\ t.llvo wl i f , unk ' ftiiiitfir ijead hntm HI > I | nl 1per - In. foraii wet''hls "Skins" or In , * * wcmh.-itf Ictban Ifxii ilw. , no VHlue. Picgimn , s < jws aw dojtui 10 ib ? , tuid sta SO IU , OMAHA WIIOT,171I3 M.UIKWT9. General Jlnrkrls. E < .IR Thu mnimlty of snlos were made to- tlavnt'JOe. c ni.i : rj 1'nncy fti'l ereim cheddar , Oct. n.iKe , lt'ff'iac ' ; fatK'.v full crmm tints Oct. intiUe , Mifll'JKe ; fani-y full CM-HIII Voting Annric'is Oct. make. l-j"l ; > ; full ere.im flats Aug. mnke. 1" " : lull cream Young Ainerlens Aug. nuk > \ lie : full cream. .Inly , Kharp , Oi'ite ; 1st iiuallty Sv , iss chcp e , I0pad ; quality M'iss cheese. lrfHc ; brick cheese , 13 * IRc ; Llm'i.irg ehe < e , m < lv. \ i ( . TAI 11 sCt Itry , pi r no/ . , ! ( ) < " , reler roots ( ( , eimancelcr > ) pfrditt. 7V ; horse rad- Mi roots pi-rbbl. . ? ( l.v ) ; do. per Hi. 7c ; sweet pot.'oc3 pcrlb. . W < i3 ; do. pur barrel , SS.'itKtS ' I'oMn HO.VIY rallfornla o lb. frame , CO Ibs In COPO , jior lb. , i.V : extracted , a 11) . tin canp , a dnz In ca e , per case * 4.00 ; 10 lb. frames. NcbranVn , lc , < UJKII Nuw oik rcllnrd perbbl. , 7.00 ; do Ulfblt ! . . Si.UO. COCOA NO isiuofpd at sue per hundtxd ; ; In mmill iiuanlllliM > ! . ' ) p"i hundred. Ni it" , I'ifj't AVI > I > AIL Chestnut' , lc ; pecans haw iiolhlicd , lie ; | ) ecatis medium , Pe ; LniillRfi wnltitils 15c ; almond ? , Tarra gona , ; do. Ivle.i. lOe : lira/Us lie ; lil- bcrt.t. lie ; hickory mils large , bu. Sl. . : ' : do hiuall , liu.ibl.7'i ; peanuts hand jl"kfd ) , Vlr- , 7c ; do. roasted , IV : lig.s new , i1 Ib. Rlnla ox .s wrib. l"e ; do. 100 Ib. kegs per lb. , VJc ; tlatcs. Kurd , 12 lb. kegs JH.-I lb. . 14e. 12e ; antelope , 7 < i'fe ! ; s.uidlcs , n < ? o laj ; elk , 7(1 ; Raddles W Ue. Praiiie rhlclfeud , per dozen , ! > * .7.uy.t'0 ; ( iiial ! . per docn , Sl.ir < iCJ.OO ; milpc , per dozen. Si.oOftO l.W ; JacU rabbits. iK-rdo/en , Si..V ? ! > ( f l.K ) ; mal lard ( lucks. Sf c ' - . .vi : leal ducks # I.W 1..VJ ; mixed duek . i'l.'J-'itiil.Tri ; small rabbits , .11.00 ts N. V , counts. IRc ; extra clcclB. We ; schcts , ! Kc ; Mnndardp.lt-V. inedlinn * . "H-- ONIONB Cholui led XVciihi-isitold arepcll- ItiKiitCOQOCc ; lair to Oil , I'moMc ; jellow Danvrrft nro very Bcateo and would sell to an advantage. SAt.'i'.u KIIAITT HiMt nualltj , 50.5 = pcrEO gal. bnin'l ; per yt bbl. S.1 : ! 5. I'KIS' I'I.RT , Titii'n , iTr. ! Pigs' fwl per bbl. , 4-1..5 : do.i \ bhk , ? 2.-IO : do. per kit , PicL-pf.nvrs JKM.IKS KTO. 1 All kinds v0 ! lb. palls per Hi. , H'uc ) ' ; assorted , Mb. pallsiw do/S.oO. Jellies , ail kinds hrsl grade , BO-lb. palls | > er lb. , & ; all kinfls. doin ra.sc , per cane , 51.40 ; apple butter , 40- Ib. palls per Ib. 7l < fc ; perch atnt plum butter. hO-lb. pails , per Ib.'tlJie ; Kaney "Home Made " rntHiip , " do/ , pint bottles per case , iO.W. " e nuhhb , pint bottle * , per do ? . 51.5'J. lObblIotsyi.7. ' . ; Illinois appk'8 , S3 bbl. lot ? , 8'.CO ; ehoii'C JlKnomi nnd Kansas ajjplc.s , UTi blil. lota or mote , S".M ) ; fancy eating , per ' ' IJ'BMO.N'S Ouotallons are : Fancy Kodi , per case. S'J.OO ; fancy Jlodl. per box. bii.r.O ; Messina , per box. 5..OHMcs ; ina , BmUl ; Irnll.per box , fi.0\ I..ri0. OISANOKS Loulsiauii , per bbl , 57.00 ; per box , 54.00. ( iiiAPKi Conconl and lobelia , per bas ket , nri&TOc ; Cata\sba , per b.iskcl , tv'xu ) lKe ) ; JlaL-wa , per bbl. alwut ( X ) Ibs. KIOSS. 7.00. { 'it\NJii.nmis : C'aiH' Cod , fancvdaik , wr hbl. . V.UH ) ; Hell and lHle ; , per fib ! . . i".00 : Hell and clierrj , dioKe , perbbl , S0.50 ; Hell inn ! eliory , good. .Jti.i'i. U ANANAS- Then * Is 1ml a limited demand nt nnwnt and market titles low. Cholco se- iectlon fiOtXitiMH ) CAI.II OIIXIA f itriT Tears Winter Xellls , itcuirc , Dili , Lauience , j : . Ileuiiu , Vicar , aud oth'T ' vailetiis , per box. S'J.750t'J.OO. < .uiM' ( > . Lmpcior , per crate , 0 Ibs. , S'J.iO ; doutileciate , f-t.r-o. HKANS- Sl.-lO M.nO HKANSUandplekcd navy , ; bund picked medium , S51.'Anjl.i. ( : ' > : i oed clean coiinti/f-l.O-h .l.iiO ; inferior , } r .We. I'l l ! ! * AM > SKIXH .Mink , each , 10i 2.je ; uiusl.iat , winter. Utfjrio ; do. kltn , 'Jc ; Otter , ? . ; ) . 'ii ) ; Hkinil : , short stilncd , IfiC 'im : do. while 10it 15 ; b.ulirer , K n SO ; Haccoou , No. 1 larirc , r-K.'fl ; du. No. 2 , 2u < u,0 , : ; do. No. : i , 10 WJJie ; wolf , pralrlu. CtVir5t.OO ; do moiint.iln , i&UOatil.OU ; wildi , itl.Vif.tJ : ; beaver , < Jl.r.f ' ' .f > 0 ; fox each , -liXi' LM ; deerUn ; , dtj winter. W iive : do. Jail , J4ffl.0. ( I.PATIIKI : No. 1 1'ltt'burz .T. C. Ii. .tSon.s , 8'e : No. 1 1'lHsburfc' . K. < ; S. c ; No. Clncino nut ) , ! MC ; No. 1 Ince leather , liOc ; prime elamihter sole leather , " 'e ; prime oak Hole leather. 8-c. tTimer leatlier , per toot'JVJ4e ; Jlem Jtip,75rj85e ( ; o.xk kip , S.\a-U > ; ncnch kip , ei.OOMi.ai ; Hem ( uilf , tft.WKa-l.iO o. k calf , Sl.OOufil.U.1 ; : Vrench call' , St.a5jiJl.H5 ; .Moiocco tool It'fr , : ( ( in-Jc ; aioroe o oil pebble , 'XgiWc ; foiintncs nnU llnlnas. yo.OOiuli.CO ; per do-/ . JlriAVY iiAnnwAiniron : , rates , S'j.lo ; plow ntei'1 , special Hi , Ic ; cniclble btcrl.Oc ; c.ist 1'iolfi do , lAii'l ' e : wa on spokes , per set. $ l.7riu".OU ; ; hubs , tier Ret , S1.V5 ! , felloes sawed dry , * l.t < > , tongwei , each , 75e , axles , each , 7 , " ; ciptuie nuts , per Hi. , 7llc ( ; collclialn per U > . Ccoilile ; : nmlablc , PC ; Iron \\etiijes IMJ : eiow- l ars,0 ; baiiow teeth , 4c ; spiinR nteel , 7n5bc ; liurilen'shoiAP ohoes , Sl--v ; Hurden's inulo ibocH , sn.