Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1885, Image 1

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    AHA I
A Quarrel Over Time Piece11 Ends With i
ratal Stfcbbtog.
Nohrnskn'H lloj-titnc Conn Iliinlnti t <
Uio Cflnilnnl KooorilTho .Mnr-
loror ArrrMc < l Ht.itu Of-ctir *
lYoni lice Correspondent
pendent ? ) .
A Tha. ) or Comity Murder.
Ai.KXAMiniA.'Ihajcr Co. , Nol ) . , Nov. (5.- (
[ Sjocial to tlu * Hi.i-.l Our othorwUo order ! '
city was nt.irUo'l vobl < idaj hj nil mipiovolict
murder which occulted duiin thu allot noon
11 appeals Unit four men , inch having i
vvatrh , inrim-led as to thoielatlvo iiioilts o
their dlireient time pieces. The tjuaia'l be
ciiino quite ihreo between n farmer namci
Charles .Mutzgar am ! a man named .lolin \ > \
gruff. The trouble u.\s njijmrently .etlled
nlld Mctzgnr mid hh DOM , who was one of III' '
p.irty , got into his wagon ami Marled fo
homo Upgralf followed them , when tin
iinarrol vviw leMiimodilh iatal ii-sults
Klther Met/gai or Ids son diew u knife nm
Blahhul Upgiiill In Uio bark several llinc
Upgratf lingoicd until to-night when bodied
lloth the Mot/gars weio wrested , and
to Hcliion , the county bent , when- they wil
) > iil.ibly ) ) havoapioliminaiy hearing to-day
They will juobablv. make n iilr.i of sell
di-fenso , us Upginlt wan umloiiblitlly thu ag
Cnroleas Driving the CHUM ; .
Nonvot.K , Neb. , Nov. rh 'Special to tin
Bu : . ) The Tllllnlmii : lum-o 'bus upn-t thi
moinlng while going to tintiain and RCAI-I
p.u."engcis woio b.ully shaken up. One con
rttictor on the west end ami a traveling mat
fiom Ouiiili.i ant laid up with htulscs , inliiln
but nut boilotis. C.uelcsd chiving was tin
Death or u Pi'Tmilnont Clll/.un.
( iiivND JSI.AND , Nov. r . _ [ Spcci.iltothi
llu : . ] The of W. T. Cliupln tool
place to-day. Thciemilns are to bo bullet
at Giconwood. Nebraska. Mr. Clmpln vv i <
quite a pioininont ( Ill/on. Ho wa
at one time uctlvci ol thu laud ollku .it Lin
The Ilnl } > uriin ! Ti-iiulilr
MorloiiH AV'ar Anjoct.
VIUNN v. Nov. 5. King Mil in continues ti
. nctlvely Ioi w.u , and Is ni'iklnu'ho-
' tilitics to advance fiom I'iciot to holu , tin
cujiitid of Hnlgaila. Tlio beivlan jnoiiiioi
( inrsichlnlnl , is mopailiu to cio -t the Tlmol
river , which divides Hnkail.i and Soivia
\vlthnslioiig foico into ( lie \ \ iddin distiat
The lirsl , conflict bclNvcui the Seiians am
Jln'puiaiis will pioli.iblj lie biouiht on liv ai
attcinplto pi event thoadvauie ol K'iiiLC Milai
Into boila. Widdiii will ho attacked Ini i
Jorce iindur ( iaiacliiuiul only In case Kinj
IMllan dolotits Pilnce Moxandei. Itusdaex
jiocts the Sen i.ins tobe v ii toi ions. II Servis
Hiiix'ccdfl in taking fciolia and .Vldilln , lin-si ,
will Intoivone and Insist tint King Milai
withdraw behind the .Soivo-Hiili-aium lion
Her , following the lines Indiuilcd by tin
treaty ol Snn Stclaiio.
Thu Sleml Trlnl.
Loxnov , Nov. n. Sii Khbard Webster
attomey general , today linMied his nddiej
to the Jin * } in the tiialof the defendants Ii
tlie Armstitoii ; abduction cn.e. The tout
tidjouriiednhttl batnrdav. Itlsbcliovtd tha
the tonvktlon ot Mi. btoad , Hiomwoll am
Ilooth , of the s.ihation paitj , and Mrs. Jai
rait , Isceitiiln.
> K I'l'lnt-o Alexander.
ST. Piiiisnt itti , Nov. r. . The nnmo o
Pilnco Alexander ot Uulgaria beei
stricken fiom the Russian army list , and thi
pilmo has been depilvod of his colonolcv o
tlio Itusslan lille bitialion , to which ho vva
flppointcd by the cvar.
The Balkan Coiiforenco INIcotH.
COVST\VTIVOIM.K , Nov. T 'I he hist meet
Ingot the Halle in confidence took place tu
day. Iluslncss was limited to the oxchaiif !
ing of cicdonthilsaml appointing of ollicei"
'J lit confcioitic will ic.tssembo to-moiiow
r.'hcn a loimal business meeting will bo held
The Iuko's Promotion.
LONDON , Nov. 5.-The icpoit that th
Duke of Kdlnhingh will ho appointed com
inandoi of tlio Mulllcirancan squadron i
The Monotnry ConlVrencu.
PAUIS Nov. . ' > . The niouot.ii > conterenc
Iris closed , all the jioweis topiescntod exceji
llulgliim having .iruved at an aiiaiigemuni
Tvvcnt.vTu n Irow noil.
LONDON , Nov. 5. Tlio Notwegian bar !
' mull.i , has fotiudend ol Gioeiibing. Tvven
i-tvvo persoiib wcio dtowncd.
She Wanloil lo Keep Posted.
AM.UNIOWS , Pa. , Nov. 5. Mu. Callmrlnt
Triimj ) , poslmlstiossat the village of Coin
ing , has bum in rested , ch.ugod with ojienini
letlovb out ot ciuiObily and loading tliem 10
tlio pinjioso ot ktojilns ; horsolt jiostcd in n ;
gait ! to Hit- business -cciets of hei nolghbon
and love alfali * ot voting pcojilo In the
iniinlt ) . .Sliiiiiilmitli'tl hc-i niilll and in jusll
luntloii alleged she did not know .bo wa
committing an otlcnso for which slietotild bi
jniiilshi d. She Is undei bail lo aiihwci at Hi
next tennol Ihe Llniti d States lourU
The I'iro llocord.
( 'iur-\oo , Nov. \ Intci-Oi-enn Ottivvi
Bpfcl.U : A lire was ditcovcu'd early thi
morning in Ilio Kxeli , in.'o hotel , mid biiinci
po Inlsklj that tlie guoslH weic compelled ti
otii jio from the second stoiy windows. Th
Uamcs were hpculil ) oxtiiu'iilshed by the nil
tlcp.gtiucnt. howevei , and the dihcovoiy wa
made Hint the building bud been nioilinlivi
plants. The jiropilt'toi , Andio.w StleiKv , wa
at once iiricsttsl tor .11 son mul lodi.r l in jail
The building w.i.s insinod lot tfl,7wX
The Woitherv :
WAMIINOIO.N , No5 ImlKalions io
Upper MIsM.ssIjipl vallej Cloudy vvoathci
local rains or biiow.s , winds Kt-noRilly east
orj | ; tdlght.v loidci wi.atliti In southern poi
tlon , btatloimo tcmpoiatuio in noitlicrn j > ui
Jll-soml vnllpj Local rains , cloud'
woatliei , winds gonciallj houthcask-tlj ; lull
ing temporatuie In southern jioillon , Biittion
nii tenipeiutuiu in noiihcin pmtion.
EAP Ci vim : , WU. , Nov. -Nowswns re
celvtsl hoiu ted , i ) that .Inmos Dana , ;
brother of the editor ol Hie Now Yoik Sun
out hunting , with K. Yiin Tiott , near Tlioi | > i
this county , mistook Vun Ttotl tor n dee
anil f hot him thiomh the b.ik. . Thevictiit
ol the luviilent will ) ! ) itnovt-i Dan ,
went u lid wtlhgiicl overbhootlnghiafilinO
, A lriii'f.e Itir tlm Hcnlhen.
NKVV Y"ISK ' " - o. Thu iidsolonaiy so
'cletv of Iho Mothou ! * ' l . chinch wa
ju ' ' * to-Uay. HUhop IJm.m pu
u1ed. Dohvitwu nro piorent fiom nil pn1-
ot the oouiitn. It us vottul to iiilw
il.OOO.UM for missionary putposua dining til
uimhi-j jiar.
A Hint or tint
rui.Ni > vi.i : , D. T. , Nov. ft. Tboic vv.w i
enow lull of ton iiu-hai and tistitiiut colt
tveathei hcru
TX > VIKH : or nousn FLU
A rhicl'ihlhlilnn oTtho Kqulno
t .New York.
