Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Artvt tl pmnnti under thN hMul IflconMpor
III o lor the llrst liifeitlon.und 7 Mints for < noh
tntHiquctil Insertion. SOVPII words wl I bo count
ed to Iho line : they must run consecutively nml
muM I o paid In Hihiinco. All ndvortlfomuntf
tiiiht 1 'liHiidcd In U'loroS o'eks'k p. m. , nml
uiiutvii' ' ciKuiiiMimces will tiiey bo taken or
dlHOi.Uiniiil by telephone.
l'nrll ' rtdvrrtl .lnir In thMfi ( olutnn nml tmr
Imnlio'nilfiHOifi nddiot-i" ! Incnm of llr.K.wd
filopw ( mU for check to rnnhlo tnum to pet their
lotlirf , fl < tiono will tie dtdivrroii nxropt on
I > n * > jntiitlfin of rheck. All nnswi M to ndvcr-
tl * pmoulB Hhould bo eiic'.o-HMl In oiivrkiica. |
"RTOSIJV / ( r ( Verjholyl Vou rnn borrow
J'J ihnlioy on turn' 1110. I oitrn. VII'MIIP ,
rihii-.o-t , . of nil kld , i Intni i d niiil line
wiilnhfHfm jour own thnc t .yn onn ircevcd
rl htiy ( line , an I Inteic-t t ouu ( si to pmitd.i.
Iclt hi jour own | > f A-of" on. Teiini
iw UM the lowest. < nil PI d to u o Hi. " m ss
conlli.cntliil. Ni iiihai time men. \\.It t m'i ,
Ilootii 4v | h r'ls NuwlliilMliiKi NortliinM tor-
Ill r 15lh und lluriify. tttl
fpo I.OAN-On Improve I cry pnymrtv , minis
.L from * .lfljO to J.i.OoO. AHUM , Ux/TI unmin.
TV T ONK V to mnn on renl estftin Recnrlly. N >
JTl ocnntnltsluit clmrMeJ. U. U. Jlayno , Ifttli nn I
Knrnum. _ _ CS
ONI ! V To loan. The Oniiiha 1'lnanclnl 1U-
M chuiiKO , IfiUI Kiminin slieet , Ut-ht lrRinukos
lonnson ull clussfMof K-ourlty Irom aflUehut-
( ol lonn lo f Hl. ( * i on real estate. Wo make lonns
toKilit idl iippllciints on lonif or nhort limn on
lnipniI rt'iil ostalo , land ixintnictB , h-uscH ,
bnlldhiKH orrlenj-ed hind , ptcnrwl notes , eollntcr *
RH. | chat tr < l . or irood poouiltv of nny kind. U > w
rnlrn ! onsy termi. Omalm rinnnoliil lixehnmro ,
lOiirartirm street , tip stalls. * a'
' ( ' INKY I.OANKU Ilumls , 15th nnd
M'ovr.V TO LOAN 0.1' . Davis A ; Co. Itenl
Kstlilu ami Loan agents , 1505 Kiiinam St.
ONHV TO lloAN On troort Rocurlllos. A
McOavock , room 7 lledlok mock , ISu'J 1'iiriiam
Bt. , i " 77
ICY TO LOAN On chattel * , Wooloy tc
MOM , room SO , Oinahu National Imnk
uulldlnt- . 113 _
ONKV TO LOAN On rent wtuto ami olmt-
M toK 1) . U Thomas. f > 50
ONI'.Y l.OANIIH OnchnttcK
U tickets bought and bold. A. l < ° orniiin'll
B. l.'lth St. Ml
M GNKY TO I.OAX 111 Hums of J200 mid up-
wnnls mi tlnt-claw ( rrnl ostnto i-ecurity.
Intcr | & Cnlih. 1M5 Far mini Ht. ( SU
" " " ONKY I.OANHirnt C. V. ItcoTl iTco's. Loan
ollicti , on luiulture , pianos , liorwjs , WIIKOIIS
pertonnl piopcrty of all kinds nnd nil other ur-
lllkwor vulue , without reuiovnl. Ovei' 1st Nat'l
Iliiuli. corner lillh and rurnuin. All
Btriotly ooutldental. tr.'l
. . . iAM-itciii ( : itsinio Apont . a.
W. uor. l. ' > th nnd DoiiKliiH , mo now oil ( Tin-f
fur e-ulo tuifliHis" , i u ldenvo und Mibm-lmti | > io | > -
crty. otnu of the moxt ndHHIH OOIH bnrKiilna
now In the mnrkot can bo obtained by calllntr on
l-licm. Improved und nnlmprovod ( iroporty ,
oornor loin und < luiirablo Mtot * In t o bent lo
cated addition ! * can be had nt roasomibln prices
and i-iisy ( onus. itKiioi'lS _
riNIC hnprovnd fnrmt.wlll tnvdo for improved
city prnpurty. W , II. Oroou , over l t Nu-
tiomd Ilank. . tM
J71t > U SAI.K An ImlnstilouH peifon with
X1 Hinall capl ul cnn Imy n well estalillHhcd u id
pnyliiR munuiuctury. For liilorinatlcin nddn.fis
-i innlactnror , Itee Olllco , Oiimlm. ( U7-7 *
fliotoilliiposisl of within | ho next CO ilnya.nn
J CHtahllHiuHl linnkhiK IniHincMs In county teat
lu one of Iho l > Cbt ealcrn count OK In Iho state :
or would Incorporate anil lake a port km ol the
slock. 0. K. Miiyne , l&th ami Kiiinam. IlL'I
OH HAI.IJ .Simill i-loclt of drujra nml mcdi
J 1 clncnnid toilet articles lor K | U nl n l > ai-
caln.VllilrivokoJIOO. . lioxed f tlilpmcnt. J
A. llocdor'iWN lutli snoot , ml
AIlAlli ; OlIANCi : The proprietors of the
Metropolitan lteutauinnt.i ; 0 K. lllth st , I c-
lUKfiboul to open Hie new Windsor Hold , oiler
ho renuiurunt together with le.'uo of the luilld-
Inj ? Ior Hiiln. This Is an excellent opportunity
< or Iho right purtlea. Appb ut the restaurant.
II OOM nnd board , $ .1 per v ? Pk ; very bc t lo-
ciitlon. 1814 Davoiiimrt St , It'
ANTii > Iny boarders at 71 North lOlh ,
jiieilr Hurt. IJSnova *
TII1'W : , C. Met7iiorStovoltopair Oo. , Ill South
HlhBt botw eon Uodtfo and
LOSE A la ly's button shoo iew > , between the
Mlato lu r Kioumi8 and Uiinilntf utroot , on
* Moiiduy.ovonlnjir. Ixjtu out tills olllco. 1UJ
T-On I'nriHini street , n petition ; lh dor
LO lie rowuidcd by lotuinlntr the munu to.l.
O. , Herald olllco.
A simdl black ahophoitl | up with 4
IOST K'l'tj 1 oloiiKS to n lilllo boy. A reward
will Lei aid for Ills lutuin IODU7 S Uttli.K otciy
liTH-o *
Nov. SJ Ki , Rniall BI-OV nmix iMiny ,
iTiuiuod on loltbl" . Viuderwill bo itiwurd-
txl by rot JrnliiHr to N W cor llth and Jones BIB.
. ) - Inrpo brown hnrso from Ilurtst. .
8TllAVr.l-A inid Diillon. flndfrwUl pleuwi
return wimo to above tuldross and bo niwunlod.
Ww. Ciirmlchuol. t t-b *
KiiKllsh pu pup , bluck fni-o. Llbei-u
LOST Bid ior leiuin ol Hiimolobu7 N. Mli.
_ _ _ BUU _
, rouxro.
UP On Nov. 1 , onn gr y mnro pony :
. mill on lurte ri po. Owner ouu IlnU tnino ut
0)0 lllvio.on nt. Joe IKilierly. t H-i *
fllAKKN HI' Uy the undord nod , n black
, L inulo plf. ( Owner can Jiuve minio by pujluir
Chnrgt ) * luid proving proK.Tiy. | .Mrs. Klcn-li.
llrown t. , nourSiierid Heart CStnonU *
l'.XOIIANiiVo : huvp > onio fine fiirms
to oioliwiiKO for stocks of meicimndlso. Address -
dress iitoucoonorwiu.Shertvm iV Co , , Lincoln ,
_ _ _
IOK wenllier htrlm. | Hto nn tuieh uiul doors , go
to lf. D. Mead , M B. Iblh st. NU
KKNT riwt-clHM plnno nt rouconuMe
Foil . AddiOsnT. II. , IicoOlliCO. TO _
' riro Klndlura , nholcwttlo iindro-
a .AVUKN'S UtnunJl'ani.itn. WlitiJ
" " ' UIVY VAHI/rs , wnkH , oosspooU cleamul ;
entirely odoiloisvuy. . K. tewlnir Ail-
drea ihrouitli | > ostollico. Uouovla *
TT 1-S30N8 IN CICAYON I'uplb InilBht how
.iJloumko cruon portraits. A lllo-Bi/o iMir-
' triU ) ftnin tiny photo pupil niny ( Hnho K'teu '
liw > , wllh .term ill lo-sons. C < iiuoll , V L'ooko ,
, lloom a ) , AtliUBton Illoclt , ot.t of 1' , O ,
_ _ _ srT7novl4
I.AVA VH on liiinit ut a Imrtniln , No. I second
band currhuro phaetoim imd Kldn-bur liu -
, ut A. J. amipson , HW und Hll Dod o tL
In want of irootl ilomoMIn help onn
j bo mpi'lleil by callnnon the Omuhii t'm-
nlovincnt Olllco , L'17 N , Itlth HU , up-iituira. Mrs.
3.V. . Moirlsonpioprlnlor. 871
KIVV vnnlts nun cesspools cleiuiH In nn
P ( MlbrlcM way by F. CI. Abel. V. O. Itoxirrs.
