Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TJ110 OMAHA DAlui BIw , , FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 13 , 18S5.
crriCEi Jfo. in rcurt Street.
rf"trrf1t vrcrr'rr In nnj t ait of tlicrlty nt
1v 11 tj i < 11 < < | IT ut. < .k.
II. W. Tino.v , . . .
Unltcr , the tailor , for fall goodfl.
The lirst RUOW of the season yesterday
ir.urning , and a very light beginning.
'J'he ! lo : ; l Arc.umm g.ive its
ball hist evening , and it proved a very
enjoyable and succes lul one.
The paving on Brynnt street , would
have be n lini-hed yesterday but lor a
dJai in the receiving of blocks.
The team wh eh was taken charge of
bv the police the other day , and which
had been standing on the Mreets all
i" "hi , proves to ha\e belonged to Steve
in u little practice shoot ycftorday Tom
Metcalt made lourtccn center shots in
ono minute nnd Brown , of lightning
fame , shot twenty-ti\o times und runjj
the bell lourtccu.
A false alarm of lire called out the do-
pnvl incut al out I ) o'clock last evening.
( harles Sanderson , while drhitig ttie
HC.SCUC team , was thrown on" the seat nnd
badly shaken up , but not Lcnously hurt.
The home of John Shefl'erly on lower
Broadwnv is reported as haying been
entered by HI. enk thieves on Wcilu < dn.v
during li ! * ' absence of the family. A suit
ot clothes and home smaller at tides were
Nannie Henderson wnr , brought back
litre by Detective Beswick tor running
oil to iSiiiux City with some goods , whieii
it wan claimed belonged to a fellow \vno
had been hoarding with her. 'i In ; dilii-
culty was amicably settled yesterday ,
nnd the charge of larceny dropped.
Ollieer O'Brien yesterday nrrc-tcd a
young colored man who acted Hits-
] iciou ly and reemed to \yomlorfiilly
well supplied with new clothing. Noth
ing has been learned about the fellow
yet which would warrant lilmga charge
n < r 'nst ' him , and he will bi ; turned IOOMJ
j lie valise found on Eighth street
proves , as thought by its conl-nts. to be
long to Mr. ( ilass , of Omaha. Ho hnq
recovered it nnd gives the explanation
that it was stolen from him at the Colorado
rado house. There was nothing of any
H rcinl value taken by tuo fellows who
broke it open.
The jury in the cnso of Coyne vs. Met-
rnlfe , by which ca'-c the plaintilV seckiito
recover posscssicn of the building mv\t
to the Ogden and wliieh is being occupied
n.'f n s.ilo..n , has decided in favor of Mel-
calfc. Thin is the third attempt which
1ms been made to get Metcalfe out.
The report given by the evening papers
that Miss Kiltie \\hitney had mvstcr-
iously _ disappeared from her present
home in Hni\ard , Neb. , is now declaied
to iD all a hoax. The many friends of
the young lady here were not very ready
to bilio\e theVumor. nnd will be glad to
hear it authoritatively denied.
An expressni'in named Deads left hii
team standing unhitched while he went
in to phiy _ a game ot pool. He got so in
terested iu the game that he forgot all
nbout the team nnd in the menntinic
they wandered oSV down the street and
were picked up by u pulic * iunn and
taken care of. H'sg.imoof ' pool proved
n , rather expensive one , although the
costs were made .u > 1'ght as possible.
Myers , who served for a time on the
police force , is now employed aaa special
watchman to catch the fellows who are
stealing coal Irom the railway yards. He
has nitccpcdcd in catching two , one of
vrhom was lined , and the other one ,
Uhomas Fit/gerald who wits brought in
yesterday , explained that all hu did waste
to pick ill ) a lump of coal which hid :
fallen ofl' tlic ears , and as this was not
cons'dered a very heinous oll'euso. lie
allowed to go froo.
A Polish woman who Ihcs somcwlic-ro
in the country got lo-t in the city on
A "duesdny n'rht , mining thu folks with
\'om ! ' she cuniis to town , they dri\ing
home without her. Afliir wuudcriiig
nbout town until about t o'clock in the
morning ami getting eldll < > d through , .she
\\iis found by Deputy Marshal Bates ,
who had her taken care of at the station
until dsiylifi'ht , when she started for her
home in the country , satisfied that she
could find her way in the light.
