Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1885, Image 1

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    THE ' .7
YEAK. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY $ ( } imNG , NOVEMBER 4 , 1885. NUjMB.EB.115.
Tlio Empire State EolJa Up a Round Demo
cratic Majority.
Growing the Harlem Witaity. . Thousand
Ahead of Davenport.
The Old Dominion Responds With the Usual
Bourbon Dcwe.
larraloo Leads With Twenty Thoutand
Over Voting.
The Kleotlon Law Cnrrlctl la Cnlciign
The Usual Nchrnnkn Hoiinii Up
to ? eriC iiiil)2lciili Votes Siieofrvlrt
* v limn Foliitii In tlioblnio.
Dlnpiitcliefl Ht'owlnj : How thn Kloc-
tlotiH Want In Vnrloim Pianos.
Kloctlon Day In NIMV Vork.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. a Tlio weather Is coo ) ,
clear nnd iIMIgliUul nnd Rives every promise
f rcimiliii.ffc so all day throughout tlio eastr
nrn p.titof t hcstate . Tliiotighoul the Mo-
linwk valley nml other polut.s fuitli-i-lunth
heavy snow HtormR have piwntlod and it Is
likely thnt bad loads in tli so districts will
cause n lighter vote than would otherwise bo
the case. Both political parties are confident
of success. The democratic committee are
Etlll claiming 80,000 majority for
III1I. The iCDiibllcnns aio n llttlo more
modest , but wlnlc giving no litMires as a basis
for their claim , predict Davenport's election.
Betting last evening wan In favor of the
democrats nt S10 to * ! ' In some places and nt
others MO to Si1 on Daveiipoitbnt It Is hinted
thnt , the futures on both * ldes are made to
order for telegraphic 11 0 to riral district- !
) : ecp up the < 'our.iie of the la thl'ul.
AuiA.vr , "Nov.a. The weather here Is cool
nnd eloudv. A fair vole Is tiding polled , with
considerable trading on local tickets.
EI.MIUA , Nov. ! ) . Tlio day opened cloudy ,
will ) iwnMonal .squalls ol rain , sleet and
snow. Trie ram ol jcslcrdn ) nml last night
Iiti t.Mjttlio loads In a veiy bad condition.
T' * $9kJil Is proceed ! ugly quietly here nnd
the voio bids to no Inir to heavy.
LorKHOiir. Nov. a. Tlio election IB pio-
prcssing quit tly In this city , the full vote
.being polled. The vveatlier Is damn and
chillj. wltli 'Ight ilunles of nleet In the
morning , but the sky is clearing. In the
country towns a falling off iu the vote Is ex-
) M jl < ' < ! .
HriTAT.Q , N. y. Oct 3. The weather Is
cloudy and cold. Thoolectlon in this city is
progic.ssinj ; quietly. The vote in most dis-
dlstiicts wart rather light mi to 11 a. iu.
Tuov , Xi V. , - We her cloudy , but
no rain tailing. The election Is pawing off
qulotly nud Indications are ( ' . ( it tin average
vote vull bo polled. Mrs. Caroline ( Jaiky
llogern , ndvotaloof temnle Mitfruge , olleicd
to vote at LniiBiiiKburg , which wus ret used
liy the inspectors , and she threatened to apply
to the courts tor u mandamus.
Burr'.M.o , Nov. : ! . Shortly before eight
o'clock this morning I'roshlcnt Cleveland
. -walked to the polling place of the 1st
district of the 8th wild , and cat ids
ballot for the straight demociatle ticket. Ho
lemaincd * heie a tow minutes dialling with
oldacquuintaucej and then returned to his
lavy office. Ho will nrobnblv leave tor Wash
ington at 5 o'clock tills afternoon.
UociiKsnni , N. Y. , Nov.'AVestlher fair ,
but n lluht vote Is being polled. Vrederlck
Konp , deiuocrullccandidate for sccietury of
atai ( , is running ot his ticket. In
nearly every district the vote on tbo state
tiekiit Is on strict party lines. The mohihi-
tlonlstK are workiliL- hard and will poll a
larger vole than laht , Tiio contest on
the legislative ticket Is close.
At the republican Mate headquarters It is
claimed that .1 larger republican vote is being
jioilttd than usual. .Neu.s t'rori Brooklyn in
dicates n full lepublican Vote. The
quarteis of the democratic state committee is
crowded with visitors. It is said they have
not bad a single charg" of cutting or trailing
votes. A dispatch wiis sent out over the
Btato at noon declaring that Now Yoik city
democrats vere voting t-olldly and vv.mld
Kivo tlm M.ito ticket 50,000 majority , it is
alba Hinted that more than half ot the vote of
the entire city was polled before noon.
The Day in lown.
