* „ , . „ / TT IT T MAHA FIFTEENTH OMAHA , FRIDAY MOUSING , NOVEMBER ttl , 1883. NUMBER 12 REFORMING BY RESOLUTION , fho Irsa Tra-le and Revenue Eoform Oonforcuco Proceedings , LIST OF OFFICERS ELECTED. Adopted H too riming in Tcisc mitt I'olntcilVay PicM'iit Tarln * tnltiltlea | nnd The Vice Triulo Contention , ritir.viid , Nov. U. At this nmrnlnij's sri" tloiiof the ! fr ( tradoconfeienco thoiomitilt tee on icsotntlons was appointed and or dercd to report this iftenioon and the follow- jiiK pajieis weiu lead : "The I'miptr Labor of 1.ul ope , " b ) 'Ihos. ( ! . hhcinu.n. ot lltook- ) N V : "Does Hlili Taillf on Wool 11enelllWool < ilowci , "li ) I tow'and ' ill/aid of llboiie Itdiind ; "Amlutll'ural Maddneiv Hint Ttuill , " b ) .M. I ) , llnrlerol Ohio ; 'lui111 and huipbulldinK , " ! ) ) W. M. t.lbbons of Di la- Dei.iw.ire ; "Tim 'laritf , llm .M.in- tii.iclnieis nnd Ihe I'eople , " bv ,1. hameut nl Colllieitieltt , ' The Tuitr ill its Itehltloil to the Hoot and bhoo IndiHtij. ' b ) .las. Means , ot MiiNvii liu-etLs. .lo-epb ( } uinc ) , ol M.issi- ch'i-vtt.'i , i'.id a tran-latnm ol an iiitlilete- icnily puliliHlud in Lu I nion Aihitar , : i p.ipei pi linsliid in V iipu-aisii. ! in which Iree tiade bctwcMi the United btates and builtll Aim ih u was dl-cus-od. U tin : openhu'ot tlie uttei nnoti wion thu rommttieeon tiomlmiiiiuis icpoitcd , und the lonouini ; named ( tenth-men weie eleitid olicet > m the lieu Hade league lot thu eiinii- ln _ ' M.U PiesiiUnt David A. Wells. \ let ) piesidt nts riiom.is Holland , New tmk ; .titstus Cl.uk , Iowa ; M M. Tinni- bull , Illinois , W. r. Pishbaik , Indian i ; \ S llaiwood , Nibi-aska ; ex-.oveiiioi . ) H. I'lielps , 311 Mini I ; H A. Form in , Louisiana , K. DavvMin , botith Caiollmt ; \Vm HniKi'ilv , l > ennsvaiila | ; ex-iov. ( .1. h. KotiiiiHin , Kaits.is ; 1. A. bmith , Ohio , 11 L. I'leno. Massachusetts ; .1. 15 baiyent , t'on- lucteut , lleniy U'aU'ison , Kentuik ) ; . ) . T. htevens , Nevv.ersy ) ; W. L .lenkiim , Toxits ; .1 ' 1. Wlntmnn. Oieton ; Wlllliim ( ilbboiH , Delavvaie : Kowland Has ward. Klmdu Island ; Ji. 1) ) . llurbutt , Minnesota. xetutive i omniilteeT. . ( ! . Sherman , New Yin ic ; .losl.ili Qiilncv , Mau-aclniseits , A. W. ThomiiH. Couneeliiut ; lt.lt 11. - > tab or , New It ink ; W. ( ! Iliov i lee. .Michi an ; A. A. 1 leal v , New Voik ; . \ ' . Wilmei. Iowa ; Kik- Hino , M I'lielps , Illinois ; M I ) . II uiei , Ohio ; V. 0 IVikham S'ew JCIM-V. National ( onimiltto- . K. Howkei , New "Voik.O Jfahet , Iowa ; . ) . W. Stiles .Illinois ; ] ' h. O Uoiiike , llidiamr W. ( ! . liiownlee , Mlchiican ; .1 'steilnii Moiton , Nel > i iska ; l\ L. I mlerwood , Ml sonn ; W. K. Wh tt.iUei , Louisiana , , ) . . ! . Doiunn , Ninth ( ' .uolin i. .1. ( i. .lenUiiis , WiMoiisin , ,1am-s D. llamo k , Pennsylvania ; J.uoili Il.ujiole , Kansas : OMminc , Oido ; 1' . .J m.ide ) , Minnesota ; Josl.di litiilicv , Mas-aihiisetts. heeii't.u > H. K Itowker , New Vorlc. Wcstctn bcuetaij II. .1. I'nilpot , Jovvi. Cenli.il-i ciel.UN I uvvls lloll ind , Indiina. 'I tOHistirei ( icoifje I' . lVabod > . Tlio lollowini ; iisolniions weio then ndopicd : I tut tlm chairman of tlm executive com- mltlec be the chanin in ot the national 10111- mitlce ; that tin * m m > i.rs ot the i ommilU'e liom Hie Minims slates lie ibaiimen ol the % arionshtnte conuidttecs , and th.it the ) be vcsUd with anthoiit ) toi.ill slateeoiivi nilons and toimntate oi.iiuzitiou % That the ex iv uthe committee beaiithoii/id lo oomp'oUj the national commitUo by anpointiiiK mem- beT' , toi Mtates not liuluded In the ivpoit. The ivporl ol the to unilll eon icsolutiuns W.us niibi | tied to much disdisslon. On ! ) u mlninity nmenduieiit , however , was nude. It was a'dupted , .is lollows : We taibndt to the people of the Uniteil States Hi it a continuance of the wai taiill. \vith duties avei.i/im-li / pel cent on ovei UK ) aitieles ol domestic consumption , and mudi lligliei hpt'clllc ilmieum mall ) nude niateii- : is ( , IiispioliiiiKed theevilsoi wai In times ol jnolound ptv.i'e ' , and lias been Ihe prmctpd cause ot tlm ( Ommeicial and Imlustnil de- ptessfmi ot leient jt.iis. lv lonim ; laboi nndcaiill.il tiom n.itunilly piotitable into im- linetuil biisinihs , and It ) adding tn Hioiitable ( piodiictlon It has dcciea-ed Ihe common pioducuve capicity ot labm and capital and tncrcby r.diucd both the wa-'c-i ol lalxir and tlie piotits ol eiipit'l ; has tuo- \ukd antagonism Ix-tvcen I ibm and c , p til , against which urn ic-at natuia ! ic-oiui i sand out trie Insiitutions should hive pintected im , has Impahed oin powei to compute witli otlu t niannlactiiiiiiK nations in the nuiikoU of tliu world , and soobslni'ted national pto pitiss and development ; It lias dosttojoil main bianclms of husiiie-s and has kept urn ] > eople liom enpi-'iii In otlui hianclie- ot business which would hue L'I veil inciea-ed employment to laboi , Hv pieventliiu inn ImvliiK fiom imlionswlll- in ( o bnv fiom us and bj ptovokim ; ictali- almn in like sp'ilt ' instead ol piomollii- friendly icdpioeily It his obMtnuted eon- sumption < > t out arh iiltuial and iiianutac- tuivd ] iioducls hv uthit ( otintiles und has dnvuii 0111 commeue liom the sc.is. Hv im- paiillitf urn dome-lie IMIVVCI to bnit h is pie- xentcd lull develui in nl of out Intustati ronimeneand icdiiei d the legitimate juoat- of ttallle , an > h.is diiven Into banKinptcj n laprCi' iinnibi i ot oin tian-iMiilatloii lomiu nit H and made domestic traltlc moio iiisilv , Thioiit ; ) ! tlie Inlliieme ol Its lohliits it l.a- ontliioned joblnnt ; and coiiuption In om lixlfdallvo li.i'l-and bus Impedid tlm ivfmui of i iv II sen lie In shot t. taking bv ( nice Hit t.iinintrs ol one i lass or men to clinch an- olhei cliss. It Is imp iscd to the snlnt of Ameiiean llbeitv and ul thu ibn-titiitbm : It has inipo-td u new Indn-liial hl.iveiv ; it has prcvcntid national pin- ( Tiess of wealth unions tlie tanning class , detioic-ul wastes andtlieli pmelia.