Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    T3rr -f
_ , . . " . .
II i i i ! ! i mnm m i .11. -
crricri no. la rcori street.
d liy rnrrlor In uny purl of tlio c-lty nt
tr\ \ ( lily ( i-nt" | or v f < "V.
JI. W. TII.TON , -
Jlclt r , tin ) Uiilor , for full KOIS. ) !
Sliugiu-l , Wnitu & Wols nr < ; nutting In n
now I rout.
John MuKinnca was ycsk-nlay llnc l
for difittirblny tlio twuco.
Tlio lionril of education Is to mcnt tliifi
nflornoon lit ! J o'clock , nt Dr. Miicrnu'u
olliui. ' .
DOne of tlio Saundur IJOJHvnn nrrcstccl
) nst , nl hl for Moulin ; , ' u Buck of Hour
from Hohcrt. Mnllis' storu.
CJnrk Wnllncp , C. 11. PicK-crol unil
John Uoll WITO yesterday llnwl by Jiulgo
Alyrswortli for being too drunk.
.lurry Hllclilo , who recently creaU-il
such a Ht'iisution lien- , was focn IUTO yea-
tonhiy drlviiiK Ihrou h tlio ttrct-ta.
It is rumored that 0110 of thu lady
clerks In the i'ooplo's Htoro IB eliortly to
bo married. ' " 1 lui blno IIIIH anivcd. '
Tlio revival at the Alethodibt church
will conUnuo Ihla week out. , althoti/ / ;
Mr. HarriHon has buon callud to a uuw
There wore twcnty-llvo trains over tlio
Northwestern alone yi' t < Tdii.y , a straw
showing what rort of a railway center
Council Bhiil.s ! H.
U'he county bor.rd were In eesslon ycH-
Uirday oaiivassin tlio vote ol tlio last
eJciition , with no practical chuii o in tae
result as already announced.
It is Htaled that tomu of these who
have been buying tip e.ty warrants at 75
cents on the dollar are noting in tlio in-
tjrestol a syndicate whieh is Bolting bO
co ula lor tlu-iii.
It lu now said thnt Fred Nugent , liaviiifj
Knti-iliod liinisch and the imuno that his
career as a jonriuiliM cannot bo made
any brighter by longer sorviuu , is to ac-
cuptujMiMtiun on tlio Council IJluils po
lice lorec.
Tlio great yotisation hero yesterday
wan tlio appearance 01 a man wno actu
ally went t4i worn eieanin the mud oil'
ono of tlio crossings. 11 it would only
become the ray1 hero tlio oity wouki uo
coining to Die irontof tiomotliiiig ol a
The paving of Jiryant street is going
right along , 'i nurc buoms to bo a gooa
many more inspectors than are needed.
but as they are bi-.rvmg without cost to
tlio cit > , and as they scorn to bo pretty
well s.tliHiicd wiln the way the work is
being done , no one Hiiould complain.
Justice Sc'lnnv. luid his time occupied
yesterday marrying people , in winch he
iiuems to be taking the Head over all lite
magintriilus in tne city. Ono of Uii > o
4oUleK ] WUH Alon/.o Arnold and Lh/a
AlowJ , both of Macedonia. Anotner was
'William Kodman and Leviiia Anderson ,
both 01 ilont-y Crcok.
Oflicer Towns is said to bo the nrxt
policeman to take oil' his star. Justus
lust as tlio men lind any horlof an open
ing to do anj thing else at a lair salary ,
there is httlo temptation to stay witn tno
city and got their pay in warrants which
are to be sold at twnuty-livo per cent dis
count , and especially as the loree. is at
pro. sent organi/.ed , or rather dtborganized.
Bo Bun and ask your grocer for the
bread niatlu at buntn V LOUTKO'S baicory ,
J\'o. bX'JJ Alain street. It is the very best
nuulc. Uryit and bo convinced.
The very latest New i'ork styles re
oowe.lcjiy \ .U . hw. O. A . K. JM.
