ri * T. 8 OMAHA DAILY BEE , THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12 , 1835. A llotallo Gntuerinjj na Been by on Observ ant Eye at tlio Paxton. THE SONG BIHD OF THE SIERRAS A llcprclicnslble Arrest A Sinter's Court nml 1'ollco Nowa . Gciiernl Local. A Motley Crowd at tlio T nxton. The rotunda of tlio 1'tixLon hotel hist evening presented very animated scene. There was not only : i hit-Re gathering of men , but among the crowd were many distinguished in journalism , polities , statesmanship , literature , art , llnanou , commence , ami MI 6n. Men of all shapes JVnd'eln'-s were there , among them being flcvcral who arc noted for traveling on their shape. There were men dressed in thdlnVost fashion , ami some the shabby K9iilwJ ( who were 11 year or more behind the filylos. This latter class was largely composed of oniee-settkers , who wore n sort , of hopo-doferred-maketh-tlio-heart- MoMoolo Here and there the inevitable dude , faultlessly arrayed , was observed , Ba'fAHvieh'cd in uniimg men of sense , and innKing hiin"clf botlt numerous and eon- npi'cttoiis. The talkative man \vas there , aiidjmjulu himself heard in every group. Opposite to him was the observing man , with' his' oycs and. ears open , and his mouth shut. To a representative of thollnn Uio'to-ott'i'ogonoou.s. ' assemblage present- cd an inloiv.sting spectacle , as itnodntibt dM.to others who wore mere lookers-on. "soanning the motley scene that varied round , " I'ru'm a political point of observation it was u decidedly mixed crowd. There wMrei groups of republicans , anti-monop- oljsts , aiid two kinds of democrats tlio Miller-Hoyd element and the Morton- BrdWn faction. The great and dignified editor , Dr. Miller , who has achieved a national reputation as the e.vcaiididnto for tbu poslntaslcr-gcncralbliip and the staunch advocate of the catalpa. tree , was narrymg on an animated and earn est ffpiiyersation with United States Sen- at6r Van Wyck , while ( Jencral Jlolman , Charles II Brown and tlio iiroprcssiblo horny-listed neil of toil , Church Howe , made Hip a notable trio near the cigar- stand. Captain Stieke ) , thcdistinguiblicd nhti-moiiopolist , was seen talking in a friendly way with several monopoly ad vocates , apparently without any fear of " boliiLp led astray. Surveyor-General Gardner , with his lieutenant , Kx-Statu Senator liirkhaii&or , shook hands with quite a number of eminent democratic ollicc-feekcra who envied theirgood luck , and wondered how they "got there" without the endorsement of Dr. Miller. The genial Dor.soy , congressman elect fi'om the tliiul district , made himself pleasant and agreeable to everyone. Ifotl. ( Jr.V. . Post , the collector of internal revenue , circulated among the throng jtist thoHame as if ho baa a four-year mortgage on his ollieo. The same was true of Lnmbcrtson , the dis- tinVurshi'd United States dis- trintQattornoy , and Bierbower , the hamlfomc United Mates marshal. Col. Frnnk Iieland lookeil as if he would like to step into Bicrbower's brogans. Mr. Tower WIH observed talking coulideii- tidily to leauing anti-JMillerites from - . various sections of the state. The Hon. Til'iV-Newcomer , from Blue Hill , who is dnn'-of - the old-timers bf Nebraska , was NO.UuM circulating around the hotel in comjtapy with other members of the legislature. The military wa well ilcpresehted by Gen. Dandy , Col. Terrell , nnd'o'thor well-known ollicors. Hou.T. C. IJr'unncr was another notable whose .states manlike appearance attracted a great deal of attention from the .strangers. The cattle-king . A. ) 'a\ton , was quietly talking to a party of business men about Eomo big deal. The Knights of Labor were represented by a delegation who came to bee Senator Van \Vyck about dnliyfsring an address for tlie benelit ot the order. In addition to our state people tljijii'o were numerous strangers , comniL-r- ojal travelers , and other guests , all mak- iilg.ii ] ) a cosmopolitan throng , it was siuiply : t chance gathering , and certainly a. mOat. notable one. . Kiimin. Novmln. ( i M The transfer from yesterday morning's Hock Island train broughtover the bridge a handsome Worcester drawing-room coach and sidetracked it at the cast end of the depot. The varnished hides of the oar were labeled witli the magic title "Nevada , " and upon the fencing of the platform was raised a floral horscshoo wrought in with the pansy legend , "Emma Nevada. " The coach contained passengers no less distinguished than Kmma Nevada , her husband , Dr. Palmer , her manager. M. Chizzola , and hit * wife , and Dr. Wixom , Mine. Nevada's father , and as well , let it not bo forgotten , live ser vants. Thts Biu : reporter , ewer promptly on hand , followed his card Into the wheeled palace and met for thi ) hc'cond time in his lucky career the gijeat Amoiicjin songstress , the night- Jngale-of the bierra.s , the I'ncilio coast sky-lark or whatever is cured to select from the lady's many glorifying titles. The siinin little hands , as hist spring , grasped the reporter's rough digits ami tlio same sweet voice cooed a .similar "llow/d'vo" as was still ringing in his cars hinco Maplcsou'b visit MIIUO nine or ten moiitlis agone. But not the same dinonuriged angel of every susceptible etiy , for by her shin stands Dr. Palmer , ili jl'lie.r'maiiuger. but now performing thh | formalities of introduction with the guardian right of spouse. < 'Oh. yc's ' , maip'sclle pardon , nmd- nine , " lllurtcd the reporter uttering his Jirst thought , "wo all heard of the grand coronionio. The papers were actually JlllcHwitli it and never , surely , was there n nuptial event of such worl renown within , * ' tins century. " The reporter miglif have rattled oil' his memori/.ed " " " but the