Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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THE. OMAHA DAILY JiWK , A1UMAY , KOVJtiftUUlHi 10 , 1835.
The Governor Oomoa to the Boecne of Ilia
Convicted Man ,
SomA Former Mnttcrs for Our Itcntt *
erH * liifit-niftllon In the NOXT Cel
cbrntotl OHKO iHliorXoxva
I'roni tlio
-rn * nr.r.'s r.iscoT.v TJtniBAtr.l
fialunlny morning onu of llio nttornpys
for A. L. I'otititl , llio tnnn for tlio
killing of JiimuR Urilllu last whiter ,
ruslicil into tlio courl rootn ami lioliliu
up his liniidfi exclaimed lliat ho had got a
mprinvo for the jirlsonur. It was from
the irovprnor , and was In Iho followiuy
language :
STATB or NKIIIIANKA , > ov. 11. (
Bhrriff of I < nnt--wter county , nml to all to
r whom llio-m prcscntfi shall pome , jcm-tlni ; :
Whon-as , It njiH'ar. | tlint nt Ihu term tif IMP
illitrirt ronrt of Uiu st-cond judicial tllRtril'.t ' of
thoHlatui f Nidinuiku , huld In and tor l.un-
c-acti'r cdtiuty , to-wltt ou tlm 1'Jtlt day of No-
vlK'mh.T , A. 1) . IS'Vi ' , Alva 1. . Pound was rim-
vjctcd ol thiici line of maimlaiiKlitor commlltf d
in Lancaster county , Matoof Ni'Jiraslca. and
\\ni > , liy thu lion. Joint I. . Mitchell , mmti'iii-i > d
In iKscbiuiiicd In tin1 blato pi-nltpiitliiiy I'oi-
llin li.-rm of Iwo yours , and adjudged to juiy
tlio posts ofiiro-M-ctillon , "inld suiilont'i * to l i
catrli-d Into i-lVcct on Iho l-'lh ' ilay of Nuvtan-
bur , A. I ) . , HVi , and \\lmrpas , it Ims hi-di
inndt ! to limn-in to m > > tlml Ilu-Hald I'miiul IM a
lilHuhjccl lori'xwutlvo ripnieiiov , now tlmrc-
fore bolt known that 1 , .lames \ \ ' . la\vi-s ,
Hovurnor , by xlitue of tin' uuthoiity In mu
vtalpd hy HIP lawn of Ihnstato ( it Nphra ka ,
to the cud thut thu > a\v In tinmitu : > r uf ) .uh-
llratlon of nutlr-i ot a ] > iillralioii for pardon
may IMI fu'ly rmnp'lrd ' with , ttnd with tin-
Inlenlion ami iiuriiosi ! of rantlm ; to s-iid ;
I'onml a full tni'l uticdnd.tiiuml iiardon tin-
Kild ; offense of iiiiinslnnultlcr , of whii-h ln
wus eonvicii'd. nnd lo n-ntlt tlmc-oit.sol pros-
rciitlon wlil'-h ' i.t ml indeed to lie paid by him
\vhun thu n-iiiiii'-nn nt ol the In w Khali liavi !
been met , iiinl in con ideratlon of the pivin-
IHC.H and for tin ; u-jviiis im-lmlin and cin-
biaciliK tlio r'glit ol Mvtertlnn to tlm pt-acoftll
and lim-abldlntt indUuluat and of society at.
tliulrpPtsoniilrlKhts IIH wull a > i for
! rIliLs ( of propi-ity ILS atnilusi to ! dopred.i-
tiiiniuiraltneKc of HIP. lawless , ami In lievilr
from all thu furl > nnd plioumstanrcs have
romu to mj lii'iv\le'lo ( , thai bald Alvin L.
] 'ound was acumtt it hy honiist motivi-.s , and
lias acted in nimd tallhln tlefpiispof thu proji-
crty of lax i.itjer.sul Iho htale , nnd nut in
violation ot luw , lure grunted , and do here
unto grant , unto him , thu Bald Alvln I , .
I'ounil , a rpprlevp or thi'su-ipi-nsion of the
carrying Into ( 'fleet of the M-iitem-o of the
oourl s atoresiiil fur the peilml of twenty
days , to-wit : until the : id day of Duccmbur ,
A. I > . laas.
Thin reprieve bhull liiko nlTcct nnd bo Iu
force fiom and after this dale ,
When jm-benUHl to llio court that
ofiiuinl ga/.c-il upon thu douniiienl a
inoniunt , and then s-aid Unit Ihu motion
for ix ii ow trial was ovurrnlp.d , and hu
would sentence thu prisoner to two years
In lite ponilentiai-.y. Saturday attornoon
his honor .Jmliu Miloholl loft for his
Iiomu ut Nebraska City.
It WIIH said Unit .Strode , lhr > proseciiliug
nttornny , had agreed losijcii u pardon
for Pound's , bill il is hardly to
bo ludlcvud lliat after his vigorous prose
cution of Pound ho would so qniokly
change his opinions as to thu merits of
the caso. Hi.-i coadjutor , Mr. Steams ,
thought al ! along thai tliuro would be a
diaagrecntonl of Ihu jury , and wli"ii he
learned thai there was u yenliutof gnilly
of manslaughter his feelings of the
most ciithiiHiastir elmraeter. Ho doubt-
lens foil iileased a.s a man naturally would
nfter ho hard a lighl for the conviction of
the prl . : . His exc-olloncy ( Jovernor
I awoH viewH tlm matter with Ida accus
tomed complaisaiicy , und the way he will
i ; ! t over the fence in this cu. u as all
olhcr uiiitters during bis incumbency in
oflicc will iistonish and please his most
intimate friends. They did not , iu thu tint
lnstimi.v , lliitik hu would carry out the made by himself to Pound for ox-
ccutivo clcmeiioy in case of a conviction ,
but the tenor of his doutimunt given
above would Itsad the most skeptical lo
think dill'orentlv.
The governor's solicitude aud good
feeling for Messrs. Pound , Davis and Unit
erratic but wvll meaning gentleman , Mr.
George Thompson , extends back quite a
period. In l-'ebrnary last , during llio BUS-
Hion of the legislalnru , and after the
"robbery of Iho truaBiiry , " his excullenej'
ncut to Hon. ( Mmrcli IIo\vo , anollier
great und good man in Nebraska , Ihu
following communication :
LINCOLN , l-"cb. > , 183.1. HON. CIIUIIRII
JIowi : . Chairman of the Senalo Commllttio ,
Kiiianco. AVuy.saud Means of thu Lp ihlaturo
of NehnwUii-bn : : I trust lliat the IcglfJa-
luru will iccnitnlzp In it KiilKtantlal and judi
cial manner tlio .services rendcied thubtato
by dutci-tivcs A. I. . I'ound , .1. ( ! . Davis and
ijcorgu Thompson , in thwaftmir Iho attempt
nnd napttirliic the parties who have tills day
iittL-mjUi-d to rob tlm state tieasury. The do-
tvctivcH are entitled to civ.llt for the
manner In which they have performed their
Pleiiso bring this matter boforn llio leglsla-
lure. JJeapuctlully , JAMKSV. \ . DAWKS ,
Senate Journal , pajte OSl.
Church brought the nuitlnr before the
Bomitc , nud iho bill gniuUiigllm ? 1fiO ( )
was moHt ontlutsiiisticiilly passed by that
liody. Thu hoiiho , howuver , did not eu-
florrfo the bill , and both the govurnor and
Iho granger from Nomaha county weru
uiulfy dbappoiiitcd.
