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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1885)
. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , NOVEMBER 10. 1885. Kl'EOIAL .NOTICES. MnenM under this nefld lOeciltspor t Hi c I or the Orst Iti'ertlon. nnd 7 cents for c-noli ! f utfcqnctit Inrortioh. Seven wotils wl I l > o count ed tolhollnoj they uiunt run conwcutlvoly anil n.ubl , be paid In lulvuuce. All advertisement. ! 1 n vhV tt i.MHiitl In litooio 2 o'clock p. m. , niul t titi'.1-1 nu ( iicuiuMiiiieiM win they IKI tuken or Gin-oi.llnlicxi lir tiilepliotic. J nnliHndvcrtHlnirln theio columns nml bar Inn H'Unmweis ' fiddtoc < l In euro of UKR , wil t K red ii tit for clieeK to enable them to K t their hum , us noun wtll bo ( lehverod except on j rfc enlBtlon > { check. All nm wor to mlvor- lift nieitlB should lie enclosed lu envelopes. CO 1OA2T-UOHEY. Tl | ONICY TO LOAN on foul eslntn In nnv JL'J amuuiit by ilullou Ilr. s , ! H7 A ! ntn nt. 9A id MM ) LOAN 11.1(10 ( to fiO.OJO Unproved ] ! < per J ty. AMM , IM)7 ) I'lirmitn. Buiii ) MOSI'.Y for overjlKHlyl You ran borrow nmroy on luiul , lorfca. wifons , plnno , It'iik ' of all kliulK , ( llninonds nnd duo Wife o on your own llfnf > . 1 ii ) mould lemived n nny liino , und lnim-t reduced pro ruin , i'reperty iMt In jcur bwn posfosflon. lerms low rulnr lovrnt. < all r' d try u o Hilne i < smlii.cntlnl. Nond\iiiitiirolnkbti. W. lt.iint , ItMim 1 , \ \ I huoll ft New IlulldliiRi Northcnut eor > t.ef Ittli nu l llarncy. Ml > O I.OAV Ono or two thousand dollar * lm > n ntctllntclr ' < ) r 1 or jearii. W. 11. ( Ireon , Wtli and Faniiuu. 1W TT ) NEl ( olonnon leal e tate Wjcurtty. N > 111 comtnlMlon ohiiiiio-l. C. K. Mnvtio. liilh an I I'nnmm. ( < " Nov. si MONiv : Tnlimn. The Otnnhn ITliouclal Kx > flmtntn , I.Vet I'nrnuui HI root , up-htalrs.mnkej lofltuon all eliis ios'ot cieurlty Irom altcnnt * ti-l limn to IIO.UWou i-oalcsinio. Wo tnnko loans insult nil nppllcnnlA on lou or nhorl tlmo on Improved real e tnto , land contract * , louses , liutlilliiRBOn Iciifod hind..secured tiolos , counter. iiW. chattel * , or irooilHcciirlty of nnirklHil. Ixiw rftcs ! cn y terms. Omnlm Financial lixehnmrn , ItUll'nnirm street , up stairs. , W.1- f ONUY LOANKIl Ilotnla , l.lth and nouiiliis. 6.Snov.'o | ONKY TO r.OA V-O. F. Davis A ; Co. llual M KMato nnd Ixjun nifontn , IMM Kurnnm St. TO I/AN On ( rood Rorurltloi. A - 1 McQtirock , room 7 Itodluk Ulock , LjoU I'arniim El. JI77 _ _ TXTONI'.VIO LOAN Oil chnttels. Wootey A Jlf Harrison , room 'M , ( Jmnhu National hunk tulldluit. B" * _ _ _ _ _ : TO LOAN on reiJcsUito ami cimt- MONIY tola. I ) . ! > . Tlio in in. CuO T\ONKY I.OAVF.O-On cliHttcU , .I'l It tlekou boutrht uild bOlU. A. l.'ormnn. U fKitliHU ' 651 M ON ICY TO LOAN In sums of gSOOnuil up on flrct-clnsa real estulo bccitrity. , IjlD Kaiuuni bt. f& ! T\TONIY I.OANKI > nt c. V. iteciKV Co-s. oflico , on furniture , plimos , IIOI-SIH. j'crfomil property of till kludu nii'l nil other nr- < lcl ( < Kor VHlno , without reinovnl. Ovnr 1st Nnt'l Hank , corner HHIi und Farimin. All bunmoss mlctly couUi'rciital. " 6W _ _ _ EEAI , ESTATE. \V. . ) OIINSON , hold K-lato AKCIU. over f MrclNutiona ) hank , oUci-s lor BHO | li > tsln i e cut KiOAlnurpariHot'OiMiiIiiiand I'no ' i' , v i orMiiiO wurAura. fcomo llousts lor tout. GIJHMIY * OOAKK Itoal Kstalo Afronts. 3. - W. utir. tfith mul UoiiHliis. tire now oilcrhu li r tnlo bl.tlnciio lilonco und Mibiirh.m prop erty. Fomwof the mosi nuvimtujtiMiiia banrHlas now In thu murkot ritn liu obtulncd tiy calling on Impioved nnd iinlmprovnd property , cxirnur kitn und du-lrnblu .sites In t o best to- cntrd nilditlnns can bu hnd at i-onbounblo prlcos und easy terms. Knovl. ' ! THINIC Improved fiirms.wlll triulo ( or improved C city pruuurty. W. II. Qrooii , ever Isi Nu- tloiiul Ilunk. _ _ _ _ _ I5 ? _ JJCSIZrCOS CHAMCE3. Ppo r < illFioi'Cl of ultliln the next CO days , an J L-Htnbllslied bankhiK bimlncss in county Boat In nno ot itio best etiAtorn count os In tlio state ; or nould Incorporate and tika | n portion of the Btocb. C. K. Muync , l.illi and Fiirnum. i'W ' * TJ iK HAl.U-Onoof the bnst io taurnnta In 'hoclty. chcup ; torii.a to suit purchusor. K,0ity. J.ll-lJ 'K Sill' ' proiorty nt tiKrcnt Imtwiln ; luiiriiiid Com ) mill with w > od wriiln flovt t-iriniu o 'Ifcd. nowdfiin very deilrablo liUB'nivHdt ' a pro-iuions. | rilhoad town In oiwt- irn Nol nuiKiv ; lmanli o truck rnnnlim- mill ; lnr o never la bug Hiilor power ; boat ol tur- rouinllmr eoi utry und no compotinK mlllH neiir ; utixcpllod | as a cunileto ( | lour run mill and ulo- valor. HnsilUo'n lni'i'u fiirjilnk of power , no can IHJ roadlliiilnrf.o I by adding tolls or other machinery. AUdrosa Lock llox Md , Omnhii. Neb. IfOKS M : ValuRblo hotel piopcrly In n Uvo Noiiinska town , oolntr a food b.sino.-H'r ) rooms all In KOOI ! Bin po ; xutisfiKtory icuson M1 on loiolllm : I a m ui to null | .uiclm fr ; Uldn.'xs IKU lll.K oiling , Neb. I5-I-17 FOKKAI.K I ha\o"onoor Iho uioiit vuluablo pii'cntfslu conoiclloii wlib pliiKlo hiirno-3 ci I vunted ; w.ll . ebll all but piolor to xeli hull ! ntuto t , MI n to jrot nu n > ' ailllU-U'iltto in ry oinlio In B n- . I , . C. Jicjers , Itoom 4 , 1 edick'tt 11 , ck , Ui. i h i. Nub. l.'U IrOKSAM'--.CheRp. : < ip icusonnbloterma.con- Itctloucry nnil oj-tot parlor , lor Pith nnd Crpltoluvc : luiultiiie in d tlxtuieanll bran new xvlibliiislnc'sa ' well caiiil l.hiiod. 1 1 ] ? ioic Hnuil.l Mock ol drURS and modi clnei-n-id toilet m llelcs lor t-alo nt a bur- Kuin. Will Invnlio $ < ! > ) . lloxcd f thlpiucnt. J A lloeoor , iti-J N PJlJi mi not. btl AKAIli : CIIANCH-Tho pioprlolors of the Metropolitan UcHiaurHiit. XII S. luili Bt , I o- In ) ; about toopun the now Windsor llotul , oiler Im restaurant together with loiuo ol the build- iiglorinlo. This Is mi excellent opportunity - pnrtloi. Apply at the rosliiiinuu. 774 'OKIINUNAI "Hw llioio Duplex III riior * J. < c at Mcoi'y'H china bloio.U i N lull i lie r for Iho mono ) . 17It ) plCltNrlNAI Wntitod to Pnnw the whore- .L iilouttiof J. M. iiiiwnmn.I iujf In O niiliu or Coi m II l.lutlB. Ci.ll nt Hull Anton fcoi Kup. SiK.-U * BOAEDIUO. MIllM niid'brtiird , JUpor week ; very best lo- * cation. 1814 DuvimportHt. liUuovIS * CTOVB UEPAIED. nTlIK W. C..Mot/iiirStovo UepiilrCoTui SouTu - II41h8t , between lloihjo uud lous-hn. -rouiro. V I'l'-Kod COW with whim nput on fori'lioad ; Mini lionit. li)17 ) Wobinur. iililu' I'.N lll'-lly the under-Uued , H hliiek ' iniilo pltf. Owner mn huvo Hilnn by pn > lnir ( ' ( ' .irttes und provltur pinpcrty. Mr > i. Mon-li , DrouuBl. nuiirtjtieietl llcuii CoiiMuit. buidci * / , ' ll' OS'I'Mln > ll'.a ' , " MI in. .mini aumuoTim J.Ai.e lUth , The llndur w.ll Uun'o nt 1'lul J ' rt ! > to n e IK" and I Hi. and clulni ruwuril , Mib. Ooo. A , McCoy. II I'-ll ' * Hlw. .IAMIM lll'ltvs , pmio-alonal nuo , 11113 HI mivcd to ' , Vl h. r.ih bt. lfi'-i ' Onuha ' , reter. nces. tuil-su * VTU r6t lvol ) . , nnd JLx l..dei lor.6 . Ho.x 117 Utcoolii i\oirasKU , Br iM plveti throuch the noted i > . . il lciemlemtiltitiiwritln | < r mei I im.l. ( I. Mm- , iibttlstcil by Minium Schubert , 7ort a lUtli et , INSi-itl'Oil N rlveti In ntt ( imbroldory In prUntiiorcliuto * lormed : ul o oiilinti tiikun for all klnila of taucy ivurk for Iho holiday * . ivuirimmm el. KUI-ll' noilSKTAYI-Ml.N tlooilwuria burn , jrond man In rhnrvo ) cmi mUo : i or 4 horMtsto vlutor , J W JluiKhulLnu H ykl. wi-H TLrvYpnS'S Klro Klndlors. vrhaloMilo mid ro- JLl.'tallatJ.MoVitllod llth and rrirnuui. 