THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TH TESTAY , NOVEMBER 12 , 1885. Hr Nebraska the Trno Home of the Honest and Industrious Husbandman. CORN STATISTICS OF THE STATE Prooccfllngn In tlio Pound Icr Uftflc The Mltoholl Quo AVnrrnnto Cno - A Ilnclcct of Lincoln [ nioM me DEK'S LINCOI.J nunxAu.l I'rof. Oeorgii li. Lane , who has charge of Uio state census nnd mat.-rlal sUilhtics referring to thu growth of Nebraska , has just llntfhud tliu compilution of the corn crop of ISJt. It Is tabulated , and u com parison is made betwuen ll und Ihu yield for 187U , whioh was Ihu year laken for the government cimstn of 1HJJ. As will be HIHSII by refurenuu to lliu ligures , tliu in- crousu during the llvo years intervening botweun tlio two stalumenW has very nearly doubled I'rom ostimales re- ouivud , it IK leurncd that thu increase of acreage In IBil over IdJl in fully t"i per cent , und thu inerunsu In yield about ID pur cent , which will make this year's oroii aproximatu l.,0U > M,000 bushels , which goes to Indicate that "Corn i.s King. " 'J hu lollowing i.s thotablogiving thu yield in cacti county : COUNTll.S. 1IU lt . ISTtl. Adnnm : ! , isilW(5 ( Antciope l--i > , ! - ! . IllllllH " ) ' ais'/Hii Jliown l Jiunitlo 1,7 llutler ! , ! ! ' J Inn U.MS' , IHO COM 5 itiij.- : : ( Xxlar lUr.HU CllllbO * Choyciino i,0io ! ) Cherry r.'j.vjo , Clny nr.MiiiM Cundni ; , Ouster 1.UM.770 , Dukulu. . . , U3li.ol. . 4IM.4W Jn WDOII rxs'iji ( Dlxon Wil.l.'itl jodu'o : ,5ihM nonplus it. ! > irur Dmidy fi.lliH IMInmro B.O J'.i. U Kronl lor ! K > , : iiil Furmis WU..VU < ! > * : . (5" ( ' : > ' ! : f 1. ' U ' , s'J.- t . Oosper Wl-i-0 Grtxiloy jSHiiu : Hull l.twixil JlHinlllou Jlnrlau Jlltrbcuck 1S.5.T. 3,1.11) licit K i , tWT hSl-J | JI owunl fi'.HiV , ) : tooNV ) .1 elTersou : , ! Kearney 1IB7J7S , : Kovu I'aha 10"iWW Keith IO.W.O KlIOX .Vi7XJ'J ( ' r.nueaslor fisitirj Tilnroln lsr..H ! > 1,11)5 ) r ) "nn U.tiM t Lout U > rl I t i. , . . . , u lr.v > , : ll I Mtrrlek lllOT ( ) : Nomiiha . H,3'l.l ' A 2UW,7iO NucUolls . 'JIvSiT I'.ci.iKN Otoo . . | , : a..vnoi 'a vviico . ti'i" T , 151 Icico bl.lilll frJO.l 10 oik . 'JUi''b,7fi iU7r.iirr. tlchardfloni..r -Vi-i Willow . AViH7i : l,5d.q ( ) Saun ileix . ( i , : > ls , . > - o Howniil . rvisS.Kl Shcudan . : i.iHW Shorinan . ( W4.17 : ! .os Sioux . * . nn ! Hlnuton . r.t' J4J,7l.-i ! Thaycr . 3,0 ri.r.l , Vnmw . 4iu,07t ; WiiHh'Ington . iV.f.,07l ) ) Wnyno . rwioH , ) . JVobstor . 1 , l > .Vi , m 711,07:1 : Wheeler . IB.bSt Ib.S'.X ) York . 3,70lHl ( ( Ton'y . Total IW.HWT ! : C5-LOiH , : * No corn crop lejMirlcd. tMut foiincd. T1IK I'Ot'VI ) CASK. The trial of A. L. I'ound for Uio killing ofhunes Grlll'm was retiiunud in the ili.s- trlct court yesterday morning at u o'clock The dot'ensu oallcd Mih.s Alornc , tin umployo in the land commissioner's ofllo'i , who ti'stilied that she was iiidt coming out of the amtilor's ollieo when the ( irnl uhot was tired. Hho thought thu ahot was from the ruvolvur huld by Cinf- fin , nnd it waa pointed in thu direction whuro Pound Htuod. The wittuws said slid WRH cool ami collected vvhen all this oocurrod , but there is a dillurenco be- twcon her testimony and that of Leu and Dlmtniokfi , who .sworu that ( irillln faced them und that he stood to the loft of I'ound The next witness for the prisoner was J. Milton iloltman , private Heurolarv to hlg excellency the governor. Mr. lIolV- ninn said hu had just oomu down etiiirs nnd had flood in tliu hall , as near ( is ho oould judge , about ton seconds when I4ie vvas iircd. The vvit- ncJ thought tlmt ( irillln did not raise Ids band until after Pound's lirut shot. There 8 aUiaeropanuy between IloDinun'a evi dence und that of I'ound himself , whom the prosecuting attorney thinks Is tliu boat witness hu had in the cariu. Pound In LU tcHtiinnny first tmid that his hot was lired in the air and that the second shot was lired after ( irillln com menced to hobble on" . Again hu Maid ho knew MoGuiru and Crilbn were tins- pornto clmraeters and that hu did not euro to luce them , leaving tliu infurunuu thtvt his lirat shot had not been tired in the air , which BtJitemont is bcwt corrob- ortvtod by thu fuel that Hovunty-two buck shot wuro | > icke l from Unllln'H body , whioh waa moru than onu barrel would hold without bursting , 1'ho other witnesses examliiod did not develop anything new. During thu production of thu oylduneo no ruferenuu was made to thu part hid excellency , the governor , pluyod in the homicide , and unytlung tending that way WMR tmnilully UNeluded. as it waa , doubt- lua , Uiought it might injure thu govern or K boomlet wliluh lie is carefully nurs ing In his hot-hoiidj down in Saliuu county. Tlio dlatrlut attorney deus not uxpeut a oonviction , but ti.xpcets to hang thu jury. When ( pioationud way ho did not mink tlio chances at leat > t uvun , hu hintud darkly at various inllucueoH , but would not put hia suspicions in u tangiblu Hlnipo , TUB .MlTi'lIKLI. PASB AOAIK. The ( ino warranto oasu brought against JudKw Mitchell by Hon. J. O.Vat.Min nnd otluirH , of Nebraska City , camu uji ycriterday in thorttipreme oourt , it being Ihu day net for answer by the defondunt , Mltoholl. Instead of answering , his at- Ujrnuyadomurnd to thu pleiulmg tiled by Uu ndttior , > \ atson , on the ground that hu wits not the iiropiir party to bring tlio ptooeudingtt nnd that under Ihu utai- jute regulating quo warranto prouoodinjrs the attorney was the only person who la niithorui'tl to br ng thorn. Tlio atturnuy gunoral waa talkutt to by ft HKK rujiortur on tliu mutter. Hu had refused to bring thu prooendln but hu Miove-d tnal Air. Watson had a right to Irlng jlium in eiwu of tliu itttornuy gun- enilV rotiiMtl to do so. Ho hud not thon-'ht It iiuoccsjirv to dWnrb Milelioll h tlUn. nnd ho did hot think thu people wanted it distntvcd. Ho mud it was rii- on thu ulruott ol Lincoln that the ouprcmo oourt would go Into the validity j of the law tinder which Mitchell acts , In its written opinion on the mandamu.i pro ceedings brought by J. Sterling Merion ngainst Stcphcnson , the clerk of Oleo county. w.w AVF.iotiisn sfM.r. . .T. It. Osbonn1. of this city , returned