* _ mafi _
-T7i6ll KALI' Hair mrttn'oMW ' nnd KIKH ! bi-il-
J' d'tu' ut hull i vl e-l. luUen ut onco. C'all
Ittn St. . tiniin U. 10HI
1710 it SAI K III ut-iiuill town , n ( rencnd stock
JL ? of iriei'cbandlMi , unil Btoio lor rout
J , B. lt l eo Olllco. SI-- " *
" * '
OKHAI.K Ono 0-horso power oiiKlmi , one
Bteiuu Biiupiivui hopper , ono Ktutlui , 15-horro
potter toiler. bI cK , wiiiiiiew. w-iili' * , buns ,
clcuxei * . kiilu-H , lackn , v > eiir-olil IIOIMI , U'uj
Ilis , und u line lop vnton , uhlch I "III st'll tor
K wlml ll-cy wotth. .Mist boKild at once
Jo . KoMer I'ttcMlHf Homo on UhlrU mil \\al-
UUt bUl'VlB. Vi-i-lt'
OK rhcnp. furniture of nn
iiuini lioiiHMiliiihlo lor Uiiirulnu hi. . ,
uUo liouju lur lent , ut JU > 1 Hunuul r
V7--t * *
Vl.i : I'lii-iilliironn I loiiuof
FOKS Mand hotil , A burrfAddrns ' V.
! " , liei' t m.
Ttl iTHihuurt : miiit p.U'Ulmr Tioiuu prices
-I'l liu cuvhJj.l Huu.ifdMVJrllth , * 1'tiil Xht | .
Tll'IIK Itn KWIII'.AT nru rarl th 'rle <
J 111 MIII llmic. 'o IMU idM Ni-U" . ( lnr".Nii 1
Ifi'inly luu-nl" tin. . Km . iloui , ariciiti-li'c t
In I" ff. k Itilll vl , IDT ( HP II. HllMie.l pllifp.lld
< ol lnivHwi i | I lllllll , W. JKtIllllll < 4 > V ( " . ,
cny ituu uuiuim. u :
FlUt AAl.l'i rurnttnre omplcto of R tea
room liono , < 4 blooV from poMonico.
HouMi lor rout , 945 per month. Apply nt 15JJ
DodKe Bt. _ _ ! >
. nnclcwIiont hrnn. S.0 per imiM.
IilOTtBAT.R 1 & Co. , City MHK < U
i : Two lot * in rclhnhl Ilicfi. ono
block from Mred cur truck.
_ _
1jM U s\ii > -Or would Irndo lor n irood her n
1 mid tniKKy * Ml nero * In ( iOHper county. Ap
ply to Slfe South loth street. _ t >
ANTKII-A s'rl ' nl I'.nMcni llolrl , 10163
W 10th m. IO > V
: > -Glil lode ftoneml hon owork In
fumlly of three : bo-st ol rolcrenrc * ro-
nulreil , liniuli-oUiy Knrnuin 6U , or ul 8 W cor
ner & 3J nnd lluil , 9MM
-\VrANTli : > 2 KooiT Klrls lor
ll nuire lifl 8 llth st. W <
WAN'rr.D A competent Kirl for cencrnl
hnuivDuoik In u Inml'y ot thrnf : nl-J > ono
to tnkoonru of bubyStl \ 1'nrk n\t > nuo. KW-o
\\rAN riM-lfntno < llnH < ly. mliMle-mted Or.
T > mnn woman ns lion nkooper nt ,1. Pohe ,
corner Mil nnd Dorctts ftreots. B70-A *
\\MNTIJD-A notmin ns fecoml cook In n
. nt 10.1 S I2tli t. IOIW1
WANTKO A nlr for irruenil hontirnorkln
n family of lour. ntONSJth. ft'ii )
\\rANTJU > A ilrsuiri nTlija. 24th et.Mil
A N ruo-ciHikTIciT"
WAVI'HI > A Oerimm Rlrl lorKtmornl IIOUM'-
work. Iiuiuire at MS S Pith hU K'.l'i
WANTii ; > Athornuithiy competent plrl nt
Ilil hou ntoith ! of Ix > .ivenwmthon Collar
id , , ( I block west ol 1'iirk imv : $ t HT week to
foniKleiit | ) Kill. Mrs. T. W. ItliioUlmrn. 8-S3
VVTANTliO A llrstflrl at 133 south atlhTu
" \A7ANTUD A nontyouog Rltl to ns U.t with
_ > > Iniby. lit ! B. Kutll St. _ T18 _ _
WANIKD Thrco tlrst-clnsa luek poluter * .
Apply to W. II. HilglioJ , KlovontU nnd O
Rtrcet , Lincoln. KPK ,
liotnos In oily or conntiy. Homo
laidwlcdncot ciocliut nml fnnpy woik roqiihnd.
Htfiidy wink. UoodJ > M'i1t t > y mat ) . Sonil I'olor
Riimplo and poHtaifo. Kliui Silk Woiks , 1 S W ,
17th t.Nc , - Voile. UJIn i *
W AN PHI ) A ( rlil about II jimraold IUUIIIMO
A | pb' NW cor Vlrjiinla Avoiuid Ciatil t > l-
. . * _ _ _ _ _ _ 4U _ _
WANI'Hlt AnoxpprUncod s"psmnn lo pell
liOHlnry. tlivp-i , iniiKnviiiit ami K < > nrrid
ll'ooflniles n u | Aunts' Itnn Hhlmr woods for a
li u Hue Ch.oino Imii9vnor tlm 11 & < M mid I'
I' . It , H. In Nolmm'tii. Must have jiood nifir-
PIIOOK. Addiea * 'I lip I'axlon , 1 o nn to. llXMi
WAJ > "l'lil > Voimu mnn to loin n liookkcop-
hnr. Sltimtton Junuury 1st , l.-i Kin-mini.
.1. II. Smith. _ _ _ _ ll'M-5 ' *
/N'Rl ' > Orol rnrpBiitcr nt fnx'on s now
1 th it > Ot Uio-u *
WANTIII ) Mophanlc-iil tlrniiRlitlliff to ilo
iHonii'ffs : patent ollicouoikn Rpoclnlt ) .
i.'IUCulilornlnstrott ' ! , lliUJu *
0 first olnss cxiiit makura. A.
KalMi.JllOS. IJJthst. b79
-it'x\NTii , Ajrontito pell nut-aery otock lor
IT nprinsr trano 1'or torini uddriMs Mldeon-
tliiciiti.lNiii > oilfB , llox K. . Kunsiia Cily , Mo.
WAXTKD Man imrtnpr for Rxxl pnvltiK1
business with ctipitnl KW.OO. Iiuiulro nt
til N 10th ht. DIM'
) Men and women to start a now
business nt their homes , niMly lonrned In
nn l.onr . ; no pcdilllii r ; Ilk : , for " < i-imiplosund a
prckiifroof mutoihil to conuncnco noik on. Ad-
diets Ainuilcaii Supply Co. Albany , K. Y.
WANTlilJ Stvnocmplicr. Box C25 , Oimiha.
_ fA'f _
A IJKNTM Belllnu Jlis nurl Hloam washer
-tV insiko bla : nionuy. J.Voitli , Solo Miuiulno-
tincr , Bt , 1-ouls , Mo. UOUdeeUp
WANTii ; > Situation to do Kowfnjf end Uros "
miltlny in priviilo family ban o\pori'
onecd urcsiiii.nUcr. Addrehs A B , lco olllcc.
8j-r | , *
WAN'TISD Bitimtlon by ovperlonood dro = s-
niuker ; pewiiijj in pnvnto fumlllcs : pan
Klvo bcstof relorenccs. Apply l M N. loth HI.
003-7 *
WANT15I ) Pttnatlon by oompctont barbor.
A 5 , Itoo OttlL'o. 017 5 *
WANTKli Pltuixtlon by ft yonn huly aten-
oirrnnhcr und typo-wiltor ; city roloronpoTi.
Y. II. , IIK ) Olllco.
\VANTHD Position us bookkeeper or cufthler
' BiillAlnctory roloroiicoa will be Ininlslusl.
Direct A. A. llceonieo. 717 *
V\7"ANTKI > lly n young man. Ixmrd and
t T room with u-o of butli , In n Ktiletly private
lamlly , whore there uro no other bourdon. ;
must tie llmt uliiw ; will pay $40 per month. Ad-
drew * C. W. U. , 1' O bov WJ. VJO
W ANTii : ) 30 cords of wood , T. Murray.
Horsoi to tO ) uxl for the winter.
HtiviiiK loaned the t-laliles nt the lair
uroundH , I HIM prepared to winter I or-o.s In the
tiest po a b'o manner : ouch ono will linvo n laro-o
trnrm b' < v titull and will in t l > Hod , MI they * III
Mtplifi'yol exercise nil Iho ttnio , nnd w p I o
fcHl all tliofrrnlu tiio owner wants , well bonded
mid cleaned ovoiyday. Tor roloronco" , W. A.
I'nxlon , 8 II. N. Clark. C. II. llaliln-m , ! . T.
Clnrk , SI. A. C'larlc. Address A. TliomRon ,
OnuitiR , Neb. Hffi-ia *
WANTiU : Dirt. I wnnt ii.OOO yards dirt ,
corner UtU und Fui-mun btroata , V.V. .
Orny. 85S-10
Tl'ANTi : ! ) A imrohnsor for tlm liirnltiim
T i nnd loai-p of a Kood hoardlntr houce ; Unely
locale I In tlio heart of tlio Uily ; 17 rooms. Ail.
drew ) A 4 , lleo Olliee. ti.'j.'Wi1'
\X7"ANTHI ) Two laiiTos to board ( mil nharo
Y > loom tit J1J ( StMuo'tf ave ; tefeiences ox-
uhunKO ) . V4 > 0 *
WANTUl ) To buy lioiifo and lot valued from
fw'/i ! > l to (4,000 upon monthly jmyincnlH.
A. 2 , HOC onico. m
LADII ! * * wIMilmr for peed Klrls forirenoitil
hontenorU can t-c-cure them by eiill mrnt
tlio Nel r.wka Kmployniont Aprimey. i'
number of KirU > it ollicocimstuiuly. Call nl 11J
Will bt. , Croun o llloclc. Kt)7 )
'ANTl'l ' > I wunt n Int of trontlemnn'R
hernos to whiter nnd ion on the mini ,
Ilnvo n ro < xl place nml can glvo ioleioncon.
Cuss Smith , Blair , Neb. KlnlU-
" \\7"ANTUI ToHxchaiwospanof hor.sos for
TT inMMl iiutlvo. iiKMliu m Hpan of mules. C. It.
Moore & ( > > . . ITd.'i Dmluu Bt. G.rM
Teams. T. Murruy.
