Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    . . ' * - *
. . , . \ -
,1 H "
To. Ifl Fearl Street.
M tiy currier In nnj- part of the city nt
l jiity < ents per week.
1L W. TII.TON , - Manager.
M I NO 1 131 liX T ION.
Ret tor , the taUor , for fall Roods.
The city council will meet next Mon
< lny night ,
The counlv bonr l will mnko tlio oLUcial
count next Monday.
Only throe paloon men linvc i far paid
lliolr license for November. They coniu
In slow.
While coupling cars nt the InuiBfor
Hanford linker huil his right hutiil
'l\io man Parrott , arrested for selling
Jhls vote , was discharged , there being no
'cvidcnco produced against him.
Kali ) Castloton and company tarried at
the Ogdcn yesterday , and appeared last
oroning at the opera house in "Craay
Patch. "
The first olootrlc cigar lighter snon in
this oily ha ? boon put into ! rank L vino's
cignr store , and attracts much attention.
It is a curiosity.
Two disturbers of the peace and ono
drunk were lined in police court yester
day morning. Not a big gathering in for
election day.
Jlcd in this oily Wednesday at 1 o'clock
n. in. , Lucinda , wife of George Cooper ,
aged 45 years. Funeral at 2 o'clock this
altornoon at 810 Avenue C.
Hon. R. G. llorr , of Michigan , will leo-
turo on Saturday evening on "Individu
alism" at the Presbyterian church.
Tickets for the lecture by the Hon. R.
G. llorr will bo for sale Friday morning
at U o'clock at Buslincll's book storo.
Permit to wed waH ycstordnv grunted
to Albert C. Watt , and Annie Al.Vhiti > .
both of Oakland ; also to J. W. Meyers
mill L1//10 Allen , both of Roekford.
Last night a company of enthusiastic
democrats , with torches and bauds , sere
naded Colonel Koatleyaud congratulated
him on his election to the legislature.
The semi-annual session of the Council
Ulufl's conference of the Methodist
churches is to bo held in Dcnison next
week , commencing on Tuesday afternoon
and closing Thursday evening.
Messrs. Beebe k. Co. are going rapidly
ahead with their improvements the new
building , the raising of another story on
the old one nnd nutting in of a now
front. The establishment when com-
iiloted will bo ono of the largest and
iinest in thu west.
Hon. R. G. Herr , congressman from
Michigan , whoso masterly und witty ad
dress kept his audience so highly inter
ested and amused at Temple hall lust
Saturday evening at the republican
niootiug , will deliver a lecture on "Indi
vidualism" Saturday , November 7 , at the
Presbyterian church.
* . Now that election is over , the people
i ivill settle down to business , which has
/ been niiglectod by many tor some days
past. If half the enthusiasm was
fesl , in an attempt to build up the city
thitt has been shown in tr.yiii1' lo build up
] ) oPitil ( : : power , Council Blull'a would
swell its boom mightily.
At the special service to bo held in the
Methodist church to-day , Rov. Dr. Me-
Kaig , pastor of the First 'Methodist
church of Omaha , will preach at 10:30. :
In the afternoon Rov. Mr. Harrison will
Jelivor his sermon on "Baptism of Fire , "
which ha * been delivered clsowlioro with
Bitch wonderful ofl'ect. In the evening
there will bo a revival service.
To-day is to bo the all-day jubilee and
pmitccostsil service at the Methodibt
church , thcro being services morning ,
afternoon and evening. Rev. Thomas
Harmon , the evangelist , has stirred up
the oily u good deal , there having boon
BOOTOS of converts , big audiences , and a
continual religious enthusiasm manifest.
To-day is expected to bo u special M-a-
Bon. and crowds are expected from out
of tlio city.
r 'To-morrow ' evening the "Dairy Maids' "
croption is to bo given in Masonic hall.
lie programing for which is to be found
m nnolnV" column. Besides the musical
fTt ; < > riry programme , there will bo
. ° liincnts served , consisting of oys-
, > sin nil forms , brown und white broads
vitli milk , rich creamy milk , and not of
the. hluo tinge , French candies , etc. , the
admission to the entertainment being
"o contM nnd the supper extra.
Tim warning made in the Bui : yester
day that some who served as special no-
liooinon at the polls on election day
would claim pay from the city , when in
fact they served simply as ticket peddlers
torsoinu ( party which ought , to pay them
instead of the city , Booms to have stirred
i np some of the men of the star. The
laborer is worthy of his hire , but if ho la-
1 bors in the interests of one political
' party he should got his pay from that
" J party , and not ask the city to pay him
because ho wore u policeman's star on
There seems to bo a good deal of
leniency shown in the case of Fred ( Scrs-
tcnbi-rg , who has been before the courts
nt sundry times and uc sundry places ami
, .on . sundry charges. On the 31st he was
arrested on tlio charge of larceny of $10.
and the examination was postponed until
Inter , and the bond lixed at $50. No
'bond was filed , and Gcrstcnbcra has
boon allowed to run at largo , and this is
nbout the lust probably that will bo heard
of the case. He manages to wiggle out
of more oases than any man whoso mime
co < ! s on the police records , or else ho is
/ ' tlio worst abused man in the city.
