Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1885, Image 1

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    Ji.F I 7
' T TT * ! 1 t I ? M * T\Tf * I OTI'n
Cuperior's W.itora a Grave for Twenty-Two
A PflHHcnucr I'nc'Uct , Gopn Doxvn In a
* ' Sln < ? HmMV ( slorin Nn I'urtloit *
nn to Those Who Arc
Crow Sin od.
, Aintn \ Vo cl Wrrolcol.
CtncAuo , Nov. . A Dally NCVVH
from Wlnnopeg says : A fearful disaster
ownrred on Lake Superior off Poit Arthur
early ( his morning. The niojjnlllcont Iron ,
clad ( .learner Algoma , of the Canadian I'.v
cllio ralhoad was wrecked and thlrty-tiovcn
lives lost. Only meagre particulars have
been received at llio pi-went hour. They
consist mainly of telegrnins to private IHT-
nnns annotinclng thu loss of friends. Mr. 1C.
Dudgeon , of this city , received a fc.w nu > -
incmsago tliu lollowmg telegnim :
"AlgomaEono down : your wife and two
chlldien are drowned. "
Mr. Dudgeon's wile Is 05 jo.irs old , and the
c lldien aionboy and gill , 'land 4 yeai-s re
spectively. Mr. Dudgeon Is liom Owen
hound , and was ho.ndlng bin wife and family
back toUiiluiio. The tcnmor left Poit Ar
thur at. > p. m. , and wns wrecked at Islelloyal ,
just at the outside ol Thunder Hay. A heavy
fct r.u ) ) revi'llil all Kumhiy afternoon and
nUht , and the Mourner la > to tor a time.
When tlio wcatlicr cleatcd slightly the vessel
stalled again , but imulo slow piogivss. In
tlio morning a dense log pievallcd , mid the
fueamcr felt her way along , bloving the fog
horn. Khc btrm k a iccf and mid went down.
AH hands on boaid aie icportcd lo : < t.
Tiio stcjimer was bound tor ONNCII Sound ,
thopaKsciigers for Toioiito and other points
cost. Cajitaln Moore Is master of the vessel ,
n'id. Mackenzie , nephew of lion. Alex.
21 iclicn/.ic. Is pin-or.
Later rciwrt.s say that the steamer Algoma
W B coming Into Port AUhnr , and not going
out , when the wreck occurred. She lelt
Owen Mound last Thursday and was wrecked
Saturday night. The urst known of thodls-
asier was when the steamer Artlmba-ske.
of the wnno line , arrived at Port
Arthur late this evening with the
cruw of tlio ill iaied Algonm ,
consisting of uftwi , and two i > asscngorn
wlioweio the only ones saved. TaoArtha-
liaokc , which lofl Owen sound INVO dujs after
the Algoma , came u ) > on the wieck at Isle
Koyal and found the ciew und two passen-
ccia in a pciLsliingcondition on the Island.
The wiock had bcondaslu'd by the maddened
wuos against the rocks and was unally
luaten against the slime of the island. Tin ;
crow and two pu.sseirors | saved themselves
by taking to the lifeboat and baUliiu with
the waves until the shore wax reached. Tne
boat was washed oNer seveial times by the
waves but lighted again , whllo the men
clung with the de.spairot death to the sides.
Theysuccix-dcd in teaching laud in anal-
most dead condition irom exhaustion and
The storm continued to rage furiously all
night long. The iCHHicd on the
beach watching the wreck beat against the
rock-bound island and seeing dead bodies
Unshed In the Mirf against the shore. The
Arlhabaska came along about noon to-day ,
and as tinchannel l-i narrowcould not avoid
seeing the wreck and the dlstiesa ot these on
the island. A boat was font ashore and
Inotighttlm icsciied to the Arthaba ko , which
fcot sail for Port Arthur , where it arrived
about 7 o'clock tills evening. There Is Intense
excitement In tills city to-night , as many had
friends on bunrd. Thollbtof cabin passen
gers , can 1)0 ) had at Toronto or Sault St
Marie , nheio a manifest of paeseiigeis is
given to the custom otllccr.
The Alb'oma was a tluinmhly built and
splendidly equipped Cljdo we < : l steamer ,
lighted by electricity. The gross tonnage is
l.lbO , length 210 tcct , breadth : is feet. It was
complete in ovciy detail. The furnishing
was as luxurious as the finest ocean steam
ers. The NCMe ! cost SIMOJJ , and is
understood to have been msmcd for
g)00X)0. ! ) ( ) It Is ono of the three
hteameis Albcitji , Aithab.iska and Al-
coinapmchased two jcars ago bv tlio
Canadian Pacino tuilroad for lake tralllc ,
Blnco which time it has been plying steadily
between Owen Sound and Poit Arthur ,
doing a big business. The bteamer ga\e tlie
gicatest satisfaction.
Dudgeon s wife and children were on the
way from OweJi Sound to join the hu-bainl
here and were lost.
OWKN Sot'NU ' , Out. , Nov. 0. The Cana
dian Pueino Hallway company's Htcamer Al-
coma , which lelt here Thursday the 5th
liift , , N\eut nshoro on Isle Kojul , in Lake Su
perior , at 4 o'e ! < x'k Satmday morning during
nhllnilliig snow btorm. About eight passen-
K rs and Iwcnty-nvo of the ciew aiu sn | > -
p nod to bo lost. Among those saved thus tar
a po : Captain John Moore , Kiist Mate Joseph
liisilngs and Second Mate Hlclnird
bi.upMUi , Henry Ixiwls , Nvalchman , John
M Nabb , watchman , Fireman II. Me Callger.
tlcuk-hunds It. Stephen , James llollon , Daniel
jaington , waiters , John McLean , ( ieoix'oMc-
Cull , John MeKoiuio. ami among the pabt-en-
Ceiri W. J. Hill mid W. 11. McArthur.
Full partlonlats liave not jetbeen icceived.
neittley , munager of hike trutllc , has scut out
tugs Irom Poil'Aithur with liiblructlons to
neaich Isle Ko > al for any smvlvors that may
have got ashoie. and to pick up and take earn
of any bodies that may no found. The tugs
. lire now at the scone of the wieck.
Tooting a Sound ot'.loy.
CjtrsTP.n , Pa. , Nov. P. Knach's yard
Htartiil up this morning with 170 men. At
7 o'clock upward of l.WO men assembled
wound the gates , and when the whistle gave
Its accustomed toot at intervals of one minute ,
a deafening shout went up trom tlio crowd
which diowncd the t-cicam of the whistle.
Women and chlldien took it up , and the glad
liuj/.u could bo heaid tor himaies away. All
the loninen of deiiaitmeuts were taken on ,
and tlu" selected about IN ) woiUmcn , Tools
were given out. and about sixtv men put to
work on the Chctno. ! All the depattments ,
CM'Cpt the toundrv , wcro stalled.
Niw : YniiK , Nov. 'J. Ono hundred and
fifty men re-tinned woik at the Moiganoiks
( John Itoaelu in this citvthis moinln > . . The
cinl-cr Atlanta and thu dispatch Doljiliin
weio full ot mechanics , and the busy hum ot
Industry was heard on all sides. Ills caid
tlmt o\cr 100 men will be taken on dming the
n Itohnto Clnlm.
Lot isvii.t.i : , No9. . This morning Col
lector Wood , of the Owcusboro district , noti
fied John d. Hoacii , V Co. , of this city , that
cl-vim for u icbato of STS.Sb.'i.M ) , In
whisky burned at ids Unlontown
distillery H year ago , has been rejected by the
government , and the collcotor has Iwn In-
titructed to have suit bioiidit ( tor Iho iec4ivei-\-
of the amount. The him srtys the cause nf
the injection Is on account ot tiouie- technical
pnlnt. not bcinp compiled with In making
. 1 touch will lilt ? f.iinnli'incntul pa
pers , nnd says the claim will doubtless be
Cut In Telegraph Hates.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. U. H wns umioiotl last
night tlmt u wholesale cut in Weftcrn Uniot
rates wasmnonK the piobabilitlesof the near
future , A tnornlni ; paper says tliat the mtes
between Boston and Washington will Iw re
duced to five and ten cents to meet the Haiti
nioiOiV Ohio , wine ) rates nro uoio ten to lit-
teen cento. It Is iurthcr said that tlio West
ern Union has hud the mattui under consid
eration for t > e\rral weeks ami only reached a
conclusion to leduce last Friday.