-'O. Haibed Wire -In car lots , S4.00 per 100 HH. Iron Nails Halt's , 10 to 00 , * 33. : ! ImclJes 31.0S : 1 ! lap UIoonchnmnT Duckies. C5c ; lX C ! ! loop champ' T buckles , Sl.tJO ; f Jim louj ) champ buckles , Sl/JO ; cop- r rivets No. H , SOe ; Jtiistol bnaps4 \ , .M , i s .w , i snso , 3 < SI.'A : ( 3.6 < ) ; German snaps IJa S3.00X \ 1 M.45 , ' ( t 1.40 , i il.40. COAI. Antiiniello egtf. SS.i'i ; anthraclto MUt , 8H..V ) ; anlluar-ite range , r.M ; Iowa , | a.W ) ; Walnut block. 6a.7Illinois : SI.7.- . ; Indiana bUwk , SMS ; 1'ort fccolt , 54.25 ; Ilichlllll. fc .tx DJIV P\i.vrs White lead. H.S ; French ylnc , J"e : Paris whltlnir.-/- ; wliltluggildeia , ijfu ; Vbitingcom'l. l cillimpblnck. ticrmantinMi. l'c ! ; lampblack , onllnir\ : > o ; Pin lan blue , 65c , , untramarine , l > v : vandykc , blown. ' ; umuer , tmint , 4e ; umtxT , raw , ic ; bicnna , burnt , 4c : sienna , mw , lc ; Paris green , genu ine'Ax ; : PailH given , common , iMte : cliromo fieen , N. Y. ' 'Ou ; ehiome green , K , 1''c ; vcr- niillion , Knglisb. In oil asht , U > c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ih cans lOe ; raw and burnt fiieniKi , lOe : Vandyke brown , l ! > c ; letined lampblack , l'-'e ; coach black and ivory black , We : diop hlack , Kki : PimMan blue. I0 < ; ; nl- Iramarine blue , l e : chiomo green , L. , At. A ; 1) . , liiri blind nnd i < huttcr green , L. , .M. V I ) . , lite ; P.irln given , I'-'e ' ; Indian icd , Ifie ; Vene tian red , IV ; Tuscan iud. .V ; American ver- million. L. it Itie I : yellow oclue. 'Jus L. M. & 0.1) . . Itx ) ; golden ochre , H'o : patent dryer , Ee ; gr.ilnlng cnloi.s , light oak , duk oak , wal nut , chestnut aud iv < h tfte. rn IN On.Whlto le.nl , Omaha. P. P. fa ; whlto lead , St , Louie , pure , iil.'ftMaituil : - ) CH green , 1 to 5 lt > cans , " ( > c ; Krcneh zinc , rrecn seal , l"c ; KienrliIne , icd M'al , lie. ; I-'iench 7lnc.li ) varuihli a. < st , - < Jc ; 1'ienchzliu1 , ' 5c ; vermlllloii. Aini'ik'.ui , ItV ; Indian. ic < l , 10uriH ; plnk , 14e' ; Venetian , red , ' 85/c ; Vcncllan nil , American , l ? e ; red je.id , 7) c ; chroma > ellow , genuine. . do ) ; ehiome illiw ) , K , Tie ; oohie rocbtlle. lie : oclne , } ' 'roncli. t4eoclne ! , Amcili-an , 80 ; Winter's mineral. ' ' ] " l.ehluh broun , 8'ije ; Simnlbh brown , J e : Pnnco's miner.il : tc. Oli.b nururimn.pcr call in , lie ; 150 ° head light , IHT cation , 1'Jo ; I7ric beadlfgbt , per gal- Jon , 1 o ; IMlo iitcr\\lilte. iftc : Hm-eeil. law , per gullou , 44n : llnM'cil , boiled , | > er callon , 7o : laid , winter ctr'il i > er uallon , KcNo. \ . l , il > n ; Xo. ' - ' , < c : c.islor XXX , iwr gallon , Jl.45 ; No. ! l , 51.10 ; hwccl , tier gallon , fl.oo ; epenn. W. rt. , perga'ion , Sl.W ( ; lihh , W. 15. , per gallon , i"i ; neathloot extra , per gallon , 70o ; No. 1 , tlSos lubricating , zeio , PIT gallon , HOiis f-ummcr. l-xt ; golden machine , No. l , per cr-llun , : Wi > ; No , 'J , i'e ; sperm , signal , percal- Ion , Tfie ; tuineutlne , per irallon , 45c ; naptha , lr gallon , 74o. \ AKNIRIIKS llarrels , per gallon : 1 urnl- tnre.mini. 61.10 : tuinmnv. No. 1. Sl.iXM conch , H.XIITI Sl.40 ; coach , No. 1 , bl.tWs llamur , e\tra. S1.75 ; Jnpnn , 70o ; asphaltum , * \tra , bic ; Bhcllac , SJ.M ; hold oil lilllsli , fapiiUTS Cologne Spirits 18Sp roof , 1.11 ; do. 101 proot , 41,1 ; ( Milrils , ti yond iiuallty , JUI ] iiool,51.1l ; do , iw proofSl.W. Alconoi INT pioof , 52.10 p-'r winu " " " ' - ' ' JtedieTlllttl * iam : LOii. Uramlle.s . . . . , J ) : dpmei-Uc , l.&tdja.oo. ) " ilns-lmportt'd , S4.NX'i < . 00 , liuiuh Importeii , - .i vio.i New iluiiK'stk' , $ imported , per MP $08.00 ® , Ainiitcan , per COM ) , su > . Oi-oorrs' List. SronPnw lere l , 7Vo : rut lo f , cranulBtH , 7 c ; conicttionors' A , fl e ; J-wndairi extra 0 , tv.c ; extra 0 , o\c ; moll- urn j rllow , } ' j'c : dntx yellow , 0 , o. M.M'i.K Kn.Mt llnvK" and enKes s'rlctly iwr. ' , ICK ; ; ' , lb. > , qimro cnkco. In ' 'Mb. boxes , 13iM'juiv f a' ' 0 . 'iti lb. iiwrs 12' < . Itrr. ! L < iulsana. ! prime to oholoo , 5 < ej 6 c. C'ANNr.n Goons Oyster8 , Standard per T , ? : ! . : "draw berries a-K . . i > erra e SS.'O ; | twirles J-ll < . , j > rrea e , SS.fJ. " : Califoinla P/Mr.s jirr casn , : > .0' ' ) ; njitlcotn , rer ca e , S > .40 ; pi aches , per C.IM % 34.75 ; whlto plier- rles , pnr case , SaOO ; plums. | > or ciu-e , SI 00 ; Vthmlobrrrles , per cn e , SC. 10 ; rgf plums B-ili , , pen ft o , > iTO : preen CTRP.S , 3-lti. . per rn e , Sift' ; plno apples , ' .Mb. , per case , 53.WJ5 C.M. C.M.Untjn : FnflTfl No. 1 nuartrr npplos. l e : evnp-niitKl , boxce ; fj e ; bUckberrles boxes , ti i/liV ; peaches : I'liuein , i ii.i'je ; jienclips , vv.t ] > nritcu , 15'iS,17o ' , ( : * > t Lake , ne\v , W , ni lOe ; inspberiles. new. 'iV-y c : cuirants. old , O'.e : numcs. nid 4" ( ( C' . . CAM > Y- Mixed , ] OAl : iile. ; SODA In Ib papers , gWi ; u case ; kcu JUT Ib , Haw. \ i.sr.uAU Cinnn jaglfV' ; while wine , 13 ( Mile. PiCKJ.rs .Medium In barrels , S7/0ilo ; In half barrels S4.W ) ; smnll In tiarrelF , SStO ; do In hall barrels. SI. 0 ; gherkins In barrels , 8tt.0 > ; do m hidfbanels , $ . "iix > . Hni't.M : al , } i Inch and larger , S , c ; inch , O 'i ! . h inch , 0 e. MAt.i Urny loads , pci bbl , Sl.M ; Ashton , In lacks W > : J < sacks Ashtou , W > TJ bbls dairy , sitX'Cir'J.TS. ' . V. Mil If bulk. ! c\ btntiilanl C CH , ; , bbs ! ; Standard- ( jtiart runs P3.CO. Spins ( iroinul-Illai'1 ; tapper , boxes , 15 Ciy.V ; iilsplu' , l.v.i ijoo ; clnimmon lMi"c ; ; cloves , lGg&'ic ( ; Binder , KHii-jjoi inustnul , l.