\Vlion tliu tiimi oomos twenty days
hciiau , his excellency will have the op
portunity which he long has sought to
jmrdoii Pound , and for his credit It is
Imped that hu will do as he agreed when
lie had his Interview with Pound.
The statu auditor has just completed
Ids valuation of dlatc property. It is as
follows : The total assessed valuation of
. tlmfltatolfl $ lW.liaW.yi. ! ( ! : Thu levy on
tlio several funds is as follows : ( iuneral
fund , .f 007,0' ) J.M- , sinking tund , $ 'ililH ' ; ) 01 ;
Buhuol fund , $ tii-liy.i : ; ) ; UMivensily fund ,
? 501 wa.l5caltolfiniiltMI,7lK : } ) > .irroforiii ) ;
culiool fund , $ llUTij.itd ( ; live slock indi-nt-
nlty7umliaHII.OT. Total luvy for otalo
Tlio total iimounl of stock iu lids statu
is as follows ; Horses , yltJiTS ) ) ; cattlu ,
71B.7Wmules , I .i7lllii sheep , 'iW\K \ ;
liogs. , - ( ; ! , ; ! ; and thu total niimborol
nurc.4 of grain iu tlm slate is ludicattitl by
the following wheat 8J1-1.
figures : , , - ;
ncrcn ; com , ur > 7l , > i75 aeros ; oats , 515,5'
iierus ; llax , : t ! , ' , ' ; ! ) i uun-s- , barley , 105,715
ncrcs ; r.vttfi1,1 10 acres.
In thu county court Saturday William
Taylor sued and recovered a judgment
ngainst. Jacob Smith for $100. duo for
work performed ou thu Capital school
A number of Methodist brolhron nmi
sinters , consisting of Ituv. und Mrs
Crolghton , J J. Million' and wife. Am
brostt Edd-y and wifu nud Mr. and Mrs
A. C. Hiukotts wunl out to the suhurbai
roaidonceAf Alou/io Abbott Saturday.
The surveyors for I ho Chicago & North
western havu commenced running a line
for their road. It is reported that thu
bridge across tlm Plattu river will bu
built during this winter.
The l * w mill Order organisation is
about completed and It Is thought thu
nUbm of the society will prove vorj
For Hale A Hpcooh.
The proceeding ! * of the United States
court last week developed u sHuatiui
which may bo Ukcu as a good joke 01
Hon. Juo. M.Thurotoii.
The c tsc of Nuwuombur vs. Hohrer xvn
Ixtforo the court. Hon. Dallas P. .Now
comber , IcgiHlalor from Adams county
6ur.ii Solomon Itohrcr , u wealthy oh
f Muryhtud , tor if , ' ,000 tlauiagcs
or eviction from o prntn elevator ntlUuc
till , Npb. B. > tli sMjs pr s.-J. .itoil splun
lid'nrr'ays of legal talent. The plainlift'
was rppre.'onted bv cx-Attorncy ( Jcnpral
) ilworth , H. F. Smith , and Jno. M
riiurston , while for the dcfpnso appc4ircd
ton. Juo. M. Hagati , a. . istcd by
'NI ! S r'j. Woolnorln atul Hull.
1'ho conned for Ihc complainant
nut propiirrd a schfrno tlm oignal fea-
tire of which xviw lliat Mr.Tlmrston Was
0 make llio closing argument and hurl
-on Diction at Ihe jury on the lidal wave
) f eraud forensic oratory. Mr. Tliur.s-
ou had been retained for thii purposn
ilonc und with his usual diligence ami
forelhought , the great orator had pro-
Mil-oil n speech uro of prodttciup thn
Icsircd ullent. The shrewd and cruel
axvyers of Ihu defense , however ,
caught wind of Ihu plans ami
ircpared for action. Mr Smith
WIIH allowed to open and soon lintshotl in
1 brief formal Introductory. Then as
hrlloor was pivcii to the dnfcn 'p , the du-
signing barrtslcrs , "if the court please. "
vnivcd further argument. Surprlso was
general , bill Mr. ThtirstonV emotions
cap.hod absolute confusion. He at once
iroepedcd to ledge the most vigorous
\ick-il xvas , II is allegnd , a. ( | ueston ( Of
MM or moro lo him , and hu poured out
hu fervor of his soul in rpnionslntnccs.
I was no go , however , and Ihoso < ; was
'ivi'ii lo thu jury with Iho result of a
verdlet for the defense. Mr. Tliurstou is
bus lufl with n splendid ppucoh in re
A Itouto Proposed und a Vital Inter
est Considered--Connection With
Dakota North ol' "Ynnlclon
A Hluok IIIIlM llranch
In the Kilt tiro.
OMAHA , Nov. ii. : [ To the 1-Mitor : ]
Omaha Ls at last waking up to the fad
lhatshomiisi have ti northern railroad ,
: on > lruelcd by Omaha , and solely under
ho control of an Omaha interest , it
makes no dilleronco what other roads
ire already existing , the now ono mint
) ? established and operated for the bcne-
lit of Omaha. Il has taken a longtime
, o come to this determination. In self-
lefcnso the matter must now bo consum
mated. This projccl .should have been
entered upon years ago. If Om-ilui is lo
bo metropolitan in the Missouri valley ,
as many believe she i.s destined to be , thu
way lo accomplish the result of a surety
is to reach out and grasp and forever
hold Ihe lerrilory which legitimately be
longs to us.
Our sister city , up Iho river aud in an-
oilier slate , has shrewdly taken adx'an-
lage of our apathy. Wo lind her in al
most absolute possession of suvoral of
the counties of northeastern Nebraska
wliiuh are bound lo bu heavily populated
ere long splendid counties , who-je trade
fairly belongs to Omaha , and which trade
we must resolutely institulo measures to
secure. This can only bo done by an
Omaha Northern railroad , under the
control , exclusively , of enterprising cit
izens devoted to the expansion and
stability of our growth and trade. At
present , Cedar , and Dixon , and Dakota
counties , to say nothing of others , belong
to Sioux City , as much as Ihmigh in Iowa.
A cursory examination of a railroad
map shows this , liy a southwestern
road she gets to Norfolk , in Madison
county , and by a northwestern branch
from Wakoliold tip the North Logan val
ley , she gels to Hartington , in the center
ot Cedar county. Tne latter place is
tit'ty miles west of Sioux City , but i.s
reached by an ox-bow railroad ronle of
about seventy-live miles. If Yankton , in
Dakota , is to be the objectivepointof _ the
new road , there is , beyond question , a
way to reach it , and at Ihe same lime se
cure the trade of the territory lo which
Omaha is entitled.
This brings up the consideration ( of
the exact proper route. It is admilled at
once that Mr. McShane's idea is correct ;
that tlio road must bu ut least 150 miles
long in order to bu successful , ll is
Liken for ifranted. also , that the hue
out of Omaha will no , most probably , to
Kennard , in Washington county , about
twenty-live miles northwest ; . From
thence iu the.samo direction , it is about
l-.l miles to Ynnkton. Omaha and Yank-
ton , therefore , are about 101) ) miles apart ,
in a straight line , with an intervening
country of almost unexampled fertility ,
having hardly an aero but what will
yield profusely all the staple soil pro
ducts incident to Nebraska , in
cluding corn products which , so far
as the eastern counties are
concerned , will seek a market at Omaha ,
or Sioux City , agreeably to the transpor
tation facilities aUordcd. Suppose a
bridge is to be built at YuitkUm , and Da
kota pcoplj aud what they raise , are
seeking metropolitan Omaha , and the
question comes up , looking southward
troin the Nebraska to which way.