-liu IMIVVCI. and Iciulln m d onioned Idleiuss ol wo.lv inunicii , lestili led om manuiactuicis fiom then mitiiial nniikets and demmali/ed tin1 ( lenonil business ot thu t imnti ) . Whilu bold liif iuioidln 'lv Hi it taxes In aid ol pi I vale Inteiest or lei anv pmposo other than the io ijiitiements nl co\einmeiit aio iin-Ameiican , unjust and ifiiwl1-- , und thateveiy protectivi ! fiat me must nt tlie railie-l iiossihledat IR eiadlc.ded liom om itveiim < svhtem , wo In vite all who oppose the a'i ' is > sol thu pie-cut tin ill ( o join us In piomotlm ; imniediati Kteis ; foi piactiial Uuill leloim , whicli we be lleve wlllincieasu w t'o- > , diniliil-b tbe lie iiniiey ) oi sirikos , duvelo'i business and re- mire om UK to tlm seas. Wetlieu-foiu \ \ iiiMin con iit-H foi action at llm ensuing se-s i.fon : 1Tlmt iiiidoi no pretense shall any conn tomincu whatuvei IH > . idun to any attempt U ineiei-e piotectlve dutii s. a Tlmt the ( itticles whlcharonttlmtonnda tlon ol om iri.at indu-tiles should in the in len-ht of labii mid lommercebu fited Inm < 1 ut v , whether they hu ejiulu materials , ic lumber. Halt , eoiil or wool , etc. , or parllv manuliictuiid , as chemicals , dU htitilM , plj. lion , tin plate , wood imlp , etc- , ' \ 'I lint mi tlm proilncts liom such nitldt" did in hhoul.l at It'iist l > o i oiiehpoiuHiiulv re duced BO th it the piotectloii , leal m nonilna to manulaetuixsrs. Mhall not be incien-id , am that the consunieiH shall have thu Imuu diati beiient of tlm reduction. We uure that air HtopH In taiiIT u loim should simplifv tin pre-i'iit complicated cla-sl , citl > nandhhou i iloiiwa ) witli mixed duties , leplacin then b ) ad valoiim ratu Inr-tead nf b ) sneilm duties which ate most bmihiindine to lov piked noixls eonslmied io the Kind bed ) o the. people. Wodemaiid me nhi | * und thi nhofltion of om iistrlctlvo navlfiatlon laws which together with l.ultf have diiven mi Hat : liom tlm eas , and we opjio ; liounths and subsidies on Mtlptiinj. . \ \ ] tir.jon'venuo letiiniicrs to votoonlv toi MK I iiinitiesslon.il einlhhdis US openlv uppn- ntaillf foi protui lion ai.d latino steps t immlnato Independent lamlidaten vvliei all inrly cindlditUs opmn tat ill refmm vr'parln.'lor that step bv dliriisln'souni { u oiium'cil llteiu me and piomot'iit ' ; or anl 7n4ion , e.spceallj ) In close louatisslonnl 1U A jnlnoiltv report wns Mibmltted b ) Mi lliirpule. ot Kiui-as. demumliiu : \nlmmedluteiediictmii of all j rotcc tivo t irlffs to n imrelv tevetiue bisls. 'J 1'hp.t wo iM'ievti ' till n d'livt ' taxatlm ulmuld ovtintuall ) be abolished and ilmt th oxicnso of fjovipiment sli ! d wbouieo proiivity Instead of iiidlvlduiiN. rlio imtjoiiti irpoii , a < mully ndoptcu khvvs tbo sense ol Ilie i iiiventiun. Tlmannonucenaiit tint lit v limi.vaii Heet her won d speak ( it Hi i vi "il-u " s--si , . mil-acted an ijuajonco that pwJuu venim \ Music ball to Its fullest caiia-i'v. ' I're\loitt to llocemrs npn-iit-nco , i.i\ u A. WcIN , picsldetit of the Knv Tiado h R.UC , dellveied an address the pi irlpd ixilnt of wh'ch ' was that I'm tariff on wool unites woo on goods so dear that It has mined the demand for Aineit ' .in wool , an nrtlclc waicli. ns aittle , i an onlbo used in connection witJi the lot- clirn giowu. IJ , ttml Wfls CTrPtril wlt'i OlilhllsliRtlo ft)1- ) pliut-e. llu deelfinsl himself In tavur of no tailffatall. I'rotedlon waHtho "JuirgJeiy of tlm devil. " If the polllli laus were sUU-smeti protection v.ould die a n miral death Inpiin of the de\l | . Hut the politicians woie nut sUtesmeli 'I liny weio "vote motm-TS. " "Thero Is notaritf on mi n"n.ahl the speaker. Hi ) wonikn d it ihepiotLctionlsts weiiitlniik- ing of belli ring the Hltu.illon b > pi ic- hig a tar.I ! on Impiittut p.up't labor. This coimtty was mm-cxixiitnu und jctit was a large exiMirter.too.of ivllglim. \ \ c sent millions to huithen countries lo In- MIlli-hriMl'inltv. while the article went beg ging at homo. And when Indhiduais fiom those bptiiuhteil ( ountUri come to ourxlmies to lu < ninrer Ih" fountain head we meet them \\illicnihcs mil tone * . The audience were listening with the moH stiaimd attention , when the Hpcakci In elosim ; jiald a tilhute to the llhertv that had louiided tiie uoMinineiit , thil h.ol liei'd tlie la > e , and which w nM H-- 'O bai to itseommeu lal giamleitr. NRMIIASKA N The Hnfo lUovvriAliionil In itie Ieaee- I'lilTovvn oTAVIsncr. Wisxr.ii , Neb. , Nov. U . [ bpeclal to the Hi i .1 homo expert cracksin m did a pietty tali job hetc last night by way ot cutting a hole about-i loutsiiu.ua through the back of u lai-gu sale belonging to Hauling Hi o- . and taking theietiom 5i'i. They obi lined the uei ess.uj tools bj bieaklns upon a tool chest belonging to tiie set thin toicmiuof ibo rail- load. The ) al-o united tlie dm.'stoic ot d. \V.llo\\c getting tom m M\O dolkiis ttoin the inline ) ill iwei. Tncre has been a Hum hel ot susleiims ) ) cliaiacleis about town , and It Is supposed the ) liolnni ; to -.ing. . One ot them has been doscilbed by telegraph toher - illsasa mm tibimtio jeu-i oil , ti\e teet si veil Inches In height , well built , lid hair , shuttled whtskeis all o\ei lace , whlskev red ioini'c\lim | ' , keen gi.i ) c\es , suspicious ai I- imr well tbessed. It Would be well lo keep a -baip look out foi him. Tlieie has luvn in hiscoinpiny a man not mule as tall , sallow comp'exloii ' , black incs , hl.uk moust idle and hall aNo , well dressed and alioiit . ! 0 jeiisold A man with a woman pmpoiiim ; to lie Ids wile , who came heie to give exhibitions In heavy lilting , h.u been snspetti-d , vv belli M iu-tlv 01 not of belong- iiijj to the Bran.j , as tliej weie much togctliLi. Hastings' New Hotel Oiionccl. IIsriMis , S'eb , Sov. 1) . [ ispeiial to the JlriAt : | the loim d opcnim ; of the Hosf wick house last uighl one of the grandest en- teitalnmentsot the kind evci witiiCH-cd In this ill ) was onjojed b ) at le.ist : 00 people. Ills a well know n tail that when thccopo | ! id Hustings undi'itake anj tiling tlie > nevei leave It h ill dime , .and this alone is the so ipiel ol this Kie.U smoess. Tickets weie sold to theelti/ons at S" > CO , and all Iravelliiziaen wen- given a eomplintentaiy admitting them lo the 'r mil b ill and b iminet , w lilch opem d a I''p. ' nu Tlio beauliiullv deem ited t ililes tic'-li liom the handsiit the aili-tie caleiei. .uespie.id with 1 .Oiovers with the mo-l up peti/nu menu one cm thim % ol and diniiei will ho callel at U so. The lull mom is a lnw with i.idl mlplendoi. . The , ; eneiotts hospltahlv and lointeons icccpliniibov.n the kniglits ot the mill bv the eilin-ns ol Hastings in gciienil am ! the m imgeni'-nt ol Ihii Hostwiik will Ion , ' liugei In the mmdol toe Itimieltss vvandi leisi. To the ladies es ptciall ) belongs the ciidit ol m ikiiii Ibis en- it itainment u niuui il th inks iv im ; le i-t tlut lelleits gieat eiidit , as mi lomt was evei L'IIK ed with moie toiigonl il and cliaimin attiactions than weie heie Mi'ii. Tlio Norfolk Insane Asylum. Noitroi.u , Neb , Nov. U. [ isp vial to the III.1..J Allow me _ to collect an enoi apimai- iiu In votii insuuof November' ) , issi. I te- lei to a special iel.itin. to the new lunatic asvluin now In pioccss ot election at Not- lolk. Instead of the work being done in n "ul.mngly iinsiibsiantliil m innei , ' ' the con ti.uj is ( he ( a-e. I'lie hlone UM d in tlut loim- ilatlons , as well as the cement , ionics mini Mi'nkato and is ot most excellent ipialitv , 'I iiegiavel uitd lontPs liom tin \ icinilol Noilolk ana cost the coiitni'toi ' Sl.Jipei load. Mi. King , Ilie coutractoi , could II.IM obtained giavol lei one halt the moiiev , but chose to USD only tu ) best ; the samewitli sand , bo tar me estimates tmwaidcd ti Lincoln and based on the wink a.ieadv done amount to just 5l.U47.lii. Not , iniiih ihami to ; "nutragt oils jobbdy" thcu. t'oiuia-1 lliisestimate with toe moneaheul ) expend ed tin inaienal In Mi. King ; sometuin ovei Sr70XX ( ) has Ix-en paid out bv thu ( sntiailoi .So tat Ihe win k done and the mateiial iHe < havetKen mst class , and gnat injustice ha- U.en done tiv Hie ' special , lelentd lo. htaloenatoi Dml.iud knows In ttei m sliouhl know iHitti r , a nun possiMsed us he ! ol giiathicadth ot iulmmatlon .iiould know tbedllleieneo betwien elH > and cement am taitliei , lisa lawi i , Im slmald not dime hi- Inloimalioii liom "lieies.ti" Mich evuleiici. hi ) id. A Train Dcr.illctl. llpn CI.OUD , Neb. , Nov. U. [ Spicial t ( tlm ! : . . ] Last nlylit the east bound trdi known us tlie "cannon ball"on the Hinting ton iV Mibsouil'iTiilw.i ) , while itiiining.i lull sM.ed colllilod with u Ireight i.ai that It n been blown on the main tiaek liom Hnstwicl siding about mhlvMi ) between ( ittldc Hot' ! and tiupciloi. 