Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1885, Image 1

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    HE EE
_ " _ _ _ _ - Ll < . . & _ _ _ * -
The Tirst Day'a Proceedings in the Oaae of
Detective Ponudi
Ills Slory of the Cruel Shooting of Itio
State Treasury Hobhcr , Orlinn
A lluilgot or Nebraska
Special- ) .
Dctcotlvo 1'ouml's Trial.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ to the
Iii.J ) : Tliohiiilof DcleGUvol'oimd for the
murder of ( irirtln , the stnto treasury robber ,
\\t\3 commenced this iittcnioon. After the
opening statement had been made by the din
trlct attorney nnd ono of tlio connsul for the
prlsouei , T. O. Walt , one of the jurors , was
excused , nnil a by the name of Lhingv
ton substituted. The llrst witness ior tlio
prosecution was Miss Cariio Sin.ill , who tcstl-
lied that she wont to the cipltol about 2
o'clock in tlio jtttrt noon of the day of the
tragedy. Assheenteicd the lisill ol the west
wing , flho saw a man standing with " double-
bnirclled shot Run In portion to shoot , Tlio
Juan with UicKUii waved his hand to witness
and her. lifter to keep to the noith side of the
hall , which they did , passing to n point about
lx fuel in thu tear ot tin1 man. him stood In
that position for two or lliiec minutes , \vhon
ehe saw two men coino out ot the door Ic.u'- '
iiiK Into the tieasurer's otllec. Aallm men
made tliclr appearance in the hall .shoheaid
the man with theism ay "Halt , " ami almost
In.stantly a KUII wan Hied. and following in
quick succession was another bhot. It.sct'mcd
to vvlnmss that ( lie man shot nt was hit at the
lirst dlsehaiLto nl the ( 'tin , and at the second
Bhot liuMimvcicd and lull. Tlio other tnaii ,
who thought , passed OITOSS the hull Into the
auditor's olllee. bho did not see the men
( irllllu orMrUulie , have any pistol , nnd was
ccilain that they pointed no pistol at the
man with the CUM ( round ) , and did not hear
a plfitol snap. The eioss examination , though
Revere , did not changethu statement nmdo
by the witness , who was n younjj ( ; lil ol M
Afro. Hells , sister of the first witness , cor-
rohinnled the loregolii ) ; in every
The next witness test Hied to the vanin fact.
rx rpt that he thought Pound ciied "Half'
twice in rapid succession.
K. 1) . , a legislator Irom ( ioshen elrouit ,
ea'd ' that he stood in the dour of the auditor's
ofll'e , just opposite the door wlieie Mctiiilio
and ( iilllln e.imooiit , and as tluy eame out
linaid round say "Hall" once , and at the
woid halt saw ( iililln pull his hand out of his
ovcicoat pocket and laiso It. At tlio time
( iilllln was minx I.eo and a man named
Dlmmlck vvee standing in tlieiutdiloi'sdoor-
wn > . Pound was dow n t le hallway and not
in ( Irlllln's line ot vlMon. lie could only
have Ei-eu 1'oniul by timiiue aiound to the
li ht.ppuently ( Jrlflin thought ho had
been halted by w lines' ) or Dlmmlck , who
ht'uul nt his nde. ! As Uilllin diovv his pistol ,
nndlilleit was on a line with his waisl ,
1'ouiid tiled his .shot , and vciy quickly alter
another shot wns heard.
This e\ideiii'e was substantiated by Dim-
mick , who also -uld that ll.e powder Irom the
dl'-'clmi o uf Pound's gun blackened his
lace.Mr. . Stiodu , prosecuting attorney , tiled to
liave the attendance or Lew May mm Senator
John Mieivrn , ol Premont , tind besides send
ing subpoenas wiote peisonal letters irqupst-
liiK their attundame a week or ten da ) g ago ,
but tliej tailed to
Dr. liearlilv , coioner , testified that he
found moie than i-eventv double "JJ" bhot In
Grillin's body at the post moi'oni.
The state heie tested Its eae. .
ThedetoiifOlirst put on the stand Pound
himself , who testiilcd that he called on the
two moil to hall thiee times and U > suiK-mltr
once , lie luiiheVhWoio that Grilllr , pointed
Ids plntol at him , which stalement was not
coiioboratulby any ol the witnesses already
examined. On d tect examination Pound
swurothathe tirst aimed intending to shoot
over ( irllllu. When cross examined on this
point witness paid that he knew the men to
lie despeiato eh.iracteis and did not want to
face them. When honied thu .second shot
liu know that the man was llreinir tiom him.
Witness said that dining the time between
the mid bccond shots he saw
( irlllln still tinning , and he shot a second
time to keep him liom making his escape ,
although lie knew at thn time that ( irillin
was one-legged man. The contradiction
between Pound's Iltst statement ot shooting
In seif-detense and his .second assertion that
he shot to capture CHIllii. was thus brought
out. Witness admitted that he did not know
at the time ho shot ( iilllln that any robbery
had taken place . Witness thought n Mint-
Kun was less dangcious to use in a crowd
than a revolver , and gave as a fuither ic'ison
thathu thought u gun was a better bulldo/cr
than a plhtol.
Home minor evidence of no Importance was
Introduced , when the court adjomncd at Up.
in. to meet to-moirow at U o'clock.
South Autiiirn's Sensation.
SOUTH AunuiiN , Neb. , Nov. 10. The un
successful attempt to crack the safe of tlio
Carson bank Sutuiday nbjht , is thu topic of
the hour. The burglars evidently weio not
experts In their proicsslen as the marks on
the safe prove It was ablncksmlth job. The
cracksmen did not begin operations very
early , as much tluui was ic < miicd to force the
door ot thu bank. Two holes vveiej drilled In
the Hate , and homo powder put in , but they
failed to force the combination beloio day
light stopp.ul the woik. The funds In the
Bate weie ot course untouched. The burg
lars left their tools near the bate as a souv-
cuor of their visit.
Held I'or JIurdor.
KKD CLOUD , Nin. : , Nov. 10 [ Sp"clal to
the HUH. ] . Charles Melzgar , the nimdcrer of
UpdcKniff at Alexandiiu , Thajer county , has
been brought hero for halo keeplnt ; , as the
otllccrs feaied that .Judge Lynch would dis
pense justice In his case. The preliminary
examination was had Monday , and thu pris
oner was bound over to the district court on
tin ) elmiK'o of minder In the lust device.
Mct/xnr is about -n jears , Mlt-lit built , liluu
eyes nnd Iron-gray bcuid and hair. He i.s an
unotfenslve looking man , but lieais a bad
reputation in thu community. . His hon , on
the contrary , Is well liked and inspected , and
lias a K < > "d reputation. It Is claimed thu fam
ily aiu well connected In New York.
Wilt Ilecolvo thorn Uoynlly.
SniNKV , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special to tin ,
Ur.K.l Fort Sidney will bo handsomely dec
orated Friday next. General Morrow nnd
hlH charming witn linvu Issued invitations
for a reception to Iw given t < > Smmtor Man-
derson , Congressmen l.alrd and Horsey ,
Judye Cohb , Cen. ( olu , and other piomlnent
men of thu Mate. ' 1 hey will an Ive on an > ec-
clal train. On this occasion Cen. MIiov
will ho presented with u beautiful uold hadu-o
by the tirand Army of the Uepnbllo ot Ne
braska for e\cellunt bcrvlces leudcied ut the
Dcatrlco encampment.
An Attempt nt Rulolilo.
