' * t ' * VT""V * * " "V 'V'J T f k' < ; , OKT I V' * . , THE , NOVEMBER 13 , 1885. SALE OF THE SALINE LANDS , Bocmol Tracts Bold at the Etito Capitol Building Yesterday , CLOSING OF THE POUND CASE A Imrtj IxxiUlnfr for Her Hooroant llunbaiul Illjy llobbiifii ' OrMr - ltiK In tlio Cllj- * Ijlncolti NOWM. fwtnM TIIK nnp/s i.iNrof.tt nunisui.l Tlio sale of state saline lands occurred yesterday at the west entrance to the capltol building. There was n much larger crowd present than was antici pated. At the hour of sale , 11) ) o'clock , the ball was filled with gentlemen who desired to bid. The auctioneer opened up with thu northeast , quarter of suction fl , towaU , range 5 , 100 acres , which had boon appraisedI at $11 per acre. It wan knocked down to A. K. Orl.lith , of Lin coln , for $10 per acre , making fcJ.OGJ for the parcel. The following sales were afterwards made : Northwest quarter of section 8 , town 1 > , range , r , Kill acres , ap praised for $10 and sold for $ ! ' ) per acre , total $1,1)20 ) , to Charles Green , of Council Uhills , Iowa ; southwest quarter of BOO ton ! 8 , town 1) ) , range 5. KM ) acres , up- praised at $1 > .M ) , sold to 1-red Ilojrgon , of Philadelphia , at $ .1.60 per neriii total $1,1,00 ; southeast quarter of section H , town I ) , range 0 , Hill acres , appraised at $ . aoldjo w. P. Phillip nt . ; ( , total $ I7'J. | A. K.Orllllth bought two moro parcels , John 1) ) . Shea ono quarter POO- lion , K. L. Uohbius bought two quarter section , and T. P. Quiek bought one quarter Mjetion , paying the highest price ot thu day , being $ ltl.-lo per aero. The B.-ilo aggregatetl $ 1,0IS , while it was purposed to dispose of $20.IMO worth. The price , while low in each case went above the nssosHod valuation , which condition was pre sented by the law. The laud is all in Lancaster county and that disposed , of yesterday is within from three to six miles from the city of Lincoln. Under thu law , hail not the public sale reai/'d ! $ JOI , > 00 , the board of public lamb ami buildings had the power to oiler Iho property at private sale for a certain period. At a recent meeting , when the matter was considered , it was uirreed by the board that all sales should bo at public-auction , which would cut oil' that class of jobber who might have an idea thai they could got I hem cheaper that way. 'llio amount of ; UIH ) , ) anil more having bton ( bold for cash , there was up necessity for the board's proposed action , nnd the sale wits adjourned until April , labO , when $ : i,00 ) > l worth more of thp land will be ollcrcd. TIIK I'WJNU CUM ; . The Pound case closed yesterday morn ing. Aitor.liidgo MltqluiU charged the jury , that body of gentlemen retired to nialco no their verdict. The lawyers and other ( titjintcrestcd indiv duals in the courtroom thought the charge a very one-sided nllair , and the instructions all leaned toward the prisoner. The prose cuting attorney offered a fiericy of eight jnsM'uctionf ot Iho ordinary character in elicit cases , bill Iho court would not sub mit them to the jury , with ono exception , the eighth instruction , which was that should Iho jury noljm able to njrree on a verdict of murder in the. second degree , it.still might convict tie prisoner of u lessor cr me ; t nit IB to say manslaughter. There is a great- deal of.u.dvorso comment in the city over this , 'and charges are freely m.tilethat nn undue inlltionoo has been used. Tucre is no positive proof that .such was the C.-IHC. Ono gentleman said , ho would civo $ ' ' ' to have Pound convicted , so that he could BOO whether the goyernor _ would carry out h's ' promise of executive clem 'iie.v towards the prisoner. Another man said that Pound ought to be cleared. "He ought to have Killed both of the hlanket.v blank anyway , and i am sorry lit ? didn't. " "You bet your lifo , that's dead smmro , anil don't yon forgot'it , " chimed in another - -other man , who east an admiring look at the man making the first speech. Public opinion varjes in the manner indicated above and in' about the same circles of society may bo heard like ox- prcosions. WANTSllF.lt llt8BANI > . Mrs. Kate Spitsine is in the city after her recreant husband , I'et.ir A. The lady lays multiplie tv of charges at the door ol her spou.se , and , if true , ho must indeed bo ungrateful for the lavish amount of aiicotiiMi MM. Kate wastes upon an unloving and unkind husband. no told a reuorter that at present Peter calls hit ; liomo Deiitou , Nell , a small sta tion about twelve miles from Lincoln. 1'oUir ban been upending Ins money in riotous living , and in tlio < clanmr and gliltor of capital eity lifo ho so'-ms ' to Jnivo Jnjjt his bead altogether. Among other things. Mrs. Kate nl'eges ' that Peter is enamored of a lady in this city who runs a liashery , Mrs. Kate is boarding at the Kimu olaee , vainly trying to win back her husband a uH'cctions , but up to the present time her struggles have borne no fruit. The neglected wife says plie is hcnndali'/od at .tlie carryings on uf her hnshuid ; anil Ino Ian lla.ly , and she nsketl the nporter how Him would be able to stop it. " 1 have a notion to beat tier out of my boartl bill , anyway. " ami Mrs. ICntu puckered her mouth and Binjlcd us if she had struck a line idea. In addition to these grievances the lady alleged that a certain so-called clerical gentleman who stopped at the liouso had made improper advances to bur , to her great annovanceand chagrin. As slut left the olllco she observed will ) a eigh thut Uiis was a hard world any wav. HIJI ai : HKKAKINU. A robbery occurred at an early hour yesterday morning at the privato'board- lug hoiiM ) No. 17yj M Mroot. The room pi a boarder named Thonms A. Ilrigham , n fitocl ; man Iroat Colorado Snriir.cs , was broken into while hit was stooping and four sf'iO gold pieces , one $10 gold piece anil § ! ! > In greenbacks and silver taken , besides a gold watch and chain. Thoru was no clue to the robbur.s. The sumo burglars entered the room of n imintcr who lodges in the house ami $ . ' 0 In money and some clothing were taken. At an earlier hour the residence of Mr. Kelley , the lawyer , was broken into ami u nilvorrateh , un ovorco.it and other wear ng apparel stolon. The.se are the larucst burglaries which have occurred In Lincoln for