Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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AdvrrtbomMitiiuni'or this hewl lOcentspor
III o Ior M.o flrrt lii-ertlon , nnd T coiitu for oiioU
tut'Calient Insertion , fccven words IT 11 bo count *
ttl to ttxi line ; they mitn nm conwcutlrdly nml
nitirt to | nl < lIn advance. Alt tdveruwinoiiu
n.lfeV U i.i.m.ul In Lcii'ioS o'clock | i. in. , and iu ( .iituiiihti.iic * * x dl tlmbo taken or
tilxoi.tlnMsi liv Hiloulione.
I'tirikitHdveit Mnir In tno o column * mid linr
Iff ! tl jsni. rc > it nild'os pd In cnro or IIKK. u I
rkiewMifik for chock to otmbtetumn to irtit t to.r
Httcrn. HM nntui will lw > dulivtroil iixropt on
rirrv < tnl ! llon of rlieok. All nnnxvors In ndver-
i Id tiorncloMHl In ciivoli-o | .
TV1ON1.YTO LOAN on it-il ofltnto In nny
111 mnoun. l.y llnllou tlr . ! d78 luili t. C-nlfl
m < > I.O IN 11JIM to f ,0.0 w in.provod 11 per
JL ty. Amc-s , lM J I'nrinim. Kw > i
MOS'KV frr evcrjbolyl Yon rnn bornw
imn y On tut in i.te , I on egn on ,
plnnns , lk of nil kind' , d nmondi nnd due
xvi,1C cson jonrinvn tbno. I a > inontHietei\cil
nl any litnn , nnd-lntcru-r. jx'diiced pift HUM ,
I'rcpcr v lelt In jrur ox-n | xi ci > r > on. Tem * i
lou' i o liv lov ( * t. lull i'id xxi no. Hi plni'M
< ii.r < ( ailbil. ' Noiidxni'ti'ire iniien. W. It. ( imt ,
in 4 , kx I'liniill HNexr HulldinKiNoiilicaM cor-
Uth nnd Ilaiiu'y. Kit
filO I.OAV OIIU nr two . .I dollnrn Im-
1 mcdlnK'ly for 1 or - ) onra. W. Il.Uicen ,
Mlb nml Karnnm. 1W
TNKYo ( lennon IPII o tnto noonrily. N >
J l fontiiilnslOn clnti-Htid. ( . K. Mnvmi , intli an I
I'Hrnum. _ (31 Nov.I
MONliV Tolonn. Tlio Omnlm I'lnnnclid T.j.
( linnpo , lfi t I'd main MitMit , ciw | < tiili'niii ! kc !
Joii'iLSoli nil diixtoxol Ficnrity li-om iiJIUcnut-
I ( J Idii n to JIU.OKion icido-tiilo. Wo imikoloani
Id milt nil nrplli'imtc on lnn f or Klioitthnu on
linpuivtxl ici\l o tn e. In nil conlriiclx ,
IxilklnijtHim Innptxt lund. fwinl l noliw.
eK'rhntlold. ' orirood i > ecnrltv of nnv kind.
rtiU-fsrnBy trniin. ( iiniiluc KitmnolnJ
If 18 Km nrnmtroot , upstairs.
M MANii : > llnm , L'ltJi anil
n fONMY TO r.OAN-O. V. Dixvl k Co. Itnal
Intnto nml Loan nuunli ) , luufi Kiirninn Su
TO IXAN-On fmmnocnrlllM. . A
ucJt , room 7 HiHlluk lllook , LVjW Kiirimm
BL ; i
, . , .
Mi > N'lY TO I.OA V-On rhnttrli. WCHI'PV ' . ' <
flKirlMiii , room Itt , Uiinilni NiiUoind tninX
( ) NUVTn LOANOn rout osUllo and oliilt-
r > vi
MONI'.Y l.IANin-On : plinllcK enl rnty. It.
U ( lokgtB Lxjuxht unit nold. A. Koriiuin. JIJ
K. liitli St. . iVil
MCtNKV TO MIAN liiMinm of tSOOntut nn <
wmilfi nn DrM-cliiM icitl CBIIKO security.
I ( flier It Colili. IMA Kiirnum bt. Ka
M7) KY i.OANitn nl r. V. UcfsTi CO'B. Ifinn
'oil. co , on Inrnllnro , plnnos , hor.sns. xviigo M
pononal iiropcrty ol' all kinds nnd nil otlior itr-
lldiv ofiiliin. . xvilliont roniox'id. Ovnr Ut Nul'l
Hunk , ponior Illlh iind Fminua. All bnoinuni
Mi loll ) ' oonlUhintal. IVi
Til H.\rilAN.l InindKomo niKlxtull lo-
J. , ( iiiliHl r > riJiMico piopur y nt 'JopuUa , KI.IIS. .
iorpio r.j .n Uii.alin. Audio.i' . u. Dmxver
U , ( JM.uh- gli.-li ! *
J1Y. .lOIINNON , Toiil n-'ido Audit , over
I Irct Nlitlnnnl batik , lor Hnlu Ii IIn
llfl oat ffio"liU-iiinH | ol iiiiiiihuiiiiil I ( in vn oil" .
aci.ii.i ) UIH.V or ttajf wor.jcra. toino H eu.ul
IIouMS lor runt. '
GIIICI.KY& IIOANK Itcnl Kiliilo Aireulo. S.
W. cxir. 1'itli and Doiuilius , iiro now oilerhii
ii ri-iiMi Li t'lnopi' , icrldcncound Mibiiibun pf > | i-
crty. t'oinu of llio mot IIIIXIIIIIUKIHIIIH luirKiiIiu
i.oxv iiKlidniiirkdt can boobtinned by calling on
tlcin. luipiiKcd and iinliiiprovo.l pitiperly.
corner lottt hint cluxlnclilo s-llen In t o lat lo-
ctiUil luUlltloimcaii bu Imd ut roiiiMiiiiclilu prluui
end cany turiiia. _ U.Cnovl.'i ! _
I Tiolt KXtniAN'dK-IIoiifin and lot.ion'ndlv
' lota < vl , for Fiibiul'tin ' prox | > rty near licit
Moo. Ad.drcnH A lw , I'PO Olllce. SI7 ! -
TT1INIC Improvinl fin ms.wlll trade for imprnvod
A1 city pniiiuny. W. II , Urcun , Ofor l t Na
tional llunk. ( M
FOlt KiVIK Clicap.ou .roiuininililo tornm , con-
iLctioiuiry mid o.Khtor 1 1 rlor. tor bin mil
Ci p.toliivnvlirnitnie . ; m d'ti.Vnutw till brim new
lib bllSilKin.4 V ell cjilllTl.t..uJ. , I-l
Ii OK8AT.U Mill properly nt n Rroat
p | o 'did I 01 no d lec.i i II t.i M > d
clca ; r ( co o p h x ilnimr a very o < i" . lo
bi blnotf H .u , pros V.OIH laloal ti.oin o HI
< iii f o ii , t ) Ii H n tr.'tk i u nib ir o in I :
Jjirtonovoi t Inr w fnwi-r : b o. > r-
i-oi n lour tiiui t y nnn no r < mi.ullnu' m I nour :
Liiixo > , c < l IIHULOII p e o . ( u run n 1 n i'lt-
vine , II. B nl'O u IIIIKU B ipliiK oCiou r , o
ftniM MIIIU ly i nlnri'Oo ov inln n lolls o i.uicr
"r. .MiuiiB ) I.ouk lUixMK Omiili i. Nib ,
1 irl :
r | ' . I o cll j > itxt > d ol'ltbln tlio neAt Oil ilins.ini
J ( yti bits i d banking biiKineas in county Kent
In ono ol flit ) Ijttit ciHlurn count cs In tie Male ;
or won HI Inoorpoiato nnd take a poitiiniot llie
C. K. Wiyue , t.tbund Km mini. Ul.'f
1.1OK HAI.K Sinnll Hf ck of drii'B nnd mciU
clnpfnid toilet iirllt-los lor Milu nl n lini-
BHln. Will luvKli n JUKI , llo.xcd C klilpmunt. J
A , Ua.or.ieuN inth mi out. oil
. A KAKK jllllANOK Tlio proprietors nf ( bo
-tXAIctropollrmi ItcHtiiiirnnt. 'fu K luili ht . I o-
IIIK ul.ont to open the now XVIndor lloiol , otlur
bo ixNiunruni loKolbcr with Icn-o of tlio I uild-
Ii K irrttdiC ThlIs tin < L\colleni OPKH | tnnliy
lor | bo rlt ht | nrtlos. Apply at the roslannint.
_ 774
PKKHONAI A wldoxv. n o311 , xxlahort lo fotin
the ncoi i li nm e l i ol e in oil M ' ' i < 'ii le-
mini of-n < aiiH xt I o lllnibibt A lie s Mru
U. N. Anixl-o'Cfty. fe-H-ll *
PKi R lAtViui ed to I II . t'lu ' x\lii > io-
, n oiitniihJ , , M. > i xvimtn.l ni' _ ' In O nali i or
. < Coi no.l llli't.v. till at n Unit Anton
MHIM nml linnnl. f"i pnr xvinik : very best lo.
D cation. 1M4 Davonpcntbt. liWnovH'
III ! WC. MntzndrStove ItopalrCo. . HI South
14th at. Unweun Un.Uo ana Uuu Uu.
Ul' Hy llio under l ned , a liliie.h
- . undo plff. ( lutiprciin liax'u H'linby pnylnv
i rfc * and i < ii > vnur properly. Mi'fs Kien-li.
UroxTn KiHirMueiKl heart Unix cut. bOldel *
j T7UIt MAI.V ; I lm\e oneo Iho moi'l viilinib'o '
I vf-ipii'unlidn eoiniicllon ulHi finale In r IO-N
0 ei I vented : II cll all but pinor In Mill
li-'ll Illleii" t. m i" lo n"l mi n v millielcut in
in r > < n he bisn * . I. . C. . > > c > oi > , 4 ,
1 I < | k.i. . hiNull. I-U
; KALI' Txinyonuhoixa Inokotorldn
" J or i.t 111 * ; or will in dj lor yo.-d piiino. Ad
tlisl' . 0. llox full , cil ) . VI4-II *
k\xrANTKI > Seciind hard rnin liuirer. modi-
VV tun xl a Itiu.lent humu pioluricil ndi.rusn
A 15 , ileo "lll-L *
"T'-'oit HA'l.K Vor ' . *
. u MCI iid-luind Chll-on
' > J til IIIKU , HI linn I'd HI i rm 11x1 " > Al-i > .
for t-iju n lift puiHi | tor elblein. Appl > lH'7
t-triH't. lcH.4 |
HAM ! Orttt'do , I'rU'o's llo'ik and ta- i
William Litinb , lluair.cti. Neb.
171OIt xrcnther snips , tin rm wuih mul tloorx , i
JJ | oKl . ih'Kil , 2cA S. f ' '
, VVIiN' : I 'I re Klndlers , wtiolo-alo iindii > -
tullaU , MuViitioii tlm ana Kuril INI. min'l
VAUl.Ttt , FinK , IHN cliittued ;
onlroly ( xloilo s xcuy , K. h linr Ad-
iKli pootolbco. i .iuivU
JKVSON-4 IN CICAVON I'nplll InllKllt Iniir
J lonmlio ciii > on iwirlnuu. A Ulu MAO | n > r-
trait from Hiiy plioio pupil nmy nuxi-u itixcn
Ili-o with term ot lc > nm * . I'tuuull .V I'lHiko ,
lulls i , ItcHilu V , All.Ukton Illock , xteni of I'.U.