from the south jc-.terdny , where he has been on business of nil important charac ter At Jclt'ci on Cit.xIo. . . , he mot a young German namid Kohlimin , Irom New York , who Is the patentee of an automatic double acting scale , v , hich has material point * over any nthcr scnle ever inouted. . It may be used In an eh" , ator In weighing grain as it runs from the bin into the car. The scale is an egg-shaped sheet iron apparatus , having two com- partmcilU. The grain runs into one compartment until It U tilled ami the weight iipceitained. when the How Is automatically transferred to the hccond compartment , without stopping the ma chine. The woighing"U eaid to bo very accurate. Mr. O.shoruo has hive-led S''O.OOJ In the Hcale , and John .SeaUm , thu foundry man , has also taken an interest. It is tiio purpose of the gentlemen to commence tlm mannfacluro of the new scale shortly on a large basis. Thus It will easily bit seen that Lincoln Is rapidly coming to tie ! front. INTOKMA rmss\t. : . Tin supreme court handed down nn opinion yesterday of considerable inter est throughout the state. In the criminal eaMj of 1' rank Joues , on error from fum ing county , the uucstion of thu law doing awa.y witii gra d juries and allowing the district , attorney lo file informations against prisoners , Instead of indicting by grand jury , came up for decision. Tim court held that the law applies to all case- where grand juries were required aflcr the act in question took otVeet , which u as. Tune 10 last. The informations , ac cording lo tiie construction of llio court , are perfectly legal and thu law valid in cvei'i particular. CITY NOTP.SI. Kddie ICloutsch. eldest son of Major J. 1) . Kleutseh , died Tnc-day night , alter a twelve ( lays' illii"ss. of typhoid fever. Deceased was a bright young man , and would have attained hi.s nineteenth jcar the 1 ith inst. The funeral will occur to day at J o'clock from the family donee , corner of Nineteenth and M streets. Night before last agangof seven loughs jumped on to Policeman Torn Kearuahan and proceeded to do him up. Tom made a brave light and finally hauled two of them lo jail. The statements made by Webster and others about the high appraisement of lands on Kighth and Ninth streets is shown to have been false by the re port of the appraisers themselves A.s tirst staled in the I'.r.r. the amount ap proximates # . ) ( ) , 000 , while tin-no agitators had it up to $ ij ; ( > ,0 H ) at one time. Tlio trustees of Picrio University , Da kota , have tendered the professorship of ancient languages in that institution to ( ieorgoCi. Hitchcock of Lincoln. Hitoh- cock is a graduate of the .State Univer sity. sity.r r red Harrison , the popular young at torney , hasjuotrelnruedffromii tendays' business trip in the south. Hon. J. II. Stukel , the well known Thaycr county orator , was in the city yesterday on his way to Omaha. ST.VIi : AHKIVA1.S. Hob Currav , Palmyra ; ,1. N. Edward , Seward ; t ) H. Kilboimi , O. Hildobraud , Grand Island ; J. P , Conger , Syracuse ; U. S Maker , Fairhury : Lou Crouer , Omaha. .1. S. Miller , Albion ; W. II. Ferguson , Aurora ; J. M. Davidson , York ; G. P. Chisman , York ; John D.iwson , Alma ; D 1) Johnson , Wynmrc ; Charles Ogdun. Omaha ; Lieutenant Governor Sucdii and wife , Ashh'.nd. No n.imo is better and moro pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. J. A. Po//.oni. For Years ho has made him self famous by the elegant perfumes and complexion powder that bears his name , ( ho latter haying found its way to tiio belles of Paris , Germany and London. Kvcr.\ body _ admires beauty in ladies. Nothing will do more to produce or en hance it Hutu u use of Mr. Po/.zoui's pre parations. She AVouIilii't Stand Ir. A voting man from Pennsylvania came to New \ork last week lo have some the atrical printing done , and at the job of- lieo ho explained that the company was composed of amateurs who wore to make their lirbt trip on the road. "Then , " said the gentleman who was helping him on his bills , "yon will , of course , follow the rule and advertise that 3 on arc from the Union Square theater ? " "Well , I don 't know. " "And I shall nut on that you are all well-known stars. " "It might do. " "And we must advertise that your play had a rim of 0 ) ilights in this city. "Hut it hasn't. " "Makes iio dill'eronoo about that. I Khali say that the Start Herald , Times , Tribune and Sun mention it as an un- qnalilied success. " "Hut they haven't. " "That's all right , you know. Wo will say that you have a carload of special Bcenory and your own orchestra. " "Good " gracious : "And it will bo wise to add that in Chicago cage , Milwaukee and St. Paul you had to turn away people by hundreds. "Say ! you mustn't do it , " protested the young man. "Tho heroine of thu play i.s a Sunday .school teacher and down on lying. She's going to furnish the cnsh to pay for the bills and gat us lo the lirst town , If there's any lying on the bills she II bust the whole trip and leave mo with two Alpine scenes , a Mulled dog , a thunder storm and a backyard in Hoslon on my hands for the winter. Wo'll tc.ll thu truth on the bills , and if wo bust on the road there's some" show to hold a prayer meeting and appeal to provi dence. " "WTien ] t l > 7 was ilck. we p re h r CaotorU , When ibo TCU * Child , slia cned far ( aatorU , When ho Ufvcaino Mini , ( lie chin ; to CutorU , Yftieu alia had Ctiildruu , itio giro Uioa UaUotiu , Fatal Ne IlKcnce. UTICA , Nov. 11 The coroner's Jury In the rase of Mrs. Pratt , killed In the Occident , on \VcstShoro railroad , near Little KalU , Monday , relumed acrdict chai lm ; the i.dho.iu company with gioss ni'ifliKenco in nut liuNliiK pio\ld d a culvert where the \\nsliuut occulted. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Tornll Ijivcr , HIilneyH , Stomiioli nnd Splcou. TliH ( inruly vuKvtutito mvpiuiitlcm , IIOMw ) uolulnuttsl iw u Kiuiilb Jkxllclnu , urielimtcil lu ilioboutli in iteA. luncto Konlly nit tlio boucU und klilnoy uml ( x.r- rocts llio iwtlnii of tlio I Ivor , mid Is , Ilicrcforo , tlio I > OM iu\iiurutory | inwll- flno , wlntlpvor tlio siol.iiiH4 nuiy pruto to bo. lu till coimmm ilUviuucn U will , mi- liy any oilier mullclnii , uiru.x a Itcuulutor U fiifu lo ailtnlnUtor In itny conJIlionof llioiiybtciu , uml iiuilor no clri'iun- bt uuxticnn It < lo naim. It Mill Invliamilo lIKe n KliiKtnt wjno. Inn It Unu IntiulaiUnK Unurntro tiilumllo inH'iiiifniiiit | > ; will pronuite InUtvov t Ion , ilUsliuuo liwuliicho , iiil xonorally Uinu uji BKl ! THAT YOU OKT Till" QKNUINB. 