Defective Horton found the two
I'oys who disappeared from Auduhon
ttl out two wuoKn ago. Their nnnvs ar.s
JM Freeman and Churlcn Braylon , and
they are only about 12 > earrt of age.
They were found at Crcscont City , and
1 roi./ht here ycstcnlny , and lodged in
Jail to await the nrrivnl of their iricnds
who were notified to come after tin in.
The friends say that the boys in rnnninir
nwnj took abo'nt ! ? : iO with them , but the
bo.i i sny it wan only ' > . The youthful
traveh rs arc not very conununicntive
til out their journeying * , but it seems
that they have been to Kansas City and
to Sioux City , and have seen quite u bit
of the west , and have exhausted their
funds , and not being bettered much in
morals by their trip.
The electric belt of Judd & Smith , 0
Fourth Htrcet , Council BlnlVs , positively
cures rheumatism , neuralgia , uyspepoiii.
piles , paralysis , indigent on , tits , cold
icct , nervousness , headache , kidney and
I'.ver complaints , loss of vitality , lead
poisoning , litek of nerve force and vigor ,
viiHtlng weakness of tho'-c ' disonses of a
personal nature in male nnd female.
' ' - '
For hnrdwnro nnd house furnishings
ret. prices of Cooper & McGec , No.11
Alain street , _
Two Daya Only ,
Friday nnd Saturday , November 1 ! ! nnd
34 , we shall oiler for sale our entire slock
of Cloaks und Wraps without regard to
cost , and shall if possible close out every
clonk wn have in these two days.
Special ordera taken fur cloaks if do-
Do not fail to secure these bargains
while you can. H.UUCNKSS litOTiiiit ! : .
The annual ball to bo given by the
Royal Arcanum nt thu Ogden IIOIIM ; to-
iiigLt promises to bo u brilliant social
Plcot Hlbb ns in the l.itust color a
Sirs , Horrors.
1) . B. Mann , of DCS Aloincs , is in the
city.D .
D , Friedman , now in business at Ta
bor , was In the city yesterday.
1) . S. Holomon , of Ulenwood , the well
known attorney , was in thu Blntl's jus-
Itohcrt Dude , of ( " "arson , was in the
city yestcrdny. u welcome callci at thu
llEK Ollit0. !
ChurlcH Mctz und F. J. Lnngo , of
Omaha , were over to Ho ul Arcanum
last .
_ _
Lumps cheap nt Homer's , S3 Main St.
For everything in the grocery line give
the new iinn of KintKleeb , HU'
liroudwuy , u trial. K\crythlng new und
frchh. Fancy groceries a upccialty.
Drs , Judd & Bmlth'd Elcctro-Mugnetic
Insoles Only Jiitv cents. No. uJ ( 1 ourili
St. , Council Blulls , Iowa. Agont- >
wanted. _
The very latcct New York ft.vlos ro
ci'hM I vi'l , . , . > ! . -a O A. Uogt-r.1.
A Kebroiba Alscondor Captured aatl
Undo to Disgorgo.
Two K.x-1'oft * masters In ttio Fortrrnl
( juvcrmncnl'H Ulutclicn 'I he IJwual
OfTcrlnK or Uvtcf
RTit l y Ills Creditors.
P. 'ilooro , wlio represents
Motcalf Hru.s. , of tliis city , returned yco-
tcnluy ftuiu Illinois , and by iiKjtilry of
him the UKI : inuu Icnrncil SOIIHS interest-
iii { ; pnrUculius iu regard to T. Stewart ,
the nbBcoti'liii ; ; mcr. ! iutit of Scribncr ,
Nob. It BPCIIH thut Mctcalf IJros. re-
coivcil their llrst information coiicurnins
tlio disappearance of Stmvurt I * rom u spe-
uial telegram which npiteared in the UIK
about two weeks no. Stewart o\vln < ?
tlita lioiiHo qtiitu n largo lunointt , Mr.
