Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1885, Image 1

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    "W tT TS \ - jr . * * W TT A i 1 * fc . * -m- - W"xT * *
I JtUtLf 1V1AHA LJAiLjft H
Onc-TLirJ of the Texan Mjtropolto D >
ctrojcd by a Haging Fire.
A Fiorcfl Flow of Flame Encourago.l by a
Blowing Bliz-JAr.3.
I'roiiorly Valued nt Two Million Dul *
JUI-H Uoitriijnl-l'roinitf Menu-
HITH Tllli'MI to Helll'.VO
the H
TfMtriiut.lvu Tire In
O.AI.VI KTO.V , Tex. , Xov. HV. xVt IHO
oVIock thin morning , the nio t dcstrm tlvo
lire In Urn history of ( inlveston broke out in n
small foundry and car iop ilrlng shop on the
north Hide of Avenue A , known ns the
Strand , belwton Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth
Ntrecta Atieno g.ilo from tbo north was
b owing .it Ihe time , and the llamesspieiul with
lightning rapidity to both adjoining build-
Ingx , one Ix Ing , t uioivi ) store , thu oth r nn
linmhlo dwelling' . In a twinkling the long
fiery tongues had ( ) " I'd the Miect , iisuJ two
more dwellings wore In llnmcs , tlio Ininitcs
bui'ly ( " -i-aping with theli lives. At this
mom-tit the lire department got two Mic'.ims
KOIIII ; , Imi they were of no avail. 'Iho licit
lie'inmc MI intense the ilreinen had to abandon
thulr positions , ami the wind 11100 unduir-
riid nijtiuitsol bp.iiks to the piemi-es east of
avenue A A general nlarm soundi'd.
In hair .in liour two blocks were bnmliu
licnvlj nnd by H o'clock It was teen n
tonll.ii i.illonvastipon theiity. The pcoplo
foi MII | ir > s mound on either side ot the binn
ing bli ks became pinle stilcken , and the
jdcrciiig cms ot lilghtcned women could ho
heard above the din ot the i.iu and mouinfiil
wind. At ! L ! > 0 Ihu Iliu hnil leaped three
b'o ks distant liom Its starting point , but In
n i file * i Ij Htraiglii line , being conuned to the
blotks hounded by Sixteenth and fceven-
teditb stnets.
About I < M lock the lire began lo ppreud lo
tbotn t .1 id west ol .SKteuith itrect. The
wind lose to a gale nnd n pandemonium en-
Mied. I m n llmolt Deemed HH il theentlio
halt ot theclt ) vv is doomed. Theme
li'p'diyto ' tin ) southward , IhJiingup
block ot ic'idoiices. , luustlly nbatidoned by
the od Mp nits. By lo'dotk It had iinilud
1 iuad\v.i ) , which thieads the tenter of tin ;
Jsl iml ii'iiniiig east and west. At 7 o'c oclt
the wind giuc signs ol dj ingawaj atid"hortly
U hi m toliift until ub nit b o'ch.c ( . when
enl > a t.iir tin c/j was blowing. By this time
tic nil hud eiu Ml its way to nveliuu O , while
nt > jOo'do < K itei mod tocxhinst it elt.and
tin ilremen i hacked its fintlnu lavages. ' 1 he
burntd distiict coverhsome titly-two bloc'is ,
Fiveti of vldih wore not swept entile y It is hixtc-eii blacks in depth , ami
has nn avii-ige wii.h of tlnoo blocl s.
Tlie terms 01 ttio hoic-o lops Hinokiiig
In the binned distiict ic'semblo n hugo co limn I ) ing ntio-s tne Hunt ! Iro.n
the ba ) m m iv to the cull. Thu island nt
tin i point Is iiinett en blot ka 01 n miln and n
, halt wide. The me jl.uiidon thu noith > ! d i
t o ) Aunue A. better Kniitvii IK the htiaild.
- 'which IH one block Horn the bav. and stopp it
within two b oc'ksol the gull. Pioin Vvenuo
A to Vvenue. Dttie nto icnnned to nxtup
hounded on the cant b ) SUU mull . -Hoot and
on Iho wivt 1 > / hi'v i n cuilh stieet. The bui -
nesipait or thu tit } Twentieth
fitrcci and inns west ten
blocks. 'Ibis oiit'lno Incites tlio
luo wliiih began to 1-ajndl ) nftci it
had jiassc-d .uenuu I ) . H ) tl.etime it tivcbul
avenue J , 01 Ihoadvvay , It was swcipmg
ntMiiy tlnceblinks In width , from HID west
Hid. ) of bevinttcnih stiect to thu side of Poiiiteinth stieel. About .MM
houses weio binned. which vveie
occupied b ) tullv SOU in i nidi's. Prom avenue
A lo nu'iiuo K , toi tour souares , the
burned dwellings vvno oeritpiid almost
untiii'l ) b ) the pooiei cliwses , and wveial
families vveie dowded In n singli ) KMIIII on
thin MiIp. Piom avunuo K , howovei , the-
buincd distiict includes some ol the wen th-
iest iKiition ot tl'e people. Ono bundled ele-
Kiintl ) luinlsbed ni.iii-ionsaio in linns. Ml
manner ot cstun itcs nio to bu had. 'I ho
city iihsessoi h.ijs the taxahle vnluu
of the dwellings burned Is 5jn. 0-
000. This makes tliu actual value
of proR'rty | binned SL" > IUC03 , which , per
haps , icpicscnts the loss in moiiev. 'llie in-
Bumnco Is estimded nt JiSD.oj ) , nltlioiiih
Home "laco it at ; SjucU. hot.uascanbo
leain d not a single .n i Ident occmii d.
Toi' wind lose lo a gale in the vlclnitv of
the nre nnd swept tlno igh the huiiiuu b-lt
In teuiiicw.inis , > lii { millionsot ! live
cinders high up In tin1 a t and i.iining them
down on distant p.uts ot the citv audits
iMiile-stricken inhabitants. The en
ure east end ol the city con
tains st.ucely n do/en lulck b illdini- ' ,
all mndo of wood , Texts pine , nnd It limns
with Indc'heilb.ib'o ' nu > . Vr.u miniilcM aftci
n hoiiso would iimh nro It would
bo enveloiH'd In ono mighly tlamc. and btrcets for ten Mpiues
Oi | either sldool the binning belt were idled
willl l > il'ielied K 's of lie | i c.s mnuw , > , .T ,
nnd children \\hoi on.'il no nothing In siuh a
iiUii ; but cronh vviiinn she'ltoi and vvuteb the
jirogresn of thoini1
A t loiuh the victims of the conllurtntlnn
nliuua mill ) ot Hie wealiniest icsidLiitsol
tlio city whoso Individual wealth inns up to
near the millions , .vet ni.ijoilt ) ol
the > o bm nod IIHO the iH-ili-i poulonsoi tin il
fortunasor tlu-li llttlu all. bourn funilles
H.IVU I tl good deal ot fiirnllure , otliets lett
with enl ) liioli clothi'h on theli buks. MI
roniidnnt vveie the ) that the lire wmi'd nut
leach them The loss In iieisonal nnd hon1--
hold propel I ) cnn never lie e'-.tlmatcd , and Is
uctincliiiUst in tha prutintis cHtlinate.
'I'huhutitls ant tided with homeless people ,
nnd a citi/ens' committee Is now nt woik ns-
nigiilng tanilllrs toniinus nnd iiiemlses v.i
I'nlc'd lor their ti'e. Kvi ry vehicle in the city
is at woik tallying tmnitnrc , bedding and
other household ellects to p'.ues ot sntet.v.
Thons.uiiU ot people urn vlslHiu the bnrne'd
district , looking nmong tlie ipKildng inlns
tor vnln.ibles. hoping t > linil .something lett ,
but nil Is bleak as u den.i-t. i : en tlie lingo
\vntei tanks nnd Ictlcct , nnd big telegraph
ixiles ni o burned to uihc . Hu lnesH Is en
tirely siisiwiiiU'd. Man sick -
) pi-op e weio re
moved dining the uintlaration , nnd bitvcuil
\voinen nre ic'portcd pronlmtcd bv the tuil-
blo excitement. A meetingolcltl/ens isnow
In progit'ss to provide limnedliite lelicf lei
thupoorer biilTcreTsnnd tinlvchtonillpiob -
nbly iikiko no appeal to HID miter world.
J'ollowlng ooso ! on the heels ot tin
Ftrlke , which IniHctedn nioncMd loss to the
Iniblnes-smen ot11 ( vision of lull ) tl ( xm.oix ) .
thlH Is climax to the and
calamity u woes < oi-
row.sof the cltiz ns of llii'et ) . With the
fxiepllon of hall n do/on grocery stoics and
the car rcpaliin , : foiindi ) , vvlitio the ttiu
t-tnrlcd , no place's of business vvero dc'sttovcd
IholnMirancongcnts nro now iolngover the
jiolleles , nnd b ) nightfall will juiibibl ) have
compli'ted nn Insumnci ; list. Tdeirnims ot
Bymiiathy nndotfersof aid am already penii-
Jng in Irom sMfi eltlch In Texas.
Aevni-atu charts ot the burnt district writ1
coiiipletcd this eu'iiint : . Hhowlng tliat the
conrto of the lire was In a , southcastoil ) direc
tion. Beginning nt Iho loot of * JixtetMith
Mivot on the Strand the tire cros > cd avenues
C , II mid 1C. Heielt woiked Its way to Iho
east half of the < -amu block on vv hlch hlands
the postotllco and United Slates court house.