CIIKTI : , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special to the
10EK. ] An attempt was made to commit sul
clde this attei noon by a woman camped
mile outsldo ot thu town with a you UK man
with whom slio was traveling. Their Illicit
rclstiu"s devdoi'.c'l ' ' . row.lll.l . . the woman
took a doio ot "itouuh ofi u.tts" to chit ! icr
troubles. A physician was called and by
prompt measures saved the woman's life.
MontRomery'ti Korgorlcs.
Ili.ooMi.viiTON , Neb. , Nov. 10 , | S ) > ecIaI to
tlio UEK.J lleno Montgomery has t nncd out
Worse than was supposed. Ho Is charged
now with having' scooped the Kraiiltllu
County and Kxchungu bunks , "f JUoomlni-
ton. for J > 1HOO. Thu Chemical National bank ,
of Now Votk , offers SVJd reward Ivrhilir. -
Another Appointment.
WA < iliiNriTos , Nov. I0.-Tli. > ru.sldeiit today -
day appointed James Jluiler .to 'be uivevot
el juBtoms fertile pert ot , JJausaa City , ills-
1 lie Into ol'l ho Lnfofttinatn llcll Snlil
to lf > Still Undrolded.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 10.-A Montreal special
says : I'ltypntrlolc , lllol'a counsel , i inrncd
1 om Knglnml lo-tlay and left nt once for
I tlawa. llo Mys Ulel's fate is Mill in the
I ilsT'to , but that It will bo decided to-mor-
. v. A roprlovo until Monday was Krantcil
nt thoieiueil | of hlu'h ppclednMlfal avthoilty
on the Kiounil that the man was not In a
happy frame of mind to meet his late , In-im ;
under the hupiession that his life would be
f-pared. Ht/imtilck Interviewed the score-
varyof'tate lor the colonies previous to Ids
dep-irlure , and was Informed the Imperial
con 'I would not luterfeie.
ST. J'xt'f Minn. , Nov. 10.-A Winnipeg
special to the Pioneer Press saya : Or. .iukes ,
Huitfeoii to HID iiiDiintfd ptilice of Montieal ,
Dr. I.avalle , warden of Kingston peniten
tiary , nnd t\vo other physirlans have been
secretly cxamlnlmc Ulel : xt Heslna. It I * un-
deistoodto he a government eouimis ; > lon on
Minlty. Lavollo e\-piesed tlio opinion that
P.leunsane. . but pieparalionsavo going on
for lr-t fxeoution.
NKW VOHK , Nov. 10. [ Special to the Hr.Kl
I hellerald ha tin Interview witii Rlol held
beloro helrnew of the lesplte. It .shows him
a ipiecrmlxtuie of reason and unreason. He
says : " 1 could not expect inercv Horn John
Hull no more than thu liNi could. If I could
speak live hours at my trial or he allowed to
ile'il mjMilf , 1 would not bo here to-ihiv. "
l e . , peaks bittcily agalnat the Canadian
ST. 1'Atn , , Nov. 10. ( Jen. Mlddleton left
here this uvrnlnt ; en route to Wlnnlpei ; . , via Chliuiijo. Interviewed ho .sjild
theru was no question but that Kiel would
hail'and ) he did not believe there would bo
any hostile demonstration when tlio execn-
lir. * occuued.
Cinrliumtl'N Muddled Klcclloii 3I t-
te.r Hoard In Ohlo'H Hi Ii Hody.
Coi.uMnt , Ohio , Nov. 10. The habeas
roipus case befoie the Mipiemo court , biouglit
lieui Cincinnati , In wliich Is Involved the
constitutionality of the election lesjistry law ,
was aruuod to-day , MessH. Klltredgo and
MacDmiKnll spealuniln tuvorol the law , and
John K. Follet maltim ; an argument against
itseonstltutlonallty. The decision in tlioenso
will not piobably bo icndeied botoio next
Tuc day.
At the conclusion of Ids argument Mr. Fol-
' . * > re > euted aiietltiou to the couit on the
elusion ol John S. Hr.isheais. of ( Mncinuatl ,
asltintca itetemplory will ot mandamus to
compel Cletk D.iUon , ot Hamilton couiitj , to
isstin to idmself and tlnee other democratic
candidates lor .senator eeitlliratcs of elerllon.
Waiver of sen ice and the answer of the clei I ;
aiepiesenled at the same time. The clerk
admitted the allegations in the petition , say-
i : . " that lie has been ready to issue the ceitiii-
cal s since the canvass ol the votes was com
pleted , but that ho has been pievented liom
doing so by couit proceedings at Cincinnati.
'Iho couit assumed jiulsdlctlon. and will the arguments at 'J o'clock to-monovv.
The I'opo on Atoderii Ijllcty. .
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 10. fSpccial to the Hii : : .
Tliu Ilcralcl's Homo cm respondent sn > :
The pope's encyclical letter will be published
In a few dajs. The letter says : "It is a cal
umny to suppose the church Is incompatible
with the principles of modern civil govern
ment and society as now constituted. The
paitlclpatlon of the people In state govcrn-
'ill should not bo blamed , but encouraged.
The dim oh Is not nn enemy but a friend of
all healthful and legitimate llbuity. lithe
elm ch holds that v.u ious sects ol ehristians
cannot bo toieiatedon a footln1' of equality
with true icllglon , she does not KO so as
to blame the government for permitting such
f-cctstoh.ive intluenco in Rovcming , piovl-
iled those forming the government seek to
'tain some good objector to avoid mistoi-
tune. The chinch is in perfect harmouv. with
all modern pi ogress , and lcaidlnlnct the le- .
Rithnato liberty ot tlio people. Eveiv Catho
lic should ligirtlj ; adhere tohe / teachings of
the Heman imnlilfs , especially in the matter
ot model n fibeity , vhluji.ftlrcady , under tlio
semblance of honesty ol purpose. leads to
enor and destination. All Calholics should
u3 all in their power to cause Hie constitu
tions of states and legislation to bo modeled
on the principles of tlio ti ue church.
Gnnio Ruck from tlio Grave.
Ponri.AND , Maine , Nov. 10. About four
teen months ago Joseph l ) > er , aged 20 years ,
of Capo Elbabcth , was thrown fiom a wagou
iiiid was picked up dead ns was supposed.
Tlie body was Interred in Hvergreen ceme
tery. A shoit time ago his patents were
warned that lie was alive and well and would
soon bo home. The collin was exhumed and
when U was about lo bo opened attho Dyer
residence yesterday , joun ? Dyer walked
into the house , and vv bun he saw what was
bMncdone.said ; : "Don't open it forbore I
111. " Ills appearance , as well as could be
supposed , paused exciting scenes. It is sun-
posed that medical students dug up the body
ior the pniposo of dissection , lound Djer
alive , and treated him until ho recovered.
Thn voiing man icmembeied nothing of what
took place while in the doctoi'b hands.
Mimlcrcil His Mother.
FOIIT Woiini , Tex. , Nov. 10. Advices
from Kami Ing , in Clay county , give the de
tails of the deliberate minder last Saturday
of Mis. Sanford , wile of K. C. Sanfoid , a
planter , by her son , Valentino Sanford , who
ispcaicely II years old. The boy committed
the deed dmiiif ; his father's absence fiom
home by firing live shots at his mother with a
Winchester illln while Mio was wmlc-
Ing In the Held. Ho ath'iuaidtt assisted his
father In a search Ior his wife. Some neigh-
hois found the woman's body .Sunday evenIng -
Ing , and the boy then eonlossed the eiime ,
sa > lng ho also intended to Kill his father ,
then sell the plantation and become u
brigand. The youthtul muideier exhibits no
iemort > o lor his deed. Ho is now In jail.
Among tlio ICnilroiitlH.
