Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    THLK UMAMA JDAliiY ! JliliJU , I'HlJJA * , INU V 11' , 1883 , ' V
Free frcm O.nlalcj , huetics anil Poison.
Giiiiifiiij , !
' '
VXD Ih'.iinn 'intm-i. I In * fxiiK klii.l iln'f 'tit ;
III" , . I I I * , I i" II "O H'ln I I S I III I
t'f'hrro ' ii > V , I t nl l > TltK 1 ! > 'Kiiiil > . . < dM. > .
C17 fit. CImrivM . , H . I.OMli , Hlo.
c c ri-4 lu lh i | - tl rr nuent of ( 'MK. , II Svnroua. H
nj K.I. In , . . , -till nr other I'hviM.u mm.
Nervous Prostrai on , Dehllltj , Mental ami
physical Weakness ; Mercurial nnd olhcr Attpc-
t ait of Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
olil fiotcs and Ulceri. r inaud wnti iioii.nita
uc r , tnltl'et'tl otldo | irlncl.l | ii Hifi-lr Prlvat.1 ;
DUiias s A.-hlng Irom In'llscrollon , EXCESS ,
EiposutK or Indulgence , iiirh proint. , ac ot ih.
fnll li > 2 tl ! . t , ntiii.t. n..t ilil.lllijr , 4lmQmi o ! light
01 dtfccUto Ol ni. . rjt | , tuil | j , ( in ( I fNCf , | > titlrHUt-rft ] ' ,
rendering J ! rrlnc8 iinprnVrr or utilmrpy' . oi
rpm&nontljr < nri"l. I'nuj filitifl ) | > xa inQ it , 1 ,10 , , ILO |
In trftltu cnvn'nir. ' trrn tu nuj mlilrc. . . Oon.ult.iloaatoi *
Letrr bmkll fr . l-nlte.l n IRI tell ; cnr , jruu\l.
A Pp-iltl i ) Written Ouarnnloo iu n in cxr/en.
nLtCfl.iie. UaUlciu0.eDlicrj Mtel by IIIAL ! oiclrru.
FOO TAO3H. PITTC rr.ATL'S. decant eloih ml till
tiDdl" | t. . nli ! rnr T Oa I'l ! " ' 'K er t trri-ne r. Ofur fill/
or.4f rrnl p n plelurr , , tiiiriollluKriolr : < oiitlirrullo > 'liig
nhjfcU- whom fntrr ) , l. , rotnhj , niftnlood. WQHIIQ.
( idttj. phf tlftl d PCI T , nil. * ! 'IfivllilRCJ ttl ) trXftMil , tfl" I'llJS.
Ifflofj ol rvp'Diliiciuin , HU 1 in ny Imire flii,4 Lunnl4d DP
l oif , | n r e nr. SSo. A.In. . , i bu t l . Utlltler. " '
* . C.UM .1 , T.wi > imeii * * nl l * U nil' " ' ! ilr > i I 1 , It. .il
t. * .r vf rwintrtf U , Ak jriif rrw r , ,1 , .1 ( v , ILl > aUMit
tt u , kMa .lu JI. , lit/u Ui..nlR * bOv1.
' ' " " " '
js't utto.iint JI""A" . r.
'XfWtU ' MMI SJuuw
James Medical Isslitute
artcrcd by th-sStateof III ) .
Vnols for thcexprcsdpjrpose
I of BIVIIIR Immcniute rthelia
[ nil chronic , uunacy and pri-
? vatc diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
iGleetandSyphillsiriHll their
cuii ! ) > ll led formu , nlno all
diseases of the Skin and
I3loo J promptly relieved an J
permanentlycurtd by reme
dies testrdin a/ ' ! //IVdrs ,
ittjirrmlJ'riictlrr , Seminal'
VVecknesa. NijTlit Losses by rre.ims. Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood.nMri / * / / / < /.T/irm
If no r.iirrl n-iilhtii. Tha appropnutr remedy
at once used In each case. Consultul'jna ' , per-
onal or by letter , s.icrcJly confidential. Med
icines icnt by Mail and Expreis. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or nendrr. Addrcii
DR.lAMES.No. 204lVnshinnton Sl..0nicagolll.
cH Iliiiu' Hint Iliu niiiriulii ) union ?
clilltlrnn I * fur ircmi-r In tlic MIIHIIMT inonilH
limn itt nny oilier > rum Ihnlili iiii'l | n-iliia
nntlon < if ilio liiiwoU iiix jiv < i'riil ' In IIUMIM-
lIlllVUH KlXXl. ll i-l IH-lllllll III UIKIIxll. . I" ll'llll-
llv lukoii Uv till lilllc oiic-i. ii 'cii-inux mi 'u < c
1. | > ' 1II tllO ( Ill/dvlHC HI ( f. 1111 mi'l Is USIIMUlll Oi
tviiou the e'oiiiiu-li ' iuU' | t" nil " -l-o.
c Contagious.
T n i n imtlro of KnirliiivU nnil wtillo Ivn I In
( lilt rmnui-y I ( i-inri" ul u 1-niliki liinml
) o MIII , inul lur i dc. , . ruu niMtini'iii
i x mi out itoiir piilli'iu in < lllllullllln IIif.n t U.
iiiKlniiil ; , hilt ivn ii'il ' omul , I MillUMdl no
n.oni u , ' < iiiUiii | u Hi ill nit Inmrs , mill nrm -
Clf < l wiih HIIIIM ul HUT my hoil ) anil II Mix.
I'inutlv I ioniiil < iu'it li > "i nil lioptlii tlnii ( nun-
liy , i n I Hiiih a lot' A nun .fit. mi I u u-i iiiniin I ut
KH Bjvcll ill IIH oil ) , H"I'll tit , liy it iniiiiinii'in
I > liybUliin ) In Now VoiU Lav int ; nn ( . imiii'Umn
llll llic I'llSlllllll" .
1 wiw ihu nilvuitli-ciiitiit ( if Bwiri'B Si > colllo.
mul 1 ili'liirinliu'il in ui\o U u lilnl. I look | \
IxilllrtHiinil I t'llll Hiy > lll Hl'llt , loy Hint llipy
lii\vo cini'il mo I'liiiri-iy. I inn us Kinnil aii.i
VL'Iillrt 1 UVLT VUlaill Illj Illf.
I , . I'liiU ) ,
Kcu YorU Cityimp ) liili , K > . " > .
In Muich nf lii-t j I'm itNM , I riirilrne'liMl hliifnl
nlMin , mul l > uni in Siivannn i , lln. , in tin. ' iiuiu ,
n nl Into ilin - ! ul thinu lor Hii.iinu'iii. I
Miiniu.1 ' inni'li II ilii'iiiinili-in
M'IJ IHI - nl thu
HIIIIU iiino I iinl mil col ivi'll iniilui- Hit * iroai.
n cm Ilicir , IHTIIH I rini'i | li > iiu > of llic IIH ul
liiciniH. I lime nnu tiikiui ( . ( 'll luni'n \ > t
tMltt'n Hpci U.i ) in il inn B'lMinl ' nnil | . It
tlot'u ilin jiolMin oiii ihrdiiHli I o I-mi'.lit-I.In.
Ii V.N I.i. viiv.
Jui-wi ) CIO , N. .1 . Anir. ' . I A
' TroulUu tin l.luiid iiiul bl.ln DI.-cuiH'b nnilxl |
TUB SWIIT Pri'iiH" Co. , JlruuorU , Atliintu ,
On. K. Y. , lj. W.SJilSI.
, , , . j fCTRI I Y
Royal Havana lottery
( A fi < ( \ i I'Nvr.NT lNriTrTiiN. . )
Drawn at Havana , Cuba , drcry 10 to M Days.
I'llllid. \ \ helm , f"i. riiiciiinis pic
rin it.
tjubjoU lo no iii-inliualiiii | | , am eomrntlinl liy
I lie ( Mliri'.siil iiili'HT-l. Il is Iliu liiiiut-t li.nj : I i
ll.UllilIIIUIIlt'l'lllllUU ) III 1'Vll.lf.llH' ,
Kur tleUois iii | > iy m SUII' I/V * Ul. I-'U
nniJwuy. N. V. ( .u.v : . 'I.OlTU.SsiVL.VI. , UMiiin
, | xun
The Mirror
is no flaitercr.Vmiiil you
mak < : it tc-II n su-rtitur ia' ' - ?
