Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 13 1'J ' ; MOMAY. JNOVMMHhU 16 , 1885.
Ornri' , No Ml Asn 010 I'MIKAU St.
yona Ocricr , Itoox { Vr.rnr.LNii
Olio Tf or. * 10COThrno , Months .
fclxMu.-itli * . WX ) Ono Month .
'lnr Wn.Kr.v llir. : ruMMied Kvcry Wciltuwlny.
, tircmliim
Or.r Venr , wlirmnt pM'inliim '
8lv Jlr'Mlin , wliliout iiroiriium
Onu Mr ntli , nit trial
AllfmnmiinlcntlMrttTintlwrlo IIPIVB mnl mil-
< r r < nl nii'ttrrv MirmM bo mlilrvt&oil to tlio l.ut-
aouoi-Tiit ; HKI : , < " umr.asi
AllliUfiint 4 tptti rstinil remit Inncfi MiouMlio ] l ici Tin : HIT. I'CMUHIIIMI COWANV ,
OMAHA , DrnflH , ilm : < > t inn ) | Kifituincu on I era
lolir mnOu pnynlilotothooitlorof the company.
K. : Knnoiu
How soon will Mr. McShnno material-
with his railroad , to tlin norlhwoat 1
Tnosi ! Virginians who thought
hu/li ; Leo was a mosa-liaelc wcro mis-
tnki u. Ho is n fe.iddlo-bnck.
SI.NATOUVAN Wvftic loavoi for Wash
ington this week , and wo may look fora
dynamite concussion in fiomo of thu de
partments hoforo many da.y.s.
Tim I'hilailulphia grand jury has rec
ommended the whipping post for wifu
IK alcrH. The recommendation is heartily
endorsed by the I'hiladolidiians.
] ' \ yppiks well for the olHulcnoy of tlio
rnilwsiy mail burvh'o that out of tlio
4ttt,0ril)00 ) ! ) ! ) piece * handled during tlio
year only one per cunt weutaalray
AMERICAN proilnco is anxiously waiting
for the oxpcclod Kuropeim war. Wo are
nM'ly to furnish all the belligerents with and corn enough for ovury omor-
I'UE8iiBJiTUuiVii.ANi > , says the Uoslon
Trniiscrtpt , could hnvo secured liorornor
IIi'l'H ' overwhelming defeat by n nioro
wave of his liand. That would hnvo
bctm n cold WHVO indeed.
ArroitniNO to the Republican , the host
men of Lincoln are in sympathy with
Petpotivo Pound in his ullliotion. Those
boot men are , however , not anxious to
luivo their names ptilillshud.
T IlHNDHICKH Will go to
Washington in a few days to pruparo for
his official dutioM. His principal duly BO
far has been to draw his salary , which ho
has done wilf. faithful promptness.
TUB effect of the hanging of Kiel , so
fur as ho is concerned , will end with the
breaking of his neck. The effect upon
tlio Canadian half-breeds and French
population cannot be so easily foretold.
Iv Governor Dawes pardons out the
man who put. up a job to rob the slate
treasury for the reward , and shot down
thn defenceless eripplo whom ho had
roped into this soliomo of robbery , his
netof executive clomonoy will bo in full
keeping with his previous conduct in this
disgraceful afluir.
TUB annual meeting of tlio National
Cattle and Horse Growers' association ,
which is to bo held in tit. Louis from the
SIM to the 28th of this month , will bo an
important event. In addition to the reg
ular business twenty carefully prepared
nddresses on practical subjects relating
to cattle and horses will bo delivered.
TUB small-pox besides causing thoti-
Bands of deaths in Montreal , has
completely prostrated business in that
oily. It is estimated that the mer
chants have already lost ? G,009,010 by
llio stagnation of business. This is
nimply the result of the superstitious op
position to vaccination on the part of tlio
French Canadians.
Sr.NATon MAHOXU hus paid the weekly
( lolicitof the Richmond \Vldtj \ , amount
ing from $ COO to $300 , for several years.
The recent cyelono which struck Mr.
Mahonewill probably cause the Whitj
to look to fiomo ono clso to make up its
weekly deficit. At present it is in the
bands of n receiver , as Mr Mtihouo has
uo further use for organs In old Virginia.
TUB ' 1,000 taxable dogs in Louiavillo ,
Ky. , bring the city a revenue of $8,001) ) a
year , enough to pay the salaries of the
mayor and city attorney. There is no
good reason why this plan cannot bo
adopted and carried out in Omaha. If
all the dogs in Oinalui wcro laxoil wo
could easily pay the salaries of tlio mayor ,
the council , the police and other city otU-
IT Is now becoming apparent that the
upreroe court had no desire to set an OK-
finiplu to the bur by disciplining Attorney
Aljirr for hla outrageous conduct in u'ul-
IngXiinrncrtnan , the murderer , to make
Ids escape. When tint court referred the
matter to a select committee of lawyers
It simply tought to bog the question and
to let Mr. Hurr down without a jar.
T"B : Jitorof the IforaM still denounces
my impiovement of the Missouri as
"pure piracy,11 but qualilluH his remarks
by accepting such improvement as would
protect "tho Union P.icllio and other per
sonal interests. " The p.ioplo of the west
want Missouri river improvement In
order to protect them from the Union
Piie.ilio r.nd other personal iuteresU of
great stock jobbers.
A I'UOMisr.NT director of the Union Pa-
olllo company is quoted as saying that hn
doubts if the company will pay another
dividend in thn next tun years. He
would have oomo nearer the truth if Iiu
bad stild that it would never pay another
dividend until the water bus buon wrung
out of tlio stock. This , howovur , will not
be done until the government deus it by
taking the road for its Indebtedness , and
disposing of it to the highest bidder in
the name manner that other mortgage
property in Hold , Thu day If past fm
earning dividends on tietitloiu capital ,
Huh fa the Union 1'nclllo succeeds In g > 't-
tiug tin extension of tlmo for the pay
went of its indebtedness ,
The 1'lon qf ttio Htook CJroworn.
The att'Mitioh of readers of the HKKis
invited to the loiter of General James S
llrisbln , on the hloi-k growing industry ,
which appears in another , column of tins
HSUO , It Is n notable contribution to u
mo.'t important piohlcnt , and bristles with
interesting facts and timely Miggcstions.