1'iviiiiiiHl t > y J. 11. XHIUN & CO. , Philadelphia , Pn. SPOTTERS AND CONDUCTORS , HAwk hfi.w3 Who Oapinre Dhhonost Knights of the Punch , How Great Corporntlons Arc Do- fVniulcd-Opporttiiiltlcs Tor Crook- cilne s-Conductors Who Homi tlct Rluli nnd Then Kottro. Now York Telegraph : Tltoro Is naturally a variety of practices resorted to by conductors in order to defraud the railroad companies. Among the most primitive and rockier proceedings Is the knocking down svstem pure and simple. A passenger pays , for instance , u certain fare , which is iwckelod by the conductor without issuing any drawback or receipt nor entering the tare on the ollloial memorandum. If n "spotter" i.s In the car tiio casn U clear against our con ductor , and ho will summarily bo called lo account , lint this rough way of doing the crooked work involved generally lee great a r\t\\ \ \ and more subtle devices are o-nployod. A prudent conductor will al ways Inspect his passengers carefully , und serntlni/.u ouiry face before ho ventures nnd hazardous operation Thu fact is that ho prides himself on his supposed intuitive faculty tof being able to drop on any detective no matter in wiiat guise he may travel , and 1 have frequently seen entirely inno cent passengers nnd irgoiug the unpleas ant ordeal of being si/oil up by the con ductor , and the entire train crow. The short fare racket is worked on a big Bcalo all over the country , especially on the lar western ro.ids , and m.iov un lion- o > t granger evinced no eonse'nmlions scruples to Htaml in with the conductor in dul' the ro.ul of its legitimate faro. The "short" is rarely imnl in Iho body of the car , and not likely either tone no accepted under .such elroumit.inces. You must know tiio conductor , be vouched for , or convince him that you are all right. A s.iorter , takes gi'iior.illy a bland on the plalform after the train has st.irtcd , or he goes into the caboose - booso for an unobserved moment , lo band the conductor all the way from one-fourth to two thirds of the regular fare. The milcnsc books all'ord nNo a very good opportunity for crookedness , and it is , furlhermoie , u comparatively safe scheme. TIII : uKi'MMEit H\vr.s nxvnNsi : . Commercial travelers as a rule are quick at taking advantage of this ingen ious way of making an extra prolit in conjunction with the conductors. Hav ing their traveling expenses naul by thu lirm , the manipulation is ( tone in this style : The drummer cultivates the no- qnaiulanco of the conductors , or vice versa , and after mutual conlidence has been established a bargain is made to the olloet that w.uiiover one drummer pre sents his mileage book and gives his des tination , the conductor will only detach coupons for a cpiarlor or half the dis tance , and divides thu ensuing prolil with the passenger , who of oourie is charging allowances for the full amount of mileage to Iho lirm he represents. There is , however , some disadvantage lo this confederacy with garrulous drum mers , ami tlio plan favored by the best bharpors is the fr.uidulunt punch. Concerning this trick it might not bo amiss to say a word or two about the railwaj ticket brokers as bearing direct ly upon the subject. The methods through which the members of this fra- toruity always are in u position to supply thu public with tickets at cut-rates ap pears quite perplexing to the mind of the uninitiated ; but as a substitute for an ex planation the question might bo pro pounded : Why do cnnduclorri occasionally - ' ally perform a sham punching and thus hocuro a private slock of nucancelluJ t eketsy Ot course il would be prepos terous to insert that the scalpers obtain a bigger tmrt of thulr lickcls Irom this 60U1CU , although a number of paes siru on record in wnich the unoancclled tick ets have been traced by de.Ioetives to the broker bhops and the guilty conductors shown ui ) . I might tJtill go on quoting various other schemes resorted to by dib- honoet employes , but you will aheady understand the game and see how vigil- tint a spotter must be lo keep track of the conductor and his opera- lions. During Iho early part ot last year a goldun harvest , about the finest m the annals of western railway history , was made by the conductors on the Hoeky Mountain and Idaho division of thu Northern Paoilio. That whole HOC- lion of the country had become infected with gold fever on hcar.ugof the alleged rich discoveries made in the Co'iir d' Alone mining camp. The allair was a gigant.e Irani ! so far as the claimed pros pects for placer mining and surface dig ging U concerned , and it is an open se cret that the directors of the Northern Pacitlc made use of the most unscrupu lous methods in "booming" the mines that they might llecce thu poor dupes who rushed into the camp. In the ollicial statement it anpears that something like a million dollars was cleared by the road on the shameless humbug , and the prof its would have been much larger if Iho conductors had faithfully turned in all the big cash tares they received. It is authentically reported that several con ductors knocked down as much us one hundred dollars a day on an average ; this sum dooms incredulously largo , but then you must bear in mind thiil traveling in those regions is very expensive , H and 10 cento per mile being the rate , and on diblanc.cs of many hun dred miles each fare will soon run up to $20 , if.lii nndtU'J. . A gang of dotoetive.1 were htartod on the road to check the amount of passenger tratllu , and it be came very soon evident that uvory umployu had gouu in for his share of the plunder , Tliu most Micuesnful conductor * during tun boom have biilouquuiilly en gaged in hotel keeping , liquor business , or liguro prominently as gambling-housu