Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1885, Image 1

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    \ t
Tlio Smouldering Oinderaof the Balkan Blazi
Bttrat Forth Anew ,
Uehliul "Which Ht.ilUs the Sncotre of i
Monitor Kin-oilcan Conflict Alex
ander's Army Not Able to Cope
\\lth Milan's MlnloiiH.
The \Vni' In the I < nHi.
LONDON. Nov. 15. [ special to ihn Ur.n.1-
ISows of the fti'tivo outbnuik t > f wnr in tin
cast Beems to come in a ellnm to tin
larKtwt , dampest and most dluml week Lou
don hm piob.ibly seen for jcars. Nobody Ii
Eni'lanil WOH surprised nlw.xr , for the Iwlie
in eventual hostilities ban been Htm lici
from the bcglnnliu. So deep Is llio piev.UI
iiif { anxiety to know what will follow vvhoi
mightier combatants are ill awn In , that llttli
attention Is paid to Iho lights and wrongs o
I thlsconllict liclvvoen .Soivia ami Hulgaii.i. Si
J fill us the miojei't Is coii-ddeio.l at nil. the l.n
/ pprexslon Is general Iliat Jervln ? Is the .elns.1
ly rej--'or. Tii"ro s-evun to bo some doubt a1
to who H tli1 actual a/gros or. Dim-i'die
I Join Soiiii put ihe blame on Sei via , while lol
rgrunis tiom | ldrado : and the terms of Klin
.Milan H proclamation unite In t barging thi
lliilgaihins witti initial hostilitk-.s. There I
npiiaieiitly no done that King Milan wll
iiiaKotpildc and easy work with tlio iv.vv
fchoop-iiko levies oi 1'iiiit.e Alexander.
Almost allauthoiiiioHagieo in predlctln-
till1' , Kussinn dtllceis alone appealing to ex
jiies Hu g-nia s success , vvlueii Is not an Im
11,11 Haljiingment , MIICO they 1110 nntumll1
bhv-M'd In tavor of the army they have civ
ntttl. What ihe longest heads In Kuiopc fear
and what ifussla irom Ihe outset has bcei
p.annlng , K Iliissian occupation ol Hulgaii.
und 1'oiimdia , and behind this stalks tin
ttlieotio or a grand Kuropcaii war. U is lids
Blati si'.psxmacy , nut Tinki-h , which lsjt"n
nnli/cil hj the young Hattonbeigs' iev < j !
iwalnii the treaty ol llciTmand vvltn the c ; u
and not tn. ' sultan , the one.sot action lie"
Undeilii'Ks may be allowed to poii-'innotli
Winter in-itle , as theio Is no show ot win lai
mull ihe ice is out of tins Du tube .nul Otic *
ter , but evi'iy event ot piovross will have i
deep and direct bignlllcanco to all Kuiopc
Tlic l.etiei is | | ITO. hovvevi r , that Servian mit
rwa win hcsiiv'.ift ) and oveivt helming tha
IliiHsln's bund will he lorood bcloio CluiMt
lUi'H nnd the wholn ball-el whirling do-pit
Hi,1 HlioW tUld iee. lti"ilsij tin ; belief be ; ,
that I uvhind can keep out ol iho moss. Lori
Salisbury though Iho whole weight of thi
routitn , lias been a aln-t Uussla , hai im
romuiifetl it to continental act ion. Thus ta
ho bas eroded no league vviiieli will crusl
\vithoutcomproiiiising ICnghind as ni
active lactor Ot course it it is a grand atM
( Mti'i < l > is-4n | | , an itcliiii"dcsiie bole tojidi
, in the liaj limy vciv likely overvvei < h eon
r fildeiitinMitiui piudt'iico. but theie are in
f fcisns now Hint Is CDlleetingaliio
t VVtU.lli . - ' 1'iiiy It nil to b'ltlle.H Illthe Clillli'a
" J I > li'i.lans ant vi-ry nnxiou.i lo keep En ;
lau-l out ol the ipianel. Their ] ) apets for tin
l < i'i ' 'jiinlfJii have bec'i lull of pmi-o lo
Kii''li-b t.i'n"s | > In then ttlemuntol the Al matter , vvhi.'e piobahly lor Iho Ill's
linnlor niir.iilerol'a | century Mo-cow ha :
hail so niiinv soil vmd < for Limilnn.
ho tut KinnjH' . Iseonconied the Englisl
hiirilen oi iiMpuiist'illlly ' has been shilted t <
Aii.kllian shoulder , . Itnssian oecuii.itlon o
Jtidgarla will be tlie signal tor the nvv.umini
ot . ' 'stiran wliitoi'oatj in .Se'rvla and Itmi
inelia , ami lei the bloiiiliest strniticlo Kurop
h.u hud in many Ily Monday you ma
hear iliat Hungary is ubln/e witli eiitlmsiiisi
ns never boioie , ami Berlin Is ready lo IMCI
. . Vienna , not only with symp.uuy but wit
. , ' uoidters if Austria needs them.
or the InipoiHlliiConflict. .
lt ST in K , Nov. J5. The Kn.ssiuii eonsi
hero has been ordeioil- , hold himself i
readiness to leave with the aio.blves of hi
olllco. .A steamer Inn anlved he-ro wit
fyOW OOOcartildpVs , vvblcli mo now
loaded. I ImMiidtois of the national guiir
li.wo I icon Hiimiiioned to * join their color-
I'rlnei ) Alox.indir luihfcnta circular loth
powers , In which ho complains thu
iho Servian agent in Servl.i wlthhel
for eight lionis the notification of bervia'
( loehtnion ( | of war. I'rince Alexander indlt
nantly denies the IJiilgatians viulated th
Korvlan tionticr and iloclaiv-j that the Sei
v lans are solely b.ame'ablu lor recent event
on the boundary.
Oieat activity prcvniU at llilflppnpoll >
TrnliiH tilled vvith Mildier-i singing iiatiioti
songs are constantly leaving tor thflioni
1'eoplo throughout the eountry m.inile.s
Rivnt enthusiasui. Tumps me gratmed a
engaging In waifaielnrthe lirst time witliou
asinulo foreigner in llieir ranl.a. Itulgail ,
has decided on Ihe delen lve. Sheneeepi
war vvith calmness knowing that Kurop
will acquit tier of ull blame.
LiiNiio.v , Nov. n.-I'linro Alexander ai
rived at Soiia at 10 o'clock this morning. 11
was greeted with the utmost enthusiasm b
the populace. The liulgaiian govern men
lias asked Turkey for assistance1 , fsei vl.i v\ II
respect llio rights of the sultan in Hulgaiia.
LOMW.V. Nov. l.\ batt'llion.sol .Sci
vlan Inlantiy , tvvo battuiius of artillery an ,
two Hjnailrini'i of eavnliv to-day attacked tw
hattahons ol icgnlnr ai'd irregular Hulgaiia
t oops. The lliitgiuliiiiH lost thiity-fun
kllletl and vvimmletl. The Servian tioop-
Under Col. MIchkovlteh have nixMplcd Tu I
hrod , Biistainlng a small his-
Fifty Kulgiilaiis were caiitnred am
eontto the loilre.ssat IJelgiade. Topiilovltcli
wltli Iho Moiov.i division , Is o | > cratln
ngainslTrn. I'olonels Mfchkovitoh unit lien
I'okv , commanding tlie Drina and Sluinia Ij
divisions. HIO iiilvanclng on Diammian pas-
. ( ion. ilowauovllch Is In commund oi the Dai
C/ " Ulx ! division , which is held as a reene fore
nt Ho a i'lilink. Djiiknlteh 1 leading th
TlmoK division against HciiuraiNiik. Kie
rt vision consists ot ' m.-n. . King .Milai
before theutlvaucociiminenced , observed t
Col. lloneckv Iliat .Soiia would bu capture
within thioo tl.tys.
LO.MIOX. Nov. IX It Is reported tli
Servians linvconptnicd Adllchkula. Tlio u
port ciiilent Salnrdiiy night thai tlioy ba
eapturt'd I'm Is levivcd. H Is Mml that but
places were taken alter a brief hand to luin
HKI.IIIIAIH : , Nov. ' IX A decrcn lias hue
If.iucil announcing that King Milan won !
have ehlef command of the Servian trim )
nnd appointing deiieral 1'etiovicli chli
of btatl' . tlenciul .lankovlch , mini
tor of war , has gone to I'iro
It Is refuted King Milan lias leleu-raphctl I
thiMimpi'iorof Austihi-iiungary that iho ai
\nnco of the Hervliuis 011 Uin' oinnn pw-
lias eiimnieucod. Kour Servians whoiiirivo
at LoiniialalanUa oij a steamer \ veiefoiulbl
nrmsttMby tlm Hulgiuhin niitlinrllle .
CONHTA.NIINOI'1 i : , XoV. 15 , Tlllltihh o
> u'ei > oii the ( iieok ami Soivlan frontlei
have iMM'ii iiistiuctcd | o repel itnv attempt t
invn < lu TnrKlsli tunltorv without waltiug n
orders. _
A Soi-vlun oniolnl Intcrvlowftil.