\a > " l * CiiAcunus ( Inmuau's smln , Imttrr ntul pleiilf , rip ; iTi'aius , 8.o ; Kinscr btinps , S , ac ; City sHli ( : , 7jc. ; l'orii J'eniiB.viVRtiia cans , 4 cans In cnso. SH.O : : Itabbitfs ball , 2 iloz in case , tl.M ; Anchor l ! l. 'J iloz In cn c. il.SO. MATCIII.S IVr ( Kiilillo , ilSoj routnl , il. case , Me : pqiiaro caios , 81.70 ; U.shbosli cubes , gr. , Sl..ti ; inuic N 'i.irc ' , -I 'M. CAMir.ifq IJnxcslOllj. . 10-5 12J pH ; , 12Uc ; lioxi-i , < otti , 10 oz , Os , l'JJo ; ImU box , v0ii ! " ' ' 'S KIiU's Havnn Imperial , SO.tX ) ; , . ' Klik'sWlilto Kii-slan. SUX ) ; Kul.'b White Cap. H.'A ) i mil1 > .n ) . C ) rrusOidlimry : ptiili'S , ire ; fair , injfralH.c ; iiriinu ll-ff w c ; choice , I'i c ; 1H 4c : laucy jiiccn ami > ello\v , Ill4c ; l'ri'4c ' ; old government Ja\a , .XXi Oj ; intcii-irJitvn , KisO"-"e : Mocha , ! 22 < 'Mc : Ar- buclclc's roastrd , l-tciMcLnuiflillti sXXXX KinsU'il. ins ; Dllwortli's. la , c : Kcd Cm.s = i , ii54iMcL.ui2hllirs : ; , Aibucklf's and > Ir- Lauu'hlin s XKXX presold fAc ) per casj oil ahoM1 jiriccs In Ikwisu Iot8. bi'Krsi Whole IVpjii'r , 10c ; nlnplce , lie ; Gulden ulNptiM * . 13l < /aiitbar ; eio\es Ainlwiyiuiolo c' . Wk'j , casila , lOe ; unt CO'i/fMc : Siilj-'iin ( ' .T"fla. 4 c. 'J'KAH-tinnpowdi'r , fair , t'&jMrr good. 6Bc ; chnlrc. < HX < r7.Vj ; Kood Impel IsKnft ) choice , fAiTV ( ; ; YounKHj on. K ' > d , M.ii-t. . choice , ( J0ri7e ( ( ) ; Oolong , good , % 'jvlOc ; On- lontr , choice , 10itCOcEngllti.i ( Brc.iktast good. S-XH-ltV ; eluiiie.50i4.tiV ; Souchong , good , "Oto } ! We ; choice , 3.V4fle ; Jajiins , fair. 'iX2."Vj ; good. . .XII"HJ ; choice , KX < yruc ; Tea iJust , VMS ; TpaSUllii'.s , IX" . PINT Cur-Hard to Bent , 70e ; Charm of the AVeit , ( XV ; ] ' 'oiintaln , 70c ; ( jolden Thread , fi7e ; ra\oilti > , nx > ; Buds Mo ; Jloeky Moun tain. COc : Fancy , 15c ; Daisy , 40 < j ; Noith .Star , 70c0ood ; Luck , Me. Pi.ro Ton A rco Climax , 44c per Jt > ; Horse shoe , ICe ; Star , 4 < 'c. ; SiicaihciidlOo ; Our Hope. . "Ale : Piper lloidslek , ( JOe : Punch , -Wo ; Young l'ritlie : Silvci Tag , lOe. C \TCIT. Hi's ir r ni's0t ; nw7 * | VI IfWl ( LI I Mitmi'sS tNo.lLb" 004 0)3 tti2 0 > 1 707.i'J ( 70 I/ROCHifit j-iuio > Ii W il fa II Z' > I Rl Nn.'i.'il .VI LO n u MI'IO r ey u ooa ro3 x > \ TO -,0,75 i , , 1,1.0 , ; nsis 4lMi Uatulu H'f n1Q'r ! Jl'lVis Kt3 1UO 90 W id I K I 10 No. i Whiti ) Fih : n con 40 : : any 70 ; ! < m r.-miiiy " ntnaviii Nil HI , vi' ' si Ko. 1 Tr. ) t 4 Ml IW f 2 10 74 ' H5 No. 1 Plokerol Ii tJO J i > 0 'J J 1 IK ) , OS , OJ I'Jf Kl I'.D RAI SKIN. IIMs Illf Ilbh Or. llljls I'alls or kits tsrve & TAT AW , 1JO IK ) M 4J i 13 UJ 10 lllooil lied ' " 14 00 7 DO d fOfl 10 1 2jl W 00 niomriltd" I I 00HO t'al . . „ . _ . 14JHV7 HO 0 to 3 # 113 JOJ _ : JOI HO 1-Ml'OlcTJi.Ji FISH. llyXi OA < TI1. . i"01' ' ' " llDl1 * Or llbls Palls orUlis nwii riHil. . , „ , , „ 1W w w 40 15 u. lu I I i I I I I KKK IliT'liiBti H 00 7 50fl SO8 80 : J 10 1 Ki 1 04 Norwegian i I i I ' 1 KIC llorrinss. M ( K)7 lfl 4511 S58 )1 ) 10 0 < < Illlslllll'fF l ( l 4 W 4 DO 2 SO 1 90 tO1 IIS ) . , . . - . * . SMOKKU Kisit Hulibut , new , 10 } c ; new ecalc'd hcvriiiKS. iic , iioi inuij.ii-ii.iu , new , per ke ? , t'Oj ' ; new lonir wilit | fitocktl-li , lUc , new sliorl &pllt 6tockii ) i , l ' ; p. Si MiiiiKhDonicstlo Holland lierrin s , hp i , 5 > c : IJiifhinu KiidiiU'rtI5e : Anclio- vli's in Rhuss , Oie Bull liraiui. JUT no/ . , ti.M : ; Aiu-lioviea In ki ( , ' - . } ( O ' l ! > t hr.iiul. SIX ( ) ; spired Hamburg hciiln .i , cUltiH and beads oil , per i il , SI. 15. Dry O ioeli. Coi tox'F i'armors' Choice , r,3'c ; Ilojie. 7c : Hill 4-1.7''c ; Lfiibdalc , 8 ; l'niita'fcVain- ; bllttil , lO' c. COIITT Jr.ANs KearMrup , 7n ; Armory , 7c : rcpiwri'll , r..e ' ; Indian Oicliaid , ti e ; Nunnkcw : ; , Tc. KIM : Ilium N Coi ro.vp 1'cppprell 1 ! . Cl e ; IVppi-rcll O , & c , Allah , 0Vo ; Sbvtuo of iTlb- ertv , ( M&IIIIIIIK \ ! I" , 0'vC , niiNi'H Sl el lll\er , 5e ; Americsin , 0 ! c ; Arnold's tic ; I'ochi'co , ie ! ; limclicwtcr , He : I.MIIIIII , ' * ; ( .loucPSU'r , 6Me ; Dun- null Jmviiiiiid , n ; Unniiell , O1 ; Ittuiia * - ' . ) VlndKor Oc 1'apluc po , ft-.c ; , ; , ? k' ; H.iniionv , i'o ; Anchor ShlrtliiKS , l > .jc ; .Mrrrlmaek SlililiiiKHI'oi' ; UerwickJe. . . Jk-.ixer trcck AA , lie ; licavu t'rcci ; , J1U , lr Ucavcr Creek CO. ' .k ! ' , .lalVrcy XX , llc.l.itfrt ; y XXX , I'.V ; .lalliuy 1) AsT , I'J'.jC ; Columbian , iSijet York , i : ! ; York , fancy , iM' ' c ; JCverett , 18c ; Hnymakci'H blue and In o\vn , 7 U'- . | ) LCKUnlili ( achcd-8o7. ) . lla-itiolia , lll'.jo ; 10 ot. .MnKiiolij , We ; b ot. West 1'oint , 10j.e ; 10 oWotl'oint. . K > * c. ULCK luitoud ) Itoston 0 oz , brown and drub , lt ! > 4c : Hoiton O il blown nnd drab , IV ; llosUm XX brown imd dmb , IIM ; liohtou XXXI > ro\\ni\nd dial ) , ll' o ; Huston 0 1' blue , U1 e ; VVurii'ii Tiicot , Ifie. ifniMv.v CorioN Lawionco J.L , 5c ; .Sliaw- niul IA. . .V. 1 li'ii vc r Dam IA , , &c ; Atlantic NIIH AiiiiMkeatACA. 12'ifc. dlku < JOO. 7tc ; Thorndlkofancy. li > coik ; A , 10V : Vork fancy , l-J o ; Mtllbury , V-'Jac : Pearf Klvei11'c ; Ilamillon. liie : Swift Illver , ti'ic ; hhciucket S. f > We ; ShetiicUet " ' mse ; Monlauk AA , Kei MontauU Hit , ' . " ( Jiiicca ACA. ltlie. ! ( ilNOHAMSUenfrew , 0ftlOVc ( ; Amoske.T ; die * : * , We , Amobkcag , btajtle , 7)'o ; Ivanhot ) ttu3' Wnmsutta , b c ; Nubian , s&c ; Wa wfi'U , Uc ; Whitteitdon , He ; Hates , di-e s. Ho Dates , tuple. 