Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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HO. la
Trlh M til by c-nrrfor In any jiart of tlio cltr M
IT tiilj
Rpitcr , tlic tailor , for fall floods.
Onlvnno drunk iiucd In police court
About a hundred men arc employed ou
the new bridge.
Tim puvinjj of Hryunt street will bo
finished to-dr.y in linn > .lmpc.
Permit to marry \ \ as yesterday secured
lv William U Kilobit ) , of Crescent , and
Alnltin ) . Surlier , of thin city.
Still lluk'fi was yesterday arrested ami
ecnt to tin ; county jail on a charge of
Bterilintfii hat from Ktecumn'Bisloru.
G. A. McDonald and Adolisi Liiltounty ,
tooth of Omaha , were > csterday given
IHirmL'-.fioii to enter nutate of matrimony.
Tito annual ball to bo given by the
lloyal Arcanum at tliu Otfilen house tonight -
night promibcs to bu u brilliant racial
The county board yesterday concurred
in the recent action of the city council re
ducing tlio uBse.-i-inent of the stock yards
lo $5iwO.
Huth Austin , who hns been be
fore , was arrcfitcd yesterday for disturb
ing thii peace. Shu wan so mad thatshe
TVIIH black in the face.
Mrs. Miller xvho haB purchased the
iironerty formerly occupied by .Moliio
Wiillace , is having the name tilled up ,
and improved greatly.
Olllccr O'Hnen yesterday found in a
Bceond hand store two miws stolen re
cently from Prof. MeNaiigliton'H new
hoiihc , and owned by ( , ' . Hamster.
S. Kicliurdson was arrested for inter
fering \yith Deputy Marshal Ilooten , who
was trying to drive Hiohardaon'H cow to
t ic pound. The eahu was dropped when
it got Into court.
The work of ninking the first caisson
for the toundation of tiie new bridge has
begun. It will be Mink to a depth ot
seventy feet , and is to be built of timbers
eighteen inches in diameter.
\V J Donnelly , who has been em
ployed in Green's packing , and
who died eo suddenly Tuesdav , \ \ H
Iniried by the county'yoHterday. "Jt can
not be learned thathe hart any relatives.
It IB reported that Chief Skinner , of the
police lorce , is to resign his position and
go to work with tlio others on the new
bridge. This will give a chance for the
mayor to make either Brix or Nugent
chief of police.
The little rookery occopicd by Ruth
Toun&on , on upper Uroadway , caught
lm yesterday morning about G o'clock ,
supposed to be the work of an incen
diary. The morfl damage was that it was
not all burned down.
The Scandinavian Baptist church is
fnst approaching completion , and will ,
when Imiahcd , be a very creditable
building. The .society liin : worked hard
and given generously , and it iu gratify
ing to fcco the work prosper.
Charles Sanders , the boy arrested for
Stealing a sack of Hour from Mullis'
store .has been Bent to the county jail.
The judge had not decided whether to
hold him to await the action of the grand
jury , or to send him to the reform school.
_ At last the electric light promised the
city so long ago is being put in plaoe.
Jt is located on Uryant streets so that it
lights up not only the city buildings , but
n good share of tlio xtrgot , and the alleys
north of Uroadway , both" Ways froin Ury
ant street.
Approaches arc being made to the
Seventh btreet bridge , which has been
built by the county , but which the county
has refused to accept as not being ac
cording to contract. While the diller-
cnen between county and contractor is
being settled it is proposed to give the
public the benefit of the bridge by build
ing approaches.
The oitj is being tlooded with "plug-
god" coin. They are halves and dollar *
to tar as have been noticed , and the coin
ring all right , and look air right , but are
light of weight. Tlie source of distribu
tion has not been discovered , and those
who have occasion to handle silver
should keep an eagle eye out for bad
Miss Grace Swearingon and Miss Klia
Hoyer have been chosen by the board of
education to _ serve as substitute leaehcrs
for the ensuing j ear. Jt is their duty to
bo prepared at all limes to fike the place
of any teacher who may bo temporarily
absent from the school room by illness
or other cause , and are to receive a sal
ary of ? iO a month , and also the salary
which the toucher for whom they substi
tute would have been entitled to for the
time in which they serve.