_ S77novl4
lAVAVsoii ; liiinn t n bnrj-'iihi , No. I i > econd
Imml cnn Ittiru pbKeloiu and Fide-bar Ini
tl.v , ut A. J. fcnnpson , 14iv nnd till IHxl u/U
* " - - - r -
X v
iu I AI'JI'.S In WIIIK of Kond itomni > tlciPlpcin )
im Mlppllcs ) by I'lillnnr on thu Omalnt Km *
plovinenlllllUii. lI N , bitn bt. , uptulM , Mr * .
i J , W. Jloiriwm pniprietor , t.4 *
PIIIVY vaultii nnd , rlonuod In no
idcnU-hu way lo ! ' ' AIM ! , i * . u. llox . ; ; * .
. TJIOH H.V 1,1. t 'heap , tuna 10 o . . .pn . leofn
\ 4 ? ion iiMim luni u [ .ullnlile lor HI.i. o n I
fni.ii I1 \ " " ' " ' > * ior
MKAT "oHlntr men'.nt pnn' 'n" ' hon o prleei
oroiiiii , Wit Howard Ptojrlth. Ktod Klin.
ii or , WPnSB
F .Mt PAt.I' furniture omtdeto ot n ten-
room hoiifo , ' 4 block from po totleo.
i'fo for lent , J4' > per iiionth. Apply nt 15'J
I xlic ! M. _ 14 _
I77inf Jrr.Tr-T'xTonoti ! in IVllmtn IMw. OT >
Meek I itmi street cnr track.
" i tt At.t5 Orxrotlld trnde for"ntrt ) d hnr < o
J"ntxl IMKTKV. ) ncrn lnOoiiior county. Ait-
ply to SlMftiuth Wth hti-oct. gM _
AN I KD-A Kill i.t Ontrnl HouseS \ h and
tivss imw-i2
cot nor ( , ' „ . , , mi 121
WYNTit : > flormnn or Amen nn ( Hil for
WirTi'l IIOIIMI work ; men' bo poi l eook ,
nasl'or nnd Iroi'cr : good wmrco. Mrs. II S.
fimllh.MI N Itillint. 8KI
WAVTI'.i > flood trlrl forpo teinl housework
nt lii Bmit.i t'4lh et. 2rtlW 3
tTTANTUO CI 1 fo-g nerul hotlsoxvoik. 313
' Pmtlll ICtlii-t
ANTKU A competent Kill for l-ousowrr't
Imiiilro at lltl 15th * > ( roet , opp 1 * O. s.T-t !
"VITAvrunt.a'ly npf'tit * to ell OKI'S nutotnnt-
' " lo rnir tin o ilno hi the city ot Omaha , and
In uvnrytovvn lunlcltv lit Nebraska or xxoetfin
IO K ! call or mlilitii4 QV ItaUur , liVJ I'nrnain
street , Uiuaha. : Xt4-l.'i
\\ANTin-\Vof : nur-o rtrl. wl 1i youtu ? bnliy
Tl nt Oinidia Hiiiiloj-mc'nt | llurtuuin N luth.
2IU.U !
WANTKli . ( Ilil for rtinornl l-on oxrorlt :
( Inr nnn tnutcribil. Innulio nt hoi coiuli
\VANTl-H-aidrl mnlcors at Omaha Shirt Pno-
lory , iii8 N 10th HI. % 8-li
\\AN1'KI > Rood Oormnn or FCHII I'mx-tnii
' vlrl torgcnuii.l lioubOtxoiU. 141.i N tsih Bt ,
" \\ANTHI > t rood fonU rn 1 onodlnlnt"fvoin
> KhL Imiulro IU1 Sllthnt , IM
AX'ANTKIi fJoo-l , ( emir * . n"M 'o xro'nnn 'o do
"i ( liHiiilii'r xxuiki xxi go * $1 iiMC'U. Aptdv
nt 913 Uoiulad st , betiveuii Ihu hours of 11 and i
WANTii-MHlillnlii"nmia : ( -Irs nnd irlil
crcpci-iil lioiv | \Mik , h ili > l , kltunuii , o < . ;
cull ll ii F.cinuiirttrcvt , up Htnirj. 1U
WANITt ) A nrntyniinsgiti to n-wM with
luiliy. l < ii. ! .i.ilibt. TW
Lml.os . toc > nrn $7 mill
' tlicilr liolno-i In city or loiintry. Poino
) .iuixilu < lfiuol ctxK'liut and fnnuy woik reiinlm.t. .
Mi inly n ( irk. ( Jooils M-nt bj mall Heml Uo lor
niiiiipk' ami | M\snivo. Kuui 8lllc Works , 1 3V. .
lilh 8t , Nou ViuU. O.ilnUJ4
"IXTANTKH A 'lij ntioiit II yenm nlil n nnri > p
* ' A | ply N W tor Virginia Avu and ( inoit st.
- _ - - - _ 4I- _
_ _ _ _ _ _ WAKTZ J-MAI.E IIJti p. '
WANTMII-A lionit Keeper lor " I olostdo
lloiiMi , nil Jones St. an- 1 4
II A fond lti\r\ \ . ; n "ii' i | lie v Inr
n ictNiil tmr.ior. I'm me il.onkn. Miuih
On n in. . s.18-1.1 *
WANTUn A iok for I m i countn-s at
on o : mini ) In. I stpaily Rob. r HUM need up-
ply , K N Itt.'i st , n , .h ua-s. lu.1
W ANTKU Suin'iino : irood info'-onecs ro-
( | iiOt. | Aii | | > - tVost > \ ; Ki itBOlier. No.
lU.iinid liU.Voiti ii liM. Lul-IJ
\yANTii-5o"ino.i. : 414 s nth M ,
" *
\\rANTHI--Apcnls. Addrpsq Tlnclrlfl I.nnii |
> i nml Hlovo Co. , Si. I iuN , Jlo . lor clrciilnr.
out nnd terauoiTyi caudle ) > o\\cr Marsli meet no
I nmp. 1.1J
WANTiii A-i oxppr o iced examiner of so-
cnrll os it r eiiHlcin loantlioroiiKhly ac
quainted oltli tno Nulnn-kn tcld. Mint Imxo
IK-HI rocommnndnilons. State inllv exiorlonco. |
nmdltUatloiis and piilnry wnnloJ. Uipilinblo
-MoriKHKO Co. , KnnsiLS City , Mo. l ii-U
\ \ ANTiini : > t-clns cout makei-H. A.
KniWi.iius. : inii ; st. urn
WANTKD Mon and women to start n new
buplnoi" nt tliclr homos , ens-lly kiarnnd In
an I oilr ; no puddbnu- ; > c. tor " 4 fimiplc mid a
in G'AIIRO of tmiterial to eoinmenco work on. Ad-
dionn Amei'tain Supply Co , Albany , N. Y.
UO.T C25 , Onialio.
ACKNTS Polllmr Mls ouri Meam wnslior
nii'ko bur money. J. WoVlli , Solo Mimntiio
luur , S ( . Udild. Mo.
WANTKIl lo 1 ion asdniff luik.Hyearsov-
l'i I ncc. hoiu < < diploma O U r ( ' : ml-
drOfB A i _ , lice otllcc. 11H.-.2 *
WANTKI ) Kmploymoiit by n Gorman in
fit < ro. Apply 4I4 S I4th st , 4-Ki *
WANTii : > Hy young lady. ) Hlto'i ! o < typo-
xt liter or cop > 1st. AdurcBi , .1. M. II. . CHIO
Uco. 3.8-11 *
WANTK" 1'vn xoi liar mnn. a 'oit'on In
o | cr en o.Uist ro.eiunco
X. \ . , U.rajn , toi.u. 3ia 10
\\'ANTICII Pmnlll ouKOol 4 orrirormr : J
KMIIII" xv tli prlx-a e a ally Hidla . o mr
In lit Inn gakecpmif. Must to lo at i n.
A 17 , Hue oillco. 3ti4-li *
> To buy In a finnll loxvn alxict 41
from Omaha a sinu'l ' uiocUorunr
channl o , f7uu or no. Address J. M. , Iloo Ollltu.
211-1 '
" \\rANTii : > Tennis to xvork on ijin.h ) , Capitol
> ' avo. , bet. "oth and "Cth s\a. \ i.41-l" '
WANTit : > To buy IKIIIMI and lot , valued
litn * . . ' , ? < ) ) to $ IJJOtl , on monthly iia > -
inuntii. Addrem"A. Q. , " lie ! Oillco. 171
lA'AXTHO 1'ci-fns to learn brokkocplnjr :
> > pay xvnen tfcl s.tiiatlons. 1222 l < nrnain. J.
It. Smith. 2i.0-n *
\\TANTI5D I.ndkM to ci'll nnd B"O t in work
' * done by C > n N autoimi lo ruif iiinchl.iu at
IW i Fat mini Bircot : U W linker , titftn.t uiCMG
WANTI'O llorfKM to lonil lor t'lo winter.
IIiubiK lo iced llio Maiileit al the fair
i-ronndn , I am prepnred to Xrlnier ' o04 In tlio
I ci-t IMI H b e manner : ouch one w ,1 , Inive
win m b ix hlull and will m t 1m Hod. MI they H ill
( itplMiyof oxoiclfO all the lime , and will I n
le l nil mo inulli Ibb ouiuir uniits , uell bended
and i IcaiM'd ox'eiy day. I'or ro.oioneeXV. . A.
raxton , H II. .N. Clark. C. II. ItnMw n , .1. T.
Clink , M. A. Clurrf. Aildcaj A. 'llmnson ,
Omaha , tveb. IkSI-l-
WANTIJO To buy boiled mid lot riilnril from
f 2r > nii to ? 4u < 0 upon inunthly pn > nieiita.
A. 3. Itee Oillco. Ml
TAIlIlt wlhiii'X for food ( rlcN fori'i > norid
J hoiifmuitk em n-curn tluini by cull. mr at
( iio NchrnHkii niiiploymiiiit AKoncy. iiii-ro
nuintiorol inlm oillco vunstunily. Call nt IIJ
luili t , ' , , CrnniKU lllock. ts)7 )
WANTKII TolIiehanKfiHpaiiof Inn HUH lor
irtiiMl nellxo , ninliiini span of iniilus. I ! . II ,
Mooie , V Co. , ird.'i iMdKi t. _ _ _ ( iVi
T. Murniy.
n3 _ _
IJ-OK uiiXT-sioioyii N iriih ht.
: HM.I *
ItKNT A MOro room xillh vooil cellnr.
IVM Hurt riiieut. Apply lo I 1 1 i U 1 1 n <
IT-Oie ItKNT A i-ionm : ! bouillon .In. 'KM in bt ,
1' lK.'l ceii IMh mid iMli. Apply nu\l poor.