0 fe ; lUiuloljili. btaple , 0-io ( l-antdo\\ne , 7e ; Uloucester , 7 ] < e Car.vioib Amoakcosf , checksPJao ; Amos- k'.ig , stripes , HKe ; Slater , .Uiipes , NJ ; Kdln- iiuiv , 'J ) < \VlntteiKlon ; , hir * * , Uc ; Cilen- roe , Uo ; Otis- cheeks , U > ; e ; Otln , stripes , , Do , my , book fo'ld , li-1 ; Obclon , bouu" folu * Ujio ; Kiidurance , book fold , T& . Dry l.uinlicr. Tbu rcduclluii ut e.veicia rate pnmM n rexlitctlon In Hie prlcn of lain- iwr : Rtlhofaino tlmn Ihcre is an ndvanco In certain prades of lumber , BO that the reduc tion is not m creal as It would otherwise be. DIMENSIONS AJJI ) ItMIIGUS. I i t I i l ' 12 ft 14 ft 1 fl 15 ft CO ft i2 ft it ft 24 . ir..ss ire 5 issft w.oo 17.00 i.oo mw xio . i.vni5.oiis.u > m.mi7.ojs .onvi.no s s . lunfi isji ! r > i'f. itvio u.on ic.oo u-.oi > 2.110 . K2S ISiS )5.Sn ) 1S.OO ] 7.M30.W2I. ( I 2x12 . 1ASKU3 ! ' > . : 1C ' ( ) 17 00 10.MI 30.PI . . . ,15.a > I/.25 ISi'j I JP Xo. 1 board" , 13,14 nnd 10 ft . SIO.'O No.Sboaids 13 , 14andlOft . I4.M No. : : boiUiN , vt , 14 and in f t . ia.o No.4boaidfi , U ! , 14 ami 10ft. . . . . . 10.:0 SIIM\II. 1st Com. , 12. II nnd 10 feU . 521.73 L'd Com. , 14 and 10 fei-t . 19.75 d Com. , 14 nnd 10 feet . 11.7. enl'co , I4and 10 font . , . 10.73 rpvrtvo. No. 1 , 4 & f Inch , la nnd 11 feet , rough. .SKM No. l,4\rineh | , 1(1 ( lect , rough 17.03 No. 2.t , v(1 ( Inch , la and 14 tcct , rough. . 14.03 No. a , t A 0 Inch , 10 teet. rough 14.0 c ni.i.sti. 1 < = t Com. . % 'Inch. Nonva > 1S.KO ' 'd Com. , & inch. Norwav 11.50 ' No. l , Plain , 3 or 10 Inch. . S17.00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 Inch ifi.oo No. 1 , O. ( J 17.M KINIS1IINI1. 1st , 2d nndOd Clpar. l'a Inch , s. 0. S'.O.OJ 1st. 'Jd and M Clear , l > 5 and 2 inch , s 2s ffl.oo H Select , I''S ' nml > J " " 'h , . ' - ' MOO 1 pt. 2d and : id Clear , 1 Inch , R. a 45.00 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 'J * 40.00 H Select , I Inch , s. e . . 1st Com. 0 Inch , \\bll. . pine . ? r S 03 UdCoin. 0 Inch , white pint ) . ! ! " > t > J : : d Coin , ti Inch , white iiino . -.too 1) . 0 Inch , white pnn . 20 to rhleairo Pel. fence Flooring . 18 OJ Is-t and 'Al clear jellow pine. 4-0 inch. . . VO & 3 MOCK IIOAIItlH. A IB Inch , Isia , UumllU leet . ZV 00 H . ' . . (1 ( 00 C ' ' .1 ii 11 11 . , j oa 1) II II It II ,1 II tm QA ' ' No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12 , 14 an'd'iO Vt ! ! VI 00 No. I " " " 10. 1H and ' 'Oft. . IS 00 No. a " " " ia , Hand ion. . 1500 I.ATII. Lath . S'JM POSTS. White Cedar , 0 Inch , halves . S U " " S i " " nnd S in tfta " " 4 " lomid . . . . H Tennt'Sice icd cedar , spill . 14. ' f J.IMI : , ITC. Qntnov whlto liim > ( bosh , R. ' c ; cement , Akron , si. 7. ' . : plaMcr , S3.JH ; hair , per bii'-hi'l WKj ; tdncd felt , per c\\t , S1.75 ; etww boaid , S1.W. OLD BEN WADE. A Senator Who Put Oatlifl In 1'lic Ilicltt Pluco aixl Plenty of Tlioin. Whatflvt'r IJenjamin K. Wade believed or said , writes u correspondent of The New York Star , he. believed and uttered with his whole boul , und had thu Iniliit , when iinderthooxeitoiiU'iilof homo press- inj ; events , of cmphasi/dii" ; hih fiiieceh by Flight oaths. Ofuonrse. all his.indieious friends re < > icttud llii . but the habit was far less common tlmn rumor has hud to his charge , and ho was never rou h or in : ny marked dr re'i oiU'tieively pro fa no. I remoinber one dtiy-- was well nlonfj iu thu lirt btinnner of the war that u Kentlctnan froiu western LVniibylvanla I'liino lo titc in Washington witli ti letter of inti'oduulioa from my brother , resid ing in Erie , and setting forth that the bearer was a distinguished prosidinjj elder of the Aletliodiit , connection anxious to otlVr liis stirvioes to the coun try in whatc\er ci : ] > acity ho might lie wort ) useful , and desirous of an intro duction to Mr. Lineolu and Mr. Wade. I took the reverend gentleman , who seemed a very determined and earnest mtin , at once to Mr. Wade , to whom ho told his wishes , closing with the ivmark that he "was ready to preach , jir.iy or lijjht for his country ; only dDtinng em- nlo.vnit'nt iu whiohevi-.r .service ho would lioof most tifio. " Whereupon Mr. Wade jjrasped his visitor's hand a second time , with a niott eordinl ( asp , and replied that , "in view of the situation ot the country ho thought meh talk on the part of a clergyman was d - d sensi ble ta lk. " Aud taking his hat and uano which was u rilled cane , and in those daye always loaded said he would # at once with the gentleman to the white house , "for Mr. Lincoln would be glad to nee fiiieh u preachw , and before "sunset they would have hirn uornmibs-ioned iu s-oiue one of the dnticd suggested. " It could not liiwo bnwii morn than two hour. * before my clcrjc.il Iriend called on me aga/ui , now with his appointment as a chaplain in Ira pncl.i't , and \\ith trans portation to a regiment then lighting in J'eniies.eec ; and ho w.is to Ictneonthe next train. The good man , vlio , as uftcrwiird I was gl.ul to learn , jirovod himtclf through the war ii genuine hero in all the rapacities ho had ititimatud , was delighted - ed with his prompt MICPCSS. and full of hearty expressions of admiration for both Lincoln and Wade. Jlc declared , among many olhor termsof high admira tion , that they were "bolh