The Gnlvoittoii Strike l ndeil.
fir. Lot-in , Nov.l * . A PoM dl-patch spocla
$ aj. Mr , Youns , Ki'ucral Houtliern panson
Eernucnt of the Mallory line of Kttamet.s. has
Jn.i i wdml tolcKraiiiH i-tiUini : that t IM giea
Mrlkeat ( lalvi ton , Ta < cndcil this morn
1MB to the biUlsfacwm of all concerned.
Bliot Jlinificlf at Home ,
CnirA oXov.rranlsO < ' F-'ltort npora
toronthoUwnd ot tradeMj-n ' , t l !
tcaiUcnco tUisnfteruoou.
The lllsastroiii Cyclone that Visited
the tiutilh.
Pin.n.v , AU , Nov. ( i.-rrlday nl ht one of
ho most tori Hie and disastrous stoims ever
; nown In this Mute pa sod over this section
of the country , washing away bridges , mil-
roadbeds , glowing crops and loNcIlug for"
cstsaud hniises for miles. Tlio cyclone was
veeompanlod by torrents of rain and appalU
ngcleetiledl.solo-inies. It start' don Cobnba
Ivor and passed Ihroii h Dall.w , I'-n-y and
Hlbb count l w , leveling all in Its path. E\-
ploring lelief parties say the track of the cy
clone was half a mlle wide. They liax e gone.
iver forty miles , picking up dead and
wounded , nud don't know how much longer
[ ho tiaolc K Thirteen jn-i'sons liavo been
tumid killed outright and forty or titty dan
gerously wounded. A immUr ol imr .ons
cannot he accounted for. Uale.i of cotton
were blown from gin honor * mid hurtled and
* < catleivd every whole , ( iiowlni ; crop * , pota
toes etc. , weru torn up fiom the ground , and
liven ttoos were harked. A man driving u
load ot cotton to this cltv ha.s Iwen lo t. The
rotten and wagon woie blown aciuarter of a
mile and the man and mules cuiricd nu nud
cannot ho found.
Ilellcf jiartles are srarchlnir for tliedcad
and dying , and everything Is being done to
ichove the destitution. The neuroeft are
friL'htened nearly tq death und huddle to-
Kother or . alone unclad In the bushes
and under lallen trec.i. The city isb ing
canvassed for money to bury the dead ami icr
Hove the destitute.
< > AtvisroN' , Nov. 0. A special from
Dangorneld to the News says : Late accounts
show the cyclone in Cess county last Thurs
day evening was worse than nt urst repotted.
Its hicadth was thlrtv } anR A tunnel
shaped cloud moved wltli aw I id velocity , and
atoriitic roar , crushing dwellings and out
buildings , scattering their contents tar and
wide , and cairylng death and de-
structlon In UH pathway. Hardy Pittman ,
and tlnce eliildien , ( i , 7 n'nd H yeait ) , and also
a 9-y ir-old boy named Klchard Hawthorne ,
wi-ro all Instantly killed by the destruction
of theilNvoIllnir. 1'lie head of one child NVIVS
hoisted off and eairied 'JKI ( janls from the
body. Mrs. Ihuce , a NvhhiNV K ) yearn of age ,
and her daughter are badly Injured by the
wrecking 01 their residence , It is supposed
the former will die from her Injuries. Re
ports of other casualties aie icporled. Alter
the storm a tmkey was found completely
stripped of his leathers ) . The extent of ttie
damage is not known.
Four Day's Afore of Idfo Granted
JltiniorH of Another Rising.
IluniNA , N. W. T. , Nov. t ) . Kiel has been
implied until tlio Ifitli lust. Preparations are
already bi'im : made for bis o\Tcntion on tlmt
day , although the warrant has not yet ar
Qri-nnc , Nov. 0. Since the jeturn of si do-
taclnnent of II battery fiom the northwest
u'nive rumors have been ciiculatlm ? in mili
tary ciiclcs , and members ol the battery arc
convinced that their ofliceis have leeched
orders from Ottawa to hold even-thing In
readiness in the northwest in autlclitation of
more tumble theio , espcc ally of aialdnpon
some of the torts In the teirllory. Their con
viction on the subject was strengthened bv a
tecciit dispatch reflecting the doubling "of
tlio force at Itogiua.
TottoXTO , Nov. . A six'dal dispatch from
Ottawa to the ( ilobe s.aj s a minor Is circu
lating that \viinnntnidei Ing Kiel's exe
cution was lorwudcd lo Ucgina some time
ago by a special messenger.
OITANVA. Nov. ' . ' . - Nothing new has been
learned hcio in connection with the Kiel
case.Qtnnnc : , Nov. 0. Unto noon to-day F. X.
Loinleux , who piesonled a petition to the
dominion goveinment , asking that a medical
commission examine into the question ot the
sanity ot Louis Kiel , had icceived no intima
tion of thu government's ) intention in the
premises. Lemieiix does not believe his
client will hang. '
WAhinxoio.v , Nov. 0. Major Edmond
Mallei , of this city , a well known worker in
the French cause in the United State * , und
an Intimate , pcisonal friend of Louis Kiel ,
had an interview with thepiesident this af
ternoon and made a strong s | > cecli tor the in-
terfoienee of this government to prevent the
hanging ot Kiel by the Cumuli , in atithoiitlcs.
The picsident heard Mallei fiidy and giving
ths matter thorough consldeiatlon , . concurred
with Itnyatd'H opinion given , that
It was not a case in which the United States
government would properly Interfere.
Striking- out For Another Fortune.
Nr.w YOUK , Nov. ! ) . [ Special to tlio Ht-i'j : :
Win. N. HIddle , late president of the Penn
Bank of Plttbburgli , lelt that city last week
and will begin business anexv here. In n Tri
bune interview he says : " 1 am going to make
another fortune , have fixed up a place in Wall
street nud shall take a hand in new eorpoiu-
tlonti , the sale of coinmcicial i > aKlr ) , " etc. Ke-
leiilng to the Pennsylvania bank iltiyitiims
he said. "Why , \\nsaciiultled you know ,
vthen it was louiid that hisiead of dclrand-
Ing the bank I had put my whole fortune in
to it lu a vain effort to wive it. Then
the deposltois suul the diiectors lor
80,000,0 JO und the suit is awaiting trial. I have
heaps of friends In Putsbnrg and shall lr >
here to make myself UM-iul. " liKiulu abon't
Ids will which Pittsbnig papers h.uo been
discussing , brought a reiilj Nvith a laugh , "I
am a soi tot'a crank on the chailly < im\--tlon.
I am a bachelor icqulriiu ; only . ' . ( KMI a year
toliNoonand I have generally given awav
about live times that MIIII. When 1 was rich
1 made my will bequeathing oxerythin/ /
chanties , to schools , colleges , hospitals , libra
ries , ictieatH ot various Mitts , but it all wont
into the chasm caused by the speculation of
the dliectois during my illness and absence.
That will isn't good tor much now , but who
knows , now that my health is given back to
me , I feel as if 1 could do anything. 1 Imvo
been \eiy pleasantly tec-civcd in Now
iotk. "
Tlio IMaguo In Montreal.
Mo.NTitiiAi. , November D. The total num
ber of deaths in this city from smallpox ics-
terday wasn. : Cagneu , who recontl > rehlbt-
ed thqoillceis with llr arms , has had a su In
scription opened lo hire lawjcis tor nls de
While military Constable Moffatt was do
ing isolation woik on Ottawa sticet lie
attacked by n mob , who , alter sou'iely In'at-
ing him and hicuking his aim. ran away.
Ycslerduy nttcinoon a man In Ueny Lane.
who had thohiuallpox In ills house , came out
on the balcony to take an ailing. Two isola
tion constable * oideied him In , mid on lilhob-
jectlng , iiut him Inbyfmco. A Iniget-iowd
gathcied , and tlio constables were fmccd to
take u cab ami went to Iho central police sta
tion for assistance. The chief of pollen ap
peared t > eloio the ciwvd and urged them to
icspcct tlmlaw , and they quietly witliditnv ,
thiisavciling wnut might huvo been a bcriuiib
MoxiitrAt , Nov. O. DuriiiK Satmday and
Sunday Fovcnly-one new casvs of bimdl i > ox
Wroolc on the Nuw York Central.