Charles lleisli-s is conliued to his room
with lever
J. \Vateon , of Sac City , v. as at the
Ogdttn yehtenlay.
Airs. Iorra li has returned home from
IXMSlt to > St. I.OU13. '
IJ. C. llirri : , of Lewis , Iowa , wns yus-
terday a Keuhtelu guest.
AV. P. Christy , of DPS Moincs , arrived
at I lie Doehtelo yesterday .
Matt H. Klly and J. II.IeNamara ] \ ,
botn of LeMur.s , were at the i'aciiie yes
William It. Porler and wife , of Platts-
mottth , Neb. , are in the city visiting
reUth es.
D.K. Mornu , of tlin Rook Inland freight
oilico , has engaged with ( . 'ooke& Morgan
as bookkeeper.
Dr. I'oulsen now goes to Kaneas to see
his brother , who in in ill health , and the
two may eom-ludoto takua southern trip.
fjimon nam'jorgrr ' , n Salt Lake banker ,
and brother-in-law to William ] \las , of
the People's store , is a Council ISlutls
Henry Rotbert , wife and son , of Keo-
kuk , andKdward 11. Hothert , of Chey-
unno , were among those at the Ogden
E. C' Swan and wife , of Cheyenne , who
have boon visiting Mrs. Swan's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkcndall in this city ,
have gone home.
Drs. Jndd & Smith's Klcetro-Miignctlo
Insoles. Only liltv cents. No. ! ! 0 1'onrth
Kt. , Council liiulls , Jowa. Agents
For luinlwaro and hon ° o
cot prices of Cooper tt McUuu , No. 41
Main Btrcet , _ _
Tlio City Council.
At a meeting of the city council last
evening John Short complained bitterly
of thu treatment which ho had received
nt the hands of the city marshal and
others in regard to a chicken eoop in
front of his htore. Referred to commit-
too.A resolution was passed ordering
Grand Htreet graded from llroadway to
Indian creek.
The oity attorney was instructed to
begin unit against property owners to
open the alley between the original plat
and Jackson's ' addition.
The resiKiiation ot Pat Eioher as chief
of ( lit ) lire department was received and
Charles Sanderson wan appomto-l tote
to act u lire eklof , ho to receive $ U ) per
nionrlfin addition to his present salary
us fireman.
A sidewalk wan ordered on llroadway ,
from the Northwestern railway depot to
tlio creek. . . .
The rest of the evening was spent in
reading up the back minutes.
Finest display of mccrehaum and
mokors1 goods for holiday gifts. T. 1) .
King & Co. , Cigars and ' .tobaccos , 04 ! )
Uroadway. _
Correct Abstracts of Tit jo and Real Es-
Into Loans nt McMalion & Co's , No.1
Pearl street. _
Royal Arcnntuui.
All members of Fidelity lodge , No. 1CO (
R. A. , are urgently requested to assemble
nt their hall on Main street , at 1 o'clock
this afternoon , preparatory to attending
the funeral service * of our late brother ,
J A. Klntz , II. J. RisuNunuoK ,
_ _ Secretary ,
The host regulator 01' tljcwtlvo orirain and
nnd the beM apnetlter known 1 An ot urn
Jtittci-s. Tiy it but bowiue of iinitat'.ons.
llct fioin your irioci r or druguM ( he gemilnc
prti | > , umiiutuuliiud bj Dr. J. U. U. fcU'tvil
< V soils. -
Au Interesting Do < .5ij5on by Iowa's Supreme
A Hallway fa-wii er Hol 1 o 1 if rt Ultf
Itoll Death of .loliu Htnu
Stolen ClottioH t'oiiutl
At tmnt.
TIieFlrc Mniltn.