DES MOINKH , Iowa , November 3. The day
opened pleas nt , with the weather clear and
cold. Voting is proceeding quietly , wltli the
prospect of an unusually largo poll. Iowa
votes for governor , lieutenant governor ,
Jii'lgeof ' the supreme court , and superinten
dent of education , one-half the senate , and
r.llnf the lower house , four tickets are In
the Held the , lepnbllean , headed by William
Larrnbee. of Fayette county ; fusion ticket ,
rt'picscntfng the democrats and grecnback-
crti , headed by Chailes K. Whiting , of Mciiomi
county ; str.ilght-out or t.John ) ) rohlhltionlht.s
headed by ilumes MeDermutl , of Mills conn-
'ty ; stndiiht j'recnb.iclers ( opposed lo fusion ,
hradedhy Kilns Dotjv of Linn county. The
chief stnte Issue involved Is lu repeal or
further trial of prohll .lion , the fusion plat
form demanding rcpril of pniiiibitlon and
{ substitution of a Koiuinl license law ; the re
publican platform nsking for a fair
trtnl of tlio prohibitory law before any
modification IB made. Tbo senators elected
this year will vote for United States UMiator
two years from next winter , so national in-
IUP.S are alpo involved in the campaign. The
Tote to-day will IK ; compaiwl with tlie vote of
18Kt. when the republican majority forgover-
Jicr was 3,000. The oiiimsltlon vole to-day
will Ite compared with the combined vote of
thu democrats nnd grcenbackers In ISA
There nro 1.T18 voting precincts In the state.
The Old Dominion.
PKTKiisnviio , Va , Nov. , The wealhcr Is
beautiful throughout tlie titate , ns fnr UN hcaul
from. Thu expoctallon h Uiattho vote will
average pretty well up to the presidential
vote of 18SI. The voting here Is proceeding
quietly. No disturbance M anticipated , as nil
aloons closed nt sunset List niglit , notto re
open until Wednesday morning.
IticnuoNi ) , Nov , ! ! . The weather Is clear The flection IB proteasing quiet
ly , both parties vuiklntt hard. At I o'clock
u numbtrof piccuictsln the city hud polled
'over three-fourths of Iho registered votes. At
evernl precincts wlicro the colored vote pnv
itondemtcs , long lines of v oters were natlent ly
taking their tin u. It Is piobablo fiat when
tlio sun | ; oes down many will have failed to
deposit their bullots. Itejiorts fiom other
i parts of ( I'D state show mdllnirofa full voto.
/ It is K ilcrnlly believed ncre that tlio nggro-
' gate vote of the state will greatly
eurpas.s thnt of laft November. Thu
Assoclntcil press icports from hero will be
made from special telegrams from evciy
ficcesslblo point and n comparison of gains
Mid lo > tsi > s will lie mudo with ( lie lu-t elnctton
i Qleveland'H miijorlty was 01II. There
ro over twelvu hundred votlnx pret-lnet-s in
Uie htnto mid the republicans will have to
average a gain of ti\e in each pit-duct to
overcome the majority.
The Outlook ju Fonusylvunlii.
rvij.ADKr.i'iilA , Nov. a A hasty review
Ot tlio voting throughout the city thU mom-
IngrtiattH that the polling Is fully uu to the
avernge , untl leas ncratohlug Is l > elng done
than exiicctnl. Thri rcjiubllcan Ktato ticket la
generally rrcclvlint Hie mil vote of the party ,
apd therein no doubt that Quay. republU mi.
fur BUle tveasuur , will receive at le bt 10,000
mnjorlty In this city. Thre1i !
Ing. of Kuwait , a-publ lean , for uttftjllf. Tim
election of the rest of the roimbllcan t.eket is
Ilio Klnoilon In
HALTIMOIII : . Md. . Nov. n. The election In
Maryl.ind toluy Is for comptroller of staU' ,
clerk of the cniirt < ifnjiji"al-i , all members of
the liot'.yo of dc.U'fiates and 11' members of the
ennto , The election Is pa lng elf quietly.
The content is between irlcniln and enemies
of Senator ( ioriiian.
A dinieiilty occiiriril thli afterooon In the
hoiirtliurd In uhlcli .lobn lh'br > ' > vcooml ( ; )
\\a.s > hol Ilinmsh the lxnly. Thcro is llttlo
none of his recovery , llo 'tolieHiMl another
colored man to vote the democratic ticket
\\hen he was n * riiilliil by others of lu race
and "Sheep" llrown shot him. Urov n has
not l > een nrreslad.
Tim llay Htnro.
HOSTON , Nov. : i This Is an extremely
qiiictaud uiioxeltiugotlntt day In ISoston ,
and In many wards that usually present a
lively appearance this utmost , quiet inevul Is.
I'our ticket * nro lu the Held , viz : Kciular
republican , ' regular demoeralle , iia.lontd
labor , and prohibition.
Tltc Day In Colorado.
DIINVKII , Colo. , Nov. ! ) . The election Is
passinsf off quletiy. The weather is warm
and mtnny. The only stale ofllecr to bo
( 'looted Is judge of the supreme court.
Itollaltlu IteportH Avsurcil liy tlio Ilcc'.s
NOWH Out here rrf.
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. " > . Jlettirim from New
York will be furnlMicd in by the associated
press of New York city , and Mrooklj n by the
city press association. CompailMMi will bo
made with last year. Virginia returns will
bo finiilshcd by joint arrangements with the
associated press , Massachusetts by arrange"
meat with the New Kuglaud associated press ,
and I'e.niiHylvanla by arrangement with the
principal newspaper and press agents.
Niw YUUK , Nov. JJ. [ Special to the UKD. ]
llili IIUH undoubtedly carried the slate of New-
York by from 10,000 to 18,000 majority. The
democratic newsjmpers nil claim aflweeping
victory , and In the pool rooms even money is
being on'oicd that Hill Is elected by 10,000
majority. Fltz Hugh Lee Is probably elected
governor of Virginia.
Now "Yurie.