NHNV Voik , Nov. D. Train JCo. fiT ran off
the Uiicl ; about u mile of Little Falls
about WW : ; this morning. The accident was
canoed ! ) j a washout of a poifiou of llm track
over which the engine passed stately , but Ihe
tender wa derailed and all the icsi of thu
train. Tint tender was Nvcdgcd into tint side
of tlm tii > t hlocper. Mre. ( - . It. Pratt , of ICo-
ehestcr. was killed and her tn band , C. 11.
Pratt , bllKluly Injured , ns v.r.s also JmUo II.
Cicen , of .Sprlngilcld. Ills. Several others
were moie or lo s bruised but none seriously.
Cliielnnatl'u Kleuilon Muss.
CINCINNATI , Nov. . Hut little progress
was nuule In the ehvtlon imindamus case b -
forethe circuit coutt. Tlie cro-ss-examlna-
turn ol County Clcik D.ilton w.i.s coutlmicd.
Thoheailng was adjourned until Wednes
day owing to the absence of the attorneys ,
who will ( h > absent lo-mouow arguing a mat
ter iMifoie the Mipiemo eouit pertaining to
tbo icgibtratinu law.
A Methodist Church Hnrnod.
Kr.wroN. Iowa , Nov. ! > . [ SiK-chd to the
Hi i.l The Methodist Episcopal church of
tliUritv was destroyed by lire ye.stcrday. The
* , ' , iimouni In SUtJVO. , Insured iu thu
for 0,00(1. (
A Tribnunl of Jujtico Presitled Over by
BccroUiry Loniar.
Application t i Vacate
the ISoll TnUMHH > y The o Who
Claim Prior ItiTcntlon or
the Kleotrlo Wonder.
ITciu-Int ; the Tolophotio Cases.
WASHINGTON , Nov. --To-day l > was set for
hearing Uie tolcjihoiie ea.'wis licforo the secre
tary of the interior. Tlio Jorge room of the
ii& > tatanl Hvrctary general ot the Interior de-
IKiitmeiit was ciwwdcd with these Interested
jn tlm caws. Secretary Liunar opened the
proceedings by stating that nlnn petitions
liad been tiled In this case. Inusmuch an
there scorned to Us a concurrence of senti
ment and wishes by all concei nod lu the c m-
troversy , he couvinceil that Uio wuolu Khouhl bo taken up at once and consid
ered as a NN hole , that there should be discus
sion to-day on the power of the government
to Institute suit to vacate n patent , and that
the respective applicants who are movers i n
the mailer cliotmi hc in with their evidjnco
ami submit their ca'-c * .
The m.steiwe called was thatof the ( Hobo
Telephone company , Mr. ilumphre > s , at
torney for the company , proceeded to icail a
petition in itt < beiiatt. In In id tlm petition
set lorth that the patent examiner who passed -
ed the Hell patent was under the Impiv.ssion
that It related to the Astern of mullip.ex telegraph -
graph : that HclI'Miiigiiial telephone wustn-
op-ratlve , that this Is udmlltrd by lilniM'lf- ,
tiutt hucoiild not trutlifutly eaim piloinyot
invention ol the teicptione , lHiaiise ! it was
commonly known thai Keiss , Mcticci , Cray
and others had nuule and Used teleplioucb be-
loie Ueil'i4Hiiplic.ition ; thatitcoulilbeshoxvn
that MUIICCI had used the tiilephono lu IbiU ,
and that he hatl not abandoned his Inven
tion ; that the Westein Union Telegraph
company , controlling certain telephone pat
ents , hud cnlcicd imo a contract with the
Hell company to eomproiin-e their dilTer-
eneosby wliicii the Western Union coiuii'iny
leceivcd0 per cent ot the pniiits of the
telephone company , and t.iat these gnat ; coi-
] ) oiations had nutus ! to compel the peojilo to
pay tiibuto to them ; theiet'oit ; tne Ulobe
Ti'lophone company pra > cd the department
ol justice to Infill suit to vacate the Bell
The lemaimler of the petitions were read
In thu oitler of their piescnt.ition , and in
cluded substantially the same matter setout
In the loivgoiiig petit inn. During tlio
leading of the petit ions of the
Cu.shnuui conijKkiiy , U imphrey stated
tieie was n contract In existence made
between Ciishmun and the ie.I : company by
the terms of which Ctishmun agieed to re
main iimct and avoid any micrieiciice with
tlie 1'Cil patent.s ; that tuo doeumuiit was in
the bauds o [ die attorneys ot tin ; licit com
pany , and later on they would be called upon
to produce it. In the ixttion ot the Pan-
Electric company it sets lorth that ( ! iay tiled
a cavtnt fora telephone on the day of Bell's
application , ami ( hat , contiaiy to the law ,
tliu contents ot Ciiay's caveat weio imulo
known to 15ell by the ofiioiuls ol theiuUent
ollice , mid that within a lew days Hell nnide
an important aiiiciidmeul lo his ai'pllcalion ,
covcimg tlie matter dcseiiticd in < ira > s
caveat , .Mr. ( ! anty stated that "solicitor Ucn-
eiaUioode had acted upon tlio jtetition alter
an eNamination of tlie authoiitie.s upon tele
phony , and of the KeibS and other instru
ments , by beginning the suit at Memphis.
Mr. Stoirs stated the licit company had
no desire to submit a wiitten answer to tne
| iUitio < i. It \ biiftic.iont to dcuj ge.ucinlly
everytldng that had been set out. Iletmther
asberted that all of the allegations material to
this investigation were dispioved by papers
which the petitioners themselves had pie-
BMited and rel'encd to , witli peihap1) a lew
other records irom tliu intent oil e .
lluniplneys then proceeded to lead allida-
vlls biiunuttcd in Niijijiortoi the putiiioiiMcie-
gimiing Nvith that 01euus Wdbcr , e.Mimlner
ot the patent ollleti , who was in charge ot the
electrical dejiaitmcnl at the time tliu liell
patent pas--ed. Tliu alliaiit states that alter
an e.xitimnation of ( iray's caveat and Hell's
applicathm , ho .suspended Dell's application
and notiiicd ( irav lo complcto hih ca\eiit
within three months. 'Ih.iMsordeis hail been
icvoked and a patent insiied to Jk-11. In all
his experience 01 eievn jeais practice , alll-
unt no knowledge of a similar iiiling.
Had the usual coui e been followed alter a
htispenxoiy older , Dell could not have 10-
cclved a patent , and had Mum-el's caveat
been lenewcd inlbSno patent could huc ;
been issued to licit. Alliant did not suspect
crookedness at the time and did not believe
that Kelt's application was fora talking tele
phone , but lor a mulllp.cs telegraph , and is
convinced that his device is dcsciiDcd in the
original application as Inoperative.