east or west , Iho line of the new road
shall delleet , to produce the greatest
benefit and to till the bill regarding the
expectations of those concerned in its
construction. Look at the map and
study Ihis point a few minutes. Trace ,
with an inclination southeastward
through llio northcasttownsliipsof Cedar
county , along Kast liow creek , llien
souiiruirough the western townships of
Dixon county , thus keeping well inside
and east ot'tlielLirtinglon branch ,
and then make either for Wakclield in
Dixon county , or Wayne in Wayne
county. If thu lallor place is preferred ,
thu crossing of thu Hartington branch
very likely will bo attho stationCon
cord , nine-miles out of Wakoliold as the
depression in Um properdireetion of what
is called Logan Slough can bo profitably
utilized . If VVakclicid is preferred , moro
of : Sioux City's territory can bu invaded
by wiirkingtowards the center townships
of Dixon county from the head of Kast ,
liow creek. Hut , whether the route shall
bu o.v way of Wayne or Waketield. the
course is then clear for llio bountiful val
ley of Plum Creek in Ihu direct ion of
West Point , or vicinity , in Cuming coun
ty , and from tliencu to Ivcnnard in Wash
ington county.
if the future is to be looked after as
thu community develops , ; yi.l Om.ilia's
desire shall bo , as time progresses to
lean towards Niobr.tra and the Hlaelc
Hills with her own road , either Wavno
or Wakoliold or Concord can bit regarded
as an excellent point of detiartnn ) for a
deeper cut northwest. It may bu re
marked that no shorter route can bo
adopted than the one indicate.I , ami the
opinion is ventured thai it will be much
the cheapest as the irenil of the
streams snow p rtieularly Husl How
creek and Plum Creuk. It is doubtful
if any sinuosities will make thu road
longer , than l.VS ni'les ' between Omaha
ami Yankton. Tno route proposed
deviates very llltlu between the two
places from a biralght line the line
being considerably t < > thu westward of
north and thu eastern dolleetiou from
said line , as compared with a western
( me , it i.s obvious , will bu of inestimable
value to Omaha.
Of onu thing the eili/.cns of Omaha
may bu eonlidently assured. If ibis
route is pursued m conbtructingr the
Omaha Northern un a line of railroad
truly their own , the , merchant , other
business men aud people generally of
Omaha will bu gratiliod in seulug their
friends periodically from thu northeast
ern counties they will bu spared the
contliimd mortilleatlon of knowing that
thu trade of tins rapidly developing re
gion goes to enrich a city In another
state , KliMi'NKd.
Mr. S. K , Uuunutt , who roprcjionta the
firm of David Carnck & Co. , Philadel
iihia , Pa. , says that ho uses nothing ii
nis Mubles but St. Jacobs Oil , as a csin
for sprains , galls and such ailments o
A Rattling Loiter From Gen , Briabeu iu
Defense of Hango Mon.
and I-'igttrcfl Until Vott Cnti't
Uost Something Abe titTcTas
Tlio ( iMicrnl'H Plan for Matt *
aging the I'ulillo I/antt .
FORT NtorwAUA , Nov. 13. [ To Iho Kit-
ilorof the But : . ] Uoferring to Ihe sub
ject of cattle , your enterprising roporlor
of the HF.I : does not quote mo qmto
clearly , though what ho says is fair
enough , ami I do .not by any m-jans - wish
tocompliitn. II is bally oil" , however ,
as to Ihu numbers nnd value of cattlo.
The association to which t belong does
not represent $17OfAOn , ; ) xvorth uf oattlc
and horse ? , hut nearly that many million
head , worth many times $17,00,0X ; ) ( ) . it
shows thu enormous progress in stock-
growing and tlio vast xvcaltli locked tip
in this ono branch of our great
national Industrie * . To go into
particulars a little , which L am sure you
will bo glad to have mu do and show
your people llip extent aud value of this
industry , I will quote you llio following
table ol cattle in the several states aud
icrritories and thmr value at the clone of
Iho year , 1831. This table west of the
Missouri river is taken from stalistie.-s
furnished'Col. U. D. Iluuler , president
of the National Calile and Horse Grower. *
association of the United Slates and
east of the Missouri river , from statistics
furnished the Hon.Joseph NimmoIJnited
States .statistician. It may therefore bo
said lo bu lolorably eorreel.
No. of Valtto
Cattle. ofCuttlp.
Maine : V)0,74' ' ; S n,07JT : ! ; )
New Hami > shift ! 2r : > ,0. " > 7 7,4Sj , . " > 'il '
Vermont 40lwr I0.issi ' .
Massachusetts ' 1- !
27J.MO lUTS , -
Kliode Island : i-i,12J ! l.-W.WI
Connecticut 2 : > 'J ' , uS 7HO,4IS !
New Yoik VWH" 8.toi7 ;
New Jersey il.T.EUl 8iKW,4iis
IVnnsyhanla l,7in.isi : 5rI74.Hr
Delaware fi-VW l,7rr.,0.-s
Maryland 2iisor. sCllOU
Virginia 1 ,01 < ) , MI
North Carolina ( I7i-i < > 7 i > .r.Kl.-.SH
.South Carolina : ra,7Ti r..ouosi
( Jeorjiia WVJiili ia.v.i ) fflc ;
Klorlda 01,5W f , ri7ijr :
A lab nun 7l4iWi H,8isr.i-l
Mississippi oss.irr : 8.iKir"vS
Louisiana 4t > > ! , s > 7l fi)7l,0''i ) ! )
Texas tUMO.lXM 15:1,0.10 : . , OOM
Arkansas i)7Krt ; ! ) : 10,8 .1 7
Tenne.-u'p " ' --.lot 14iHt7 ! ) !
West , Vb. lula 43 .li" llr ' . 59rii , : :
Kentucky . . 2MG , 4ui-J
Ohio lK01MSi ) CHMlifXU
Michigan H17K-3 s ,707.
1 mlla'na l,4i , iwi 4-V-SM.5U )
I iinols y.t'.Hi'.r : ) 74.2iv- " >
Wisconsin l-r.s,7ii' ni.S'ii ' sj
Minnesota 8M ( , : r. Slr.i.v . ! > 3 >
Iowa ; ! , < j M,4-li ) ! Hl.-.liOl :
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Kansas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aVaid'odii nsiVi'.Wi : !
Nebraska l,770tst 47,1 Hi.lttJ
California ! UiiiOJ ! U,4-iiiwr. : ) :
Oregon 7-Jliil Iti.iiVMl )
Nevada ? WTi 5,4MKH >
Colorado .0I8W:5 : inMl,17-l :
Ai-1/.onii ' . 'MAM 4ll,5-il
Dakota HVl.lKir U WuitUJ
Idaho yillt.OJl ) l,78i,7.ll ! !
-Montana 770,910 WHSs-isO ,
New Mexico 517,11 : ! 10,700,07 : }
Ut-ib KS.'i.OST HH.'i-ir '
Washington Vl'i.iV.'S -1,740-iT : }
Wvoinlnu l,0i\lir. ! ! i . .i 10,700
Inilian Territory l.O' O.O'DO ' : : o00,0i-j } )
Total 4U,417,7ri ! SlWV > W.'J0
The disUnguisliing features of Iho
above table are the enormous" nitmbpr ot
cattle in Texas and Iowa. Most poopjo
know of the number of cattle in
Texas , but few I believe will bo prepared
to learn lliat your eulerprising neighbor ,
llioslaleof Iowa , ranks second in Ihu
union as lo woallli in cattle , having
, ( JO 1,440 valued at the enormous figure of
jUS151,3lll. !
To classify the above table a litlle vro
lind :
No. oC
Cattle. Value.
