Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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JlucUnotir , Itrnilni-hc , Totilliurho ,
Api-nlnn , Hnil om rtr. , clp.
rn > , Fitly CenK Al UrnggM * and Ic4 lcr .
THE CIIARLCS A VOGCLER CO. , Solo Proprietors ,
Ih m > n ' nf ciffmil | tt
UWItn h " > ' * ' ' " "I ' ! * ! o lr > "Bl liif ful a
llill nnf rt. ll i I ml TWO IOTfl.1 S < V | H
lc ; < rll rwltf | Ylll'AMIKTIIK TIH < ( mllil d. . .
< ar uff'tr'i' U r * * ( tre l mul I' I * i * 1dr
"H T L
017 fit. VltnrlcAHI. , 5 < . I.otiU.BIo.
r itdU lheii - - llff lin ot of Cututnie. NkRvu'i ' , HKIII
t)4 lilt * lliiii'.f 'b n fcor Diber I'hyflleUi luBl. Loall ,
M ellf I'Aj-'n > lie * „ II DM r * l 1M know
Nervous Prostrat.on , Debllltr , Mental and
rl-jtlcnl Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflro
tluni ol Throat , SUIn or , Utood Poisoning ,
eti ) Sores and Ulcers , re trouii vim n.r ii < u-4
iiftf.i , B UUiltel nllat principle ! htfriT lrl l l/
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Cxposuro or Indulgence , hith prutum * > H or n
IMu'l'l rffKt.i i' r.ouo , , , , dfbllllf , tllirnwi or ilill
. KDdilfrtetlrtinvmAr/ ( | | > lci OD the fie , | tli llctl tl j ,
/ HTcrHnntotbeleljof frra l c , oooft..lo of I Iru , ol . ,
rendorlpir rturrUto Improper or unhappy , t
/ * nr-d. Pamphlet 1 3S pigci ) on th * * * > RCOI
Rrminrnll/ i'Ap * . rr * lv tnj < l trr * Con.iillftlloiiAtof * Itw ll rrA. IntHM nrt t tetlf e QlU0nlUI.
A Positive Written Guarantee tinn in ttirjei.
I nbltcuc. [ fdidu .enU > tr ) wb.robrtnAlloreiiTrcl.
000 , FINE 7LATE3. t K Qt elolh * nJ rttt
tln < 1l p , ( nlf J fvr 5Od In i ntni eor * urrenfly. Over Ofiy
rfti ) | af loltrti , truio lilei trtUlfnot. the foH
U * who rahnifirr / , who hot. why i m nba > < l , w
> the
rr l It , 1 * jirtar rJltto0
, UM > pv HhUUer. *
ul ill
UI * I L flamr
_ _ _ TIF | | tn4
, iv B ef rev Urf'it * . ftjcur ' & * r Brcnini * ft > t tUf >
UhiMi. . umJtif ] H.U B. i fitR &e > UN\
J. W. WTJPPEUIAl'lT , CC-3 A3" T ,
i f nu .iv , ft. y.
to Meal Instituts
Chartered by UuStaieofllll-
nois for tt.cexpiosjp jrpoee
of giving immeolitte reliellr
vote diceasca Qonorrhcen ,
; Gleet andSyphillb in all their
complicated forms , also all
distfiea of the Skin and
Ulood promptly relieved and
rermanentlycured by reme-
diea.testedina Flirty Ynti-t
_ _ „ _ - ' t < l > rrnill'rarllcri Seminal
Weokneii. rJiJht Losses by L'rcams , Pimples on
the Pace.Loit Manhoodii- > KlHpflyr\nrtlT1irre
I * no rjriirrinii-iiHnti. Tlie appropriate remedy
u at once used In each case. Conoulut'jue , per
sonal or by letter , aacrcdly conHdentiat. Med
icines cent by Mull and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
. 204WasMrin.tcmGl..Cnlcagolll.
and Ops
t putViunitlrtiOf nnirbind , and \\lillu I
lint couiaiy 1 ( tn rut etl u tumble IIIOIH !
( OMiii , inul lor Iwn jo. rs was iin.ii ( iioatnioiil
an oni ikmr ( iialunt in Noi ( n > .iiiiin llo-ni.t il ,
- u ill , lint Mr ! > ait oucil. I HiilUiml i.o
lUi'iiUui- i a nu In my IKIIIOS. nnil IH env-
oiviluhli Hint * nt o/u' in > l ) di und ll.nlM. .
Minillv I LOiiinluiult lost nil liopu in tnitl iviun-
IIIIIHIII | | d mr Ainoiicii nn I was tiuiitu I nt
JJM ( Hjvult in i , | M city , ni uull as by a iironUni'iu
plijhluiun In Niovorli linilnjf no ooniiOLiIon
\vlili lliu liospliulH. .
d nw I lie iiiitoitlt-unitnt of Bnlffa Spcclllo ,
11(1 1 lIl-IOIMlllKMl Id KtVO It n III , | . IlOlv-l ) <
, s > lllox inul I oini en'with l-iriil Joy Hint Iliov
iiaxo iiinisl inu unuruly. I inn nn sounil nnJ
\\MtH \ HH I uvt'r "iisilu uiyllle.
' 1. I'lifu ll.M.i-oui ) .
x how Vork City , Juno lu'tli , KV > .
In ilnroti of IriM jo uiliM . I cnntmctixl blood
[ K > tMin , ami l.o.i'i in Suvnntin i , lia , , nt tnu thin ; ,
3 t nl Into thn ho-pl nl lliuro lor iii > tliuua. j
uno.oi vi'ijiniiuli I nun ilitmmittUin nl the
bJiinii I lino. J i.l | not l-ol Hell iniuor tnu lien -
n IMII tlii'io , nor \vi > 8 I iiiucil Uy inij ofiho us , id
incniiM , I iiuvu lion taken t-mvn loii ; > > ol
f-trijl'i * fipoi'lilo ' nnd inn soinul anil uill. U
< U > v < i tlifi | Kil on mil ihitiiijjh lo.lsini iliosKln.
, I A I.h\nv.
* Joi'soy CHi , N. J , An r. 7 IKSTi.
TruutUu on Mood uml Skin r > lsoa > w mnlloil
/ TUB RWIIT Si'Hini ! to. , JniMofU , Atluna ,
V.G , N. V. , ir,7\V , JUHU
viiR.oyal Havan i Iiottery
( A riorfiiNVK.NT I > nTinrrioNt
f Drawn at Havana , Cuba. E ery 10 to 14 Dayj.
TA'kuU In Fiftus.Vliolos , $ i rnu'lloiiu pro
HuliJ t to nu manipulation , not cinirollo < l lir
the pariiOH In inioio. > l. It U tin ) falruit thinin
tlio iniiiiruol i-lnmuo In uxIstiMuti.
rnr llukom n.ply lo .SIIIINIiV & CO , l.'li
llnwwlwny , N. V. Chy ! .M. Ul'l'U Vd & CJ. , It iliun
Uvut , KMIIWI * Ciiy ilo.