Dr. Bellinger and Jim Grant stepped
Into Louiu 4s Metzger'sTuesd y night to
get a lunch , and in doing so Grant left
his shotgun standing at the doorway ,
When i they came out the gun had been
taken away , evidently by some sneak
thief. The officers were notilied , and a
nhnrp lookout was kept on the late
dummy train to keep the thief from
going to Omaha , but a little later the
gun was found in a stairway , Lthe thief
having evidently concluded to abandon
it , ho being too closely watched.
Cottage ranges. Garland stovoo , Ra
diant Homes and Hub beaters of the very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , at
Cooper & McGeo'0 , No. 41 Main street.
y ono buying Woonts worth of T
_ g & Co. , lu 8 a chance , free , in the
grout drawing , December ll.
Siilistiuitial iibstructH of title nnd roul
rstato loaiiH. J. W. , & E. L. Sfiuiro , 101
1'carl street ,
E. T. Waterman Is quite dangerously
Wrn. S. EiRoninn has returned from u
visit to Cn'feton friends.
J. J Anderson , the popular dinar con
ductor of tliu Itock Ishiiul , is .sick , niul olV
County Surveyor Toftovln goes to Fre
mont county next wok to make : i survey
to nettle u disputed bouiiiliiry.
Charlie Hclslor i.s coniitied to his room
with nmlurhl fe\vr. IliH father , I ) . M.
IJt-iidor , IB also ou the mck Hat with the
feiuuu trouble.
Mm S. 11 , Hill , mother of F. II. Hill , of
the Kmpkie Hardtvare company , left .yes
terday for Wlehlhi , Kan. , to viuit her
daughter , Airs. Dyer ,
Mr. E. . Wield , of Jnncsvillo. WIs. .
wns looking over Council Hlull's and
Omalia yesterday , stopping over hero
for only a day ou his way to Alton , Kan. ,
where lie has sons living , and where he
lit 9 property interests.
_ .
- - 1
For the brut and cheapest 03's.tcrs call
ut Chicago Lunch Counter , M'liroud \ -
wny. Oyster t > uup all day , only 10 cents.
Correct Abstracta of Title and Heal Ks-
tnto Loans atAIcAIahon & Co'u , No.1
IVurl Btreet. _ _
Do sura nnd ask your grocer for the
bread madi ; ut Smith iV Lmirkc'rt bakery ,
No , 5 'UMulti street. It la the very bcbt
made. Try It nnd be convinced.
Tlie very latent Now Vork htjles re
3oiv il w dly ut .Mr * . O. A. Ko era.
pp \ TTnnitTp tviiimMI'ttppiro
A Slick YotiEp ? Kan Oatches Several Oottn-
cil Elnffj lien.
Tlic New Bcwct- Hitch Tlio
of Klrst Avcnttc ItcHoltttloni
of Hyinpnlliy-Otliuf Xcwa
Itoinu niul Pcrsunnts.
AVIiolrnalo 1'orgory.
On u very opruco loolinfj ;
.yoiitiii 111:111 : , well thv&ocil , ttnd bouriny
the niiarnnc4i | ) of being more n rji'iitlo-
ninn of leisure tlmn otio u oU to hard
niiinual work , appeared at tlio residence
of Kam Underwood , nnd wanted to net
employment as a farm hand. Mr. Under
wood thought he was lee dmlLsli u look-
injr fellow to bo of nuicli sorvicu on the
place , and after hanging about for a
tlnio disnppearcd. U seems from litter
revelations that lie must have hung about
long enough to have got possession of
Mr. Underwood's signature in some way ,
for on Tuesday a young man answering
the description of this succeeded in
scattering a number of checks about tliu
city , to which were forged Mr. Under-
wood's milno. The young man hud n
peculiar dress , his outer suit being a good
working onu , w .lie underneath ho had
on a line suit of clothes , stylishly made ,
and by no means in keening with his outer
garb. In this city ho bought an overcoat
atMotcalf Uros. , and Btiececded in pay
ing for it with a , check for ? 1 ( ! purporting
to bu feigned by Mr. Underwood , and
drawn on the Citi/.eitH bunk. In the
evening he went into Jim Wilson's gam
bling hou'-e and pluycd until he hud lot-t
not only the oven oat which ho htid
bought , lint he ca.-hed another forged
cheek for -f 10 , drawn on the First isn-
tlonal bank , with Mr. Underwood's
nnnu ) signed thereto. The monev he
thus got ho aKo dropped. At John
Niolioldon'H saloon ho also succeeded in
potting n forged check cashed for ? 11.