Ni.nYOKK , Nov. 5Tlio llihxl nun nil ex
hlbltion ot tlm Vntloii.U hort e nhcivv as ocln
tlon of Ainotiiu , winch ojtcnul In Madisoi
Sjuan ( ) gaulen , isiilliactlng gnMt deal o
attention , and was visited to daj by ft larg
number of jK-ople , including n number o
ladles and gentlemen well known in Nov
York Boeii ty. The managers claim It Mil' '
laigcst sliow of the kimUvcr hold In th
world , and the average quality of animal
much better than nt the society's how Ins 1 ho numhi-r of hoi SIM iuoticiit is HI
01 ovi-r sixty more than a > oar ano. Ihe ills
play includes hiir"es ot all gi.ulos. ( nun tin
dlmliiulivoMietliuid ponv up to Hie m.isshi
I'oii lii-iou Noniian. Among the SIH.-OI.I
featuios of Iho show are Hn
tliorouutihicih , v\hich comprl'-o Wool
Mock , tlio Dolby Marl'-r.Iho liimouslleiid Or
owned by A. . ) . Cass-alt , ami hlvlltes , lol
iiicrly owned bv the Harlot Ajlosfoul.
1 hocullectlon ot' U otters Is the largc tcvo
voenntti borao show , and cmhniLua Doi
Cossack , owned by the Caton stock farm
.lollet. III. , with a number ofet ; IL H
Conklln'H King Wllkos , with olhers o
Wllkus'nti-ain ; Alden Goldsmith's Castellat
Jliastus Coining's Sliawmut , C. . ! . llamlln
Mnmhiliio King , llamlors Almont , ji. , 1 !
( adergan R Ha.voiinc Prince , 11. II. Wnllace'
( ien. Putnam , Guj MMIcrs McKcan and I !
U. Conklin's Conkiin Maid. .Air. Conklh
bred Iho ( unions liottor Karus , nov owned b' '
ISolH'il Honnoi. Aiilon Uodsinltli , luimorl' '
ownorof thegieat Goldsmitli Maul , has i
siting of tweutj-ilvelrotters on exhibition.
i liodis-jiiiij ot ioidsterscoaehcrn , .iildlur
cankuo and dnilt boises Is lanro and good
some ol ihcm of veiy fashionable strains
Among the coaching stallions Is luconuclvn
bio. owned by W. K" . Vnmlcibilt.
lie vvaa isired bKablr , the pioju-ity of tin
I'loiich goveinment. The jmUnu to-d.i'
was in ( he pony , dtaft and liunier cla .so <
Canada was voij .suecesslul , cnrijlng elf thi
moil valuable mi/os , Now Yoik taking th
lomiindei None of Hie western ciitiiesu
ceivcd a illiboti lotlij. A. . ) . ( ' .isiotl , o
I'enusvlvania , with Hind Or. won the hunt
ers pi i/u.
No CluuiKO to lie Made in Cur Lout
Uates lo MIsHOiii'l Kivor I'oints.
Ciur vtio , Nov. 5. All the line
west1of Cbliago woio icjirosenled bj boll
general managers nnd height agents at i
nicctlng bold heio today foi the puiposo o
astoriaining the advisability of niljiistin-
lalosasbolwion car lots and less than ca
lots. The mooting was held In icsjouse ) ti
a demand oC Chicago , Milwaukee an
St. Louis jobbtis that , an cipiil.ibto ad
jnstmeiit oi Iho chissllieation ho mndc
MNsourl river and inloiioi jobbeis
nnv i-li.ingo in ( Ids. The opposi ion tallci
toithiUlte | a lengthy debate. A ic-olutioi iniallv parsed lo the < lhot that it vva
inexjinlleiit nl the piosent time to abolish tin
ju incijile ujion which the ola-isliiiation wa
based , but that a Lommitteo oi tiol hl .iKcnt
be iipioiiitid | to iisicitain wliotboi ain con
Mdoialledlscicpaiieles ) existed and if so ti
icjioit a lair adjustment. The lommittci
was uioidiuglv iiipointt'd | nnd the ineetliii
ndlouinoil until to-moiiow to heal Ilhiopoit
The Chicago. .Milwaukee and St. Louis Job
hois think , thov , gained a junnt In si > cuiiii (
Hiis toiiot s ion tiom the loads.
Ni w \ OIIK , Nov. " ) . A mooting o
thepis-oniroi ami livhht nwnts , pioshloiil' '
and vice piosidenls ol the mink lines vva
heldtodav to ratify the piovibionsot there
oiirani/etl pool , which the executive commit
mittee bus been Jin-paring toi some weeks
Coiilr.nv tooxjioetation the meeting was jiiac
tlcally bniion of losults. A now contiac
was , however , canied section ! > } section
but luiinj ol its piov isloiis have jot to m eivi
the njijiiovul ot Ihe piosldeiits to morrow
Tlio demands ot the lialtimoie tc Ohio wei
SitNpcctod D.v naiiilltir.s ArioHtetl.
Sr. Louis , Nov. r . 'J ho police uuthoiitlc
gave out this alternoon that they last nigh
mioted David Kcenan , W. P. Scais , P. g
Hums , D. Weatheis , and Mastoi Workmai
Pinkeiton , of the Knights of Labor , all stiec
iiiilio.ul men , upon tlie charge of being en
gaged in tlio recent explosions on the btice
cai tratks. Anolhei man , John hhauciies\s.v ;
was airosk'd Hiis aftcinooii. The men at
rested me all strlkeis. 'J hov weio anestcd a
1111 Lucas .tvoiiuo , place , ll i
claimed , they direi K-d their operations. J
oiiaiitltv ot dvnnmltt ! nnd cajis have beet
found there. The assertion Is made that the
puicliased the d.vnamile In Louisville will
mono1 , tin nishcd by the Knights ot Libo
ostensibly to bu > lood lor the htricken lam
Hies. Jl is n-iimfed the men huvo coniossu
tholi connection with the plot to dustioj lail
mail juopeitj , and that they will bo ptoae
tilted lo the extent ot tlio law.
The TOMIH Hlrlkf. ON , Tox. , Nov. f . The stilkoln
nusuratod by the Knights of Laboi continue
and as t.u as known no steps tovvaid .ubitni
tion or Kettlcmeiit have been taken on clthe
Mide. No fi eight .mivod heie jesleidny , am
IheJflssoiiii Pacific ollklals have instuictei
theli countij agents to receive no cotton lo
shipment to this city. Tot , ! foreign steaiiici *
iiaitiilly loaded , aio l > lng Idle In Hie baj
Umiiois .110 ciiiient that lht > cxceittivH com
mitttoot the Knights ol Laboi will oidet ,
goneial htiiko all over the state. Good oido
jiitVaIls , tboii'4h tlio htieols aic crowded will
strikois. Tlie executive Lomiiilttotdotailei
'JX ( ) Knights to aid the polK-u in Lecplni
01 del.
Doiilh ol'Tuo
Nrw YOISK. Nov.r. . William K. ( smith , lo
many joais foicman and night editor of tin
New Yoik lloiald , and one ot the best know i
jomiialibts In the tTiiitod States , died jestei
tl.i.v of ktdnev dLcnso at Ma icsideiice ii
Hiookl > n.
\Villiam.r.MtiLkey , well known tlirougl
A H C guides , tiled in liiookhn .vosteuln >
ngod ( "joai-i. llo was loimeily coniicctci
with tlm Associated Picss as : i icjiortoi o
Wall btreel doliiK-s.
Pntal Loan of.-x Convict.
BANTV Pi : , S' . Al. , Nov. 5. Maximo A pa
doca , a life convict In Ihe jiLMiltoiithuy hut1
was Killed jesteiday by jumping hoin UK
third story of the penllontiaiy to thogionml
a distance ot sixty tool. Ho was Imjiiicatei
in the minder of the NiHiiilth lamily Ii
Donana county two yeari airo. It Is no
Known whether hn nttt'iiipted tocH'apco
conuunplatcd biilclde.
Starting Up the Ship Yard.
CHKSIKII , Pa. , Nov. fi. Orders have IMPI
iccolNod nl Ho.u'li's.ship jiiid lo stint uji nox
iionday nioininsr , and the machinery is tn
iug put in order to uu.'timjilsli ! that end
Naval ( 'ouHtiuutor hlcole , who will hnvt
chai eel thccomjiletion of the cruiseis , ai
rived at the vard lo tlnv. About . ' 'M men wll
be put to work.
K Cle elnnil.
D. C. , Nov. . ' ) . ' ! bo jiresl
dent continues to loteive lUimeuiusLongialii
latory telegrams upon ( ho result ot Tuesday'
elections , among which Ib one fiom Alton 11
Paikoi , olialiman of the democratic Mat
oxictitlve committee , congatulntin himiipoi
the bcait.v ondoibcment which Now York um
ve his admlnhtiatlon.
in a Iluniln LooK-Up.