'Ihu enmne tinned coinjili.telj o\ei and Is Iv hiin tlie ditch bottom side up \\uuU. Kndnc > 'i b. T. i'liilllji-t and the me nun daw lid liom iindei the debils iinln juiid. ' 1 lie entile tiain is dei.uhd , Im sitangc to sav no ono was seiiouslv hint Tlm west hound oxpit'ss v\as delajed seven horns , le.ieinng heie at ) ua noon. Tne dam ae.s , wilt amount to sevcial tliousand dollaid Itesltlcnco Hurncil. Nr-niivsu v Cm , Nov. U. [ fapecl.al to tin Hi r. ] Tlio resldeiuo ol 11. A. New mil binned this moining at < . 'Jlie me wa i.iii-ed h.v a dtlectivu Hue. Lo.id &JUc'J ' bln.lit liihiir.uiio Tin ) l.mill ) had a very naiiovv escape , a ( tlm toot teli in bat a lew momenta iitiet tin aie wasdlscovcicd. 'J he llultcrinuirH ( Convention. Cmc\oo , Nov. U. At totli.s hcssion o the national buttei , cheese and egg comeii tlon ic-oliitlons wiio adopted asking con gu'ss to tax oleomargarine , buttcrlnc and ul ndulteiatloiisof btittci lOienlspei pound ; 11 pficu an Import dufj on I mopeaneggti , nm to suspend the colna u ot sUndaid si he dollaiA ii > o titiiiu was also adopted ie ( iiiestiiu tlm joint classlncatlom committt e o tintiunk lim s to piovide latgo and lik'ithai caigo tales toi eggs and dahv piodmK \ViisluiuUin Windsoi , of New Yoik , wa olcctid pie-ldenl , and Colonel i ! . M. Lilt.ei Ui loW.I , cUClt-tlllj. \VaiitH to Open CoiiiiiiiiniontiniiK. Ni.w Yoitu , Nov. 1- . A Washington spi clalMs : beiutaiy ot btulo Ua.uil hisn ( misled Scciot.il } of Ibe Nuvj Whitney t fend n man ol war to Lanmn at llm Nav igoi JslamU , tm tbe pinIUIMJ oi openingcommiin ! tatloii with Unit K.iveinmeiil. The Inhat iUnti are Chilsil m and mostly 1'ieslivteil atis. ' 1 he count ) } b under thu pioioctlon o the United bUK * . Leaving ; L'nitcr llscoi't. WiciurA , Kan. , .Sov. IJ. A Dally Vagi fjipclul tumi Fort Klvcr Mija : More boumi r \\eiebiought b ) tlm mlllt.uyehtenlav trm Oklahoma tlistrlct. Thuso of tlm prisoner who -sL.il an airuHjiuent to nevei again tie ihisd in "in Indian hinds aio allowed to pa- out. The tithe s will Iw NUIU | | out b ) th tiiiopb. Tlm work of arioatlns boomers i b'ulngou lapidl ) . The ? ! onlreil I'lu-jue. MoxTiifAl , Nov. 1.-Total tfeatlis Jrot Fine 1 o x hoio 'iiu the outbri a' ' . . ' , iVH , T CAc" uned CORSET A Well Aimed Ballet Turned from Its Deadly Oourso , A VICIOUS WOMAN'S REVOLVER. Slic Tcpprn nt Two SUters , Fatally "XYoundlnjj One Two town cillcn Oilier Crliulnul Jtuttois. Sliootin ? Hornpe nt Oostmi. la. , Nov. U. [ Special to the lHi.J : : .Mis. Joe Lon , tlie wife of ft bi.tkc- man , ehot two women llvlnc In tlie hiiuie iiiUse with her this mornlnj ; . She u ol a.5i- call bio n'volvoi and nhot live times. One woman , Mrs. W. \ \ Morse , was shot once In the hick of the head , trnctntlng her sliiill , and auam In Iheilirhtbreist , the bill rntei- near tlie nipple , hho will die. Her twin sister , bushdiav , was shot In Urn pilm ot tbiMl 'hl hand , tbe ball comlmroiit at tlui top otthe wrist ami In thu lelt bieast , a coi-et .tecl . sivliu hei lite. Tne b ill o ilypnotiated thu skin and VV.IH taken out , Tne ntlh shot went tluoiiL'li the dixii and Into the wall. Mi-s. Lout ; tins been man ted to her present lin-lvuid hut two months , beiii tlixoiced tiom her liiNthusbiml , il in Raid , on ucconnt ol conduit unbooomlnsn wile. 'Ihe low was caused bv Mis. Moifc tellini ; Loii that nuothci man had IKHMI In the loom with his wile while ho was out on the radioad last biimlav nlslit. ; Mts. Lnngtr.ui' betsclt up to the oilfit'iH and wns held by the Instice In fc"iX)0 ) bonds to await the lesult oi the in- jmies ot the victims. When niitsted she said Mic onl.v hoped Hhe had killed the Moi c woman. 1)1 ) s Mniwrs. Towa , Nov. l'3. A IJocl < : tei special fioni Cieston sas : At It ) o\ lock to day Ciestiin was the scene ot i teiidilc ti.'ire- d ) . Mis Nellie Loim , a dlMiepiitllile eh uae- tei. ilelilK'intelv shot Mis. W. K. Morse ami widowed sislei , Mis. Susan ( ill ) , hiie Hhot Mrs. ( ii.iv and m d lombots at , MI-J. Moi-e , two ol wliuh look elleet , one In the ilKht bieast nnd nnothei In the b.ukot the neck. The lattei is Ilkelv to piove tatal. Mis. ( Sr.iv Is wounded In tlie lelt broasf. A steel coiset piobalil ) saved hei Illc. The dllllculty KICVV out of a uinnel wlilch Mis. Limn had with hei hushind and hei beliel lli.it Mis Moi-c and Mis. day ha I bien miking cilminal cluixes a-taiiist liei. The p.uties all lived In ihesame hou-e. Mis Lon waa .incited und ia now In jail at Alton. Another loua Iowa , Nov. I'.1. [ Sp.-cial to thr- IJir.J S. W. Cntlei , ol.lollet. Ilk. was shot and instant ! ) kit c 1 tbN inoiniiiL-on his laim el ht miles noitlie.istut Fonda , b ) C. W. bte- veitson a tenant on the place. A bad feeling existed between the men on n < tounl ol an impie-sion tint Cutlei had mule inpiopci luopostiis to bieven-im's wltif. Cutloi had been hii.iidinu : with Ids tenant , and w.u. i e- qnestid this nun niiu to seek anollfii boud- i nu place. An allocation iestit'd ! , duiiiu w hleh Movcn-on shot his landlmd. Tjio lat- lei w tlked a lew mils mid exjiiud. Cullci was mim uiied Tiul about sixtv veais nf a.e Miw is u man ol pmpiU and h id ; . } , ! ) K ) on his poison at the lime he was killed , blcven- &oii i.i now in culud } . Voiithfnl Diok Tin pins. T.outivit I.F , K ) . , Nov. t. . Thco Illnc1 ! , ll.iii ) 1'oibis.ind Albeit Chiekeiiili : , ap-d 14 , Id and U jeais respcvllvcl ) , weie nt tested heic to night , ih.ugcd with ai-on and tioisc stialinz. The hovs stole a hoi -13 and wa on Wulnc'hdav an I st.ut .1 west to tob sia.e ( oaihes. 'I'iKiiiL' sheltoi in an old house In tlieeoiintis tliat.niL'bt thej uievv al nmed and thoimht some laiineis wcic plottlnj ; to cap- title Ilieiii. ' 1 he ) set ure to ihe house and to several lane buns in the nolihboilioud and tin aiuptd. Thev weie puisuid b ) the einji.ued tin nieis , who overtook them. The bovsdiew olstols , m ide the men stand and ualloptd oil. 'Ihe ) weie in tested on com plaint ot thetaimc'is , who lolloped them. A Triple Tragedy in Tovaq. SAXIOMO , Tex. , Nov. li. News reached heie nt a tiiplc tia c-,1) on Vt ido Clock , Handel a i omit ) , Tuesday evelllnir. A .Miniit ; l.umei named Uiiek 15ii\nt sttsHcted | two ( leimaiis. Aiumt Klieinii.udt and Olnia- tian ikkeil. ot stca inj ; u bo , ' . 