United States 4K.417,72 Sl.lS'.ViH.OOO
The State of Texas. . . . 9,080,000 IW.OJO.OaO
The KaiiKoand Kauch
Cattle north of Texas 7..r)00,000 187r,00,003
Thus it will bo suon that Texas has
moro cattle than all the range country
outside of her put together , and they are
worth nearly as mucii money. This will
again astonish all who do not know the
fact. Wyoming , wilii all her boiiitol
weallh is caltle , h-is only one-niutn as
many aa Texas ; and Nebraska , so little
talked of as a cattle state has 1,770,14' )
head valued at $17,110 , ! ) : ! ) as against
Wyoming's 1.0.l5ItJ ! ) head valued at
$ lMlliJ,7UJ. Here is astonishment num
ber three. Nebraska don't know hur
own wealth.
The value placed upon the cattle is not
extravagant. The wnolu number of cattle
tlo divided into tlio value will give tno
exact lignro per head but I will say that the northern cattle a.s
worth $11) ) per head and the southern cal-
lle a.s worth much less. Thu tollowiug
tables will bu of use in this connection ;
Mode of Transportation of Cattle.
ly ! Norlhcrn P.iciue U. I ! . , 181 ' .H.O'JO '
liy Union Paelao U. Uj.lbO
Hy Atchl.-'on , TouaUii & Santa Ko It.
Jt. , l cH 31,000
Total 1.VU80
The value of these gattlo per head wus
! ? 17 , equal to the gru'at sum of $1,11)0,0. , ) ) , ) .
This was buof going to ni-irkut.
The valueof young cattle ship'pod into
the northern rangesMn IbSl was about us
follows !
Whence Shipped. Value
From Texas ? 5 , lOO.OJ' )
l-'iomall other states 4,10Joiu
Totnl. . . ; S'.i-2'.K,0X ) ( )
A good dual of blame has boon attach
ed to the wrilor for favoring a Texas
Irail by which the Texas people could
move their cattle and get them to market.
There has been a great deal of talk about
the great northern intereciU ,
shall we say of a stale lliat niiao.s
more cattle , annually , limn all
the northern stales and ranges
put together ; that exports $ r ,0) ) ) , ! ) ! )
worth of young cattle annually , while all
llio other states and territories put. lo-
gulher only export § 1,00 > , UJI ) worth , has
11,01)0,01)0 ) ) hi-ail of cattle , while all the
ranges north have only 7,5) ) ) . < H.l ) head ;
Unit has a .solid wealth in cattle of $1 < VJ-
IHI.UOO , while all the northern Mates aud
lorriliirics only foot up $ ltfiV" > 01,000. Shall
we boycott siieli a lituto ? Shall wo wall
her up with her cattle and cut lier of
from commerce with the outside world ?
J am not a Texan nor have 1 any inler-
osU in Texas , but I desire to bo jhsi and
1 warn our little slates and territori-- )
Unit own only two and thtvoor six hun
dred thousand head of callle worth live
or ton millions not to talk lee loud
against Texas with her nine million head
worth ono hit'idro.l ' and llfty three
millions of dollars. Seine of our little
northern neighbors that imtku thu
most noise could drive all tlu-ir
cattle combined into Texas and no
body would know they were thoro.
Texas is a whalu among many small
lubes in the cattle world and she will de
mand jiihl treatment and recognition
from her northern neighbors and hhould
havu It. Look at thu beef product of
Tovasiu ISSl. . . . C-WOW Si5
tisit Hlilppod from
all the northern
l&U. . . 400,003 40
Total. . . . S1.0i > , OW $ yi7-\ooo
Texas will bo ul the next national ton-
VMiUnu otcaltU'tocMi t i lipld Novcinlxr
" , : i i > t St. Lunl.i , : .nd iho.M' uofltn-ru men
who turn-d up thf-ir no es nt Texas In
thi- national con oiUhm tit St. I.ouis last
year lind better sttij. ? these ligiire.- * and
wmsidor them well Itcforo they plevalc
their proboscis rfpnui.
Ol tlm vast growtti ( if the cnttlo busi-
wi the ci tmfntnjliar with th tr.tdo rnn
form no idea. 'J'lm increase- 1 simply
onormons and this branch of Industry
now loads nil the other busJne'WK of tlu :
country. The follnu-imrtnblo will gi\o
somrf iiisl ht as to stock raiMng ;
Nuatlwrof caltle in the Unltwl staloa :
Milch Other
Year Cows Cattln Total
Tlmro nro now in the whole United
States probably not loss than fil.OJO.OJO
head of cattln worth at loasl fl.VOO.OOV
OX ) . And thlsjcnormouH body of our
nalional wonlth is absolutely'wltliotit | > ro-
tection in the west where $300H)0UUO ( ) of
ills located. It is tiio i'a = iiiion nowadays
to abuse the cattlemen and beef growers
jut as if the production of beef wna of
no conscqueuco lo the people of thu
United Slalom. Cheap meat and cheap
breadsluiVs are the great wiints of our
people , and beef leads both wheat and
corn as an nrtic.lo of prime nccr.isity.
Why then should the cattle raisers bo
abused ? \Yould it not be better lo pro-
t ! ct BO great an industry and oneourago
our ealtlemon to rsiUp more and Imttgr
rattle "o that if possible the people may
have cheaper and better mealto eat. The
demand and consumption will ntwnys
regulate the prices , hut if there is any
thing in this \uu'ld our neoplo need just
now it is more luef : and lower nrices. An
o\vi production of beef will always be n
blessing in Americ.a to our poor people ,
and L am in favor of protecting and en-
con rajring the American cattle grower
instuad of : i Musing and discouraging him
in we have been doing.
What is it the cattlemen want , do you
ask ? Protection of their business and a
just recognition of their industry by the
government , people and press , I reply.
All sort1 * of laws have been made lo pro-
tecl the farmer , the merchant , railroad
corporations , bankers , and about every
body nnd everything bill cattlemen. And
this great industry which represents
moro wealth than any olhur one industry
of our comrtry is loll to shift for itsclt.
To read the papers , one would think llio
man who is engaged in the honest and
useful calling of raising beef for thu
people to eal'was doing something dis
reputable or criminal. They are called
cattle barons aud cattle kings , monopo
lists , and oven thieves. It is true they
occupy and use government lauds thoi
do not own , but whoso fault is that ?
It is the fault of the govern
ment itself. The government has never
protected the cattle men in their business
or otlered them a chance lo buy or lease
its hinds on which to conduct their busi
ness. 'J'ho government has found time
to pu&3 laws and give away to railroad
corporations millions upon millions of
acres of its bust lands , yet it could not
lind litno to legialnle for llio poor caltle
men whose aggregaled wealth , the re
sult of their own honest industry , is
greater than Ihti capital of all the rail
roads combined , free of debt ,
The time has" colno for the wealth in
catlle to assent iUolf. The cattlemen
have waited long enough for some one to
help them and now they should help
themselves. Fifty or one hundred mil
lions expended " in protecting their
' business will be none too much.
