OMAHA DAILY BEE , "M'BDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 11. 1885. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advert lament * under this heml lOcontspor lit c for the dm Inf ottlon , nnd 7 cents for enoh tubufjuont Insertion. Seven words wl Ibc count ed to the line : they mint run consecutively ami mu tbo paid in advance. All advertisements tMM. t intniied In del ore S o'clock p , in , , and iiiH.ei no clicuniMnncf * will they bo token or ( llrtoMJntu * ! br telephone. I'nrtltHadvortlfluff In tnpce rohnimn nnd hnv \t\ft \ UID nn wor * addicted In care of IlKK.wd iilri'fo ask for chock to nimble them to frnt xliclr Icturs , as none will bo delivered except on jTiMitttntlon of check. All answers to mlver * t I'l-mciils should bp enclosed In ' " " " " " ' TO T.OAH MONET. JVfONKVTO LOAN on teul e'talo In nnv -L J amount by Million Ilr H , ill7 S lilth nt. 2i < > PI mo LOAN Jl.KKlto Cill/KW Improved t'r per JL ty. Amos , 1607 I'limum. Sufi 20 Tit ONKY for ovrrjbolyl Von can borrow -Lit money on luinl.tirn . , luncs. wimnn , plniHM , ft'ick of all kinds , d'Hlnni'di and llnu viileliofon joiirowti tlmo. I nvnmnt * loiolvcd nt nny time , and Interc-t rodncod pie rata. I'TopiTtv lolt In your own posfOfMnn. Terms low i a the lowent. ( all nml ten n K , lli.slncns fonilucnttnl. Niindvunti'fto ' lliken.V. . 11. Ciott , Jtooni 4 , Wl hnetln Now llulliiluv , Noithenpt eor- Her 15th add Ilainey. Wl ri'O LOAN Ono nr two thousand dollars Im- I medlntely lor 1 or 2 jours W. 11. Oreen , Mtli nnd I'timnm. IW to loan nn real estnto Recurity. No commission dunned. U. K , Mavnn , loth anJ Knrnam. _ I SI I Nnv. SI To loan. Tlio Omahii Flnanolnl l'x MONKV chuui-o , ir > il I'aniain flrect. ui > - iiilf , miikes loans on all < lassos ol fccurllj Irom u flu oliut- tcl loan In flO.OUl nn real c-tato We maku loans to Milt nil nppllcnntn on long nr ohorttlmo on Impi-ovod teal o tiito. Innd comment , h-ii os , bulldllifrson IPIIMS ! Innd , secured nop | < > , eollnler- nlx.clinltuls. or fwod oecurlly of any kind. Uiw lutes ; easy terms. Omiiliu l.'inauoiiU . nxehnmro , JCltirarnnn Btrent.up Malrs. HIS- . ( ) : ) llerala , 15Ui and Doiifclits. 3VI tibnov.'o TO I.OAN-0.1' . Davis .V Co. llcal MONKV nnd lann n outH , IfxKi Farimm St. W7 TO IXAN-On ( rood occurltlos. A MON1SY , room 7 Kwlluk Ulotk , liJ'J b'urmim Kt. if57 TO T.OAX On chattels , Wootny A Harrison , room 0 , Omaha Nutlonnl bank building : . t > W ONKV TO LOAN On rcnl csliito and chat- M tcl . 1) . L. Thomas. tM \ , ONKV I.OANKM-On ehrittcls , cut rate. R avl R llckou bought and sold. A. V'oruuui.-lJ SJ. IStu 8U 651 MONKV TO l.OAN-Tn hums of f200 nnd up- wards on flrpt-eliics real OBlalo eecnrity. 1'ottor ' .t Cobb , 1&15 rarmim St. CM Ttl ONl'YToANKtt at C. V. ilrcdTv Go's. I/rnn Jollico , on lurnlnno , pianos , homes , WIIKOIH licrtonid property ot all kinds uml all other ar- tulef of value , without removal , Over 1st Nitt'l llnnk , corner Kith and 1'uruiun. All busui Hiletlconlldental. . 5ti3 HEAI. ESTATE. JW. .TO1INSO > , huul r.-muo A trout , oviir Hr-t National bank , oliird tor si Ic l < t" In fin iistKrowbiKpaii olii.aliaaiid ) . I.MIIIVIKIII- * . Menus uiwy lor VMIKC wurKurs. fcomo spcoiid luirunirs. Houti a tor lent. 5 / 1UJCLKY& ItOANK Ut'iil Kslato AKClif , S. \7 W. etir. 1'ith and Douglas , nro now ollerlu It r mlc biinlnes-i , le.-ldonco mid suburban proi- | crty. gomoof the mo-t auviiutiiMCOiii liari-'iilm cc * " In the market can bo obtained by calling on * .i. * linirovcil | mid unlmprovod property. . 'tner lots and de lrablo sites in t o bust lo- vuteil aildllloim can bo hud nt reasomiblo privus tut easy torma. oit-'novlj TTiOlt i\IIA ! > r < 3i-Hmi8o : and lut.toniriillv Jf | ocn'o < l. for ptibuilniti property near Hull Lino. Address A 13 , llcoOnice. 217-U * "JTIINK Improved fnrnis.wlll tntdo for improved Jcity property. W. 11. Orcou , ever 1st Nu- t'.omd llank. K& eiuu-rn luce ami notion I'ouso wlshos to AN cttnld h western hoi Be nt Omaha v tli tea- Idont imrtnorwlio cnn liniil h f ixkni 10 ? .M.u u. Wcj'etn tri-ilo well Oftiftid'hcd and Rood opun- ln ( ? lor rljht ( pai ty. Amlress. Klvlnurcfon.ncua und amount ot capital , liusliic s , euro ll < o. 2.-0-10 i"ollSAI.U Chcnp.on rononnaiilctormti.con- Icctlunary and o ) > tor purlor , tor 1'itli ' npd i'pltoluvo ' : uiniltuioai d IPX Ul 103 all brining' ' TV hh business v\oll cstaLl.bnod. SAI.K Mill propnrly nt n rcnt lvir > : nln : FOR ] Hot rm.d leod n il. .tn vo d uin n ol"Mi i r com e i. n > w dolmr a very . s ml lo bisloe-su npioa OIOIIK ml on I totin in o st cm M > .u B > , . h suHHlo trutl ; in mil K o m I ; I.iir o novur f.i I n * w.i or power : IMS cu M r- roi n dnu-L-iiunt y nml no ccmiietliiir m II near ; xim ice1 od nsn con p eto loui run m 1 n ele- vii 10 . HUB ul-o a huijo u.irphiH of | ow ro can I e rnhircoa bv ? lolla in inner mnchliur , . AUUUBJ locklloutSUniub i , Neb. KM3 ! ri i ) I o disposed of v\llhln tbo IK-M 00 dnvH.nn J cstabliHlied ImnUiiK busincH In < > oiinl.v scut In ono ol Hie. best eastern count cs In the state : or uould incnrpoiatoand inkii a poitlon ot Iho Htclt. C. I' , filnyne , Ifttb and Furmim. HI. ) 77MHS SAI.K Small Flock ol drugs and nnidl J1 cinosn'iil toilet nrtieloa lor siilo at n bar- Kiiln.Y1II involeo flLW. lloxeilf Bhipmonl.J A. Uoodor,7WN lUth BliooU till OIIANCK Tlio propilntorB of tlm Metropolitan Ilcatnurnnt. : . ' ( ) S. lUth si. I o- Inn nboiit to open the now Windsor lloiot.otlor lie icsiuiiinilt tOKOthcr with lci-o : of the l-llild- - li'irlortnlo. ' Tlilx la an excellent opportuully lor the rlKht parlies. Apply at thu resliiuruiu. EOAEDIHQ. TJOOJT nml linnnl , $ Tiior | week : very lw > lo- JA cation. 1814 Uavouport SU lWuovli ( ( % STOVE BEFAIB9. M1HK W. C. MolznerStovo HopalrCo. . Ill South J- Utli St. between Dodjro nml rilAKKN Ul lly the iinilor'htnnil , n blink .1 undo phr. Owner tun Imvo siimi'by piilmr ilinrues ami jirovliiK piopuiiy. Mrs , Kleo-h. llrown st. near Sacroil Heart Convent. Mldid * JJ > O1 : SAI.i : Two jo'inif ' ImiK g. lirnko torldo J or dtlvonr ; will in du lor oed plnno. Ad dress V. O. Uox U7U , clly. iU-ll * _ feoond hand t nno Imrnor. medium WANTKD um l.t > Itiudcnt llumo piuloned : ndilr A Hi , lleo omco. iltl-U * 1 > OKHAI < K KorflTi , n Rcoond-lmnd Clill-on luinuiu , uiram.iil to I oat tlvo roe IIM. Al-n. for Hulo u lilt pump lor cmtcun. Apply 1107 Jones street , IM-ll F oit HAf.K A good youiitf lioi-so nt No 123 Convent-t. lfis.ii | ' 1/oit SAI.K Ortiiide , 1'rlco'H Hook nml stn. -I tloneiy utotu. William Ijuiili , lleati no. Neb. _ Ijfi-lJ FOIt weiithorxtilps. storm mish nnd doors , go 10 ! ' . 