At J. M Phillips' boot and shoe house ho
bought a pair of shoes , and ollered in
payment another check , purporting to
be signed by Mr. ( Jinlerwood , but there
the genuine signature of Mr. Underwood
was HO well known that sncpicions were
aroused that the cheek was not genuine ,
and as they hexitatcd to cash it , the fel
low quickly slipped out without shoes or
money. All tlteso cheeks proved to bo
forgeriefl and not very clumsy ones
either. The fellow has disappeared ,
and thtifi far there is no trace foumi in
dicating which way he has llown.
Pifof Ilibb ns in the latest color a
Mrs. llogers. _
Short Hand work and Type Writing.
All kinds. Kd Wright. 551 Mills &t.
Tttiildhii ; Houses in Streets.
A prominent real e.stato man in this
city in talking with a Hr.K man yesterday ,
remarked : "io ) yon know that there arc
as many as SCO houses in this city which
do not pay a cent of taxes ? "
The UKK man pleaded ignorance of the
fact and asked for an explanation.
"Why , it is simple enough. The houses
are not built on private lots , but arc right
in the streets. "
"Where are these houses ? "
"There are such houses in different
parts of the city. Most of them , however , .
are in the southwestern part. I can take
you > ul in my buggy and how you scores
of them , and I am sure that if the proper
survey * were made you would find , : ; s I
say , that there are 200 snob houses. A
while ago a man was talking with mo
about buying a lot on which to build a
liotiso. Wo didn't make a trade , but a
little while ago in riding about 1 found
that ho had put up quite a neat little
house , costing , I suppose , $150 or so. I
was trying to locate i-ome other lots near
there anil bo I asked him what the
number of his lot was. Ho sort
ol' looked puzzled for a minute , and then
ho owned up it had no number , and
wasn't. : i lot , but a part of the street. lie
had built his house so that it could bo
moved , if he had to move , but ho pro
posed to stay there as long as ho could.
Why , says 1 to him , if you are in the
btreet. that house beyond you is. llo said
yes , and conic to find out there is a whole
row in the same condition. There are a
great many such cases. I toll you I
honestly believe that tht-ro are 00 houses
thus built in the street ! } , and on which no
taxes are paid. "
"Hut why does not tliu council do some
thing about it ? "
' "I ho couneil did , about a year ago ,
pass a resolution ordering the marshal to
hunt up such cases , and make them move
oil' the streets , but that is all it ever
amounted to. Like nlcntyof other things
which needs attending to. all that seems
to be done is to pass resolutions. "
"What sort of house.s are these ? "
" 1 hey cost all the way from nothing
up to several hundred dollars. Some of
them are pretty good little lioues. Some
of them are lixed M > that if they have to
b moved , the owners will buy a lot and
move on it easily. Othcru are not worth
moving. "
For everything in the crrocorv line give
the now linn of Klnt & Ivlecb , Ni'3
Uroadway , a trial. Everything new and
Iresh. 1'ancy groceries a specialty.
. .