smiio time nnd the police nro at a loss to account for them. THAVKUMi WIWI WAIIll. Special Pullman car Swectw.itor ar rived in Lincoln vest-inlay In the regular ovorlantl train from Omaha , bearing a load of distinguished citix.ens on their way to .Sidney , Nob. , where ( icnoral Morrow is to bo prost/ntr-d witn the badge bought for hint by his friends of tno lust ( i. AIt. . encampment nt Meal- rlco , A number of ladiea anil gentlemen joined the parti ) ' 'ui " > d moro will ho taken up at Hasting * anil Juuiata. There will bo a grand reception given at l-'ori Bidney thm nvening , wfien thu presenta tion ( B to be miidti. < IT rri'Ms , A light snow full in Lincoln early yes- tordai" morning , < tunl the weather was quitu wiiiterish , It uloarod np later in K tun duv and was ideasant. The funeral of KdilioKltmtsch occurretl yest-ertiay aiternoou at ; o'clock. Tliu juimbor of traveling men making , Llniuitliuir } | ) lioadqimrtcr-s is very large at prcpcnt , 'ho liwal market Is well Kiippliod with nl kinti.i of wild iranie. A purlyof fiiirveyurdiirriyisdjiithu citj yestordny from the northwest. They had nccn miming 1 10 line for the Chicago & Northwestern branch from I'romonl to Lincoln. The Uurllngton & Miss nri Hlvcr mil- road is enlarging its yard room in this city , anil has qtiito n largo force of men at work laying track. C. L. I'rcvitt ' , Kiq. , rcoolve.il n folpgrnm yustorday from Washington Mating "that Ins wife wiis very tick nt that place unit not expected to Hvo. Mr. FreviUloft Im mediately for the na it , followed by thu oondoliuio ; of u large circle of warm friends. The filreots nnd alloys am still in n horrible rible condition , and sadly need the nlton iton of the iinthorities at once. They will not be likely to get it. During tlio closing hours of the Pound case L. C. Hurr ono of the attorneys for the prlhoner , miule a wide play which , oven were it true , might with proper re- card for I ho memory of a deau man , whether ho was a cut throat , murderer , horse thief or anything else pf thu sort , bettor Inivo been left unsaid. When the coat which trillin ! were nt the time he was killed by Pound was exhibited in the court room Uurr went np to It , nnd tak- itiil hold of it , said with a smile that it Was ono he had owned and had been stolen from him. STATK Atttiv\i.s. : \ . II. Howon , Hastings ; J. II. Helper , C. S. Ailing. Sewn rd ; , T. T. Dule , F. O. Fowler. , Cliarles MetProf. . Straushur- L"r , ,1. M. Richard * . Omaha/ : . Hritt , V , rkj P. U. Hale , W. P. Hall. Holdrego ; lohn Denmnn. Alma ; A. T. ( illclmst , Howard ; . lolm .1. Cagnoy , Plaltsmouta ; T. Dron , Fremont. TIII3 ntAKKKT \VImt the Housekeeper Can 1'iirotinso In the laical rtlnrlw 1'rlueJ nnd Varletlos. IK THIS VKOf.TAlU.K I.l'XB Onions are selling tit ! 55 "cents a pock. I'oets are wortli So cents a peck. New turnips are worth 20 cents n peek. Cab bage is bringing Ji to It ) cents ( i head. Potatoes , best varieties , nro worth f > 0 to ( M. Salt Lake potatoes are coining in , selling for 7/i / cents a bushel. Sweet po tatoes , home grown , 4 , nnd Jersey sweet , ( ij cents a pound. llubbard and Marblehoad squashes sell for 10 to 33 cents apiece. Carrots nro worth t oonU n peek. Oyster plant solid < l bunches for u iiiar- | tor. Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bundle. Parsnips at W c.Mits a po'\ ! . Yankee pumpkins an ) worth from 10 to 'J ! ) cents each ; sweet pie pumpkins the same. Celery sells at fiJ conls a do/.en. Now hot-house letlueo and radidlius u cents a bunch. FKUIT3. The markets nro not well stocked in the line of fruit. Catawbagranos 7o cents to $1.110 per banket. Concord grapes to- pound baskets , 05 cents. Ivcs seedling grape.1 } retail at 10 cents a pound. Cal ifornia grapes are selling at about M cents a pound. Malaga grapes sell at ItJ cents a pound. ' I'lirsian dates 15 cents a pound. Cranberries are worth 10 to 15 cents a quart. Lemons x ! ( ) to15 cents. Florida oranges are now in the market selling 50 coiits per do/on. Pears , diilercnt California v..rietos , 1'JJ cents a pound. Choice cooking and eating apples , ! W toId ceuta a puulc , $ J.OJ to $ J,5J per bar rel. MRATS , t'IStI ANI RAMC. Tn the line of fresh water lish , white fish , trout nnd bus-1 retail at ! . " cents j er pound ; pickerel is selling at 10 cents ; croppie and perch can be had for li cents ; catfish _ sell for .10 cents a pound , lilne fish bring 20 cents a pound. rresh Columbia river salmon are worth ' . "i cents a pound. Fresh eels feoil for LO cents a pound. Salt water fish , are again iii the nvirkut at the following prices : Fresh halibut 33 cents a pound. Codlish ami haddock , 15 cents a pound. Mackerel , ! " > cents each. Lobsters are worth t'i cents a pound. Shrimps are snlliui ; fur W cents a pound. Oystora , New York counts , 50 ; selects , -lir , standard , -10 cents a can. Codfish tonguea and scollops arc n variety and can be had throug.i the bal ance of the winter. Codlish tongues soli at 'JO cents a pound. Scollops , UJ cents a quart. Prairie chickens arc very scarce anil re tail -lOoents each. DUCKS are selling : teal , ' > cents ; mallard , ; > " > cents. Quail are just beginning to come In , and sell at l ! > i cents eauh. The boat , cuts of sirloin sell for 15 emits rumps and upper part of round steak at l.J. Hoasting ribs , linn and juicy , can be bought from 10 to 1 'i conts. Veal Ls extremely scarce nnd comes high , from l.i to 3 ) cents , according to the clioieeness of the part. Sweet breads can be pur chased utTi cents a pair. Corn beef is .selling at from o to U cents , according to cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo bad for lJ < HMils ; mutton chops UJ to ! , " > cents. Ham is worth l.'J cents in bulk , 'JO cents sliced. Pork , 10 to l.'J cents. Saupago , 10 to IS } cents. Spring lamb is .selling for ? I for fore quarter and $ l.'W for liiiiil quarters. Spring chickens are worth from , to 40 cents apiece John Kiii7.io , No. \Ve.st57th . st.Now York , suffered from inflammation of the car , which was very much swollen and soimiiifn ! that ho did not sloop for three nights. Everything was done for him without avail. He took ipnq Biandrotli Pills which acted powerfully , pains ceased and swelling greatly reduced took six Pills the two following