lions of the tribe of Jndali. " "Yvs , " J replied , "they are Indeed two noble men grand men for the time ; " but thinking ol the sen ator's oath of the inorning , followed , as 1 feared , by others , might 'lined porno ex cuse , 1 mldcd , in apologetic tone , "you noticed that our good friend , Mr. Wade , is inclined in his earnestness' to cmplci- bize his remarks with words not exactly in order. " "Vei , yes , I noticed it , " re plied the presiding elder , and , whisper ing in my car , "but 1 noticed another another thing , that he always ptitH his oaths in the right place. " Tim nrsT noui'i ; AND Omaiia , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only rend to take for DP * Moln os , Jliir f halltan-ii.Cr.liirltapid , Clinton , nixie. ChU'np'O. iill uukoc ) Hinl all polntH oast. To tlio people of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utnli. Idaho Nevada , Oregon. Wti'-liiii ; toii anil California It Bora super or advantages not , posjilblo by any oiliur Ilini. Amoiiic a few of tlio nnmoroiir points ot Biipo- riorlty enjoyul by tlio pultons of this road ho- tu ( .Mm Omulia and Chlcajro , ui-o Us tno trains n da > of DAY COACHK.S which uro the tluu-t Unit human art anil im.rcmdly can eicatn. Its I'AI- ACH Bl.iii'INU : : t'AIW , which am mniloU of coniiorl nnd olcRiince. Jtsl'AHLOR DKAWINU ItOOM CAIttf , nniiuriiaii ( Hl by any. and ltd wide ly colobraiod 1'AMT1AMINIS6 CAH8 , ilio tiiil | : of trhlch camint bo found i l-cuhon > . At Council Illutlii the t ruins of the Union Incl- tlo Ity. connect In Union Drnol wlih those of tbo ChlcaKO.V : Noithwcstcrn liy. InClilctiKO thu trains of thU line miiko clone connections Ith tliooof all eastern line ? . Tor Detroit. Colnnihin * , Indlaimpolla , Cincin nati , Nliimiru Valla , lltntiilo , Plttebunr. Toiomo , Montrcid , lloHton , Now York. Philudoliblii. | Hal- tlmnrc WaehlnKton nnd all points In tbuoast , uah the ticket ugoia ior tldkciH via the "NOHTII.WEbTKUN , " If you wish the l > o accoinmodatlous. All ticket imentH M-ll tlckciu via Una line. Sf. HIiaillTl' , It. 8. HAIlt. tienaral ManA or. _ flrn. I'Mt. A gout dllCAOO. W. N. BAllCOrif. Gen. Agent , 1412 rarnam it.OnmhaNeb Seventeen Yuan * lixperlciiit1 , WI'JJTKHN HWINK HKMlinV. PT' ' > fi'lsiiHl ' ; cureiilO'-OliDlL'rii iir.O heli tolntt.Ml. Ark . IlLUSruy Cu. , Omiilui. Billhrd Tables. Manufacturers of Billiard A Pool Tables , AmlP.iloon. Ofllconnjil lliuiK ritturcs. Mntkot find llurou St * . , Chl ifo ( , 111. Oumhii ofSvo , WJ R. lOlh St. _ Book Binding , Etc , CO. , Printers , 'Book ' Binders , And BlnnV liooli Miujufwoiron. Nos UM liw Poulli Htli etTuot , OmahaNeb. j. a Hannfactnring of Bnlter Tubs. tv : < o to. mx.'j 2.1uu \ ; aj a , arc : itv c. 18th r.n l l ! orco bt. , Oinntin , Nob. Cignrs and Tobacco , MAX MKYHIt&lO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , dim * nml Amiiiunltkin. 215 to ) South llth Strcot , 10W to IttU runiam StrcM , Omulirt , Ncli. r cronv. WEST it nmv CIIRU , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And V'holt , > siilo Dcnlcru In I.qaf TohiuxHif . No * . 10S iui'1 HON. Ulli Htrcfli , Omnlin , Neb. _ Cornices , _ _ Eagle Cornice Works , lolm Rponmor , t'roptlptor. Mmuifucturpr of OahriiiUril him imd Coruloo. ti t Dodco , mid 1J1 nnd HC > North Will Slruot , Oniulni , Neb. IIUKMPINO .t 1101,115 , MimufuctmcisoCOrtmmuntal Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , I'lnnls Uto.UOS. ! lath SH. Workdono in : uiy unit ot tliucniuilry. Western Cornice Works , C. B1T.CIIT , 1'rorirlotor. flnlvnnl/.o < l Iron OoriilcoJ , Kto. 8i | H > 1ilVl'n- rrovfd 1'ati'iit MotnllloSKjIltflit. Mb and 510 S. ISth St. , Oimtlin , Neb. Doors , Sash. Etc , A. 5fimufnctureraml lionlcrlii Doors Sasti Blinds , , , Mouldings , Kte. Btnlr Itnlls a upecialty. Tolepliouu No. 01 15tli Riid Murcy su , Oinnlm , Nob. Electrical Supplies , Electrical Supplies , 1 * W. WUIjKB A ( . , 1 Mnnmle lllock , Omiilin. ! ltir ; ! nr Aiming , Uoll-i , Klin. Aim ' ins I'liHStrlii Miitiln t , Siioakliur Tultcj , Gold , SIlvci- und .Nickel TUtingKlo. . Iron and Nails. O.MAHA .VAIl ) JlANUrACTUUINO CO. , Cut Nails and Spikes , Fir. ) Nulls iv Spcol.ilty. Oinnli.i , Neb. Omaba Iron Works Company , MnHiinory , tY.stJnirs. Sli-Siin Kniriiie % Hollers , Aivhltcutmnl Iron Woik. Iron IlililnoM , Mining npil tlll Mnolil'irry , Olllco nnd woihs , Uiilou 1'iioltU ) It. II. 17th nnd Jbih'dtreots. WIJAJIXRA illlO. , Foundry \Yorks. C'or. Hili nnd .Jaok-oit Sispic'paitvl to do nil ) : lmli ! ol' linn nnd ltrisi Lisiir ! , i ; nlso.O. 0. 's Itouklu Urmo liars UKUiulacturoJ JilaUresses. K. M. HULSC. Mattress Company , Mnnufnrtiu-hw Miittrosfos , IhnWInjf , Kcntlinr I'llo ! s. Cots , ito. : law and ISH Uouplus Street , Oiniilui , Nrl ) . i Overalls. CANFIlir.l ) JIANUFACTOliraO CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shlits , Ktc. , ll't' ' mnUK'l ' Uouglas Slrcut , Oirmlia , Nub. Paper Boies. .7. U WII.lvIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , If 6 P. 14thSt..Onmlm , N < > b. Onlora by mull so licited nnd will receive prompt attention. Safes. Omaha Safe Works , o. ANDitii.M. ; : MnniHcotiirerof Flro nnd Hiircl-ir Proof S''r > . Vniili Peers , . .lull'oik. . Sliuturrt mid Wlru Work. Cor. llth mid.Inckson Sis. , Oniulnt , No ) ) . Soap. P. .T. QliKAI.nV , Soap Manufacturer , Office nnd rnctory , near Powder lln iulno , Omnlin Neb. V/agcns / and Carrbges. OIIATION & DUUMMOKD Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1.1ir > .ind 1117 lUiiiuy t'licut , OiniiliH. Ucli. Polo AKt'iitKln ' Nobrualiu iorJontu' Cclcbiutcd Spilt tlialt Sulkies. A. J. SIMI'i-'ON , TIio Leading Carriage Factory , HPJ jnfJ ] { 11 Uodao Snect , Omalia , Not ) . White Lead. OMAHA WHI'J'R JJA1) ! COMPANV , ( "oiTOdcrs and Clrlnrtm-s ot Perfectly Pnre White Lead , Onmnn , NoD. I ml furtcc , 1'ion ; f. W. Mwad I'jos. : H. W. Yntos. Seo. and Trcaa. OMAHA HOTEL DSHEGTORY. The Hillai'd ' , V ' heftrs , J , R , Market TUot Bwobo , Proprietor Omaha , Nobijiiska. Arcade Hotel , Jniues Ca > eV4 Proprietor , llilfi and I.'U Douj/hirt SI. , Omahu , Nnb. TliopationiiKoof coinuiuiuild mou n pctttfnllr toillclti.U. 