- -t >
Drs , Judd & .Smith's Klectro-Magnetic
lui-olcs. Only lilt.v cents. No. BO Fourth
St. , Council IShills , Iowa. Agents
The Now Sewer IHioh ,
The work on the Indian creak sewer
ditch does not seem to progress very rap-
Idly. The contractor , 5lr. Vincent , has
been delayed by the council not being
able to pay him the needed cusli to prose
cute the work , and now that Unit dilli-
ctilty Is overcome there has boon some
work done , but the weather has been un
favorable. A goodly portion of the ditch
has relillcd , nnd to take out this dirt
seems to bo an even harder tank than to
excavate originally. This relilling is soft
and heavy , and with tlio wet weather it
is found almost impossible to work
teams in the ditch , bccaubo they get
mired. It is now proposed to use men
and wheelbarrows , and it is hoped
this plan will prove morw successful
The teams which are employed have not
been used to such work , and when
they find their feet going into the
mire they get frightened and make
bad work. Mr. Vincent's own teams ,
which are more used to the work , are o.v
nccted to bo hero this week and tlioy will
bo tried. There is EOIHO four that the
work will have to bo delayed until the
nnitl freezes , and then there Is danger of
cold weather , overllows of the creek , and
ice , preventing much pro r. H , Alto
gether the work docs not iu < I. very en
couraging , and yet it Eccms that it iniibt
bo done , lor unless that ditch is opened
tliu sewer Mstoui will not amount to any
thing , and It lias comn to bo a matter of
necessitv. Tlio olti/wis. who have suf , *
fend from ( hi ) creek will hardly brook'
much morodt-hii , and they nan hardly
bo blamed for being impatx nt , mid , per-
Irips , unreason.ible in their dci.iunds. U.
Is th ) determination to pet tin- ditch nil
opened ns soon as posiiblc , lint thre are
nKt.vlnM which must bo met , although
nt. great e.\penso.
For hardware and hou o inruMitngs
trot prices of Cooper & McGee , No. 41
Wain Rtrect ,
Pinrst dliplnv of mecrslmum nnd
Miiokprs'goods for holiday gifts. T. D.
King & Co. , Cigars and 'lobaccos , 61 ! )
Sorrow and Sympathy.
At n meeting of Fidelity Council , No.
IT)1 ! , Hoynl Arcanum , hrl I at their coun
cil chamber , November 10 , ISS-'i. the fol
lowing resolutions on the death of our
brotbnr , John A. KinU , wen- adopted :
Wiiorcac , Death has talon from us In the
prime ol hlM mtinlir > od our beloved brother ,
John A. Klutanil. .
\\hrrcsm. In hH dentil I'ldi'llty Counrll
loH's one of Us most estimable members nnd
lt"wiv ! M | , That we. ns n rounril , tender to
lilt bvreaved parents , bmtlicrs and relntlvos.
our wlnoeieHymjialhy Iu this , their hour of
nfnUltrtlon. and niiin ) them , tint while wo
b.iw in ini'oU Hlibmls-tloiitothetlucrecot 111 n
"whodocth all tlilm , ' well , " wechall mls <
him , nnd his vacant ohnlr In our cmtncll
ehanux r will Im u constant iviiiliult'r to UH all
ot ( lie tiucerhdnty of ll' > . and of him \\lio
has but taken another Mcpniintlicr dovrree
Into the inybtcrlt's ' of this woild and the lu-
tu re.
I'a olvcd. That our hall IM dr.iped In
moiirnlni ; fora period < V slxtv dnys In honor
ol our deceot-ed brother , and that we attend
his In aboilv.
ISi'MiIvod , That a copy of UiP'O resolntlnn ?
he given each of our d.dlypaiKMH tor publi
cation , multicopy mailed to the pau'iils of
the tlocciuswl , iiiul to his brother , and that the
name tie Hpiead upon the records of our
Sigaed thla 10th dav of November , 1RS3.
Kfv. : T. .1. .MACKUV ,
A. T. Fl.tcKlNOI'.K.
Committee un Uc > oliitions.
Try John TempletonVRoso" cigar.
Opening First Avenue.
In the proposed openinjjof First nvenuc
from Main street to Bancroft there
threatens to be a little trouble about an
eight foot strip , which is miid to have
been given by Mr. Jackson with the in
tention of having an alley through there ,
but other eight feet never beinj : given ,
the . > trip lias been kept fenced and never
used for an alley. Now that the city
purposes to open this street objection is
naturally made to paying for thia strip
under tlic claim that it already bolon/is /
jo the city. Just how this will come out
it is ditlieult to tell , but it makes another
perplexing feature to the problem of how
to make the needed improvement.