proprietors and managers of typical western dives. An ex-conductor runa a big saloon at pro-unit in Helena , Montana , and there is a well.founded rumor atloat that ho drew a deposit of ftll.OJJ from tlio bank on the day ho received notltica- lion of his discharge. mi : M"ijri'Kis AT ins OLOUI'ATIOM , Lot mu lii'.it of all lu-rfiiro you that thu life of a r.tllvva.v detective. IB not a very enviable one. He is hired on thu ex press condition thai instructions , how- iivor repulsive to his eharaeu r , must hu strictly complied with. Furthermore , hu ban no abiding | > laeu whatever ; the inter- CM of the Mirvico require * a continuous shitting around with the operatives from one load to another , in order to reduce the chancca of attracting suspicion by the railway employe * . It is thus a m > ua'l thing for a bpottor to tiavel through every btato in Iho Union in thu courau of a few mouths , and his \\ork in really harder than moil people would Imagine. Naturally ho must assume diU'urcnl rolo.- > to meet anv tiincrgotuiy and throw o t' suspicion. You line him pi/sing as a land speculator , iiiitiranco agent , drummer , gambler , newspaper man , mechanic , miner , wood chopper , or tramp , all according to the particular job hu has gel on hand. Then it is noceaiary for him to have confederates , an it would be imposilhln to cover the en tire train without iih uuincu Thu general course is to assign one opcratlvo to each car , limn chocking every fare the conduc tor collects , but Inis forbidden to make Hii } movement which might direct the nt- Umtion of tlm conductor or brakomau upon him. Tliu art uonsUts In evincing tlm toast poijhlu | concern , and nlwiuis luivu a slr.iight tory lo toll when hu en- Kiigci In conversation with other passim- gui'4 or paly ol thu conductor At the indof the jourmy each opcrativo out n report revering n ccilum iar. and s.-nds it to hiUHUnner1 ? . wn > in it is com pared with the } ! O ml tie tor's balance sheet- These reports arc > erv , tlalmrat'i atlairs , eper.fyingovcry sifiglo fare , nud giving r\ full description > f the tr.uis -tinu ob. < m-\ cd. The formula l fashioned Knuctlduu like this : liuaxini ; ( nam * of M.itlnn ) . II. M.m In , Ictt side , thirteenth MtM * licard to make nn luniilry nhout fare to a oeit.iln S.u- llen. Conductor ref. rred to his tarilt tmlo nnd sihl : "U H'S V Pi enicr hniuled soxcrnl tillls tonindiictnr , who loturncil MIIIIO sliver coins In clianiv ; . He tlii'reuiwm turned av.ay without Issldiuc any ihiiwbai'k cheoU or entering tiRMiiuniiKlinn. I found an oiiixir- timlty to eiiR3 e In conversation with IMSM.MI * per and learned fn'-lil-jitnllv tlmt hn Is a rest- ( k-ntof Id d CIiiiulii ! , nil I u'i > iiu to iVu- \cr. Ills uniim Is Auilrcxv White. He left trnln nt lMi\cr. Here is the alllda\t ! , and should the conductor fail to account for the faro Jtho indications of dishonest intent bn- ing very apiiarentl , he will be charged with theft. The operative Is frequently instructed to pay cash fares himself and the most conclusive proof Is derived by this trap if the conductor doesn't rcs'ht the tempting bait. Mi-aldcx spotting tlio cash fares a number of other duties must bu performed by thi ) detective. Ho ha * to be on thu lookout for all f-ortwof crooked transactions , report whether nil tiekoUs are properly cancelled , the con dition of car and cloMH , how baggage is checked at ons , if conductor or crow is obsi'rvcd to sleep , drink , smoke , or u c protano language on duly. Sometimes it is next to imp isslblc to catch a conductor although suspicion re-ts upon him , nnd n detective is then put on to sliadow liui man in order to learn h s habits.cnmpanious , and behavior in private lite. Through this source very valimhlc testimony is often procured and cireun t.iniial evidence turnished showing the suspected parly is a di.s-.olme fellow , spending much more than his Hilary would justify at the gambler's den or in disMuatinn It would however he a mistake to sup pose that passenger and freight conduc tors are the only p irtics made subject to the observation ot the detective spotters. Almost every railway ollicial , inclu ling station masters and higher functuaries have their doings "ecrolly waK-hed nud oven the most trivial violation of the rules are reported to their superiors. HC'III-.MI.S 01' ' ' VtZXOEANfT. . The employees Without exception en tertain a bitter hatred to the detecrlvo hervici ! and in this age ot' dynamite as a redress lor all f-ort.s of grievances it is r.ither surprising no attempt has been made to blow up the spoiler headquarter quarterVomicaiice has so far only been executed ag.iinst a few de tectives out on tlio territories , where the public as a rule are in sympathy with the conductors and rejoice in the sport of hunting down an awkward spotter. By the way , there is one of the lust m n in the -woe .sta tioned as a kind of Mipcrlntondtint at .St. I'aul , Minn. , whose name would sound familiar to the elder gonerat.ou of Now Yorkers , and especially to the patrons of the old liowery theater. Ho is honored with the title of""ctiof ! spotter" by the Northern I'acilio employes all along the road , from Diilnlh trj Portland , Ore. , and he would htrdl.hufiliyc : ; to-day if he had hesilated in putfingj his bulldog revolver where it could accomplish the most good in critical n.oifaours. Yes , the spotter system has got the conductors down to a line point , and the firm who started the business has muio : n handsome fortune. liitor < , tin ) wor'd-r-'iiowue- Invijor.itor , impirts n dollcion- IInor lo all diinrfsnnd emes dv-pe isia , diar rnip.i , lex.-i and rtjm-.i Try it. hue nwaio of coiuiierreits. Ask join fciocer or your itnii : Hist lor Hie licuuine Aiitostur.iiniinutiiuturid ) ) oy .1. l ! . JJ. biu c'it A , Sons. A Jloui'cr oti ljen. "Giant Turtles , " ly ; Uharies Frcdencl : Ilolden , in ht. Nicholas for Xovomber. A number of jo irs ago a party of KngliMi uatur.ili ts , with several native atten dant" , penetrated a _ previously unex plored portion of India lor the purpose ot establishing stitious , und eventually opening ii | ) n country very rich in nat ural advantages. Upon reaching a hint- able spot , tiio workmen commenced th.