, Jvhiyiidlia I'altn i.s ihrchunn-
\IT \ iliat aiinost chuau tlie
Cr the Ctory cf a Great Miaow' Gtriko ,
nv lo.tniiU ioiA.
Uvnt > four u ci < mk In the morning.
'J ho tool | inyiit { ri'vv wnriiiur vitli
nppro.U'li of day. Tiif xtnrivoru puling
In Iliu uli'iir kvr , us tin."I } ; tliu I'liriy
tliiwn | iiirplt ; < riliit ciist. And llii > Llnck
country , still drowsy , lutt lalnlly Mlrnil
\vilh tliu vnyiiiimunils \vlncli prcccdo
lau rovuillu.
Anton , uitli lony strides , WIIB follow-
in < X tliu Viinihniiu ru.'iil. llu Inul juft
| ' ! . .S.HI | | six Ul'Ll.h lit A OtltMltl 111 II I ( . . --I'i- '
till lil'll. btlll pllllj Ill.ll M.'I.V llllll , 111' Iiiul
fell liiinsi'lt strung ciuci li lo lii\o : 1,1 il
liu lull. 'J tin cuinpuny , hull IIIIOIIH.V ubout
tiifir inline , nnil xoin on with tni'irihs-
in Mj.-ilri In Ilicir pohc , ) of priiili'iii'u , Inul
{ ; vim Inni not , CD tintl tin-v t'oiinl nol
KCI' ] ) liini , they itl o oild'nd linn : i r.itni-
tof : i Imiulri it Irani'.s with thu pntiTiuil
uit\iuo to / ic niork | in tin' milleris ;
lu'lng liuiit'ciortli too for him. Hi )
hail ruliinuil liii ! hniulri'd I r , i HUH. A luttnr
in reply from I'lncliart , c intaiiKii < <
nniiiry lor llic journey , had already ar-
rivi.'d , uallm him to I'arid. It WILS tiu
ifiili/.nlion ot hit di'i'iiin.
Koran instant Anton ulnppi'il ( jn tin1
road now lintni'd in tliu n y diixvn. It
\\as oed to liruathu this air 'no jinru with
tin' 1'iirly prln . U was u glorious
inornin . .Slowiy tliu day K''l'vv. ' "lu ' ' * '
ol tin ; t nrth roMi- with tiiu sun. llu ro-
Mim d IIH walU , leaning hravily on IIH
dnwooil lick , looking at the plain in
tlio di iiaiiui' I'liu'i' in frmn tin * vapors
ol the ni hl. ( iraduall.v the dcaurUtd
funds wciv lilting. I'o.ilmi'ii wcru oon-
tinnally passing nuar Anlon , with pnlo ,
Hili'hl lai'uv It was snhl tnnt thu com
pany wii tsiMni ; ailvanlu'j ; ot thi-ir vic
tory. Alti-r n sir kc ol two months and
n linlf , lii > ) iicii by lnmgi'i' , wliim they had
tcttiriii'd lo tin. mini's , llui.v had Intcn
olili Ti'd lo accept the timhurin I a rill' , a
lliM uiM'd reduction * ut wn es , odiona to
tnriii IIIHV Irom lirinj ; ntainrd with tlni
lilood nf their eomrude.i. An hour of
\\ork was stolitn Iroin tlunn , llui.v inailo
them j.rive the lit ) to their oath of ivsis-
t.tnec , and this enloriifd purjnr ntnck in
their throat.i liKi ; jrnll. \\ork w.m ru-
Mimed ever.\ulii'i-e \ , at Miron at Miiilu-
leine , nl Cfi'vec ; i ur. Iliu Vietnire. livery
ylicrc , tliron h' the morning t'lifl vuih' I
in darknois , ihu army trampud , lilu of
inen w.tli their no-c.s to tlie ground I Ue
c.ittlu KOIII to thu slaughter house.
They shivered under 'their ' thin I nen
{ tnrmenth. they crossed their anus , \\ig-
rlcd tlioir loiim , .swullod mil the r liack.s.
( It f inned li.tlie . snmluicli Inil ed lie-
twi't'ii the sli'irl and the blonde. And in
this return en ma'sii. in thee mute dark
r < pet'trex , withonl a laii h , without a s.du .
look , one tell that the teeth were nliut in
an er , llu ; lieai.l . swelling \\Mli haired ,
thu only submission bqin thai of dire
When Anton arrived at last , Jean-Hart
was emcrjin" ; from thu shadows , the
lamps lianxiii Irom the tress.-ls burnttd
in tliu risn dawn. Above thu it. irk
buildings an escapement raised il.seli'
liku a wli to ninrulte delicately tinted
with carminu. He lixik the si'ivenin -
hhed to reach the ruuuivcr's
Thu du cent cominunccd ; workmen
piinui up fio.u Ilio waiting-room. Torn
inomiiiil , ho remained motionless in this
hubbub ami bu.stli ! . The rolling of ( ho
ears shook the lla inj ; : Ih ilrnini
tiiriiL-d , unwound lln : cables , in thu midst
ot the ulatler of ihu bpeakinlrumpt't ,
tin ; rin in of bells , tliu blo.vs of thu
club on thu signal block : and ho founil
the monster ajjain swallowing his ration
of liunian llesh. thu ca es liiui-r iiii ; , ru-
plnn in , ulpinir down loads of men
without a slop , with the easv swall'iw ol
a \oracMons jj'aut. ' Sincu liis ac'isiilent.
liu had a nervous horror of tin ; mine.
Tlio-ie ca es , pliuijrint ; down , down ,
seemeil to bu takintr his lite with them.
llu full the di//.ini'ris of : t fall. llu bud
to turn liU head. Ilio shaft niadu liini
sick lint in thu vast room , still dark.
when ; the exhausted lamps worn d.vinj ?
out ho percuivcd no triundly laco. Thu
ininvrs who were waitin * ; there , with
bant teet , lamp in hand , looked at him
\yith their larjju , troubled eyes , then bent
their brnw.s , drawing back in shamu.
'I hey , no doubt , knew him. anil no longer
felt any bitterness toward him. They
seemed , on the contrarx , lo fear him , red-
di'iiinir at the Ihonght thai ho would ru-
preach them as cowards Thi.s iiltitndu
made his h.'artsuoll. . . lie excused thuso
misurable c'realiires for Having htoned
him. lie. bewail to dream ol changing
them into In roe.s. of directing Ihu people ,
that lornol nature which was proyin ; ;
upon il.self.
A caic lut out sotno men ; thufiquad diu-
iippenri'd , and \\lum thu olher-i arrived
purut'ived ono of liiulientunants of thu
striku , a bra\u man , who had &worn to
"Von too ! " murmured he , heart-broken.
The other palnd. his I ptrumblod ; then ,
with a ircMinu of CACIISU.
"What elhe ? ri got a wifn. "
Now , in the now < rronp whiuli wore Ml'-
in ihu waiting-room , lliuy riicoxni/.ud
each other :
"Vou , too ! and you and you ! "
And all , -shivering , st.iminei'eil , with a
etltlud voicu :
"I'vo cot a molhur. I'vo < jot children.
They mn-t have bread. "
The caj u did not reappuar ; thuv wuru
waitiiii ; lor it , and snUorin so much
liom Iheir dnlcat that Ihe.y ave dud { xlaiio-
in nt eaeh oilier and obatinatuly looked
down ihi * shall
"And Mix Million * " asked Anton.