I In another column will bo found a
communication from the chief of pohco ,
which indicates that while the mayor
ostensibly directed the chief to put on
snch special policemen on election day
as the chief might select , still the mayor
hhnsolf appointed men without oven no-
F'Utifyiiig the chief who they wore , and the
Hiiof fiivs ho had no control over such
j len. The idea of a chief of police not
I aving control of the police , and .not
( Luowing even who wore policemen , IH a
ridiculous Hhowing of the way the police
* I department is managed. The mayor
; I puts on some men and the chief others ,
[ \ nnd neither seems to know whom the
other has appointed. U is on a par with
tnmrty oilier features of the present ad-
L. Field , of Hancock , was hero yea
Robert KIrkwood was in the Bluffs yes
terday ,
E. T. Ryan , of Vail , was at the Ogden
jycMcrday ,
> < S. A. Souther , of Perry , visited the
UlutVs yesterday ,
Harry Woodward , of Villisoa , was
uong those at the Paclllc yesterday ,
'I. llishton , jr. , of Neola , was In the
sity yesterday getting election news.
] ? . Bradford and M. Bradford , of Glonr
wood , were at the Pacilia yesterday.
Mr. Klmcr , secretary of the Thompson
anufaoturing company of Hoekford ,
} V , is in the city.
i/AlbortJ. ! Glass , of the Janosvllln Ma-
jeThino. company , wai in the oity yester-
ortyny Booking after the agricultural implo-
3bont | trade.
r ' " 'iT'rod Tleknor hai-i returnml from hie
V fltern ranoh and will probably spend
' /winter here , Ho is looking hale ; iml
'trty ' , and has gained abuut forty
jUiius during his abjcncu.
Result of tlio FJeritoo
In Detail ,
A 1'rtlr of SIHslnw lioys An Odd
Accident A Much AlniMCtl lfu. -
bauil Guueral Gleanings
l > y the
After tncllnttlo.
The returns which came in yesterday
from did'crcnt parts of the country did
not alter the result as announced in yes
terday's BIK. : The Nonpareil , with its
usual partisan fear that it would admit
too much , claimed that It was probable
that nevurnl candidates on the republi
can ticket had pulled through , but as an
nounced in the Br.n the later returns
confirm the complete defeat of the republican -
publican ticket. The figuring over the
returns went on yesterday until they
allowed that every man on the democrat
ic county ticket was elected , nnd the tna-
joriticrt figuring up into the hundreds the
pencils stopped , especially republican
pencils , with the exclamation that it
grow worse and worse. The county re
turns tire not completed , but they are
Hulllcicntly so to nhow that the demo
cratic majority in the county will bo
ubout 700.
The returns , quite complete , had been
received lastevening , except from Grove ,
Macedonia , Lincoln and Wright town
ships. From those thus far in it appears
that on the state ticket thu democrats
have a majority of 510 , and in the city
alone a majority of 601.
The following are the returns by town
ships :
Democratic state ticket 100 majority.
Sapp a IS , JIako ! ill ( ! , Keatley ! ! IO , Hart
L' ! ) ? ; auditor , Kirklaml L'O ' , " ) . Clausen Ullli ;
treasurer , Blake sal , I'lumcr IWlij sheriff ,
Armour 'JJ17 , Kuel : > ! ) ? ; school superintend
ent , MatthewK 8IU , Laird WJ ; surveyor ,
Tostevin 2.11 , Hrodbcck 201 ; coroner ,
Fields a78 , Bellinger 2GD ; supervisor ,
Frum 2o.y , Underwood 802 , Clavton 1'J'J ,
Boiler 2 7.
Whiting , Larrabce 480 ; Gillette 471 ' ,
Hnll2 ! li Branmin ' 1KJ , Beck 284 ; Moore
180 , Akors 281 ! ; Keatly 515 , Hart -170 , Sapp
287 , Halce a51 ; Clausen 10i ( , Kirkland 2'j : ! ;
IMumcr ) ! ) ( ! , Blake 'JJ : Heel -KW , Armour
'JU7 : Brodbeck15j : , Tostevin 31H ; Laird
427 , Matthews 1U17 ; Bellinger .181) ) , Fields
270 ; Underwood Oil , Boner -100 , Frum
IM'J ' , Clayton 250.
TIHItn WAltl ) .
Whiting HOO , Larrahce 214 ; Gillette 000 ;
Hull silo ; Brannan ! ! 07 , Beok 211 ; Moore
80.1 , Akers 2I.V Kcatlc.v iWl , Sapp 253 ,
Hart 2SM ; Hake 218 ; Clausen Sflij , Kirkland -
land SOI ; Plumer lilfi , Blake 28(1 ( , Rec.l ,
2W5 , Armour 259 ; Brodbeek 2IO ! , Tostevin
20ri | J.aird Ji8l , Matthews 270 ; Bellinger
2)7 ! ) , Fields 252 ; Samuel G. Underwood
855 , Frum 254 ; Boiler 278 , Clayton 218.