Compiled from the latest available sources -
cos , it forms a compcud of Instructive
information regarding tlio status of
American cattle raising and thn vast
range interests which are clamoring for
governmental recognition ami protec
tion. A very small portion of the public
appreciate the vast amount of capital In
vested in thu western ranges or thn ex
tent of the enormous herds which roam
over our prairies and waste lands. Htil |
fewer appreciate the fact that the land
laws furnish no legal means by which
I he slock growers can secure temporary
or permanent title to grazing land , or
understand that ( ho btisincs.s n * now con *
ducted is enforced trespass on the public
domain. General Urisbln brings out ,
with great clearness , the value of the
stoek growing industry , lie shows by prepared tables ( hat it Is vullia-
bio not only as a producer of cheap meal ,
but also as a stimulus to smaller stoek
growing and feeding on farm and pas
ture. When the single grazing slate of
Tuxas shipped more than $ 15,000- ,
001) ) worth of beef eatllo last year and
furnished one-third of that amount
in yearlings for feeding purposes , our
readers will not bo surprised to learn that
the total Investment on tlio ranges
amount ? to § i30oao,00'J , and that the
valuoof cattle in llio United States to-day
already reaches the enormous sum of
It is for such an industry that General
lirisbin makes a slrong plea for public
interest , for public forbearance and for
governmental protection. Upon Nebras
ka , especially , ho urges the necessity of
as-iisling in u settlement of the import
ant question of how to avert the destruc
tion of tlio range cattle industry. Lo
cated just cast of the ranges , with tlio
ilncAt corn growing country in the west ,
ready and able to feed t > ) , OJ3,003 head of
stock , if that number should Do parcelled
: imong her farmers , General Urisbin be-
loves that wo should bo willing to lend
n helping hand to perpetuate stock grow-
ng , in order that wo may build up and
> orpotuato among ourselves the equally
prolitablo industry of stock feeding.
The rapid settlement of the west and
ho equally rapid growth of the stock
growing industry of the country are two
factors which are fast approaching each
other as conflicting interests. .Such n
conflict is to bo avoided if possible. The
ground needs to be thoroughly surveyed ,
the claims and prospects of tlio agricul
turists weighed , and the needs of our
stockmen and their propositions for a
settlement of tlio diliieulty given careful
consideration. On the one hand the
) olicy of our government to distribute
tlio public domain among the greatest
lumber of inhabitants who will make it
productive must not bo laid aside to
foster great companies of stock growers.
On the other hand a most important in
dustry must not bo'wantonly destroyed
when it can bo maintained and incroised :
for the public benolil without any disrc-
; ard of public interests. How to protect
tlie range interests and by so doing how
to foster the cattle feeding interests on
thousands of farms in our western states
and territories , without depriving pros
pective homesteaders of available agri
cultural lands , is the problem with which
llio country is becoming rapidly brought
face to face.
General Brinbln oflors what. Bccms at a practical suggestion if it is not a
liual solution of the casa. There are mil
lions of acres of publio lands , in canyon
iind sand hill , alkuli plains an I "gumbo , "
which are not now and will not bo for
years available for agriculture.
Such lands the general pro
poses to grade as " lands , "
under the general land laws and to lease
on a live years tenure to the steak grow
ers. At the end of every live years , ho
asks that these shall bo rograded ami if
found lit for agriculture that they shtll :
bo removed from thu gra/.iug class ; other
wise that the lease shall bu extended.
The suggestion seems feasible. It has the
advantages of giving temporary protec
tion to the cattle Interest , and o ( securing
to the govornmcnta revenue from its un
occupied domain. In addition it would
ensure to our feeders u market for their
corn and would build up in the west , as
it never could bu none otherwise. , a luo-
rativo industry midway between the cattle
tlo producer ami thu stock yards con
sumer. With rigid safeguards thrown
around the process of the appraisal mid
selection ot "gra/.lng lands , " and assur
ances that vast tracts of the publio do
main available for agriculture would not
bu thus alienated for iiululiuito torni'i of
years by collusion witli corrupt olliolula
who had the matter in charge , ( J.moral
Hnsbln's plan would seem to bo tlio only
oneyetadvanced which promises to settle
at least temporarily the pressing quos-
lion of what wo shall do with our
cattlemen. Much of the clashing and
conflict during the past llvo years as llio
range has been pushed steadily west
ward by settlement has been duo to the
fueling of hopelessness na to the future
which has pervaded the stoek growers.
Under the absence of any law recognizing
them as engaged in legitimate biislnu s
on the publio domain they have been
placed in the position of lawless tres.
pas-sors , subject , mid properly BO , at any
time to eviction , and to be hurried with
their herds hither and thither over the
prairies and through the canyons to more
distant feeding grounds. A proper
system of lotiiiiug lands unlit for anything
but grazing , properly enforced and
watchfully supervised , would do much to
eradicate antagonism between the so-
called ' ' . " niil
'gr.uigor" cownoy interests ,
while it would onsura for sonu yoar.s to
coma the pJVpotuatiou of the utoclc-
growlng industry with all iu attendant
advantages to western farmers ami
JOHN It FINCH , who hailed from Ne
braska when ho was trying to down
ISIuIno by drawing ropuiilieuiu to the St
John's side-tout , passed through this city
bound for the I'auilio coast. Mr L'lneli
IIH ' ironu to California to put : ui embargo
on the wine Industry of that stale , it is
pingulnr that Mr. Cleveland has not re
ward' d his services by nuking him
supervisor of internal roTcniie. Mr. Vinoh
ias talked so much about the bad cOeeLs
of poor whisky that ho ought to know
the pure corn juke when he sees it.
I a\vlesM Compact.
The liquor dealers who have been keep-
ng their saloonopen nfter midnight in
lellanee of the law give n i an excuse
treteudod pledges of some moinbers of
.ho council and certain city olliclnl ? that
hey should not hn prosecuted for viola
tions of tlio midnight ordinance. 1 [ such
> ledges have over been given , and wo
Ion'I doubt that they have , they are with-
n themselves unlawful and would convict
every party to them of conspiracy. Kvory
city olliccr lakes an oath that he will
faithfully obey and enforce the lawH
which perlaln to Ills ollleo. The mayor
uid the marshal , as executive olll *
cors , have no option but to
n'osecitlo , all , breaches of the
ilgh liceuao ordinance. The mcro faet
.hat the ordlnane was drawn rather
osely with regard to the $1,000 lleon o
; ee cannot justify ihcjo ollieials in muk-
tiff the rest of iho law a dead letter. The
den that any councilman has a right to
pledge himself and his colleagues to an
nul thu laws which couueilmen , as well
is all other citizens , are bound to obey ,
s preposterous. Any such eontrael nr
agreement is void in itself. Nobody
Allows this better than the few saloon
keepers who want to set themselves up
above all law. They know by experi
ence witli the last city marshal that a city
olliuial who agrees to protect them from
[ ho consequences of law breaking is lia
ble to gel himself behind iron bars. In'
the light of these revelations , what posi
tion do these city ollicials occupy who
agree to nullify the execution of the
laws ? Do they not lay themselves open
to grave suspicious tiiat they have been
tampered with ?
One of the men arrested for violating
: ho midnight ordinance declares that
Marshal CutmnSngs , some weeks ago ,
agreed to leave them alone if they did
not execute their throat to have him re
moved and a democrat put in his place.
Marshal Cummlngsis represented as say
ing : "If you'll stop your light on mo ,
why can't I do as well by 3011 as a dem
ocrat ? " This is an elegant commentary
on our local politics. It indicates that
the lawless think they wield influence
cuoiigh with the mayor to dictate the ap
pointment of a marshal who is , in ad
vance , bound to leave thorn alone. The
fact that Marshal Cumming.s has contin
ued to make the arrests of violators of
the midnight ordinance , would indicate
one of two tilings , either ho has never
made any such pledge , or clso ho has
courage enough to doty the saloonkeep
ers witli gambling-room attachments to
do their worst.