NEW YOIIK. Nov. 10. The joint executive
committee of the trunk lines met to-day and
discussed the subject of restoration of rates.
U was decided not to icstoie tales until after
the westein loads had signed the new poolIng -
Ing acieemunt.
CIMOAOO , Nov. 10. The Hannibal & St.
.Toorailroul , through its general managei ,
J. K. Danmid , tiKlay asked lor a icconsider-
atlon and adjustment of the dllleiuntlal on
lumber from Chicago and Mississippi liver
points to the Missouri river. Telegraphic
oulersvvero recelveil heni to-day advancing
rates live cents per 100 pounds for e.ittbouud
grain and pruvlsluns , to take etfcct Novem
ber IS ) .
A ( Jlinstly DlHcovery.
CHICAOO , Nov. 10. An Inter Ocean Mil-
coin , III. , special says : A sensation was
caused to-day by the discovery of portions of
the bones of at lensl three persons under
the Miiokn house of a homestead belonging to
one John Haines fiom Ib72 to l&O. H.iines
was n desperate character and tlio tenor of
bib neighbors. Hu vvas n partlcljiant In sev
eral bloody alliay.s heiu and was himself
blaln In Kansas a year ago. It Is now gener-
erally believed that Haines was another "Old
Man Homier" and that the bones tound mo
the remains ot some of his victims. An ex
amination of the premises will bo made to
A Texan Court House Iturnotl.
OAI.VESTON , Nov. 10. A special Irom Con-
tervllle , Texas to the News says : At mid-
Iilo'ht last nlglit llnmes were discovered In
the county treasurer's ofllco In the e.ourt
house of Leon county. The lire spread rapIdly -
Idly , consuming the entire building. Many"
valuable iceorus , datlm ; back thirty years ,
which werulmriiedcannotbdduullcatcd. The
county clerk's snfonxrtouSsri forsu umsof
nmney on deposit , which U IsbelUAcU wilTLd
found Intact. Thu tire vvas undoubtedly of
incendiary origin , as traces of kcioscno have
been tound. >
SAX FitANcihco , Nov. 10. Charles
er , vice president of the Southern Pad tic
company , has donated 531,000 to thus bovs
andclrls aid society of this city for tbo con
struction of Uieir buU-
llcntionen1 In a Previous Edition as the
Prodnct of Official Bruins ,
Ami tlio First Assistant Postmaster
G'cnernl .Submit Annunl Hcporta
A Vni-lcty of Washing
ton News.
> VAsuiNno f , Nov. 10. The Missouri
river commission , in its annual report , says
tlie plan of Improvement adopted by the com
mission for the lower poitlon of the river
contemplates a reduction of ttio width of the
water way suillcient to Insmo stability of
regime and approximate foimlty of slope ,
width and depth , The commis-slon is satis-
lied of the engineering feasimllty of this Im-
piovcmeiit and ol the great benefit likely to
lollow Its completion , uut they are not pre-
paied to e.stlmatu its cost. They are of the
opinion that thu expciiment should bo tried
on an extensive bcaleand with ample means ,
sous to covet n contdciab.u length of the
liver and Insure tlie completion nl any work
uiuloitaken. They coiistdei that tor this mil-
| xisc an annual amuopiiatlon ot not less than
* 1.0 0 , XH ) should bo made. For the upper
river the commission recommend that tlm
piesentoik be mainly coniined to the con
struction ol dams and dicdging ol shoals on
the "Roekj Uvei" above Cuiioll. Helow that
point the snag boats should bo kept at woik
lemovlngobstiuctions and funds sliould bu
provided theielor. For these pin poses , and lor
eei lain expeilmental dams to ho constructed
nearltlsmaiek , the commission recommended
anappiopiialion of 3U0UOO. ! For continuiug
the survey ot the river and for obtaining data
necessaiy lor a piopei study ol the impoituut
iutciests committed to their chaige , the com
mission recommend that separate appiopii-
i.thms be made which shall also piovlde tor
the salaries ot the commission and lei olllce
and traveling expenses. For this pnpose
SloO.OOJ I.s lecommendeil. The commission
recommend that 15,000 appiopilated in tlie
last river and li.ubor bill lor suiveys above
Foil lieuton but not expended theie , he ap-
niopriat d and made available fur snivels
below Toil Henlon , no piesent necessities
existing lor. suivejh above that point. The
total expenditures of theeomml lon during
the last iibcal jear vveie S ± itoi7.
Vllas' First AflMstaiit's Itcport.
W.VSIIIXGTOX , Nov. 10. First Assistant
Postmaster General Stevenson has submitted
to the postmaster his annual report
upon the operations of his bureau for tlie fis
cal year ended JuncMO , lt5. The whole num
ber ot postolliees at the end of the hscal year
was 5l'J52. Tlie number of offices subject to
appointment by the piesidcnt ( picsidential
giade ) was3yf : , and the number subject to
appointment by the postmaster general
( fouith class ) was 1.000. The whole number
of appointments dining the jear wa 11B03.
made up as lollovvb : On icslgnatioiib and
commissions expiiedi-0. ( ! ; removals and sus
pensions , hlO : ciianges ot names and sites ,
-W7 ; deaths ot postmasleis , 4VJ : estaulislinient
ot new olllces , aiJI. . " Tlienumliei ol changes
in jiostmasters uuiiug the jear was less than
the piecullng year.and the hngudecieiise in
the number ol cases acted upon dining the
j car as compared with the preceding year
vvas due , " says Geueial Mevunsou , "to the
fuel Unit veiy lew changes weio made in
those olllces dining the winter months. "
" 1 u v lew ot the success ol the tiee delivery
sjstem , Us convenience to tlie public and
other tneiils , " ( .Sen. Stevenson says , "war-
lants tlie recommendation that autnoriiy be
cent cried by legislation for its extension to
places of luOUO iunabitaiils having a gutss
levenue ot felO.OOO. " The leport luielly states
the advantages that have icsiilted Irom the
consolidation of laigo lice delivery olllces
and leeommeiids that tlio same policy be ap-
pjied to the nou-lieedeliveiy otlicesho as to
give them the beueiits of lieu dclivurv. It is
believed that this consolidation would icduce
the labor of examining accounts by cutting
down the number otsep.nate postolhcea ami
result in greater harmony in tlio seivlce.
"The postal receipts , " says ( leu. Stevou.-on ,
"forming tlie basis ol saiaiies of presidential
postmasters , fluctuate with the lavoiable or
unfavorable condition ot the business ot the
country. At the present time icpoils show
that the countiyis enteiing upon an eia ot
prospcilty ami plenty , and therefoie not less
than S. > , fcOO,000 will bo icipiired to pay the
salaijesol jnesldentlal postmasters duiiug
tlie liseal jear ending Juno & ) , IS-'ST. The
amount required last year was 83,080,000. "
Another Postal
WASIU.VQTOX , Nov. 10. Fiom the annual
report of General Superintendent Jameson ,
of the railway mail service , it appears
mileage ineiea'-o dining the past > ear was
only 4,007 mi IPS. The incieasc in the num
ber of pieces of mail matter tundlcd , exclu
sive of registered matter , was 4'JS , or,500.
Tlio total oi distribution amounted to 4H8- !
OM.IOO pieces. The general supeilnteiideut
iccommcndcd that congress be asked to em
power the postmaster geneial to pav to the
widow or minor chlldien ol any cleik killed
while on dutj an amount equal to one's
salaij' ot the grade to which the deceased be
longed at the time of his death. He strongly
advocates the extension oi the benetits ol the
civil seivleo law to the clerical lorce ot the
railway mail seivice.
Small I'oHtmiistcrH Appointed.