A. K. I'.aton , an decimal expert and in
ventor of Hiooklyn , in Ids ufllduvil dcjioses
that Ifcibh' a ] > ] iaratus It , capable ol traiihmit-
tingsiH'Cch. lie also de.scribes thu Meiieel
IiiNciuiun , ami bi.tted that In his opinion
iteiss was lh. ' inventor of tlio telephone.
h. S. Pratt , 01 the editorial stall tit the Now
YorK Woild , in his alhdavit coiroboiales thu
stanuucnt ol Mr. Katon as to his knowledge
that L'CISK cic.itcd andop.-r.tted the speaKing
Plot' . Amos K. Dolbcar , of Tuft's college ,
Mas.sucluiNCtts , makes an allklavit that no
wastoul by Hell In the tall of ihTii that ho
( Bell ) bad a magnuto telephone two or tlnce
yea is bet OIL' , and that u did not amount to
anything. This statement had thseouiaged
the alllaut and ho did not cariy out his inten
tions of applx ing tar a ( latent lor his own in
dention. Altiant's iiisiinments bad , tluough
the ( iold and hto > k comp.iii > , como under tlie
control ot the Western Union Tclc iaph
company. Alliunt was not leptc entedatiuo
Inteifeienco iirotivdlugs heioie the patent
otlico Ivcaiise of the fact that tlin Bell com
pany coutiolled his ln\iiitiotiH. ! Attached to
Pioi. Doltear'snilldavitait ) > a number ot ex-
hlb.ts in the shape 01 JcUer.s liom a niimher
ol college ploicb-iOls te-.tiljlllg to the luciits
aiidpracticabitil ot IteUs inventlun ,
Mr. lleckwlth , lepieseiiting the ( ilobe com
pany. lead an atlld.ivlt Irani Aiuunlo Mciicci ,
describing his InNcntlims , ami u.\hibitsi weio
laid bctoic thosccictary to support his allega
tions. Meuccl locomits liishiioggles auainsl
eMienie povuity , winch ho h.ijh pie.veuied
him 1 1 out taking out a patent lor the tele
phone conceived b > him In isiS wnllo in
Jliuana , ami lor Nvhich ho miule a ca\cat in
] si , A lun _ ' tiaiiscilpt limn' his notes of
exKTlmcnts | In Icltiphouing , antcilatiii ) ; the
Hell patents , was lead , and a number ol cor-
.oboiallvo allltlavits wejesnlnnltted , closing
theciu-e for the liloboand Wiisiiington coin-
panic ; ; , and turtlier hearing was a < ljouric < l
until to-morro\v.
The I'apnl fllesHoiiKor Arrives nt Now
York with the Documents.
Niw Yoint , Nov. t . Itlght Iteverend Dr.
O'Conncll , of the diocese of Hiclnuoiid , Va. ,
arri\ed to-day on the Steamer Anraiila ,
bilnglng with him tlie decrees promulgated
at the council ol aicliblshops and blhhops of
hlscotintiy held last Novcmlx-r In Italllmoie.
Ton leporter Dr. O'Connell Faidliowas not
at liberty to dibciibs tlie fcatutes of the nil-
Ings adopted by the pri'lates lu council as-
l , as ho Is detailed mciely as a mes-
r to lay bcfo.o AichbUlion ( ilbbons , of
Ualtimoie , the pilmatoot Ainciica iiiul chair-
manot the late council , a copy of tliodeciees ,
witli the i.ajal . icUsion or iilllrniatlon , ami
ho must theiefoie letiibe to divulge any of the
ileciei'ti until ho tnlnlls his mehsa e and du-
liNers tlie jiaifis to Archbishop ( iibboiis.
Jr. ) O'Cyiiuelf will lca\o lor Hultimoie on
We < lne.sday nioniiiii. .
HAI.IIMOUI ; , Nov. 9. Arehbibhop Clbbons ,
who has Just leturned liom Wnsbingion ,
K > slu > exvect.s | Dr. O'Connll's anlvai to-
moirow wltli the decrex-s of the late ulciury
council ap > iovcd by tlm JKIIH : . Hu will 10-
cvivo them as aiuibtollc delegate , ami nutlilnir
ctmtaliuti In them will ho divulged mull
pimnulgated by him , Tlie whole will bo
minted bcfuio piomulgatUni. ami hu thinks
they NN ill make a Ixjok of : VM octavo pn/i > ,
Kivral weeks will elapse Ixiforo the pitntlug
ran Iw completed. The.y will then be issued
with a jiastui-Al Jvtlcr HOW tiio uyojtoiic uclo-
5Ioro Aoont the ( Jo nrnnient'H Conrao
on tho-Sllvor ( jiiuHtlon ,
WA < 5in- TeX , Nov. U. It Is loariKNl at the
state dcpai Imeiit to-diiy that , prior to the up.
poiutmenl of Manton Marble to visit Kuroi > c
on Uie ( | iiostlonof gold and silver coinage ,
tlio ptosldont delegated Oeorpe Wtukor , jircs-
cut consul general at Pjuls , and well known
as an ardent bl-mi'tiillist and wlvocate of the
use of silver ns coinage , and a writer upon
monetary ipto-stlon * , toatlo < nl tlie sessions of
tlieeongressof states coinpristng the latin
union , and maVoa re | ) it of their proceed
ings. Walker's Instructions were as tollnws :
\VASiitNiiiM.v , April c , tV < iioi : u :
WAI. unit , CousuMieneral , . Paris. You aio
reiiuested to attend the npin-oai'liim ; silver
coiiureuce. This governnioiit eoiitlnucs un
abated iuteicsl In the < | iicstiiu of silver
coinage , and yon will make know n our leadl-
nessaiul desiai to enter Into negotiations
with other governments In the end of main
taining ; a monetary Hlaiul.iid of , - < li\or In as
sociation with go.d. The senate on the ! M of
March r.doptc < l a resolution re'mii. ling such
nivotliitlona. and although Itslatoue-sof ooti-
sidcrutlun in tne senate prevented Its isii-
ttldcratloii by the lums ( % It .suillclently pie-
sents the viewh of the executive to authorl/.o
tlio dcoaratlou > ou arolnstinoicd to make.
T. F. llAVAItt ) .
Tlio joint resolution rvferixd to by Sceie-
tary Hit ) ard wns introduad by Senator A hl-
ileli. H\vas as follows :
llcsocd , iVc. , That the president of the
United States is hereby lenuested to enter
into negotiations witli the states of the
latm union and such other foreign powers
us lie shall deem It advisable , with a purpose
of sivin ing such treaties Nvlih thorn IK shall
lilud the nations auieelm ? thereto to open
their mints to the full coinage of silver witli
lull Io0rai tender power with such uniform
ratio to gold as shall be agreed UIMIII.
Although not loinnilly admitted to their
dclihcnuloiis , Walker held discti-slons v. itli
the members ol the congress and uddicss-cd
to them certain ob-eivulioiiB IndlcatlNe of
the pioiound Interest of the Unlt < ld Status on
tlie Impoitant iiiicstion of bi-mctullism.
Walkct's dispitehes to tlm department trans
mits copies n ! his "obscivatinns , ' ' which In
Knglith and French weio laid beloru con
gress. The linal action ot the cougiess from
> Intstor ! M. Lane , by cable to-day to the t > tate
department , aie us follows :
' France , UUH-CO , Italy and Switzerland
have lencNved the monetary convention tor
iivoyeaih ; silver coins tcdeemable in gold ;
no additional silver coin permitted ; conven
tion open to Belgium. "
An Expected Ilaid for r > nma eH.
WASIIINHION , Nov. H.In refeifiico to
Secretary Whitney's older sending the Ten"
nessee and Calena to the Isthmus of Panama ,
the Star .says it is , mfeired that ho Is anxious
to pi event , another outbreak similar to tint
of last spline , which will endanger Isthmus
transit , tendering this government liable for
damages , and quotes a naval ofllec-r as say
ing : "We have not received bills for the
burning of Aspinwall yet , but they will he
alone this winter , and lucre will be quite a
liovvl laiscd. Damages to the extent of a
good many million dollars were by
the burmugof AsphiNNall , and it looks very
much as if our government vrould Iw com
pelled to foot tlie bill.yo guaranteed to
keep transit open. The Columbia could not
do it. and in tlie event of Its iailnro the 10-
Sioiisibllltv | iests on our .shoulders. We
opened transit , but before it. was done A spin-
wall was burned ami millions of dollars
worth of property destroyed. Tliu people
who buffered will expect remuneration , and ,
as I said , will send their bills to ns. "
Cleveland's Tariff Policy.
WARIIIXOTOM , Nov. 0. [ Special to the
llin. : ] A hluh oulclal of the administration
was asked Sunday nig&t by the World corre
spoudent : "What wil J bo the tariff policy of
tlie new administration to congress ? Have
yon gentlemen yet fur ved at any agree
ment1/ " lie replied : 4 > l'jio tariff policy of
the administration will bclvcry plain and
direct one. It will rtwwmuend a rnodlncation
of the existing taiiff laVs and recognition
ot thotaiitT upon u revenue basis with inci
dental piotcctiou. "
"Will Mr. Manning prepare a bill lobcbiib-
milled '
lll do not. know. Tt Is hardly probable that
anything mine than a general proposition
will be submitted to ooujnoss. You will und
the administration udlicinu pretty closely to
the tariff doctrine of the Chicago platform. "
Some Imto Federal AppolntooR.