Bpue/6h"lill / "kingdom come , swo > t child of the mining camp inter- /delighted , to bo sure. It was n memori bTu event in my life at least. ] hit , a l -r all tint pleasure ) and splendor the 'Old ' World ' 'no land of , turner sun- whine is no dear to me as America , and 1 htuJ as many reprcs ntativo Americans at itry foreign wedding as would yield to in vitation , " Thoiparty was preparing for a stroll up town when the reporter arrived , and , as in the hasU ) of his errand he couhl not indulge in the gentle faces of the ladies und gentlemen , Mr. Chb.zola and hodpcd up town. The manager assumed the du ties of furnishing all practical Informa tion. The company is on a jump from Cleveland to S.an rrancisco. A tour of Mdnm , Nevada's state will bo made , and thcnc.0. a jump back to Chicago , after whielL'through Minneapolis ! and St. Paul , the company reaches hero , nnd on Ohrldtnuu eve will give a grand concert. Madamo'Nuvada and her troupe , litteim JiHiumlx'r. are doing no opera this sea- eon but aljord nnblio delight in song oon- V'd't , . hlono. ' 1 ho selections are ojieratlc , cluasiciil. grand and studied , with a pleasantly diverting intermingling of iiomoiku ) melodies. The reporter cravoy panlon tliat ho forgot to axk tlm dlvii whether the * sang "Homo , Sv.ot Homo , ' * "Jsuwiiueo Hiver , " "l.abt K.-N nf " "PcoklMK " of Ihoso mcr , - - ) , or any Old-tlino sontimentAJ favorites wlNi which prima-ilomi.innswer tin * third recall It is all the same , however , us the "Mmo" is hotter Capable of entprtalniiig an audi- niro with her dlviiiply-onimwrd lnn'R { and lips than any olher"glrl on both con tinents , It makes no diflerencu wluitbhe choo.'cs to ing. M Chi//ola , by tlio by , ii an Itnllnn goiitliMnan , and the only one of his na tionality wl i has miido sncci'ss and for tune in the theatrical management abroad. lie has managed lliston , Sal- vinl , a long list of notable * , bringing them to this country and touring them all over Kurope and elsewhere. He would have brought Nevada hero last year but was euitsigcd with Histnri and therefore fient "his brother-in-law , Dr. I'almor. And that's the way Novadagot a good husband and the clever English plnfl'eian gained a splnnd d wife , Chiw.ola is also mamiging Salvlnl this year and will briii { ; the great Italian tragedian to Omaha in tlio early spring. " \Ve h'avc at 7 o'clock this evening , " said Mr. Chix/ola , as he parted with the reporter. "It only cost mo s200 ! ? for tickets tor my people to San t'raneUeo raid return. Good day. " Arrested nml llotcaRcil , Mr Joseph Meinrath , the well known Fourteenth street merchandise broker , wasarrested yesterday and taken up to po lice court , under very peculiar cireuin- htances. Itsceui3 that for some time past fiomo person or persons have been dumping ashes in the nlloy between Douglas and Farnam and Thirteenth .ind Fourteenth streets. The police have been on tlio lookout for the offenders for Eonie time , but have beeii unsuccessful in making the detection. This morning Oflieer Martin Shields saw Mr. Meinratn go out and dump some refuse , as lie thought , in the alley , and at once placed him under arrest and pie < .ccdcd to hustle him oil'to jail. Mr. Meinrath protested vigorously at being treated in this bum- nuiry manner , and wauled to give an explanation. litiL no , the ollicer would listen to no btatemeiit. "You've got logo with mo and you needn't make any fuss about it , " he replied. He jerked Mr. Meinrath by the arm and almost ran him through the s'tivets. When ho was taken into Judge Steiiberg's room , that ollicial after hearing tlio circumstances of tlio case , at once decided to release him. Mr. Mcinralh was Very indignant at the way he had been treated and talks of suing the responsible parties. On this point , however , he is notyet decided. Hesays thatlie was not placing any ashes or other garbnge in the alley when the policeman arrested him , but simply Mowmgaway some old and useless sample eases in a box in the alley especially provided for the pur pose. After Judge Stenborg had released Meinrath , Marshal Cummings , who was standing on the sidewalk bccamn wrathy about the matter , "You had no business to release that man in that stvle , " ho Miid to the judge. "Just because ho wears good clothes and looks like a gentleman \oureleaseliim. If 1 w ro to bring a poor man tip here for the same oUeiice , 5'ou would line him ? 10 and costs. " "Don't you talk to me in that style , " re plii'd the judge. "I wont have it.1' ' That's all right , " lutmU-it thu m i- shal , walking away , "as long as I am on this sidewalk ami out of your court room I am my own master and shall talk as 1 pleafce. " UKACHING TOAVX. The Paul He Telcjjrapli Company's AVIres in This City. The wires of the Pacific Telegraph company arrived in the city yesterday morning , entering by the .south over the Bellevuc road , and ascending Thirteenth street Line men have been busy at the lower end of the street , and poles for prompt ( -reetion "have been laid along the thoroughfare. An ol.'ice lias been selected on Thirteenth street , near Far nam , and the company will be ready to do business in a few days. A reporter asked an official of the Western Union what the company thought of the now competition hero. "It will not effect llio Western Union , " said he , "to any appreciable degree. The enterprise will not make money ; no competitive concern lias yet made expenses. All they can succeed in do ing is to liarrass us witli occasional cut rates and various opposition schemes. " Ill coming hero from Kiui.