Mooru wiin at oucc eiit to Seribner to
look up the matter. It appears that
Stewart left Seribner nbout October a.'i ,
leavinj ; a Block of floods which Invoiced
about $1,000 , and leaving his cmliloru in
the Inreh to the tune of home
$1,000. Attachinenta were at onec placed
on the stoek bj- credit orn lor $ . ' , UH > , in-
chilling various wliol.'Milu honses from
which ho lutd purcli ibcd goo IM , Bitirttud
in OiiKiliti , DCS iMoines , Council Hliins ,
St. , ) oUi ! ! > li and Fremont. Siv.irl hud
Iteen tiikiuir his orders very heavy and
for the very bupt of goods for MHIHJ thirty
dajs before leaving Scnlmcr. He
also engaged in pnrehasinirra ' B , old iron
anil copper , for which lin w'.w | > uviir ;
niinoim prices in traile. About the mid
dle of October Stmvart hliippcd to Din
Homes , billed to himself , two oars of
rad and iron. Within UICMJ ears he
pluccd fourteen barrels and onu bag ,
which lie ha'ut contained tine ra B. Mr.
Moore immediately went to D < w Moines ,
where he found that Stewart Imd sold rugs with the exception of the bum-Is
and bug Tin's haJ been s'lipp.'d . by
him to G'mml. 111. , in the name ot Henry
Mr. Moore immediately followed to
Girard , which is a little town in fie
fioutheastern part of that state , arriving
there \Vedncbday morning of last
week. He found the turrets at the depot
of the Jacksonville & Southonhlcrn rail
way , and attached them. Stewart ,
Wolf , accompanied by his wife and child ,
had arrived at Girardou the Friday pro-
\ious , and liiulin he could get no' room
in which to open : i gonorul store there ,
had gone to Xanesville , twelve miles
south of Girard , and rented a building , ; ? two months rent in advance , hav-
111" ; : now illumed the name of 11. Smith.
Mr. Moore taking a team , and aceom-
panicd by a c < jn.-table , hurried from
Girurd to Zanesvillo , arriving there in
the afternoon , and hunting up Stewart
nude him a call. The man of in.ui.v
aliases put on a bold front , and denied
any knowledge of Mr. Moore , r > r Serib-
ncr , or of ever having purchased goods
of Afctcalf Bros. , of Council HluH's , but
lii'-u > oii eanii ! to time ; when he learned
that Moore had attached the barrels of
tine old rags at Girard. Stewart said he
could not settle the claims represented
by Mr. Moore amounting to ! ; . ) . , ( ) . and
soon disappeared down the railroad.
Mr. Moore , learning that a box of cloth
ing had been shipped from fat. l ouis to
II. Smith , Zanesville , hunted it "up , im
mediately attached it and shipped it to
Girurd , n hither Moore returned , and an
examination of the barrels of old rags ,
which been attached , revealed Uio
fact that the barrels contained the very
lineht of cjgard , clothing , under
clothing , Bilks , velvetH , woolen
goods , etc. . which invoiced
about $1,500. The goods wore placed in
the hands of the fthorifl' of that county ,
and Mtllieienl pressure was brought to
bear on Stewart , alias Wolf , alias Smith ,
so that he saw it to his interest to confess
judgment for the amount of the claims
Ix-ld bv Mr. Moore , and executions were
immediately issued and placed in the
h.uid-i ot the slicrif ) ' , and sale advertised
to take place on tin ; llh ! ; inst. Other
judgments against him will about cover
thu amotintot the goods seized.
It is since learned that Stewart , with
all liisaluiocs has been arrested in Iveo-
I. uk. at the instance of some of his
Omaha creditors.
Mistealt 15ixs. ) have shown commend-
uble.eal in running this fellow to his
hole , and if the same pubh was alwavs
manifested by wl-.olesalo houses in the
treatment ; of skipners , there would be
fewer of them , and the absconding busi
ness would prove less prolilablc and
Correct Alntrncts of Title nud FSeal Es
tate Loans at McMahon & Co'B , JS'o. 4
IVarl street.
He sure and ask your grocer for the
bread made at Smith tthoerKu's b.iltery ,
No. .12J ! Main street. It is the very best
made. Try it nnd bo convinced.
Too Dead to Itmt In.
