Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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111 xtsl , tmeklmt ami Mi'ppln ' ? ami ll/lit
WiUht m * _ f'ir six day-m ani wiiivlow _ !
ui'io < ! . ; in tliin market urn
intuli ! \i , llvu wfUnu unli'.sotliurwltii *
De.til IIH Hoil at le i > er Hi. fin nil
. .SNln . "or lnnvei nliU lestimii
. . no v.iliu1. I'r.-xnani sows arc dockiM
10 lli uml tii s S ) lls-
y Kvenltit ; , Nov. 11.
'mir.u't ' * wen nmn ; active ini i
tViy , and HUTU was aveiv fair < li > matul for |
i , ; Mndinf pi 0,11 ice. Tint tecelptseit ) libj j
vial. '
All kind * nf lltpior are In fair demand , and ,
lln-uj Is a isood livdin : In the iimikut.
While thi'11'lsiioeliani.'i'In the prices In
th luiulier innik" ) , the tales i-n dimensions
BiU W'iy stiuiin uu acfonntol the advance In
tlm c.iMein mantels ,
Hides an * Mioiiir , ami onlv butchers Rto"l ;
Ineomltii ; In at tnvsunt. Liter In llm Rfl.i.snn
t.iiim'i'V Mock \\ill li ) ! eninliK In Horn the
c u.iilrv. 'lu'lowis ' fe on"us ImMc.iteu by
tin ; ip ( nations ,
Km. Tint maikol was steady alCOc , only
* lew sales weic mailu nt 'Jle.
lli'nmi Kicelpi.- Iresh roll butter have
liei'ti etmsidciiiblu heiiv'i.'r for the past week ,
ami buyers cimldalf'ii'l tu bi ! mine particular
In pii'kint ; tlieir puivlm-tes. Straight pack
ages of all iiood Initter urn taken ittiekly | at
lop ] iricc.i , but packages of mixed trosh ami
old , or of punier iptiilltv ( jenorally are
i-ln'.v salu and haul to dispos * ' of.
The pii'valllii ' r pllces aie as follows : Choice
tahle , Via. , r > e ; lair tocood. itXititic ; Ini'urlor
grades. f'MJSo ! ereamerv , 'il(3"iie. (
CIIIISK : : I'aney full cream cheOdar , OcU
tnaki' , ll' Oil''c ' ; laney lull cieani IluK Oet ,
make , ! . ' ( ! W'jc ; I at ley lull eieam YnniiK
Atnurlcas , Oct. mtil.o. I'JHC'Jl'to ' ; lull
tilts. An : ? , mako. lOe ; lull eieain Yi'iini ?
Americas Au . make. He : full eieam.Inly ,
hharii , ( Vi7e ; tinallty Swiss chiKj-ie , lilo ; 'Ju
quality KwNf. chciM1 , 18C14r ; brick elieost1 ,
VKitc \ ; liimtmritclieeM1 , llfifli-V.
I'oiti.Tiiv l.lvo chh'Kuns are Blow sale
nt 8-.Oi ) , ami only eholco stwk will hiin
even Unit IILMIIU. Hmall hizes ( ; o Horn'tQl. ' ' ! . ' * . Old lowls am in low
demand at &J.005 ? . * > . llv ilueks slow
ut li.i'iivi'.T.'i ; live tin keys To per
11) : dressed ehlrkeiw are iliaii'lni. ,
coin weather i equlied to Increase tin1 demand ;
rholee , IKJIIh , ; fair to good. iK&Te : tnr-
kuys , ( tiu-.scd , choice , jier Ib , 10 tl ; dtieka ,
iliri'eil , ehoie.1. per Ih. tKojllc ; , dix'NS-
rd , ehoie , per Ih , I'ial o ; lair to good , IOC" !
COMII llo.viv : Californ'a ' 2 Ih. frame. CO
Ibi. In c.iM1 , per Ib. , l.r > c : evtmuted , U Ib. tin
raiiK , U iloIn ease , per ea--u S OU ; 10 Ib.
. . , .
Cinnn New Yoik relincd pcrbbl. , S7.00 ;
do half bbl. . $4.00.
, , ,
CoroAStnti Quoted at S4.00 per hundred ;
In NJnail iii.intititt.s | I..K ) nor nmidred.
NUTH , HMN AND DATJ.S Chestnut.s , IDc ;
pceans , laiKi ! polished , lie ; jieeans. medium ,
lie ; EimlMi walnuts 15c ; ntniunds , Tarm-
pona. W do. Ivlea , I'-'e ' : Hia/.lls. We ; lillierls ,
lie ; lilekoiy nuts , law , bit. fcl.S.Vwl.M ) : do
Finall. bu. S"1.WK ; 1.75 ; peanuK hand idekiMl ,
"X livlnln , Tedo ; longed. Ik.1 : lij. % new , bj b.
lioxe.s niTll ) . INdo. : . UK ) | b. les. ; per Ib. ,
l 'e : dale * . Kuril. 1" U > . keiw peril ) . . Up.
IIAMK Th ( ! amount of game eomlmr In is
vi'iy ' smill : : ind not e.iiual to this demand.
Peer eueasves per Ib , Su. * ! ' < ; : saddh-s ,
] ! . ' ; antelope , 7 ( < i c ; saddles , 11@
1'Je ; elk , TC'CxfiaifdleH ; , 10 , jllc. 7'r.iliio
chicken * , per doi'n'LOO : quail , per
dozen , 81.75 : pnlie. | per dozen. Sl.ttlt
l.aS ; jnek nibblts , perdo7en. Ki..Vi/ ) > J.OO : mal
lard ifueks. yi'.X'iS.riO : teal ducks. Sl.'iV/Jl. Ji ;
nnxcd ducks. < ? 1.7. > ; t-mall rabbits , S1.W
OYBTEHH X. V. eounts,4'e ; extra selects ,
fe : bcleets , " > c : standanls.noe. medlum.s. 'Jxv.
O.MO.NS - < hoiuucd"e.UlieNiicldaie \ sell-
in : at ( XJi TGc ; tnlrto u'odd , W'CrfVw ; vellow
Janveis are very scaicj and would bull to an
SAIMCK KKAIIT Hettl quality , SC.SO per.0
znl. b.iii.l . ; per 'rfbol. Sr : , .
TIOH' KIET : , Tnii'K , KTC. PlKs' feet per
Kbbl. , M..1 : do. H bbl. , S2.iO : do. IKT kit ,
t-l.OO. Lambs' tunptett per } t bl > ! . , SA50 ;
do. per kit. M.75 ; do. quint jars per doz. ,
t 5.60 ; do. pint lnrsiMT ' do/- . * .M . 'lill < ' ,
iKr ; ' ( , bb. . . c4. .0 ; do. per X bbl. S' . 'Jo ; do. i > er
1'itKSKUvr.s. .IKI.I.IIB : , KTC. Preserve * :
jMl klnda , A'-lb. p.iils perlb. , 10 .c ; ahsmted ,
6-lb. pailnper do4.SS.uO. Jellies , ail kinds ,
ito/ . Ill ease , perea - , 51.-10 ; apnlo butter , 40-
IK pail per 11) ) . 7l e ; peach and plum butter.
40-lh. palls , tier Ih. W' e ; Kancy "Home Jlatlo"
catMij ) , U uo/ . pint bottles jicr ca , e , S5.00
OIMI i-admli. pint buitlo , per do61,5. .
Ai'i'MW Tin ; iwM.'ipts nt apples aie heavy.
Flu ) local niaiket is well stocked
ft-ith bulk apples from local orchards
jl Nebraska and Iowa. Sa'.es aie
aeinjt nnulu as follows : Fancy N. .
npplcH , per bbl , y : > .i .K < ' -'i.2 > ; laney N. Y.
applec , 10 bbl. lots , ! .Nfi : laney N. Y. ap
ples , ' > bbl. lots , S2.W ; Illinois apples pur
bhl. 5--.S.- ( ii.X : ( ) ; Illinois appiti.s , 10 bbl lots.
ti7S : Illinois apples , i' ) bbl. lots , JW.rt ) ;
choice AlNsoiiil and Kansas apples ' i'i bbl.