'fhny , riil H/jil / UiU Uie boat fa day boiibo west of Chit-ax . , , Tha P. llumsoyA Oo. , . Hnles fi'.OO per day , no diitk looms. Alee 1'Qlnco Hotel fiauta J'Y , Ouuwia , Nctt. Caufleld House , Cor. Ninth end Fnrnnm fts. The bcft f ! pci day hotel In Omaha. HcmodHcd , retniultliol , icdocrmcd ; ono block lioni at my licmi < | iimtrm I opiifitn | IJiikui I'ucilio hoad'iiiiiiicrit : MHI ciuu I PUSH thn door , ( icorire Canlu'ld \ ( * o , piupr.ii * lorn. Alto Union Mock Vard llolul , toutli Omaha. Hotel do Gees , P. GOO8. Proprietor. European Plan. The only centrally located J' ! a duy IIOIIMJ. Three doui-a twin Uojd'H Upenk House and ono-lialf block fioin thu I'o-toiUco uiul tno Court House. 1503 , 1310 , Ibli l-'uruuin tt.Oaiulia Nob. Planters House , 0. E. 1'UHItlS , PHOH1UHTOH. llatii. < , ? 1 no pur U y , Hnoi-t i-i M lii. . i K. I1 Hhulu ono M.ict : of hni-o. ' ' HmiHiUisuceU , Omaha , Nob. Of AHA JOBBERS' DIREOVORY Agricultural Implements. UNINOKH .V MBIX-ALT C Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Ofllco , Conior 6th and J'nelDo Sip , Omnlin. Nob. NToKVfNDOKFI' A MA Wholesale Urnlor * In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd nti ftlci , Oinnbn , Neb. Boots and Shoes. w. v. Monsi : & co. Jobbers of Boots anil Shoes , 1411 t'arnnm Street. Onialm. Nob. Miinufnctory , Summer Htrert lk ) ton. Carpets. S. A. OIU'llAHl ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mnltlngs , Ciu-tnln Oocxls. llto. Uil rnrnnm Street , Uiiiium , NVb. Coal , Lime , Etc , TIKPF w. UKi Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Offlt-c'J18 S. ] | | hHt.Omalin , Neb. Yards , Otli ami livcniort ! | Street * "COUTANT&I Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. Best varieties. onioo.SM.'lS. K.th St. Tclepliono No. liv > , Omnlin , Nob. _ NlvllHASlvA Vll LCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , l\l S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Or.o. C. 'J' < ii. . , President. flt.O. I'ATTFItSON , Bt'O. ( Hill TiTUS. J. H. llui.mnr : , F. A. Proprktor. Jlmingcr. Keoraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NHllltAPKA. OBIco.'US. IMlli Slieel. ToJaplionc . _ OKO. r. LuiAmt. l iw. 0 , 1'.fioomttN.V. Prca. J , A. i-UNDUUAM ) , fcec. and 'I' Omalia Coal , Coke and Liine Company , .lobbt'M otliuixt and soft ooal , SOW a. Utli St. , OniHlm , Nob. _ OMATl A COAL AND PltODUCK CO. Ilard and Soft Coal. i\clustvo ; dcnli'M in Houldor Colorado Coal , 217 eouth 14th btrcct. JSoficc and Spices. Onialia Coffee and Spice Mills. Tend , Coltoiw , Splccg , Halting I'oirdor Klavorlnif Kitruotp , l.iiumiry lliuo , Ink , etc. HH-10 llur- iioy ( stieet , Uiuahii , Nel ) . Commission ! Etc , 1IRANCII & C0.1 Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , JI511'livnuiu St. , Oiniihu. Applet Our ow u pnctt- Inc 1'liitt A. ( o.'s Tiger Ilrniul Oyaterj" , Uuttor , K/K'a ( , Kiiino , 1'oultrf , 1'iitiitoiis. "JOHN v. ] -I\CK , General Commission Mercliant , TiOiHico. I'lovItioiiH , I'milH , Klour mill TVinl. 105 H. Kth Hi. , Oniuli : ) , Kol ) . CoiibUiiiiioiiti bollfltcd. Kctiiriis lucdu promptly. " LOLIS "Jobber aud Commission Merchant. PO , Sausages , Viult1" , Iltitohcra 'J'nolj nnd Buppllns. KlSJoiii-s Bt , W. K. lirDDJiLL , General Commission Merchant FPJCI AMI * s llntlor. IlgtrH , rorclirn and Tn- iriietlo Krnltr ; , IK S. llth. , Omaha , Nob. Tc\ \ ( < - phone No. UMi. IX A Commission and Jobbing , Butter , KPRB mid J'rodueo. A full llun of fitono- i\nro. Coiibit'iiiuonls toliclteu. HU Uod o St. , Omalia. . General Commission Merchant , lintter , Jlpffn. Oliet- " ! ' and Country Produce gon- cmllj , aw S. Kin St. , Omaha , Nub. JICSHAN15 .V SCIlKOHUiU , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Jlcftl ? iatormid I'nt'klrii ; llouirn , lltli k f.rttvoii- vorth St. , un U. P. JL It. Track , Omaha , Nub. KOBCUT PUHVJS , General Commission , 111 B. Htli St. , Omaha , Nob. Spuouiltics Butter Kif'i ( , Poultty and Qiunu. 1'RVCicr intos. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , 3'iodui'U aud Provisions , Omnha , Neb. A. P. SCIIAUIC , Wholesale Commission Merchant , , fiocda and Prtxluc-o No 21iJ 8. U'tli Street , Omaha N TROXEI.T , & WII.MAJIS , Storage and Commission Merchants. rmlta. Hour. Applei , Stem > arti. Olilcr.Vlnnffni , CinF'S.'ods , Iluttor nnd ! ! > . ' } " < . HI. ) iindaiS houlli l ! > tli Gtrrot , Omaha , Nebraska. WIKUl'MAN A. CtTi Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry , lluttcr , Oumo. rniltti , file. KMH. Uth M. , Omaha , A. } . IlU Wholesale Foreign aud Domestic IVnits , Wcnte , I inl , .IdlUv ; , llnttcr. Kira-i , ( "li" te , I'Ac. No. for. 8. 