' 1 hey did mil reply. Ono mailu a si n
Iliat hliu intended lo eomo. Oilier- , rain
I'd their arms. In-milling wilii pity : Ah'
HID pour woman : U'liut misery ! The
silence continued , and when DID eoni-
radiis held out their hands to say ndieii
they wore Mron < jly ; allei'ted All 'lelt Ihe
same silenl r.ip : at h.uiil yielded , ( In *
Icvcrihli hope uf ri'talialion. The i-aji'1
wa.s thero. Ihe.v cinbarki d , and \\cre
aaiu ; allnueil up
Mi.s Maliou. in bloiiM ) and pants , her
head in a be niii , had arrivial Irmn the
w.iitinronm lamp in hand , ll was a
charitable eseepiion that thu company
louk pltv upon bur misurablu condition ,
and allowed her lo dusuuml lit tint
a e of lorly years , and as it would h tvu
In en diilicnlt tor her tn roll ayiin tli".y
set IHT toorkin < ; a lilllointilal ( > 'r
w bich tlu'\ had set up in Ihu north ; * af-
ler.N , in tli. it hull-like region under | in-
Tnri.iivt i > hun < Ihe a r was bail. For leu
hoiirs , with bent hack , sm ! lurnml h < r
\vheel at tilt : tmd ol n hot Opeilinj ; , her
sUiii p-nclird by a ( li"'rou of heat , an 1 fur
thin ted she narneil liiirly .sous.
\ \ hen Anton perceived her , pitiful , in
In-r nian'.s clothing , bo ( 'inild not Inul
vviirds in | o tell her Unit liu was going
; iwtt\ , and that he wished In s.i.v adieu
Mie looki d at him without M-uming to
hear. Al length hhu t > anl in u Inundh
"Wnll ! il MirprlsOH von lo sou mu , don't
it ? Vcfi , il'is tru- I llintateiiitd lo.slran
{ : le the liiM'uf vvlin u nt down
agiiin. and lioro I'm doin it unKidf. I
oii hl lo > tran le iinsclt , oii lilu't I'
Well. I uould d < > il if I hadn't thu old
man ami lillle nues at homo. "
And i-hii coiitiuned in a low and weary
\oifo. .Shu ilnl not useiise herul | , > lm
siinpl.v relaled lads , that limy wmo starv-
injt and that she had llnis decideil , MI
Unit they would not drac ilium Irom thu
Mrs. Mahnn , whom he WIA ; lookin < ; at.
iljd not itiir. She had already allowed
I in e c.i'jes lo pass , she ri'Mimud a- it
: , u ' 1'iiiiiir tr , IIH .1 dre. Mil and ivniciu-
I. : ' , i i in > ! in 'U ' ol Anton.
1 ' i ar Ii Avni r "
- i i ii ;
> it , It a U'11- tO 1)0 SOUK
wli"io else If you run I'm c'a'I to have
von , biicaiMi ) you'll at last know
Unit 1 have nothing in my Itonrt ttgainst
yon.Now she pokn tranquilly of the death
of her poor man , and of Xnchariu ami
C'litnormu. and only when she pro-
nonneod the tiainu of Al/.iru thu tcari
l.lled her eye . Thu calm of u ITSIWI
able wdinnn had returnud to her. she
Vi'ry WISH l.v judgvii Ihingfl. H would not ,
bung the owncr.s luuk to havu killed her
people. Surely they vsnnlil bu punished
one day for all limy havu.doiiu. They
liut'd not uvun concern theiiMulvu.s ubom
it , tne battlu would li 'lit. itsi-lf alone , thu
hohliuis would liru upon the OWIKTS just
IH they tired Uioii | tlie workmen. And ,
in her calm resignation , in heredi
tary diseipliiH ! , whicli had iiLraiu becomu
a part of ner , one thought was lixed , thu
c 'I't.imty thai could nol last
longiir , and that if'theru wa.s no longer
ono no.l Cod iinothiMwoulil on mo un to
itviiiigu Unit mist'iMolo p. > oplo.
Xuilhur Anton nor the woman oould
lind another word to say. Tliy reiiiti nud
fauu U > fai'u , w la h 'arts bursting wiien
t hey would have wishud to s.iy somo-
A c ovii : waitlncr for her and tn a
ra u inuv called and threatened to Ii n
bur. Then shu decided lo jo. Sim
pressed Ii a liaiul. Very pale , ho still
lookial itt hur , no wre'tohud , With hr
1 vid fiicu. hur discolor hair llying from
the blue begnin , an. I h.'r bo ly defoniu-d
iiiider thu iinun pauts and blotisu. An 1
in thu last pressure of tnat hand , hu
a .ain found , his comrades , a lonu ,
silunt wish for the day when tho'ir liiii
wonld uommence. He oompruhunded
purfuetly that Mho ha I , in the dupln of
here.\us a trannti 1 belie.f. Soon would
comu tiio ruat blow.
I'nxhud and shoved , Mrs. Mahon found
hers.If al the bottom ot near \utli tour
olners. 'J'hey drew ihu sinil uord ; tno
cap ; was uiifasii ncd and tell into tiiu
dnrknuss. and mitliin ; ; wes hoard bill
tii'1 ' raid | Ili htof the uablu.
Then Anlon lelt Ihe mine. lU'low , in
tliuMircuiimgHhcd , hu porouived u heinj ;
sealed upon thu ground , IMS limbs
stretched onlin the miil-t of a t.iiek bud
ot coal. It was , ) oinnie , who was em
ployed in Mirtm < j ! tin : coil. llu was
knocking a block of ooal with a hammer
tn remove the suhtst , and such a cloud
ot line powder are u that tint . \oujm man
would never lii\e ; reeniini/ed him ,
not thu chihi raised h s monkey-like lace
w. tli its but cars and greenish eyes , liu
laughed , tnen broke thu bloul ; wilh a last
blow , and disappeared ut tiiu thick dust :
which arosu.
Oulsidi' . Anton followed the ro'id for a
ntomoiil. lost in tnon nt. All sorts of
ideas c-ame up in his mind. Hnt he lelt
the open air , thu free sky , and hu
breathed freely. The sun apjiuaivd in ; \
jilorions hori/.on. ll an awakening
ot cliuerfnliu'ss in tlio cut ro conntr.i.
A liood of ; ; old rollud fr mi ihu u.u-t , lo
Ihiwesi ivir ti ! > . ; a ot liu
plain. Tnu warmth of life was
gaining , expanding in an titniospheru
ol youth , \vheru viorated the si iiof tiiu
earth , tnu hon of buds and thu mur
murs of the water. It was jroo.l to live ,
The old world was Jjoln , to iivo through
another day.
And penetrated by thai hopu Anton
slackened ids walk , his oyus lost at tliu
rifjht and loll in tliu joy of a nv season.
Ilelhoii lit ofjiiius-'lf , hu felt htron . ma
tured h , > liial hard lifo tit thu bottom of
the mine , lli.s education liui-ihud ;
lie W.IH tcouig away armud like a sold er
\ \ ho mil. sled lor tiiu revolution , Htartiiig
out to war against .souicly , wliimi hu ha I
scon and which hu condemned. ' 1 hu , | oy
of KumgU > and Pluohart , to Ou 1'ke Pin-
chart a luader l.-stuni'd to , sn usto 1
spueuhus of which hu arran ud tnu sun-
leaue-s. Ho mcditntud on unlar : ; ng his
projjrammu , thu h.ghur alliance whiun he
had lormed ahovu Ins cl.iss tiuvvv'hini
into a .still givat r hatred of tlu armoj-
r.tuy. TliuAi ) worniiiun , tlu s null of
whoso misry still posnutsod him , madu
him u\pirii'tcu ; : a wisa to raisj them to
ylory , to sel them up as thu only jxruat
ones , thu only ninless'ones , \\lunnall
the noblum KS and Mren iit of blimaii'ty '
had been placed. Im.iginat'on carrii)4
h.m auay , hi ! saw himsoii at llu
trilinne. he would enter with thu people
on thu triumph ot his ideas , if the pu. > -
plo on Id not destroy him
Hi li ab.ivu him the soujj of n lark
made him look at t'it > sky. Little red
olonds , thu last vapors of thu ni ht
passed on in tno limpid bint1 ; and thu
vnjiiie forms ol Jomar no and Uass nulir
appeared to him. Ucchludl.y alt was
weakunud when each oiu ; adhcivd to his
( iwn ideas. ' | hits , famous "inter
national ' whiun wii , ild h ivo ben able to
renovalu thu world , died ol powerlusynass
alturdtuin IILT lur.u il.tblo araiy duidu
iliult and break into personal quarruU.