-as City , the Paeilie wires have kept away from the railways and Western Union telegraph lines , tollowing altogether the wagon roads. In the transmission to the east , all messages will lir tgo to Kansas City , thence to St. Louis , Mo. , ami from there over the United lines to all points reached in the system. U is a tribute to the advancing im portance of Omaha that the Pucilio com pany has moved to share the business of the city. lie Had to Go to .Tail , There was rather an affecting sccno in the police court room yesterday when William Nugent , a brother of the locally renowned Jack , was arraigned before Judge Stenborg for being drunk and ills- orderly. The boy is but 1 ! ! or M years of age , but measuring by thcwjekndness crammed away in his little brain he must bo something over ( X. Ho was lined by the judge $5 and costs , and was told to go to his seat. "Judge , " said a young girl \ \ ho was sitting on a bench near the railing , "I , am a sister of this boy an > l 1 want to , iy a word for him. This is the first time ho has been before jou and ] wish you would spare him this ouco. His mother is at home dying. " "Ho is a bad boy ami running around nil hours of the night , in bad company. " returned the judge , " and I think it would do him good to send him up to the county jail. " "Yes. 1 know ho is out all night , " quoth Mary Nugent warmly. "Bui , do you know why ho is ? Well , I'll lull you. It's because your policemen make him do it , Two of them that I know of , llor- rigan and Kennedv , send him around to diilerent places to .spy out people , go that they can bo arrested. Several times , my mother has received warning in letters that Willie was being iihcd as a spy by tno police , and that it'wo did not keep him home ho would bo .sent to uom < i day witli a bullet in his heart. That's the reason he I'H out nil night. " The judge declined to answer thin clincher and the sister of tlm prisoner left the court room with tears in her eyes , remarking , "Of conrso I don't ex pect to get justice in this place. " She told her bi other , : m slio left , that ho would have to go to ju ! | , an ghq luul scraped up every cent .she could find ill the lioiiso , $ : i.ll ) , and that was not nearly enouuli tl' IKIV his line. Shu is said to be a hard-working , respectable girl who uses every ineaus in her iiower to heeji her brothers out of trouble. The judge , however , refused to remit the line , thinking that it \\I\H boat that Nugent should go to jail. Tlio Sincere Horror. Mrs. Sincere was buried yesterday afternoon at Pleasant Hill cemotefyi Rabbi IK-n.son oW/cuttlng both at the residence and ut4 the grave. Dr. Hoflii ft wns nfked jcstcrday for a tnt out o { ti,0 , jfttai Qaust attend- i K < " Vnt > lvo sUh burns. Ho sU cd that ' " rfc. Jiienta where the llobh was merely icoi . I ' " 1 results ramn auout Imme diately through congestion of the liow.-h or lungs caused by the extreme proslra- tinn. In the case of Mrs. Sincere , death resulted directly from the burning. She inhaled tlie tlnmcs and emokc , impairing the lung tl iii' nml the shock of thn in jury throw her into a st.iU ) of collapsa from which she never rallied. Mrs. Sincere VIM an heroic womnn and ptnisrgled bnrd ngaln t IHT terrible fnti- . She would not at liret allow that she was bmlly hurtmnl when the reporter reached the scene at the tlrst alarm of lire , before a physician had arrived , slio wan stand ing at a wash basin bathing her blistered face nnd hands. Her e.othing was .acorcln-d and her hair burned shockingly , while the skin hanging from her face and arms exposed the bare and blistered llrsh. Miss Lottn , tlio daughter who shared the calamity , was not EO badly burned and is fast mending. PACKING POUK. Tlio Opening of tlio Season Intorcst- IIIR I'\tcta nml Figures. A reporter for the Bnn who visited Boyd'a packing hou ° u , on the river front , yesterday found the machinery In full blast , the hog pacidng season having commenced on Monday. The squealing porkers wore being hauled into the es tablishment at a lively rate , and the cries of the aforesaid porcine victims were drowned by the uoiso of preparations which were being made to convert them into the merchantable products of trade. J. F. Sheely & Co. have already com menced , as have Hammond & Co. , at the stock yards. By far the largest part of the packing is done in the Boyd establishment. He is now packing about 1,000 per day , while Shoely is packing about 200 and Hammond mend J.00. ' There has been very little summer packing going on this year. The winter season , however , opens up briskly and will continue until April. Last season there were packed i i in Omaha about 141,000 hogs , of which number Mr. Boyd handled about K'0,000. The coming wason promises to bo a lively one , and probably moro will be done tlmn hist. "How does Omaha rank in the INfc of pork packing cities ? " asked ti reporter of Mr. Boyd yesterday. "Last Benson's figures make it ninth in the list. Certainly 1 can give you tlio figures for the winter packing seasons of 1SS1-5. Here they are : Chicago , ! 