X , Nov. 10. Thu postmaster
-day appointed the follovting lotntli
class postmasteis :
IllinoisWelllnjtoii , II. M. Norton ; Roscoe -
coe , Charles K. Vincent ; Lombard , Louis
Marquardt ; ( Sravvllle , Thomas J. .Matthews.
Nebraska -Momeiice , A.H.bavago ; Moore ,
James Maiker ; bleelo City , K. J. Lyons ;
Powell , K. C. Perry ; Insnmii , Lovl Valken-
Dakota Cornell. Osman Hiilchlns ; Demp
ster. 1C. W. Cadell ; Uuxton , Tollof 11.
\Velilj .
The Kllver Cont'ereneo.
WASiu.NoroN , Nov. 10. Additional In
formation boa been received to-day by the
sccictary of state from the United States
minister at Paris to the effect that -the mone
tary convention hetvv ecu the Latin powers ,
providing lor the suspension of I he coinage
ol silver , permit * each power fo resume , pro
vided that thu silver clicnlatlng in the other
Mateb is redeemed in gold by the resuming
male. It tilso gives to MatiN Iho right
to exclude silver coins ot theicdiimini ; state.
* "
Cant , He.irdslep , commanding tlie Towhat-
tan , tt'legiaphed the Bccietary ol the navy
trom Colon , that his vessel had been con
siderably , but not seriously , damaged In a
gale. Ho will probably bu oidered to take
her to Key West lor icpaiis.
The piesldunt to-day appointed Win , Hyde
postmaster ut St. Louis , vice Rodney D.
V\ ells , suspended.
No action In vvas taken
by the civil beivlco commUsion at its meet
ing to-day.
The only ijcneral question discussed at Iho
meeting ot the cabinet to-daj was in regard
to theeonstiuetlon ot the new naval cruisers
authurl/uid at the last eession ot congress.
All members were In attendance.
The piesldent to-day appointed Samuel J.
Iildeii , jr. , to bocollectorof inteinal revenue
toi tuo ; ! tt < = 5'J : : distilct of New Voik , vice
James S. Smart ,
M Now York Ilry Gootla Itovlow ,
Nnvv YOIIK , Nov. 10.- Exports of douicetlo
cxrt'ous for the week liavo been 8.10T pack
ages , and for llitf CSrirc-d portion of the year
a total of ltb,067 , against 134,030 the simo
tlmulast year , showing an Increase oflO.ftU
packfiges. Through thft excess of cxiwrtsand
the curtailment of production , the supply of
ccsikcyarn clotha baa been matciially lest-
enul during tw ! year. The market has been
nulet. as nsnal toTCes4ay , still morq business
H doing than the moderate * movement appar
ent rtouJd Justify as In
Betvxpon Her Mn , | sty's Army mill
Him ; Tlirlmw' Jlfaii ICatern.
LOXDOK. Nov. 10. A private telegram from
Hangoon states that v 'ar between llurmah
and the Indian goVcrnineiit has been formally
deelaied. ,
Nuw Yoiuc , Nov. 10.A London cable to
the Adrtrtl crsaj's : A cabinet
council was held itt the1 ofllclal residence of
the llrst lord ofthc tre.ijury to-ilav. The ic-
ply of King Thcliftw to England's ultima
tum having been read , the cabinet deelaied
war against Unrmali , and a format dcchua-
lion of war , with the intecn'fl sanction , has
been Issued. The French government and
the llurm 'sc minister , iMident at Ptuls have
been notl.ied. All loiclitn subjects remain
ing In Huimali are niiuiiied toco un Into tlie
Hriflsh Hues. Thu'Hrltlsh army of invasion
is advancing , l.r..0v strong , the givater i > or-
tlon being on MeameiK. The first mililaiy
operation will bo a bombardment by the lion-
clad flotilla of the Mlnhla torts.
Outrages In Ireland.
Drill iv , Nov. 10. While Michael Nugent
VMIS proceeding to liallymahon union to re-
coid his vote contrary to the wishes of thn
nationalists , lie vvas dragged from his cor and
beaten so badly that Ms life is despaiied of.
Kogei O'Hrlen , a prominent mo uoerof the
National league , 1m been shot at Athloue.
Tvvoiuiests have been made in connection
with the allalr. The shooting resulted from
agrarian ( rouh'es.
LIMKIMCK , Nov. 10. Owing to the icccnt
eivlllau attaeki , n Inrge party of the king's
royal illlcs bioke out of tlio barracks heto to
night , armed with biyouet , and made an In-
dlseilmluate Uttaek upon the people residing
in the vicinity. < > no man was stabbed in Hie
head and Unco others vvcie seiloiisly wound
ed. Pickets weio Immediatelv sent out and
Iho major and a Inrce lolee ot police soon ur-
ilved and suppre sed the disorder. People
residing in the vidnlty lied in tenor to their
homes and banlcadix. the doorx. The sol
diers weie eventually conveyed back to the
bai racks.
Editor Htcnd Soutcncpil.
LONDON , Nov. 10 , Ihe trial of Editor
Stead of the Pall Mall Gazette , Sampson
Jacques ol tlio same paper , Mis. Jarrett nnd
Madame LouKe Mowiy , on tlie charge of In-
iccently assau'tliu KHza Ariintrong , was be
gun to-day nlthe Cential eiimimil court. Tlm
pinsccutton announced that all clmigcb
against Diomwell Booth had been withdi.iwn
and the cousi'Iracy chinged against tile de
fendant had DLCII aluudoncd , Eli//a Aim testined reiraiditu the alleged inde
cent as ault on her. The evidence So tar
heaid is a lepetllion of her former statements.
The jiny letui ncd a venlict of iruilty ol as
sault upon all four piisoners. Tlie justice
then passed sentence on the prlsoneis us fol
lows : Mi. Mead , tlneo months ; Rebecca Jar-
ictt , six. months ; Sampson Jacques , one
month , all without haid labor , and Madame
Louise Movvij , six month * witli haul labor.
Doclnou ! or the Il&Hrau Coiifcrcnco.
LOXDOX , Nov lAAmbassadors of the
powers atCou.stantlnop6have ! reached a unan
imous decision rccotumending the complete
autonomy ot Hulgaiia and eastern Uoumclia.
The resolution by which the union of tlio
two stales was effected is recognized as a fait
accompli. The Russian demand for the re
moval of Prince Alexander is agreed to.
The respective governments have still to
latlfy these conclusions. Uiitisli opposition
to the lemoval ot Alexander was overcome by
the oiler ot the vacant throne to Pi luce
Henry ot Battunburg , Alexander's vounger
brother , husband of Princess Ueatnec. and
.son-in-law ot the nueen of Gieat Hiitain.
Geimany objects tq Prince Hcnrs' . but might
consent to the substitution of Prince Louis.
Alexander's elder 'tether ' , now in Die navy. The I4tt r is regarded as the
piobable choice of tlie Moutui'llsts.
Ton a Conflict.
SoriA , Nov. 10. liulgariau and Servian
patrols on tlio frontier are dally exchanging
shots. The Servians have ciosscd the.fion-
tiernearTin , and ndvinred three miles. They
made an inellectual atteuit ] to capture a
party of twentj--threo Bulgarian patiol
C.mids. Hulifai ian outposts have been rein-
loieed , and a set Ions conllict is le.ncd unless
thebeivians lelire.
IlLi.oiiADi : , Nov. 10. Three Servian regi-
meiit ! , have occupied the fiontier heights of
Keiibiod. They are bivouacked in deep
snow. Heavy guns have been mounted on
the toils along tue Danube liv'er a.s far as
Kadvjevat/ guard against the passage oi
The Itcport not KeHoveil.