01) nil . Y > U1VV VAULTS , bints , DonspooU doanedt X entirely odoilc-a wuy. U. Iswlnir Ad- clrefi turouuh ( to.iloiHrc. ' 4 ) norl8 * CltAVON 1-uplll taught tiinr toniuku crnyoii porlralia , A IHo-nlMi pop. tiult from any photo pupil muy dutliii Kiven tivo wrllh , t'trni of louiiiu. Colwull k tXioko , ' 'erLUis , lUwm W , Arllnxtou lllook , west of I' , o. ( 277novl4 ' , * _ _ _ _ A I.WAYH ofl hana at bartnUn , No. I soooiij J.X hand MrrlnVo plnttitona neil sldo-bur bug- . * gifs , t A. J , timipooii.'HW und 1111 Ihxlifu du ' 'T AllIKH in 'wunt of irond domofltlo help can JLJ IKI vuppllul by cullmir on the Oiuuhu T.m. Sloyiiioiu Diiit : > , yi7N. lUth Bt. , uji-stulrs. Mn. . W , Murriboii pmpriotor. fi4 IICVY | vault * niul ceu i > nriU olcumxl In on cxlurlitiuj - by if , U. Abt 1 , 1' . U. llox UT.N Vu XOJt " 1/nn.SAI.K Ono niuilro lmm > tiurher "Fplo'i- J. ihl" Mote , mid ono 8 unto "Hub Hoji'l" ' luth Imnd-o no pailor ftme ; only mod ono v Inter ami nrn ns KO id ns low : Inivlti' a fur- la o how Hu'c p ovi < are or no i > lo mo ; tii cos } JS nnd f 0 pi-cthMlr wl-i 7ltiti bonrd Inrt-nc'i ' : oo t new lii-t } 11J. Can bo o n n. ZJir. . Wftwier st. . ; r.7-i7 inoit 1 svi.r i letter cnpymir prws. Innulrci HI C .1. M6mor' livery Malilu. 7 14 * 'ITIOIt SAI.i : Cheap , fi-nilturo complete of a -L leu mom lion o. Ktillalilrt for roomers iinil lionr.ier-i. V'i ! ' blmk- from I' 0. Ale , hoiiso lor rent , luquhn 111J ! st. iJOJ-14' _ J 71 lit SA 1. 1' Kino enrrinvo ntihual Ht a bar- - Bttln. J W Marthiill , IM } I'arnnni. W U | > OK AI.i : ForVT ) . n fecond-hnnd ClilNon J tuinniu.iiiiaiu.od to I out live u"io IIH. ANo , for FI.IO n lift pump lor cistern. Apply 1IJ7 Jones ureet. I M * 'ITIOIt weather strips , sto rm cash und IOOM , K < > JL1 to K 1) . Mead , a/J a. IGth st. WJ MtAT : Solllnir mnn nt pnt-klnir hou o prlccn loreashljJllliWiiiilstOJrl4lh. ; | Krcd 'Mm- iiitr , I poll HA l.K Furniture ompleto of a ten- room bouse , ' { block from po lo'lleo. Ilom-n lor rent , * lipor month. Apply nl.lii ) 1/OdRO bt , 1 J SAM ! Two lots in relhnm I'luco , ono Foil block fiom street cur truck. ImiulroiiMd. IMh street. ' poll OAI.K Or would trade for n prood horse I 1 mid biuriry , w ) nercH lu OospCr county. Av | | iy | to-JIH South lath Btruct. KM WAIITED mntAXE irnr.r. \\7-ANTin-A : youiKf Indy to ttavcl with n ' > contlcmiin. llu luo s prolltablo. Cfrres- potiilemo coulldentlnl. AildioM O. 0. Howe. Omaha-Nob , .i'KM4' ' \\rANTiTli A nrat youtiRRlrl to n lt with > tiouso oik and caiu lor child , 010 N. IMh St. ; J-10 * \Af.VNTi-niil | ; lor poi-cral houework VV Mm. . ) . ll. Kvans , N.W. Cor. Ornnt nnd I'hil- Rherldau stu. UJH-lfl * WANTUli-An ovror'onced lady slen- ouriiphor nnd typowriiervlllinir to worlt ii-ul tuitions to plcn-o dosihes u poslilou. Ad- SI llcoonico. 110-14' , HIMNTil > ( Jlrl flr ) penoril hoiiFoworV , din- Inn nv m a d cliiltiuor wolcull 1U.0 r.iiiiain VTrANTP.ii i eaipenters : Inulre nt rTllinml > \\ob > tcr , nt 1' . 1.1 ieo..ou s. .Cit-l.i' . WAVTii > need plrls lor ( roncral liono- \\oik.llrsliiiiJFecoiiil l-'lils ; phiio Klvon lORlrNfreoof cluiririi Cull al 111 .IMh st.cor. fiipltiil uvo . Ctouti'-o Illoclc. llooin 4. Nebraska llinpliiymont Affoney. - IVAN'TUlTNoa ! K\\ \ \ I lor laundry mi'1 ' n'uuu- ' > birwoik : nKo ono to wait on t b o lor loaid.luS. . llthflt. n.o iu WANTii : > A 'omi > etent person toUhoiffv work ; to.eiouccs roiiilicd ] ; call nt fiOl 8 'Oth. & _ \\7A\T'I , | ) A jrood , rollnhlo for\nnt. Mrs. It. C. I'litlorsoii , I8i Chlungo fit , U _ " \\7ANTKI > n\perlonccd mldille-ancd Indy V > iitirso. Call lit once. HH Webster.iU WANTIIO Twenty ynnnor Indies to lenrn Khorthnnd at oneo Positions olitalm d lor Krndnnios. 1'rof. NowlovoH Sliorllmnd Itistl- into , Itnoins in nnd II. Aillnglun blocli. l.'ill DodKO 8trectmuliil. JJ71I-H' Oormnn or American Bill for trenenil hotiso nork : must bo Bond cook , niist'cr ' nnd Iioncr ; good x\uscs. Mrs. II S. Smith , fill N 1'Jih si. 831 _ " \\TANTKO-nir forccnorul housowork. .119 South l&tli t. _ _ _ _ _ WANTIMM.ndynjiMilsto ell'fl automat- lu rnir mi o ilnn In the city nl Oniiihn , mul hi every town and city In Nebraska or western Iowa ; cull or nddtoaSO W IJakor , 15tU Knrnam BI reot , Om all 11. SH-1 5 l"ANTICIl I poo.l cook nnd otto dlnlnjr-roora > girl. Imiuiro UXi SllthsU DM \T"ANTii : > Good , smart , uetlvo wo-nan to do ' chainbor uorlc ; wit'O" tl B i'X. Apply atU12 DoUKlas at , between Iho houraul H mul-i Oood dlnlnir room Rir'a nnd Rhl uoncral housework , hotel , kltcnon , o.c. ; call 112u Furniiui btrcct , up btuirs. IU ANTEI > A neat young ffJri to assist with buby. wa 8. * th St. ' TW \\rANTKli Ijidtes tocarn $7 to lt weekly nt i i tbutr homes lu city or country , fomo KmiwJedKQOl ciochot Ktid fnncy uoilt roquhod. ttiadywork. Goods'M-nt by mail. Send ire lor Hiiiuplo and postage. Ulna Silk Woiks , In3V. \ . lilh St. , Now York. BJlii25 * WANTKD A plrl about II j ears old ns nnrso- Apply NWcx > r Vlrfbllu Ave and Orant bt 41UV W \V'AKTED-IrIAI.E HELP. WANTIID HO men nnd iti team ! ) at Pre cot. In. ToutiiR KUSul-Ofiqoil bliitlon work nt Hi and 17 per > arcl , 'IraiiHportatlon Irco both wiivs over Iho C. 1) . S ; Q. Cull lli'U 1'nrmim St. , will ship Monday. U72 \TANTHI ) A jouns man , nlso lady ifor > i iiiurklnjf linen , afCiiybicninLnuaury. " WANTlHi rolloclor for olfv o illootlmr. ItuloiojuL's icnidliuj. Adilns- . IM. Ilt'O ollco. a.011 * WANTKD A yotiDK ninii to work In tin t-hop nnd toid | to hanwaristoru. | Ooinuin prolercd , must huvo jjood rcloron o by U. O. l.imdt. lllairNob. ; ttvlil PANTKO A man to drive delivery iiin s. WAXTKI ) Twenty younsr men to learn bhorthnnd nt onoo. I'ositiinn K'llncd lor Krnduntes. I'm I' . Nowlovo'H bhoitlmnd Iiisll- nile , llooms lu and 11 , Arlington Dloek , 1511 Uoduo Bt. .Omaha. U.ti-14 * ANTii : > All liilcllliront boy with a ( rood hoi-HO to carry a louto on the livonhur HLU. , \NTHII A lioolT keeper for " holesalo lloiixe , Ull.tones Bt. IM-M W ANTIJP Sa'esuuin : wood loforencos 10- lioil. Ajiplv to West & Fiitsohor , No , IlUNoitn Mill st. Ml'U W ANTio--AifOntR. : Addrens Klectrlo Lamp and Stove Co. , St. Ijuil.Mo. . . lor circular , out mul ternmol'Ul candle power Marsh Kluctrlo Lump. li ; ! WANTKD Men mid women to sturt H new bui-liiei-ti nt tholr lioino ? . eat-lly Icarnod In an honi ; no piMlflllny : loo. lor " 1 Himiplo-i nnd tl I'lukiiKonf miucriid to commence work on. Ad- dicss American Bupjily Co. Albany , N. V. titoiuieinpliur. Iloi C33 , Omaha. Ai.t-.NTM Hi.'llliiR : Henm wuslior iiinlio liljr money J. Worth , Hole Mnniifno- tmer. St. Louis , Mo. B1TUATIOUS V/A1TTED. \\rANTii : > -l'iii > lilnii by dryKondu clerk In i i Omaha or vicinity. , , A. N , , " Dee ollice a S-10 * WANTKO Sltnntlon by u man cool , with ox- poilenco , good rcleionccs. AddiessA " 1 , lleo Ollico. UI7-lb " \\/'A vruiir Hv n VOUIIK mon , a lost Ion in i i store ; oor ciuoiln bt rDicrpiicu- . X , \ . , CUIBOII , lowu. iil \\7ANTKli-lly Kcnileman ami wife boanl i i and room for Iho whnur In prlvaiu family , iiinr bii-lnoHH coiitcr , Kofiuoncus. Audioia , K , T."l oiolllco , " HU.VIU * " \WANTiil , : Arriuli / ale of one of In e cast. ii eiti collcgtis would Ilioouoor twoirivuto | pupln | lor ubout two hoiird per ilay. A. \\TANTiii-l : > nrtncr with about fMO > i wbloh will bu secured and repaid within t months ; (7&uwecU cluar uioucy. Aililriw * , A , S ) , lleootlu * Ufl7-17 iid floor In slnulo lirlck build AdJronS A ' ! , lloo Ollloo. rANTKU-Afnmlly Udulotit a Rinall jrlrj , 10 yuamolU. AUtlru 4 A It , lieo ofllcu. ) To livarn pine bind of truilo by young limn liuvtnif ouu icar'u nxpeiloiico us tinner ; n-niina DO object. B , 1' , ( hurln. SJ1B JolnitonHlreyt.flty. S&-W _ " \ \ 'ANTI5lnI'mnnii to learn brokkcoplnct 1 1 puy whou u't gituatlons. lii. 1'urnum. J , II. Pmlth. -Xti-H * _ \I'ANTKIi-Ijuile8 to c ili iiud oo the work ii ilonti by Con's aiilonmtla run iimchlnn at ' U W ItuUer , lunuit iti-pl " \ \ r.VNTim TII buy hout.0 und lot raluod from ii i oto fl W ) UK > H monthly puynicnu. A. i , llixj Oflico. \M \ IIrANTKliTwiua. . T.Murrar. II Kt IAtiir.STrNhlnT for rood plrl forpencnil * hmtfowork o.m feeuro them t > yI'ldllturnt t'it ' iNi-lirnkn 1'inployitit'tir Agency , i/iriro tininberof irirNnt otllco constantly. Call m Hi lljill ! > . , CrOllllKC IIIOCK. Kit ' TolTchanir ? WAN'TKD ' ' ( rood nctivo , i'nwt1Vtiirimti'6r | millet P. II. S.OOtc iV Co. . 1516 DoilKO st , 060 rOB KtNT-HOtlBSs AMD TWIt ItKNT-Coltnpo on ! tli niul Hurt , ft JL1 roomo , Jin per month. Alsucounvoon inll- Ifirnlit Hixlx-Al . .7riioini. * * 0 per nioiilh , t lit U t 'oroiijih ' ro | n r. liuinno of A. \\nkulj , o\i-r I'lrst Niinoiiiil rpi > MJAir. Improve I r. nno trnct v Ih JL liotno or 4 rooms irncxl lurire t elliir Itiiu ell , \vlililn t in lies of I'ott Oillw. Inqulroot < lo < cp.i Mlclisl , mnll cnrrlrr. 870 Foil IJKVT Iloiiioor 4 nioui'on ' 'nil ntul Tl r'l streets In.ul.o at O.I.DJ of St i uul li mlii r Yiini. a.i-il * ll HUNT IIoii o , Ch'oiiro pt. . between I 1 Htli unit lulli. Juiiu Swi.i , cor. Cnlcnirii itn.l * 1j"OH ICKNT Snmll I rck ! ere , 410'i ' S lOtli st , . noili lluwiinl , B. l .iiiKin. -M -171OU ItKNT-IIoii'o nt S.-iliiTlnvontiort M.6 ; A. rooms anil kltcnen , well nml cMtero. 17 till HUNT A pplenilfd cell ngt > , coiner. nn < t front , linll block Ho n tuileiir lliii-.onoblnuk l.oui piivud Htrenl. . ' . " > pur inoiitli ; tilso. u oplon- d < l nloro.'J.'x.V ) . im puvuabtrcetJO per montlt. lorns & Milliner. SO-17 _ inoil IIIIXTOtiFtrcct cur I'no eor. 1Mb tin 1 J I'aid. now T room liouse. Al eonVonK'iici's Ton 1 1. i n.oclornto. InqnlruK. ri-ivrson. .JW-l.s" intiii IINT ( iiou o imlomrlnir to tiio"i"5i 'to J ? of.lndRO UlmJuioU- I'uik nxonuc.V.I. . Connoll. S1 < 1 " _ yioil KI-.vr-Hon onit > omHS15ror SWli anil .lolmsdti s'r el , one tilnck li-om sticet cur. JwOpor inoolli. .i ' < I rcli-rmoos ruiiinieil : cull i n iiioiulsc * or nt-F onilij- : > , not DoiiKli's ' ntrcot A.Tiickof. UI.-M TR'iMt KKNT-Sovernlcotliiirei , $11 lo $ JU per JL1 month.Vtirrcn bwlulor , alllo lllh st. ' < > T Foil IU'.NT-Orf > iilo , liovi'diinil lolon Sownnl , 0 hloeksM < st ol toil car line , coniumliiir i liny wlnJoiv , trell mill c 'turn , o > o ; runt ltd per month ; price , $ IVM , IMI-.V toinifl. In. guild A. O. I'otci-HOii , . - I'lill SliL-tnliinM. 1. * 7 011 ItKXT A ftoro ino'ii with troo.l eolltir. JL1 lOjUUurtalicot. Apply to Jj 1 1 Jl I a i KiXT : A Ill-room hoiiroon .laoUson bt , 1 between I'tli unil luth. Apply no.vt poor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 177 FOIt 1IKXT Tvotory ntoro ImtMlnv ( volt ititiiplcil lor "tiloun unit tiimrilinif ImiMd. or liny other tnisliiojs. InipJlia on ptcmlKO * . Idll FOK ItKVT On Ctpl ol Illll.mttaroU rooms \vit1iur\vlUioiit Uuro ; ImiulroHI Ciilto Avenue. S.n "TT OIl ISICNT Two of tlio most romforlatilo -I | IOIIM < S in tlio city , h rooms ci.ou . : liutli mom , ct-lliir. tlo ota , UIIM , city wilier , till inoilurii Ini- ptovcmontR. Inunlio N W tornur or : 'M mul Hurt 1' 0. Cooler. MIS f0ll KiNT-Smblonenr hi.It school. Tour I' htnllffnoil loom lur t-iirrlagoa niul Imv. . Apply to lieo.-l * . liuinU. HO. ) IflOK UiXT - : ) room IIOIIRH near cor. Oth ami 1 DoilKO. SI. T. Mill-tin. Dill H. J5lli st. U'il FOIt IU2VT ( ionil fi room lirlck cnttno ; city wntc'r : Ini ( ro ) mil. till imU Hickory BIS. S-V-lo * F ( III HUNT Sow IIOIKO II rooms , Ono of licst limit lionsus In Omaliu , ± 'ml bolwepii Cumins nml I/mil , Ji" > . ( ottiiKu : l rooni's , L'Mh near Dnujrlas. f 3. Tuo tiont olllcos Ecconil story llurkor lock ICth unit I'iinmni. T o largo 1001113 hi city hall building 10th and rnriium. ( Ineor Iwo stnnll Ptoro momson liUh fit near rnrnam In City Hull Imllilln ill bu ntruiihe < l to suit renter. C. E. Maynu , lJUl uuJ rurmim. _ i55 _ FOK HUNT Two nc > vro < ldencesrt room ? c.nch , cottuiro fi noiiHlOUbo : luiuoms. J. i'hlppi Hop. Goo _ POlt HUNT Two nowBanrtll roomoilliousus ; lormicc. hntli loom ami nil modern com on- s , ono block liom struct cars. Iiuiulro Jo. llurton. ail : atli st. , or SmoltltiifVorUs. . SJJ FOH HUNT Two-story tlwolllnff , 7 rooms ; ( rood locality. Apply Cor. llth uud DoiiKlna. L. T. Taylor. _ 71i _ FOK IlKNT NcwO room house < in Sanmlors btrcot.-uarlor , bu > ' window , oust trout , collar cistern , well , walks , funcus nnd out liouaos : no.i- iHid convonlunl ; $13 per month. J. Eltlloy.Sc Co. . 21i S.'l > ( hstcut. | ' ! ' _ _ ij Oll KKNT-lly J. K. Hlloy to Co. , L'15 South J ? VHIi Ktioot. For Hunt Now 0 room house , cost front , poichei , buy window , bilck cellar , cistern , well , i-oal innl out ho\i > w , Rood walks , lawn , ovory- thltiK'noniploto ; $ IH pur month , Kor Hoot Two now brick hoiisoi , swell frontJ , 7 rooms , closet hit cwch room , ( .pnclnns hull- ways , poichcs , potith 1mm , larso ynrds , out- IIOIISUH und cistern : 14 blocks Iroui tlio flreun cur line ; J.x'7 51 per montli until April , W utter- wiinl.s ; very olionp. Forllont 3 now swell front houses with bny windows on Hides. 10 rooms , CHHt trent , Sliormini Avuiiut ) . all modern conveniences , very Uonlrn- blore.sldcnco property , . l-'or Kent Now 4 niom noitso , pantry , closet , ccllur , south lioitt.irclliitid oiithoitbos ; I * per inoiitli until RiMinir. J. E. llllcy .V Co. , i'13 S. 13th street. _ 1SENT 2ftorosonUth , and Luavonworth I i a. 1 gtord on Pontli Illth st. Ilolh llrst-ehKJ titfl- nous Iccatlons. Also houses to icnt. A. Mcdav- ock. y.1 * _ . , 011 HUNT HOIIPO of 0 rooms. Apply Cor. 1 1 Hth anil Douglas. C. T. Tuylor. 