' As to tho" method in which
they Should1" exnornl it I
will not preiund'lo ' say , but it might be
well enough to send .sixty or a hundred
cattle niun to congress and a do/on or
Iwo to the senate lor ti while. The rail
road men have their members , the farm-
era their members , Ihc bankers their
members and even the woolmen have
representation on llio lloor.of congress ,
while llio cattlemen v.ilh their $1,0 M- ,
( ) iiUOO ) ) have only one member devoted to
their interests , llio Hun : Joseph Carc.v ,
of Wyoming. 1 1 is past limn that the cattle
men had ii better understanding with
their government and ( hey must have it
KOOII or their business will go to rack
and ruin. Suppose some line morning
the president wore lo order that all cat
tlemen should gra/.n their oattlo on hind
actually owned 'by them and lo which
they held litlq , what would become of
Ihu caltle business of the west ? 'J'ho
president has a right to do this and may
do it at any timo. The use of llio pub
lic grass for grazing cattle is
a privileiro and not a right , Ivvurv cattle
man who raises cattle on the public hind
is in Hie eye of Ihc law a trespasser und
can , at any time the president jdeaccs ,
bo interdicted from the use of public
land or uublic grass for ptock raising
purposes. No other men ever did busi
ness so blindly as the cattlemen have
done it. No other men would invest
their money in a business which they had
not a right lo ply. The manufacturer ,
before he builds Ins factory , fjocure.i the
silo on which to erect his buildings ; the
farmer before he plants his lield secures
11 right to the ground in which ho plants ;
i oven the railroad before it builds gets a
right of way , but the cattleman jroes up
on public land aud raises his o.ittlu on do
main which is not his own and to which
ho has nol even a shadow of u title. It
, will bo said that this is not
I the catllcmnn's fault as ho can
neither buy nor lease thu lands on
I which ho does biibiness. Tins is true ,
' , but it does not excuse him from being u
! tresspasser and it will not save him when
' his trouble comes. Hero again wo comeback
back to our lirst proportion thai the cat
tlemen must help themselves. They must
in-a word so inlurcHt Iho governmonl in
their business its to make it givn them
i protection llio sumo that it Inui other in-
I dustries of lussur Importance to thu people
ple and lesier value to Ihu government
I itself. My own idea would bu to add an-
i other gradu to the public lands to bo
| known us the "grazing lands of tlio
United States , " and lease the public
/jniss / upon them to cattlemen for term of
live years. I would survey all tno puullo
lands and divide llieni up into ,
1st , Agricultural land * * ,
! M , Mineral liuulrf.
8d , Timber lauda.
4lh , Gra/.ing Iud3. : (
Those lands , whould bo rcjjraded
every tlvo years , -and shifted jrom
one olaBslllcatiOiU to another , ( irazing
, hinds found lit ftc | ngi'iculturo should bo
] promptly taken out ol the grazing c-'ua-n-
I llcaiion and put- into the agriuvUiiral
, class. On the other Inuid , Ininis douton-
i straUid to bo unlit f < tragriculturu should
I bu lui.iigned to ai'itzifijj. This would be
| fair , and I do not how anyone in
view of the great value fitook-rnisingnow
la to our country , 'coitld object to it. Wo
must have hoof an v.r.ll as wheat , oats ,
rye and corn , iir i.wo must have land on
Wiileh to hived nud IIHSO the beef.
And now , hir , Of nil IhontaUu aiid ter
ritories in this unhiii , Nebraska Ims tlio
tiia-tt interest in llii > Mouk-raiy'mg bini-
. miss. Located juni east of thugm/ing
. belt , and with the bi' t com lands in tlm
i United ) U to her a question of
vital importance. The ranges are over-
blocked and futon oil' ; thu re
. will bo no more f l ranga beef , and thu
I corn of NeoniriUti v. ill come into demand.
i Corn iu bt-ef In worth M cuiito pur bushel ,
i nnd thut will make every farmer in Ne
braska rich who own < u good piece of
corn land. Nebraska land will rnisu 70
bushels of corn lo thu aero. Figure it
up for yourself , and you will MUI what a
maguiliciiiit rental it' b ings tlio furiner
for hi * land. 1 uxptut HUGH to hue the
time when lOO.M ) oaltlo will ba fattuued
ovei'y winter on Nebraska corn 1 n.xjjoct
ROOU lo see the lime svlien cvory Nobrab-
I : a farmer can plaul his corn in the
( spring feeling assured h can get in the
fall ; 6 cunt ? per htixhr-l for every buxhol
ln > can ra s. . Tluu v.-ill ihoguud linns
eume , and not only tlu cutllo , but the
tnorchanU , lawyers , iloctors ,
nndiren.tho poor printers , grow fat tin
Nebraska corn. Need I say more ? 1
think you : ire oil my aide nltoadv.
J.vMts : S. l
WANl > lUKI ! > l < MtM 1IOMI3.
fllnrlo Kti'to lllst-ovohpil Al'tor Ncni-ly
Two Mouths' Ht-ai-oli.
On the SOth of ScptMulrar last , Mavio
I'.ngc , n young Swcdiah woman employed
nt the roMdcnco of Mrs. Wyman , North
Omaha , mysteriously disappeared. Her
few friend ? , chief among whom wa Miss
Vendcln ifohanson , instituted tlio most
pcvslstcnt search. An ndvertisr-mutit
wasjdaeed in llio HKI : and dett-clivo
fii-rvicu oblained , but nil lo no nvail ; Iho
whcrcabouls of thu young woman re
mained undiscovered.
Detective Nellgli did not abandon the
uuosl , however , and detailed a man to
that work alone. At last on yesterday ,
by a fortuitous circumstance , thu
right Hue was struck nnd
th young woman found. She was
down in the noitlh part of the city and
was doing housework in a family. Thu
people had never thought to ask her
name further than "Mary , " and the uur-
son sought for in the advertisement was
not rccogntacd in her.
Miss lingo is subject to melancholy ,
and in n lit of depression wandered
away. Circumstances favoring her , she
ndonted her new location , ll scums' thai
hhe IM a Swedish girl of highodueatiou ,
but speaking no Kngi.sli ! , and sought in
Omaha a place us teacher in a Scandina
vian school. Finding no .inch Institution
hero , ami forced tosbmo occunatioii , ho
was compelled to onler lanilly service.
This degradation , as she thought it ,
made her morose and melancholy. Shu
Is now in the euro of friends 'on the
north Hide.
Two.Despornto prisoners lillicriUeil ly
u Valentino i\Iol > ,
Maj. Showaller , United States deputy
mar.-Jml , has just returned from atrip
into Ihc northwestern part of Iho state
Ho narrates an exciting episode occurring
nt Valentino on last Thursday night a
week ago.
A terrible bli//.ard had set in nt dark ;
as night advanced the nlorm increased
in seventy. About midnight : i gang of
unknown men attacked the wooden jail
on thu outskirts of ( lie town and
quickly broke in the door. The
guards , two half-breed Indians , sleeping
in a shelter .shed near by awoke and be
gan tiring at t'iu ' assailants , but in the
blinding snow their shoU were Inetlec-
live. \ \ hen the door fell in the Iwo
prisoners. "Frunchy , " a cowboy yllo
murdered u Cherry county homesteader
hist hummer , and "Prairie Chicken , " n
Sioux buck who raped a school teacher
not long ago , escaped and have not since
bcoiiMi-cn. _ _
A Statement From Superintendent
Superintendent Pierce , of Iho county
poor farm , iu reply to the KKE'S editorial
criticising him for his disbursement of
ralions among a corlain number of
women of ill-repute , admits that there
are several such women on his list , but
thai Ihey are in deslitulu circumstances
and have children who must bo fed. Hy
giving rations lo these women their
children are not only kent from begging
from house to house and iion ] ) the street ,
but are given \\r. \ opportunity to attend
Bchool , and it is the belief of
Mr. Pierce that these children , such
us are of Bohool age , do go to school.
This is his only object in assisting them.
"One of the , women on the list , " said Mr.