U as IXirwin then riglu. ' \\"a.s \ tnu orl 1
but a 0 ittlu liuld , tnu btron ; devouring
tiiuuak , lor thu beauly and continu
ation of peauu ? That ipioslion troubled
him , so much so tnal hu deeded , Irom
that timu lorward. to bu n man content
u ith seienee.
Hut a . .udduii idea dissipated his
doubts and enchanted him , that of ex
pounding . , is theory Ihu lirst time that
he spoku. If it was nuucstary that o m
class bu dustroyud , W.H il not thu piioplu ,
aulivu. still frush , who should devour the
arislourau.v worn out With liiMiryr New
blood would lorin a new society. And
in Ihu evpiurtat.on of an invasion of
barbarians reseller. itia thu old deu.tyud
nations , hua ain establisn-d IIH implicit ,
laiih in an approauhm revolution ,
irni ! one , that of tnu workmuii ; a eon-
Narration wnieli wonld lire tnu of
tne century \vitu inu fugal a ijundor ot
thu rising HUH , ut hu was now
Ho continued lo walk , dreaming ,
sir , king with his cane thu pebbles on tie
road , and wliKii he ua.sf his eyes around
him , hu reeo ar/.eil Ihu iiuighbornooil.
K\aetly at the Koiiruho-anv-ii cms , hu
remembered Unit ho had taken Ihu com
mand ul the mob on thu inuniinjLC ol thu
lerr.blo race airos. : < the. niilios.
To-day iirutal , fatal , ill paid labor re
commenced. Under llu' eartn ove'- there
at s.-ven . . \ dist mue , hu
seemed to hear the (111 ( I , ivgnl , ir and eoii-
tiiinons blo s. it was bin comrades whom
hu li'id just seen o down , his black com
rades h.iinmeiing n ain in tnuir Hilunt
anger , \\ilnonta cl.i.ilit , I'M iw -r \.in- i -
ipiinhed ; it had cost Ih 'in tiieir money
and tlniir duad. but Paris would not for-
gel thu linn at Vulture , the blood uf thu
empire would aNo ilo > v t.irou. . n t u in
curable uoiind , and if tiiu was drawing to its cloMt. and u ihu
laeloriert uere reujjuiie. ! O.ID b.y
wa > still none the Ic- , o 'rt.un , uuKii-i
real pacc hhoul < t huncuforlh bu attain. i-
ble. Thu coalmen had co intiid tliuir
iiiiiiiliL'i's , they had tried t.iuir Ktri'iigtli.
and with tnuir trj for jnsticu had
tue wui kninii ol l''rancu Ihroii honl thu
uiiliiu country. Thuryforu. t unr
reassured no one. 'ihu neasantry ut
Mmitson , trembled with a d.imb le.a'r oi
n morrow ol strikes , looKud btihiinl them
to sun if their Mini li.ul not comu not
withstanding. At thu end llmru ivas this
pi'oloiind nilenco They comprehended
that Ihu ruvolntjon would rise again , to
morrow , perhaps , with a fXenenil lriko.
Ihu a reument nf all ll u workmen in Hav
ing liind.s , ; them to hold mil lor
months whilu still liaxing bread to cat
'I his tune it was a shock Driven to decriy-
in noeiuly. lhu.\ had heard tliu cracking
ninler llnur ( eel. they wonjd feel other
shouks , and si.l | otner-i , until tlm old rot-
tun cdiliiatotieri.x ; . shaking , would j0 |
.swallowed up like tlm Vulture t-inbing
into an abyss.
Aatini look tlm Juiselln road on tnu left ,
and hu remembered that there he Inul
pri vented tlm mob frmn gem ! < ilJa--toi-
M trie In the iliManco. in tlie clear urn-
I'uht. Ins.m the Inwi'iuf sexeral iniiies ,
Aliron upon the n.rlil , Madeleine and
i 'ri-M'cu-ni Mile b\ side \\urk bad been
l' " < lined | i'erWliele llif | IIM\S | uf tne
, neks li , , h bIHii i hl lie h ar-l al lli.i
u ui tin t.irili , IHMV from ouu
si In of the plain to the otlicr. Hvcry
wiiero , under tlio lields , tiiu roadsvih
villages , which smiled In thn lightlies , ,
lu progress thu hidden work of tiadur-
ground { rail > slaves , o criHln-d iKMiualh
an I'tiormous tnasi of rticks thwl it was
only net'i-Hsiiry in kflow thuy wore below
to distinguish ihl'ir'Kreat Had aiglia. llo
thought nbw tlnit vliiU-iicu had not hua-
toned things piirlnips. Cut cables , torn
up rails , broken lanim | wlml inele-i-f
work \Vii4 il worth wlnlu to rin thri'u '
In tliu midst of a baud of inarau-
dors ?
Hut Atit-ni jcft the road to Vandaim1 ,
nnd staried oll'on Ihi'turn-piku. At the
right ho perculVil | lontsou which was
fast disappearing. In front hu saw Ihu
tdiados of thu Vultnr , abominablu pit
wncro thruo pnmpi wuru constantly
workud. ThiMi mrdiKt tin * hori/.on weru
thu other mines , \ Iclo re , Saint-Thorna * ,
and Kuutry-Cantol : whilu towards thu
north IT I-'U the hi h furivicos and tin. *
cokuliiiiB siiKXin in Iheeleir nuiriiin
air. If iii * ditl not wi h to t.iu ul ht
o'clock train hu must hurry , for liu ha.t
still three miles to o
And under Ins feet thu lirnry blows of
the pick continued. His comiitdes w-ro ,
all I Here ; ho feared them following him
at eauh str de. Under that Held of bouts ,
was not that Mrs. Mahon , working w t.i
brut back , whoo whimper caiini tip so
hoarsely , auoiiiupiut'ed by ' ihu rumbling
of thu vuntdator ! 'lo 'tho left , lo fiu
riirht. furtlu-r on , he thought liu rucog-
nlothers ( ! b'Heath tau wJiuat. tiio
liedires , the j'Oiuir | Iroes. Now. in tno
clear sky , thu April sun shone torlh in
all his glory , warming thu broodiicjc
uarth. New lifo W.IR sprout In ; ; fortn
veri-whd'i' , thu buds vibnrstiii' > ; into
rrueii leaves , and thu liolds trembled
beneath I le jjroiviipj ; ; lierlis. On all sides
t 10 grain was swell IIT , stretching : out ,
cracking tnu toil , pu-ihm : ; it on in search
of heat and ; ; - . An over.low of sap
ran whis.icnnjjlv , and Ihu liii > ling of
tii , : bn Ks ulnn t\e I in a t'o.ul kis-i.
A'zaiii and again , in-ire and nioro il't-
Imctlv as if they had dr.iwn nuar tne so I
tae comrades were iNiiockmi ; , under tliu
llamm r.iys o-'t t i oi. ) of day , in tli s
youthful day , Ih s WIIH thu task at which
tlicouiitr. . , w.s laboiinir. Mini were
sprouting , a black iive-i'jlng ; army still
; ; -riiiiiiatiiiir in tau furiows.was sivulhn < ;
lor thu harvests if iho IH-M century , and
il.s springing growth wonld soon startlu
tau cart.i.
Till' KNl ) .
Captain Alitcholl , of the bnrk Autdl'iu
S-ila , M w 1 on ; ami Havana tradu , e.mio
hnmu in Jay , unl rely liulpl "t * \vlt.i
rneiiuialisui. He went to thu mountains ,
but rciv.ivui no , at Ins wiiu s request -
quest , In-guii to talt Hood's tintv ipardla.
Ho itnniediately be an to improve ; ui
two niiintiii his rheiun.itsin : was all none
and he sailud in command of his vcs.s il a
W ( 11 niiui. Hood s -ir-.ipar.lla will liulii
yon. Nolil by all drtujf sis. .
TnkitiR SJcclcticii n , ilie Aiulltot-s anil
tlio Actons us frtluilioa.