> i ,
TniiUly clean d of in.u ! iniutci , and all vnlua
blc mull VMU plauil In the vaults , I'oitun
ntoly Ilia H.-XIIIIM spired tlioKoveiiuncnt bulld-
jnnaiul paiM-d onnitrd loivnnl the Kiitf , At
Rvciino I the liie ni'iid ii'M'lli'd In ( no rtati-
jlcst iiiniislons in tbe ci | Ono of the iu-t
of these splendid | IKIM ; s to Mit'citmh n is
til l l of Mix. SliiWi- .1 S40,000 I'onsp i ' .
In rapid MicccxMon went the n w i"is .
Julluslluu e , of ( lid HOUM } ot Hun ) .v
Itnnra , l/'on Mluni , of \ , , .t 11. Il'iiin , Morlz :
l.-isrer , 11. Kellni in , of KollinititV.Cntiii.urli ,
( leorxoHrtily. pre-iidi-ntof the -.Him P.J rail
way , ( Jreiin DulhVlds new nnnsloti , II. P.
( ! eoo's ? 00. < XM lexldem e , 'I lioin < . > fie ln's
and lr ) of lesr vain . Th.e n ins it'iue-
M'lit nliMSOfSlO/MOto $ TO.Oy ) racli , but all
'I he Im-dness portion of the oity was1 not
t vtohod but In the t > arnt disliK I were a nuiii-
IMT of si onus an I s mil htnnss
Tliocidof of tlnwo arc Cio's t Co , ( irorurs ;
A. Werner , tinner , and John Vlkammur ,
Innibor lu-Mcli int. Tiic > lo t i-vviyihniT. As
the IN itHwent past the count s jail , rellu'lln
Its fi"irlnl Ltiaro and lilt > ne heat tlirnu'li the
Kiat < 'd windows , the forlj impris m M ! In
mates wet-o no irlv fruntlr with ft ir. 'I In y
Ml np D yell wlilcli wisluvxi I lor qinr s
abnvc thi'nwml niai of the tenllMj tirUn
tbo top of the jnll and court hotfc
were n coips of hlioiumen determine t to
ave the buildings , und wiibiho .xld of the
brii'k walls they nuv e toil. 'I In. jail was on
nro a domt litres , lint was fr'ivetl. All the
-In ct cms wens hastllj run out of
venloii rlty ratlwaj bUblts. und were aluu-
dont-d to theli tale , but as If In moiUirj at
their trie U the iin * m > n t T ppircd the h ibl
tation ot the humbio intilo ,
When the fire started Uio ci'oVT > ?
atar.iteot tit lunii. A * o clock
the xltfml obsej-vei esllmuted the velocltv ot
thtvalein tiievicnidj 01 t lie ore nt sixty miles
an hour , and thin velocitj its maintained
until tie-art ! o'clo-'k. vvhi n the lire cave sl ns
or cilmistlon. 1 liu mo whir ol llnoiiuh Its
path as thoiuli I'vix1 a Jiiir.iniic funnel , and
foi two squares on eith-r side the licit wis
MiifouitiiiK and the < Ion Is of cinders hlin I-
in ' . I'lio iir.Mlopirtai'iit hn I bi * utterly
lielple-sand the vvalur wornsgavo pjor satis-
' 1 lie only public I ulldlnic consinnodvastio
S > nd di-trut - - ( ) ! hulldiiu , a tia nj
siiuctuio , which wa.sonh icieiulv built ut u
losi ot S.'d.OM. The nraol the huiiied
dlsirii t Is I'M ' tuics and toitj and < mo Inlf
biocks vveie swept clean of evervtliiiu ; eo.n-
biHlHile. ho.u 'tlilm ; ov T HJ anuses weio
burnt d , and it is e.M > m ited by t'lr tedet co n-
mitlco that alioiit lou lunid-s vvi < re ten-
del ed home' , u tcii'at imjoiily 01 wb'im ' ,
" "iK'cl.illy the iMioier ones , IIH ! i VTijtluii r.
As the nro sl.nt.d In tinjiom distiiut , they
had little 01 no time In which to remove their
tin nit ire. wliilo the wealthier piM-ons 10-
moved their valunhlc pit tines und cIKUs.
isevural ol the nnest lious > w , howovei , weio
hut ned vvithuiifa single aitlelo h-'liu sived ,
soeoiiiidentveie the otcupants that the mo
wou.d pass b ) them.
A mooting at ( lie eotton oxchinco tins
alteinoon was I , lively attended hv biihlnes-i
men , wheat oneu cl no ml picividiiK iclicf
lei the ho.n less and snirerin . A KCIICI d
lellet oommlltcH ! ol two ilv av > piomhicnt
i iti/ens oi aiii/ed , with I ) . 1. . Moodj. piesi-
dunt of the cotton exohiinite , as chiiruiin.
A nnancetommitlce. with \V. 11. binclair as
rhalimaii.was named b } the niizni d commli-
tce. Ueildo * these theiy are bill ) committei stet
tot tlsuvanousseellonsoi the binned dixtuct.
Contiibutluns aie noaiin in li mi all paits
ot thfeitj. At the citi/ens' nieiMiti at the
lotion eschann'e Sli > , ox ) was siihsiibcd by
business men. Amen the lai cst siilHi-iio-
eis aie Uall , Iliitclninis \ Co. , hml > crs ,
Sl.fH ) ; I' . . ) . Willis iV , Co. , wiok-i.ilo ! diy
uoods , 81.001.A. ; \ . II. llliiin , ? ) ; b.iuipsoii
lleideiilieimei , H5 > 0) ) ; W. I , Moody , cr'nM ;
,1. I ) . Itiuei ACo. . , 5nj , ihland Cilj baviius
bank , $ VX.I and the ( ieorre Udl cliarity tiind
Si.OiO. dipt Jams U. KiuN , the icL-bratnl
enitiui'oi telertaphs SLOOO tiom bl I.ouK.
Tu Idllouin teliK'am was iot.elvvd atO
O'clock tlHllllP (
\rw VDIIK , JSoIT lion 1 { . K. Pfirov ,
Ml\OIOti ( IV IslO I I .1 11 | lHt I I M-'ilKOl
dispali lira with an a < count ot the teirihleton-
ll.Uliition that has visited join hcailtilul
riij. . I'lca e accejit mj ilccp svmp.xthj In
join misfoitniiu. I tmlj hoiie the loss is
oveiH stlm ited. Yon miy draw on meat
MUlil lei sVWO to ho iiSi-d undei the diiei-tiou
ot a idiot committee , or othcnwgu at jour
diaciction , to leliuvo the neetlv.
.1 .1A Conn.
A , A. Povvlo , iioneial mnnaxer ol the lioston
' " lohe , toleKiaims MIJOI Putoii * ' Wbatein
the people ot lioston iloloi tliu suifeiing and
homeie.s In ( i.xlveston.1 1'lcase iinswei. Wo
will eo'Inct ' foi publication and do our best. "
Poid s Mikado comp in v , now plaj inshore ,
R.ive a the oreenw.itl opera bousii
io-niiht ; netted s'OJ tor tlic sull icis.
I'hocity eount'll mot In sp-ciil M'SSIOII this
cventmr and voted n donuionof St'i.ojofor
thesuireieirt , ami aiMMiintLd a com.uittto of
tlireo alik'imon to , ut with ibreilu * n s leliet
couimittee in disu hinting the tnniK llus
miUe.s f.ll.iOO nlioidv donated bv tliccltt/ens
of ( idvoitonvliub to.'etiier with outside
donations , foots up a total ot SJS.OOJ in one
\e irly every ono lias an estimate as to the
tot d loss tlio me loots up. The best
jHislsl cit'/ens s.iy tullj JOOJ.OOJ. while
many who claim to haw n uad on the mat-
ti r put the estimate as hiuhis . ! , yXi)00. ) )
I lie tmnianceMiicn have htcn hard at work
all dav and tiHiitsht ( uiinli tin ; u list 01 their
iioliuics. bo miuliLOiiiusion and uncertainty
has pievailcd the task 01 locating poli
cies w is a dillk-ult one.
'I he following is the list of the compantps
bavini ; policies to an > lari < e amuiint on piop
eitv in the binned dlstiii t :
\ssooi.illonot London . S li'.OOO
( Ttj ot London Plic Iiisitiame Co . U.OiW
New Oilcans liisinaiiie Co . 51,000
Noiwich Union I'iie Society . : isoou
LiniMsbiii' , of Ijimdon . 'JO.UH )
M I'aul Flro Insm-amo Co . J ! ( ) ( ) > )
'Ir.ins Atlantic , ot Ilambuu' . 'J-.V.MJO
Home , of Now Voik . HI Pn
Noitli ( ii' , ot llninbin ; . . luT.U )
bioliisli Union und N. , 01 Kd-
inljin h . : . 27,000
Connecticut , ot Ilartloid . U.S.-10) )
I , ion Iniiir.uiLV Co , ol London . . . . l'.iui ) )
lu-iiraiKO Co. of Ninth Ameiiia . . t70W !