_ _ _ _ 177 _
IJVll ) III'.NT Tn o.4ioi y uniiT Imll.lhiT . xtell
adnpiml lorHiiliiiin and boaidiniT bone , or
, n Inialnoaa. Imjiino on piLinb-iM , 1x14
Foil HUNT A 7-iO'im r-'lnco , ono block
fn -ireel c.irs. K " "I ' * * ul' . ' ' I" r n o
'Ixvobil k ImuM't. , : i III.IIIIH 11 o.i. ( rood lo ably. .
A. r'uininoit > V l.'o. , o.p. I'axinn. - ' > , ) -1J n
Iilillt 1 I'KVI' On Otpl ol | lilr"itTuTQ | ) 0
w.l'i or ivlthoui Ourn ; lniUli-e | IU Cinlloi
Avenue. N-.a % J
FOlt ItllNT-l'diiiiee of 4 rooms nnd b.i-e-
incut No ImlS JJKiii't'l city nnd cJMcrn
lor. ImjulitMil Uuiieini X xiullaeo. lbd. IMli
JTIOIt lll\T-.lrnoin Inniro ncnr cor. Utli mid
1 Undue. > 1 I1. MHrtiu.lilH.S. lilhsl. u' 4
ItKNT ( iood ft rooni brick cntiuio ; ciy
vvuier : lurvo ) aril , Ullt and Hickory bin. *
PKIl HUNT HoTmeTTfroonu.colhir. lnTrct"aini I
null xvuiur. lit.i and 1'uciilu m * . II. I ! i' 't ' > - J
Foil Itl'.N'r-rtiuidl I rnk more. 4IO'4S Itilh HI ,
near I low ml. S. l/i .nun. - < l - .
IJIOIt IIHVT Noxv InniMi ti iitomsl Ono Tif J
J. I u l limit lin'Ke < in Oiniih.t , 'inl bel'xcnu
t'uinltitf and luinl. * ii.
( iitlufn.'l nuiiim. * th near DmiKlns , ( s. o
TXKI trout oltleo * aecond ninry llurkur louk u
1Mb and r'uriniiii.
' | x\o laifo iiioiat la city hall building tr.ili nnJ o
rarmiin , fi
( Ineorlxro ninll nloro r > omim If-tlt t near
riirmiiii Inl'lty MH'I ' bull ibu uill lie arran ol
to bull renter. U. E. JU/nu , liin an I Kiiriiutu.
F-WHKNT NhffrtM House. 1 will ro-t ( ho
Nlnenm Hoiifx. e.ther furnished or U f ir-
i td. nmlioiifoooirnltnH room * , xv.t. . xted ,
irorndrllnce . . . ) ryout'iou oi : lor fi rther
i-Htrlck I'onl.Oinnha. 1..4-llp
rtOll 1 IIICNT 7roo-n lioiico on street rnrl'iio.
I miulro IUJIN loth t . Iff-U *
il HUNT Two nown-ddf-neevl rooms ench.
ittaunr. rooms.liouso lu roonn. J. I'jd
IJiOlt HUNT Two iioxvanndn roomedhnii o < !
funineo. bnth loom and till ino.icrn txinvnn-
letuceone block ii-om street earn. ImiUlio.lo.
1' . Ilailon.lll4xr.tbst. , orSmeltlnx Work * . 8.0
IflOlt llHNT-lon ! o.plx rooln ,2--h ( ami Hnr-
1 ncyi tin i er mo. Aiply | W. H. Mnlcnhy ,
tor 9th nnd Howard bis. SuOU *
FOH IIKNT Two-Mnry dtrelllnp , "i room * :
peed locality. Apply Cor. 11th and Uonirlm.
I. T. Taylor. 71o
TTMHt HK.YT New 0 room IIOIIMI on Sanndcn
Mrcol. pnrlor , buy window. eiu t Iront.colHr
cittern , xxoll. xralkn. leitcus and out IIOIIHCS ; no "
i lul convenient ; fid per month. J. U. Itlloy
lo..2iriS. Uh street , ill I
i/IOIt HKNT Ily . I. U. Itlloy * tX ) . , ali South
Ullli Until.
For Kent- Now C room hnttvi. cn t front ,
poreheK. bay xvindow , lulck cellar , oNtern. xxoll ,
coid innl out house's , irood walks , lawn , every-
thlntconipjoto : fit * | MT month.
Tor I tout Tuo new brink liounos , snell I rout J ,
7 iiniiim , cloMl xx Ith each room , spacious hall-
xvaj'K , | iorcties , Minth Iron ) , largo ) ard , out-
binist- ) ) and cl'tern : l' lilocUs fiom the ( Ireeu
car line ; f 7f > I iKirniuntn until April , * U atler-
x arils : very eheiip. ,
rorltont 2 noxv nwoll front houses xrllli bay
x.inilimcon sldctOO rooms , oust trout. Sliorman
Ax'enuo all modrrn oonvenloneos , X'ery uoslra-
blnrpslJenee properly ,
I or Kent Nexr 4 room nonso. pnntry , closet ,
cellar , i-oiith front , well and oullinnuf ; . ; W jxir
month until ppilnir.
.1. II. Itlloy * Co. , atft 8. t.lth strwt. _
I . OH HUNT i Mores on Utli nnd Leuvonworth
f > tn.
I nloit ) on Ponlli itth : M , Ilolh tlrit-cltxes huM-
ness Iccatloit4. Also hoiinos u > rentA. . ilctlax--
oek. HIM _
Ij Olt IlKNT llouio of n mom * . Apply Cor.
1 Hlh mid DoiiKlii" . O. T. Taj lor. ' _ _ * IJ _
Putt Ki\T : To small family. a OrJt-elass
eottnro ; In thnroinr.i repnlr , near ror. ft.M and
( allloin am. , f.llner month. Iniiuhe room 24 ,
Omaha National Hank hnlldlnjr. 17I
7011 ItKNT-fnvoral dxiolllnps. Aj-plJ * Cor.
- llth mid Uoujrlus , C. T. Tajlor. 710
13ill HKNT Oct. IsU or after , h dxvolllnr
hoii.-o.'i n nn * , nice .xnr.l , ehturn , xvuter , $ 'l
per mouth. Aliply 1411 I'ark Wild nvo. , or.Ino.
XV. Hell. drUKtfhtt , a-'J Soiltil Utli tit. KM
1 . - ) ItKM'lih board , n relv liirnNliecl
lo.nnsvith jfiia and biuli ,
flOK HUNT Two linrurni"lie I rooms lor
llxln h i' i Kio , hit ; In llLO.i.ur' : ) blojk.oor
mm llo.varil.
HUNT i nicely lutnlilio I ruouiH lor
Kontloinen only. 17 Caid'nri l.u ll. l . '
Jj I Oll HiNT : A Ii rnl iintl loom lor tuo'
.xotnu laibo . 1411 Jiulituii bt , -4-U *
II II tUMSIIii ; : ) room xxith boaid , 1117 Hen-ard.
771011 nINT Nicely rnrnl.iho.1 lat-KO liont
A. iiioiii at S W cor Mil and St.Mary's avo.
Foil HUNT FiirnLshod rooun , 2SJO Dodge.
4JJ-1.I *
Iptnt KKNT ruuiialied loon a ISOfl Harncy
sltcet. liil-ll *
T71OH KKNT With board , large front n O n ,
* - KUB and ball ) , MJ.I Jonei ; nlbO laLlu bom. . .
i OH tiXT : Ptirnlsl'Ol fio-it I-OOTJ : nlo ,
loom xvlth ' > ata itxj.n attaened. lil N t'tthkt.
XW-I I *
Foil KKNT Nicely furnished rooms. HiUI
Dodifi ) . 1U7-I4 *
Oil KHVT Lartro tnrnlslii-tl room xvlth bay
xtlnuon . "l-ll l.avonport. IN.- ! ) '
I j > IHl ItliNT A nicely turnhhod front room ,
' forunoor IHOtjCiitloineii. 1110 Capitol ave ,
UHI KKNT Furuhhod rooms , 1418 Doiltro.
Foil HKNT A nfcoly iuriilylicd front room
xrilli ntoof bath room tu one or t o ipdot
( rontlomon. ( Vol 820th. " ' _ l.i.i
7 OH KKNT Deslrablo turnljilieil looms lor
ono or txvo vcntlemon ; iilciiMinl location , , .
Apply to lices PrlntlnjrCo. , 1ulJ ( ! llth st. HIS
K Oil ItliXT I'urnUho.l room , luld .lack-on.
IHV.'O *
J.IOK KKVT V oat to m nl.cfurns'iel : ;
IliijU o 1412 lio.Mli'd. K.L-14"
"ITtOlt KKNT . " r nns and ba. einent. cor I ti
-L ttnd South ave : flJpormonth. .MiCa Uu Uioi ,
oppot | > lto | K > atollice , s.17
FOIl HUNT Two furnlolicil room's. S W cor
IU Cth and Dod oAtK. Apply to Atuly llor.lon ,
Union Ticket Ollico. i > .iS
"T71OK HUNT lloom xvlth beard , 1GI.1 Capitol
- Iavo. . 70MJ
"TjL fcllCOU JNT r'urnlbhod rooms. 1)U ) J'lousint - - *
FOK KKNT Fnrnlh o.l rooms , xvlih or wirh-
out board , I'.iH I'apllol nvy.
"I7IOK ' HUNT To pontlPimm only , nlcclv fur-
X' nhhed lixnit room at S K coiner ; .uth and
Ol !
Foil HKNT Sultoofoniccroom1) ) . Hi hm-m's
block. N. ! ' . cor. loth and IJOiu.'his. lniiilio |
nt IfdJ lloivaid btioot. VU
F OK imNT-l.arao furnished rooin.
" ' CIt HUNT 2 i-rorea n ho brick building ( ill i
llownnl si. . 1 et inth and i'th.No nilJ anj |
1UI7. Imiulro at driijf MOID cor , iVth bt. U"ii
FOK KiNT : A nice , piunsniu' ro'mn. furnish
ed or unfurubod. imiulru ut 151J iKiavua-
xiouh Ktrcou . 44J
F OK KKNT lloorrn xvlth hoard , dfwtrablo for
glimmer. Apply ut M. Cl.uilcs Hotel. Ml
FOK itKNT n fnrulklird rooms on Paclflo
f-lifdl. licturcn Dili urn ! lOth.ono block minih '
ol tlio U. 1 . oeinit. , 4JJ
LOTS. I. ( Tf , 1.01' -
t'W will liuy - . .
A lot ill ' ' . . .
llaii'com I'l too. " ' '
Mnntlil.v payments.-
Int'ihi notv and
I/in ble jour money
In thu hiiMir. |
Cniinlii liain ti liieniinn , ISM 1 > o tjro. 203 to
I T OIJ.SI-S , lots , hinds llomls , llth lin.l Dme.'ia'i .
] : tmI.K ixits m . .
( IniC nilha nuu. .
I'lubu'.nA - { . ) .
Claucndon f' .
Ailiuuton- o.
Ii/im n I'lneo 4-100.
lciiviiiiwoi Ih Terraeo JIV ) .
IlaiiM'oni I'l.ico $ s i to * ! . > .
Itoiln ks Addition f l.i il 10
i-n Hill Ji' ili. $ , Wi.
> ' . > lie c Hill i'Kl u J.1U.