711) _ 11 IlKNT Fovortd < Iwollhifrs. Apply Cor. mil mul Douh'lua. C.T.Tiiylor. "M roa BEST-BOOMS. Fo Itr.N'T i'ino furnished rooms nt N. ' 7th ht. near Hint. 371-17 * r Olt HUNT I'urnUhod rooms , kin S IHth su FOltldiST A Ini-HO fi out room ftirnlshotl with lire. Ilmiiilio at ll 111 Dun et. ! M FOIt : ' - | < > toio and ll.xtures lor sitlo iitid 'ti. lOiliHt. liiimculalo | ion > slim ulvoii. Mini Iront II. II. Murholf Triiulc HUHO , Mlllunl liolil block. lilU-17 * JiAOIt HUNT A cl'cap luiiil.-lcd joom at - hiiiilliwool corner 17th and Huriiey. ! ) lj-lI" ! HUNT I'nrulslicd front pi.rlor. lfJ : ! J Doilao. ai'J-10" ' ' "HlOIt HUNT Double puilord , IbO'J Ohlcaifo hU Trioii KINT : FiiruUhoa room. Kulit Hurney , J.1 ' ' .Til-lrl' 1OII itKNT Nlcoluinlshcdrooms. nUHouth lethnU ! IlKNT WJtli board , nicely furnNicd i I 1 IDOUIS with K'ua and bath , . * & lodioRt. j FOIt Iti\T Two uiifurnlbluiil room * lor Unlit liui'-i.kto.ilin/ llcomur'a blouk.our Klithth Ilo.vutd. Sl'-i i TrToil lI M a nicely lurnUhdl loom * lor Jicntlumeii ( only. 17ud L'aJlliniil.i. ilJ-li * JT loom with board , 1(17 ( Howard. UKNT FurnUhed rooma , SSOlf Dod o. 45 > 11 .iOIt lliwriirut-ihfd looms IJOlt' llnntoy 1 etreot. ' Kil-ll * TIOK IllINT Wlth linanl , larjio trent roo.n , 1 iu8 and bath , lluu Jouojj altu table boa in. F OK itlJN'T l''uriiliho'l Iront loom ; loom with tuilh tvoiu utlucned. 111 N U i.U4' ) | 37101C iCK.VT-Nicely furuUhed rooma. llii ( ; J Dodgo. 1W-I4 * Jj OU IlKNT A nicely furulehfid front room , 1 furoiio or luy uuiillouicn , lllUC'upltol uvw. 1J Oll UUNT A nlculy ftirnlaheil ( rout room < with use of hnfi roum to 0110 or tivo iiuiut Kculloinon. f , " " _ ] , - > OltlliXTr-Ie7irablu ; furnlnhod rr > oni3 for ' minor two prmlomcn ; pten > > iiut legation. Apply to itecu I'rhttliitrCu. , luM ) Hth at. 100 I OU mXY ; PuriiloiiiiU room , IJltf .lucl.M.n , TT OIt IlKNT ! l roomw Mid I'lisoMtent , eor ll'lh J , ' and ftiuth nvoj lu per mouth. McCturuu limn , opposite postotiho , b77 iHIOIl mST-'IVofuriil hoil 'nioiViV , 8 W oor J0th | un. | Dodtre t.t8. Apply to AnJy llorilou. Union Ticket oiheu. WJ j , i 1 I.iOlt . IlKNT furnishedrtiom8 , lthor wth. | ' outbouia , 17UI cupiiol nvd. 1:14 : 1 It HUNT To treiilloinun tiniy , nlcoly fur. nltiliKl iront itxjui at U U COURT Ii < tli uud VJJ IjlOU HUNT Sultoof olllc-o rnotnj , l X1 bliM-U.N. K. cor. IMh Mud DoUtfhiS. Imtuliv t IUIS Howiiul btruut. "iff J FOIt ItKNT-Lnrirp If furnished _ room. FrHIirNT S ti > iMn bo brick tnilldlnir nn llotranl t..J-t iwli nnd I'tll. No 11)16 ) nnt 1GI7. ] i | Ulio rttldhltf store cor. | 8lh si. l i THOU Kr.NTw-A fitce.'pipnxrtnr room , nitni ! i. J3 fd or iinULrnltgJ. lii'iulro-ut 1U.I I.t-nviiiv Ttorlhetreet , w1 < J ' IM ltoiund with lioarxl , de'trahlo for J } cuiainer. Apply ut Ht. Cl.iirlw Hotel , .hi I JTUMl HKNTfurnihci1 | rooms on I'nelflo ttreel , betwcmrHb HIII ! lUth.onu block ptimh of tlm U. I . uotioU 4Ji rod fiAl.lf-HOtJSKr3-I.OT3. mrcut 70x101 , cor . . . . . . - . . . $ 1 4..0 . . 1 oimnwo th yro 't,7iixM..idey ! . 1 ID ) liwlh ) H N.III , iU\ I . ! , . . . . , . I / > ' ll.melKii p.i . rlnce , fiwIiK ) . M . IXI 1-ilik A\o. lotluxlii . 'M'l lit. sn umlri lot * . Wnliitll II H . , ' , lot U iili , ruriinm tt . . . . . . . . Bul ) llou o.i. 10 nu. b.irn ikl ) . V"'M lloiiro. ucio ' ( > : , Sar.uoKa. . ' ' - k' ' Unit a re lot. 8aiiiujm . . . . . rfll ) ] | ou o.rno'iim : lot , Hhlnn's. l . S.i l llou-o rnniliiiro 'J it ISI , Del o st . ttUf.HI liiljhton lo . a"ii ! > J 1'nut cMti-dlvIsioia.pitil' ! ' ts . Oil lliui'O. burn , lot s.ixl.,1. Hrtiiodurs Bt . f-.UHl Houro f > roe IM. lotsJiUU iha . . . . . . l. W lloIihO. bni-iL , Miri'Hiid ) ; I . > . | ltfiJ House and "lots , Wuhi t HIM . 7iJ ) Ho IH > , lOiitlH. KmitlliO ltd Iu7 . l..Md douse : ) rooniH. ' 7 * ) > . . . . . . I. ' ) ' ' ) C-.i o ltrllllnhleai < rolot . troJir , llyaol'ailciiuroloi'i . till 1.5 ! > lO'im luin-u , Him c'o n Pluco tO'.M . / . . . . -J IjO a elegant c-iifit li-onts , " blocks fionl 1'nik uvo . { --'I ' U - ' cast fronts , I'arltnve . . Ol r.leinmt ne v iti.ldencoon Vlrilulanvo . . 7iio > l ( , OMdliou e , liutii , ( mi Int. on ( loorplu uvo. il.'fM ' ( inod I'-i ' story hon o on Ocnivlil nn > . ! . ' , MO lleytiosiilcncolot on Cieoijriiuive , 87 feet iront , east . n.ROO Iliift lot In .Marsh linct . v . S-MiH - lotson l.ou vim worth fit , 70 ft .front , each 1. 4 hi 4iiiieteslor small trult . 4j i' ' filicres , Mc'SliHiio aiib iliv.- ; . , . " .fiMl - lota , ( leoru'la u\o . . . . . . . . . I.1" Jiuero , del 0 tt udd . . . . k . i . ftil ' itiuro , HimoH itfliU. . . HU Itusldenco lot , Heed's 1st odd . tlflm r > ) ft lot , 1 ark nvo . " ,0 i IIoii'o , burn , itcrulot. Woit Oiun'iii ' . 4 , Ml 44 tt lariiiim > t . . . Si.irt ) m it Kiirimm j r . . . . , 's. ' . . . lO'Vi ' Silt rnrniimst . l"0 ' VJ It 1'iii'K Avcmio . i . ! I.'VA ) Jl'.i Amos. Iu7 rnriium st. TjlOU NAl.t : .Tntn H.O miles Irotn the I'o t AOn to , $ xTvi an itcrc. CUniunuuum As llron- nan , IGII Dodso. oll-ll FOIt SAI.U FOIHH lluo cast rroiitu In linns- com 1 I'.ico ut $ ) J. ( jriumtn , Cieipluon lllook. ! HOUSU3 , lots , lands llomls.Dth and Dou'rlus fc'jnov-l.i- ; HOtJMCb , lots , liuiils llcmls , l."ilh and Douplaa & 1.I-.UJI1OV.O l/ou SAfiKPnyiinnrM. . , I'ost loca'lon , Imtru 1 lot. wonilT niom heiiao. b..rn , bplondld u i- ( lenculni ih inn , ' \ > ill in jully'lnii-cai.u In a .0 ; Ss. u.-w u tuy tlii > place uud minor loruilu ion- d llon > ? , ' .UJ . i Ames , l.xi I'livin m. ! ) V ) Foil HAI.i : Lots In SjuildiiiK & Kuhn's sub division , < M-t of llrl l.tne. on mmu.ily p.iy- driil-ii'i ) , CielKtilQii Itlock. ; > .1I 1pJK-\l.i : H'uiHo nnd lot S Itith st Jll" > l Lot * hi Hm 3 om I-hico iO ' otslu I'otiur b bttiillluu ) LtslnlHibcl 4DJ I , i t > In Jeroim ) I'urk . . . . ' . i. 475 Ii HM in Kilby I'liU'O fi fl l.cuti limn ol' irooil l.iud. line s ° ii. | In ens'- oru NoDtnsliator i'.i.UX ) ; this Is a Lawuiu. Easy terms , ' Improved fanubO , ioros , 6i ! miles from poH- oil co. - < Ijuntls to trndii lorcllv pronerty. C'JiMtf Ihunl.n .V flrowii.Ull Sllth street. Poll SAMCiioraiit : ; 1U lomn modern ri/'l- di-iico with burn to inntch , a full lots , Walnut Hill . - , , . . .y ; . : D Sftory houcoI ! lota , Park nvo , 4 SO ) T 10 mi hoii'0burnICuFSst. . , ] u.ouO 'L'X'Olcet ' Howard ht. , bUinllliouso : i,1Kl H loni-i lioui-o , I'arkor H uud ill " .ID II loom hoii'Oitiuo . wist add ( -1) ) l.ilitl 2 houses. ISlhM , lOMS'.H ) M. lllii II l ) loom IIOUI.B , moJevn , Hodlek'a udd (7) ( ) ) . . M-1 ) ' Hi Htory houae < JUtht.t47i l.iui 7 loom house , buth room , barn , I'.irnutn at S.tioO : : tory brick , C.issst. , Kents Mlli ) StiJfl Siiiull houseCltica'jtl st. corner iH'ii 0ui Hoed B IHndd , Rood lot , IIOUHO nnd burn. . ! tMO Sinull lioiifo : 'JJnnil ' . . . 