N. Y. , Nov. ' > , 'Iho polkost.itloi
binned TucbJay nitjhl. Two pih
oneis naiik'tl COIUCIM } nnd Dillon Vri
binned to death. It is .stated thut Iholmlhl
liitfwasentlrel ) deseit-'d when thoinubiok
ut. The 1-vciic.r claims to havu b < ; cii c.Uloi
nvvay ontuit ) ,
Mornnm Laiul I'raiuls
SAIT LAKE , NON. 'i. AKt.-nts oC thu general
oral land oilicu are looklni ; up Iruuds in Ih
Mormon uhini h acquisition of : AOOO ) , acres o
I ind In C iflie ronnij somii veaHii o. 'Ilii'
claim to linve tuutid inougb to vacate th
The Wreck and Rnin of Field's Spj-un
Column Detailed by Visitors.
A Decision In Piuor of tlio Kcrmhli
onus In Ciitotnuatl llcnnepiu
Advocates In Session ChincHU
Highbinders in Now Vork.
Destruction of the Antlro Monument
Nivv YUIIK , Nov. 5. [ special to tin ; Ui.r.
According totho accounts given by visitor
to the shattered inoiuuiu'iit nt Tajipan , th
ilrru ! explosion nnistlmvc been teirllk % Ii
a dozen houses in the village , MUIIO of thoi
half anilloawny Iroin the monument , vvlr
tlovvsvoro and oiniinmnts shaUui
liom pai lor shelves. Men and women avvok
with a Hhlvci to find the ( old nlglit air run !
Ing in upon them and their floors llttero
wlthglasj. The explosive was placed on th
revei so side of the stone fiom wheto it wa
put on the lltstuiteiiiiit to destroy the muni
incut of thi to vcars ago. Then the men had
to woik In view of tlio loadvvuy , bn
they airaiisud It i-o it vvoul' '
by an easy slope off Into the bushes if an >
budv c.uuc uioiu. r.\eiUliln < Indicate !
that the damage vsas donu with dsnamltc
Thoheavj bai ! ol stone W.H liloun Into :
huudird pieces. Uloeks wel hliiij scvent
hundred pounds were lilted and blown foit
loot , ava > . Instead ot lljlnn umv.uil tin
M-alteihiij ioc spHMtl outward quite close ti
the Kiound , snapping several three-fin irte
Inch M > HI | iron railing like M many plpi
frteiim. ' 1'vvo hollow lion siippoit posts , a
thick as a man's leg , wine snapped am
blown e\eial > aids away. The bricks sei
in the loundailon were ] iul\erl/ed. and ill
Kiound aiouml it wis bioken asit with ,
plow. The immense bloik ot Mono tha
101 m i the monument piopei. vvoighin se\
i lal tons , w s ilited horn the basis and fel
Hat on one side. Dean btanlev's liiM'iiptloi
VMIS bulled In the mud. Thcso lines , at
tiibnted to Oeoige Washington , vvoiu vlhlblu
"Ho was mnriiitntortnii.ite than ac'riminal
an aecomijlivheil , and agalliint cill'icci. '
Tin- polished sin lace of the monument wa
llltlo injuiud , but its edges weru badlj toiu
Tlio Cincinnati r.lrctlon CaHc .
CINCINVATI. Nov. 5. The dicuit coin
room v\as ciowdcd this morning to heai i
decision upon the election nuuulnmus casc-i
\ \ hen the court appealed the closest atten
tlon was ] > ald to evciy v\ord nttued. .liuli ? '
Cox it-ad his decision. He said theio v\as ;
petition for mandamus tiled by A. 1 * . MeCill
tor himself and llnee otiifi , camlid.ites lo
election as state senator , avoiiing that tin
canv. losing boaid was pioceedlng to do It
woik illesallj and asking the court to coin
jiel it to count the ictuins accoul
lug t < i law and to KMIC cntilUate
lo them Instead ot to the democratic ( .null
1 1 , iks. To this the defendants had tiled i
motion to stilke out the maleilal .luinu'iit
ol the petition as Ineh vant anil iiisutlicUn
to .suppoil thu demand in the petition. Ii
the ai Aliment this motion Irid been tieatei
ah ademmiei and the ilelense claimed tl'.i
the mandamus was not a juopoi icmeilv he
t.uisothe canvassing boud'Mluty was no
ininlsteiial hnt iniasl jndli lal and bct.iti- tin
pioper lemedv was. bcoutesl bufoiu the MJII
ate. Thu com t held that this couit could ill
lect the c.invAbMin ; boaul by inand.i
inns and that the m.indnmus.r
the iiioner leniedj. The dlstinetioi
made by duUct' IJuckwalU'r wa
lollowod by the couit bj dechuing that it \ > a
not a contest tor the olllcc , but ioi the ctitin
cate , which tannot bepu'ii bj the M'liale am
which hasa value dibtinit ironi the ottlti
It-ell. The couit then consid 'ied in detil
the averment which tiiedeleiisoa Uidio luvi
htiicken out , and ovenulcd the motion in al
cases , except in one whcie the alleiratlon
\seie as tonicgnlniitics in counting the vote
In the course or the decision the com ! stntei
that it had the right todiicct thecleik tooml
tiom hlscanvahs lelurus which did not , com
pl > with the mandatoiy juo\Kion > oL l.iu
Among these were that the it trn > ! should h <
delueied to the clerk in the nunnci am
within the time naiiR'd in the law , and tha
the niimbci ot votes Miould not exceed tin
number ot names on the poll book ; , .
'Ihe ilefuiM' atkd ( until to-morrov
to decide what ht ps thc > nhall take
It isnndeihtood they vsill appeal to thesti
pi erne comt.
The Ilonnepln Canal Hoompra.
CinrAiiO , 111. , Nov. 5. The Hcnnepii
canal commission held sessloi
here this moinlng. Delegates were piemen
liom Iowa , Illinois , U iscoiisln , Minnesota
Mlehlgan , uul New YoiU , .lo-eph Utlej. o
Dixon , 111. , presided. It was decided to l M
the cinnmlssloii the name of the LakoMuh
lunn and .Ml.sslsslpiil Itivcr f'anal voinmls
HIOII. The loimal session ol the tommibsItJl
will be in IhU alternoon.
Kinhteen members ot tin * commission wen
pre-cnt , and ti > the--o cx-doxeinoi IJio s ex
piessed his pleahtnc at beholding MI man ;
iilcnds ot the canal In iitli'iidiince. Tlii
hpe.ikei said It was of vital necessity to get i
delegation beloin longiess till t winter am
national legislation to jmsh Uio jirolect ti
ionietlon. ] } | ( ioveinor llioss wuiikl havi
( oiiifiess nndeistand that It national li' isla
tlon was not cxtemled in t.i\or of tin
selicme , thegrett vveit would onposo expen
dilutes Ineludid In tin * river ami li.ubiir mil
JnilKO .Mnnihj c.ilil that while the pros
peels t the llennqiill canal nevei seomci
liiightei tli.ui at piosont , all mul woik Ii
( oiiiiit. niul lui tliongiit ( lie exetutlvi * com
mittee \\ould have to hold ilselt in n > adines
to do much work at .ill limes lor the ne\
live months. Mi. Minphv thought miichcaii
oulit tn boexeicised in Uio selection of till :
At 11 o'clock , alter b niK In session on <
liom , tlio cuinmbslon adjouincd till -
o'cloi It.
Thisaftetnoon a l.n go delegation fiom the
MisslsMljpi , uii | Mlsbouil Ulvei ( iiaduis as
hociatlon was pieM-nt. The delivatlon via
v\cli oimtl In.i sH''ch | by .Indjjo Mmph > , lol
lowing whlth othei mumbcis ol the cornmls
sloii made addiesscs he.irlng on thoi-int
que tlon , 'Iheso addie-scs and tbeolectioi
of olili ers took up thu entire aftciiiuon M.I
sli.n. The follovsimfairt iho otlliers elated
1'iesldi nl , Joseph iUley ; lust vlcn piesident
.lolin C. Uore ; second vice iire.sidcnt , A. iJ
.Miller ; n-cietarj. D. T. I.ittlor ; treasurer
Muiiu ) NeUoii. The following namid gen
tlcmen Vri'ioipioint ; < d nionilicis of the ex
eiutivi' coinmittt'rVIIIIain : liio - , , ( ieoiiri
Krundi. CMi. Tansfll , \ . O. Maishalllut
ia > Xeloon. I * . . KHJ. , I.-Ciii | rtlev , T. 1 !
llobiiison , D. T. Littici , Churks Jl. JVcie.
Tlio Cliinost ! Ulliliintrr8. ;
Nr.w Yoiti : , Xov. . "i ( SpMal to the Bi r.