In this eflbrt.thc courts and the cityau-
tliorilics are bound to sustain him. The
overwhelming sentiment of the commu
nity , including nine-tenths of the saloon
keepers , is in favor of a strict enforce
ment of tlio midnight ordinance. So far ,
the court proceedings have boon worse
limn a farce. They are liable presently
lo become u very serious matter. The
midnight ordinance is not the only law
Unit those parties are violating and if
they arouse the community they will
shortly have a crusade on tluir hands
which will close up their concerns en-
entirely. The unlawful compacts of
counciimeii and other plHcials will only
make the matter wors > .
THE wide-spread disaster of a destruc
tive conflagration has visited Galveston ,
with all the terrible attendants of homo-
lessnessand destitution. The situation ap
peals at once to the sympathy and aid of
the country in an only less degree than
that of Chicago's misfortune of fourteen
years ago. If Mayor 1'oyd has not al
ready telegraphed a promise of Omaha's
practical aid , if such aid is needed , wo
suggest that ho do so at onco. Wo pre
dict u generous response from Nebraska's
metropolis to the little giant of Texas
cities in her trouble.
Tnr viaduct over Sixteenth street can
and must be built before spring clones ,
but there Is no reason why it should be a
monument of tlio control which corpo
rate monopolies boast they exercise over
legislative bodies. It can bo constructed
without a single pledge from the city
council to close streets which they have
no right to close and whoso obstruction
is 11 constant dotiauoo of the wishes of
llio community.
SKNATOH SIIAIION is dead , but his death
can scarcely bo said to leave a vacancy
Iu thodcnatn. Mr. Sharon unfortunalely
for himself , represented In Washington
nothing but bonanza wealth and the
stench of a disgraceful scandal which the
courts of San Francisco are not yet done
Dit. MIU.UII has modified his opposition
to Mihsoun river improvement so far
that hu Is willing to 1.1 thu government
appropriate fJW.OUOor . $ UJOOii ) ) n to
protect the Uuion Pacific rip-rapj ami
.side-tracks ,
Tin : Chicago & Northwestern will
give us faster t.-alns to Cuioagj. This Is
a good and timely move. Now let them
rim their trains out of Omaha , and suvo
time and trouble in the transfer.
LAW and order will soon boa war
forced from the public by the blind
of men who can't ' understand that "let
well enough alone , " Is an excellent
policy , in aomo cases.
IF wo are to have rollablo building in
spection the ordinance should bo paxsud
without duluy , so that wo can make u bi-
ginning with the new year.
PAH = > ON Dowxs U basking in the nolo
riely of Boston curiosity. Church di.oi
pllne mns.t bo very lux which allows suol
men lo disgrace their culling.
Tin : trouble with Omaha is th it she Is
like an old hol gun In o .o ruspeot Mio
scatter too much. Her men of capita
should Wv.'U ! toirciuor.
\V r In tlio Hmf.
Servla hn.V ifxlared uu-
itulgavia , aml , , ! first blon 1 has boon
shed In the Hallow * . Tim ( Inlays of
Hplomaey uiiiUhA eoufornces of priUin
niiulstors havii proved unable to ward
oft the resuIJK of underhand inti'lguo
1'liu prinripalitinf ; of aoulhern Kuropo
are now ablaze w'lth ' martial exeilcniont ,
and Iho llanicsiniy sweep , who kuous
when , across lhomiliresoutheast"ru portion
tion of llio cimtimont involving every
great power , u'lmio ' Interest hi the atruir-
Alois most renidtei iu a general war for
territorial aggrandizement.
No one who has buun watching the con-
rovorsyof the past six weeks has doubted
'or a niomciil that .lln. slan greed and
Austrian jealousy have Suspired and
fanned into a blaze the controversy over
llio Hulgarlan union. The vait war
iirepnratlons which llussia began making
within a few hours after Prince Ale.c-
nudor'H announcement , of the iiquisillf'ti
of Itoumolht , the mobili/atipn of rhu
Austrian nrmy and the p.irto's qulek per
ception that it was Turkey moro than
mything cl."c that the cxar hud
n view , were all recognized
by Kuropo as the beginnings of n strug-
; lo vastly grealer than the guerrilla war
fare between Iho two provliifj * . How
critical the situation is now considered ,
the heavy decline of stock on e\ory con
tinental exchange plainly indicates. The
probabilities of the Immedi.itu future are
dlflieult to d > l rmiiie. Russia , fully
armed and equipped , with iv magniliueut.
army , is straining like a hound in a leash
lo bound upon thn Turkish frontier upon
tliolii'sl. pretext which the war may oiler.
Austria , whoso army is now lustier organ
ized than ever , stands ready to light for
lier share of tlio Dauubian principalities ,
whilti the portu holds a half n million
troops in reserve lo battle for thu prot'-c-
Mon of Iho last vertigo of Islam's terri
tory in Kuropo. What can diplomacy dote
to s-lay the torrent of arms which is preparing -
paring to rush iu d-adly conflict aeross
Iho Balkans ? This is tlio problem which
the Servian advance into Uulgiriti now
presents. In its answer Kuropo stands
undo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Br.x. HOOAN , the ox-prizo fighter , who
is now mi expounder of the gospel , is
once moro iu Omaha. IIo is still in the
gospel ring and continues to hammer
away at sin and sinners.
CAITAIN SITU.IVAX has been asked to
resign , and ho declines until he knows
the reason why. ! (
Tni : old asse' iora'mannged ' to get back
as usual , but thy Oltt cost mills got beau
tifully left.
Tlio UiOIctallic Quest Ion.
Washington Klspublic : The silver chord
will bo loosed a .soon as congress guts
logotuer. Whether iho golden bowl will
bo smashed rbiliaiusto boccu.
Don't Jfe Hash , Samuel.
Boston Herald : Kev. Sam Jones has
laid out a big job in proposing to tackle
Washington with his revival meetings
during a sess'oi ' * of' > con'ress. An oppo
sition show HlniuLi small chances there.
St'ltis for llio Price of a Stiff.
Dr. S. C. Crowe , n well known resur-
rcelionisl , is suing the Georgetown ( I ) . C.
college for II5 , the price of a still' deliv
ered but. . not p'aiil for. The defense U )
that Iho body is not property , and thai it
was stolen from a cemetery.
Dfet Their Waterloo.
Chicago Il-rald. William WaltcrPhelps
once dubbed Mahono the Napoleon of
It-ad just in int. All Now York oico con
sidered Ford Ward tlio N.ipoloo.i of
Finance. Hot h of these NapoK-ons luivu
met their Waterloo.
Up , With Some Difficulty.
Ilaitford Courant : David 15. lid ! i
doing well so far. Ho has cl'inbed ' the *
lirsttwo rungs of tlio ladder. Ho has
been mayor oi' Klinira and ho is governor
of New York. Now , lot's all w.itoh and
see him spring to the third.
Slipped Ui > .
Chicago Herald : Carl Schurz went to
Most on to buy a newspaper , slippud up
in his birgiin. an 1 a little later pur-
formed tlio same nut on the sidewalk and
sprained his ankle. mug
wumps In New York set out to
Mr. Cleveland by electing a republican
governor of Now York , and according to
tlio latest returns they appear to have
broken their necks in the operation.