LONDON , Nov. M. The weather Isspicndli
for a campaign In Hulguria , but the trooi
EUlfer from cold at night owing to inadciinai
roveriiit's. In an Intcrv low hero to-day tli
Servian minister said ho believed that if ti
ilalUiui confoiencd delietl to stop the w.
between Sorvla and linliiiuia , hU govern niei
Mould acquiesoo after the i-apturo of Son ;
Survli ; , he bald , desired u coiiiineicl :
treaty \\itli llulgui la and laclllllos lor trni
wilh that country. Shu alMidesiicd to mini'
that part of HuUarla which the Heiviai
oeeuideil wlien the lleilln eonforetico me
h'crvla , liocuiitlnucd , did not intend tlio coi
coiumevit of lUiJi'viiia , and lliei
was , therofou' , 1111 reasons vvh
the iKivyeis should Intcil'cie. lie dwell upo
the superi'iiity of thu rillo lists I by tlieSe
vlaiiH over the weapon jioshe'ssed by tha Bu
Turkey I'ro' krlnt ; for the Worst.
CoNsrASTiMoi'i.K , Nov. is. Another con
tract has been Hindu wltli the Austrian Llov d
for the transportation of thirty iiriru tut til
lions of troop.s from Ashi Minor to Europe ; !
Turkey , believing that f'o Hunt "tnugle <
tlm Turkish omiiiro for ext tcnco I.s npproacl
has ' ' MV.-I l
InjC. Lcid Ballsbury toh'b'r u
While , Itrlllsli roprc entRtlvo nt Coti'Uintl-
nnplii , liistrnctloiK to asiuro thn ivorle that
hnuland will do lur ntinovt t preseivollic
ntoKrity of Tuikcy. Thefiiting ? of the
knn rtiiifeieiipo have b TII Ini rnmled ovvin-j
tothclllni' ol M. .Vellidoir , Unssinn ainbis-
sijdor. It IsUMii-vpd that iv mijorlty of thr
I urkl"h troops will Iw witluli-avvii irom the
Konmellan fiontier and ctncontiateilon Ihe
bervian Irontler.
The I-'cellnt ; In llusslrt.
ST. I'Krrtiiiifiio , Nov. l.Hu sian news
pnpi'rs. both otllclnl ami iinomVial , utillo it
rondeiiinliiK the Sii-vo-H'dgailun ' war , am
di-liiiu that Uns-l.i will b-j tinabhi to si
ipilelly while llulgarla uml I Scrviu tear oticl
olhei lo plot os.
Hr. l rn-.iisiiin : ( , Nov. 1.1. The .Journal
do St. IVterslmrbints th-tt Kngland , hy do
a > Inj : the meting or thu l\k ! ! in coaferenio :
Is it sponslMo fur tin * outoroak of war between
twoen Mervia and
Jo Itnv Koi'iticr Vosltlon.
Co.v-iT. : iTiNor'i.i , Nov. l.X The Scrviat
minister here , In notifying tlio sultan of tin
outbreak of war between Hcrvia and liulgarta
nilln'rcs to Servla's former do"laratlon li
fiuorof tin1 lost'iratlon of tlu > 'ttntiisipioanti
niul offitiongthonlnn the Miltan s unthoiii1
in the llalkaiu.
Activity nl .Snlonlcn.
SAt.ovtr.v , Nov. 15. Unlimited prep.ira
tions t'or war are being m.ulo here. Tioops
hoiopH ami irun.s ate being embarked lor tin
( ireek I ion tier , lluslncssln the city U ali
BlaniLstlll. _ _
1 1 1 Kit MUST KANT .
The OlUcial "Win-runt , for ItH 13\oon <
tlon I'ikitiiito to Kogioa ,
Wi\-ii'io : , Nov. iiucstion ol
Kid's fate seems to ho fully settled. Thi
linnnlng , Sherwood , chief of the Oomlnloi
pollen of Ottawa , arrived by regular train 61
the Canadian Pacltio lailvvay , bringing tin
governor general's warrant for Iho execution
Ho Immediatdv alter lett by special trail
lor Uegina , ami should arilvo theio oailv li
in the m irning. Aluurd nmiors have hcei
at > toad heto of a pie n'llc a'lcinpt at rescm
by Dumont and a puty Horn the elates
Jheie Is no tiuth in them.
KI.III.VA , N. W. T. , Nov. I1 ; . A specin
mi'Ssemror , bilnglng the warrant signed bj
the governor general of Canada , dliectliu
that the CM'eution ot I.otil.'i Kiel , leaderof tht
Canadian half-biectls in their teeent rebel
lion , should take place in itccoidanco with tin
verdict ol the jury which tried him , ni rivet
licio on a special iraln nl 8 o'clock to-night
lucre is no longer any doubt that Kiel wil
meet Ids tale on the seaUol I at sonu
hour lo-moiiow. The arrival of tin
Wai i ant was a , surprise to cveil
many of tlio official : * , vvlio , ovvnu
to tuo lain hour and previous delays
had amued that antithor respite would fol
low. Kiel received tne formal Intelligence at
! i o clock to-iiighl in Ins cell In tbegnar.l
room ot the mounted police banacks , throi
miles west ot this city. Tne Intelii&Mice vvu-
couvoyetl to him in person hy High Sherill
Cliapleaii. The scone was in many respects
iciiiarlvable. Tlie famous lehol's eei
i.s immediately ndjaeent to the guaii
room ot tlio tioops doing nigh' '
paliol duty. fullv fifty of when
occupied Ihe room. Thioiigb the iion gate ir
liont ol the cell was an armed seniiuel or
duty , anil outside the building a cordon oi
armed men weie pacing their beat" .
Tlio lion gate was tliiovvn ope i at the approach
preach of tlm high sheiiffanil Col. livine
commandant of tlie mounted police. Atop
tesentativo of the Associated prcsn vvasal
lowed by comtesy to bo pioseiit. Kiel , vvhc
bail been conversing wilti the sin-jo in of tht.
post , uioso and welcomed the slierllfin :
heiM-fv and thijioiighly iincon-traineil way
His voice is modulated. nntl In
displayed no sign of excitement. Ills initia
gieeling was , "Well , and so you have conn
vyitli announcement. I am gi.ul. '
Sheiill Chapleau icpdetl that the death war
rant had come. Klei continuing in the sanu
cheery wa/ , said , " 1 am glad that at last 1 ante
to bi > released liom my Mitlerlngs. "
lie then biokeoll Into French and thanked
thu sheiilf t'or bis piwomil consideration
Ho proceeded again in English : "I dosin
that my body shall bu given 10 my ft lends t (
be l.iitl In St. Boniface. " Thii , i i tlu- Freud
cemeterv aeioss Ketl liver from the city o
Winnipeg. Tlie slierilf asked him if bo hat
any wishes to eonvej us to Iho. eli-.po-ilion o
his personal esta'c or effects. "Mon chor , '
leplietl he , " 1 have only tbU , " touching Id
bieast above the legion of the heait
"fills I gave to my countiy itftcen joiirs ago
and It is all I have to give now. " lie wa
asked as to his peaeeof mind. Ho ropllod , "
long ago niiide my peace with my iiotl , am
am us jiteMieiI | no\v as I can hi.'at any time
Vou will liiul Iliad a mission to pcifonn
1 want vou to thank my ft lends In Quebec
lor all limy have done I'or me. "
llecontinuoil in loplv to another : "Ian
willing to go. 1 Hball bo permitted to s.iv
! < oinellilngon thetscaiVolil , " ho said ! lu atom
ot Iiniuiiy. When told that ho would bo al
lowe to , he said , smilingly , "You think
may utieak too long , and thai It will nnnervi
mo. ! I shall not bo weak. 1 slml
feel that when the moment co.iitw 1 shai
havn win js vvhicli will carry un Hawaii ! . "
Then leverting again to the Kieiicb toiitfiu
and thu inimitable vvlnnint' way for whlcl
bu is famed In nil tho-n who have known bin
closely , hu spolo a ain ot tlio I ; u.l rciu.'in
biMiu-o he would retain of thoset vvho-hat
e ioe-.od ) . his pei.sf.iial cause , lie closed lo
saying to bhenlf Chapleau , as he held out hf
liuil ; to him In parting , "Adieu man ami. '
His eye was clear and unllinchln ; aud lid
bearing thioughout was such as lo evoke i
sense of adiiiliatlon by the absence ot ; inj
tioinor ol exeltemont. If ho over showed tin
white leather under lire ijr on any occasioi
lie siiceeeded In keeping himself iidmliab 3
under command in the picoiicoof hlsowi
appioaehing late. IVro An.lie , his spirilu.i
adviser , then aiiived and ho W is left will
him toeelcbrato mnss.