NKW YORK , Nov. a. toil out of Til election
dMrlcts plvo Davenport iJ,331 : , Ciirr 4aoB ; ,
Hill 07u ( : , , Jones ( Vi.Htl.
lir election districts nnttlilo of "New York
and King * counties Klvo D.ivcupoit Ul.ii'i ,
Hill Isi.bS ) , Imicom 1'JL' . ' . Tim same districts
last > car gave IJliilnoiJr.sW , Cleveland iW,10 ,
St. ilohnOlo. The net ilemooratic gain is
YN. Nov. n. Sin ilNtrlct" give Hill
1.VMH , .lones H. fJ , Davenport J5lil. , ! Carr : > , -
Ojy , liascom 74s.
A Lit A NY , Nov. 0. Albany county , estl-
ma'ed ' tioin meagre returns , plve Hill 2.000
majoiity us against Tl'i for Cleveland last
_ YnitK , Nov. 3. Ono bundled and
thi ily-i even election dlstilclsoutsldnot Now
Yoik and KliiKS county give Davenport
iis.K > , Hill lS,10d ! , Bahcom lib. Tlio same
districts hist year gave Itlalnow.l5' : , Cleve
land ! i" > , ! isj , bt. John 1,117 , a net democratic
gain of 800.
Ili'iTAi.o , Nov. a. Davenport's rilurality
in Kiio county is Cbtimated at HHJO ( , a gain of
over 1,000.
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 3. For sheriff 20 out of
7li election districts give Jaeobus. rep. , 15 X ) ,
U'hito , county democracy , 1T35 , Uraut , tain-
iiiuny , 15-11.
ALBANY , Nov. R. Indications are that
lba'ny county- will give iiMH ) demociatie
majoiity. Last year it gave 015 democratic
JliiFKAM ) . Nov. S. The democrats concede
Kite county by lr > 00 majority. The lepubli-
can committco estimate a majority of 2,000
for Davenport. Last year Ulatue Invl a plu-
rallty of 1.4'jo.
Tnov , Nov. a. Tlie voting liere has been
light. The lepulilican stale ticket lias run
well , Cair is ahead of his ticket. Indica
tions are that Dickinson , iep. . will cairy the
Third district for the as.-'iiiubly a republican
gain. The Second district wlllmslici Deineis ,
rep. , without opposition. The 1'irst city dis
trict Is close. Uepoit.s fiom eonutry towns
show a light vote. The vote for the county
ticket U close.
UUPPAI.O , Nov. 3 , Hepoits am coinlnc In
fairly , but are still incomplete. The cutting
of tickets Ins been larger than in uny pievl-
ous year. IJihsel , dem. , for senator. In many
of the wards runs ahead of his ticket I'Mongh.
it Is believed , to insure his election by a small
majority Assembly returns a > e as yet very
Incomplete , but they Indicate that the politi
cal complexion will bo the samu its last year
except in the Third district , which is veiy
close. The heads of the state ticket comp.uo
favorably with tlieolty , except In some ot the
German waids , where Hill runs behind.
Carr's supporters ( sained many votes in the
city , esaily In the Irish wants. Thirty-
four dfsi vpf the city gave Davcnpoit
10.5W. , ( 'a * 'Vi.'l , Hill. al , 7 , .lones 8.IH7.
The country tiiutrlcts are coming In slowlv ,
but tliti.v show gains fur Carr.wnllc Hill holds
his own.
UTICA , Nov. 3. The weather Is col.i and
rnlnv ; voting is light. Itcports irum all
waids indicate that Hill will have npwardsof
500 majority in Ills city.
O.HWIUIO , Nov. 8. Weather cloudy , with
rains at intervals. A light vote Is being cast
in this city. Hill Is running ahead of ids
ticket , Carr is getting some demociatlc
votes , and losing a tew lopublican. He
piobably will bo somewhat ahead of his
ticket. Reports from various paitsofthe
county state the roads are in bad condition ,
and Indicate a tailing elf of at least bO per
cent of the total vote.
NP.W Ytmu , Nov. a.Now York City com
plete gives lavenpoH75. lH , Carr 70hH ) , Hill
1SI.7M , .loiieH UM..t'.i. HI'Iover ' Davenport ,
JviM ; .ioucrt over Carr , 4I,11U.
ThoTilhunocbtinKites Hill's plurnlity nt.
HitooKi.YN' . Nov. ! ? . Two hundred and
blxty-t'our election districts of Kings county
uivo Hill U.VI , majority oxer li\enport. )
This Includes 7 districts of the comity towns
und Krooklln city complete , all but U dis
NKW YORK , Nov. ft-Mldnlght.-The elec
tion In thin city to-day was conducted quietly
und eainestly. Of Ihoaio.ooooters who reg
istered JityWX ) went to tlio i olls. The geneial
teellng thatthceontetiton the. governorship
\ \ oiiklw-i - close called returns fiom this city
to bo e.ueny ; looked tor. It was > genenilly
aclmlttul that if Hill conhl leave this county
with 45OvO majority over Daveiipoit his elec
tion was asmned. Ho secuied that majority ,
and the 11,04X1 majority from Kings county
added to tlio hopes of his patty. His major
ity in New Vork and King * count ) would in-
dlcuto Ills election , Uie Interior ot the
state Fliould give sonm unusual surprl c/i
not to IMS prtsheted by provloiiH oxiHTlences
In state elections. Ciur ran but a low
bundled ahead of ids ticket , , md not hiull-
clent to justify the hopu that while thu repub
licans iiiiKlit not beat their governor they
might their lieutvnant-governur. the same
candidate who had been elected seciotary ol
state when there wus uu otherwise demo
cratic victory.