15i vant went to theli house , accused them ol the tiielt and wamcd upon. I'leein : towaul home liijant was iminikd D ) itheinnaidt and i el.cit , one oi whom shot aid no lal ) woiimhd htm. ' 1 lie i.uliei ol 111) nit , beaiin r Ins son call , tan out and .shot , uid kihed both Tlio Bovvers Poison Cnse. S\N l'i : \xci-f o , Nov. U Tlm ( Oioncr1- jttiv lendeietl two veidicts in the IJowu- ca-e last mxht. binned 1)\ ) live ot tlm jut ) n > t n , One i liaises Howt is witli the iimulci ot hi- wileh ) adminisletini ; eh oiotorm. Tlie othei iiinlntn it Mis. liowus di itb v. cn-id in poison iidministeied I ) ) hei Inihl , mil The1 loioiici has not jet si ixd i itlu i , tint it is be lli , veil he will hin Ihe nict named \eidict. MONDAV'h .UYItrVIl. The Dally Itoiitinc oi'C'oiiileiiinei ! Kiel In Ili.-i I'CIHOII Cell. Nl w YOIIK , Nov. U. A Moutie.il spec ! d to the 1'ust INIJS : Jt is known a sjiecial inc.- sen ei inoii his way lo Ue lmi with anolli' cial document tiom tlm t'ovcinoi enei.iloi deling Shisillf Cliipleiu to jin ) csjd with tin ( 'Mention ot Kiel. Meanwhile , aci oidln. ; ti a communication iccelvcd by Dlslmp ( iian din , Kiel passes : i yieatci puition ot his thm in pia.vei t .d iiicdllalliin. Helms wiitU-n.i t.iutwcll eplaticlo his wile and chlldien , and siitu , woo icsides in tins i , i ) , within tin. last tew daLveiv pie-caiuion has hi en taken to inevi nt ans suipiise. diiaids lmv > IH 111 doublid , tbe moinili d pitiol isalwav- on diitt , and none but piasts , the lomni ind iilu'ollicei , mounted | ioli < e and the MII COII aio pel nutted within tin ; ce , | . 'l ho teillii o. mplis is hix lietumi Inehisbv lom tut , tlm on ! ) aliitlts ot luinlime IK.IIU a hiiiall boll In dand a low cliiiu. llu isan i ii'I ' ) ii-ei. and is invaimblv mi and diesstd beime tc- v < Ide , lit Ho eich-K. Ho-i an el ) eoiiii > lcte-l.l' toiet , when he hinks down upon Ids knee- beside Ids bed and lem mis tiansiixed like u Maine. In piici lei hums at a time. A lloliol Ynll nl'Anntlier Kind. LousVii.i.K , K ) . Nov. 1. ' . The Evening Times ol this cit ) contains the follow Inj novel cdltoihil pKipo-ltion this nlteinoon ! "beeiiiK that the ( icuplti tot whom he loti lil have viitu.ill ) ieln-ed tocicct a monuiiicni to the mcmoiy of ( iiiint , MIPJIO-D llm south a ilnst wlioin he Imi ht on ! ) to oi } a tiiiml nnd protect them in the horn of deal anil hint At tumble , put hei hand in hot pm-caml contiihttte mouc ) to build a pile lo tlie mem- oi ) of H licm who'O bosom ( onialnid nln.ut that tell toi hh woes. Thu Times will inn Itihuto fuel ) to htith . - . tnnd. Jx-t's hc.n Horn the bovswlio woie the ; ; ra\ , and ft Hit thin Is ieasitile , then IOI'H taue-.tips to el It piopcrly on lout.Miat \ nay jou , Johnti ) Jtel- ) , An I'ntiro Family r.VTHUt 1'uiXT , ( Jue. , Nov. tJ A family named Hlanc'hctte , roiisl-tln of n womai nnd live eli'ddic'ii , bcloim'in in SI. Luce , ai lived theie I ute I v fiom Monttval. where tlu lie-ad ol the I imllv died ot small pox. hlmit- Iv alter arrival the motht-i tave blitli ti tinoiher child. Sumll-iiox biuke nut amoiu them mid tncj ail died to day. The vvholi of bovtn Isextiiut. Weatlier for To day. 3Ilsis.slppl ! I'alr vvealltei , ilslns temperature. In northern rmtlona , biati.marj luilowcd b > rising tempciatutu in houthfn jiortlon , imithwesle'ily wlnJi. bceoiidnj ; varl blo. blo.Mlo Mlo tirl V.illej Fair weathci , slo.vlv rh ins temp -ratine , vvlmts beiuuiiiiK vuriahle t > nn ictcr. HKYONll Till ; SHV. tii-ltisli 1'nperM Contiiicntln Hcrernly on UliiUstone'fl Spccoli. l.ovnos , Nov'i V. ' . The Scotiish llbrral newspapers tiwla ) , eoinmentlm ; on ( Had * stone's address at Edii'ilmnjli jistcrday. KCII- erallv eomlcmn Ids spcc'ch. The Scotsman iUw It faint praise and sa.v It tK'ImvcH the people will not continue to follow Glad-tone. The ( ilas ow II mdsavs : "Gladstone conns forwatd too late. No seatli'iu ' vvonN will elVict Ihu dlies.a'illslimant. eontioveny. " The ( ihis.'ovv Mill sijs % " The sp'ci-h hwl IH tier not been s ild. ns It has eaiiM-d InteiihO dlsiippointment" The Cdinliur li Kevlew sis | "ItistiMd of eff'iilmj null. lhet pie < % h lias liuiiieisui-ablv extended the rift in the liberal ranks. " The biotlaiul Oomiiut SSXH : "illndstonc detu cxl the libM-ah with cold water. ' * LONDON. Nov. 13. Tlie Times , comment- Ini : on ( il ulstono's * * pcei a , H.I ) s tliat It nereis to be cotuK'lled | to denv ( > i.ulMiine'M nis rilon that the lords toreed the rm.'IWi ehnn-li iues- ) tlim to the tiolit. Itliad been toned by radi cal muses. Vihilc H admits an Imtca-id 1 1 lend , ) tone 01 Mtcecli tow ml the l'n lish chuieh. It s ivs"Thn linen w was u'Uanb'd nud uieasme-dand'vvaHwnin tiom tlie llbeiid leadci bv the exigviieh" of tlie iiudtic.d Bitn i- lion. Tncie is no ImuU expie--ioti in his personal conviction re-uectlm ; the unestlon ol dis ( stnbllhhmcnt and tl'e cmuri Inn no L'liarantcc aeain&c how boon thu radicals will bo In oillce.1 _ _ _ TlioVtir in Itnrmuh. Lo\no.v , Nov. W. Mandilay advices slate the limiiie-e di tallied it hteamci which was sent to Mamlalav to bilnu away ] ' .mop"ans nnd Uneaten 'obuin her If she nttempts to leave Ihe Hiitish expcdltionaiy toico undir ( ! en. I'endorpist will CIORS tlie tioutler of Ituimali on buudaj m xt. 'Ihe llotilla is now it , idj and coiupiisi s imt ) HM tcamcis , Ihelittci tM'itii ! nltid out Horn some ot tlie ges. K.ioh ot tlie Ho dim ; batteries i.iuv two iiO-pouiiil lioxvlt7oM and are at tended bv armed launches. Twelve J.Vpound Kl-ie suns aie mounted on tlu > sti amors ' 1 no loii" numbuis liJ.i'M men , 7.000 ( a.up tollow- eis , liOJ mules and two elephant batteiics. Intercrdini ; Toe Ste.nl. LOXDO.X , Nov. U. lleitiy Valley , j > , co-f verud Imtcliei , to-da ) lie ided 10J siupa- thi/eis and nm died to t ie home oulcc to pe tition foi t o icleaso of Mr. bleat lloiil jiiison. Vatlev was .done nil iilttcd to Ihe himiu oliee , and wh-n be u-air icd ti the -uect no intoim-d thu c nvxd tint be b id b-en iovsl ) insulted h , tieolc.iw. Th.s anne iiHcment. was Dieted wli.i irioans. 1 ne p i lie ( lien intcilei d and u .mpcllu I thu ctovut to muvc on. A Shocking Sltnnie. LON-DON , Nov.lA Iai0'ei lowdof factorv pills moblied Chule-s IMxv.ud I.e.