The Mirror
is no llatterer. We mul you
make it tt-ll a sxv etur tal ?
TMa } ntlii : Malm is tins charmer -
er i hat almost clieau the
Cr the Story of a Grcftt Winora' Btrlko.
7initilr ( < /roi/i 2 / Utc Fnnclt ,
llulovr thn shall , the unfurttinalo men
( iliontcd witli terror. Tim water Itail no\v
roiicln'il their t-toinnuli.s. Tnu noise of tno
torrunt 8titni1iil ; ihuin. tlio liust fnlln of thu
tuning ninde tnoin think it Ihu linul
i-rnhli of thu world , anil Hint which pom-
jiltitetl thuir terror WUK thu nuighln of
inn horsed .Hinil up in lit stahlu , tliu
death cry , turnblo , novur-to-bo-for oUeu ,
nl a Ktr.ui h'il nninnil
"Tin1 KIIIIIO IH up lu'io' " crit-il
"Wi must trA ti v itcuillu ( | ; t "
'I'hiH tiioii nl , th it ihiiy ni'jlil ' ho nblo
to i't mil b.v tlib old mini1 in tan vicinity ,
if they arrived UUTO buforu thu PHH .IXO
wan cut ml , tilled thuni now Thu twen
ty IniHtliul toyothur in Hinrln ; lllo , holding
tiit'lr lamps nbovu thuir lieails that thu
wntur ini lit noLoxtiii iiiHli tlnnn.
l''oi tiiiiiitol.v tin * pillitry had a li lit
though iniporouptllilu n cent. They pro-
cui'iluil JIM ntetri's , ll ntiiifi nKnln t tho.
llooil , bntwillionl liuiiiijoviireoiiii ! blnin-
burin I'reeds ro aXMikencd in tlinif lo-d
Hdiils , thu > invoked tliu earth It was
tliu earth wh uh wag uvoii in itxulf ,
iionriiiK out tliu.s the blood of thu vuin ,
liueatiMu one of Us ailurles had been cut.
An old man \vns Htuinniernifr toiuotten
prayers , twul.n | HH tluinibs lo npjicattu
Ihu LXilttpiriUs of thu ininu.
Anton was tlie last to run , ilulayud by
( 'athrfmn , paraly/.i-d by tear and tatiuo. }
Hovonld liavn titrnd io l ui ri' hl wit.i
L'hevnl. foi bu llion ht it Ino li bl road ,
but , willing to rum. nn at Ihu botlom. hu
had ilraxMi back , I'l'l ' ' to bu fr.uid Irom
thu ( iiesenri * of llui mnn ho o\ecr.ttud.
! Hides , liiu mtmnalion | Dontinuotl. ( Jlher
I'omr.uh" * Imd drawn oil bix only now
lollowed old Monitio |
"Hang on to my neck , I'll carry yon , "
said Anton to thu yonn irl , suuni her
jroweaker. . ,
"No , leavu mo , " ho nnirmnrod , "Loan
do no mote , I'd rat Her dlu at OIIL'U "
They had stopped , and hu was raising
her in spilu of her resist nice. , when thu
gallery \\tis HiuliliMily bloeked tiji. an
enormoiH heap ftllin < ; In and buparatin
them iimii thu others Thu lloo I nlru.tdy
wnshed rooks , sindernmblin s uerulieard
on all miles Thusiimun back Ihoy li.ul
to relraee llieir steps. Then they knew
no lonfjer onvlial Hide tliuy uru walk
ing H as linlslit'il. they iniiil aliandon
the idea of asueiidin by Keiuiillall.
TliUii- only liopu wan to retreat Imloru tliu
Hood , to reat-h thn upper levels , wheneu
perhaps they uonld comu to deliver thunt
if the w.iturH u but fd ,
Anton nt last rcc 2iil/.cd the William
" ( iooil" ! ! ho , " 1 know where wo
nro My ( led ! we were in the ri ht road.
. . Listen' ' let tir , # > stralyht , on ,
we'll climb up bv tliu chimney. "
.Anton beued Catharmn anil t-nrriml lior
away Itnt it was a lonjj ; timu buforu
they could reach the chimney , which they
nricenduil. Hu liad to bulp bur , for H tu
hail no longer strength i > nonjih lo olin
to tliu timber Thieutmes ho feared
that she was nlippin from him , that hhu
\ \ a.s tailing into the deep sun whosu t.du
was roaring liuliiud them Nuverthek'HS
they I'onld breathe for a few moments
\ \ lion they found the lir t road still free
The water reappeared , they must hoist
lliemsulves nj ) tijjaJn And for hours to-
pether , tins nseent continued , tlio Htream
chasing them Jrom levul to level , torcinj ;
tliem nluiiys upwaid. At thu sKlh a rui-
pile inspired Ilium with liojio , it s mined
to thum that the water remained station
ery ,
IJnt a stronger rise took place , they had
to clamlHir up lo thu Buvunth , tnun to thu
Cr.ishing reverberations werp hoard
every moment Tliu whole ininu was
sliak'en Al tliu e.nd of the ir.UIi'rios , the
air , driven back , was collecteil , com-
preast'd , resullitij { in formidable explo
sions amid thu sluxered rocks and falling
eai th. It wan tliM terrifying contusion ot
inteniiil convulsions , n small sample of
the old battle when the deluges visited
the earth , beaming down the mountains
under the plains
To reach the inclined plane , they were
compelled to walk stoopini ; ngiin thu
water reached their should rt. Tlie as
cent again commenced , more dangerous ,
by that way entirely wooded for over
li'lty m 'tres Firthu tightiined the ca
ble they fast"nud down at the bottom
one of the cam , for it the other had de
scended during their ascent it would
have crushed them Finally they took
the risks , not daring to make USD of that
cable which they feared and clinging
with their nails.Ho climbing behind
her , protected her head when s'io slipped ,
with bleeding liaiidn Suddenly they
struck airainu some beams which ob
structed the plane. Some eaitli had also
fa llun. a cave-in prevented them from
going higher lly chance , a door opened
tin le and they passed into a load
Ilcfore them thu raof a lamp ama/.ed
them. A man ungrily oiled
'Some more fools in * crazy as rc. !
( iicat heavens' get out of heio. 1 don't
want to see , um others die. "
Tlu.v recogni/.ed Cheval. Ho had been
blocked theru bv n CMoin which had
Illicit nil the indium ! plaim ; and thu two
comrades who had set out with him had
been lelton the reid with their liPMils
.split open by the fall of rocks. Ho with
n wounded shoulder , had crawled along
hohidti them to take their lamps andslti tl
their Nitndwii'lipf * As he jnmned back.
n Insi shock behind him had tilled up the
Hu immcdiatolv honght that ho would
bit compelled to share his provisions
with their connadcs who had arrived.