A short time since the city council de
clared on all stock found running at
large , and the city marshal employed ns
a deputy Hooteu , who has since been en
thusiastically running in cows from nil
mirtaof thocity. Hilly Ludd has been
helping llooten , and it doi s one's heart
good to see with what wild delight those
two start oil'on the run , if the slightest
intimation is given them that there are
any stray cows within rangii. Yesterday
I'atLaey into headquarters anil
blandlv told the cow catcher * that there
was a bovine in his yard which he want
ed them to get nnd jiitt in the pound ,
With visions of fat Ices tlane-
ing before their eyes they wont oil' in
high glee nnd hot haste , and by the time
they had reached Lucy's house , all out of
breath , they discovered that the cow was
a dead one , and that ihcy had n chance
to bury it if they wanted to act as nail-
bearers and undertakers , but that there
weie no fees. Their being out of breath
was the only preventative of Liiey hearing -
ing such a volume of scriptural o.xnrc.s-
sions , mibcriptiirnlly applied , as seldom
Id heard even by his accustomed eara
Substantial abstracts of title nnd real
cst'te ; ' loans. J. W. , & K. L. bquire , 101
I't-arl street. _ _
For the best and cheapest oysters call
at Chicago Lunch Counter , fiUil Hroiul-
way. O Mer soup all day , only 10 cents.
x-lVwt masters.
Yesterday two important prisoners
were brought here in clmrga of a deputy
United Slates marshal , onu being F. A.
Sherman , who has been the postmaster
at I'aeilic Junction , and who has been
charged with ombe/t/.hng funds , it being
claimed that he has apnropriatcd monny
order funds to Ins own use. The other
was William F. , of I ) < dfoi\l , who
was recently suspended from the olllce of
nostmastcr , and whom the r-pnblieans
luivti elected as trcasmvr of thi : county.
\\asalhochargcd wiiha mlBappropn'a-
tion of funds. Hotli were brought before
the United Statea commissioner hero .md
guvi ) bonils for their appearance at the
ni\t term of court. The democrats
seemed jubilant , as they chiuued that
alter so much howling about tJie demo
cratic postmasters biiui ; t > uoh rogue * , it
la n refreshing chnnjje for thrm to net a
chance to mnko u like cl'urge ' ng"i'ist re
publicans. ' 1 he outcome may turn the
laugh back again.
Cotf.igo rnn < ze , Nnrlnmi tovos , fin-
dlant lloniPH and Hub heaters of the vnrv
latest piittnrns at lied lock | > rlc"3 , at
Cooper McUcc's , Ko.11 Alain street.
Every onMittving 'X > cents worth of T
1) . Kinir iV t o.'has a cliiinee , free , ill Ihu
yrcut driiwing , December Jl.
Conlc t of Speed.
The ( tjilr-udid stallion Xulu , orvnnl by
lion A. J. Poppleton , of Omuha , and the
pacing horse Warren D.iHey , own nl by
Col. Dallv and M II. II irlo. of Council
Ihiir ! < ) . had it eonfpit at thn drivinjj park
here yesterday for $100 a side , which was
witnessed by a number of diitin < rulBiicd
gentlemen who wpro int. rested in the
horses. The IMPC terminated in fnvor of
Xulu. I c t time , S.'JOJ. The contest
was a close one nnd the horses wen-
driven to their utmost. Xulu unw drivu
bv Pat McHvoy. and Warren Dailev by
M ll. Hut IP lioih hoivi > are It rge : uid
made a line appearance on the track.
Zulu is a ion of Harroid , the sire of Maud
S Warren Dailev is a hiirhly li-od
Ilambletonian and n p-'rieetly prutcd
'pacer. Mr. 1'oppkton li s yvc t leiu-on
to IIP proud of his iiiion ] | nnd hskii ! -
tul driver. The judges nnd timer1were -
Thomas BOWIIUMI , secret , iry of llni Unv-
ing Park association , J. W. IV-ngny , one
of the directors , and Judge K. Is. Ayles-
\\orth. 'J'he horses to contend
againsr , n heavy I'urth wind. The trai k
uaniii fair eonditinn and , but for the
wind , the tune would ha\e been two
seconds faster.
Short Hand work and Tvrm AVritiuj ; .
All kinds. IM Wright , iifii idiils ot.
E''IOIII Logipi.
i ; , Nov. 11. The linrri on county
board of supervisors met hero yesterday
and canvatsed the vote oi the recent
The vote is u peculiar one , inasmuch
as Whiting carried the county by four
teen \ote.s , while Gillette , nho ran for
lieutenant governor on the same t.cki t ,
lost the county by soventi "ii , tie : tot.l :
vote for go\inor being ) , < ! ) & aud Jor
lieuten.intg.n'enKir 1't si.