Jots or mote , S' 'J rvJ ; laney entlng , ] ier
bbl. . 8JJ.U.X
PKOVIKIO.VB. Hani , W.'ftHWjc , breakfast
bacon , He ; clear nldo baeon , 7 e ; dry altvd
filden , 7f } ' ; hlmnldeiu , moke < f , f ) c : mess
noik , ] M.'rlibl. , Sit.uO : ; diled beef hams , l-'c ;
lanl , 40 Ib. cans , 'J in box. 7iic.
( iiiAi.N The inlliiwinic mo the piovailiiif ;
prices tor to day : Old corn , ! 3e ; new corn ,
fcio ; now outs , ' 'e ; wheat , > 'o. y , COc ; rye ,
40c.KI.ODH ANI > Mii.i.M't'Fr.s Winter Wheat
Finn ; lK ! > t quality patent at { . ( XXisU.iX ) .
Seeond iiuallly rJ..VAtfi.OO. :
HpiliiL' Wheat Heat quality patent At
Second qnalltv S2.40'i2.SO. ( '
llnckwheat Flour In luuieK 80.50 ; ready
rained , JJJb paekages , S4.00 ; 0 Ib packages ,
Itran We per cwt.
Chopped Feed-l'er 100 Ibs , Me.
Coin .Meal per cwt.
Screening No. 1 , 7"o iKircwt ; No. 2,50c.
Hominy Sl.CO per ewU
5llortb 70e JXT cwt ,
( irahnrn Sioo per cwt.
Jlny Hales , i.liK ( ) rK ( ) per ton.
LKMONK ( imilatiniiH am : Fancy Jlndl ,
per ease. S'X ' ( ) ; fancy Kodl , per bo\ ,
fti.'iO : .Medina , small fruit , per box , 84.0J
CwANr.r.s Louisiana , per bbl , S7.00 ; per
box , Sl.OO ; Khnltla Kiibseli orangca , t"J.TJ < i5
'diiArr.R Concord anil Isabella , per bas
ket , /OdiUSc ; Catawba , per b.isket , 7.v j
5)0r ) : Miihua. per bbl. about ill ) UH. L'ro > s. 7.ini.
OiiANiiinttn:8 : : Cape Cod. Inner daik , per
libl. . 5U.WI ; ilell and wijtli' , per Mi ! . . 5-.00 :
Hell and cherry , clioliv , per bbl , ? t.0 ! ; Hell
and eheiy , jju nl , $ ilti > * > .
HANANAH TIu-iclH but a limited dcmnnd
nt in went anil market rules low. Choice hc- M.v'l'Ht'iT J'on rs Winter NolllR ,
JJenrie , DM , Lawienee , K. Huiitie , ,
nml oilier varieties , iwr box , & -.7i'Xii i.Oi' ' .
dniiH'H. hmieinr ) , [ Mir eiaU0 Ibs. , $ > ' . ' . .fvO ;
double crate. j i , . ' > u.
UIANHllumlpieUed : navy , Sl.-IOgl.rx ) ;
liand-plckrd medium , Sl.'l"iif'i ; oed clean
country,91 , ( > K < dl.vO : intmior ,
ANl > ISKINH Millk ,
iuiii ; ! > ( Jteen luilehera' , 7tc ; itni-n cined.
9c.iry ; |'c ; diNiH , , Hh' ; aman d I hlitj
two-thirdrt pilce. Talliiw-- ! . ( ! . ' . . , . . ( iuu e ,
iirlmo white , -le. .sheep IVIuKu.Ac ,
I.IATHK.N'O. : . 1 Pl lhlmiir.l , C. 1Afcons ,
a'c : No. 1 Pittsburtr. K. Ab. . e ; No. Clnein-
nail , : c : No. I lace leiither , k ; ; mnno
blanL'Jitcr jmlo leather , 5-oiWic } ; prhno oak Mile
leather. * " ' c. iFpw'r leather , pur foot. 'Jlc *
2fo ; Hem klp . .SK'Hiio.ik kil' ' . V'UV ; l-rench
kip ! 8I.OO..II.M ; Hem ea t , SlW l\AO. \ oak
viui. 81.00Crfli' ; I'-icnch call , fcl.Sjwl.b't : Mo-
iwwi boot leir.a&tlf : MOHKTO "il.l J'/ ' ' / ' !
jte < : f.'c ; toppfnts and linliuji , Jsiu io.o )
iicrdoz. _ , .
HIAVY : JlAJimvAHK iron , rates , 53.15 ;
plow Meel , H 'elal cast , 4c ; crueibio Mecl.noj
r/i cast tools do , l'J ( flt > o ; wiunn .spokes , per set.
il.7.V < r.t)0 : | ) ; | mb . UTxel , li'lUies.Miwetl .
dry , Sl.40 , loiiKiies , eaeh , 7N- , axles , e.ieh , ;
HituironntN , per Ib. , 7i. ltc ; eollehaln | H > r Ui ,
\ Ml'Jo : malaulo , fcu : iron \\fdBi-N focjwv -
licr" . Oj Imirow teeth.Jc ; h | > iln Mcel , 7sc ( ;
J unlen'showi hhoes , ? 4/M : lluulen x luulo , 5-.vo. lJmlHa.Wlilii ; . ir hits , VI.w
iier 100 tts. him Nails Uates , 10 to U ) . S-l
Shcit-Sl.U ) ; huekhhot. il. , ' ; , orli'i
- i.wi'.du.half k - - u"
. . ; astnw. . s
- ! per W feet. fiOc. Lead , Jlar , sl.0.1 ,
i > AIHII.l IIY llAJlllW.Uil. \ , . itimtlllMlUHl -
luji luimw , S5.-4J ; X C 1. O. T , hames , M. : I
var I. U. T. hatnM , f3..V ) ; perfection rad * .
tl.TS : 47 nint bit * . We : Harbours JTn. 10
Dili ad. 'KJ : Jill ) , strati hlide , . "c ! XC
btcaHtMtrniiffldi' KX : : I'fX CU loop champ I
buckles , -Si.o : , ! .
! vV : H , X C . ' ! loop ciiampT bueKlrs si.1 ;
JJ ( jap lotm champ buckle. " , Sl/JO ; con-
per iiU'ts No. V , VOo : JJristol snanl1
{ -.vw , iv , i S.TGO4 Fa-v ) , f
tr.iVi ; ( .ennmi snajw. l' < S3.1W , ! , ' SloO ,
M.45.Jn M.40 , * . Sl.40.
I'oAi , AntnraelW ! eu-z , ss.5) ) : nnthrnclto
nut , * ! > . ? . ; anthrneite ranijc..8I < . " > ; Iowa ,
SI..V ) : Walnut block. Si.7.'i : ; Illinois Sl.Tf , ;
Indiana block. 8.V73 : Fort Scott , SVJJ :
DIIY PAINTH White' lead. PC : Kreneh rlnc ,
12c : Paris whltlnL''JHcvldthi : Klld Ts ,
whltinu.i'oin'li iV clampblack.iienimnt :
l-'e ; lanipblaek , ordinary , lOu : Prussian biiu1.
f > . ' < c , . untiamailnc , lc : Vandyke , brown. N ; ;
nmbci.biunt. ie : ninber. raw. w sienna ,
burnt. 4e : sienna , raw. 4e ; Paris px-en. irenu-
Ine , iin : P.ins Li-een , common , Mo ; clnnmu
preen , N. } . We ; cluonmurcoii , K , 1'Jo : ver-
niilliim. KnclNli. In oil a * t , luc ; raw and
bin nt umber. 1 Ib cans , lee ; raw and burnt
sienna , lOe ; vandyke brown. We ; renned
lampblack , lie : eoarh black and Ivory black.
Hie : ihop black , HIT : Pin laii bate.lOc : u'- '
Iramarinebhie. lt > c : cliioim1 cieon , I. . . M. Ac
Ii. , Kk ; : blind and Miutter uiccn , I , , . . .M. it I ) . ,
Hie ; PailHi'it'cn , lix1 ; Indian red , lie : VeneA
tlan led..Ii1 ; Tuscan roil. lUc ; Ameriean ver-
iiilllion. L.t \ 1) ) . , ale ; yellow nclue , He : L. M.