34i8- , ( 01)0 ) ; Kansas City , (100,000 ( ; St. Loui , 142,000 , ; Cincinnati , ild-j.OOOj . Milwaukee , y0,000 ; ! ; Indianapolis , 81C..OOO . ; Cediir Uapids , 411,000 ; Louisville , 10I.OJJ ; Omaha , 111,000 ; St. Joseph , 110,000. " "Is there much pork-packing done in Nebraska outside of Omaha ? " "Very little. Most of tliati0 done in Nebraska City. " "Where do most of the hogs packed in Omaha come from ? " "From Nobr.ifikrt and western Iowa. Yes there has been a good deal of hog cholera in Nebraska this year , but it ap pears to bo abating. It is my opinion that if ( hero had been no hog cholera , in our state this year , the farmers would have made a big pile of money with their porkers ami their corn. " Settling a Family Fijiht. There was a little family gathering in Judge Stcnberg's court yesterday after noon , composed of Albert Bcda , his \ \ ife and three children. Beda is a Bohemian living on Seventeenth street , and had been arrested on complaint of his wife for abusing her. Neither .ho nor his wife could speak English distinctly , nnd the children came to court to explain the case to his honor. The lady that Bcda is living with now is his second wife , and her marriage to Beda was the third time that she had venture.d on the tea of matrimony. Each of them had three children by their former marriages , and since they have been living together they have not agreed very wel | . Olio of the children present , with tears rolling down her cheeks , told how her mother had put too much salt in the cab- bige ; , and when the children wanted to eat bread , she took it away from them and made them eat the salty cabbngo un til it was all gone. "Ami 1 wanted Foino brond awful bad , " sobbed the girl , "and I told my father and he told my mother to give me some , and she paid she would poison him. " By this time the whole family wan in tears , and botli husband and wife seemed to have relented. "Does your father over abuse your mother ? " suskod the judge. i'No he don't , but she is all the time blowing him , " said the. child. At this the whole family began an ani mated conversation in their native tousjuo which continued for a few min utes , when tlio little girl said tlie mother would withdraw the complaint. "Tell them to kiss and make up , " said the judge. Tlie child obeyed , and Afre. Bcda im mediately advanced to Judge Stenberg , and before his honor couhl recover from his astonishment had imprinted a kiss on his hand. The family then wlthdn w , but as tin ; old mah passed out the door he was KOOU to quietly conceal his money ( ifUOj where his wife would not find it. Hi ; Took a Call. Something ought to bo done to sup press the rapacious cab drivers that be set unwary voyagers alighting in the city. The late = t ontrngo occurred last niglu , and caps a long series of atroci ties. A young genlle.inan from the coun try , accompanied by a little woman , evi dently from tlio same regions , and un questionably his bride of a day , eamu in on the evening train. They wore Auburn folks , and had jaunted up to the city on a genteel bridal tour. The young man was a strapping ! ) ! < ; follow , and was wrestling with a bundle of lug gage while he. held his wife's arm. Tlio oil cloth grip'in Ins left baud was his own item ot baggage , and n , ho steered forth down tlie platform the "cabbies" dashed al him. "Hack ! cab ! coime1 'bus ! " they howled In chorus as a linlt-do/.cii of the number leaped at him and twice as many muscnhir hands grasped and tug ged at his valibit. The poor fellow was disconcerted and on the rnggedcst possi- bio edge for n moment , when a moro vigo rous yank burst the fastenings of his satchel nnd tumbled the contents to the platform. Among the ofleots , fallins ; at the very feet of hit , bride , was a bottle of golden liquid whieh as the glass crashed and broke upon the planks , lloated to the brco/o a mellow sour-madi savor. With a short cry of alarm the young follow swiftly Btull'ed his goods baok into the bag and . ei/ing hid half-paralyzed bride ' her inty the nearest cab. Aq lie followed her in with a leap ho howled to the cabman , "drive anywhere , but drive lik oh I , " and the driver whipped away followed by the yells of the other demon juhus. A Sharper Caught. A telegram received in this city yesterday brings information thatI. M. Stewart , tllO enterprising amateur "Smith" of Scribiier , hns been caught In Keokuk , Iowa , by a Council BUill's detective , and will nt once bo brought back to this city. Ho Uas been traced for some days , the limit having commenced while his trail was btill warm. Ho was at length ap prehended at a hotel In Keokuk. Stewartplaved a very linogamo In try ing to sueak his stock out of Scribnor. llo eont cur loads of rags to dincreiit points in the cast , which contained valu able merchandise. From each of these points the goods were rcohljipcd to Ger- nrd , lllinoK whero-thry have ucen prized by the detectives , Stewart's liabilities arc about .f-V'W , but It is believed Mint the value of the stock found in Oiranl , and that ri'iimitniiirln Scnbncr will moro than cover his indebteducs. UN1TKD STATUS COUUT. Tlio Civil Ioukut < Work ofthoGrnml Jnrty. Jndgo Dundy nnd the pollt jury wrro occupied yesterday morning with two civil cnses. The nuit for d.amngos brought by Mor ris Kelley against the Union Pacific was settled on private terms. Kelley was in jured in the company's lumberyard hereby by falling lumber some months ago and demanded satisfaction from the1 road. The matter must have been compro mised. Col. Chase appeared for the Wilson sowing machine company to hold a cer tain Mr. Sellenberger to his surety on the bond of an ombellng agent. As the defendant made no showing the full amount of the claim , $1,000 , was allowed tlie-oinpnuy. The grand jury took up Its cloistered labors. Hubbard , the negro acemod of iimluvzling the contents oi a registered letter from his employers , the Omaha Medical Institute , was discharged , as the evidence agiiitmt him was lame. Indict ments were found against Silas Condron for robbing the Omaha mall wagon , also against ( Jeorgo Crawford and Charles F. ( lordon for counterfeiting. Other matters of great importance were brought to the secret attention of the grand jury. GucstH. Invitations have been received in this city to a grand reception , which is to bo given on Friday evening , November 1 ! } , by Col. and Mrs. Morrow , of Fort Sidney to the following distinguished guests : Hon. Ch.ts. F. At uulersou , U. S. senator , and .Mis. Mamlfi&uii , Oinaaa ; General deo. IS. Dandv , U. S. annv , and .Mis. D.uidy , Oinnha ; Hon. .lames Uiird , M. C. , Hustings ; Him. .1. Soott , and Mr * . Scott , Lincoln ; Hon. Ceo.VK. . Doisey , M. C. , Fremont ; Hen. A. V. Cole , Deimilmeiitiin iiuunlLT , and Mis. C'ole , Juniutii : S. J. Shirlev , A. A. ( Sen. uad Mis. Shirley. .Imilata : C.ipU A. Alh-e , B. A ; IJ. K. U. , and Mrs. Alice , and niece , Omaha ; lieu. A. K. Palmer , 1'astl ) . C.aud Mis I'.il- nier , Pliitt-numth ; Major T. K. ClaiKsoii , mid ( kuiglili'r. S-'huyler ; Hon. K. I' . Uo-jinm , SA- H'taiy of State , and Mr * . Uneven , Lincoln ; C'.ijil. .J. II. ( 'inveraiiil Mis. rulvcr ; Cxiit. : N. ( . . Franklin and Mm. FniiiKlliiCol. ; Unul. I' . Conk and MIK. Conk , Linen n ; Caul , S. .1. Alexander ; dipt. .1. C. MclJriile. 