WA-siiij.'fl'iox , Nov. H.-.Iames II. IJayard ,
who was jcsteiday appoint'd secietary of the
territory of Arizona , is a son of Secretary
IJayard , and Is about 30 years of age. lie
was educated at the university of Virginia ,
and lias recentlv U on teiuhlig ; ) school anil
studying law in Maryland.
Mr , Stramighi'ii. the now surveyor general
of Utah , is a son-in-law of John C. Shoe
maker , proprietor of the Indianapolis Sontl-
ne.1 , and Is connected with the do-
pal tinont of that paper. He is a civil engineer
by profession.
Mr. Diuvson , the now surveyor general of
Colorado , was al ono time adjntJint general of
Kentucky , and subsetjiiciitly bwunir editor of
the L'luisvllle KvciiiiigNcvNH. . He has been a
resident ol Colorado for several years.
Mr. Thompson , npiKilntcd appraiser nt San
Francisco , isahiNvycl by profession , and NVO.S
at one time county clerk at s.iutu Huta
The Clalinniit'H Lojalty Quest loucil.
WASIII.WJIO.V , Nov. 0. Beforti the comt of
claims abnilt twenty cluims for losses of
property and supplies taken by United SUtes
troops during tlie civil war weio submitted
lor decision on a general question as to the
lo.Nalty of the cl.tlmants. The claims were all
refeiied to the court , bv concessional com-
mittei'.s under the provisions of the Bosnian
act. Tlm court took tlie tiiesliou | under ad
visement , and adjourned until Monda > next.
Ills expected a decision will be then rendered
in the Choctaw cane.
WASUINOION , Nov. d.The pie.sldcnt to
day appointed the following postmastcis , :
G. It. Yerlngton , at Cirard , 111. ; J. .M. Higgs ,
iitCoiiintrsvillc , Ind. , vice. I. W. Hess siis-
pendrd ; .Joseph Klder. at Iticbmond , Intl. ,
vlco 1) . Palmer , snrH ) > ndcd ; < l. H. Kngei ,
Lafay 'lt1. Ind. , vice .1. U. Sample , siih-
IK-iulcil ; John A. llaidon. at sjuperior , Wls , ,
vice S. Ci. Tubbj , b > u < puiulcd.
Tt Is expected that William F. Smith , r *
conlly appointed assistant secretary of thu
( KMMiry , Nvill assume tin : duties of tliat olllce
Tlio picbUlcnt Uds afternoon appointed
lion. LevcictlKaltoiiMailioIIcetorofeUMiomj
at Huston in place uf 'JColund Worthlngton ,
removed. - '
_ :
The Proposed New Stnte.
ST. PAt'i. , Nov. y. A Huron , Dakota , spec
ial ! o the Pioneer Press fays : Returns of
the proposed new- stats ar ) 16 be canvassed In
Iho various counties "touorrow. . Fiom ifr
linns now In Huron flgmfe n plurality of
( . ( KM for the IICNV capltol. ' I'lohlbltlon car
ried. Minoilty ( epicbcntatlon Is believed to
be lobt. '
Opposed loJr. _ Curry.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. O-j-lSpQcial to llio Hci : . ]
An oxanniiatlon of the ( Jatliolic jutirnals
of ihecountry hhowa tlley arti niiaiilmoiu In
urging the iw-all of Dr. Curry Irom the post
of miiilbtcrtosjpalu ,
P Inched on the I'rlco of Corn.
Ciin AIIO , Nov. l . Sti-.nbr. ) A Wiitkins ,
coinmit.-ion niciflc'.ntd on the bo ird of trade ,
tailed this atlcrimon , Their JiahllilicB
jilacctl nt iJlO.OJO. The Bdvi.ncein Iho
ol coin Is fiven us tlio cause.
ofa jM n
Cinoo , N v 0N. . I ) . UiVjinwhole " -
ml'i'ni r , ' : ndf "i a-s'-'tit-i ut , Li i-
, 5 1 ' .Oj
Tbo Ex-Premier Speaks Wottliy of Direct
Oablo Transmission.
IJcninrkfl Hint Ravoi1 or PrlcnilKlilp Tor
Irelnmt ProgrosH of the lion-
inollnnm > lr A Hatch of
OlatlMtotio AIIIUIIK tlio People.
LONDON , Nov. l . Laric onwdsas-ftnbled
at the various stations on the line of railways
\vclcoinn ( tliutatono on his way to Kdln-
burgh , in u special ear , which stopped for a
few momenta at various points. The c\-
preiniervas enthuslastleally Nvelcomed every-
NNlien1 , and In nbhortnillre ( < iSKaidhobolleveil
tlwt Hie country \vrw ntill faithful to llbeml
Ulau touc iirrived In Kdlntitnch at 4:10 : this
afternoon. At several places alone the rotitti
the eaowds of jieoplo were .oyieut as to Im
pede Ihe liberal leader'straln. '
Gladstone dullvorod a lon and nnr iiceted
ppeivh ai Kdluburgh in tc.spoiiHt to repented
calls of the iinmeu-e ! uroNvdhiih hud
p\thoied toelcoine him. The enthusiasm
displayed by the in'onlo is uuexampltHl in the
politli-al history of ( treat Hiituln.
In his sixveh at r.illulniryli ,
said : Tim litsh ( lucbtion is about to abs
a new position , becatiMj it is now n qnestlnn
of eruol Krk'vutiecs. Thanks to the pallenee ,
zeal , energy ami Rood sense of parliament ,
the grlovnneeH Jmvo one by one hi-cn r -
moved. Hut I know veiy well that , my fel
low countrymen In Ireland .still fee I ami be
lieve that one frrieyanco remains concerning
the management of theirnwn country UH op-
IMJMMI to Impi'dal eoiieerns. J'onneily tint
eiectoiate ot Ireland was so limited that it
was almost Impossible to rccounlzo Us nttor-
uiK'esaB the \oieeof the nation. The mem
bers were split into three paitlp.s I'arnell-
lies , tories and HbeiaK Now Iieland'selee-
tonite is as bioad , aa extended , as NNC ! ! quall-
ited to speak ot the wants and wishes of the
people as ! o the electorates of Scotland and
rln land. I nm eoniulcnt Kngland Nvlll never
rei 'nt nlvlni ; perfect equality to Jielaml.
Wo must look a step tuitltcr fonvaid and
expect the wily wldeh Is probably lni\ast :
majority in Ireland to demand mrwn po\ven
ot self gove.rnment. Sueli will be tin ; uravo
eontimeiiey. Hut let it not nil usviili
aim in , iK'eauso MI hinx us wo ivo liberally ,
equitably and piudently , It N\ ill be
10 fear results , nssuinlti : ; always that notli-
Im ; Nvlll be ilcmauded that would jeopardiro
or comju'oiuife the unity of the empire. If
such a demand be made we will know how to
deal with It It is unjust lor the people of
Ireland to suppose any other b.i ls is con
templated.vnateer demand 1. eland may
dellbei-.itelv and eoi litutiunally make , nu-
lehh it inlrinses on the principle : ) conni'cted
with the honoialile nmintenaiieo nf unity of
the empire , we me iKiund at any rate to in-at
with caieiul attention. [ I joud cheers. ] T i
htint Ireland in the powers necessary or dc-
siiallelor ) the nmna ement of puicly Irisli
matters is a great eiroi. I lay this matter
Irtore you liecuuse it lias a elosc and imme-
dloiu muring on tlieeiivmn.stanceseonneeted
witFi the pivhenl elections.
Taking pait with pailhinpnt in handling
this question Is for me not n W'at dllllenlty
to contemplate , lioeauv in years past I have
r p > atc < lly declared that such discussion will
not only bo allowable , but aKo Ik'ncilchil.
Foronef. Ihe wis ics ot Ireland hnvo been
constitutionally enunuialed. 1 am confident
the llbi'ial the next parlimiu'iuvill
exceed thatof tlio tories and I'arnulites com
bined. It It does not , the empire will be en
dangered. A fair consideration ot tlio proba
ble Irish demands is a new and commanding
icavm why , sUindiu shoulder to shoulder.
uniting heart with heart , and mind with
mind , wo should adhcio to tins gieat
commission of the liberal pnl'cy re
ceived Horn a live Kencratlou of sUtosmen.