IntuiiMi looitllntcivst was manifested In thu
contest on fmcrilf , Ueturnti began early to
allow that the Issue would bo between Hugh
,1. Grant , the Tammany candidate , und John
\V. Jacobus , icpiiblican candidate , Andicw
J , \VhiU- , the county democracy candidate ,
was In thu tear. As is usual on election
night , the headquarters o ? every political 01-
ganlzatlon in the city was crowded with people
ple anxloiib to learn the latest news from thn
vurlouti election dlstrlclf. The democrats
gathered at rhiokwing hall , the. Tauim.iiiy
Imue.s at their big wigwam , Irvliia liall
democnus at Irving hal | , and the republicans
nt the ( Si and opera house. In cnch of HIUMJ
places IT ui i uscru read as fast as leceived.
The largest crowds iute ! mbul ! ? .t Tuimuany
hall mid Uio ( ! mud OJHMU hou&e. When the
ills-patch announcing Governor Hill had
rnrriiHl New Yoik city by such a majority as
to iiiuke his election nlmoat ccnaln uus read
itlTtiuiuiany ball Ihegiftiteat eutUusla-smpto
valk'd ijUoullut ami Uurnvlia couIU U ;
beard for several blo-k' . The republfeani
cany cdiirrilnl Uie fact that the c'ty ' lui'l irene
dem-fcratle. b.itiiiaint.iiitet | itiUila late notir
the state had gone for D.xveiiiKitt.
Pt-niisnuim : , Nov. S. Tli6 rcpubileanH
carry the city by 0X0 majority. A dispatch to
Oneral ilahono says SUFOX county Is eolld
for the republicans. The follov.'lng hasjus"
been received :
Utciuio.v'n. Va. , Nor. n. Onx M UIONK
\ t ry quiet , orderly election In Richmond
A largo vote and about SiMof our vote lett
out in JihckKon waid , bur 1 think we have
held our own. .lon.v S. Wisn. , Nov. 't. Stauntoit and three
adjoining pfcclncls lvo Leo 176 majority , a
icpiibll'ian vain of-CJ.
WiNciiKsrni : , Nov. 3. AVIuchestcr Rl\cs
Leo 15 majority , a democratic gala of OS over
the prcnidcnltal votj of last \ ear.
AiixANi : iitA. Nov. -Alexandria ( "Ity
gi\es Leo OKI majoiUy. Massey mas behind
the ticket HI votes. Thn democrats rarry
evorjwanl. . tJtnart , for the house of dele
gates bus Wl majority and is elected.
LYXt'iniui.a , Nov. : . - - This city gives Loon
n majority of. W , again over last year of V15.
I'arKiusiH'JKi , NOV. a. The bceietary of tlio
republican coinmlttc ( ! at Lynchburg tele
graphs that 'XO colored volnra were left in
line In the Third ward there when the polls
AI.KXANIIKIA , Nov. a. Alexandria county.
outHlde of AlcAandria city , gives Wise 11
majority. This gives the city und county t
Leo by i3l majority anil to tiiu.ut by KJa ni.i-
WASIIISOTOS , Nov. 3 Special dispatches
to the Post liuiu deuiocratle county ebalrmen
In U ! out of 11:1 : towns and cities of Virginia
show demoeiatic gains of more than , " 00
over the picsiduntlal vote.
Nonror.u , Nov.rwtsinonth : : glve-i Leo
fi35 majority , a gain of JOT over Cleveland s
I'liTKHsuuno , Nov. 3. A dispatch to re-
mibllean headouarters from Lynoldmrg says
Leo hasJW ) nmforlty , a lepublican gain ot100
over ls > ( . At Hamilton the icpublk'ans gain
1)0. ) and as at doidonsville.
Two-tbhds of thu Mill' of this city Is ea t
and the belief at republican headquarters Is
that the lemibllean majority will beirom 1,000
to 1'JOO. Dispatches fiom republican somees
it-sen that thsuo ballots are being used by
their opponents.
CiiAui.oTTSVii.r.K , Nov. " . The election
passed off quietly. Charlottsvillo gives a
democratic majority ot - ' " ) . Thci cure largo
demociTitle gains In the county. Tlio entire
democratic ticket Is elected. There are linte
democratic gains in Orange , .Madison , and
( iiceno counties.
WivriiKhrnn , Nov. 3. Tn Frederick nine
districts shoxv a democratic gain of 4a over
the presidential vote. ) , Nov. 3. Patrick county haw
gene democnitieby about 400 , a gain ot UX ) .
Ai.uxAxniiiA , Nov. a. Tiio election hero
la pushing quietly , ami a large vote is being
polled. Several lepublicans have voted for
Lee , and Mas-njy has been scratched some by
the democrats.
WiNriusriii ; : , Xov. 3. Sliennndoah county
pees democratic , a gain of ono member of the
Kirii.Mo.NT ) , Nov. 3. Upturns icceived up
to".xtp. : m. Irom about 40 voting precinct.- ' ,
Including voting places in several of the
doiibttul counties , t > how not de.nocratlc gains
of about 1WH ) .
STAU.NIO.V , Nov. 3. Ten precincts in Au
gusta county give Lee 400 majority , a rcpwV
lican gain ol'O'J. Egau county gives -Ot ) it-
publiiMii maioritv.