\i- , con- seivalive membei ot piiliuiiu.ni , and Heated htm in a biMinend manner. Dost i net lie rii-e in Loxnox , Nov. l-.i-A sneatiite I lu I'oitlaud stieet , Mnnohestei. Many waie- iiouseseiv Dinted and : ui enuimuud amiumt ol dauia u dune. A SliocU orDiirlhijuakc. I'Aitis , Nov. U. Asbaip shuck of'caitli- quake was lelt labt oxcniugut Ceiitcivdle , 1 Vance. _ Confidence in K.iltioiry. Virvx-v , Nov. IA Tlie Aiistnan dele -i. lion ) csteiday unanimously voted comulcncc in Kalnok ) si ' ' A r.uuTAti IOSTO ; ; * _ i Hit Wife's Pctltfon lor n Divorce Tito Grecian Hcni ] Kins. UOSTON , Nov. li. [ speeul to the Br.r.J Miiiltn ) T. ,1. Loud ol this cdj Is fcoekm , ; hvd scp nation tiom Thos. J. Loud ot the hlute stieclb ink. ' 1 hey were mairled in IbSl , When she was only in. bhe tesimes as toi. lows : "On the nminini : a.tlei the wedding at Windsoi hotel , in New Voik , hethiew me on the lluoi , sain that t ou ht not mind it hu em hud w oat in s pis-Urn. Attu GUI leliiin to lioston we went to bond at thu Kcvcic hou-e. M ) hit-bind theioticated mucine IOn I\ . On one occasion he knocked mo down , sinking niu on the hre.ist. He was coiiniiuiill ) ih tri'niiiig me and one infill snul me up 'In ' the bun loom , ki pt me ( heie all ni hl , ami i slept m tin ; uath nib. A .1 w dajs atvi iiea/ain linked me in tiie D itu loom , mid t.ie s.nne 1111114 1 on tiiutul next nuht. On liieifonda ) louu\vnu I vvi ni to his oil Ice , ind told him i m scj i oiml KH buk to mm. 1 ciud ami teli on ni ) kiie-s Ills mother 1.11110 in and asked wn it \ \ aiho matlei. llu told lici , and she -aid lo nu liu.-uand , vVh ) don t von stnke he : . ' lie tiien uiibtd his hand and -IIUCK me .moss tne Itue , kniKliin0' ni ) y..al. oil. 1 tlic-n insiied Ii.nn the olllcc , al , oust insane , and winl to mv sistei , tcilm liei 1 letl IIIN husband. I took lessons on tbe vm.in fiom ( tlu Hull , and m\ liusliand culit i bioi.u or binned m ) violin * b > . ( iii-u 1 did noi n.ay 01 because 1 dec.inid top i ) on cut t no ei' ions win u liu vvismd im ( o do so. KitiUcniiv | he irav t me Wiiat uc ealidl 'tneuiecian Uiiid kiss , \\liii h was pet- toi in , dh ) tak n.iiicu ) tee ii.ns and b'"id- mi ; mo b.u kw ml ami xlnkiiu meitn IIH kmis i.e would tiil.le me on thebuk and spine , causing me git.u annovaueo , ami v. ouul piiuh ni j ! > , lie did not want me lo Ki-s m ) tatuer. 1.HIIU 11 was not puipti tot a m lined woman ; it was nn modest. lie would put mv I eel on his Uncos in tlie dining iiioin wlun 1 know ihe wauets must have 'con Him and on one on a-ioii when in ) sisieis wcic at Ihu tab e. Aiti i in ) leliiin liom Luiope hi ; did not iijieulc to m vvli MI wo m t on tiu'Mieet. Hetoiu I was m iijii-d 1 invested > .r > ) InMi Limit's mm. Imt he nevei K tinned It to me 1 l ad a we'ddinj pitsini olonie r.'oldlioin Calitoinia Mi l.nii.l too i itold it and I.i pt the pioccMllIopnmilM.il me } ' > a week jioinct moiiev , Ii it Im woiild KIVO m , > a Illll and ihen take It avva ) . lie won d ivo IL at the table thin M ) heneeded it back. lie tool ; Ihu monej out ol mv pocket Ixiol , . width mlatbei ; ; ivt < me. lie tint .lenul to pom vitiiol In mv laic , und nn one occaMuii tlue.itc'iied to - > buot me. " Jin. [ Duscnbiirv , sistei of comphinant , cor- rohoiatcs thu tesiimonv In tcmiion io Loutl s alleged hiutilltv. ami i.iid , I -iw Loud tliiow ( hampiiiiiie ; in Ids wili > 's laie. I'iiw I 1 iiud with n icvolvc'i , and took It awa ) linui him 1aw him u lib n bottle ot viniol. IK wan lio'diiii ' , ' his wil' . ) w dh one h mil .ind ti > - In ' to pull theiiiik with his teeth. Mi. Loud told , iiis wile , in .lime , Jsai. to ( to home ami Ma ) until be sent nu her. U hen the -mail- pox was bid he would not ullow hei tu bti vaecinatid. " - Ci CeleatlaisTli.niUlnar the I'roHident. Nl vv YuiiK , NeVi U. The Chinese mcr chants In this city wilt tin addicss to 1' esl- dent Cleveland , In v ) idi thcv expi ssth'ii pleiMri lo loam ihitillie jr sldintot the Vnited htati's hat IsVueilan olin id pint lama- tionio | iiotia llm ( 'hiuse ) , to n du- tin wnuiis duni ) lla'iu , piiulsh m.ilit.ulois ami iirevint a it-jicliiiiiti ol themitia e w nd Imv in aii id MI ii.tu'i ' siilteiinu' and ID ill , Th"l \pii' > s ( . , | uiur ui-utitnde and than - u lib piesideiit toi Ills I l-Jitc'inis cvui.-c , In : murage , his luvo ot ju-liee. lie Died Intliu Attempt. I.otijsv n 1,1 : , [ { v. , Nuv. li. A jear aic Liithei LvanHaiid.lphn V.uihtci ; iinairelcii , und the latter was H'lioitsly bimt and cut b ) Kvitns , who vvasecnt to ' 'H1 ' l > enltt ntlai ) toi onu jcar. Lvanshwuie lie would kill \ aiu'b ti r when be nl \\\a \ \ \ iieedom and imvlin him to dc , at I'ltrner ri fiatlon. Khe uieii tw ice at him. Ymi ltti i etetH.t | | nnlitnt am leiunic.il Ihe lire- , shuotinKv.itis thiiitijjl thu liea 1 ami lie,1 it , killnii ; him iiiniaiiU ) . Oillcers. Nun OKII.AXS , L.I. , .Sov. I. ' . Tin tlon curuni s > Uiii r4 formed n ] ermine ut or I ; int/iition wliit titi < ti Mow-in ni'iii - . l'rc < Idint , l.cn M. C.i \ i , ijk . iii-l v , e pnsl HUH. T ii. ( inliii j.i r' ' olid \ e 1 H - ! du t J R H u i Mi "iM % , , n l ' llm rill , t.it t ixivr , il tii mt iii IOWA. FIGURES WITHOUT FRACTIONS DifTuriug in Tlmt Much from Prosy Commercial - morcial MORE'ANNUALS FROM OFFICERS t'oMitt , Stall nnil tlou Mnttn H The Umiitl Atiiiiunt ol' New 3 of > ixtlounl Import. Tlio Coit of Mall Soi-rlco. WAiniMn ( > . No1'J. . Second Ao < iMnnt PostinastorGenoi.il Knotl lias stibuilll 'd to the postm inter Konci-al his annual report of the opi'mtlnns Hi Ids bmuii diiiliu tbo past tlsoil year. It appear * tli.U the co > < t of null tiaispoitfttion for the iNcal jMr iMullii ; ; on JttntttiO , Ifs'i , was for l iiil tarioutuH , ancro- Cntin ' VJiJiiilhM In linxtli , S\U t l4 ; for ntnll mcsieiiBi'i scr\iie ; , suppljiii1 ; fi , itt otll < os StSTU.JlS ; for 11U steamboat routes , agirerttlni ; ? { u , ) * miles In leitgtli , S-M > ' , ( ! ; lei l.O'il r-allroul roiik-i , n.'iri ntlti ! ; ltU ! ) miles in lunnth. asadjnsled to beptembcr HO , INJSll.7V.l' > "i ; lei lallioad unxtoilke cai ser\ico , felS'ius , miklnufn totnl ot Si. JV > - 001. AH compniedMtli the to t lot the jear omli.il June . .0 , is-i" > , thi r ; * IH .slioxMi to IHnil ineie.i-e foi star son in * for Oti imiU's \-4-tl miles In Icnutb , and i'fvt.stC ! in eo"t ! lor mill mes sentei Mi\lie , an liaiouso t 10 ntllies , mid ol 8l'iini in the niinnal < est ; lei steam bnat senico iideiras1 ot ono route , and ot . " . ( ' .ci miles In leiutlt and v.f.o71 ! In the an nnil cost ; tin riliio.td--ci\lco , an tncu'ii-iMtf 4lotitiN < , ot . ' . , s.jj miles in length , and ot 51 , ' ti'S-0 in theaiiintal cost. 'Ilieinn i' U- mali'd as necess.iiv toi t-t.u vorxio.1 tor tlio ne\t iiso.ileai is " "inr > 1 030 , ll htlj lets than thuappioprmtion lot thecuucnt jeai. JSopoit on Our U'rclinnt Xnvy. W \HjiiM.rov , No1. . ' . 'llio inontwMith ntiniml llsl of meielianl ves olsof the United fatates , as p)0iaied ] bthe LOinmtsslonct ol naxipition , slious is tollo\\s , lonip.irnt witli the listot the ptex Ions ti ° eal jini : Total nuiuhcr ot Mssels 1M . Cimo ( , 1 31'V > r { Salting \vi > . l7liT ! Iroron o . Ill btcuilisschlsM . li.in ] N\i . r > ,70."i llocreasp . 21 It Is st.xt < d th it the deeie-a-o In the iiunilH l ofttscls is moio appaient than ie.il. , Ui Is evidelici'd by the tail Unit tin UMseie main \ebse son the list ol ISMhkb had IK-CM lost 01 sold to loichin tiadeis. 