12th St. , Oinninu K.ib. _ _ wrsTHiKiir.n ! : DUOS. , General Commission Merchants , JKC lolro HtriH't , Dnialiu , X boliclted. Crockery. W. iJ WHIGII I' , Abptit for llm Miuiurii'jtiiri u nnd Iinpoitcra Crockery , Glassware , I-nnipc , ChliniiuM ! , J'.tc. Ollli'o , iH7 fouth J3th Km ot Omaha N 'l > . Dry Goou's , .1. J. IIIIOWN .t to. , Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , l.'jlil DOU IUB Struct , Omnlin , Nub. I. . OU.'hllI.lt i CO. . \ \ liok'-alo Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Jliieii3 , I.ticci , Kmbroldnry mid WliJlo ( K IJ DOU./IIIS t-tu.ct Omuhii Neb. Lngincs , uao\vNii.f : , A co. , The Baker Automatic Engines , Pliitlomtry und porttiblo oiiKlnoH , liollcrrmul tliott lion Murk , uHitoiib , umii-iiltinal pumpH.cti ) . I''U I'JIu . Hides , Etc , I , . C. IIUNTINOTON Jc fc'UN , Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow , 1111 Jiick on riiiL'ct , Omaha , .N'clj. M.OMAN IlllOS. , U'liolusalcj Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Emldlrr ) and Minn I liidlnKii , Illdr. . , Wool , 1'uM , l' < Ins ( iroaro. Tallow , Klu. , Omahu , Xi'li. Flour. Etc , Wu. ! Ei5iiiN. OK * . itio.'iAr.iwoN. WM. PIir.STtN ) it CO. Wholesale Flour. K , BlOaii'l 61 : . ' Ploroit hlii'ct.Ouitibn , Nebc 1. A. hriAVAItT A CO. , Wholesale Flour Dealers , And inaiumiui.ii i * oT Hlmnliip.Mu and < , Jl'w , Afjont for J. C. UiilTnifijr ftOo. , Manufacturers of Highest Grades of Flour lly Holier * nnd lliiupnrlnii I'ltx Mi. W roliuu o , lJt3 ! Jones Street. Omnlin. Neb. Y/holcsaifl / Flow , Feed and'Grain , Manufacturer * of W. 3. Wcl tiin : * Co. ' * Quick llnlnlnirlluckwlKMit lloiirnmt proprietors Onmli' City Mills , cor. tu nml FsitmmSU-eoiAO'iuiIui. Furniture , "Tmwuv A SIONK. Wholesale Dealers in Fnrniturs , 1'iirnmn Ptrwt , Omaha , Net' . Groceries. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nml 111 : ! Douirlns Str > cl.tmnlm ) , Ncti. K. 11. CHAPMAN A CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocars , Clears , Tobnrco Hint Sniokcro * Artlcl < - > . 1'17 lloHnniat. MliVRKA lUAl'KK , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , , Clar nml Totmccos , 1317 niul Joe Htrrit.Oniiilia. Ncli. WCCOHU , nUAHV i CDMPANVT Wholesale Grocers , Comer 10th niul rnrnnm titifct , Onu li\ 1'AXTON , OAMaOHKH A. CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noe. 71ft , U > 7,7W and 111 8. IGtU St. , ) mulii , Noli. Hardware. Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , i. Wnon Btoek , llnnlwooil loritpy btreto , Omtiliit , Nob. KUNKV ft ( H111ION , Wholesale Iron Steel , , Wagon And CnrrliiFO Wood RUM-k , llrnvy HanltTBro , Kto. 117 nuil liW ' ' " ' Net ) . llIMiilAUOH & TAYLOU , Builders' Hardware , Tools and llnllalo Sciilcii. 1(05 ( Doui'- las Stun. ' ! , Omaha , Nub. Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinwaro , Sheet lion , Klo. Agents for Mown Kcalco and Miami Powdrr Co. , Onmhn , Hob. Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Hies , Mantles , Gnitos , HriihH poods. 1 ! 1 suid lliii Far- Haul Street. UKCTOH .V W1L11ULHV CO-i Wholesale Hardware and Rails , Emerson Btccl Nails. Cor. lOtli and Mcimor , Onmlut , Nob. Harvesters. VfM. OURIIINO * OO. , CHICAGO , flanufuctururof the Deering Harvester Goods , Write to Win. M. l/irlnicr. ( Irnnrul Agent , Ouialm. TolcphouotilO. Iron Pipe , Etc , _ " "COWINO & CO , Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers , .ors In lion Plpo , Iron nitlnt'ri , Iron and Ooods. Knirtnrcn' Supplies. 14th nud UotlgoSliccts , Omaha , Neb. A. i. . s'riu\Ni COMPANY ; Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Steam , Water , Hallway and .Mllllntr Supplier , Etc. \KU , V ! und ( Kl Fainam St. , OiniUni , Nub. PUMP < XXi Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings , Btonm und Wntor Suppllea. . lleadqiiartcrs. for Mast Foost Co.'BV Goods. 1111 Farnam Street , Onialm , Neb. , ' _ Jewelry. _ IJDJIOI.M Wholesale Jewelers. lloali < r In KlltoriMiro , Diamonds , Wutohe * , ClocM , .Ii'Uoli-iH' ' Tools Btid Mntdrlul * , Kto. , 101 nml list , iDlli t-lii'i'f , Cor. lodfi ) > , Omulia , Neb. . Fish. Etc. " 3ZHZHZ irKEN , S1RMSSI3N * CO. , Wholesale Fish Dealers , Import-TB ol' KoM'l rii rinli.Nos. nil Bin Jones tneot and U. P. Track Ouiaha , Kob. Live Stock. _ Bridge Stock Yards , Omaiia. No A iniliixo Clmi'Kert. Close to II. 1' . Ik ! < ! ( : o. Siicclul oceommodntion nnd u t-r i > il inurlirt tor liurs. K. ( ' . Coupor , Mini- Ofliro. OAI Bouili 6tll baout. M. HITKKU & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( Ifo. liuikc , Miuiutfcr , Union HtocU VunlK , ti. Omaha , Nub. Tole. B83. w. R nrtowN & cxj. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Otlfo-E ! h nso ; liuildlriFr , Union Block Yards , Bouth OinuUu , Nob. Tel ( ijliono No. I50J. J1AUXHY , bON .V CO. Live Stock Commission , I'nlon Slock Yardf , ( iloiiffo , III. , and Oinnlm , Vt'h. 1'riiuk ( 'liitt.iilcn'Iiiinti'i'i'Oriinha lirancli. 'I i-lcphono No. U. Ei'tiitillihod Ifcl'i ' W. I * 1'ATJIICIC i , CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , miRto unat dft , Niuth ( Jiniitjii. Advauuoo mml'j on Union Stock Yards Company , OJf OMAHA. Mmllvl. Jfihn K. II'H'J linpi'dntcndrnt. SA VA : K , Live Stock Commission Merchants , itBiif liny und ikllUndnoi btuvU tulle ! t- fd. Union .Stock Yards , Oiaal.-i , Neb. Lumber , He , " i/LTis iiitAitrohn , Dealer in lumber , Lath , Lima , Fuel ) , Doom , l'lt\ lmdH--i' < ii. 'itli and Cor. I'll ' ) and IKilIN Mauufactiirars of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Jtonldlnt' * , Blair Work and Inlmk.r Jliud WIXK ] Fln'-'li. Just opdiHl. N K. tor. tJlh and Ixjavcn- ftroi'tB , Orimhit , Ni.b. C'HICAKO l.UMIIIilt COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , t4 ! H. Hth Ktrcct , Omiitm , Neb. K. Colpctor , C. X. Lumber , )3tli ) and t'allfoinla Struct , Omatin , J'lir.l ) W. filtAY. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cor. Kfh and llouKluu Mr.is , Onmlni , Neb. ( , i:0. : A. irOAGI-\NI ) Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nibranldi. ' CJ1AH. It. I.UH. Hardwood Lumbar , Wnyon tlnck , VancjiMida Iliidyo Tlrnticn , ic. , S. W. Cor. Vtli and lJougugOi ! .itm , NL > | > , ( I. r. I.YMA.V , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Jiulldlrifc- Paper , itit. : Houth lilli fciiool , Niit Nebraska Lumber Co. Paid In Capital Stock , $ nnoo < M. UiKirfjfa.iiiiiiHilHciiiiTi' ! . .uid wboloK.ilo i c. V.m . i.i ilerrlll. Win. Wholn-idu and i ; j uitl , unuUu , NvU. ill K. Ji u ft OMAHA JOSSERS * DIRECTV ; ; OM MIA U'MIIKR CO. , MriOers < n All Klmloof Building Material at Wholesale , , l tli Street mull' I' . H. It It Truck. Oraulift Ko mnM\N : IMWATT , Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , SOtli nml Ii.ml Pirnr * . Oilm , N J. A. WAKUirU ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Sliltiglas , Unlltllnjr IMpeif , Siish , ivnr * . IIII'iils , Mrt 1 * lnuf > . I'teVrts. 1'ntts Ll > nt' . I'liu-tor. Hair , Cement , Ninth ntuK lot rOumlw Neb. i. 0111:111 : HI mm , IinjMirtcrt niul Jobbers o ( Millinery and Notions , 1214 llnrnoy PtvrrtOmnlin , Musical Instruments. * A KKU'K80N % Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Ptclmvny riormr Wi n r. DccViT. H Hi Ijrpi riimo . I'm Lint Orcnrn , Clm i ll'l ' uiul KXJ IMh Urci t. Notions , Etc , J. U nUANDlltS A PON , Wholesale Job lots , Trv Goo < l , Nolhms , Ocntu' Kiirni lilnfr OoortiK Clo'oi ! from Niw Yojk. TrnOowiloi dully. DC * niul COS South mill t . Oiiinhn. " ' C. S. QOODIIU'H A O > i French and German Fancy Goods , . .i. . . ' nml btnlloiinni' KiindrlM , 1115 I'di * . n a in , Omnlin , Nob. J , t. HobJnson Notion Company , < ffl nnil 405 S. 10th St-Omnlw , Ni t . \VliolcpnloDcnliMN In Xotionn ini.1 IKMil.i1 I P. jooJis. Oils , Etc , CONSOI.IDATUI ) TANK MNU CO. , Wholesale Dealers , in Oils , Gasoline , MKii Axle Oro-im. Rto. A. H. Hlshop , , Not ) . Pork Packing , ifs i : . noYi ) . Pork Packer and Shipper , Omnlin , Ni-tirusltii. HAU1NS& I1SHI5H , Packers and Provision Dealers , Olllcc I'l'loitMnrkeMMi Hodm1 J truor. rae IIOIIMU , IT. 1' . U. U.Trncii , Ouialin , Noli. IVlo- phone No. I'll. Safes and Locks. Agents for Hail's ' Sato & Loot Co.s Vim niul ItuifTlnr I'inot' Siilfs.Tiino Looks , Vaults nn.l Jr.ll work. ] ftU ! Fiirnnm etrccl , Oniohu , Nel ) . Seeds. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , Aprlciiltmul Vegetable , I'u-A OiM roUows' Hall , N. W. for. 14th mid JJodKo'&U , Oinstist , Noli. Drugs , EtCi Wholesale Drdjfgists , Eobliersof I'nlntKO'Jj. Window l l w Kto.r lit * Ilmiuiy Street , Omvlm , Nol . C. GOODMAN , , Wholesale Druggist , And liciilcr In I'ultitp , Oil-i uiul Window Olar a , Omaha , Nil ) . , Wines and Liquors. FRANK DKLLONEj. CO. , , _ - Dealers in Liqnors and Cigars , 1& ! and 104 DuutflusHt. , Ouwbii , Nob. , ' FacHirloNo3. . 4'unUUUI,3 < ; Plft.N. VV fej OKO. W. DUNCAN , ' * . " Successor to MoN/UJAnA &vDtmoANTrjportore Wines , Liquors and Cigars , gllnpd218B.J USt. , Oiiinhn , Nob. ' -I , tn. n. cmotou- ; Wines and Wcsto n Apt-lit JJH. RcMitIliowlnr Oft. 7108. 9th Hirer ! Oniuhn. IlliNHV Yfliolesale Wines , Liqnors and Clears. 1IK1 DoupliiD Mrcfcl.Oumha , Ncl . H.iii : & CO. , " \ Distillers and Imports of Wines Ami LltHirs. | Koto inniint'iii'tilVoraof Xounoily'fl' Dan Jmllu Ulttrre. 1)1 ' lluniey fltrent , Omaha , Nt-b. L. 1' . T.A1ISON Wholesale Dealers And nparc , nint ( l.innrul AjirntH.J'or lliol'hllln ' Cclolirntud MiHvaukoo lloor , Omaliu , Harness , htdif WRL'f V A J NDIIOCK , ( JInnutflctuiorB : uid Jobbers of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turl Ooodi" , Jllr.nlzptn nml ltobi ) . . 1431 i'avnam etroot , Oniiilm. Nob. Chicago , MitautoO , Pau , The From Oiahajo the East. TWOTUA1NSDAILY 111I'V/lEfJNOMAirA AND I'll Ion KO , .Mlmionpoli * , Alllwuiikoo. ft. I'aul , IVxIiir UiipiUs. Davenport , Clinton. liibu ) < | ie ! , lUiclcfonl , Hock Inland , I'lrt'iiort , .Tniicmvlllo , Kltrln , .Mr.t- ( ( , . I.aCrosao , llelolt , Winoiia , " And all other Important points \EMl \ , Korthoos * nn.l HoiilIiciiit.I Tlth < I. ofilro .it HOI Kiirnnui f troet , ( In Pnrtori Hotel ) , mid at I'nion I'uclllo lli < | iotL Pnlliiian lrliiOxiinaiid | tlio Kintft lulnir0IM ! In tlio WoiI'lHioriin on lln inaU ) Illicvi of tlio CIIKMOO.MII.H tei uu.VKr. I'Mjf.'lUli.WAVund iiM'ry attcnlloii in paid to pastriifeja by uuuru > < diifl employ 141 ol t ho CKinpaiiy. It. .Miii.icn , ( J < 'iiL-r.ii.l.iniivcr. ,1. r. Tin KMI , As-Mniu ( U nnral Manuitor. A. V. II. Ouii'fNii.'it , ( iuiii'i-.U Pasaoa er anl TltUot ARMlt , ( ; > . ( . i : . lhAiHiti ) , AAHlbiant ti rneralPa g9 UCT and TiuUut Act'iit. S. H. ATWOOD , PLATTSMOUTH , NEB , Ili-ct < lor of ThoioiiKhbiwiund High Orailu > Hereford and Jcrsgy Carrie S ill. 1 l Miimd JIIM ) Jiiu Sirlno. P. BOYER & CO. M'/UJ.IHIN and Jail Work , _ IG'20 Funtam Silrcet , Omulia , I ob. OMAHA SAYINGS BAM CllHKKH I'rtll tKU DOl I.A | I. Brorh . . . . . . .firoi ( > ) 01 I.UllIU-iY lit" hllll KIIUI.UKIIh 1WJI 0 I I he only i trular suvinxn bank In I. . ) KhiUi. t iv per i.iit ) lutciCHt puld i LOAKS MADEOMEAL ESTATE , JOIIH * U. liojil , Pictidont ; Win. A. Piutmi , Vlw Picildimt ; I , M. llciinott.MmiHvliitrl > i. itetor , Jolm 12 , Wilbur , Uj \ih \ un. Stloiw , r