\V ass
ron KENT-HOUSES Ain > 1.013.
"ITIOU UIINT House of six rooniH , southeast
JL coriiutMh und L'hk-niro street , ti. Lelumin ,
Vt > 4
171011 ItKNT 70 acres luml , 34 mllen from post-
JL1 oillre ; line harn mid opil hou 0Uii per
aero. AmcH , IW7 Kuriiiun. 9JI-7
17IOH ItKNT A mco now and convenient Imnso
.V onViilnnr Illll , J15 per month. Impilioat
Udhoim ti Ki'lckson's. UIJ-7
. 1IKST I'urnluhe'l ' cnttnifC ) for the winter.
J.tOlt . Mn.N. IM I'mir. W77 *
f.iOIt IIRNT Mouse,8 K cor lUth nnd Paddo
L1 1 block tiom U , & M. iluiioU Owen Wlmicn.
< i AJ. *
Foil ItKNT Two new B undo roomed liouses ;
turnuco , Imlh loomiind all modern uuiV4'ii-
leiHt-a.oue lilK-k ( ( loin blu-ol eai-H. Imiuiro Jo.
K liuiloii.yUiiilh bt.,0f Knlttlnx WoiUs. b'JU
Flilt HUNT Light dry hiisemcnt , : xMi. at
1UJS. HUijbt. . _ bl.VO
POtt ItKNT Jt-ronm oottiureon Cnlllornln St. ,
tct i'4ili mid Mli bid. Inipjhuon pioinlaes ,
1 * . J. CiiHslon. U
TJMW Itr.XT T o-tory htoio liuililln well
JL1 mhiptul lor KHloon nml Uunitlm > , r nunxe. ur
imy other hmsluesB. Inijulre on promiM.tcl4
I'lUICOH. U0.vl6
"Jjiolt ItKNT UoUleuco , norlhtt'O-t eornur
JL1 I lull mid I'nliliiinhi hticotn. A. H. Van
Kuran , U , I' . lliHuliiurlcri | l l7-7 *
"irOlt Itn NT Kliinl-Micd homo , sis itxmit-i nillo
-I iitim jxi ! iiw ) ; one hitiuw fiom llt l t uii ;
imuuxllnli ) | XM.vMoii ulvcu. A 10 , Ik-o Olln-c. j
ltiNT : I'nlla o of 4 room * nml In
FOK No liHiH lrt-i't ell nnU cl-iein \ > u-
tcr. Iniiulrc uf UuiiL-ait u ullutein M. IHli &t.
KliNT A 'Vl'il-i > om > \ clt fill nUlicd
bolide , unl , unilioiiH1. clu. : IKM | tTlcr-
tn-f * iiipiiie.l. liiiiuiiw of U. ICIauiu-r , Inul
1 ai mini til tt-U U1-1U !
lU'.NT Snnll * l'ou o w-th tno Inrpo
IriOIt ' to Ifimlli cldii.ruu. In iitlio
nt fesi 8 21 BU V * * ' '
_ _
"TTHVlt HUNT New tiou n 'rooms , Ono of
JP 1 o t built hoii i > In Omtihn , SJua bet'veon
Ctimlnxnnil l f\rd. * i" > .
rottnpu 4 rixnna South l th Pt.
Oottmro n JcomA , nth t .nenr Plcrcp , J
C otln onrooinn , SMh iirnr DouKli.s : , * .
Two front ofllresreoml story Marker lock
Ifilh nnd r in nn i.
Two Inrsc rooms In city hall bullJIns inth ami
rnrnnm. . . .
omen 1fith Bt ticnr
\Mililrl i r iiiiTiirtMnii > * inr'ii " * > - - -
rnrnmn In City Unit imihiln * will ho nrrmmol
to milt renter. X ) . K. Mnjue , IStM nnl 1-jarniun.
< 40 *
inoirillivf Ilrick TioiiMNMmJnVubm * .
1 nt MoVltlio's llth mid rm-ninn.
71OU UlINT-ilr-oomhonwuicnr cor. Oth mid
M. F.Mai tin , wr-S. liithst. t >
neil ItKNT ( looil fi room brick oottn o ; city
] . water : largo ) unl , till mill Hickory sts.
liul-7 * .
" | 7M > K HUNT Nov. t , n HrM-cln < tt H-roonioot-
1 tnpojllnn looatlun ; by S. T. I'otcisen. e. u.
tor. ir > th anil DouKla * . WI
OK HUNT Two now ro ldonoesrt room * each ,
F coltuun ti rooni9hou6o li > rooms. J. I'hlpps
lloo. fK"
FOR U15XT Two-story dwelling. 7 roolns ;
( rood locality. Apply Cor. llth und Domrliis.
UT.Tiiylor. 7 IS
I'.IIN'T Nt-wG room h'ouso on SftUiulpM
FOR , vnrlor. ti y window. rn t frontcellar
olMorn , well , wtilkR , loncos and out hom-os ; now
nnd umvonloiit : fin liar tnuutli. J. B. lllleyfc
( . , Sii B. LHIi st root. al' '
inoit itr.vr-iiy j. i : . Nitoy & Co. , sis South
JL1 imh Ptrcet.
Kor Kent Now 0 room house , enH , front ,
IHirche.s , liny window , mlok collar , cistern , neil ,
coal mid out | IOII IH , peed wnlks , luwn , cierj.
tliliiKcoinpleto : 11s per month.
Kor Item T o now lirlck houses , swell front- " ,
7 roomscloset with each room , hpacltins hull-
wn\B , iHiiohOrt , Mintli limit , law jnrds , out-
housesmill clslfin ; HJ blocks lixitn tlui ( Uecn
car line ; t * , < Vi per month Until April , * M niter-
> Yiinls : very cheap.
I-'orllont " now mt pit front hou ei with liny
windows on sides. II ) rooms. e t trout , Slicrnwu
Avenue , nil modern conveniences ; , very Ueslni-
lilo residence properly ,
Kor llont Now 4 room nnimo. puntry , cloeot ,
cellar , Mintli front , well und ouilioiibo.-i ; ts pur
month until Miilnu- .
J. I ! , lllloy & Co.'Jl5 9. lilth btroct.
I/Oll ItBNT U 8loro OH 9th.iiml Lcnvoiinoith
1 Mow on South Hlh Rt. lloth tlrst-clnvs bii l-
tipiskciitloiM. AUo houses to rent. A. McOnv-
oelu lit1. )
HI HUNT HOIBO of 0 rooms. Apply Cor.
lltli mid DouKlu * . K. T. T ylor. _ 740 _
"TOOK ISIIVT To fminll fumlly. iftlrsM-liiHS
1 coltiiffo In thoroUKli icpnlr , near or. ! M nnd
CiililorniUht. , $ , ! ) \ > ir inoiirli. Itiqulro room -1 ,
Uniiilin .Nittloniit Hunk hulldlm ? . ( .71
17 < OK HUNT Several dwelling. Aj ply Tor.
V Hth mid Douglas. C. T.Tnjior. 710
K ItKNT Oct. Iht. or nfter , n dwollln , '
1JM hotiMift rooms , nice.Mini , cistern , wutcr. $ >
t'crmonth. Apply Hll I'aiKWIIil iivo.or.lno.
\V. Hell , driiKKi-it , ts-'J South lOtli St , f > l
HUNT Two limiNhiMl roimiR.S W onr
lOtli and UodKu HIB. Apply to Andy lor.lou ! ,
Union Ticket Olllt n. _ I'Jh '
7/011 Itr.NT With boiml. nltcly fi-rnlsluiil
1 loom lor t o gotulunton ; giia anil lath ,
-5 UO.IKO t > t. 11G
IjWK IH'M A nicely furnl hod Iront loom
.1 lor ono or t o Hciitlomon ; iiiicu , * 10. In-
i Kl4 S 15th PI. l"b7-7 *
noit Kl'.NT Itoom with board , Hll ! ! Capitol
1 av - . 711114'
loom with bo inJ , )1I7 ) Howard.
hliUll *
FOtt ItHNT K'oxnntly furnished IOOIIH at
ic.i-onulilo lines ; tnouuin coiivculeii
N K IMh and Clilcuifo. I" " . 0 u'
CKNT Nlco cojry room , heated by fur-
niiuo , at I9J1 Knintim Atioor. T5
) lt itlINT ruinL-bcd tooma. D1U I'leiiwint
stioot. IHkMa *
HUNT VurnM'Ol I ! noms and
Foil , tor lit i and Houth avoU ; pi.r month.
McCiiauo Itros , opposlto postoliicc , 77
KHNT 3 uufuinishol rooms with a
ITtOll . ; llvo minutes' wulk Irom oner a
hoiihCt ntwUia Hiitnoy St. M4Wi *
7 OK ItlCNT Furnlihod rooms. 810 S 1Mb Ht ,
P OK HUNT Furnished rooms , :2
Oil ItKNT T o furnished rooms , OIH South
Ir Uilll street. ' " 9JO-U'
RINT : I'tirnlBhCMl rooms , with or with
out bourd , 1704 Capitol uvo. UU
TmOH HUNT To pcntlcman only , nleolv fur-
-13 iilslu.Hl trout room nt S U ooruer uth and
DoufjlusaLs. U.r :
FOIl HUNT Two or three ulcolv furni hed
rooma with bourd , pus , boat mid butli ; very
reiiPomllilu to the nsht parties. Address , Klvlujr
niimu , X. U. , Hoe Olllco. Vll
FOIt HUNT Nicely furnished room : homo
comforts. Kliii S Itt , between 1-cuvon-
worth and Mason. 010-si *
TTIOU HUNT I'lciuuint fuinlshed rooms , EO
-I ? 1'leasant St. , \ ' % block north of ave. car- .
1011 HUNT Two huudsomoly furnWiod
rooms , south windows. N Will U Mil * 7 *
Foil ItKNT 3 , ! ior5 rooms over driiR store ,
8 W corner -th and I'lerco ; wuter woiks
and other eouvonlonccs In hoiibo. J. 1) . Murphy.