'I hit thejere r tamed mi the list is due to tailnie on the part of owners 01 misf-n to i 'pint tholi loss in sale. It Is estinuted that the leil deeiease in thu nnmhci ot \ si'lsiwiiid In the ITnitul biatc& dining t lie past jv.u vas .ib'iut 'JOO. An Invest Ift.ition Ordcroil. WAHIUVKION , Nov. U Ilie M-cn-tarv of war to-day instructed liispretm < ! eneral H.nlrs to in.ilc : a thoroiuh liucstl atlon ot the jiiooCeilin ri of the iicent ( unit m.iitial at 1'oit , M > ci. This a'tlon is li.i-.i-d on the 1oi mill Cdinnlai IH | uociuil tinm ltipieeiit.i IhoHilttejiAUiitli and JIi. ( iiunult. IOIIIIM ; ! lortfniuuol tlie m"n tiiedln t iceoint. This \v.\s the iinnnlmoiis il 'cision of the commibsion. theie beinc no division ol npln Ion amoiu fie mointicis . to the w isdom I. ) thisiHilicnhli ci-not ha < .ini ; tln-i nine li-tot les icilliieil to thu apnointinn powir i ; disabled soldier , picfon nco Inliim llieniu entitled imilei tlui.iv. . . 'I lie nidi \ldnal incinbcrs ot tliocoinniNslon decline to sawlnt ro isons iiiilnenced them in leadi- i.iir thin conclusion , CMV pi th it tlioj decmid ii "wiw-st and Ii SMII this pirtniil.il i is < . * " | o make si c'l a inline. Ihuli it i-ons will he made- public in a day in two , and the.av . when the result is mmli > 'Known the public will h > - sUlsiied. I'lm decision in | | ISI.IM | > . I'M sident Kdneiton M\S , does not abollMi 01 in an.is affici the nde lei'idiuu tettin cnti's of the lom jiluhcst liiaded applii.ints on the list ot omihios when a \ aianeoe - ini-j eilhei In dep.iitinent il sciviee hoio 01 in Hie customs 01 postal .s > i\ico thioughoui the counlij. A KtJli-Ofncl.irs Annual. WASIIIMUON , N < iU. . In Ins annual re- lioit to the postm istei ircncial. hiipcilutond- cut McDonald , ol the nionev oidei buie.ui , > -\js : Tlie ioss anioiint ol fit's icrcKcd lij ] Mistmisteis tioni the public foi tin * Issue ol domestic moneoiden w is yiJVi.0. 'J'ho-e 1141111 s exhibit a decieast HI the amounts ot uidvrs ) Issued and p.sul tcis itreixod. 'llu1 sit Mil In MtiK oil , si\4 tlio snpeiiiitendint. m.u t-iitiibiitid ) in put totlumuiui.il su/ nation of hiisiiie-siltiiin the just \e.u ami , piiiiai < S , In n small UH..IMUI lethe nuie.i-.eH listol postal noks 'I ho InciCflso in tie amounl ol post il note business was ! , pi i i en ! . T ii' mipi linti ndent iclialns Mom ic m \N hi' , ' Ids ic ommendatlon made I i > tear t liiokiii- ) a ic.luition ol lees on d mieslie nioiH , oideis lii the le.t.-.uii tlut iloi'k ln Ii'vciiuos iitse tk ( least d to it de.fiee tint would make it incsp.'dh nt. Hi docs , how- CM' ) , iKoinmenil a lodiu lion ol tet'son lot i unoideis lioiu j ; pel conl , ate * to 1 jici i tut. I'l'c-iideiillii ! A \V\SIIINOJON , Nov. I-1. 'I he pieshlont to- daj made the lollouin ; iippoinlmeiits In the na\v : .lolin ,1. llnnlc-i , lieutenant mm- mindei ; .Milton K. .Schwenk. lleiitenatil ; Ullllam II. bcluilt. . , lieutenant ; Waldeimi 1) . Itose. lieutenant lunioi niilo. 'I he piesldont .ipnoinled Fiedeilek JIaiih- Held , ol 'IVs.is , to be ecn lai j m luxation at J.ilian. The piesldont today nnpolntcd Cour iiV. . ( In k p.-nsioii .ueiit at Tiipeka The piesideiu lo-ihn aiipoinlud the tollow- IIIpiesldi ! ntiil posiina-U'i It , ) llaiilKin , at Toledo , Iowa , \ lie ili > . U. L. Dillmau , le binned. N'ow XVi-stofii I > ostrnii'ii ( > ii. \V.\siir-irov ( , NoI' . ' . 'Ilie general to-daj appointed the following lomth class ( Misinmsieis : S'ehiaska-At I'lieli Mrs Minnie JJon-n ; na lillu Thomas J. llhipu , ll.lnois At N'ow llruen .Jnmt > s O'Nrlll ; Minlei , II , It. Dmhmm : L'n-li.nn. Alon/n I'lciro. Naph-s , Chailes A. hlnkcis ; Will , 1'lea ant K. Fieeland. Inw.i At Oi-ntiiil Cltj , X. J5. Sawjoi : 1C. KMids A W\HiiiN r v , Nov. l'J.-Tlie tolli-Ptor of customs at San Praneisco inloriiih the tieasu. IN depaitmimt that a niimbc ; ot Chillis labmetslio landed at N'tn Voik InJnni last In tr.itisit to ban 1'iain Kco , where the ) weieto Uiko n oUiamcr lei China , luue not been heaid liom HIIUO HR-II iuih.il in S'cw Voik and Ihu hiippoiijliin is that thes UK I'lim iMlod in this ioinii\ ; d have no inteir lion ot le.nlnu Itishaldnt thu tn'.isurh piilment tlieif.ui' mi iniillublo mcaiM whicl ; can be used to tuue them. Tlio BiKiml Sonic-n Conit > Miirtlnl , W.vsiiis'i.ro.N , ND1. -Theronrt mnrtla at 1'oit .M\cr , uhicii tnedei. ; itis n ni.'nal MU vic'iiifii on a iliHi eot in uboidniuion found all pdtly and HciiteiK'cd them to l | nitilicl > it pilinaiided b > liu iliiel SI D.I oliuvr. It iscaid thecoint w is saiiiii < > i | tin mli iisowasioimmtied In l nonuxii 01 * mill t.U ) laws' ' . < ! en Ha/en this altei noun Issued an oiuV. apjirmhi , , ' tin.M nioiiie. Alt Orilui' l\nui ( lie Coiiual-Mlon. WvsiiiMro.N * , Nol l , ' . I'lio ilvil M'nlci eommb.iUui has in d.idiu < tul Hie bonid o ! exai'ilneisal New Yoik to c\uiij to thetol lu.tor In e I.MJ ot i \ imin lilon tin , > eUliei' the v\hocnumliti ! i ( i i oi tlm * loiind ell Kible liji iipjii.iiiiiiiint. -uin > thin. IHISUIIH iil.ii n ili > iuli' < l tulUic s .uit , lu U-i' < Jnti'i"o ; INTKUS'Ah I Bomb or the Schemes Which KFOSN the Attention ot'CoiiKrcss. Niw : Youu , Nov. U ( Spixilul u > the llur. ] lliu TrlbutiH su\s % : ( "oiit'rees Is to be. a | > - piotubixl this \\intur for f-cbcmes of Intciual iiiipnuoinciit and appropilatlons far uxeeod- Ing an.\tlnn < e\ei before deuiiiiided. Colonel ( icorgc 1. . Wrljtlit of St. Louis for ninny \ear < oniiei > t 'd with the popular ino\emcnt in the MIsslHilpptnl'ev for Improvement of thoKre.it watcrwa > , Is hero. In n chat \es- Hida > with a Tilbuno icpoitci , ho said : "There will be live or six pient schemes pressed on the attention of lomrrcss , Tlio ncwc-t one Is the pioposcd lmpio\emcnt ot tiaheston Ii ubin. 'Ihev want Jetties nt an excuse of 7.0X.OOi ) ) or S\niMooo mid w Ish to take the work out of the ban Is ot the United hln.tMcn liuvisautl plaeo it xiiulcr tliecon trol ol Cipiini Fads. Iheii llieio is the Henntpln i.unl Bclieum whlib contemplates t lie const ruction ot a hll > canal tiom thu Mississippi user to Lake M.elnnan at Chicago. That cntcipiisc will leiiulre ue- iween Slo.omiiKU und t-liOWivw Imt t hey mil ) nsK toi a million as u Mnitei. Jim whole noitliwest has united to in ike a de mand that this final shall be btii.i and will oppose iinj ii\ei and haibor bill that dots not i out nil an appiopnatlon tor It. I he Mississippi thci impioxcment will lequlio j > 4LinKhioc ) ( ) < voi'KHH > oto be expended nndei the Mississippi ihii lommisslnii. 