1'fJJ Amos , IM1 l-'iiriia u. P.VI . - EOUSAt.K A9iOii h'ouao and lot lOOxIfiO on I'i rkavcnue , 4rjlJ. ) Cuniuiialnuii A Hum- nun , 1511 iJOdto. , : iJ-H ! POH SALE The finest ftubuibnn icsidonco property Is Wtilnut Hill. Without u doubt this pioperly bus better prospects lur Inimedl uo udvnnco thnn any other addition tlio HIIIIO dl.s- ttmcoout. With street car hue now bolnp built , Holt line Krndcil through , uud n ilopql Inciitod lit the center of the pioporty , nearly iiw tlmi build- Imrs oieoted ( luring the past KUinnior , iniiUes Wnlniil Hill the most desliublo resldeneo pron- L'riy In the nun to-dny. Cull mid tnkc : i mlu with us , und M > lor jour.selvcs. 1'ricos ami ti-rins very reiiMinablo. C. 12. Muyiio , southwest corner Klltoonth nnd I'nniiuii. 54 : > t5U-M : FOIt HAtilj Aero lotrt tn-iko 5 city Ints. Von e u buy n. ru "us liom fli'i to f"iii per lot tin t will niuKo n ouoy luoter thnu .1011 can tnvo it. And will tmikii a homo lor jour Unit in U. vi nis will be worlh fiom 'J < o 4 linio * ilin money It < ot > on. Auio piopor y bn < mn. o money tor buycis alwms uud will continue to Uu to. Ames , I' 7 Fanmiit. i.l ! FOU.SAf.M Nnwt-ioomcottiiso ; hall , clouds , teed colltir. tiMO11. . etc. ; link lu I lot Sl.iiVl , on LMI V lor. n i nnd lontf timo. U W cor iljt n and cnar.oi. Apply iiuvtiioor. leil Irioit HA l.K Two lo's iron Inif llanproin 1 IMik. A. I' , inlwuy , 1IJ1 t'urii.mi st. Ul ! 171OKSAI.H llai/nlns In thirty lots In Spaul.l. JIKK , t ICulinS subdivision , on Oodtro street , OHJI of licit l.inu uiilroad , $ Ml to $4 > > , on montliiy payinoiiiu. W < T. Gruhuui , CroiKliton Hlock. 771 ' _ _ I .s > nn HAM : 1.011 In Ilims om Plnco , $ i.r.O to 1 $ /m ) . tinih on. L'lOlnlltoii b.ook. - . ) ! T7loit"AlK Choip Jo son mon hiypi'y i o ta , -L on DO HO Biieui. i.r luuu , Liui0hiuu Llu . . . 1 /'lK.SAf < > : A Mtodlot on ninth lilh cast liont , f vo. Cuiiiiliiiiuuii ; .v lirun- nun , IJll IJoUte. PDIt HAM ! Aero on l.cuvenwortli. West Uninlia , I oru lo.v d.i a only , t-iUJ. ilct'iuue , OPP pOMIOlllOl ) . Aero In Ilimobaiurh addition , opppslto thu ro om MKsnuri I'uelilup iiduiHO , JlJJi very ilodlr- uble. MtO.iiruii , oi | | > poof ililu.j. Ono ot tin ) m ist uonlr iblo biulnoss propertf"i | on Kiitiui u , lull lot Uiixl u lent , i-oiit'i ' ami lion HICK , piivid Hirect , piesont miH'ovo.non.a | briuphur lulr per ( ) ! ; , fli.UJj ; ( .00.1 or u low iluyi only , us li u u polil will bo liiken o t the mur.vot lor the nroauut. MeO.ivue Opp | KalOlljl0. ! -U-i "ITHHt SAI.i : A-re loti In Nuwport , iicniuot , JL1 moft populur avrn pri p ir y , > > ulU mili'iMian mi ] oilier , Netvpiirl It biMiirhr on easy loims nt prfccf to htlll the pooplo. Iliiynn ucrg hi Nmv- i > iirtrnud yon will double your luiuidy m I- mi n hi t-'eo Newport and you ulll buy It Ituy In Nc.i ) orinn y 4.1 will uo. rokno It , AH t-onn fiH > uit uud lim. coni'i an idol ; over lots hi Now- l-oit - , Amc * , 16U. 1'urmim , It'M J71OII S\li-Two : lot .ono bloo't from f.eav ' onwoi-tli , Jll/lMcli. | / ) W , T. ( iiuhaiii Civlxli- ton lllouU. " ' " ' UJ < { 7UUHAr.K : i'l ' > nfainniiitnn iota nn'itor ( ! m J avenue. l-iiMfkMiitiltmiflTiii vllitako t o. W , T. Clrulta iCiuithtoiibluLK. ) t > H 57uw MAM-'IIIU x > iu'-o , 7 nmms wiiiiail 1 modern of ) ( ( ( ) : ' . . . burn , lot mix 1,1 , ' fort on I'driiiim st. jutiit ot Situ , Jjujo. , W.ll. Urdeii , lath uud raring. JJ | _ _ I07 _ " | 710llHAii : ! A'I ' ft.y/irif.un.a / bnkory nnd res- J' taurimi in sW/iti / Jurr , Ho.i A pply to Knpp , - llll-W * 1 ? < > H KAf. | { ) It "lliST A deslriiblo re < l- .1' doncd In viltf ) ( { ' locution ; houaoll roonis , Htiibln , cut rliignTioifso , Ltu. .lamed d. 1'raiic-o. ut U.H. NutiomiT' | > u.k , , _ iwj-1 f .i W. A. Itedlnks riftillllnn , . SUiO ench.iMinivibly pHymeiiiii. ( 'iiiiiiliij. bum U lircnnuii , 1I > 11 Dou u. 1 'i iiriHi'luttluuM Dliii.oii . bobt lurt ; In wti i end . in , Klouuiu uero lot W , Uniulm , . , , , . 4 , inrt lluirttaniPui-iihtco Wh . 1'W moid ( 'iilij'iiriiii | nt.eun : | . . . . i'l ( fi Ill3 flUU St. , L-HCll . , . , . . , , . . , . . . I'X ) 4 luu tMiinmlnif.i Moneh . ) , ' ) W 4 lou Hurl kt. cnoh . Ml ) Slottihhurmnti iivruuu , iTiih , , , . lota Hlioniiun lueiuiy , tuch Ames , IW7 i'aninm. f7\OK \ bAI.H 'llio mibst Huburhan r * ldepeo jU property In Wulnut Hill. WUImutH flonbt this proiMirty ha * hctterpro tH > ctkIiirinini | > diilu | uuvuuid tUni any olhur addition the fiiiito ill-- lancoout. With street cur Ji 10 IUIK beliiKlntllt , llelt Hue Kruded ihniUKh , ami a itojiot loculnl lu lite center of ibu property , ucnrly lee line billld- Ings t'l'cctul ilurliiK thupuitt miuunor , iniiknil WuJuut Hill Iho molt dosirublo rv ] dem pri | > - iirty In the market Jinluy. Cull ami laLua rldu vlth us , r.nd' MSI ior yourM-UT * . 1'rlcod uud Icrmvry idnmiuble l' I' , fliiyne , wiutliwi'it funmr Httetwh ut.U lutiuuu. fiiMitfO -inon si \ ! . ' % - ! i , in , 17 ami 1 in llNiro-k- JL1 n , d 'I hl < tiw , nt oe'o te' years ago a id I.H ono of tlio II \t pla in fore o < n e f pa o an t m.iK o r l. tsl,2nnd. u .Rkc'snl i.eii. ITtliniid ' n' o ctrco 4. wit i new < roe n homo ell , ten oJ , ot f fiii a , en v o fn < I , t 4\ll , w e r I'iKte'liir anil l < th 5lre-ts wlib ii-oonovt : v o il built Uo. io , barn , cur- lla -bouto , ( rrulu ' / oi-io u , pi kot lo. e..rto * J.i > 1) > nn . n and I. ) nno log IHHIMlht ry to.d Mii ci ) u p in en s an i \ ery ens terms t' tit i Id a u "i A Ito i o t ml I near Tar- until nn I I Aion o n. fitmi J.V ) lo f Vn ) I n iu I it H t is ii ll new house , well , stable , Otn , m .liooklino aid $ IMoliI/ . $ UM ) ul b iv ioi 7 , | I.CK | 4 M 1 fi Mreot. Idurnt o > .d idd. Hour Wl , drt MB ft , with * Or/ news 1010 ii 1 1 n r. I ol | n\iO'1 Wi li M"ti < e1S\4\ 1 tocost -t.Sdth ninl d' f , MJ Ki-vleim * . 4 ) j ( ! . t r i hi 'ii'y ' I tipiu.'dil. onlv f , mlles il'io ' t we > t f 0.11 c..y "i * p r ncio only. Wo th liMCslirititiujr. I'aulsen iV ( ! , i. , Mi Ijl.l 1'i.r.tniii at. ! ) l-.O IJioi : HAI.K llui < hie < glot < i- J-1 . ' . bt.between I'-'th and - ! ; vl.ticet : on lluttiey . , - FH f. 8ji-i Thli y ihu-oli P' on Ulth niul Ilinuey 7 , > 0 : n In neil tl iwur I uelr i iih H I'll I lot on DO.IKO tieir lit'i ' Ui/U luipro\o. | nnd u 'linmi y ' < ! i ripeny Oooif lot In Huno , u I' neo , . < i7 S line eorni-i- lot , iMrkor'n add. wwy terms S.liM llinioil In ! " , rild 1.4.11 a iiiceroi-ner lui . Hinisconi 1'lifo I < U 1th t nud rolliiKO-l lomiH. Walnut 11 tl , . 1..0J riiiLlo room house all moiieru Imptovo- me. ) " , on "lllh si. l o I St. Marj'Hino . . 10,1X0 w. ( i HnIvoropp. i * . o. an.14 I > tt.I : , A MO'CANDI.l'llI tutor liltH In .1 > i'lMluvow | f 40.1 Kl i k wood > f > 0 > l 1 Inn-corn " ll Mllhird I'lncii 1.71 iSteblu * . . , t Hi- Iliooklluoiicres 10) ) 1 I ncliiiiirhncic4 | , 4.i Nou port iii-ies * " ' vutes 4. 