FOIt HUNT To Konllnninn , ploilflant room
without board , 11IH Dodno ht. bTH
TpOU HENT-Storo ; tll N. IfithSt.
roit KFNT Ijidlos iinil ( jeiitlemon can otv
tain rooms and Ural clas.-i bourd ut Util 1'ar-
m ttreet. BJt-il
FOIt HUNT A travel Ingmun's wlfo would
llko soaio t'ood purlios to luUo u liiiidMied
room. Ivllber ItidlcH or peutlemen. Tcims
re tihoniible. Addi ess or cull ut Hut ! lioorffla ave. ,
two doois bouth of IrfiavoiiHOrth stroot. b7u-7
Foil HUNT I.nrKu store corner 16h nml
I oiivonnortli , t-ond locution lor a Kioeery ;
ul o three lurio looms. b.4-n *
FOIUSUNT Sultool ollli n rooms , Uu
block , N. K. cor. Iblh und Uoii lus. liuiuii-u
ut IMli Howard snout. 7W
Foil HUNT A nicely furnlshml cotUitfo. 0
lxw nsM)7Noitliyutli ) , t. OTJ
I7IOK KIJNT 1'or llwlit lionno keoplns- fur-
J.1 nlbhed rooms , f. W. coi nor 8 an J Howard.
T IOIl ltUNT-I < iirffO fiirnlMhcd room , ;
Fntlll'NT Sptorenn ho brink b ulldlny on
Ilinviiid 81 , , bet Ifllh mid lilli. No Itilu mid
nil" . liiuln'iit ( | ding Ktoiti cor. loth st. W < j
FOK HUNT A nice , pleasant room , fiiinlsli.
&I or unfuinlMiii. liujulie ut IDIU I.cavt'M-
worlhhtrccu 410
"ITioit HUNT Itooms with lionnl. donlrable lor
JL' euuuncr. Apply ai ht C'l.mloj Hold. OU1
JpOH ItKNT I'urnlfrlioU room , LWJ l'immiun
f7i ( U HUNT 3 fmniMictl rooms on 'ueifo
JL' hticcl. Luuccn I'tli uud 10thonu blocU'.vjiuh
ot tlm U. 1 . uoixit. 4JJ
FOU HUNT ? iilniRiiiit wmth f rout roonig
\V , coi nor I''th ' und DiivunporU 7UO
Foil Itl'.NT Two nicely furnlrhod rooms , N.
W , cor. "lot nml 61. Mary's uenuc. . iUO
T71IIK SA1.K If jou want to cnvo money nnd
X1 iiniku mom Inlcioit iliiui any bunk enu | my
> ou. imy mi ncie In Niiwpmt tnut u ill bill lor
ili nlileprocnt prices In loss tlmnn > cnr. Tcuus
v\ll | bo in iid u lo bull you. Ami ) : , , V > 1 l-'uniaiu.
1ou SAM : oit HUNT A iiosinthto rgsi.
ilcmti in cholut ) location ; huutell looins ,
malilc. can-lain ! Inni.-o , etc. JuinusS. 1'rniuD , nt
U , b , .Nnliniml himU. IN ; HI'
H OUSUS , lota , liuuU-llcmu ! , loth and
iilOKSAI.i : Mehih-u Hill. ehciiH- | Inn * lo
Mik ; eclllntr lind : liny liufoiu Iho Hilvuncv In
prlco Ained , in'i ' , Km n m. ii.u'
17HMC H.I I. K A tneiclnmdixo hnninesj
In u inpidly fuming toun not liirlioin l.m-
lulu. Hi > t irnilo mid local ion In limn A cplcn-
did opHiiiuiill | > lor u pall ) ' uMilm ; u troo.l
opening , nnd Inivliif litmi M < vei , lo ten ihoiiniinl
dolluri" In fiuih. VVillM'll lor uifli oil | > , or p ir (
cavil , hiilxncu leal colalo In Unuiiia. Addii- : *
ilcivliaut Iteo tniicu. hii
. OK S.XI.i : lii Itcdlili'H nddiliim. Viiuiimt
J.i live , iinnptcli1 , new. well I'li.h ie > d'ii ' i ;
ino.lei-M Impiine eui.i , .il < e t'tjjtjj , Anivl
luulultuu. Atuei. I. l7 I'Viniuu. w
TTMMl HA M { 41 ncrc of Innrt MipeAllr rdnptnl
JU UrmUlujicetniill frulta : prhv , (4J nnnrio ,
tcnms. - '
, ; - , . H. KIloy Se Co. . 2158. luth
Ja strict. "
Id ) leet on rnrnnm , nwr court lieu o.
Vull lotonvU4.J.iucr I'nrimm , f h ) til.
rollloi , rmtJ-M tipper Fnrnuin , dctlratilo for
n-sMoncn $ lnw. -
a full lots , o'tt t'rllf. south front , corner , on
IoddCvJINiUfyrt 8ti.
l. > ileel on VnikHve , , oust front , running hnck
to li-eet , f t,7.TK ! A
I'ull lot In lyiicom | : tliicc , on ( Sihorlu ot. ,
oi" < t lionfUi-i. | ( 'fl
1 full lot. ftimtlitfron IlRtisoom 1'nrk , fl.CiiO
7 lots on tiertritUHVo , $ > w to ? l.f/ij
( iloNonSminn ( * iiitPOt.41i1dc-k i Irom BIMJII
cat line , north , ea t front , $ i-nch.
hi liit , r > Moots Irom ttreon our line , WO onvhs
tm y piij inents , ' j
hilofon litliflilil IPth Mrpols iitnr Unacnirs
Turk , $7Siionoh ] oair | Miynicni
S fiillcoinfirljK unnblouk fiotn nul enr ll'io
nnd KlntT itro iPbobool house , Jli 50 ouch. Ilnr-
rnll corner Iftff , Sjlilocks fiom rtnl car line ,
J.I5UI ) iwrh ; pan'pn lnont ( > .
I'ull lots , nowfommodloim 4-room hoiipo , clfl-
tern , outhnusM.iritul fences , niutli Iront , U
blocks ue t ol Park five , , fl/iim ; clump.
I'ornrr lot , r/niii' . with al.ey , ono lilook ftom
BtMnry'B avo. , $1V * . TlilsHveo eheiip.
lloii onnd l .t , e'ist Ifmt , I7tli nml Center
RtrcetH. J. H. Kiloy Oo. WSJiith 81. e J
-IT1OU H\1i-ln : HAnsconi IMneo. Mo < k nmt
J half from cnrn.irool 1'i-story ' house : tirlco
JV-OJ. AmoiilfO ? rnrnmn. tM
OU SAMC Acre Ion In Newport , This
I beautiful piece of Inndovoi-loolts Um wholn
city , nml Is Ihn mmrest nml hiiudfomcst nci-o
properly for nxlo. Terms are nmile easy and
pi Ice IH verrlpw' . Noonecim * cv Newpoit with
out admitting Us nierll.s , uVnics , lr > u7 rnrnnm.
o o HIII. on llelt Uiie"SIO
n lot. : $ X ) down , $ -r every ; iinontli.s. Amos ,
. f iiviinunitli TeiTiioo. on
1 worth dt. $ f ) u lot , monthly pu > tiuiiiU.
Amos , 1W17 riirmun. S * > 7
- . > ( HHAIi ; on U'livonworth Hit , coiner lot ,
1.- 70xlM.I'or ) J.I/iiOiuInn , TOrlfiO , fornorlnjr on
0ft n1loyfc.UOJ Ainoi , lf > U7 rnrunm. M7
IJIOH RAIiK Corner on Satinders st. ; luislnoss
JJ lei , I'MiLM ; oulf S AWO. roller & - L'uhh.
T7IOHHAI.H Himcoin Pluco. S lots. east Iront ,
J"1'nrk nvo .M/AI oiieli ; " loin , east
hlorlis Inmi 1'nrk avu. , fcl.yOJ. Amea. 15U7 I'ar-
ninn. IW
PU ( SAM'-HaWilns In thirty Inl * In PpmTld-
ln r V Kuhn'n Hiilidlviiilon , on Uodue Mieol ,
cast of Holt I.tnu mllroml. SHH to H' ' ' , on
inunlhlv pnymenu. W. T. Orahiun , Croljihtoii
lilook. 771
HOUSKS , iota , limds-llemis , nth ami Oouulaa
ul i-iV.'Jtuiv.o
. A lmiii'lolnt | ' olotrt on neor ln
nvenuo. I'm iibhorl time $17il i will lnl > o the
two.V , T. ( Jrnlinm , CrulKhton liloclt. Del
. SAI.i : Plahivlow , lust south of ( ink
J.iOll - , lots Irom Suumlera to Ulth st.
Amos , 1&I7 rut num. 8-17
OIISKS , lot.s , Innds llemjs , 15th nnd Douyla"
H W i-"i'liiov .o
ITlOlt SAI.i-nk ( Chuthum lots llelt I.lnede-
-I1 pot located on this addition , l.ou lioin
Kiiumlers loL'Oin nt. Ames , l.'xr , Karmim. NHT
HOU.SKS , lots , laiids-r.omU , I.Mll nnd Douglas
POirSAT7i ; CIio.ipbst Hue uishlo moporty In
tlie uinrket. le-ldeine lots in Hillside add. ,
t7to to 31 , loo. Potter i. Ccdil ) . 4.0 U
I.i : A IhM class nnd well
lK > aulhiKhou e.ucntrally loculod lor | nu-liu-
i-d. AihlnwsCXX. ileno.llen. Ml
H IC > IJSJs : , loin , Innda lIuinlB , 15th and Douglas
HOUS1W. lol'n , ' fftrm1 ? , lands -Itemis 1'tli nnd
Douptlus. f , , riil-fL'-Tinor-'o
HOUSKS , lo'
; - ;
FDItHAI.H-cVoroUots Irom ? 1M to fyOJ u
Newport , I i
Itriirnlon , . _
Hidol'ark.'r ' jfl
Goto Mil llnnto , P
Amos , IJUT ; j'urrijkm. 687
HOUSUS , ots.landa Ilomls , l.illi nnd I
' lt SAI.H-lly W. T. Griihnm , Crel hton
F' Illoek. i' '
Thirty lots dust ofinelt.Llno on monthly piiy-
inuntH. J > * '
.UlKtnSpa1dinrteKulm'.q snliili vision , east of
Holt llno in JiionUily payments.
UitM In Ilaiirtcoiii I'lucti , cunt fronts , $71)0 ) to
l.iWui easy lorini.-
ots on Dodge street , J400 to $150 ,
on monthly payment * .
