Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Tlio Eotnrna Not Yet Complete , But the
Bcsult Certain.
Borne Facts In Itcgnrcl to ttio Cnfio
Baluon Mon In Trouble
1'ulluo nnd Other
The County Election.
Tlio election returns were very alow
coming In from thd country preclnctB of
the county yesterday , and the count h
Bllll incomplete. Sonic of the precincts
liavo sent in partial returns , while no
rcccrJ of the voU ) is nnulo from Valley
and Klkhoru precincts. With the ma
jorities in the oily , as given in yester
day's Hii : ; , together with the preeinots
lieurd from , thu following cstinuito is
made of the majorilloa of tlio candidates-
elect In thu county :
Coburn , r , MierifT 2 000
O Kuvirc , d , eommlBsloncr QO
Itolln , r , ticnsurer 1 4K ( )
ftccdlmuii r , clerk dOO
jMcCulloeh , r , Jnduo i coo
Jlrunncr , r , HiiiJt instruction 1 000
Jjiexel , d , coroner fioni COO to JKO
Smith , r , surveyor i ( KH
The following is thovoio in tno country
precincts BO far as heard from :
Milliard I'rcolnot.
For Judge of the Supicmc Court :
AnwaCobb , r. . . . : ft 4 57 . . . .
For KcKfiilH ef the University :
Leavltt liuriibnni , r -12 . . . .
CbailiiM 11. ( ieie , r 40 . . . .
Jtobert U. Llvlncntoii , d M ill
John T.eelin , d fyj 10
For Sheriff :
ffiklf. . an : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : a „
For County ( ' ( iiiiuilssloiic-r :
Michael Steany , r ai
Kli-hmd O'KeelVo , d I TJ 40
For Treasurer :
Henry Ilelin , r 40
. F. Alailn-n , d 57 17
Fur Clerk :
Charles 1 . Needhnm , r 41 . . . .
T. A. McBeath , d . fl 10
l > or.liid ( ; :
JmnissIJ. McCullocli.r. . 40 . . . .
W. S. fahoemaker , d' ' & 7 17
ForSunt. of Instriiction :
Jamertli. Unmnw , r. 75 G'-J
.1. J. Points , d 23 . . . .
For Coioncr :
11. K. liurkct , r. . ' : 42 .
John C. Drexul , d 74 :
For Surveyor :
Oeoive Smith , r 41 . .
William iNorris , d 57 10
Mo Aril In I'rcelnct.
1'or Judjro of the .Supremo Court :
AniiiHsi Cubb , r S ! ) 50
Frank Martin , d s'J . . . .
Fur KeKuntsof ihu Uiiiveisily :
l.eavblliuiiihiim , i 83 r/7
I buries U. ( Jenr eti f,7
KI-belt It. Livinirston , d tii . . . .
Juliii /oelin , d 02 . . . .
Whllam Coburn , r . 88 55
I'atiick Furd , d . { jj ; . . . .
For Ti iMily Commissioner :
Mlrlmol JJi-any , r . 77 y
itli'luud U'Keofe , d . 42 . . . .
Fur 'iuuMiier :
lluirv liollii , r . 89 57
. F. jSaiK-n , d . 2 . . . .
For rieik :
J'hmli-s.1' . Vecilham , r . K ) 57
T. \ . Muxcath. il . as . . . .
V r .fudge :
" .lames il. -Cuoci ! | ! , r . 07 01
W. a. f > hiomaker ) , il . 80 . . . .
iorSupcrii.t ndentjtn'usliuctlon :
Jaint's II. linmncr , r . 05 CO
J..I. IVhita.d. . . . . . " 0 . . . .
I > or Coroner :
II. K. Hmkel , r . 78 85
John 0. Dit-xel , d . 415 . . . .
For Surveyor :
Oeorii > MiiUh. r . 00 01
William Non Is , d . liO . . . .
Joft'crsou I'reehict.
Bi'A'ii : .
For Judge of Suiireiuu Coiu-t :
AmnsaCobb , r . 70 4-1
Frank Murtlu , d . liJ . . . .