No. he would kill them first Thun at *
he rccognuiul thum his ragi < passed
nuiiv and hu langhml a wicked laugh.
"Ah1 it's \IMI Catherine1 so , MIII have
come back here to lindj our man. That
\\ns tight. "
Hit alleetcd not to notion Anton who
agitated b\ this mqcting Hindu a gesture
as if to protect the girl who drnw closer
to hh side Ilo we vi r hu must accept Ihu
situation , ho simply s.iid to the comrade.
ns though they Imd lett each other goo.l
Irii ndinn hour before
"If wu knock , perhaps they will hoar "
" 1 am tired of knocking , . but
take that Atone , try and see if you wdl
be more successful "
Anton gathered up the pieces of fitono
which the other had nlinady broken up ,
and Mrnck against the vein , the cull of
the miners , thu prolonged roll w th which
the workmen in peiil signalled their
presence. Then he prevtnd hit ear down
to listen After twenty lailures lie grew
desperate not one sound responded
Otmng this time Chin al cooly arrangd
to set up lionM'keeping At he
ranged his threu lamps against the wall.
one wan bin ning , thu two othe H would
Hervn them later on Then he planed
upon a piece of wood the tuosanihvich < 't >
which he tll ! had it wan thu bullet , ho
could get along with that fur two daH if
lie was reasonable
The frightful life commenced , neither
( Jhaxal nor Anton opening his month ,
sent < d upon the ground some steptapait.
Upon the suggest on of thu founnr thn
latter extinguished his Inmii , a iimdiisj )
luxurv then they again fell into silence.
The nonrh hlowly parsed by , they hoar.l
the little innimur of the still rising
water , \\hilo Irom time to timu profound
NhoekH mid dixtnnt falls announced thn
last eaving-ln of thu mine.V hun tne
lam ] ) \ \ as empty and it was ueoudsary to
open another to light it , the fear oMlru
damp excited them for an instant , but
they would rather have been blown out
at once than remain in the darkucxst } \
nothing exploded , thure was no lire
damp. Tiiov ngaiii stretched thcmsolvorf
oiKiind tlie lionis dragged on.
Anotiter day was t'lid.ujj , anil L'haval
npiiroaclied Cathorlne to oTcr her the
half of thn Htmlwieh. iJIm nto tlut
tunnlhfnls slouly , and ho made her p.ijr
for each w.tti a c.tres *
Anton , nluu ring , had placed his fac"
against the wo id * as not to sj > .
suddenly hu turned with a bound , furioiu
" ( iruMt God will yon lo.ivo bur alone ? "
"Is th.fl ny of your bus , ness " said
niiaval S'ie ' IH my woman , Isn't shoT
Leave ua will \nu ? "
Hut Anton , his U-oth pressed to/uthar ,
Clind :
"If you don't lot her bo I'll strangle
yon. "
i he other quickly arose , for ho com
prehended by the sound of thu voice
tnat the conirado was go 11,5 to end it.
Death there seemed too slow , it xvas nee-
cc.ssarv' taut at once one of tne two
yieldo'd hi.H place. It was the old baltle
conumind again under tiio ground wiioro
they would .soon .sleep sidj by ai.lo , and
HUH' had so l.ttie H'iiiui ' ) tlmy could not
brandish thuir IbU without bruisin , , '
"I'lds time I'll finish you , " crle.t
Anton at this beoamo crazy. It was
ns if u stream of bloj.l earn > up from ins
veins and Hooded his eyes \\itli a ted
tlamo. He was Illicit wit i an irrosi.stlolu
wiia tp kill , n physical wish , the cxcita-
t.on ot u mucus wh'rcli produces a violent
lit of coughing. It was beyond tne power
of his will and under the controlling in-
liuenco of thu hereditary wrong lie
had seen a piece of slate sttlckin , ; from
tlie wall anil he seized It and broke it o l' ,
itery laige and \or.y heavy piee i. Then
with boln naiuLphu brou .u Jt down on
( JiicYel H head.
The latter had not tlio time to Jump
back. 11 J full , his faca cnnijcd and bis
skull broken. His bruins nplashed the
celling of the gallery and : \ purphsn jet
ran from tihi wound. Th TO so 1.1 w us , it
pool in which thu smoky rays of tin
lamp were rj.lecto I. Dai kiinss prevailed
in the \aull , the body seemed , upon the
ground , u black spot i.i a llcap of ruo-
Stooping over , with his ovn3 enlnr'jad ,
Anton looked al him. 11 was" ever , ho
had killed him
CalhiTinc screamed
" .My God ! llondj.ul ! "
"Do you r yrjt It.m. " fta'coil Anton
bhu choked and slammcted. Then
staggering , flio tntoiv her.ielf into h.s
"Ah1 Kill me too ! wo will both dio' ' "
\\ith nn embrace she caught him bv
the shonldcis , and he also ulnspt'd her ,
and then they hoped that llif.y woufd
die. Hut dealh was in no h.tste , they
loosened Ihcir anus. 'J'henliilu slut
covered her eyes , be dragged the incura
ble wretch and throw him down the in-
clmu , in order to g l him out of Hie nar
row place m which they st 11 were com
pelled too live. Life would be impoisi-
uhi witn Ihal corpo under thuir leut
liothvcre apalled wnen they heard him
plunge in tiie midst ol the seutning .suiiui.
Tin1 water had then already Idled that
hole , and they perceived tnat it was extending -
tending into thu gallery
Then came a new waiting. They lit
the I. tsi lamp , it was wiiitu I inciisarinj
the watur , tlie regular stubborn ot
winch did not pause. Firit Ihu watur
came lo thuir ankles , then to ihuir knees ,
thu toad ascended , tnuy took retnge at
tlie top , which give tuuiii .1 re p.U of
some hours. 15nt the noo.l overtook
them , coming up as tar as their waisu > .
Motionleas , lluiir backs pressed against
the rock , they watched it grow higaer
and higher When it reaehe 1 tneir
mouths il would be all over. 'Jlfulainp
wnich Ihuy had liiing up , lighted tne coal
in little yellow waves , it grew dimmer ,
they could no longer dist ngnisii more
inan a halt circle , constantly diminish
ing as it eaten by t le sha.low which
seemed to enlarge with the Hood , and
suddenly Ihe sliadus loll ; the lamp was
extinguished niter spnttjring its last
drop of oil. Il was complete and abio-
Into darkness , such darkness as abo\o
ground tliuy slept in without ever ojun-
ing thuireyes to the light.