The Roiimcllan
ViifjfA ! , Nov. 0. It is stiitcil thai the'
czar erased the name of Pi tnco A lexandcr in
a lit of anger , without consulting Ids ministers
tors , on hearing that the piincclmd banned
( ho liritMi consul Lascella's papcis , Miowing
( luvrell 1'asha's Intrigues with Itussia , Nvith
a view that their publicity would justify the
Pim.Lii'i'oroMR , Nov. 0. Prince Alcxan-
diia received u telegram of sympathy twin
home of the liinnpcnn comts. ] tu > si's ! ; act
ishiipposcdto have been intended to
I'linco Alexander to iiiipiudcncu , in order
that there might bo an e.\ciibe for a Uiiablan
In usion Into Utilgaiia.
Coxs , TAN nxoi'i.h , Nov. 0. It instated n
proonlilon ] ) has been made at tin ; Itilkan
conieieiice to appoint a I mporary govvrnor
of Itoumelia , and leqiiost I'llnce Ale\.tmhia
to withdraw pending tlio M'tik'nicnL ot the
question. Thu potto Is arraiu'ing lot a fur
ther loan of JibuD.ODO fiom li.ium JliK che.
owing to heavy military o\peiihcs.
LONDON. Nov. ' . ) . li. irausky , chief
mover in Urn ICoumi-l'an lebcllion , and pie.s-
Ideut of the iirovislonnl oveinnu'iit at
I'ldlllppoj OIN | lias bx-en lorcud to lesitcn on
tliucluugcof bribeiy.
A llovolntioii KiiiIe < I.
SAN JUAN Dm. Sun , Nov. U. The repoit
received by the NlearaRiian goveiumcut of
tlii ! deiiailure of INVO Nexsels fiom l.ab.Klor
with the object of Invading Nicaragua was
vcrilied by the fact ot one uf them di.sembaik-
im ; ami' ) on the island of ilia
ti oops at Sometilio yesterday. On the up-
pioach of the novel n men t toiceulo Vianvov.i ,
the village ovvupied by the inv.ulurs , ino Jal-
terlled Into | londnran teniiory , wucro tlusy
wi lo dlbarmed IIN tlu aiithorilles of that ic-
public. The icvolulion is viitnally eiukd.
Now liord Jfayor.
LONDON. Nov. 0. The relel'iatlon ' of the
cnti-anco into ofiice of Iliu new laid mayor ot
London , A Idej man .John Staples , F. S. - \ . ,
took jiluco to-day. Tin ) weullinr was tine.
and den o crowds lined the MdcNynlks along
theioute otpioccsslon. The i liief at tract ions
of the grand display 111111(0 ( by the various an
cient guilds weie a number or wagons diiv
tiluylng old London wotUMiops to Illustiate
the former methods of tvorkim : up gold and
biluT Into wrvieo plate , watch cases , etc. ,
mid oilier Industrie- * ,
Tlio CIilnoHO Troulilo on tlio Con < f.
WAfHi.viiroN , Nov. y. .Secretary Kndicott
lias Mint liihtrucilons to military . oinmandcrs
who uro stationed In the nelKhboihood in
which uprisings agaln-st the Cliltiuxo am aj > t
to occur to Imvo their troojti in readiness to
cnioico tlio piovislons of tlio pieuldent'H
piiclamatloii'lKaiiiiilay ! '
TATOMA , Nov.United ! ' StatPfi Mnnhal
. .1.V. . ( ieormi and Ucputy A.VlilUi this alter-
noon auc'Sted Major Weisbarh. Dolpli
Jlaiina , 1'robato .ludge. VVickeibhr.m and
tweiitj-llvo others for drlviiiij mil the Chi
nese. They will l > a taken to Yauoonvcr to-
muriow ,
.Tolin srcOuIloiiKliV runoi-nl Hay.
I'IUI.ADKI.IMIIA , Nov. 9.- The funenit of
John McCulloiigli will take place Thuisday
next at 11 o'clock at St. ( ieuigoS hall , In this
city. The pall bearers will bo ICdvln Jlooth ,
John II. Carson , of L'lihago ; William II.
Tliompson. of St. Louis ; William J. Kloioneo ,
ot New York ; Al.nthe.v Caiinln , ' , of I'hlla-
delphla ; Henry Udwiudn , of Now Yoik ;
William F. Johiihon. ot I'lnlndttlp hhi.lamiM ; .
W. Coltlcr. .lull" A. Coukicl , ana \Viiiium \ N ,
Conner , of Now Vork.
rnd : of a I-'UUiy Hlvorce finlt.
UOSTON , Nov. ttJudh'o Allen In Iho en-
prcmo court toilay rendered his decision in
( hoillvorco suit of Fivd J. 'J'abcr Irom his
wife , Annie J. . alleging adultery with his
lUMtnr. IU.-V. Mr DUNVIIH. Tlo ) latter sub-
iniU ' < l a CIOM bill , i liiratiij. ' her hu baud
witli maiiUI inudfiit ) rhujudm ! grains the
hiu < l > Mul a > ai > d
A No\v Vork .loiu-nnl'H Ctinnieut. on
the Iteuetit Clilnosc Kioto.
NP.NV YORK , NoSpecial [ to thc r.r. |
TheJomnalof ( "ommeice , edltoilally , says :
China is now cnt iiiiK upon n period , of railway -
way development which promises to boex-
ten lve Amoiien is fully able to meet nil the
wants of China , but , unfortunately for our
Interests ns n competitor with oilier eonnttlc ; !
forChluevo custom , the Wyoming tnni-Micio
has c.imed n deep fcellm ; of n-i-entment
against ever > thing Atneilecn. It Is meivly t\
question of time when Ameilcans in China
will p.iy with their blood and treasure the
full ) > onalty of the hoodlum crimed. The
preM'iit seems the worst possible time lo add
tuel to the lltoof race hatreds , hut thciouio
men in Cidltainift who ate determined to
Invoke the aid of congress in putting u fresh
Insult on the Chinese In America. The Cali
fornia tt Oivuou railroad Is an applicant
loruiiothet land grant , and Iho hoodlums uro
prep.ulnirto oppose the concession by con-
giess unless coupled with a proviso that tlio
company shall employ no Chinese In building
the extension ot the mad. This Is going
further than what is known as the Chnmse
net. The latter re.stHcts Chinese emigration ,
but docs notniohlbit the employment of Clii-
neso already ncieat any woik they want to
do. In tlio pre-ont stole of public feelini ; in
China nu act -o Illibeial and inhuman asa
denial of the right ot the Chinese who
aie now in this country to cam their bread
by hard work would only hasten tetiiblo 10-
prlsals which , sootier or later , are likely to
be iii-iili' . It Is high time that land grants to
railways should cease to bo made. The
Forty-ninth congress ought toputuMopto
these enormous abuses. A summary lefnmil
ofthelavor asked for by the California .V :
Oregon lailioad would he the be.M answer lo
tin ) proiHislllon , an effiontry which Is 'In-
cicascd by Iho condition which the California
hoodlums have linked with it.
An Ohio fitnte Olllolal Peppers nt the
Ktlitnr nl'ti Huiul.'tv Shoot.
COI.U.NIHUH , Ohio , Nov. 8. ( ! ivat. cxclto
rnent wa caused in the lobby of Um Nei-
house nt n. ( piaitor twforu 7 o'clock this evenl
ing by an encounter between Auditor of State
Kmll Kclsowotler and W. J. Klliott , editor
und ] iiopiletorof the Sunday Capital. Dur
ing the ei-counter two shots were tired by
Keisewetter , the 13i > t of which stniek Elliot
in the ball of the thumb of the right hand ,
pioduclnir only a lleMi wound , and passed
thiough the left side of his overcoat , but ( I'd
not touch the body. When they became
1 rod from each other Elliott made an etfoit
to CMUipe , at the same time Irving to get ms
tevolvcr from his pocket , and when about
twelve teet nwav Keisewetter lired a second
shot , which in Ids excited condition , missed
its aim aim btmck tlio ceiling of thu hotel
The enKa"cment caused a gieat stir amoni ?
the sniesls and confused those who NVCIO cye-
wiliie.-so < , so much that scaicelv any two
have the name version of the attack. After
Keisewetter incd the second shot ho walked
out on the sticet and was soon atterwaids ar-
lo.sted ami gave bond in the sum ol SI , ( MO lor
appearance bclciio the u.a.xor. People Irom
aM parts of the city soon heard of the encoun
ter and rushed to the Neil house to leant the
tacts , and the lobby was crowded all evening.
