei- . ills opinion in very crit cal ease >
i.s regarded liiutl , A distinguished llos
ton physician of forty yeari' iipietici
said to yj.ur corresiomlenl | 'I n-gan :
Dr. Flower as the most wonderful ol
men. Why , sir , 1 havu called him ai
dillurcnt times to MJO twciii.y-oue of m.\ \
] iaticnts , alter 1 hud summltud ihu case ;
to llio bust medical l.ilent in the
cily , only torri'Juivi ! them conlirn
my opinion , ad'TiJig ' that life could las
but n short timv u * ' Ihe longest. Well ,
oit | of tle ) tWuuXVtOi ii cases. Dr. Flower
it f tor his exiMnmnHiyns , proiioiineed loin
as incurable. ' . ' , | { pirlur 'And dd | thuj
diur" 'Yes , rtirVtl/ / ! ' . longest only llvei
one hour and iiUu\iiiintcH. ( Of tnuoihei
si'ventcen ho siud ' il ) his judgment thej
would recover tli c'ei'tnln trealmuiit wen
ob.surved. Ifut'.biqrgusti-d treatment .
"had nuvcr iibod'/aiuT- ' onm iiutnncei
miver heard oh < N followed the direu
lions lo tlie luiLfti'"iind , lo my stirjiriao
every onu of the spventeun jiatlunt-sgo
well. I ltd ! yvu , ifir , tlieru is diMtiny il
Dr Flower's iiwr | ; oais of diseariii. Hi
funds the interim ! iioiidition of a patiun
the sainu as .vofi.wUbld an open book. '
"Purriomilly , lir.nnowurls excuedinglj
popular itid | hla'fHtuidt. ' biiing Inrgulv o
the old , leading utid n prest'iiUitivu tain
Hies of the east , uivef | iiixgl' ! iil htrengll
14 his hormt. Hi ; is u young man , havin <
just pasMid his thirty-fourth birthday , al
taotigh to look into hi * cloiin-rilmvcd
fcuilliug face you would not jud u liin
ovnr A-
Ho then givc.i thorn a numhnr of euro
performed by Dr , Flower , whlt'li wotili
tioont to viu with the inift litir of oldiu
times : and wuro It not for thu uorrobora
ling _ . proofs . . . _ . nud tin . ) parties . . theniKulvu . . .
i ff ! * t M .l * .I .1
tttill llring to tedtlf.v to llieir tnitli ,
fieumlngly extruordinnry cl.ilms wuuh
not bo lulmissiblo in living print.
\Vo oMijiet thu following as u t't\v Iron
almost tunnburlchfl naaes cited , whicdi wil
KI IVU our rundors H paitial idea of Di
KIF l < i\u < r < i ulmoit supL-niatural triuiujxi
over dlitfuiH ) and death.
"A > < 'tuidcrfn | c.dieer euro wn thut o
Mr , , bliuvv of j'urtlatid ,
Tim pliilat.throp'c woman is well know )
tltroiisrhout the tusl , nnd , by her Iriend
UH won u * her physicians , was rcpnrdn
ns inptirablo. Dr. Flnwer with nch skii
removed the three mnrvM , as Well n
thoroughly cleansed her system , tin
many itj iu'dml her euro mivMciiloiiJ
Mrs. Shaw luld your correspondent lha
ho wished o\ery siek person in th
world knew what Dr. Flower Imd cUun
for h r , nnd what he can do and Is do'nj '
every day- for the siek. 'Why , ' oonUnuci
this enthusiastic lady , 'look'Mhnt ho Im
done for me. 1 came to him nenrlv denil
to-day I am in better liunltli tlmn'l hnvi
linontiinuRiMtrly life ; lu > sn.itohed fie Iron
tno jaws of death nnd cured mo eMir
disease with the case that a March wim
would lilt u Mraw. I tell yon , sir , he is i
remarkable man. To come Into his pres
iincn js hnallh ; to touch his hand U cure.
Dr. Flower's patients are numbered ! > '
thousand. " . Tnis inj.V sound loud , but I
Is true , lie has thousands of patients ul
the time.