1 MirrUnk IW ( JoLnrn'ii ttw > hllu s HII ( Use1 , utia " > " 1'iirk I'liu-e iieics f > 0 Ueii & .M-cuiii.lHi. Dodiro BU n : ; i "nT > H sA l.K ftlOpcrosof ( rood hind lu Howard J county , tills i liili. If Mil.i coon hl iiui.o Ibis n liniKUlii lor either IIIKMIUIUU. or larui.tix ' ' urpohcs. Audtctn , ( leo. N. Illcks , 1' . tl llox " , iiiMha. JI77--1' _ I OIl SAI.r. IlousuUioo I'S. ftooit barn , aero I ofpround.ou t.euvonuoit i st. , $ ) , > MU. thU Is a I'urffuln. ' C. H. Muyiio , anil 1 uriuim. ' TTVMt SAIE-llyJ. I ! Hlloy & Co. , 21.1 8. lath J hi met. 1(0 ( leot on 1'arunm , ueir court hnuso. Full hit.Oivl.L1 , l. < i\vor I'lirniim. J.10. . Ml. Pull lol , f ivl < i. Upper rnriiuni , desirable for rcMiitniou. M , ! ! * . ) . -lull IOIK , on irnHn , south Iront , corner , on Doduo. $ l.riUO for both. 15 iteet on 1'arkiivu. , cast front , ruiuilu buck to tivotl.7.i ( ) . run lot lu llunscom Place , on Catherln Bt. , o-st tioin , f I.O.-.V 1 mil lot , lioiitiiiir on llnnscom Park , $ l.'iV ) i lots on ( ! cor ni uvo . slu lo f I MJ. ( i loison S.uuulors HIIX-IU , I blouUs Irom itrcoii eurlmp , tiorth. oasr Iront. $7.VI caeh. lu lot-i. n blocks Irom KIOUII cur Hue , S.Vn each ; cns > pnyiniintK , 1 , | lotson 17th ntiil 18th streets , near HascaU's I'm I. . $7."i i encli : easv pnyment.s. " tulieonierl'itx. omibloi k Irnm red car line mid Kin ; ; mrooL ecnool house , -VI . 1 cneli. llnr * JillltlS. l-'ull corner lots. II blocks from red car line , t t i iMich ; easy payments. Full lot" , now comniodloui 4-room IIOUHO , els- trrn , outboiiSHs and leneos , t-oulli liont , ; l blocks west of I'nik live , , jl/HJO ; cheap. Coi nr-r lot , bDMic. , wlili alloy , ono block from St. Jlarv'ii jive. . il/iUU. Tnls Is voiy cheap. Hoiuound li.t. rust troiu , 17tn mid Center Ettcels. ,1. K. Uiluy .v Co. . 'M S. 1,1th St. b'JJ FOIt fAI.K A lot In llmiscom I'lneo. rust fi"Hit. Onu blouU fiom H.i-eet curs. Cumnri-hnm Urunnan. t.ill Dodfo. ,110-11 Fill SA r.K linrffiilns In lots on Dodtro etroot , $4X1 to ? l"iJ. on monthly puymcnlg Oru- hum , Cielfthtoti IJIock. * Kit -T7UIK SAM ! II fton Farnatn st-f 1BJJO. -L1 it on Km mini nt JloO.lJ. to It on 1'itniam HI t Amc4 1&J7 l''urmiin. 144 FOR SAI.K Corner on Snutidors ht. ; huslnos lol , lK ; > xl3) ) ; ouly * ) AU. ) 1'oitor &Cotib. HOCbKs , lots , lands lloinls , nnd 01J- "fjTHl SALK Choice reotdonoc. freed locution. J-1 KaVi.n n st UU'o lo-liienco , largo ( 'rounds , larjfo treoi.olieup 7.SDO Nno little 4 room house. oed lot , cleun it d j.iotty 1,500 'loa , fruit , etc. , Ilanscotn Plnco , cuiiuit n.h'W S3ioisl Hln Hntisconi l'laco..S ' 7tl > iind l.WU lots In HlnuiliiiiiKli 1'Iiuo M'.i to 1AO olotsln. ) I Itodlek's Hd I I.i > .i0to LVVU Lots In M. T. I'litrlclc s. l.mvos' nnd BliIiin ° H nil I- tlons. O itnldo property In lots mul uciocheii | , e.iby terms. J. W , .Ma.Himll , IfiOt ! I'aitmm.U8017 U80-17 F OR SAf.t : T.nts lu llnnsconi I'laoo , en t fronts. $703 to $ lUuu ; oa < y tcims. Uiuh. m , P OK SAI.K-lly Potlor , V Cobli Cholcu residence lot. 'M luol front by 187 leet deep ilKnil stu-on. f l-.iWJ , Kino iieio In Nurtit O mum , f'i.VO. T\M > aero lots In O t > o s mid. fine i ' ' , ' 1 IICIQ In Turk I'lacoiliaralii ; % $ lpi. : ) \i \ lot and cutht-rooin boutio Ilirfli School , i.ola iu rotter's addition , ut corner I'limum iind I.owc uvetiuo , J-ISJ to $ Hiil. Very line pioiiortyooutlnve-lorclty , In fi-aerq , 10-iicre , or i-aoi o traeti , cheap , per aero at fir J. HlllHido ndlitlon-iclieiiii. } ! ! ) ) to tlJU. 1 wo lota , lluuscoui I'lacoouch S7IU. K'j 1'oi-ruu & L'oun. 17" > U SAI.K Tivo heaulitul acre lotn liiVeat J O naha. near Lc.ivo iwoilh. H r 'Ot on otisy ( ( iid. Clicupoat aero pionorty oiluiod , jy,76i ) o.ich. C. U > iuyne , litb un.i Kainum. ; rH7 ; T.TOIWKS , lots , landsUomla , Ijth and Dnuphn Ij'OIt S.Vt.i : r/ots In SmilduH ! < X' Kuhn'apub. I divisionuaoi of Holt l.ltio , < m monthly pay ments. ( jiMhiiin , LieitrlHon lllouk. i-.hS T OOK iitthiHliat -i J ; bloul H .inui-i liullillng Simla iiuout the city , mcli $0,01/1 Ilex ) uvnll.iblo Inislnoss lotson 1'nrnam nt luoiO lujl lots on llnu liih lor vUiuo-uki ! or wiihO onto. cliO.ip D/S'O / Kl ! , , : ; ! oiMuiioiion-i , ) on It. It. track .MIJI I'ino boiii-o nid | lot In lumwild 4.H 0 J. Htoiy hoiiie nnd burn In hlilnn n I'.OJO Corner lol add r > ico.n hoii o In Hhlnn's. . . It , 0 lloiiso und lot near l.euvenwortb t 1 'OJ ' neio nnd honso , 1'nrli fliux- 'WJ lii'iiiiiiinl tieni. ho BO , fun ed und trous , will iiinko > "i lo s ui'ylerms UC03 Dell X MuJUiilllll ( , Ifil I Uoil o bt. U7.V1S JjlDK 8/MiR The lmo. < t Huhliilnm l o lduucll 1 propcily \Vnlini Hill. Without n doubt , this propuny IIIIN lieitcr PIOMI > I' Ulor liaiiiedliilu udvanco tlnin iiny oilier iiddlimn tlio niiini ills- unro out. With Hliuut cur line now belnic built , Hull | inoirr.iilnd thnumli , mid u depot Ineniod In HID coiiioi'ol' tliupropurtj.iiimrly lee line build. IIIKH iouleil | diiiimthu p. t xiiiiiiier ! , niiikos Wnliiut Hill tlm most tlnilrublo lo-ldonco pioti * my In the nnirltut lo-ti.iy. t nil nnij tulio a rlilo wlili UK nun HIO for ) < mr > < ohcs , dices ami IUIIIIH voiv rciooniiblo 0. I ! . Muyno , smitliuo > t tinner nitocuih nnd I'ltrniun , ril"il. l.i--i FdllHA Ii : A ( food ho'tso ' and ncio lot In Ilrooiiiiuu , t 'U' Cuuiiln.rii.iiii & i.roiiin lilll ) , : - - . - ( luk ( Jlialliiiiii 1 l.nmlniv . . . HO .MM E on . H" ) ' I'luco . 4 * > 0 l.yninn'a adj . , , , M J.onvi'ii orlh 'loirace. . . 4V ) 1 HiiiUHii I'luoo . K U 1,500 lull 1'nitl fl i-llbdivhlon . Mi CM ' tot" llr.lllnnto . I.VtI7i ( II ) ol'mk . U'rITf ; 11.111X41(1.1111011 . . .j . ' _ _ | jll U N Un Lots In North Oiiuiliii , } 7Ut ) to 1 fl.ilX ) ; caay tcriua. ( jruimin , Crei : htuu lllitc-k. UM _ H : ' { .Rtory brick | ) l oif 4l-f ot front lo l-ti liict iifwp , Mint * 'or ' tUiUUii > our. U ) , W. 11. Uu-uu , Clth und 1'iirnatu Itfi TTIOItBAMC In HuiiRoimi I'laco , cholnn lots- J ; oust It onti from e 5J , monthly puy , iiiontB. CunulntrliAiu & . Urowmu , 1511 I'odjio. ! I riOU NAI.K Meho ' 0 MJI1 Tim ( ilumpest and 1' only lou lor Mil. , wllldii lu rnliiutl a wtilK of llaiiM-om IMrlitliat WHtoiily r.J to $ JCu H lo' . MKlroeu Mill hito'lmx ln i at llioyi pr OIHJ , WW to ijniulut , MoJiv-o lllli Inmaiilly w ] I haut it Fit-It Ilno Depot , but It w now only 10 munitod viilkuum lurk im > - i- , oarsoii . run | .uy tlic.plolM hy liiiylnyJSi ilown baluuco to .tilt you. AiaiiJ , IWi 1'urnum ' , _ _ j * " H T7 | ( K . - /funori / mr . J ? In n inpldly trov/iK : | : town nut fur f urn ) Iin- -oln , llo.t triulo and location In town , Aspltm- did opporjinilry for n jmrty wlnhlmr u KIIOI lf. iind liavlnn- from furor to | .n thoii.mul In oujU. Will soil for cuKli only , or n r buiuncu" rtaJ tutalu In Uamha , WorchMtit _ oil HAI.K-Tblrty lot P t of Huh Mne or > F moniuiy yayuiuul * . lifuhuw. Crcw'toti SATURDAY'S ' MARKET FIGURES Wheat Overshadows the Other .Arllcbs of Commotes in tlio Grain Pit. A GOOD ADVANCE IN THS PRICE. Nut Knoucli OattltS on Hnlo to Mntcn a IMiii'kot A Good Koolluir In The llo Trade Homo niul Itoportn. OIIlCAfJO (3UAI.V MAU1CI2T. cio. Nov. II. ( Special to the Urn ? . ] WIIKATVhiMi advanced this moiiiing " n bushel , HO that Docenibor ( told , at 10 o'clock , nt lOI c. Ina.shiiu-h as tlio advance on tlio last lull' hour uf tr.ullin ; ycstcnl.iy was l'e ' u busiiol thli makes tin ; upward iiiovoinunt V n buHliel for the last few hours hours ol trail- IradltKftiv.speelabloonc. Tlio In kasal - ttuiMlu'r of Armour , niul oven to collected and calm a poison us lludhom ; declared tliaU ho believed that Armour and Iho Standard Oil company Inul made tut alliance to hu.l thu price of wheat. The truili , more likely , \\i\-i \ Hint n combination by Jones and llu-am , aided by the declaration of war by tlio little kins nl Servm , and thu prospect that tit.