For Itcuuntn of Uiilvcnlty :
Leavltt Hurnhuui , r . 70 41
II. ( ieiu , r . 70 44
llobt-rt 1C. Livingston , d
JolinT. Zoclin , d W . . . .
For Sheriff :
AVilllaiu Coburn.r . 63 C7
I'ulrlukFoid , d . 10 . . . .
t5.A. lump i , . . , .
For County Commissioner :
Mli'liaul Meany. r . 02 80
HluljaidO'KcoUe.d..1. . 7 . . . .
J. S. Itlchardson , H .
Huniy.'Holln , r . 03 61
H. F. Mudbon , d. . ' . 0 . . . .
* or Clerk :
I'harlus 1' . Nwdlium , r . 70 53
T. A. MogtiiUh , d . ; . . . .
I or Judge :
Jameall. McCulloch , r . 77 05
- - W. a. Shoemaker , d . 22 . . . .
"d or Supt , of Instruction :
he Jamwl ) . Jlllninur. r . ftl 01
, .1. I. I'olnts , d SS . -1 . . . .
tor Coroner :
Y II. K. Huiket , r . 70 01
\ JulmC. Drexcl , d . sa . . . .
rivf Surveyor : '
.fttiooivo Mnltli , r . 8-1 5'J '
j $ Wlllhiiii Norrla , d . 15 . . . .
* " Weat Uiimlni I'reclnct.
For Sheriff :
William Coburn , r . 05 S7
I' , . , . 5S . . . .
For County Uommfsftlonct * :
Michael Jli-nny. r . 40 . . . .
Ulc'mrdO'Kt' ! lVed . lot & 5
ForTreasmer :
Jlenry Hollii , r . , . . . 75 . . . .
H. F. AlmJiieii , d . 76 3
For Clerk :
< harles 1' . Nmllmm , r . TO 9
T. A , Med't-ath , d . 70 . . . .
Jaini'8 Jl. jrefulloch , r .
W. II. Shoemaker , it .
Foi'Mii | > t. of liiHliuutlon :
iliutifH I ) . limnner , r . T4 . . . .
.1. I' , roiiits , d . TO 5
For COIOIUT : ' i
II. K. Huikct.'r . 57 . . . .
John 0 , Urexel , d . 00 S9
For tjurvoyor- : '
( icorijo biulth , r . .
r , CluuIcsJ. Uyan , b < i votes.
Union 1'reoluct.
For Jiulgo of the Supreme Court :
An.asa . Cobb , r . f > 8 J
Frank -Miulln. d . -MJ . . . .
For ItfueiitH of unlvt'nilly :
LeaviU Jtunihiiiu , r . 67 SO
t'luirles 11. ( iear , r . ! > 1 'M
Hubert It. I.lvlnp > ton , d . ! ft . . . .
JolinTofllu , d . til . . . .
ForSherllT :
William. Coburn , r . i -10 . , .
For County Cimiintsblonur :
Mltiluu1 ! Mi-any , r . -J
Ulisluud O'Keole , d..i . 07 45
' ' '
: .
llonry ilolln , r , . -18 11
ll.F.MadMn , d . S ? . . . .
ITorCleik :
I" . Ni-edlmm , r . M 27
T. A. .MeKeathd.
11 , 1' ! . Ciimiu , i > .
ForJudgo :
James M. JfcCullocli , r . 1 CO
> V. S , aiuiemnKer , d . o . . . .
J'orbupt. of lustiuctlon :
J.UIH-S II. Huuuiur , r . M 1 <
J. J.l'olnts.d. . . . . . i . . . .
Furi'oronpr ;
11 K lUnfcet , r , . , . M . . . .
John 0. Drexcl , d .
ForiSurvinor :
( Jfjijjo .Smith , r . C3 34
Wlliram ISou-lu.d . . . . . '
'I'lio molubltlnn candldntes In tiild pivclnut
13 to 10 voti'a.
For.Iudc of thoSunrctnc Court :
Amn nCol > b , r . Cfl 10
Frank Martin , d . 40
For KevcntH ot the UulviTslty :
l.envltt llunihnm , r . C4 13
ClmtlpsII. ( ieie , r . CT It
Itobfft K. I/hlnimtoii , d . KI . .