"These , Mr. Kditor , nro fnota Riven ii
nil unvarnished waylids ; is an cihibltioi
of his powers. Call It whnl you may , bn
when it conies to a man standing in tin
preseiicu of n dying patient , nil eaten u |
nnd racked with pain , making : \ proph
ccy as to thn future of the patient , am
then goto work rtml fulfill Ids owi
prophecy , which is apparently th
chancing of natural and innvitabli
events , I saw when it comes to a m.n
dulng this constantly , it calls for the lion
est investigation of llm punlie. rathe
than Hiieenug criticism from profession : )
rivals. "
He closes his thorough nnd critical in
vestigation of Dr. Flower and his prac
tlcu as follows :
vast and wondnrtul accumuliition of fact
pertaining to Dr. Flower and IIH cure *
They are tacts , cold , solid facts , and an
as startling as a voice trom death.
"From the crowds which throng hi
Vpacious ulllou , No. 17lij \ \ aslnngson St
earner of Chester park , yon might inte
that all the sick in thu world were seek
ing itt his hands relief. Whether the tin1
ory of many , 'tliatDr , Flower hold.s th
key of lite , ' is true or not ,
Tina is TKUK ,
That he changes in almost a miraeclou
manner , the sick bed into a health ,
couch , robs deatu of its spoij by savin ;
: iniually : thousands Irom u'pivmatur
grave. Ills happy patients thus my >
teriously cured , live in cv ry land , am
upon these joyful homes the sun neve
bets. "
The rest of the book is devoted to Dr
Flowers methods of treatment ; of In
occasional journeys south and VNct-t to
the purpose ol seeing Midi patients a
need a professional inturviuw , yet an
unable to make the journey to BoMon
also a number of testimonials , represent
iug inatiy ot the prominent and h-adinj
men ot tue east. Among these tcsiinui
nials we notiei ; the strong cndoi'M-muut
ot . \Villaid Rice of Boston , ovmaio
of the city , and brother ot Governo
Uiee , and uead of the great manulaclur
ing lirm ot Hice , Kendall iV ( Jo. Mi
Kieesays : " 1 have known Di. Flowe
intimately for ears. lie is a hignl.
educated and cultured man , and 1 knoti
personally of
Both of ladies and guntleman , uft'ectac
by Dr. Flower , whom 1 unhesitating ! ;
declare to be n wonderful physician , ai
elegant gentleman and a valued friend. '
From the carelul reading ot this book i
will be seen that Dr. Flower held the ke ;
oi life and death at least in many iii
stances when hope everywhere else hai
tailed. That bib ability lo delect discasi
let it be ever fco subtle hidden , is mon
than thu natural and his power to cnr
the most helpless cases , even in death'
shadows , smacks strongly of- the supei
natural. Though in justice to Dr
Flower , we should say that ho does no
claim that there is anythiugsiipuruatura
about his work. Scaring upon thf
subject wo will quote Dr. Flower'
own words : "Supernatural ? No , sir
I make no such claim. Sucl
belong * to the readers of the Divine.1
" ' 1 hen , doctor , how do you account fo
the cures , \ou are penormin ; ' daily ? '
"Your question is one I would rathe
not answer. That I cure where other , that 1 make the blind see. the dea
hear , and the lame walk , and that 1 ivs
cue from death's jaw tue siek and diin ;
when abandoned by all others , and tin
last vestige of faith has died upon tin
altar of a blasted hope , is a fact knowi
to len > of thousands who are living wit
nesses of these cures. "
This exciting and interesting littli
book , giving a brief history of a more ix
citing and interesting character , is pub
li.shed byMJcIaud iV isarta , 5) ) IVurl htrent
Boston , Massachusetts , and will be. bcil
free to any one sending acent stamp
Ithhouldbe in the hands of every sicl
person. It should bo read by every oin
in health.
Moody found the lirst phro where It
Hcunieil to m.iKo nu impression whatever ij
New Virt ( city DII tlni o lit side. Tin- open
lilt ; oT tlu n > : w ltr > ioau struct taliuiuaule uu
iDsuivud tor hiseonniu iu the hope thai | bikini iinilcr Mnudy's leailersluj
L-uiilil bo unitIIM | on tu adv.ut.ige. lint aiie
nKday wiilniiil acoiiveiaiun the uiulcrtni ;
iiiK was abatulonud.
of the day is undoubtedly JAM Kb i'i'LK'J '
1'KAltLlJN'lv. It cleanses the d am
most elegant tabric without injur ,
and with little labor. For sale b.