nighU and was well. An Old Sol I lor Oonc. The funeral of Moses llotaling , who died Wednesday at his home in Douglas county , twelve miles from Omaha , near the Washington county line , will t lo : plaoo this morning from the resi dence of Jos. Uoliorty , t/lU Pivi.s.on street , Mn-ses llotaling was nno of tlio oldest settlers of IJouglan county , and is known to every old resident here. He was horn in Albany , New York , Suptnmhi.T # , iMl , and in 18 > 7 moved to the wilds of Ne braska , settling in Don 'hi * county. He was formerly a resident of Omaha and conducted a general grocery store near the tint Military itridgu , known as the "Foroat Ketre.at. " The din-eased was an honest , true man nnd a man rexpeeted and beloved by nil who know him. He leaves a widow uiul three grown up children. "Delays Aio If yon are pule , emaciated , havri a hacking cungli , with night-.iweats , spit ting of blood and liortnesd of breath , 3011 have no time to lo n. Do not hesitate lee lunt ; 'till you are pant mro ; lor. taken in its early stages , consumption can lie cured by the use of Dr Pierce " ( ioldon Mcd'cal ' Dlscovi-rv , " as thoiii- uiids can testify. Uy ilruggUts. ISr.rnas Ulows Ills Uu lo , The promissory tidings from \Vashing- ton were only ton true and tiucod | , | wave ling floated yeMorday in tlio cold bree/.e it had pre-unnounoed last night. The chill ! > el in early lijst evening and gained intunit.v a night advanced and a snowfall set in. It is estimated that three inches fell here , but the wind blow it elsewhere , Temperature lp-day.- MK ) a. m. , a-J deg. . JU.OOa. m. , 41 tloj ; . l.n : ( in. . HI dez. ; a.UD p in.VI deg. Ho ) orts along the railways show that In ho western part of the state there liavn IMIII high wfndii. light MIOW * and u turn- i triiturp at from 1 to Id THE HOME NEWS OF THE DAY , Enilway Mattsra TLe Heailiuattors Ooa- tract Tirao Ohangcd-KJarhon Miners. WHY VVOOLDRIDQE V/ENT AWAY , linttcrcd Dcnuty Confessed Ills Crl mo Court nmt Volloo No\VB IjooaJ I'ov- crty , 10 to. Itnilwny News. The contract for the new nddllion to the Union Pacific. lii > : ulip.mrturs was hit Wednesday nlghttoJ. F. CouH.tho builder of the now Douglas county court honso. The monetary terms are private and ait that is known of the contract is that iMr. Coots ngtcea tu finish the work In 110 days. The ground will bo cleared at oncu and construction put under full headway na fast as possible. It is neb intended to put on the lil'lli floor over the entire building this year , and the present work will bo completed before the other is commenced. In connection witn tnusmattorof head quarters improyoniciita word should be said of the persistent claim of the Kansas City press-that the general oillces are to be removed to that city. A high otlieial of tlio U. P. said yesterday that all miuh statements were the morc.tt balderdash - dash and the vaporingof * an over-u eon- ing ambit. on. If it were not intended to keep tlio headquarters here , wnat would be tno purpose of increasing space by * t > 0 per cent. ' 1 lie prosoiil builiimg which now , W'thsomo little erowdingot course , accommodates the olheea of tuo untiro bi > lem would certainly bis largo enough lor the ollieea of tne Nebraska d. vision , and there would bo no need of the present .additional building , Tno statement t hat Mr. Adams was negotiating tor the purchase of the Kansas Ciuy union ilepotvto accommodate tlie headquarters ) is equally noiiseudioal on general princi ples. UNION TAPirC ! TIMK CHANGES. ( loing into ell'ecl on Monday next , the Union I'acilic will issue a now time card Involving the following changes in pas senger trains : Denver express Leave at 10i" : ) a. m. , instead of llU : ; arrive. at r > : 'JJ p. m. , in- sKsiul of1:10 : p. m. Lincoln passenger Leave atJ-IOp. : : m. , instead of i-'M p. m ; arrive at 1:15 p. m. , instead of U:10 : p. III. On the same date , the Union Paeifie will put on a daily passenger between Stroinshurg and Lincoln ami at the same time open the Loup City branch. The iHis.ionri Pacilic also changes to : Arrive at li : * ' . ) a. m. instead of < > : iM a. pi. and at 6 : ' < * > p. m , instead of 0:00 : p. m. ; leave at U.J ) ; ; ; a. m. iuslead of 11:00 : a. m. and at10 : p.-m. instead of InOJ p. m , AM. MINUS WOISKINO. The Union Pacific miners at Carbon , who .struck about a month Sitioe , returned to WOI-K yesterday unconditionally. At the time of the strike ttiero were 4\n ) men in the camp but under duress of hungry idleness l. 0 have lolt tlie piaco. 'J'he lull iTinaining number , however , went into the mined this morning and blurted to work. These miners declared at the lime of the walk-out that , although there were no coolies in Car bon , tnev would not return to work until every O'hinaman had been disni'issud from the company's emplov. The celes tials are still at w'ork , hut the threats of a coming winter have driven the miners from tno priiio pies of rebellion baek | o bread winning. Every Upion Pacirie mine is in operation and the out-mil is ) n.-t regaining the standard it held b > - lore the Hock Springs riots and their nl- t 'tiding troubles. 'J he mines at Lous ville , Col. , where tlio miners .struck at the same time as did those at Carbon , have gone out of the hands of the Union Pacific , and work has been resumed there NOTES AND PKUSONAT . Just at the moment that the new 81. Paul depot is completed and ready for occupancy , it is discovered that tne gas service ia not supplied with connections with the main , and for two or three dus tins necessary labor will require , ifio formal opening of tae depot is deferred. J.I. . Dickey , superintendent of the Western Union and Union P.ioific tele graph companies , went to llantings this morning to hold an interview witn Gen eral Manager McCool , of the St. Joe & Grand island , relative to that road's tel egraphic service. ( jeneral Manager Callaway and ( ion- oral Superintendent Smith , accompanied by Mr. H. 1) . Pike , of tae Union P.icilio. went to Kansas City last night to attend a meotinir of the Union depot company them. Mr. Callaway goes east boioro re turning. licorgo H. Dan'cls , commissioner of the Colorauo pool , was in tie | eity to day.Tho The gent lemon of the loeal North western olliee have mounted on the walls a larg pair of Phittdoutscho wooden shoes , on which the siigire tive legend is is inscribed : "We have no pas.ies t'orour triends , but will gladly It-rid tho.