Heg.iidlng thu nivsternuis murder ot tin
Chlnenc meieliant , Thong Ong , iigentlfimu
\\nles to a moinlng papw , advancing a nnvi
theory , 'lids Kcntlennn .va\s ho has spoil
much time among tint Clnncxi on the I'acltii
coast mill eKe\\ht ic and el limn to hn familial
\Mtliui.inj woikiiun ot Hall mj-tetiousM !
i h'l onlur.Ho is ronvlmcd that llil Ui
if ulai ' hl > ; hbndei" ! a-sas'Jinatioii. llc aj1
eveiy Chimim in who tomes to this irnmti' '
blnils lilui'-ell to the ( 'lulu so tiiv companies
Hist toohit.v under all clicmni-tntu'cs the
ot the Imperial Cliine-eKOM-inment and nc.\
those ot lm < conii-anles. . Ho n'fei.s to tin
fact thai It ! : > no uncommon Ihlnir fora Chi
11,1111:111 : todi-api ai in .San i'laiu'scoor ' ( obi
btitiheicd in i old bloud , and that the Clilnesi
them jn hiu h u cast * not onlmulio , noeiloi
to punish tlm crimiiul hut will ne nil pea l
bior"rt ; ! tohhelil ! the-hin'tibiiKier/'a-i them
l , trom jiibilcv.
Tim \ Viilup Crtj ,
Si. Lot-is , Nov.r . The jmj hi the V-Jl
up ptil-oning case Is still out. H Is nll.Uili
n'l > oi led ( hat they stnml two for eonvkthn
and ten lor auqnlttul. It U proLub'y ' thnt Ui'
Jmyill dltagnv. In Iliat cvont tlida-i
will jiiolnbly not 1m tiud again- Mix
Walviii ! > ln'ius upii \ and Id con.ilcnto
Those ol' Nebraska jCntttiuiia of i
Jtcriul.Hcait Hue.
KrtivvJA. Nov. fl , [ Special to the Hit.
The vote h now nil In , hhawliift liaiuUomi
reptiMloan in jorllle3 BS follow * . : Judge
Culib 47 ! mojmlty ; rugctil , Uurlmm 8TO ; re
gent , Getv , 6U ; II. , T. Allenootinly treasurer
HI plinalitv ; . II. Citttlnif. clcik , 07)plural
It.v : 1' . W. Hull , ludge , J55 plurality ; l . T. II
Sehars , sheilir , 7H plurality ; T. S. liartzell
superintendent -schools , 5M nmjorltv ; 15
M. 1'orlerileld , suiveyor. hGO" , no democrat
or iiiitl-iuoiiiiolM ( | camlldMo.'M. A , lloover
75."i iilnrnlltv Over W votes vscre wist
Piuailcr than last year. The board of super
visors stands 15 republicans , 0 democrats am !
Until 1 iiioiiii | ' ! lsN.
Notniil'i VTIK , Nov. C. [ Special to the
III 1..1 Tlie olllolivl vole of Lincoln count v l <
astollows : Cobb. M7 ; Mrirlhi , < : Uinnliaui
r > : ( Jeie WVi : I.\vilir \ > tun. 4S7oclin ; , ls.1 :
clerk. Kvani , n-p. . < WJ ; Wallcis , dem. . UVJ :
tn'asmer. O i oed , rep.till ; ( Snidv , dem.
fi-tt ; ImlRC , IlojielamU rep. , S7 ; Snelllng
dom. , iiTii : Htebblns , Ind. , 11 ; sheiltf , 1'attcr
HIIAINIHI. . Nob. , N.v. fi. Ibjiocial to tin
Hi i. . i I'hv tlon is over and Hie returns an
all In. Tito republican * have oloelid Hey
nolds for clerk by a plurality of ti eve :
Tjadon. Harjier lor trciisuier by a jilur.iliM
ot,31 , Cllti.'m.ui for judge by a pliuallt.v o ;
IH 1 ho rest ol the ticket wont douiociatlc
Selirimfoi shcillfbj I''fl , ( Joolej for suiH'iln
londetitln , Pattei on for Hiirvejoi bv .IS )
Thump Ioi eoioner bj 3Sv > Mme seratchliu
was done this i lection than lor joars botoio
Ihe piohlliitionlsts did not hguro at nil
Holmes their cindldiilo for stiperlnt * udcnt
and tlio strongest man on theli ticket. 10
colvtd but l.U voto.s In the onthe county
Tin 10 is much dlstfitlBfactlon In the ranks o
bolh parties ovei the olcellon. No otim.iti
can ho made as to bow it will go next time
luity lines ; ire so broken. The nnti-monopo
lists lined with the republicans , but it was !
poMliml ti.ip nnd the votern know it , bo 1
done no iood ,
Noitin Ai nt'iiv , Nov. r . [ Sppolnl to tin
lli.i. JTho J entile t'ounty republican lick
IsolottodliN miioilllcsof irom.lOMotW , am
an Incicasul majoiity lor thoiciuiblli an slab
Thp Ilnvvkoyo Stuto.
Di.s > foiM' , Nov. 5. Up to midnight tin
Slate Iloeiser ; | has complete returns Irom w
of the id ) counties ol the state. The countlci
uiircjmitcdaioChlck.Ujaw , Clarke , lotto\vat
tdiulc , Palo Alto , and DCS Moincs. In tlio ( l
counties lopnrtod Lamiboe has siril , niijoii\ (
ovoihltlng. . Tlio six counties uniojioiteii
givt1 two ago 1 , :0combined : opjiositlon
nujoiitj on uoNoinor. If thej blmiild stay
the simo it would leave a net lepulillcan
imiioiilv ol tib. . Hut the Hegistci cstlniaK"
that theie will be a net icniiblUan
loss tn these six counties elf
f > 00. loavlug Larrabee's tinal majoiltj 0,7J ! ,
The Koglstei has complete and deilnlle re.
tin us tiom all legislative distiicts in
the state. The only changes made tndavli
that Case , inslmi , toi seiuiloi , is olecled in
the Klovil distiict over lleincgei by P major
itv. ami that in ( edar couiitj , In doubt vos
tcid iy , Comgan , lop. , is elected 1) ) > KM ! ma
jontv. The senate will tfreietoio stand " > (
icpiihlican to-JO tiisloui ts. And the house d (
rejiiiblitan to.'i lu-iionlMs and Ihidopoiidtni
republican. Tlio coiintlefl iej)0itod in lull
show Piper rent of lemlblican btay-at-hoim
votes as ci-mpiu'd with tliuf ntl ot two jcar-
ago. and 1 IKT cent ol ileluoe.ialie btaj at
homo votes { .
Di nrcji r , Nov.r > Tlio Herald , fiom If
lolmns and liom ostlmjitrfc rni a tow
liom loitntioligurcb Lairabce'b m.ijontj n
" - '
H J'loni N
Niw YIIIIK , Nov. fi. [ Special to the 11ii\ '
The Herald gives HillUl : ! ( plurality ; S ie
publican majoiity in tlmssncte and 40 in tin
Niw : Yonu , 7sTov. 5. With reports on tha
ticket mlbslm ; fiom eight eiKintics , including
Hie comities of New York , Albany and Erie
( which includes Hutfalo ) , tlie vote foi Ilascom
inolnbUlon candidate lorgovernoi , Is 10'llt ' ;
Iho total vote lorbt. John in the pie.snlen
tial election was isb."ij. No citlmate Is iiiadt
ot the pioliihltion vote in the mb&ingcouii
ties. _
PniiADELi'iiiA , Nov. 5. omdnl retnnii
oC the vote for congicssmen in the Nineteenth
toenth distiict of Pcnnsvlvanhi , to111 / tl t
vacanej caused by Uio death ol William A ,
Duncan , show a plurality of Uii.iO ior bvvopd
dem. , over IIair ! u i > .
1'iui ADI i.ruiA , Nov. 5. Complcto re-
tmns liom every loimty in the slate ght-
Quay rep. , foi btatctieasmei , W.ltiW , ami
l > av , dem. , iiO.b-J.'J. Quay's plurality ov ur J > aj
* ' 1 1 7
HAISTIOIIU , Nov. 5. Cui reeled retiuns ol
the vote tliiongh the plate shows wvera
thanges. Atcoidingto the-e the lepublicam
Klin , v lepre-ontativo In Hotli.inv , Chaplin
1'iitinin ami diotoii , and ( he demoeiats elcci
oiii' ol' the Merldeii iiiicsentatives ) ] , Ji ,
lalCoireeted ) tallies show the house I.e.
icpiilIieans and lid democrats. Iheie wil ,
piobibly bu several conteats.
Dakota's Capital Contest ,
IlrjioN , Dak. , Nov. ! > . A dispatch fiom
Hugh Campbell , to whom the letuins wen
bent , cotievdes that Ihnon c.niies tlio caplto !
location bj fnllv 4.0JI. ( uV iollilicatloii inrit/
ing is lieinj ; helil hero to-night iMspitclie.
ilom 1'ieiie , liovvi'vei , still culm the capllol
on the tiu.ool the iLtiiinsanil on L'-tiiaati : > .