C > ie llrillimiioacio -ft > 0lo $175.
t. de I'm I.iii'M'a JI UiO fl.'i. . -
| , /u7 Fiirmim. 141
1 : ill MAI.K A r.orm | lmu o on Lnnvon- "
niiiih hiiuii and lot , 'HIVMl , 4iM i. ( .ini- "
iiingliain A Ilieiiimu , ( ill DoiUu , 2/J-bl I !
, . . i , . . . I Jr
POKsAi.i : New ( mom coinuro : hall , rl'ihniq , I ! .
uond to lat.cHiein. etc. : llm lu I Im | l..rt. , | , \ {
nn cii'C and limit tuna , U V > 'cor 'Kiln mid . ir
cum 04. Apply ncM uoof. IrJJ j ,
17ti > ltN.lM-ll.irtiiiii'ln : thirty IntRbi SpnuliT ! .
J Int ; , V Ivlihn'hMibdivi ion , on Dud o Micot ,
. . . . . of Hell Line imlroad , ft to fl.'il , on M
iinnillily pnymunis. IV. T. UruUuin , CrelKliton
Uluck , 771 '
n , lou , lands Uotnli , lilh and
FOK NAI.K lliiu'o mid lot on I/O iven.voitU - *
H.f-'ki : im ink om < y I
Twin u i win Inuon r.irimin st. $1 Klionch. . ,
Two Im1) tlsfh .V l < y n ui K a.l I $ l..iuich. "
line Im m Kir xvoo.i uJdltioii , | 15j ; Uo't ' I
I.lno ntiiilini ' > '
T.iti-o lots In Shlnn'H add lion " 111 bo M 1"
pepnrntely or Knottier on very ru.iMOimliio bl
term j * . A. Biundoid Co.ojip. r.ixlon. 211 Ui n
I.-XOK SAMC A lot fronting on N I .th and , "
J1ith ulioeis oijJtltW , inn hiiiiaiHim t imrn A '
li.irxaitiut tl.euo. Cuunlntfhuiu i. Urennan , till , e
UoilKe , 2'J-IU :
1711)11 HAI.i- : Acre on Loavunxunth. West . ,
. Onmhit. for & to' days only , * J'Ui. McCuUii ,
ll.p | | MI 1UII.CU
Actu In Itlninlunnh add tlon.oiipoilie the repent -
pent > ii" nn J'jollUip in halw \ very do ir-
ulile. MiCamie , opi | | Hist nlicu. i i
Ono el i.iu ni'ioi neolrablu biHlnuss pixiportlisL
on 1'u i n Hi n II lot inJilM fts'l , tout i e s : an
fion iuu , pHX'ttl mrret , impioxe neu a to
brmvliiLr lair per cintn o. fiu. ; ; thlso or U
nn i ou f w day i only , as I n i' > ol J xtdl bo pi
limi'ii o t II o mar et tor thu prvavot. ilcU tfuo nd
"rri P.VI.K Atiitrtu iir 2 lots ion nt
JL' Mich ; flA ulor tnei Ames , luuT Farimin.
_ _
HAM' 'iJffrV'nonr the cl'v. f2Vni )
acre Cunnlnrf'iimM. Urennan , 1511
H .
( Mls.Vt.t'-A fuirepm in two lots
B von no. rorHiyrt.llim'17iillltako \ ! ( tie
txro. W. T. Hriltimir , OrftlH.ito.l tiloa.t. ml
IaOK HAt.K Pine eotlato. 7 rooms xvilh nil
modern convoaJjineosH'arn , lot IVKI.U fret
on Itanium f t. anstftrKtttit $ JUJd.V.H. . Oiei.t ,
11th and I'arimm , lor
Poll S.U.K I. rnjmn > rth s'rett 70x'0i , cor
II IP * , $ i 4f 0
loi'-.nxro th s'leoiJTWjn.O.i.lloy Htu
a ii
ll.iuuliai pi rlncf < WtlfK ) . I.1
1-mK Avi > . lot iU\Ml..n
Ili 8i iiiul i lots , \ \ * ul mi II II
1 lalnvlnu.i i f , " <
ItnnM'.lol 0 : i ! . I'lirinnn ft S.inO
Iliu o.uio in. , liirn dill 5MM
Mono ao.o 10 , Sar.ltoifa I "Ml
Hall nero lot. Psc-itdim fiiftl room * ) lo „ Milan's : M , ; . ' , i ii
lioi'O furnitiiro ; j it | jt , Uo l o t . . . . lo. " "
Ilil.I.ton ncro'o KV ) .wi
1'uut SMI Mbv.8ioii.npiolow i' * " '
Mouse , barn , lot HixlM. Hanudirs st n.H ( )
lion o "iivO'ii"lot , ' .vlU : dit l\"i
Houi-o burn. Shin" ' * , rd I. S..IIIM
rouse inilS lots , Wain , t Mill 7iO
Ho iMr.sioitiM , Konit.OH ml Ii77) ) l.'nt )
lie 'wx ! ) rooms. 7 l . . 1/XM
0" o lltllllnnten'iu lota 'Mi ' 17 * . 1'ai k acre lots ' ; . - IO-1'.H
tilo.nn 1'h c.Oil S4ij
4 Ailo | < . I.VI7 1'ft ' 1111111 ist.
oiTs.Yt.r-3 lots' pear SarrtxT Hn-.ivt Aeid ! >
einj" unit i fnlnt , cplendid xiu\r'JuM \ ; tlm
place for u home ) , ( juuilinuha.n & ilronna i , lull
lodgo. 'Mi U
FOlt SAf.lS At n hnrirniti. n bakery ntvPros-
tniirant In H rnmbiirNOJ A | , ply to Kopp ,
lrelhU8 .V Co. , iljfl Fannun ( . liJI-1,1 *
| T'OIt KAU : 7rit"HKNT-"A dFsTririilo"re"'n
JL donee In choice looation : IIO.IMJM rooms ,
friable , cm rliwo ho IHO , oto. Jnnnw S. Krance. . . at
U. S. Natlo.ud bank. -
Plll SAt.i : A unnoral incrch , nINe li.mlnon
In a rapidly jirownii ; totvn not. Inr Iro.n Itil-
coin. Host I rail d n I id loc'iitton In toivn. A splou-
did opiHirinnlty tor n party "Minrr a KIM I
opi.'iiliif. , and liuvlhv lixini M'Vot. lo tun tliotisan I
dolhirs In oa li. Will bull top cifh onlyor p.i [
cash , tialiinco ronl c Uilo In O.nalui. Al.lru j
Murclmnt UooOIllfco Hit
J OnCalirornlimt. . 0 line lots nt
fii.jotoSsiJi.ti . ! ! , Tno-o lots are a hartfiun nl
prices named. AIIKH l.'uT Karnam. l.'i I
. 1)11 ( SAM ! - n-etnrr hrlok block 41 teet front
L1 by lie loot oeo- > , rents lor JI.'KW a > ear.
. ) . .iVJ.V. . II. UIXHJ.I , lot. ) ini.l I'liin uu. lii.t
ITIOIC RAMJ-l'rntts Suliillvl'lon nero InM
. .ini'iir ( iU'llns ( li-ovi. lloiulil'iil spot tor
siihnilian IIOIIKM , ijjj 10 fii. * ) an noio. Anms
Vtil Kumain. 1..0
FOlt SAM * HI IO'H In llntu ° com I'lnso : lnt ln
many oftlina ldnnii .
ItnUrOIII (1 fll 1 lilt 111 S llllll H ft 111 $ ,111
Ho ° o ami fdli lot in H ilnn's ,1 id ii.tmo
It u-o an.i iul | lot In t a rtcli'n add -"Vil
lioiiMMi-iil lot on llnoeiimel''ar 'in t . IX'.MU
'linn o a id IOIH In many imrt' < of nm city.
O me Kilco wietion ot'.mid in Uneoln county ,
i'xvilt toll for COM , Hc ) cash , ballOyr.s.O per
C ioco ! farm and peed mill pn prly In Sarpy
co .ntv.
8J ueiOi ncarOaialiti ; $ ' ,1100 , ergtrin .
i-ii-IJ J.V. . JLiislnill
FlUt SALE HyJ. K. Itlloy tt Co. , i'li S. 13th
110 Ineloii rnrunm , near court hniiw.
I''nll lntlMi\lU , l.ouer rnrmim , bl.nil.
Full lot , f i\l , " > . Upper I'nrnniii , dc Ir.iblo for
n-hldeneo ? , ( ) ) .
JIull lots.on trrWlnVJfouth front , corner , on
If. 11 en ton I'lirknve. . tint front. rutmhiK back
to i Ktreet.f l,7. ( ( . . .
Full Intln II ins.'ihn rtaco , o.l Culherlti nt , ,
: i-ht Irom , $ l.l .r > , .
1 full lot , trontlrirtpn fluinscom I'ark , $ .t , "iO
7 lots on ( Jooojia.uyo , "V vtj to # 1 '
" - " ' - " - - ' " ' * ' ' n . . . . .n n. . . .
- lull corner lots , ono i/jnok Irom rod car
nnd KiiiKbtieoi elmoi 1 liuuse , ( ln"Jeach. Ilnr-
( Jllills. - t"f
Full corner lots , nilillel4 fiom red cur line ,
fdmeacli ; oany payment * .
Full lol . now commodious 4-room lieu o , els-
lorn , oullion ! > es mid J iices , Hiiith Irout , il
blocks wet ol l'arKlhvefi31rieu | ; cheap.
Corner lot , ( V\-ii ; : . xxlth Hlloy , one block from
St. Marv'x avii-'tllHil.M'Jitx u x-ery cheap.
llousoand l .t. * uwt , iroiu , I7tn and Center
Btreotu. J. Kltley&fcrr..y-rti-lthSt. ! | B.M
MJ 14 fton I'arnnm st-51SJjO.
- ulton Fnrmim st Jl xjll.
(0 ( ft on F.irnam HIjliWJO. .
Ames liV)7 ) Kttrniun. Ill
FOlt SAI.K-A fnw tola i-i AV. A. Ttcdluk' ml-
dltion , J'iitJoaah : nio.ith y payiuon.s.
nlnglium Ac llrommn , 1 Jl Do.ijro. " ) M.J
T71OU BALK Corner on h'aundors Pt. : tinslnusj
-U lot , UHIxlJU ; only At 'JO. I'o.tot-.VCobli.
H OU8KS , lots , lands llemls , 15th and . . . Domrlic . *
J7I OKS.lMi A fmv ( food lota loft In Claren
JL1 don MI Mini a I'M , No handsomer lot * lor
" ' .Ic. Allies , l. > iJ7 1'armun. , \fC \ >
) H R\M * ' .cuxcnxrortu Terrace Iot3 at
$ t"0perlot on mali mont'ilvor yearly pay *
> . btraUlit uort on Lcax'omvOitlt street.
, I4j7 Fainanii 14J
Foil SAI.U-Uy W. T. Grnlmm. Crol ; Iitoii
Thirty lots eiiht of licit Line on monthly pay-
I nt * In Hpaldln ? . * : lv lilm's snlxllvlilon , cast of
Bolt. I.lnu , on monthly tmymonls.