Niw Voik liuderwiUeis' Ajjeniy . . 'SOU )
London and Laiicashiio . lu.ooj
Itoval , ot London . 11,000
Impeiial , ot London . 1'1/iOJ '
Comincicliil Union Assitnuiee . Fi.OtJO
I'lueiiix , ot Iliooklvn . ' .M.TI. .
Oui'iMi , ot Llveipool . Itl/AH )
CKS cut , ot New Oilcans . in/ir ,
Cll-ard. of Phll.idelphli . : >
Men hauls' , ot , X. J . Briir
II unhurt , of Bremen . 'J..K'dl
I iverpool , London nnil dlolie . IV"-- * !
( onstitutlon , ot Now \oik ."i ! !
( itiman-Aineilcan , of Ni w york . . HijVfl
Partojri und. Traded , of Ntvv Oilcans. U.f iX )
Wesu-in , of Toionio . ! U , Oi )
PlivsxK'iatlon , ot Philadilphlii. . . ' > , ( ra
Olliei eomp.iuies bold Niiullei amounts to
an extent that makes .1 tout ot js'.u.i fo. Two
i itv aijeue os woo nn iblo to he lists ot
llu irlnsuinncc , but thev to.'ctlii'i estlmited
then p ilicli'-uite'JO.O'U , mikiii ( { a Kraud tn-
tal ol rlisU , .i ( ) . A verv lai e piopoitlon of
tin ? insuraiiM's It will bj iioiiLt'il vva placed
with foreign companiis.
' 1 he lirodlbliiu begins In the ndddloof tl o
blo < I. buiindi d bv MxUt nth nnd SHventeentn
i-tif ( Is at nvcnue 1) ) . irossid dU ona ! ! ) to the
coiner of aveinio 1) ) and Ninetienth htici-U
tliuino south ailing X n 'teentli htieet toavo-
n mi J or liroadvvaj , wlurt * It jumped v.c.t
one siniato to Tweiity-m-t htieet , thence
-oulh ( o aveniio M , tboni o bick to Twentieth
.sUtet , tht'lH-o str.ii 'ht nlniii ; Twentieth t-tivct
to nvenuo O. Staitlni ; a ain at avenue H the
distilct inns duo .south M < VCII aliin ; ;
Sixtct nth stieet to Avenue I , thcnco west to
the coiner of I and ovcntceiith Mutt ,
thi'iico thixo" > to AVLIIUO M , theiHis
west half u block , theme Miiitli to Avenue N
ihenct.1 west to Iho niriii i in Avenue X and
Nlin tecnth htitct. ( homo , tlon Kinete < .nb (
blie < t to Avenue O.
'I Iniiilvc.tnn News will to-morrow siy ,
tomhlii the uietit tne : Tlie conduit ot thu
iicoiilool ( iidveston , In view ot the calamltj
that oveitook them > ehttrday , cannot be too
highly commended. 'Iho shuck was
M.'veie , Urn It'st tctlllile , but
( J.iUotnn will come out of It
undisnmjed. The loss li ureat , but not
more than ( ialvcston can hear undei pics-
sure. 'llieto will Lo no nniollev d
sutferlng. The piompt inaniur In
vvhkli thu cltUens asseinbloil to
innko piovlKlon tor the lnivoveilstu-d |
and dihtuh'-cd SIOWH | thchp'iit ' that iinimites
the city , dalvestoii h to the cnici-
Koney. bbo would lw tHunl | to an PIIV rgi ncy
much sireater th.ui she Is eonfioiittd wllb.
bbu will IM as beautiful as ever In a tew
month * , and U doliij ; bushier at thu old
The KiTect of iho Plroon
Xiw : VOIIK , Nov. INuvva ! of the tin ? at
( lalvoaton ftiiiMtlabilef Hurry of the stock
exi lunge , liu ) ers lic Uatttt and bears .sci cil
the-opiHirtnnity to otf r ut dcciiu ! > s , but losn *
wiio nnd did not exceed 1 per
tent TeAaH roads \vero knocked oil Fonie-
vvbat. Kansas X-Taxns dnipped funii SJO'X ' to
"i . Ti xns 1'acliio V. to SI'ItetoMij ,
soon set in nod the vlUil was loot ,
The lll.Uculty on Uiu Illinois Central
Itoatl Settled.
Cmcvoo , Jfiv. 11. Fioro la no elniuo
this morning In the-drlUoof Uiobra'.u'tnMioii
the Illinois Central rail rout. I'ac frclghl
coiulii. . torrt joined the striking bnk"uiMi
yesterd.iv , nii'l ns a cotis < vnicti'a in Irclir'it
trmns have been nble to leave the ) ards. All
thcsldo Hacks ate idled with cars , for which
no crew si m b oiit.Mn d , anil their nninb t
Is ticltu i ipuli > * , vol ed by those coming in ,
the crew-d < iriiK ( limn sdlntcU upon their In tncitv. . 'luo 8 r'tors ' nrst dev
m.indcd nn Im-rcasc of vv iges from SB to SX )
is-r mo ith. Th'ii thi ) cu.inged nnd asked
Intents ( nTUill' ' . vvlth'cs for Sun- nnd over tine. Neither demand has
| M"II giantcd. nnd iho < tr kers say tue ) have
nude nil iho nil\jiic"s they intend t ) , and
titlnnvncw move must originate with the
limVI.Us of the loni.i.xiiy.
( e'neiiu b tn 'rlntt'inljiit .leifrey , of the Ill
inois Cenlnil rit wiy , sivs t'ti't ' two freight
tiains willbjse > ntoufthisiilteinoon.tiinnnc.d
My u'Hcers of the coinpnnv. one to mi
out bv f-up'rfntendcnt bevmour
nnd tlio asiNtnnt trainmaster. Mr.
siul If tbo striken would not lw iea ouable
in llu'li lUninnds ho should nt once put in
new hinds and sttrt trains under police1 pi o-
tection Tne ntrikers suilt nt the idea ot the
comiunv hcliigahlc to do this , and threaten
tumble r > hoiild nny attempt he made.
blmitlv nftei t o clock the freight train.
moved In the asslstnnt sujieiintendetit and
nt icroiliicisof Ihu roul. and consisting ot
tliirlj-seven cais loaded with freight for
southern iwints was stilted tiom the > atds.
It had not proeeedt d farwllcn it wasboildcd
bv n number ot stilkcrs vvho took co nplete
possession ot It nnd inn It on to n bidctiack
nhoutn mile fiom the ) : nds.
A "tvond train w is started on * about 2
p. m. , but trot no luithci than Kort-third
street , where it w ts side-traeM'.l b ) thcKtiik-
cisas vv.usihe ilistone. As far ns known ho
vlo'cnceVIIH used. \t.Jp m.hnperinteiident
Beck telegraphed to the chief ol tne Ilv do
Park pollev to send u de-tail of men lo move
C tirvoo Nov n. A committee from tli
striking brakemi'ii ot the Illinois Centi d
lout lixd -"itisi i toiy confeietlie with hil-
) > < lintcndcnt .Icltiev tins morning and have
letiirned to woik. H is not ) et known upon
what basis the tlitleie nee lias be 'il adjusted ,
but nppucntlv thucompaii ) has ) ietid ! !
CniPAfio. Xov. 1 ! It Is now * learned that
the striking hrnkemen of Iho Illinois Ccnti il
loid have -turiicd t to woik without gxlnlng
nov tic , mile point. .Sii | e'lintcndeiit Jefliev
nddrt'sstd tin. strikers in n Imdy , and pointed
out Ihe illegality ol sidetracking trclglituais.
and told them no agiei tn 'lit could be icachcd
until ti.ilns weiv allowed to move. The
sinkers then nppolnted a committee ot four
ot their numbci to .u t vvitli the nlllul.iJb in lix-
Ingwa-jes , nnd rct'iined to w uk.
Tbo Ttuttcr Miilcrri Kicking nt Iho
Tut Sloe's Show Managers.
CnicMio. Xov. 11. In the dairy dcpirt-
mi ntol the fnt stock show nt thu exposition
bmldinjr consiilerahln excitement nnd Indig
nation noticeable this alteinoon over the
attion ot the suite hoaid ot naiculturu in de-
( id ing to allow buttcrmo nnd olcom.iigeiine'
miinutactuicrs spice in the bin.din lor then
exhibits. T > ie buttci men denounced tills
action vehemently , and did nil thev could lo
hnvo the onler ie-clndid , hut without avail.
As soon as. the | M > iinis-iion ot tlie bond hid
bi'tn M < iiml the bint'line in MI comm nced
to prep lie llicii ex nbits. Tnev seemed sji.uvj
near ( lie u'l uid eniraiuo to the hill and he-
tore night had so lui completed tin h on iiu'e-
mt'llts ns to mike their exhibit piomito
outshlnu by considerable that of the ilaii-
At this nfternoon's session of the Xntiounl
Butter , Cheese and 1'g.r association the mat-
tei was diseusscd w ith a gicat deal ol leelin j ,
the outcome ol which w.ts tin1 a loptlon ot a
losolutlon pie ented by Jam-s bevmour ot
Xew Yoik. itipiesting the state board ol air-
iitirlture to tuintsh thu association within
thirtv da.vs nil mtoituition upon which it
hisid its ns tlntlon allowing Iho huttcimc
mannfni tuiurs to enter theli exhibits at the
Int stock hliovv. This infoimaiion will be
submitted to the cxeeutivu com intlee oi the
association , which it is rtxp cled will adopt
some me.isuics that will e.o'K iL-iino thu
fiiluiocoiii-se of HID butter men in their iu-
kilions vvitli m inufacturers ot bulterlno and
olcom.ugeiiiii * .