-ic. " J. M. Johnson. asslstantgenor.il freight agent of thu Kock Island road , is in the city. _ A WAUMNG IV TJIK JJAJUC. IIo\v Wooltlriilso AVas Tolsl That Ho Blu.st"Git" Ho Will Visit tlio For some days past it has Ijocn hinted that H. L. Wooldridgo , the street car dri ver who shot Waller Huokel , had some other motive for leaving town than a do- sro to visit his relatives in the cast. Just what this motive was , however , did not doyolopo until yesterday. It seems that Wooldridyo received a message delivered in pur. son by a delega tion of three marked men , to the cll'cot that un'e ' ho wanted to get into KIT. our. trouble ho find better leave town at once. He was iiiHtruetod to say nothing about this matter of his warning , but to paec ; up Ins grip aii.l U > , ivj o i tu : lirU train , \Votdrid ! ; j t.uii ; lit b i-st t. ) ooinily wit i the warning whie.i ho rooj v.nl mid lolt on Tuesday night's train ( or the mint. The slory of the oirotimManco was re lated to a reporter fin- the B > ; i : to-day by .lamo.s bimpMin , _ who is an int.uiato ae * ( | uainttnee of Wooldridge's , anil is now employed us a brick uiatiun nn tlio hpoelit .building , bio far as is known Slmpsun i the only in. in to whom Wool dridgo eo ulii I tid the ( .lory of the warning he h..d rrc-ijivi-d , and in telling h m about tuo occurrence he urged h m totlnihtr ot- eit secrecy , at loaM until heWooldridgu ( ) hlhiiiKl hay < taken his departnro. In rn- iiuehting this pledge of aeercey , Wool- dr. d o explained , as already intimated , that it wouldn't bo .safe for him to have the .story of | IH ! warning bruited abroad , as he might get into trouble. "I don't know as I ought to po.it you H bunt tliM. " said Simpson | o the reporter yesterday "However , as Woohlridgo \ gone I ue.ss it won't do any harm to tell you wnat I kimw. On Monday , the day be fore ho received tliaf threatening letter , Wooldr dgo m > 't me ami told me that ho had | iid | a terrible i\pnrieuou : , having been H annul at the piMol's point that lie had two days in which to get out of town , or el.ju bo shot down. 1 a&kcd him to tell mo all about It , ' 'lit al llrat Im wouldu t outer into any dot. tils 'I passed my oath that I uouhln t | , < li anyone ono what had ciCLiirn-d. ' lu > s.iid. 'and I don't ' believe 1 ought to du it. ' H , filially mudo v i > hu mind at last to toll fn\i\ \ Itu s..iil that the WHS wulkltik- alone North Seventeenth Mrect very Into'one night thn latter part of last week ( t think ho said Friday night , but t woii't bi snr. ' of thatl , when suddenly ho h-'iird foofsteKs | behind hint. Ho hurried nlung , as he was in a so- eluded part of town.and was afraid that something might happen to him. Ho glanced over bis shoulder , but could see nobody. He Inpl a sort nf idcd , though , that ho was being followed , and coukud Ids revolver , keeping it. all the tlmo In his hand. Just thfn ho heard a rushing noise behind him , .and before ho could .turn about threw masked men walked up to him and si'i/i'd ' him by tlio arms. Of course ho 'Wa'S powerless In their hands , and after a little resistance. , made up his mind to await consequences. Ono of the men gagged him so that he could not cry out. 'limy then drew re volvers and pointed them at his head , threatening to shoot him if ho stirred , 'Wo won't kill you this tune'thoy said , 'but if you are not out of town by Tues day night you'll bo a dead man. ' They went on in this style for .some time , malting - ing all sorts of threats , and finally they released him and told liiin to 'git , after first making htm take an oath not to re veal what had happened. Wooldridgo lolt the sKt | in a hurry and wont at ouco to his room. Ho has never said a word about the occurrence except to mo. "No , I don't think Wooldrldge will return to Omaha , though he told mo just before he left that , ho thought ho nrght. Ho Is a bravo fellow , but I don't blame hi n for wanl'ng ' to put miles be tween himself and the .spot where Huekel Ml. " If Slmpson'aslatemont of Wooldridgn'.s experience bo true , and there is no reason to doubt but that it is , the naUiro of tlio Mrivt car driver's desirn to visit relatives in the east is fully explained. TilK VKlMil ) AV03IAN. TIow a ltrot Mi-lTp Darling Wnnlcil the Pollen ( o AVCIIKO Her. A cab whirled to the curb and stopped in front of the police headquarters last evening at nightfall , and as the driver llnng open the door a woman alighted. She was of graceful figure and handhomo attire , but a heavy veil covering h.-r fea tures left to the rounded contour of her physique and the airiness of herearriajro , the sole evidence that she was young and b milifnl. She strode swiftly across the sidewalk and unhesitatingly entered the lobby of the jml. "Is the marnhal in " ? and the sweetest possible voice tloated lialf-inulllcd through the folds of the heavy veil. "Ye.s'm , he's in"and tlie chief him self With the words arose and stopped forward. The sweet vo'co ' then askid a private audience , and the marshal and the lady retired tothoendof tne apartment. "Marshal , 1 want you to arrest a worn- nn for assault and attempted murder. " Tlio voice had changed pereeptibly and tiiis demand \yav' made in sharp imperi ous touod , while'with a swift movement the lady threw u ) > her veil. The marshal ( ilarlri ! with surprise at the disclosure. ' The face migu't have been ordinarily handsome , but. iow-rthe ) pollen chieftan blinked in amazement a pugilist in dis tress never wore such a mug. The fair visitor did all her sight-worn With one eye , for the other was shut a tight as a bank safe. Her1 niHo was skinned and knocked awry , whiliyone-half of her up per lip hungswollen'ly down to herohin. This piet.ireof inflammation was relieved by a lattice work of cuts and scratches coyi r.ng every yich pf skin on her face. 1 Great Huavingsi" exclaim id tuo declaration mi ht have Jjcon howled by the woman had the situation been more seeliisive , but as the voice had to be repressed , it was hi.ssed fortii. and the rush of uordy blew the .swollen lip into a Mart ling jlub-a-dub-ilub accoiupaiiiinent. Not noticing the inaivihal'd ao.tly incred ulous wnistle , the disfigured female con tinued , vehemently : "Yes , it was a woman and little film- devil with more miiM'lu tuan a horse. You aee , wo live together and the other night .she couldn't go out , so I tilled her place in a carriage drive with one of her friends. This was night before last and meanwhile wo had a jolly time on the outside. When 1 got homo this evening , siio was laying for me at the door an I before I could take o.t' my cloak she was up and at me. She hit mo in the jaw , banged me in the eye , cracked me a clip in the mouth , threw mo down , pulled oif my hail am ! tore my clothes , scratched ' me all to pieces and 'knocked me out of shape. 