- visible supplj stulement next Monday Mill show a small dccre.iHor at least a vcjy small niciease , has dually succeeded In bnil- In the imtiUet. Com uas sUMilj atl'i' c lor .VovemtK'r. I'urk was -Vlilchcrat thu op. n- liif , ' . Alter HID iir-t there \\iisii lireai ; ol le In whe.iu The excitement lose anil tell dniiiu thu day as a lew Imijw In tlio Kcneial crowd ieall/ed ciioimh on their lio. dines to ! > top the ml- v.incf. Horn IMIfe December pit b.irk totUc and inter the [ irst Ms oiienliu Hum- mine and moiu of hade tinned OUT on to.ianiutn , and It keiiton aiUiinelni , ' after the aihaneo ni December hud beun leniioralil.cuecl.ed. | . . Ihfis.iie.iduleh uason y ? 4c at the on , set ol the diii , ended under lueieascd trading In .lanuaiy , until the options al one thin : \\eio a lull centapait. ( 'allies , which canm In de cidedly bullish , hclpt daloni , ' the boom , .so , ton , did iy k. that on Monday the vlslh.e . snp- plv Niiitcment would , unless n so 'd ' deal of wheat showed up uiK-xpcetedi.v in New Voik haibi > r , show a small docie.iM ) . MICH intense anxiety in wheat , and It was so nnexp , etcd. tliat coin and pioMsioiis , nl- tlunuliitioiu , woic netfleeted. 1'orU at ono tlmuhhoued a' eaih.inco , out hull ol II. Coin blmpl ) kejil ttc. , < idv. CIIIOAOO ravi3 STOUIC. CatcAoo. f Special to the UKR.J OA'iTi.i : A.s K usual on .Sivtnid.iy , or at least \\hat h : s been usual for a month or so , theie w.issc-aiccly n snlllclcnt number of cattle on > ulc to nmUu a market. 'I ho hulk of heali uirhals were low grade natives , and the sale ot Michcie about luw Ibs , a.Uiai.-iUT. ( : ; JtciJW.i Ibs , i7.wW ; : ) ; ( UK ) to TK ( ) Ibs , 'J.5.00. ( ; ) . We.stoin ran ors , nominal y hteady ; natives and half hie ds , * ; i.5.X'iH. ( ) : cows , { j'-MiOte&lS ; winteied Tc.s- nii.s 5-.007ii.K : ( ) . Jltins ri.idtJairain opened active , with i\ fit run i ; turn In pi.ce.s on piltnu heavy and choice p.iukhu SOU. , , in .some instances M-ll- In n hig'ns hli.'her. Li ht hints , however , re mained ncgicctcd , and. if anything , sold rather easier than yesteiday. prime asMiiteil Yoikers and Dauiiuoiu puts .si'llinjj as low as : mo , The hulk ot paekiiiL' hou's are selllni : between i > : { . ( riaiiil.SH.N . A larjje iinmber of smtsHold at ? > : i70 ( .7. ) , and loads ol prime lusnvy sold at SK : : ! > . I'.iekin and.shipiiiiu'.WOto 100 JM ! , S M 3.'JO ; llyht FINANCIAL. York , Nov. 11. MOWKY Easy nt 2 ® l per cent , TUIJIIS .MKUOANTII.K PAPKU V4@ > 1 ( per cent. cent.Koitniox ExciiAXon Itir.i.s Quiet and unriiatmfd al > ; ' , ' ; demand , S-4.M.K. ( jo\'KHXMCNTS bull but steady. SJMK-IIS ) nxliumuiy active and , during niDtit of thettme , teverish mul inorulir. : Tuo reported .salcn were gtcator Hiin on any pie- cee'liiu ' ; day this year. The actual number of shales hmuht and sold were prob.tblv not \crymuchslioltol I.O.KMXX ) . St. I'.utl.'Kiie. Ntulhern 1'acliie | ) rei'ened ; Iale ; Shore and Kansas uud Texas conti United over one- hiiif of the total day's biislne-s. Owiiu to the war c.otid in ICniopc-aud lor other causes London Hin'ctttutors weie heavy scllcin of American hccmities to-d.iy. Tno ri-.sult heio was an excited and ilii'L'iihir opening. No decided lueitk occuried. however , until alter - o'clock. whcnvitlilli ittteen inlniiUs , nearly ad the active nlunc'i lUellned Irom H to l ! percent. Urie. the nian nrt. and l/iku Shine weit : mosi piominent. In nmd iiu.s.soiuc htocks iiiailn Midden lallic.s , at the same time tliar ot , er and mote active M-cuii- ties \sero dichnlii' . The miiket closed IriO-lllar and leveiisli. There was a very de cided BtieiiLMIi lo-d.iy In N'uithern I'.iciiio pieieru-d , which sold as lil li s H ( ) > f. a ( ? .tln liom lant ovi-iilliif ol T'rt per cent , clos ntt wliJi a net advance ol 1 | iereent. Union 1'acilio with prominent liiriirt weakness In thu altoinoon , declinini ; v ! pur cent Horn thu hL'ln'.st ipioialinn of Ihe dav iind closing with a net -ellii" of ! > , ' per cent. STOCKS OX WM.t. KTIII'.KT. TI cent bomlrf. . . li.i ) t , 0. lV : . \V \ 1113 ! ' U.S. 4'i' ' IW'i in clei led. . . irJ/ : New IV W6C N. Y. ( ' nn > 3 I'acillcO'Hdf "J > . K'S' , , OK-ISOII Tian. . . : u Central 1'ud.ic. . Hi'1 ' * I'acinc .Mail litiy C.ttA iJ : ! I' . . 1) ) . &li It' ' iiiefcncd. . . . 1V ; ) U'.I'.C Ijll liv. L' . iv \ ; ; ; ! ' . , ' \wl .stlV . &s"i-\ ! ; ; ' 1) ) . it K. ( i ! ( > > / jireli-iied. . Knc'i'i ' ' C. , M. to tit. I' . . piel'ened. . . . M'ji ' jiii'lunvd. . . u * ? { Illinois ( 'nnlial. . W * St. I1. toOH'i ' J. . U. toV \ Mi iiielened. . . 101 Kans'ts ilil Texas I'.icliie. . . -41 % litli.SIioii ) h.Jj ; Union I'.tuum. . . ( ) ) > / ' ' " " \V. \ , St. L. it I' Mich. . . . 77 > i pretened. . . lij ; .Mo. I'aclne 1W \Vehlein \ lln.on. 77if Nonhern I'.ie. . . an > , U. It.itN Wi IMtODIJCU. , Nov. 14. Kloiir Steady and ; hott wprliuf.M'4l.i ) < ; Mlnnenot.i. bakern , St.'iUilr.O : ; " 'j ; Wiscon > ln Sl. " . . Wheat Aetivo nnd decidedly hlahor : . opened very uotlxe aihl lOiUIIIKIIDI ; il-clnnl ! , Je. inlvanccd ? * 'Wl ' , tased oil' , inied hU-itdy and utoni-d about ! , ' < ; < over jcsteidiy ; MI- KfiO'.fucatli ' : bUKwiito Niui-iiitierjlil'fco ' I > o- cmiber ; iilijc J.iiiuaiy ; .Ue KCbrmiry ; ttXHjU o May : No. Jmilt.tjj'JSr. ' Corn Oiieind a > : thd an I higher ; later ruled ( inlet ; mlvuncuil MlefVaM-il off. n -I cloM'd about llin haiiin as yi uudiv : ! < > } < ; ' hluherMXe : ei-li ; W HI'/jo ' Novuinher ; I .c December : 40)MWXu ytur ; W& Janii.uyj . O.itM Sieiidy , fairly oc.lho niul Mronecr ; 2ro r.ioh ; sAiMuf.Ti ; Novembnr7 ; ( ( } 'rio ; DIM ember ; 'M'M W u .May , ( ) Kany lit ill' ? . H.irlex Un.iit.ii.iiri ) . Timoihy-U'caKer : prime. 1.70. niixhi-cJ-Kiiiii ; No. 1. Sl.WiCl.KJ I'oik Actlvu ; adv.uiced I'tgWa enrly ; Inter div.llnnl lXiUU ( ' und cio cd bte.uty ; Su. .ViCs.l > i cish : jfft.T.ti.'pJ.h ' ! ) Novi-mbiir anil Duci-iubcr ; { 'J.ei ' caU.w Januur ) j ' J/nd .Moro not I vu ami llimt-r : advancc < l 7l < ! 061o ( ) anil i-'oswl ' uttjaily ; > t > . .ir'KX ) i-asli ana Novoiiibui ; brt.- January ; , Hulk Meats -HIioulilMH. 8i.7.V3't.iO ; ! ; short clear , * : t'Ajvvl5short \ rll > 3 , Sl.l ' ui 1.J. , 'r Kulrlr uctlvoj KOOIto \ fancy ry. ls < iSJ < v ; jfood to chdcu dairy , uctlvti ami ehcdilaw , 0 > f ( ( iofc ; ilats , KHa Americas , lUc ; sUini.s , country , fio. l(0oulpts ( , Hlilpniejits Flnur. . . . . . . . . . f' . fflSi" ' : : : : : : : : ; : SSffi WSS Btlf : : : : : : : : : : : W " ' New York , Nov. II. Wheat M.uio ; cxporw , none. 