1) . Mead , W ) 8. Itlth l. biy H AYUKN'S Vlro'Klndhirn. ' wholi ido nndro- luiliitJ. MuVutloa Iliu and Kiirmiiii. illliu'.i IJUIVV VADLTrf , wnks , i' < iipools cleaned : entirely odmlufl wuy , U l.wlmi Ad- 'i poalotllco. tinnovlH" . - - T r > SIINS IN CKAVIIN-Puplls tniltrht IIOIT J-J lomiiUo citijou portraltK. A HloHl/D ( kii1- ( tidt lioin any photo pupil mny ilo iru UIMIII 1nu vvlili term of lesnom < . C'olitull & L'ooko , nitlsl * . UooniA ) , Ailingum Illock , wesi or I' . U. 7novM AI.AVAVHon Imiiu nt n Imrvaln. No Isixonil hamlnuiiauo phavimiK iiinl ulilu-har Itutr- ti ) , ut A. J. Simpbou , llWuiiJ Mil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TAD IKS In wnnt of ROIH ! iloniof-llo help /-nn i be Fupplled by calhn r on thu Omuha Km- lilovmont Ollico , 217 N. tilth Si , , UisUiirlis. | . j.V. . MOIIISOII prnpriulor. t7 * < vaults nml ccbfiponlft clcnnnl In an IJU odorless wuy hy K. U. Abel , I * , u. lloi JTs. _ uii _ TOR HAI.E-WISCEI.I.ANEOUS. 1/IOIt HAI.i : Clieiip. . onmpli'loofa J Inn loom hou o. ouHiililo lor IOUIIIOIK mil hoarders , ' < t bltukIrom I'O , AIM ) , himeo lur riil. . Inquire III N ft. POKSAJ.i : I have on of lie | mo pmcntDln boiimvilou with i-liivb' Imruo- r ei I'lventoil ; will . ell nil lull i'ie ' or in ell l > ' Ii leift , H > " lo trul minv Hiillluii'ii' 10 in ry oniho b sn s. i' . P. iio uil.m hi. JNCII. _ _ Uii J71UU SAI.H III aniuill tun n. u potti'ml i-lnuk of ( ncichuml u. und MOIV lor lent..I.MHJ . ! J S It. , lieu Ollico. filM > MKAT Pelllnif inrili ill p < 1 1 ir lor k'a UU.'i Howard i i- u- luur. i FOR HALF Furniture omploto nf R ton- room house. 4 block from pf > * tollleo. llouao for rent , HJK ] < r month. Apply nl 15JJ I pdRC M. _ U5 _ _ Y/l i''Ai.K " Two Inlg in Tclhnm I'lncc , ono JL block from street cur truck. Imiulro 218 S. II th street. _ B " m AI < I : ( ) r"vvoull trmlo for n rootl her o Foil buwy , BI ) ncron In Oospur county. Aj > - jily to 218 South 18lh street. fM WAJf TED-rEMALD HELP. \ \ 'ANTIHS- competent plrl for hou ow rk , > < Inquire ut 1UCI IMh street , opp 1 * O. 227-U t WANTiiIjilynrnl9lo ( ollOw's nutotnnt- lutmr mioilnoln thoclty of Oinnha , ami In every tovrnamlcltvlii Nobrmkil or woatorn lowiv ; cull or uiUlrofM U W linker , 1&JO Knntnni Direct , Oltmhil. 21115 AA J Wotniirvo jrtrl , with younir bnhy \ \ ut Omaha I'mploymont llurenu.217 M lUth. WANTP.D Olrl for ironcrftl hou ewnrk : Cornmil piolened. liupilio nl KM wuilh isth strict. \ \ rANTKD Shhtmakors at Omaha Shirt 1'nc- > tory , ; )8 ) N Ifithnu 2UM2 WANTKII Ocrmnn or American rclrl for Kcnerid hou n work ; must lie peed cook , washer nml Iroiier ; wood waves. .Mrs. It H. Smith , fill Nltfthst. 221-10 \\7ANTKI ) ( iood flermim or Fcan llnnvlan 11 girl for KcuiMiil hoiiMmoik. 141.i N IHih ut , "Vl ANTKI ) Oood woiran cook U omo : cal T 1120''armimtt. . upgtiilrs. 2la-10 AVTKli At Iho I'axton hotel , a house keeper : ap ) ly at thq ollico. 207-10 WANTKI > I. ' vi good sewers nt Hlchter's , 1IE.2 Vermin st. 21iV10 \\'A.NTI5D 1 fniod took and ono dinhijr-toom ' girl. Inquire ItO 8 llth si. Wl iO fiooil , Hinart , uellvo woman 'o do chatnbitr vturk : wifju" ft nwo'k. Apply :2 : DoiiKlasbt , but w uuii thu houisof 1) ) ami. . 201 WANTKO A rninpclPttt pei > on to do house work ; roleroaoos teiiuueil. Apply 511 S Alb st. 1U ! WANTKD A conipelrnt frirl lor frcnornl hoiisuwoik. Apply ui 1.VM Karmini Kt , S I" corner. 141 WANTKII Cimd illnhi" room frlr's ami phi trciifral hou euoik , Intel , kltciien , oic. ; call 11211 Tainanitieot , up btiih-o. 11 ! ) T\7 ANTHD A nent young girl to asslct with > > baby , we S. 20th St. _ _ TW WANTKD Ijulld-doenrnfTtoSli weoklv at their homes In city or country. Seine kiinwlcdftool crochet ami fmicy woik renuhed. Hti atly u oik. ( iiMids win by mall Sooil jfc tor f-iuiiplii and 1'osln o. Ulna Silk Works. 1.4 ! VV. lith St. , Now York. 'OJI1125 * Av f ANTIID A pill nboiit 14 jeaia old as imr e A | ply N\V cor Virginia Ave and ( Jrmit at- ) A rood hii'-Inr ? * man In a renl lii c : iiddicss statii.p biliary ovpect- od , A 111. lleo ollico. 17-ld U ANTKIi 10po"d men for work ongradp ; ' Btoudv work. Call 1120 Farnain St. nl ouco. \\7"ANTKI > A mint tn do damn nnd 5oklnflr ' lor lunches In a saloon. Applj In pornonor by letter to Jos. J. MoVoy , rhutbinouth. 171J-10 * WAVTKIAironts. . Addrnss Illnclrlo T.nmp nnd Steve Co. , St. txmlo , Mo. , lor circular , out and terms of Dti candlu power Marsh J'.lectnc Lamp. 1LM WANTKO A-i ovper o iced o.uuniner of eo- curltlo- ronstcin loans thoromihly ac quainted with tno NcbiRokn liold. Mum have best reconimomlatloim , Slate Hilly u.xpmloiiee. nnalilkalions and sidary wimtud. Diiiillulilo Moitjfii oCo. , Iviinsaa City , Mo. I2J-U WANTKD Mocltnttlcnl < lraiiihllnK ( in do ovonliiKs : patent ollico woik a specialty. 2X1. ) California stleet , W ANTKD A llrst class coat makerfi. A. Kidl-li. U1H S. liith at. 87'J WANTKII Mon nnd women to start n now business ut their homos , easily learned in nn 1 our : no peddling ; Itlc. tor ! M minples nnd u pickiijroof mntcriid to commence work on. Ad- dioss Amuiicun Supply Co. Albany , N. Y. batn'Ju * W ANTKU Stonogrnphor. Hex ( So , Omnha. A OKNTS Solllnpr Mlsenttrl Hi'itm vvnshor mnko M ) . ' money. J. Worth , Solo Mimutno- i St.J.ouis , Mtji _ uuiduullp SITUATIOIT3WA1TTED. . WANTKII lly youii } ; Inily , po-itlon ns typo- writer or cop ) 1st. Addics : ) , J. M. It. , euro lloo. UoS-ll * WANTKP Hvnvonnsr man. n rost'on ' in store : ovj or eu.oibcst ro.uioncu < a luross X. \ . , ( Jura in , lovvu. Sin Ili' WANTKO ] 'o 1 Ion nsdmei Icik.Byonrsov- pol nco , holu > diplomat * C 1 * Canin.n ; ad- dro R A 1lleo olhce. luu-iu * \\7ANTKI > Pltmvlnti near hlcli "climd to work lor her IM uid by nyoi n Indy n oaj- In K-'Iniol. liKinlii'TIn S lllhslieei. Iho-i.i * MISCELLANEOUB WANTS. _ \V"ANTKIi A .vouii jeiilliiiiiiii dcslios n room In nicH pri\aie tamily where he could enjoy home toinloils. state teims , o-c. A 14 , lluo Ollico. 2 l-li | WNTKII Ti R n tn haul lumber. S\V corner II bund Uoii l.ii. Mil * WANTKII Tn liny honso and lot , valued tiom M'0l to SI , ono. on monthly pay ments. Address "A. V , " lleo Ollico. 171 "lyANTKO Persons to Imrn bookkeopliiK ; piiy wlion gel Hiluiillona. 1 ; l-'iu n > un. J. II. Smith. a-U * \ \ 7-ANTKO Lndlen to mil nml sen t'm work done by Cue H auioiuuilu I-UK nnichluo nt : ( i W , WANTRIl Hnn < ns to tie nil for the winter. Mining lon-ed tbo hlHlilns nt Iho fulr ( round' * , I am prepared to winter lioi-m In Ilio best | MI M.b'o manlier : each ono w ill huvo a larjro win m box sDill nnd vvlll not bo tied , so they u ill titplin-yof ( nercl-o all the tlmo. and will lo lint all Ilio Kraln Iho owner wants , well beaded nnd i Ictuii'd fivi-iy iliiy. Tor rmuicncusV. . A. I'liMnn , B II. N. < lurk. C II. llnldwin , . ! . T. Clink , M. A. Clark. AdiJtsu : A. The nson , Omaha , Nob. HhH-l- " \VANTKii-liln. 1 wiint njm yimla dht , coiner tith nnd ruriium stit'ets , V.V. . 0 ray. _ OM-10 "YV'ANTKD Tit buy hniibUniul lot valued from fiMiim in ; $ luo upon monthly pujments. A. ' - ' , Iteo Odlco. wi TAIUKSwKlilntr f r rood ( tlrln for : enoiid J IniiiMivnirk cnn c rule them hycalllmrut tlio Ni'bniska Kniploymeiit Airuucy. jsnuu numlierot'Klrl'Oii olllio conaiuntly. Cull at 11J liilh s'- . , ( JrouiibO Illouk. bU7 WANTKD I want n lot nf irenllomon's IIOIXH to winter and Joir on Iho mud. llnvo a KIHMI place mid can ylvu iiiloruncoB. Cnsx Smith , llhilr. Neb. tuinlu * WANTKIl TolUclinmrospanof hoisos tor Kood iicilvn , muillnm sptin ot mules. U. U , Mooio i ; Co. , in I A DodKu sL _ tiV AY * A.vrii : ) Tcitms. T. Murray. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aa TOB nniJT-iiousEa AHD LOTS. itliM' Two ol tlm must comtortnTmi hoiifcrtlu the vliy. > rooms ouch ; bath room , ( cllur. i loikitK. Klin , ully itaici' , all modern Im- pnivemimiH. liiiiulro N W unuur ol : : id ami Hurt I' I ) Cooper. KU-IO TrToit ICKNT-StoroUII N 1Mb St. 17 < UK ICISNT A sloro loom with frond cellar. 1 ItMllluri Biruot. Apply to Ij 1 1 liu iti- . IriOH UKMT Houfool sit rooms , southeast comer loth uudChleiigo blieut. a Luhiimu. _ _ . _ _ _ _ IM ITiOll HUNT A til-room IIOIIFOOII .InekFOnst , 1 betwiiun 1.1th and loth. Apply next pmir FOIt Itr.NT Two-tory lore hiilldhitf ell nibipieil lorxuhion and boiirilliiir Ixmso , or iui > oilier busliiosd. luiiulio on pivmlsCM. Idll PieifonU UOS-I5' ( lt ICIINT Now house ! i rooms , Ono of I e-t hudf houHe In Onmlm , 'na Luir.liuranii i. . ( ciuifio l riioimt South lth Pt. . CotniKO a iimms. Mh ; > . ( . . near I'iorco , I rollHfroil ioma > ' .2t < ili near DmitflH * . f H. 'luo irom ntllcos second Dtury llurkor lock Kiih uml I"n ru HIM. 'I uo In iv c looms In city boll bulldlnir l < Hh and Turmoil. Hiiecr t o snuiM Moro r-miiis on hHh st riirmiin In City Hull liiiiMju u-jll bo in suit renter , f. K. Mfiy'ne , Uitl. r.U : . _ _ _ _ _ U4U- I IOIC ltiNT : A nncu-niuni vrull furnUhed lio'e. . nun omli HIM ) , etc. : KIXH ! mler- n ic < iiM'i. I I'r TO of il , KlfUtlor. bul Sll" U K01-1U -nitK liiNT-On : Cnl ol HleottnTO > i n JL1r t'l or without barn ; Inquire 24U Uttilto Avimtiu. 2ts-Jl * Foil ItKNT Nlrtrnra Houso. t will rp-t the N' hu. ' lira llouco o.thor furul'licvl or U f ir * ii'iuil. Thohon'oMiinnlnfl II roontii , wit.i well , CMnni nml all nec'Ss rjrnuthoiiotiM lor H rlhor I nrtlculnn Inquire Tatrlok rord.OuiHlm. lul-llp Foil ItKNT Coltntfo of 4 roonm nuil basc- ment No. IM 8 2n street city nml cistern t n- tor. Innulroof Uuncuu & wnllnco , il8S. icth st , _ _ _ _ 441-tf _ FOIt rtKNT flrlck homo , coven room . Call at MoVlttlo'n llth and Pnriiam. f > 4.ii2i ; _ "TTIOU " HUNT - < 1 room houo near cor. 9th and J" DodffP. M. K Mnrtln.HlBa. 16th "t. 054 itl'XT flood H room brick cottajro ! Pity J. nler ; laiKO jard.fith nnd Hickory fcts. Tj"tU ItKNT House , n iiiom . cellar , hnrd nnd J Boft water. ISt.i nnd Pncltlu bts. It. K. Cop- lltMl % 37HJK ItKNT 7-roo-n house on street cnr lino. - InqiilrolU ) X IMhst. 1H7-M * FOltlir.NT Two nowre Iitenccs8 rooms each , eottuuori romns.houso lu rooms. J. i'lilpps linn. _ 555 171 on KKNT Two now 8 and n roomed hou csj furimco. bath loom and all modern conven ience * , ono block Irom utrcct CIUH. Imiulro Jo. 1' . llarlon , ill 4 25th St. , or HuioltlngVorks. . SlKI F oil ItKNT Ilouio , pit nmms. 2alliHml Har- noy : f lii per mo. Apply \V. II. Mulcaliy , orOih and. Howard sta. ai'r-12 * FOIt ltl'ST-T o-story dwclllnsf , 1 roomsT fiood loeullty. Apply Cor. lith and DouirliiH. C. T. Taj lor. _ _ _ 715 "I Olt ItKNT New n room house on Snumtcrs J street , parlor , buy w Indow , ea t trout , collar cl-Ucrn , well , walks , lonces and out hniiap ; notv i ml convenient ; $18 per mouth. J. K. Hlloy.V to. , * 215 H. loth street. ill J i/IOIt " KKNT-Ily .1. K. Hlloy & Co. , 215 South J" lilth Ptix-ot. Tor Iteut-Now 0 room house , cast front , poruhus , bay window , brick cellar , otstorn. well , teal and out hoiiM's , ( rood walks , lawn , every- thliifruouiiletei | $ M per month. 1'or Itont- Two now brick hoilsos , dwell frontx , 7 rooms , closet vUth ench loom , spacious hall- w ayp , poi-chcs , south mint , larfjo yards , ont- houses and elBtern ; I'J ' blocks from the Oreou carllno ; f27 5) ) ) xir month until April , ? M alter- wniils : very cheap. 1'or Hoot 2 new swell front hoil'os with bay wlUilowM on sides. 10 rooms , enst'lio'nt , Shermnii Aviinuo all modern eotivciilonces , very uc lra- tilorcaldonco piopcrty , I'Orllout Now 4 niom nouso , pantry , clo nt , cclhir , wmth front , well and outhouses ; $8 per mouth until Epibifr. _ .1. K. Itlloy Ac I'o. , 215 S. lilthjjtreojl. _ IlKNT 2 stores on 8th and Loavenworth ITiOK 818. 1 store on Fouth lilth gt. Flollt llrst-cla1" * busi ness Iccatlous. Also nouses to tout. A. Medav- ock. _ t t HUNT IIousu of n rooum. Apply Cor. 17OU 1 14th and UoiiBhi" . C. T. Taylor. _ . 74J _ _ irtou KKSTTo Bmnll family , a llrst-cii ! * 1 eollafro In thoioiiffh repair , noarior. 22d nnd CalllornlaRl. , S3J l > er nionlli. Imiulro room 21 , Omaha National Hank liullilln ; , ' . L71 FOR IIKNT Several dwe'lllnps. Applv Cor. 141 hand Douglas. C. T.Taylor. 7IU IlKNT Oct. l t. or after , n dwcllln- 77011 5 rooms , nlco yunl , cistern , water. $ 'j rermoulh. Apply HU I'nikVI1.1 avo. , or .luo. W. Hell , drilKftlsr , tLM South 10th St. 6JU " | 7TdlfTriNT : J lurnlsiiod r 101119 , 1312 C i'l'u ' ( > JJ 11 III 8(1 ( 0(31. luJ-lO * ilOlt ItKNT Nicely finnisliod larfto front room ut S W cor luth and St. Maiy'w av o. Foil ICIiNT FurnislitHl rooms , ! ' 03 led o. 45J-1G' ISKNT-Kurnlshod loons IWrtl Harney .r stieot. lfll-14 * "TTIOlt ItKNT With hoard. ' Inrgo front 11 o n , JL gius and bath , HuilJonOd ; ulso tal.lo boai < i. ICKNT V'nrnlsl < o1 Iront room ; nlMi , X loom with tmtu ixio.n nttuenod. Ill N tilth at. UO-14 * Foil KKNT Nicely furnished rooms. HUH UodKO. 11)7-14 ) * Pl i : l ( KNT Largo lurnl-diod room vclth bay window. "ii ; La\enpoit. IfC.-ll * Jj > Olt KJST : A nicely furnlsl'Od front room , for ouo or two uentlomon. IHUCiipItol nvo. _ IM F Olt RKNT l irulshod rooms , 1418 Dodso. 171-11 * Foil ItKNT A nlcelv furnished front rooin with nso of liatn room to ono or two quiet p-'Utlo.nen , r Jl8.Mth. : lci : ? " ( fit ItKNT Do4)ii\blo ) fitrnlslted looms for J 1 ono or two nomlomon : ploiiotint location. Apply to llccs Print ! OK Co. , 1ml s llth st. IM T71OK KKNT After Novoinl oi-U , a nlcnly lur- JL1 nlshcd front room witn steve , 18L _ ' n at HI. E Olt KKNT Furnished rooms wilh board at 7 (11 ( 8 Istlt fit ; fc'Ciitlomon preferred. IIKH t * 17OHKKNT Furni-hoJ room , liHS Jnck'-ou. 1 liti-.D * KKVT r out roam nl cy ! furns'ioj ; J' iniU | O 111 : ! lie , ml. 1 'J 1 * "ITlOlt KKNT 3 r iom niiI ( bn emnntcor I't'i JL1 and South ave : * 1J per month. McCayuo llrtis , opposite postollico , 1,77 I iOH UIJNTTwo fiirnlihed rooms , B W cor ,0th and Dodiiosta. Apply to And ) llor lou , Union Ticket _ \M \ T OH IlKNT With board , nicely frrnMiod J loom lor two geiulennjn ; ( ras ami lintli. " Foil ItKNT Itoom with board , 1613 Capitol avo. 701 II * -TTUJKNISIIKI ) room with board , 1417 Howard. J- 8ltJ 1U FOR KKNT 1'uinlshoil rooms. fill ) PJoiismil StIOOt. S i2-U * 7Olt KKNT ruinUhud rooms. 810 S l th St. IT-OK KKVl1 rurnUhod rooniH , with or with- J- out boaid , 1704 Cupllol avo. Oil FOR HUNT To KOntleman only , nlcolv fur- nlshcd trout room ut S K tvrnor ' 'uth and DonnliisBtrt. gcj FOlt Itr.NT Sultool onico i onni8. liushraan'a block , N , I' , cor. loth and UouKlus. liniulro nt lull' Howai-d street. ' , ui FOR KKNT-lurtro furnished room,18innocl o. 6s nov.'l FPH HHNT-SMorrun Im brink It ulldlnir on Howard et. , bet ibth nnd lith. No IlilD unj 1017 , liKpiIro ut dn it : store cor. MUh at. ' . % Foil ICKNT A nice , plonsunt room , furnish ed or unfurnibcd. liujuiru ut IflU Ix'iivcib worth street. 