Pierce , "is a now acquisition , and she
has been sick for POIUO lime. I put these
persons on the list myself , after investi
gating tho.r cases , and ascertaining
whether they are actually in dKstittito
circumstances. I do not question the
morals of a Hull'ering person. I do not
know whether the county commissioner.- *
are aware of all the circumstances in all
these oases. One woman who has an
idiotic child is given i"iO cents a week ,
but this in in addition to rations , and ai
the direction of thu commissioners. 1
don't give any of these persons coal. 1
did give them Rome last winter during
the extreme cold weather. If these people
ple are not taken euro of in this way ,
they will have to become in
mates of llio noor house. Il is
about as broad as il is loiml
It is a dilllcult problem to solve ami 1
am doing Iho best I can under the cir-
cuin.-lanccs. 1 am only temporarily talc
ing care of these persons , a.s I have
urged the county commissioners to ap
point a man to do notliingelsn but look
after the destitute poor of llio city ,
whether good or bad I am restricted in
the quantity of supplier dealt out. The
record shows everything I do and the ac
counts are audited every week by the
commissioners and are carefully looked
over by Mr. Points , who as you know , is
an honest man and an expert account
ant. There is no jobbery or polities in
this business , 1 assure you. I am buying
supplies , for instance , from one imin
whom I don't even know , but I know bis
prices , and 1 make purchases at whole-
Bale establishments as well. "
To Oaptnlii TlionmN Itynn.
OMAHA , Nov. 14 , 1885. [ I-Mitor Hun. ]
There leaves for Washington Monday
morning next , a man unknown to fame
yet ono of nature 'a noblest noblemen.
In the dark dayo of our civil strife , al
though n mere boy , tin nobly cast aside
nil faiuily connections and family nllcc-
tioiiH-iiud followed the i'orlnnus of his
valiant ( but no more brave ) commander ,
dialer. For n time hu was orderly to
gallant "Litt'o ' Phil , " but the duty of or
derly being lee irksome hu requested to
bu placed where his t-ervico would do thu good towards llio settlement of the
great question. Shundan , remembering
hii brave orderly , rcqncMod him to come
to Washington and accept a responsible
position from thu government he fought
HO hard to .save. He w.n engaged in
every great balllo of the war , and
never for a moment even thought
of returning to HCO friends or home until
peace was restored and ( he stars and
stripes waved proudly "over the land of
the frcu and Ihu homo of the bravo. "
And now , Captain Thomas Hynu , ; i.v
copt from , ' 00 troight house employes -
your former fellow workmen their most
sincere wijh for your fntiiro prosperity
und your \\vll-carnud and merited pro
motion. May your days bu many and
your sorrows lew ; may your life be like
a cloudless summer day , and may your
slr-.dow never grow less , is the fond
prayer of your freight house friends.
I'ltiiiiiilT ; ,
Sirs. Ooiild'H Funeral.
.Saturday evening at 7l/i : / o'clock the
funo.-iil of Mrs. May Ciilherinu IJoul
wifu of llunry U. Uoulil , occured at
the residence , 1803 dimming street.
'J'ho fniK-ral hen-Icon worn conducted
by Uight Hov. Dean Millspaugh. Thu
death of Mrs. ( iould is deeply full by thu
largo circle of fnundri in which Hho do-
llglitvd. She was ill but a uhort tlmu
nnd her death la doubly .shocking on this
aeconnl. She was the daughter of Ihu
Into Hun JV. J . Stradur and jiab-ed hr
youth in AshUbula , Ohio , hho XMIS in
nir ; third year of married lifo and \v
the moth ir of two children , lit-itiier of
wiinin : 'iv i. ow living. Tin u iiijiiis ill
be li-rv . .H'U d tn C'lnclnnuti. wh - uUic >
Iu iuUTi'cU - Ufo-.i ,
wit iti bt.ri-1 , ;
tefy boslilo her children. Mr. (3ould n-
cpnuji the hcarlfoll > ymi > alhy of the
whole community , lie will accompany
the remains on tlio sad journey.
The Tlnpoitor
I'ov. F. A. Sclmiti'.ler , the alleged mis-
lionary nnd minister of HIP go'polia \
arrnigncd in police court Saturday befoiv
ludgo Stenburg , He re-told h ! * * story of
liow lie wna a traveling missionary for
the poor ( ionium * of the ( Jrecn Hay and
Lake Superior region , nmoug whom ho
was engaged as a go pel laborer. Hu
was very sharp , despite hi * innocent ,
childlike appearance , nud the judge
found It Impossible to corner him.
"Don't you si-nd all tint ntonny you
collect homo to yourfamilvU' was asked
of him.
" Yi > Ml have to do It to keep them in food
and clothing , " replied the missionary.
"Thu poor people there nro unable to
ralsi * my salary and I havu to solicit it
myself. 1 labor among them a certain
number of month' In each ye"ar. and then
start out to raise subseriplloiii. The money
really goes to the missionary cause , be
cause It supports mo , nud 1 am Iho mis
sionary. "
"HiiVen't-you boon exposed In the re
ligions pnptT.s of the country as an impostor
pester ? "
"Yes , Minio of the Lutheran papers
Intvc altacked me , because they don't
like my preaching the g < pel in Its truth
and purity , ami they want lo cripple my
work. "
The judge discharged him.
ITnnltlo to AKI-CO.
Saturday morning the jury In the Horn
bcrgcr case was found to bo still unable to
come to nn iigrcement. The foreman
stated that it scented imi > o siblu to como
to an agreement , and asked that they bo
discharged. ( Vsked by Judge Slenberg
to detinu tl-o grounds on which they
based their disagreement , thu foreman
replied that they were in doubt some
what about thu question of the oily li
cense ordinance under which acting City
Attorney Shoemaker claimed that the
arrest had bet u inadu , and also concern
ing llio credibility of the two witue.-ses
who claimed to ha've purchased liiiuor in
Hornberger's .saloon after 1 o'clock. The
judge according y dinehar < ied them and
they filed out of thu courtroom , It is
unuerstood that two of them held oul for
acquittal , the ollutr four being for con
viction. J ud"o Slenberg not i lied Mr.
llornbcrger that the case would be re
tried on Wednesday afternoon. The
I liggins cases are set for trial Monday ul
Tuesday afternoons.
llnil Soon tlio Town.
"Your honor , " s.iid a sorry-looking in
dividual arraigned in polieu court to
Judge Stenbcrg Saturday , " 1
hadlUO when I struck this town ,
two days ago , and now 1
luivn't got but a little over $ .20.
You see I came here lo see the town , got
in bad company and 'blew all my sluir
in' on women and whisky. 1 am going
to go to Chicago und if you will release
me 1 will start at once. "
The speaker , Felix MctVmnis , came to
Omaha , as hu hays , a few days ago , hav
ing earned $100 by hard labor on the new
railroad near Kullalo Cap , Dakota. He
came here with tiiu express drlcrmimi-
lion of "seeing Hie elephant. " and MIC-
cueded in securing a good look at it , al
the expense of .something like $75.
Judge Stenberj ; released him and told
him to leave town
A SlXOIilSl.S'NKIt. ! .
Commits n IMurilorVliloli I
Oltioi-ri AVei-o C iilolly
Iloi.i.iTi-n : , Ciil. , Nov. 1. ) . Dr. Powers , a
well known resident of lid.- , place , wa- . found
hiingins , ' to a tree on the niitil on SeplemiiL-r
is. At the time it was thought to lie a enso
of lynehliijifiom a popular nprisini ; nxainst"
him , but Inter suspli-lon pointed to minder.
liiijhleen jiorsons were nneUil for ulle i'd
eouiIIclty | In the crime and every effort nude
to obtain convincing testimony on tlio pre
liminary examination. Twelve persons yet
remain In cu.stody. One of the-ie ( ItU-haid
Alexander ) on Saturday laxt made a uritten
eonfe.sslon , the contents of which were kept
strictly quIeU I.ovi Alexander , father of the
confe.s.sor , and who was present when his
win made thu statement , yuAlenlay made
public its contents and this .shows ( hat
the whole matter was instituted inul exe
cuted bv J. Pi-owotl , who , p.irtly by strat
egy nud partly by coercion , Inveigled
eijihtt-eii others Into h < 'comin < { ucpoisorles to
the crime. Powers was shot on the evening
ol September 17 by Piowelt , while on his way
home , in llu presence i > i yoiin Alexander
and Andrew Irwm. l/iti-r in tno evening u
meetliit ; , at which nliietcen pur.sons were
piescnt , was held \vilh the ax'owed purjiiMeof
j ) mishliiK Powers on the elwixe of inccn-
iiuinsm , hiouht ; it > ; aliiKt. lilm by Pru-.vctt.