1 lie Mis- siiini iht'i loiimiisslon will want iinothci million. The OnloiHer people alwajswant a iiencioti silee.althomjli 1 appicliund that the lomplction ot the David liiind dam will mai them moie model ate in their demands. None ot these schemes can uo to eotijriess ill- leitlv on Its meilt b can e tlie eimisu ol le - isl.ufoii Is to in ike umihin itions and conces sions , m which tin1 interests ot the dllfeiimt localities have more weight tliuii : ui\tliliiK else. It is . nnttei ol some doubt w'nelhei tlie.idmimM.tion mi ) not uo luelt to the old d'Miioeiutir dodiilie wliidi was adsaiued bj I'olk , ' II > on want anjthlm ; done > oti must do it Miitrsell , ' was the homcU waIn wlilch his no iei as to intciiml ImpioveintMits was \oaei1 ! TIIIJ T ljiiMIOSU : CASU. The JJell Side i l' the ContCHt I rc- hetiteil Yestertla > . WASIIIM.ION , Nov l. . In the tclcphnnu rise bcloii tlm secietau of the intUnii this morniiuMi. . M.uow lontiiincd the piesenta. tiou of tlie ease lor the Hi II compniv. Ho ie.id u lettei wilttcnhv Hell to his puents In IS7\ ion a ninj a icpo t of leleplioiu- tests made b > h nis.'ll and I'lol. Heniv. lie t ien wiote ih it 1'iot. Ilcui > adM-od him to pie teed and ti.to . woik out tlie idintoi himself , which be did. and In one \e.u sciiitcl a intent. St.iiuvv icid the coiipltint In the iJowd ( .i-e to smw | that it was a tail lest ol the meiits ot the diucicnt iinentions and pioeioded 10 lead . letter that was wiit- len bV. . I ) . ISaldwin. ( iiaj s counsel , to Di \Vlilte triaj's puinei , noiiiyliu him tl at ( iiav seut.u ion I c.e 1 w tli Hells anpliei- tum ami that. ame appl cition h id he n liltd eulici in the di ) th in the eu , eat. the ommissiotiei of pitenlh had decided that lien 8 patuit should issue I'liaiwisioi- ii loinlil , but it lit ty wo i d loiiu- down to > V.i-ildll0'loii ue\tdi > Inteileiemcioa dstili be had the lettji to Di. White in oimid mm i hit Hell wsis wimng to tompiom se on the Harmonic tele r.i.i ) Mstcm. til i\ le- plhd > o would come \Vashnifrion. \ . Keiet- l ill I to l u' I'ltisb HJT ei"sMlow ! , slid it was liioil.'hl In i hi inch ol the \itmnat hn piovtd 'leliphme ionpiii ! > . ol Lom lain one ot theoiuina ols m this else. ' 1 lie I.el ompim theie 401 a piellmm irj Iniuiii lion. I'lie evlilenie Ii id now been eiontl , and the L.f < e wou'd ' 10 u Up foi mid htaun in tmec weeks time. Ji h id be n mr.mucii ib.it ihehtmii'il appi.il llm ci'-e at ontv lethe siipieme cm-it , and Ihocomt would heat U .it the same tnn as tlm Uo licai ease , wh'i h would piol'iil\ be i.'a Iud next spimg. Mo-t nt the e\ idem e piodueed li'ieln tiehall ot tlie l'an-iiei : tile and Memlo | e.itionsum- -it-ed olample hlieeLliom the piintid Mioidii-id b Ilie dm use in ( in-luiion lei i pie iinliiai.\ injunction , and woe loiin I b\ tbe < unit to be lusiithLient to d-Unt the mi lion : the e me thi. i aje was In t ici but an appeal liom the dcci-ion ot t latumit. NOT A JUKI : ov .IOUITT. His Tilp NeoesHlunt'il by l cara ol' liiipeiiiliiiK Troiililc. \ VsniM.ioSov. . U' . Ibpetiil lo the Ui.i ] . I'lieoideia weic rcoentlj ibsued bj the n.nj depattmetit sending Admiral .lou- c-tt and the Noiih Atlantic Mpi.idion to As pinwall , have been m\rdtd as a sort ol a joke upon the jolh old -eado and his otll ceis , who haxe been netl n le.uh tin a Clnistmas piciile In Honda and hid hm- iiiwed tents ol the aimto ii e In taiipln out in the 01,1111:0 mo\cs. Hut theie is no joke about it seeutniiVhime \ Hilly nn- | iio\cd the pi ills whu h thu entcijirl < m , ? .u mh.il in idcund K > JICIS : us mmli , iuu one that tl'cv < .in not b.M'.u lied out. but thenIs a piospeit ol a icncunl ol tlu old noiiblc upon the isthmus , and llm piesence jit a siiom ; imal fiuee at both \ < pln wall and l'am > ma is cmisldi icil ot immcdiato lniioiiance. ) In nidi l to pi\ the expen-es ol the 11 tent Mai und icplenish the public liensnu ot Columbia , Piesnlent Nnnc/ his l-siied a ihnee Imposing upon all meiihan diptImjioiti d at Aspinw.il ! and I'annni tlie -ami- duties Unit me t hailed at othei polls , and .hex au-sin cxoihiiant almost piohibl lot } the whole population is inmli a state of exi iiPim'iit mil mdu'ii Uion that It Is U iitd imoiliei levolutlon will lueak out on Dec I when the new de < lie goes into ellei t nnd the custom otllceis atteiupl to collect the dalles. Tilt : ACTOH LAID AT UKST. ; Mc'iilloiiirH ; 1'iiiieral at t'liila- ilelpliia Yestcnlay. I'ini.AiHM.i'iii v , NoIi. . A ( 'itard of bonoi , ( oiiipoMd of memhci < of the I'hlladel- phla seitlon ot the beneoent ! onl.'i of Klks. wnti lied o\ei the leinain- John Mi ( 'ill huifjh duiiiu the ninlit. ami this moinimr at s o'clock ihv * doois ol st ( ii nine's hall woe Ihiown open und the public admitted lou u Ilie it'iii lins. ' -he nieat a. lei lax on i-mall -taii , almo-t hnld.'ii us liond iiiieiinwliiih ; wete Hanked with lellisand palm- I lie ml' nn it-slid mi a lalaliilque bnnieiiMrih In tiotit olihe stage tiie.u ciowdeollci ltd about ilie hill anxious tolew ihe leinains. and it is isiniiitnl - ( mij pmple lookid upon tlie le.ituie- Hie , leid aeioi and lillh Ill.OcK ) tailed lo iim , idiu : ion. ltiDi. . llnnlei Mclnlo-h eondiuud the luueial sennes , allei whiih the liodv was Khen in eiai'e | ) of the Klks , wlm , with theli bii linen fioin New ork. Chicago , M. Louis ami otliei ehici , es- ( oitidtheni to Monument ccimten. wlieie , altei the linpirss\i | < lites ot the order , they \vfieioiislgnul to the \.mlt. Dcl'ciitllnj ; nn Honored Memory. IUi.ilMui.1. , Nin. lS.-llov. Di. John I' . New mm. In n lu tnrc beie to nUbi on the 'Lite and heivlies of iiemial tiianl , " di'- femlid ( lie geneial liom ilie ehaiKO ol lieini ; u blocMieail al lollciie. ( iianl stood iininlM iwenu-oiie inhisiiass. but his avenue was lediutd b } denii litsl\eii ) lncaiise ol can-- lene.si in Ihe polish ol his shoes ami hiiinlslmi' ' . , ' ot his buttons. In lompailm ; ( mint io Mitlellan , lii\ , I inuei s t d ( hat II be bad a riu loiai.tuie lie would -ell t't ii diaiit. but ii he had one to do- tend a Met lellall would be ihiisen llenrv Uiud lleiehei was mum liltolh noiid li i nuking the asatitloii that alter ( iinera ! < iiint leinin Horn imoMi : | he had ubn donodhimac-ir to Whd npn illation. I5efejiiiin in ( . ' ( iii'iHl Nl w Yuiiiv. Nov. U. V reception wai giMii ln < t night bj the Xiulcrclnbto Major dpi ) Niv ton in hoiior nt thebiRcuss of Urn lltll Cn'ocxphuui'ii. ticncral llnnuuk und manothet t l'JL ' > Cllt , A t'oloretl bilfT nnndlci- Lot | su | , i . .Sin. li 15t tiilvKill. , tor- ontroi ciulrt'iin ioiintJv > d > < i ti iii hi. He Win llu nil ! } i u HUM .II.IU M ' ' i in HURLED DOWN A STEEP HILL frightful Wreck of a P. mengor Tratn on tbo Baltimore & Ohio Bead , MEETING A MISPLACED SWITCH. of Pnioiuor Injurril , lut ) None Pntnlly CltniRo uf Bin- llcloun Tnniperlnj ; WltU llio Svvlioh. "Wreck tin tlio It.&O. PITTMII nu , Nov. tA terililo wreck oo > cmud at llm blue stonu quiiryon the Hnltl- imiiu A Ohio road at 7 o'clock tula mojnlng. Train No IB llmthtomrh exprct from Hal- tlmoreto 1'lttalmiKt consisting of a sleeper , two co.iches , two linKgHge ami ono express tar , ran Into n misplaced switch nnd was tompletelv wiecked. I ho hlecer | rolled uvei lilt-embankment into tmtchco/ihcuy / ilxei. The olhci eats wciu upset nnd tlm whole tialn was detached irom tlm miglnc. { sixteen poisons weie Injured but nonoKittetl imiiltilit. 