Whiting , Larrabee iCW ; Gillette 407 ,
Hull > ; Brannan 4)1 ! ) , Beck : ! 37 ; Moore
4)0 ! ) , Akers iWll ; Keatly 587 , Ilart4)9 ! ) , Sapp
! li7 ; Hake 8)5 ! : Clausen 450 , Kirkland aai ;
Phimor 505 , Blake 881 ; Heel 477 , Armour
855 ; Brodbeck 418 , Tostovin 878 ; Laird
150 , Matthews 881 ; Bellinger 408 , Fields
020 ; Underwood 514 , Boiler -160. Frum
810 , Clayton 207.
Whiting 118 , Lurrabco 8 ! , Gillette 110 ,
Hull 1 ; Brannan 118 , Beck JJI ; Moore
118 , Akers 84 ; Keatley 110 , Hart 116 ; Sapp
17 , Hake 81 ; Clausen 119. Kirkland 88 ;
Plumer 119 , Blake : J1 ; Reel 131. Armour
42 ; Brodbeck 105 , Tostevin ' ; Laird 110 ,
Matthews 48 ; Bellinger 117 , Field 81 ! ; Un-
lerwood 90 , Hoilcr 120 ; Frum 47 , Clay
ton 84.
Whiting 08 , Larrabee 8(1 ( ; Sapp ! ] 7H-vko
HI ; KeatVoy 100 , Hart 07 ; Kilkland 31 ,
Clausen 101 ; Blake 8 ! > , Plumer U5 ; Armour
J7 , Heel 107 ; Matthews 8(1. ( Laird U ! ) ; Tost-
evin13 , Brodbeck l ; Fields 37 , Bellinger
! )8 ) ; Frum 87 , Uudcrwood M ; Clayton 2'J ,
Boiler 103.
Whiting 80 , Larrabeo 144 ; Gillette 70 ,
Hull M5 ; Brannan 8J , Beck 142 , Moore
70 , Akers 140. Koatle.y 80. Hart 80 , Sapp
lit : , HakoMI , Clausen 1)5. ) Kirkiund 18W ,
Plumer 70 , Blake l8 ! , Keel 70 , Armour
ton 148.
WUiting 113 , Larrabee 70 , Gillette 115 ,
Hull 7J. Brannan 115 , Beok 74t Moore
11(1 ( , Acker 73 , Keatley 115 , Hart HO , Sapp
81) ) , Hake (10 ( , Clausen 1US , Kirkland 81 ,
Plumer 121) ) , Blake 08 , Keel 114 , Armour
75 , Brodbeck 83 , Tostevin 105 , Laird 107 ,
MatthewB 82 , Bellingar 103 , Fields 80 ,
Underwood 111 , Boiler 113 , Frum 82.
Clayton 82.
Whiting 1)1 ) , Larrabeo 08 ; balance stale
ticket democratic 1)3 ) , republican 70.
Keatley M ) , Hart 01 , Sapp 70. Hake 70 ,
Clausen ! > 7 , Cirkland ( J5 , Plumer , 1)4 ) ,
Blake 08 , Heel 105. Armour C5 , Brodbeck
00 , Tostevin 05 , Laird HI , Matthews 71 ,
Bellinger 01. Fields 70 , Underwood 70 ,
Boiler 114 , Frum ! 15 , Clayton 43.
KF.I1 ClU'.nK.
Whiting 85 , Larrabee 85 , Gillette
. . .
JUUI\ ! ' Jutv. < " " * p
Si ( , Ihilliiiftei1 7 , Field Jill , Unilorwood ! HJ ,
Hoilor B7 , Frum 1:8 : , Clayton : il.
State ticket 180 majority , Kcatlovn 11 ,
Hart ; iil : ! , Sapp 181 , IJako 218 ; CJatison
Hi7 , Kirklanil 01 , Pluinur 2fll , Ulako 'JI8 ;
llft-1 ! W1 , Armour XKHrodbunk \ 3i7 ,
Tostoviu S03. Laird : , ' , Mattliows 403 ;
Hi'lliniriM-.T. ? , Fields 201 ; Undurwood All ,
Hollinaifl ; Fniin ' . ' 07 , Clayton 200.
Larrabuo 100 , Whiting 185 ; Hull MO ,
( iilletto l&l ; Hi-ck lUs ) , Brannan 181 ;
Akors 110 , iMooro WJjSann MO. Hake 181 ;
Kuatlny 181 , Hart 1011 Kirklanil lir , Clan-
won 181 ; Ulako Ml , Pltnnor l Armour
Mil , Ut'ol Ibl-.Tostnvin MO , Hroilhcck 181 ;
Matthews Ifil , Laird 173 ; Fields M' ' , lk-1-
liiifior 183 ; Frum M3 , Clayton 17-1 ; Under
wood 101 , Holler 17(1. ( . j
123 , UlnUo n3 ; lieu ! 117 , Armour 50 ; llrod-
hnck 123 , Tostovin W ; Laird 123. Mat
thews M ; Hullingor 121 , Fields Tit ; Undt-r
wood 122 , Hoilor 113 ; Frum J , Clayton Oil.