The republican cnndldatob for su-
pr < 'iui' judg.1 and I lie superintendent of
public instruction , curried the county by
seventeen ami thirteen respectively ,
while Milluuan , republican , lor senator
in the county , received a major. ty of
thirty-two , and Harris , democrat , for
representative , has u majority of loity-
one over Holmes , rcpuohcan , who was
nominated in the place of ( ilcason , tie-
eeasej , and only had a short time to
vass his territory.
Hie entire democratic county ticket
was elected tiiu c.\ceptiOi , 01 super-
intendeiit of instruction ami the coronir.
Logan lias w.ueruorks. A to , ; n of.WO
peole ) and enterprising cno.igli to have
water works costing niuut SS/hJO. It
was [ Hit in nearly a venr : igo , tins town
being bonded for i,0 ( J on that : i -
count. One of the principal k.eUrs
against the idcsi ot a water works being
put in here , was the tirsj. and only one sv >
tar to need the protection sie.un > t lire.
lie is now one of thu onthiitj.astie .up-
porters of the s\rtctn. 'I'lus watir is
] > uiid ] ) into a ici-erv or socn blocks
distant troui tne windmill. ; vh eh is , 1 >
cati'd in the center of the town , and with
( UO leet of hose and ten lire plug every
hou = e in town can beea-jilj covered. U'ne
system is carried into the dwellings alao.
Logan supports two hotels , the I u k
hon o and the Logan house ; they can ac
commodate. if necessary , about seventy-
live transients , and serve good meal.s.
_ _ JOHN.
Finest display of meershaum and
MMokcrs' goods for holiday gilts. T. 1) .
King A : Co. , Cigars and 'lobaccos , 64u
Broadway. _ _
Try John Templeton's "IJosc" cigar.
Iapid City air. a ly feels tie ! cITcct < i nil-
ro.ul blond , ami is moving unw.inl uitli
filnnt stiidua. Tiieciti/.ens aie now consiil-
eringa ( iroposit'on tor a duller in lay a
stieet laihvny ih.ou h the town. S 'veral
iinpioveuiuniB uud'jr advi&cniuiit.
A sine cure for Blind , Ijloedin ? . Jiclt'uu
nnd Ulcei-.ued Tiles has been discovered liy
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian icinody ) , Billed Ur.
Williams' Indian 1'ile Ointment. A single
box has cured the worst elnonic eases 01l \ > or
! iO jcars st.indiiii. No one need sillier nvo
minutes alter iijijilyin this woiuleriul srxitli-
Inir iiicdiuluc. Luihins and instrument-
moic harm thiui iroml.Vllliaun' Imlian
Pile Oinlment nl oihs the tiimois , allajii tun
intent e itcliinjc , ( jianlcularly at nitrlit utter
L'Ptthit ; warm in bed ) , acts ns a. noiiltiee ,
instant icllef , and i.siepucd | ) ; only for Piles ,
itching of nihato lurts. nnd lor nuthniK elriA
Dr. Kia/ier's Maf.-ic Onitinent etui's ns by
niiwle , Piiuiilcs , H.nek . llciuls or ( iiubs.
Jileti'lics nnd Eniiitioas on the fare , lenvin * ;
the skin eli'aninil ix'aiililill. Also eiues ilcli.
S.ilt ithciuii , S"re Nipple * , Sore Lips , und
Sold by ill iii.'jibt.s , or mailed on receipt of
50 cents.
Kctnlicd bv Kuhn & Co. , nndSoliropter&
Itecht. Atvho.e - - lie by 0. F. lioo.lm tu.
jireu'iiUd nnd Ihoioiu'hl.v
i-nullciitcd by DITKV'S PiwiM.irVnin
KIV. : Kecommended by lending imysleiuns
bold by diugt'iHta unit ; ; ueur ; , .
Koittiestern Hotel.
Newly fitted and fnrniR'.icd. ( Jpp I'roadwuy
Buniiiiy Ucjiot. Sl.50 per du.
S \MUKL TATK , l'roj > .
1 11. BKKSIUW. Jl
Commission lercknt
And wholci-ft'o Dcrlor In
Country Prcd ica , Fruits , Butter , Eggs , Etc.