1'ost- iimstcr nnd Mrs.MfUiitle : Lincoln ; ( .apt. ( i. M. Molmes nml Mrs. Homies , Be.Uih'c ; ( ' 'apt. C. K. liurmolster , Omalia ; dipt. A. S. Cole and Mis. Cole , Nebiasku Citv ; ( 'apt , S. II. Moimon ; Capt. S. 11. .loni's U. 1' . It. If , anil Mrs. Jones , Omnlia : Capt. H. F. Smith and Mis. Smith : Major J. B. llawles V. S. A. ami Mis. liawles , Foil Oinalui ; Capt. II. A. Mar- lev anil Mis. Mailey ; ( 'apt , S. Smith and Mis. Smith , Beatrice ; Dr. M. W. Stone and Mrs. Stone , Wahoo ; JItijnr William Cham bers , Omaha ; dipt. Gi JI. Humphrey 'awncc Cit.i ; ( ! cii , A. II. Bimvn and Mis. Bow en , Hustings ; Capt. B CowdryandMrs. Cowdry , ( Jen. Amasa Colib , cliiel Justice of Xebiiiskn. Llneoln ; Uun. C. .1. Dilwurth nml Mrs. Dil worth. The A. n. T. The oflice of the American District Telegraph company , on Doughus street , has been considerably altered in the past few days , greatly to the convenience of arrangements. The manager's desk and ollieo have been removed to the front part of the room\while the apartment occupied by the „ . apparatus and the young brass-buttoned Mercuries is immc- diatolyin-thcrcar. To iiRcribo3-estenIny Mr. Hheem , the manager , said that the business of the company has increased beyond the most .sanguine expectations. Orders for I1,1 , " ) new boxes have been re ceived within the pa t few months , and 100 of them arrived today and will bo at once put in place. A new reg' storing machine is also to bo added to the ap paratus. The lire call lias been abolished and in its place a cab call substituted. A light delivery wiigon call lias also been added. Ono More Unfortunate. George Harris is a pilgrim from Brady's Island , who seems to have learned nothing by the recent experience ot'W. U. Smith nor tlie long record of similar unfortunates before him. He ar rived on tlie Union Pacific train from the west yesterday , squealing because he had been robbed of $10 by sonio one on the train. Harris occupied a day coach , and as the ear grew crowded oh Hearing Omaha , was forced to sliivre his seat with a stranger lu the gray of the early morning he grow confidential and informed his new acquaintance that ho had played in hard luck , lost all his money and hail but forty cases left tueko'd away in his vest pocket. He then do/ed on" and on awakening was horrified to discover that his money was not tucked away and that his acquaintance was elsewhere. A finllnnf I'crfiH'nmticp. A team of largo horsjs harnessed to a heavy furniture wagon took fright on Fnrnam street last evening and dashed oft' down Thirteenth street. Noono was in tin ) wagon and the animals embol dened by their liberty ran at their best speed , The downward gnido of the thoroughfare accelerated their speed and they sped by Howard street at fearful strides. Just at this point two young men. Messrs. .1 no. Harinau and George ( iriswold , ran into the crowded street and from both sides dashed at I ho bits of the Hying horses. A struggle between the men and the beasts followed , the voting fellows hanging to the reins re lentlessly while the impedpd horses reared and plunged In" fury , At lal several men came to the : ins < stanc of the gallant young men anil cll'ectually quieted the runaways. Tnkciitlfomo. Mollrn'Mornn , thodnsiuio girl wlio has been for some tiinu-nonfnied in the coun ty jail , has been -taken homo by her mother for treatment. The board of in sanity , after giving , the ease a. hearing , agreed to let the mother try the experi ment of liome-ciiuc. If , after a week's time , the unfortunate woman is found to be unmanageable , ho will bo placed in lima * } him ul Lincoln * Since tlm llr-t week she has m.idirno moro attempts at biiieido by strangulation , "Will tie lutorreil in fi'iltlmoro. The body of the dead actress , Mrs. Morysten , hns been embalmed , and will bo buried in Haltimuro. Tlio manager of the "White Slave" company has received a telegram from her brother , the Haiti- moro niiuker , nnd tlio remains were for warded la.st evening. JJrs. JIoryHon'a pnrt as "Martha , " the black slave , was assumed by Miss Lyon , who had understudied the part , and played it to good satisfaction An Actrcsn Leaves Town. Miss Kdna Courtney , the sprightly and vivacious quondam star of the Craig Comio Opera company , is no longer in Oinalui. She had some littlu trouble over an affair of the heart , and loft iho city Tuesday to return to Chicago. Her plnco is Uiken by AIUsMmnio t'ustlo , who doe.s much batter even than Mb I'ourt- ncy hcrcclf , arid U giving unlimited sat- isfm-iion to tl > p.