Whttitiff 8 , Larrahuo fi' ) ; Gillette 00 ,
Hull 60 ; Hrannan HI , Hi-ok 40 ; Moore 11 ,
Akors-ID ; Kcatloy 101 , Hart 00 , Sapp 4tf ,
Hako-U ; Clausen 80 , Kirkland CO , Plumer
1)5. ) Hlako 45 ; llool U7 , Annonr 41 ; Hrod-
hook S3. Tostuvin 57 ; Luird 111 , Matthews
111 ; Hellinscr 72 , Fields Uiulorwood 70 ,
Hoilor 07 , Clayton 30 , Fnim 70.
WhitinclM , Larrabcy OT ; Gillutto 113 ,
Hull t > - \ Hrannan 114 , Ht > ck.VJMooru ; 111 ,
Akcrs 02 ; Keatley 110 , Hart 112 , Sapp1'j ' ,
Hake OV ; Clausen 113 , Kirklaml 62 ;
Plmner 112 , Hlako fM ; Ucol I''l. Armour
12 ; Hrodboek 112 , Tostovin 54 ; Laird 113 ,
Matthews 52 ; llulhnpT 111 , Fields IW ;
Undorwooil 1M , Uoilct 114 , Frum 51 ,
Clayton M ) .
Whiting-11 , Larraht-n 70 ; Gillette 4.1 ,
Hull 70 ; Hrannan 41 , H ck ? ] ; Moore -15 ,
Akerri 75 ; Keatley 48 , Hart -10 , Sapp 73 ,
Ilako 74 ; 80 , Ktrkland 8-J : Plntnpr
5 * ' , Hlako CH ; Korl 45 , Annonr " , 'n Hrod-
bock 41 , Tostovin 78 : Daird > < & , Matthrus
7fi ; JJdliUKor 41 , I-iclda 7.V. Underwood 50 ,
Uoilcr 41 , Frum ( W , Cloyton l0. !
Whititiff P8 , Larnibco 7U ; Ulllotto fi7 ,
Hull74 ; urnnnnti 85. Hook Tfy M orc RO ,
Akors 7 ? ; Ivcalloy H2 , Hart 8 * ; Satip (17 ( ,
Hake 72 ; Clui : i-n 81 , Kirkland 70riumcr ;
M , Hlako HI ; llei-l HJ , Annonr 7 ; Hrod-
brok 78. Tostovin 711 ; Laird ft. . . Mattht-ws
7(5 ( ; HollliiRor 83 , Fields 70 ; Underwood ' , ' { } ,
Holler li ; Frum 123 , Clnjton C3.
Wliitlnp 00 , Larrabeo 180 ; nillclto no ,
Hull ISO ; Hrannan Wl , Heck 180 : Monro
1)0 , Akers 18(1 ( ; Koatley 1)0 , H-irt 10(1 ( ; Sapp
12& Hake 12fi ; Claiifcn 00 , Kirkland mil ;
I'lnmrr 81 , Hlako 141s Heel 01) ) , Armour
127 ; Hrodboek 00 , Tostovin 130 ; Laird HO ,
Mattlinws 181 ; HcllhiKcr 80 , Fields 1117 ;
Underwood 83 , JSoiler 1)2 ) ; Fnim 140 ,
Clayton 18 , ' .
Whiting 7S , LarraVo 07 ; same on bal-
nnco of the > tati ! tii'ket Keatly HO , Hart
75 , Stipp ( i8 , Hake 117 ; Clausen 30 , Kirk
land 111 ; Plumer 112 , Hlako 33 ; Keel 70 ,
Armour 72 ; Hrodlirck 07. Tostovin 7(1 ( ;
Liunl 81 , Mutthi'ws 02 ; Hi'llitiRor 81 ,
Fields ( U ; Underwood 79 , Hoilcr 81 ; Frum
OH , Clayton 5'J. '
Whitinpt 150 , Ltirraln-o 113 ; panic on
state ticket. Keatly 150 , Hart 150 : Sapp
tor , Ilako 112 : Clausen M5 , Kirklaml 118 ;
i'lumur 103 , Hlako 160 ; Hivl 15 ? , Armour
102 ; Hroilbock 157 , Tostovin 10'J ; Laird
132 , Matthews IS',0 ; Hi'llin i1 12-1 , I'k-lds '
135 ; Undorwood 147 , Uoilor 145 : Fruin
11C , ClajtonlM.
05 , Larraboe ( ! 3 saino on hnl-
anco stain ticket ; Keatley 05 , Hart ( ill.