'spot , hiiriier.ili , < iitlntiM | iiiUanetil Ai ? iC wlib cottsldeiid.o oM-itoiiiOnt and clo.sliiit strong ; p < cnlatio ,9 , \eiybilsk { ungraded red , " -cwSiA'1 ! ! ; No. : rctl. IHc : No. a red , noinliiaU Dccwnwur . ! . . _ . . , . , . . O.tts Mi-donitH.v ni'tivc : lecolpK exports , noililulxwl ; wo lotn , : wK .lo ; wmlo wes'crn. n C'M'e. rotrolnum Hriii ; united elo < ol ut $1.07. dinmUut and nun ; , I'ork OiiU-t and llrm : sales , inw , S1 ! to.iw. I.ard 111'hernnd nn < r nellvncnlM rn tl a nior export , SH. Orfti..Vi > tf ; Uccemoor , . Hutliir-Qulet and barely steady. Dull timl IIIMTJ ; western Jlal , 7Q 0i * ' MlntieapollH , Nov. II.Yhrnt Arll\o niul ti.i .V hiKiicr : No , I haul , ci. : h and No- M-mber , | c : Direinbei , u.'c ; .lann.irv , U.VS .May , SI.OO : No. 1 imnhein. cash and N'ovem- her , se ; December , NJe ; jMiitiiily , Sfc : ilay , t : No. 'J , n X ( ( < ikM-asb : Mi'e ' , Mav. I'lonr Firm v held , but limited dc'nmnd ; ni'llcrs tefliso 1 1 Mill at pi ices nlh red and are piei.uln ; > : to Nloro the Miiplus at hume ; paients , SV > VVi ( * ; Imkei * . S I.OOtf4.'iX ( Itivelpt.s Wheat , 1 TXK ( ) . Sliiimonu-Wheat | , ivWrt : Hour , W.OOO. St. I.oiiN , Nov. M. Wheat Aetivo anil lilixiier ; 4v { ile over yesterilay : ll'm oaihino ; ! November ; UTUOJ'n' o Deci-mbcr ; 31.07' ' Jla\ . JlaCoin Coin Klrni ; lfe hleher : : iUS @IOc cash ; ! 1I'4C .lanuaiy : HilKfe ! .May. Oats Cash loucr , optiuna iwlcr\'X ( \ > X@Xa cash ; : ! 0' < o .May. 1 1 -CJniet tit . ' ' Whisky-Steady at 31. 10. I'oik-Qnietat < H < H Lard-Mini at SD.a > .e0.10. llnlter Unchautied. Toledo , Nov. II. Whoat-Clo'ted .fpilet ; No. 'Cash and November , NIC. Corn Knelnin oil ; No. 'J ea h , 40o bid. O.its SU-ady ; No. 'J i-asli , iMife. Idvoi-pool , Nov. U. ( Hnldprfo offer spailii ) , ' ! ) ; now No. t ! winter and .sprlui ; , 7a Coin Holders oiror moderately i 4 * fi'fil ' spot , November and December ; ISl iTtl Jan- uaiy. ICiinsnn Clly , Nov. II.Vhcal Illirln-r ; cash , f.ij o bid , n e iiskcd ; Decemher , 7ijj bid , 77c asked ; Jantiaiy , 7l ) ' c t'm u Quiet ; c.i.slj'ile hid , HI J < en.sUeJ ; year , 2i ) e hid. 'J''c ' asked.'JJc hid , vJ c nsKcil. Now Oi-lrntiM , Nov. 11- ' Coin Strong and liifilirralliti''ISi' ' . u.its Steady. Hour I'loduct.s-yuiethut t'nm. Mllwuiikoe , Nov. ll. Whrat Stiong ; casit , IHJC : leeembeiHc ! : .May , Dec. Corn Steady ; Sua , like O.its Dull ; No. Sj 'Jic Jl > c Dull ; No. l.rtlo. Hurley Sti'oii' , ' ; No. a , MVo. . I'l.ivisioii.s Higher ; men uot'.c , cash , new. SiUUold : , sS'.i.N ' ) . Ctiiulnniitl , Nov. M. Wheat Strong und hi her ; No. i red , Hkirj-'ic. Corn Dull ; No. a mixed , I.V. Oat.sciiLr and linn : No. a mlxod-USc. Itye Khm ; No. a , ( ! iJ dMik- . H n ley Kirin ; ex ha No. Usiiilng , &S , ' . I'oiK-Scatveat W.r > 0. h-ird Siton wr at S 1.1" > . Whisky .SU-adyiitvsl.O.i. Sales , IWbancla of iiniyhetl goods. K STOCK. Chicago , Nov. H. Tao Drovers * Jourml f'.utle Itecclpls , l iWQ' steady ; shipping 5 steei.s , i.i\ ) i.4U : btiekers an I Teed rs , $ . ) ( $ , ) ) : cows , hulls and inKed , Sl.iDjj : ; bulk , jJ.50rj'l.l ? ; western ringers uomi- nally steady : nulvci jiiuJ h.ilf-breeJJ , SJ.iS Ilo s Keceiils' | Jt.oJOr ateady and linn : rough 'and mixed , $ ' ! . l < ) @ ' 5.70 ; ii.icKInt ; and shipjilnij , l.'iMi.tK ' ) ; li at wcfjjhW , SlI.KJiiJ ; ( .risltl)4 ; ; * .J.U'2 ( .1U. S'luL-p ' U'jcolpls.DM ' steady ; natIveV52.0D (2-1 ( ' ' ' ' ; liuinn. 31. " 1591.75 , KauriiiH City , N iv. U. Cattle Receipts , I.II.M : Miipm.-uts , mine ; inirKct a-tivj ; ex- IMiilcrs , Si.DiAVJ.'i ; common to eholeo hliliiiinsr | , > 'li5 iQJ ! ; stackers and feeders , .S'i.aX'Ci.i'0 [ ; cowjt , Sy.OJj)5.0J ; ura. 9 , Toxui hteei.s , 5-.lp < ! 'f.0 , Hoj , i HeceliiH , 0.W : ! ; flhlpmonU , 700 : < t lie.uv . "K ; hiijiier , ll ht nt lower ; li'-ayy'Si..ri : ( ) Shce irtx-elptH , Tit ; AI ! pmeius , none ; quiet ; common to goo.l , Sl.'iD t.i ) . ) . Ht.Ijimia , .Vov. 11. Cattlo-K lit ilpN , W ) ; shiiiiiciiis | , nil ) ; tcuc'o , with only lo ul trade ul juevious pileuh. Sheci | K.-culpts , aoi ) ; shipments , I,0"0 : supiily very mcu ru' und only .small let.ul trade done. OMAHA fjlVK STOOIC. U.N10.V SroCK \ AltKs' . t > . OjlAUA , I Satin day livenin : ; . Nov. HI , f Thocatllo inarket was.stionier to-day and them wusalairdenMii.i for nil mMdes. ( inod butcher stouU meets with ix-ady hiiln. Tlio ho' ' maiUet was Hie higher with a good de mand and ic.uly s.ilesat tin ; advance. ( battle 000 Ihyu 7ui ) l'IIiVAII.INI : ) I-IIICIIS. tin UJ IIVNdl' 0V I'ltlOKS Kllll IIDIIS ' TlioeMiimmr.iiun of priciH for ' ' ; mixcil , p.ickiiK and hluppiiu ami < liriit m's t'or six tliv-rt is li.imvn liulinv : ll'mli ' Heavy Rita M.xcd. . I'.ieKiii ; . Silin.l iy Si iJii | Oi .1 ( Kx/ ) / ) ! ( Pi > : t KW t I > .M iiiil.iy j nii/i ) ) < ) i . ! ( ) ) yl 01 ' Tiei I I.V : l inTnl ID : l luril aj ! l t \\'cdlii ! ' > d y ; ) [ ; u. i in 'l fife I " rh 'r.inisdiiy a y > < i u il ID'S ) 'j . ' ! IDoC t i i * I'l III IV M tlljjl l ! ! KUi..l M ) - \ u 11 Hi i : Vote All sales of Hiuuk In this miirlrol i mii'le | nrcu't. llvo wiil/lit , unless oMienvl ' ' ' De.ul hon n'ttll al le pur Ih. for u "SlcinV'or HUM tint" Uk ) Mis. , no vaiib- . I'ii)0'iiiiiu Bij'.Nd aru ilocKc I W Ibi and HtiMH rtU Ib- , . IMarkol Uovlcw. Tlio markeU In most kindiof proilnco. haxo run very Htetuly tint p.tht week. The ImtUr comlin ; In Is ol'n little Itetter quality , thmuli ; larKeijtiantltleNtif Imtler. that has IHUMI stoied hy country iluiileM mul fiiiim-m , Is l ) lti it-- Ci.'lvel. , Thin dais of luitlur Is , In iuo > l Cjth > very jiuor nnd Inu to hu turnril over ti * i ) ) ( -kur. Whllo tliuro IMS hcen no H.O' | ' ' chungii In thu cliw-Mo ni.irltet the ji .st I iluyn , It hau lcuii Krowliitf HtiOil cr , atvl i tNiily adV'incu IH looki-d lor , Tim demand ' - diiwicd i oiillry IH very good but laitfCMjija' tuH | amMpnllod by HIH dri ! Hlnif mijl Jpw i t Inliu within two to four ( ! intH : what It wi'l-l li propeily ilnwied. If tlio.-n who li- > 11 mltry for thu market would taUo the trott - iDhtaiu how b ) do It limy xvunlil luuil/.e t yriwt dual more fro n their HhlpmimlM. ( Jai. . ron llnuea wtiniu In the imuket with actr < ittniiand. Now that cold wuither hiiHatrhui ( ! ommhHluii | IIIHIMM can hold Ihulr v Mi IIIIMIIH and kuun the inaiKet up. ' t u u itmdlly niailu ( if all t-'iuuy urrlrlni , ' , und to advance. I'r.nrlu chick OIIK ipi.ill and dttcKH Ineludu about idl ruuuivwf Ihu ia * > t \vcct. . . and Idem IK a unneral teulliu ; pre.iii.cnt dea IBM that they tire oy'wJ nicked. Thmi ha.lU'Ver * ' hl-cil aucliniiiintlUva oC apples. | i | | | | | a | iialii4 | preyimw lo tli | yt-ai bauq aru Blow , nuoiic iippcailnij anxlmirt n Imy. llcAtix ar.t advunclnj mid III" ) . Ih.t lin' < l miud ; alter u | ou | ieroi | | pf 1'i.ic- ' i fji'Ty ' it Muiuiiijiilry ! iiurHrJUuu'