LONDON , Nov. . 10. Advices fiom Mel-
bom ne says that no credence is given there
to the repoit that the natives of Fly liver mur
dered all thu members of the Sydney Gco-
giaphleal association expedition in Now
guinea. _
Ho Attempts to 1'nUoii His Mother
null Brothers vvlth ArMMilo.
KINGSTON , N. Y. , Nov. 10. [ Special to
the Biu : ] . It has ; jint be-on made public that
Henry Mellert attempted to poison his
mother and two llltlo brothers hero a few
daj-s since by putting arsenic In their tea. Ho
is seventeen jears pf ago , andmuirieda
young vv lie about six jnonths ao. He wrote
amessase to tlio diuggist Iicro , signed his
mother's name to It and t > cnt his little brother
to the stoio with twenty-Jive rents to get
some aiseiuc , saying that 11 was wanted lo
put In a ml.xtuio to hum Mis. Meliert's
coins. Next morning ho tried to get his
mother to let | , | m pieji.iro the lamlly
hicakiast , but tailed in this , and in tlie ove-
niii ; ; tiied airain. this time with moio
hiiccess. Ho placed milk in the cups for lea
and a muntltj ol aisenicin each cup. When
Mis , Mclicrtpoincd thu tea him noticed that
theio was moie milk than necessary and
ponied u little Irom eaeh cup back Into thu
pitcher. She also noticed the appearance of
a scum on top ol the tea and remarked that
the milk must have gouied , but thought none
no moio ot It nt the time and with her two
sons drank the tea. Henry gave some excuse
for not drinking Ids. Soon alter , the mother
and two bovs became violently III nnd vom
ited. 1 lie doctor said at Ouco that tlie svmp-
toms went those ot arsenical poison.
I' ' or three days tlio victims weio
deathly sick , but on the fourth day
they began to mend. All liave now lecovered.
Henry , on being acciid iif thu crime , flatly
denied It , Mm. Mellelit feavs that a mot hcr's
natural feeling for Itof Child restrained her
liom having him um fed and biought to
Uihtitt ? . It turns ouLflrovrever , bo IB a bad
boy with a ilark .rorofif. Mrs. Millcrt has
homo personal property , and ids purpose
seems to have been tbtct her nnd his biotli-
ersoutpl the way. thbtr llo might obtain this.
Henry has fled.
, W. T./NIAV. lO.-Last night n
meeting was held at tlwbpcra hoiiso attended
by the cleigy , lawyer.-- ) professional men
mercliants , manufactureiflt and law-abiding
citizens genci-ally. After speeches by Judge
Huike , Assistant Unltl-il States Attorney
Ilanford and otlier/s / an organkatlon sou
stiong Wivs eliectwl Wr'tno pnrio ] a ol pre
serving peace whenever Jim tioops are with
drawn. Sliould , occasion nilse thercafler
they will divldo f to tllw | ) companies and be
aimed with rifles. A meeting will bo held
to-morrow to elect olliu5r.s. Chief Justice
lireene , Gen. Gibbon , commander ot tliu do-
V11"1"1' ! ' t'W-L'aWiJttr ' xV. \ . ( Jeorge ,
I : : . , C.i oiaies marshal , and Assistant Dis
trict Attorney HaiifordUad alongconferenco
last nlL'lit. The grand jury is now in session
and it is thought indictments will be brought
against the ringleaders.
On the Canadian Pacific.
OTTAWA , Ont , Ipv. 10- Stanford Flem-
mlng telegraphs from Bn'isti Columbia to
Sir John .MaoDonald , that the lirst through
train over the Canadian P.irme accomplished
the Journey in uw il i , r.nd tint llu' mp
will fhi'it ' i- - . . 1 1 nt ! pus e. „ c irtu. j
lu tv a ua. .
With a Mighty Gulp Slio Euolosod tLo
Steamer Algoraix ,
List Qf , tlio PnssotiKora nuil Crow
Known to bo Lost TinCnpuuu'B
Story Anotlicr Iiuke Itont
The Tenllilo Imkc Disaster.
WiN.viPKo , Nov. 10. The following Is the
statement mtulo by the captain before n no- public heio to-night :
The steel steamer Algoum cleared from the
poitoCOwen Sound at about.4:80 : o'clock In
the afternoon , on Thuisday , the nth day of
November , l ss , bound for the port of Poll
Arthur , having on board general cargo of
merchandise of about -10J tons. S.uiltSto
Maiie , which poit vvo denied at about I
o'clock In the aftoiuoon on Friday , the lith ,
andinssed WhlUi Kish Point at Il)0 : o'clock
of thusameday. It was blowing a btioiu-
bree/u liom thecastatid northeast , and the
wind was inereaslng. Wo made sail at
While I'ish Point atT p. m. The weathei was
the same hut tlm wind was slUhlly Inciea ed ,
with oecaslonal "quails attended with rain.
At midnight the wind had incicased to a
moderate gale , with lieiiuent . ' .quails accom
panied by rain and sleet. A sea getting up
at-1 a. m. on November" , the wind shitted to
noitheast , with n violent snow squall ami
heavi tearunulugui > . Attho minutesuflei
4a.m. wo cheeked < lov\n and commenced
taking In .sail. At lWa. : ! m. all sail was In
exeejit , the loretopsail , which was partlj in.
was coming mound to head on the lake uuain
on account ol thu snow. Alter leaving
White Klsli Point , our piopcr eoin'e being
noithwcfit by west , but the wind coming
liom the noithwaul wo bleeied
noithvvcst by west quaiter \ve--t
until 1 p. m. to allow lor leexvnid , when the
couiso was changed lo noithwesl until 4 a. m.
We then steelcd west by south lor the pui-
poseol taking Hie sails In. While the ship
was coming aiound , as mentioned , she stiueic
alt.Tho following account of Hie steamship
disaster is given in a special Horn Poit Aithur
to the l''iee Press : At 4:15 : u. m. Satuiday
theie was n violent simvvstoim The sea vvas
lunnlng mountains high and the Algoma was
tosbid about like u cork. Suddenly , while
lite ship was beim ; biouglit about , she stiuck
the locks known as ( iieenstonu Point , on Isle
Royal , about ntty miles liom Poit
Aithur and one mile fumi Passage -
sago Island light house , which
lias been abandoned since the 1st ol the
month. Alter Miikinjr the Hist tlm the boat
loiged ahead , being driven by the stoi m. A
second shock occuircd shoitly after Ihe luM.
The vessel then struck Ihe icei violently at
the loietldo oi the boiler , and she immediate
ly commenced to break up. AI st ol the pas-
.sengeisand a uunibei ol the cicw vveie in
bed ul the time but weio indely awakened hv
theshoek. The water pom ed in tliiough the
bioken vessel and over the bulwarks , putting
out thehres in the furnaces and
inir tlie electiie lights.
' 1 he screams ot women and chlldien were
hcaid above the Inrj of tlie stoi m. The crow
Innried hither and thither in the darkness ,
but their ellorts vveieot little avail. In le = .s
than twenty minutes thocntiio toiwaid pait
ot tlie boat was can led away , together with
the cargo and human fi eight. Several per
sons clung to the nggiug and to the lile line
which thu captain had snctclicd alouir , but
they vvem soon swept nvvnv by the ioaring
waves , Thehteinot tlio boat vvas steiidll )
pushed upon the lock , and those who were
not to ( > much exhausted with fatigue and be
numbed by told ciept to the alter steerage
and sought its welcome shelter. Less than
an Hour alter stilulng all was 6Ver ,
and but iittoen out of over nlty
vvcie saved. The sliivivois remained liom
the time ot the disaster J o'clock Saturday
morning until 7 o clock Monday moining
ami vveie exposed to the weather with but little
food and clothing. N'eaily everj thing hail
been washed away. Then they were sighted
bysomoiishermen who c.tmo to their icscuu.