-tro.n t , { thIV pli-'s theatre THE KhOltHNCIS AFKKAY. Slilo of tlio Story What Powell Rnj-R. The latest phase of the Powell shooting affair at Florence is given in the state ment of a citiyrn of that plnco who claims to know all about it. Ho says that the statements made hith erto concerning the M Hair have been one-sided and incorrect. "Those who have known Powell for years , " ho says in n com munication , "know him as one who loves to meddle with the affairs of others. In the words of an acquaintance of Powell's , "ho Is a lortib. an ignorant slanderer and a meddlesome body"gen- orally doing evil , thinking evil and try ing to see evil in the doings of others , and whether he Iliuls evil or n it is at tempting to make the world think some shameful thing has been done. Helms frequently put pieces In the imper , the main object of w Inch was to injure inno cent persons and destroy or tarnish their good reputation , thus bringing those people on a vulgar level with himself. "Powell , to satiate his liondish desires , has frequently , in company witli a lot of roughs , gone to Pries lake and there , with their boisterous revelry , have .shamed or frightened away -pectable people gathered I hen1. His vile nature loiind relief in slandering thu virtuous character of Leslie's sMer and mother women whose characters are above re proach. Leslie , with Becoming courairo and manhood , tvented these insults. On tlie unfortunate Sunday Leslie drank some and that evening went to church and there found Powell. After the ser vices were- over and the people had just gone from the church some person said to Powell that Leslie wished to see him. Shortly afterwards Leslie approached Powell and told him that he must now take back what he said about his people or light. Powell , a largo and powerful man. able to whip two or three Leslies , went back to the church , as he says , to take his mother out of danger. She wag overheard to say , "Lnf , if lie goes for you , shoot him. " Laf soon returned with a revolver which it is < supposed he borrowed of a man who hud business away ne\t day and has not yet returned. "Powell came back and then and there , beeausojie was -ked to correct the in jury which he had done to take back his vile and false statements deserving of punishment shot down a youiiir man who stood by his mother and sisters and whose duty "it was to guard theirgood name from blander and inult. " A reporter for the Hr.t ; called to-day upon Powell , who is still incarcerated in the county jail , and asked him what truth there was in the above statements. "Tho whole story , " he said in reply , "is a tissue of falsehoods. So longns 1 have known him or his family I have never said one word against his mother or sis ters never Imve tried to defame their characters. That part of the "Florence citi/.en s > " story is an unmitigated lie from beginning to end. lie says that 1 went back into the church to take my mother out of danger ; that she remarked to me : 'Lafe , if you go back they will shoot you , ' Now that is not o. My mother didn't know at that MHO that I was about to get into trouble , nor did she until they rushed at me and attacked mo. I had reason to believe thai Leslie was partial ly mto\ie.Ued , and would shool mo miles ; , J "got the drop" on him , which 1 did. 1 shot him purely in self defense. " The date of INmellV trial has not yet been fixed , and will not bo determined upon until Leslie bus recovered sullici- isntly to appear in court against him. It was thought at first that tno injured man would die , but he is now slowly recover ing and it i.s believed by his physicians that ho will pull through all right. An Attempted Kouliery , Tuccday was pay day at the Union Pa cific depot , and during tlio afternoon John Croft , an employe at the freight de partment , received his month's wages. It was dark by the time he was ready to go to his homo on South Sixteenth street , and lie started to walk up the railroad track to shorten the distance. lie no ticed a man following him , and as the road became darker and lonelier he thought of his money and the chance of being robbed. As the man came nearer him he concluded to be prepared in case it was a robber , and seeing a coupling pjn lying on the track he stooped and picked it up. Crott had only walked a few feet further , when the man following him called to him lo hall. lie stopped and waited for the robber to approach , and when the order came for him to throw ii ) ) his hands , he threw them up. lint his right hand suddenly came down again with the coupling pin in it , strik ing the robber on the arm. Neither of the men wailed for any further develop ments , but both of them ran in opposite directions. The ProcceilH Divided. Judge Anderson decided yesterday nf- ternoon that Marshal CiiinmiugK would have to turn over to ex-Policeman Dona- hoe Ins $18 share in the proceeds of tlie policeman's ball. The money was not , however , turned over. Instead , it was divided up among the mei.ibers of the force with the understanding that each man should buy his own clothes. The ' marshal never 'had th < ' mone.y to turn over to Donahoi ! , and as it is now all divided up , he cannot secure Doniihoe's share. What the ox-policeman will do now remains to bo seen. Turner Onltiera. At the recent convention of the Mis souri Valley Turner association held at Topeka , Kas. , which Judge Andres and Professor Kununerow attended as dele gates from here , Omaha was selected as the feat of the executive committee for the district. At a meeting held in ( Jor- mania hall upon the return ot the dele gates , the following comin'ttee was elected : Phillip Andres , presii o t , Krusl ( ii'iibe , corresponding H'orutar , ) , George Anthes. llnaiieial ' secretary ; George Heimrod , treasurer ; II. Kuminorow. tumor warden ; Louis Heimrod and Kmii Ihirmcister. _ AMUHHMKNTS. TIII : GAi.i.nv SMVE. A small audience witnessed tlie per formance of "Thu Galley Slavo" at Hoyd's opera house last evening. The attendance , however , was as good as the the play deserved , as it was very lamely presented , particularly