I.ot.s In Noitli Omuhn , $ < 7K ( } to fl,400 ; ousy
terms. ,
T o lots , ono block from I < eixvenworlli , fU'J O
each. W. T. Oriiham Ciul hton lilock. UIW
SAI.K-U-nvmiworth Terrace lots at
Foil n lot on xtiinll ( > imh payments. 1/olh In
lolro e Hill , will 'h lay just houl'i of HIUIMODIII
7'nrk , onlv ton mlntuen' wiillttioin tti-cct , curi ,
nt * Wto ) JJiWn lot : 111 per cent down , balance
easy monthly rnymenfs. Or If jou doi-lro ncro
lota In tlm vicinity , tlnit ( , near Mclrot-o Hill.
Moeun hell them to yon In I'mu's eiilxllviHlon at
SMW lo il ( > J an ucio. All tli HililliiciiH. Ionv-
enuortli Terrivce , Million Hill itnil Piutl'H Mill-
division are duo wont nnd honthwcht. If jon
want to KO nnith and northwest , wo olfer hpii-
dld lots In Oak ( 'luulmm and I'htlnvlew : In Oi k
Chathum the Kelt Unc have located their luriroat
depot , nnd this depot IxtntiiitH both Oik Clint-
hum and I'lulnvlew , whore wo can soil lots at
lair prices and on Mimll payments. All this
property will bo shown at any time convenient
loryoursclt. Anioa. 1507 b'urmun. U-'l
FOIt &AI.H 10-acro place , ell f-trclved wl'li
fruit ; Hood buildings ; li ! > t-olu-.s Invo-t-
monl ut $4,000 , or an Improved ncro In Woit
Omi hunt IhOKUino price. On Saunders 8'ieot
lottiuxliiU , with now t o story house , liurii , ulo. ,
tor fJi.lXK ) : In Ilunticoiii i-laoo. rieur cais , u so von-
rrom cottajio with bum for SI.OiO. On
Ptioct two-story brlek , nine looms , tor
tr , U. In liedlrk'H tiddltlnn , 7f\14 1 led , lot , east
Iront , $ U.OOU : nun lot Kixljrr , for * 1/MO. Host lot
In Mnrh' * tiact lor J , | , . Hull uere , Cel-oV
addition , for $ ( Hj ) two east li-onl lots on I'aik
'uvcnuolor'lit ) ) . Tlio neaiest unil hiindHOino-t
ncro low ever ollorod licro In Newport , which Ih
the clioliool till auoloiH , and helU fu-t bccu < M >
It is not only the nearest nnd lio-t aero property ,
lull In bouirm loi-lour prices on eusy ui'ymentu ' ,
t'lid millH all wlio HCO the ground , llrmomlier
Ih a Nou-Mi t is all chiimtul lor it , und tills you
will ndmlt when } on KMI the pi-ot cny.
WO AMIW , IMi Kninuni Street.
IJIOIIKAI.IC-M lotMln Huiisoom I'liieo. Lots
- iIn every direction : in y ternib Spliindid
'roaiatnifoprdpurty on Kariiiim. fl .om ) . tholee
Improved nn HIM lor pale or exclmnjm KII.O.U
BCIOX wdj land * on very oay lernii. J. W. Mur-
Hlnill , IS UKminun. _ iU'-fi
( ) , - : - roller .V Cobb
FUSVl-i-ltr lot , ajj leot IrotH by 1ST
leet dixjji ( iiiid Htrooti , .
Kino acie In Ninth O.naim , $ jrX
THO acre lots In < HJ H uilil , eoo i $ l00. .
' , ' 1 hcioln J'aik i'lauo.diarvalii' ' , if i. > ! ' .
H lot. nnd eight room hoiibo near Hltfh Hehool ,
I'ottoi'H addition , ut corner 1'iiriiiiin
und Ixiwu uvcnue , tl'u to < il 0.
Very line property R'Hithuo-tof ' city , In 5-ucro ,
10-acro , or Illicit ) tnicts , nhenp , per ueie atf7u ,
HIIMdd id : llloimiliciii. | | j-Bi'i tu jlJO. !
Tuo loth. lluiiBCOiu l'lueoeacll fTHJ.
HOIIHI'N ' , lota , lands loml ) , 15th iinrl
_ _ _ fcU-i
ONI.VMlotKtotnulofor Improvoil prnju'rly ,
will assume iiiortxii m or pay dillerencn fa
cash. I'artldii wUhliiK to Hade bellnr ealLat
once , \V. II , ( jioon , over 1st National Hunk , 174
ifi loUi In iuillotlH
Ihieo blocks' from htrrotnir , $ sw to i7rtl on
inoiiihly payiniiliU. ' ) . W. T. ( Jruliiun , Croluhlim
block , _ t.i , _ T.l _ _ _ _ _ tVl
17 < oilHAIK-&imo-gplendlU tesldeneo totHiiear
' Pueit" ! Heart Aoiidemy ; low pi Ices , oa y
Uirmx Cunnlimha/u / iV Iliennnn , Till Dod o ,
FOHBAM-jcliPP nnd lot and ton lots near
I'aik Mrot\ru ) \ > VWml'i ' " > nt y lei ins. ( i.e.
Ptebbliw , Hoe jrllnmon Illoek. urmurT'
HOM K PHRK I1KWJ' ArrKNT10S-Kiiir ril piir
ticnlur abtnitfi04) _ mid clioiti | liunU In
Wi > Htf-rii .S'dlinii > Itit nddrcss I'litlcion i ; While ,
Heal i ; inii > A" ' Ni'ilh I'littliNeli. . ItH
POItS\l.i-A : two story. ! S tWl , fr mobnllT
fin.Huitiit > l < .kfiir-jt Hloii' , nuar Utli und
iiuin dm.i"ly"t ; ttih miiui , W7
nnrmllon or iiccluss iriikwn. Jr. ) M. M
Moure , ' 4.l Wabiuh nve. . I'lilcapo. Will
tiut Ctttteti * MOIISU. In Oiimlm.citny lO
( iiKrni < rrni'i'ii < uunt . n unnnu-ioii. i'Jt | : li'itli
51.Till ? J'I'.ll.MIH. " A bimidhw mil diiy
mliool joryoniu ludlei. Hellt'lnlnlly miniate I
on ( ii'itijri'iimn Hi'lvhlH. iMrxo ( 'iniMnlHU ; *
erlnri'i.'liobialleadvuiiliuoM. Misn linn.n.
TIONAI l. > l' . ild'li'iilli Nit. . Item-ceil Kiirimiil
liud 1 1 an icy , vuU | with ilm aid of inmnluin
rplnlh. obt.uninv l"r any oif a I.IIIIK-O In ilia
piti-i und prcxcm. und < | MIIUUI nuuiii < i In
Ilm Ililnrc | ! HIII ai'l ) 114 nuiJu tu uidtr.
I'm Itu'l ati5luiliuh txuiu uuicuJ.
Complete Treatment , with Inhaler for Every
Form of Cstarrh , SI. Ask for SAN-
/ Head ColiM , U'nlcry
f ? ' DIsclmrROs fnim the
J v . No-e nml KyosIllmlii
NoNm In tlio Head ,
Nervous Headache and
lodirpd , membraiip
plcaiivpil and healed ,
bieaih HM < je toliod ,
miiell , las.o , and hour-
liiirrostorpd.nnd rnvmtni cln iUed
t'outrh. llronchltla , Droiijilnrfs Into the Throat ,
1'alns In tlm Clidst , Dyspepsia , Wmtnu of
Stifinrth mm nosh , Uiis of Sleep , rrr , ptutMl.
Ono bottle Itndlenl Cure , ono box Cutnirhni
Polnmt nml ono Dr. Sunlords Inlialpi , In ( inn
piickuiin , of nil dnutKlsts , j ) . Ask lor Siv
niuiiH lluitCAt. Cum : , a pine uUtllhitlon of
Wlto.h llu/el. Am. I'lnn , Ca. Vir , Murl oU ,
Clever Illossoini , oto.
Potter Drug and Chemical Company , Boston.
KIDNKY TAINS" und that weary
Kpnsiltloii every piosenllth tho-oof
> paliilul kidney" , uoilk backs , over-
oikcd or worn out by sin ndlnjr ,
w nlkhur. or t ho sowing inaohlno , cured
_ by Ct'Ttcriu ANTI-I'.MN I'II\.STIII : , n
newotn U , cICKiiiil , nml npeody nntldototo
puliind In In tnnmtlon At ilmmrNlH , " > P ; live
lor > I ndoliruj , Vuvrutt Dniiu ANO CIIKMI-
l : K , t ouii i.
SorvleA Fto oj la.
RIvAl.l'.I ) propiw.ils "III Oo HHtiU'ed nt the
ollleo of luiidel 80hn \ Klsher , iiichlieoiw ,
until DiH'omber 14) ) n , ut 1 ! o'clock n in. , for the
eie lion nn I < \ < mpletldii of the Oinalm Ikmnl
ol J'uule bnlldhiK. I'hins nnd siiecdlcailuna can
btmenn ut the ollleo oftlioaichllccts.
TliorMit Is nieovvu 1 to rojoot unv or nil lilds.
JlAMivi.n , I '
Trolosal3 for EUtrlct Pnviwff
' Ci r'I iir IHIMIKII'H OKI u i : , I
Omaha , Neb , , No\ , > . Itt-'i. f
SHAI150 pi-opo iiU ulll loiicolveil ut th'a
oilico until iMiv. L'lth , IKN1 , ut l noon , ior ilm
purclmsuol iir : ) > 'JO ' of dlHtilct.paviiiB bomiHof
theoity ofOmidia. Snld bonds am imti'd Don.
Isi , ItsSi , i.u I uid bo duo In one , Iwo.tliroo , tour ,
o , tt\-evcn , elRlit and ninn jcarnltom
dale , nn c iiial aiiiounl 1 -onihijr duo o ichjuur.
are In uni'ioi $ Vw oicli , und b > nrlniciei't trim
r dine m tlio into ol BIV per ten um per mi-
ni'in , ) y mid nnniiullv. The prine.pd nnd In-
ten-si an1 1 oih PIIMI .lo nl thoollico ol Kounl/u
lli-os In fsoiv York.