She Got Into Troulilc Wliile Scclns
the City by Gaslight.
A Philadelphia telegram to the New
York 'I imes of Nov. ( jth , says : The last
strains of the "Nanon" wait/ had died
away in Ball's gilded saloon at No. 7-i ! )
Lombard-street the in-
- to-night , when -
match were started by a loud "lla ! ha ! "
which ended in "Bravo , my boy , walk
right in. " Then the small doors swung
wide open , and in strode a middle-aged ,
jollv-iooking man , exquisitely dres-sed ,
wearing a shining high hat and carrying
a heavy , handsome cane. By hia hide ,
running to keep up with him. was a cute
little bit ol' _ huina ity in tight titling
troupers , pointed shoes , a short light
overcoat , a derby hat that revealed even
ly cut bangs , and , in fact , everything
that would warrant at first sight the ver
dict "dude. "
"Hero , waiter , " said the big man ,
snapping his fingers. "Whioky and
lemon. "
"Sherry for me"piped a queer little
The colored proprietor turned quickly
from his dealt and inquired :
"Is your Iriend of age , sirV"
"Well , yon just bet on it , " and slap
ping the mite on the shoulder he asked :
"Aren't you of age ? "
"Well , J should .smile , " came the an
swer , with a laugh , and the little one
drew deeply on a lighted cigarette and
sent out rings of siuorfu.
"Well , I don't believe it. " said Ball ,
"and J won't tell him any liquor. "
"Oh , well , " what's the odds ? " said the
big man.
"What's the odds ! " squealed his pro
tege , and out they went together.
"Something is crooked there , " said
Ball as he put on bis .bat and followed
them up Lombard street to JMghth.
' 1 here they were confronted by a huge
Nineteenth District policeman , who , at
the request of Ball , stopped them and
marched them into the station house.
"Well , now. I'd like to know what this
is for , " naid ibe big man.
"Search them , " was the lieutenant's
reply. The middle-aged man changed
color and was perspiring treely as ho
leaned over to the house sergeant and
whispered hoarnly :
"My God , man , she is a woman ! "
The house bargcant started back dum
founded. The little woman in male at
tire buried her face in her hands and
"Now , for God's sake , don't look us
up ! " said the big man , desperately. This
little girl ju < t got herself up in these
togs because she wanted to see. the city
by gaslight. Just telephone the minor ,
won't yon ? 1 am an intimate friend of
his. Tell him" and then the stranger
hesitated. "Ob , well , tell him its Anth
ony J. Lcchler , of No. 1U1H North Kigut-
teenth street "
The hoiiHo .sergeant waBohduralc , how
ever , and said tlioy would have to go in
the cells. Then the would-be boy
shrieked in real womanly tones , while
her eompanjon implored her t- > keep
quiet , and b.iid her name was Mary Smiiii
and that shu lived at No. 1,11'A ) North
Kightccnth Mrcet. She was half carried
to the cells , and hardly hail the iron
door clanked behind her when a drunken
woman from South street soiled , "How-
ly mother ! to bo Kept in the sumo cell
with a man , " The agitated sergeant explained
plained the matter to her and peace
again reigned.
Late to-night bail was entered before a
magistrate , and Mr I.eclilorand his com
panion were released , to appear to-mor
row. Lechler is manager of a large
foundry at Thirteenth anil I'ine streets.
Lamps cheap at Homer's , 23 Main St.
Nt'rvoun Octitlltatcd Mon ,
i mi are allowed n fica trial lor lliirni rtnin
ot the itsoof Dr. ] ) \e' CclrliratciJ Voltaic
Belt with Klc'ctiic Hiisivensury Appliances ,
for the speed } mill-fund pprmiint > nt cme of
Nervous JebllUlosi of Vitality and Man
hood , ami all kiiuhed troubles. Also tor
iiLUiy othe diseases , ( 'nunilc-ti' icstoratlun to
In-null , vl > .or ami innnlioiiii. No risk Is lu-
cuiied. Illu-tniled pamphlet with tall liil'or-
mntloii , terms , etc. . mailed free by
Voltaic Helt Co. Marshall , Midi.