The cause of the attack is a feud of two or
three yours , ' standing , during which tinm
Kllintt , in his papci , hasscvcicly ciitlcised
KeiseweUer , char int ; him with ollicial mis-
conducl. on several occasion1. . Koch ha\e
made statements in regaid to the shooting
which are capable 01 widely dilVeicnt con
COM Jinus , Nov. O.-Andltor Keisewetter
was arraigned befoie the ma\or this uveninir ,
charged with shootinur with fnti-ut to kill W.
.1. Klliotlattho Neilhouse last evciiliu' . Ho
enteied a plea of not guilty , and Urn prelim-
Inaiy heailng was ct foj nuxt .Monday ; %
* . * .
Energetic NnrllnvcNlcrn nnslnoKa 3 Ton
Booiuiii/ja NowToicKrnph Lino.
ST. PAUL , Nov. . \\r. S. King and C. M.
Lorlng , of tlio A mer'can telegraph company ,
were before the board of trade hero to-day ad
vocating their project , Committees ) weio ap
pointed to work up tlio entei prise. Those
gentlemen say tliev will push their project of
an Independent line fiom iMiluth to St. Paul ,
Minneapolis and Chicago with all poss'lile '
dihpatch. Woik will probably bc iu this
Col. Thomas Lowry , a leading spirit In the
American telegraph iiiojcot. says the ontci-
inisoK to boliiir. ie l lorwatd as rapidly as
the exigencies ot the * - eiuonvlll penult.
Ample capital of both Minncui > olis and .St.
Paul \ > , Interested in tln > piojcet asa Icgitl-
mat- ' enterprise which will nay its projector *
andhcuhunclactlon to the t.'Icgi.ip'i pations
ot the noilhwesl. In fact ihe-e considera
tions I > ' ( ! to the organisation of the com
pany. It Is well Icnown in St Paul nud
Miiineapuli.s that the momotersol the entcr-
PHMme inniily capable of currying out tlicir
jilans , tor they , no till men ol money , and
eneigetlc aciion ( Ii.uaeturi/.us all Iheentcr-
priM'.s in which they engage , whrthe.r publle
or private. Much Inteiest is taken here in
their plans lor ghinii Iho noithwcst lo\v
telcgiaphic latesas neil as Uu'llitieH equal to
tin : growing demand attending the
phenomenal dcu < lopmcnt of its battling
huslnr.s.s communities.
It is expeclcd that nulntli will join the'-o
two cities In promoting the cnterpiiso.
MoMirs Loringiiiul Klngato now In tlmtultv.
A meeting ot Keiitlomen eng.iL'cd In the cn-
terpriMi Is to hu held hero or in .Minneapolis
In a tuw days.
A Wall Krom Prisoner
Xiw : YOIIK , Nov. I" " . ISpecial to tlio
Th Sun says Ferdinand War 1 was lee ] , ing
badly on .Sunday , and trembling a.s though
he had chills. To a lopoitor he baid : "Olio
thing ( scei tain , and that is I will notllvo to
setvo my tlmo out unless I can pet
something 1 can cat and work 1 can do.
Keeper tjcielture , who has charge ol tlio shop
wheio I work , Is very haihh to me. 11 I stop
a moment to tent , ho sells out to mo not to
loaf. It hints mo mole than 1 can oxpicss to
hear people i > that 1 have lott , of money.
When 1 was sentenced alU Iho
money I had in the wnlu'woild was
fcs > . I Mild my watch , which cost sr > 0 , tor
felOO , and tbnt made up the sum which was
loinnl In my P < HM > HOII. ! My wile has a Nciy
small Income , not enough to Mippoit her ,
and so him K going to live with mv biothei.
1 think Holt onht : to lecovci all tlio money
Warner ot fiom the mm. In my Mutcmcn't
to D.ivies I chained Warner with having 10-
cil\ed ) dT-'iO , ! ) ! ! ! ) bccaiitu this U a I 1 could
PIONO , hut ho really icceived moie limn
; ylvvO,0X ( ) ,
The Iliiilsnn HlvoiPlond. .
Ai.n.N.vx , Nov. ! . One and loily-onu linn *
dredths incites of rain have fallen slnco Sat-
uiday night. The Hudson river isery high ,
and is raising three Inclio.s per hour. The
water will piobably be over Ihudockaby noon
Biiildcn Death.
MUs iTetiniu .Morton , one of tlio lending
hulios of Uiii Hey Campbell's White Sliivo
company , died very Middenly iilwnt
20 ; ! ! o'oloek this morning at tlio Metro
politan hotel. The company played
lust night lit llio HI nil's and did not ar
rive in Omaha until 1 o'clock thin morn-
in-j. On tlio Nvuy up from tlio depot ,
Mih < i Moiton , who was walking with ono
of the gcnth.'iiien of tlio company.
Middcnly htn jicrcd unil woulii
Irivc fallen hut for ontloiiian'HipMiok
: ictiiii in uutohin < ; her. A cub was im
mediately summoned , and tlio lady was
uoiivini.'d in an iincoiifcious condiln/n / lo
tlio MotropolitMii hotel. All oiKTrU
to renitseituto Imf | ) rovcd nmivuillntf ,
and uhi ! died aljuiit an hour after her ; u-
ri\nl. Apojilmy is Mipjiuvud to have
been the ctiiiso uf ili.utli
foils ye.irn of a e , nn.l wan u
dunt vi Nun Vork.
AUcuraaknn Claims AntliorcMp of lioShlp
Canal Project.
nf the llniitlit fltnto Cotv
vcntiim nt lli > HihiK i A Itlfr Illrw.o
ut Un/lllo Mlllh-OtherNo *
Ttio Inventor of'thoHhlti ItnltrfifitT.
l.ts-foi.y , Ni'li. , Nov. P. [ Speolal fir O
Hut : . ] "Yes , I ically was tuo Inventor. . of
the Hlilp rulltoad scheme , anil idUto
thocelebititod jottj nmn unit Civil
Is nowolalinlino'ivdltlor It tind
congress lor sitbsldj tnulloNV him -to build
u road ueios.s the Minims of PimUna-J :
not entitled loany credit tliuro may bo
Invention. * ' , , „ , ,
Thus spoke A. 1' . nurrii's.ot ' this dty'to , the
llr.i : rni respondent when Iho latter ovllcflo
ask him If ho liiul hoard nny thliiK now froitt
hH son A. J. Hitinis th yoitiiK man Yna
tiled to kill two ladle * In fiont of tlmtDtrb
moicuntileagenej on Monroe street In. Chl-
VAW UbtlUtlNVO WOOks UgO. .
"They say I nin u er.ttiK , " oonllmiod Mr.
Hurras " 1ml 1 ask you If that would idti *
like it. 1 run soon c\i > lftlu ti > jou ;
came that 1 w s sodcsi.r.natcd. In ltHI\Iion
tin1 union iniiiy waseamiied about Vlcksbnrrf ;
Iwa > - theie and during Urn lime aiiKliUiura
weio liguiinir IIONV I hey could build ti rJliaJ
niiiiiul thu nty to laclllt.lU ; lt. i capture , : Hip
Idea htnii'Jt me It eon d bo belief done by
building niiillrondaml have. n i'ombiniulqn
railroad and canal. Years bi'forw 1 hail r.e < jJV
canal boats taken apart aiuleniried over tha
Allegheny mountains In Pennsylvania , ntnl
1 thoiiKht the Idea , would woric
at Viek.slmrg. I pet footed m y plan.
andhen comt'letcd 1 wi iled it
the 'Amphibious' Thooaptnioof VIohHblira
\vus conui'cled In the mean time , andalthou n
the general otliceisof the Union army wow
{ neatly btrnrl. wltli my project , there woo no
opportunity to test it. After 1 wont Iwftfc
home to Jnncsvitlc , WK , I wrote out anil
dosciiption ot the fi henie , and had iti > ut > -
lishod in the Reporter of that city. It. ( a-
cited ihe envy ol my piotessiotml brethren ,
and they took to calling mo u crunk. .Tho
title has never lelt me , although tbO } ilnn
NX an potfectly fea.sihlo and in mil taneft lifts
been adopted by K.ids in hid whip- - railroad ;
aeioss Panama. " '
"If that entitles me to bo called n crank , I
am glad of it , " said Mr. Ihirrus , and a , tri
umphant c.xptcbMon oNeisprtiad Ida counte
nance. "My MIII is no crank , and outside of
his unfortunate habit ol opium smoking to
juht as hano oa any one. " * . ' (
Ktnto llapliKtH ut Ilontrlco.