The nonrs lollowed eaeli other , all
equally black , Without thuir knowing
the e\act time becoming more and moiu
mixed in their ealcnlat.ons. Their tor
tures whien should liavu lengthunud the
minutes , carried them on rapidly. They
thought they had been shut up li\o days
and it night , when ill realitv the third
day u as already linisliud A'l hope of
assistance had left them , iu > one knuw
them to be. tiiere , no one sought to comu
there and hunger would them it
they were not drowned. A last time ;
they tnonght to bpal the caM.bntthe
stone ha I rein , lined below. At any ratJ ,
who would har tlrem ?
Catherine , resigned , had loaned her
weary head against the vein wnen she
liennl a gonml
' Listen1" stammered she.
At hrsl Anton Oulieved sno W'ts speivic-
ing of the little noise ot the water which
was always rising. He lied , wishing to
calm" her
"It's mo that you hoar. I'm moving
my legs "
"No , no , not thai. It s there below ;
listen. "
And she stuck her oar olos to the coal.
He undur.stood and did us she did A
waitingot somusuconds oppresSi-d tln'in ,
Then , M-ry lar oil , very weak , tney
heard three blows wide apart. Hut iney
still doubled their ear , it perhaps
tin : cracking ot thu co il And tlmy < ld
not know wnat to buata reply with ,
Anton had and idea ,
"Jon have on your sabts. ( | l nt out
Tour leel and beat with yimr neoU " Jjnu
bent the call ot the miners , and tney
listened , again distinguishing llu t.iroe
blows m th ) distance. Twenty tunes
tney renewed it , and twenty nines tun
blow replied They wept , they embraced
e.u'ii otnur , at the risk o losng th nr Oal-
nneu. I'heir comradc.s wem at leant
Ihere ; Ihuy had arrived. Il was nn o it-
bnrnlof joy and lovu waieh carried away
thu torments ol wailing , thu agony ot thu
calls Inch for so long a timu were us
liisi , as if th 'ir ddiv.inrs ha I o.ilv t >
snlit thu rock with llieir hngeia to resonu
"SVell"1 cried she. gaily ; "it was luck
tlmt 1 laid my head bank. "
"Oil , j on 've card. " said ho. "As formu'
I heard nothing "
One day , two d 138 nnssed. For six
da.\s tliuy had buun at tliu bottom. Thu
uatcr , Mopped nt their knees , neither
HIM ) nor fell , and their legseeiifd to be
paralysed in this icy bath. 1'or a u hour
ihu.s eoi.ld easily draw them out , but the
position became s , inconvenient th it
they were taken with Iricutliil cramps
and obliged to put their heels down
ngaiii I'.vury ten minutes. v\ith a sprain
ot the loins , they remounted tne slippery
lock The fractnivsof coal pieu'od their
b.u'ku , and they had , at tnu uapu of tint
neck , constant and intensn pun trout
keeping alwavs b Mil to avoid knocking
their heads against tliu roof.
And tnu sn. location iuci eased. The air ,
drivi-n back by the wall r , was com-
jnv .iid Into the kind ol bell in which
they found th Miiselvus encloiid. Thuir
MI t'i's , in i II I u > p Mivd t ) o i n ) I'rnn
afar. H i//.in in the ear om iiMieuil ,
they lieard the sharp ringing ot the toe
tiiii. thu galloping ot a huid iindur an mi-
ceasing shower of hall.
Hut eoun tludu violunt crlaus passed oT.
Hiingur became only a deut | , dumb pain.
tin swooning away , iv-s it were , slow and
steady , of their faculties , mental and
Without n doubt tlioy would have sue-
oumbixl it they not had water , an
much of it ns they wanted. They simply
looped and drank it tiom the hollotv of
the hand , and that twenty times oxer ,
biirnliian they were w 1 1 such a thlr t
that nil Unaulor iemud ; iiuablu to
For ninn days they had been workin '
to deliver them , und ( hey heaid tor tliu
III < > t timu Ihu step * in the galli r > . um-ii it
shock threw them o'i the giouint 'I h.-y
cb iuto Laca otuur d urmj ,
not cotrpreliomflhj | nnil belliuing tlml n
ratjij waa''itif roacli.iig. Notnint ;
uas heard now. Uliu sound ot tlie picks
had coasud.
In the i-ornor where they had waled
tin mcolvcfl , ido by side , Catherine
laughed nlighlly
"It must UB goiKl/tmlsidc. Coino , lot's
go out of hero. " > d
Anton at lirb Ati'iiggliid ngainst in-
fianlly. Hut thu contagion shook his
moro evenly balanced 'mad ; hu lost all
! > eii u of reallly. Their snns sw ire
ing them , especially Caiiiuriitu , who ,
fovcr.s i , waa lorniito.l with u desire
for speech and ge turcfl. 'I ho
sounds in "rT , 'i"-3 had be
come these oT nuining water mul
tiio rtin m of birls , an I niosmulta
dtrong pcn'umu of crushed herbs , and
Hhu saw ciearly greai yullo > v spoU Ijyiug
bo. ore her uyes so large that flhu buliuviul
herself oiil-sidu , tno uanal , inthu
wheat liehLs under ; v buautilul day of
suns i no.
Hours pafispd. Anton sal alwajs in
the H inn corner , upo.i tnu ground , w ltd
Caliieiinu motionless upon bs knee. For
a long time ho bt'liuviul mio slept , then hu
tonchiid bur , who vury cold , she was
dead llowuVer he did not move for fear
ot awakening hut. Plans tor the inline
returned at intervals , but they were so
vague that they suumed to pass befotu
IHM face liuu a aloeping UiMutii. He grew
weaker , there oil 1 rcaiaincd to him thu
strength tor a leeblu geslnre , n slow
in Memonlof the hand to nsMir , > himself
that she was still tnere liken slcepimg
fluid , in her tcry still'ncM. liverj Hung
was annthiluted , oven the lap&u of timu
Something was knocking at his s do.
blows ot which the uolcncc approached
closer to h m , but lie was lee weak to gp
and respond , tilled witn a grunt wcaii-
ne s , and al prest'iil he knew nothing ,
he only dreamed that she was walking
betoru him and that he heaid the lighl
knocking of her sabots. Iwo dityn
passed on , BIO ! had not moved , he touched
her with his mechanical gesture , teas-
suiod to feul bur so qniut.
Anton cvpeneiici d a shook. Voices
were heard , and locks lolled to his leel
When he pcrocis 'd ' a lump hu wept , h.s
.blinking eyes , lollowed thu rays , never
leaving it , in an eestauy before that red
dening light wh , eh seaicely piciced the
shadows. Hnl sonic comrades c.irne I
Inmavv.iy , he let them put between hid
elo-u.l l iuth some spoonltiis ol bon.lion.
Il was only in the galh ry ol Hiiuillait. ! |
Unit he recogni/.ed hoin i one , the cngin-
( r Mogrel slanding betoru bm. , and
these two men Inul scorn jd each
otehr , inu rebellions workmen , lie sc ip-
deal cinof tirjw 1 1 nisjiv.'S on cu : t
otiiurs nuuk so ) bmg in tie iK'e , ) lhr > > b-
bin of all tnu h imanily tint was In
them. It was asad Huene , t'ltt misurv of
gt-herntions , the c\ces3 ol grid which
made lilc give way.