'Ihon she rushes upstairs and tossi-n all my things out of the window , and coming down again hustled me out of the house on my head. What do you think of that ? " " That's pri-tly rough , to bo sure. Have you got any witnn- " . . ' " " 1 guess not , for the two fellows w'th me proved to be blokes and ran away. They were nice limks , tu iy were , and I'll ' make it hot lor them witn tueir way up folks. " The marshal after studying the situa tion conclude tliatituas a family row in whieh no legal interference coul.l oper ate lo satisfaction and no advised the wo man. She protected violently for a while , but at last yielded , dolariiig that she would get porsma ( ) satisfaction and create three swell lunorals. ssKn ins C How a VOIIIIK Pit anVas Induced lo Nelson Do Itlanglet Is the name of a young man who is now in a very serious "lix. " Some weeks ago ho borrowed from an acquaintance , C. It. Nelson , the well known land agent and loan broker , on South Tenth street , the sum of $ * > 0. Itoforo he ( lid po , however , Mr. Nel son asked him what he wanted it for. The young man replied evasively that ho had ot into trouhlo.aboiit a girl , and he wanted soinn < MHJI i to "smooth things over. " Mr. Ncihoir look his note and handed over thu money without further questioning , Tlili 110(0 ( became due hopie time ago , but on tlm m-opor day Blangl.-t fail 'd ' to h low up. Mr. Nclnoi ) wrote him snvor.il letturs requcritiii ! ; him to como and s ittle nj > , but Htanglet paid no attinitioii lo tln'ii. ) j'inaly ; ! Air. N'olson lost palieiu'o and , started garnldhoo pro ceedings in th'o ' court of Justice Drandid. The papers WITO made out and scrveil and Wedneri- day Hlaiiglet i-iimo . around in a Inworlni ; rngo and cci'uiinbnpod to abn o Mr Ni'.lMin for Iniving sued him. "Ho ought to havieohuiatfit fieen m i first. " liu said , in aYrj c' > ciled manner to Jnde ISrandcH. ' ' : ; , _ "It htrllos ; mo liir.'you ! : ought to have gone and seen hmi"rVplird the judge. " The eonversnt on went on In this w.iy until lilm : < rct | lost al | caution and in a moment of bravado , cuiifosscd lhath < had iieodtMl the $ ill \ > pr' > inr < an iibor- I o'i upon \oung wr'inan ' whom he hud HI dneed. He became seared Ihon and trieil to covi < r lip the secret , but was hopelessly tanalei ) up and ni.ulij a full confrsslini. The cane Is biiii'i inve.sti- gated and may lead to further interu ting - ing di ulodiinis. Iliillnil Kijiles Court , Thegranil jury returne.d indictments iigninHt the following parlios yesterday : ilno. J. Martin for counlcru'itlng at Lincoln. Usher H , Shafrr for i a .iing connli--fi-it money it Oin.hu. a. id H'j.rli I' , hwarfwood . . i lot- i inlM'xzli.iy r .cir - t'-p- -il.SiU'-r i r , . I , . .1. C' IiuJ.i-.ifd , thy ru'ivi'i-d iu..n > cnscd of cmbMzlln'j mailed moncvs from thp Omaha Medical Institttto w S lortnnl- Iy discharged. The court took up the rmsp of Ncwcom- bnr vs. Uohrer ami was oocttpied with the suit throughout the day. Will tlcptcvtn tlio Cow. Jutlgo 0. W. Doano commenml re plevin proceedings in Justice Anderson's court yesterday lo gut possession of his cow , which was impounded Wednes day night by tlio force of the enterprising pound master , Danio.1 Horloy. Judge Doano ex plained that llu > bovine had been brows ing abroad , and had boon placed in lim bo , ami although hn wus willing to pay a satisfactory prh-o to got her out of pound , ho was unwilling to .submit to the ( xtortionato demands of the ponndmag- tor. He proposes to make a test case of this and determine once for all whether the pound ordinance is a valid ono. The case will doubtless load to some interest ing results. It appears that the poundmastor and his men were unusually busy l-ist night , as some thirty cows' or moro were cor ralled. Among them was tliu bovinq of .Justice Anderson himself. Police Court loctot ! , The business in police court yesterday was decidedly ulim , the following cases boingdispo.sed of : Nellie IJnash , inmate of house of pros titution , $ . " > and costs. M. J , Tanner a-ul Walter Powers , drunk and disorderly , discharged. CCEUR D' ALENE CUJTINGO. ItociMU Iluppenlii ti In tlio 1'lnroi-Ills- KiilK1 ii I'rltchartl Crook. The great Bilenco that spread over the country sineo the collapse of the rusli.lu the mouutiuii locked Cieur d'Alene re gion , was rudely broken a few days ago by the appearance of a paper Iresh from a hand-pre.ss , in Murray City. A copy of it. wrapped neatly in bacon canvas , found its way into the ! : : olliee and sa luted the pcissors artist with ' 'Good morning ; we've arrived , headless , 'tis true , but sound below. How do you like us ? Drop in and see us. Look at us all over , and then subscribe. " "The Ca-ur d'Alone Uecord" is its modest title , but it chums to. fill "An Aching Void" in the journalistic Hold thereabouts. Of the manv soaial and mineral events Record , cd we glean a few choice nuggets of border journalism. The uristocratio clement of thu town organized a social club and placed the dues at $1 a hop , an outrageous price , which angered thn tailings of society and an indignation meeting was called to protest and organi/.o an "opposition go- . " as-you-please. The Flume Pool pay-day was billed for the tth , when the sluice-boxes of the town wore expected to oversow with nuggets , "i-Jloiiuent Phil O'Hourke" and "genial Dutch Jake" had started troin town "to inspect their bonanzas o i Jackass Prairie. " 'lo prevent a sudden calm in that assthf'lio region the ole pient Phil was armed with "a pair of bellovvs. " KlectiM ! lights , telephones and tele- irraph wcro