( Jrinw : , Nov. 15. The attitude of tin
I'lench Canadians on the Kiel question a
piesent Is ono of sull'ei ing In silence. Tin
stand taken by their newspapers In the m it
lor is vei. v resolute , nnd the Kngllsh pnptila
tlon led very uneasy. All soils oi Interior
tii"i ) to save Kiel's neck tioin tlio lope Is be
Im , ' Invoked. It is evident that Iheio is i
terrihli ) einrent of tei.'lliu existing iimon ,
the I'lvm-h < 1anadians. It Is leirnctl tion
thn best nuthorily that a beoiet am
sjiecial nieetlii ! * ; ol the Fieiieh ronM > rvntl\i
moiubcrs ot Kiilmuicnl convoneil lo-niglit
A l-'iMicli lahlnet minister , whoso name i
would not d. i to iHLiitioii just n-iv , will ii
Ihe event ot Kiel's hanging bo burned li
elllsy in Iho ( treets hero lo-uiorrovv.
Sir lloitor Longevin. who eanio hern oi
r riday morning liom Ottawa , ivinrneil bom
yesU'idiy allernooii. It Isnirrently lepuriet
that his NiidiU'ii and unexpected ilepait'ii '
vvtts caused by tlio piopo-.itinn to bin
of MHiiu , ; . t-xtremc ineu > ures In con
ncotloii with thu H ol nrattt'r , ir 1
Mated that ho came here with the sol
purpose of tiMiertaiiiltitr the vlovvs of tin
rreneh Canadians In Quebec npiiti thosuti
loot of tl.o Kiel hanging , and that contrary i
Ids own piivi'.te opinion ho found the popuhi
tion heio liatl actui"y taken a ste-ultast ticsi
tion and demanded tneeoinmntation of Kiel'
tun lei ice. VS'ldlo Sir Uwtor wa-i here hi
leslileuen was hpsle ed by promiiitin
and active politicians In the conie-rvaih
inteiest lo thU end. Fiom wlui
Ssir Hector and prominent politicians litiv
Fald Ilic.1 s late is not sealed be ) end douhl
OnoniouiliiPnt man heio last night paid tha
still thirty-filx liouis must elap-u bi'toio th
appiintedliiiio ot executuui , and wonder
iniKht jet uo svoiked In Ihe dominion gove-in
MONTUKAI , Nov. IS. A light over the Kir
question took iiluco hero last night belweei 1 lench Canadians and some men o
other natiomtlitlos. Dining the distui bane
ono ot the men engaged , an Knglishumi :
drown revolver , hut U was snatched inn
him iM-foro anv harm could bo doue , Th
feeling amom : the French Canadians licin it
day over the probable execution ot Hid vvu
siialueJ , but M yet no be-iioua truubic is es
Train Ditolieil.
CHICAGO , Nov. H. The Incoming Nei
Vtuh express on tlio Chicago it Atlantic ral
road wr.s thrown from Iho I rack jiut insld
the diy limits , atxiit U o'clock this niornlnx
None of tlu pa-usonsct3 were Injured , excep
Ing two l.itlir.s who were on their way to Dei
ver. They were b.ully brii ed. Tlio cujtln
ami bj-'gdge car were ludly vvrecUeil. Th
eau o of the uccidcnt U uui yet known ,
Snramary Donling With the Defunct Ju
tlioiol Dignilaryi
TI > o R nr-ICyctl GotUlcss of TtcPorn
utovo Uof < ! oy thn Hunt *
bio l est of .Jury Com
Vlncctit'M nemornl.
Xnv. 15. Kx-Chk'f .Tii'tic
VliiriMil , of No\v Mcslco , lirfnra knvln
Wasliln ton on thu iltli tint. , wrote Olovi
lanilali'Ucrof ' wiUoh thu following arc th
WASHINGTON , Nov. n. Sin I dos-lro li
Ibis lormal way toe.dl yourattentlon lo fact
nnd clielimstaliecs connected wltli mv rt |
pointmeiit to and summaiy suspension fro.i
the high and honorable ntllco ot chief lu tie
of the snpiomo court of theteiritory ol Nov
Mexico and judge of the ursl Judicial dlstile
theieiit. 1 did not solicit the app liiitment ti
tlie olllco of chief lUHtleo. but wnile I was ol
a business tiip ( o 1'niope Ust spring the on of the judicial distiiotthe delegate h
congress , and many loading cti/.omi ( ol Nov
Mexico joinott In a ru'iucitt for my appoint
iiieul , and niter careful examination into 111 ;
antecedents and my standing RS n hiwoi
you saw tit to lender mo the position
I immediately return 'd to the Unliei
.Stales anil held eomt every day nntl
Minimality nntl without healing susp '
bv you. On receiving the telegiamol
her II , which Inlormeil mo 1 had lii'en m
ponded , 1 sent jou a dlspitch nxklug tit
cause ot my suspension ami that 1 be given :
hearing , as thoio would be no courts lor tei
weeks and them was necessity for immedlnt
action. Yon have never replied to that ton1
irr.iin or otheis making the rauio iviruost. aii <
It has been neccss.i.iy tor mi ) to visit Wash
Iiulmi to lo.irn tliu eau o of my Mixnonsioi
and why 1 was not boi'oio llnai acilon wa
taken iitrnislicd witli a statement of tin
elnnte against mo and permitted to answe
whether utility or not guilty.
Although I could not learn what had beei
charged against me. I knew theio was no ac
In either my public or private life vvhid
would not bear the Unlit of searching Inspec
linn. My etlort liasli-'on ami now is lose
oiireanliivesti atoii ! of all my official tier
and doings. I telegraphed you on the ml
asking lor a hearing , but no teply was 10
ceivrd. On llio :20th : and ' -Ust ot October
liatl the following telogr.umic coriespoiutenci
with yon si ml ilui attornev geMun'ai :
SANI vFi : , Oct. Jti.-'l'o the lion. A. II
C.arland. Attoiney Cunoral , Wnshlnjrtoii.-
Can 1 have your permission to stait fo
Washington Wednesday afternoon. I'lciiM
answer nuiuediaieiy. WM. A. VtNcnxr.
WASHINGTON. Oct.0 llo : . Wvi. A. YIN
ci.Nr , Santa Fe. I have no permission H
give , as your suspension by the president I1
absolute- . Your successor will bo appointee
within a day or two. A. 11. C.AHI.AND.
Attorney lieuoral.
SANTA Fi : , Oct. 21. CLIVKI.ANI : >
Washington. Altorney Cicnuiiil Gin laud in
foi ins mo my suspension is absolute1 , and
earnestly ffiotest a ainst sudi summaiy no
tion without even a hearing , wbeieby no
leputntion is iiiiuod forever , and appeal t <
vour sense of manhood and justice I'or i
healing in older to show I nave been ai
npiuht judge. 1 can leach Washington n
lour days and icfiite any charges against me
Will you not suspend tuither action until mj
aiiival. Business cannot sull'er , as there art
nocouits t'or ten weeks. Pleas" answer to
A. VIJ.XT.N r. The dispaleli < it tlio attorney
geneial was approved by mo aud the saint
will bo adhered to because upon thoeoncedei
1-aets wo aie convinced a change is demanded
'jiiovhii Ci-KViiLANi ) .
president , Washington. The full faet.s an
not be fine you. 1 have sent them to tin
attorney gehcial bv mail to-day. I am no
unhung lor the oilleo but my good name
I'lease lead my statement on its arrival.
Did 1 nsk you for more than was fair , ' Di
my dispatches lead as though I bad anythlni.
to coueeall' The same night 1 leeelvctl youi
telegram 1 Btartetl lor this city anil 'tinco mj
arrival hive examined all the. papeis in tcln
tion to my case at the executive mansion , tin
ollicu of tiic attorney geneial and the depait
menl of tlio Interior , including Ih" genera
land ollice. The soio charge against mo i :
that pietVrred by Mr. KMibach , ot Indiana
namely , tiio appointment ot Stephen W
Doi'oy , as one of the live eoinmi-s-'umers t (
select jurors for Colfa-c oountv , and that VV.T
made under the iinpies-iion tliat lie vu : ) ti
elect juiors lor the United Slates couit. Al
the other papeis on ulo ate testimonials am
endorsements of my diameter as a man , mj
nrmness anil ability as a judge , anil genera ! of mv eonise whllo onthebtncli
N'o man could doaiie stronger emlorscmenti
than 1 have in tlio pspoison nle. many , am
pi'ihnps the most imiKiiUiU of which wen
nlcd si lire my suspension.
You have ns.iireil me that It has not bret
Intimated Ural 1 am not honest . . - . a man , tlm
1 was not honest as judg , nnd that my lega
capacity i'n the posiiiun bail never been tpico
Honed. Attotney deneral Catland anil Sec
rttary Lnmar have n.ssin.'d me ot thh In pvoi
slroiigorteims. Since it Is not chlhved tha
I RIU dislionesl or incompetent , you inns wrong ami injustice has
been done me. Yon did not and could no
know the reasons which Induced me lo ap
point Dorac. . ) . It would have boon only full
anil was duo me , to have waited until my ex
pianatlon was matte , as I only asked a uehv
of tour dav i bdnre you appointed m.v sucet" !