IxitB in llanscoiu I'l.ico , eiist fronts , 700 to
$ l.eni ; oasv
lotAoiiDoiliru Btroot , SIX ) to $15 , ) ,
on nionthly piu'inenl"
Uts In Noith Oniaha , JfTOO to fl.433 ; easy
Tuo lots , ono block Irnm ' .envenxvorth , $ li)0 )
each.V. . T , ( 'luiifhion llluuK. UJj
FOHSAI.K l.ymnu l'lnco < choice lots ntilJJ
lo ttJJ porlot. Ames , luJ7 Fiirnam. HJ
TT1MH SA f.K-llv 1'otler ; Cohb
J Choice re ldullco lot , anieot front by Ib7
lent deep li-'nd Mi-cot > . * U-O.W.
I'lnuneio In Norf i 0 mi'in ' , Sl'dl )
Tuo IICTU lots In ( } so B add , I f l.,3) ) .
l/3 auto In Park I'liice.ili.'ir alii' , f I.-W' .
Inland c.ffnt inuin IKJJ.-O Hull School ,
I.OIH In 1'otter's nddltlon , nt corner Farniun
nnd Ixiuo a\enue , $ l. " > / to { I u. .
Very line DrO | > crly.s nnbwe-torclty.ln fmsro ,
10-acro. or 2 1 auru tract rf , cheap , per ncio ut flCi.
MIINiiloid IIIIOH4 clicap. UI i lo * l.'Al.
'J wo leli , , llansconi I'lacu.each f M.
ICi'j I'OITKH , t Conn. J
H DUSKS , lots , huidJUemls , 13th and r
tU4- > &Jiut'.o !
1/ll'K S VIi : ( lamer let xvlth luo dtvcllln 11I I
.iho IMS. o o bee | , < norh 01 St. M nV * ii/o- (
line , nil for $ . ,1-u : o will HO | | ono house and 'i
oj ! ui ior * lj ) l. A our.tin.
Al o , IniiiM ) an. | lot on capltol Hill , south and
ca-l trout , lor ffl. i .
Al-ocorner lot , Utpltnl nvonnn and 2.1thl ,
y'J UM. A. KlUMldcl'a A. l.'o. , Ojl-ho | | till ) I'
U.ti 1-1,1
J 8 Vl.t : NnwiHirt , nearest , bo < t and V
- . . Mipoit acio lo./ . : only ii inleutes dn.e
trnm llny.1 s opera ho HO lo No.vpoit ox'or
Binooth : no Ii ll4.oclimb : pncos nml tenn.H
xviiliin i'll of biXlliiij.j.Aiiijj , 1 ; 7 I'iini.i.n.
Ilil (
' TTti T- "
P'MS SAM : I hw ; " dwldol to olfer forimlo
h 'I pan of Koerx-'ilr Add lo Iho cil } ol
llinii.ia lilnj-ca t or-I'lii"1' ' d t. , contalnlnr 1-
acres ' , mom or ln- . ho.i o I pioportiN will bo j
HM-cived by mo onUr l > uHn.i Tuesdav. Nov.tin . \
IHVi.m I ( o'clock ir'itl. vindit xvillbo uriven lor
part ' . ' of llio piiruliiV i inn-'y , U' ue-bed. Thu >
njfnt . to loJiH't liny r/i'tilt'V d N re.-erycd. This
property , Inmts oii'lmtll'H.nlltim , ami Nlulmlu pi
MH , and lies lui.iiiiil'iillrJi Tliovnidn of llaniil ot
lon-ut. , M u , .ablliie.t | lVT4m ii'irtlieuJt corner of
tlm ' . Intel. Tlm cloMj pi-oxnniiy nl Hie Hull line
mid llio IU3t that tnsiiTict-car line on Cumin-
Mnt InrweM as \xt'-avowlll ; belaid In i 10
HpiniKOl lt41 inakBSdul.soiiitiif thu innst donr- i
utilu tiucu la thu cl v lo hiibdivldu.
t > , M4"fl.NtN ( , I'D Iln.vICC ) .
"TTUm \I.K-l lot ( i ) fl frontiico on 8'iornuin '
' iixu. . north ol NIoholiiB.cry desirable icl-
denco properlyf 'l ) .
I lot MI It troiil on I7th-st north of Nicholas
Dcsiralilorosldcnco properly ; fln.- i.
Uirnerloto i JM aid lluilxiiiUxl' ) ! . Can
boiii-ix ! oilher lor huslne * * or reKldcnco pur-
iinMM , but pe nllaily ndapioj lor a > u
lilogit ; tIA'ki. Hnppllud with water , KU and
iniiiyM'ucr. '
I lot on Ixi.n'on wnrth-st nlunn' | to ralltv.ty
tiacklt ; ; , forxrarehomm piirpiiNOs ; (1,7M
Nlnulou onruuth ltltli-it,2j'oot | frii.u : II
The most denlr iblo lot In Citinpboir * addition ,
corner 01 2niiand'unier-Hti .rijil ; , < j lc-etf ; Ol.
One IIOIMI of nine n > o-ii > , and lot , on no nth Jth-
. - ,
liKpnreor MIICII Ml'ltl'lIV ,
lei IJIHJ. I No , 1 W. rjrnant-0t. , : id Hour ,
171111 N I Mf Arro lom In Cote llrilllanto ,
ll del'urk , Ililrato.i Xo vpor ; m JI.IIKI ji-J
ueioon oa y tornu. A i ir < ipony M bound
lmrji-o : mindly In vnlti uiU by licit ! > priiitr
the n.ivauvu will bo Irt > iii3i term pcr.'unt .1 cr
invent prlci- . Yon en ' .iv n nn t ' .i . < i , o
. . . > . . A' > ! < iiiui - . u
fci.j li'tj .TIU < IM , I'ajuo. l-i
iTMHt OAI.KMelroio U'd loin poll fnst nnd U.
I reed buyers Mel oM' Hill lot * ntV ) to * kU )
per lot. Aiiio * . 1007 r.irna a. 14J
ON I.V ft ) Ion lo tnxilo for Improx-ed property ,
will assume inorlititirOT or pay dliloieneii In
cMh. Tartles wHIihu to trndo bellQr call nt
once. W II. Uieeu.ovur lat National Until ; . 171
H S , Iot < i < tiuids--llouil4 , 1Mb nnd lH > tn.'la <
61 1 5-StnnviO
Ti'OH ' BAI.l ! rben | < < i5l Tlno inside" properly Til
-L' thlMiinrkot , toluenes lots In HIlNldond.l. ,
iUololi.loo. IMtler &Uibli. 4,0 tf
ii > it MAi.K-UiAt ludf or ( > hc oT f.ui lies !
A. blocks In iHiiao A : Jk > ! don s ndiltton. frontltirf
on t.P.ivo.-ixvonli trou ( . xvllh honso , si.ovi.
I ! LI ! lot with honsu an I barn 0,1 17th
stn'Pt lor f 1/iXlj etn > pay nun s.
llnn-c nnd 'nil I it nn t.'lur.o ) 8tW,7 . Hill-
lou Iti os. , Il f s 1,1th titreot. 3.Ki 18
"inOlt SA1.H-A few loH In llnr\lntN \ addition.
JL tin-in ) bliwUs Irom xti.iul our. $ .MI to 75I 01
monthly payment * . W. T. ( iraluuti , Crulrfhlon
JTMilts.Vl.r Pliiinvipw lotsaiostill fel'ltu for
J loxr pi ICCH on uai < y terms. Allies , I5i7 I'ar-
iiani. IM
I. A lift ctn . nnd xtn'.l pnylitK
. .houo.centrally Incut nd lor paitiu.
( liars.ildtiw(7. ( . .Y. ItiH.o.Urn.
HOU3I.S , lots , land. * liomU , iJtb nnd Oouglm
1.rotNi : * . lots , farms , lands -lleinls JMh ntul
Olt SI.hi Ou' ( Clint Iniin. rininlnir fiinn
o . ihM ; Holt l.lno ilepot on llm
luldllion. Muotuvo'iimmt. Anuw , IW ? I'm-niun.
HOUSKS , kits , IniiiU Ilotnls , IJth ami Donuln *
HOUSES , otd.lmiild-UoliiU , 15th nnd Doiml
* '
S VI. i : i clofiiil caul InmiH ,
OlCK'K-slmni . .
1 1 onts , I'upit uvci . ! ; , OI
ii no lu'lduiiuoon Virginia nvu . . 7 , sM
CiOOd hoiiM ) , liiirn , I'm ! lot. on ( icorxnt iifo. : iiKX )
dooil lii'xfnry IHIIIJO ini ( it'invlii nm. . l.WJ
Iloti-cshlencolatiili ( Icoitfni ux'i ) , M7 feut
trout , ciisi . ! ! , ! , )
-Hot In .xim > li tmct
lotion l.uiixenuorin l , 7il U lionl oiuih 1,4 il
ofMiniill irnlt . \ > ml
IIIIVMIS , MuSlniiHisMili dlv . "Ml
"lotA , ( in irxuiuvo . 1..0I
'i iiLit. Cil o mid . ifl !
'tiieri ) , llowo s mil . SO
Ur-liliinin | { , I it , llccil'ii Idt add . mini
fii ft lot , I ink nvo. . . . XU i
llon-e ' , Inn n , ao.-o lot , \Voit On I'l'C . 4Jn )
! > * > Allies , 1'iUT I'limnm.
H inn : sKiictivA'iTK\Tio : : ; > f-i'or mil
tlunliirs itlio it fron u nl e.ioup Inn Ii in
* NOIIMM.I | ! ml Inm I'.itturvi I A , XX'lilto ,
llral I onto AgeilM , Nona I'l.lllo , .Vo.i. . 'Ill
F'US\t.n-A tno Rlnry,3t'U ! , ff'mo bull I
lirj , ! ! iiltalilo fori Mton1 , noir I itii aalf'ir
inunri.i. Aiiply.u tiiH oil ill ;
" "vfo ivonilloti or useless tru-iin. Dr. Jl. M
AT Moore , -I I Wall nil ax'o , Oalcn-ro. Will
tie at Co/ieits House , in Om.u.a , o.ery Ml Jays
< nirxiniv , waMiiiifton. I'.lt'l iJH'i
? t. "I'MK CI'.DAItS" A boar.lliu aid day
M'bool loryomu In liin. Deli mrully hituaiit I
on liuortruinwii llclrlu-s. l.iixo nnni'Kl < ; H.I- , .Mi.i.s I\IU.K. :
'J'lO.VAl.lnl' , WXITdiiih Street , lictxtocii Farhani
nnd IluniDy , will , n-dh iln : aid ol KUanban
fpirltN , obtaining lor any onu a pliinco In tnu
pu-t | and proM'iit , and of cnrtaln c < nidltloiH In
tliulutuii ' ) . linot.t and MIOIIS | made to oi'Jur.
1'eiIccttiuthlaction iruarntucuJ.
round Ko'lca.
Taken tip nnd l.npomi.iu i in iho pound of the
city : ol O miha , on t no 7th iHy ot Ncncniluir , In- . ,
onn icdlnr ecow , xthlcli xvill , | f not ro.iuumud
belore aio > bo Hold at pu.ilie auction , to tlio
b K > cst bul.ler , for cah. . at Mild poini 1 at thu
boJrol luoclocl ; I I Mm loronoon , on tne IHih
day ot November , liM.
l'ji-II l\.v. C. IlKitni.KV , round .Master.