I'irKitsituiii ! , Nov. " . A Fort Monroe tel
egram to the lepublican headquaiters sajs
Klizabetli City and county gives Wise WO
KICHMUXII , Nov. 3. Ciilpopper county
gives a democratic majority ot tiom UOJ to-iio
and icturns a democratic ntcmbur to the
UICHUOND , Nov. 8. The republicans con
cede Hik'klngham county by tiuout. 100 , a
demo.'raticgalnof 100. This will return two
democratic members to tlio house. This
county was considered doubtful.
1'CTKKsnrnn , Nov. a. A dispatch to the
republican hivulquurivis Irom Norfolk to
( ion. Mahones.iys : ' t'ho enemy claim 303
majority ; gioss miscount , and two precincts
besides were shut out in the fourth ward. "
llAiinisoNiiiTiiH , Nov. 3. Kecket'si Nidge
and Shcnandoah , both doubtful counties ,
have gone democratic ,
NOHFOI.K , Nov. : > . HodijfB , republican , is
elected bv 444 majority In the Portsmouth
City and Norfolk county senatorial ilistrict ,
which was repiesented lu the last legislature
b.iohii Callahan , a Mahoiic republican.
DANVII.I.K , Nov. a. Danville gives the
democratic ticket 440 majority , a gain of00. .
North Danville gives I'M majority , a gain of
: w. Full ret m us are not in from this county ,
but democratic pains are imported.
Iiicn.Mo.Nn , Nov. 3. Twenty-two out of 3-1
j01 ity'.2,042 , a demociatio gain of 7VJ. Sev
enty-four pivcinets outride of Richmond
show a net democratic gain of ' "JO. Returns
from the counties classed as doubtful , such
as Ciilpeppcr. Prince Kdwatd , Halitax ,
Chailotie , liocK K ridge , liocklnglmm , Alex-
undria county and city , show that the demo
cratic legislative ticket has been elected in nil
of them , which will uivc ; the democrats a
good majority in both bouses.
Picrr.usiiiMUi , Nov. a. At 11 p. m. Ocn.
Maliouo.summed up the situation as follows :
"The democrats have carried the state and
legislative ticket by the unscrupulous use of
the election machinery , over wliich they have
absolute control , and which was provided b :
their bust usurping legislature o.xpiessly wltli
this end In view. "
STAUNTON , Nov. 3. Half of the precincts
in Allegheny county give the republicans a
majority of HI. At thcsamcratlo thoeounty
will clve the republicans a majority ot'iW , a
gain of ta. Half of the precincts of Augusta
county give Leo 800 malonty. These me
largo voting placen and snow a net rcpubll-
cm gain ol 101. lint llltlocan be heard from
Highland and Hath counties , as they are re
mote from telegraph lines. The majority in
Allegheny Is claimed for lepiiblican repre
sentatives In place of the democint.4.
I'KTKitsiiiiiui , Nov. a. General Malione re
ceived the following fiom Portsmouth : "Tho
city has cone democratic bj ixw majority ;
Norfolk .TOO democratic , lilg chance for n
contest. "
AI.KXASIHHA , Nov. ! l The Ga/ette says :
I'eturns lioui all pails of tlio state show dem
ocratic gains and Indicate that Lee's majority
will reach 0ooo. Already live or lx arc-fu
sions have l > ecu made to Die dHmocnitleMde
of llieliouhoof ilelcirates and no losses are
icpoiled. Chairman liaibour. from dispatches
received by him , Is confident the democratic
majoiity will reachUo.OOO , nml In this view
( Si'ii. Lee , who Is here , concuis. Itaibour
thinks the majority In tl.e legislature will ho
fully as largo as last year , when they had
two-thirds , Southampton , Mnhone'd own
county , gives a democratic majority of ax ) ,
und f.o it Is all over the btato- unexpected
DKS MousesNov.3. ; ( .Special totlmUiiK. ]
The Issues involved in Iho election to-day
are both stale and nat'oual. ' In the f-t.ito
mattcj-s the tnslonl ° ld demand the repeal of
jirolilbltiou nnd the substitution of a , general
license law. The lepnblican platfoim nsks
that the prohibitory law hi given a fair trial
before It Is either repealed or modified. The '
republican platfoim declares among otner
things In favor ot electing railroad commis
sioner.- , and In favor of icjpiiiing foreign
corporations doing hu.slm.-H In the Mate to
incorporate under the , laws of Iowa. One-
half of thu state tcii.uo IH to bu itlccte < l Unlay.
Tluv-o twenty-live members will vote two
years hence for a United State * senator to
f > uec.c < > d.fumes F. Wilson. Hciiciitluiqiicstloii
uf the tariff , the fciippict-xd southern \ute
and other national issues do iut enter Into
the campaign. Them aio four htalo ti'-kets In
the Held. The republican ticket In us follows
For ( 'oveinor , \ \ illlHiu l.anahcn ; lor lieuten
ant governor , J. A. T. Hull ; I'oi ju-lgii ol ( ho
supreme couit , J. M. lleck ; fuf nmcrlntcnd-
cntof ediicatiun , John \V. Alters The In-
sion nominees , rupicscntliif , tlio demociitln
and urecnbnckerti. me ; For governor , Charles
K. Whiting ; for lieutenant governor , K , II.
Gillette ; lor jiulgu of the supreme , courtt
\VIH2ftui F. Braunan ; for nui rintemkiH ot
education , F. W. Moorf. Tlio htruiglit ureeM-
backers have nomlnstf I hti > te ticket for the
sakoofinalntaliiinKUioiuily ogiiill ation. It
Is headed liy Klias Dot ) lorgovernor , cJidJ. . ! .