'llioso Inltned ale : lion C. L. Uojic , nifinuu of ct ) Tilello dislili't. . Hon. John Don 11 n- , collector of Internal levenuo liom the Twcut-tidal district. .1. N. Mexliitone , lSi | . , legal agent of the li.iltltimiu x. OIilo i mm anv. lion. I' . II 1 ! ilcr , collecairoC Inteinnl rev enue lei thuTwcnt ) second dlslih'U 1 he olhe'iH weie lusidents ol Washington and New Yorl < and llu-li injuilc-s oontlsted ) tbiell ) ol biuiscsam ! slight cult * . None of the xvmmdid iirel1 loxitl who wrlously or daiirfe-iousij Injmcd except Congressman novle , wlmse loiiditlon Is not known , btU It is believed to hu set urns Mc.IlltoneH ! nnklu * was badl > spialmd and Colle.etora Uowling' and Hl 'lci slii-htl ) biui-cd. 'I he e\pte.-s tialn vvasidmutliftern inluntc late whin It le.ulud the place vvlmiu t. o vvieik ociiined , At li.iie-siunu iti.iriy | the ti ick made u-harpi ii'vo around tlm river , riieio is a switch at the commuucement oC ihecinve. Whethei IhlHswItih warite.topon tiy someone is not vet I allied. The olliciala m tl'i loid sav it : IH tiimpeixd vvttbi c\i > dentl ) to cause tlie w leek. Had tholtcli DI en opt n the train womd luivo i ono Into U all iliJil and could have lxn Hiojiped befora daniaizc \\.i-done. As U was , Uiutiaiti could 'o tin luithei 11 uck , und ( ho rcuult WHO Hut the engine daliulnluil ) ; the tie- , tcailiiL ' , up the / tract : ( niul iiuisliu thoumehcs tobieuk loo-it ) utid dash uvei ( lie embankment 'I'lie hlccpir rodod nvei and ovei and MoppC'l ' vvitlill * * t-Mo IviiiK In tin- bed ol the ilvn tlnnv leel'bt.llu\v. Tb two pisM-n < ; coaches s.iiipcd.it | tbo wntet'9 ed e. I he II.IKIMKC car went Into the water , dual exiiteinent ensued and Ihociie s of tbe Inltned and maimed weie lie ml fromevciy the windows uml diomicil wltit i-ncii uthor' toe-tape Horn the lolling cvn . TlipsQwhOi o-iiipid wiihout injiitv weie too ' " ' for .1 lliiu'lo icnilti un.is istaiici' , bin the ics- fin.1 snon hi' in. Mcilkal aisNiancu waihinU- iiiuncil limn Coiiiu' Nvilli1 lnU Mlioii ( him , \ iii- ) ) > ol iili > < . .lvi.iu.is4cnuti | iiiiHiH < clnl n. tin Atioi the NMiuiidsoi' the injurtnf ViCio iliL'sMil ihteitiwiii to the lioicl at Con- llfllsVlll- . INiiiiu IHI , \ oI' . ln .ulilltlnn to the > i\Ul'll I f.OK' 10 lOrll'll lluIllllOVX 111 ( 1 QiUlia uui'--ll nth InjiiKil In thu v.reck jicarCon- 111 iKxiili1 thli nio.nuiK > > .1. A. Kclfy Udtiinoic. Oi In Van Motoi , Pill bir ; ? . ( it'i r I 'ii" . hi,1 J.i ( I , " , 'i. o u not i , CnnncllflvlDo , Ta. n.ol th.3 . Oonir e-kin in 15 j'c Iscry svrioimlv I urt , but "ill jiioDihli i loxei. He uni tnl c.i to I ( i n .11 I uioiitin\ii - iii ; | ' ninl i eld on until tin1 cm stopped ul tin1 footot * , thuciu- hnnUinrnt. v , lien lie lot KO to ti bmneil oil both hnnds r.tul amis. . 1SUSJJAN1IH\'S The Nallonul Crmi c in Scasloo attlio Hub of ( In * Uni\crMc. HO TO.No \ . 1 i. - ' 1 o d.iV , N.'sShij > of 1h * national j.'i.me ; of the l'.itionf IJirsb.iiulry opened \\ith .in ntteinlaiice 1 lively IiK're.i < 3 > dl ini'i th it ul je--i < idiA laigp' iletctrnlloa ol nieniheis luiu lVnis\hiiihi | ; mrfsi'd liiit UMMiin ; , : ind , il , ilie Ne Liililll ( hUtiH are1 uull i < jiH'Mllted : iini n Ilie vlhlHllg < lilii. ( [ tons ' 1 he mm nil ) . : lesshni WUH. ( Icvptoa luineiiTill' , to a loiinniiatiiiii of rupoils tnnixf. nia ei otint ) > LI { ! 'lliosi' from Ncyvkf llmnpshiic New . .k'iIVnn ylv.tiila , Nuvr \ oik and Missiiuil uue | > , itln llliiriv wironr- .iLiii ; . A in uilici ol le-o iiiiiuis , tijiiililng upon e\eiy tiaiineol the onlei.fro tiitio/- dined mil iL'iiiii'dltliinil debate to Uuv i onimilic ' IDI n oliition- . At the nl ten eon M'--O | i Master Jiiinrh li MUM ol M i-xiii hu-elit Mate { tiniiKO , iiui.y- iii d mi nddiis ul uenonin to thulalilin ; pntionto \\liieh Hon. I' . D.iiitun. of Allt > sls- i lipi | , U spoiulid mi behalf ol ; , tlm i ft innal ritutre. ( ioKooinMin \M Icnjliext Ihv vli.ltr Olson hehnll ot the iohiiiinn\veh.ti. | Cn..lns Lii--ioiiili. | ot bmith ( aioiinn. t UHI oi.dliif. .Maun O linen c\n jidul Ilienf n welcome , and lion ( > . H. HiL'Iiani , ol Ohio , , iii.ixjnded , .iiiei which sK.iiu | < < * ui'ii iiiiulc l y < ! ov. liobleol .Maine , hi as ( t. huso of Michigan and Hon. John 1' . lusw ( > ll. At tin1 oseiilMg scnsnni v.itjona stanillhfr coiinnlilei s ueie uppolnti d anil llio Kin'alii- in r half ol the e > enuu WHS occupied in IUf tuning to icjioi in Dom vailoin rtlatugrnii'gon. * OX J'APKH YIT. A Proposed \ < MV Atl.uKlc Cnbto Coiil- " JHIIIJ Oi-Kitni/eit. AIII\VV , N. V , . Noy4 12.-Ccrllncato Ja roinoi.iilon of Mm Ceniian Aiiji'dc.in Tolo * Kiaphie Cubic' ( onip.inx was illell at the titnttt. iilpllol lo-d ij . 'Ilie inn ijoialoix und trtltfs. lee named.vho iiic ies d < Miis nt Hor-ion aiul Sow \ oil , . , ne , i i follow Ik'iiiy Wiiteiiiian. It I'hdbiook lienj. IHiulDiiry , Oeu. l > liichand ll'iniiiie\ ' | ! IS'Mimiin. . The I'lije ' I ot the i-iiini nn > Is to conxtimt nnlj ( i > l einle.i te I''iajih i.ib'e ( loin i-omu milahli ) > point .it ul ni.ii HoMoii losomt1 | | Int ilt' lx- > niitiilh > the iniM'ioi : | ol < iiiiin ! | ! > on ? the1 iiiisini tliut ronntiv : II'MI a cube bwwron" deiinili ) ami ( iuat liiitulii. The apiul st. . ck N &r.,0 ( ( ) .tOJ , which the rniii | > in\ II.IM- llu > | irKIlepo tolndi.iM lo.iin siujTsiinident lo coi atnic't and ni i m to i , ih es. , he jiilne'pil hn i\-a \ nllliols KIK ) > liKMinl In Ni'u.ilr. . OH COB . .IKto heopeiud us MIOII .m ? a 1)011,000 ) Is n - MIIIMI IIOIH thn i-alc nt 51 PIT cent coujion boinli i hiiul b > the company. A 2\t < uiHtpr Hulmnic on Foot , HUM i i.f1'iiiM. . L. I. . N'ov. I'.1. I'lioprd" ject tor tin ) e-t ihlishnient o < i Him ol 1,14 in itiiihttuniois between Ton Pndhav. I I. ami a point on ( how st < oiimOi I ul ) . heiiiK aetiM-h pn-hed In I'resldei , , o(1n ) and tin' > dlifctois ol the I.OIIR lilunit inll- iii ul Plans nitholiiL' ineimreil lorn num- hl'l ill Me.liniHof " ( UO loll * toff * t l/iOOIXIO ' , ' ' ' , A I'i'tliliiii IMS aliouly bii-u nicpiiro-a whiih Is Intended to be jin jientcil u * ronurcfxi iliiim.'lhciouilni ; e xion. asUuiK lei anib- idloi i .11 \iiiu' 1 m ills It Is r iiosiid o hue the llneMilnl ) an Amoln n one ' euiicspiMt and llmesM.'ln to DO tuir tnct- ed in Aiiii'i.i.ui j.ud-i. A I.alHir Millli'iilljHeltUMl. . CAI vi SKIN , To. Nin. lv'Tim leiinrtot the joint i ommitti < icpien-niilii ! thu Knltrl ti ol l.ahoi and biisiui's- . men 01 'ie ' eltj In U o Kcltlcinevt nf the MilKo UMCIII lii.inKnititiHl here U.piid hj ( with > -ie | | mid Iheiolsno linn.idiaii'ddji ) | ot linlticr l.tboi IrouhKalu this eitj. Hvohln ; ; IVowh J'olliluiil Si. J'AI i , .Minn. . Nov. J'J , 'A HJIQ- fl.d to ilie I'lonier I'U'NS m > H < ! en , ol Vlri'liiK Is to loeatu iHijinanciilly In Tolcsinpli Nolrx. 'I hi'o n1h annual niiliiliinal coiit'uiviUH ) 08 tic ] ' .iit | -is t , f | > Kl. * | , , | , nliw Y < > rk , I ! 1 1. v tune \ > esiirn tin fnietii'rlcnlay nl * ! I 1 1 > KI niii/ut \ > hnt wl" < : Kilu\\ii A t1. . U Mi ]