At the to , ) Mrs. Aiahon threw herself
beside Ihu ot ( 'athciiiiu ,
onusjruam aii'-r anothur , in great cries ,
Ion. ; aiul ineeasant.
b. vcral eoi'Mus | had already been
brought up and placed on the ground.
Ch'val , whom jhi ' t.ionghl had been
crushed under ft mivc-iu , a boy iiiid two
miners in like mnncr ciiHhcd , the r
brains gone fiomtneirli a Is , their Htom-
aclis lilled with waq-r. Some women in
tlie crowd losing tlie r reason , tore llioir
clothing and sci .itched Ihuir laces When
tliny at length brought him out , after hu-
coming habitnat'd t > Ihe lamps and hav
ing been ted a little , Anton appealed
greatly emaciated , and Ins hair was
white ; they were struck dumb , and shud
dered in tlie piluhlv ot that old man.
Airs. Mahon stcpt | > M.ercainiug to stupid
ly look at him with great staring eyes.
[ TO in :
I'ostolllcu changes in Nebraska during
Hie week ondin.j Nov umber 7 , 1JJ1 , fur
nished by WdlianiVHii Vlcek of .the post-
oilice department ,
Postmasters Appointed Bennet , Lan-
otibter county , Ciiai les W. lleill ! > j Cala-
inns , Valley county , Kobctt H Miller :
( .ilciiwottti , Na icy county , William F.
I'towett , Ilomurvillj , ( iospur com ty ,
( Juoige K. Dnnn.HoskinsVayno connt.\ ,
J W I'owcll , Johiihiotvn , liroivn county ,
Josuh ] 11. Avuri , Lo Igj 1'olu , Chuyenuu
county , John F. Cianx ; Maitinsoiirgh ,
Dixon county , Jo'm ' K buliullUc.i
Cloud , Wcoster county , Alv.n S iMar i ,
Kidgeley , Dodge county , llermau L.
DiiountiiiuuJ"TekonsliaNanou county.
Postollico changes during the ' week
ending November , 7 , 181 r
Kstablished ( iamford , Mahaskn
county , , John W Coehran. pofltmtisli r.
I'ostinasletH Ajip i ted Alilen , liar-
duieonnt > , J. A Itnttoii ; Aunieviile ,
Clay county , Adolph SeiLle ; Brush
Creek , Fayelte comity , M. Shnmwav ;
CambriaVaynu county , M. G. Hat-
clille , Cantril , Vniliiir-ii comity , W. A.
Jones ; Cedar Hlim , Cedar county , J ( ! .
Fink , Cole , Story comity , John K. Mc
Coy , Conlidunce , Wayne county , A. W.
Hoburtson , Civamcry. Cerio Uordo
county , Cornelius b Knssull , Hast ICIk-
port. Clayton county , Conrad Sehioupi ;
Flaglers , Marion county , ( Jcoijrc It. Nail ,
Floyds , Floyd county , Sol mon A.
Qiiinby ; ( Jilbeit , JScott County , Jacob
Liihr. ( iojiher. Osceola county ,
Cnailes W West , Grand Junition ,
Greene county , htophen C. MnMiaid ;
Hamilton , iW.irion county , H. F. Mone ,
Hanscll , Franklin conn' Wm. C.
Tucker ; Ia/leloii. ! Hnchaiian con ty ;
Oscar I uttle. llawardun , Sioux county ,
James b Geaan ; llorlo i , Hrem > r comity ,
O C. II irrington , lo da , CliickasiA
county , Joan Kalun , lowt Center , bt try
county , Mittniu L. Sae.don , livngton ,
Kossiith county , Kmsl iy Carlen ; Kamrar ,
Ilaniiiton county , Joseph ll A. lams , lull-
lerton. Hiuggold county , F K Sm th ;
KeoKuk , Leu county , Patrick Gibbous ,
Laurel , Marshall coiinly , J. C. Hiufer ;
L.nui Spring. Howar 1 county , L. Me-
Nallv , Little Cuda'r , .Mitclndl county , Lester -
tor Conrad , Liveuuoiu , lliimboldt coun
ty \VillHraclxiitt Lnxembiiigli , Dubnipie
county , Nicholas An Ire , Al lynar I , Fny-
eito county K L. P.nnu , Mount Vri r ion ,
Linn count ) ' , T S P iokaw , Oakland
Mills , Henry comity , U'b ' rt A I'lnixon.
Oelieyedon.Osceidaeonntv.A V. Kandall.
Peru , Alad M > II county Itunoni H Hun-
km. Pli'.th niton. D jT-at ir eo inty , WV
Ueesu ; P.lot drove L MI co inly. W. 1)
Jackman , Kaiuly , KO-.S ith loitnty , John
H. Moasjl , Kiifi-t } ' id Mm ut comity ,
Pauls Hogh , lgt > 3 istitr C-dar civintv ,
Jonalhaii f } inul Hi thnrlus. ! Mad son
county , b b SwftA'r , bilix , Woodlim
county , F M ( Jon , Timo. Madison
county , ( Jeorgn Patteji , Van \vi-rt \ , Ueca
tnr coimif , JoiiiO ( no'iM'tt. Viola , Linn
county , Francis \I Franklin , W.tncomn ,
Lee co inty , Will ji n Jomiiton ; Williams
town , Cn ckas iwHJ'oVinty , II M Hail.-y . ,
\Vnllsbnr , ; , Griindy county , Guor e
Tlio Owner or a1 Pllynlcian'8 Prosorlp-
Indianapolis Join mil : The druggists
and physicians Of ht"Lonis rru quairel-
ing among tb misehes oxer tiio ijueHtion
wnetlier u prescription given ton patiunt
belongs to the writer or ( o the man u ho
compound * it Thu osliiiiablo < jijitlcmen |
at-H agiecd upon on y one point , naim ly ,
that tne iinfortiiniite peiaon who oiigin
all } paid one or mom dollars for thf bit
ot paper has no ngiiis in thu preinin >
uldeli Iliuy ai'ii bound to renpect borne
physicians ignoiu any other ownership
than thi'ir own s i Tnr as lo hate printed
upon their blanks u line reading "I'li.s
jiresurljil o'i U not to bo relilU-d nor a
copy ot it given without llui eoiinit of
tin ) physician prescribing. " It might
add general niter nt to tb.a couinneisy
if tlio p.tliuiitH I'o > t tli ' biis : in any
Case vs'ero to t.ik i a decided st ( lid for
what tlu-y may uol unre.inonaldy con
sider their r.gnts When onu has paid $ \i \
for the prscr ptiou , and $1 for the dr igs
d < i.'iiit , 1 1 1 r ui n ' will n it'i'tliy to d
I'kl ' ' u ' II I ,1 i I II . I - > l
till j'ii.u'jj'.u ui . . „ tiU dx.ii Ijiill.i i
ncain without atiothor fee to the doctor.