-ir task 01 erecting a Kuo.itaiiUal building. It was necessary to have a large cellar , and a deep excavation was mado. The earth was dry and sandy , and was worked with case. The absence ot largo htone.s vas noticed ; indeed , there was found no hard substance that would have interested a geologist , lint late in the atternoon of lue lirbt day's work , one of the natives struck his pick against a re sisting substance. Another blo > v , and ttic imlpmcnt broke tnroiigh into a hol low space. The earth being scraped away , a largo smooth object was ex posed , of so btrauge an appearance that the attention of tun commanding ollicer was called to it. He at once pronounced it a bone. The fact that they had como upon the grave of a btrango animal created excitement , and all hands went toork clearing away the sand. As they pro- grc.ssed , the.r wonder and ama/cmont increased ali-o ; their discovery began to assume the hhape of a dome , and ap peared to be rounded oil' . Finally , when lour lector more of sand had bcon'cleared away , they saw a hut-shaped ooiect , ttial boomed , through the hole made by thu pick , to bo partly hollow , The natives one and all tuereiipoii declared it n hut , or house , built by 001110 of their ancestors , that had in course of time been coxcrod by the earth. Others thought it oao of tut ) dwelling-places of a strange people wno lived under Ineearth ; but to tuo Jvn- glisu natnr.ihsU there w.-i.s a more Himulo explanation , tor the curious WJH tile shell of n gigantic turtle belonging to an ago long post. The work piogre ud rapidly ; and thong ! ) when oxpoacil to the him some par Us broke in pieces , the o.itire hboll was miceosstully uncovered and : i complete restoration of it was made. Tuo snoll was that of a land-tortoiHO. Hundreds ol thousands of years ago it had lived und died--and the , s.ind , and vegetation had gradually covered it up and prcberved it as a monument of the ammal wondirs of that ancient time. So enormous vas the Miell that when the nand mid d.rt were removed , hex end of the men era v , led Into u , in fuel , it. might h.ivo lii-cii usd as a house , and on a subsequent oi' < ; ; hi | | was ho used by a party wmcli teen reliigo in It during a Mi.iUc.ii Miowcr 25 YEARSJTj , USE. Th Createat'jja lcfl 'friatgph cf tjo Ago ! SYMPTOJyis"o'F ' A TORPID UVER. I.03 ot'nt > ltilio , Jlutrfloconllvc , I'aln In tlio licailrIlU a dull eonvatloii In llio bacU iiurJ. 1'iilu uii' * v tUo nhoiilJcr- liiado , Kullnrsi uflcr uatlnc , irltli tnll > - inclinatlan to ( .xcrtloa of boilr or uilod , Initnlillllrortiaipcr , liO v iililio , wllli afoellnBofliiiTliiiriirclo'toit rmo iliity , Wearinets , llzznea | ) > i I'lullurhisnl ilia Henri , Dot * buforplka oyco , Ilcncluclia attir llin rlcl.t rrr. Ui'sllrmnen , with filial til ntiiu , UluUlycolorea 1'rlne , ana CONSTIPATIOrJ. TDTT'S I'lLLSaro especially mlaptert to oucti cagun , one tluao olTcctq cuoli n clinngnr > fliellii8n tOisl ! < > nUlitlio uircior. Ttijr Increase the Aimellte.tntl cuute lh tody t.i 'J' L.c cm t'lc > l > rlt > ui h 6/itrni U nnuvUlxil.i. > i hyilii'IrTojilc Action nn Inn UltcillreUrzti ! iltrciili\rM < uoH'Ta { mjiunl. l'rlcoarn.I I l irrav.St.IV.T. JUTT'S ' EJlfRflGT SARSflPAIIILLA Urauv.itrs the boiljr. mal M hc.iltiiy ilsioj , 8tr"njt > em Itin t\ii. ri'.alrilbi | wa.U > 5 ot \i nysU'iu with | iru lilucvj nnl l.unl UIIU .IHi toaot Hit norvoiw fjdlom , t : Uor&Ua the l'riliiui.t lnip ; rt Hia vi or cj PI. i.'Y liV ( rnH f . UIt illumtrift. , Mew JUDGE VAN BRUNT'S DOG STORY A Ncn V'otk Cjtnlno Tlmt UN Sintx. | N V. T l. jr i , ill.SpciiUujr of < lot-- ; , ' ' snid , lud . - Itiunl , "tlui do xomU-'t uorf stttry I o cr heard wni toltl itio when I w.i outin W. .st-lictlcr count v llils nm > nv > r Tlii'h ucrc two fnrmcrt. out there ncfxun wratiKliiiffoxcr u line fi tire when tlioyvuro iouiifj inon , nnd nt inlil die si Mi llioy lutd como to be ulmost worn ( nomitvi. Uuo of thc-m ouncd ti bulldog nnd ( he other wus thu im ) > | iy i > o. c or of n bcnntifull.v marked co.lcn do lluit pr.uiued along under his muster * u'aguit JH hu drove to town , and .ivo the \vuolo turnout H n uir of lutnnso re- Plioctulnlity. tno day the nvin who ou'ned Iho bulldog wim nluulil ; ! out by his iito n the owner of thu coach do ilrovo by , and the happy and conlcntcd look on the fuco of thu man In tliongon and the do under it drovu the iron duep into hU > oul. So ho orlod out. ' .Sick him , Hijro , ' to Uui bulldog , and the do ; ; , bavin ; * ttocn looking at the 8111110 ccn < j with about the Mums fcidinj ; . mudi'thrco jumps , and the beautiful and contented d ( jc with the imibor.Uo coloring w * \vril liln in Iho dust , whllo the bulldog was feasting on hia uar nnd looking hnp- ) iy ax a man who has drawn thu iuukv nunibor nt a turkey ralllc. If it hndn t bnun that both nci hbor-i went pillnr.H in nnd prominent in tint com munity , there would have been iiniru | of blood shed buforo tlio owner of tlio bull- ilos pried hi.s uanin. ! ' j.iws apart ami liberated llio spotted pup. THE IHIITII or AM IDHA. "That , niijht whim the ooaoh do 's owner sought his couch ht > turned rest lessly over tlio yccsii feithors until hU f.illier'.s clock in llio sitting room had buckle 1 down to the wor * ot tolling oil' the honr.s of a new born d.iy. Then out ol the darkness came thu nucleus of a m.irvcloim idea that , as ho rolled it like a sweet morsel amonjr the organs of hi.s brain , budded and blo nmcd into | H-r- fcot and beautiful proportions After tliis the tossing cuiwcd , and the snoring of the 111:111 : blended in sweet unison with the ticking of the clock. "When tun m.irnlnjr train left for Now York nc\.tdiy one of its .i s nij.'M was thu man to whom the idea w.u born. When he walked homeward at night. with a lowVi/.ed , sjuaru-jawcd , and bonfwlml seared specnnun of a liulldo ' at his heels , hu hunimed a lively air , ami ni he hummed stoutly. The envious neighbor ami nN unvio.u do st.ui > lin at ttic ifato saw thu him ptisa over the WeftelieKtor hiljs when a wagon wilh a Rlioitcd do ; crniling at the end of a pii'co of