AVe Stand Corrected.
Chicago News : It ia am i/.in : ? Ihit n
paper of the Omaha Bun's intell geiico
should spnak of Mr. William Hyde , the
new postmaster at St. Louis , as a "moss-
back. " Any ono who is acquainted with
Mr. Hyde will testify that ho is very far
from being a ino-Hbiulc. Thn gonulno
old mossbacks of Mizzonnv repudiate
Hyde ; they have never-forgiven him for
the conspicuous part ho played in the
liberal ( .for Greedy * movmnnt in 187. ! .
IIo N'ovor Was tlio M.t.foi-'n Klvnl.
Chicago News- The Hon. J. Sterling
Morton , of Nnbrniku , begs to assure u- <
that ho never wa * Major Horace A. Hurl
lint's rival for th' ' ' editorship of the
Chicago Times. Ho iiiHiits that ho h 11
always been on terms of intimacy with
tlie major , and thublio ha with Direction-
ate pi idi ) wntclml thn major's gradual
rise from modest D'elusion us n worlhv
but unostentutioudrlijrgist to unequivo
cal ami undisputed pre-eminence ninoni ;
the journalists of the woatctu homi-
sphero. " ' "
The illinium.
Now-York JloraldiijUmj of Iho insti-
tulioiif ) recently.itlrportud from Kngland
whioli suoms aho ) | | to'aehinvo ' permanent
popularity in Hii < ! < ; ity ie the hansom.
And. oddly enou ; * ' " . ! { ' is likely to r aoh
this di-airablo portion because of its
growing favor wWi the Indies. Of late
it has become nolle.-.tblo thai ladies out
bhopping usu tint taiiMom in prefer
ence ) to olhur cabs , and ai'a often to bu
s'H-n in tin-in , alouo or in pairs , Kunming-
ly mil in iho. luast disooncurtod by Iho
publicity which this style of vu-
lilelo certainly gives to their
journoyitijrs. Probably onn runs m
why ladies favor the natibom is
the cibn : with which it Is entered and d i-
KCtiiidcd from , and another its outlook
ahead and general opportunity for obser
vation. Ladies are alwavs pleasant oh-
Ju U to the eye of the ordin rv wnvfarnr ,
when llioy are iiretty and well drusatid ,
and thosu who do not possess llr'so ad
vantages will not bu liktdy lo avail them
selves lo any great oxtonlof the facilities
for display atlorded b.y the lively han-
fcom. Altogether , tl.oso . inside and those
outside of tiiia vuhiulo , which is "so Kng-
INh. you know. " an likdv to nxp rionou
perhaps equally agreeable impreailons
from its sudden uound into feminine
Tnlen of u Traveler.
"Ituiuihl do jou nornl to take Iho trip
which I Iwuo Jinl fluHKvl , " said Uorry Uiill ,
the popular tr.illnitaimit ! { of the Hurling
ton route , "lhavobeon nil over Iho P.iolJe
roast durlnat thf lii'-t six wpfkI I hnve lu'en
In Idaho , Mnutn'ia. California , Oregon and
Washington tcirltary. I'oithuul Is a heaull-
ful and wealthy rlty. II has ahnul UfX)0 ) )
people. , and m built up In elegant style Just
Ilkemi eastern oil ) . It Is nther dull Iheio
Just now. The earning town , In lay opinion ,
on ( the I'acllle roast Is Seattle , on Pujjct
Hound , In Wellington terntoiy. t'ujre.t
otitid l. oiiour the lintsl bodies oCaterln
the Uorld , imd Seattle IN one of the bi't bar-
liur& The blKKert xe. els cr.u sail right up
to the ducks. Sen I lie will in.iko Tneuina take
a second plnce. Portland's pn-stlne us i\
shipping point is fust hllpiiliii ; auuy. Ills
[ on far up the I'oliunbla river. It costs S.VX )
lo town voH-iol trom the mouth of the river to
Portland. Sattlo Is Im-uul to he the r"il
Rcnport on the north P.iebto const. TnlUlmt
about the Cniuulhin PaoilU' , I understanil
that nltlun'izh U hi completed It will 'not bo
operated usa thnni h line till nnvt spring , as
they want to lind mil liowthu snow nets In
winter , and they are aNo afraid of k'liieiers
alnn : ; the mountainous sivlinn of the rond.
lint when It diuvs opi'ti fnrthroiih business
It Is ( John ? to R\U | the tr.ui euntlnontal
mails ot the tfnlted .Slates a lively
ml ) on rates. Tlii'ro will bo no
pooling. Willie I wus In Montana I hronuie
convinced of the lact that all run 450 eatllo
mail mmncr or later bo taken to the corn
belt and stall-fed beloie they call ho prop
erly fattened tor mu ket. Tao ranj cattle
in Montatianroall fat and -look as if they
would make t'nder niea't. Itutlhey nioliko
prl/e lUhtens. They are WL'lldevelop.'d , have
plenty ol munt on their Iiine4 ) , but lliey are
tmuh as leather , liyt ikln ; th MII to the porn
bylt and IctMing llioin they can lo : tnins-
formed Into tendiT and eliolco beeves. Tlie
l.i 't I. ' , that Nebraska will teed most of tlio
raiiicii cattle of the we.I I within the next live
yeai.s , and this will bo a bonanza for the
fanners , who will thus Unit a home tnaiUet
fora liir o portion oC their products. In
other words Nebraska Is lo become the fnl-
toniiK pl.i oot'eullto fin the mnricd. 1 have
been all over tliocoimtry , and nowliero have
1 scon a place that 1 like so well , or that is
aiikin 4 such MiL"taiitid ; pru rcss , aOinahn. * .
Kveiy where jou hear Omaha well spoken of.
KvoiyluK.y Is talltln ; ; ab nil Omihii , and mak-
Im ? picdlutlons that she will hu ono of the
very law cities of the country at no ilKtant
day. Her bank clearings as published with tlio
statements of the other .u house cities
every wockaro abiija'ilveitlseiaeut , as they
shou' her to bo way up In the list. "
What Me. Housel Has to Say.
Mr. P. C. IlonscI , formerly a resident of
Omaha , but now living iu Chicago , icccutly
paid this city a visit , and on his leturn to
Chicago saul lo a Mttl Inturvijwer : "I am
just back iroin a trip to Nebraska. Omaha
Isluivlniftt wondeiful booai in real citato.
ilon of my aeijiiaintaiiuo there have m ulo
.510,030 an I SVOJt ) ) In their deals the pist .sea-
son. The bjoin Is eKteiubiK to all parts of
thostatf , and the Inilic.itliius am Unit thu
state xvlll have the largest immlgratlou next
year bhe hi- > over known. "
How Haziness K.viiands In Omaha.