When lids matter came uiil'iowottfiaid : 'MVe
neeiln't dlM'itxH Ihe muter. II Is settled. The
old iiiim is dead. " All preheat were then in-
foraied that they wore accessory to thu crime
aud we 10 sworn to protect one another.
They \vcro Induced to o to the spot wlieie
Powers' body lay and take ji.ut in hm'liu' ; It
wheio It was aflorwiird round. 1'iewett's
enmity against Powers was euuscil by the
latter linvini ; ben a witness In a case winch
deprived I'rowcttof somn I. legally held land.
Sfrs. Albert Frit/ poisoned herself and two
children at New Yoik Satindity.
Telcuniph operators In the leading cities
are KuescnbliiK for the relief of. their fellow
cr.itUmien in ( ialvcMon.
The Methodist KpKcoiml church extension
hoard appropriated SI.'O ) to thu North Nu-
Itiiihka conreienee Saturday.
It Is proposed to have a world's fair In
Chicago In 1 to couinu-morato the lour
huiidiedth anniversary of thu hindiiiK of
Kx-.Sunator Sharoa'n rnncral takes phtco to"
day. Tliu San Knuul'eoitoi'.lc exchange re"
soivt-d Saturday to remain closed and attend
thu Mineral in a body.
A prominent dhcclor of the Union Pacific
eomimny Is quoted as saying thai hu dounts
It the company will pay another dividend in
the next ten years.
Thu Ilipior permits of all dni''KlstH In Cof
fey ciiiuuy. ICuniiU , With onu exception ,
vvi'iii ' rt-viiKed oiiiiccoiint alleged violations
ol' the liquor
llonitlo 1) ) , Olallln , a nillllonalru dry
ntcivnant uf New \nrk , dh-d Saturday alter-
ihxjii at his summer iviildelico at I'liiillnuii ,
N. Y. , ot appupiexy. He w.if , aged 71 yi-ar.s.
The Hiipi'imie coiii-t of Illinois , at Ottawa
Sntiiiduy , alllrmed thuih'ciHlims of thu lower
( .in r In the case of .Joseph Mukill , ullill'-'cil
win i election iraiuN at Unluiwo , Tim SL-II-
lencu of 1. 10 lower couH was two year.i In thu
iJollct peniteiitliiry.
Owing to the protestor Pimdlctoii , American
miui.Hicrto ll.Tllu. ( iermiin-AiiK-rinans ,
< : XIIUNIIIII | fioiu Urn Island of Kolir had bu > m
ofdund by the ( ieim.m ) ; ovt-riiim-nt , will In
allowed to remain on thu Inland until fuithei
notice. *
Al. Uartholdi. the I-'ii'iicb .Sculptor , whf
pie.ented 10 tins country thu col o.isal Klalm
of "Liberty ICnllUitcnlntf Iliu Woild , " was
given a u-iuiptloii ami dinner In Ihu .
club , of New York , Sutiuday niulit. While
litw Kuid. editor ol'thu Now York Tribune ,
delivered a brief of welcome , U
which JJiutholill fiii'Hn ly icitlieil.
Doslruinlvo Fire ,
Nov. H. The llltlu 'vlllaso of
Auutln , 111. , wo * visited by a dcstniutlvu lln
caily lids nioiiifn . Thu Hie hroUu out iiboui
U o'clock In a bakery in ( ille.-i1 block and tin.
entire Ntrm-tuie wai coiisnmed , Iteslden llio
Ir.ilu'l'v where thu lift ) originated the block
cuiiUiliiial TriiiThdriig KIUIU , Wiii'iii > uh'K K' ' ' "
eery , Mi - 1-sTaylur'n iiiilllncry ip , Howun
it Jm'i ley's Jewelry blodbaib.r -
hlmp , liot < 'l w.t'i its livery am
tiiln htiiiloimhonle I. all. .slalliiK : ilnl ; ,
) ] ( i-.Uilii ( ' ) iiuil lunvH Maud. Thete wus
\vuturoxceiit what could be dun
\telt < wltii wnich lo iiyhl Ihu llumci. l { < -p |
ww iislifi" " tur tfoia Uiw city and mi IMI-IIU |
v.a. , tuit tui l/ui Uie : ut-itj of wuivi iiimle
it nrnrtlrally usclo.-is. The people In IliB
hotel had a n.nrou ( oatK > and worucoiu *
IH-lhtl to llei * In their tiliilit rlolhcs. The IH
ict iwrt of ltd * block v s o < vuplrd by a ntitn-
ipr of fnmillas , ah of whom lost about Hirer- *
ninths nf their household iroods. No esll-
unto could 1)0 ) ntitnliuHl of IH ) K > - < s. There
was not mud i in&urnnro on thu Rood ,
Contlnjj Atlr.tcltonn.
On Wednesday and Thursday evenings
Itnvorly'd Minstrels will play a return
engagement at UoydV opera house. The
lompany had a very successful .scacon iu
San Francisco.
The veteran actor , C. W. Cotildock ,
will appear at. the Hoyd Friday nnd
alurday in Ids original creation of Luke
Fielding In the "Willow Copso. "
Next week Iho opera Itouxo will bo
looupied by Prof. ManholomowV * Kquino
' ( , ' ! ) cducaleil ItorsesV The ox-
nbltion is said to be a remarkable one.
John KiitKio , No. l.V. . West t > ' ( \ \ st. , New
York , sitllercd from iullnutmalionof the
car , which was Tory much swollen and
EO painful that ho did not Nice ] ) for three
lighl-j. Kvpr\ ( lung was tlotiu for him
without avail. He took nine Hiandrcth
Pills which acted -powerfully , palua
ceased and swelling greatly reduced
took six Pills llio two following nighls
uul was well.
Uheuuiuti.sni is primarily caused by
acidity of the blood. llon.l'H SnrMapa-
rllapnrilies ! ; the blood , and lltus cures
the disease. .
Charley l-'iirran. 'f Hock Creek , Otuidni'
counlIsttmnin ? thembsin . II isbcllevnl
lioiicflMicd In the trctahl wreck at Wlsner ,
as he had intnrmcd u mend lliat he Intended
lo steal a tide on thu train to Yalcntine.
Trepurcil TTlth tnMtat nyiml to'Iicxltk.
No Aiumoiilii , l.iiuo or Alum ,
. , SMoiiUftIo.
. . . . . . . or i o Medical Celtftvi , b heea I
fTifti u-iiu ilu'tc ' [ * > t irrfctnitQtor I'mnmic , Nkxrocc , tfxin
ted BIO-II lf ) * ti j * hn enr other 1'brsleun liSULoelf ,
ditltj r ptr ( botT tiiv lloldfetlJrntt iboir.