Said bonus aielHsiied under the olwrtrrpowor
ot Mint cii.v , und ulll boiU'liveiod ' lo p\irDlia \ oin ,
on payment t um i , r at tlm oay iretwui > in
Unuiiia. on Dee. IM , isrt5
Illds will be uddiet-scd to the timloi ltrnod and
marked * J'io | o-inU ior DHinvl 1 nviiiK itinniN , '
and niiiM HIII e mo lull name und unurosHOl the
blildi'r , the iimoiiiit ol Mild bonds dusliod nut
equal amount di o eaeh ) ear li-oni one to nltu
juaiM- und the ptieo proie\ed ] to bo ) iild. :
Tno riKht U rn ertcd to lOjOult n , and all b ds.
novM-lt TliliMVN HULK , Liij I'leusuier.
UTATU ( ) ! NT.IlltiVSK- . Douglas C inity , .
n At u county court , hold ut tlio e < u i.y point
loom , In und lor xiil I lonnty , Nov. Itn , A. ! > . ,
I--5. l'ie--enl.l. II. McUnll u < li , ( uiiintv .liMhre.
In the matter of la ) oiluio oL I'lan S lUmlei ,
( in lendliur und tlllii ttio petition of IHeit V.
Siiiiib , luliiiiiii'-lraK r. u i.h mo wld annevoil. of
tliee-i.ftie 01 1'laU S. inn eiv , de.'ea-od , praying
unit Ills llnal lUX'OiniL tnU duy tiled limy I c ul-
Ui-diio.l , Unit Dec. 8th , A. n. 1H8. " > , nt
u. m , bo i.b-iiiiiiod lor liuaiinir Haul o.i.
wlien ull persons Int r " > ted In nail maiiur nn y
appear at u count10,11 1 lobe Hold , In and lor
MI id county , an 1 H.IOW canso why the piuycr ol
the iiclitioner Hlionld nut Uu KIIUI ed , and Unit
no , ce ol the pendency of said pi ill.o i and the
leinii ) , ' theio'il , be KIVCII lo all poiHous In-
teie-ted In -i : d inatltr , by iniblislii-ix u copy ot
lldsoider In ihuOmah.i Daily llro.a no Hpni > or
prin cd in biiiu county , once each utioli lor four
sticeos-lvo wc'CKS prior u > nid day ol lioiuinpr.
( A iiiiecopyl J. H. McCili.i.ocii ,
iiovB 12 IH-'JI County .Incl-ro.
to Contractors.
of llroHium Hull will receive
I bills tor tno eroctidii of a now biilldln on
Sontit Tenth Mtcut , up till noon of the Uih ( n-
Htant. The H lid buililimls to be elected aeioid-
liiK t < i plans and hpeclllcntloiit to bo huou nt the
oliiceol Mr H A. Danow , ai-cliliiKJl. IrtJl .luck-
HIII .vtieet. Itl Is may bo madu tor tlio hopuiaio
clus oH of uoi ) ; or lor thu u itlro bullillnir coni-
plolo Kuch bid iniiHt bo accompanied byuio-
HpoiiHlhh * iMind , HiitUluclory to tlioTriiMeox , lor
at least 4 i per cent ot Its amount ast-ccuity
thai tlio hidi or unl , ilnin um ilajH iniei-io-
ceivhiB notice of the acceptance nl hi.s bid , enter
into contiuct lor tno oi-K In uccordiineu there
with , nml turn Mi bond for the duo performance
ol' tliominio I'uynient lorlho work to bomudu
uslolldws , vl/ : ) n tin ; coriilleutoof the archi
tect lor the itmonnt uctimllv diino , nnd por-
lei niCHl , IO-H 'M per cent , wluca nmoiint Hinill bo
ultlibelil until tno work la complete and no-
canned by tlm Trunu-oH.
The 'I r.iw.ct'8 rc-sorvo tlio tight to rofuw ) any
or all bids.
All bids mum bo Roulod und uddiexsoil to the
KiilliiIiiK Committee ol llrownell Hall" al the
iiK , Oianlia.
novHdCt Ilnililliur ( XiminlUoo.
Master'a Sale.
in llio Circuit Court of thu United Stalca for the
District ol Nobrtutku.
Hannah K. Mulculf J
VM. > In Cliunoory.
Jacob C. Webber. I
OUnijlC notice ia hereby ( ilvon that In purmi-
Junco and by viitue of n dociee enloied In
Ilm above eauso , on the Hlh day ot .Inly , l.vtf , I ,
Kills L. Illerlxiwer. Special Miwlor In Chancery
In nald court , will , on the ; Mli day of November.
l Hi , at the hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon
ol tlio wild day , Ht the li-onl ( inn tin door nf the
United States court und iKiat olllco building-
the city of Omuhii , DoiiKlnis eoimty. Htute and
district of Neb nukuw > ll at unction the lollowlnif
dcr i Iboil property , to-wlt :
'llio northeast quarter of hoctlon tuojvo ( li'l ,
township hlx ( ) , north ; and the HOiithwest < juai--
.ternfbdetlun one ill , lotviDihip live ir > indrthi ( : all
in ruiiKO rlKht ( Mi , west of the Utli I1. M. , In the
county ol Clay und btuteol NebniMkit
HI.I.IH I , . Hir.iuiowuit ,
Spoulul Muster In Chancery.
D. II. KrtiYM , Solicitor torCoinpLalnnnt ,
I'or the holidays wo will nniko u life hl/o por-
tiu t , hi KOkl linmo , lor HM. ThLs lodiicllon U
uiado to moot u demand lor line ixirtrnlta
At a Low Flyurc.
And Is Jus half our former price. Tliero In notli-
Inir nicer for a puueiit Ui level ones , man one
ol thonu portrait * . Woixipy liiiiu ull kliiUs of
pIcuui'H ' , Kiiuiunteo HiitiNiuelluii , make any
cliaiiKOrt desired 'I'lio.-o mirlraliH ate pure ciay-
on und never fade Ciul und rtoo lu. HHiJlj
room 'M AilhiKton blook.
Take I'litviitor ,
Saunders Street Market.
FriMli. Bait and Smoked Mea , Fa'iHaffo , rnnl-
tiy , etc. 101 ! ) hmmUorrt mreot , 'mtitt Jlloel ; .
Coiner I'l litoonlli nnd Cus9 KtrcetH , Omixlm
under the cm eel the Hit-lord ol Jlciuy.
Tin ) M'lidliiMlo yitaixHiiniOMeot tlio llrnt .Mini-
day ol M-pienllMsr , unit clo-uji thu latt ucek of
.Inno : It is illvldod into lno becnioiM ul' Iho
laoiilliH eaeh.
yr Deiiartmnnt , fu > per
iii-l Department. $ n | Mir f-o-ioio
r-cuiml Dcpuitmeiii. > i per fCoiloi
Tnild Dc'iniiiiiii'iii. f : | er MISSIIHI ,
roliilh Ditpiiilmenl. l.i per MIM-IOI
I'll th Di-'pailiiH-nl. | U pci-fiv-son.
Junldi Diipailmcnt , I'ipur hmaion.
I'ujable Half Yiiiily In Ailvunna.
I'litln KiuliiK , lunuy oik , cinbiuidery , ntn.
fliHjof tlnilKO. .MIIHIO mill ollim iieoomilisn |
inentb lei m evtru chiiifjo. Tills Im-lituiiiin i *
oa > .y nt IIIH-OOI tiy ilm ctieet cur lme . . IJn > i
liiKler the UK < ' of ten mo mlnutlul.
l-oi MIUS de-linw priuitu lu m-i In drawing ,
pulniinx. inin-lc. upply In dliecloiH.
Dlireii'iicoof rclntlnn will not bo rcjfiii'Jcu In
the udmimluii ol pupils. _
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
UT * * . Bakery
Thcpliuc tiilni } fie h bread , cii'.cs i > lc I'hu
bust ima liu > i-M Imiimlnr Uu iudin > in thucil ) .
UIuUlla i I.It
TU t IAP f \ TTP lTIPl'llttl7P
The Bnlls , Burdened With a Heavy Load ,
Up Wheat ,
A Poprosipil Condition of Trntlo nml
n Drop from Momliiy'rt I'rlros
Dally Uoport ol'
Homo nml
CiucAno , Xov. r. . | Spoplnl lo IhnHr.n. ]
Wttn.vrIf KHXMilatlon | ( rot-s Into wliwit , "
sititt Mr. MWUN Fmlt'V tont.xy , "It will K < >
Itlglior ; ( ithcMwIno , It won't. " Conslilcrlnj ;
tin1 oxlont to whluli tlmt tinknown iinnntlly
Is nlrcntly In tlm tunrkot , this utU'rnnuu of thu
Mls-sourl ninaimto nmy lit ) a jiri-tty 8lnililit ;
tip on nn advance. . Wllli liulf u dozen of tlio
local IIOIIMM "lung"ti | to llielri'.M'.s ' , Itlsitlf-
lleull to mv how Hpwiilallon cjin full to cntDr
tin imukcl iivcn to n gronter cxtont tliiin U
evicts tit the jirosont tlino. Wllli jo'.tpulny
aftcitiooii'8 mw.slou as u h.isls of coni-
imrlKon , to-tlay'ti nmrkot wnn bullish. The
hlgluvU point wns tlm satnu tw yuslotiluy
BSJ u for Dittomlnuv Ton prlcas , lifiwi'vcf ,
citulil not bo nutlnltilnt'il , tlunivli ; nn olfort to
kin < | > tip bnnlunwt on llio lenH'mto. |
" I'hti cllqiii1 , " siiltl n invtty sU'iuly sitiHiiilator ,
"must hold wheat up In order to net rid of
their Itmtl. If the ilcul noun uitnlitst tliunt to-
iliiy , tlmt Is , II oiilsiilo tonilltiuns nto such
that whuttt lntilj ] cinnotl > uHUpiioiU'il , tlu-y
will tiy It to-morrow , mm so on
until they gut r d of u loatl tlmt is iHvonilnt ;
heavier tno lunger tlttiy carrj it. " Tlio c.uly
hulls niatlt ! a urcnt nolso about llfjht teeulpls ,
nml thlu Ktiircncil up tlm upenliii ; to a point
Jfto over last nlitht'.s olo-io. December slat led
out at ss' ' c nnd sold ijtiito steadily tip to
BH o. The Hist drop wim to ss , e , llti'ii an
ndvanro to SSjj'e canio in which wai followed
1 > J a decllnutotS ) < < on talk of higher eon-
so Ii. I . Dnrlin : the lust hour tlio market \\iis
Millet nroiind thooiiunlni ; nuoliUlous , ulosln
barely Hlcady.