A : 0.1) . , lve ; colden oehix1. ific : patent dryer ,
t > c ; ( ; raliilii' ' colors llglit oak , daik oak , wal
nut , chestnut anil ash 15c.
PAINTS IN On. \ \ bite lead , Omaha , P. P.
fie : whllu lead , St. Louis , | iinei > .ir ) : Marseil
les cieen. 1 lo.r > Ib cans , a * ; Fiench. zinc ,
I'll /.IIM'.II. ill Ilinn , . - .T , , fcvv. , L , v.t i. bi.i. .
vermllllnn. American , li-c ; Inttlan. red
pink. He ; Venetian , icd. Cook nn s ,
Venetian led , American , lilc ; led h'.ul ,
- , ! - , chrntnn yellow , genuine , vtjc : chmnio
jellow , K , I''c : ochre roohelle , ! ! c : iicluii ,
FieiiehMe ; oclne. A HUM lean , w ; Winter's
mineral. " ) M" l.ehlnh blown. 'Ji-io ; Spanish
blown. 'Jiae : Prince's mlneial ' &
DII.H jlOrarbon.W'r irallnn. lie ; l' < 0 ° lieart-
llKht. iKiruallon , I2e ; 1T ; > = headllL'ht , purgat
ion , 1 c : l.'oo water white. l.V : Unseed , r.uv ,
pertallon. 44c ; lln-eed , boiled , IH.T irallon ,
47c : laid , winter sli'd per uallon , ft c ! No.
1-iHc : No. 'i. 1 c : castor XXX , IH.T uallon ,
51.45 : No. : i , Sl.40 ; sweet , per Ballon , .M.oti ;
sperm. W. I ! . , iK-rVallon. Sl.iM ) ; lish , W. U. ,
i > er gallon , n. " > c ; ncatsfoot extia , IK.T callon ,
l > c ; No. l.iise : lubricatine , zern , per gallon ,
Stic : summer , I5c ; golden macblno. No. 1 , per
pallon , : ! 0c : No. _ ' , use : sperm , signal , per iral
lon. 7.V : ttirtientlne , iwrRallon , fc ; naptlu.
per Ration 7tc.
\ AK.vimiKs Harrels , per pallon : 1-uni-i
Hire. UMRI. frl.10 : furnltuie , No. 1. SUM ;
coach , extra Sl.40 ; conch , No. I. Sl.-'O :
IJ.niKtr , o\tra , ? l.75 ; Janan , 70c ; a.snhaltum ,
extra , JMC : Ehcllac , 5tr)0 : ; haul oil linish.
i 1.50
HITS Cologne Spirits lSp roof , gt.l
do. 101 piiKif , SI. I ; Hpirit.s , seeond quality ,
101 pri'otSl.U : do , iNSpioof.M. i. Alcouol
proof , ) IKT wine uallon.
Jiedlstllled whiskies , S1.00M1..VI ;
X < T < ! .00 ; Kentnckv ami Pennsylvania
, VAOOcHUiO. ( Jolden shiyif , botttbon anil vvblskle $ l. K ; t.OO. llramlles
Imiioited , io.O3.- ) : dome.vtic , Sl.SOCTfl.OO.
( ! ins Imported , sM..riO ( < i4l.OUdomestic. ; Sl. " < 0 ( *
: i.K ( * . Hums Impoitert. S4.r > OyS.oo ) : New
Knirland. S-J.OOC'W.IW : iloinp.stle. < a .rtt.
Clianipantif" * linporled. per enso. SiS.r"
84.00 ; American , percaMJ , { } 10.XKjitO.OO. (
iuo w ft ) 40 in 12 10
MiinnVB tNo.l I.U7 OJ4 0)8 ) USX 0" > 1 JOT.1'2 TO
L'KO till ) eU riinei HO U noli- : ( 1 Ml Ml Tf. 51 fit >
l/ , u gin o i'-cyin DO .1 s i y x 17J i 5oo ; , > n 1.0
11&IJ ilA'O CaU'b. )
1UO ! M I 6J
No. 1 Wblto ri b i i r. v)3 ) lRa ) 7ii ] l | Ki
rimilly " ' : i no 2 to 1 K > 1 IX ) M i s >
No. 1 Trout ,4 , fill ) wa M2 M 74 , 1.5
No. 11'iekurel 4 uoa 002 yj'l ' UJ | 6 | OJ
MACKnnr.i , (1SV ( > cATm.j
Now Fish. Jlbls. llMlf IJlilegir Ills „
U'OJ 1UJ W ) 5J 40 ot
Itlonter Jless , T5 W ) 18 00 Irt 2.'i 3 ar > 7 ) 1 9.1
Kx. No. ISIi'r > 4 iw i ; : M 11 ; ij o ; w r > u 140
No. 1 Shore. If ( M il W a Oi t , UUUU 1 10
Med. No. 1 Shore. . . 13 UO 7 ( W II5 U fM 2 UJ , a i
IIIIV H oj 0 uj &
I.nrgo Family i mi fi ui 4 r > ' > 2 & : > 2 10
F t : OJ 4 ( X ) , 3 65,2 , Oft 1 70
, , _ , _ llJbls Hlf UbN ( Jr. llbls Pulls or kits
& FAT I . ,
oyj 1U ( ) JU a 4J I3 , _ , „
Illowl Ited ! I ' ' ' I
AlHhkn..llJ 007 MO SOU tOU 101 251 M 90
lilood Itea I i i I I i I
_ Cill 114 0071W6 PO'3 ' Efl'n 101 25 1 ( U CO
l'3 i ' ' ' Hlf Ilbls Or lib ! * Palls or kits
2cl0 1UO u &j 15 12 10
I !
KICK llei-'im ; & U 007 IO SOS KO'.t 10 I 25 1 04 03
Norwegian I
KK HoiTinss. 13 007 00fi 4,3 BSS PO I 10' ' O3 | W.
w I 8 U ) 4 frM IMS iW I IM Ml W' ' 60
CODFISH New KiiIlsli | ; summer curu'l
whole coil , . 'c ; .sea KIII : , Oumucj chunks ,
0 . , e ; eimer leaf , ( ti'iiriiux strips. CKe : I Ib
mils , 2 Ib bixes > , 7e : pi ah ie ( lower , "Ib brick ,
( ? ; : \vi it i " < i" . 'ill ) I r "It. ilo.
SMOKKD FIHII Halibut , new , 10 'c ; new
iioli HOI nil. , now , pur ke-j , HO * ; new
Innir .split * < li > cknsli , lOc , new sliurt
btocklhli , 0e , '
.Sirxiiitius Domestic Holland herrings ,
kei8 , fi'ie : Hnsslan saidlivnloc : Aneliii-
vies In glass , Oic Hull lirana. per do/ . . ,
M.50 ! ; Aiu-liovlesin lefj ; < , J O.o . Hull brand.
St.W ; spiced Hamburg lieirin 8 , ekins and
heads on' , per pall , SU3-
Dry Goods.
Ui.KAniEn COTTONS farmers' Cliolce ,
( the ; Cabut , OJfc : Hope. 7e : 11111 4-4 , 7 c ;
Mill Y < < % ; i'onstlale , 8 ; Fruit , 8 ie ; Wain-
btitta , lOj.jc.
Coifin1 JKANH Kearsarre , 7c ; Armory ,
7e : l' 'pMrell | ! , 7) ) . c ; liulian Oielmrd ,
Xaumkea'r , Te
KINK Hituw.N COTTONS I'einxTolI H , C' c ;
opjK'iclH ) . fi ? < i' , Athw , c&latno ; ot Lib
erty. Cc : Karanac It , tlj.'c.
J'niNTS Steel Uiver , I'.c ; American , S ! c ;
Arnold'H , ( Sc ; Cociueo. tic- ; .Maneli'-sk-r ,
Go : Lvman , r > e ; ( ilouee.ster , r > J < e. ; Dun-
null Jucquanl , fin ; liiinnt'll , iKama \ -
IM ) , a > l4'c ; Windsor. fie ; . 1'uclao ,
IKIluniHiiiy ; , 4kc ; Anchor Sliirtinu's , 4 > jc ;
Bleinmaek Slilithnis c : Iei ! wiekIc. .