ScrcnailCH tin Him. , Nov. . " . - Uoseinor Hill was so u
naded thlstnenliuattho executive mansion
bv the cltl/cns of Albany and the
cinb. In Ids icplj totho git'cting liovcrnm
Hill made these iioinls : " 'lhat the demo
u it Ic- victor ) in New Yoik will strengthen
Hut hands ol our pieplant and aid him in hi'
c.lottsloi the puililiMllon ol the public i-ei
vice ; that Ncv.f York can never uo can HI
UIMJII iin\ issue ol M'ctlmmt Inilo ; that he hail
not piomisi'd a non-pulisaii adminihtiation
ol hl.iti > alliili- < l but would malie an honist
niie" In closing ho felicitated the p.ntj on
( lie tiiK LOS . ot duneial Le6 in Vli lnl.i.
. A Itolit Had llnnkcr.
. ( A i > - > ov , Mich. , Nov. fi. AVcbley Bur
tlmrd , cahluer of the Kanuciu' bank ut ( ! rav
1/ike Is missing , 'being a defaulter lo Hit
amount , of 4 > 1SKX ( ) . H wvi in the habit ol
taking two or three hundred doll.iib nt ;
time. When contronted by Uio dinctors on
Tiiesdnv , ho acl.nowlcil t-'d having dom
\ \ ion. , hut I'lomi-cil to mnlie thu aipontii
irood. He w is notarrciitfil and dbapiwaiu'
that ni'ht. ; It Is. tlioucht tlto Innds VVPIC
stitlU III w.Idpeuillnllniw in lim
ch.ird is uneais " oW und ha1 * a w Ife .mil
giown up d uiglitcr.
4 -
K ti > IMucatn t do FreeiliniMt
W YtJHK , lvliYl > oaidoi bishop'
of I I.e. Methodist i'pl > i > pnt cJiuuli , now It
tifelriii in tlilt c'.tj. approve" ! the njipial ol
IbnKiii'dmen'HMK ctj fornqiunei ol u mil
lion ol d'jlluiM ' a jf.n lor fdit'-iHmi In iln
hi itts , among botji the v.Inie ami
colon d pitiplo. Kvcr > partor U urged
ralsi bis lull up | > oitiuintpnt ) foi the ran-e
mill . li'iH'hi ) niul iiicinlp3 n' ' latter
am c.illul upon toontrlune ( ( with
to ilns \ , < ji ! . .
Trouble in tha lloulclnc Valley.
Con llJL'thlo , Nov. fl. The coal opera-
loin of the ( locking Vulky and hnmluj
Clcek Vidkj held a incellng today r.nd le
fnsi d to gi int tlit ! demands nr.iiit : by tli.
iiilm rs'flilf convention for an adv.tiucoi
10 cents ( > i ion in mining. Nuulj all Hit
mini rs In tltoso MUltiis : uo out , and 11 I- tills will itMtult in ]
OKI ur tvo niouthi at lyit. ( |
IfllllslU * niS-U.Vcvi PobtltDlHCI1.
" \VASIUXUiov ) , SuvTji.-lio ' jircaldint to
lir.j appoii td < i. M. Kli4 ! < * y ivj imaster ni
Iv-inuwrity vIc.-T. A Ua 5 , vommi-slcni ex
I ircd.
The Product of Official Bmius and tb
People's Print Shop.
When DctmrtmrtiMil HontlH mul OIU
clnl 9IiKimtc < i I'ropose Suiitli-y
ChniiKcs In G i\ck-nincnt Af-
ftiUt-Viuety ! \Valiliiu- -
ton Hmall Talk.
Tha First CuinpU-ollor'A Aunniil.
AVAsitiMiTox , Nov. 5. 'I'ho annual repot
of FIM Comptroller Durham calls ixttentioi
lo t h fuel in His the Hist comptiollf
tlien ccrtilied bilances duo the Uniloil blnle
Item jeversil states and tctiltorlesivspecl
ively for diiect taxes due and unpaid nude
the dn.el ! tax act of August " > , 1SJ1 , and HUC' '
hlatesaiid territoile.i were ntvirilingl > del
lied on the books In thuoilko of the n' Utc
of the treasniv , and sajs :
U ma ) bo doubted whether any cnjporat
state was properly eluuircd. but , as the thei
comptroller had JurlvUctlon ot thestiblec
matter , the. statements mule 1 > \ him of th
accounts ol thu above n.imei
states and tenitoile , as t
their Indclitcdno'smiii aeeount of tilled ti\i' >
me binding on the piesent comptroller Co
HIP leisous IndlealLiI In opinions In th
Mississippi direct tacase. . Hcieiitl.v amount
liavo been eeillned to this otllci-'a-i dim I
some of tin1 MiKI stales and tciiitoiiis lion
the United States on m count
on thenetpiocccdsol thuMleol public land
v\lthln tliextate and Ioi othei causes , f\\ \ \
amounts .so reittned , Insteid ol being pud
have been oidcii'd to be civditcJ on s.iiil In
tlebteditess ol the stales ainl leiiltoiies a
Mated .iiialnst them h > the formei < omptiollei
ttthei suites , it Is lepoited , will piescitttli
si'ino ' iiit | > stlon as amounts mav become din
them foi s.ilef. of hinds 01 othtiwisc , and * ali
amounts will be ciedited as above indiealci
unless eongivss shall tlirett the mone
due and to become due to sail
htates ! be pa id to them without id
UK mi ! lo tin1 diaigcs , us hinted heiLtolorc
made against them by the loimcr LOIIII
Dihcii'-sing the que tion ot old olilm
against thcgveintncntv\lieli.iie ! eonstaiitl '
luliiK jucseiited for liis action , the eomn'
ti-ollei suggests that home lived peilod alle
the Unlit ot the ( laim.tnt acciiifs should b
subsumed by statute within vvhiili a cl.iin
m u bo hiought bi'loii' the pioper accountni !
otlkeis Ioi then action theicon.
The Atl.lutnnt Gonural'4 licport.
WAsitt.svno.N , Nov. 5. Adjutant Ceiiera
Diiim , in his annual icnoit to the seen taiyo
war , Invites attention to the Mibjcet ot obsc
leteaimsand ammunition in the hands o
stale militias 01 htoied In the f-e\u.d aimi ;
lies It would , lie b.ijseem a most wls
measure it at the appi'iaehing session ot ion
gress u j-eneial net wcie passed piovidin fo
immediate exchange , when leqnestcd , ol al
ob-oleto arms now in the hands of the milltl
ot the Mjveial states , tor impioved S-inii ;
held lilies , calibio n , and appiomlate n.uiini
nitioti theieloi. lie lecommeiuls that pioo
be ieiuiicd ] with each appiicutloi
tor the detail ot a milit.irv ptolesso
al any school that at le.i l IVlnnl
pupil t above the ago ol i. % jcais ; ue ustmll
pusynt. lie huds that in some cases th
nnmhci runsjis low as si\t\ . lie lecommend
that non-commi-Moucd olliceis andiiivate ]
on the rttiii'd list ho jiald llm gloss sum Ii
money In lienol thdi pu-sent paj and con
mutation tor allowance and he Mihinit.s
table embodied in a pi opiisltion to pay thei
at a rate vu\iitr | fiom yt
poi month for chief musician
to 33.1 , for m tint ere. He recommend
the publlaitlon of n now siulltloi
of tlm iiuiiy lo idatioiia to oontium with th
lavv'n enaetcd Mncethe piesent code'pK
nin. ated , and calls attention to Ihe inadt
< | iii\fj In hi/col themilittiiy piiHon at I''i'n
Le.ivenwoilh. attention t
the value ol the woik done bv tirf-oncis. 11
ulso calls atUMitlon to the illlliciitty ol pic
ciniii ! ? clerks acquituM with auuy toim1-
and locommunda icimulic-i. * ,
The Pnymustoi1 GcuoiMl's noixn-i ,
WASIIINI TON , Nov. 0. t'ajmaater Kotl ;
cstei , In his annual import to the hpeiclaij o
war , shows thedisbiir-eincnts of ids buiea
Hie last llscal > t > ai amounted to StI,4vTJj ;
includiiii , ' SIIW.OOO to the signal set vice , Sil.l ,
Oiw to the miliuuy ac.ulemv.uul Sl'.VUO1 ! ! ! o :
armj pay rolls. The amoitnt dlsbiuscd fo
mileage of ollhcis was Sl" > ,000. Gcneia
Kochester iccommemls legislation allovvin ;
an oliicci who may be traveling undei oitlci
bis admil faie amliiceit.ilniat > olini eite ; h
tboshoUcst iisii illy tni\ | . led loitte , s.nlitieii
to mid mi uleiital | si-heim1
he SINS , would be more i ( luitable both to tin
olIUci and the goveinmcni Hi , in the PICSCP
bvstein. Isinetv-tVMi ommlssiooeil oil !
n'l-s.ind pnvates hive been placed ujioil tin
rotiied list. ieneiil ! lUidicslei luomnteml
liylsl.ition to anthoiUc jiavmeut to these mei
of % n a month in lieu ol alhm.inccs tin i > loth
ingand uitlons. The jp.umaslei icencialic
iioi ts lhat tlm diminished ojx'iatioiis ol hi
buicau make it jxissible to diojj six cleik
trom ilio presiMit loae.