At the meeting ic , irdin the I < e.iven\\iith (
EitioctKradoJud o Uuiiity , In the couiso of
his t-pueuh , said that wiu > n hu built his house
which is one of the ino-a elegant a id costly
In the city on L.iavua worth htrout , Iu did not
siippoie that any bu.lnuss buildings would
ever bj t'lx'i-tjd anyvvhuw in his vicinity ,
He thought his location far enough out
to lie forever beyond tliu retail ot husliieis ,
and that nothing but prlvatu resldunccvvo.ild
ever oeupy : that part of thu city , I5nt hu
went oil mi a huiUiii-f triii of Severn I weeks ,
and when herouirmil : , lo ! aiulbmuid ! stores ,
grut-'cik'saiiil nhups had spriuu uji all nrounJ
him. Taure w.f > no use Df trying to stay the
iJu ernant car of br.lncss and pnyrtss.
LO.A WMiW'irth. ' strict w is bound to bo a Im i-
tnss thoroii-tlifaro. It was thu best entr.incu
to tlio eity from the west , and as to the grade
In ) had cuiao to flio coaeluslnn that the estab
lished1 K'adc would bo the be t tiling for the
.street , waiuli would bo yruatly improveil
thereby. _
Joe Pulitzer's Career.
Captain J. II. Stic col , of Tnaver county ,
while in thu city tli.i other div allied at the
15ii : oillca , an.l ptckin ; up esipy of the N nv
Voile \rifia \ , , s.iid : "Tao eaivvr of Joj I'nl-
llt/.er has been ( ilienonuaal. 1 knew him in
Si. Louis when he didn't have a dollar to his
iMino. When niustcre.l out of thu army ho
drill > d to St. Louis and became a reporter for
the \Vclllf'ir \ ' Pt < it , w.iiuh wtsuwiul by Carl
iScliurz. Ho e iorlonceit a re it m my vicis
situdes of forttino in thosu days. Ills fiiunds
ntonotlmn ehlpjiud In t > > buy him an over
coat Ha was always hu iiotiiolypipulai'anil
vtu-y inn 'h liked fur his .sojial ir.u'os. Ho
W.IH hail tallow well m 't with everynody. In
ISiS , during the Uraut c.i.n iii-u , ho was
cltictw ! si ) Tut try of thu Youn Mill's Union
Laauc. I'uliUer uurrlel a lidy : of wealth
an 1 of line social position. Tills was on J of
thu sni ntcst tilings ho ever did. U j t'ot
( i is-e < sion of the St. L-mN Pnt or DJ ; ic/i ( /
1 forgot which and Huccesded lin'illy In
consolidating thu two pip".rs , uncli'.r tlio
hyplinnalud nmau of I * iit'inifntio'i. ' lie m.ido
'Coo'sewll editor , an.l the papsr nn In money.
U'litiii U.irlbiit.w inted toipiit the New York
Hrirltl , , I'.ilitzur J'l ' iiu.l | Iu and , forming n
syndicatu , piirulinjd lliu prujwrty , an I put
Cockerel ! In : n o.l l < ir. I'allt/.cr is eviiljntly
m ilciu : as m i : h of a Hiunusi of tilV > \ irltl In
.Vow York in ho did of tlio I'ust-DlajHitcli In
Si. Louis. "
Eluvator l-ilriiol ; | te.
Since Ihd waterworks h.wu b.'on In opera
tion In U n I'.ut thoi'd li.iVi ) b.'un ii'iito .1 iiu n-
bur of pi-nail tor ii'-i u u Into IIo b. ) 1
fo ir-story busnus-i bulldiiU'i , an.l th.iy
are lojit ; in con-taut < iuiation. ] At thu
iMijuoit uf oiio of tiu ! oluv itur I ) iVi th folio w-
IIIL , ' lilnt-i , InrlhobuiiitiUiif tin ! tioiplu In thu
h ihlt of riding on p i s.'ii jr cievaton , are
\VluMi tlio oluvntor Is at the lowest ll'ior , ho-
for. ) KOttint ; on ill way H ask the hey if lie ia tfo-
| . This will jiUtHM ) him. luc'.uii'j I us Is n
student of IIIIUMII nuturj.atid lilcu-i tu .sou IIDW
bilia louln nmn nm niakuof hlms'if. Tlu
1 tile enn ho reversed at tlie ton lloor. U'liun
jnn innl him UK-IB mlc him If hu Is K"in-
X.-vor toll nt w'lit ' ll'mr you wlnh to not o't
Hu profom to p'a.-.s at It. ami would Ici'l iiuit
If > ou did n il 1 11 1 ln.n eirry , o.ilo Hu ioj (
W..KII yuu v/.mt a r 10 a on llio < nst il > ur.
\Vlii \ n h > ) has earrh-d you liiilln-r up Ihiui
you wl li to ? ; . a : , ' t aii-jrvand call him
1 1 aril mini'-- . Hu1. . | iipiiret-iatt ) liiOt !
coin u U is his fault j on did nut. toll him
when * yuu wrro ci'ini ; . t , , . , , ,
A trr.Mt noun-out nniii < ! nia"iit with hdles U
In llio enti ino , t ) , < K'Knu up tlu
ly , wallu ciroiiu on an atmiMti ; . !
. with HiiiDlnoill. T iu ItuJt
lime to dutlds Is win ! L.IMII iinuon noiu >
oiln-r llonr Is riujjliii Ilko mad , buattso tlio
bf y f.innot o up until you ultlivr iil on or
uf\a < idor oir-.j he won I r.ithur ustun to
yuu liiuii niisvviTtliu summons.
On u/niitMii.iln / tliluM to LI-MT In mind U
tluii thu elevator w n mi. It ) lor. volt and the
buy liiied tu w.ilt oni on. If ho Is n-uwait-
Iiu for vou whenuvir | hu Is nui-
luctlur his duty , auU ahould bj severely roprl-
Hu linroisiinahle | n everythlni ; . This
pluses him moro ( him anylhln. elnu.
A woman travelln , ' tlinnuh Salfrifl county
xviih a iiursftlraditr too * a tin : nt 1.1 | u m ,
but a bUtmouli puuip rcllu > e < l her of tuu dim ; .
John S. Wise mnde seventy si < ccchp.s dur-
Iiu ; the caiupalgn. Whiil waste ofvlndl
A innjorUy of t-onsiva'ineu fnvor the early
passed of n bill rej. > eallii llio l iiun * of otMco
ThedonrkiHU > orshpof ! llio lum o of re-ro- |
seiitatlves will probably goto .Sam UniinliNon
of Tennessee.
Mr. Iiiui.lrtll s.iys . he will llnht all nttomit.s ]
to cimiiife thn picsent Matin uf the ap | < ropi la-
thin committee.
Tom Campbell , of ClunluiiiUI , U lopudod
as hnvim ; entered lutoa law partuuri'lilp 1th
Hob IiiRersoll la Now Y < uk.
Hon. ( It'orgoS. Mont well \sllt deliver Ihe
eulogy on Ornnt before the \\Vlwter ItNtnrl.
ral Miclety In lloston , December ) .
It la thouijlit lliat Mr. II -.cock I wilt nvelvo
tlie eompllmuntiio nniuliKitliiu to lliu speak *
er.shlp of the house from llio republicans.