'C the VallilK ) of Prof. Hell's
Patent itcl'oi-o lj.un.ii- .
W vsniNdiDN , Nov. i : ! . The heni ing of the
telephone insesvas lesnmed totla ) . Uee-k-
v. ith , counsel tor tlie Xntional Improved Tele
phone eompanv , stated that his reudleotion
differed tmteiially liom the statement umdo
b ) Still rovCstotdiy concerning the Pitts-
lung trial. TI.o judge , at that time , Matt d
that on ni count ol the jiidlei.ilcomtes ) width
should be obscived b Uveeii the judges ot dif-
Icient ( iiciiits , lie would not tonsider Iho
qucsiiiMi ot legality 01 tlie ( oiistiuction ot
Hell's pitont opi n tordiseusbion. In aiiswir
to Young , Monovv dc > llnc < l to produie the
contrat is called lei n ) theiJi tcifeon I'lii'Mlav
hist nnlf-'s the sccictarv of the Intel 101 Hhould
slgnltv n dcslie to have them prodiued.
Up'in intiin it'.on from thesccrct uv that such
was bis desne , Staiiovv arr'id io pied o'
the papetH. Humpliievn vvishcdlo have Inc -
c tided in the n toids tnu pitents ot Hughes ,
Ldlson and otln rs , nnd.irious nlo wrappers
and pin'is | from the ji.iti nt ollke rccmd , and
this evidence was ilnlv admitted. He also
lead an ntlidavi by Picsldent ( ! oe > dwln. ol
Ihe ( ilobo couipati.v , testitjing to .Minted s
extumo poverty : Hut M'U'd wis opinesscd
b ) tlieAimrlianTe'leplioiiecoinpanv thioiigh
the Institution ot n Milt against bun ; that the
Bell eompanv. through Us iittoincj , had en
de-avorcd to pnithaso and mqiiiio the claims
ol Menu i. bUillow lejilicd blietl ) to tlitse
_ _
The Varnlshe I O'lellslc.
Xrvv VoiiN'ov. . n. [ Spccml to the
BEL ] . The v.otkol treating the obelisk with
paiiinne wns completed Inst night. The obe
lisk looks consldcrabl ) latger than belore the
npplUntlon ot p.imiiiie , appcprnu as It
lot merl ) did nfte-rn heavy lain. Mi. Can all
said last night the deep bhndo would dNap-
pear In nle'vv dajs , leaving Iho stone slight ! v
dnrkei than ithnd been , but nenici Ihu true
color. "How long will this npplliutlon pre-
MTVO the btone' . " ' ho was asked , "Wo vv.u-
litnt it lei a quarter of n cenhiiy ; hut 1 vie
no ie vimi u hi paiaiine should not retain Its
ijualitiis longet. it h itfcis no waste
Irom thus in in siimmci , and is In no.ij
aftecred bv cold or w.'t. I cannot R o wb )
tlie stone hlinii d notbu IndestitiutibK' , oxcipt
Horn Intent heat. "
A lloomln Pi < teil. | !
MSNF\i [ > oiisNin. 10 In an Ink'tvlovv
with the Kvening Jonrnul Ibis afternoon , W.
S. King tald : "Tho North Smcrlcan Tele-
piaph compiny Is liooming. Wo Minll be
it dtoopen diib-wiljillnn books In a few
iln > s. ' 1 he capdol btoi k m Sl.unn.cKX ) , but vro
oinexpivt to Issue s4.10.WJ now forcontii-
biitlon purposes. Hn'f ' of this is taken li )
eastern panics , nnd ol Iho other hail ? VOon
vvili.'ot ! Minneapolis nid as nimh mure to
ht. I'aul , nnd R'.i.OeO to Hiiliitn , l don't
know , but wo oui'ht to h.ivn n litUo moie up
I'ere. Our inllleis aio big patiuns ol ilie tele
The AVoild's \Var on Democrats.
Xi vv YIIIIK , Xov. IH. lotlm Bii.l : :
'Iho World rat.ickb I'tiitcd * jUteB'Uihtilct
Attorney Ujr'hclincr , editor ol the Star.iri n
Wnbhiiijton letter n view Ing his mileage
char0'os from UJ57 to lb"I , as PmtiM .States
dhtiid ntturno ) for the norlhcin district of
New Yo.k. Jho btoiy Is an old ono , but
Illustrates the Woild'Hrendlne'.u to nlt.ick
prominent dcniou.itli ) fiu'nds of tin iiu-i-
dcni. Itngurcs out that lhir liciiii > i'do-ei-
c-liargea aiuouuted to oiy.iHu ,
Cli.iiiKlnt ? Ituilioad Positions.
Bcwro.v , Nov. 18 , C. W. Smith , now | en- manager of the Phi ai aU * . \ , Ohio ril !
road , has lwen cIcctPdlcopnliKiit ol tl'e
AtchlsoiuTopekft A Santa lo iT.dro.ulxnd
will enter upon bia eluUts tno nisi of le < nn
Ere Anotioi Morning Bco Sball Grcot itJ
Han ; Headers.
AVIillo niovcntJi-Hotir 1'VloniN nro
J/tniilly Interceding for Com-
tiintnUon ol'Scntbticp Hla
the ScntTolil.
nnoiNX. . W. T. Jiov. i : ; . P
for the ban Uu " - the loader of tin1 tmlf-
breeds In their two rVlwlllons are complete ,
tmt In tlie absence ijf aliotlli'laloriljr from the
KoveiunuMit to carry ouutho ttuntoiii'o of
death on Kiel , It scqm4 pioUiblo to nltrbt thai
bowlll boai\ln rcsi ) t J. Tbo ordei illivct-
Inir Hint the uxccutijin take place next Mon-
da > has not > ct airlvoil , and a tU.itcmont Is
made to-niiUt ; that ( ttilcsj u eju'clilc order ar-
lives by to-morunvniuriilug , that the jml o
will issuu an order for nfuither respite. It
li.w been ) hoix'tuioiu in ouiinaiy
i.ises tin the yiieiiiC 10 cauy out the imimlato
IK n juij on toe bhiipiiiiuuninit.N 01 u loie-
Kram tin , n Ottawa , but the c-.fe of Itlel has
alicadv piovok'd such a ileroj con lovmsy
tiiioii iioutthedoni nton tint the biienlldc-
eiauvs he will noi iniiiiu. ) liu i.'sponiimliiy
ol auriii upon Wiiit mijhi ; , piovo lo bj a
tolled telegium ,
In the meantime Kiel la kept uniler Hiirvoll-
laiue , eloselj ( ' ID tlu jdi within Urn
hur.uks ot the mounted IMIHCO , t.vo miies
Horn tins vi , and u moiin.e.I j uiid of . MI Is constantly maintained , some of
the sen , ill soectiikjni } ; a post ot olisctvatioii
halt a mliu distant finm the camp. Xo MHIII-
Kt-is tuoeven uilmilt 'd toinu runlilm-s ot tno
jail \.ucl , ami tlutoiuy vie < v ootiliuoloot tlio
loiidcmncd ieti't is when ho is pacing the
jail vaid lot an binire.icli inoinnu ac-o ujii
niitfbj Ids miHli.i mlvlsii. 'Ihomilltai ) is
weal ) of thu woiKOt iiiaidini ; tin' piisiiner ,
ix-s tue wildest rtimois const.uuiy enun.itj 01
elfoits ocin ma | e to resim id n. A IKK | > of
mounted men apiimaoht'ii the post tun ) th 8
inoinln oica-doncd n lemporai ) llutt roniin
intimation that Dmiionl in I ciossed the
bonndai ) line from ihosoiun to IO-M'UC Ids
toi met icidei It juoveil to IH > a tl tu-hmeiit
ol mounteil polli c tiomVood \ mount iln.
Tne i.ito ot Kiel and tlio action ot the Do
mlmon aiithontit's has taken Lomiileto
possession 01 all Luis > es of ( too pi o in Jl.iit-
uolia and the Norihvvest teiritot ) , and is a
iinrainount tacim * . livery pu pit iiddiess in
\ \ liinipo , ; ) ostcnlay Dominion hoddaj ot
tliank-v'mnic-tnu'ul of H.el r.n.l luaily
evctv proies > ant oi.itor spoke oiwul ) in tivor
ol h s evotitioii , vvnlcli po-islo y echoes the
sentiment of a linyu propouloa ot ttiu resi
dent population.
Hi. Pvt L , Xov. n. A'Winntpr ! ; special * °
thel'iono'i l > less a > ! : Mel receive I a letter
lie u his molhei and vvITtije teidii * , vvntien
on tlie eve in Ins e\i > ecU't e\cciition. The
mothei hclievcs hi tliiidlvLno mission of ha
sou , and s MidM b r btenslng Hincr his iiiiixnev
' 1 lieluile. isvtij pathetic , and clkitcd
fumi thecondcmiiiHl man. On Monday Kiel
made a long -p o li to Pathei MeIlliani * .