.sor. Uou-cy was appointed a jury commit
sinner tor the following leasons : Then
have be-on tor many years a number ot tuibu
lent t = piiits lu Couaxeotinty , who have con
tiniiahy fomented tumble. Last spiing tll <
shoriil , in attempting to make an must , wa
shot and so badly wounded t bathe Is itlllcou
lined to his bed. SuoitU alter this oeenncne
one ot the guilty parties was ane"-led am
lilaced In jail al bpiingor , the eonnty seat o
Coltacounty. . A number of lila associate
atieinpted to release him Irom jail , and In th
not winch lolloped tlneo men were killed
KcmarKable us it may seem , a Inigc niimbe
ot piomliienl and Iniluentlal eill/.eiis su- :
lained tlio parties who had nui'lo the atlael
upon the ; jail , an 1 It was neeessaiy lo rail ii
IJnltoil Staleslegnlar troops fiom 1'oit Unloi
to ijuell thoilol and pie&civo peace. Thi
troublelenovved old fends created soiim year
ax'o , when , on account ot similai liotib es , i
was iif-cssary to niiniis Co lax county ti
Taoscountj lor jinlicral puiposcs , and th
leellng bctvvei'ii all classes ut the people wa
nitiiH hitter than 1 can describe or you cai
Muuld'nion to this there IH continual wa
In New Mexico between the Mieop and cuttle
men in icginil to tango and water right !
When mini convened in < 'otu | < ( county ian
Keptembei tiiern vveie liW otiminal crises oi
tlit : docket , and timing lmt ! letiii over lu
mure indictments were fi.und , many , if nu
mo.of ! tliem , gi.i.vlng out ot tlio ttoublo t
vvlucli I have ri-ieited. Wh'-io there luii
I'i ' en so much looting it wits of COIIIMI dull
cult to obtain a fan jury , and I re-alUiM thn
the U"k of .sditing jury eommlcsloneis wa
a dillleiillone. As you doubtless Know , th
Nov. Mexico statutes provide ) that Ihe con
mission lo select juteus shall eoiislst of tli
dlstilet judge , the priiliato juilgo of th
county , und three comiiiissloneir , aiipolnic
by the district judge , the latter Irivlng Hi
right to reject any one proposed b > any con
mibbloii. 1 have always had n leptilxu an i , ,
the commisnlon to prevenl the pu-iaibjliiy ti
having a political jury , ami druled Ine eon
mlsolojiers lid ween the .Mexicans and AIH-T
cans so that moo leellng might bo avoidei
Tlio probate jutlgo VMS n Mexican and
republican. I hud never mot him , but It wa
led to tuo that his sympathies wi r
lou.irdn iho i-lieep imiiois. .JIM
Carlllo , Metslcanon thecninnd.ssioi
was ( selected beeait-'o lu ) wa * iv deniiK-rat ,
Mexican , and had b-en Idontl.iod vvltrt tiiln
lllg inteiojts. A. C. lluinham hnd li.'iprcssu
me favorably on account of his Intiililgeiin
nntl Mas bdected bccauso ho was a de-moci.i
and one of thu few who had noHyiupaih
with any couteiidlng factions. Kx-Scnati
Doibey lad taken no puit In the tiimblu it
fi-rrfd to , was thu leading lepubllcttu of til
county unit probably the largest fndlvldiu
to hannunUo tlw conlllcts between the t-l.e * ?
andcaitli'itu i , ami was Inieatitytho icpn
sontntlvoeatt'cman nnd pea ma'fer ' lu iii
county , in ad-lilion to toing a man of wcnltl
and In eonscounnco InlrreMad In the cooil
onhrot th-M'nttuty. \ oi'ii-Mercd allot these
niAttmxery ivreiully/aml it M'cins to mi' '
after condUlcmlton that It v.-onld ln > a wl < o
and discreet thltu to iipjmlnl hltn. I did i-ot
ilo so. however , until after eon nltlng with
Colonel William HiecdiT , the ntlorno.v- . -
oral of the teriUory , who hail ehiriie
of the criminal ca es , Mr. Kianh
Sprlmror. a prominent lavvyor of thotrrrltoty ,
itinlCol. ( tich.nil . \Vojl ) Herts of in } court.
They all agreed that nil appointment was the
IK-SI that could bo made , and 1 determined
upon It for tlie nv.snii that \vo could tint
think of another rollout of the rountv , iv >
publican In uo.ltiixs MI true tioin lociU compll <
eatiniisor whtLso jiidirinioulil ! ! ' bo sooln -
able In tno seli tlon ot Jtnors to try the many
criminal cases on thu tltwket , The same d.iy
I dcohlod t appoint Porsoy , ho happeiutl ti :
bi'in timoourtnioni. lealled him and ad'
ministered the oatli nlil | the r.ommlsslonei
selected tlio jury for Km next term. This ilhl
not oc.cupy an lionr , null I am prepared t <
pioM ) tlut the jinles Cor tlio next term nu
the nest that conn ! v has oser had.
lu nigaid to my personal relatloni wltli Mr ,
Horsey I can tuy that I had m ver met Dorso.v
but oiico befoio going to Spilnger to hold
onurl ami then only for u moment. Sometime -
time attei ward some uf the member ! ) ot tht
b tr Invited mo In join them In n Irtpti
I ) or-ey's m1 m i. I jolnotl tlienr , but as Doisej
was in all the time wo were tueie , I had in
conversation'witn him. in appointing Oor-
.sey it did not occur to 1110 that the lad would
have any elfeet upon national polities 01
trie goner.d policy of your adiniiii-tnitlon
This view ol the case noverciiteretl my mind
The preservation of the pence ami good oitiei
of the community wan alone considered. Mr.
I'ishbaek , of Indiana , who preioriod thr
ehargeoi appointing lor-y against mo may
hi > a very repiitab e m in , b it ho is broilii'i'-lii.
law to a very dangerous , violent Incendiary
named O. I' . McMilns , who le.sided in Now
Mexico and has IK'UU convictetLot u iniirdei
there althoiuh he escaped punisbmeiit upon
a teelinlealily. I lm\e iiltal witli the nttorno.v
geueial aeeititled tiaiWc'Ipt t > t his tilal ami
conviction , together with all the evhlenw
given at the trial , and fiom which you
can sco that the murder was not only coward
ly but citiel In the extreme. Dm hit : the Sep.
tember term of court I , decided two cause *
a. ; dn t MeMaln'ti. ncaliist which lu > was nnicli
incensed. Douht'css ho caused Ins brothei-
In-lavv ( Fisbback ) to proter the charges which
resulted In my .suspension.
In conclusion , Mr. I'icsiiiont , 1 carnesllv
rotpitst that you will caiue , tlirousluucntsoi
your own choosing , the most searching In
vestigation Into my whnlp conduct in New
Mexico , whether as a citizen or , anil
and that should you hereafter be satisiii d. T <
you must bo when Hilly Inhumed , that ! have
hern faithful to the sacred trust eomidod lo im.
ami upiluht in all things , \oii will do me thai
justice which yon alonu can do. and which
> "iir high sense of honor and lalrncas will
I have the honor , to be , vciy rcsiKctfnlly ,
your obedient sei vant ,
The Hull ttominito li astop Sends Ton
Soiiln Into l icrnlly.
SiLvnit CLIKK , Col. . Nov. 15. A fire Fri
day niditin t eengino houaoof the Hull Do
luitigo mine exploded a largo quantity ot
giant powtler , destioyhig the machinery ami
dealing great havoc. Tljo mine was in oper
ation and a largo iinin or0i' | men were on the
lower level , cut oil from.e.seape. Supe.iin-
tcudent Foss , of thq Uuil'Uoiiiiiiu'o , was nol
Injured by the mine esplosJon , us at liistsn | > '
posed. Tlio engineer anili several others in
tlio building at tlm time of the explosion
weio slightly Injured , but nut seriously. All
the debris has been removed lioin around the
mouth of th fhaft , and thaiiro on the timber
ot tlio shaft near thu surface oxtinirnlsliei' , Arm.uoiiij : lias , boon lot d iwu b >
lopes into the mine iWU.fvt , and found * the
air good there , but got iio > tidings irom the
men below. lie Imd to Iw brought- out on ac
count of caving near tbo Bt'irtace. He foam !
one cage stuck .see.uroiy at a depth of ufty
feet Item the surface ami a large quantity ol
debris trileil upon it. The bhalt near the snr-
lacn bas now been ciiblicd ami Armstrong
will go dev % n very soon by a rope to the bottom
tom ot the mine , < W ) tcet. It possible. The
lollowlng men aie in tliemiiu ) : II ,
Wei-ttall , Klmor HeisUir , U.r. . I'.itton , N. I ) .
( iiossllur. M. l.apoint , JiJiu Lambe , ( ienetal
Smith , William Sttongaud M.ucus Uaptiste.