New York TjpjurfIn thu andipnt'ont
the Union bimuro'tl'ioatre ' Ihu otmr evu-
iimu wa.s a who o\uit < , 'd thu
inturestot inosu ( g-ar bun by tians erring -
ring lo a book \i hich he iield on bis lap
ron ii skutu.iesot several people 8ittn ,
m Oiilercnt parts ol thu orunc-ti'i. ! 'Ihu
rouyh ; skulehcs were not so bad eithi r ,
bill tnal several ' hiJics sitt.njt d.reetly DU-
Innd thu artist' , a.ter . l.incing over hi-
shoulder , oonldflooji iulo tno croud and
in many caser'JMI-'K ' out Iliu originals.
Thuk"felius riir.NI , sumo beiiu : only
tinbauk of a. hu.itl , a pronli ! , or , as onu
was , Ilio heads of threu liitlu nii.ssus i\lio
had t.ilK'ii to "Steffi in a , lujjf uiiiiir in onu
oi ihu boxes. A low traumas were made
of .scenes .11 thu pl.iy , but nearly njl the
Mtnlics were oi persons in ihu iuidiuncu.
' 1'lte youn j artist becameiiiintiyud ny
thu attention hiMM I 'iittr.ietod , mid aft r
HID third act lelt thu tiiuativ. A Titno.s
reporter went afli r him , and in Inu of n on iiiduued him lo j
talk ol Ids drawings , md tu show 11 tVw
ot tlnmi. 1'or many . .M'.ir.ho had been i
in the nab.t of'jfoln to tnu theatres lo
hludy lauus , es'iouiady wli m the pl.iy
was onu of SliakespeiiroXnr OKU in wlneli
t it : muscles ot un auditor s Ineu nro
bironjfly iiuueteil b.t.iu . nullity tnat'in '
witnessed. I
"Do your visits benulll you ? " asked I
tlio ruporti r.
"Very much , indeed. Nowhere eim I
Kulsnen milural cxpressioiiij as on inu
lace ot' sum i o.iu w i i is trill/ i iturjU 11
in a good play. T.ike , 1'or nibt.inou , tiio
play oi this evening , 'itomeo ami Juliet. '
Here is a head , ' . ' tin'min ; otef lo.i\v <
ol liissl.i'lch Dee ! ; , ' \\.iiuli \Vitl m tk ; .1
.snpolii Madonna 'I ho original \ya. llrit
of a yo iii.j jjjirl who s ii m t-iu a.tme row
of si'iits tli it 1 di I , n it wuw is ai.ieli
inoru di'isply iniuresietl in inu play.
'Jhesotrto heads , " inrninj ; lo niioin r
p.igu , "represent tlii ! and wj.u t.i
viio o.juujned ihai lull-Hand uo\ ji.-r-
h.tps vou ri'ini'inlicr ilium and ulio
looked bored todualii. " *
"Do you over try on Uio not-
ors . in'liujl.i Mttvsyou vis.t. ' "
"Vus , and With sroud ivsiiltrt. J'ho
members ot thu pnitViiion itry n itnr.illy
iideptn al Incial uxpretbiua and posiny ,
and 1 cl ideas Irom mv .studios oi tlioin
when they aru nnuimsous ! ol il ad
Iho workings of mj brain in Ihi ! ipitut of
a t-indin coul-l not brm tort.i. 'i'ho
l viictiiiijfot tin ! nuisules oi a lace , ilia
Gompivn u > l lijis , inu ilashiny eyu-i are all
of throat use to an art tl. I'liuy can bj
olitaiiind in tnu w.iy I h ivo adopted miieh
belli' ! ' ihan Irom n'ny nudul I uvur , i.i\\ .
For IIeek once 1 Went every Ili ht ll
tii'o l.awroneo Marrilt in 't-' di
Kiiiiliu'iinl to hlndv his faeo during tliu
marriage KUUIIO , inu liniicii.jauU ,
alter 1' raneuM-ii ban toetileil that .shu
loves him in M ) tu ot' Induiormity ,
hrcaki ) out in h f , i ofvoijiii | > ,
pie niniiij ; her Ivia s and 1'i'inoj-j : n nur
St'rvanl.s. 1 am at work mi a painting
now lor whii'h mis will o.institul , ' , i
nuul.'iis. . To jiul u IIMIII his * fii > Hu
actor was bhissfd wit'i ' all O.K ! uoul.l
bavu ; ; rintiid him , and ldlu.'lin -i siio 10
tortli in a way that onl.lonuraml . i-.iticnt
falmlv could havu niade Iniaiiule. "
\vliatotliorai-i \ is b.ivu 3011 trans
furruil to uanvasy'
" \Vull. ihn In < i Siiodcl' that I uvur en
countered in tli s sens : was puor eld i\l \ J-
Cuiloiigli. I h MJI'.l good llkuiJUSuH
ot' him as Oihc .sipa'rtacii.i. and Ivm
hiiar. 'IhuOilj head Will soinu d iy
uppear in bum . . . id will. I think , in.i u
a hiriing. loreilifii.jjiieeu ofvork. . 1'n )
Ollii'llo of Snlni > in al-o nnioii ! ' m.rul . -
IrclKin K dr l > . \ - dfilh IJuolfl's Ill o.
In the Kame Liiijv u'iin lliehu heroie au-
lll'n.ll' ! \ , A if ii1"i i I II" ( iltlaU'U , Ju
liet , and I'ai'tlii'iiiii : .Miss Malner as Leah
thu 1'orwalicn , anili'fOodji'.ska as Hosaliad.
What u Hpe.ik ( if as sue uti' ' aolor.s an I
aeln Hseh havu Ilicir plaeo also , and tnu
li-t ui 'I I I "i Itiljui.- ' ! ! ! ! ! ! , Hani Juwolt ,
Os n id 1'uiirlXW.illitek ) , John Uivw.
, ) iisipli Ji ! lir-nirj ! < tf. II.d ) Aerun. Ada
Huhaii'ir imi lruhur ) , and Jam 'H
l.i'WM tliu l.iitttiMinlo/.oii tiinusin all hu
uhaniotiT'i. "
Tlm ni'tn-i miidiic'ieil the reporter to
liiKAtudio , and there hhonoil Iilinunkoteli
book. 4'iieh pa u of wnii-h wan Idled with
faces th it resembled sumo of thu nolur-f
and aelreiiaeb who aru Well Known In thia
"Vou think ilmsu nro very poor mudiu ?
of popular aeturs. don't vonr" asked tlju
tirtiot "Well. Ihey are imt. llie.y nru
merely the faee.s of peoplu in tiu (
aii'buneu who buuomo so miurusted in a
plav th it liir.v ii through nil the im > -
lams ol the 'ac.ior.s. Vou may not be-
jie\u thai but it ii trnu m-vi'i'iiii-liM * U by
I havu M'un jieopiu wiuisu ! au"s would
ehan o ii\cry tjmu an aulor wicked hu
eye.A short lour iiinon the studies and a
little < l lesi.o i < ti { siniwi'd tnat in-arl } all
lilt' Ill'lists n' Ih-j , ( i\ u it till id , l.s a id
mo 1'N ' dm , n t isits in tlie ih itrt-s Tnu
thr'r chances of iro'nt ? down to future
ge neral loti.i as u .Madonna or n uiiliut by
blinding their feature. * under the t rim of
u bit ; hut.
Snut Up Cor 1.1 To.
OTTAWA , Nov. 1'A Kl ht joans' men , hith
erto esteemed as tinin'Ctnble. wci-u jcsiciiln.v
loiuiil L'nlltj of mpu un , Icie I all SLiiienccM
Ui bio liiiin.soiiiiieiit. |
from a want of proper aclio i of the
I. ner , Momacli and Houcls , w.ll lind l/r.
lunmond { , s baniiintaii Nervine a uoii-
htitnliuiial spec , liu and a Inundation of
v.tulity ami vijor , as rulrcshiug and o.\-
hilaratiti as a cool , gus.iiug spring of
Wat r to the parelmd an. ! laiutm , . , ' tr.iv
ulur in thu dimert. $ l.uU ,
He it t'j4t\lu ; Tea
The foll.jivin ; tr. * isf.rwjro iilcl : Nov.