Ills mission , he said , wu.s to pmiry thu
Itoman CatliolioLhui > ilin ) > 'l intii-onewiipiiit
in it. lie i\iW so e\e.itcd tJiat
Col. It vine begged him to c-al.ii
hi iis/'lf. P.ulier Anuro isaiovv locked within
the cell ateach ot his visit itions. Kiel
made biswidin anticip.ijifiu ul. liis execu
tion. llu le.ive-viini.v , i small uinount of land
In .Montana. Ills will is liUiri M a polltica1
harangue than .ui.vt'lihK'oif.c. Ho leaves ail < t
his wiitln sto l.uilwi Alntre , who s.ia IL- !
c l.ues Ins O'lief UiaUjiJiel l > i ltih.ino and be
lieves that he Hi/Walk to the t-wilTold and
die game. Ho hiys tiii convicted man do-
.sires to make a .speech on the bcallo d.
.MoNlKh.Yl. , Xov. DI. Lii Pressu comes out ,
boldly in demanding the rcpilevc 01 the
death penalty on lilcl. It also annoi ns
that ( iiionul , Di.sjaalins and Co. r ol
have inioimcd hu .John McOonnlil
that If Kiel is lumped ho must not
look tin their mitiiHiit in the future.
HSII.I ( sts tint the wlioloof the Picueli tou-
s.'iv.itive membeis go jn a body to Olinvvaand
( h'mand the b.une. It sis tiiat this i& the
tinmp caul to sive Kiel and < li'lcu the
( JmniCiMm'irh revenojind viiulietivene s.
.MONTI i. vi. , Xov. IS. .V eauciis of sfnll
tvventv I u'liih coii crv.itivu nieiiioers ot pir-
lumciil was e.d buie to d ) to take smiie
HI tion In H'ur.irillo Uio lilil mattel. Atlei
MIIIIO discussion it il cidcd toiidti
message to Pn mlur SUDon i d , hlitni tl o >
dcelined to o held nsponsiblu helore the i
I'oiistniH'iits tin tlio b.jn ini , ' ol Kiel Puilhci
di-cusgion then lullovved , iluiint ; which it
irin--pm'd tlmt hh IliLt'ir Liiineviii ; , at an
Interview at I St. Martin s Jnncilon , hud Inti
mated liiat Hon Mi. Ch.iplcui would K'VO '
tiiem explanations on'tho suhe | < t this even-
iin : . mil it was um-H-qu ntl ) dctennined to
adiotiiii fie mritiiiK until the sceiutaiyot
suite ha 1 1)1" n h' ' ard.
It vvus siihsop citly nrranccd to inctt
Chaplcan this LVCIIIIII ; . The result of this
Intel \luvv is not jit known. It Is Mid tliat
should the I'xjilaiiatldiis in' ( haplein piove
iinsatisiaito , ) it is pilipoml cnlii.i toend a or piocecd fo Ot < avv.i in a body
tomonovv moininifnlid petiiion the piemici
in jieison. Thejivliii ; ; imoiu the people is
tli , it isiloomcd ; lliu Shilohn MacDonald s
mlnistrv depends up h ih siipicmit pcnaii )
belli ; ; i aulisl out , and weie the bcnlciue
eommutid the conk'ivativL-s ot Ontario
would novel be nelecled. It is also believed
that nil the ministers , even ini-lnilhiLC Mi
llciloi , Laiiipnn , concui in the duisioiiot
the cabin . othunvlso'tliey would have sent
in their ic-iigiiatlons lAitoicthls.
Au Oillolnl's Heavy Load us tlio Hny
Hlntn 'Vltij vv limp Boss.
WiMUMiiov , Vov. 1 1. , l > ptcial to ( he
Hii.j : SccieLuy l.inlkolt Is in a most com-
tollable mo id. llehiscomuout ahead In the
stniffu'lo wlthCtiii. bhuhlan. and now Is able
lo | > oi > ii3.i iniiivMiiiir > I ss1n M is.sachiisi'tts
polltlis , with thu Itosfnn custom hoii'oit his
hack. ITntil theconte-it for the Hoston < ol-
Iccloiship IKin , I.'n.licott kept slrli tl > to thu
role ot an Ideal mn miuiip and nilNtd In none
of the contests for the ollko. Hut when bin
fitatc'Inteuhts inmunp to hotoiihldeied , ho
exhlhlttd us ea cr n de iiv to control the
spoils as any partisan. Ho did not m ike a
dead tet in the m ittor until he ' .iw how well
Coiitjrps-uniin I'ntilrfc'f ' > tlins was tiealcd by
thepicrldent. Thojawitleni still UieiisliiM
a shattered hope of pW dreams loiKeriiln r
the mugwumps ami .thelj powei , undho vvus
peisuadid U.WIIM bi ( will to ICJIH i Mi ( ol
Ilns' candidate. JVtei' Untjcr. .Mr. Collins'
ti lends si ; > the Hoston inrmbi r Is not an iv.
He Is simply ehllh-d. . Liidlcott has on his
hands thu coiitiactot catrjfdtf Massachusetts
ni\tear ) tor th ; ad.ul Inn asiluliill-
ineiit ol the pledges l\en Tit Iho b.lltoii
A Wuf ch r ( j ! t-y Strllio.
Cittr viio , Xov. 1' ! . Tlio
Anmi.i ( III ) tpechlsrjh : About one hun
dred fmplnP4 in tbo'wStrh f.utoi ) stiuek
this tsi'iun ' , niitiolictna ) * builv to ihoionn
hou'O ind adopti- i rc&ofoiions nppolntiiii ; a
commllttHj to wait upon Mio dim tors of the
company and iluimind redreot their trlev-
aiio. The eaiiMof thy -lilkHi audiiiliou
m.ido to-di ) in the wages of wjiuo ot thu
men ,
Hurled Pc > iiuutli Iho AV.illrf.
fin \ M > lUi'ii'M , 5 e . , Xov. is ; . The
( irand Jt.ionU i'muiture eosiipa V < B fa'-tory
fiii Into o ( hin niorntiiL' , killing lleniy I. ] > -
fillip In t tstl nnd terjously Injuring tlireo
otiiirs Adcfnllva tlmbor c.iu ed the tall.
Til-mi n vvuottmkiiiKat thodihrls when the
btuldlnt ; tell again , \jjth the auovo result.
The . Moiitrenl l li > fi" ' .
Jloxiiivi : , Nov. U. Tlie hualtli otllccrs
woio it pul-e-.l twldJ4' < j.tculay b Uio Inmates
whlloattcnipUnc to remove u i in. ! l-i ] < ) \ pn
ticnt Uoiii Iho hoiof oil c jKni'irre \
croW'l fcktlu ri-il ml n l < e l th itim vvlth
luttin upi li' > , vji ! a ni ' ! 'i's. * \.irnnt
b.ue b < n i it-J r t'n'uiT.luf ' 1 Mp'i'To
mid t'wri' ' ttrj ,
Rlatlstono'ft lliMnlluois llotiiut tlio O | > -
Xrvv Yuntf , Vov. l.V-fspi\Mal to tbo Hr.r. )
The Uenild's London calilu siy ; A fcvr
dn.vs no 1 sent a telegraph abmt Hon.
II amid Piiioli Hatton , who Impetwbcd i.lml-
slonc's veiacltv. nnd aiuthci about Arcli-
lU'.xcon DcnnUon , vvhocompaixil ; him lo the
devil. It seemed la-it nl ht thi"-ot\vo BI n-
tlemen had nion-cd v < Intever snt iiiKm thi'io
Isamonic the llbcnils nl XottiiiKham and nt
Tiinnton. Attbe-H-phci'-s the Ilrst blood ot
the campnlgn was nhed , In the fonni'i tow n
nn upon air imotint ; vvus announced to beheld
held In the market p'tue. When Cinulldato
Ilnlton attempted to epc-ak be failed to make
himself heard during a hilf bom's effort ,
while stortert vvpit freely tbrov > n at the ( ion-
tlemen nn the pl.itloriti. Mi. Cokinvno. Mr.
1 1 , ilton's imcnt , hid nn e > e < 'iit , anil two ie-
ntesontutlvesol the piv s weie also Injured.
Plnally the tandidil < > left mi li'i pilhois-
c-oit. AtTattuton a mass meclliiL ; In delinse
of the union of chin -h an I state vv is held.
Imllnnntio-i h ul b.'i'ii aroused hv tlie us > ci-
tlon mmlo by An'tidcncon I ) tinUon that ( lie
audience mUlit as well ehcor lor tlu1 devil
as tor ( ilndstonc. Cotisc < picnllv , when the
venei-ablo aichdiMcon made bis itpiHniance
he wusKivctid with a him ver ot dfsappiolia-
tion , and tlio asM > mhlv icttiscd to IRMI him.
Chads weie smashed. In nds hurt , and the
meeting terminated abitipti ) .
Tlio Wn. " In Hnritinn.