John T. Zoelin. il . W
TorShcrlff ;
William Coburn , r . . . TO 87
Patrlrk 1'oul , d . )
For County CommlRHlonor :
MlfhRi'l Inany , r . . . R9
UWitird O'Kit'll' , d . 7d SO
ForTniwurer :
Meury llolln , r . . . . . 70 C7
II. F. Madseii , d . ! W
KorCletK :
t'lmtlpsr. Xccdlmm , r . 07 10
T. A. . . . . 43
For Jmlpi :
JamcH II. McCullou li , r . 51 15
W. * . bliociiwker , d . CO . ,
Foi Kiipt. of In-tniclliiii :
James H. Hiuilucr , r . 42
J. J. Points , tl . 7t tw
For Coion cr :
11 K. IJmket , r . M
John C. lif\el ) , d . 53 0
For isurti'yor :
lii'oiKi' Smith , r . 03 10
William NorrUtl . 40
Tlio " Slandci'cd " Clilnnincn and
Tlirlr AlU'i'od Dlncnse.
The following uwo in pirinj ; docuincut
U'itii a Ion/ / ; formula of Duiiglua county
dforosuid , H. s. etc. , nt tlio top :
To the Slierllf of ald i-onnty : Von are
hori'by rommnndfd to nntltythcdi-fendatit ,
the linn I'ubllsliliiK Coniiaiiy | , that It hau
boon sued by Tom Lai and Ah Quoiiir. part-
iH'is doliii ; hiiHliH'-sss under tlie imino of
Wiiift Lt-o laundry , In the district eouit of
tuild I'outitj , that unless It UM.HWM on or be
fore the Tlh day l Dcci'iubor. A. 1) . 1S < 5 , the
IM'lltUm of said plaliitilT tllnl In the elerk's
olllco of snld court , sucli petition will betaken
taken ns tuic , and liiilKUii'iit tendered ac-
( ( iillni.rly. ( You will nuiU ) ! line summons on
the lOtu day of November. A. D. Iih5.
WM. 11. l.AM .
It is si question whether tlio HIM , \\ill
now shut up shop , or whether tlio editor
will abscond to wvado tlio fearful respon
sibility. The .situation isvcry rnvo al
together , and great coiicnrn must bo felt
in the amount of money Mer.srs. Holmes
it Dillon will tret out of their clients.
As they will probably have to take their
fees in wiihlihitf they will thus bo closer
to ( lodliness , and altogether dealing in
things Celestial ,
The Bur. said at tlie I line it published
the statement that suspicion of leprosy
uttneheil to the Winjr Lee laundry , that
it was a matter for the consideration of
tlie board of health. Even .1 matter of
such grave public concern did not arouw
tlio health board , and Dr. LeisenritiK
went down to the laundry yester
day in the paid capacity of n
private citi/oii. In a cant published for
some strange and senseless reason in
another pauor and not sent to the lir.i : ,
( lie doctor declared that tlio C'liinaiiien
in question hail no leprosy. To n re
porter to-diy : , with all respect is it
repeated , the doctor said that he
had never seen a case _ of
leprosy and believed ] that no physician
in this city and few in the coi.nt.y had
ever seen : t case of the terrible disease.
Dr. Leismirinjj : decides that thin China-
ninn lias no leprosy because ho don't
think so and furl her says that there is no
leprosy in America.
This same matter was submitted to
another physician , a gentleman who is a
specialist in skin diseases , and ho said
that although the malady was infrequent
in this eoiiutv , there were yet numerous
cases. Chinamen are peculiarly sub
ject to it , and the dens and joints of Sun
KraiieiSv-o are filled with plague-stricken
coolies , dying of that most terrible and
appalling of human ailments.
Tlio HEK never intended tlio yellow
washerman any harm , and has evidence
that it at that time did them no damage.
It was reported , as evidence will in due
time sustain , that tliero was leprosy in
Win } ? Lee's laundry , and had the board
of health < ronc thither ttie result of their
examination would have been given the
One of the most interesting features of
til's ' whole business is that it is probably
the tirst time in history that : i Chinamaii
has ever brought suit for libel against a
The Vanquished Chieftain ill Fair
Gooil Temper.