11 , with t.u co.uiy oLifn , an.l rouiried
( or tiij Hia by Aui.n' Uu-al KstuUt
Agency :
ueorrfu Ii. Mll'cr nnd wlfo to Maiydnuo
Van liiidkliK. nitii nnd O , bank ilKtt ICnd
mul , w d - ? . > .
tia . vi. Jlc.ri.iiih and wife to .Inn. S. O.m-
lo u and .iioi/.o i' . l'n , .uy , lotii , aim biff
Uui oi iiiLs iiiind 1 , an i a till I cotoi iius U
ami IT. txiiir. < 1'iure. U.iniu.iv d sJ.ww.
. 'il. T. 1'iuriCi , and wuu lo Iliun .MeCulfiuy ,
lot > > , ti.ooK i , I'auuks isiaitil uni.iha , \ \ u
Knzii Illll ( ulilow ) to Harry il. Wlilteliouse ,
lot Ii , ii.orK l , I'liiiliViOU , i.l.nun.i , w ileM. . .M. Kueiii'ii , i id liiiMi.iiiil to Adu Ii it
II. Hi-no , ! , ll , v m n , . ) i eel in lot I O.K tuJ ,
l/iimnn , w d , * .
ideii.iiii U. I'.uU'i-suii and wile to IMlr'.cJc
.1. i.jiu'ii , lot.I oK , "n. o.tiuuieis > V : nmu-
l.aiun H mill to Uiii dm , w il aj. .
( .minus C. I Ions , i nnd wile to < ! eo.V. .
JJiU'u , u ' ol w \ of iixs 1 and - n.k u ,
b.iinn H udi tii Oni.i.i.i , w il i > . * j.
vliiat. iiowiti. idl ! - O.K " .v Miami i > > v.
hiiiien.iiuli'h inin 10 tinman , \ \ d s-ou\i.
t > i-iii Kf n. iliv s and ivuu a.i.l om rs o
Il\oiii > . ii.u\ : j nii.s i and < > b.oi'iv & U.n.ui.i , I i
\ K'W W ( -Ol.lAM. I .
\Vidi.i.n II. i > J Iand and wife tu Kllon Do
Lam ! hu i o.ork .M ; Ias i , \i \ , . > . i , il , U , i" ) , ir ,
1. , anil u biouii ID Oio UL KiiireiRv , l < ouiis ;
riMiii ; I'.vonkii nmlITe In Joseptdno
I'.an o J tl ( U iui 14 u.m-k o ) SO.ILII U.ut , a , w
ij . ,
Eric , . Clynu ( single ) \Vllllnni U. Mui'tln
R,1. , di .su1oi IIWM .seeIIKU Uiniilas Co. , ij
c 11.
Wmluin C. ilailliiand wiTotiiKr el : Cljno ;
n3i in he 4 oi iiivi , tee Ji ! . , l .m , , a > i o. ,
Wai. M. r'usler mulvlfo to John Seli < iiii'tl ;
n'.i ' u. lot ui. .suHun .s unit , oin.inii , \ \ d - - > i.
lUnm K'oil aid wl.e m .in mv' . 1 * ul , mt
: ) s t\\ i or OL I ruiiicua ami ii-in MS , U.iu.i.i
Ella .M. ( iooilrlcii and huHhnnd lo l.niher
l > i k < - ; .otS , bl ( - , MM i ill's ium , O.aa..a , u il
\\'l \ .111.11 Dow and wlto lo Jolmnna Murk-
wniHl : uiH tanI * . n.n U , K. V. ° i ,
Um.iluiv ; , --fi.nui. .
i . liaiei-an.t wife to .John L. Ken-
IH'dJ : l.t If , sv ' 4 u. llW.f ( > i.'U > l-l' ! > , Doilri-
lusooanO' ; \ \ . d. . " .
.loim i. . iCciinedy ( single ) to U'illielnili'.i
li.tier ; h 1 ? Mt4 ui" iiw' < ; acu iiViit , i'uUjlia '
ciaint.ij. ; . e. S i.
i.eor e ti. l/'a.ker null wife to Lnrniun 1\
adil.Oin.ili.t ; . d. > : < , ! ' " "
i.aini'in 1 * . I'liijii mul t\ifo to De\Vitt C.
Uooiii-on w : U U by NI' n di'e 10J tl of lot
Ii' ' or' Milaril c Caldwuli's ailil uniahiiy d
* ! , n.
Lunuoii 1 * . I'ruyn and v.-ifo to Fred V.
t'ov.ier. iindiviili'iis oi lot Ul'rnvniivi.sioii
oi lot ; > Miuai'tl M C.iul.vo.l suitil t.niiii ; w d'non 1' . I'ruyn and wife to William I ) .
Pni.i n HJ , ii I'm ) n s d V.MOII o. int . ' " > \luiuril
llildueli s mid Dnitiiia , w d y.UM.
haraioli 1' . I''iu n tuul wim lo Jennie I , .
Phe paid miiliviiR',1 , ' ot lot ii J'l n > ii s m\ . -
s on oi nit "i iliinul it C.ikiwull add U.j.i-
u'it , w d ? ; ; ; .
Onliniry Rubbi-r Toot3 !
nlunvs cnr o..t T to-i
I'm ' bull.
] : iota nr' rf ii"
0:1 : the lull , ttL-1 [ ; uo
Jfvt cioiwnlca ! IJi.J > h"r
) to ! In Ilia inc. . c.
I.'Nte lonsrr Hun
e/iliiT boot and il.ii
efSSsfalRiSS s8
Jfi tfflSfAse" f' zrta CM !
a H
[ in Kut-
ic ; , Syvliilllt ,
" i'.l , King *
flERVE" !
eia , NervousnL'fc ? ,
Sicfc Jleatliclit ,
KfllflLiJVl ! ± ! l" ± liVnloumatlBn,1 , ,
J.'mws Ti'fti/.if.fs , BralaVorrj1 , VWoorf Vorn ,
liillonsnt'ss , Coitti'Ciir.3 , Kcrvo-oIVo triiuoa ,
| iT.'Jury i'rouUes ami Jirrj-Jart 'a.
i < . . . . . cnll.n
InUlllblu r ni--i'y Is tit } } . \m\t \ \ Ihf a . . .f I
'lllinl lUo li.-nroii'.tUu.k . .Isneclllc.m i |
r.fim-i u lotvi'allty iuulyl , refrpsiiin
irul uvliiliratiTiK tun cool. c-.ifiliiK sprlni ? of
\ jieriotlio pareiinl anil fa'ntlntf tnnclur ri
| "iul ( " . 'rt. To | i"lwi ! tiikiiiKasiiri-rciiii'i /
/"iK't'UHtoi'Oiirthuflcriii''iinliiviti'ilc.i-'i. ( | ' .
Cumniiuiiiloni o f tuiy nii rel. _ J
Ihe Dr. S. A. KI . , St. Joseph , Sis.
Fnlil by I'M
--I r , iii ' . '
vir l < iin' : * f > p 1C * * luv'Mfl l i lift , tt | ' il v' * i ' j Till.
in < inii , 4plopr . fn'i ' ii.viiiriMio/il | tn ' 111 ' iif
- '
| ' If t\ \ Itv ,11 'l | HO' , " " , ! * ' l"i | * r Kp'l fni'll 1f\ ' ,
I'Anil nn' fo" I I'll lir , r'ni1 II , I , I'tl'i ir ' f , ii | s * , .
| li > A "intWm In till * ull"i.f , if ir i'S'ii
rue picce of l.lfo nixmlrt hero-il ii tt'n fo'i-it f ir'Hlli.11 lllii ; uy Hie Ullllclfll tiirrollu" . U "HI 'U ' l >
ft ill --l imliin linnet.
Tl rn l no mmiii > Tif niiclrlj in wt < ini ili < i Mgi ii
( if l.lfc iH nut uointjfill < Mii-llifr > .nilli i > , r nt. ( \ in
limn I'Kirui'ii.r HI clornjiiimiUntil wilt
* > < Aitr * Hi" I'1' . r Mi'ilonl iiKlltufe nr llf W if.