JI.NIMHHeaver Creek AA. lUi ; Ucavo
Cn-eU , Hit , lOo ; Hea v.-r Creek CC. ) > c ; .Iiitlrey
XX , lle.latViuy ; XX.K , I'.V ; Jnffiey I ) AT ,
Vijttiu ; Columbian , 12 , ei Voik , lOc ; Yoik ,
laney , UJltfc : Kverctt , lic ! : Haymaker's binu
and blown , 7He
Dui'K ( Unbieached ) Soz. Magnolia , 10' c ;
10 Majrnolia , U'c ; soz. West Point , 10.4c ' ;
lOo/ . West Point , WWc.
IJuc K ( colored ) lioslon 0 at. brown an I
drab , Wic : Huston O H brown and drab , IV ;
Uostou XX brown nnd drub , Hhi ; Hn-jUni
XXX brown am' ilrab , 11 e ; Uuston 0 P bltu ,
like : Wan en Tricot , ! . ' * .
itiiovvN Corr < ix l avvreiico LL , 5e : Shaw-
mill LL. fie : Heaver l > .im LL , Re ; All.uuio
Lh , r > c ; Indian Head , 7c ; Wauchtisset ti e ;
Ciown XXX. i ! , c : Clifton CCC , 6)e ;
Utlc.i C. 4Jfu ; Atlantic I' . 5Uc.
TICKINOH AmoiKwiK ACA. Kife : Thorn-
diki ) UUU , 7'o ; Tlioindlkol'aney. UH ; * > 'k '
A. lOife : York laney , 12' e : .Millbiiry , W-je ;
1'eail Hiver , ! Uc ; Hamilton , K'e : Swltt
Hiver , ife ; Sheiuuki't S , HUc : Sliotuckcl SS
UKc ; Jlontauk AA , I'-'o ; Montauk HH ,
aa AUA.
Hates , staple. Vyfc ; " Hundoijili , btaplc , , > s'c
Lausdowne. "c ; liloueesiter , iUc.
CIIKVIIITH Amoskear , clirfiks.fljfc ; Anios-
Kaif , htripcs , h > sc ; Slatur , itiiiK-'M , * * c ; Mln-
mine , U > ie : Wlilttendon , htr IK'S. Si : llen !
lOM'.tV : OtlH , elieeks , 0 > ( fc ; Otis , Mriix-b , tki ,
Itoyal ( > J4'e : Amoskea-f , nanped , 10' ' < e : Lu-
ray , book fold , l-Jo : Oberon , book fold , Uo ;
Kuuurance , lK > ok fold , 12c.
Gronor * . '
FUOAUS TOW.H i.-ii cut loaf. 7''c ;
prani'1 , ted , 7 l-'c ; confeetnmeis" A , i c ;
rit IK. til Mr C , ii c : extra U , o .c ; medi
um yellow , fi'.c ' ; daik jcllo\\ . c.
DitlHii KHUITK .No. 1 auarter apples , -I' c
cvaHiated | , boxes. 8 i J < ; c ; bjaekbeiries ,
liuxtx iy4n 10e ; pcaeliesr'aMein , ( i ? " c ;
iivaciit' . tivajxiiTitiid , l. ' > K@l"c ; * " ' * Lake ,
nv. . n 4 ( < c.i ; nisjiiwir.cH , new , ( Jfj'c ; cur
rants. nlii , 'iUu. in lines , old. 4mi .
CAN.MII Uooim-Oybters. Htaivl.ird per
! s > tniwberrle , 2-Hi. , nereaM ! . s2M
- Cnllfornia
, per ease , sf.l.tio ; anrl its , JHT
4.0 ; peai-hr.s IXT oa o , ? 4.7'i ; white elier
lit * , percaHo , $ . > ; plum * . I r case. MW
wlicrtleluMrie. , per eiw , S'i.lO ; ega plums
s-Ui. , iM-reim Situ : K HMI jn'-i . > rb. . per
rasu , 5 > 2. > ; pinu apples , 'J-Ui. , imr case , iMM
" '
"M'APM : brnAU-bi ieKH and caKiw. i-trietly
unKe ; M Ih. biinnrii r.ifc < - , Iu a.1. Ib. bo\es
\i \ ! > ' IW > 11I1V l"l' ( ' - . - " III , . " .
Uirr. Louisiana , pnmu to cliotiw ,
CANOV Mixed , ICH-JUc-.sticJc ,
SonA-r-In Ib fpcn , JS.M case ; saleoda
Cirmn 13@l8c ; white wines W
PicKt.r.s Medium In barrels S7. 0do ; In
half Wrei * . : ? > . o ; wnall in Iwrn-lP , S ; . 0 ; ilo
In halt barrels , S4. o ; gherkins In barrels ,
ti'.O ' : do in half barrel" . .1n. .
SAi.T-liniy loads , per bbl. Sl.M ; Afliton.
Ill ai-ks , : j.i : > 4' backs , As'.iton ' , We. ; bbU
dairy , M "
d <
Si'iCKs ( ro\iHtl \ Ulack iwppcr , bowi. 15
fie ; nlMileo , l.X'-Oc ' : rlnnniiiiin lVOo : ! ;
ovw , ir giVfiin ; r , 15 ( < frx : ; mustard , 1M
OnrHElts (5ariH'A 's . odn. butter nnd
- : erutms s c ; Blimt-r biiaps ,
( Jlty soda , "H'i-
I'OTASII l' nnsyjvnnia eanc , 4 cans In
ca'-e. W.So : Uubbitt's ball , 3 < li in wise , Sl.OO ;
Atielior tiall. 'A doz in ca o. SIM
M.VTCIIKS IVr Kiddie. ' ' 'MJ ' ; mttnilt rl. cao ,
4. > : square cases , 41.TO ; Oslikusli cases , ir. ,
Sl.'JO III II - - "IT" , "i Ml.
I'ANiH.r.s Dotes , 40Tii , tfid 12 Vc : 8s lU'j'o ' ;
boxes , 4011. , 10 o/ , , lv ! | e ; Imli box , "oo
" .s' Ai's-KhkN Snvon Imperial , S3.00 ;
Klrk'HPutluet Jl.Ki ; Klrk'n. standard , S3..V ) ;
Kirk's White HiMlaii , 554.IW ; Knit's White
Can. siUiti ; ii I IH -i ' .
OorrnKf Onllnaiy cradcs. K'c : fair ,
I0jiill'je ( ; prlliiu H > 4nlJ ( tc ; elloiee , W te ;
IM .c : fancy nieen and \ellow , ll' ' r ;
irji4o ; iiltl covenuuew .lav.i , 20 1- ;
InteinrJava. iD'it.i. ' " ! ' : Afocha , SK ! Q4n : Ar-
biiekle's loastcd. 1 o ; JIel/.uu'lillHM XXXX
mailed. 1 c : DIlworth'M. ll ! e : Ued Cross.
Aibuckle's and Me-
XXXXarcso.d 60c per i e oil
alio\u pnees Incast ; ! ! lots.
SricKs Whole I'ujtjier , li'o ' ; nlsplcc , lie ;
( .aiilen allHiuec. l'i\i" / < ovt-s , ! ' ' ;
Aniboyna clo\es , Oo ; , cassia , lOo ; c o i
clii n neil , -i-c ; Saltfou CiihsUi. ! - < ; , nutmegs.
Tea.Slltln.s. 1H- .
Kixi ; CUT Hard to Heat , 70r ; Oliarmof the
West , We : Konntain , 70o ; Golden Thread ,
f.Te ; Knvoiltf , ( jOe ; linds , .We : Koeky Moun
tain , fide : l-'nney , 4."ic : Dalby-lOo ; North Star ,
"Oe : Good Luck. ( Vic.
I'l.uo ToiiAfCo Climax,44eper K > : JJorso-
shoe , -JOc ; Star , 4ic ( ; Siit-arhead , 4iic ; Our
Hope .We : 1'ijier lleidsick , ( We ; Punch , 40o ;
Y'Hini : Krltz. 41c : SI'M-r'1' ' ! ! ' . .