Fourth-Cla n Peat mast ers Appoint ci !
WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. The iioslmnste
geneial to day appointed the follow lug fem th
ela s postmasters :
Illinois Clssno Park , Miss J'mma r
Helmei ; Kciney , llobeil O.r ; Ashmor > > , Mis ;
Lllllo Haml.ill ; I'.umombe , .I.iuiL , It. .Suit
Colchester , Tliomas Uichaul. ; IVntoii , .Mis
Ljdl.i V. Allen ; Kflhomno , CuugoK. I'leicc
hakcvicw , Mis .luli.i | ) . Young ; Lihciti
licnjamln I1' , ( irovei : Otlci.ille , .lolin h
Williams ; 1'alomi , David C. Wear : I'uhiski
( ; eoire : ( ) . lladen ; 1'ntiia n. II. M. Duncan
Wing , ( iem e II. < iiai , ji. ;
Josejih II. Ilowbei'ker.
Iowa - Dinah Ci'"lc , C. N.
Ma > ii.ii d , K L I'ayno ; Viola , Kiutiuh .M ,
lUoU-Wiiirie.l ) , C. A. Devclo ; Stecln
T. C. Coiwln ; IVmbroko , William S. Una- ;
land ; I'lankloil , I'ctci I.alond ; Forest < 'ltj
Aiedon Claik : Diiui.t , Kiank W. TluMur
lla/en , A. L. Itobi'iU ,
The Civil Borvlue ( 'oiniiiinHlon.
WAMi.Nfi JON , Nov. fi. Tlie jucsldi nt till
nlternoon ; i | ) | ) inted Dm man I ) , ICaton to bi
civil seivlte cominlsploiier in placu ot Mi
'Jhoman , whoso risl natlon vras aecejitrd t- -
take c'lftdt Novembt'i I. The apjiolnttni nt 1
but a Icmpoiary one , liovsnvcr , asltisjiic
jtosod to appoint a pe/manent t.ucces'-oi t <
Tlumun In u hhoit dim * . K itnn COIIM ntiJ t' '
M-r.oim tl.ticommlsBion a ic\y weckbin oido
to assist Ihe newly apptnntfd eouiiiiis-iiui ;
In f.iiuiliari/ini ; tlicmsehc with ! eii diitii
and aliio In cliMi npcrlain unllnlshcd mat
teis In which Im Is iiLMtl.inli . icMt'il. It 1
not lutovvn who \vlll hticti til i at < m Ill-join
the fad tint tlio in w itppointC' * will b < an
l > ublk.ii ) In lull .slnjiitlo v.lth civil bcivic
Ni v , JlAVi.v , Conn. , Nov. j. List bun
day Dr. 1'cck , a Methodist iiiinlhtci , du
noumcd dancing and . .i'd ' the Nuvv Havei
K 1 1 Is u ho danced with lUo muni'i'in ' of tin
A nclt nt and lloi'oiablo ' ail lib ly couijiany , o
Hoston , on Ilifli KV. nt visit licie c.imu Ii
lontatl with men known In M.i-MH-lmsdls a lejx'iK. ( .id ) , ( i. M. 11. union , ol tin
( ilv , ji-itcrday demanded nn iinnlii y on 1m
hall ul tlm hitegueitb , and Dr. iYcK will jmlj
lish a rclradto'i to uiuiuiw , s.tjini his vioid ,
were uttcicd in the l.i-.l ol uigumont am
IHI ! 'inlt i.s.i full aj. ilo y to those ) ulioso luul
in i > he haii iinintuuUon illy voitDdui.
hfl XVnsto ioi-Ootobfr.
New Y > ) itic , Nov. 0. Tlio ( "ommerda
I'nllctin ( .Miniate : ) the ilio v.abto In tin
I ) i.ltf d htr.lctt and Canada ( lurlnf October n
S5r 0.i)0vlnili ( ( ) It by ) WW > , w ) moiu thai
the n.irngo of Octouur t.ra IOMCJJ lor tci
it Itelntc to n I'-lnia Douri.i , He
Htintmml unit a Choi-ui Ulrt.
1'iiu vin i I'm \ . Tsov 4.
Special , ] Tin' mat 1 1 no1 In New Yoik j
tlaj of Attlnn Hell lo MKs Annie C'inuien I
the latest nnd not the least Intertistlin : rhni
ter In a lomanttc stoiv , of which .lenni
Winston , the julma donna , is the heroine nn <
the leading chataitcr. Jennie AVliibton mi
Aithur Hell weio mariled soNoi.U >
ago In Au tndla , The vvilo rapidly gre\
In favor with nudleiuo-s vxliilo the hu *
band became an cUlclcnl stage man
ugcr and n fair actoi and siligtr. TNV
3 , ears ago they went lo the I'.icltlo slope , nj
) MiviillN as devoted a couple us ever. The ,
idinned the same time , but us tai uput as I
str.uigi'rs. Mrs. Hell's tiletids Mvsbcbu
outgiovvn him. Mi. Hell's fi lends SUN it wa
hlmplv av.radunl drifting ajuil and into ;
mutuil aificemcnt todKaKiic. itollisnv tin
tlioioNvns no < iuarrcl 01 v'anilaleonmrtei
wltliit. Holh vveie onirased tor M'IISOII u
r , iltimoie nnd Washington hn as inlmi
doiin.x and he as n stage maimgci. In Hi
tompiuy thev pluved together without tb
lljhiesi lik'tion , ' Mr. Dill directed .Mis
Winston's onti uncos and exits , hoi puses am
movements , and Mis * Winston consulted Mi
Hell about the music or busiiie s ol hei IMI
us tool ! Valid IndiOerenl us thoiidi tliey li.u
novel IK en aiiv thins ; moio to each othei that
stnii niina-'i'i mid star. When hei lolo it
( lulled It Misx Winston tliit-w heisell Inli
Mi. Hell's aims with the chill passion of i
"Nlmv Andcisnii , nnd Ml. Hell piessed tipol
hei ! I ) > s u caicss PS nntcrvcnt nsthouib h
vvueii tenoi with a vvlloiu the lowtibox
Outside ot the theatie Uio > IIONOI simke
In their FOI ial jolalloni the promiuen
featine was a coneious ilvahv as to wh
lonld lie most chtuiiisprct Miss \\lustoi
was Ice tom.ile admiicis. Mi. Hell io eiitei
with maiden coj ness lie | slj o les of Ihe aid
cnl ehoni'i L-lil. it \\ormpie\edutlh
lic.nt ot tlthei tlioii ajipearaiicedld not shov
11. Miss \ \ inston gained now weight am
tolor ; Hell was moio gracious and smlliiij
than evci. Mi. Hells maidenly icseiv
iiitned weakci than that ot hl > i nominal wift
Iiuw ever , and carli this tall it b'vamo apjui
ent Cujild s aiKivv had once more plcicci
Ills heart , winded Ibis time with tb
blunt blonde locks of pleasant , jilnm
MKs Annie ( ' .umeii , ol Hiooklvn , one u
the ( horns pliN. 'I heir ciuagemcnt wi
ltd m ill > I'.nnoiiiutd sonio time ; iio , tlioim
lust how the thing was going to happen ni
nod ) M'oiwd to KnoNv , In.ismuch as ihei vva
alreadv one Mis. Hell In the laud ot the Ih
1m ; . A mutual ugiicmcul is said lo have el
loded tlie lemovnl ol tliliolisiaclt * In a Nov
York conn vi steiday nioininu : , and in th
afternoon MissCai men became Mis. Hell , th
oilcinnl in the role le allv gninini ; vvliat sli
bad some tlmoassuimd , tli ii-'lit tobe know ;
as Mis .leiinie Winston. Ni. Hell. Mis
Winston ami Mi- . Hell , nee Camion , have n
ong.igod in tlio companv vvhhh will open it
bcason in I'lilladeljilila next week.
iicovnnn : ins srninr.
A Ci-inilnal Who Hint Not Spoken IV )
MnmliH Svic.u-s When Sentenced.