so in the leading parts , "Tho Gallev Slave" when well rendered is an entertaining play , and it is a pity to have it butchered as it was hist night. Telephone Connect loud. The Nebraska Telephone company has just completed KOUIO important e\teir &IOIIH. A hard-drawn copper wire ( tnc first wed in Nebraska ) has been stretched from Fremont to Columbus and new ex changes have been put in at Sehuer ) and North Bend , thus connecting all three places with Omaha. The company statea that the business of its lines is thriving and that the wires are constant ly prciied with work. t llandH. s Mr. W. S. . Hnlldtilf who hns been in business at Froinont. Nebraska , for n number of > ' ' * . ll113 purchased M. Wnhhcrs & Co 'a restaurant oa Sixteenth and Capitol avenue , and promises , to show up a very tine establishment Thu grand opening will bo announced in sou * eon. A Hnimtotl Honso. "I wnnt a policeman to hunt for ghosts , " exclaimed an excited Individual , as he rushed into police headquarters at n Into hour hist night. As the words fell on the ear of Jailor Brady his hair stood on end and ho excitedly exclaimed : "Where urn the ghosts ? they nint around here , are thcyr" The man's answer instantly calmed tlio fears of the jailor. "No , they are not here , but up to my house , and 1 want n policemen to go with mo and eateh thorn. " As there arc no ghost ofllcer.s on the force , tlio man could not be accommo dated , and he stood around uncertain what to do. Ho is a tesldetit of South Twenty-ninth street , and says that his house hns been haunlod for some time. The ghosts appear at the windows nnd glide noiselessly through tlie house. They open doors by some unearthly means , and in the ilead of night disturb tlm .slumbers of the family by uttering hide ous and blood-curdling sounds. "It is dreadful , and if It continues it will drive mo mad , " said Iho man before leaving. "Can't you poaibly send mo nn ollieer ? " "I'll consult the captain , " said the jailor. And the occupant of Iho haunted house loft the jail witli a shudder. The T.nlio < < Muslualc. Tliotwonty-llfth of the series of Ladies M usicales was held 5'estcrday afternoon In Meyer's Hall , there being a good attend ance. The programme : Kniitnsie , K minor , op. H . Chopin. Mrs. S. A. MeWhorter. Mnruuerlle'.s tlueo IJoiwuets . Ilraaa. ( With violin obllcnlo by Mr. 0. F. Saucr. ) .Mrs. Squires. Illpoh'tlo . Vertll-Lixxt. O , lU-st 1 1 thoLouKtroni Kllah ) . . Mendelssohn. Miss AiiimMciKcl. Grand v.ilsc. . . . . . Chopin Miss Hello Stall. Vocal , "Pouts Cm aer" . , . Tour.s Miss Illanvhe Oliver. n. Fnntnsloimpiomptu. op. IW . Clmpln h. L'esplegle , Valse biilliinte . Kail' Miss May. Notice. All members of the Bricklayers' Union are requested to bo preeent at their hall at ono o'clock Thursday afternoon to at tend the funeral of their late president , Hon. Win. Turtle. By order of the sec retary. _ " All members of the Stone Cutters' asso ciation art ) requested- meet at their hall at 1 o'clock , to attend the Mineral of Win. Turtle , late president of tlie Brick layers' Union. By order of Iho secre tary. | A Tre pa * ! inK Iliickmnn. J. W. Bouquet , a hackmnn , was arrested - rested last evening at the instance of .do- pot ollieial * for encroaching on ground whe.rc ho had no right. lie was taken to police headquarters and looked up for a short time , but was released upon fur nishing bail for his appearance. On Trial for Hantardy. Before Jndgo Neville in the district court yesterday w.is begun the ease of Bessie Wood against Charles Mason for bastardy. The jury was imnnnollcd and sonic ( cstimon.v was taken before court adjourned for the dav. The case will Lo continued this morning. n.tmu os Awurtlcil. The appraisers a ppoiuted by the county court to appraise the dam 'igos on prop erty condemned by the Omaha Bolt rail way for right of w ly. submitted their rs- port on two pieces of property yesterday. To the Omuh.i Driving P.irl : association they allowed $ lvV50 and to A. B. Kendall Civil Case * . The hearing of the damage suit of Miller vs. the B. & M. was completed before - fore Judge Wakeley yesterday , and de cision has been reserved. The civil case of Troughton vs. Driscoll , a suit on a labor contract , was tried during the af ternoon , the jury bringing in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for ua.To. Acquitted. Regan , who is one of tlie mcii charged with robbing a cowboy of § 75 , was ac quitted in the district court yesterday morning , District Attorney Lee Kstello declining to speak against him. In the case of his alleged accomplice , Thomp sou , the suit was dismissed and both men are free. Attachment on Hit ! Cummin : ; Stock. All the attachments on tlm dimming stock have been placed and the store , it is expected , will shortly reopen. The latest attachments in Judge Weiss' court are those of D. M. Steele for $137.71 and Clark Bros. & Co for $171. ArrcHteil Anln. Al Morris , this South Omaha pugilist , who shot his iinjrcr off Sunday at the stock vards , was re-arrested by Deputy Sheriff Orowcll voslorday , and was tried in Justice Weiss' court yesterday afternoon , Possession. Edwin Davis commenced a suit in the district court yesterday against Belinda and John F. Pniro to regain possession of a lot in BoyiP.s addition and to recover sjifiOO in rout alleged lo bo duo from the defendants. Jtrovitles. Justice Wright has been unable for the past few days , on account of illness , to attend to his court duties. William Nightingale , an ex-policeman , was in the city jail last itvouinir , having been aiTcnlod by Ollienr Shields while in a beastly state of into.xieation. Saturday will be sentence day in the dutrict eo'urt , and the ten prisoners who have been