320 H , i th S' . , Gmaha , Nsh ,
Hororonccs , by r < nil"lon Flrct Niitlointl
llnnk , Dnliuiiuu : A. 8. iJiirrni-on.Uifiror.Bloi x
Niitioiuil liun i , Sioux I'uy ; joHiiNiitlon tl IliinU ,
1) ) < M Molns ; 11. Jl. Klii'rinun. Abdibtunt Ciisliiur ,
I'lmt Niitionul Iliinl. , t lili'ii o ,
KO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Plumbing Co ,
BUT : " * : * , IOWA.
? CVfl
< vW
Water woik.1 and'Yuulilution designed
and constructed.
1'lniublng work in all its Invnichcs.Th' '
company litivo ouo of tli bo t tiH ort"
toco ! : of plumbing poods in the west
EslimatotfnrnislioJ. .
Now York Plumbing company 5.72 Hroud
\v\y : \ Council Ulnlm. Tcluihonc ] So 27.
u/I / II ? i B J
Council BIsffs drpt Co.
OPV F' rk In now ro"- " ' > o In ovrrr
nient iilul conUiniH ull u.u iuiui ivl
rrrc. . nra
Largest stock
Lowect Prico3.
Tin : ONLY Kxri.rswCAtnur : HOUSE IN
. wiu'mN : : IOWA.
rs fnrnlBhod upon application to eel
ol ton ii puriJu * .
Council Bluffs Carps ! Company
05 Broadway.
IS n\j \
( CEO , SCillNCLLE / & CO. , )
Ho. 540 Broadway , Council Muffs.
All wor' ' : fUiira-'K-cil ' O'juul to Troy ! iiiindry
\\ur.i. Work e.l lor mil ilull.u ol i'lJ. : .
Alluooila uy mull ere > i rois rccolxo jir lupiut-
tent ) n.
biifUullIes Clvonllncu and proiuptnote. Tul
rjiliona No IM.
. D. A. Eezietlict'o ,
No. 337 llrondwiiy , Council Illuirs.
Hair Goods Hair G-oocls
Of ull Xlndd maJo to Of every etylo rctuljr
Hair Goods Hair Goods
-To. CCV
NOTICU. Piuvlnl ndvrrtl oinentf > , tncli us
I , round. To IXIAII. t'orSnlc , To Itrnt , Wniitu
l.oiudliiK , etc. , mil I'o ImrrUil lu Hii column tit
the low into of TEN IT..VT3 VEU UXB for tlio insiMtion mid rn r. CUNTS vnn LINK ror
tacli nulifcnurnt liHottlon.\c mlvortUo-
mentsnf our oiiicu , No. L ! I'luul tiit't ,
\V\NT < 5.
\\ANin riist-cln | IOIUT i\t tloiii"S cnni
> ' l.uiiuuty , No. 6 < u HtomlxMi ) ( onucll i lull * .
FURNISIIttD 11OOM A nkrlv furnlfhiM
Inixu tiont roe u tor iunt ut No. ! :1nio
MI cot , louncll illullti.
I . 'OK HA1 n-lclnp ! tlre'rott * of tnovlnp to
( 'inn ' MI.on ui imit ut my bU8lnc , 1 o"rr
lor "n'c ' my io 'd ' ( > i cc , cotnor 1'ourtli nvonun
t nil Ninth fttott. In'juli-o on premises. A. 1' .
FOR IS NT-At MuMnbon i di's ,
No. 4 I ctirl EttccU
W NTRr > " lrlto lo liou'on-or'c nt 6H Kot-rtb
S't Wnr I ir I.
i oit SAM : , wit UKNT on t\riiAVin. : (
TuO. W l'or pole or r 'iit , on vorylllioiitl tonn" .
M 'I'bn Counrll lllullR I'nticr Mlll.coinplt'lo. with
llio luivo IjoimliiiK' lioiibt ) und tlux'o ucroi on
H round
No. 'Jd A lin lnop prrncrty In Choro'tor ,
( licrokco count v. Inwn , will tuulo tor wc trrn
> l llilR. V. lUC , IllhlUt yl.lH'l
No : ! " - . . \ licnutllul home In thn town of Hvst.
Innf. MIIlK < < ounty. loirn , lor NobriLsUn land.