Clark for lieutenant jfoveinor. TboMuhtM-
tluuists , who ran a tit. John U < : kvt last full
and obtained for It a ffiw iinnflml votes , have
nomitiativl n ttatetiekctttito your.
Thciirst pn > ctnctto"n. > jvm.lii the ftntc Is
Palon , Uix-en 'ounty , which wives a net re
publican gain of 13 voto9vou thu vote of
OXAWA , Nov. a rsp < * litl to the
Wiley K5V Campbell CT. Wlloy | iindoubt-
( .nlly elected. Tim county IH clo. on purer
nor , thoiuih tlie ilcmoeniw Imvo tietMi claim-
lug It to-day by ' . " ) to 00 iimjority , but the
republicans : in ) nowluipefurand will reduce
this less then 100 , If noUwlpo It out alto
gether. PrimUIn Wiiihlp1 jjives
S majority and Wlloy 10. . - " ,
Dr.s MoiNirn , Nov.-U. rte | day has been
fair heiv and over th"vttttr \ as reported ,
und a heavy vote lia-s Kvn polled. Kclurns
will bo late.ns a largo proiKirtlon of polls will
bo kept open until Un < i ook. Itcturns will bo
UMit the ussociatvHl piess lu Mimmnrii > s of pro-
clncts as fast as received , showlru' the net re
publican | .ain or f > ss. Comp.irliioiH
will bo Hindu with the vole on gov
ernor in iss. when 'those candidates
were in tlm field , but. the demociatie nnd
greenback vet them wilt be added together
and counted ui in opposition to the republi
can vote. In that year the republican caiutl-
date for governor bad tt , < KW majority over thu
combined opposition.
Dis : MoiNK" . Nov. SL Ninety precincts
give u net republican gain of 3 .7.
DPIIUIJUK. Nov. a. KUight , democrat , Is
elected senator in Duhuquo county by an es-
tiimucd , WK > majority anil Lliichan nnd
lialdwln , botli ileuiooraU , as lepivsenUillvcs.
DAvr.Ni'otir , Nov. : i. h. Wi Uraily , a leadIng -
Ing npli it of the prohibition party , was inter-
viuvvod this evening. He espiiisseil couit-
deuce In his paity polling fully 4,00) votes
tlnouuhout the Plato. Tiicse voles , lui de
clared , represented the htrengtli of thu prohi
bition pai iv in the state.
DKS.MOININ , Nov. a. rho entire rejuibli-
cau ticket is elected in thla ( Polk ) county by
mi average majority of'.CT.
Dr.s Motxr.s , Nov. . " . KMimatcs at repub
lican headquaitcrs , based on returns leoeivo.d
up to 11:15 : p. m. , give a republican majority
on the state ticket ot 17,000 to ) , . At dem
ocratic hcadqmutcrs no estimate is ma lo on
the stale ticket. The democrats claim the
election ot members of tlm- legislature in
Scott , Dubuiiie | , Potiawotlamle , Wapollo and
Tama counties. '
Dis MOIM ; , Iowa. Nov. 3. Ono eighth of
thu state lias toporifd on thu sl.ito
ticket mid this with' ' a net iciui | > ll-
ean Kiiln oxer IbSH of 1 SJ7.
If this Is continued it will give a republican
majority on the si-ite ticket of lo.OA Tno
rejiorts arc from Cities and towns. So far the
county townsnips will probably increase the
republican majority a thousand or so beyond
this estimate. Tlu republican state commlt-
tee claim the legislature by u majority of
lltteeu on joint ballot.
Ur.ATi'.irr , Nov. 3. [ Special to the Bur. . ]
Gage county polls n light vote. Theesti.
mated republican majority on tlie state ticket
is fiom l-3a ! to 1,530. Jieturns come .slowly.
A part of the icpubllcau county ticket is
elected , tlic balance doubtful. Township orion -
ion is ] > rouaby ! carried.
. ASKACirv , Nov. ! ' . [ Spaclal to the
13ii.J : : The election pns-ed off very quietly
and asmail vote was cast ; tickets \veru liadfy
sci-atoheil and returns are coming in slowly.
Tno democrats claim the election ol JUiguue.
Ib.idly tofctrensinvr , 'Thus. Moigitu for
county jud e , and Wallace Stevenson tor
county clerk , whi.e this lepabliauis claim the
elOv-tlon of tlie v\iiou tlcKCt. > There ! : no
doubt but that Wash McCuJlum is elected
rherilV and Wm. YalenUiro cOunty biiperiu-
CunrK , Nov , 3. [ Special to the Hni ; . |
Crete city on tlm slate Ucicet gives ST icpubll-
can majority. Friend vUla'4osu. : ( ieroruns
behind his ticket. Keturns indicate the elec
tion of Carj , ticasmer. Uiiriou , sheriff , anil
Iho commissioner , coronen and surveyor all
lepuhlluans. Dawos' t'rleud.s < - treachenmslv
cut thd republican ticketi ' Avlnno prohibi
tion vote was polled. The state ticket in the
county will have about WU majority.