KKorn blnal. y. Inch and larger , Sj c ; inch ,
lWc ; Inch , B.C.
Dry Lumber.
Shingles have ailvaucfd IHJ and dhnenstona
nOe in Cltlcnco.
r i i " i i i
'IS ' ft 14 ft 16 ft IB ft 20 ft ! ft 24 ft
2x4 . 13.IW 15.IM 1VO I lii.lll ) 1T. ( ) 1S.UO ll'.iKI '
2X11 . 1 .fill JiOU.Mri.Ml . ' I .BOaiJU
X . 15.00 15.1KJ l.i.i 0 KM 17.00 1S.IU )
X III . 15.110 i.0 ( ) 15.00 1I1.IW 17.00 20.rt > Stl.ffl
xK . 15.TO 15. fl I.VKI ( Ki.OO 17 IXt 1'J.WI 20 0.1
\\-S\ti . 15.00 15.00 15 00 lli.m 17AIQ 1H.IM lU-OO
Vo. 1 hoards 12 , 14 and Hi ft . Sll/fl
N'o. Ulxi.uds 12 , 14 and Hi It . 14.50
Vo. boanls , 12 , 14 and Kilt . 1U.50
Vo. 4buuids 12 , 14 and 10 It . KUO
Vo. 1 , 4 * (5 ( Inch , IS and Utcet , ronsli..5W.Oi
No. 1 , 4 , feO inch , lilteet. nniKh. . . . . " . . . . 1 r.7'i
Vo. ' _ ' , 4 , t t ( inch , I'J and 11 feet , roiijh. . 1 ' .75
' i. 2 , 4 JcO Inch , Hi leet , louyb U.'St
stCom. , 12 , Hand If fwt S2l.r.O
id Com. , 1. Hand 1(1 ( feet 0.00
id C < . m. , 12 14 and 10 feet 14..W
Pence , U It and 16 left UOJ
st Com. , < % inch White Pints SSO.OO
Jd Com. , % iiu-h White Pine ! . .r > 0
Clear , & Inch Yellow Pine S21.53
lc r > < im-li Norwav 14.00
2d Com. , Jtf inch. Noi wav W.OO
M Com. ft Inch , white pine S3 ! 0" )
Jd Com. 0 Inch , white pine 34 00
id Com. (1 ( inch , white pine SHI Ot )
1 > . ( I inch , white pine ' . ! < > T
Join 4 and ti inch yeilo-.v pine 17 5
Mar ! nml fl Inch vi'llow nine "l.Oi
1st and 2d clear yellow pine.1C inch. . . 2 J.r.O
fillll' I.AI' .
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 17.00
S'o.Plain. . 8 and 10 ineli 15.00
No. 1 , O. ( J 17.50
1st and 2d Clear , l # ineli , n. 2n S.W
lit and ad Clear , iyt and a inch , s sis. . . . ta 00
ui Clear , iJi inch. - > -iSOO
SdClear. 1U anil Inch , s ' - ' 480J
1J Select , ! > / , l > f nnd 'i inch , c. 2s S"i (
island .il Clear , 1 inch , s.--s 6000
d ' 'icar , 1 ineli. s2s 415 < )
A Select , 1 inch , H. 2s 4000
B Select , 1 inch , s. ' 'H WM
A 12 inch . , 1 s 12 , 14 and W feel . S40 00
U " ' "
. 41 W
u it .1 .1 it ti
. 3 i 00
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. . . . . . . . . ! 5J ( K )
No. 1 Com. 12 in. s. 1 s. 12 , 1 1 and US tt. . 17 W
No. I " " " 10 , IS and 20 ft. 1850
No. 3 " " " 12 , It anil 1(5 ( ft. 1550
POPI.Alt M'MHiil. :
Clear Poplar lox ! Ids ! K in , 2s . ? n i CO
} . ; In , panel stk wide , s 2s. 27 OJ
" Cormt-'uted Ceillnir , % . , . . 2000
O. G. Halts , 2 > i , Inch . 5-W ) 70
" Kxi.s ! is . oo : r ,
? Incii Well Tubing. IXM. . and lev. ? . 20 50
* Standard . S3 00
5 inch , clear , sl.50 ; o inch , clear . 1 CO
No 1 . 1 10
Lath . S3 20
White Cedar , R inch , halves . S U
" " 4 "
round . 11
Tennessee red crdar. split . 14Vj
I.IMI : , KTC.
Quiney white lime ( b"ht ) , S5c ; cemant.
Akron , s.7r. ) ; plaster , S'J.JiO ; ) mir , per liitshcl
HOc ; rash , . ' 0 per cent oil" list : doors , blind.-i ,
mouldlnirs. M ) per cent off list : tarred felt , JKH
ewt , 51.75 ; Htraw boaid , 81.CO.
Oiaha ,
And Chicago
Tlio only ronrt to tnho 'or Drs Molncn , Mar
'u ' liiHiit'i lar llupi.N . , Clinton. Dlxlo. C'lilrnifn
Mllwiiukeo nml till poiinr eiist To tlm rco | > lu o
Nebraska , I'oloimlo , Wjomlnir. Uiuh. Idaho i
Nuvml.i.Oiwoii.Vaulilii''fon nml Onllfornlu It
oilers mpoi KM iujvuntngcs notuosslblu by Hiiy
otbci line.
Amonjr n f w of tlio numerous points ot supo-
rlorlty eiijoyp. ! by tliopatroiw of this roiullH > -
tweenOnmntt ami Chlenyo , iiro Its two train" a
iluy ot DAY COAl IIK.S ulileh art ) tlio tliiot tjiat
liiii/niu nrt nnil Inifoiinlty cnn erotito. Ilsl'AI-
ACK SIEEi'IN ( ! I'AHS.hleli are models of
comfort iui.1 eleeiineo. Its I'AIUXK DHAWIN'G
IIOOM CAHS. MiiiiiriMi Fnd by uny. uixl Us wlilo-
y eelubniUHl PALATIAL DlNINli r.MIH , tut )
uiualnf ivlilolicannut bo fuim < l eKowbero.
At Counell HlulfN tlio trains of thu I'liUm Pu !
flo liy. eonnr-ct In Unlun Denot with tlineo of the
ClileuKO & . Niirlbwehtnrn Hy. In ClilcuKO HMJ
Iralim or tills line make cloro connectlou vfltb
those of nil eastern Unas
1'or Di'troii.Cdlmnbuit , Indlannpolls , Clneni-
natl , Nlmrura rull11. llufTulo , 1'lettibuiv. Toronto ,
il. Huston. Now YurU.l'lilladelplilu , llul-
tlmoreVaulilntflouiiiiJ Hll | > olmiiluiliotujtii > k
the lickel ayi'iH for tlekrtx via the
If you wUh ttiu best nct-'inimoilatlomi. All ticket
aiiriuti sell tickets via tUiu lino.
M. lUHilUIT , H. ailAUt ,
Uenerul JIaiiRjff r. uen. 1'ass. A ent
tillCA : 0.
W N. UAliUX'K.
llizruruaiu iJu.Uuiuliu , Xcb.
Billiard Tables ,
lannfactorers of Billiard fi Pool Tables ,
\ml Saloon. Ortieo'flticl Ilmiit Fixtures. Minkot
ml Muruu Sts. , Chicago , in. Ouuilui olIUv ) > , &jJ
I. Nnii st.
Book Girding. Etc.
nrr.3i'HiNTi.No : co. .
Printers , Book Binders ,
\titl Illnnk ItooH Mitimf otuver . NOR. lOfl nml
lw youth lltli Sirvct.Unmlw , Jxeb.
Butter Tubs.
tfnnnfacturiug of Butter Tabs.
r. Th. Moi 40 ib. it * . : 21 n > . . ' < < ) ; ai m , x.V : i\i B > art-
ui , WOo. 18th nnd I'ioreo St. , Oinnlin , Net ) .