Oritiiii MAtiKirs : More country littvhn ?
lluin Cor d.iys was niitieea in
provisions. < lumL'il ] ! Ills loud ol poll ;
Inlvi-n on two or tlneo d.iys ajro. A .slow
Ir.ulo nt slightly hljlior in Ices was hud in
i und the minor
.OinrAcio , Nov. 5. [ Special to tlm Ur.r. . ]
Crri.i : Tito iitiiiUut opi-ned with Iho lieh
Htipply nltottt ViOO , and ut luat 'J/i1 0 stalu
cattle In the IH-IIS , iniilJiif , ' nhiiut 10,501 on
SihTin1 ! ( jeneial niaikt't wins nbont as
"mean" its at unv tlinuyisteiday. Tltedi'-
niund was limited , with buyers entirely in-
dilTcient , and it would take lit si clus.steuis
to uiiiKo Sf'-l < Xor"i.r > 0 , \\liilo need to choice
would not itniKe o\er 5ft.Klii5"'iO nnd aloiiK
thi'ti' , with niedinm bolliii ! ; at S. . .VXii.Tft. : !
TOMIIIH antl nuiKCin wcio iilenly. nml me
< XiIUc ! ) lower than on Mummy. Tlio rain
Htoiiii ol the mot ninirintct lend with slocker
and Uwder trutlo , nnd stock e.ilvos weio no-
Klcvtvd for the MIIIID ruiiM' . bhlppini ? HICCIN ,
lU : ) to 1MKI Ibs , I.TiCdj > . ' : l'JO > ) to l ! ! ' > 0 Ibs ,
8 ( XC ) M.7 ( ) ; ! ro to I''OO ll s sj.0ai4.10. : : ! ( Thiouu'h
Texas cattle slow ; 9to ( ) 10U1 lln , S'J.tkV : ! . K ) ;
7.VI to IHU Ibs , 3'i.riOrt ' ( > .80 ; IWO to ? ( X ) His , M. : )
C"'J..VI. U'cttcin nniKcrs wc.ik ; niitiM-s and
lialf-bit'cds , S ; ! . . > 0 , ( ( > l. : ' > ic ; < ) ws , a > i.iiV'J..hwin- ( ) ) :
totcd Texans , & ! .lUiivi. : > U. Ssilon U"i Montanas ,
liirr Ibs , Sl.-J.-i ; l l Wyomlujts , UbS Ibs. a-l/JO.
lions Slow , and at the Mail iiriios wetc
rather easier , but later on thu dcinaiid im
proved and at the nnuih piiciswcic a shailn
si longer , but in a Kcnt-ntl w.iy thcio was
little or no change. I'.ickers were Illu'ral
buyers all dav. The bttllc of packing suits
Hold at s > ; i."iOfit..tiO { , and the he-it nsMiitcd
hoiivy at Sii.tMi' l.TO. P.iukiti ) ; and shippinir ,
U.VJ to : no Ibs , s.ii.rioyivwo. . Ltsht wi-lirhts ,
to17UIbs _ , " > .50 .7U ; IbO to U10 lb
New York , IS'ov. 5. MONKY On call
easier , loaning as low us I percent , und nt
no time above 4 pur cent , ( jluxlni ? at4 * per
wnt ,
, Pitiiiu 3Iiitf'A : iit.T ! PAi'int IS ( > . per
cent.PoitKinN ExrifANCiB Bir.i.s Dull and un-
chaiiL'cil at 4.s.'i ; demand , Sl.s" ,
( SoVKUSMKNTft JJnll and steady.
btucicH Voiy active most 01 the day.
Alter an irregular and fevctisli opening the
maiket wus. < | nitenti < u until 1 o'clock , wh.-n
it developed a decided weakness , declining
Irom Xfel per cent. Ai'tr the stocks wete
Htrcnu'ti [ < mel ltf ( per cent , but the advances
wete not fully maintained. The market ,
however , closed nrni at quotations in some
Inntnnces the highest of thoday. In the last
ton mintitcn til. 1'atil advanced li percent ,
making a net advance from kiHtcu'ii ingot
! if per cent. Lake Shore and Union I'aclnc
each showed net gains of 1 % per cent. Other
Htocks which soul over 1 percent alMivo the
closing quotation of yesterday were \Ve.stei n
I'nion lc , N ithwustern \ < % e. Delaware it
Hudson I'/c. Canada Suulheiii und Iaclu :
wana each 1'f.c , und Omalia common t per
cent , The statement that two or tlneo loin , '
blocks ol Union 1'aclllc stock had been pin-
chiiM'il and hhipju-d Ui London is denied , It
Ise aimed the sioiyvasciicnliitedloenable
the pool to IIIH ! a market lor its holdings.
I'arties who insist that Union I'acinc is at
piocnt selling above I Us value compared with
other securities s.iy the near completion of
the Canadian I'acidcnml Atantlcand I'aciiie
connection , by which competing tran con-
line tal loutos aru cbUhlished , will make
coinjictltlon so lively tlmt thcio will ben
heavy lulling off In Union 1'aclnc earnings.
: ? p cent bonds. . . C.
U.S.41f'H piufeireil. . . i7'.f : ! '
Now 4\s V. Y. C 101'J '
Pacific o'sol ' ! ) " . Oregon . . iwi't '
C'cntnil I'xeliio. . I'acinc Mall r.1 %
0. it A ii7 : I' . , I ) . &K is' , ;
picfeiicil. . . . iwi IM'.C ; - - -
C. , II. i\c < J 1HI ! ) Itoek Island
I ) . , L. itV Wl ISt. L. its. I' . . . .
1 > . tt It. ( J lt\7 ! < ! pu'fcircil. . .
Kric"J , C. , M. & St. T. . .
pretcneil. . . . ! " > I prefeneil. . . ,
lllinoiti Central. . Ullj St. 1' . .teO iKfJ
I. , II. ifcV \ lhj < i piefeiieil. . . 101JJ ;
ICunsnsttTexas. ' tts5f Texas P.iciile. . . 'JI' '
, Union PiicliiB. . . .Wtf
N \v. \ , at. i , . it r. . i <
Midi. Central. . . . piefencil. . , \1/i
.Mo. I'aclnc , \VcMeni Union. 7t ! > i
Noithcin 1'ac. . .
piciciml. . .
Now York , Nov. rVhoat Uocolpts ,
V ' , , ( MCXJMIIIK \ , ii.vxi ; sjiot , 1'itr.lci nnd dull
itli ahsoncu ol expoit hilcicsN ; options
ojiened a tilllc lower but soon stie'iKihcncd
nnd advanced ' 'riC'i ' KC , clo-lnt , ' with a slight
H'iicllon ; miKiailcd icil. KC'dNNo. ' ; . : i led ,
li o ; No. 'J ml , DP c doliveicd ; Dei-ember
closing att)7jc. ) !
Coin hpot advanced IC'ilii'n and options
, ' ' ( , I ' * c , closing \Mlli some icactlon : 11 lit
espuils in ilemuml : leceljits , 10,000 ; i-vpmls ,
1IM.OOU ; imt-'iiuleil , JiVwVic ; No. a , I'meWf ? ;
No , : ! , ri"K.urr. c iiiele\iitoi , .VitS.V ( ) > ealh.ii ;
Decembei clniintnit ' > l'ic. ' llk'liir and laiily active ; i'cclptM ,
n..OiX ) : e\puil.s , Ilii.ixn ) : mixed \\cstcrn , : MK < 4
! : wllitiM 'MeniK"a ! ! C.
I'etiolcnm Mini ; nulled closed ntS1.0s > < ;
crmlti in iMiri'irt , ? i.OI1i < < ? l.iii 4.
KjftfB I'n in and flood demand ; receipts ,
2,1 i.i pacKinjwi ; ui'nUini > j'Ci'Jlc ,
1'oiU ( ' 'Inner and mine aciius ; mess ,
ijm/UMt at V.i.-.Vii/i.W , lor nnlnsjiecte l ; Sl''xivu
lu.uo , lor iiinjieeted ,
l ind IHxm-r nnd wllvo wiles ; westein
btiMiu HIO | | , cil.iiom'i. : ! ; m aiilvo , . 1 \
December , - < iWi' ' il.'l. > .
lintler Mini and good iluiimnileutein ; ,
t'bceso Quiet and wealc.
MliinoniollH | , Nov. 5.Vlienl .Sleady
iUlii in mom i , lie demand ; \u. 1 li.ud. > * 'Xc ' ,
No\cmbci ; liic. Dwembirsl.ou : , .Mi > : \o. I
iiiiitlnin , > c , Novembefi bfc , DcccmbiT ; 7V ,
Miiy ,
I'linir-Dit'l ; patents , S' .lUa > * . : JO ; lMlei.s ,
, ,
Wheat , JM.IXK ) ! Ihmr , 'JI % (
Cinuliiiinti , Nov. fi. U'lnMt . Jl
No. J inl , t'l.C"HV.
C < nn Mtuiu and limlin ; .No. U mixed ,
Cf.ils-nim : No. 9 n'ilJIt-'TJfa :
] ! ) ! - hlcailNo. : . ' . ' . 'IV ' ,
) . ! \ - - - ili'in.iiiil nnd
I'llllv- l-'illll Illll lll.llCl ill
l..iul .Siiiiiuei .it ' Mil.
\ni. . ' . -\VlnMi-SiroiiKi
Corn - lonyVoS.4l fi (
< Mls-tut ; N'o. " , JJJUe , u "r
llyo-Ditl ; No. 1 , id e. , <
Unrlt'y Slninner No 'J , ' " " ' .
Vi.HisliiiiiMlthcr ; mc-'s vr < . rnih nnd
Novt'inbor , 59a7 , ' < : IitvoinlHT , SB.r- .
r c'lilcnKo , Nov. fi. l-'lcuir Vely quint nn I
niuhiiiiKcd ; jti t > . > ilnncsoti
bakei-s , ? : i.V\ ( > I.V ) ; juU'nl. * , 4..V9.\i i. Wi-
eoiislu. SMi.V j4.s" > i MicliUan , S I."i0i8 1.TO.