TliHfinprtjino court of Iowa 1m * just
rondcrcil a decision which Is of interest
audimpoitanee to all cities In the state
seeking to maintain ( ire limlu. The
case is that of ( lilcnvt Uros , the himlxir
men of DCS Moiuus , who wen ) rhargod
with violating the city ordinance by
erecting wooden buildings , and main
taining u lumber yanl within the lire
limits. In the district court they wore
convicted of erecting wooden buildings ,
but acqnitt of the charge of maintain
ing a lumber yard upon the ground that
the city council had no power under
thn statutes to prohibit the establishing
and mainuiining lumber yards within
the lire limits. From this decision both
parties appealed nnd tlio supreme court
lias rendered the following decision , ( sus
taining ( lilcrcst , and against thu city on
both counts :
Rothroek , J. 1. Section 182 of the cede
is as follows :
"Municipal corporations shall Imvo
power to make and publish from titno to
time ordinances not inconsistent with tlio
laws of the state for carrying into ellect
or discharging the powers and duties
conferred by this chapter , and such as
shall Fcem necessary and proper to pro
vide for the safety , prc.serve the health ,
promote the prosperity , improve thu
morals , order , comfort and epnveni'Mico
of said corporation anil the inhabitants
thereof , and to enforce obcdicneo to such
ordinance by line not exeeeding ono hun
dred dollars or by imprisonment not ex
ceeding thirty d.ys. : "
It is tnrlhcr provided by statute that
cities "Shall have power to make regu
lations against danger from accidents by
lire , to establish lire districts , and on peti
tion of the owners of two-thirds of the
grounds included in any square or block ,
to prohibit the erection thereon of any
building or addition to any building , uu-
les ! > tlie outer wallh thereof bo made of
brick and mortar , or of iron and stone
and mortar , and to provide for the re
nuivitl of any buildings or additions
erected contrary to said prohibitions. "
Code , See. tfn.
The ordinance tinder which the proe-
cntion against the defendants IH bought
to be maintained provides that 51. bhall be
unlawful for any person within certain
limits to "erect any building or addition
to any building not made and built with
outer walls composed of iron , stone , brick
and mortar , or other incombustible
material , and all persons are hereby tor-
bidden from hereafter erecting or estab
lishing any building within said limits ,
the outer walls of which are composed oi
wooil or other eombustibje material , or
from keeping or maintaining any lumber
yard or wood jard within baiif limits. "
It 'IH conceded i hat the ordinance estab
lishing tire limits was passed without the
petition of theownersof two-thirds of the
ground included in squares or blocks
within the limits lived by the ordinance ,
and the important question in thoeaso is ,
was Hitch petition necessary to give the
city council authority to tix lire limits.
It is claimed by counsel for the plaintill'
that the power is given in that of section
tot above cited which authorises the
council to make regulations against
danger from accidents by lire ,
and to cstabliMi "lire dis
tricts. " And it is thought to construe
the term "liro districts" the same as if
the words "lire limits" were used. \ \ e do
not think any btich construction can fair
ly be placed upon the law. terms
are not convertible nor interchangea
ble. The words lire districts are used to
authorize this division of the city into
districts for the better and more ollicient
fatrvice of the lire department in the extin
guishment of lires. That it was , t o under
stood by the council of the city of DCS
Moines is made manifest by the fact that
the council established two lire districts
and Used their boundaries. Another and
very cogent reason why the words "liro
districts" are not to be construed : i3"liro
limits" is thnt in the same section of the
statute the manner in which lire limits
are to bo established is especially desig
nate d that is by petition of the owners
of two-thirds of the grounds in the re
spective blocks.
It is further claimed that the citv conn-
cil is authorised to _ fix fi.'e limits under
the general provisions of section )8J ) of
the code. It maj be that the point would
bo well taken if it were not for the provi
sion in beetionI.ri7 prescribing the re
quirements neeogt-ary to the exercise of
the power. It is a gmionil principle of
law that the hpeeilic dcMgn tion of the
manner of c\tmiing a power granted
operates as a limitation upon the general
power conferred , or , as is said in the cose
of Keokuk vs. Scrags * , Iowa , -U7t
"When a thing is directed to bo done
through certain means or in any particu
lar manner , there is implied an inhibi
tion upon doing it through otiier means
or in a dill'ereut manner. " lu Rye vs.