P. Ford wont home yesterday morning
about six o'clock , after a night .spent in
watching the fateful returns. Itemark-
ing quietly to his wife that lie was beat
en , lie caught a brief wink of sleep and
then went up town , landing about nooii
at the mayor's ollioe.
The defeated candidate looked tired
and worn and his voice has not yet re
covered its usual clear timber.
Ho is , however , in fairly
good temper and has altogether too
much seu&c to squeal. As far as the em
oluments of tlie ollieo ho nought are con
cerned ho is perfectly independent , UH .1
life of thrift and diligence has acquired
for him plenty of rainy day coin in the
locker. Ilia saloon and lodging prop
erty are also , still , quite remunerative to
When asked , howovcr.whatho thought
about tlio treachery of alleged friouds.
lie winced and admitted with the mildest
possible complaint that suoh was largely
the ease. lie appears altogether to be
thoroughly satisfied that he is not cut out
for a Douglas county ouiciai and will
confine his attention to municipal mat
A Protest From a Democrat.
OMAHA , Nov. 4. To the Editor : As u
democrat , and you a republican , 1 wish
to say that our primaries and caucuses ,
as they art ; called , do not represent tlio
democratic party in this citv. Mr. Ford
has found this out to his sorrow. Wo
liavo given our votes for him as a mem
ber of the council and , if IKS hud good
common sense , ho would liavo stopped at
tlmt.liut he was not satislied at that. I
don't question his honesty , but I do ques
tion his capability. Mr. Coburn is far
superior to Mr. Ford in intellect , and is
moro capable of lilling the oflico to tlio
satisfaction of the citizens of this county
than Air. Ford is. Wo had to stop him ,
If wo did not do it 1m would be running
for president. His honesty is all right ,
hut his capability does not make him a
fair representative of my party.
Anxious teAl
Al Morris , replying to Mike Hitchio in
yehtorday'H Herald , thanks him for
the acceptance of his challenge , and re
plies that ho is ready to meetMr. Hitchio ,
with the money for forfeit and proposi
tion of terms , at Dug Johnson's or any of
the newspaper oflices , at any time Hitchio
shall name. Prof. Morris is a gentleman -
man , has tlio cash uud means business ,
so that Hitchio will show clearly honest
intentions by replying at oucu.
Plain Talk About the Street Oar Com-
OMAHA. Nor.I. . To the Editor : I
want to ask you one question in regard
io this bhootlng business on the street
cars hist Thursday night. I think the
driver did Just right , but what does the
company do ? Nothing , as far as I can
learn. When I came to Oumha thu popu
lation was only 33,000 ; now it is over
00,000. Omaha has ivon this street car
company overj thing they asked. If thi-v
had mid A conductor on the night
of the murder it would iot ha\e cei urn-d.
This street , car company is making
money. This is all right , but why not
spend < > win of ] on having ,1 condm-t ) r ,
and let him collect the fares' ' Jn the
cast the courts Imvn decided in every
case that the common carrier , as tins
street cnr company i , nm t collect their
own fares , but with all duo respect to
Judge Wukelcy , he decided that the pas-
snnger had to pay Ids faro and makn his
change. For a one-horse town this
might bo all right ; but for Omaha at tlio
present date is all wrong.
How a Baltimore Man , was Taken for
Mr. A. Mnndelberg , of Max Meyer &
Co. , received a letter yesterday from
hi- ) old friend , Jake De Wolfe , of Haiti-
more , relating n moM remarkable experi
ence which is worth printing oven at
this long range.
On Thursday , two weeks ago , nt Wll
nnngton , Del. , a lodger In a hotel sniel-
ded with morphine. IIo hud removed
every Inico about his clothing which
might lead to ills identity , even going to
the extreme of tearing nut the trade
names in his coat and pantaloons. A
match safe of peculiar design was nlouo
found in his pocket. The corpse re
mained at tlio morgue unidenti
fied for several days and
was at la t consigned to burial in the
potter's tioid. A photograph of tlio feat
ures was taken and sent to i-everal cities
about the country. One of these portraits
traits fell into the hands of a certain Mr.