\ iilun , i.l.iVX' ' .
I.o Jl A ( tiviil lutslnc property nnil nl = o n
peed wlrtrncii property In tint town of Clicnvo
Mi'lcnii county. 111. low iinun lor cash or will
oxclintwn tor cficm liind .
Jo ITU A "plcndld Inrtu , xvt-11 Improvod.i'.n
nci H In Dickinson county , lown. joining llio
town of Spirit Lulro. 1'rlce , tor n t-burt tltnu ,
J. i per IUTO.
Nn. 1"4 to 1W Arr four Inprovcd fnrnis In
1'bllllps count v. Knii'itq. wicb will ) n snuill In-
puinlirnncd. O'lio onultus will lie c\chanHod for
unlncumbi'rod wild land In Nctira Un.
No. llil 4SI IICUH lu Holt county. Net ) , partly
Improved , at n bli , ' ImrKnln.Viuits to OAuliau/o
lor mcicluinill'C
No M A line two Ftory lirloU ipoldcnro. ono
ol' thu licit looiitioiiHin Council lllulls. will Undo
lor wood unliicnnliori'd kiinsus or Nubuw. . . !
luiiil Vnhic. f ii'LiK)1) ) ) .
No. fir.nnd 1' Are inoutlior beautiful liomoi
in Coiiiicll lil'iirsvliich cudi I'lOiiiouls will li.iy
i.t u bnitriiln.
No B'1 A licni'tlful FUburlinu loontion In loivi
'ij , Iowa , will cAL'liiinso lor western liin.H.
'IVctiliovo'iiro only n liiwof our ( .jiculnl linr-
.IIH. If \oii'\ ( nn.Mlilnvto Iruduor soil ,
cunt to M'll liny i oil : i-tati ) or nicrelinndl n ,
Mtoun. M'o hi'Mi scvon.U'ood storks ol Koodd
tnulo for lands. BWAN A WAI.KKIt ,
< utinril IlluliV , Iowa.
J. L , Da EEYOI3E ,
No. tOT llrondwav , Council Illuff * .
COUNCIL unrrrs.
Tie ! follovliir ) is the time of nrrlrnl nml
I'ciurtuic ol ts-tiio by ccniMl Maiuiiird tiino. at
ll.c locul depot" . TrtiliK le.ivo liimslvrdnpot ti-n
mlnuipsiMil.i'r nud miHt ) ten mliuues later :
lll.l'AKT. UtlllVU.
fl"ri. : . v . Mull mid Kvpiomt flinni * . vc.
lL:4ni > . M . Au'oiiiinodaiion . hnilc.i. .
6 : ' , Ul' . M . i\pivt-s : . Uu5 : \ . u.
ciur'.r.o Si noi'i ; ISI.A.NK.
ri : > A. M . . . . . liiuliiml l\iic ! | ! < s . Rmp. : M.
7:1,1 : A. M . AccninitKMliuloti . h'.t'i e. u.
P'OA.M : ! . .Mn.l and Uvpiustf . ili.Vll * . M.
L : & 1' . M . tlxpiesi- . UIUA. : M.
n:4nA.M : . JIiul nnd i\pui-s : . 7IOc.M. :
ui'iol' . ji . lOvpie i . b.JJA. M.
Silfil1. M T.ociil St. I.oulf5 j\iin.- ; I/5C-I .
: IIC : c.M.'l'inns.or St. i.ooK l\.Tnin-.or 'l-i ) c. si
KANHV.S cuv. bT. .n ) i : a rcu Miijiii.ur.x
10ln : A. M . Mull iiml U\pr < ibS . 7 : " i' . M.
Iii5l : * . M . l. > pio-s . li.iuA..V.
7:15 : A. u . Sior.\ ( 'in Jtn.t . 0 : ' p M.
kUu : P. M . . . . Kt. 1'uiil IXpn" " * . b : ' oA.jj.
llCflA.\i : . llpnvoi i\ptc-M4 : . . . 4 M. * p. M ,
JCip. : M..I.iiuoln l'r.--s , o i. \ H. V. .1 : : . . " , e.t. .
7lic.M : . Orcilnnd I'.vpruiJ . liiUUA. u.
DUMMV 1 II tl.-H 'I < 1 OMM1A.