IJiOATinn : , Nov. . ( S | > ecial to tlio
Tim liaptist eonvenlion closed iti803ion : {
last night nd most of the delegate- ) left for
thnlr boniest to-day. The Sunday .school 0011
volition elected the following oltioura : Pruai-
dent , J. S. Kii'haidMin , Om.dia ; vice . Ik
dent , 8. T. lais ) , Nebraska Cltyj corro * '
.spondins seerotary , Itov. K. A. Uuisoll , QrA'
ticitsnrer , Uev. .J. ,1. ICeslur , Central Clfy.
TIiobliitoconvL-ntioii eloot < d the following
olllceiH : Pie.-ident , Hon. A. ( J. IllUadnge ,
Lincoln ; vieo pn-Hldent'N .Ni'Bfum'
b.u-k , Dealricv ; bucond vioo pru.siiT.cnt , it. B *
Williams , Kxcter : coriespondluj. ( 'BccrotSiryt- _
J. W. Ohboine , hiemont ; rccordlgKVscrffr { :
lory , J. C. II. Head. CSraml ifilatf litWsnrbr | :
Wil.lain Suxtoiit Edfjar. Twcntyt8lxjrieovi ; ,
borsofthe board of manim'ravercoic0Qdt ; t
Prominent among the visitors \viio attMcJe UfSBi :
weie : Ui.-JwV.-hniltli , editor of 'lio ChjVufi * * *
sjtviidat-d , and wile ; Uev , L. II. Hal
of the Wesleinllaptisl , rl'pl ] ) > ka : <
Ilnlgli , D , D. , Chl aV. superln" "
western inlssibns ; Uov. W. 1.1'rl
main , liurniiUiia-rclurnUd uilsslotiuryt
C. T. Tucker. Clarind-a , Iowa ; UtTv. T
Hr.inch , lleloltf-'Kaii ts ; Silts Maryo.
dcttu , Chicago , seciend-y of Nvoslotil woi
ml-sionary society , \vho , by the \vayla
t ref the bumorisi Hob Iliirdulto.ytjf' \
Yebloiday membeihof tlio convonuon.ofr- '
cupied dilfeiuiit pulpits In tlioclly us foildwB ;
U the Pn > byteiiiin church , UcM. . Stoild , '
I ) . D. , ol the llapti-t chinch , Omaha , ana
It-v. J. M. Whltchcad , ot Nebraska-Pity ;
at the M. 1C. church , lte\ , Harris , of Omaha , '
ami liev. ( i. W. Kead. ol Gibbon ; nt llio
Cougicgatloiial chnrcb , llev A. W. Clark ; ot
Yoik , and Itov. J. J. Ke. . l.-r. ot Ceutral Ojty ;
9s. IS. chinch , L'ev. C. F. Tucker , of lown.
.Mid Itev. . ) . S , JJiirr , of ; Baptist
church , Itev. C. C. Pierce , of Lincoln. 'Ilia ,
allernoon mihshman service was conducted
by Kev. J , V. O.sbonie , general uilKSionary/oS /
Nebraska , and Hie evening sermon by Jtuv.
W. M. IJnlgh , chicajjo ; Clnlstlan clmrcli , '
Itev. J. 1) . Newell , ol St. Ha , and Uov. II , ' K.
Williams , K\etcrj Lulhi-ian eluucll , Kov , J
C. U-wi.s , ot Fiemont. " }
The convention W.H dissatisfied with , the' '
imiiuiceinmiiof their college at ilbbonrtjnd ,
Ilieio was a good deal said ubnntvmakfnga
change , ihoii/ii no dc.iuito aciion
A llcntrluc IJoslnofiH
nr.Armci : , Neb. , Nov. U. [ Special fdtho
Htr. : ] John Teihune. dealer In wall pajwr ,
paints , oils , etc. , was closed by the tdicilfC
Satmday oven nx on an attachment Issued
by the Mound City Paint und Oil company , ,
He owes about t"OiM bo.sides thin amount. '
TheashOts arosuflicii nt to meet the liabilities
If matteis aie handled judiciously , but aa attuchmont.H havontrrndv issuedvtho
.stock will pioh.ihly hi < u. H.'d up without tlio
debts being lully i-ottlul.
A Small Sl/eil 151 117,0. -
Hi ATIIICI : , Neb. , Nov. ti. [ tipecial to the
DKI.J : A little tire the other night burin.Hl a
coujiie ot barns worth abuut SSCK ) ; Insured for
tliu. They wcro situated In the rear 'rifi
Hcwckcrt'H saloon , on ( ouit t > tieot , and It if )
tiiouglii were set on inc.
A Uln/.o at Itti/lllc Mills.
HA/.II.I.K MII.I.B , Neb. , Nov ' . . [ Special to
the Hr.uJ Tlie v\letis.lvu packing hoii ooi !
( ! . A. Hiooks binned on Sunday night. The
IO-.H will amount to fiom lU' UOU to
The Clmrtor Onlc'w Tronhle ,
II.Nni'i-'oitii , Conn. , Nov. U. Hearing on
the petition for a icceivcr tor the ClnutQj ?
Oak Jlto Insurance company NVO.S lesnmod In
the siipiomn court Ibis altcrnoan , At thu
Hist filling , nearly four weeks ago , nothing
wasdojio and an adjournment had for the
picpaiatlon of a detailed MatciiMitit as to thu
a-sM'ts of ihu company. This statement do-
ehues ilieas-etn to b-.i-J.Hltl.Wi. The object
Is to show tliat the nssct.s aio loss than tiirno-
lointlis of Ibis aiuoiiiiU Tim llaUlllltCii > aio
. - , : iiVJi)7. ! ( ) . The repiy of the company 18
that the valuation 1 iiuialr ,
The AYoather ,
WASIIIS-I.TON. Nov. 'J. Tliu Upper Jlltdlfr-
filppi valley : ( ienerally wanner , fair wftither ,
v.'iiiablovlnds , generally 8hlllini ; outli < ; rJy ,
gcnoi-nll ) lallliif , ' Inronieter.
' 1 liii.Mthninii vaiK-v : Warmer , fair weather.
followed during We.lwvday In the northeru
IHII lions by local ruint > , w Indft uciicuilly thlflr ) >
iiifboutheily , _ ,
The Appeal Dnnlcd.
Pjvn-iioiKi , P.I. , Nov. 'J. The appeal of
the giaud lodge ot Iho Ancient Olderof
Unit.'cl Woritinin of Peimslvi iila toiUiKMid
Its eb. HI i , . ) H to boiler control miboi-.llnat t
loi1 1 denied in an opinion delivered
lo-d.i.s P. Jiihllco Steuct in the niincmo
eouit. '
Iliiliufiuo'H New Kullroad. '
Ii it.ijfr , Nov. ti. The unit Mplku ot thp
r > ubiiiii | < * No t nvcstcrn r.U 1 road Nvaw dilv-
rnl.eie to-da > | ) > Piv-niiit ( J. H. Hurch lu
tin J.K..IK-I > if 'i.UJ.l.ple , .Stf-ivQ3 ) ! ] | Illttdu
In .Nli" , . . Iliu.-h. FoiiU. ' and Senator Allu
cvn. Jyl hl Juilts atu uuVt I cadi fur UlO Irqu *