Wallach in Washington , D. C. , who hud
known DeWolfeand thought at once that
ho recognl/ed in It his friend's linea
ments. Heading the diseription which
accompanied tlie likeness , his conviction
was strengthened , for bo knew that Do-
Wolfe had been given by his son a pocket
match safe which was exactly similar to
the one found on tliu person of the dead
man. Wallaeli at once telegraphed to
DoWolfo's family and , us the head of the
house had been away for some time , tlio
report was now readily believed. The
portrait and description likewise con
vinced the family that the suicide was no
oilier than DeWolfo and tlio body was
ordered shipp"d from Wilmington jy Pu ] .
timoro. Altiiis juncture , howe\er , lc- )
Wolfe , who was in Philadelphia , hoard
of the row bcug : raised over his corpse
and telegraphed to his family at once.
The unknown corpse was sent back to
Wilmington. _
The Authorities OIH-P Moro Oot After
Saloon .Men.
C. S. Higgins lias kept his e-tablibii-
ment open for the past few nights , doing
business in dciiance of the marshal's recent -
cent midnight ordei. For loveral days
Mr. Iliggins has continued his "we never
close" policy , nnd it became to bethought
thought that the restricting law had died
out , and that lie would be unmolested
Yesterday , tlie marshal proceeded
to swear out warrants against Hig
gins , and tlie great caterer and
was arrested before night-fall.
A reporter eajled on lliggins ye lfr-
clay and asked him to define liis position
in the matter.
"Why , " fcaid ho , "tho police have no
more right to interfere with my business
hours than they have to limit my trade
It is a high handed outrage and destruc
tive of business that gives tiie town more
credit at home and abroad than anything
else. 1 know what 1 am about. Myself
and some half a do/.en others- have acted
upon instructions received from our
counsel and propose to challenge the au
thority of any midnight ordinance. "
It is evident that fliggins has discov
ered that his business can scarcely bo
conducted with profit unless all night
hours arc allowed him and will make a
Imrd struggle for tlie privilege.
Mr. Higgins was in police court yester
day afternoon for the purpose of giving
bonds for his appearance for trial on
three charges of selling liquor after mid
night. Tlie complaints allege a violation
of the law in this regard by Mr. Higgins
on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday. iTonds
were given in tlio sum of § 150 each for
the three charges , and the trial was bit
for next Friday.
Henry Hornberger and Hans Young
also had complaints iled against them
for obstructing their bnloon windows
with blinds. Hoth gave bonds for $150
each for appearance for trial November
10. It is said that there is suflioient evi
donee to convict all tlio men.
3torniii Police Docket.
There was not an arrest Tuesday night
possibly for the reason that the demo
crats had no occasion to rejoice. At yes
terday's session of the police court , tour
drunks and two lighters , who had been
yanked Tuesday morning and after
noon , were arraigned. Ouu drunk was
fined , the others dismissed and the light
ers ja.led.
If you want your gold pen repointrd
send by mail to tlie factory 15th and
Yinton St. , Omaha. Kusiium & Co.
A sure cure for Hllnd. iilcedlnR , lloliln ?
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams' , ( an Indian lemedy ) , culled Dr.
Williams' Indian I'ile Ointment. A single
box has cured the wnnt elnonie capos of li ) fir
iXJycaibbtaiidlm ? . No one need Mifl'or live
minutes after aunlyim ; this wonderful tooth-
liiK medicine. Lotlon.s and instiimieiitsdo
iiKiio harm than good. Williams' Indian
1'lle Ointment absoibs tlio Itimois , allays the
intense itching , ( partleiilnily at nlirht after
Getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice ,
liistnni lelief , and is prepared only for I .
of pilvato parts , and for iiothini , ' dsc.
Dr. Fnizler's Miiclo Ointment emws as by
imu'lc , 1'lmplf.s , Hlack Meads or Crabs
lllotelies and Eruptions on the face , leaving
thobUIn elearand beautiful. Also iiiresltoji.