Alter taking thu survivors tiom the doomed
vessel and placing them on Isle Uoj.xl vvheie
u mo was kindied lor theli comfort , the lishei-
incn went out and inteiceptcil the Aithabaska
which was coming into the channel ten miles
away. Capt. Footo immediately put about
and took tlie sulfeiers on boaul , and they
were suhseimently biouglit here. The dead
bodies of 1 lostand Kmeison were brought in
on tlie Artlubaska also.
The following aiu the names of the lost , so
far as known hen1 :
William Higgins , merchant , Winnipeg.
Mrs. Judgeon , ot Owen bound , and two
JJiwIn Frost , wife ami child , of Owen
Douglas Charles Buchanan , of Ilillicr ,
Louis ZiminGimnn , Poit Aithur.
( J. Kmerson , Itamsgate , JCiit'Kuid.
Purser McKen/.lc.
William iMulligan , Mcdfoid. Ontario.
Thomas Snelling , waiter.
John Scott , L. lutes ami Ballantync ,
deck hands.
Mis. Shannon , ladiis' maid.
( illl , ot Maikdale , Out.
Mrs. Taylor.
Steward Maclntyrc.
Thomas JIcKenny , Henderson , II.
McClInton , walteis.
TOIIONTO , Nov. 10. Kxprrssions of sorrow
at the Ions ot the steamer Algona with so
many lives are geneialherc. At the olliees
of the Canadian P.icino hcio a list ol the
pa bengeis ami ciew vvas not kept , but it is
a-s-eilainal that there were nvo cabin and
six steerage passengers , and a ciew of loitv.-
four or fony-nve. The eaigo consisted ot
l.4 tons ot general merchandise' and -.IT tons
of railway htipplle" . It H a singular tact that
she was earning the lowest numUtir of pas-
senger.s bhe has ever had.
Another Boat on the Itoolcs.
QUIUIKO , Nov. 10. Later advices from
Heath Point the passengers of the
bteamer Uiookljn , ashoie at that point , aio
all safely landed , nnd some me shelteicd
under canvass at dllTeient jiolnts along the
coast , while otlurs ate housed in lisheimen'o
huts at Kox Hay , ten miles liom Heulh Point.
The captain telegi.iphed lor immedlalo
assistance , and his icquest was loi-
warded to the mithorliies at Ottawa.
The reply paid that thu government steamer
Napoleon would be sent lo theiescue. hho
will take a full Mipply ( d slon-.s and piovl-
sinus in case none can be had from the
iteamer. As lar as can be le.uued , the en
gine loom and No. 1 and No. U holds aio
idled with water , as him is leaking. Her po
sition Is piCHnmahly a b.ul . one , and on ac-
connt of tlie nigged natiii oof tne const it Is
geneially believed tlio vessel will boa total
The weather since she went asiiore has
been a Micccssion ot heavy northeast gales
and blinding hiiovvstoimand it no piovi-
hlonshave been saved meat ) iii\Uiuns ; v.Ill
he expelienced bv the pasn-ngers and ciew ,
as the sujiply at Kox Hay will bo diawn upon
by the cnw of the hteamer Tltinia which
went nshoio near theie on Ihe 4lh lust. The n ciew ot about seventy mid
forty passengers , ol wlileli only tluee weio
baleen passengers. The amount ol her in
surance 'cannot be ascertained. Him
lud a general cargo lor Quebec ,
Monliealaiidthew-it. Iho Hrooklyn is an
lion vesbcl built in Panicle In 1 ! > 7'J , and
classed A 1. bhe is of 8Wi ! lielghtand .V 7
gloss ions. In lbH she measured 'i. " > i feet in
length iintH'i ieet in width. Dinlngtho win-
tei ot Ib5-l-bislio wan Icimtliened and iciiltrd
-.t : i c st of sjiJd.ooJ. She is owneil by llio
Missbilpiii > V ; Dominion sleam lilp cumpuny
of Liverpool.
Getting on ( Jood Dehnvlor ,
SALT LAKE , Utah , Nov. 10. Ten of the
twelve Moimon apostle * signed a notice in
this evenlns'a churcli organ ( Deseret NOVVH )
that Albeit Carrlnglon , ono < 5T the twelve
apostliM. "after n full and patient trial" by
Uiu iiulUorllles ot Iho chiircJi , has been excommunicated -
communicated fiom tUolittlt'rday wint lor
adulleiy and lascivious conduct. Nopailieu-
iuis am given , uud Uiu lactu have nut
tiaiit > jiitd.
Congressmen ns to
enees on Several Quest Ions.
Lorwn t.t Ky. , Nov. 10. The CourU'r
Joinnal will publish to-morrow letters fiom
MO members of congrciS , litty democrats nnd
ninety-one republicans. These letters are In
response to four questions sent out by O. ( ) .
Stoaley , W.vhlus'ton coiruspondeiit ot the
Courier Join nal , and arc r.s follows :
I Would you favor an amendment to tlio
rules ot the IIOUMJ providing that no general
appropilntlon bills , except the legislative ,
sundry civil and deilcicncy bills , shall Iw tue-
pared and contiolled heicalter byappropimlo
stiiuding eomiiilttci's on the several branches
of the public MM vice'.1
J Do you fuor any change In the laws
govcrnim ; sllvei coinage and sllvei eertlli-
eaten , and if so what modification would Jim
icuardnsdesluible' '
S To what extent In jour opinion would
mvlslon of the tariff nnd Internal revenue
laws be de'tmhlc at the nevt session',1
4 Who Isour choice for the caucus nomi
nation lor speaker' . '
In the demnciatlc iepoi sos fnrtj-seven
utniualliliHlly favor an amendment ol thu
uilcs , live give < ) tmliticd answcis , four oppose
n change , ami tlneo HIO non-committal. To
Ihe second 01 silver iiucMlon lour favor legis
lation , toity-iilne oppose , and sK are non
committal. To the third or I'uliV refoim
( inestlon lift\-tlirce luvor tarlit limitation ,
tliuvoppoNe , and thtee are non-rommlttal.
For speaker , llttv-sevcn aio for Cm lisle , ono
for Randall , ami one non-committal.
The whole number ol lepublieiin members
who responded is ninetv-oiie. For amend
ment ot tlm lilies ot tlie house forty-eight
unqualifiedly appi.ive. twelve 'UiaUly their
answeit. , nine onniKe , and tweiilv-uvo aie
non-committal , sixty favor legislation on
the silver ipie-itlon sixteen oppose , and III-
leen aio non-committal. Seventv-iive oppo-.e
InillV legislation , four favor it , and twelve aie
non-commill.d. For spenUer , thiity aie tor
i'Vauk Hl.sC'H'k , tvu'titv-thiee tor Reed ol
Maine , eleven lor ( itivvriioi Long ol Massa-
chiiMitls , and tvventi teven aio tion com
Thecoiie'spoudentof the Courier-Join nal ,
In summing up the officers ol the lum-e ,
names for xpeakei John ( ! . Cailitle ; cleik ,
John U. Clink , Missouri ; seigeantat nuns.
John 15. I.eedom , Ohio ; dooikeejiur , Samuel
Douelson , Teune-ec ; poblmaater , Lycuuu3 ;
U.ilton , Indiana.
A Lending Spirit in the Now
I.iuo Siiuaks of ItH 1'rospects.
_ Sr. PAt'i. , Minn. , Nov. lO.-Colonel W. T.