440 FOK ItKNT ItooniA with board , dosjrnblo lor summer. Apply ut Si. Cl.nrlca Iloiol. M\ \ 1.1 OH KKNT a furnlshod rooms on Piiclllo ' stteot. between Uth uml lUth.ono block south ol the U. 1 . ueiHjU 4JJ 8AZ.E-HOUBES-I.OTS. - _ . - IT * Oil SAI.K Kino eotta.'u , ( looms with all 1 modem convonlcnoiit , barn , lUM\lt ) ! lout n I'armun ut cust ol xlth , { J.UIM. U'.II. ( ircen , 1'Jtli and Karmim. 1117 'T71OK 8AI.K aloiH near Snored Huart Aead- J. omy : sout < i fnmt , splendd MOW ; Just the tilaco tor a homo , l/'unniiiuhum A ; llivnnuu , 1311 TOUHi.S , lots , lunds-IleuilHI5tli and - louili\ ? iOKH\I.K l OiiKOiatham I'lahuiOrt' ( . 'M. Chili omlon-jftlOJ. AilhiKton f.iuO. Iiiimin I'lnco $400. i.eiivenwurili TDITIICO f IV ) . Ilim.-coni Pliiee t HIU to tin. ) ) . Jteillcka AiMilldii tt..J ) to | J530. MuhDsu Illli-JiViln $ i ) j. Molio-olllll-frxliu f-ttk ) . 0 'In llrilliiuilo aciuJlfiOto $171. 1'aik aeiv JIWIO | 176. I'uiutiui. HI -171) II 8 AM : A few lots In W. A. ItedlckV ad- JL illtlim , ( iMUi'Uuh ; monthly pujiupnte ( 'un- ninjihum < V llronmm , ! , 11 Doutjo. * P-\ \ ' ! T3Olt SA I.K v'-v i-uT.r.iii eoitairo : hull , - * ' iiooili-ollur , oisiuin. utu.i Hut tu I lot . on cuty tcroiii nml loni * tlmo. U W u > r jli | uml churoi. Apiily novluoor. IbO F Olt SAI.I ! llnruiilngln thirty lots In HpuuM- I UK A Kiihn'H bubillvhlon , 011 Dr. > l o si root , cujt of Hell IJlis railroad. Ul to * 1 > . on nitiUluiy paymunw. W. T. Gruhum , Crolithtou Iilook , 771 I 7 * Olt KAMI A n-rorm house on I.oitron- . worth ctieol and lot , ItiitlJ , fcl.Mni. i-iui- nm liam & llrummn , till Uoiluu. 2oV-la H S , tote , luuJa llcuns , 15th ana ron SAI.K Arlltlaion hna 2 lots left at f.VW JL ! eucli ; fl.ix" ) for Uio Am05 , 15o" I'lirimm. 151 numSAI.f'-AMiMffJlnintw'oloM on JL ? avpnun. * 'ort linrl llmof I7IK ) wllltako the two. W , T. Oiiihnm , frelghton block. Wl _ ] jlOll AM-.l. < nvonoiUi etrott 70x100 , cor -L. nur $ i 4.'iO Ici'inwo th ft'rcot,7UKH.oMlcy 1 40J 1.edict n id , ( Us I ? ? , . . , l/kjO ll.motmiig i J'laci.SOtlK ( ) l/tfl Turk Avc , lotl'JxIl , ) 3iK ) Ilo-'so uml 2 lots , Wulnut II11 7UO llnlnviiw.lug Vtxl24 GOIV-VIO ( Houno.Iot 0 ill ! . Varunm tt f.'sfl llcti < tn < . him it21) ) 2idO Homo noio > , 8urutwil l.-'inl Unit aore lot , Pil'-afofrii ( inn roomi 'a'fehlnn' 'lil SJHV Ilouto luniltiuo2j u lut , Pojgo st IILKX ) IliL'hton aero lo t , , , . " 0-nuil I'l nil umli-dlviMoil.iicio lots uxi llou c. burn , lot 8J\1jJ , yitundora st,0 , Hou P Tirooaio , IdtiSiim ( Iil l.SW Hoirvp. luini , Sliln-Vn nj j 2KK ) I'oiifonnd'.Mot ? . XTiiliuii Illll 7 l Ho ifc , KH m < . Koiiutio S ndl(77) ( ) 1.2UO ho isni : rooms.7.1) ) l.nuo C vn llrllllnntp aero lots . . . .IBn 17 % Ilydol'aik iicioldtc l.V ) 15 C lOotn house , Iliuif-eoin 1'h c. ) ( GO ) 2.jj 221 Amos. l.V)7 ) rarmim St. . . Ml Ala Imru'nln.H bakery and JL1 laiiiiuit In.S.roiiilmrjf , NolJ A t pi ) tn Ki DiPltius iUi. , ilm ) Kiinmm nt. Hll-lS * ljOK SALK Olt ItlCVT A desirable real- Jilptti'o In chnlco loriUlou : lionsti II rooms , stnhle. { .iirliiRo hnnso , etc. Jmnes ti. Trance , at I'.S. National bank. l > oi-ll ; .s.VI.i : A ui'iioni ! incrpltntiillsn buslne s In a nipl.dly jjiowlnif town not lar from Lin coln. lien trade am ) location In town. A pplen- illil opporlnull ) lor a pailv wWiim- irnol oponltnr , and having Inmi s-ovcr. to ten thuu iiinl tlolltn-H In rash. Wiitucll tor ru h nnlv.or putt cash , halnnco real ustato In Omaha. Addioss JUuvhimt llco'Oillce. Kii OTS. I.OT . J'OO will buy A lot In Monthly pi.\ : i lnv ( si now nn.l lei bio your hionoy In the ppr'tiir. ' llrennnn , IRll BodRO. COS 10 i.K-nurtiiirornhi st. , > o imo lotfn. J fUuUto < iMtu MI. Tha-etntsnro nbiUKiiln at prleoM naineil. .imcs Ifw7 I'arnam. 1" > 1 "I/i Oil SAI.i : 1-stnrv lirlok block 41 Icot front 4by I.T2 leet iicop , tunw lor $ li > K ) u jeur. f..OOuU. W 11. Crccu , Mill anil ItU IflOll SAI , | . ; Piaiu Sutxllvislou iieio lols ni'i'f ( Irllllns ( liliyo. lleautllul spot lor nhnihnn homos , JJjo to $050 an nero. Amos l.'ji.T IVimini. 150 JTMmsAl.i : n < hitH In lluni'-coni I'liioo ; lots In many of then lilulon . I'mi-oaid fn 1 locmsiiinn'snld . S : > , iyv ) Mo iMuiiKi full i.ii. in s iin'i's ' add . : ; , uon II im-o ami iul | lot In Pa-rick's add . . . . 2"iCO lioiKnaml lot on thwcoriior Karca n st . ! 2uoJ HOI u. a-iil lots in many partof Inoeitj. 0 icnolco tieetioii of land In Lincoln county , Worth i' > i i 1 will toll for 3aiX ) , 8.0 o.ish , ImllOyrs , 0 per ee'it. C.ioleo farm mid irooil mill pu prty In farpy couiitv. t > ) ai'104 Omaha ; S',000 , 1-1 ' l-rn-s. 2.ti-14 J.\ * ' . M.iuh.lll TTiOlt SAI.i : A lot frontlm , ' . on N 16th and 1 i"lh slice s. ( .ijiins , l o hoiifcs fn I i rn A b.irjrain at SI.WM ) . Cunningham & Iliennan , 1511 lioilffo. L.V.MO SAI.I : iiy j. K uiioy & Co. , 21:1 s. lnh JL1 Ptrect. 11 0 leet on I'm imnl , near eoui t homo. Full lot , Mix I.e. . l ewer I'aruam , sI\i. , \ ill. Knit lot , fnivl .1. Upper rarmnn , dosir.iblo for resldoiico J.l,0 ) . 2 lull Ion , 01 pntlo , south treat , corner , on lei h ii. $1.500 for both. 15 1 luel on Tin kiU'flY east front , running bauk tosticet , ? 1 , " 0 Kull lot In llanstioin'l'lace , on Oatherln su , ci st liont , $1.U2.V " 1 lull lot , lroiitljron'IIui | I'ark , $1,850 * lots on Ccortrlil uv o' , * - iU to $ l.rj. UloMotiSaundunMioot,4 liloclts lioin KICOII carllno , iiotth. eii"t Iront. $ ? " > J each. 10 lots , 5 blocks trom gioeu car line , ? .V)3 ouch ; easy payments , . lii lols on 17th nnil Idth Btroi > t , near IIiiscuH'a Park , $75i each ! cti'-v jlaynieuts 2 lulicornur 1 ( ts.imo bloeU fiom led car HMO and Ivliijf street tclioolihouso , & 1,05J ( eacli. liar- KIlllH. , I'ull corner lots , 31tlook& fiom rud car line , $ iliio ouch ; easy paymontB. I'ull lots , now commodious 4-room houso. cis tern , o.ithouoos. imd' tenccs , south Iront , a blocks west of 1'ark a\o , , 81riiKt ; cheap. Corner lot. Cox IK. with nlluv , ouo block trom St. Mary'a uvo. , U/Mi. .Tills Iji vnry cheap. House and li.u'.toastii ' front , 171. i ami Center sticcts. J. K. It.loy u , > . . 