I.rnve Counuil IJIuBu 7:0. * > " : " / J.10 lOSV )
11 Mil ii. in. ; it : : > . ' . .TI , ! . : n II K
ii rtp. in. I.envo C
11:10 : u. iu : lx':5o . ' : U
In Council P-luth bavins
And nil niiKiurii itnpiovuuionls , cull bcllj , llio
cliiini bclH , etc. . IMIIO
I > ut.UU , i'17 nnd 2in. Muhi i tiecr.
S42 and 3/A GfiQADWAY.
Eons Fell & Winter Vto
n < \ Uir R1 Hiisiii ( s SnlK
Jiens' nml Hoy.1 Drct.UultB
ClilliitenKtnry llnv mi I lrc-i S
( nuicontHlor .Men. lioysitn , !
I'cicbnntTiillnr .
Ault > i.
lit'rvhr.nt 'luilor Ovorco UA
J'oj'chnnt Tnllor Trowsnri.
l.'liinl lo the bo > t , tu oi-Jui' ,
. \t bull llio pr co.
] ut .MciiK1 Bulls MI Hi Ovnoontt
J cnn ; .lrn ' 8ults und Overrun.
1 in .Mons' TIOWCCIB
Fininless Sblrts nnd Trowrrr In fV'i1 ili Troo' ,
Mfdleiitdil gturlott * . I'itni Ht'i'.vv ll.iUultitriinn ,
] IlllCi CullllOd WoU'SllIld UlUtd cjllulltlls , HOIU
LlC t'HC'll tO I.UJ.
ror. TIIU or ISK.
G-loves ,
Neokwoar ,
Suspenders ,
nandkerohiefs ,
And Onfib ,
Of Drstclttw uuulltlca ana reasonable prlcos.
IK ( ml Mi Hioudvrur. Council Jlludd , lowo.
. BICE , M. D.
or < ' ! ! < . lu lor * lunovij
( ) , , . . n' . ,11 iir.ii ! ] ; u blood
loll III > t < tt
; * vA k'
J-wtvl - * * * " " * *
\ f\ / * \ P
V7cis able to buy so many good goods for cot ,
tie money as no\v , at tlie low cash sales at
I B . B . &
rf A * M.AjU. i
Silks , Tricoto ,
Hoz-iespuns and Eonclo Ursss
Snoli Bargains in Blanket
and Flannels.
Our stock of
Arc particularly choice , and our prices for thera
are tlie lowest they have been in twenty years ,
° "
.Vu-ilij L3 VIA IM K/i * * & ' HSA
_ I
ITo. 43 Broadway , Council
Our cnstomcra get the benefit of the expense thus saved. Send for p.-Ioc list *
"W. HP
1'Hclc tnilMin fi of nny kind Ml * l or moved find intlsfRcllon suiirnntooJ. Krarao
ou J.itllo Ulitnt ivucuk kttw l wt lu v/urJJ.
. , CXJtJ.N'CII. UI.UVB3 , 1OAW.
! n
j < i E IT
ITo. 29 Main street , Council Bluffs.
B. orncitn. tf. it. u.
& PI7SEY ,
InleUhBl , HU
rotiuoily of New VorL' ,
No. Sirc-ArlMiuuu Council HIulTs , low *
I'T. SC230'22 ! |
Justice of the Peace.
Ollitu Ovrr American lUprosa ,
COH,1 ) j I t J t < V A
1..V1I : UX.V. Y. LlfV ,
lln opcnotl n culto of licaeinukinff pnrlora at
IVouuT lluiiuluiiy ,
Cuttinuiind Utliiib UH.efliUty |
Ktii | < c'irlly lUluiiKvl lor ihinml -ia | 'it < ;
lllirlii in llm l > k.fliii > * 11 j.u-r. Uuict , (1 bv u Uu > ;
Fancy and Staple ( Jrocorto.
tlG - JBroadway.
Opposite Ogdaa
Tins honso lic-iri ! ; u now onn , conwn-
vcrj thin ; ; iif block La no v uuJ
I'riccs ii'i ron'onnblo as any nlbnr
eery in thu west.
Onu trial is ullvo
Groci r .
oot/NoiXj : f3ij'U"i'lii3. f
I'IJKMIVI III hUti und l-'cdfc il
i j.U . d , in , . IJjaJ.Jj'-