promised the isolated resi dents of tao town as hoon as the spring had sot in. Forty-livn children attend school "in ale lo ' hut np the Flume. " There appears to be an abundance of the "tuiTo balled uncles1' in the town , and one cnU-rpris'iig Lev ! oilers to buyer or sell "aiiytiimg fro.n a , tootii-pick " to a ( Judo su I of clothes. " „ "Dick and Doc" arc caterers to "tin queen of the ( ! em saloon. " who had recently added a papered "club room to her prescnpt'on department , " over which slip presides witn a dignity becoin- inir her title. The dramat'c art is not overlooked by the placer kin s of the valley. - > A thril ling serio-comic tragedy" ot local appli cation , entitled "Did you Ever Send your Wife to Eagle ? " had completed a run of three nights with only one death and the serious "wounding of a tenderfoot who attempted to shy a Bouquet of autumn leaves al. the comedionne. The "primativo explosion of giant powder , " wo are inlormed , frightened every person in town except Skimmer- horn , "who dashed frantically into Dutch Jake's saloon and took u Mill'drink from Jake's private bottle. " Skimuic'r- horn is the snorter of Prilclnird Creek. The society column of the paper convoys - voys the sad inteHi enco that "Miss Sophia Magin , Hie belle of Famine Alley , "has it biinyan on her rijlit foot" whieh unfortunately prevented her from t'ip- ping her "No. sixes" at the last hop. Tlio oll'ort of "Miss Augusta LaupluiM1" lo till the vacancy , ' 'JVIIM a failure , " owing to an indiscreet eflbrl to outshine all ot.i- crs in an "owl colored .sJk dress , cut bias , with a bnsted train a la pomposity. " Jerry Flower.- ) , the popular liasii sling- cr of iioiinington , .stumbled onto a rich placer claim through the death of an undo in the oabt. The clean-up was estimated ai $ UOOJ. To celebrate this lucky load Jerry gave a supper to thirty of his bachelor Irieuds "at the Mimp- lions parlors of the Palace Hotel. " " I'lui menu consisted of oysters , beer , whisky and champaignea" "Sonsrs and stories moistened the o lor of the evoniiur " "The party broke up ( V ) at an early hour" next morning , and "tuirteon men fell in the onga 'inent. " Jerry now startda several pois higher in the estima tion of his friond.-j. "Mullled pistol shots" in Mrs. Yost's saloon caused the reporter to "hustle up the struct with the crowd , " where they found "Mrs. V st holding a smoking oh Id In one hand a pintol in the other , " "while 111' w irtiil-wi e ir > j s ot h jr , HM band wa.4 lugged to jail by the watch man. " "The untiro history of placer mining , " woarogr.ivolvlnlorme.il , "JuniithiM no example of an underiakiiigot' niuui- molli proportions MS that now being so rapidly pushed by the llr.droek Flume Pool ( o. It ia in all re-pocts a giant on- Uirprlnn , great in its conception , great as an evidence of t m fallh of mono.cd men In the Cmiir d' Alne , and worthy lo take rank amo'ig the most stupendous enter- jM'i.M's of our time. Think of it ! a mammoth - moth bedrock drain , 10 feet wide at the boltom , dug to a uniform irraij | of J in ches , per rod , nnd extending from the north fork of the ( 'iiiiir d'lene to tlu mouth of Hutto cnek ; oiglit miles in leiittth. " The spiritual wants of the community will bo attended to by | > r. .Me C , Lan- hlnu , who "is nutonis ilnirly well minted in j'Jxo Ins and Hevclat ous , and iuiowd tliu diitertiiUM bi'twei'ii thu vajnt' ot two dmioi-s and tour arcs on a square deal. " Convincing proot of the iMincy quali ties of the country in furni-lied by Clabe JIHIO.S , Vi'lio. ilt"r ; a chasoof s < voii honr-s , "shot and killed four salmon tro u , whine "ggrc.gnto weight was -II poiimU. They fiir.iished twonty-twii men with heartV suppers with eiioiigh Iwll t < i Jiorgo eiyjit men at ( ireakfant. " A singular fatality ! < noted in connec tion with the towns that pnmg up Hko mutihrooiiH In a til ht , wnen Ihe'uiir ( I'Alonii country wao in its glory two years nn. Two-thirds of lialiiilrum was burned dou u. aiiil ha.s not bi-eti rebuilt. It IKr.ap is ! . ! | nud absitltit-jy dust ' andii-licj \\'li''r < that quite I..rgit tu.vu .tnod tltei'i- is I. > t I'-ll a Hlogln ( ; lnof Ilui i i > > i . . > : n. ' burned and i i/u.t Al i i will. < rcuk thuu .11 , perhaps , u half dor.on sliRoks , ono wlfh Its roof collapsed and lliu others union- anted. Access from the ea.st. side to ( 'tour d'.Vlono ia now only hnd Jinni Thompson Falls , and even there the waters * ootn lo s ng a requiem over tho. o who perliihed lu their Hood. Inoompiirablo.Indlspensablo , Infallible Ucd Star Cough Cure. SILVER AND GOLD. Tlio Costly Dishes l-'i-om Wlilcli Ion lOatrt IM Chops nntl I'oiatoos The common usage among wealthy persons of giving elaborate dinners , write. } n Cleveland Leader correspond ent. has lirougiit about many changes and many iinprovoments in tahlo-waro ami the dororalion of the table , 'llio change , according to the Now lork Sun , has ni'i-ii In tan increased richness ot cflcct , and is marked by tlio nuh.stltu- tion ot mnssivo silverware lor the decor ated china and porcelain which ua.s pop ular lor several jcais. The fashion of giving heavy dinner parties i-oems to have been copied truni tno Kngli h. and tuo provallm , ; styles of silverwiiro are also copies ot tne tint Eng lish models. Japanese work , hammered work , and oilier st.viea have had their day , and fashionable silversmiths now manuiiii'turo ' only imitations ot tno old Ujicon Anne or ( luted ware , nnd tiio rej.out.se ( lower ami leaf patterns ol L ig- lish and somolinies Lroiieii tle.t.gn. Olten tlie llutetl and repoiibse atyles are coinbinod , a J plan uliiuh gives a very l.andsonu ! onoet. The old operaticuarrying sevjral tlishes , to he tilled with tr.nt ami now ers. and wnioh obstructed 1 10 view acre > s the table , are entirely o. it of Use. Candelabra W.th Kprimdmg * hranenes take their place. Tiiese b./ar while wax candles lilted with small retl .similes which , by an ingeiiiou.