Petvison , 45 Texas , : U1 ( ' , ' ! $ American re
ports , COS ) , it was hold that a city cannot ,
without express authority , in either its
charter or by statute , establish lire limita
and declare wooden buildings within
such limits to be nuisances. U hat easels
in its facts very much like the case atbar ,
MI iar as it relates to th erection of the
wooden buildings by the defendants.
Wo think upon tins branch of the case tlio
court erred in holding the defendants
liable for the erection ol the buildings at
their lumberyard.
II The court below held that the de
fendants were not liable to punishment
under the order for the erection unJ
malntainanca of a lumber yard within
the citv. This ruling doubtlosi was .made
upon tlio authority of the ease of the City
ot Keokuk vs. Soraggs , above cited. It
appears to us that the case is decisive of
this question. The city of Keokuk was
orgaul/.ed under nspechil charter. ltd
general powms were as broad and full us
the power granted to cities under section
Wi of the codo. w.w an amend
ment to the charter granting cpecilio
powers fur the purpoko of guarding
against calamities by lires. The city
passed nn ordinance for the prevention
of lires , in which it prohibited certain
acts not enumerated In the special provi
sions in the amendment. It was held
that the ordinance wus void. It seems to
IH that case is identical with this in
principle. Wo are content to follow it
without further elaboration.
Our conclusion is that thu judgment of
the court below should bo allirmed on
plalntiirs appeal , and reversed 011 de
fendant's appeal.
Pieot Rlbb us in the latest oj' > r n
Mrs , Rogers.
Short Hand work and Typo Writing.
All kinds. Kd Wright , 5D1 Mills at.
Tim Olllclnl Count.
The county board of enpcrvlsora met
yesterday , and made an olllcial eanvus :
of the vote of the recent election. Thu
figures thus gained do not change the re-
hull in any rcnpo.ct. although they shon
that fiomu error i crept into tlio rivi'itu !
majorities SIR ghcn from the unollitia
sources. The democrats uamud the
county on tlio slalo ticket by nearly COO
majority , thn vote on governor being ,
Whiting -J.aH , Larnbec 5t5J5 ! , giving i
Whiting a nmorjt.v | of 8s < fi , and the other
nnjorities on tlu * state olllees not vnrj-
ng fwi from that. The follow ing shows
he llgtircs on the other candidates :
ForlUpresonlallvM ! Mai.
Kcnlley , d . 4W ! 10,00
Siiji | , r . , n 7
Unit , d . -VSm 1,051
Hake , r . : iis' )
1'or Sheriff : ,
Heel , il . . . 12)3 ) 9CO
Armour , r . ' . ! , ltf !
I nr Treasurer :
I'luiiHT , d . 4.2W 073
HUiKe , r . Jl.gVJ
Tor Auditor ;
amit.'ii , it . 4ft\1 \ 613
Klrkland. r. : . J1V
l-'or Simevor :
IlrodlKvli , d . ! JU.4 ! 570
To-tevln , r . ! ! , uw
sniierlntfiKleiit of ifchcols :
1 .ulnl , il . 4tfJ9 , 401
.Mnllh w0 , r . , KH
h'or Coroner :
Helilim'er , d . 4,120 fi7
I'li-ld , r . ! ! , IW
tMirSujie-nisor :
Underwood , d . -1.27S 707
Knuii , d . , . ! l.n71
Holler , r . -I.Oilt 07
Ch > ! ni , r. . U.107
. . . ,
i i n > i - .I
The electric belt of. Iluld * Smith , ! ! 0
i'ourth street , Council lilulli * , positively
cures rhcumatliiu , neuralgia , dyspepsia ,
, paralyMs , indigo. ; inn. ins , cold
eel , nervousness , headache , kidney and
iver complaints , lo..s of vitality , lead
poisoning , lack ot nerve force and vigor ,
wasting wenkne of those diseases of n
personal nature in male and female.
For everything in thn srroccrv line give
Iho new Jinn of Kinty. it Klccb , KIJ
Itroadway , a trial. K\erjthing new and
fresh. Fancy groccrit s a specialty.