Secretary Iliiyuiil's deiirness Ireubtei him
seriously , but it is a tilessln , ( In disguise. KO
fur ai Impnrtiluato place-liuuler.t aio eon-
Governor lllll Is much bolter looking Ihsin
thoiili'tinvspiibllhheilot ' hint in the news-
papers. Tills is net mucli < < ( i o uiiilimeut ,
II hivpmted lhat i'ltzbiish Lne , the gov-
crnor-oleot of Virginia , favors SInj. Daniels
1'orseiiulorlo suooujd Illume. Uiubour's
cliant'iis me bulluvcd to bu le ened.
Chleaio ; Herald : A mule in ItrUlol , Tonti. ,
which welulis lsoo pounds ami .stands seven
fcethhhin ; his lure livt , his b. n u i ued
"His K\celluncj" by two-lo eit Ja-kass
who failed tn ota pnstolHi'e , n s-in sign I hat
Mr. Cluvehtml's policy 1 Rirlkln in.
St. Louis ( llou ! ) llnmo . : Suciutary I.ti-
nvirsays hu Is Impres-ud wilh the Uleit that
the ( 'liilstian rollclou is Ilia litut imtiu u MI-
tality fur tlio sulutlon "I the Indian pn > ! ) Iem.
This ftUaliles , wo infer , hu thinks thn
matter Is not one which a dcmocratta iidm n-
l-iirallou can properly uiulurtakutodjjl with.
A farmer near Kiomont t-t fattening ,
North iloiiil 1ms been switched on the tele-
pllUIIU llOOk.
Columbus can now "hollo" to Omaha at
fllty cunts n whack.
llcnrv I'hlllliis wears copper-loud boots
nud edfts the Beatrice ICIeker.
Kiishvlllo has baeu denlaied the legal
county suatot Cherry county.
llarllmUon is crying out for teleiihonle
eonncction witli neiihbmiiiK ; towns.
The safe of Ilaidius BiolhersVlsncr , was
cracked one nl'ht ; lust week and JMO taken.
Tlio Krcmont board of tiado Iws barn reor
ganized , witli U I ) . ItichaidMW as president.
The Kremont jtas and water \\orks furiii'-li
an invltiu ; , ' Held for the piumber nnd his
Scward Is looking hopefully towaid the
Thlcajjo & Nortnwua'eni extending to that
I'luttsmoulh is threatened with another
daily pupor. The Journal does louk lout1-
Itev. Piul Mrs. Uol.eit WrUht , of York ,
celchnitud their gulden \veddinsjoii tho-ltii
The alone for Iho foundntloa of the I're-
iiiunt water worKs tower and buildings lias
Nebraska City ( uoposcs to stait a punlio
uiUM'tim of "living lo ils , " to bj gatucrod in
thu nuiijliborlioril.
Tlio lirst nnnurl bebsion of tlie Ncbiaskn
State Ualrvmun h asMi < : ration will bu lieid jil
Fremont , December 0 and U.
Thoyonng'son of Tom .tones ot Bvricu e ,
jam ncd u popgun led tlin.iwh thuiouf ot iu.i
mouth. I'atal losult-j aiu expected.
.1. A. Mc.Mant ul , a brak < m in on the Bin-
llnu'toli i\s Missouri , had bin tht ! .sunnlder
crushed whllu coiiiiliiiK ems at hustings.
Burglars raided Ihe Ir.itiie.sst-toru of 1V. .
Waters , in .lackson , i nd can led off8 < 00in
cash belonging to the treasurer of llio sohoul
The extension of the Fremont , Klkhnrn ife
Mi-sumi Vullev railroad towaid thu Ltiauk
Hills , will reach Bislhilo Unp about tlio 1st of
J u nuary.
Tlio machinery for the new packing hoitf enl
nl Hebron has arrived and will bu put in
iilucu In time tor tlio paoiiiiK .scasun lo open
by December 1.
The hardware store of ircElliinney Jt Ful-
Icrton , at Lyons , was bur iariv'.cd ot a lot of
iotuls ; and a cousiuuiaulo uinuuiii of inuiioy
und negotiable papers.
Tlie I.oup City extortion of the Union
I'ucliic , v.'lih'.li iseompleted within ninu miles
of the county scat ot Slienium county , was
formally opunud to-daj' .
Tliodrand Inland Indopentlont thus states
a world of facts in a few wouls : "Tno
Omaha Uii : : Is now tlm bu.-.t daily nu\ | > tT
publisli 'd wostof Ciiicago. "
Hiirrflars raided lliu tailor shop of Maurice
O'lJouikf , in I'luilsiiioutli , Kriduy nl nt.aml
carried oil' about S-SOO worth of ciognni winter
ciothlnn' . cut In the latest style.
The proposition iitithori/.iiitf the Wiiyno
county coiiiiiiiMsioucis ut di-iposo of thu coun
ty propcity at lnI'urtu , the lonaur couniy
f-eal. w.u > caiiicd at the hut clcclliin.
The depth of vvar.nth an I a Imlra-
lion diMp.iiyed by lliu cd.inn of liu , Krii.non t
nnd North Bend paper * , would , if pio.ii.'riy
hoii-cd , make a perpiuu.d bii.ami'r hi Doii u
Thufirand Ccnlral hotel in Nebraska City
wlli be Mild at public auction , by older of the
IJnitvd aiatcs di.stilct coiiu , Uuouinour H.
Tln > piopcily Is niipi.ii.scd at J4C'W ' and must
briii tvvo-lliiiiUof that sum.
Tlio widow of iMvid Ki'hoo , who wils killed
in a row al A voca on tliuHli ot .Inly lust , bus
Instituted Milt lor tft. KKi iliimaKes iigiihist
\Villiiun Connolly , a saloon lcuper ; , who , il Is
iillejd ; ! , sold him il'litui whisky.
The I in nlc at lluirlngton iticcnlly received
n S > 0l ( liink iuiic , winch in turn Wimsciii by
i\'pie.'H ! to the bank al Coleridjfi" . NolhiiiK
liar hlnco been seen of till ) valuililoirivii-
it.ick , and dHtwtivus aio trying to loualu tliu
O. K. Amea well known hoi so dealer ,
who ranch IN eighty milu-t north ot
Noitli Piaitu , wa-i tnniiil di'.ul on the pnilrie
nitar liirdwood. Lincoln cuiinty , last week.
Ho uaranjht ! iu the rcuuui bliK/.ud and
perishud Irom cxpiiiiii'i ; . Hu was iio years of
William Unrchnii'l ' , a niRpIckor In Davfii-
port , liuva , nvi'iwU a wiiiliali of .IJ.IKU
throiuh tliedeaili of ln f.itlier in Knuland ,
and Ilku -enclitic al onei' Invc-ited il in
it liinn In Hilt MIII ! > . lli iiu < jiuu'lm-riMiM
nciiw near Hrbion. Tlniycr toiiiitv , where hi )
\vunl with his l.tmli ) lo le.idn hist week.
nu.sin > ! > s properly in lirnnd l.-land N held
nrclly htllf , und pilcch uu'slill ell.uli'iij , ' . \V.
It. MoAllUtt'rii'/n-iiid / iinoirer of SHM'.iii ' fin
111.'lot upon wldeli Ids Moil' H located , lint
illeUldill lliu improvTiiiunK HI ) I I1'led ( led-
d o rul'u'd an oiler orflu.VM foi inn lot
lljiou wuiuli thu IniU'tii-liclent olliio Uloeutud.