Armstrong was let down Jo the .V > ) fool
ovel and toiinil ten men. all dead. Fivool
hem had el Imbed eighteen fc't from tut' '
bnttoin of the shait ton dntt , and t eirdeail
biille.s were fount in the month of thedrlit.
At 7 o'clock p. m. one. of the dead bodi s bail
been lifted to the surface. Tlio others will all
bo r.iised as roon as possible Tnreo ot tht
de id mo'i leave families living b. TO. Out
was engaged to he minted ne < xl week. The
pupcrintendcnt was not .injured , as hero
toioio mentioned , fucli indign.ition Is tell
towards hi.ii and Ilimo Is sming talk ol
lynching him by indignint m ners who ac
cuse him of criminal ncgliui-ncc In keeping
giant pnwder In the boiler room.
It seeniH now that Iho nro originated In the
root ol the. building , and a poition ol'tlu
binning roof tell Into the bolUir room on the
glaut povviler , vvliich exolodcd , bursting : i
ho o Into Iho boiler and dislocating tin :
machinery so that everything slopped at
once , but the men comd Inivo been tliawn
fiom the mine if the mncliliicrv could ; liavc
he-en kept running , ii'itwitlistindlnij the
building was on mo. No one was scrionslv
injured by the explosion in the building , but
the engineer nnd .several othei.s were stunned
ami bat ncd , Kngimer Chamberlain was
standing at his cnglno tryimrto make It work
w.ien Miiuouniled by lla.iic.-i , and was carried
a-vay by torce by friends. Hundreds o {
cltl/.cns ol Silver Clir | , Ilosita and Oil' ridn
wuiKcil all nigtit last nl ; ht and all day en-
ileavoring to le.scuo tlie miners , and hundreds
aie theie now helping to get the bodies out ol
tlio mine. , Nov. iri..Ml the dead bodic-i
have been lemoveil lroii | Iho Hull Diiiiiiiiu'i ;
mine. Detenu. tied threats of l.vnchinII. . .
W. Kos.s , the siipciintfiidont. were indulgeil
In ami no ( lnuhtvonl4 have been put In effoel
hail not pioiiinciit cttlx.ens gone to the mint !
und Induced tl.o inturiated relatives uml
lilcnds ot the dead to stay their rasli Inten-
lions until the t'a-t could bo celt led that Fos\eil such a l.ito. i Coroner Hurko called
an lo day , swore a jury , identliit'd tlie
bodies , and tuljoiuiuJl iiniil 10 o'clock to-
morio'.v. *
r tlie SunVirers Iho Uiponnosl |
Kulj ! ot In thi ; Stricken Oily.
O AL\'isToji : , Xov. 15 , The weather lion
j'fsleidav wna sprinliko and Inisine&s gen
eially has bein re.iim'ictl. The stoies an
oppii. but the eitv nitsa tiolldav air about It
People walk unkllv about with sail lace *
Ihimsaixbroiistantli' visit the burnt dlstrlc
unit amail Kinonldeiicg ilrri aie still buinliu
hc/c and theie. Tha HIM depanni ml Is tear
nf ; town iIaiiic > troiiH.chfiiiiioH and '
HIM tiUfi-is. Ue'lier < ; tmiiiiitteesaiea'-tlvel.v u :
v/tii' ; % rd evoiy poor and homeless i.imllj
has hc n nnuloo'jinfnrtiiUio and temporaillj
shoitoied. 'JVIi rauM .W yiniatiiy | and all
ciintlnne to ai rive , tior. Ueland sent SVrt )
theclivof etmi iii SW Fiugo , Dik. . 10
I'lio Texas citiis , ire He.nilinill contribution )
to tlieir iniionnnato neichbur ,
'J'lio biivui siib-fomin5tv < > < oru anl ell foi
thi'Utirpo.uot niurchlitf out vicilmsof Frl
d.ty ti eonila.'i-.iilda h.ite had n busy dav
Two Ir.uitlreil head * of families havt
been lif-te-tl ai ftorlfiv of every ro
Jioi that It Is i | .6h < iblo to o\t nd
riino tar f.'M.VM have been expended in
lemiiurary relief. iMuny pitiful of des
titution ar < > reported , anumg Hie victims be
In , : a larx.o iHiuibor of educated and icniiei
lema'i , of . .iiul ! ; uMjm ; , who Imvo lust theii
little homes and winliodiatr to pcinnt thtti ;
deKiiiutrt . oniiitloii to bccomo known. Om
momiier of the relief ouil-idtteo bus ipceivn
six letterfr.uit tainllitM of U'is ' de-ciiptuui
aniting whetliei al.l could not bo extemlej
t'U'iii iiin.x ily by tiif ! : nmUtca Thoirram
jur ) VB-i 'jay | niiolvi'd tlmt lulls ciunioi
tlic ciii/.unsot ( iaivoiliin weif uiiitblo to pro
vntn.U" < | imUy ) ! to& | hu iellef ol v let tins o
the lire , and tl. 4V'ous troin ever1
Koiin nh'iii'it ' ' bii itiid it her'JJV sotlelletl
Jho i.srvnse'ii jil M-iKtio ! i.iruiH'r of dn.tltut
uiiMi lfivr ! t'"i' ' tlu > i HUn'W ecmmltte'i ;
Ata nr-cli.i ; . > f : ' | actl. | ' . ' 'is' riliiof eo nmittct
Ja.if e-.i nlng tv roHgw ui' < v AH adnp'.ed :
It't-ulved. YbUk It l. > the - iiseoi ihoeoni
mlUCij thiii "v.ulsi lim I'u'iiiiiiuco ' ai"no
rtt'j.--i'ljit-ons lioia idn.wd f >
pufiere > s. } ri , > , . an-iUs-j-ly giatft 1 tu a'
ilo'iatiur.j , \ | i ! ) luyy btf muJo lrt > , t'i ;
American Securities Eagerly Ib'ongU for ot
tlio London Slock BoarJ.
A Oixino of Jiinii ) Aticatl llotwoiMi the
iM\i-l : < > stftlio UrltNh nntl Amor-
loan Meti'tipolUiiivvcn
and the Iteuilliii ; .
Wonhly liorlnvv of the KtocU Market
Nnvv VOHK , Nov. l.\ ( Special lotlio HIM : . .
If auylhluic was needed to sivo the tlnlsli
Uijj toiitjli to theedlncb of lilRli stock prices I
was silppltedliy thocmzo for Antei lean btocks
in the London mailiet. The tiekll-li eondl
tlon of tiling nmuni ; the govern
ments In connection with Iho liroprcssibit
ciiilern iiuestton have thrown Kn llsh Invent
ors tn a line liitht about the m'urltlci of tin
continental states. They me unloading al
such ns rapidly as possible and luriiliuj It
our stocks tor Inve-dmeutas the only thini. !
which can not bo po-sibly nlToctetl by tin
{ fame of illploiiucy. At the same time tin
advatieo nlieady seeureil by American slock ;
IH an appoti/.in bait , and Indications of In
cieased business and revenue'H conseiiieii )
uHii | ) tlio trunk line settlement are more
eagerly discounted In CVpelcoiirllhan In Wa
atiete. livery Ameiitan sto-u de.ilt in 01
the London stool ; noa it has had u toueli ol
this boom dm 111tlie } week. Tae London o <
oliaiKo closes iiiKiut the tlmo Hie Sow Von ;
boaitl ope.tH , ami the ( -10 1111 ; quotations an
cabled Now Yolk i = hoitly alter the miukei
heieopens. Almosteveiy day tinentile Iisi
lioui London shoNVed an iidvaueo over tin
cosiii [ prices of the pieivdin ; ; dav in New
\OIK. Dm-nmiKct u.vur.lm iy would open
at thhi advance , wnloli in Humecusch was ovei
1 per cent , and Xew Yoik's advamo i a- tin
clay vvoald bosnipassed by Lomlon'siiguio -
oi the l'oliowiiiiilay. In this way the wi
marKeta heljied one anonier on ttio iipvv.inl
lluyini ; hero by foreign houses was con
stant d.iriii tlie vvje.i , ami e.n.irae.'d all
clashes of both Investment ami speculative
stoe'ks. A tjooil deal of tills buuni ; Is un
doiibtedly t'or investment , and Is on Its wav
to Kuriipe to stay. A L'ie.uor jiuit of it , how
ever , Is simply tuo operations of houses en-
ia e'd In r.ibifrary spL-culallon , by which i >
meant roa i/.lniin jnoiit on Ine dllVoronce in
prices between tlie two miukets. Those , mid
the invo.stinont puicluises for foreiiii aecouni
aiicatly noted , were immense this week. St
largo weie the > that the tli.ilts drawn on Kn-
lope by the nrms milking Midi pniehase-
hioke tno rate of eKeiian o iiihiteot' | the
alarmiiu scaicity ol eoinmerelal bills aiaiiisl
eoiion and uiain shipments , and tno iisiii ol
thebaiiiv ol Kn land di-eount i.ue. Oil tin
announeomenl of llio tatter fact , a leadini ;
Xew 101 * k drawer of oxciiiiu o ailvanced tht
rate ot elcmaiid bills to Si.MK at which poini
it remained about half an hour , as everv
banking lioiiso in the tliect with Umopeiii !
eoiinections was issuing bills of exchange
anil tm > int : stocUs. \\'all slieet accorilin ij
had anothei b'u week in piiiiitof stoeic bus
ness , with some surprising advances. Tin
only break in the week between XowYoil ;
and London was on Saturday , when London
prices , lor tlio Hint time in ibo week , came in
lower than Xevy York's closiiuj lor thought
beioie. Seryir.s ; declaration ot war no douhl
unsettled tilings there , ami American stocks ,
Illo lcallv enoiub , Hiilferctl HIOII with tlie
lest. Indications , however , puintto London
lesuiiiiiuc theiadv.ineo in Auiencan biui'oy aa
teen as the flurry In over.