/VNI svn.i n , Nov. fi. In thotiicuit com
at Woodslicld , ( iiieiiisey count > , DavlilCoi
gci , v\lio was convicted ot minder In the set
end device for killing his wife in .lime last
was sentenced to the ponltontiniy toi lili
The minder was , i most one he killin
hisjoum ; will1 with nn a NO. bi cause she in It i
1 01 oil in behall 01 tholi si\-jeai old sou vvluu
in1 billing tiucllv. COIMI i made n
etfoit to esca | > c , and wasarieslcd soon aftei
Prom th moment ot his Ineaicoiation nn
the lu l woid" that diop ] > ed liom the judge'
lips which sealed bis doom , tlio miseiabl
wretch had not spoKe i a word 01 made a
antlibl noise. Koigiilni ; insanitv , he plavn
the dcat-and dumb act successfully for , mm
than loin months. Allelfortsol the ( ( Ulcer
to make him sjicak were w itlioutelloct. Kve
a severe sbouk tiom an electric battery , whlcl
was applied in tie | hone ol | oosoniig ) h !
tongue , only caused him to sjiidun with pain
131 Throughout ho bits bcun immovMbh
and -when Hontunce was about to be pit
> nonncc.d tlm ollicors h.ul tn lift him to hi
feet. The last " "wwrd-j ot tlio ilincty-nin
years' sentence Ind Inmlly f-hood llintii ! ;
ibecotiit-io(7iri , Cvhun the , who Ii.i
so Ifiiii'lit'en apji.i'ently dumb , jiomed foil
an .n.daiithoor o iths at the couit , and , turn
iiiK to theeiovsd , said :
I Imu got moio hind and backbone thai
an > ol jou , and it joucau &taml it I car
too. "
Ho was quickly bun lid fiom Ibecour
loom and placed in his ecll , but continued t
sbowci CIUM'S and abuse on all mankind In
su raining VO'KC.
i'i'il < 'or Slonoy.
I'viiKijisnuno . Va. , Nov. 4. [ Chleag
Times fcppi ial. J The mjsterlons tiiidintr c
the undo body ot a man hanging to'itir
near Point Pleasant , M.IMIII coiintv , , ;
l.i-t bi en cle.ucd up , and a tciiiblocilmo I
di'clos ij. ' ] he man was named ILulewooi
fiom C.alll i ofniutj , Ohio Hocimetoth
\ It inii side of thoihei with about vf'iH ) n
Ills jio-- os-lon , with vvhicb ho ovjiei-tei
to jiintha-e a him khiultb shop. 11
mule Ms toi i with a neijio iinmoi
Diviil Andor-on , v\ho lives with a whil
\\oni.iiioii KivoMllooiool , . A no10 namoi
H.nuK , also liom ( iallia countv , follows
H.i/lownod to Wo-t Viulnlu toi the jmipos
ot killing and lobbing him , and ( ouiidcdhi
hchimo to Anderhon. The latter , who Is
v. ell Kill J'.MI dexpoi.ido , utru d to help do Hi
loll. The two nogrocs decovcd lli/lewoo
into a thkket In : i lonely Iwilltv , beat lib
to death , and then , ( list lohblm ; tlie. bod\
thc > .stiijutcil Ii naked and hiinjicm
( d it Horn n tieo li > : i jilcc
ot lope , In st tvliii ; the li'-i ' aiut anus wit
p.uts ol the di'.id inin' . slilit ho nilgli
not IK- ( [ iilli : dcud and rek'iso himself. Tlioi
Ihoj lidded his clot lies upon Ihe top ol
nolghboiiiiK stump ami lied , Tin * hodv wi
lottml about two vvc-'ks atlet aid honilil
mutilated by wild .mini ds and blids.u \
i.inls liavebeen issued foi bolh AndciMin an
H.nick , and the loimor it now in jail. .
iciptlsltlon bus been made on tlio noveinm n
Ohio tor Haiick , and It \jieuted.ho wi
soon bobioitn'bt back.
Chinese Miitlc to lovo.
TvroMA , W. T , , . -Tnebd.iy belli
the time set Ioi tlie Chlnc.-o leaving at tli
Klgnal given , nun ) hundii'd cltl/uua tongu
guUd , mirdiinj ; oideily along i ho ntuvl s ti
HID ChinoHIiouses.oideilni ; the oicujmnls t
puk theli goods ami leave. Thnoidcr vvn
comjil td with. Hy r. p. m. theli goods m i
jiackid , loaded on dt.ijs , and IhoChlm"-
woio maiehing alongside the loaded wacon
on ionic lo Like Yiow , nine nuU
Miiitli ol hole. The Chincso merdiaiit
wcio given time till this morning to pi'-
tlicli oinl ! , o.uh hloii' being allowul tine
asslsi.inl't. Ono biindud ami nlnuly-iieM !
Chincso n-aclied ! View about 7 1) . m
and camped thein. His not known wlieilu
tboy will take the ncM tialn toi I'oilhini
but thi y pinh.ihly v\ill.
PIIHII VNII , Oio. . Nov.l jlany Chines
ate loc.ited noilh ot hereon the lailioad tiacl
ThocillMisliavo < Kint out to thu Chiui'i.
jiio-,1 Sous. Vo tioublo occitriitd.
Ponil VNII. Oio. , Nov. . ' ) , A pilvale dii
jiateli liom T.voma M.itiss thai Chln.dowi : tlio low dejiot and v , hat ( " of th
Noitlnin Pailnc lallway has been huriioi
li.a . mob , and that Hid t.iilio.ul tanl.H. tu-.stl
nnd othu property IIIH ; bucn damngeil bv th
Unmet ) , _ _
Claliu n Share ol'lho Credit.
Nrw YOHK , Nov. 5 , The I' ist' W.isldn-
iiigtun aH : Ueprcsentntlvos ot Hi
Knlgiitsot l.abol allege Ilio public ) jircsi
In asHltrnlng the reason lot the democrat !
victor ) In New Yoik , has quite ovoiloikci
the Iiupoii.ini it ( > 1 that M'cidoiganl/atioii : i
II tut toi in Hie li'sull. Olio ( if ItsiilliiolN , wh
Is ii IMI In { 'nuinmcnl MM v lie. and hjii'ii
home dnjh In Now York and HrouklMi n
theintfit , ot Hie oiKUiii/'tllon , KI.VH licit ll
nii'inlHis Hun ) votid with almost nimiilmit
Ioi llul , ! ti" ! " ilUJjlyj tliiil HUH fsi uas dii
lo their o/ioils , HlU'h anM.r ; t.7 < iUi !
' | iKnlloiii : , ; ilitnu labor ( ilicstloiH jiloiiMxl thei. .
bcttti titan DAunpunn did ,
the Olnio.
UurrAi.o , Nov. f > . lltiiuan , wbo-o wlf
vvaa found yodcrday nionilnir with her Uiroa
rulfroin oar to oar , made two s'nto ' ncntBftii
jnactlcally wlmiltcd his uullt. Tim Hat
nut > cl made
% ,
Dacrocs of the Oouncil of Riltiruordf o the
Liquor Tmffls.
Airlvul or this Coiiuull'M Mcssciittoi"
Anxiously Awnltcil Assent to the
Decree * Mentis ji CiitholloYiir
tin tlie Idt'iinr Tin ill c.
nnd IhO'CJroa : Shop.
Ni w Yomc , Nov.\-Thu nrchblidiopH .ami
liHmps of Ilia Of thoihlllOil
States , nt Iho clo o of tlm Ihhd jilonnry cotm-
ell held In Itnllhiuuv In Dix-otnbrttv 1 1 ,
Issued n j'listoral loth t to Ilio clergy anil laity
of their ihiugc * . The piisloinl h'tloi , in
usual , contained a Mimnu'.r.N of Iho dectviy or
inlos pTi od bj tlio council , ami when pub
lished , one pir.ermph especially nttnu' a >
teiitlon. It iv.ul as lollovvK.
' " 1 hoiv Is one VMIV ol profaning the Lords
day which Is snpiollno ( if ivll refills ttipt
we consldoi U on ) ( .uty lonltvi npainsl it a.
bjicclil tondemn.illiin. Thin Is the pnu-lku
in selling beei oi nllui Illinois on Sunday , or
ol lic'iucmlng ' plan's wlieio Ihej mo told.
'I Ids pi-actieo tends moio than any other ( o
tiiin ihodav ol the Lout Into ada > ol tllsM-
jiatlon and to use ll as an ( UT.vsion Ioi blood
ing Intiiuporamo. While vvo. liopo that
Siind ij laws on this poi nt v , 111 not borelnxod
lml even mine luullv onloiccd , vvo Improro
all Catholics Ioi Hie love of God and roundy
ni v01 to take p.ut In Mich tr.Mlio nor
coiiulonaiico 01 p.itrotiWo It ; ami vvo
not otil > dhcci the nltentlon of
nil pnstois to I'm rt'prcicloii of .this
abuse , but v\o also call upon them to Jndtteo
nil ol tin Ii Hocks that nmv bo ciigag/tl In * tlm
s.iIf ol liipiois to abandon us snon as they
can the dangeions tuifUc and onibiacn u mint )
hot outing win ol makinga living. "
Tills siiaighirniNN ird admonition from Uio
lilshojis jilaccd the liquor t radio In n now
light in Its lolalion to the Cathollo chinch.