Norloik luida lltllu wmntlnn in th vvnv
Of tllU ailU'ii of till ) ClUIIIUil III ) tilt'nWllull
on/liii ) In tuu KiUlioin V.illny y.iriN. chained
wan r.inliu a l > jearold ui.'i-u , Whi.i' . lliu
coiistaolu wus taKiiu thu priHonor up luwn IID
tonka pistol trom lil.t poeket uml held It In-
want his lii-ad and nicd , tukliiK i/ood / win' ,
ho vuvcr. to miss his aim. Thu p Loner ili-
lilus tlio ciiar 'c.
Tno extension of tlio Burlington it Wl < -
.souri fioin llolili''t ) iioriliwe t. wliieh i\ui
di" > l'iied lo Hiriice tin ) Union I'adne at Oiral-
lal i. Inn taken a ii'nv hlioot , uceoidini ; lo
Colorado lap'irH. Tuu intention no\v t > euins
to Ix to inn iliu HUD midway buiwet'ii thn
main llnm oi tlio Mi oui i .md
Union I'aoiau. cioss lliu latU-r at Mi i ! in ,
Colo. , and .tukenul norihvvoit lor ( lii'uiinu ,
thu itltiui ito t rui liitii of thu brunch.
finppilu-i for the roiistiaction of the l < ln-
coln i-xleiialiin of tlio l-Mkhorn Valley ro.ul
nro iilready afnunml.itlnu' nt Kii'iiiont. hid-
lii/suru bolnx | ild < 'iil ! noiili of tlm track nnd
cantor lliu htuclt yauK xvliuio thuro H loom
lor uiiloidiiu. utomitr ortritisreirin the ma
( uria ! .iiul toul > which will bu iuiiinel | , not
only for the Mncoln linuieh but I in the
biaiiuh west I nun .Scrlbner , which It U
will bo commiMiuiKj In the earl )
nn ' .
It now'npponrii lhat Ihe bones found In the
burniHt wtvcl ; ot u in-i ht tialn nt \\incr ,
btsl niiint'i. thosu of LHIIIIMI | ,
wiui iad < hai vrt',1 a < MT ill lliu ill filed liiilu.
Laiujua x..u ui ; hity : U ) Yalcatlucuud DC-
V i
eupled the < nr w th Ids household goods. The
rilroiilcoinA.iy ; ! | itM iiotK'ivo Illiu peruns
sdon lo occupy the car with I Is property , but
tiin fuel no IR inli.nliif ; nnd { hn iindiiiR ol
human boiie.i In thu wreclf hii rnntnod
Ids lather who tl ImkliiR ferhlm that h
went down nud polished witli mo irulu.
Tirasitrer Neff , of Dakota county , went to
CovlnK'iw ' latt .Miuiuiu to sell the oiiKlnej
; for sail * tu pay for b.ick taxes di
thu county lioiu the inllroiul company , bt ,
tin- engines wi ro KOIIO und no ono
HiTim il to know vvhorv. Someone nail Inker
the i-Kalii trom thorn and ntcd ( hum , nnd on
IhH tim.v are likely In Mluuosot-v. If tin
iii.itli i l.s not settled very soon other proport )
will bo til Inched and u body guard of aimed
militiamen placed In rlmfk.0 of it. The rail
load company hnve commenced an action
ncalusl Mi NelT for ilninnL'cs to the amount
oi Stu.wti. Thu end of this Ix not yet.
A sinculiu rosnof r ] > ( ; mUd animation Is
repoit'Mi ' in Kmpy county. Mr. Gr.unlichn
Ittir lube had been Hick lor Kovural oaijs , and
last I rldav evenini ; uu < w nuildly worse , und
iiliwlj , tniillnppeaiiinei'9 , dietl. The body
wu Kivm tineimtoinary iirujmratloiis for
bin Inf. and Ihe bereaved pnioitM mid Irletuls
letlred for tlio nl lit. Soon utter.lliu mother
ttimmhl su'heard ! her llttlu one cry , and ap-
pHticldnc HiPhiiipo.-.ed | dt'.id body she vva *
o'.erjoycd loiind tlint her hi bo was Indeed
nllva Clio child had , with I s own linuds , re
moved Iho coins titini Its eyodds. where they
had bucn placed at the tlmo nf iti
di-alh. I'iio little. snlTcicr U rapidly Improv-
( HIT. and IIUJH-H nro now entertained ( or IU
ciiiiipleto UTovery.
loxva licniB.
Doonn is' lltfl'ti-d ' with electricity.
All school chUdicn In FuitDndgo must bo
A hairel factory bus bcun ndded to the In-
ilustiitM of Diivenpoit.
An oveidosp of whisky klllr-d Chas. Hassell
In the Iowa City jull la-t WCUK.
The water works at Miisculluc , owned by a
private cuiui'aii.t , will iiu puicnu.sfd by ihu
1'clcr IJynn , the murderer of China Keener
aKV.IIU , LaMiiountyassunt upior twenty
ji'iii. < .
Tliivu thousand lowaus , natives of Ohio ,
.started on an excursion to tnuir o.d bumcs week.
Tin- total aw-wiil valuation of properly In
Cedar I'apid-t is .libj.ii > ) , uu uicieasu of
bI.ii.MM ) over last year.
The ulc liii ! light company at tes ) Molue.s
hns ; , ! ( > , ) hunts in lliu city , nndii torcuof
t'lfjlit men rmttlii } ; in more every day.
The coat of riinnlu tlio eiindnul courts of
bcotl county lor tiiojuar ending dupumib T
: o , iiuiouiiicd to { ! i'iii > .uii. Thuru wcro
Cities in eastern Iowa which hnvo tried it
declaii ) the lower oysU'in oi uicctric
li/litinir is noood ( and advise thut lamps bo
tiling low In liiu.stieut.
A clay bank on Wall and Seventh streets ,
.Siniu nt ) , caved in und buiitil inieu elu.-
dr"ii lilu.Miii ; near il. Tuey wcio u.Uriu.ucd
alive llunijjh severely unused.
Iritvvu'uco Doiiuvuii , a numur living near
O.MOld , .llMIIMIIl eullllt } , WllltU illlUXICUlUl ,
laid down on tlie tiac.i to nloep , was
inn over by a tiaiu and instantly killed. I
A coipuration been lorniexl ut West
Blanch , I'cilai couiiiy , HI bu known us the
' CoiiMilidiiti'il FiiucK-is , ' liiivin ; ; lor iu ob-
jicl Hie Inealiiif ; oi tiiuioiiglibrcd poultry.
A little son olW.W. Allen , of Wuteiloo ,
wu * > b.uii } MMldi'ii on inu IIL-UU und bhuiiidura
I by Having tuu boning COUIONIM ut u teapot
upset on nun. Hu wilt piobubly live , uut his
lu-u will bo badly waned.
Dr. and MrKiiioiy , of the First M. E.
chinch , Ucs .Uoiuc.s , culcui.uud tnuir suver
wi-mliiif , ' rridity evening. An t'lu unt ina- , > cuso nliixl wiiu uibluwuto was pie-
rciiifd by the cougiugiition.