Nervous Prostration. Dcltilltr. Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial ind olhor AOcc-
iions of Throat. Skin or Hones * Ulood Poisoning ,
Old SOfOS Qltd UlCtrd , nro treate < l flth uopnr ltel l
uflecm , oa Intent r.tnliao \ j > rlacl lrrH-\rulr. - lrlvit ! / .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Expcsurn or Intlulfienco , rhich fro < incf r m of ib
lobtothr Focfctyof frra ) ) , coufuiloa or Idfot. eta. ,
' Marriapo improper or unhoppy ,
. . ,
r , rnvF'oic ' , f.-fetuhnf aildrtll. pMnau.lo4 ; toC *
Cecor bj m\ll Tret ! . ltirltrlniitt , it IcMj e & 9d Qtttl.
A Positive Written Gunrantro drrn in Ttrrn >
rtblo 642C. ilodlcine accl vrr > Rbcretj \ taall or pxptfia *
E60 1'AOEl. ytWHri.ATEO , tfl nt cloth sn < l El l
! iinlh > , tuid ! ; forfiOo. In | > oM"ftoor urr noj , Orer Dfty
voitdqrful | ' n pictures , true iu lift , crtklfion tlkofottow1n (
JiooJ , rhcl < 'al d oar , rC"t-rt * ofd ll'if j aBdcKCfiHtbo Ihji * *
fulocr of rrrroil < > tnoro. Tbon4 rairrUJ or
'rcuUrai.UMtitc iturrlHf * il.MiUl ren.l It. J-prUr fj1"-
' ! - - * - " A > . ) - . , r o prrt
171'MS SAI.K Cctriior lot with two Unrolling
.L ho'liies. ono hlnu.t nor h of Si. Mury's itvt > -
iiucj. till fur tl.7 II : or will soil ono houwi niidH
of lul I'm- ! , . ' ) < l. A hni-uln. f
Alo. liuijho mid lot. on oipitol' Hill , south anil
cn-t front , I'm-$0Wi.
AI--0 , corner lot , Oi ] > ! tel nvoatio nml 23th * t ,
. ' ! , UOU. A. Siiumlur : ) iV Co. , oppoilto tlio I'a.vtoii.
P' ! l SAMI : have dculiluil to olfor for ealn
Ilint part ol' Ito-orvoir Add to llio city i > f
OIMIIIIU l\lim-uii'-r ( if riouhiuii-ni. , conlnlnlinf is
aoro.i , moro or lii-- . Sen o 1 i > rnnugult ; < tvlll ba
rocelvoil liy mu onor bclom Tuoliiy , Nov. BltU
iss. ) , ut II ) o'clock u. in. Credit wlllbo n\vun \ for
purl of tlio purnlnidii moniiy. If < lclro < l. The
rllit ; to reject miy ornll 1 < IK Is riiat-rvoil. Tills
liropurty IrdiitHon both limiilhon'mul NlohoUs
HH. , utiii Uiw liiuiiitll'iilly , Tlu > i/nulo of Iliunll.
Ion-Hi. , Is oMnlillHhiMl to tli nonhoiiRt cnrnorof
thu Iriid. The closn pro\lniltvortlio Itolt line
mid tlio fact tliut a Hlioi-t oar line nn Cumin ; .
M..HS fiirwosl us l.inve.avo.v/lll bolulil in llio
sprlnirol'JKsn niiiltcH thl.s miool'tlio most Uoslr-
ublo IracU la thu ully lo HUtHlh'lil'- )
BU JOHNSON , i > oiioxnn. :
fTtOHNAI.K t lot < ll 11 rronmsru'on
tivo.iiorllM > rNlL'liolus. Very ilLl l
dom-Q pmpurty : f-MUl.
I lut no it Iront mi I7tb-Ht nnrtli of
DuMriihloroHldunoo iiropony ; $ | , N..I. .
Conior lot. mi SM mj.i . Hurt SID. IKlxlUJ. C'nn
IK > iihoil uliliur lor liunhio or roHlilonoo pnr-
pnson , but | Kcullurly i.ilnpluil Itir n tonuiiiunt
block ; JlrxKl. Supplloil wlili wiilor , gas uml
Niultary i-cwoi- .
1 lot nn Uiitvon wnrth-Kt mlJncQnt to rnlhrjy
ii'ik , 'xllll , ( or wnrchmiM ) purpnieH ; j : ) , ? )
NlmilotH oiiwiuliliitli- . 1'ocit I rum ; $1,0 } )
'I'lio moot fldslruMo lot In CumpbuU'a addition ,
cnrnorof Altli und ( -'ontnr- , RUviri ) f out ; $ O I.
OMO ImiiKo of nlno rooms , ami lot , on uuutli UtU-
at , iiciu-Cluirloh , t'6r fl.BJil.
liKliiironr IIUOII MUIIPMV ,
1I ( ! Ucc. 1 No.lGOil'nrmim ! nt.uatlour ,
T OIt HArH-Mniro o IIHI InlaToll fiiJit and t.i
( iood biiyorn. > Iuli-oi < Hill lots ul Ju'jiJ to $ .W
| ior lot. Aiuo ) , 1607 l-'iirimui. 117
ON'r.VW ) lots tntrnila for Impniveil property ,
will iiHsnimi innruriwn or pity illiruronoo m
cnali. I'tirtliM wlflihiK to trailo hnllcr cull at
unco. ' W. II. ( iiuoii , uvur lal Nutlomil mik. 171
HOIJSKS , lots , ltuidloinl ! , iJth nml
TJ\Ht [ ( 8AM' ClicnpcM linn mslilo property In
-L1 ilienmrkiH , icwincm-o lorn In IlllbliluiiitiL ,
e'f.o to iloo. rolti-r - A Cobb , oi-tf
JT1IHI HAli-l'.ist : Inilf of ono of the l > est
J. blix-ks In iHiiivwiV PoMnn'H iiilillion , froiillntr
on l/eiivuiiwnrili hti-ool.ulili linimii , vi , ' r ,
Ii isi trout , lot ivlih IUMI.IU iin.l hum ou 17lii
81 rout I or f 1/iKJ ; cii.y pay.nonoi. .
lloifdiinij 'nil I it on Olmrlui at , C2,700. , Iu ) ! <
Ion 1)1(14. ) , : l 7 8 Mill ftruol. SIVlG
POUfiALU-AroivloU In Iliirtlotu * addition ,
llll ( o blnnki Irom urcut car. fwiio tT.M nn
monthly payment * , VV.T. ( jralmm , CroltclUnu
block , i.U
F ( ) AI.K-A first clHii nml voll rayln ?
l ) nrilliiif iKMixo.i'cmnill.v located 1'nr piirllo-
ulur . AililrnhHO , X , Ui'.ooillcii. cut
H S , lots , lanJa-Ilonils , nml
Hnusw * . iota , fiu-ms , limits --Ilomlg LMhand
DoiiRlnn. M-RKnuvZo
HOUHICH , low , laiiJrt-IcmlHitii ! n
HIUHiy : , ou.lmnU-llcJliila.IMIi mid UoiM
( M\\ \ \
H ( MK HKKIf KU9 , . -
llculitrrt tilioiit frtie KIM ! nliciip InmU In
W stirii ! it lulJrim 1'atUirMiit it Wlilui ,
ituul Kiia u , North I'luttu , .N'ou. ; IU
F ni.Y. \ two story , 2-Jr'W , r ii B"liiiUJI
Imr , aultulilo foru mom , llo r Uiu unj fir
nuitiriw. Apj/iit ) thh ( iill.ii. VII
N < nitorutiou or ii.ioU-s-J trun m. Dr. M , M
Moor.Cl ) \VnLnuh uvu. , ClildiKO. WU
to ul C < j/.zoii IIuiisu. Iu , omry
Di-vnnrTori'Or.iiuiiit , rt iiHiimsrton , itiirf : ntt
8t. "Till' UHIMU.H" A luiiinllm ; unJ duj