CAr.curt \ , Xov. W. Lei , I Dufferln , vlco-
10) ol India , oixletvd ( ii-n. Prcndeuast , com
mander ol the Hurmah e\i > eilitioii-\ry force ,
to liivadi' Uurmiili forthwith and proceed with
n I huste to c.ii tute MiMidnlav. TlmHiHMi
vvllInowciosMiliehoiderimuiediatel ) . lte < cnl
dlspateliLS tltmt Jliinpioti Htato that thu in
habitants ol tlie districts in lirltlsh Hut mill
wlietii no lairfe Damsons are stationed , tire
Kte.itly nlniiiicd at tlie leport that IvliiLf Tnc-
b.lvv has snbsidl/e 1 Ti.OJJ On iitas to cross
the frontier and 'lo.'in ' plnnd Mln and niiir-
derlliijat thu lil > t note ot war. Tae
ate robhets who vvotk in Irtii ? ! ' tranifs nnd are
noted lor then bo d exploits. I l.u in. ticlthci
bi Lja orneoinmlss.itl \ \ these Kinds trnvel
vvlth imirvclotts speed and It will be hard lor
the liiitUh hoops to i. id. . i them ,
Tlio Sot-vinii War Cloud
Lo.Ntiov , Nov. 1.1. Servla has war
against llulgaiia. Tlie SjivUu govcinmunt
has Inlormed il. lUn nhc , acting .Servian
agent in Bulgaria , th it in eon eipietice of the
unjitstiiiablo attacks upon heivians and the
invasion ot beuian tcnltory hv the llnl-
giuians , Servli has dceido.l to deelaio war
against Itulu'.uia.
Itejeoteil t'arnell's Man.
Dum.iN , Xov. IA rite nation il conven
tion at Armagh to-day rejc < ted Painell's
nominee lot mcnib T of parliament and
selected a journeyman tailor 01 Ai
namid IJlalr. Tue convention was a b
l illtor Sec-Jitl'H I'rlxim
LONDON , Xov. l.i. 1'ho goveinmunt hni
ordered the govcrnoi 01 Coldbath Pields
pilson to tn-at Stead , e.litor ot thu Pall Mall
oa/eite , as a mst misdcun aiiaiil.
A Visoimut
, Xov. 1. ! . Visuount Kanalelgli Is
dead , aged r. ) years.
Tha "Wealthy" TJofiniiia nnnkcr "Kx-
Iilfcs Yesterday Afternoon.
SAN riA > ioifiCQ , NoYr W * , Kfcijtmqlor
WlllKim Shaioii died ut : ioJ.o'clock : . lids
nltornoon , _
[ William Sharon was born at Smlthfleld ,
Ohio , .I.inuai ) 'J , lb.U His e.uJ ) lite was
spoilt on his pan-tits' farm. In IN'J ho in-
teied Athens college and lemaincd then1 two
) He then enteied the Invv olllc'o ot I'd-
win JL Mtanton , and alter u tew vears' studv
w is admitted to the bar at st. Louis , Mo. He
pursued the piactleo ol his piotession tor a
time , hut his health failin. * : ho lemovcd to
( . .irrollton. Ilk , and ciua id In meri.intde
pursuits. InlSWliP rcmovid to tlie Paciiic
coast tnil commenced business at act.imeii-
to , Cal. Ho remained in sauaincnto toi a
joir , and thin went to ban 1 rancisco and
entered into extensive opei itions in
est ite. His keen business and thunciul
ability btoiight hi n in tlosu cont.iet with Hie
Immui/.a kings 01 the coast , and in 1HU he te-
moved to N'evada nnd became inan.xiai ol a
blanch of the Hank ot California at Viiginla
Citj Tlieie ho am is cd consl lei.ude we ilth
tlnoiuh lus exU'nsivo inininr lnteicht > .
In I1he vv us elei ted to the United .States
senate as a tepnblican , Ids term of set v lie-
expiring March . ' ! , lbl. l . The hiht two ) oidlnuy notoi
icty by H'l-nn ot n suit instituted b ) un
advenl4iiess n.ime'd Surah Althua Hill , who
c annul a piivate maul uo with tliu wealth )
binktr. .Miss Hill ( nought piocccdings tor
divoici' with n demand loridlmonv. ' 1 he
cise wasbittcilyionteatislon both sul 's and
it'Miltcil In n dccieo Ih-inj ; granted \.lth
alimony to an amount which JH'imlttcd the
c.vebiiivcinlcul to n blglicr couir. While
on bis death bil the ex-seiiatoi made a st.itc-
im nt , which he Mid he consldcrtit It In
justiioto hlschlldien and the mentor ) ot hi- .
dead vvilo that the do < imients and
papeis sulmiittid in evuleiui1 in the suit weie
forgeries , tliat he never mauled the worn in ,
and he willed thei.ise to be toiight to the
hittei end inthei than luivn hei enjov on
( cut ot his loiiune. Onniu' his tetm its a
senator ho was iniely wvn in tliesp'nti )
chamhci , lluvus : ( So ) earsol a o at thu tnno
ot his dc.ith.J
Testimony Itrouglir Out In the Hull's
Koc'inl Ni'iinilal.
Bosiov , Xov. 1.1 to theUir. ]
The teslhnony in the Loud dlvoico c.uc c.m
tiiiitid Thmsday , h-r hiothei-in-law , mother
nnd lather all testltving in Invorof the plain-
till and hiibst.iutialliu hc'i ehargi's ol cuielt )
cti * . The molhei ( l.dincd that befoio the
iiiaiilagoMrri. Loud was the nhhtlngao ; ! of
thu family , but when she came hick Kim was
hrol en in health as well as in spirit. Tbo
I'allu-i slid ho saw Loud t > luke hei onc-i * , and
iciiionstratcd , cltnitrn m.iiilid llfoot tldity
jrarsN.'itliout a jar. llci biothcr Ill-law b.dd
Loud contesM'd Ins cinclty to him , and .said
It was the n-Mtlt ot jealoii-iy. Ho told his
bidtlii'i Ins pine-hid hiswifo to con ett bad
Pol ilmde'enso Prink Lut-her , clerk of the
U.iveiohouse , tiNtlned thiitbowns Imllm.itcly
atqiiaillted vsilll the couple duilllg their sl.ij
atthat hotel , and IICMM KIW a moie loving
) iiii. He had novel bclmo In-.ud ativthltuot
the allciri'd crucllv Mrs. Loud was mailed
nnd denounced this "t.itcim-nl as lulse. and
slid lie liiMiIent tcllovs whom bhu de
clined to notlcu when in tlie hotel.
'Ihei.iM'ls attracting mm b iiltentlnn on
nnounfol thopromitieiKeol the jfirtictlie
husband bclnu' a well km/un , hei
lather. W. 1) ) . Mack , eoniu-i ted with Iho N .
tioiial Tiilm vvoiks , nnd liu btolhei iu-i v.
\Vm , btoviiiit , ngeiit ot the Anchor line ot
hie i
MiirileuMl'Tliolc I.iiiuH.iily.
YOIIK , P.u , Xov. 1Aboiitii ! ! ) IMI ago
Itosina JJurg , njod 70 ) i'ais , with Heiuy
Kohli'i. Cb.ulcii Tr.ibcrt nnd .v rnnii named
Danhls , came to this pa ! < o liomjerinaii ( ) .
The vvomnii kept hou- and the men bo irdul
vvlth her. Tlio woman was veiy delicito
nnd. It h bald , at tltni * was h idly beaten by
the ini-ii. Lust summer the woman dlniip-
pean d , the men i > .i ) nit' that Mi' ) tetmne-d
to ( icrmany. A bhoit whilu atturwaid the
men movi d out ol the house. ' 1 ho actions ol
thu inc-ii aniiiM.'d tbe siii-iii | ion of Iho neUb-
uors and lusnlted In UIOMMIC h of tlio pn-mlM s
) estoiday. In the cellar thu IMM ! ) uf tint
woman found In a shnllov/ grave rov-
crcd vvlth a-she'S. In ono of the i.ppci looms
blood marl s vvue found on the llooi nnd wall ,
nil pointing lo tout pli ) . The vvuiiian was
knnwn lo have > * luiX ) In lur i osM' ioii IK
fore rh < ) dl nppeuid La t smdiv night
Ki.lili r .ir.l Dj'iu-i i 't-it ' m pnils unknuwu.
I'nd.M 1 1 w as. aviest''d tu Jay.
The IniiiciMor Uoncrnl HtilnnlM 1II
Antiiiitl H''porl.
, OTov. N'ov. M tns'HVtor < ? oncrnl
navls. In his report , recommends the
Assembling of nil nold butteries fora nhuol ot
thoorotlcal and praclicnl ln liuctlon.
pitrchasi1 of i nvalry hoisies the past ) cnr his
been nttoiulnt with deki ) and dltllcnlty , sult-
nblo hoiso-t not being e-asll.v obtnittcd. It Is
.stiwe ted Hint n ua > .ihr sohool bo e.stabllshiil
foi thoiongli liHtrut lion In this nrt. UC ISH
It would h. ' advaiitut'eoiis toi the goveinmetit
to hiivendud for bicoding und to limit the
extent , the hoves lo boot the best sir tin ,
slupo nnd vlttor , vvliidi lundd be Ihoslaiid-
mil of n e.ivalrv hoive. THIS would eiicotu- fanners to hieed n like class of horses.
'Ihe law ic < iunm $ the puiihaso ol all sup
plies niter public ndveills-emcnt Is con-
di'inneil , nml Insluuuvs cited whcio the ttil-
vcnsemimtio- | t moio the > supplies pui-
clmsed tiniler II. A conceiitmtlon of mill-
tur ) | Nist > hiinn mill h sum ler number , wllli
n coiieipimdlng of g.vnlson , la
htroiigl ) leeomtneiulcd.