wool twine tied to the forward a\le , drove into tiie road. As his eye rutted on his neighbor and his dog he bmilcd nnd said "Good morning ; . " Ti10 | , ui | . dog heard lliu sound , and turning , paw the siotted | dog under thu wagon. Ho licked bis chopa in gleeful mood , and moved hi-j tail aright. "WAITING ro.t TIII : FRAV. " "Tho varicgited caniuo p.uisad and for tic ! fray , wliile the man , twinu and wagon moved on up llio road \\ithout him. When the bulldog naw that he did not whine for mercy he Blackened up a bit and whether he had not bitti-n oll'a largo clmnk of mottled ea- nine than ho wui prop'tred to masticate. Hilt there wann't much time to think of things like this , and so he shut his eves nnd opened wide hi.s mouth and rushed ahead again. The reception had lasted only about two minutes when the most disappointed and chawed up bullilog that one would encounter in a lilytimo or.iwled away and hid himself in the ooruer of a ten-rail fence. Thou the do.c with the doited skin Rhook bin sides and trotted happily along and overlook the wagon. The man got out and hugged him , wliile he laughed until the tears ran down his uunburncd cheeks. Then he took him to a neighboring pump , washed the spots away , and s Mt } him to II'H Now York home. If the entire population of Wcslclinater hid eric I 'Sick him , 15igu' alter that day it would have bison as so much waste of wind. The cure was of a permanent chariot " I'HiKS l-l. . . , . . A HIIIO euro for Blind. Blecillii'r , Jt nnd Ujccralcd I'lkM hivi been illscoveicil by Dr. Wlliums , ( im Indian reined ) ) , r.illcd Dr. Willliiins' Indian 1'ilu Oiiitiueiit. A r.hiilo box luus cured the \\oi > t clnonic cases ot i'i or : .0 yeu sUiudia , ' . No one need .sutler live minutes niter nmilyliu this wonderful ttooth- imc ir.rilicine. Lotions and Instruments do iiiiue harm than trood.Villlaitts' Iiidiin I'ilt ) Ointment ubsoilis the tiunurs , nlli\.s ; tlio iutcnso itcldni ; , ( imiticulaily at nklit'after L'littaiL' u.-irni in hi'd ) , nets us a poultice , niv > .s insluiit roliel , and istiicmied | oiny for Piles , ilchliu' of iiiivatu part.s , anil lor ntitliliiKclie. SKIN UISUAKKS Cl/KHI ) . Dr. Fiir/icr's Ahiitlc Ointment ciues as by nia.'ic , PiniiiliM , It nek He.-uls or Ciubs , Illolchas and Kniptlous on the face , Iciivltij the Hliin cletirnnd beautiful. Also cuics Itch , Suit Klieiun , Sore Nipples , tiuie Lips , un.l Old ObsiiiuiioUlrurs. Sold by < luiggibU , or niailcd on receipt of 59 cents. Kelailcd by Kiihn & Co. , nnd. Schroder & IJccht , At vhojosdo Itv C , V. ( .iuuil.n.ui. lloiv She 15ron lit Jilm Around. RIarnage. says tlio San Francihco Chronicle ; , Inus long been eousideivd as more or less of a lottery. It in like a lot tery in moro than the drawing. Drawing a blank oncii only makes you go into it again. Tlio fact in , to lose a husband or draw one she has go' to get rid of i a re flection upon the woman , and wounds her vanity. She fools who must marry again jiiht lo fihow it was not httr fault , und -she is much likelier lo bo happy in tuu .second venture. Thu experience of the helps her to u butter understand ing of the second , and the impleiisantnt-ris of the loss teiiehi3 ! her to yield very often where her natural inclination would be to kick Hut there's ono woman very happy now , whose husband probably will never know that ho was brought up lo'the Hurntch In a very aimplo but oH'ect- ive way. " 1 have como to ask you if yoocan help me to HOIUII work , "Him said She was a tinoly educated , vurv attractive woman. " .My husnand has turned out < | uito wortn- It- : ) . 1 have had lo loavu him , and 1 am now compelled lo hiipport mywlf. " " 1 am very sorrv , but I am nfraid I caiinut { rive yon any work. Do you pro- JIOMI lo mipporlyuiirciolfr" "I've got to. " "Look hero , that's nil nonmnisn. You're young , pretty , attr.ietivo. Why don't yon marry again f "Alarry .igain ! Never. I've had enough ot it. " "NonsciiKo ; you'll liuvo better luck ( hid timu. Hiivcn't you any admircrsr" "O . " , > C8. "Any ono you liku ? " "Ycri. Tluro's young gunllnman very miioh gene on nu. llj'dvdl o.l' , hav a very nice position. " " J'hat s. tlio mm. Von nvirry him. " "lint IIU'H bashful and bau'.vard ' , and 1't'ogotto do boinelhing rignt aw.iy. have no money. " "Tnal s biul. " "Do yon mind assisting me to bring him to tuo point ? " "L'urUinly not. Toll inn hov/ , and I'll be luo t happy to do anv tiling " "iV'ell , " and blni lii-lt.itcd ; "if you wouldn't mind. Von MIO. he'd very , very baokw.irk , but lie'h very loud ot im- , and 1 tiiink he mc.uiti bus ni i. Now , if yon will put on your bnst clotuen and eomo up you . * > , hc'rieommg to call upon inn to-nignt - " "Certainly. I'll call to-night with pleasure ; but " "Of I h.ill not tell him you're married you mi 1 Tit in 1 ; an I if you'll well , hu mignt jealoiiu , porh.ipi ! , and Unit \rnuld bu Huiiu-thiug , you know. " "O , I sec. I'll bo thero. " So thu lady wont o I' , and the ndvUcr dn-sM-d lilmsulf in { 'i.tvcoiiy array and ( .uili d at her l > iii.- < i lli : bunhfui lover u ; n i here uml it v u- > not lilteen minutus v ui uiUlij jualoui of tlu , new l > cui. : The rival uorked il tip for nil it was AMirlh , and when the backward adorer got to the iMtammatory ( vjint of jealousv where n light wna probably immirent' the confedi'rato lit oul , leit him the Meld , nnd lu the brief ovidnua * lion of the next ( ivu minutes ho had com * milled himclf to an immediate marriage. iilio deserved him "Procrastination Nthc thief of tim > . ' Is a proverb which can hn Illustrated in iminy wnya. A slight aehlng in the limbs or joints is felt , and delay in treatment may bring about a severe attack of rhen mutism. In all such oases use JSt. Jacobs Oil It baniolii'S every pain. HUM We io\v. Clncinnnti Spokeaman : Twcnty-tivo years ago Wo were : < JUODKK ( ) of people , now we aie nearly 00,000,0 X ) . Then wo had 111 cities and towns of over HiiU ) ) in habitants , now wo have ! W'l of . ueh cities nnd tnuns. Then the tolttl iiopulationof our cities wsus 6IK10OJU , now it la about K'.OOJ.IKU ) . Our coal mine1" then produced H,003 , ni ; ) ) tons , now WOiW , ( ) ( > 0 tonn. or si.