Salt Klieum , Soio Nipples , Koro Lips , and
Old ObMinato Ulcers.
Sold by diugb'lsts , or mailed on receipt of
Jtotallcd by Kiihn & Co. , nndSrhrr > eter&
liechL At wholesale by C. F. Cioudm.m.
Can 11
Mrs. Caroline Illoom and family wish
to return thanks to their many friends for
their kindness to them during tlio funeral
of their husband and lather.
I'roparod with tpecUl regard toNe
No , Umo or Alum.
COO dozen from the Siuilh Block , size COx
40 , loom Damask Towels Ihat cost at
wholccaln $3 70 a dozen , will bo of.
ferod on this sale for
15c each
180 down Grepo and lamank Towels that
cost at wholesale $1 a doion , will be
oU'crcd ut
75 dozen fine Satin Damask Knotted
fringe , colored border towels , that
are wortli and sell for 7oo each , re
duced to
175 Bates Mfg Co.'a Tlonoyeomb Bed
Spreads wortli and tiMially sold for
$1.0 ! , reduced to
Maries Bed Spreads
$1.75. 100 of our regular S2..10 12-1 Mar
seilles Betl Spreads reduced to
. 75 each.
ffiar'les Bed Spreads
. of $ r .00 12-1 Marseilles
$ : j.OO. GO our regular > -
seilles Bed Spreads reduced to
e a
Apollo Social Club.
The opening party of the above popu
lar organization takes place this
evening at the Light Guard Armory ,
corner Fifteenth nnd Dodge streets. Tlio
Musical Union Orchestra will appear in
full dress and will rendei borne music
especially written for the oecabion ,
among which is a wait ? named after this
club , "Apollo. " Several new dances
will bo introduced and a general good
time assured. No one will bo admitted
oxcep t those having received invitations.
Dancing commeneeH at 8 o'clock hluirp.
Tjiitlicrnn Social Knlcrtaitmicnt.
At the Kount/e Memorial Lutheran
church to-morrow night there will bo
given an entertainment to which all arc
cordially invited. The music will bo
under the direction of G. F. Mayer , or
ganist , and Mrs. J. T. Chirk , vocalist.
IJev. J. S. Detweiler will lecture on
"Going in Debt. " Free refreshments
will be furnished after the lecture. Ad-
free , and no collection.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder nnver voiles , A mnrvcl of ] iml
iy. Htruntrth ami WIOCGRW ) | III-BM Morn oconmnl
caltlmn llioimlliinrj WiiKifl , U'lrf cmmot tin Hold
In competition wliti Hiu mulllnido of low ton.
bhnit weight , alum or ] > UiMi > ltn ) iniwiloiv. Hold
only In cum. Itoyal HakliiK. J'owdi-r Uo.lOO
Wall Blrcot , N , Y.
ROUND T1UP , $100.
November 2-"illi. a large Piirty of excursion
ists will lenvu Omaha m Pullman i'alai-e
KleeiiiiiK.rais . for Los Angeles. Caliloiniu
Tlukets for HIM round trip , ijood 0 months ,
Sllx ) , Ural class people , lirst dans tickets ,
tnstrlass aceoinnxHlatloim on thlrtliiji.
ISuiiil raiit tare , nest\\iml , but i-.itu east
bound is now 1/W.W , mid it in iiropotcd lo
nrfM ! It to SOO , which will make tlie COM < * <
emigrant tlckr.U more than thu ti tipi'i
clahs round Inn ratc All emigrant
gei.s are carrh d on t'Xirns | traiim and any
one can ( M any day Rl oiiunrrunt rated. The/c-
toro If you \\ibh tuuturn vo with this lirst
class nM'urftfnn. Full iMrtienliiM regarding
thin excursion on niiiiliu.ition to
J.V. . MOHSB ,
Ccn. IVsaAft , U. I' . J'.y. , Oiuah * .
'Cream D'sk , 1 °
Bl'ed Damask j 48c-
CO Pieces An clognnt lot of patterns of
04 and 08-lneli ( 'roam llnrnsloy and
( tormon Bloaelied Damask . . , reduced
from Too for this sale to
Cream Damask , !