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Inns ninl Ammunition. si 6 to sn South Itth
"fleet , ItKOto liKi 1'iiriW'il Street , UiiiHln' , NIHI.
iMKit-Ocru : ; Ctiun IHcrour.
Mannfacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Wliolo&alo Dealer * In IMif Tobacco * . Nos.
lu iiml HON. 14th Ireet.Onialm , Neb.
Eagle Cornice Works.
.Tohn Kpcneicr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
GiUvanlml Iron nml romleo. nsi Ii ) > ilio , mul Ul
itul 10u North loth Street , Umiilm. Nob.
Manufacturers of Ornnnicntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Wimloue , limits Etc. , BIOS. U'lliSt. Work dona
In liny purl of tlio country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor ,
nalvanlreil Iron Cornices , Kto. Spooht'i liv
iroveil Patent Jlotall'eHkjllsbU SOS and 610 S.
IJIth St. , Omuliu , Not' .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Planing Mill.
Doors , Hn h nnil IlllmU. Al > all of
fiiinc. Scroll undbtair uorK of uviry ili > -
Manufacturer nml Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Moulding ,
Ete. Stnlr Hulls n speeiiilly. Tflephono o.9i
15th nnd Maivy St. , Omiilm , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
Electrical Supplies ,
t. W. WOI.KK & CO. , Kleetrieinns ,
MaRonle HlocV , Onmlia. Durelnr Alarms Hell
Vho AluniH. Klectrlo Mutlliiif , Spoakl
C.olU , Silver ami Nickel 1'Jutlnir , Ktc.
Iron and Nnils ,
Cot Nails ilnd Spikes ,
Fire Nails a peuiiltjOnmlia / , Nob.
Omaha Iron Y/orks / Company ,
Mnclnnory , CaMifiKs , Steiiin Knsrlnp , Hollers.
Arcldtiictiirid lion , Work , Him Hrlilxc" ) . Mlulmf
anil .Mill Wnehlnerr , Olticn IIIK ! works. Union
J'nciHo j U. K. 17tli liild ltl Strcpfi.
WKAltNU & HHU. .
Foundry Works.
Cor. 14th iinrt .TnckFton it . , prcpnivd to do nil
UmlH of lion uml Ilia's ( Miniiik'n : uNo , t ) . a
lliiimistcr's Itocklrvr Orutc IUi-s
B : M. iwisn.
Mattress 'Corapaay ' ,
ifanufncturinc Jliittresso , lleiUlliifr. Fnnthor
Pillows , Cots , Ktc. 1-AKi una KW DoUL'Ias Street.
Omiihn. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Tnuts , HhlrtB , I'te , 1102 iinJ 1101 Douglas
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Paper Bozes.
J. I , . WIUCI13 ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
IMS. Uth 8u. Oinnhn. Nob. Orders liy mnll
licllcil uml will receive promj/t attention.
Omaha Safe Woris ,
( ! . ANfmniJN.
Momifpclurer of Klin nnt | llunrlnr Proof fifo * .
Vmill I'oorp. Jail Wr.tlt. Blnitturn nnil Wlro
Work. Cor. llth nml Jaulceon SIM. , Omulm , Neb.
Soap ,
Soap Manufacturer ,
Ofiice and Factory , near I'owdor Jfngiulno ,
Onmlsn Neb ,
Wagons and Carriages.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
1.115 > m < l M17 Ilnrnoy pircef , Oiniihn , Nob. Polo
Aiintf.lii Nolirusku tor Jones' Celebrated Split
Kstuhlishcd IViS.
The Leading Carriags Factory ,
HGU uml 1411 ljdtto Street , Omulm , Nub.
White Lead.
( "oiToclei-s arid Orlmluisof
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Omalm , Noh , I ovl Carter , I'rre. ; r. W , Mra < )
Vic J'j s. : H. W. Yutce , Hco. and Irem.
The Hillard ,
Sliearp , J. K. Mnrkol Ttios. Sivobo , Proprietors
Omubu , Nobrasko.
Arcjidfl Hotel ,
Il.r > and I-ill Dour.'IrtH Ht. , Onntlin , Xnb
rliRpatroii'iKrjoreoiiiniii'clal men icspeo'
ouUcllml , Tliuy will lIuj this tbe beet ti
' '
The''C9ZZ833 ,
1' . Umnsey ft Col.'Proprlotors.
ItatCJSlS.OOpcrday , no durlt roonn. Also 1'Ql.ico
HoU'l ' ijantu I'c , Uimilni , Neb.
Canfleld Honso ,
Cor. Ninth and Parnum St * . 'I'lm beet tl pet
Utiy hotel In Uinuha. Jlemodoled , leiurnitlioi.
rivlocnili'il ; oiio liluc'k iiom army buHilqiiarlius ;
opiK < liti Iliiiiiii 1'uclflulicmliiiiHrimn ; .iirol cui-s
P.IHS tlm donr. ( icorco Canhold lx Co , [ iro'ir.u-
tors Ale Union dtvek YurUs Hotel , fctutU
Hotel de Gees ,
P. ( iOS , Proprietor.
Kuroponn VJau. Tlio only centrally locateil J ?
niiuyliouiu. Tbreo dooi-u tiom lioyil'a Oxut |
llousouixl ono-luUf biocl : froTii tbu l'o iolico
mul tlm Com I llou o. IWW , 1510 , 15U Kariimu
Planters House ,
o. E. rniuiH , I'liopini.
ltatc8,41.MJiibi- . rilrciit earn from I
, wiuiin onu Mocit of Imuag. tu
e umUOUi tUvou , iiuauui-tcu
Agricultural Implements.
Dealers iu Agricultural Implements.
Ofllio , tornereth mill 1'neltio Sts , Uuiulm. Nek
" ? AllLlv7oUiNl)01UT : & MARTIN ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mul lltijrgii' ! . , Omulm , Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. MOUSl ! ! c m.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoos ,
1411 rnrnmti Sticot. nmnlm , Neb. MuuufACtorr ,
SimuitrrHtrvot llojton.
8. A. OHCIIAUn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
i , C'mtnln ( iooils I'.ti1. . 142) 1'nrunm
Street , Uuudm , Neb.
Conl , Limp , DC.
Coal , Coke , iimo and Stone.
Office , SJUIB. Uth St. , Dmnhn. Neb. Yunl ? , th'
ami U.iveupoit Strerts.
COUTANT * sgriuKs ,
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
T.ctt \ arlL'tlc * . On co. Sill P. inth Kt. Telephone
No. iut.oiiiaimNeb.
Shippers of Coal and Cofce ,
.H 3.13lh Rt. , Omiilni , Neb.
( ii.o. C. TOWI.K , President.
( ? ro. PATTF.ISPON , Sou. ntuiTieiiB.
J.ll. , 1' . A.
1'roprlPtor. Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAH \ , NKIlitAMiA.
Omce , 21T S. Ul h HI root . Telephone .
GKO. V. UuiAnii. I'IOT. C. 1 * OIHIIIMffV. . Pro * .
J. A. , SM-C. mid
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbei&of hard nnd pott com , art ) S. lotti at. ,
Onmh'.i , Nnb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
n.\cHibno Juniors In TtmiMcr Colorado Conl,217
' Mtb hlit'et.
Coffee BIN ! Spites.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tons.Collees , S | > let . Making Ponder Kluvoitnjr
Kxtrnctii , Laundry llluo. Ink , utc. 1411-ld llur-
noj Stu > < jt , Omutiii , Nob.
Commisiion , Etc.
& CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits Produce
, , Oysters ,
J121 Faniain Ht , Onuilia. Apples Hur uii puok-
iiiK 1'lall.Vi O.'H Titter lintml OyBtcrs , ItuUor ,
i Game , J'oultry , 1'otalocs.
General Commission Merchant ,
IVodJK-u , Vrovihlont. , I'rnlti. I'lour and 1'oed , 115
8. Uth St.Omaba , Nct > . I'oiisiisnmuiits bollcitvd.
l.t'tuiiisinuilo piomptly.
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Cliot'hu. SUIIMIKOM. 1'iiiliR , lUitclin-s 'J'lxils and
Supi'tli'B. l l&JoitL-j PL , Onuha , Neb.