- <
Death otMotin HtttU : .
The death of John A. KinU % announced
in yesterday's HUB as having occurred at
1 o'clock Sunday afternoon , has caused
sorrow to a largo circle of friends here.
Mr. KinUas born in Cumberland
county , Pennsylvania , and hail reached
the age of11 years. Ho has been in the
employ of the Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy railway for se.veu j'ears , aud has
riron from the position of clerk to that of
cashier , a position he has occupied for
the past three years. His cloo conlinc-
mcnt to business has boon telling upon
Ida health for homo tinii't and about three
weeks ago. while returning from a meet-
ingot the Royal Arcanum , 1 which ho
was an honored member , he was stricken
by paralysis , and since that time has been
failing despite the skill of nhvbifians and
tender care of friends , and death came.
He was a man of many rare virtues , in
business muttons having a clear headund
in social relations a warm heart , and
seldom is ono taken from lifeho ! e
deat'.i oauBcs so many sincere expressions
of sorrow among acquaintances and
friends. He has a father and brother
living in Pennsylvania , and another
brother , Lew KinU , now of St. Lnnii > , has
iioen in attendance at the bedside several
days. Mr. W. W. ( hapman , of this city ,
was also related , being a cousin. The
funeral will be held this afternoon afJ
a'olock at the residence ot1 Miss Laura
Italdwin , No. fioU Willow avenue. The
Royal Arcanum , in whose circles he was
so prominent aud active , will attend in a
body , and the remains will be laid away
in tairviow cemetery.
Substantial abstracts of title aud real
estate loans. J. W. , & E. L. Squire , 1U1
Pearl .
_ _
Cottage ranges , Garland stoves , Ra
diant Homes and Hub heaters of the very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , at
Cooper i'i McGee's. No.11 Main btreet.
Found Ills Clothes.
About three weeks ago a painter
named Jensen , boarding at the Denmark
hotel , had a suit of clothing stolen from
his room and has been unable to get any
track of them until yesterday , when ho
discovered the young man wearing the
coat and vest. The young man was
brought into court ami established the
fact to the satisfaction of the judge that
he did not steal the. clothes , but that ho
found them in the collar of the Coy
hou. o , where they had evidently been
hidden by whoever stole them. The
clothing was turned over to the. lighiful
owner and the young man allowed to go
Every one buying 25 cents worth of 'L'
1) . King & Co. , hat ! a chance , free , in the
great drawing , December L'l.
Forthobi'Kf and cheapest oysters call
at Chicago Lunch Counter , MM Itroad
way. Ojster coup all day , only 10 cents.
fiomo Pickpocket 1'appy.
On Sunday night there arrived here
over the Rock Island a line looking gentleman -
tleman from Pennsylvania , who with his
mother , was on route for North Loup ,
where his mothcr-in-l.tvv lives. Ho
claimed to have been the victim of some
thief on the train , near Dea Moines , who
relieved liis pockets of his tickets and pa
pers and about $1.V ) in money. It seems
that he fell asleep , and when he awoke
ho found his coat unbuttoned and the
pocket book aud contents gone. The
railway o'Jicials being satisfied with the
truthfulness of the statement , oiiw to it
that ho was provided with thu ueccs-iuries
for continuing his journey.
Joined ,
On Sunday afternoon Rev. T. J.
Mnckoy ollleiated in tlio happy Hervieo of
joining in marriage Mr. ( iporgo F. Wit-
turn , of this city , and Mi s Jennie Cooper ,
a very cultured lady , who has had charge
of the public schools in Minden. Mr.
Wittiim hiisalso bcun a teacher , and has
been pursuing his studies in law and
has been admitted to practice. The
worthy oonplo have m-iny friends , with
whom thullKK joins In wishing the newly
wedded ones the brightest future.
Lamps cheap nt Homer's , ! J3 Main St.
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
"No. 168 - Broadway.
Opposite Ogden lloase ,
Council Blu la.
d , - - .