If lu < not absolule owncit hip in the
rci Ipo he bought and imld ior , hn nuty ,
nt lca < t , regard himself ys entitled to a
ropy Iroo ot finthcr chatgo Imleod. it
would not bo . c travagnnl demnnil if
he were to in ist upon tlie physician gi\-
Ing him duplicate prescription" ,
one to bo retained liy Iho diuu
fiist nnd 0110 Ly liimcclf , or , he might
reiniiru thu Coliinonndi r of medicines to
give him a certillcd copy , if he Is satislii d
vvltii nothing less than tliu oiiinal him
self. Ditights und phjsic'.ans are Im
portant members of tno community , but
tliu people who sunporl them are already
heavily taxed , nnd should see lo il thai
no fin thur burden is placed upon them
unawares. U is time lor Ihu sick man lo
Questions Aimworeil ! ! ! !
Ask the ninst eminent ji'tjMclnn
Of any chiml , wlul Is the bo-t tiling In the
\\nrlil for allaslm ; all Irrltallen of the nei\t > .s
and eiirinu all fiirnisnr nervous coinnlnluts ,
clvhu nidnml , childlike icfic.shln ; sleenal-
And Hi ' .v will tell yen unhosltatlnly
"So no loan of Hops ! ! ! '
ru UTIMI t ,
Anknny or nil ot the nnwt eminent physi
cians :
" \Vlullnlho \ onlv ivinwlv tlmt ran bo ro
lled on to cure nil dlsuinc n ? tlleUldni'jHiiud
uiinarv in/ , inn : Height's diseases , illili'UM ,
reU'iition. in imiliilltj to retain urine , and all
the diseases and iiilnii'tit.s jHH'Uliar lo
Woiaen "
"And Ihov will t"'l ' von e\nlli'ltl > anil oni-
p'lulindlv ' Uai'hnlll"
Ask the s inn *
" \Vhni Is the most ichnliU ) and suiesl euro
feral llxt'l illsetiMMor dvspep hi , ion tliu-
tlon , iuillri | tion , htlhiiisnest , ni i ana , level ,
lune , > Ve , , ' and the\ \ \ ill tell von
Alandiakel 01 lindelhnttl ) !
lli'ins > . whim ilui'o roiiirilli'd nro combined
u Itti lulu r o lUiUi ) Mi'inilile.
Anu coin onniol in o linn II t ois , niich a
uoiiilprfiil anil mj'toil nisu rithi ) JMIVVI r Uilo-
ti'lopv I , w nit a N MI Mirloil in Ii * opciiillnnrt
tlmt no illsoiuo or ill lu-nllli can posillil ) uxlst
( iritstitt UHMiuin.nn | l > nt It It
lliiiinli > H it rtliein HI tinll "oiimn , uonluist
lluul.U oi-Biiiiulail u ilhl to u [ - .
C'll.\l'liu : il.
"I'at'onM" '
"Almost ilo nl nr neittlv il\ I \u"
Tor yeais , and clveu up liplijs'clann. . of
lliiftht.sand olhei klilnoj ilis'ascs. liver co n-
p it ntH , sevi'ie coii hrt , labcd
liav been i-iind.
\Voinen pine ncarh rnuv 1 ! ! ! !
Fiom nuoii ) of ni uiaiyla. n
\\aUefnlniHs , and vailons di.scases p
to woini'ii.
1'ioplo diaw n out oT fhnpo frem ovo'-1 Intl'i1 *
I'lin H nl i li' : ' minilrtin , In aininu.o j anil
uhv < nlo ( n-Kinlorliih' Irum foiofoln ,
r.i > hi | oln ;
" nil ] licnoi , I'loo ' ; ! poNonlti" , lUmnitHlu , I'ltll-
( , o tion , inul , in InU , ulnu l nil ilbua 01 linll '
Nut me M heir in
lluvi liuon cinuil l > v Hop Hitter * , ( noor i > f
v hUi | can I o found Inuiury nullibjili ( loil In
tin. ' Iniounorlil
I'roipotilo I lie S
If w lien > on call Inr Hop lluiops. ( si-o
c-lnsti'i ot HopMon the wliliii luliuli Iliinlui-'iri-t
IniiiilHiilit nil } OUR i Htlltr rulloil 0 I ) Wmiii'i'rt
( iornnui Hop Ilittoisor ltli ollior 'lion" inine ,
lulnsd It miu slum llint ilruiftri-it us \ < vt HO till a
Alur | anil 1C lie has tiikun > oui inniiuy l n tliu
Hull hullcl him lor thn fnuul IIIK' f no Id n for
lie 1 1 ni rot tor llio su iinll" mill \\o will tuvsui'J
on lilxiiall j lor I lie oem Iciion
Astlnna Cure.
Tlilh luvnliinliln sixiclflo roiulily anil pcrinu-
n < iul > cuuis nil Kim M ' < ! ' Alliinn. . Tliu neil
( iLt-iiiiaiii mill lonjr MI ndlii ; < 'ii-M jlo it
l\ * t ( > II" UOIIllOlflll 1..1I.IK1 ptCl'HIIO-l ' It IS
Kiioun tlnuiiiihuiit the \\oild lor ita utirlmtuJ
.1 J , L'A l.nWucity ] ; of Lincoln , Nnb.lwrm"il
Jim U. " > , loM : hniou mini : Dr. Iliilr * Aim n i
Cure , lir tiiHT ) than 0110 join , ill ) wilu lum IKIOII
I'litlulj ucll , mill not u un u aj niptoiii of 1,10
(1 t-C'll O lll'H HIIIIP irtll.
\V 1 1,1,1 AM lIKNM/rT , Miphliind. IOWH , writi-s.
ox ! l < l , InNl : 1 lm\c > Uwii nllllctcilvllli liny
lovuriiiut AHilniui Blnco 1S.V ) I lollouri ] jour
diioctioiis mill am Imtipy Ui suj- Unit 1 noicr
slept txiiiur in mr liro. I nin flml tlmt I ma
iiiiionv tliu ituuiy \ \ lie cimbpciik HO 1m ouilily of
) OlllMCtlIIUtlC8.
A v'MluiiMoiH pnxo trciitfro rontnlnliDTRlinllai
I roof irntn o\cry MIIIO in the U. S , Cumulii mil )
( .rout , llrilaluill lo mulleil upon iiiipllcntluii.
Any dtuirtfbt not huvliiy it In elxick n 111 pro-
ure ft.