S (
Ordinary Kuliber Bootl
nh nys uenr out llrJtou
an dmUn Utlcb
on the tail , nnd
DOUIJU : m\r. : .
Ifat economical Hiilih
In the
] .nt > U longer timu kuy
oihir booland lUu
Call si.d ex.
c- tine Ilia
SAM ; nv
. NinnAdiCA. : ,
All Sorts of
hurts and many torts of ails of
ma' and beast need a .cooling
lotion. 'Mastang Liniment.
Ono ofilwHcst nnd Jdarf/cst Ntoctos in. the Lr. S
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator ,
tt > rriil |
' ' ' . . . . , ,
I Mrin'KN'l'.i. ! Hunt ir mt
IEW of all Avhofind tholr POWER
ngoG ,
mi lillllI' r"nil SLsi .Mi S itK\ lii vrkcnr-i | i.y
ii. * r. > " ' > ii.ui * r i\ti : : tail rrr nu nni UlvnHiiil liv tliit |
fU III : , . ' Otualtor of h. . v Ini in I'm ' , o < r inav I '
III * l. lu'l Iii a IV ' " ! " < " iii"inUi " ntp , , t i he ccklirnkil
, .
r * html oxpnuit o. in t I * * * II IIH. aii'l ' mr I K strtoni , cr Itian
any tuner ini'iliii I litilic v % rl , VMtik tik. > . tir.-uln-lir , KMlbMONf ,
lirfitiulu , I.-MI ) > nrsa-ilumtilll' ' . . nmmur llninlil | : , il ruml till
Uri' lin , lit i" HIM in. innrv , I Ill'OTKNCK , tin. lni | > illniin ( < In
nmrrlPim. nml inn \ \ \\er \ syniiln | s li-ailliiit to CONS MlM'HtN or
lv.\Ml' < . mi' pniiuiit j rciuuvutl b ) IliU tiX'Kln i-nl , uiul Mnuroul
ATrtm'Cfi.Mv ; , nrtlioar.u'ho intend to marry ,
rprlncr , Innt life nnrltlic lore anil rt < pt > i i > > > I'I'MHU ' viiu. \\i nk IIII > II > IM.II il i < i' roloVcil lo Mj.ror. A
limnliiiixl In Inro nm rl. : i > 1'vonfH. ' MliniililnN II.Mx1iiahip ! In < il > i > U titninp *
< ) CiitVUIX IVJOtlical Co , BO4 , St. Uouis ,
( JIM. UfliKt : ,
'R' : AforclinnlR iini ! 1'Hi-niri V lliink. Onvld Cltv. Ni-l ) : Kniirnor N'lllotnl
i < ey , Null. : ( oliiinliiM MIIIIU limit , Coltiniliut , Ni-li : McDoiniU'-i lUuU , .Ni-ilti I'lutlo , NuU.
hulloiud llnnk. Uiiuilni. \ < Ii.
Will pay eiisiouiDiH' Uriiltvllh lilH of li.iliii ; ? uu.icliL'd , for iwo-lliliils vtilau ol ciniitc.
'Growers of 'Live Stock anil Otliers ,
711" Ilic l'i' t nii'l ohonnou fno'l ' Tor inch of nnv khi'l. Onoinnnl | l p u-il In HnVci pniintinC
rni-n. Stock foil wit i Citiunil Uil Uuku Hi llio Rill mi.I M'lniui1 , IniiiMl ol niinnu tlovu , will l.i-
rrenso In weljrht ntnl lie In poo.1 innrkntiitilo c-oiulliton In tlio rprlii ? . D.iirynii'M us uell itf ol iorl.
lie usu Iteuii tL'siily to na mums. 'l't > It mill jiutxu I' " ' yoiii'solves. rnco > : jiur ion.
tor buc s. Auilrusj \\OO1KM.\N I.INtjiii : : ) Ull. WOltKri , Uiniiliii , .Nu
or Tut ! Particulars atout Tree anJ Cheap Lands in Western Nebraska. Address PATTERSO\
& IV/yyrf , Real Estate Agents , North fltitta , Nebraska.
w m 1
I3th St. , Cor. Capitol Ave.
FOF the Tfealment of a I Ctiionic aod Sofgical Diseases !