\ times ivs miieh. The iron product amounted to 000.033 tuns of ore ; to . foots up over S.twn- IMU tons a year , nlmoiit u nine-fold in- In tHllO our metnl Industries employed about 55.0.W hand.s , consumed $ i > ) . ) , U)0.- ) IMU worth of malorial , and turned out about $ I8UXUJ.1 ! ) in annual products. T i-day these indiftries employ HM.OOO hands , consume .si : < , ) , OlKIUU of mater'al , and their annual product amount.s to $ lin,0l ! t,0l 0 a year. lu 18IU the wood industries imiiloynd ] 1 ! ) 1,00) ) perrions ; to day they employ ; ! ! ( > , - OMlnlo lluv.iiue o ( their annual pro- duel has trebled. The \\o-ilcu mdnslry oinployed (1J3 ( per sons then , and now employ 100 , i ) HI. while our home m.ll.s. winch produecd goods to tlio vattio of sjyj , < WOll > in 1SJ > . now turn out an annual product of I'mallv , there is cotton. In IHt ) wo imported 'J O.oilO.OOU yards of cotton goods ; in \\coulyimportjd 7JO.UJJO In the meantime the number of hands cmidoyud id cotton mills has inorcaM'd to 'Jjil.Oilil , and wo export ovi r 15 i.OOll.OJIIarda ol cotton goods a year , iusto.ul of importing X J 7,00 , utJ ) yards as wo used to do. In thu meantime we have nearly Ii\ times as many miles of railway and dou ble the uumb.-r of farms , yielding moro than double the number of bushels 01 ° oureals. In the production of sheep , we had 2JtMiOJt ) ) of them in IdtiJ ; to-day wo have ovot' 10,0 m.on. ) of them ; and whereas we then pro luecd in tills uountry ( ) lt , ) M.O.IU pounds of wool ; now we pnidueo "Jll- 00 MKU pounds. Finally , the total of our exports has doubled. In I8'i I it stood at $10 i.OO.I.Oo'J . , and now it btands at about The Swiss Ounrtl. The pope has his own soldiers , who are not very m.iny , anil wno gjuerally net as gu.irds to the v.inom paru of la i Vatican Behind the bion/.e doors , which an ; enornious harred galc-s , we saw BJino of thubii soldiers , one of \\honj will ask ustor our pcrmosios , or permits. I am Mire you never beheld military gentle- mini Tike them before. They are called tiie Swiss ( inard , and are drcscd in a uniform of Honing liiuiu and breeches , torincd ot bro.ul st ripen of black , red and yellow , long UojUnigs Mripcd in bl.ick and yeilotv , and o.i si ito o > ! u.t ious luoy w ar br is < h d nU with heavy vvliitu plum , and carry hal berds or pikes with ax-ncnds at the umlri. The olllcors1 dress , of thuMime dcsignt ii of bright silk , and thov make a ilux/.Iin appeaninee. Thc > o men appear as it they belonged lo the JMiddlu Ages and had nothing to do w Hi our modem times ; and tuey very properly neeni M , for their uniform was d 'siirne.l by Mieliaol Angelo , not long alter the dis covery ol Ami'riu.i , and their continue has never been changed. It used lo be the custom of m.iny of the pot 'ii tales of Europe to have iicrsomi i guards compo- I of Swiss soldiers a- . tuny were considered more huueil aii.l trustworty than any othurs. InValt -r Scott'Hinentin Dnrward" yon will learn a great about the Swiss guards ot I'r.iuce. In I'.iri" . thu porter at. tuo doora of great hon ns is .still e.ilk'd " 1'iiu Swiss , " altiiough he is almoit always a Frenehman. And these guards of'thu pope are now , but I hey still re tain the old mini . -ll-'roiu ' 'L'ersonaljy Couduetod , " by Fntnk 11. Slookton , in tlio St. Nieholas for Xovoinb-'r. ltilllcnl Inloeprotntloii. "What is te meaning , S.imuel , of thn iihrase 'go to , ' woieh is fre.ipiuutly lound In he soripluros ? " u S.inday-sehool loacher according to Drake's Tr.ivolers' iMagaxine , asked a big boy in his bible- class. ' "I ain't aure Unit I knovy , " replied the lad , as he Hhuillett and hoMtatod. "What do you think' What is your impression of the meaning of thu pliraMi ? " "I don 'Hike to tell. " "That is nonsense. You ought not to be too modest. What do yon think it means ? " " 1 guess , Mr. Richards , that it stands for 'go lo sheoll' "You are wrong , Hamnol , very wrong , I oan'i imagine how you could have been led into hiieh an error , lam qnito sure that our Chinese brother hum could give a bolti-r interpretation of thu phrase. What doi'H our Chinese brother think is meant by 'go to'y" "Alice 'como oft"1 " flameo ! promptly answered Wang Lee , as he went up to the head. o Coughs , Colds and .Surj-Thront yield readily lo li. II , 1 oughuvs & Sons' Ciipm cuiuLongli Drops. Tlio l.ulcnt Tor Ulica ( N. V. | Herald : "Havo yon notiuiid the latest idea with tue liulicsr" said an obs > > rv.intSnitliiicld street shoe- dealer yis-itunlay. "iS'o. What is itr" asked the reporter. "A now ft.vlu of walking ; don't > u fico ? Thu real fashionable young lady doesn't dwadlu along now ivs if she was going to have a toutli pulled. Instead of t.iat , Him liiku aipiiek , Hpringy gait , not ii.vuutl.y as if she was in a hurry , but as if Mhe enjoyed walking and vv.i.s running over with animal | iirit-s and in good health. That is the Idea they winn to carry out Sumnur is over , un.l every young lady is huppoud to have Intuit oilier in tliu country or at the tuiashoro , and come back full of vigor. It isn't tlm proner thing at all now lor a young l.nly to he tired. She may be 'slightly tatigued,1 but 'tinid' H too greet nn ac knowledgement of 1 think that the idea is a good ono , any way , and the very nppoaranee of goo 1 health will br ng heallli. . At leant it will bring out door uxuruihu , and tnal is tlio nuxt thing Dr. Hamilton \\iimm , Kolectlo Physi cian and Surgeon , ? JJ N , liith uimut , near Wcbbter. Day ami nigat calls promptly attended to. Now kingdoms m iku now laws. Nuw in Wit nru tyriinnieal. Klgnttor'rt Mam moth ( , ' o limg ll'iiisu Is ( ho old btand by , l > uru while us snow. Angora Yarn at I'.itoh'd. Qmick ads nru played out by wvcry in telligent pur.iun. Kltjuitur's Mammoth Clothing lioiiM ! don't tinvu to. Mothcn , ask for Williams ft llovt1 ntiHHc.b'uBiirmg Imol ( ihoev. "They vveiu good. " bi/os il to J , llvo widths IVleu f.Oll TIIIUUM. 6 : COOK , 1UJU Farnam St. Itaynnr * Nepotism. Clncvuuutl Hnqulrer.liunoa A. * nrd , HMinof the Ketuetar\ % nt.tlv , lins IMI > n appointed by tin * president to nn heeiotary f Ari.