Up lo this tinio it had bcon the 1:011-
oril Impnssioii nnioiig Ihose. who
vvuo not members ot the church
that whllo she ditl not In any \v\.v ; \ I'ltoomago
the ll < | Uoi hallloshe wtis not'dhodlv. ojijilisctl
toil When Iho pastmiil Uttei appealed ,
howovoi , it liecime ovIdout Hint Ihe Catholic
tliuiih in Amulet had umilvid to tkvl.ijtt
ilM'H ojipoM'd to intomjieriinio nnd
ging "liops. Their w OH-Miuu wlio Drugged ,
then shouldeis- when thoj icvnd tho.inovo
iMiagiajth and du lined th it the > did not be
lieve it would have niiv. pcio-pUMa. cf >
loct upon lupioi selling among mombVJil ,
ol tlio church , Tlio m ittoi has not boon
ho tlioiotuhlv.hioujlit . out before the sovnir.u
eoligiegatiousbj the pnosls as it will bo
should the dot lies whuh woix1 torwaW-d to
Itomo , bo rotuined with the etidoix'inoiH ot
the Popo. '
A i isilwavstheoiislomHiodoeieesNdoptol ( j-
bj the last iiU mnj comoil wore lorvvniiloil to /
ittinio , the HON. Di. O'Connell , icctor-'pf Ilio *
Viueilcau college and pioi m.itoi Ioi thourch-
bishop ol Hallmioio , a < ling as tlio messenger
and amliassadm. On liis iinival to llC | JCtcr- Citv the du ids wont " < lcllv-
oiod into the hinds of . . Cardinal ) .
Simooni , pioitxt ul tl c mnpaiMiiiia , bv wlioni
Ihe docivos wcio h.iinU H ovei In the oolv/ro *
gallon ol the piiiaanda | , the body of catv. .
dinals ind theologians , who examined them
caiciulli. 'I hi 11'ii .iliou of the prop-
.iganda Mihmdled tlulr repot I. upon
the decrees to the holy see. Tlip
Hi-veniid Di. O'Coiinoll , who has beeu
nt'.uH a vear aw.iv , Is now , on
bis v.ay luck lo the United : States
with these deciecH , which have lieon
bj tlio holy wo , Tliorts 1 how
much speculation In ecclesiastical cir
cles as to the manner in vvhlifi tlnS cleoj-ocs
relating to tbeliipior tniflle woio rc'cfllvod by
the pojte. If tlio pope has/ " given
it bis appiovnl nnd , lndorseinenti
it is t-xpei t l thoiv will' soon bo
innuKUinted In HIIH country n.eiui ntcaKalitHt | !
the liiiioi | ot \iiTdiii.jIy-eiTcyrt <
tivo t-baiaotoi. "Tho ( iumni7iilion''of4jtho
CalbolUchuii h is .t > ueh. " u < 'rtiri-
tingiilMuHl clergyman MI < } to-lf
' '
"that it can. with tlio itfM-
pojio , do more lo oiipnlr the bi
bhops Hum anj ether ic'lluloiis belly ; ' ' 1 , / *
Dr O'Connoil is OSJIP < lul to nnivo\t'tall-C ( \ ] (
niiiiu within : i lew dioh The docicos-vvlll \
Ihon be imblislii'd ami piletls and bishops
and l.iunt'ii will tl en bo nble tn laiovr , .
the attitude of the clmuji to V
the liijuoi ti.illio. Aichblshop CorriKn' (
last ovoningsiid tli.a it would not bo politic
Ioi him to stvamthinwlutovei ( onccnilng
the decrees. Ho dm not know what acUoli
had been taken tboholv see in icgawl t < i
thu special . o iigaiiist th- liquor Irr.fflts.
and would not kiiovv until allii thonmvar
ol Ui. O'Connell.
THI ; iMtnvious
Iti-anons for HohliiiK'IMuiHcal
tntions in Ocn. ( irant'H Cnnp.
Nrw YOISK , Nov. -Tho cnrient nnmlwr
of thoContiny maga/Ino has , In part"ft ro-
piodiicllon of a letter w i Itton bt ( Jon. Orani
to Di. Don'las while on Mount MiiGregor ,
and in the text ol tiiii p.utlnllj ieirodiicc l
letter ( lie. gcncial m.ulo lefoionco tl ) a
"jiiivlotia Idtoi'1 In the snme Htr.iin. Tlw
piomptliiK causes ot Hi it previous httrr and
tin- let letitMll nio made public lo-divy as
lol lows : (
( Ji n. Crant reached Ml , McfJiogor , lun 1C ,
nnd tlial nit/lit ho slept lull twi hours , 'toi ) l
was well. The m xt ullttnoon thu genoi.U
wit upon the ( ott.igi pi.iu alone and in drop
thought. Suddenly , a though utter mature
ii'ili't tii'ii ' , ho li.ul toiineil a iiholvo , the yon-
cm ! summoned Ids Mivunland Htnrtci ! d'jvvn
the steps and walked to thoblulf of tlm moun
tain. Tlioie hoMil upon a rustic elialrvillr
Ills c\s ( bint to the ( .ilth , Ids fi'aditi'H
di.iwn and ( cue , and an oxjiip iion of
illliosiiection on Ids Ineo , Ho bad fet Ililn.
wll lo do a test ol hi1) ) own Bliongth. liix
wanted a basis lot a judgmi nfodifti
condition , and be louml hlmm-lf vvoakbh *
vend hi , tXN.i | tatlon < . Hn went .slowly , Ixicli ,
to the cottage and touched his room die- ,
( ( imaged and diflictilentil , and th.itijvonln
M-nli d on tlio pia//ti , as ( lie sun went down , wioto a calm htat/jincnt ofbU
eonvlalulii , usto his own ( olldltloll. yiilw he
htindid to Di. Douglis , ninl It
was Hie "jnovlons Icltoi" referred
to In Iho tonoijil'h icjiiodnrtdj lutti-r
In Ihu Contniv. Itlsbeto given : "aine
coming to thi uiiaulitiil cllmalu and gcltlnj ;
comjilete lost lor about tin liomnI have
\vali lietl inv ) iiltnuiil compirul then 'Wljh
thosit ol the lust tow VVItkH. 1 CMt I'tJi'l
pi duly that , my b > stem Is prt paring for ijis-
holiillon In time i\n > r < : Oni-oj liemor'lll.mi )
ono In hti.uu'ulatloii , nnd Ihhd liy exliilut
tion. The uril and last .no liable toco
inoimnt to iclievo meofinj euitiilv
Tlio Hum for Ihoaiilvnl of the thlnl r IHJ
computed with almost mathi-inotiiuil
tiilnlj. With Ineuasod diilj loodl Ifu'vo
fallen oil In woli-ht nnd slienglh verjrub -
idl ) Ioi the last two wi oKn. Thoiii c.uiilOt fat
ahojio nt goliiu fai iMtjnnd this Him ? , VI
any plivsieiaii , in nnj nunibor ottliuiiKan
do f ( rnie Is lo miiki iiiy bmdui ol
llt'ht n-ipt Sfiihlo. 1 dn not. want any p : iynl-
oi'in ' but \oiirhi-ll , but I loll you
MI that II .von are unwilling
htiNo mo go without
( itltoi iitofiHslonai men you ean
tin-in. 1 dioad thorn , bovvi'Nor , km. l'nl
It means anothoi d.ioi.itL | > effort to " 10
'I Inn II was DiT'Domslas ( hat nljlit lA'nl
foi Dr. hind. ; , wl.o oimo noxl duj , uil-uo-
githoi lliej consul ! * d with tlm gem nil , and
told him Hide was no danger ol itrnngu-
Inllon not nt hem /uh.a'o , and
i lliitt con d no
AVHI HollltllKOtl
CAI.DWJM : , , Kansas , Nov. fi. A iuiorf )
from Hie Oklahoma ( ounti ) in Hccivrd tint
tioightoi'i and boomer i have l > cen luring
iimlis ami hoiM-s to a gieat number within
tlm past low vvioks. 'llu ommunUj' IK
Kit all ) hlh icd up , and U ( ho tlilivrj are
rapiuiotl a IN holt silo hanging \\liufollow ,
llmt country Isiillcd withbctLlert ) , nfidthiis
say they will not lie i - " - > ?
menu n
l vrKit , MaN. . y. 5. Tlifl ttuxu ,
l i.ue fi rfKOO , between J'cU-r
Cunloj , of I'linland. Mo , and v'tg g yifcKay ,
ol | 5o ion at Like ( luiiil'lmoiTlilii ailcji
was won ' bv Cv Roj l > y IUM than tw *