-t uevice , dosoeni as lliu candles imrn down. A woll-iitted table ha-j two eandalahra and four final I candlo-alicks , each carrying a single can- tile , lu the center of tae laiilo is a low silver diih roM. ug on a plateau and in- ti'titletl for flowers. At the tour corners ar four comports for him bens , and beyond these , al each end , a lane comport - port for Irmt. All are covered with ricn- ly-iihaseil Lvpuims. ) work , that , on the comports being composed of vines and grapo.srelievcilpernapsby pierced work. The dinted ware is s iuilerbut , nolso rieh The olosonons ot' the Inntut.oii of tno old ware can be hOi'ii by comparison with an teapot at a Johu street jewulerls. It wa.s made in dingbnrgli in 1717 , nine years alter the introduction of teas into ircat ! Hi-Jain. Its age is determined by the hall marUs. It is repous.se work , but of a kind far inferior to tno work now tlouo in America. The art ot working in silver in tins country is much in advance of that in Ktiropo. There is now on ex hibition at Tiffany's a pitcher in repousse work of marvelous tin sli. It is valued at $ . > 00 , and it wotiid not be po iible to imiko another like it in Kuropo. The toiidonoy of silver tableware has been toward smallness and compactness , and this has all'o.nd tin si/.e 01 the smaller ware. Tlie butter-plates , salt cellars , and popper-pots are very dimin utive , and as a rule they art ; tlacijrated in the same manner as the larger pieces al- tliough there are many odd and rikin ; ; designs. Anew soloist ) ! ' a diminutive H'uw-pan. Others imitate shelN , leaves , fruits , and flowers. A silver cigar-light- cr. to be passed around alter dinner , re sembles an antique lamp. U has a handle at one end , and at the other a wick , which burns and sucki up alcuhol trom the bowl. Peppor-pots come is mushrooms ; salt-cellars , strawberries ami acorns , and the only limit is tlu ; imagination of the dodi ; ner. A leading hou.se has a specialty in the use of the Indian chrysanthemum as aji- plieil lo silvcWaro. It has a very solid anil ornamental cilect. They als > manufacture sets of Indian co.leo spoons , like the apostle spoons of old Lines. The tops of the handles are hammered out into .shapes that represent Indians going through their various danci's. 'The work is very delicate , and the ornamentation oil handles and howls is conied lrom _ ' wigwam decoration. These spoons are inclosed in boxes t ov- civil with deerskin , unlanned. Olner Indian bon-bon spoons have tin * figures in bas-relief and richly colored "with enamel. These designs are distinctively American. In Franco the teacups are somct'mesof silver , but this fashion is not. favored here , as the metaj floats too can'ly. Oc casionally hilver is used for coll'ee cups , ami when decorated like the Niello or Tuba ware , with hhiek and red inserted metal , has a pretty olli-ct ; but as a rule tiny cups of richly decorated porcelain for co.leo form a part of tin * i-'g dnr din ner set. An attempt was n a Lo to intro duce the French style , but it was not Biiceesiflll except for cups. The KUli.ilitntioii and use of silver has been carried so far that lucre are silver tablurushes and crumb pans , silver tongs for lilting asparagus , silver li.-di knives and forks' smaller thiin those used ordiniirlyy , small silver butter knives lor tti'- separate use of each guest , s Iver call bi-lls. s.lver toasting and j ieUle forks , silver bon-bon sets , and indeed all wood and metal nse.d at the tabl i and even in France has been supplanted by silver. It is ea.-iily kept in good condition an I reail Iv repa red , n goo. I quality which line china docs not possess. The custom of making ten at the table' ' has been newly intro-luced from London , and tlio silversmiths Itayo tried their hands at making very elaborate tea cad dies. The majority an ? in old Knglish repousse work. The lid is generally used to measure the amount ol tea to bit uso.l. Fruit plalod and nalfers in etehotl silver are an expensive novelty. Tlie plain is covered with varnish , on'whieh the artist etches an original de.-iign. It is then exposed to Ihu notion of acid , which oats into the silver only where the varnish has been scratched away. The result Is that the drawing is roproiliioeil in the most elalipruto manner , and re tains the full spirit of the original. .Some of the des'itns ate sporting and hunting scones , i n I the drawing are clever. In making i ep iii.-.se work liu de.si i ) ia lir.-t Miarlcd < i.i roughly I'loin the interior , which b laen lilleil with foment. Tito chaser then finishes thu de .gn Irom thu outride. * Oold ( ferv'ces nro very rare , although they are veiv $ ervioo.nble , n they do not tarulrili , Mrs. Catlmrinu Astor haa n gold M-rvlco , and the tashlonable Jeweler. * .s.iy they know of other persons who hu\u tiiem. but th iy dei'liiin to give nmnes , as it would be an Milvurtigi munt lo thieves. Persons who fancy the gold color use sil ver gilt , which , when heavily plated , wears well and looks well on a snotvy- wh.tu tabtu-cloth. There Is Mmiething too royl : ; ahoiil a gold yerviee lo su t mo-it Ainerieans. and perhup its security would ho tint ean.s ; of lee much IIIIN ety. The larg.1 ! ! piiieos of a t-ilvi r nervico hi repousse work co > t from 1,0 > ii a sol up- vvard , anil a gold servieiJ woul.l < : o i fuliy iixteon times as iniiuli. Hut.-h n * iur\ice 's not kept In .ituck anywlie-e ) in thU toua : > try , ami would only be made tu ordur. Seam ld uvo Way. i. . Nnv. U. While live men . uum'jliii.'iii n dull Mij'il | g-il > iy uiu 'a\o win. Two tit Hie nit'll vl' > ' 111- Miiiil.y jiiiiuil. the lldid die.d Mi uiui twu aroiiut oxj ouil m live. HU elclc. When il.a w.\i a Clitld , ab vriful fur ( iulorla , \VLnn u'.io ! 'i ' nil * Ji miecluii to L. * lorl , Vi'Utu iL u.u M : IASKA s leclnlomi Koniloroil l > y ( lint on Tticstlnyovcinbcr 10. Lixcot.x , Ni-h. , Nov. I'i- [ Special to thd llKK.l--Tlio following dcvlslnns were ron dcrcd by the ( iiipreino ctnirl ot Iho st.ito nt tlioir silting on Ttuvsilay. November lu : KliiK vs. Slato. ICiror tioiii ( 'HIM county. Aillunnl. Opinion by Ue.e.se , J. 1 A uvojii.7aiicci ; tor the itiipearanco of a IxtrKiui elm'vetlMII ' ! an olleiiMt iniin ouii .i- lion of record ant ! IKVOIIUS such wiit-n la sen nnd n.cil III llmrimtUo wiilehitls lettirmthic. J Uy the provisions uC tlie criinlnnl cod , n UTiigulziiui-o tiiKea hy a just eo tu I , o pt'tiro , uctltiK iw an e.vinuiilnir ni unlat mte , tuv coiaes an oUiliitliin ; oc recortl ivtieit tclnineil by the JiiMU'C ut tunnco \ \ to the cleix of tlio tlibtih-t conn anil Is by him en.eird ( in uniitt us rtHiiuritl liy Sceuen ; > i iif tliuerlialnul totlo. ; i A itTOjsnlitsMico proiKT , unhvi when taken out 01 oinut , .snuual ma bo finned ; but whin It Is pioperly tun. n and L-oriiueil , the suiiitUrc.s ; | t'l ' the leiom/iM liui > bo Healed as sinplusa e nnd the in.slrtuno.it he.d vulhl. IrvNln vs. Ihe s.atti , 10 Ail ) . : i. 4 The criminal einlo dues not iviuilie n ri'i-ognl/Jiiue taken b > ujus.leiuif the iu-nri % win1 n ctnii ) ; its an c\i\anniti c iiKigisirau' , to IHintoieil upon hisi.ocliet. ttVheie ine person \\it.s eharjjeilwith the roaniitsSiiui el ml oil'eli.