$ v o = 3sn
Wilbor's Cori-Livor Oil a"H Limo. Per-
BMiaulm hiuo Lo > 'i iHlir ioi { oroll ulll leI
I Icii'-tvllolnnrii tint I r VV'lllnir nax nnosoc'dcd ,
iioni illrccllfim of MttiMiil p oTx - > ! i'ial ) i > o Uio
men In coiiihinlni ; tlui p > ire o In d Ilinuln i < uuli
i uinii.t nt It * I'MMini loiiio ln > li' . and lid
ft 'in In It'll TO'iii 1 intin o trulv nondoilnl ;
\ ry iniinvi o sonswlinao i-iiHos uoro ronnun-
< < d ImwItMiund ulio htul tjikti i the < i a n I lor
II UiiKrli'iiOMlt mill imu'j lo.l'uct. liuvu ucn on-
tii-ol.vo irullivuslnx thin prupi'ia'tnn lo ! 8 nu
n H | rol IliotfOivilnn. Miuiuliictiuu 1 onl- VII
Wilbor.Cliombt. Ilostor. bnMliynlldu ff 'Is
Onuilui Time Table.
All trainmirrrnnddcimtt fioiuOiiiahnby
Ct'iitiiil b'iind.lid 'J'linr.
Tia iiHot thu ( ' . bl. 1' . M. & O. univo and
di'p.ut Mom their di'iuit , inrniM ot Hill iinil
Wulj-U-rMieiMs ; trnllison tltc J { . , V : M. , r. . It.
> Vj. aiulK C. St. ) . .VC H. tioni the It. , t
.M. dujxit ; all othuri lioin thu Uniim I'.iehio
il. c tialnsvlll leaIT. . 1' . dnixit at < ! : : ! * > ,
J57t : : > , hUi : ) , t > 5) ) , h.ri : ; . 1MUU : ) , iii.\ n. m ;
l'JHt'4V : ) , B aViJ ( : ) . : iui : , is i 01.4J ) ,
4"i , ntVi , icUJ , 7 : 0 11. 10 p.m. lca\i'Ti.ins-
H'l'loi Om.ili.i iit il- , H hl : > , ' . < : ' . } ( > , 1)7 ) ! I !
10 7 , ll-OJ , llM'a. m ; l:0-i : , i.irli : \ \ - . : , , , : : w ,
:57. : : ! IHa : , "iij. ; : ( ! ; ! W , : io , T- : > ) , u\t : n. m.
I ! tniins ilo not run on Snnila ) . All nilicis
run il.uli. I'uiry tialns will run us ; iit hc > - -
tlOII Ol I'.U'll ( lllllllll\ It lilt , t'Mt'llt tllll-L' llMV
inuOnalm ; it < lvin : : in , and Ihlilp in , , and
lrulu : ( ; Council liluir.i at 7o.r : ) a. in , and II M )
p. in.
binrii VAKDS TIIAINSSpecial stod ;
xaids pavAnnut'i tiains le.ivi' Dm.iliii at 0:1 la.
in. , ou/i. : m. . riJ-'ii. ; : m , lr ) : u m. . llj ; ) a
m. , ! . ' ( ) p. m. . : t.V ) ji. m , , and > : ' * > p. m.
Lcnvo htoek jaiiN fin Dinilm at 7:5" : . ji. m. ,
lp : ia. in. , U.MI p. m. , ! : . < - ! p. in , , .S.Vi : p. m. ,
4:4) ) p. in. and i > : -i > p , in.
Coiiliivlliu' Hiir-snl n.inxft'i d.-pot. rnnncil
Bliilis. Cldc-iio , Uix'k lsa ! id iV I'triiic
leavu. 15 7:1 : 1 U'.in ' : a , in , , C . 'iiUp. : in. : ar-
ii\i' . DUjPia. m. . I ) ' . "J. K 7o : p. m. rin-
puo A. Ndilbwi'stcin Ve , It Hl.i : . m. , (
firitp , in. ; iinnv. l > ' .il ; > a. in. , II 7.l ( p.m.
Cliu.i.o , Jim inuton A. ( Jniiu > leu\u , Ai * : .
n. in. , A . ' > : : > ip. m ; iiui\e A til"i : u. in. . 1 !
llj'IO p. ill. . A 7 I i p , l > l. Clri'n. | | Ml\\uil > cii
A. St. I'.uilIIMVO ll'.il'ia : , in , C > ) p. in. ;
aune 1) ) ! ) ! 'i. a in. IJ7.Uii ) | m. KHIIMIS ( it\ ,
bt.-loi'.V f It Inivti. A lo-iW a. m , C > ir > . p.
in , ; .iiii\i\ I ) iii.t-'ui. in. , It 7 : : "i ji , m.Va -
b.ish li'.uo , A : t.U ( p. in. : a niA : i'Jp. : ( ) m.
biiinx C'iu V I'aci..e e.ue. A 7.U. a in. . A
7..V > p. in ; atiliii , A ! i.l ; a. in. . A 7iK ; ) p. in , :
\Viit\\aid 1'aoliic o\iiOhs | IIMVO A h'J )
p. m. ; nniMiA 7- : < i ) a. in. ; Dunur oxjiic-- .
lea M < A II - < > a , in , nuuA ( Mini in. : U. 1' .
mull si d i'\pii'f > , lli'i.allc | \ , lca\i' A 1 : 'J )
1 1. in. , a n\o A JIU : p. in. ; II. V .M. mall and
i xpicis Itep.alli' ) . haui A ! ( I : U )
a. in. ; IJ. iV M. iiiK'ht \iiuh.s | , leu > tt A 0:1) : ) J
p in. , aiiaf A iu.4i a. m ,
.SoulunIM , I' , d.iy nvprem , h\a\o A
llXii. : ( ) m. , aiii\uii:00 : a. in. ; nltihl uxpies- .
IIMVO HO-lXiii m. , arnvi ) A 7Kp. : ( m. ; K. C.
.st. .1. \C' . It. , via rialtsmnnlh. lui\o AlCIO
a. in. . ItiMi ii. m . niiivn 1) 7:0) : .
Noitb\\.inl-C. , ht. I' . . 31. A- ( ) . . Siiinx Oit >
p\pu-H - , leave A fi ; " ia. in. , iirrivt' ' 'i.U : p. m. ' ;
Oanlund iH'oiiiiu | liillon , ku\u C f > .lt ) p. m. ,
an hi' C U nO a. m.
Nun : -A Tnilii.Kil.ill ) ; Hdal'yexc ' ptSnii-
ill } ; ( 'dally ox ' | it b.tluiil.i ) , ] ) dalls f\-
cciit .Momhiy.
l.iHtv\iHl-C. ; . It. A Q. via riattMimutli ,
leaNO ' > : p. in. , iiiiiui H : .1) ) , i. in.