, , Tlio-public hero l.snuiro thoroughly enlisted
on tlio Dull-nidi ! than over. Urokor.i a roc the
mi'.rket Isfiio ot the widest and most le ltl
male ever oxperleneed. Tuoro are so many
in It there is for the moment little necessity
I'or manipulation. One oi the m ist interest-
In ; leatuies ot the week i.s the leappoaranee
01 Franklin H. Cow n as champion of the
Vijry Keiulini : stoekhnldci.s vvno ewe the
wreck of their co.iipiny to his reeklessni s ,
ami his application tor their snlfrn es for the
presidency of the load at the nppioa < 'hlu
election. Theehiei Inducvine'iit n proinlse-i
in the event ot his election is that under hi-
iiiairairemtmt a close alliance will ho perfcctod
with the li.ihlnioie X- Ohio , and ! nterfi'.ieiiie :
of the I'enn.syiviinia in Heading aifa r.s will
bn vigorously eouibatted. While his election
is decidedly unlikely , a jjootl 111:111 : v ainalloi
Heading stockholders will MippoitUowen on
the pilnciplo that the man who yeis you inte
tlio ditch presumably known morn abonl
Kettiiii ; you out. Anyhow , tno Ito.idingeltii- :
tion pronilscs lo be snllk'Iently intiuvstiiii ; .
Jt will develop wbethyr.attiial tit-livery ot tlie
Keadiir- the IV-niisylvan was an unwrit
ten poi-tion of tlie YamierlilU-l'eiiiisvlvaiihi
co npaet. A creat deal ol' aliao.ho.-i al
tno present time to the block of to.ojj share-
ol Keatlinn which weio latelv takenit Isnald ,
in one loan by the Cheinieal Hank of Xo\v
York. This Is one of Yandeibilt'.s batikw
and thcie arc not a tew who s.iy it reveal-
the details of a i' railroad'nnd when
the timoeouies tholei ! iliiKboud ol dlieetoiv
will bo tully eoinmitted to mo guidance .nul
conhol ol the Pennsylvania.
The Wai * ot * Wrtls in tin ; I'-iteiit Con
test , IScuoino'i liiU-rc'stinjj.
WASIIINOTON , Nov. 1.1. When llio lienrlnv
of the telephone eases was resiimeil yesterthij
Starrow mibmltted a tinmbcr ol atlUavln foi
llioBell company denying the simllaiily ho
t'.vevn the models MibinltU d and the orlglna
of Ilelns' instniment. Several document'
were admitted into evidence , and Seeret'irj
Luinur announced that , he hail doeldcil to al
low each Bide live hours in which to maki
their arguments. This hearln. : would bo c in
llnued until 10 o'clok Saturday night am
inn over perhaps into Monelay mi.riiintr. Ii
tlio argument thcioaieonoe > r two points oi
which ho ( the seerotaiy ) would Invoke rcnn
discussion at ns early a stiyo ; In tlioar.'uiiijn
as pos-'ib.c. Ho wished lo nut the conns.i ii
possession of some points upon vvnieli lit
ti niM'lt ni'i'dcd eiilignteiunenl.
Mr. Ilumiiliievs , counsel lor the ( ilobocrnn
panv , opjiied tlie iiixmuent. Ilo clmrgci
boldly Inat III Iho Inlerleronce ca-es beton
the [ latent olli"o eveiy one of the eounsi'I hai
Iieen piirclia-ted by ( ho Hell company , indud
lui ? the counsel lor 1'rol. ilray , and iliat e.eij
seiiteiice ol the vminuinoit > record ot tliosi
jirocecd'nic'i was paid lor by ( ho same com
pan1' . In cuiioluMui ) llumpliioy.s asked fo
an older i < / liistltuto hint IH prayed tor ai
older to go to the very bottom of all tin
claims and mete out ( "cactjnstlco to ull pur
sons. Ucceis was then talion.
Alter inner aigiune'iits lor the pclltloncH
KtnrrovY br au to icjily in behalf of Iho ltd
I'ompuny. lie iiHiufretl it the commissioner
v\ ere re-ad v to pick llavv-i in Iho patent vvhlcl
iioll h.ul tarni-d or to altaek tldx patent be
cause I'll-comluct alleged to liavo wcurioi
on the unit ofone ot the olllceis in the dc
jiartmciit. which lied"iileil , SI arrow turnei
Iil-i atientloii to the matter of tlie i ighl ot thi
uinernment to biinir suit to itvoln ) u patent
lit ! said there * was no necessity for the Uiiitei
States to bilnj ; Hits suit ; It war , no renn-il ;
( but could not bo obtained by mi Imlividuil
The ( leerea tavoiablo to the ( tell company eli
lained -Mc-inplil.i would bind no one. he
e-aiiae it hroiuht by the people , nil o
them. IllsoppunentM wnu in the position o
Hi11 ! ! lying Ifi wait behind a vvutl lo sliuut ;
wau who pabitd iinarined.
Another WlincU at HlirjliiH.
Nr.vv YoiiK , Nov. M. ( Special totholii ) : : .
Francis Miller , republican candid , ite ut th
Into election f jr comptiollci of Maryland , ha
written a tailor to the pie idcnl calling ut
tontlon to the record ol Appoiniinent Tier !
HurJni. Ileroheartcs the -lory of the null
uiti : > iion by lligylns 411 dcmociatlo ballot
for uionn bnllot. , in ti'i'i , and quotes loitei
from piuiiiliienl demwiala in hunimrt of In
bta'i-t ' -ut'i and lu bhu\v that hi
' A Valno A'larm.
TonoNro. Nov. 14. The Mall'a Wir.nlp ?
dlsti.itch : "Huporid sent out from It (
pin.v to tl.o < rTcpt that the Ul-a'-l.fppt natio
in eiivl to il-- < i in the t-prl'i. ; and clean out th
-uchmeu sue ) wl'lejaiu utli-rly utitrua.
CJKN. aionuows HA DUB.
The Pi-ONontntloii tit Sidney A 1'tofto-
ant Social Invent.
Sii > M\\eb.Xov.H. : ( Spivinl to the HEI- |
A biilllntu ii'i'cptioii was teudeiod the com
mittee * of ladles uml centlciucn ii'pto.'cntlnK
the Urand Army of llio Kciiubllo at Port Sid-
liev yesiorday by ( lenerAl and Mi > . Moirovv ,
The party was compiled of ( icneral She'rley ,
Major Claiks-oii , Captain Alice , Captain
iltiues , Captain Ilin melster , Major 15avles ,
tioiierat lluvven and many otliei-i ,
panicd by their wives and
A Kiiiml parade , piirecdcd by a review ol the
coinmaiidof the Tvveiitj-inst infantry , five
companies and the band. Att o'ohx'k ' the
pio.-Hiitutioii ! of the badge was made ill .1
splendid peoeli by Ceiiuntl liowenhlch
was fcellnuly replied to by lioneml Mouow ,
Major Claruson then stepped tonvuid and
tiiaiiKed tno oillccrs who assisted as iiieni-
hers ol tlio gener.irssiatV at the Ue-aiilc en-
campmciit , Tue li.ul < e Is ol Milld iold ; and
similar in sliape to tue other ( iraiid Army
bailges. but with tlio addition of aunlto \ u
cioss , theeinbiein of Uio l-'ilth army coips ,
Tint h.uo enamel points of tuo stai
contain live ilianioiiils , whllo the -tar
in tuo slioii.dcr stiap liulicatlin ;
Ids rank m' major Koneial aie
two liiigti biilliaiits. Tneso aio tliinkoil
by two other I.uvw dlamomN. 'I ho ( up Ii
siuinouiucd by tnreo moio of llio piiie-l
u uter. It also contains tlie in iiuuniii , "U ,
h. " Ill gucil in tvvociossed lilies , witliu plate
healing tlie in-oiiption , ' "Jlst iiii'anii ) . ' ' Tue
icvoiso side mentioned Ino doiitus name ! < ,
ami "for services icndercd at the Itoaiiico en-
caiiipuieni. ' '
In iho evenlngCtcneral and Mis. Moirovv
puea reception al tlie post tne.itio in hoiioi
ot' guosis. A inimiier ol town peojue
| ianie-ip.ited. The hall \viis tastolnlly ileeo-
i.ueil > vitli natural Mowers , lln s and baiinei- < .