Dissolution ITatico.
riMIE undcrdjrnn l , do nif tni-lno s ( rider MoL
-L tlr n name o. II ob I.IK , V Thm on , nnve th a
day by mutual c.m cut di.-solvo I paitiier."hl'i. '
'iho U..H.IIO-S will iien i r.od on ml 10 iiuiuub- , ho ccdluuiinir and iiavinj ? all out-
. .
Nov. lti ) ! , ISSS. loir 1 Ut
Special Ordinance Io. 742.
A N Oriniiiiniu lov > IHK a M'Ccmi
nient on all loth and o.-tato tvlthia pint
ol paMUKdl-triet io. : i. , in tin. city of Omaha ,
to cover tlio rout of pavliiK St Mary's n\ro
Iniin u polntll. ) ! ii'i'txivMiul we t Hnuol'South
ax-enuo to 1'hll Siuiriuiiu . liuct.
\VIII.IIK.\H : Ii having I ecu , and tolnj ; lioieby
adjudged , detcrmjnod mid eitabb lied that tnu
i-ovorul lots and piecouoi innl osiino limomallur
lolmiod lo Imveoaoh been hpoeiully benetllted
to tno lull nniounl Inncin lox'lud and IIHM-J-KJ I
t each ol' said Intn and ploc.'ii ol runl oittiuo
j > | ieetlvely , by reason of tno puvinj : of [ hat
jl'i '
pint ot'St. Mury H ax-onno liviu a point itfil loot
l'iSi ; - ot xicsi line of toutli uVom.u to I'ml
Snenda i street.
'I'HKiihroitt : , forthopurpo'm of paylna thocost
ol said pavlmr Hi. .Mary H IIVLUIIIU
lie U oidulnud by tlio City Council of the City of
( Jimui.i.
Section 1. That the coat of paving that part of
. Mar } H avu , ulllini purtof pavlnn Di.ttilct No
, in tlio Lity ot ( Jniulia , Iniin a point . > ! . /icot
dt of o < t line of S < iutli nvo to I'b.l Slier
ecl.nild cost bcinif the Mini ot f , U. . , , I , , l.o
nnn tlio Mime is heieby lovicd mid n.-MH-eil , In
proportion to the icut Iront nlinitr nnlil paving , :
ami aceor.nnv lo Bpochd bonciUtt by IUIIMMI of
Mild | invinr ; nini | | Iliotollou HiKni'MTilKiil loiKitnd
itid oxtiucUK Mmun by ihOieiierully ; iecorin/ed
mni ] nt tlio I'lty or ( nniiliii , .IrvM , lithographed
aim publlMicd liy ( Joe 1' . llemis ; nald cost liomjf
M ) tox-icn on MI in lots and usiate , le.ipectlvu-
1) , us lollown , to-xvii.
Wan en 6wlt/ler , It 11 , Clink's add J 40 ( II
\vurn n Sul.ler , it I- , " , Mll
Hens i' I , CKin. UK ) , " 'I . ' ! -J
\x.finiiiiilt .4 , " : i .IMI
) IO I'Mt ! . I. . I turn , IClt&'l , " ! OiH )
itw : , " I.l ) ,
II. lte"dA.-ro.,87ftlt . , ( ; rlllln& Ibaau's 1 HI
d. i : U ti on , n ! i IfJrt. " 416) )
Ho il.m Al IM , i * ' II 'M , "
, . | ( ) i/i.-ilct of Oiini ni. It-3 , " 1 W.'ii
II.i a. oili Kliirf , n fxi it k.-J , " . . ] * , i l-'i
krbchultri l-i IMC jli. i , i ,
4JM |
Itobeccu M. Wlnlu , It .15.1 . . ,
- " it ; H , f nm
.1. C. Knn.voM. It l..lin'oii H aid yii | 4) )
Tn.fU.i-nu QVniKie,4i.t ona. chi r. h , II . ' ,
Jiuubs udu r'MM '
Joe. llul ) , k. > , .liuobu add II7.I li )
" It 4 , " " ui'nM
, C. l.nuxvold , It , "i , .liiLob'H and ss II
Jov lifli. Il I ) . " " ' UUJt b IJoliiibon'oiul.l K'lia'i
idUflllV , " " tMi [
AnntoK. nibPou.ii lull let. " " h.p.t4l
lle.lnnin A-oinn , n I./ ; It I. I , " " h.V4i ,
innl. i ll.julinMin , ii 1U u It , 'i , " " hf'.i.'ii "
ieo. F. i.a.iaii n , n l.i. fi It li , ' * " | | * > JKJ
Win..i. Coniiell , w 'tl > n it It 7. in KtcSJT.
li. It. l.i 1.02187
LI. Mcio , ' . u 'I""i II < if w : . ' 7j U II fi , ]
; ; . ' . ' . T. I , . , It U. . . . . .l-Kin (
Jliiuio I'arx'iH.u' It-ii'.V ' lu.Thorno.l hinld 4 > < IT
Aiuort llclier , xv't ' UH.I.V I i. ' 4J 47 a and A. M. Klmball , oWI II llx U
\ 2 .TiMinnd H lul.l . . . ; 41X1 Ifl
, . J. II.ehaidHiil , u ili.j It Us 11 .v tfj , ino
'J.iuincll'n add 4718 o
Section . ' ' . . That snlil Npoulal IIIXCM lovio.l aloto-
11111,011 nald lots rosiucfix'uly ) , Miall beeonienn- 1
hmpient us lolloivr. : oniiicnili ol tlio loud xv
amount MI levied on each ol Mild lot * Khali inv xvni
comedL'llniptenl In IHiy dajn Irom ino p.u.ia-o
innl nppioxnl ol lin ordinance , onu leuih IIIOIID
ear , ono lenili in two ) IMI > . onu tenlti In thu o
\eais.oiiu-lenlh In lour joaix.nno iciilli In .ivn In
ieuiT1 , one tenth In M\ > cuone lenili in MJ.OII
oaroiiuieiitli In el ht jeammid one tent in
iiliio jears alter Mild levy , nnd lining IIM.II iho
ti : ilaiid npproval of llns oidimmce ll.ifii
Mild bislidhnenlH , incept tliu HIM , Hindi ilnni-
linciest at ihu rale ol rux'on percent per an
num Mom iho time ot the levy aloicnaid. iinlll
llio h.unu mull become nchmpnml. A penalty t
otllxeper cent. . tOKCihor with IUICICM at tnu
me ol one pur com per mouth , pa ) able In advance -
vance , snail lie piml on uavh < lclinintml | iiislull-
Section S. That llio ontlro amount of lax MI
levied and av-os-nd on nny ( d Mild IniNimiybo
paid by tlieinvnoi ot any lei , or tne ciitho iximil ( !
jno nun pinj > orionoi nald nix oni'iiy ' 01 t.allion , < I
max be paid bj any puixni o.i any purl ol nnd
lots witnln tllty iiuyii nom saiil levy , and iheio- '
iiHii | Miuh InlHor iiarlnol , loin , biuill bo exempt
trom any hen or cliaixo ihciidor
botiiion 4. 'll'ii ' t iinornnmntohliiill lake uiloci
Him bo in lorco irom and uiter ill I.
I'aeood OcUiiJiir 27th , UVi.
U'.M. ! ' . lliiiJMl.l. , 1'rosldimt t-lty CouncIL
Attest : J. II onuTiuiin. Cil ) Clcn-k. .
ApinovoU Oct. : th , -
15 Hum , Mnynr. .
Thp-o taxes are now due and picyidile lotbn
city ircamuor. and will become dclln < | iiont tu
luiMii by hoction- .
hoctionTJIUMAN HUCK , Cav Truasiuur.
California < V aJ-d :
St. $ > 00 o$62b
. -i. H. Van lloiirun ,
.1 ' - l'rtnlln < ' . .
A Panicky PoTponnanco on the Part of tint
A.-ticlo of Trnilo.
t'rlccn , ItunnitiK Uninpnnt Wild Tlio
Cline -iu lleloxv tlio Oponliijr
IVIiMi Itullnblo Hoporm
IVuni Oilier Markets.
Ciur.vtio.V v. U. ( Special to tlnd.KK. )
Win : AT Wheat took tv li.u'k todiy ,
U ) ( Jit ! nmisital ItitcHxt ciink r.nir In Us
ill , nnd thuonl.x fuatnto
of the market was thndcellnii In consnsof
l-li'o xvhlch brought nut Hitch motleratotr.idlinr
us to lorei ) DivoinbtT nji to NSfft'Z ' " ! ' ' , tmin
an < > | ictiliiK nt & 'sc. This ndvainoxn.s also
hdpt'il In pun by the boom In corn , It taking
iihini xxlu n the i\st ! tiiiniL'd K ral it was mn ) < -
'ut Its sudden niixxiuil ( light.
iiionl | lone cii Iho nutiket xxas .slow and
hi'-avy nnniiids1 iM'4Uthoiuh bei'otc UM : )
o'click It Ittid HvovciMl to Ko , innnud
xxlilrh lictuo It limn ; xvlth a oo.l d u of
stemlinen.s , bcinibnrlul tip \eryilgni 10-
eclpts kii'lo-niuiiow.
COII.N Corn tame danpMonsly near pro-
c'.p lutiiif'u p.uilc on Inn lui.iid. hut nobo.'y '
In paitleitlar iisjioiislhlu lor It. It has
been said Hint "Tliu clhitu | let KO. " Thete
\viiN mi particnlni1 cliiiie | under It , and no
.r.ii In lie lehiM'd. It xxas one of li CMC po-
cullitl dials xxhclc nil ntlicle tiiitici ilscli.
Kni'dajs past < dtoits haxo hei'i ) ctxiii. tor
coin , ami utmost ilailv bidding llie inuKct
tip. The ) iMiiict In xxlth a decl led nNilo-
d.iy , and a.s a rule MIDI.-body pii then , , ur'cis
binned. The bl.iMiortiivu In Novembei
been not cMb.u at all lai' points
and places ot actixe CIIIIMIIII.IIKIII. hue 1'eo-
ia , Cincinnati , etc. The spociilatixo slioits
xvcici loctuid pllin . al New Vuil.aiid
l II.C.IKII. Kiom an openitti ; al-liJie lot No-
Viiniiei lod.t ) . thcio xxiis such an clH > inii.ti >
demand lor it , and Midi M''iiit olleiiitus
tunt the pili'e iin ( jiiick > tip to
47c. lien ) Miiiio IIUKO hn.s u .aimed
Imnds. l.eopo d Hlooiii K al'tved ndiaxe
bought id i IIM.OIKI Im. , picKlns It up ftoiii
Inoixcrs. if.uls a MI paid -l.e lor iionui , 'IJIKM
Int. Th ' OIIIUH also sold il'iUUU hit. at 47e.