\ \ II < I\MIII | I'.u-iiitoxpluii leaves A HjiOp.
in , auho A 7 . . ' . 'i n. in , : Diiivci fxiiri
| I.IM < A ll-Ma. : in. auiie A 1:10 : p. in. ; U. I' .
niH land o | iinss , Ki'p. Valley , h'.uo A 1 : 1
p. in. . unuuA 'iIOp. : m. ; It. it M. in.ill ami
cxpiins Hi'ji. Valltn , UM\C A & : lui , pi. . , niUo
Idin , i. in. : H. iV .Nl. iii ht evpriHA , luavu A
U.-IJ p in. , iiulMi A i > : t"i p. in.
sinitliM.iul M. I' , da ) usii"ifl | ( , JcaA
11 : u a in. ( imu'ir.Ol.i , in. : nlcbt < i\ilcs | ,
IIMMI | i ' . ) 01 p m . aniM < A 7uO : | t. in.K. . 0. ,
fit. J. it f. it. , u.i I'mumn uuli. A .UJU
a. in. , II .1 > p. in , aimu 1) 7UO : a. in. . 7 : V > p ,
in.Northman ! - ( ' . . bL I' , . M iV ( ) . . .Slmix fit )
P\IIW-H | , li'ivn A h 'Wn in. , anne 'i.t : ) p , in ,
( h 'i utiiii uniiiiiiiKvIaUoii. wi\c U IfAO p. in ,
uriivi1 ( iu.i , i. m
.N'nii , - V tr I'lis d ul > : A d.dlv tM'L' > l Siin-
ila , i dnlo cicc 'l iSuiuuhy ; U duilj
JDe-wey ; c& > Stone's
of the ttcst Mid Xtrtrffcsh fitocJss in thv 17. 8 *
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator.
rvtiiimtoa 1'urnlslioil on application.
1409 and 1411 Daty Strait , - - - G3AHA , KEBRA8K1
_ _ w _ _ _ ±
The ( irao cf Selling Goods in Omaha , at anil faata osi , j :
aboui Massed Sway , Except at
And I vrould uot Cut Prices down to less -Efc
COST , for
But simply do so to hasten tlie closing oulfc ' of
niy stock that I may the sooner retire from
business. My stock still contains
Worth from $2.75 to $151 , Sh.tvvl Pins from 25o to $101 ; K ir Uln-rs from 25o to ? " ! ,
{ ( , Uracelcl lioinloo to $1 Joj Clock from 7. o to sflU ; Gents Chains from 25c to JJ ;
Ladies' Cli.iin fioiu & 1 to § 10 ; Sleeve l nltons from 15o to $15 ; Spur ! P.u ironi lt > o tj
$15 ; ( Jold Kins from 5U ; to $11 , ( Jold headed canes Irom $1 to § JU.
Also Holers ' Silverware , .Spectacles , t-te. , : it lialf jiriuc.
uull mid tik. < > tidriiutiiKu of this ODuortumU at Cor. of ISlh and
This ] H > imlir ( < ICMelry linn aio olTpilm ; .1 laiu stock of p\ciytliin In their 1)0 ! | ) ut ( pVcos !
Init a. once nttr..ct the atti'iitiiin ot tliu jiulluiuiis bu > ur. JVoiiIu whu ImVq. IVU eye to.tisl- |
uuvvlll itiici u to tlitlrowiiiuU.iiituijo lu call and Induct this
Fine Sewelr y ;
- - .
I"on o honr in iniinl tlmt nlthoiiph wo ImnUlo the lx - t pooiH In thJf world - tiiiT.
rvoij tliuii : tlmt lean1 * otu .stoif , < m > iiricus uio low. Wo h tv jroods for this i ati'iji > f'tiL'g ' J , st
incaiid aacll : w lor tlic mlllioiiitiru und uru biiuud to ) > lu.iu tliu people in julco ? and u'ual.ty.
Gold and Silver Watches.
As incaiN uono bv w lead all coiiiiiplltors in KoM ami Fllveratchoi , , nn 1 cm millit'io
must in > ttIi'iins ( In ( Idlil llc.nloil ( . 'IIIICH , ( iolil anil Diamond 1. nif , > oiul' IMiiH , Slcevo ( iiiit-
, Nuc-l.l icuD , J.adicd' Cluhirt , limits' ChaliH , Sh.iwl 1'nis , Kin , and Uraculcb * . Also
Fancy and Plain Clocks. . .
In fact them is nothing that | kciit In nnv first class jowolrv store tliat oannot bo bpij-jUt
ht our III.KC.V Imy i ( r cash ami In lai.v iiuntitii- | our ini im- \\h' .Ht'criu 1 r Ij'iil
ii.idu. .mil thus KWHI , , iinttoiiiiiuccs , unfaio willing todi\Mu wita odrciwio.noid. Uftll-upJ
Upholstering and Repairini
3IntlnM.i" ; < i made ovi'r , leather beds eleftiied and lenovaU'd , caipuls laid. CAm.Vi/c / St
NO , All ordeitf iirompily atU'iidt-d to. rnceMeaHomihle. 't
A. TlfLllOCK , Kiiif. und Hllpt. ( i. V. N. B.\UtLiul :
II.V. . DIAMOND , Awt. Bnuy.
Missouri Valley Bridge and Trcii works.
\ifoujjt \ IMJ , Steal , .HJ//J /
'Jiusbinid toinblnutloti'
n i j ) a E s
I oi llallroaiicl und HUliro'i U.
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , KJ : ' <
lasses , Piers and dab- >
ni , $ n A. wi
, t
" - > ' " "il no n i of all bild u ork to lot. Coirosjiom-o'ico i-ollvlliHl litim unylnodri in
or full Particulars about free and Cheap Lands in Western /.cbras'ta. Address
& hHIT , r.octi Estate Agents. North riutto. fJobraskz.
Growers of Live Stoclc auil Others.
wi : CAI.I. YOUU Arri.snoN : TO
Our Ground a
71 iMlm Met n I o'liMiirnt fndl for look ofnnv ki'il. OIHI jintin I h evpnd to Hiron pmmliif
corn. Block foil wlf i litouinl Oil l-a u ni iiio I'.ill mi I tVin.ur , In.oil < > ( niiniiu Uu rn , will In-
rrcuiM In wpiuht anil Im In iroixl nuik < 'liilituiiiilllon ! ) | In tliui1 irinr. 1) ilryinini us noJ | ni otliori ,
w lin ux ! It , nun njeiily ( o IK mujiia'ii y It am ) jinliu lor ) ouiiii ui iiuu $ : | , or ion. . J
tUuiuo lei autke. AuUii'M ' VUWUJHn tjift l.i.U iJ < UU.livJ , U.nuja , rtuurjjk * .
UI'.O III KKH , Mnni'ur ! ,
L'MOfJ STOCK YAHDS , OMAHA , / / / ? .
1'1'l't'l'l ' S' r- \'fii-clinn niil ( I'liinnirs' llnnk. I m 11 < \ h-t > ; heir toy V'iUui | < i | ivi' |