Fir.uMQiiK , Nov. a. [ Special to the BEE. ]
I'll I more county gives a majority to tlio repub ;
lican state Hekel. The toiiuwing were eio.'tr
Cil ol the republican county ticket : K. K
Cobhs. " cleric . ; A. Adams-.treasflrer . ; It. V
- ' ' '
Shiekio :
Keturns are comingjrr-vury slovr. ' Hottril -
ets badly cut all over the county. TJJK 'ily
vote is not yet.counted , and 'OnlyFoui ' > pro'-
cincts heard trotu. It Is Uiqiight thatForjiey ,
rrp. , lorcletk , and Moi > e , deiii. , for trea-
suier , aio elected by good niajii ltie < r , Com
missioner , county jU | ge , anrt,1 lierili'hris very
uneortain. Cobt ) hwJ ! i majority Ir the city.
Here was badly scratched.
SCIIUYI.KII , Nov. a. [ Special to tlio BIIB.J
Collax county's eutiiu republican ticket is
elected by major ille.s ranging Irom 10J toOOi ) .
Cobb's majority Is about -Mi.
Kr..ui.viv. : Nov. a. J Special to the IJr.K ]
The lepitblicaii state ticUet is I tinning
ahead of the democratic two to one. Tin !
entire county ticket will lo elected , and
most all pnsuuct republican tickets. A haul
light was made on Sheriff Schors for deliver
ing Zimmerman over to the United States
marshal , hut returns show him running away
ahead or the ticket. A good ottrw.w polled
over the entire county.
ll.vsii.vus , Nov. a. [ Special to the HBB. ]
The election Is very quiet , but little inter-
Cot manifested and verv light vote polled in
this city. The city of Hastings gives the fol
lowing icMilt : For supreme judge , Cobh771 ,
Arartin ! J74 , Hewolt US ) . For regents. Oeic
7vi , P.uruham 71 , Livingston 275 , Xoelin Wi ,
Graliam U7 , Taylor UO. Tlie republican
county ticket is elected. Thn principal light
was over the treasurcrdhlp. MeChny. the ie-
piiDlic in candidate , is probably elected by tXK )
majority. '
LI.NCOLN. Xov. 3. Thlrty-ciglit prcoinctH
outsidn of the city bear out an estimate of
18OOJ republican majorltv. TIu anti-monon-
ely vet lias practically dilapidated. Tno
puihlhition voio will reach fi.UJO In tln-Kl.itc.
LINCOLN , Oct. 3. The election In this
state to-day was of no spec-lal Imporinnce.
and passou elf very quietlyj The multiplicity
of the local tiokest biouglH a good vote. The
slate ofllces voted for me u jildgo for tlio BII-
piemeeouit and two regent. } of the univer
sity. Returns will comu In slowly as MHIIH
counties have live Icciil tickets ; none less
than thioe. Itlsnol probable any dennltu
Iniormation can In- given tu-nlglit , ttiough it
may bu taken for granted that thu republican
state ticket Is elected. In this city there Is
much scratching ami the count vvlii bo slow.
Thuicpuhllcans will possibly lose their can
didate lor the treasury.
Illinois ,
CJIICAOO , Nov. D. Appearances at tlio dif
ferent iMililntf plac < s here to-dny Indicated
that the vote will bo lighter than usual. As
yet no official returns Imvo been received.
Thu best Information to bu had from various
sources leads to the information that thu elec
tion law is carried. Tlio polls did not close
till 7 o'clock , which will delay 'until n Iain
hour the receipt of adequate returns upon
which to base u conclusion ua to thu rcsint.
CiURAno , Nov. a. From iierurni thus far
iccolvtd the lnter-Ocea.ii iigtiroa that the city
oleUion law is undoublciUyiCRrriMl. Other
authorities aru not so certain. It looks as
though the democrats uny galniiif ; giouud
vvhcru the county commissioners aiu con
cern id. Hctuiiu aru now about1 half received.
CiitfA'io. Nov. a. InttT.Oc'tau Klgln , HI. ,
siH.vI.ii : Thu special election .tor coii'jn s-
miiii for the nlth dlstrhitto /ill / the vacancy
causal t > y the death of Hculicif Ellwood , was
vcn quiet. HopkiiiH , it'jmbUean candidate ,
Is nlicad , Hishop , ) ) oiiluM ) t tlie democrats ,
received n veiy Ifght votf. ) i-
"lloynnd all doubt ti | elly election is cnr-
rifd. " said the Dully Newtr fmnsparcnuy i.t
10:30 : o'clock. The jvopular iiitarest hero Is
almost entirely cculvml'ln Uie vote o ! the
new election laws , the ( IciuocraU linvlng hi-
dorsi'd the republican nominee for judire.
rifty-seven prcelncti jfnyufiiat1 * ' " 1-13 fl' ( ) illll |
'J.y.Hlntrainbttlmeleclion low , . For coinmls-
sioners , thn dcmocmta a\v tlteaiL
'A , Nov. a. s. 11. KinUe , rep. , carried
this city to-day by over 'flto majority , u clutug
since the last mayor's election of 1,100 votes.
CHICAGO , Nov. it igni. Tvvu hundi-ednud
thlvty-teven precincts have sent in tetiiiim
\vhlca iiintco ft. a certainty thnt the eltylec (
tion Jaw Is carried. Two republicans nnd two
democrats have been olec'Utd ' Oounty comml.-i-
Kipnerd. Other names on the ticket uiotllt
in lUnibt. Now that It U Known that , the el : -
tlon law TicU popular Interest Uailiu-goly
BOSTO-V , Nov.The JIaK > .vliu : > xitt' ' ) ,
election itfw Oumnor , tititouivr und the
Ic-lnialuro. Tlio Mty of Hoston , 67 precinct' ' ,
give Hoblnsoii , rep. , 8 , M , Prineo , drm. , 1' ' , .