15 S. Uth St. MJ FOIt siAI.K-4i'fto.i . rarmim st-SlbOM. Hilton rurnam st il.nui. ( flit on rarmim st looou. Ames 1507 Fm-imm. 144 "I7IOK SALK Corner on Sa'unders Pt. ; business JL1 lot , 12UzlJO ; only $ .l ju. I'o'i tor ii Cobb. _ _ 4JI-U4 HOUSES , lots , laudsllomls , 15th and Doiiftlas OIJ--Juovo FOR SALi : A few jrood lots lott In Claren don ac $ dxl a lot. Nu ImuiKoiacr lots lor sale. Amos , 15U7 1'limnm. IVi I dlt SAI.i : Loavenwoith Toiraco lots at $ lriJ ! per lot on small moutlih oryoailv pav- moms. htruUlit MO < t on Louveuw-Oith streot. < , 15u7 rainam II. ) Foil SAI.K-lty W. T. Graham. Crelf-hton block. Tnlriy lots east of licit Line on monthly pay ments. l.ota In Spnldhiff A'Kulin's ' snbdivHIou , east of licit Line , < ui monthly iia > meul3. Lots m llau- > cum Place , ou < t fronts , 571W to $ liMj ; easy terms Ilarfralns in loton DoUge sticot , flJU to ? t.1. ) , on inontlily ) nN Lola In Noith Omalm , $700 to $1,100 ; easy tornm. Two lots ono block fiom Luavoiiworth , $ I'IJO each.V. . T. Uruiuim Cieljjluou Illock. H.H -7i OKI SAI.K Lyiiian I'laco , cholco lots at SIM J1 to 4V ) per lot. Ames , IV)7 ) ' 'amain. lid TTI'Ut SAI.K-IIy Potter & Cobb JChoice rifldoncu lot , 'M loet front by 187 leot deep i .ml Hiieol . * Uil.KJ Kino HOIO in Not Hi O milm , J .VJl Two aero fois In 0 RO H iiilil , o.ic.i fl.'ilD. ' / > aciolu 1'aik I'lac'o.ibarirahi' . * idi. ! lot and eluiiuroom housu iIUli Sohool , Lots In Potter's addition , at corner Kiirniun ami l.ouo avenue , flftJ to $11 u , Very line property s nithuo-tof city , hi 5 neio , lU-iiero.orainoio tmctn , oheap. per act o atil75. Hillsldoi.d lllioiiseliKiip. lUito .MJJJ. 'I uo lute , llaiiacoia Place , each * tM. W/J I'OTThii & Conn. "TOUSES , lots , hindsllomls , 13th nml < it-Vi.uiovo 1-OUNAIr.-Mehosoll'l ' | lots EollliHt and 1 1 1 ftood biiyorii Mehosc Hill lota nt kiM to M ti per lot. Ames , I5J7 r'liruu n. 147 ONI.VK ) lots to trade for Improved property , will 111111110 mmtiMrcs or pay ilill ronco In cash. Parties wHilnir to trade better cull at onco. W. II. ( Ji ecu , over 1st Nutlomil Hank. 171 FOIl 8AI.13-A few lols in Iliirllolln addition , tin cc > blocks liom fiieiji car , KM Ho * 7.VI o i monthly puymonts.V.T. . Uiuham , block. _ "TT'idt SAL ) : Newport , nourcst , btut nnd J ohoapo't iioio lois ; onlf 2."i minutes drlvo tium Ho > ilH ( tHira ) IIOUMI to N'otvpoit over sinodih Kind ; no hills to climb ; prices and toiiii * vvlihln leach of bnjera. Allies , I."x)7 ) rarmnn. , | llil _ _ _ 'in' ' ! ! hAl.i : 1 have decided to mTorTor siiio . * - ' h tpnitof Hei-eivolr Add to the city of ( him m hlnir milt ot 'ieiiHn .i. . , ! . , contalnhir 12 neies , moro or Utire 01 piopoMilH ulll bo toeclvoil by mo onoiIIOKUC 'I'l.eHlny , Nov.'till lSs5 , ut loclock if uu' Ci edit will lie irlvon tor part ol Iho inugjii t mo cj.H de-lred. Tlio rltrnt to rojoot any m nil i d IK lu-omnl. This pniporty fronts on iHith liiillion and Mohol H cts.and lies boaulifiilly. Thoviado of llamll- ton-st. , Isexlablhho' ) Q > the nnrihe.i t corner of tlio trim' . Tho'Mtwo proximity ot iliu Hell lluo uml the la 'I thu.n uront-car II 10 on Cumin r- st. , as tar wuft iHJ/rtwiHivu.vtll | bolald In luo rltiK ol lhCMniitlitiH ; litonoui the most doslr- ubl lo trnuts In thivl I fi Kiibdlvldo. 8 K JOHNSON , P O Hex Xf\ \ . 157-2il IT-OK SAI.K ft aores near the cliv , 1"aero. . C'uiinlVrmifli ( ( i-ilienniin , Ifitl OUHAI.K-l'lVit ofrt froiUiiRO on flherman avc. , north ol Nldihhis. Very deelrablo real- ( leneo proper ! ) ; t,2.0v I lot "J It front un I7th-Bt north of Nicholas DcKlrahlorotddcniHi pronorly ; $ l, " " . ' and Ilurt-Htx. ' . . Corner lot on-I - ' Can bouwil cither lor business or resilience pur- po ps , but | HHulliirly HdupKHl tor a tenement block ; Jl.r/M. Huppllud with vtalcr , triw and uinlurj t-ower. I lot oil l avnn wi.itt : St djacnnt to railway ' ' ' Nlu'oloth onfonth iuili- t,2.-loui tro'iit ; f 1,000 oneh. The most desiriblo lot hi Cninpholl's nddillon , cornei-ol AithiiuiU eulor-i > tsri. ) l i feetf ; I'll. Oimhousool uluemom-und loton bOiiih.Uh- BIlienr'llllilc'3lorlVIO. ( ( Impilroof HIKJII MUltPHY. llil IJOL- . ] No. IKK Kurmim 4t.i : < l lloor , jTI III HU.K-Aero KIIR In Cote Ililllhimo , -L H > dol'ar ! . , Ililditou o ipm > al f l.Vto < > K > ) anitcit on < > * v ten is Vc , . innp rii u b .und . to liur.'UM. rn ii lij 11 \ iln .11,1 , Hi in \i spiiu , tllO | ! I.IIM ( ( Wllll'l' I' "i I 'I IIMI pioem i ii > ( - ' ki i ad in. ) . i fa ) tula .V - : s lot ? , Innds-llcmU , 15th nml DOURM ! ITIOHSA ? ChonpoM nno inside property lt JL' tlio market , U'sldpnco lota In lllllsldn nihl. , tiCototl.loo. 1'ottiT A , UoMi. ( xutr Ini > itl .viT : KnM TiairbFonp or t blocks In l iiuc .V b'oldon' * mlillton , frontttiK on Iioiivoinxirlli i-troot , with hou o , > IUO. ( 12 ist front lot with linnso nml bnru on 17th 8ln < ot lorfl/'jO ; t-a y pnynumts. lloii" iinil < Mill lit on t'luirloi at , fa,700. llnl- Ion Ilros. , : i.7 d 1,1th ; troou Fo n HA -1'lnmiow lotsnro still M-lllnir for low prices on iisy terms. Aim * , 15.17 Tar- mini. l.M irtOltSAI.i : A lltst pn | 3 ntid well pnylnx iKturilliKf hou--eeeiHiiilly loontiHl lor pimlo- ulurs. Aillr > s ( i.V. ItcooilliHi. Ml Housr.3 , lots , Iftitilt lluuils , 15th nml IHniKliis _ fCiillDV.'O Hovsr.s , lots , farms , ] < uidi-llnnl l..lh and Douglas ri.'l-.Vi'mor.'o JTidlt 911.1Oak Chntliatn , mnulujr f iiu Bauiulors touih tt : Holt l.lno ilrpot on thu lultlltlon. B.I 10 luvodunuuu Ames , liOT I'lirmiai. IlKl Hol'sr.s , lota , l.uuls-llumU , Uli untl Domriiis CU Muov.'o H , ots.liiiida llomls , loth mid ftMnola 1711)11 < 4\ 2 plexa-it oust fronts , 2 Mocks from rime iivo . f.HH ) " cii t fioiitc. Park iivo . II , 0) ) Klcjriuu noiv loMdoticjnit V'lrjliilnavo . . 7 , KM doixl lioii'd , burn , f ml lot , on ( Irow'a ' nvo. II.IIIK ) Good IM-story Imusn cut Ucnrtrln tm < . . . . " 00 licit rositliwio lot on UeorKiii iivo , b71eol Ircint. cnsl . il.sno le ) t lot 111 Marsh tiact . " ,11V ) u lolt on I cavunwonli Rt , 70 ft fitint each 1 4 > ) 40 noii-n lor sinnll trull . 4 r0 r , MuSliauoHMib illv. . 'i ' auro. ( lot o ndil Vi ncru , Ilnvvo a mlil . . . NO Htxldonco lot , Kued'a 1st mid . . . . . n. ( Hl fv U lot. I ink nvo . , om Hottic , burn , uoro lot , WoilO irilm . 4jO 145 . AmtH , KiU7 Karnnin. HOMi : SMHKljiiVATTKNTION-Kor full t > 7 tlonlars about fr o and ehonp laiuls lit \Vi ) loni Nolintska luldrosi l'utlor < ont Wliltu , Iteal llstalo A out- ! , North I'lutlo ; Neb. 'Mi i ; A two Btory.SJVI ) . fi-"mo bull 1 JInn , hultablu font Htoro , Utli uiiJ I'll- munSts. Applyat tltU o.lbo. ! MT BUFXUK12 CUBED. " \T < ) oioratloii | or usrlws tin s Dr. M. M J- > Moore , " 1.1 VViilnHh uvc. , Itltlciiiro. VVMI bo at Co//oii * Houso. hi Oiu.uui , i'ioi\v till > | II.VM , tv iisinmrton. mrl : i."ith Pt. "I'llH OKDA1U" A lioiinlln. ; nn.l day school lor youn ; huiu1' . JH'liuliti'iilly siiiiuicJ on ( U'orKC'tntvn Mclsrlits. l.irj-u : croum ! * : su- poiloi" > ciioliiatleailvantiios. Miss KVUI.K. EDWAUD KUEHL , MAOIS'l'Kll OK l AISIYSTKKY ANI CONDI TIONAM8L' , iHlSTciiili Street , lielwoon IVrninit ami II unify , will , with the uiil ol Kuunlimi spirits , obtaining lor any ono u gluuco In tlio finst nml prostiitt. ami of certain conditions In tht > futtiro. HOOM nml shoes miido to ordur. 