Tlie sitles oi me. loom wciourupcd will ! por-
traitsot eininoni men of Ine nutloii sol
diers , sallois and si.ucsiuen. The pany 10-
turned Home to day.
The Slocum Ijnvv Siistnlned.
AriiL'HN , Nov. I-1) . The damage Mill
of Mrs. Tioody against the Kaloon keep-
eis of Tccuinseii was eonduded to
day , tlm jury retuinini ; a veuliet lor MIP.
Tiootly anil assessing tlie damages at Sl.'JoO.
which , together witli Ino costs of thi ) trial ,
will amountto S'Viui. Tlio case was an Inter-
esiingoiio , li.tvitii ; ben tneil twice in .lonii-
son county and then biougiit to Nemalia lei
inial deeisiun ,
r i. < . ) o.viiNiroN , Neb. , Nov. 15. lispeeinl to
the Uii.J ; : Chillies Douglass ba-s abseundcd
tioin not th ol Hlooniington , leaving se\era |
mortgages unpaid. William A. Cole looses
bS'i on chattel securities wlnrli Douglass lias
inn out oi the country and sold , anil a bank
at KepuLilit an City looM ! S-U. ' ) lougtassgave
a bill ot hale to panics in Kin , wood on a spinet
ot miiloa aud a wiuon which did not belong
to him.
Ai-eeste'iJ for I'oi-juey.
Iii.ooMiMno.N- . , Nov. ir . [ Special to
the Hii.J : : KMIIII ISerid , a former icsideiitol
liloomlnglon , was ariested this week in Hit !
noith pait of the state for perjniy and taken
beloro the United htutes court at Omaha.
He is charged with having made two liuiuo-
stead oiurie- ' one heie ami one in llio noilli
put tol' the state. .S. W. SvviUor. lecistur of
the land oilice , .1. I' . A. Ulack anil litl Mai-
bhatl weioaummonetl as witne.sses.
A Town Treasurer Holtc l.
DAKOTA I'l rv , Neb. , Nov. lo. [ Special to
tiie HEI : , ] llaus Smith , town treasurer ol
Jackson , Oils county , was robbed a few
nights ago of SWK ) in village funds. Huiilars
eineied , thioimh a window , and took the
money fiom under a pillow , smith had given
no bond niul the loss of the money buy only
become public. No clue to the lliievcs.
A Movement hy AniRi-lcati CapitaliiitK
to Const ruut Tlioiu. *
Nr.vv. Yoiiit , Nov. 14.-Spfealtotholii [ ! ) : . ]
The Trlhunu .says : A nijeting was lioltl
at the Fifth Avoniiu hotel List night , which
was called by Nathaniel M-lviy , to consider
the ipmstion ol forming a strong Ani'rioan
eompaiiy to build railnials In C.ilna. .NLilCiy
explained tlu .siuution to ti. ! ) Trlb.inu ru-
poitor , 11 iron UjLurnu , toniuirly of the-
Fieiiiih navy , who hi * ytfars in
Chin i , recently ri'turn.d : troji th 're. an 1 s lys
thoChinoso govertiiii'iit haidjter.utiie.l to
bid d railroads. 1 laving been inure lavorably
Impie-ised with the systo.u than
nny other , tha Cliiiicsj would like to contract
with a strong company. Tlio baron , altur
tailing the. neecssaiy stein with the' Chinuso
govcriinu'iu , eauit ) on li'rpio toim 1101.11-
pany , vvliieli vviiind enable him to contraet tor
the construction ot UK-SO roa Is. It Is not
money ho w.nns so inu-li as nun of inilii-
ener , means , sundin. ; au.l lion ir ,
whoso names will boa. guarantee lo the Chin
ese irovorninonl that the contract will bo ear-
ried out. an I on tlm lorinillon of such com
pany the b iron will return to China with en
gineers at his own otpoino , have surveys pro
jected , roids made , and attend personally to
the grantiiii ; ol e niev-isioiH and pas-i.igo of
deeiocs or laws for building roads. Tlio con-
dlllons piopo-ed by him to the Chinese gov
ernment aio v < ry tiivoiable. Then !
was not a largo attendance al
Iho ini-eting. Among thO'ti piesenl
v.'oie Sidney Dillon. l-X-hen-itor MoDonahl ,
of Arkan-a , 1' . K. Ualn. ex.lndgo Wallace
of Callfoinhi , ( i. 11. Lewis. II. K Avcnll and
Congre'rtsm in Atl.tnis. A letter load tioin
Abiam S. How in , r iyill1 ! lie vvnald be glad It ;
co-operate as tar as IIIo'licial ion would
permit In any plan for p udng the conduct
ol' the coming development of Cbina
iimler iinsplces. Ituon l > i'Loimo ,
In broken ICngnsb , read a p-ipcr sliowiinc tin :
diange.s of llio public mind in China b >
which It was now pos-iible I'oriallioails to be
con lructi.'d without opposition tiom tin
li-'oplowho loiccdiidt'iiioli.shmentol the In. si
t .volvo miles ot load liullt thoio some yeau
jnro by linglfsli eajnlallsiiJ. The stttemonts
imiilit by Mr , McKay its to the condition-
the grant weie repelled by tlm biron , wild
suggested lie mi u it 'objappointn I to under-
lake llio loim ition ol' the piopo-ed Aimiiicail
coiniriuy. Tiieehalrman appointed the lid
IOVMII : committee , s.iviip' bo liad consnlteil
all L'cnileuien iiaiiidl : William 1L Itanium. ,1
1) . Itlpley. Itus.ell Sage , \oituii S. Hewitt
O , ,1. Averlll and liarou DoLormo.
Tliroo DaKOH Drop.
t ) , Nov , li. ( illardo , Amrdo am
Sylvestri.tho threet Italian iminleiers who are
to haiuav noun to-tiav foi-ihc. niuid.'r of theii
fellow eountrviniiii , Killppo Caiiiso , passcti , i
quiet iil'fhi. Thy all Mopt ijiiietly until thu
break when they ani-.eini : | IL'hting dg.uettc-
kept up an anlm.itutl convoi.Cation with cael
oilier until a little alters , when their break
tusf. consisting of o.slor.4 , fisli und potato
lilctl in oil , VIH ! cutlets collet ) and toast vva- -
hiou-ibt tin in. They mo with seeming reli.-ih
Altei they liatl linii-hcd. I'alher Moiettl ar
lived ami ma--i was eelrbiated. An early a (
U , t , in. there was a largo' ' inv.-il uhsombled ii
the vicinity oi iho i otinly jail.
'J'hc ibruo men appeared on the > caffnld a
1'i o'clock and ut 1-:1J : i > . m , the dup lull ,
iJoJinny O'n 'len'n loli
Xr.vv VOIIH , Nov.U. [ to th JJr.i. . '
Stoillng isdinindlned to talk about thn ap
jiointmenlol . .lohiiV. . O'iJiiii ) as vvoigbe
of iho Brooklyn distiK. That Im fell hi
ilKappoliitnicnt kceiilv however , both lioitiu
hl IriL'iiils.ailmll. Hud it imi boon lor hi
appointment to thn v/li''i ! iiip in the inn
pl.iec , ho would h\"o Iwu 10 noniliMtcd am
iii-doctfd nttUnuan in liiHtll .trlct. lie i.s al
most coitaln toobtaiil > nliicu undo
iho liieoinlni ; demociatlij administration h
liruol.lyn ,
, Nov. H- The stilko on llio III
lnoia Ceiutid railway la apparently at an end
nil the braKcinen reluming to woik fit , The men aie vtar'ui ; an\l'.e i
for the result of thocunfe'en i > h--'i ' i - ID t
lu 'd ' hy Iho cenei.ti'iii ' - nit ' Us u
frelfht from Ulffe-rent rv-d" ,
Solidifying Uio Sbattore.1 Rnukj of tlio
Liberal Legion ,
The Irish Question , lu Splto of OliuroU
DlHestatillsliiiiont , the I'm-jiiuouiit
I'ljiin-o In the Itrltisli tlloo-
turnt Conto.-tt ,
' 1'olUlcnl
T' ? KtiRlNli
lox .V , Nov. lSpecial [ to the
All e\i\s tlm past week have been tinned
towiuxl Midlothian , l.cttcis fiom Kdlubuigb.
de-eribo ( iiiulstoiio as simjily lu maivellouj to any \\eik ho chooses to
umleiiake. Coiiselous uppai'i'titly nf Hit ) uhlol !
h.Uin I hat has been done by his long doltly at
llawaiden , ho iiiiiumnced Iliat Ms mission
was lii teach and preaeli unity ot the liberal.
party. That , ho caid , is the 0110 thing the
liberals want. Ilo iisseited his own leader
ship , declined it to tin his duly to impress hia
own com Ictlons on his followers , to ascertain
thu avenmo convictions of the puty , toen-
loico llieni. and legist every ctfoit to cl.ilitt
authority for the opinions ol a mere section , t
Having thus tiled In restoio tinier In tha
lanksof the libci.u p.uty , ( i.adstono turilitl :
to liio countrvv with a pnwetfiil npne.i to
elect a givat llbouil umli'iity ' In paulamonC
as the solo moans nt dealing sal'ol ) , bo'nor-
ably and independently "un llm most pie.-s-
Ing tiuesiloii ot tlie lioui lieliind. IliUlo-
clared li'-lund li.i
ol selt-Kovernmeiil t > i l > c . > vtlal danger to >
the einplte unless the m i n itv In jianlauicnt
could be totally Imlfpi'iiilcni nl Irl U votort. "
Ho protc.seii liliuseii u-u ( ' to ( iiako largo
concessions , but -MT'-ilNfi n foroiianlivflo
iiunueiit to a piopnsiium teniling to Impnlr
the unity ol the empiie. I'lilh ruUonUed ,
Is a subiect of sneii t mnmnniling Impm
as to sweep Into iliosbuiie every other.