This honso bojn n now OIIP , ronao-
qnnntly i'.v rythimj In slock U now nnd
I'rimvi fi roaconnblu M any other
eery in tin-
Ono iriul is all wo ask.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
Oar f took If non c-otnploto In nvcry ilopnrt-
ini'iit miU vuiiliiUiH nil tlio luU'tUtvlvttmuloiruuia
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices.
PAJIl'LKS fiirnlMied UJKJU apiillontlon to o
of uiwu parties.
Council Bluffs Carpet Company
tr9m RMfr > 7 * * * f * f
TiSE llttfUiti
Siydrauiic Engmeors ,
nnd Private Systems
cf Sewerage ,
Water woiks anil VnntilaUou designe
and oon&trnultid. *
1'luinbJnt ; work in till its branyhon.Tliifl
company have ono ol the best athortoil
sUxjkH of pluinbinx 0oils in the west
Estimates fnruMied.
Now York Plumbing , pomiwny 652 Broad
i' ' i
wtii Council J'.lnll'u. Tulfjibonu Xo 27.
J e\r York ,
No. ! l Tcnrl Street. , Council IlluITa , ton *
t _ . ' _
Justice of the Peace.
OlCcoOvcr Ainrrlfnn Evprp < w ,
mim ,
ITK Of K. 1 . I ITV ,
Haa iilirno.l a Hiillo of difmalnnt ; pnii-.n lit
Noywllioiulway ,
CuttlnB : uul lilting " l
Setter JrSIotel
'as it , .
* iOTICi : . { ? fi'lvertlfcmerita , ( I1 M
I < o , Found , To | . < ian , For fnlo , Tu Kent , Wnnta
llCU'iutrifr , tic. , * , 111 Ino ln".ortod m this cohiiun at
tliolowrato of TI'.N CRNTS I'KIl MNUfortho
nrf.t Intortlon nnd K1VK CENTS 1M5H LINK for
wich cutoriiucnt Insertion. lflvo nJvortifo-
muntsnt our unii-o , No. 12 Vctirl Mrcct , near
" \\TANT15 ! ) rirst-t'ln * * honors nt HnnivS.ontn
1-nuiidry. No. fill ) Uromlwny Council
1inOM-Aieolv firnlflixl
Inrito front room for rout nt No. vai Vine
eticrt , Coiiuiil : ItiufT * .
Ir OK 8A1.K Helm ? dcslroitu of movingto
Uinnlin , on luvount of my Iwlui'RS , 1 oltrr
for wlo my rvfldriieo , corner t'tmrtli nvctiuo
nnil Ninth street. Imiulro on jut-mltea. A. I * .
IH. limit il.
oreKfroH nnNT-AtMuMaion &
H No. 4 I'cnrl Mn-ot ,
roil SAM : , rent HKNT on
QfO. M Ior fnlf or rent , on very lUwnil ternr.
U Tlio Council IlhifTH I'IMHT Mill. complete , with
tliolnrKO bourdlUK liouso nnj ttiruo acres of
No. W A liiiclnrfs property In muuty , lown , will tt-.ido lor western
Innds. Vnliip , nbnut M. ( X > .
No. BO A tirmittful liorno In tljf town of llnst-
IIIKS. MlllH comity , Iowa , lor Kcbmskn laud.
Vnliie. W/At.
No. 41 A Rood liiiflnoss property nnil also a
peed reKldoiitfij pioporty In tlio tow n of flicuvo
> lrl.rnn comity. Ill . loxv down for uifthor will
txclKitiffO for wt'Etrni land * .
No. l',9 A Milomlld fiinn , well Improved , Oil )
ncrofl In llckln ) on county , lown , Joining tlio
tnwn ul' Splilt Ijiko. 1'riro , for n cliOU tliuo ,
t-'lfi per ncrc.
No. 1M to 1B7 Am four Inprmetl fnrmi In
I'hllllpB county , Kmi'ss , onrli with u enmll In-
cimibrmu'o. Tlio oiinltns will l > o ( ixelmiifiod lor
unliinuiilioml \ lld Innd In Nelirnwhn.