Tlio Intoi'vlcw nn lnustloo. , |
WVSIIIMIION- . I.1' ' . Hoii. Dormnn B. ( n , of tn civil MM v Ice omumlssloii. being
asked if he had nil ) thinto "a , coiice.tnitig
nn Interview in n Washington paper this
morning , which iopre"-onled Commissioner
IMnertoti as stilting Ih it the commi s o i vv is
unnniiiions in n-gaid 1 1 the weighets e\nn-
Imitlon nt N'-vv Yoik.und that the commis
sion would sonii issue nn ( xplatiation siting
foith their ic.isons lei such action , teplied
tl.n he did not think that the Inteivluw , ns
it'ti | ned , did ju tlto to the language ol Ih
lommisslon Too nutlets lo be d 'teiiniiied
in iclerciicoto tlmt ox.imlnatlon vveie pceii-
In and siumld not be icgiiided as it pitve-
di nt toi othei c-.ues. He said he had the nl
most con interne in the new commissioners
: ind ot the picsldeut to enloico thecivll setv-
Icenut unt rules in Hull tttte spit it nnd vvlth
i ncivy and sin'oo < s. Ho did not t'littlc tint
anv tiiilhcr explinitiou woul I be made' , nnd
declined to MI ) nli > tiling collect nllig tlie
"Western Piistiii.iwtoiMj > ) ) olnte < l.
" V VNitiN'uiov , Xov. tl The postmnster
ci'in'iiil ' to-da ) nppolnted the lollovv Ing fourth
class postmasters :
Illinois-At West Hnlleck , Jnmes W
Slnne ; llclmont , .1. M. Clew ; lletvchcr ,
Henu Amidom ; Walnut , hiinuel M. Oak
loid ; West Union. James 1C. Tei man ; Hajlls
Hcniamin U. llnines ; Willow Hill. Thorn is
.1 Wiseman ; Hone ( .iap , Dav id Allen : Adams.
DU.ii .Jones.
Iowa At Campbell. C. I' Linn : ( Jrimcs ,
S. McLenii ; Mitebellville. Itobcrt U Patter
son ; Sprnud do. H. C Dxiuei : Manwood ,
JoJinlt. iillottTliaer ; , Walter I ) , liiitl.
A Clinrnotor Wurlh Ono Cent.
3WiiiNittN ) Nov 1.5.I'lie jmy In thocnso
ot He1)1. . Hicks , adviser of the n.s-
snssin ( iidleaii , njalnst : the ICvenlng Star
Compati ) tot nllcge'd libel In the publication
ota t-tntement tliat links had ncgotlalid lei
the tiaiMci of ( iiiite.iu'H bom s to tue ini'tli-
cal musiuin lei ! 1IVH ) icndeied avculicttoi
the plaintitl ot one cent damages.
Contesting Woa % M-H * Scat.
W.vsiiixiiioN , Xov. I.J. P.iM'rs | luvoboon
received by the c eik of the house ol tepi'1
scntativ s .ivini : until o of a loiitest ol
Cimpbell against Weaver ot the tilth Iowa
- -
Trouble Antlcliiated tii tlie XorthwoHt
Sr. P\ut , Nov. 1U. A Uegina special to
the Pioneer PIX-SS isi.s : berlons trouble
mi ) bo expected Irom the Indl.iiiBhcxtbprijig
In tlioMiitliwe.stol the teiiltoii ( < Assistant
Indmii Agent Kcid has gonu soutb uimiiu
them to ascertain the icnsonsot their
ne s. The ) don't heein to underdtatid the
resMlt ot the last uptisiiig. Cmvvtoot and his
bind h'lieve that dl the soldiers who went
ninth were killed because the ) did not arnve
tiom Foil Pitlaiid Ldmonloii. Most ot tnese
liutMiis are well aimed and have am-
pie money to puiihaso nmiiiiiiiiiion
in Moiitnn i. The ) hnvo now l.utk ) JIOIIICH
Ciowloot s loj.iit ) MI t u h is been bcciucd by
the government gi.inting nil ol his demands ,
When the snow liuve'Sin the spring tumble
ma ) be anticipated liom him and Ids hand.
It is lepoitid now th , . ! all the maves have.
even now Icit .tho ii-seivatlons about Pott
Pitt and l > atlctotd ! , leaving the women nnd
i liililMi hv.hiud. Itlsiepuited hei o that the
Indiiiis liivednveii oft thirtv he id of stock
liom Mi dleinc Hat ill the last tew dav s , and
tioiieiie may eome sooin r than cspcctetl.
'A Mine I
rn , Xov. i : ! . Vbilvi't Cliff speeinl to
the Xe\vs sijt , nn explosion ot a box of
irlaut povvdci in thu bollei room ot the li ill-
domitu 7 o < oek this evening set
me to the Imllding , and in ten minutes tlie
entile hhitt house and hoNtiiii ; WOIKH luprtli d
to thegiimnd. The mine timbeis lire on HID
and twelve men v.ho aie at wink on the
lowei lev I me In gieil pcid. Hiindliilsot
citi/eiis have gone to the Ki'ne of the conll.i-
gi.ition with lopes nnd othci ngipliaiices to
attempt to noetic the impnsoiied mincix W.
II. Poss , siipeiintenilent , was In tliolui Ming
just betoiu the e\plosion and is now missing ,
I'xccnlcd liiitiiui Paslilon.
M usMjorr : , I. T. , Xov. I ; . Anderson
Hinics was exeauted today at Huslnnit.x
coiiithoii < e , CbiK'l.iu nation , aflei the Indian
tiiahlon , by she itln r. Tiie piisoner vvius [ iei-
Icttly loiiiposeil. Ho took his * -t'il on Ins
( oliln as iimipiacently tis If he was sitting
down to take a Miioke. Piclimln.nics vvero
lew and himle. ) The dialh warnint was
executed by hheritf Hare , of Lehiuh , by
means ota tniity WlndKhter rllle. Himes
died game. His fnncial riles vveie simple.
A lew people vvltne-iM'd the exei n Ion vv hit h
took jiacu In an open liehl. JSuircs iniii-
d ted his vvito vvhllo blio was In n delicate
Xov. I.J. M. A Mngulroof
tills city , vvho was lepoitod diowned at Coul-
tetvllle , Tenn. , vvhllu on n libhlng and hunt.
Ingi'M insioii , and whose house nnd ill ue of
business lias been diapid in immrniiiL' , h ,
telegrnpln d his hiotber that the nipoit is nn-
tnieand the crape be-en jojlnlh l.ikcn
down , lie w.isiapsl/i'd with a coloied boy
aijd in hisitrotts to save the hey , icachc'd
shoio half n milo trom the point wheiolhev
fell In the watci , Tids may ncioiint lei the
_ _
A lilt ; Pot t < i l'Mht r , i- .
VAJ.IIMO , Cal. , Xov. H Ncwu received
here to da ) Hint i-Uhl v millions of dollar left
b ) Unco biotluTri , Tliom.H , Willlnin and
Aniiilla ( haso , vvho died in ( Hntnln , l
about to b dlhjinled .uiiniin' tliu deiendinli
ot the di ceased hiotheiH. Itev. .1 M. Chan * ,
ot this citv , and MI-I. Jennie ( I imc i .
b'll.dn. ot Paiiiield , Califoinia , aio aiiion <
the helis. A meeiinz ot Iho lulu on this
coast if > to bo calle I lei ImmcdiaU ) action.
liullcled lei * iieilloii ;
On vw v , HI. . Xov. 11 Charles i : . Powlcr.
J. Hale Pinvlcrand Willaid ( ientleman have
been imlhted by n sju-cial gland Jury lor ton-
bpiuv.'i In distributing loigcd i In In thu
lecent jidhl'iltamiialgii In this district with
intent to detent Jud.'O Gilbert. The Ibren
nio piomlneiit ihmocnttiu laucrs ami
belt is al'Oii dinniK rat.
InturcRdliiK loin I'.tiiluo.
hi. I'AI i. , Minn. . Xov. I.J. A Miont ; jn'tl-
llon IM.II tout lo ticnii ! n rcliHtiiun tliu
sevenjiir ' .ntinco of W. ( . . ' -vvaii foi ( m
btv/liii , ' f'tioofrom the Voiibein 1''iini' ,
on thegrii mil that lieiiti-.iiUdiiiiH ) ; ! , and VI
n gu tit wi'ikei ' In theu.linuli , and Vi.w. i
in dealing in margins.
Tu D.ij.
Upper MUMbsiiipl WariiH. I IM v < tiber ,
vvliiiN beioming v u ! il/i i I / i i i'ij ' | io
rcd'd liIH. . i Hi \ \ i tiilv v.i ii
Missiiiinalli , \\.inni i , li , wi f'er
mid wuidii U-ionaiiK v.irui it *
Heiniuk Wo FxlnUt ofLcitgovlty From the
llawkcje Oomuiouwuoltli.
A Pork 1'nokor Vi\i\n \ nt Don Mollies-1
A Mtmlori'p In Uio Cooler
A ItinUcntnii Ouo
Old IVojilrt In town.
Dps MOINKM , Iowa , Nov. It lSrc < ! 'nl to
the Bit.J The elliinto of lovvn h.H beeti
noted ns conducive to longevity , but lew vvero
prepared tor the n e statistics or" tlmcc'titum
taken this .Near. 1'ho eluot clerk hs called
oil neaily ( went ) uvo nnii'sot * msldcMitn of
the suite w hosenges rcju h IOJ ) e trs or inn < j.