convicted M > far Ibis form will be arraigned and receive their sentence. . Grand concert with a select programme will lie given by the Swedish-Norwegian Singing club nt Central hull , Saturday , Nov.lt. All lovers of good singing are invited , Lou Kennedy , proprietress of a house of ill fame , was lined $100 and costs yes terday in pollen court. She had been selling liquor MI her house. Mrs. Louisa Smith was lined a similar amount , The uniforms of the police will bo ready al > out the 3nth or Wtfi. The scarci ty of tailors lias delayed the work so that the new suits will nol be ready for their owners until later than anticipated. The body of little Gladys Patleo , the child of J. M. P.ittee , was oxhiimed yes terday trom Prospect H.ll cemetery , and Bent to St. Louis for interment. The remains were found to bo in a gooil state of preservation. "Yes ; I shall break the enicagemen.t , " she said , folding her arms and looking doliant ; "It is really too much trouble lo converse witli him , he'n as deaf as a post , and talks lil.o hi > had a , mouthful of mush. Besides , the way he hawks and spits is dis gusting. " "Don't bieak tluj engagement for that , tell him to lake Dr. .Sage's Ca- larrh Hemedv. It will euro him com pletely. " " \Vell. I'll tell him. 1 U halo to break it oil' , for in all oth > r n-spv MH lo too oharming. " Uf co. r-.e , ii is catarrh. \ IVIGST PERFECT MAQS | > r r Ul if writ to heahb. No Ammorlft , l.lnio or Alum. PfllCE BAKING POWDER CO. , Personal Paragraph ) ) . A. J. Cornish , of Lincoln , in in the city. C. J. Martin , of Clay Center , is at the Paxton. J. P. Anderson , of Ilentrieo , in nt tlio Paxton. _ T. K. Whltt. , of Crelghton. h registered nt ttio Paxton. II. II. Dorsey , of Wahoo , Is quartered nt the Paxtou. Hov. W. J. Ilarsha rolurucd last night from Denver. J. P. Smith , of Schuylor , spent yesterday - day in Omaha. J. H. Stickel , of Hebron , IB quartered nt the PiiNton. H. It. Taylor , of Wayne , Is in the city , slopping at the PiiNtou. W. M. liobertson and W. L. Hnuisoy , of Madison , are at the Millanl. D. A. Holmes and H. C. Hrown , of Norfolk , are guests at the Paxton , H. P. llaines , of Weeping Wntor , IB m the city , quartered at the Millurd. Hon. A. S. Paddock , of Heiitrico , Uo- eoniianiod ] bv his wife , is at the W il ia ril. J. A. Jury , of Ashland , spent last evening tc ing in the oily with bis brother , E. J c * Biissoy. Senator Vim Wvck , of Nollranlm City , nrived in tlie city last evening and it ) at the Paxton. John haPache , who has been ro-e.lootedi clerk of Colfa\ county by over 1,000 wuv- jority , is in the city. Hon. David Htillor , of Pawnco , nnd Hobert Peroivnl , of Council Hlully , are in the city attending Unilod States court. W. H. Thompson , Grand Island ; T. M. Franco , We.st Point ; W. G. Swan , To- cuniM'h : J. Pall , Sterling , and C. C. Albright - bright , Liberty , ere at the ( Jatiliehl. I'ev. J. A. Smith , edilor of tlie Chicago Standard , and wife , lull yesterday lor Kansas City , after a few days' plons.uit ' visit in Omaha , the guchtof Mr. J. L. Smith. Col. A , II. Neidig , a prominent. o'ti.ew of Norfolk , has completed his arrange ments for locating penijaiui/itly in Omaha. Ho willenpig ) in the land bua- ines's on a l.irjro' file and will handle , among others , the Allautio & Pacttlo lauds. Nasal Catarrh , Throat , nnd Ear , sna- ce t'iilly treated. Chup. Impey. M. D. , . cor lijtn and llarney , Withnell lilook. She Shontcil "KIre" nml "Murdci''t Detroit Free Press ; A woman ran out 01 a house on Boaubien street ( lie other dav crying "lire" as loud as pho couM yell. A pedestrian who was passing ; by sprang up the Mi pi and into the ball , ' and being unable to sen or Hine.ll snioko ho turned to tne gasping and excited ivoman and asked : "Where is the lircf I can't eco any signs of one. " ' ' "I I didn't mean fire ! 1 Imoantmur- dcr ! , ' she replied. "Is there a man in the IIOUHC ? " "No , bir. " ' 'Who tried to murder you ? " "On , I don't mean murder , Iguces ; ' but the awfulesl , biggest rat you ever ot' eyes on chased our cat noross the kitellpn nnd then ttond and glared at mo like a * tiger thirsting for blood ! Oh ! sir. you'd belter turn in a lire alarm and let 'cm kick in all the doors and break in all the windows ai.d Hood the house. That rat must be killed before he commits t > onio terrible deed " litre. Tills | ) Wi1r never rnrloi. A miirrnl of pilrt ly , MrniixiU mnl ulMiIrsn iifi"H > * Moio oroiiomi eiiitlmn Ihoonllimrj kfinH , B ill eimpiol. Ijo xolJ In < oMiMlltlnii | ) wnh iliu inn tluiilo or low teat , short wolBlH , ilium or phriip " 'K' ' l'nluir ' ) . Mold duly In CUIIH. lioyiil lliiluiur 1'uwUur Oo , WiulHtruol.N. V 't iiWil LilO brnlltb Uk.nn.LLC > . OVER 400,000 rtTwv IN USE. ' FaMmt ItlillDK Tebtthi mnrfn. Hldn u ! llii < neiinHj'j tHu , 'J'hu ( TlMiin Irag'ut i liorfen according to tbo o'i ' t lh yt rrj. Ii < | u > U wrll nilaplrd lo r ii h country roMil * nnj mnriy EXCUBSION 'to I.OS AJTCJ-EI.KS HOUND TJtIP , ? 1QO. Novcniwr Sotli , a larce party of excursion ists will leave O.iulu fit 1'ullnun l'Uruo ; : .Sleepin cnrx In ) I.CH Anodes , California. " ' ets tor the round trip , yuotl 1 months. J''lmt elus.s ix'oplo , ( iifet I'lass Uc liit > t class ncciiinmoiliitloiis on tlil'itrip. Sir > emigrant lam , \\enUaul. but nUo. boiiml N now i'.V.W ) , uiul H Is piopmcd to riiUo H lo S'A ' wl.ieh wilt muUu the civU of eiuUi.uit llclet.- > iaoi-t > tlmti little p < vial Unit cli ; s jou nil tint utes All tmtiunint pawc/v- jjen , r.rerarrieu on expicss trains nn < J any one ran nn any day at emigrant r.ite.s. ll ro- foir If you whU ton-turn K" * ' * h " 'is ' llnrt cl.e-si KI uision. Full paitleularn tegnrinng ( U' . r * .A.-t. U. I' . \