1'frlci't siitlsfucllon iriiam itouil. Pouud Ko'.lcD. Tiikoti up ami impound ! ' l In the pound of tlio city ol Otimlin , on tl'o'tli day of Nitvomlior , IK . onu 10.1 laiRt ) coiv , wlilch will ilf not ra.loomeil hofoioMilK boolil lit pntillo aiioilon , to the h g le t I ) d li'r. lor cn-li. at said poiimt at thu hour of In o'clock In the loronoon , on tno lUth iluj ol November , l SJi. 1U.M1 UVN. C. llr.iiui.KV , Pound Mnstor. Proposal J for District Pivlnj Uirv IIIK vsuin.a'n OI-FICI. , i O nnhii , Neb . No- . . , ! . f SKA I ED propo > lH ulll bo ret ol veil at Ill's oil , co iim.lo \ - . -'Itli , ISat 12 noon , lor th i piirclu.ROol t'JI.ftJJ of ilK'rlcl piivuiK lioitils of the uitv ol Omiilm. Hnl. i bonds nru ilntod Uoc. 1st. 1SS5 , en I will bo duo in imo ,'rjo , to ir , II vo , slv , ro/ou , oinht and n no j oars I'm n their diiio , an o | iial a mi nit I o o n\ng \ duo o ich yciir : nro In Miiini of $ > UO o ich. and b tir Intercut I r mi tnolr dii c n- the into of six per con inn per an- m.m.piy < ole nnnmilltr. Tlio prinolp il an I in- toluol mo bo.h pajujlu at the ollico ol Kounizo Itios. . In No v York. Said bonds m oiv-nod umlor the olmrtor power ot vuiil cl y , and ulll bo doll veto I to pine III-OIH , on imminent t ion fir at tlio tro.u.wy lit Oinu in , o-i Dei ! . lt , IM Ilids wit bo addicsso.l . to the iimlorslKiiiiil nn 1 marked "l'nipo < nli or DIs net I'tirlnu lion H , " mid must sin o tuo full tiimio and addu s of tlio bidder , tlio a.noii it < ii ruil.l bonds dusiicd i n eiiitd | imionut di eauh > uar lioin ono to nliu jciusi and tbo pneo | noio-od | to ho paid. Tno rlffhtN 10-01 vo.l to reject MIV ami all bldj. HOV.VI..U Titi-MiN IJui'K. Cliy Tiousuror Special Ordinance Ko. 742. AN OnmniiiLO lov.\iii ( ; u special ta\anda3o4s- mont on all lots uiid loul ii-'tuto within | iiut ot piivinn "Ulilct No. I ! . ; , in the city of Omaha , to uovor tlio cost of paviiif ( t Alnry'w nvo. iioin n point ( CJ lift \vuht ol vrost liliool boutli UMMHio to I'hll Sliuiiuun sticol \VIII.HI.AS : It luivniK' Leon , ami honiK hcrohy MdjmlKOd , doteriniui'il HIII ! ostabllt-liud thill the roveral lots and pieces ol loal obtain hciomalier loloitod to liavo uiich boon hpccinlly honolllli.'d to thu lull amount hciom loviud mid HS-O-J ul against uiich ol Mild li8 ! und pieces ol KM ! otimo lospectivfly , by lo.i-on of tno pavlmr ol that pmtolSu > laryti iivonno irom n | ioint ltd ) leot wo't ol ucst line of South avoni o to I'nil Uniju.foitK , I or the purpose of paying the cost ol Hild ptivimr M. Jlitiy n iivonno l > o it oidalned by the City Council of the City of Onmlm. Secticn 1 That the cost of pav iutfthat part of St. Mary save , ullhm piulol paving DiMrlut No Xlu thoCIt ) ol Unmhii , lioin u point ! : ! ii IcoL wt t ol HO-I line of bouth avo. to 1'h 1 > her dan siioct.wdd COM Iji.'ilif , ' tlio sum ot s D 8.1 > , bo ami the h.iino is lieioby lov.oil and iiFo > * < < od , in pioportion to tin ) lent liont aloiiKsnid pavinir. und iicuoiuniK to Hpoulul beiualls bv IOIM > II of Mild piivlutr upon the lollowmKilu ciihod loin and leal ostutL'.a * fliown by thohenorallv luvoiriil/ud map ol Ilio Cily of Onuiiia , liv > ) , Illlio raphod and imbli.sheil bv < K'o 1 * . Itomls ; Niill < : o-r boioir MI lovlod on fuul lots and loal oalutu , ru puuilvo- ly , HH lollorts , lolt. . WanoiiSwit/li-r , It 11 , Clark's add . J 40 01 Vimun Swlc/li c , it K , . ill IIO.IHI' . I. ( 'Inn ; U1U , * ' . ; ; | . . \ . \ \ . ( iiiillii , It 4 , " . : ifiMi liu.iriC , 1 , . tlurn , lotKi , " . l9i/C itim , . : t ,1 u II. I'o 'l&C'o.HTlt liri , Urlflln&-Uimoa ' 1 ill ii. P. Cl .I-OI1 , II ! a II . . ' > . 4 > 8) ) Ho < i , . a Al o.i , H 'i ItM , " 1IH M S liuoi nin i In ( if ( dull ill , It UJ , " J bA4 ri a. o.h Klnx. ii ' it h'M , " 17. . l.i lva liicliuil.ri lJ It It it i , I „ 4H1 ( i-l ° 1' Manning U * J. „ mm . . . . „ MM .1. ( M'no.vold. It I , Jacob's aid . iiliiu Ti-i Mi fsKiiii C < nnioi.t.inni , o'.u ivh , It : ! , .liuobH add . ilV.MU Jos. Ifi-ll , hit , Jaiobti add . IJTillil " It4 " " . , . U lli.II .1. C. Knotvohl , It ft , Jacob'Miuld . hh 41 Jin Itoli. lit ) , " " . ! ! iii ; iio > or llclhiiiin.u itlt : ! Ir l , ' . I.UItltS. Aiiuiui : . oiiifon.n liuttit : t. Iln.biudl A ( aim , n I.Crt I. 4 , " " ( r > - > 4J 1 i link U. .xdillHiu , n IU It It ft , " " Ml. I ) deo. 1' ' ' . l.tuiallKli , II l.i flllll , ' " 1,5 1 W Vm , .1 , C'oimoll , 1 1 II 7. In sco . ' , T. 15 , U. M . ll'l ! 7 Slseiiiol Mine , ' , o 'irj.5 11 of wx'jfi It II , in HIM ) si , T. l.i , II 1,1 . lcii : ; I'l ' Muilio I'arviri.o ' ItiHA , lu.Tlioiiuj.l sudd 4ii i ; Alliurt llullor , w 'f lituiiV ) lit. 4. ) 17 ami A. M. Kimlmll. olfl H llsl',1 ' , iSta .Tlioinol HiiilU . 40i ( II ! E. Ji JUchiildMiM , w 7U S It ll U X 2d , 'J iioriiL'U'.s m.d . 4J'i8 > llliJC.Ti 10 Boutlon " . That sulil Hpnclal laxos lovlod utoio- caid , on friild low roipooiivol > , hhall IKCOIIICHO- hmtuoiit an IOOMH. | | ouo-toiilli ul mo loml amoiml so loicii on tauh ol Mild loin , - < lnil | lui- como duliiiiUoiii | In Illiy III ! > H limn Iho IIIIHMIII-O and nppioni ! 01 tint oi'dlnauco , ouo loulli hi (100 year , one tenth In nut jnu' ) lentil In lluco jciih , oiiii-ic'iilh In tour > uarH. omi-iontli In nvo jciirri. omi-tonlh in ! > lx yeaiH.ono lentil In MIUHI jiuiir. , oiio-iDiilli lii ci ht j fins and ouo timl In nlnu jours alier said lufy.and bein > r irtiiiiho pasniiKoaml appiovul ol this oniliiiinco Kueli of said li liilliin.'iils , iivcopl the llr tnlmll diatir luicit'-l at the into ot conui IKTCIHU pur an num Irom Iho limeol tlm levy aim esald , until the btiino Hhull but omit iiuliiniiiuiil A | iemdiy ol Iivo pur ( umttoioilior ulili IMICIC-.I at iiio ralo ol ono fmr com pt < r monih , pajulilu In ad. vance , bhull lie puld on each ilulmiucnl | luainll- nuiut , M'ol Ion il. Thai thu oiitlro amniint ol lav HO levied nuU iisrpnod on liny ol Mild IOIH may bit paid by lhoo iiui ol mi ) lot.ot the ciillio ( "iiiiil pro i ata proportion 01 wild lux mii'iiy ol BiiluluiH ma ) bo puid It ) mi ) ptTMtii on miy part ol suul Idti within Illiy dajH lioin Mild lovy. mid llioie- upon cucli lots or imrlito ! lei . snail bo uxumpi tiiiin uny lion or cluuiiu thuidlor hixitlon 4. 'II.H tii oiiimanco bidllako utlout nml bo in loico nmii ami after it \V i , r. IIK ( iiKiwPi' iiiC-nt City I'o u null. jJl' JiMilIiiuiin. ! ! . t'Hy t'liuk. Approved Oct. a-th , | Nfi. JlMc.nli Iliivu , Muor. Thoxo Hues uro now duo ami puvublv 10 the rlly iroiuiiiur. und will bccnmu dulhiucnt | im Hlioun by i-ociioii a. novj oil TUUMAN Uvw , City 'riuuauicr XI ir 41 ti UJ. ID.UN I1 K i * r f > AHi Ir i v * f bvl > . . Uu j Utwtlc AMONG THE MARTS OF TRADE Special Reports Which Show Nothing of n Startling Nature. SOME EXCITEMENT IN CORN. CnttlcConrcltiK Along inn Monotonous AVnyvllli u Ifio Drop In Hot ; * Dully 'lontu nnd lorol ii Itcporls. CHICAGO nKAIN MAUKHT. ClitCAdo. Nov. 10. ( Special to tlio UKP , | Win : AT The imukot ilnclimled within a Unlay and llnlsliud lor the day a biiado higher limit ycstenlay. Kt'potUs as to the visible supply vvoxu inure mwrly to gether tliiin for sumo linnTlio Chiejujo statement disclosed nn lncroa o of 410,000 bushels , vvhllo tlio Now Yoik statement , omitting Minneapolis and St. Paul , made an Inrrwibool' only 40,000 Inisheh. Tlio inaikct opened BtiotiK on this hliowinc , Dm'inbcr Mlllti ! ! * nis \\hlch was the Inghost tiuuio. of Ilio tiny. Cubit's nok'tl n ik'clino for Amer ican \\licnt nilil u rrjHilt tbut some of the tit. Louis Hour mills were clo-jliitf down fora lack of ortk'i-H caused tin easier fri'llntf , under which December Sold off to ar'fip. but icaeied quickly nndiT good buying vvhldi e.i pried tlm lulci ! tip to neatly thubasi ilL'iires of tliu dav , eiosiiiK on thu runnlar board at 83 < < j ( } SS < c , In HID ailcrnnon the fueling vvas again linn. Dcci'iiiborndviuii'lin ; tos > - > y4o mid eioslnz at S Ve. lcceiitciu ! | lair with only a inodor- atoshippiui' demand. Unn.N The OM'ltement In corn continued again to-day uiidtho It'chn wuMVerv tmii.vimi tlllOUldHllll llmolllllim'Sfinll Wllll'll calllLli the prii'o tor NoventlM.'r In thoatlernoon to l.'i e , orSXc higher than nt thu elose yisuor- day. Thedmuand for easn corn was veiy urgent , 4lo beliii ; lieely bid in tinattei - luion. 