No. 1X1 ! H ) ncu-H In llolttouitly. Nob. , partly
Improved , at n liltf Imitf.iln. WiintH to cjcbuiiKo
lor iiiprttmndlfc.
No. M A line two Mory lirluk residence , ono
of tholiPBt locution ? In romicil lllnIK will trudo
lor jroixl uiilnciiiibcrod Kimt-ns or NubruiJm
In lids" . Vnlnc. i 15,1m
No. iVmml II Are tivootliur hmntirul homos
In Council llhilfe , which c-.ifli pityincms will buy
i\t n Itarjiiiin.
No .Vj Alionutlfiil "iib-irban locnllon In Iowa
City , loivn. will ui'linnfro lor wottorn lands.
Viihio , ffl.lKK ) .
'J ho uhnto are only n few of our Pnx-lal | bnr-
piilns. 11 yon'vfBot iiuj-thln to trade or Mill ,
or wnnt to i-cll nny u'til u 'nto or inurulniiullii ) ,
wrlt > us.Vo hu\o \rral coed Hlocltn of irooda
totmdofor lauds. SWAN & WAI.Kl'.U ,
Council IllulTH , Iowa ,
J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent ,
No. 607 Hroodwuv , Council
Bailway Time Table.
The folUnvlnp Is HIP tlmo of nrrlvnl nnd
ilrpnrtiiit1 of truln * l > y oititrnl Mmulunl tinii1 , nt
llio Irvcul ( lopiiis. Trsilns Imvo tr..iiMcfilopot ten
minutes c.irlltr uiul urri\o leu icluutus later :
UCI'AUT. AllillVK.
'liSn.i. M . Mull unit IXxiiroin . ( lfflp. : M.
lu's'Oi1. M . ArcoimwrtliiUon . < : M J1. M.
CiuUl'.M . Kxpn H . ilUJA. : M.
ClllTAUO d IIO < .K tSMNl ) .
B.'ft A. M . JlnUntiar.xpii"-H . n.13i' : . \ | .
7:15 A , 31 . Accommodation . ft : 15 1 > . M.
fiuOI : . M . r.Apirss , . HU15A..M.
CIItC\iO , MllMt KF.F. A ST. I'Atll , .
fl:20 : A. M . Mull uml E\i > r > st , . tifiOi : * . M.
BiUoi'.M . Kxjntm . ! llo.\.il. :
nni'too. iirai.i.vtiroN 4 gui > cv.
tl : < 0 . M . Mull mid UAI > VU . 7:10 : ' .M.
V.'A r.AMi , dr. 1.01111 & j'Aomr.
2:15 : r. M.I/x'ul St. l/ouls llxpifH I xnl .
3U : ) r. M 'J'liir.Kler Ht. l.oiiiIVx. . TrauHlur.iU''O r. M
KAMMAH ( .m. tVT. , Il > C 1 COl'NClIj llUini ? .
10:10 : A. M . Mnlnnai\pic ! s. . 7 : ' ir.M.
Un5l' : . u . Ilrricss . BSijA. .
Ttr.A.M . sioux niy iiiu . mo P.M
blCi : I'.u . ht. 1'uill Kxii < * i < t . 8:25 : A.M
TMO.V I'AC.t'lC.
11:00 : A. M . tlonvorHypic'-s . 4r : ; > i'.M.
lAi > . M.-.l-lnooln I'li's. . Din. & It V. . . „ ' : : ! . > r. M.
7 : il * . M . Ovorlaul Kvpn > M . 8:110 : A.M.
l.ravo Couildl lllillls Ta"i 7r : > T > USO : IOJW
11:40 u. in. ; l : ) -SJ.- > JW : : f2S-in : OS5V-
11:45 p. in. I 'n-.i Oinutiiiiav - 7Kibr10OJ : : :
11:16 a. in : l-M 2.UJ-i.c : 4-M tD5 5 : ! > 3.