I'nrki'r N'd 4 Htintliidi clrrct. lliKluii Mnx . wnu in/
l'1'iun ulti'il ( HI nil ill R4iiivtf ri'iiuirlntf akill Miitl ujc tjri.
en f i 'in-time mul o Himuti' ili. o . u > l n M/J
liiilliol U.i skill nl nil or iur iilij i > k'NIW
cliin > . n H Kti.i'iy ' Suoh inni' I nil 11
f\ > . - , i 'v i 'mil ' un lll-li ; < n .
of ) nil u re Mi-'iUuu tbu puuor
„ XT-
w O3/ c
Onu of ilia Kent < uul Zrirr/esb Mooks ii > tie V. S ,
to Select
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passsngor Elevator ,
, mi i'iuuiii y miiutuil lo IliU mno-i'iit , 11114 iliwrotiJ
lrt > u , . , - . . _ . . . jUft/r/vW.Men , or I7iosr. it'Jin intend to JT/ >
mrtnir Mnllfi . .inlllic love .mil n .n-t ni .1 fV'iiitil wno.Vtnk mi'ii'lii'ii i-e n . Mured lu * Nljtor i
t anliiioil l" inrj in. , rmvi I'miif * . li'sllinoiiliila xnlii.ii'U' In. ill * " K Mump. .
tliaial.lb70AddresaTho Climax C etlical Co , 6O < sJ , Gt. LouiG , [ WO-
A. TULHDCK , iinrinU : Snpt. I- . Asst , U.tJ.
11.V. . niAMON'O. A st. Pooy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Ircri Worli3.
i.liio /t , J \.on..j Lu iunlii ( KAI EAS.
'I I l.rvs illl.l I ( l.llllluullOII
7 ? Jf. I ! ) < Z E 8
lot Kiilli-diiinl iiiul llltftiro. * I ) .
! . , t f ' I" U.'rS.
- - av 5wW ! s giiiiia * r.J ' , I'ini.siuiiira
, . A. WI33
.Nt'M 1
-CO cr" < 1 tie 1 of nil iU'C' U" l ! > to I 't. KiKoUctl iium cnahioorja'i
I i U itv
Cio. : ItfllKi : . Miinairor.
| , i--T t > p * r > "C ! . > fi-olinn i piul VnvmrMV Itnn'c. ' Iliu'i I I'llv. N''l > : Kn'ir HIV V"OTITtm'r.Tf'SA | | ' *
rev. Ncli : Coltinil < tis niit ! lliinl : . Colniiilin-t , Ncli. : McDoinil.l * .V-itn I'l.utn , No. ) . OjiaJ-t
Jr l nii'l llimk Oii'Mln' . Ni < li.
Will | nty ciUsunauiti' ilrull with 1'ill ol latllni ; iittiiched. lor iwo-tUltils value of HIIIJ c
. , inJin , N
, . s \ \ i-il ii i 4 , N j JH irk. iv , I if
Ji'l nut lil i i.mlit. HttnL * 'lit cmilt < L
lit id. LiLli , IJ.iJ. VV * . , N.V
in CHOCS :
t. - .
2d. No lirbat ing-i'n tortur.c. . fa ? / 'a '
: ' < " { , and ali'.ayi snug ( iti'J hant/some.
tsJ 'J. & T. fousinn'le' '
I . , k Shoes , "cfc. lMmte and materials , in
'jjlmlthsnd \ JOcl/apcs 'of'taesHhilheelSl
i liey'ivjli not rip ; wllliot 'slip at the liastf
TTll not wrinkle , and are tfio pcrfscti
cf achievement in ilia shoemaker's c" * .
Look on Solo for tlamo and Aildcesi ol
r-S * J.f K' fff
JSTRV Wit fitE ( if E UMtSiNfl IHI * t' 'f ( IAT'TM *
lir rfn on or In i-imiml | > u lllim nnil i loi-r r , lull.11 ( , .
fil | lili | l"ll line * hul mi V , . | n | , i 11..I ni.,1 . I , r.
lulllill IHI UK . , . . | .lii-i-i- n , , . n , , | | , „ „ , , ! , , , , , , i , | .
C'llllllll'llt ll ll I . Ii ) I i ll * .t * ! n ut Ilitnuull II II I * I
Inlliiu whli-li I.IMII. . , inI | . , , . | | i , , . . i , iv , I mul 11 III , .
li > wu ii i llli-- * , if On , - i , , | Jifiriili. r. M-IV it
- . . I l , il llu . Ill I. , . I , , i , . lUHlnl III III I'l IIII4
I Hi N 11 Hi'i I l.l | | * . , , , i , , , . , „ , , , ( , niiv.i ihliuu
| ul III UV t NIK lioi'.t nli.l M lilliuiM
The Croat RocH Island Rotito
nininiii.i lu | . , ( , , , tint r , , f priMiunl , , . ii.
llu iiiloi'li" ! liy ii i.ltl Iliifi-ntiulilv linllx-lvil n.1,11.
I.-i . , i.Hi Hi lr < i.r i..iihin.i , , i , , | , , | ,1,1.i. , , , .
lull , 1,11111 , iiiivi.ii. nii.i iniitt. , | , in , , , , , . , . , | , , „ „ ,
| , -i full HI i. hin , ii k II < , in Haiku | i II , . , . , ( . | y
' ' " ' ' > ' > ' *
Mill ill ii H II -iiijill * 1,1'iiH' in'i | > 'l lii''i ii . ' , , | . ' -i-ilni'i nf ill ii-IIHIM in-i , , , < - , iin. , . . u
till. IHill. 010 'llHII-r- . Ill 1,11 II-IIHH , Illlf ll.hllv h ,
J .11.111 ll-lllll. Illl | til , , | | , IIIM.J , c. Illlull. HI , , ]
liuilililMiil lt e iM-M-uurr liiilinn ! | | ul ,
rf < 3i" 'r"t li fi"'r * | 1" ' " " ' llv"'i | I ' li' ' " i"i M-I !
1 HlMMI in I'll , . | l. . | , lf u , . | | , , | | | | , | , , llu , | , u , ' , .
lii.UiMnl iMr ( inili. . H.ii.-ilM , , , 1,1 I'lilliiiun | ' . , | ft
hlu ! ! "I I'm l-ilfl iliMjtll mi. I Imiliiii
t'il- > In h | , lirl ili'ii ilrlj ii iiril | liil--l.ul. 1,1-uirly
mv inn li I < I. . , ! lir , I'iiiluK , IIII'H l'nii. . " "
Thio Famous Albert Lon Route
IMIlU ill | "t All'l l , , lll- II , , , . drtl.rrll I Illl-.11,1 nil'J
* | nit'MI | .in iiml-li I'.ml Mhi iv luinii , nun-ni-r itiuii
III ( 'lll'lll II 11.11-1(1 . , M I Illl III. Ill III I , I 111,11 If * Hll.l
I , ill.ll | - , . ( , . . , . , . . - , .
- ) iu-r. i-i 11,1. i.m ) -.r | > , , , , M
-J I illl , ii. < ) inn l.i | lii-.wilrrlil-j plnir" iilnllii'l in-
il -II llilr r , ilr | l.i l'iv n'l'iViirut | i , 1,1'Vli'l IM.l'urBl
lull unf int"i | , r | i ii-ut i -
tMill miulli lillllJ-r I.IN" rl , v , , , , - , , . , K-TI-
knk' . | M IIINMI < ii.-iiil | ln. | r. n i III.IIHI n | , , il | n.
- . . I.IIH rlll' | llll 1,111 , , | i Illlllf. U ill-U I ll/ ,
' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' '
. " i-'i'u'/'i / ! "i'rl"klVl'l'iV ln.'i'l'"K''i ! \
I' 1 ill II. tun. I bl .1. , LI. I I , .ii.J . ti L , J
( lit . mtf
tt. n CAOLI ; , E. PT. , IOM" ,
1'inl A ( .1111 M r'r l I I . . , . ! ' , f
Nebraska National BauS
PAIII lip PXIMTAU , -Sr > ; i'1 * ? '
b ni'i.r-4. May I. ! , , , . , . . ' * tii.M t
II.V. . YATIS. : IVoHidimi ,
A. K.'T < "O'N' , Vied 1'reit | i'\t \ '
W. II. S , lliiuiiKs , Ciutft'or.
W. V. MOII. K , .Ions S. Cor.r.tsra ,
II. W. YAM- : . Lewis S. UKKI > ,
\ T " 'n i
Co. l-lli inul rurninn S
A Oninr-d liiiiUmir Ililriiiu-at In
'tlie ( rf.-Inul ) anil Onlj . uuliip.