'I Im leeoipts conliiiuu light and the visible supply -statement showed a dex'tca u 01 7.rtl , < XAI htlsfii'ls. OATS Oats vveio quiet , but linn gen erally u til null ) liUlii > r. 1'no VISIONS Provisions wore active but the price oi mess poik I'elloif lOvKjloc , ow- iin ; loan nncxpivicd huge itir.val of hogs. Laid closed JOjO lower. CHICAGO IiIYE STOOIC. CuicAno , Nov. 10. [ to the Ilii.J ; : CATTI.K Tiado niled lathurslow at the stall onuccountot tlm small number unions tin * eaily anlvals. Thuruvvio but few Milppnnr slt-eis nnd the diossuil meal dealers \\eio not at all anxious to go in and vet the niaiUet up neatly nil the loieuoon. Theiowasa llonK belief ninoni ? hnjers that the Mipply would be morn in their tnvor later in tlio day , and \\iisanolher piiinueauso lor the duln.v to t'lOoiieililiLMipol business lei the tl.ij. Na- tivcbtitclRib' stock is .sell inn n sluulo Jiruu-r a dTexans and \Vostouis were also ijtio d suli t.iiili.iily hisliur. htojltcrs and H-edur t.aiK' is luoviniraloiip at about ln < teek'.s t niluDS. Shipping > leers , lf : > D to 1.VK Ibs , , I.KM " ' 'U ; l , ' ' 00to fi : > ( ) UH. , s.Hif/i.W : { : ! i'iO to 1,300 Ibs. . ! j.J.tOviM.'J5. Thiounh Tex.ts cattle , stroiiu'er ; OW to unoiln. , tl.on.rrt : ( ! : ; 7 ; to JKKJ Ibs. , ftf.KWU.-i ; HOD to 700 Ibs , S VXKiZ'J.iH ) . \Vestein ian'ern , linnet ; natives and lulthrecils , : i.7.V ( | . < i ( > ; cows , ) ; wiutcied Tt'Mins 'i.UV : ; .4' ) . Sales S17 Coloiado halfbiccds 1,157 .Ibs. . 5 . .N ) ; li : > Wyoming , 1. 1-1) ) Ib- , , , ? : ! . : > ) ; : joi \ \ . > omlnKN 1,11 ? Ihs. , $ : ir > < ; Hi Wjuiiiiini-Toxnits , lin ) Ibs. , SJ. : < i ; lli.Montatias , 1-jnHbs , ol.oO ; l.i Montana * . l. ) l HM.I.V ) . lloos Keceipts vvero ( Ki.OOO. On nrconnt of the fiioi moil- , number on alc , and thcpte- occupifd tiiiti1 of saifMnun in taUiujrcart ! ot their stock , thu market was late in opuulii' ' , vet the nisi cut 10 ( il.C lower than > es- teiday , and as thu toienoon vvoii'away pnci's continiu d weaker , the d.iy closing on a < li-- clineof nbniit "V , and a lnjo number It'll unsold. l'.ickinniidslilpp.iiiitoioibs. ( ) : ; , S i.ri.Vifl.7.1) . Mj'iitv fights 1W to 17J Ibs , , FINANCIAL ! . Now York , Nov. 10. MoNiiv Easy at 2n > iper cent. I'ltlJlU Ml.UCAVril.I * 1'AI'Iill . Ij ffiSK I'Ur cent. cent.FOHKIflN EXCHANGE Ull.l.S Sl.Si" , ; ( Je- mand.LSI * , . ( ! OVKKMKXTS Dull anil steady. br , \s-Tho. turns ol the siocij market has changed greatly within the past ten ilavs , giadnally glowing mme .uveilsn and iiiegu- , aithmuh nnai juine.s today showin a majoiit.v ol I'.isus , moderate gains over jes- teiday. Thestiengtli isappiientlythe din-el iCMiltof nianipuliition. .Movements up mid down are. uxtioinuly Inhaimonluiis. Over : ! ) per eeul ot the day s business was In St. I'aul and Western Union. Koni othei stocks- New Voik Ceiiliiil , Louisville > V Nashville , Kako Shoic and Union I'.icim vvllli sales ot btiwoen 1 ! , " > DJ and SiiUiiU shares each , eon- ti United over ' * t pel cent more. The lest ot the list was unusually dn I and leatniolc.v * . At thu oj > cnlng this moiniinr piicus wcru iiiugnlar. I.oiiisx ille , V Na-lullle led witli a gain ot ? < pel cent ; New v"oik Cuntial was up percent , and otliei stocks wore mi- ciianged oi a shade lower. iiftuulir m iveiiu'iit duiiiij ; the Utiviiouu , but gi nei-ally witliin imiiovv limits. Thu lowest , juleosol tlio day , in most oases , were made some time between tlio opening and Pi o'clock. The maiket elo-od irencially a Illt'o belmv tlm best monies , but with a gain of ( ( to ! irf ) IKjrcuiil. Wivsiein Union was notably weak in the mm nini ; , H Iling irom Wu : to 77c in eaily dea in s , and then down to Vo c c using at "i p. STOCKS ON WAI.I. KTHI'.I'.T. .Ty emit bunds. . . itU' ' u. JsN. W lit U. ti. 4'/f ' s ll'i'i ' ' ) inefenvd. . . New l'.s li'i N. Y. C I'aci tic il's of' ! ) ; . lib' Oregon . . un Cciitial I'acliie.HIV I'aemu Mail . * i > ) , C.itA 1111 . ! ' . . D.&I- : Ii iiiereiied. . . . l.'iO ! l . I'.C lil : C. . 1(2 1 ! ( 1W > 'Itook ' Island. . . . 121 1) . , I , , it VV llli'f Hi. L. AiS. I' . . . . Uijf j ) . AK. . ( i ISj l iiielened.tlK 'c. . M. it st. r. . piefeiied. . . 47 iiofciied. . . Hi/ ! ! llllniilsOiitiiil. . ! ! ! < St. I1. nUSt. 1. . K. , V\V nU jileleried. . . lO/i Kansas itToxas. ! i" " Texas I'.icim ! . . Jaluriiioiu Hijf Union I'.ieine. . . OO'i' ' JfcN W ) i\\ ' . , St. I , . V 1' . . U ) * Midi. Central. . . . 7il I | iielerieil. . . 17) ) , -Mo. I'aciuc Htt/ } Western Un.on. 77 , ' Nuiiliein I'.iu. . . 21-4 U. U.u \ N V > y. pieielied . . .Vl tifw Vork , Nov. 10. Wlioit Iteoelplu , 7.r , uoo ; expuris , nr.OUO ; HIIOI iniiiii or1 less nuiniiml : options opened ii''X ( lilKhcr , laii'r vveakuncd , declined % < ! l\ ' , ulu-ln ' bimer , with iiieaction ot X'li'V'l niiKiadcd HMI , hliciiC'I.Oi ) ; No. 'J ictl and OeLvmttur c oslm ; a ill ' , ' ( . Coin Cash lower nnd less active ; options opened ) < C'fJiie ' lower ; later leaded 'uO'jX eio ln unn ; icccipts Mi,0itiiespoiii ; , I.II.IDJ ; nnii.ulcd. 4 dtvic ; No , : . , 4 ) 'vc ' : spot iind No. \i \ , . .MIin elevator , 'n ' / < . < "tile allo.a . ; Dt Uni berelosiim at MVc1. O.ii.s ill'iier and IIHIKI active : n-celpts , . tixpoilri , 'JD.OX ) : mixed westei ii , 'kV 3 c : while weein."Icifil | e. I'etiolenm Mini : nnlttd clo-ied at Sl.ovj. KUKS i iiinci and HI nniliil nod ; lecmits | , 4'.i /i p.icKmjes : vvuituin.tflui " ' . I'oik I'u in and liadu muiei | < itu : niens , Sn.ifiiHO.ou : Inmily muss , 5M..W , Laid l.ow i and le.isn'tlvi ; sales of vvus- tein steam HJIOI , . IJntlerI'lim and unoil Inquiry. I'lieuM1 pull and h.iiel ) , MliiiienpollH'iiv. . Id. Wheat Quiet : HIMH 111 I. I'l ' d.Mii.ind and Intuii's ne lccled : No. 1 Ihiid .uid i-.ish p < f : Pect'iiili'iuic ; Januii.v , .ilu : .May. < MV < c : No , I mutln'in wild eiisli , Vu : : Pi'iemliiT , Wji'i ! ' i ! i. iH-ji * . I'lmii Qinui ; p.ueniH , &i.MWi.A'i ; h.iUt-M. S' . < * IK I. . llecelpth-\Vlieat.i04.iH- \ ! ) ( ) . -J-V ) . .SIiipiucnt.s-U'hcU. IA.UUJ : limit1.Jl.OiO. . Mllxviiulcei ; , Nov. 1 i.-Wm-iil < JilIut ; Caih. siHu ; DcecmliiT. h-j f .Mil ) , We , ' .Vn' , ' ' - - . fmn Unh't : . . PI'-JC- OalH-Steady ; No.'JJc. . ! ( > Weak No. I.HIc. Hurley Lower : No. - ' , " ! 