King , bimkcMiuin ol tlie Noith American
Telegraph company , says ol the enterprise :
"The importance ot Chicago , Duluth , Mimic ,
apolis and St. Paul as gialu centerN and our
our own experience , teach the necessity for a
new telegraph cnterpilse. AVe pioposo to
stall nnd complete as soon as possible tele
graph lines fiom Duluth to Chicago , via
Minneapolis and St. Paul. Wo have had
offers fiom opposition lines which insuio
that our system shall have the fullest facili
ties for home and loielgu business. Our in
tention is to build and cipiip the system with
the latest impiovoments , so that it will be es
pecially adapted to extend the lullest accom
modations to commerce. We intend to build
for cash , without any constiuetlon company
or syndleaie. but nolely on a basis
of Flock which has been paid for at
the late of 100 eent.s on the dolhu.
We intend to issue stock to the amount of
SAHOvio ) , ol which S75UUU will bo held in Ihe
east and will icmaiii under escrow live
years , piecludln ; ; tlie possibility ot any spec
ulative combination. Of the icmulnder we
consider that sj.W.OOO will bo placed in
Minneapolis and Stx Paul and Si'i.OOO at Du
luth. We aio"olTcred all the moiiev we want ,
hut are de.--lrous of' interesting Duluth p.u-
licuhnly , because It does a largo amount ot
telegraph business. Wo wish further that
they lHieirc.senled ) on tlmboaid orilirectorH. *
Vl e will oifor cheaper nnd moio efficient ser-.i
vice at ralesahat Will bo considerably less
than the piesent , " -
Hoffman Disputes Councctioii with
the Award I'urcliasiiiji Scheme.
NJIVV OKI.IANS : , Nov. 10. [ Special to the
Bin.J In an interview in thu Tlmcs-Dcmo-
ciat C. II. Holl'man , who lepiescntcd the
Russian exhibitors at Ihe world's exposition
last year , piotests against the wording of
Minister Lathrop's letter about connecting
himself and Yanreper , consul at Moscow ,
with the awaids made lo the Russian depart
ment. He says he was to receive a certain
sum lor the exhibit to cover expenses and
seive as compensation. Vamepei , consul at
.Moscow , collected this money from the
vlussian exhibitors , but retained a large poi-
tioa of it anil at last refused to icmlt to Hoff
man unless the medals weie sent to him.
Hollman says , : "i fold him icpeatedly I
could not inn any risks , and
all I wanted dues ,
As foi getting medals by hook or by crook as
Vanicpor's letter suggests , it was out ol thu
question and 1 made no attempt to obtain
them in other than a fair and legitimate man
ner. If 1 havnhccn in nn > way to balmu in
this matter , as Latlnoit seems to siifnjest , I
should neve ; have nlcd ii : my suit Hie letters
1 iccehed tiom Vamepei upon which I.a-
thiop bases Ids remaiks. Not only does Van-
lejier leUln the money duo me on account of
the world's exposition , but he has collected
and still holds thu money duo me on account
ot the Louisville exposition amounting to
nearly t'.KJO ' , and just bcfoio th x close of the
Louisville exposition he wired u > he would
pay the Louisville claims 11 1 would send
him perMinally the medals , HOIIB seventy-
live in number , that 1 taken there and I
i el used and they will bu distributed bv my
In oilier , August HoHman , vice conbolateut
Two IJijf Shown.
CiiirAfio , Nov. 10. Thu annual Amc-ican
fat stock and daily show began hero his
moining at the exposition building. Nearly
all the herds ot famous eat llo In the United
Slates and Canada aiu well inpicsentcd , and
Cl.vdesdale , Peichenin and other duilt
horses. The di.-plav I , said to bo unusually
largo and line. Thu weather is clear and
cool , and the attendance lot the opening day
wasiiulie large.
The tvvelllli annual convention of Iho Na
tional Hulter , Cheese and Ku'g association
aim ) Iwffiin its session to-day. Foui hundiiMl
pel MIIIS aio piesent , laige conllngenls having
ni lived liom New Voik , HoMon. Pliiladel-
plila. Washingtmi .mil Cliielnimti. It | h ox-
jieetcd that an appeal will ho imuln to eon-
1:1 ess to IcBlslafo upon thu buttcrino OUOB-
NKVV YOIIK , Nov. 10.- Watson & Karthnlo-
mew , diy KOIMS ) commission merchantfailed
jeMerday , and assigned to C , D. Wells , their
cashier. Ho said he did not caiotogivoany
details ol the linn's condition until the .scheif-
ulcs had been completed. The e.uiso ol the
falluio , Ins said , was Inability of the tirm lo
meet a large amount of their own money
which they hud been called upon lo pay.
Kilends ol Iho nrni do not think Its liabil tied
will exceed6400,000.
An AiiHililiiin | )
Ni.w Om.nANfl , Nov. 10. The Inaugural
ceiemonicjof thu noith , bouth nnd central
Ameiicaii exposition mo piogrcstiiiK
hinoothly. Thu weather h cleat and pleasant.
The commeiclal exchange is closed and all
other biiMncsh Is suspended. Flags me dis
played thioughuiit thu city and onthoshlp-
plng. Iho Initial featiiiu of the eeieinouies
was the in occasion , which moved piomptl ) at
10iO ; ! o'clock. I'liot eame the militaiv. fol
lowed by a long line ol cariiages occupied by
the managers of the exposition , Unitfd
States , ttato and city ofllcialH , loitU'ii n.m2 ;
anrt tli\lttrii KU02ts. The ; , roce.sslon moved
through thu pilnclpn ! fclieels to iheheadid
Canal eticct , vvhciu steamers went in lead- !
ness lo convey the p.utlclpanlb totheu.xpuai-
A Hold , Jlravti OiM.
KAtiO , Nov. 10. Annie Thompson , a
young glil wlin btubil l nml killed her utep-
rather , Vance Wilson , t-aluirf : i > Uhfns ihu
latter was threatening tlm hie ot' bin f '
wife , was dischuiRCd by Vn > cuiontrjj jury
The Mohn\7k Oonfurenco Oommittoo Oon-
Bultiug at Washington ,
liy rlmllar DcctnratloiiH of
Opinion from ttio Soorctnry ol'lho
the Indian Question ,
WAHIII.NOTON , Nov. 10. The president to
day Rave an audience to the committee an-
pointed nt the recent confluence at l.uko
Mohan' : to pie < ent to htm the result uf their
deliberations on Iho Indian iiue.stlon , Gen.
Klsk headed the delegation nnd presented the
membcis to the president , lion KnvUus
Itiool ; ' , of New YorK , read an address cm-
bed > Ing the \le\v.s ol IhoconfoicncoMSto the
best method of Imptovlm ? the condition of
the Indians. llemaiksvvcro made by other
members of the delegation , caehdleapprovlnfj
of the piCH'iit svstom ol Iiidhui reservations ,
and favoring the adoption of n policy In ro-
Itaid to them slmthn to Dial .successfully em-
plou-d in theeiiH'ol the colored people.