HO. 7 and 9 MAIN-STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
YOS : : (
: Co ,
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
Public end Private Systems
cf Seweraga.
Water woiks nnd Ventilation designed
and constructed.
Plumbing work in all its branchcs.This
company have one of the best assorted
stocks of plumbing goods in the west
Estimates furnished.
Now York Plumbing company 052 Hroad
way Council IMnfl's. Telephone No 27.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
PIT pfnptt Is now romplrto In rvery dopnrt-
mcnt and contains nil the Juteastyles
Largest Stock.
Lowest Prices.
wr.s-rr.uN iow.\ .
FAMI'IJSS rurnlahcil upon apiillcatlnn to o
of town pnrtlos.
Council Bluffs Carpe ! Company
5 Bt'oadtray.
( CEO. SCHINDLLE / & CO , , )
No. 540 Broad a , Council Bluffs.
orlcpiiarantcejl O'iml | to Tray Lminilry
vrork. Work cul'oa ' , } | > r > \ ilcll\cro.l \ VUK1.
All KiiodB by innll or n prosa rcoolvo jironiin ut-
tcnti' n. | |
fiio | < : laltli ) Clci'ilii ostuiU : ] > rom ptiioEs. Tel
( 'I'liouu ' No 1M.
ESErs. D. A. Benedict's ,
No. 037 Ilromlway , Council Illuffg.
Hair Goods Hair Goods
Of all hlnJa iimdo to Of every Myle ready
Hair Goods Hair Goods
ITo , SS
NOTICK. Spcrlul mlvorii-t montft , such M
I.o.l , lYniml. To Ix > mi. Tor SMo. To Hclit , Wants
iillufr , etc. , will l > p inserted In thl * column nt
low into of 'I I'X CTNTS t'l'.ll LINK for the
fit tln.-'irt'onnnO ' HVi : CUNTS 1T.M l.INH for
cnoli Mi ( ' enticiit ln rrllon. Ix nve fdvortl-o-
incntsnt our oftlco , No. U 1'cnrl street , near
WANT1 * ,
\\7AS1 IJ'1riKttla'n Ironori nt IJiiiac S'cnr.l
l < I.iuniury , No , , ' ( ( l Ition0nu > louncll nllllTf- .
UlN I SI i iir : ) ifKM-A MioH v Turn iihoti
lurjie l'ntit fooin tor tout at No. ttil Vine
ttticut , tounrll lllullfl.
J/OH SAI.K Hcllix dcdlroiH of inavlnc In
Opinlm. on Mi-count n ! my tniftlnc * * , 1 otfcr
forFiiU-iny resilience , cot-ncr I'ourtli HMMIUO
nnil Mill li sti ret. Inquliooiiin-uiiiUeti. A. 1 * .
No. 4 1'enrl * tiwt.
j-ou SAI.I : , r < w IM.NT ou
RO. fi ! ! Vor mlonr rrni , on very lltirrnl tt'Jini.
TMn rauiu'll lllull < ] 'aier ( Mlll.complfK' . ltli
tlin lurtro tionitlinir lioti.-o nnJ tlirco ctw of
No. "fi A tnisliic s jnoperly In Tlirrokoo ,
( "lipiokpo county , lowit. will tnulo for WCP'.ITII
InnilH. Vnlui' . nhotlt f 4.KW
No. : m A lirnutlful home la the lann of H t-
Intrf , MIllR lonnty , town , foi luiul.
Vi\i \ o. $ ; ir.xi. (
No 41 A iooit t > ti lnoss property niul nlso
cwil roslduiK't ) propoity In Ilio town of I'tiunvo
Mct.piin cnnntj , 111 , low ilowtt tor ctinh or will
t'icliiiiijio for woaiern lumls.
No. 17U A snlciidlil farm , wnll Improved , C40
n < Tos In Dk'kniKon county , loua , Joining the
town of Spirit I.nko. I'rlco , for n short time ,
fiVi per uci c.