? ' ' " . . .v"-'u ! " 'wiVliriirrl
- ' Jt DI17S. \ * ! ' "
* -4 lilclirti f' *'i'o : . > , .ilii-r nr lKik > * lo.
I'l Illll.-l 19 II. I r j.l II r. t I r r l v l"llll Mull *
NAME l * f'r' , ' ' ' . " * " ' " ' r ' I"1-/ ; ! ! > ,
, \l lril.t. , 'IV.,1.inM H.-I i' ' I ullcr i * 'ul ( *
i . < V. . . . ill.
IN MO-INK ni * < iKnv.
IK in il run' * iiii'Cli | ( > lru.ii'i l < < t
Hl.'lU'll ' , V-t .Mll--llllllUl-L. |
rsiii'ii A < i irv'urWfi'tTliU.v
Iti.ut.ov I'o , Oriuilm , Nlriinl.u.
( Jinalia 'I line
A | l tr.diiij mi i ye anil di'ii.nt fiom Omnliu by
Ceninil Siiiinhud Tmi' ' .
'I in ns m ihe f. Si. I' . .M X O , iiirlvo and .
( lep.iii liom their drpnt. mni-'r of Hth and
\VehslerHlieeir. ; tialn.son the Ii. it il. . C. , H.
A. < ) . and K. C. SI. .1. vV O. U. lion ) .tlio' U. &
M. di'liot ; all ollii'is iiuiii ihe Union 1'
Ifi lot'Oiii.ili . i nt : ! . . II 8l ; i , Htj : : , D.,17 U
l . : iT. Uui : , HHi .u in : lui'i. t 17 , IJariiw. : : | : :
: iT. : : ! I ! ) : : , f.ij. : : II..M. ! : x ; . : . , H.W : | > . ! ii.
I ! Indus do not run un .Sun.lay. i\ll
iiindrh. | . 'eii > ti this will inii.iiH ill H JO-
lion oi iMi'hdu nun Ii iln. rvriH llnmi K-IIV-
Ini ; Oinalia | . : . ' in and 11 Mil ] i. in. , and
li'itxini ; Council ISInlCsal 7u."ia. : in.nnd 11 (15 (
* ' ' " . . . / *
, . .
b'lncKiins I nu\s Jjni'clnl .ftopk
.Miniias"eiiuer | ir.i.iis IC.IMDaiahu at 04i | ) i\ ,
in. , si/.in. : in , . , s ; ir > .i. m I : i , iXin. ' , try ) a.
in. , 1 .MI ji. m. . : ! . ; > ( ) ji. in. , .mil . .i'i"if : \ in ,
Leave Mock \inils lor Uiniha ill 7.Ti : a. in. .
HJi-i'in. in. , Iv'.Oi h. in. , ! : ! p. in. , : i.V : | > , nu ,
1:1' : ' ) 11. in. mid Hi : ) p. in \ , , _ .
ronncclln _ ' lines , il liansh'i dpnt , Cnlliu.t ) !
lilniih. ( JliliM.-o , Koi'l , Ma id & I'
leive. Il7l"i. : IJ'.I ' : ! ' ! a. in. ( ! "i. . ' ' > | i , m ; 111
ih . ) ! Pin. in. . It . * . : ) . I ! VHI : p. m | J | | | .
i.-l'iiiV Niiiiliwi'siein loiue. II ! ' ' | ' , , , in. , ( )
. " : jii | , in. ; nirivi' . D'.Dl-'in. m. . II 7'OJ p.m.
Cliieit ) , ' ! ! , lli ! | Inu'loii > VJnlnry ( li'inn , A : -
a. in. , A'iM.i ; n. m. ; mrlvii. A ti-i , , \ . m. , It
l0 : p. in. . A i .Ii 11 , in. CliliM.'i M'hvauiceo '
A St. l'inl--le.i\e ) : . - , . m..V > . .Min. \ \ . ;
iiilive. | > ! I.V ; ] n in , II Tillilp , in. Kiiu-ils Cllv ,
.SI.Joi'iV C. l5.-lea\ii. A lO'in n. in. , C ; ; r.'p.
in. ; aiiiv" . | ) D"ia. : : in. . IS i : .Ti p. in.'a -
| IIHI : | li'iiye. A : | : ( | p. in. : n live. \ : liJp : , m.
.sliuiv Ciiy A- I'.ieiiieUIM | , > . A i Hi a. in , , A
i . ' p. in : arrive. A Htt : : a. m. . A i o'i ' | i. in , ;
\ Vesuirdr.icl.ic | ; e\pies-i IIMV.I A M.-JJ
. in. ; uiiheA i'ni , . llrnMi-
p. : a in. : llrnMirsiiU'ri ,
U-.ueA tl.-'ilii. in. . HIT vi'A I-Inn m.V- ; . a d i'\pjc- < , li'i. ! | \ , \ , . \ | - ! ( )
p. in. , a ihe A 'Mi ) p. n ) . : H. .V M. nnil ua I
i spress Hei. | v.illey , li'iivn A h.l . iirnuni ; ' ( )
a in. : H .V , M , ninht e iireAH , | i'i , , < A O.UJ
p. in. , n i'i i vi' \ Hi : 11 u. in.
hunt . \Miiil--.M. I1 , ij.iy e\iK" | , , Ic.ive A
II .IH ) u , in. , mine IIIKI : u. in , ; nl'ni c-niix-s ,
le.ue | ) 11:1X1 : p. in. . air.veA rDiii : ) HI. : | v. ( ! .
M. .1. & ( ! . II. . \l.i IM.ilNillHiltli. I.-1'-A U.U )
ll in. . It HU'i p in . m,1ve | ) r : II.
Nnrlli .ili-- | ( ' . , N. 1' . . M. A t ) . . Slini\ Oily
esircK | , Ifiivn A skii. : : ) m , . UI MU "i.n : p. m ;
O.tidiind lUU'oiiinio'il.tiliin. lc.i\u ( J-'il-i : p < in. ,
in live ( . ' Ilii0a. : m.
NIMI : A Tialiisdiily : II il iil.\ e\e nl.Siui'
ilii ) : ( ! iliuly e\'ejit b.iiui'ilii ) ; I ) d.iily ex *
cent Mnndiiv.
Kixlwind C. ! ' iV ( j. Mil 1'lall.iiiinlith ,
\Vml waul I'llciiir e\pli- * ' le ues A h 20 I > .
in. , inrhe A T : " > tl n. in. : I ) , IIM-I u\pio K ,
II-.IM-\ ilni. : . ni. mine A 1 : ln p. in.i U. I' ,
inid nnd ii\ple . HI-JI. Ville > , A I : tf
11. in . ani\e AJn ; | p. in. : IJ. , \c \ il. iniill iiml
e\jiie s lti'i. | \ iillm. lei\e A iUi.i. : in .arilva
l < iJiin. : in- | l. iV > | , nwliliius.s ( ! , Ic.ivu A
lin : p in. , niilie A it-'i't p. in.
Niiiiihu.ndl. . I1 , il.iy e\ni'Hs | , leavp / \
II : ' .iin. in. , iiuhi-'V-.ihi ' ji. in ; niclit osnri'sH ,
letue li ; in 11. ni . arini'A I < M p in. . K.I. ' . .
M. .1. , V C. It. , vi.i riiiiiMiionih. li'.i\e A HrX
a. in. . It ! > : l'i ii. in. , jiirue U < : iK > u. in. , 7Vi : n
N'liriliwuid ( ' . . SI. K. . .M. , V O. M.MIX . I'ltj
espie . Ii . .IMA > -"iii a in. .oini'-i.-iil p. in.
4l\i n.niil , . - - | , . h-.uu C " > .W p. in ,
,11 I Ul' I I'l. ' HI , | in
, s "i \ n i n-d.iih A daili I'M-opt HIIII 1
' i i d.u ; , -M , -j v : > , aeiuuy ; U dally excuu