Ono man's n0 Is returned nl Utears. ! Thu
following Is the loll of honoi : Itomin , Jlixr-
giuvt , IOJ ) ears , H'tilon , toivimhlp , DCS
Molni'ri count ) ; Hronnnn , Mary , 113 ) rnrs.
Anic , StM ) count ) : IJuiiell. .lane , 10.5c'ltm ,
P.ndun township , Her.iiin county : Conrnd ,
Clnhtliui. 101 viurs , Coilln'st'iMvo , nolnwnro
count ) : IXivhl Henrj , UNI > uars , 1,51111
township , Wniien coiinlv : Commit , Men.
10J ) e.iis4 , ( iiitineil , Pouo 11ck county ; Or a-
vviiiil. ilolin , I < l JIMI-S li v iside , WoMilngtnu
count ) ; Hi ike. Ken , Ul ) earH , llahml ,
Hi nnil ) count ) : Heiir ) , barah , left ycais ,
Male Cenlie , county : Ilol.iud ,
.lohn , IOJ " viaib , Washington town
ship , Van "Uuren county ; .Ionian ,
Maiv , ' IDS .vo.irs. lintul township ,
Cass count ) , Ketlle , .lulh , lie ycaid , Wwli- ,
Ington townslilp , ilncksoii county ; Ki > ss , Au-
11,1 , hMvc'.ns , Ijavunpuit , bcoit county ; 3 > Io >
Cnnle.v , 'I litmus , Miiruiico township , lovv.i
( iinnty : McMnhon , AM.l am , leU yi.mMns-
( iitlne uiniity ; MnlvfMiison. Kiindt , lOi eaid ,
Pnlnt Cieck township , \llamnkt county ;
O'MnlU'volin. ) 100 ) eaisi , Heaver township ,
Dilllnseoitntv , Pill "ons , Cut bail ne , tOOjenrSf
Os.iro Cllv , Mitchell count ) ; Porter , D.'i n g
tcoiored ) , lU ( , Lee eouiuy ; .
Kine , TIIOIII.I.S. lot jcais , Itnrllnglon , Oed
Monies counlv : Kogeia , .l.ieob. 107 ) cirn : ,
I'ipixxanoe , II. iiry coitiity ; 3 null , .Mix tlio ,
iOI veniH , Coshcn township , Miiscaitno (0 in- |
tv .Thouins , Hlihnid. 100) enix , aim Ion townI I
Mdp. I.inn count ) ; We ch , Honotn , 1WIcarp , )
lUill.ilo townslilp. Hi.cliiinnn county ; Wood-
tork I'lij.ih ( lOlorcdi , liJ ) jear.t , JortUui
township , Momoocounty.
Hank OIU.-lulH Imllotoil.
Xoitroi.h , v.i. , Xov 1. ! . In tliu Unlcd |
States cbciiit court todi ) the gran I jiiry
ptesc'iitcd bills ot Indictment lor misapplying
thotinulsol tlio siHixMidc.l binc !
n.Minst thu tollovving p.nlie.s : John ,13 ,
U'liltehead , piesideiu ; Ueorijo > I. Ittiln ,
ji. , cashici ; Tnomas A. linn nnd 1C'K.
Itain. liidictnu nts lor talsc entry vvero pre
sented against .lohn 1) ) . Wlntelieud , ( icorgo
W Bun , ji , Ouando Wiiidon und 15. 0.
A srurilerer in .lull.
FONIIA , Iowa , Nov l-fbjiojlnl ! ! to tlie
Hrr | C. W jtevenson , the mulatto , who
kldid Mi Cutler neai lieio yestonlay , la nbW
in jail. His pielinilnnr ) exnmliiatlon will 1)6
hold to-muiiow. I'liCio is i o csncliil | : exelto-
ment in tin vh inlt ) , us Suv > n o I'H plcviou | )
le'puttition was not good and littiowiui knojvu
ot Cutler. Cnllei hid a iiunlga " o on Uyoi- |
sun i piiineil ) lei ojo ami li.'i'U "been
' wiilililm lei
A. ft
Failure , nt Den
Dr.s Moi.Ntts , lovvn , Xov. w. [ Special to
tho. Utu.I Louis Flchur , piopriiitorof arony ,
deiing house near the slock yards , rnndo nrf
assignment to day. Ills liabilities amount ] to
'Itl.'llH. Ills eieelitoiH out ol town aroObr li
doit Ijindheimei & Co. . ot Chicago , lr.O ) ;
P. I Ishei.iit K.IIIS.IH Citv , 5IKKJ. AKSPts rut *
tsveeit live nnd Huveli thousand dollars.1 '
A Head Hotly Kouncl. '
Urn Ci otit > . Neb , Nov. ii. : ( Siwclal totlio
Hi i' ] The bed ) ol an nnknovvn Hint ) was
found I ) in ; de id in the street nt Wills , a
Kiii.Ul village about tvvcnt-tvvo miles north eKed
Ked Cloud. Coiotur hlienr wns notllicdj
and has gone to hold nn inqnc.-.t. Hl3"ln > >
) > ossibleto giin lull paitiuinurri until tlio
counter ictui us.
Au Attempt itt Huloltlo.
IO.VA Ctt\ , Iowa , Xov. I.J. [ Special to
the Hi.i. ] Mlcnnel Kratn sexton in chnrg
ot onu ol the ccnii'teiics heio , made an
Icmptat suicide this moiiilug , which will
piob.ibly jiiovo latal. lie shot blinwe'lt wllhJ |
n gun ami then vvitli a luvolvt-r. No cause )3 *
Tlio CoM AVu > ! In tin ; Xoi-IIi.
Sr. PAUU Minn. , Nov ! . > . blgiinl bervloe
Oltii or Lon the ciest of liio iod ! vva\o
in the noilhvvest % vn * , In Mooiheod Ihla moriK
ing , vvhe'ie the theiinomctii diopix'd to flva
above /eio. It is tlioiuhl that mueli mi/dcr
\ve-athei will bo hue lo moiiovv.
A Kiakriimn'a CriiK'ieil Ijlinh.
Ni.l.uill , Xeb. , Xov. Ibpt'Oinl ! [ to tie ?
Hii.J : ( jcoigo Koimm , a brnkemnn , ifljt
bjtween tlio eats at Clem witter this rtlternooir.
Ills light leg was unshed below iho kni-o nntli
iiinpuuiUMl b\U. I i las. Ho will probab.yJ
lecoVc-i. 4
Crcte'a PosioiHco llotilietl. I
Citi.n : , Xeb , Nov. 11. Jnr are biokolnta
the postotlno last night and robocd the CIINJ !
box of5100 , some ht.unps nnd wivoral regis- ,
tiiviUe-lte-is. 'Ineio is no cmo 10 the ioj <
Tlio AlKoiu.i U'reolr.
Ow r.v SOILS i > , Out. , Xov. I i. T
\ithahoM-a.fllived heiu today , having , on
ho ml the bodies ot lM\\md Ptoil and A. K.
i : n CIM n , vhiin h of the Alj-oinu dli-iustcr
AeuvocMiuh in still bi'Intf madu intli6
nelt.lihoihood of Hie wreck in the hope tlmt
iiuno builli inu > he R. ovcml.
Tliu I''nlliuo Itecoul.
Ni.vv YuiiK , Nov. U. HusliiiBS fallurfl
dnunic the last M en ihivri , ' ! , coinpai d
vvlili r,9 i ; ; = t wi ok and . . ' 01 thu vvuelc iia.VKUf )
to lit. t.
Catarrh Cured
Cnlarrh h .1 vtry prevalent illicasc , with
dlscresslns ami ellen ivo bjniptomv Jlooil'a
f-iriiparllli tlvcj n .ily rclUf and nj > ocdy
cure , from the fact It utl. < tlnoiili | ; tlio ( ) lied ,
and thus readies cv 11 y part uf the Hjhtcm.
" 1 fiiffcrcil u lib c it.irrli fifteen ytnrs. Took
Hood's h.n sjpurllli .uiil I am not troubled : my
v.itli cjuirrli , anil my ( jincnd linllh IB much
better. " 1. W. I.iu m , 1'osUI Clerk Clilcaso
: bt. IxjuU Itallnuil ,
"I tnilTinil witluatarrliCors ) arr ; tried
many vvindu-fiil cmcs , Inlinkrs , etc. , .i | . Kl.
Iniiiiuailyoni liun < lr < . < liloll.irsvvilhoutliciieilt.
1 tried Hood's B iri.Turill | i , nnd wan ( [ really
Improved. " ll. A. .Auiiuy , Worcottfr ,
JCjoa , OUQ sosoa
juo-i "o.O ff UOOH
-it Ji'J il ' It tisidjiujp ipj iq
- " f III * ll * '
I "IK II"J"J' " - ! ! ll' fB | < Jt'7V
'jOit.i'coiij , t e , , i . \ i OKI oiLUt 011 ( nj.jj
Jiint > ii | . aXui si. > Iji ii | ui | ( /HI tsuinu ]
'UD b.ld AUI llll kollu ) HII 'C IttfJI U fc POUJI
33itdi\ | | p uuipu ) | | iliipiicjuro sjooq joj puaa
I'rkiiiin : jn oil
PHI if 'w , ' '
JO I ' , , ! > , , . ,
V-iii i av , , P | iinjiuvkjt vjioori t