ThcpiCiddenl listened a.U'nllvoly and as-
Mired them ol his deep inieicst In the ipuvs-
tion. lie ie\le\ved lulellv the many (11111-
eullles encountered In dealing w Ith the ques-
lluu , which lie acknowledged was a most Ini-
poitant one , and t > ald that the un-ul lionble ,
to hi * , mind , was as to the tnst practical step
to be taken in hupiov Ing the condition of thu
Indian. Shall wo glvo them moie schools
and churchc- and agncultuuil Imiilcinents for
iiso on their icservulloiiH , or shall
we deed them lands In sover.uty
and leave them to their own
lohources'i' Ouo tioublo ho found was lo get
i id ol the inlluciico of the old chief. Then ,
again , we leave them to themselves , and ono
becomes huiigiv , and a loud ci > goes up a.l
over the country that vvoaio .starving the In
dians. How aio we to { ret the Indians to
mlui'lo with the whites ? We certainly can't
dilve them elf their leseivatlons. I libeller
to keep tli.'in uiidir tutllegoheio they are ,
or could their civiil/atlon bo bcuei uccom-
pllslied In some other way'/
The question is suiumudcd wlihulfl'cu-
tie , continued the piesldent , and ino UK. , t
Impoitaiit eonsideiiition , to my mind , is ,
" \\Tial \ is the most iiM'lul thing to hedoneV *
He slid that while it inluht not \\elifor
the cause to dlstin b tlie Indians in their pit-B
ent homes , ho believed the i enervations
would bo ulllmaiel ) irlveu to them in sever
al ! } , and the Indians thiiiwn on their O'VVD
lesouices. The | iiesident reminded the com
mittee that Urn cause which thcv advocaUui
v\ould icqulic veais lo consummate , but Inti
mated that he hoped to make a IK ginning In
the right diieetfon dmlng the remaining
jcais of his administration. >
The MoluMvk Indian ' - com
mittee , atler leaving the white house , '
pioeeeded to the Intel ior department ,
wlieie they had a long Interview
with Secietaiy L.tmar. and through their
cliuinuuti piesented to him a written state
ment nt the vies\s ol thu conference. Jn re
ply to a In lei addiess by Cun. VMi , ikcre-
taryl.amai said ne would In Ids forthcoming ;
annual lepoit acknowledge his obligations to
the iildlautinopieaud benevolent associations
in llu1 woik he to canj on. Thu ultimate
object was tlieeivili/ation ot the Indian. A
uiVis ILK ) tieen icaehed in the history of that
inteiestiug that must lie met by souio
methods dillcicnt liom those hcietofore mir-
.sued. Hiovyn ltuo\\lcU'e ( of ut tlio Indian * '
wants were as yet too'limlted to penult him
to formulate a generalprillcy adapted to tlio
prgc.unt and tliecxlgbnci&sorthuhituro. TJio
pioci"- * must bu onontf Improving thu Indian
outoLliLsiie eiitcimiitioi ( ) Into civlll2utl0n
and it wouidtitfii&ijnplual pioccss. ThuihTit
'pollit'Hfintlt"nenf M.iWWuli'lr ( : ( reseryatlons
to tlii-iirielthcr'u iUivVibCiited or compres'seil
Into IimnlIirspacoMn''fcei'SUiiple ( ) , sotlmttheTr
title ' .shall he nlvloiinulp. J& tlio .samo tlmo ) o
did notadvocutoiidiyisiotrof the entire"KB-
eivalion nniom : the Indians , and believid
the abandonment ol' tile icsorvallon system
at this time would bo nrcmntuie. It was tlio
end to be sought , but ilie met , step would bo
after biingingthe Indians with their constmt
Into limits iiroportmUato with their num
bers , and to protect them fiom the destruc-
live inilueiices ol the'Stronger civilization
surioundiug them. The whiles should be
iIgoioiislv excluded , and vvlien the icsei'va-
tloiis had been p.ntlally sub div idcd a consid
erable poillon ought to bu lett undivided and
In tlie transition slate the tribal system ,
must be adlicicd to. U whs Iho normal con
dition ot the lace , and to take him out of It
would bo to ch.iugo his social eonditon bo-
lore ho vvas lilted tor a hUhei civilization.
He was impiessed with the txidcf thuMho
Clnistrlaii icligion was tlio int-tnimentallty.
lor the elevation of tins ure. Ileknew that ;
from his own experience in tlie south und-lila
Knowledge of the tiihes in Indian Territory.
The Indian could not stand it to bo ilirown
out unprotected into the civilization
of this country. It would bo for him
almost as bail as exleiminatlon. 'lie
should be luipioved out ol ono condition
Into another , it the Interests of the white
people were alone eonecincd the problem
( ould bo holved by making the Indian n'ciU-
/.en and giving Film thu light of BuilntKe.
Afterbwullnwing s.iKKi.OOO bluok slaves and
dlgoslinj ? that IIIHSS pictty well wo should not
Htiain at this. , ' i
Hut , continued Seciotary Lamar , to make
the Indian a citi/en at piesent would be ft >
sail service to him , and tuero would not bo *
much ol him lett If it were doiui suddenly.
TIIIKO who aio icady lor civilization - ho
would pu.sli on and those who are not Uo
would juotect.
In Mcoiory ofan Only Hon.
SAN FitANcisco , Nov. 10. The lust dcll-
nite details ol Senator .Stanford'h Hcheino lor
Iheeblablishment in Calilornia ol n great
unlveihity has been made pulilli ! to-day. Hln
ranch at I'alo Alto , near Mcnlo park , about
thiiiy mitus liom San l''ianelbco , hart becn'fio-
lee led as tlm Mie. . Tlm bcvcial buildings
cnmpiisiiiK the uiilverhlty will bu In the gen-
01 al plan ol a paialli'logram , and constructed
MI as lo penult additions being ihado when
. ' ( ( ( .shities of the Mutation may requite.
S < natorStanloid will donate to Iho unlveriu-
iv his I'alo Alto , Ciidles mid Vina properties -
ties , vvoith yi.a'0,0M ( . To ( h R ho will add a
inoiiiy donation , MI as lo make the toUlOn -
dowmunt ol the unlvei.slty ti ! ) , lWW' , ' . . , "
I4 ogri'Dii ol' iliu PlHK'ie.
MOM iii ! , , > . , NOV. 10. Twenty-six dedtlu
fiom unall-p N In this uily jenieiday.
i i Cured
Catarrh Is a very Nalent disease , wltli
dlJtresslnj ; nnd oilcnslv < .yniitoms. | Hoad'e
HarsaimrllU gives r 4dy i- < let Jimt epecdy
cure , from the fnct It acts u , , > iKh the tluo
and Hits readies , cveiy part ttt the Kystein ,
" I nullcrcil with catarrh filtecn years. Took
Hooil'a .Sais.ijiatlllaaml lamndltrouUiidimy
with catarrh , and my ccncral health IB much
liellcr. " I.V. . I.IM.IM , 1'osUl Cleric Culcaso
& 81 , J.OIIH JUIIroad.
" I Buffered with catarrh C or 8 years j tried
many ' - caduj curci , Inl\dcr3 \ ; ; , etc. , si > ciiil.
l ine. . .ly oni , hundred ilollara without 'otHllt ,
I trl a UothJ K Sarsapi/la ; ! , and was crtatlr
IraproveJ. " > I. A. Au av , Worcsitcr , Mass.
Hood a Bamrarllla U char.ictcrlred ! > T
llirco | > ccull.ililci ! 1st , tlie combination of
remedial aionts ; ; , I'd , tlio fropoHloni 3d , tfip
jirocws of ECC I UK ti.0 active medicinal
liullllci. Tlwi ( iiltUtncdichiuofumisuitl
strtiiKtb , rB .tl t cures hitherto unknown.
pcml for IMJ ,
"Hnon-i t n/r. . 'U-jl'i ' tones up my oysltir. ,
pinnies my Moc biur | > cn mv am etlu , ajtl
MTIIIS lo make IB over. " J. P. Taotirsojr ,
JlOKlstcr ol Deeds , I.MVH-U , Mail.
"IlnoiVB 8-imvarhl * lipats all otliorn. and
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all drupclsls. Ittii for 5. Mtte
ocly by C. I , HOOD h CO , , Lwcll JIasj. '