Sapp 03 , Ilako 01 , Clausen 57 , Kirkiand
72 , Plumur 78 , Hlako 50 , Keel 01. Armour
05 , Uroiidbcck IH , Tostevin C5 , Laird 00 ,
Matthews OS , Bellinger 72 , Fields 57 ,
Undorwood 80 , Holier 84 , Frum 00 , Clay
ton 40.
Whiting's majority til , Kimtloy 103 ,
Hart 1DO , Sapp 30 , Hake SO. Clausen DO.
Kirklanil 44 , Plumer .w , Hlako 12 , Heel
100 , Armour llil. Laird l > 3 , Matthews 47 ,
I3eHin iir 101 , Flolda 30 , Undi-rwood 10J ,
Holler 74 , Frum 00 , Claj ton iW.
Keatley 0J. ( Hart l0 ! , Snpp S4 , Hake 37 ,
Clausen tiH , Kirkland ! I7 , Plumor 08 , Hlako
87 , Heel 07 , Armour 115. Laird 50 , Mat
thews 44 , Hrodlx'ok ( i3 , Tostovin JIO , Hel-
linger IW. Fields 35 , Undurwootl fiO ,
Holier 03 , Frum 81 ! , Clavlon U3.
ItKLKN l * .
Democratic ticket 72 , republicans 148 ;
Keatley 77 , Hart 70 , Sapp M5 , Hake 141 ;
Clausen 71 , Kirkland 147 ; Plumer 71 ,
Ulako 148 ; Hod 70 , Armour 141 ; Hrodbuck
00 , Tostovin 140 ; Laird 74 , Matthews Kill ;
Bellinger 71 , Fields 147 ; Underwood 74 ,
Boiler 72 : Frum 144 , Clayton 117.
Whiting 72 , Larrabee 51 ; Gillette 70 ,
Hull 55 ; Urannan 70 , Heck 5'5 ' : Moore 70 ,
Akers 50 , Hart 70 , Kcatloy 72 ,
Sapp 54 , Huko 5(1 ( , Clau.sen 70 ,
Kirkland 80 , Plumer 7(1 ( , Blake 50. Heel
71 , Armour 55 , Brodbeck 70 , Tostovin , fill ,
Laird 72 , Matthews 54 , Ik-llin ei70 ,
Fields Oil , Underwood 70 , Boner 55 ,
Frum 70 , Clayton 72.
Whititi" 07 , Larrabeo 89 , ( lillctlo 63 ,
Hull 88 , Hrannan 07. Beck 8.J , Moons 07 ,
Akers 88 , Id-alloy 70 , Hart 77 , Sniip 82.
Hake 81 , Clausen (1C ( , Kirkland 87 , PJiimor
Oy , Blake 8 ? , Keel 72 , Armour 81 ! . Irod-
bcck 07. Tostuvin 8i < , Laird 77 , Matthews
74 , Bellmjwr 07 , Fields 8 ,5 Underwood
C5 , Boiler 70 , Frum 83 , Clayton 88.
Whiting fiO , Larrubc-o 115 , Oillolto 3S ,
Hull 118 , Brannnn 38 , Beck 113. Moore
33 , Akers 113 , Kcatloy 10 , Hart 10 , Sapp
100 , Hake 110 , Clausen 38 , Kirkland 1J3 ,
Plumor 88 , iJluko 118 , Heel 3d , Armour
US , Brodbeck 88 , Tostovin 118. Laird 41 ,
Matthews 107 , Bellinger 33 , Fields 118 ,
Underwood 41 , Boiler 45 , Frum 'JO , Clay
ton 108.
Whiting nt , Larrabee 08 ; Gillette 92 ,
Hull 70 ; ISrnnnan 02 , Buck 70 ; Moore .12 ,
Akers 70 ; Keatley 03 , Sapp 70 ; Hart ill ,
Hake 70 ; Clausen 517 , Kirkiund ( M ; Plumer
01 , BIakt8 ! ( ! ; Keel 105 , Armour 55Broil -
beck Ot . Tostevin ! )5 ) ; Laird ! > 1 , Matthews
71 ; Bellinger 01 , Field 70 ; Underwood 70 ,
Boiler 114 ; Frum Ii5 , Cluylon 43.
Bo sure and ask your grocer for the
bread made at Smith i Locr lev's bakorv ,
No. 023 Main Btccnt. It ia the very best
muite. Try it and bn convinced.
The very latest New York styles re.
caiv .l weuly at Mrs. O. A. Rogers.
. . . . . .i..1 abstracts of title nnd real
entaii ; Joans. J. W. , & K. L. Squire , 101
Pearl street.
Pico ! Ribb ns in the latest colors at
Mrs. Rogers.
For hardware anil house furnishings
got prices of Cooper & McUeo , No. 41
Main street ,
Finest display of moershatim and
smokers' goods for holiday gifts. T. I ) .