-oua tctrilor , ) . II o youttfl man , who Is but twotit.\-hvr. .vc.irn ol ago , Is credited lo Mar.U'ind lu.tiail ofOolatanro Ilo rt'ootitly jtrndtinlod nt n Virginia Tollcua nnd mis since boon touching sehi > ol. ThN appointment makes conspicuous three vorv things1 l''ir-t ' , that Secretary Itnyntd , u spite ) f the I're.sidenl's order , Is p milled ( o wok olllco , Second , th t nepotism Is fast nrnwling in upo-i turn so called reform ndminislrntlon ; nt il third , that In the person of n H m of u Cabinet MinlMT the Presiilei t dlsrc gards a ) > lank in the National Ucmourat < platform , which out.s foit't that nclu I icsldcnti of the Territorlas should bj aipolnted [ to the olllci.s in thorn. The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN iKtn OR so-r , nor on COLD WATER. Without llnrin fo l'.l It ItlCor ItAb'DS , uml i > a Hi ulatlyndiiptcU to UVirm Ciltnates , Ko faintly , rich .r poor , uliuiilil bo without It. BOtilllilHIlWcrS. ) . tllt fcrirniTOtVllOlraN ntlons. J'JiAJitlXJ ! la laanufaclurud JAMES PYLE. NEW YORIt ; fcuiiidtud Alcdi nl Uonc lor n 'am ) - ! Hi 'it y c-l oy i f GREliT MEDICLYO'1K \ \ 0 H\H31T \ ) Rili mtpil VUniiir , Wrrmn mlir'iT | ( l < i ) , l't * " . rpiiiiiiirnPfwllnoln Mnn. Ilir r ofVo"th. " m ( t'io initnlil munr'oi rnx tlnefni'it li. . | ' rfl.o , A nr C" o . A Itonk tor iwrrr TIMM , yrninr. mtl'ttH'P ' mnl nlit. I'rtintii'in ' liS vn > "rlntion fur i" ncnlrt T ! rlironlci l pnso , onfliotiimtnlil ti U ln nlK'J * * < ! fnniiil l > r Ilin 'iMi 'mr < ' ! ' < ( > pxnrrl 'ionrnr . ' 1 r'M l FiirltnMirnhttiiv niTrr lip'.irfell ftUm in'of , iir | liHriniitinn : tn > s. lunuiil In li. < 'iiillMI w-n.t m-n- tin. ml'i"nrt ovors full Tilt. 'I'lirinlMl lo M liif work In i > Trr'i' ) > iJ mw'fnl ' ill. Mtopirv MMdnr 'm. | i'oiiiil-llnn ' i' nlhrr Wurk l-i t'lH ' rnnntrr fnr'ViK nrili" inii'icv wilt hni- fit 'l lin'rorr im'AnPi > finlj1 ( I tiv in ill. iwxtiuilil U < M irnl < l mn < . Kit CcniliiovT. fliililmc 1'iliT-irliM tlinniiih- 'rt1i > * V - llmiulMoillc-il Aov > i > liUlun. In tlini)1lonr nC whl'iih * " rTioSclecc jriJloslionlJ bct.M'l lir tlierii'ini f > r InitniPlliiiniiiil i > r tun nniiPtvil lonelier , ItwjUboia * lit nil.r < niU i > Ijuiret. TlicrolinuiiiDiiilicriif Rorlclj to whom llio Hel Tj of l.lfn vim niU lo nt > < ! fiil , wltotlior joulh , purcnUCJ lr < dmti. ltitiucLor ur cltfriryiii 111Arit > nnut. Ailili ONI tlin Vli-Jlcnl liinHulf , ur lr W. H. I'lirkrr , No. I llulliliu li uttvut. BoMnn , Mni. ' . . wlliJ m I/ I'V cunsiillcil uu nil illto.isiM i r.iulrtiiic skill itail ci.Xiri- cncn. Cliroiilouiiil tilt.Sililut ilNeasoJ I linlllul the skill of nil ntnnrpliysl- dsinn , a siKH'lulty Sucli tieatol Ptice < liilly without im liiHtiinuu clfiillnro. Moiiiloii lliU Diiuiir. UH3 13 U'.ACC UUTCD WITH THE OEOOHAWlY1 OF THIS COJ'.IHV * ! ! 6CE D" EIHWIN'I.O 1H1 UP Tl r tMt * * ISL6IIO 8 PAGIFIO R SlWAV iHroMlril iv .lilnn ninl clo o rclnllonta nl pilu ipil llnw I'.HJ < I nui IV. t at Inillil ami tt-r- iiilnitl IHIIIK runxlllutn Hie niu-t liniiailunt mliT- cnntlnt-iit-il II. iV HI t'nit ' i H. in or tlmitiKli tiitixiNirv ' which Imli.'i nnU inrlit | < ii > inurl nil triilTIa fiiillli. tir tlio Allnitli < ml I'nrino C m.t . it iilHiUrnrlfj/iiiillK-Atiwiu. to nd fn.iu polnu " . . ' . ' "l(111.Cttiiilnnut . . ' unit rurtivuvaillnit | iol lib W.i.l , Knitliucxt ( Mil Hiiiilhnr > t. The Great Rock Inland Route Cliiarfintrm lu | niion Hint H-III.B of i > fmon l rrti. rlty nitunlMl l.j n. w.ll.l. Oiutuiulilv lulli led tSncl- ' n 'nili trujl-i .if . . | i I'/j ; . I.IIIIMIIHIH > l r ll. MilMim. . . . . i.lli | , .u ka.n""r prrTfrttan . in Ililri'i ' i VIII cnii niiiL , ! II. tire Hi t Bi'.lliiurra .rnti'iit iii > I iil ; .ip.inll..iin . ? AM IUIIHIIH oiirr , > | w < J ilH n.iit * . uro 'Jiaii.r.iH nt itll r , nnrcilnir i liiu In llnliii Hi.inN , nnil Ilin ; . ' mi urpfiMra cvmt Ml ud liKiiilMi.MUI'jMaiiKHr fi > | iiliiiiput. | 1hf > Pitt t'iirr T.nliiH | i liptu ami VC r * ' ' " ' " " " M < tt"K City ii "d - At Hl . . . , , . , , , , . , .ii . ion. MI ,1 f u | | ; | . vip. . . ii.r liini.hM ! tlHiriililrri Ciillninn Kl.wi | . .r in. nio.t .Ietg | , , . , , , , | , CirIn llli'lll.l..irntoly rooUpil li eilHii. .niChli-iir. . iil KiilUD am nl u nut ih > tviul.intwl llcdln The Famous Albert Lea Route J" Hie ( Uteri ami fui.rrlUi line l t > vrfli CMcttfo onH HliiiiHinll | < anrt Si l-nul. , rpm , ruiincrilunK ftrfiuil * . , . i- rlllili I'rcivliii-i. , ( ) ei II.U li.liln f raliu ; B inn I , , Xti t.Vrrj'i'.S ' Mill miolli rlMIIKOT I.1NH. . . . nrnpra i.IK. klL . - . . . . . . . | ha. I..H.n .ip-i.eil hiiw ii . . . . MI.I taf HVFII . | i ' . . , , , . J..IU * mll .u | | iiiiiir. . K n > aHJltr. Wlll'.B | M.II..I , , I HI. I'AIII . | , | lll..ri , , , ll | ? | Mlit ! < : V > . . 'i'1"1 ' ! .ex > KoMcni. ntitaliiablti. i > . , | | , . , | | . L t. . t nil In liiclial ilLV { lli2.Tiii" BUI" l"1 * - ' ' l J * ? * ' R.n.CAntc , c. ST. JOHM , , I'roVl & Uo ( rkt& Put , ig-t , ' Nebraska National Bank ( HUM , NEBH/ISKA , TAII > Ur CAIMTAI. s-jr * i ) , l S nri.tisMay l , ivi" , . . . , tfi rtijJJ II. W. YATKS , i'reaidont. " A. B. Tmv\rt f , View Prcsl lan't. tf W. II. S. HtiniiKs , Uiwldor. r ' " " { rr" W. V. MOK.SR , JOHN s. cWVjr'g , 11. \ \ ' . YAi > . % LKWH 8 , A ' ' i'i 1 , 1 ; > ' EASING OFFICE : , - THE JRON BANK * i On , 12lh nnd I'nniiiiM Btreot * . A Ooncrol Iliinklinf llugiao9 < T < iuu < iiclxl. BS.E2ISL & MAniiT * ( hllCTOK'orfl to J. 0. .Huibsl : U N D E U TA KE Jl S , AND KM MALM HltS. , At the oU HuuiU HvT l iinuia ( . Onlora br tp.i > niaiii MiiiLiiuU itiiU | / ioiiii.Iuuoiianj | , to. 'i IM'JIIIUHO Nil. JilJ , PENNYBOMiPills' "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'Jim Orlitliml ninl Only ( ) iinliip. WtV'Aoi"X' ' V A T H W , ' 'tMr ' Jr " ( klcnratrr * iTnriivli 'u1 ! U.c . tl.Hf / I.M.lbM4 l.unii < . | to . . . l r iMiilcMiu. it ltitfr l > y rrlHn * mftIL NAMU PAPFf . Ciiifbrittrr IMir.iU.1 . . P. III Al.v.i.-u : i.iuuCl.ll 4H ! > . At DrncftM * . 'I'ruilv .uii" ' 7 I'utlir A Wt' * * Ltf. . < l l' < n II All Sorts of hurts and many corts of cis ! of ma' r.nd beast need a cooling' lotion. M.jstang Liniment. ' ' ,