Bleached Bam |
85 pieces of regular $1.00 and $1.25 extra
wide , fine and Heavy Cream and
Bleached Table Damask. of
Ilieso are $ l.v5 Damasks , but we re
duce them to
Gen'e Barnsley'
$1 50 Bleached , $1
And for the genuine Old Bnrnsley Cream
Damasks and a lot of our regular
* 1.00 Bleached Damasks , wo ask on
this sale
$100 a Yard-
18 pea. S-yard wide double Satin Damask
worth and reduced irom $1.70 a yard
$1 .25
Turkey Red } 250
Xkmask J
lOpes. oil-boiled Turkey lied Damask
usually sold for OUc reduced to
25c per Yard
a a
Bed Comforts 62 l-2c
6 Bales of largo size clean 0-pound Red
Comforts usually told for $1.00 re
duced uu this sale to
Bed Comforts , 90o
10 bales , largest size , $1.2,1 lied com
forts that have never sold less than
$1.26 reduced to
Bed Comforts , $1 25 ,
Thin lot is a regular $1.75 bed spreads is
full slwj and weight and reduced for
thin sale only to
Bargain OQ
Comforts ,
17 bales ; n choice lot of line standard
bed comforts that at a low value arcs
wortliM ! } ) on this sale for
$2-00 each.
10 bales of a regular $3.00 cretonne
comfort , ( pulled , elegant size , re
duced to
' &S.25 each.
Sheeting 22 l-2c.
1,030 yards 2ynrd } wide bleached sheet
ing usually sold for llJc , reduced to
10 Bales.
Very flnost yard wide llrown Muslin , e
regular Do Musllu reduced to
10-4 White ]
$ , ,
100 pnlrs heavy white cotton B1.anko.t4
usually told for $1.75 reduced to
CO pairs heavy white Blankets worth anil
usually sold for $3.00 a pair reduced ,
. $3.75
75 | > aira extra heavy line western , made
Blankets that are selling to-day
where for $ l.7o a pair , reduced to
100 pairs 11-4 extra heavy wliito Bianiceto
worth and sold clsewlioro for 6 < 5.00 ,
our price
12-4 White !
sg > 00
Blaukets f5
CO pairs 121 1 $0.50 while nil wool lllunkoto
reduced on this &alu to < -
$5.0O V
Your pocket-book by securing one of these elegant merchant tailor mis
fit or uncalled-for Suits or Overcoats , Pantaloons , Coats and Vests at
The Only Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119 Farnam st. , which now awaits
your inspection for consideration of the saving in price from 50 to 100
per cent. You can wear the best for half or less than half the original
price for which it was made. For reference cut this out and bring it
with you.
$11 20 That was made to order by a Leading Men bant Tailor for . . . . $23 fit )
13 00 21 0 ! )
12 CO 25 01) )
M -10 ! it ! 00
ir no u 10 ! 00
17 80 u ! M DO
38 ftO l3 ! 0 ! )
2000 to no
2i ! 00 47 HO
an co itn fit ) OJ
SO BO n . . . ( iOOO
And many others too numerous to mention.
g II ! ! 0 That was made to order by a Leading . Merchant Tailor for . . . . . . ? .1B CO
10 CO " > * ' l . .t II I II _ 0 ( ) ( JQ
1'i BO IIII " . . . . . . 2500
lit 40 IIII IIII IIII II " . . . . . . 27 CO
M 60 IIII II II II " . . . . . . 21100
35 00 II II " . . . . . . . . ai oo
IB 00 IIII IIII II II " . . . . . . . . J ! 00
2 00 II II II " . . 4500
2 ( ! 00 IIII " . . . 55 ( XI
0 00 II " 0000
These are but a few of the many to be found at the great saving banlj
of mankind and your attention is next directed to those recent arrivals
Which will be agreed at sight to be more elegant than ever was seen by
man. Space will not gllow a mention , but suffice to say any idea of man
can be fully satisfied. Be it a suit , overcoat or a pair of pantaloons , you
will find your interest is to patronize
OT. ,