King & Co. , Cigars und 'lolmceos , S43
Two boys disappeared from their homo
in Audiibon last Sunday , and have not
boon found yet. It has boon lunrnod that
on Monday they bought tickets at Dcni-
son for this city , and arrived here that
night , but further trace of thorn had not
boon got by their friends , who wore here
yesterday looking about this city and
Omaha for them. Ono of the boys is
named Ed Freeman , aged n , draped in
light brown checkered suit , with soft
black hat , while the oilier boy is named
Charles Hnvyton , ngod 14 , anil dressed In
a suit -of blue , with round black cap.
'J'ho friends of the hoys will bo glad to
get any tidings of them , and any information
mation given to the oily marshal here , or
to K. J. Freeman , Andnhon , will bo ap
preciated. The Hup | .jsitioti is that thu
boys left homo just fur the eako of seeing
something of the world , and limy are not
.wanted to unsiver to any ohurgo of crim
Lamps cheap nt Homer's , 23 Main Si.
Correct Abstrac-t.s of Title and Real Es
tate Loans at McMahon & C'o's ' , No. 4
Pearl street.
Kd Wright , stenographer , 551 Mill ?
street. Amanuensis work. Type writer ,
copying and reporting.
An Amateur 1'rlzu
Two young men full of election \viiisky
got into a discussion of their relative
physical powers yesterday morning about
o'clock , and went Into the alleyway
just back of Kirscht's grocery store and
tried to light it out ut iJIO aside. There
was quite a crowd of speclators , and the
fight was at its heat , when Marshal Hutes
iippoarod on the > ; ccnc , but when ho at
tempted to make the needed arroht they
both pitched onto him , and he had about
all he could do. Ono got away while he
was bringing tlio other into cmnp , but ho
was afterwards captured , and the two
wcro jetterday given a nominal line for
disturbing the poaco. Tlu ; all'air is re
ported as having liocn a regular amateur
pri/o light , and it is said that the sttikus
were put up in the amount named.
Evtiry one buying 86 conH worth of T
B. King & Co. , has iv ch'inco , fruo , in the
great drawing , December 24.
For everything in the jrrocery line give
the now linn of KimKlcob , 1'jJ
Broadway , a trial. K\orythii gnoand \
fresh. Fancy jjioctriua a
Olve It lo tli Police.
To the Kd'tor ' of fli'o ' IJKKS My nlk-ntiou
wus nailed lo an . in your pnpor
relative lo onr polk'O ycslordny , during
our election : "Thus ifeost disturbance
Roomed to arise froijv tie ) police thrm-
selvcs ; and If it had nol bo"ii for them
ihere would have been riiore of n Quaker
timo. At Iho Fourth ward polls this was
partio.ularlv uoticoahle. ' '
In regard to Iho disturbance at the
Fourth ward poI ! , l > wish to make a. few
remarks in behalf of Ulo ohiof of police
and the policomoti. "Mri , lohn Dunn wan
put on us : i special by Mayor Vaughn tin-
known to mti , consiptolitlv I did not ex- any authority over film , and I < o
not wish to bo held accountable for hie
1 tried my utmost as fur sn Iho po'.ioo '
wns concerned to keep everything quiet
yesterday during our election , nnd I had
about count to the conclusion that wo had
ono of the most quiet elections held in thi
city for twenty years , and I think the cit
izens will boar me out in my statement.
Wo only ask fair play.Tnos.
Chief of Police.
Prof. Allmon will open a children's
clas-w in ditneinc on Saturday morning nt
10 o'clock In Bono's hall. The uduIN'
classes will be opened next week. The
professor will ho assisted bv his daughter ,
an artistic musician as well as instructor.
The ladies are invited to call on Saturday
morning with their children and sou the
class being formed.
Cottage ranges. Garland stoves , Ra
diant Homes and Hub heaters of the very
latest patterns at bed rock prices , at
Cooper & McGce's , No. 41 Main street.
tioHt. a Plii-joi * .
Henry Otto met with a curious acci
dent yesterday morning. Ho was carry
ing an ndn in his hands , and when crow
ing the track of the Northwestern road ,
ho btuhhcd his too and fell , and his hand
being Hat on the rail , the ad/ foil on to it ,
tlio temporary chopping machine taking
oil' the lirst linccr of his left hand as
clean ns any cut could bo.
R , RICE , M. D.
or olhi-r tumors removed without
the knlfo or diiiwiti ! , ' of blood.
CHRONIC DISEASES of nil kinds n specialty.
Ovrr thirty ycnrs' praotlcnl ovtierlonoo. Ofllco
No. 11 IVu-.l > ! iri'ut , Council Uluil' .
ft ? CO-'f.TATlOS ; t'l'JUli
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over Amci loan n.tpro'a ,
TIIOS. omrcn. M.i. . n.
lalstshcd , isai
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
162 - Broadway.
Opposite Ogden House ,
Council .BliilEs Za.
. , - - .
Tins hotiso bcintc now one , conso-
qtinntly evurything in slock ia ncv/ and
Prices as rc onivblo ns any otlior gro
eery in the west.