W. K
General Commission Merchant.
Sl'CCJAi.Tics ( licf-o. Huti. . . EUCH , I'oiiltry
n-id iime , 11" H. lith. , Omuliu , Nub. Tclo-
plionc No , 'M > .
i ) . A. " : jiiLlvi
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter , Eirir > "d Produce. A full line of Ptono-
\\aro. toiitigninuiUsi eolluitvU. HU IJodfcO fct , ,
( jjuiiha.
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , Kres ' Iwiwj nu < l Country l'roiimo cn-
t'l iilJy , HifJ fi. l tli St. , Umulia , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilefrierciator and Pr.ckliiirHounc.Utli .V I.pnven-
w 01 tli St. , oil U. I' . H. It. Track , Ouialia , Nob.
K-tntillfhod 1870.
General Commission ,
Til 6. Htu St. , Omaha. Noli. Sj ocinltlea Butter
' , I'-.inltry and ( jiiino.
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Produce arid Provision ! ) , Oiiiuliit , Nub.
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
Fruits , Seeds and ProductNo SW S. Uth Street ,
Omalm N'cbi.'sku.
THOXKM. & WT 1,1,1 A MS ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Fruits. Kloiir. Apple , Btflnowiiro. ( 'Iilor.Vliuiirnr ,
( ; np fe < 'ilK. llutlor and KKW 1)13 ) nnd B15 Soutli
iih ; ; etrout , Omoha , Nebraska.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , lUittrr , Omno. Trulls , Utc. ! uS. Ulh
.St. , Oinuhit , Koliiasliii.
A. r. nini.n. : (
Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic Fruits ,
Meats , , .1 ( > ! lle , Iliittcr. > , . Choose , I'M.
Kd. ! KIJ H. U'tli St. , Umiihu , Nub.
General Commission Merchants ,
KCCDodjioBtioct , Omaha , Neb. Coti- l nincnts
Croccry. ! (
vf. L. witiairr ,
Agent for tlioMnnufactiiroin and Iinportora
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lompn , ChiuiiKiys. ifliiIT ) : ! South 13th
tjtrcut OmnliA Null.
Dry Goou's.
j. J. imowN & co. .
Wholesale Dry Goods and notions ,
] ! > < Uouelas hjtic-ft , Oninlut , Neb.
i , . niNsnniin & co. ,
Wliolcrnlc Uonlorn In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Motions ,
linen * , I.HCOI ) , Kinluoldi'ry and Wliiiu Oood < ! ,
lU'UlouglUbbtifK Uiiuilut Nut ) .
I , & CO. ,
The Eaker Automatic Engines ,
Ftatlonury ami pniiublo engines , bollcriuini )
die et Iron HOI It , iMijruiipi. ujjncultniHl linplu-
mentg , pumpB.i'te.121& U-uvi n worth Ut. _
Leather , Hides. Etc.
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 JuLksun Stiuet , Omaha , Nub.
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
. . . ry anil flion Kinilliivx. Illiles , WIHI ! , FUM ,
I'elis , Ureiifo , 'Jtillow , Kto. , Omuha , Neb. _
Flour. Etc ,
AVlJ. I'llLeVtiN. HVO. HlLliAlll > ( ) ; ( .
Wholesals Hoar ,
CO.,510niici HI'lerco bli ctUmahn , Net ) .
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
Antl mauuluti jri i or lliuiniimimu unJ Lubil-
VuU.itf U.U3.
itni'NO Tsisntrrtc. Jit ,
Apcnt for J. C. Hoflimxyr V Oa. ,
Mennfactnrers of Highest Grades of Flonr
liy holier * ami llimrnrimi l-rocet-i. WnivliouM' ,
1211 > Jones blreet. Onmlm. Neb.
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. \ \ > l hnn * Co.'s Onto *
llt > MlllK.eor. bib ami rainiiui Streets. Ounibo.
Furniture. _
L'ASTtm : .
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrallun ,
, Omalm , N li.
Groceries ,
AM/US unos. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110 nml 1112 Oow'Kw Street. Oinnlm.jjo'i.
K. n. CHAPMAN .v co-
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , CIgirs ,
i mul Smolier * ' Artlclrw. 1-1"
Wholcsab Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
s * , ClHnrs ituil Totim-eoK. lillt and lill'J
liisStUH't.Oiuiiliu , Nel' ' .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml fnrimm Ptiwt'.Omnha , Neb
Wholesale Groceries and Provisos ,
NOK. ? iC. , ' , u7 , 7Wi nml 711 S. Kith St. , Onmlm , N
\V. .1. IlitOATCH.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
\Vii'on ( Stock , llnnlwoml I.unilior , ttc.
1 121 ' 'Innuiy Bin'et.Uiiiiilm. Kob. _
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And CnrrhiKO Wood Stoek , Heavy Hardware ,
Ktc. UlVimd lU'l'J ' l.eiiven ortliPtjectOmaba ,
lilMKllAtTGll .V TAYIXIt ,
Iluildcrs' ' Hardware ,
Mecbnnlce * Tools ami HuUulo SciUus.
lub btioet , Oniulin , Neb.
, t co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Rails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , lite. Agonta tor llovrti Seulca uud
Mliinii 1'owiler Co. , Ouiiiliu , Nnli.
uoiins ( :
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Mantles , Unite * , 111 ass irooiK 1K1 ami 1 'J Fur-
iiuiu Mrect.
lUXTOK & Wtl.IIKl.MV CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
rmcrson 8tcH NnlN. for. littli nnd Harncy
fctrc-olM , Onialiu. Nell.
\VM.IiCHINO * ( X ) . , CH1CAC1O ,
Mnnulncturerof tlio
Deering Harvester Goods ,
Write to \ \ uM. . l iiniPr. Oeueral Afront ,
Onuilia. TolcpbonniSlli.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jolilrii in Iixin I'ljvo. Iron Illtirifrt ! , Iron i i > ' 1
fiooiH. Knjcineorf. ' tJuppl't-s. ' 14th iinJ
Oinnliti , Xel > .
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcatn , Water , Ibilln ay ami MilllnKSupptlp * .
I'M , V'S uml V-4 ! Fnrliuin St. , Uniulin , Nub.
Wholcsals Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Stonm and Winer Siii'liCH. | | llcml < | imuris for
Jlust Foust CO.'B tjoods. 1111 rurnnin Stroel ,
Omulm , Jx'eb.
Wholesale Jewelers.
rB In Sllvcrwiuo , Ulainoiul' . Watchns ,
f. Jewelers' Tools nml MaturltiK Kin. . Ml
mul Jolt , litlli Struct , Cor. Ooilso , Ouiulia , Nob.
" "
Fish. Etc.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Ininortern < i ! Kcielsrn I'HliNo . Mil nil Jones
Sdeet mill U. J1. Tiiick Onialiit , Nut ) .
Live Stock.
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yimlngu Churned.
ClOHJ to U. 1' . llndtro. Special nucoiiimodntlon
mil K good umiKcl tor IIOIJH I' . C. C'oupur , Mini'
ujn-r. Ollico. U1W IJoutli Mil Street-
M. nruKi : it SONS ,
Live Stock Comniissioa
Gr < i. llurlto. ,
Union Block Yards , B. Ouiiiliu , Neb. Tele. 5S3.
w. p. imowN & co. ,
Commission Dealers in Live. Stock.
OfTen R\uliiuuro liulMiuir. 1'nlon Block YurJs ,
Bontli Oinitlm , Nob. Tuiciinniio No.&XI.
Live Stock Commission ,
T'lilnn Ptoek Yard. , Clilea o , 111. , nnd Oinnhi ,
Net ) 1'iiink Ctilttiiileii.MiimiururOnali.i : Jtruuuu.
Telcpliono No.Mi. . i : talillsliod IWU
W. L. I'ATKICK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
AdilietsnlR'OinuiunleuliciiihKi us at Union Smelt
1'nicln , t'iniih Omuliu. Advuuueii innilu cm KIOCK.