Al this point > toi > o.dets p.ajed h nl nnxoe
xxttlt tlio ii' Tlie.x c.inte in n )'do/e.i
limn ail ini.iKin.tb'e ijuatierTneic xxeie a
tt-xx io innl.ssioii hoiiso iiMilIn in tltis
tfnnti , h i all b 'lux xvitlnn Ic of the market.
ilnsiiioiislx ( 't'ua ed in hainineriiK the in.ti-
l.cst aitclxi'.nds. Tlieu' a dro ; > of Ie
\viihoiiia s.op , xxhen the le..ln be MIIIO Mill .
iiioro p.uucny' , theuiixx'.l . alinoit eiiiuii.tK up
on cacti mlicr'nidiou dt.s | in their anxlc.j to
sell. Tne iipldl.\ 01 Ih.1 brt.i'\ ! ' is best
iiliiilratcd b , , i le'v c'\iiuie , ! % Kx'crin liiim
had iihtoji oulei al I i' ' e- lie U'nt it oil"in
Ht'-C | , Ini , b.'ioie he eou'd nisii to the tele-
[ ir.iplicniinlci'iiftccn teet axv.iy an I xvtre his
hi- % client tnu in irn > l It id b..i1 < en , o lie.Vn -
nnnu > V Cudiiinii had a Mop oimrat 4'w. .
xvnieli lliey Mice.'t'd M ! In cxucntmi ; ati jc.
A b.dder . lor Conn.eliii.iiiLuted in loM'llan
old. ] nt -li.-j'c , and to ilv 4.'Hfe. l\vt ) hl > v.
( in.Site ( xxcii ! In all ml the's.iiu. . ! b'.u.
MciJol m.iuK . ( w Ken.'tt rftnp or
ders attCe , and -old at . | : i3ic' . T'n'io '
xveie very fexv h.ue.s h.lxxeenlit and -8 if.
Alter it had .steadied tip lu-tic , and h.lx\ecn :
that and 41V. a mini IT of h\g \ opi'r.itiotis
look In fair si/cd is now thoii lit
the d N'oxeinlur shoitme all in ,
and that tlte s pi'e/.i will extend to further
in the mouth. It is r M-II i ibl i lint it altv
l.itrfi ! lilies \v.-to still out Ih ' . xxo'tldhivi
made llu'inselveapiuicnt xxlien ii 'iuo
xxa doxvn to neailv : c.
Arti.n.soii.N lio.xitii. Thete was mi
advance of : > idn ] ) iik and Mime
aiK > ' htxln ; . 'I'.u s nut a.t"rnonn
lioard to-ilay ' tiilli * IviirMi - ' '
xx'a > a sv'it'M
o cio k. The ( i.imo xx'as D.cemh. r xxhcat.
hKo : .lanttarv , fWXe ; Novemhcr coin , - He ;
yc-ar , - loj Ueeember jmik , 3 < < . . ; . ' > ,
? ! ' .iMU ; iJucciinbdi * l.ud , sti-UJ. ' ' Jalutory ,
CiiiOAiin. Nov. It. [ Sp.'elnl to thu Hjj : : . ]
CATII.I : To-day tliu ru uipls xvor.i t'a.r ami
there a l.irjo | wr cent of unlives , but
fexv , luux'ever , thai eo-tld bo cliivd.iud tus
ptiniu or iirr.t class. Tntdu xyiiitiet | , in fuel
tilinoit dull , and price's anytliin ; but sluing
on ordinary run of iriod an I tt-iei'ii nttivis.
Hiitcln'r.s' > | ( K ; ! < is l > J'iitniii.f to sell better ,
thai is ni'rtl class stock , but the ordinary run
of cuxv.s , bulls and eo.n not ) steers is yet sell-
Iti al ab nit as loxv jiriees as for any time
tills xi'iiiiiii. ( 'anniiu s iris ol TJX in 4 utnl
pii no steers ar.i.i sliado ItUher. N'oitliein
also qiio'eil stronger , somu piimo
lots sellini ; at " > l. ii ) i 0 Stoi'kers and leed-
ers are sto uly. Stool ; ca x'c-s tii-ijlccled. Shhi-
stcx't's. l , : . ) tii ! , . . Ml Ibs. , - -
! ) VJ to
; .rioioKX ( : ! hs. , S'j.iWj".ir ( ; im inTdOih- , .
' Ufti ! > i n r.uuei.s , linn : n.itives
and halihreeds , 8i.nui : ( ) | . x ) : cii\vs , .yj r ijitl ? i ;
xxintcred Tesaiis.UM .V > l. h. lies .11
Moiilana , 1'JTl Ih- , . , * * 4.-i ! ; : } ) Montan.i , ! !
Hi"i : : : \ " Miinlani. 1-Jts Hi- . , . s.r' : : > ; : iaJ
Cohirado-TcMins. ' .MI Ih- , . : : .r.i ) .
Mods The niaikel opened steady , xvllli
Mdelt tfoui last niirtit. ni.ikiii ! : tlu < '
on s.i'e. ' With arr.x'ils. a unit
Tin Ii ) ruled steady Iron the siailto
iinisii , a few louls sjil'iit ' ; lower aid a few Kiillini ; hlu'ln'r. Tiiedeiua id xv.i- . lar.'e-
Iv lor paekcis an I hc.ix'v s.inand nt no
time during thedivdld 'h s.-ll any chc.ipiT
than xc'steidax. l.i ht Miits wi-c plenlifitl (
and tlie deiu.ui I xvas liuiileil xvllli llie tn.ii
nit.ier lower Ihnn ye.slcidav. Tlinm li and
ioiinion odds and ends Mild at'i.'M < _ iAi \ ( i
fair lo oed paeklnic wHN. # 't. ' > ilir.-.ri ( ; ( ) , and
he > t hcavj S i.i m < i.7i. P.iek n : and f-hiji-
p UK , 'J.v to ! < lit- . , : , ! . < ; . ( . l.ifilit
xvei ils , W ) to lJ lln , c-ViJ. ; . ,0 ; 1SJ to'JU :
; w York , Nox10. . Mo.vr.v Knsy nt
! | ier cent.
cent.KoitudN I'sniiAXOK. $ lbii' de-
lirinil , l. " ! " , ! . Q4
( ! iiviuN'.MK.vis : Closed dull and steady.
hr. o .s - I'll.fceent hesitaiici iniuest < > ek lil hits been lodnxxcd by a < t ili'-riMscd
aciivily. | A snoni ; tone prcxailcii iliimu'
tin ! Inieiinn i. xvitmli devo oiied in o nun -
attcy l lull rin tind.ix. . One ol llimno-l ptoin-
illclit leatlircs coiiiiniics to i/u llio act xiu
and app.iiciit MiciiKtli in it ' ' 'v. siocl.s lo llm
iteKlcct oMlin r ht of the H' < 1. An itnal.\ss nn
, tlte liiins.ieiioiis Irnm d i.v lo dadisI 1'
closes ilo , tact that this iteiivity is not con-I m
lilted lo a Invx Issues , but Ih u txvo or thieo i
Mod > NXxillbo t.ilw ll in hand and in' ' up i Tl
in 'J pi r cent , and then dioiiped mr nth'is | in.
xvldeli will bt' sthjo. led to the same lie it- ; b
inciil. Al Ilionpennu ihtN nioininr exeiy | tin
tiling on llm list was In liei. tli i adv.ince j PI
rant ; 111 ; limn 'n ' tott Ji.'f cent. the lie
( ' 110011 pi tecs xx ere coinp.iriiix'ely hteadv J
xviinin a nnme ol tib.itu . % per cent , tunl , it (
noon itto. | ilioith xxcii ) enl > a shade : ib ixit
liiu oi" n tu nKincs in most cases , xvinlo tor a
low MOC..S tlie. xvcte loxicr.
recent bonds. . . HM' ( < ' . > V.N.V \ IPiV
, ' . h. 4it. ll-lv | illei'l'ol. ! . . 117
Xexv IN l'il iV. i . "i. l' \ ' > A .
I'.ictneii'sof ' ' . ' . 1''n ' Uicifdii . . 'Ji i .
fcntial I' I'.uiliic ? > n {
C.iVA Ml I1. . l > .itr : ! > -
iiiet I. . . . ) > I' . I' . C Ml
. . It. V < j V'ft'i ' Itoek Isl'Md . . . U * >
) . . I. . , t \ \ ' I'M t hi. I , . A. S I' . . . . a :
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
I'ii'e. . . . . . . . . -4'j f. . M''lv.Vt''l' . . . IU' !
preleiiedI'U tui'icried. . . 11.4 '
lllilloinCenli'.tl. . ! ' ! St. ll..VO ' ! ' ' , '
. II. * Y\V 17-X pl.'fened. . . Itli'i '
itTti\.is. ti'S TCMIM I' . : JI ' .
l.iV N . 'd' ' , \ \ ' . . HI. I. . .VI'
-Mich. . . . 7(1' ( * piefciied. . .
.Mo. l'.telio . lit ! ' * U'eMcrn llii.on.
Nuithcin I'.u : . . . iii O. ll.\s.S \
U >
Noxv York , Nov. \Vhiut-liceelits | , No.
7I.IKU ; \p.iiis. S.DI.I ; .spin , dull : option i
1 ' ' < rV. Intel ' '
foil ) -.Sji'd. nnd i.ile'x 4 lix. ' i > .ti
, iv'd Ji.4/ ' o In0.iel' . i.ilcr < tc ) n 'it t i
( ( MliiKRloa-ly ; rrci lta | ) , m,033 ; exports , K\
oto : niiKMtleil. : > o V'j NoJi oi No. a ,
f "K ! Ill oluvntor , fti lxv o nlloat , . > Jfo c. f.
anil I. : iHvonibiTcloslnj ; atot , o.
O.tls Iliiciier and less netlvo : t\xoliit ; < ,
tl.iAW : cxmirbs 1H.OJO : mixed wcissurii , wd
! J.M Tvlillc : wr.sicrn. nivji r. I
Petroleum Klrni ; nnlt4xl closed nt S1.07V.
Kjfiw eiiin u id il.iin.tini i. ur ; t
3 IM I'.iehniri'S !' ' n , Ulu * ! > .
I'orK Uniet and itrni ; muss , $10.0.1.
l.ui'd Illuhcr anil tnlny ti'tlv.- : \
stcjiin Nixil. S.l.W : Docoinher , Sii. > M
IlitUor I'lrtn and il nn mil Inlr.
CliooMJ yniet and atua-lv ; xxwlcra
Hat.n iDo
( "liloiiRo , Nov. U , Flour Very dull nnd
nnni , UIU..X iindmnijtcd ; nut s | > rn > r , in.i.o ( )
4.M ( : .AIlntifMita liiKcr.s > 'i. * 0 cl. " > J : iMtcnU ,
l.7v -i.i ; Wisconsin l.U > , iJi..j Mlohlrfun ,
SI.SOvi' ' I.IM
Wli < ; . .itQuiet nnd dull ; dco'iuol Wo.rnry ! ,
rail 1 1 d , I'.iiM'd . " ( ( ( ' nnd T vesloid iv : bf U'-vO
etishSic ; N'ovemb > r ; MS' ' ons e Dtvcniher
si ' 1(0 ( * ' 8 o JaiiiMry ; Ml c Kehrtmry ; lO i'O
li'iAe .M.iy : No. J red. lf. ' < - .
Corn-very nciivc niH.'ttled anil ovelted ;
liiietiniU'il widelx and nip ill ) , i piclahy I'or
NoVTinlKi , xvhleli oH\iicil | \ fte Itliiher , ml-
\anced liCMl ( ) c ! niom , ih-elined al unit In-
HIIIUI. > 'IJiU'iic' ' . ivcovvu'il NIIIIICI , eio--'t | jO
Inner than ye.stord u ; xear idvaneed Uuand
clo-eil Sie nver joslorilay : .May closed So
uiiil.'rycstdrdH. ; ! ( ' c.ielt ; 41 ( M c No-
vc'itilicr ; lo'f ( tfiiVp ) l ) ociubt'i and 3 car ; . " 7 , o
.January ; : ( . yhKc M.iy.