WliC'iitr- Active , nervous nun HUM- lid ;
oH'tted ) Htrongcr and f < ( * 'lifo hlphcr , steadily
advanced 'fe tunic , < lt > clln id > , rnhxlVOTK
nnd eUiseilhcorr yia cti'av ; snecii h nnd
November ; t ViesaMo I'tem ' her ; ssV SHHo
taniiniy ; sn Uc 1'Vbrm.ry ; UV ( 05 * 0
Mav ; So. 3 ml , W YC- . ,
C'ornFlint and hli her with i oed trnilo }
year in led especially aetue and stttniR , and
advanced lo o\ur > tvslenlay s ctoO ! tnnikel
closed M ifff better for the .year over ytslcr-
da > ; li e pa-It ; 40jJiiHlo ! November ; ! WJ < 0
DeeemlM'r ; Wi WJio jenr ; Sn JM.VoJau"
tiaty ; 'Vsl < c May.
. .OatsCJnlet and IlrntJ prices nbont tin-
ehaiiKeil ; 'J-'v'o c.xsh ; 'iijtfc November ; ad a
DeecmlH-r ; : * ' < c May.
Uyo Steady at t
. .
Tlmoiltv Steady : prime , Fl.ftS l.CO.
Klnxhecd-lCaslei ! No. 1. 5M.U.
I'ork Actl\0 ! ntlv.incwl 40if ( iV and
l.'aid-Modcralolv active but firmer ; ad-
vanceiUc'"TV4c ami c'fned ste.uly ; S" > .t' . ' < ! ? i.oa
cash ; 8.\U-.j | > V 7 Noveniber ; Sti.d V
Dccinnbcr ; Sit. ( > , Xin.u7K January ; S0
11,1ft Kebi nary.
llnlk Meat * -Shoulder * . SU.MX.7S ; :
clear. Sl.l > ; > c < ? i.O. ) ; slmit ribs ,
Hntter Mod rale demand and Hteady ; coed
to nnotro.imco , It e ; good to choice dairy ,
CheeseJnlel ( and steady : full cream phut *
Americas , llV'i'O ' .e ; ! vlms , i e.
Huns Htcad } at Ut e.
Hales Unihan.'cd ; heavy crcoil salted ,
fully cnrcil , 8140 ; llht , HHC ; damaiicd , UJ4o
hull hides , iiifc : dry salted , UJ t' ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country , tio.
UivM'Ipts. . tililumcnlt
Klonr. Milii SM.IMO - 8tWO
Wheat , 1m OH.OIX ) 47,000
Coin. Im 71.000 8tOtX >
Oats , tin b,000 ( )
UM'.hu (1.000 ( 0.000
Hii i lev , bn ftl.lKK ) 87,000
8t. Imtils , Nov. fi.-Whcat-riMior , lint
faiily aclho ; unsettled ; e 0.111 ; V < § ft' ov J
> c.sterday ; U'xy'.Gc lor cash ; I'Do ' lor De
cember ; 1' ' ? % '
Coin V i'fii' ' hinhm ; : trlftiJJ''c ! for earth ;
r ( i'4C lorNovcmbor ; li- e furiatiuaiy ; JiO o
lor Ma > .
Oats Slow ; SI'c for c. h ; ! ! 0 > fo for
Hye Quiet at MI P.
\ \VlilsKy-S5IWMl.\ SI.10. . ;
1'otk ijnlel at jo.ruiviiii. ,3 , Y
Laid -I Inn i
JluitciUnc . . . .
AKTCIINOON UOAKI > Whrat Rlronp ; Mid
lilulier ; November. iCikc : Dccemhcr , lfl'n ) ;
,1 in mry , m o ; My , Sl.Oii Kji.jti , Com
stuuly. Oatn nominal. '
Toledo , Nov. f > Wheat Ka y and quiet ;
ca h ami Sovemhur , l'l4e. ' .
Coin Firm ; casli-14 0.
Oat.s-Quht ; ciish , je.
Ijlvcrpool , Nov. fi. Wheat Steady and
ilenimil poor ; hiiliply laiKC.
Coin f'lim and in tail deuniid.
Kniisns Oily , Nov. fi.Vlicat Straly
cash , 7. > c ; Deccmb. r , 77 , ' e hid , Tr'jc ' iusivi.d ;
( Januai ) , 7c ! i kcd ; May , h7Jf ® SSc ,
Corn StioiiKci ; cash , y7ttp'-iiiil , ; the jear.
5W' ciski'd : : Alav.LlH.-lild. a i > , i-ii'1-- '
Oiils Nominal ; -lo bid , -U'ti a >
* *
Nov. 5. The Drovers' Journal
re polls :
C'attlo-necoiplH , 7.-10I ) ; dull and weak ;
shiiipim ; su'eis , si.Uiii"i.i. : ; ) ( > ; sloekora and
teeders , 5S.liOirs.fiO ; eo\\s , hulls and mixed ,
il. > VJici. ( : 10 ; TCMIIIK slow nt iV10IO : ! ; west-
el M taimctn weak ; natives an , ! hall-biceus ,
t.J.rA.nji.iii ; cows. Sli.tWc''i-.W ! ) ; vuiuciud Tex-
tlllf. * J.lO0. ( ) .
lloss itceeipts , 32,0X ( ) ; Rtondy : rough and
mixed , jsi. ni.t.fiO ; packinj ; and bluppinj ; ,
S.i.rnttir.1 : ; ; ! ) ; huijis , 55 , ' . ) IKUJI.UIJ. ;
Sheep Receipts.1,03 ; slow and 10@2r > o
lo\ur : uativcri , i.75j ( ) ' ! . 10 ; westem , Sl..UCi
y.OJ'lV\ans ; , S1.73wS-.iT > ; lamlw , Sl.0 ; fil.5iX
City , Nov. . Cattle Receipts , 4
u'nts , . ' ,700:8 , : o 'k'-Kii'id loaders ac
tive ; ollic.i-sslou ; ex | o t f.'i.OO 5 U : Common
tu choice hhlpi Ing , t > . ( ) . ( . r > tt < k rs and
lo-ders , feS. O.I . > . ; .M ; cows , &itotl.6a ; giab
Texas Mecm , * - , lO fi't.OO.
IloCT-KeceiptH , li.iKK ) ; Bhlpmejits , R.OOO ;
opened \M-uk ami .H' lower , do I ge k wittt
an udililioiial ileclin it , . > c ; (40 ( ,1 to cuolco ,
bi.-ii@t.lO : ; common to inodlnm , S".10 ! t.'J5.
hheep Keieipls , fHX ) ; shipm iil-s , nine. ;
wealc and active ; common lo good ,
iiaiou uiiionrio.uu wi , Ainiuii luin UL
Imtclieriuir slo k , 551,7".r ! > 0 ; Mockers and
feeders , b-J.-"xifii."j : ; Tuxana and
Sheep Keoulpts , l.ODO ; shlinnonta , : ! 01 ;
peed millions teady and mm : othci-s dull ;
common lo choice muttons , Sl,7 < > ( iU.U5 ; lambJ ,
Tlitnulay Hvi-nimr , Nov. . (
The live stock market WHS lairly active to
day. tie\eral nice bunches of eattln chaitKixl
bands. A sliKlit decline was noticeable in
tin ; 1 1 OK piuriiet but the demand was coed ,
tinbuveis belli ! ; well teptcsi na-d. All lines
olfcrcd In the uuukct were sold and the yaida
Cattle . 600
llo h . 7&0
I'UICVAll.lVd I'lllOKS.
I'oor lo | ( iooil to
Mcdinm. JCxtKu
itiU'uitaKNTA n vi : HAI.IH.
' '
Na Av. 1'r ! No , AV. JV.
10. . .
f Ott'H.
I'r. No. Av.
No. Av. . JT-
liO 'A5. . -
11. . . J
No.W. . Av. 1' , ' . No. Av. I'r.
W. . . , .llit '
No. Ay. IT. No. Av.I . I'r.
No. Av. I'r. No. AV. IV.
7.- . . . 83.00 70. . ' FJI.M
7.117. . . Jt.0.1 70. . uj't '
Ill . Jll ! f.O } 75. . ijit k'l.
r , ; 5. ! ' . ) 71 ! ! ijitw jtiij-
( iU lii :
itAN'OR oi' I'niri'.x ron no fin.
Tlm cMicnut tan.'e of prices lor
mixed , picMii' { and Hliiiiunau'd | H IU
vuiUit JauHjor Hivend.t ! > Is slpiwn liislovvj
Iton h
| MlM'll ,
J UCi'l III ) 9 15
Salunl.iy J IKKi : i 0' ' II (0. ( < ; l Ot
M..n . . l.iy J \Uji/1 \ iw il 0 , ) , i Ot if 10.14:1 : 15
I 111 MlIV > II K'f-l ' 0 > : > 0141 n ;
J ' .toy : } ( X )
'I'lim.s'liiv li ttt < fl 0. . 0 n HA.V ! 15
Niile All wiles of block In tills market urn
in.iilc pel cwl. live wui-flii , nnlo.vH uthinwlho
sl.iti-d. Di'.nl lio..s Kell at l < ; per Hi , lor all
\\cldils. "Sklip. , " or ho.cs we'Kh ' n ' UMH tlutn
W ) Ihs. , no value , 1'n iiiUH BU V-I am UixiL. < 1
T ndMlny Hvennitf , Nov.
General MarlcolN.
KfifiB Tlm m.uKet ft Mlrmly nfO' ,
Hiippiv ! > lib nu < 1111- > i i iiid.
JJi'i lint t'liuhe itchh rollh Her nn
In uoud ilenmtul , xvlule Inuri t i.iil H lemaiit
dull..ind can led 'i- d oi uipauk r * inilv
lto | | Imticr-lniiiM PI i > ul , . . . .uisici' ,
laiuili.'abnnl ? ' I . ! HI , tt | ) i0'di | i
blc , athe avei.i o dealer pielcm to bt
MILill ii.tcUa , " " . 'Ilitiio in iiii-iiimli | ; o ,
elian.'e in ihc Mate oi ) ' " market , llxtpra
vi llnir pnei-H mi' ( is lulloU" : t'lmlce lulio ,
li r Inuouil ,
l , . . . V , l\.UfitO. \