This di c aiaiion , wlm-b must Kiigllshluen
roisaidus iierlei-tly tine in ilt-clf , i * ( Jlr'l-
stonc'leul answer to tu ! > crv for ul-OBt h- ,
lishmenl. The Kii-rli-h ehurch. ho inslsUv ,
Is not In danger ; the eiupuo is. llojtistly'
cliaigod iipun the toii 4 , who pose n fricnda
of the chinch , that they aie asking her as-
slstaiico for eleciionecilmi ; purposes. Itiiuist
beadiuilted It ! < still doiibitul lo wlmttixtont t '
Cladslone ha. , ipi.'lliil the i.nlicnl i e volt or t
quieted the leno'ot the llbeial ehurclimell.
II wlmlhe sahl i. - . moining b : < d bjenBad , { iH
a iiiontli ami. all would have liei'ii well. 'No '
ihe/oal ol ihe tree ehuifh in Scot'aml ' had
ginvviiiiolous. The lititoisut that party 10-
bpond to ( iladstone N iclu-ul to lead i hem
with they must load them-
solves. The piospet t ol tlio election I
in fact , baldly mine i lear than buforo
tine quitted llavv.udin. Tl.o . Irish . , . , . . .
tlon , however , is put once Im all In thofionr.
ami will leiuain so till -eti'cd. ' 1'mnell 10-
plietl toCladstone ins ) intl.v , iccognlzllli ! the
oMieiue iinpoitniu'O ot the liberal le.tdor'a
iloelaiation. but comp'aininif of his vnguo-
nessol si\ieiucnt , and nivilln him forth
with to loim a constitution lor Ireland cm-
bodying Ibo limitations lie legardodas e. on-
lial : to submit this to iliocoiinny before the
oleciloii-i. ami Id the constituencies express
theiropinlons. I'arndl knows ilil.s to ho Im
possible. His piuposo isonly an adroit clci > ]
iionee.rl nt ; move. - '
The Kerry ) < ioullKlittrs.
TiiAi.r.i : , Nov , it. : A bandot noai > lli htnrn t
last evening attacked the hou o of a nmu
named Cuitiii , who. dmiug the attack , , * hot , * !
one ot'their number. The mnonlhjl
ivtieaU.'d , but Inter lelurned , at pi .
house , shot Curtin de.ul and wonmled a Ht-rv-
ant named Sullivan , Kluht 11114)1 ) havn been
airesteil on suspicion of luiVin { bucncon -
coned In tin ! niurder aniloiitra'a {
Curtain was a nun of good social position.
The detail inoonligliierliiis heen ideuiiiie-tl ia
the son of a widow living ne'.ir Curtln's. The
sonsol Curtin fought linively and' torn , tha
m.istts irom llio laces of .several nuumllghtoni
nnd thus enabled the loimer to'lduiitlfy Bomo J
of tlio latter. ' ' , f
Gorinniiy ntitl the Cnrolinna. '
NEW YOIIK , Nov , ll.-l.Speda totho Hi-n.J
The Herald's Kome cable sa > & : I loam from
a fiouieoubovo suspicion that Cermuny bus
Irankly Inlormed the Vatican that slip la
willing to acknowledge Spanish ) sovereignty
over iho Carolines on condition that Spain
eoiis-eiits to einicedo lo her absolute liberty of
commerce , immunity fiom custom house *
duties , the right to loiind coaling stations at *
oeituin p.jini.s on ihu islands for merclninift ?
vejse'ls anil men-ol-vtar , tiee navigation and
independent consular jinisilieiloii , and the
.same iiiiviiegcs to licimaiiy uH would bfl
jirantea to KuD'laml and uiu Unltud Stated.
The War In liiirmiilt.
KANOOOK , Nov. l. > . - Armed steam Uuijchfcai
from the steameiK Kathleen und Irriv-
watldy have captuicd King Thfebiivv'iUvvar
ves.stii. The cJipluio wan eifeetcd under4llO
gnus of the Ciutterbiiek loit ftcr iv bnrj > ;
light. Ono Urilisb ollli-er was viuundcd. , , * J
Hci-ioiin ICIl ! < : t itl' lioyco'ttlni ; . '
Ni-\v : YUIIK , Nov. M. [ Spi dal to the HI-.K. )
About two thousand vvoikmen will ho
thiovvn out of employment to-night by' tha
btopiiago of wet I ; in tlio clgai { factorlcaol -
Htialton i < e Storm. Tin : linn lias hnd 11 a , -
trouble ulth Its employes lor more than a il
jtai niul list-hop wan iccentiy .oigiinb.tid in r
oiui loinia-ia union shoji , but tiiu boycott
put on its cigar.s neai ly a year and u hall ago
has been taken oir. It in ( specially ia
foici : in tlie gieat labor union t < nvn of Lynn ,
"Our inon miisi , nnd out why thny aio L'uluJ
piillislietl by Iheii OVMI Illeild-i , ' Mr. John
bll.iiton Mud | , it nifjlilWe pay * thu hl llMt
wa tis going and emptny only union moo.
Wo can alloid to suspend vvmk now , for wo
have a laigi'htoe.t on hanU , but-we wimld
Hut siisjiend n wo vveio iml boycotted , The
Mi.spe'iisuiii will pionalilv' coiilinno o fuvv
vvenlv. but il may eoiii.iiuu . .onger If wo do
not get hoinii good ii.i iii toi boycotting- .
II tlie KnlKlit'1 oi J.iiboi ti'i ' at the bottom o
it , we vvon t | like to it and ujtMnw'
they 1110 harming their fdlo.v uoikuieu. ' . '
The liniik Htalenieiit.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. li. Tno weekly bank . J i
hlalt meiit sliows .1 userve ine-ieaso of S1UOO. * 9 K
UW. Tlio IMIII.M now huld fc'il.WO.OOO In et-i f"
ecs.4 ol legal letjulieiiients ,
Catarrh Cured
Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease , wltli
unit niTen-iivo uyiiii > tunis.
la clvc.1 re iily relief anil
.line , ( mill tlio fact U i.els tlnuui | ; | tlie I
mill thus le.Khe-s every pan uf tlio system.
" 1 mijfemlv.llhcal.ur ! ) fifteen year * . Took
vvllli catanli , anJ my cciiTit licjllhloraucb
better. " 1. W. J.u.ui ; , 1'uaal CIcrlt'pblcico
& fit. Loula ItailnuU ,
" 1 sutTcrcil with catsrrh c or 8 yc rs j tried
many woniltiJjril cures , Inhalers , rfc , ,
tt n Ht'IIL ii im MI - i4M"iuja IIIIIMIUV lw4C * M
I tiled Iloud'A ilarsajiarlli.i , ami vrfiTrrontly - , j *
impiovcil. " Jl. A. AEDI.V , Wurcesten'TJaM. W
JIoo l a fijrsiparllla U ' rliiiraet riz < l by
thrco pcculi.inlies ; ] > t'tli < i eant kation ut
tcmcdiiil agents ; EJ.tlio frop a 3 llh
cl Bi-carlug llio acviva ytUca ! l
Tlio rc'.ult ianicUicmpV 8iu | H . .
fctrmgth , cffrciliij } cur.-i 1 lihuito | iiiknovvB.
Ke-iid for book cunt.iiuiui ; aihllii ril c ldenl * . |
'Ucoil H B'irai'ai'ili ' toiunp iTiyjtvystctf ft
ptn IficH my iiluutl , i.)1 ) irfcio inv ain'ftlfoi sftM Z
secius lo iiciko u > i < i , | ft- TUOJIWIOK.- '
ItfRlstfrol l qcUt , J > nill , ) ij. < i. fir" * "
"Hood'i Hirsipnriii.i ic m rll oilifra ,
Hood's SarsapariMa.
K ild b7 nil m i"H-tt , ? l , fit for Jjo. M4 *
tii.ily U I. Jltion ti CO. , Uvrcllj MM * . *
fOO DOSOB Ono Do" * ' ,