DR , McSEHAMY , Physician and Surpon In Cliarp ,
Particular < if/rntlon pnltl to l ) < > f < n'initien , lln > nsn > fi of It'ninru , of
tltu MiHintrh , Lii'i'i ; Kitlimi/miml Jitoixl , I'ilcx.Cuini'I'll -
tittn-n , / ; / / timl Km' nifti'tim-H. dntiirrli , lii'inn-liltla
ttiul I inifi DliteiisrH'ti'i'ittctl Mvilic.ati'tl / In-
hnhtllnn. HKX1) FOll JNlTALKlt.
Write for Circular on Deformities and Braces , Diseases of Wimen , Pllos , Tumors
Caocers , tatarrli , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epl , i
lepby , Kidney , Ear , Eye , Shin ana Blood Diseases.
Tim Only HHiulilc Jledleal liiHitiilo iiiakiiifj u specialty of
Private Diseases of ttio Urinary & Soxua ! Orgapo
DUO iiifilH me Hint U-MU rjicclllc ml \ l cum HITV ru o.
WuUniiw t'.uit llinn iiirlHiiiiairiiiihrcir | > t. i.f iliii-o vice * tiav linn dlnniii nllilril iu often lh-4
thpynri * ill-inn raicil ; unit | iiitaHlmn > | ; rn nn liopoiif fu r licinj-tiiN-i' To nil aiirlt e ilinlrnlniiir
Hi I | ; ' | ( IIIIIIIMIU iJM-xin-riiniut wllli eiirci'ir rnui"lic < < > t f.iinlliiiiri'H reprvritilril to iiiro
nn h ill'i-H-eii , tl / muliU y i > niit'tftli niiihini : liiitillNiiiiiiliiinii | | > nl. si et > i lire i xuclly uk4 | |
Mini innitiiTi'mnly CUT lm ( ci-nnr rii-r inn ! iireparrit lunu-ii ihc n-cniri'iiuniH uf nil. \\o Imv3
innilii n I'irrfiil cf 'ly ' uf lli ifflliiiiii < t In nil llulr > arniiu | ( urnw unit r iiiitnillima. | ! anil ulllie \ , iilil i.f
mi uhiimt in I ciiMiifuaIn fc uiliny | irrmiucut to iiiillxuiinil IUM-V. wii urw vimblrd to cum ftn
W we 'a among tinn'r to mnkn n f pcrlnliv iinrl Unity nf llil * rl-iof of ilrai | > t . anil to ircnt llirm
llfxili Kclcntlflc | irlhi'lilio. | i-i.U.i init Slriciuri'OP it nii'l V ur MI-IB. ALL c'oNT.M.ItlVv ' ANII
Mini ) lslA | > R.S , fruiii u , aicviTtmii-o | iriuliiccil. tutrtyfiiliy irtnuxl.u ckn rvtamu SyMnl'llo
iloiin fr nt llmavtfrni wlilioul inciniry. iirlninry to tln-htkii-ni ,
Al. , CO ' t.NI' All NI I ilNHIIKN'll.M. . Cull innl ci.nnilt n or reqil
and uitcudiiocc ul ri-unuui/lu / ntr > .
Rfleciical ana Surgical
f7 r , Htlh St. nnil Cntltot , fiv. . tnr.Uf t , V
ISAAC CPilFFlT ! ! ,
Commission Merchant ,
And wlio'otBto rioi.lor in -
Country Produce , Frujls , Butter , Eg $ , Etc ,
nooDi ON coMtiomnsxT \ PCCUI.TV.
320 [ , iai ! Sf. , Omaha , Keb ,
Hofcrencon , liy rerun Inn-Ui i > 'uiw mil
k , l > iiliiuUc | ; A. t * . Ouiri' . "l.trtKii' '
> uul Uuim , St ( > ut City ; iiitvn NHIU i i Hin.U.
iJC 3lfiii - , II M , Kiiiiriiinii , A : .1 . . . r !
Vint f.ut < vi ai l"il.ttilea ! o.
Nebraska National Banfi
A. E. Tin vv I.IK. Vlcti IVesldL-iit ,
w. ii. a.
} V. V. ,
H. U.A4Hs . J.IWM ; H. KIKI %
\ 1 , ' MVl i iu.
C . IStti niu | I'nriinin Htnoig