Ono trial is ull we n-sk.
ry Hydraulic I
Public and Privatp Systems
Water wet kg and Ventilation
and constructed ,
numbing work in all its brunuhcs.Thls
company have ono of tlio bust assorted
blocks of plumbing goodti in the west
Kitimutes furnished" .
Now York Plumbing comply C5 Uroad
y/ay Council IJlufl'i. Telepliono No 7.
mU-i < rtj | > cnienls , tiifh a *
J.'rn Loan. For Palo , To Ifrut , Wnnis
1 ! jfmltiig1 , etc. , n 111 l > o Inserted In lliis eotumn i\t
thr k > xv rsitc * of TFN CT.XT8 i'KIl LINK for the
Ili't Insertion nml I'lVK CKNT8 1'IJll IJN'K fop
tftch MltifcqutiU lii'ortion. I.onvo nthnrtuo *
nioiifflnt our oJCco , No. 13 rctirl hli-cot , nciir
1/OH PA1.1. lU'lnif desirous of iiinvlii T to
Omnlm. nn nocoiintormy lii-ln ) < "H , I offer
lor fill" my if-Mcure , corner 1'umili nvouup
Nlnlli btru ( t , liiqiiltoon promltu * . X V.
: < ri1.
)1' ? ! rorTitKNT-At McMnlion rCco'
No. * Prnrl ttroot.
WAN'TIID PHiinllnn liy Imlv nlio
( icrniun niul I'.nKllsti. llmlni
HH cli'ik.dilroj ! ' > 1. hcott , No. SM
v ) it SAi.roH HUNT nit
RJO. M 1'nr rnloorront.on vorjllliornl term * .
H The I'ovuik'll V.hilVH I'HIMT Mllliiliiilt't | > . with
tlie Inrcti Imnnllnj ; hfiuco ntul tlnco news of
No. si A iiinlncfi jirnnorty in Chomkoo ,
( liernkco poxiniy , IIMVII. v ill tnulo for western
laiult. Vitlno. iifiinit ft.ixv.
No. ! U--A ) liri'.ittluil linmu In tlio town of Hnst-
liiitp , Millri ooiirty , luwn , for NebraeUa Intnl.
Vnlup. | 3W .
Xo , it A poott lni. Uii'fF propprty nml nlso n
ctiotl vcltleneo propiTty In thn town of Ulwnvo
Mrtif-ntii-onnt } . III. . l < m ilowu tor CIIRI or will
oKohantto for wtvUrrn lAiula.
No. ITfl-A pmetuliil frtnn , well Improved , 610
ncifi in DlpVuuon eoiuity , luwii , Jolntiip tlio
tnwtuir Pplrlt Lflko. I'rk'c , tor n Miort time ,
J'J" > vcr ni-i-e.
X . 1 1 to 167 Are four Inprovcd fnrtns In
I'lillllps county. KuiiMie , encli with u Pnmll In-
eninliiiuifo. The cuuitu.- , Mill lie oxi'l 'il I'oi-
unltipMtithrrcdtTlId mini In Nolirnskn.
No , 1KV 4HO ntirex In Holt county. Nob. , rnrtly
luiiro\Ct1 | , tit n MK liiUKiiln. Wants to oAolmiiKO
No. M A tine two Mory lirlck rcsMrtieo , onti
of tliohrst locutions In ( "oimell llhillMlll tnulo
for p'ooil unlnunnlivrfd KnnsHi or Nubmeku
lands.iilu < > . 15. < H i.
Ko , Kinnd H Aivlwo other liciuitlful homos
tn Council lllulls wlilc'i payments will huy
nt a ImrgHhi.
No. GOA brnntlful snlmrbmi location In town
City , Jmvn. will oxchuniru lor western lands.
Vulno. S5.0W.
Thu nbovo nr < > only n few of our 9pr > clnl t > ar-
iralns. If yon'vf got nnythlntr to tnulo or xfill ,
or wantto poll liny real < wtnto or HHTchnniUfo.
wvlti' up. M'c Inivo n'Vcrul iiood otocks of ( roods
to trhdo for lands. fcWAN & WALICKIt ,
_ _ _ _ ijouncll IiliilTs , Iowu , _
J. L. De BEYOISE , Agent ,
N'o. 607 DroRilwav. Council niuffa.
Time Table.
followiiif.- the tlino of nrrlvnl nnd
nro of truiii * liy ccntml Htiindaitl tlino , ut
the local depots. Tralnt Icuvo trimmer depot leu
inlouifsfiirllor aud nrrlvo ten uituutes later :
f:2" : A. M . Mull mid K.xpresa . GeOl : > . M.
] " :40 1' . M . Accomuiotliitiou . 4 M v. M.
6 * ) p. M . IIxjivoss . UU5 : A. M.
! > : ? . " , A. M . Mull imli\ ! press . 0Gni' : . M.
7:15 : A. u . Accommodation . 5:45 : 11. M.