-o , amt ujioii bo.n { heal 10 It.dl by Iho examining ina lsiraus enteix'tt Imoii itT.i'.ulxilui'e wi.h.suailie tor- hts tip | > iNuniieo at the next tuna of the dts- limt eoiiri. uiul s -toiiomly > | ie.il. the suite , undeuinniitKU a tiiiue In aiuitl orHhite Wheiu lie was art'i'Meil anil laiprisoni'd. aim thus oy htsown vininiia > aet leiiileietl It out m' Ins power lu appear in llu.sMate to unswor to Uia eiluie with wn lu i la : wastliarned , held th.it ihiv-e luuUsini itcoiisiitutu no tUiiensu to an uetioii ii .dn.-t Ids hiuetles iipuu his n.vu - iiixuiieo alter lori'olliirc. ( \ U'lieruu uv.ogiii/aiu'o was iflvon for the appearance t < i a iloiciiuiiiu to answer u ciiitr oiuiiin.-t iiim lor mieony , " lutitl that the met tliiit tin ) coinpliiliita.s , deieetive cotilu nut he : is > erleil an a tleieiiMSloan ai.t.uii njKin Mich iecoiiiz.iiueiiliir : ; loi'ioiiure. .limes vs. State. Knur trom Uum'ir ; loamKeveiseil. . Oplntnn by Mnxwoii , J. i T.ieui't"io prov.tle ior ] rasicullnK of- feiihes on iinonii.u on and to di.-pttusi ) w.lh the calling ul'fiiinid jnri-.s except by tutler o ( tno tl.i . strict Jmlxitt , " waiuh took ouent Juno M , ISN > . apiide.s to all caics wheio gland .lilies were ivipurcd inter tne ait : tiitik iire.et. J The ( irm ceiling by liifuriuation ist.xen- slve , im.c.vs tlie jiiiii- , in u vvnuen tirtter u cd wall the eiurk m tile e.nari , > hall leqiilie n irinil Jury , | n widen ease it shad he drawn in tae manner pi in UK il by law. a Tim aiuiitiiliy m icinilro a Jury lo bo summoned mini tuo losiiinderti is repealed by iiniillialli.il. 'laito vs. Tatri > . Appeal from FlUmoro countv. Allliiueil. Opiaieii by Maxwell , . ) . I mill T .siciuin met'elinpiorMoj eiuuplled statiue , enthliil Dlvoico iiiid Ailiiiony , iv w iut upon niitaininn a d. voice for the caisj of iiiloiiiuu ; , et ; ' . . m her liiwLnunl , Is en- I. tied to tluwir In lily lunus In tliu s.iiao. iniin- nei us it' lie were IK.UI. J li'hhu make no domain ! for dowrr rttul tliecnuit m inaUiiuiulivihiiiaoi tin proimfiy ol the lm.-4 > : iinl la the nature of jiei'iiuiUent aiimony awaids a sum In LMM.-IS lu ne.r , U wl.l ho deemed tu include nil her Inlercht In lliu huMj.iiiil siiiliue iiiid will uir ner e.aiiu for ( low. r. tin.os.sa cnntrai-y inient UsaovVu In luoilecice. : ! Uptni a tllvorco hcinjf irranteil , a dccrco in lavnr of il.o wi.o lor j e.'inaueiit alinuuiy Will bur her u hl lo any lurthcr tiain.d ligiiuist the estate nl' the hiiHhainl. I'.iulman V. C. toner. Appt.il from John son county. Aiiiriiictl. Opinion bSI.ix - \\ii.l , J. 1 Where there are conilttn > u.s In 'a' con tract lor the ha.o o , leal LSUUO iimklnKrtiiiio t.ie eeiice 01 the ciili-ai.'t ( and' ' pr.ivnlii ( tor a t irieliure in ca e in ilei'nultaun , itivei > > . - iin e in part paynicnl on the voirtraet is a waiver of Ihe condition as to'all' ' ' delimits then ixi > iin . A \ \ iieio a contrivRt provides that ; itrtou the pa.MiiL'lit 01 ma-hall of I he purclMso money , the vomliir i-ihoald cxecnln aiielU to Lie imrcliaMT and taUon mint a e iipini the luiiil ennveyeil tt seeine tlio nn- pud ) iui\hiso ; menev , held that a. dfcreo that t 10emlee pay ihe entire pur- c . : e price lu the time of the exeiuitinn ot III1) deed wen il mil. lie set iiMikon b lnl/pf t o v > mlor iiiiie .s there weiehpoeial uifiiis \V/ he biould nut iceniyo tlie uiuiioy. . WIIKKI.J.NU , W. V . , Nov. 11. Klght'milcs south ol thiscity nUjiit ihislv iliiinhiy eyxn- invtdio .Muss Hanih Lti ett , a well known lady , daughter of a prosperous farmer ; wrs en r.iiile li oni her huiiie to the town of iMoiiiulhVilic , iwd mi e.s away , ami when pa.-in alini , ' an nnrieiiiuntcd poititm of the road , hho was : > e / , d by a ni'Kro who iii-inj ] ; iijiiin In r from : i leiice ciirner ami eained into the wttudi , a short ili.ti : nee , whine , aiiora li.Tr.ble strug gle , he Miieeijid ( ! in iiiiira iiig her. The p'o.ir wiinr.in war ) ni liHiiily wounded In thp cmirnutif her desperate iiuhtwlih Jay assail ant , and lay mum the ground for alwat two hours Ix-lWo MIO regained Millleient strength to iimUo her way to the nearest honso amt ( 'ivoihe aiarin. Crowtls of armed molt are tlio hills lor the nemo. There Is hirdly : ; i iliMiht that If captured ho will bo himgeil at OIILO. A I'rcnolior'rt SJnlt lor Slrtmler. Pirrwnuuii , Pa. , Nov. U. In the supreme court to-day win argued tin : suit of JJev. Jphn Wllde.s against Jolin A. WeKee , Alex Me- .MilliKan. .lamas I ! . W. Shun an I David 11. WilMin , ol this city , for lot mini ; an unlawful conspiracy to dcfam thu plaintiff. The plaintiff ways the ilelemlunts coii pirc.il with ( J. M. Elliott. .Mary .Mil.er . , J. H. Pickensnn I Diincan ) ! . lii'ho s in the common wv a th of Alahaini , .1. M. I'.ir s , of Illinois. un > l ftjv. U.ival 15 , ( Jrori ( , 01 Now VorK , lodel'umu Ills i-luiracter. 'I'ne plaint ff in a onivil imn ( , ami wa-s sun l l > y ( he fiveilmen s hiireau lo tuiieli and iiii'ut'li in Ahtbiim.t to the colored people , lie became uniio ai ar down there nnd was tried In un ciclc-.laNtlc.al court mill imally removed Iroin his position. Tlio do- In tuis suit , he lft'Kcrt. were Inslrn- mental In oaiis ii. ; his removal us well a.H hav- imr puhlislieil a slander ngu nut him tiiat ho was u muiiiiiiiiiiiiae on cci.ain anbjccLs. Tno ilci.'iiliii : A Unsplio of Thirty Duyo. NKW out. HASS , Nov. it. KorU unit phy , iieiil''Mceil lo ho hanjrcil Frlihiy , have hi-eu ( trai t d a resjijto lor thirty tla. > s py ( I.o J A CORN [ fol n U S Ttie I'/orlJ / S WESTH I IISTER Sold only by JOHN HUPS * ' ? . 04' * I- l..r 1.1.I- ' All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of cis ! of ma r.ncl beast need a coolv 5 lotion. W5Stany Liniment.