'c. I'l.nisiitns-i-l.owei . nm s p irk. e.ish and ] ) ci-euihei. T .OIJ ; .l.iuii.u f. ; > iU , ' . . ' . Nnv. -\ \ Dull : N'n . Coin -Snout : and higher : NJ mi\o i ' 6 ? Mic. t ) -Mimiu'cr. | . NIL ; n\t- , ' ' lyu ! In o'1" ' dum.ui. I , i OOc. n.ulcy Firm ; nxtrn No. S tiirlujri 6So. roik-QnU-ulsu. : 7 > < . I.nnl Strotnc i\t S.l.Ot Whisky Firm nt 51.00. OhlonRo , Nov. -Flour Hull , lnnclv ! nnd nominally tmclmtiKed ; sortsprlti ) : .t.70 ( < | 4.00 ! Mliiiii'xota tMkern , $ 't..VVjl.N ) ; putciils , Sl.tX'W.- 5 Wisconsin SUO4. ! 5 ; Mlolil nn , § 4.A 4.W. Wheat Only inodcintoly nrllvo ! opontHl stroiuor nnd JfWs'c lil lior , c.vsetl oil h < \ ruled stead ) ' ) weakened , tleellnetl he , ritUsI stNiiiKtMnml closed 'feovei jeMenlnv ; 8"lCV8 S7lc c.tshjST'C.Sr'i.e . . Novembi-r ; S8' ' { Ktb- ruaiy ; l ) . " > Jio "ilay ; No. 'J retl. U.V. Corn Htm and lilKhor , wncclnlly fet Nnvemher dellvi-rvi Novenmer nifvaneed l o ovet ye9teida.v'shlilies ! | prleo nntl i'lo ril t > so hlKher : other fu tuc.s clo.-eil liremilnr ; jear 'VlilKiit't. M.i > " * c lower ; 4ijtf ijl.xo ) ca-li ; U'fe. Novemher ; : i9Tft/nltv D.'i-ombcr ; K'Jio ' year : : ir * < e Jautmrv ; iRi < e May. ivitlet , si adv and aliont undmusrcd ; ' . > 7e ; i ij < t < 3ro Nuvutubvr ; 'Jrtrt7 > it3 lo ) t'embei'j ! * ) ) io si v. Hyo-Quli't t ill" llsirlov IJiiletntOie. Tlmnthy Hcaieoaud tlrm ; prime , P1.70. Klnxseed X@Xo bt'tU-r ; No. I , S1.W14 < 3 Pot k Motlrrato'ly "i'etlvo imtl IMSV , : dt- elliiL'tl llHgl.'ic anil closeil nt tni > dhim liutites ; SN.HJJiW < .W oifli ; , x Novumher ; ? s.H7Ji'fS.70 ( neoembor ; rfD.I.Kc./i .4JW ' .laiiu- aw ; M . .VI0.5fif I'obrtmrr ; Sl'.a'Slt.bT'f ' May. \ MTIKftlrly \ aollvo nnd enslor : ruled 'J'-f ( > e lower ; , - 8.avJi 1. 10 PMI ! : S l.n.jHU7 ( ? < No vember nnd Dixn'iuber ; SH.l'JJiGs .1 * * mnn- nrvj * u.aii ( ViJK l \ ltniirv. : Hulk M MlM-Slnmldurs.i.riKil't.7i ; ( { short chat. ) ( ) ( . .aulioit libs. SI.MM ( I. U. WlilskjUnelmiiKed at S1.1.V Htilter l.nrjjo supplv mid poor denmiid ; peed to fnney crcameiy , ItngiV ; KUOIJ to choice ; dairy , l-'Jlbc. Cheese.Kalrly uctlvo and linn : choice full eheild.irs and Vomit ; Americ.vs- ® Wc ; llaUs , 10 C > lUhi'e ; : skluw , * & > 4C. Kuu's Klnn nt UM'Jk' * llulus Slcntl > antluiielmnied ; heavy ureon salted , fully cuicd. bhiIL'ht : , SV ; d.iin- nsroil , ( V ej hull hides , il o ; drv Halted , U'je. rallow Slo.ttly and uncliiuiKed ; No. 1 , country , ftc. Hecelpts. Hour , hhls . ' 'O.ii M Wlicai , bit . ( ii.tKH ) Com , hi . MOOO 2.M.IXK ) ( ) at . hit . 7,000 fi'.ooo live 1)11 . IJ.IMO ! ! . ( HIO Hailev.bu Nov. 10. Wheat -I'oor dcv- niiitnl ; ni'w No.J winter and spilnj ; , Js 1'vd. Corn In lair demand ; l.sii d tor npot , Novunibei'iind Docoinbor ; lid ) for Janu- ui y. y.St. St. IJOHN , Nov. IO.-\Vli al-Qiitt'l , Jmt ; iu ive tin .M.iy : oji.'iiud Hun , declined , und ciosed steady ; tiv fore.ish ; lM ± c tor Novem ber : Ihi c 101 Dceoinbnr. ( * orn Slow luc nun : : Hifc for cash ; ; ! 7o bid for Novcmbe.1 ; u"ic lor the je.u ; ooJie bnl lor May. O.ilM I'lrm nml higher for cosh at 2705 ' "c * ; 25i./e bhl lor NIH umbel : TH : bid tin Loce.mbur ) and thu ; : W c lorii.iy. KO f jOVMM' ! lt " > SC. 1'ink Slt-atly nt S 100. J/nd l-'iiin at Sii.O ) . U'hlsUj Steady at SI. 10. Hiltler ITnch.uised. AFnin.voox HiiAiti ) Wheat Hnfly steady. Coin , ' ' ' ( , ' 0 higher. U.tts Xotlt- im ; done. KniiHiiH City , Nov. 10. Wheat On'l ' ; cash , 7'ji o bid , Me asked ; December , 77 ( ! bid , 7 < 14'o asked ; .l.innary , 7io ! bid , 'iO'tfeasku I. Cor i Quiet : Pisa. iSO'-fo ' bid , : ! lifc asked ; .M.iv. . 20i ! bid , : Mmfe isked. Oats-Cadh , Sic bid. Toledo , Nov. 10 Wheat-Dull but finiter ; No. 2 , cas.i and November , HI ! { < . . Corn i.iui.No. ; . : J easli , 47'4o. Inactive ; No. a cash , 2J > fc. MV13 STOCK. Chicago. Nov. 10. The Drovprs' Journal tenons : ( 'alllo Hotel pu , WOO ; about steady : shipping steeis , S3.40ijr ( .riO ; stoekois and feedcis steady nl $2.40(0)1.00 ( ) : cows. bdls ( and mixed , SI G0a.r ( : ! > 0 ; tlnougli Te.xans stiougeral $2.r > 0aii. ( : : > .i ; western rangers nrm- cr ; natives and hall-breeds , bi.7fKS4.i'il : ( ; cows. s > 2.bOC'.10 ; winteiud Texans , b'.KX" ) : i.-io. llos.s ; Receipts , fflOQO ; R'OW ' and IOJ 10c lowei ; lough and mixed. Sit pack- jug and shipping , Si g { . ? . " ' Sheep Itcceipts' , 4.000 ; stonily ; hatlvVs , ( ii'VK"lambs. ) ; S4,00.7 ( | : > . Kiinsas City , Nov. 10. Cattle Hccoipts , L'i : 0. jj.npmeiiiH , 1,500 : stion , active and > Vji lOc higher : uxpotter.s , S.VOVOWO : eonnuon to ohoiou Hlilpnlii ! * , S420 ( < B4..h ) : stookerd and fivdem , .V2.i5fM.00 ; cows. Hogs Heeeipts , I'.IMW ; shlimients , SOI ; weak alid.ii < * lu ( ; lower : good to choice , tfn.40i5 ( : ! .45 ; cuiunion to medium. : ! . :0 : : ! . : t.\ hlieep Itcceipts , I.IMK ) : shipmcnls , none ; quiet ; common to good minions. * 1.50(553.110. ( St. fjoniH , Nov. 10. Cattle Itcceipts , 1,003 ; sliipments , 100 ; slow : good to choice nallvu .shipping . < ! ( ( i-s. i4. . ' > ( ( ? tri.,0 : pen mini ton.c- diuiu. .S"'i'J l.I ( ) : mixed bntclieiiiiir stock , Sl."i ( @ > . ' > , ' Texans and Indians , . SU.'J'Kiiil.n.'i ; nitivo Htuckeis and tcedois. 6' ' . . > 0'i'0. Hlieep Itcceipts , 1,400 ; shipments , none ; ( jniet with good doimind : common to choke , OrtlAHA MVK STOO1C. UKIO.N fcnof i < \ Aiciif. S. OMMtA , I Tuc-day Evening , Nov. 10. ( The live stock maik"t pi'isented a moro animated aiipearaee to-day. Butchers' stock vvim in gootl d 'inaiiil and a guud many vvost- otn c ivvrt clninired hands. Thcie was moro inquiry fur feeders to-day , lint Urn buyers were slow and inclined to wait for lower pi Ices. Tlio hog nluiUol was voiy active and the demand - < triiiiir. Thu piodiu houses won ! all lupicsunlod by their buyers , but tlieio weio not ciiongh liuirs in tlm nukct to go aiiiiiiKl. Althiiugn eastern advices Indi cated a tail in the maiket of I0o , ( ho de mand heiu was Hiiilleliiut to t'orcO the market iiji lOu above ) osloi day's pi lees " ' ' ' Caltlo . . . . . . . . l.riTO rni'.VAii.i.vo riiicns. ItV.VlIK i l' I'lllPHS KOIt Thinmiv.u i ranan ( pimjn lur ronli mixed , paeknu and sluppnu mid II. weight lio-tlor _ six divsls .s.i'i.Mi ' beluw : " . ItiiM I'a-'i'iir ' ir , I.I fit D.UO , viuiii. I Snii i nr i Tmmhiy 2 inwi i on" Ji I fsi.tri VVo.iuosdiiy 211 4f.lOJ 11 'it , i in ; i Ki.oii.- . ! 2 u 'tt I Ul i ) U VC I il-'i it I ( ir i LI rinlilj' ' U'1 > ' .OI1H S.iluidiiy . Mommy J IKKa I ll.i .1141 1. TI I. , . , / . . I- Tiiosbiy _ -'VIIMN. | | | | : Show Ing tliu numitcnd cars of oaltlo , lie , and idiccp rhlppi'il Mum . " -ouih Omaha dtn In. ill. * last lwonl-iimr liuuts and the. puiiiih ol dustlnailun. Vo. III. IP- ) - ) ) N.V. . Ch'o.ig 21) ) It. I. ChlMr ( > NotuAll wiles of.luck II ) tills market af in.uliperew't. . live wcl-dit , unless uthorwls Mated. De/ul Inr.'s MII | at Ic per II ) . | .11 woi-fhts , "hlniN"ni Ixnwoialiiiu li-ss than to. ) Hino value , I'lcximnt su'.vi utu doclud ; n Hiami htiu's NJ | bs. Live Stunk Noto.H , 1 H. ( irnliiini ' . h d ir cattle lit tlm Uiiiahi * ' ' vc or iv r'u tr I' < in t.ill. ruld a of n * / p i 11 u , > ct ve t > id.n. i i c u i CH i , lini' 7' l l r 11 . | ! | ' W II U i. , , , < . n v Ml/tlv V