No. 1st to 1K7 Are four Inpi'ovrd fiirins la
I'hllllpncmnitv. IUUIMII , ouch with n eninll In-
cnmbnuieo. Thoonultau ivlll bo < > \chnnied for
utilncuinhcrcd vlkl Iniul In NohiiiBkn.
No. li 4M ) notes In Unit county , Neb. , parity
ImnroviKl , nt n liijj btirgnln , Wniils. to oxtliiuiBO
No. M A tlno two utorv tirlck rc'lilrnco. 0110
or the best looaildiis In Council muffs , will trail o
l ( > r Kooil unliu'uiiboiuil Kiineus or NubriwUn
liiinls. Vitltin. J-r > . ( X ) .
No. 65 mill It Anv two otlirr benutlful homM
In Illuffs , which cash imyincnls will buy
at n Ij.iiKiiln.
No. Wi A lieiiiitlful suburbnn location In Iowa
rily , Iowa , will cM-huiiKO lor wcatoru Kinds.
Vnttio , f .l.tiiJO.
Thoahovo nro only n few of our pprcinl linr-
pnlus. If you'vojrot nnythliifr to tnulc or fell ,
or want to sell imy renl cstiito or inurxliiuiili-o ,
wilto us. Wo luivo POrrnl KOIX ! ctcx'Ks of froixU
to tniilo for lands. SWAN & WAI KKU ,
tJoundl llhills , Iowa.
J. L Do BEYOISE , Agent.
No. 607 Ilrondvrav , Council Illuff * .
Railway Time Table.
Tlio follmylnv Is tlio time of nrrlrnl nml
dopnrtuivof trnitif by central stnnclim ! tiaie. nt
the locid dopntH. Tnilus kuvo trmis-lnrilcpot ton
ininutOH ( Miilior icnl iiriivu ten minutes luttsr :
PKPAKT. A1U11V1 ! .
cniCAoo & NonTinynRTctiK.
Oil \ . M . Mnlliuiil Express . CMr. : v.
1 :411 : r. SI . Accommodation . 4-M V , M.
f > : oO p. M . IX : | ICK ? . UU5 : A. M.
) i-.T. A. M . Mull nnd lUpic'-s . f.KI : p. v.
7:15 A. M . Accnnimoiliuloii . fi :4.'i : p. M .
fiioUP. M . ExprcN's . UUT : A. u.
9M A. M . Mail imd Kvpress. . HSOp. : M.
5'Ji : P. M . Kxprcps . U : A. M.
CHICAGO , uuni.iNoros * O.UINCV.
0:40 : A. M . Muiland Kxpriss . 7lflp. : vj.
uif : ; > i' . M . Kxpiijis . 8:50 A.M.
W4111SII , ST. 1,01'lSft PACiriC.
2:1 : "i p. M.Iiocnt M. liOiiK i\irt ; ] ; s Ixiciil .
JOilU A. M . Mull niul Kxpres * . 7'ii : IF. si.
l' ' : ( p.M . i\pro : < 3 . GX'JA.M. :
pjoixciT\ i-.cinc.
7:15 : A. M . Slou.x City Mall . fi:30p. : M.
bl)5 : ) P. u . St. 1'iUll K.vprthS . b 'iA.ic.
UNION l-A < "HO.
11:00 : A. M . Denver KxproHU . 4:35 : p. M.
1 : ( ! . M. . . Lincoln 1'ns-n , l > m. & H. ; p. si.
' :45p.M : . Ororlnnd ISxpre'w ' . tt:3iA.u. :
Louvo Council lUiiffs 7:05 7.Vi 9aO : 10:30 :
11:40 : n. m. ; lii : ! ' :30 : UM : : li.'H 5i' : ) 0'J."i
11:45 : p. in. UMUO Oinulm fii'i 7ifi h:50 10OJ :
11:13 : u. m : 12:5i : > - : . ' : ( . j-uO ; ! : 4:00 4:55 : 5:05. :
In Council IllutTs Imvlnsr
Atdnll iminern Improvements , cull bolla , tire
nlunn bells , etc. . if. tlio
Nog. U15 , L'I7 anil 2ln , Mnin Si rcot ,
MAX M0ll.1'ropriotor. .