5iU : ! l * . M . VIxpre-s . Uuf : > A. M.
flM : ) A. M . Mtiiltind Evprcts . t:50i' ! : . M.
5A' ) 3' . > i . Uvprof s . II : uT > A. M.
! ) :40 : A. M . Mull nnd K.virua ] . 7:101M. : .
utilai1. M . . BuO ; A. M.
WA1MB11 , KT. I.OIMS k IMClllO.
8:15 p. M.l.ocnlft. r.onlr. E\nro--'i I.ocnl .
S0 : ( ! r. M.Tran lor St , Louis fcx. Tnins tor.i'JU ; : ia
10inA. : 51 . Mail nnd I\ ! press . 7 : iP. M.
0W : i' . M . Kxpross . 0a : > A. M.
7irA.lf : . Si < iu\ City Mn.l . CSOi : > . M.
8:05 : r. M . t. I'mil Ksiirosa . 83A..M. :
11 :00 : A. M . Ui nver Kxpuvi . 4:3Ti : v. ji.
t:0"i : i' . M. . . Lincoln 1'asp. . Oin. A : 1U V.J : ! ; . " > p. M.
7:46 : i' . M . Hvpi'lnnd r.-pres.s . So'JA.M.
J.cixvo Council llliitls 7:05 7:55 : 9:30 : 10:30 :
11 MO n. in. ; 1 : & - : : : r-'it-4 ) : : ; : : ( ! : . ' . ) 0:2.- : > -
lliS : p. m. Leave ( liinilin U : , " > 7"i : : Sii 10:00 :
11:15 : u. m : laG : > > - x'UU-UUO : : 1JO : Ii5 : u-.Ki.
Tn Council niuira linvins
Hsoa/pe !
And nil inimtirn improvements , call bolls , flro
ulurni bollj , etc. , istbo
No . IU3,21V and 213 , Hatn Street ,
MAX ilUHN" , Proprietor.
S42 and 344 BROADWAY.
Kens Fall Winter Wear
Jfonr , ' oivl TJnyi' Unrlnoss Sult < 3.
Moris' mid Hoys' DrOfH BuitM.
Ohllilnii1 ! ! ! Every IMj' nmi Dress BuIK
Ovciconta Tor Men , l.oyn mid C'lillJiX'U.
Muroliiint Tailor SultK.
Jlorcliiint Tnllor OveicoU3. :
Mirrrlinnt TtvflorTrowrpr > .
Kqiuil to ilio best , 10 oiilor ,
At hiill'tlio price.
I'M Slwir. ' Siiils unit Overcnnts.
Loiin Men1- ' Suits und OTOI-UO.IW.
1'nt Moils' Trowf-or. " .
P' miilcss PliUta nml Trowrern In t'cotch rv
Mcillcntcil & ; arot ! * . Kstru Ilotivy IliUlrJfiraiiH ( ,
1'niK-y Colorbil Wools uJ inLvuJ ( Hialliica , fioiu
* iv euvii 10 f l-SJ-
JfOIl THE FAI.I , Ol' 1333.
E"CTlSaiTISKCI3JTC(300233 !
GKLoves ,
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Cuffs ,
Of first class quKllllG3 nnil ronsonutilo prlcos.
uJmvaai mljd-jl wUu xoa'mwiii nC *
Ci2 and 211 llroudway. Council llluffs , low * .
PnuletM ; ! m ntali anil ) '
lluo.iu 7 aad a , .3 . .i * ' > .
O "O"
"Was able to buy so many good goods for so lit
tie money as now , at the low cash sales at
. . ? ,
Silks , Tricots , *
Homespuns and Boucle Dress ,
Such Bargains in Blankets
and 1 annels.
Our stock of
l * + * * * lV * W Vi * * M / * * V"X * * "sl " JT * " 1 "l x" ? " " < * * *
W J. jO ® tfe > GAij..LCi. WAn.2. UG&ILICLC3 ,
Are particularly choice , and our prices for then }
are the lowest they have been in twenty years.4
' I-
' ( I
Have removed tothoir Now Store ,
Nos. 32 & 34 Main rod 33 ft 35 Pearl
Where they have put in a now stock of
Ladies' ' and Genls Furnishing Goods , Etc , , Re ,
Among which arc the following lines :
Hats and Caps , G-loves and Mittens , G-ent3
Neckwear , G-ents' Underwear.
Ladies9 Children's and Misses' Underwea
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankois and.
Flannels , Hock ford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. 33 and ! M Main Street , Council
No. ! )3 ) and 05 Pearl Street.
Ho.113 Broadway , Council Biufifa.
Our customers get the benefit of the expense thus saved. Send for prloo lists.
w. IP
Jlrielc Viulldlnga of nnjMn.1 rol&l or movcxl und natlEracthin puanmtcol. Frumo bonr.oa inove >
cm Hull ) ( Hunt truultu itiu Lies I lu cho wudd.
1010Sill ST. , COUKClt , ULUW'd , IOAW.
NO ; 29 Main street , Council BluiTs.