Uiiioa Stock Yards Comp3Jiy ,
I.lmltt 0. John r , Itoyil Hii | > nrliitoiiiloiit.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
FlilemuillH ol uny nml nil ! < iiu ! oi sl
ed. Union liietk Y 1111)3 ) , Uniiiliu , Nub.
Lumber , l\t. \
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lira ? ,
Enili. Douo , Etc. Yiirds ( 'or. 7 til nud
tur. Dili mid
Manufacturers of Sash
, Doors , Biiuds ,
MouiilliwH , Mini- Wink and luli.rlor Haul WOIM ]
I-inixli. .hihi ojiunod. N. C. uur. tth nnd l.finuu-
in tli hiroutf.Oiiuilia , Nub.
Wholcsalo Lumber ,
EH 8. Hth Ftreut , OiiMhii , Neb. F , Uolpvtzor ,
C. N. Dllfl'i
Lumber ,
ISth and California Slroel , Omnlm , Nub.
KltiiV. : . C.ltAV ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Cor. Cii | and Inniulna .Stiectti , Onmlia , Nub.
flKO , A. IK AOIAN ( >
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omalm , Nobruaiu ! ;
. r.Mi : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
WnROii Ftock , 1'nney Woods , llridiro Tlrnlii > r ,
Ac. , a W. Cor. nth and DoiiKlm.Ouialin , N < Ii.
0. 1' . lA'MAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
iu ; < youth liiti
Nebraska Lumber Co.
el Hluck ,
Ixi ; - " - sr.cluiera win I'xiio
MiiU in Men 111 \Vs | V.'liuUiiUk Ml ;
ju.iuj > uiUUu.uUu.Suu. tUo , jvui
OMAllA M'MllUUCa ,
Dontor.ilii All Kln.UoT
Bnilding Material at Wholesale. ,
1ftn Sueui ami t ) . P. II. 1 ( . II.TruckOmiilm
Y/holcsalo / Dealer in Lumber ,
roth nmllranUtiwirt.OiiiAl > iti Nehra Viv
J. A. WAKUVlUtit ) ,
Wholesale Lnmber , Lath , Shiugbs ,
nulldltnr Papers. &nli , DCOM , ItHiuH , Mo
Invc. PleVi < t . Po t . Minn. IMn tiT , lliur ,
* I'liiout. ' ' Ninth uud JOIIM Omalm No.i.
ImportciR nnd Johhorftot
Millinery and Notions ,
K1.1 ntvl 12H Hnrncy StrwlOns hR , N
Musical Instruments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Ptelnwiiy riomi * . Wt oer. Decker. Hnlnes nml
I'l IJ.KS Plunos. I'ueKmxl Uitfims , Cbftoo OrjrrtUN.
il mid Ml 1Mb. * lrtx t. _ .
Notions , Etc.
Wholesale Job Lots ,
llrv floods , Nollons < .t'iilN' urnlchlliR Oo-x ,
I liV ( iiipiir" * niiniti T-inn * i * * ! * > t > ' ' -m
( ii > 'od li-om New YOI'H Tiixilo iwU-ii daily , fiot )
mid nttf Poulh Uth 81. Onmlm.
c. 8. ooomucii * co. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
Druiretats' mid Slat loners * Sundries. U1& tVxi >
nam.Oimilni , Nol > . _ _
J/T / , Robinson Notion Company ,
< ivi nnd 4tkS B. Kith St..Omnti , Net ) .
Wholesale loalo.n ) In Nntloni and Gents lur-
nlshlntf Uix K
ZZITII " Oils >
Wholesale Dealers in Oils.
Gneollno , Mlou Axle ( In-afc. Uto. A. II. Ulahop
SI iinaeer , Omalui , Nob.
Pork Packinp
JAMUS K. ovn.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omalm , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Ofllee Union MiirKet.lfii ; Dnilirc Street.
liitiico. U. P. U. It. Track , Omulm , Neb. 'J olo-
plionu No. 107.
Safes and Locks.
p. iioriiit & cx > ,7
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
Kiro ' iiml Iliimlar Proof ParoP.Timo lAM < lcRVanltd
ami , Jail work.Ktt ( Funnun ritrtiot , Oumtia , New ,
J. K VAN'S ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Atriienltiirnl Venetalilo. Mlc. Oilil Follows' Hull
N. W. Cor. 14th uml Doiljfo St. , Uuikba , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
ii. T. CLAHKI : nuiro
Wholesale Druggists ,
Jobbeisor Paints. 01IOVItiH..w C.lnsa Etc. , lllfl
Iliuuey LHi I't't , Onmlm. Nob.
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Dealer in Paints , Oils unit Window Ofa 4
Umulio , N'eli. ,
\Vines and Liquors.
FllAKK Dii.I.ONK : Si CO. ,
Dealers in Liquors and Cigarsx
law : unly& \ Donclus St. , Omaha , Nob.
FuctorliM-Noj. 4 uml Utfl.JW Dlst. N. Y.
Buecessor to MuNAiitiM K DUNCANIinport n9
mul Wlmlvsulu Dcnlorfl In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
14 ami IMil B. lltli i' t. , Oiiiaht' , Nub.
11. H. GHOTTK.
Wines and Liquors.
Wcsto n Apcnt , ! ) . Belili : ? ISrowlii Co. noa
Uth Utierl.Oiiiidm.
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars :
1LTJ1 Douglas S-lriHil , Omulm , Nub.
ILUH & TO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines *
Anil lMiiorH. | H < ilo miiiiiiniftiiroirtof Kiinucxlr'a
Kii.itliidl . . : ! llltlei-s. UK llf.-uuy Sti-uut , Omaha.
Kub. '
I. . P. LARSON & CO. ' .
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Clears , nml Oenenil Atm tn lor thn Philip
lulls' CeleljrnteU MilwniiK.H ( ) IkwirOmiUiu.Nol ) .
Harness , ttc.
MiiniilHutnioR , and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles 'Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
UiKHU , lilunkctB iiiui Itolio-t. 1U1 i'uruum
btiuut , Omiilui , Nob.
A nntixrr wse
England , France
'J liu ttieiinixlilpH ut tlimvtll known line ant all
of iion , In winer tliiilo iiimrtmciitu , mul ro >
ininitfiieil wmi liveiyinuu 10 inuku Ilici piuiaago
boiti tulo uml nii ixmblf . ' 1 buy curry tin ) Unltod
HutcH anil Kuioncan mnllii , and louviiNntt York
' 1 liiiiMlnyiiniul Buiuntnyi 1'or Hyinmitli. < MJN-
JjON ) . Cbui boii > r , lI'AUIriiiinl HAMIIUIIC ) .
' Ituiud rirrtoitbln , JW-JluJ. Steorcito to No4
'J ork ,
Chicago & St , Pa
mul Bast Routs
From Omaba to the East
CblciiKo , Jllune i'oli ! < , Mllwauken ,
Ht. I'uul , Oilar uapM ] , Duvoupmt ,
< Piiton , Ilubii'iue ' , IttM'ki'oit ) ,
lliiok ; UlniiJ , l''if ( > , Kirt , JunwivlHe ,
Klrin , Mitdi'-oii , I.aCroDWJ ,
lirlolt. M'ininm.
And all olhcr Impmtum pnhin Hast , Northeast
Tlelict offlco ni Hul Farmtin slroot , ( In Tarfon
lloieli , mul nt Union I'luiillu lc | > oU
I'lillimiu MwrK-r * ami thu I'uimi Dining Oirs
In the \Sorld tire i mi on llin muln Ilnus or ilio
i very iitluntlon IH paid tu jinssontforu liy court/-
oiihiimplojeaor ilioeoinpany.
It. Mli.l.hlliuiitirul MiiuiiHvr.
,1 , I' . Tm'Kiw , A SSIHIII | ( liinenil Man > unr. ;
A. V. H. ( Mlli'UNiKU , ( luneiul
Tlrlu-t ABPIII.
( in ) , i : . HKAHOUII , Asiia
L'vr uml Tlckut
and Jnil V ; :
IdSfl 1 uriuiin 3lrt u , < Jniitlia , Neb.
. S. H. ATWOOD ,
HreMerof Tboionshbrol inil High Or.vlo
Ksrsforil and Jersey Oaths !