Work luia b. un Itfgun on Ihe new soldiers *
monument ut 1) liwinlij cii-ciud in
the eoui L IIIHIS tiiuu | by lliu MI diurs mV \ n-
lli'.sliicKionul.i iu a ruslul o > iU U. ills juo-
poaud to mi soil tlie monument on Uj.u io -
oratiou 1'iiy.
lov. ! ah i man is in receipt of this autograph
si iiauue oi his imperial nuijoaty iiiuuiiipuixr
ot .tai'.in. Ills written upon tuu niiLbi-siik ,
Koivcmis.A illuminated wilu gold upon a cur-
diuul iiil IracKt iuund ul iinuMiii. t'liuuiiui'
} irapli ia u eoumbuiion lo thu collec
tion now In thu etutu library atllus Mollies ,
NMIITO it Wni Uj on exhibit ion.
"The I'uluro buitc is a llvo topic with M' & - <
politician : ? iitul pu-.iJidi.s ut lliu lower nan uf
WaUirtowii is iho only town In the leir-
tory Hint voted for pioliibitiuii. It la vvnit , y
III thu nline.
/1'ho new pork packing bouse at Gran I
I'oi KS l-xpje.1- Id. . iti'M Ilun3 u , , > d
win or bi.-usun.
Tne Cat-uuii a mine distiibiitcs tli nioti h
8u ; , ( X ) iu dividendllio , piuceuds ol i..w wis-
tobi'r clean-up.
It is estimated that , ' .OOJ,103 bushels of this
; .ei'b giain uiup u.ic.idy been UKunout
oi innliieui i ai.oia.
Tour of thu fanners ol St. George , I/iMoina ;
CO.uity , ll.tvi ) oilu 10 A'inv luiu i./BI/O.H ! Uli )
winter iu nciuriii < wivua.
A. Vogul , ot Marion , bus mlscd IWlmsh'-ls
ot inniiisiiom | i. riivu CUIIH wurllioi ct'd.
Ui , . : u ( mu tiiniip- , .iii.'H ni'u t t\v \ ntyno a..a
oin-halt iiichi in ciruuuiit'iuiicc.
Tliu most , dlllieult of tliu Klack Hills branch
ot uiuJUhhoin Vullu ro.ul ii iu Ihovii I'lit * f
Cnujcnne rivur. Thu nviil camio bu p i ol
vvitn a [ iilo l > r.dgo us ( I\IHK to d. M y
ciiiiiitcUi ol thu liver bed piles ciinnnl KJ
ill I veil. Thu bridgu vvll be lie.--tin VMir * , a id
iiboul M)0 ) iccl in luiiKlh. lusconstiuciioo h
no small uiulenul.ini : . Tuu luiiiiiiiusof mu
truck is no.v abtiut MX miles limn the r.V 'i1.
Tliu ienunder ul Lie disiauue cal M 'or
almost coiitiiuiuus uliing , heiicu prugicss Will
Ou very mow.
Tno YnnkUin Press of Saturday wnys ;
"iseiinlor .Miindcr.-oii duparted mini VaiiKton
on hiMbonili U.utoia liip tnis nioining , anrr
a day and two evunings d , VJHM ! Iu Inter
views with our people upon tliu subject of
Hlatchond lor Mouth Dakota. He wus even
nioro iiiiuly convinced ill in b.noru of tuo
jiittlcu ol our e.uisn. Hu bus irather d m my
lads which will bu iisuiul tuhlin in idsudvii-
cacy of htuUiliood and will nsn them to Iho
bu-i ellucl. Thu .senator H of tliu opinion
Hint DaUuUi'n admission will be niiiile n
political ihsiiu in coiiKrebS and thai il will
u , come an Important mihject buloro that
body. Hi ) will conldr with lliu peopluot the
variotiM citlc.s of boutli Dakota during lib
lour. " r '
HN1IH/K until your hitml
peunin n-tul > to lly oil : .un
til your iioiinnl nyvi M-
I'tltlflf" tACU > < itU | IIIIIIIlll-
lies of ililu. liTllulliiK',1 wu-
leiy milI , ; until your howl
ni'liui. inoiitli uml Iliiniit
iiliiMl.iiiid lilnoil m lover Tliirt In mi AUDIO
Ciiiiiirli. nml IH liHliiinljr
lolim'cd by u hliiK' ' " ilo o ,
nml piiriiiHnuully uuntil liy
nun liolllii nl B NttiilliH llvnictl , C'UIIK Mm
i ; \i\iinil. '
Coniplcto Taatment wilh Inhaler , SliOO.
Onu liotilu Ibiiliciil Cine , OIID in > \ CiUuin'ud
Polvi'iil. ' innl one Impi ovul Inlinlor , In onu piick-
ni.ri' , limy now bo IIHI ! ol nil Umw'tl loril.OJ.
A h lor HVM.IIIIII d It MIICAI , ( UuiK.
"llio only iiliMilolij HI pcillo u know of. "
IMeil. 'I'linei , ' "I'liu lie. < l wo luivo loiilld III u lilu-
Inn , , nl aiiilcrliiir. " litov. Dr. W'Unin. lloftioii.
AlliT n lon clniirMlo wlili Cm null , tlio lUiil-
CAi.riiin : lnweoiiiiierml.llnv. | | . 8 W. Miiiirnu.
l 'umliiiu'li. I'll. "I liiitonnl toillul u cilnu Unit
u iiul mil lellov'Dut onuu. " tAuilruw I.ou , Mun-
Potter Dtu and Chemical Co. , Boston.
llnVVS VDI'll HIIK1TMATI// a iiirihllon |
tliut uppDiilM In < iiur > lorlHiiiU xlitllniol Illiinl-
. ulioliuU ill ) ouliilHiy iilai-
Ilirxllllll InilllKilllnpimi lIllMIIOIIlllO ) ' ! !
Illiu 'I'd Hiiuli Hie ( inn IMU A.sfi-
Inllliii ; wiiiiiHi ol ieln < r , IniiilHliliiir
iliniiiiiHllu. niMiiid'K.inille. . nuilileii ,
bli'o-o uml IK rvuiiD pu MM IIH i > > niiu'lo. t\uw ,
( jriKlmilf Hpi fUy , hinu Al IIIIIIIJI-IM. | .c | livu
t-iT onu ilulliir. iniiiluil Iruo. I'UULU Uuuu A
I limn < l. Co lo ! > < ioii.
t °
laoyal Havana/ Lottery
Oravtn at Havana , Cuba , Every 10 to H Dayi ,
Tnkuulii Flfllis. VVIioloD , $ J. Prucilmi * pro
bulijoct to no manipulation , not controlUxl t > r
lliu iMirlipH In uneiiU ! ! IK tlio lubi .i ililinrln
tlie riutiirnor clniiH.6 Iu i-xl-ipm-f.
l-.r tlulcum u.iply lo .SIIII' KV & ( . . l-'M
llro.tilwuy. N. V. i | , y ; il.ornVdiiii ;
tivut Kauiusc'ily tlu.