342 and 3U BROADWAY.
Fail & Winter Wear
Mr-tis' niul llnj-i' Tlii lnr B Suits.
JtciK' nnil lloya' nrcsi Suits.
ClilMrons1 Kvcry l > nv and Drrss Suits.
Ovoccouts for .Mon , liny * uri'l Cli
Sli-ic'liuiit Tailor BillH
ilun-lmnt Tailor O\ ore o.its.
Merchant Tiillor Trow-on.
Kiitiil to the tM "t , to onlcr ,
At liult tin1 price.
1'ut MOMS' Suite nml OvcrciMU.
I.ciili MOIIH' f > nlt8 unit OvofUiiatK.
J-ut .Moils' Tro < ra
Scnnilfss Shirts nn < l Tro\vfors In Hootrh w
MiHllciitud Scnrlcte. Kvtr.i llruvr
1'iiiicy Colored Wools unil jnixod fiuuhtit-j , Jrotn
l'I/u cucu
KOII THK r.uj , or lass.
G-loves ,
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchi efs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of llrst t'lnsa quttlltlt > 3 nnJ ren&onublo jitlcoi
Sl-und CU IlroaUnav , Council Illuffe. IO\TU.
R. RICE , M. D.
- ur i'tl'i r l niu.r * n-imitat , 'lihout
till ) tlltft' O. llfUAllI of lj/ ! l | .
CUR01HC DISEASES - 1 u u. . * a
pnutli'til i-i | > "ri < utu U.Uou
J\u. II t rml h.r'i't. ( uuiit-U iJtUlfo.
Have removed tothclr Now Store ,
Hos. 32 & 84 Main and 884 35 Pearl Sts.
Where they hnvc put in u now Mock of
Ladies' ' and Gents Furnishing Goods , Elc , , Etc ,
Among which arc the following lines :
Hats and Caps , G-loves and Mittens , Gents
Neckwear , Q-eiits' Under wear.
Ladies' CJiildren's and Misses' Underwear ,
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' I'a/iscs , Blankets ana
Flannels , Rock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
JCo. HO and M Main Street , Council Hlufl
No. 83 and 1)3 ) Pearl Street.
PAID UP CAPITAL , $20,000. , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000 ,
oiasEJO TO j.
0 *
Musical Merchandise of Evtry Description ,
Toys and Fancy Gooils.
WP. make the cclecrnled Hnrdman Pianns , and the Royal Whitney Organs , Q
specialty. Every instrument warranted. Send for catalogue.
. 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Our ouf.tomcrs get the benefit of the nxponsc thus s.-ived. Send for price liata. ]
W. 3P
ftriok Jnillrtinpiof nny Mini inl'i-d or mnyftl nnrt tntliMrtlnn ( rimr ntppd. I'raino houoea niord
onlJtlJeOtunt Irucku llio lint in ili.i wuil.l.
; T
ANI > -
No. 29 Main street. Council Bluffs.
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
No. 162 Brosuhvay.
Opposite Ogdcii House ,
- - .
Tlnr lioiiso being n now ono , OOIIBO-
( ] iinitly ! cvcrytliing iu block is now and
Prlcfis as ronRou.iJjle aa any oilier yro
cory in the wct > t.
Ono trial is nil we u&lr.
ill MaU uud KciU-ial
7 unJ 1 , ) ijai. . Jlc'i'j.J J
. orncrn. u , n , piracy.
ioj. isn
rorincrly of Ncir York , i
No. 3-11'corl ttitui , . . CuunciJ Uliiir , Town
Justice of the Peace.
OflicoOicr Aincrlcaii
CO I M j J 111
II * * imonril rtsultoul 'ii-ciwmukln-r l > rlor8Rt
' Jv
Cuttiiw unil llttlny
0-u.tter KCotel
l ! ] > i'ii.'ily ' inl.iiiifl l < n- | | , . ra u
JMlflii I i UuIIUMI.I Ttuutor , Jlutvd