( OK'iit'.i | iH'iler , renctnl nnd r'osod
about tinenatueil' UTe msli and i
viJ'te ' DewmlK-r ; itOk'vlf 'iO iluy.
Kyc Uniet at ti ! : .
IMrlcv Quiet attire.
Tliimlhv I'iim : nrniii' , 81.71.
KulscolQuiet ; No , I , SI.UKl' ' ? ! I1f.
P.iM Aclivo ; advii lewd JiiexJe .md eioiciil
Icady ; H.niip Sf'f ' ; $ $ .t : > Nowtnber ;
u.r7Uia'ii.ho Kcbm u.v ; . . .
Laid Kaiilj aelivo nnd iiruter ; ad x a need
" ' 41.IMIIV , and closed t-teady ; ir > .l-'Kin.r >
eiih N'oxcudier and Divimtli.'r ; Stl.iri ! < y ( ! I.W
Janiiniy : 5ti.'J7 i . ( i.iO : Kchrmny.
iKi.iv . \ laiirton.iii.der > , . c-l. ; Kji)1.7"i ) ) ; fthort
clear , rtVuY./i . .11) ) : nlintt rihs , ) l.W > .
Whisky Steady ntMi. \ .
Hiillet Slow and easy ; ifond to f-incy
creameiy , itHati-V ; ji > oil to eholeo d.tlry ,
Ohecso- Quiet ixnd linn ; n'i"lcd fiiMcrcMtu
ehcdd. trs and Voiiiu Aniei iu.f > , IU@10 e ; Huts ,
lil yoio e ; Hldiiis , 7' ' < je.
I'.iC.'s i''h in and K' ' > "d dntnanil.
II des Steady and nnehanced ; heax\x crc" ti
silted , tlill.x eniul. .se ' | it lit , * ' , < ; claui-
; i-'ed. ( i > | e ; hull hides , Dj/e : dr.aiicd , It'v '
' '
'I'ltlloxv HU'inly anil iiiieliangid ; No. 1 ,
coitnio , .Ie. .
K'eelpU. u.ilini ) nils
I'loitr. lih' ' > . i7.tMi It.iHM
\ . lil'MUt ) S.M.IKK )
( ' . 101 IXK ) f > 7.XH ( )
O.tts. hit . utXu ( 4 , ( ) ) . )
Hxc , Hi . 4,0.x )
! tirli'\.lm ; . b.\lHW EO.OJJ
Ht. liouls , Nov. II. U'hpit Loxver , h it
ht ady ; in < < c lor c ish and Noxi'innur ; U.o
( ml lor Di'r.emlirr ; > l.j ( ) ; | lei Max' .
tubi ( , 'oin : rli'.fji.'nu ' c ior ; ; t7' '
tihl lot Nuvoinliur ; > i. > ) ( u for the ; "J
lot .Ma } . Qnlct nnd linx'nrfi'i@'J'n ; for etsh ;
r.c , bid lor Nnx'cmK.T ! , l oocniucr una luO
ji'.u ; : ! del ! > ld lor .May.
lixo l.oxver at."nV .
Vldsk.v-Slc.uly tit iUO ,
I'oik i-'lnn ai5J.uJ. .
I. aid * .u ) .
Hittter Unchanged.
Ai'ri.itMmx 15. ) XIID Wheat ifo loxvcr.
roin.e..i.-iy anil Mow. O.iUi , stctuly ; Auiy ,
: ' .
ICunsns < Hty , Nov. II. Wlic.itWcaktr ;
fiisn , . ' ) 4' . ; 1) d , i.vias..l ! ! ; Dow.iibjr , 1 t < t
bill , 7Tc a4Kud ; .H' I- .
Coin I inn ; C.IMI , . ' 'Ufc did , Jt-'c askud ;
year , ' .7' ' e n.d ; .May , Mlc asKtd. i'iintrut 'e ,
MlnneapolN , Nov. --Wheat Weak ;
No. l n , mi , aj jC cash and Niivc.'iiin.-r ; Itt' ' c
Deeemhii ; DUrfti.lan iirv : 5SI.OJ .May ; NV. I
noi'thein , ( il- ! ; , : c.i > .i ,111 1 iVnvonucr ; S. ) o
I J.-eomber ; UujC .liniiii > . UiKe .May.
Kioiir Dull ; patenus , $ .i.iv i.j. > ; bakera ,
Sl.iKK.ti.-r , .
-colpt-i Wheat , IM.O-JJ : Hour. iW.
fj.iin.iijni.s xV' , 'JliJJ ) , lloitr , J.i.Oll.
N.iv. Weak ;
, . . ' , , . . , , ,
Corn .iteady ; Noile. .
Oals Htvad ) ; No.J , 'Jre
Jlye Kiisv , No.
IS.trloy A' ; No. a , .iv fa ,
I'l.iviMioiiri ili neiniDib ; pork , cash , old ,
; nexv. fl.i.ii * .
Ciiifiiinali , Nov. It. Wheat Heavy ;
Nn , Hid. ii-i iw.i.'ie.
Com atio.i ; No. ttmlxel , 4.l > sjlii s/ > .j'i : .
tu.s In IIMII | demand unit h. nui' ; -.o. 3
iniM'.l , : Jv' ' < i ! .
> ! xe--.5ir.nix ; No. 44 , ( J'le. '
Hu ley r'lrm : cvtr.i No. : > tall , ODc.
I'oik I/l hl demand .it ; < ! ' . . > > > .
l/inl h'limu tit d i.if ) > $ ( JiUS ) $ .
Toliitlii , Nov. II Wheat tJInsud dnllnnl
ainixMidc ; No. - c.c > li and November , I/TC .
Corn ( .inlet ; No. 'J , ! " . 1'mn : Nn. - ' cash. ie bid.
Noxv Orleans , Nov. II. Coin Quid ami
btcadx al 1.41(1.le. ( .
c.ii.s . riu ady. dniho xvcsiern. tfl jgMf. :
llu ; ; I'ludiiuui ri i. nor , but not ijuol.ibly
Clilcinso. Nov. II. The Urovers' Journal
rcpoim :
I'attle Itecelpts. 7.IXHI ; sloxv and weak :
shipp m MCUI * > , ifii.tdiic.'i.'iO ; slocKers an I , > ; . IvK I.OtJ ; COVVH , hilll.Mind mix.cil ,
91.1.1 :1. : "iU , bu.K ; . Mlirfl. i'i ; xxc'ntcin rangers
in in ; nutive-s and ii.ui-breeds , ; t.i Vi4..n ) ;
co xxx s'
lliyti lU'cisiptsI'XJ ) ( : ) : active ; ijooil Kiitlles
e In in r , rough and mlM'il,4J. ; : > iiji.i'i : ; pack
ing illld , . | < , " . . vi' ' ; . T1 1 .I0lll XSCIK'i ' H ,
ti.iiii/i.7n : ; ) : : snipr'i > ty ) 'J.x ( ) .
Hliecji KecoiplH , . . .ixw ; steady ; natives ,
S'j.inMi'-i.i. ' > ; xvc.-.c.rn. . 9l.iOjl.iJIambi \ \ ,
City , Nov. ll.--"iiltlo l'celits ! | ,
lln > , nlllplllfll.n , I.N-I ; Alloil Illlll IltlllC ;
cxpoiler- . . S'.Oi' ' * ' . 0. oed lo choice > li.p-
pin , I ( i-V ? ' ' " ' coininoii to medium , ? M.d
< | . . ) : ( dockers and le.-dein , tJ.ho v.i.tiicoxxs / ; ,
> 'J.iNii jHii : t m-s TUMI- ulcers , si'-KV'li.'X ' ) .
llo s Kecelpl.s , I.inDi ; slilpninnU , " * S ;
itc.ixc and .ie lutxei ; UIMM ! lu i'inn.t : : , l.-i./y'l
i.l.l ; coin , inin lo m .hum. 5:1. : 1'i.-i1 !
Hhcep Itivt'ljilN. " ! : sh | i ucius , none ;
iinel ; lair 10 K'"d. e-.4iiti/ / > . .Ki ; comtnun to
nn ilium , : \ .
SI. IjiMiii. N' . v. H. ( ' .itlh' Itcuipts , W ) ) ;
hhpucin- > . i"'i' ' ' , -.1101141:1. wi.Ii li.'tter de
in. ind : tsooil unlive - , , , , .slcor- . , r-I.Uii1 !
ri.nrinnniiiii in nicdinm. N > . i'i ' l.'Ji ;
ers MCCIS. > i.oi < $ i. A ) , IUIX.M ! biiiclikimi ;
flock l | , ci.7 @ * > . ' siiiclii'iniiinl lecdcr.s. i ? ' . ' . . < 0
> ; . 7i ; TCMIIIS and Indians , t-iiyt. ( ) : nt.
.Sheep li.-eelpl- . . l. > i'J ' ; hi iiiunts. 10' ' ,
iillner ; eommon In choice NV. si.t@J. , > .
II \ I.IVM f
U.MIIN M'K'I. > XIIII"i. . t > MAII\ , I
vv'iilnd.iy Kvi-iiiiir. Nov. J. . i
The ealtle xxif 'inn * aetiyo loslay
I a LI 1 1. . 1 in. UM lie.i..l ch lit ' . 'd han.js
J'.lees I , ili-Mid a mill i-U-.tdv. 1 .11 ! lii'cij.ts
ll.-ht. Ibeie xxine p uulx in
thi 'i In I "xer lie n Hi prexIuiH dux
Tlm lio. m nU.'l > . , t lilllo loxm , , bill. Min , | >
iii.ind wisxcix tan. liU'lit xvtiiKlils xvjlj n n ,
< in .is nond dmii ind n i xv ; M Ih.ty li.iv < Ini.'ii
ilnniu men nn. ! . 1'iin o'leniu ; o' til'
lucking liousi m.iUe.s n stion < du.n.inil IIA
heavy hons. TmJ | imis xv.'i.i . ( tm.ictid lo-da ? .
' ' ' '
Cittlo i . . . . . . , , JW
I'lti.v.vil.l.Ni * fun is. :
I'oor In I < ! nod lo
.Medium ,
' . ) Ilisiind over . . . .
j..rii.u > l.Vii ) ihs , -I IMl ) 4D
l-cvdefs : i I. ) It - . h
J'.n : t
UVsicrn It in-ei. . . . i , 3 n. * > i 41
U'csicm Oovx.s JW &i V 'J '
: : 0) ) : t ;
I'.lrlJIIUilll I II : : in ! ) l
; : ir. H" .
y ' : ! ' , >
n.x.Ni.i : .
i. Av. l'i. No. Av. Pi.
s 1,1111 S'M : ! tbJ. . . .
1. . .1,1111
nm. ,
. Ay , I'j , .No. Av. 1'r.
( IM . , "A
71 . -ii
! ! H.M
! ! - ' . H.-W
. \ \ .K UK f.ti < i.t r it ; nuns.
r. , , i-,1.1,0 01 in.coi tor rough