In Cotuu'U lllutrsiiiivlng
And nil iniMcni Itnprovtmtuls , v.ill bcllH , lire
alarm ticlLs , i < lc. , tatlio
Kos. 'M , 217 uml "IS , > fnln Street ,
MAX MUliK , l'itprl tor.
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
BSens Fai ! & Winter Wear
. ' nu 1 lloj ( , ' ISiiFtrrw , Suits.
Jli'iih' uml llojs' lrti Suits.
rii'lciH'nV ' ' Uvury Diiy and Droin SniK
f niwjitts lor .Vfon , Il < > } 'n r.nd Chllilrou.
Mr > iiliintTiiII : rSult- > .
Jlcrclu.ur Tailor OVOK
MCI cliant Tailo
I' < ) uul to tlio lut t , tu oilor ,
AtliiUrilin pi-Ic .
Vat Moris' Kultn ir.i-1 O rroat&
] .c n JfrnV Pullh mid H\tir i W.
Vtit Moil1 , ' TIIIHM 11
Mcdlcatdl Pcaih ts" , lv\tra llt-inv
ranry ColoroJVouh > uU julrwl iiuiUiiict ) , iroui
ftc cuih to ( t.oJ.
10U TIIU 1'ALL Ofc 16 T.
s -crnisnssscciTo 000x33
G-loves ,
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
iUiillUo3 | uml ii'UKniublo priooi.
f , Co jut .1 HI alts ,
l'r ct tv1' in
llou.ui i Ju.l o ,
PAlDUPCAPIi L , j20,000 , , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , $100,000 ,
Musical Merchandise of Every Description ,
Toys ar.d Fancy Goo .is.
Wo make tlio cclccratod Ilardman Pianos , and the Royal Whitney Orgnnn , 0
specialty. Every instrument warranted. Send for catalogue.
Council lilull'H , lown ,
Have removed to their New Store ,
Hos. 32 & 84 Main and 33 & 36 Pearl Sts. ,
Where they have put lu u new stock of
ladies' ' and Gents Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
Among which are the following lincfl :
its and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gentsf
ISTeekwear , Gents' Underwear.
H .OT * * < ! > i.-'i f , Tui'NKSND VALISUS , MOVAIMI VIXK Sninrs
( Vifttii'eit.'s ct/Hd Misses' "Underwewi
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets an4
Flannels , Rock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. ftj anil i Main Stroct , Council
No. 33 and 33 I'ourl Stroot.
Ho. 413 Broadway , Council Bluifs.
Our customers get the benefit of the expense thus sat od. Scud for jirico liota.T
nrtcJt Inilldlnrs of nny lilml rnlP vl or moved and satisfaction suurAnloed. Fraino lioonoa inoT
on Lllllo Ulunl trufUty ibo licjt ill tliu vvurld.
loiootu BT. , coiiNcit. ni.urrs , IOAW.
No. 29 Main street , Council Bluffs.
HO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
( CEO , W. SCIIINCLLC i CO , , )
No. 540 Broadway , Council Ciiffs.
All woiU . imrn o < | iutl to Tr-.y l/unuliy
\vorl. . Vi'nrli tailed Tor an ! dollii'icl I'l K . ' .
.MUiiMlfc : Uy mull or in pi 11.11 louc-lvu | ir. mpl ; il >
I c. nt I u.
Kv \ - mlucaUJtuulmuM uud luiriupuivs. 'ivl
f | ihuue .Nu IU
R. BICE , M. D.
or "ll'T tuinort roir.ovful wlctioul
( | M , i.i.lfo . nrilruwliiK ol' l > lo < ) < J.
CHRONIC DISEASES of all klnm a ipootelty.
O IJT thirty ycuiv' ( iiiiotlcnl oxnorioiwo. Oflloa
No. 11 I'curl hircct , LViiinuil lilulli.
nios. omcrn. M. tr. n.
, l&U.
Mrs. B. A. Benedict's ,
Jin. an llronilwiij' . Ijonticll llluir * .
HairGoods'HairG-ooda '
Of nil fclndi niiKlo to Of overnllo
older. niudo.
Hair G-oods Hair Goods