7il Ten towns In the state Rive I'rltire
RM , Hoblnsoii l.fiJS. Tl.o smuo towns In 1SSJ
gave llobiiigon 3.KM. llutlcr ! , ( ? .
' 1 ho twentieth district will probibly e'ect
one democrat .Mid ono republican representa
tive , and the twenty-Urn dbdrlet Iho same.
In many towns nrdfosuo cities no prohibi
tion ornn'luiml labor tickets were scon. It U
admitted ( he democratic slate ticket will have
SH majority In I'Wtsni'ld. Hnvorhlll will be
earned by the republk'ntis. Kver.vwhero the
imw liquor law. nrst put In opu-atloti this
year , was rigidly enlorvcd and nil saloons
The full vole of New Bcdfoid Is : Robinson
1,787 , PiincefcilT , Latlidp lltt , Sunnier L
The followliiK is the total vote of IJoston
for goveinorJ I'rltico 'JJNJ ) , Itobltiwni 18-tiO ,
BOM ox , Nov. .T. The Herald says : He-
( uvns fj-om the Mate nt huge nro verv mrnvru ,
hut considering tlu\denmuttUc la-win Boston
( l.-M.'i ) , indications point to the election uf
Hobliibon , Vep. , liy iv largo majority.
Boa ro.v , Nov. ; > . - Late returns have caused
many surprises in the election of members of
the f-euato nnd house In prtrtlculnr. Lynn
ban been carried by tlm republicans for tbo
llwt liiiio in live yearn , nnd also elected four
outof live rciire entiitlves. in Lowell sena
torial district Llliey dcfcatn M.irdcn a dem
ocratic triumph and Nnpham. dem. , lias
hern elected to the scnnto liom South Boston
district , another surprise. AIger , dem. . de
feats CltnmlHirlain in Cambridge senatorial
district , which Is considered iv great victory
bv the democrats. Morn * , d-'iu. , defeats
llnrl. rt > p. , In the tirst Norwiilk district. The
plurality of Kubluson , for governor , will
probably ren''h over'0,000 ! , Fall Hlver. des
pite the labor vote , was carried by U > blnson.
The .Journal , rep. , claims Koblncon is elect
ed by a plurality of ' "fi.coo.
BOSTON. Nov. ; i One hundred and thirty-
four cities nnd towns , luc'udug Boston ,
Woice.stor , Kail Hlver , Now Bedford , Fitch-
hnrj ' , . ( iloucester , Havothlll , CholRea and
Brockton , give Hoblnsoii M,4tK ) , and Prince
Bl > > 30.
Woiicr..sTiti , Nov. Worcester plve.s Holi-
Insou ; tS , ! > > , Prince ! lt7i : , Lathrop 2S1 , Suui-
nei'7. A very small vote has been polled in
tills city nml county.
BOSTON , Nov. . ' ! . Ono bundled and fifty-
nine cities nnd towns , iucludint : tipriugiield
und Tnunlou , nlvo Hobinson , iep. , tor gov
ernor , ( K.7.i. ) Prince , dem. , W..KK
BOSTON , Nov. : t. 'Uoston eleyts 10 republi
cans , ! M democrnt.s. and U ludnpendenLs. Tlm
collected vote of the city of Boston IP ,
Piinco'W,001 , Hoblnsoii , tS.-ITS , Lathrop 3 $ ! ,
Sumuer 10- , ' .
"PiurjvunM'iiiA , Nov. 0. The election
to day passed oil very quietly. The
v ealller was ele/xr and cold , with a gusty
wind blowing. The only state olllco to be
filled was Uiat of tt to tiea-surer. ifattbovv
Stanley Quay was the republican , nnd Con
rad B. Day the democratI candidates Barr
Hnangler ran on the piohibltlon ticket , and
William D. Whitney as the greenback labor
nominee. Lajt venr IJIaino bail a plurality
of 81,030 , nml fu U > 83. when the last state
treasurer was chosen , the lopublieaii cuidl-
dnto was elected by n majority of 'JO.OM. Com
parisons to-night will bo made with tlm vote
of issi. - - A > v * V
The interest in the Philadelphia couutv
election centnren upon the contest for sheriff ,
W. Ellwood Howan being the icpuhUcnn and
Dallas Sainlers the deinoernlie candidate- .
Howan vvmi opposed by the cltlxens commit
tee of 100 , which has been m piomiuent in
local elections for s me years past , on the
ground that ho wad the repicMMianlive of
"machine politics. " Howan in ISTtl was de
feated for sheriff by Wright , dem. , by 7,31-1
votes , although the Hayes cle"tjrson the
same day iccelved 15,000 majority.
PirrsntTiio , Nov. 8. The elect !
districts. Thu "worker" wa.s conspicuously
absent.and voters were compelled to select
their own tickets from cigar boxes placed on
unguarded stands outside thc polls. There Is
-ycry.little cxcltcment-(0ii ( the ntroet 1-aiCiir'
iitsual occitrritlicdheretofore. JleUirnRiinit
NoV. S. Tiopa county
gives Quay 2,500 majority , a republican gain
of Kl. _
Now .Jersey.
TKICNTON , Nov. 8. The election in this
slate p issed off very quietly , no serious diti-
turKiii'coB b < 5lng''reporte < l fiom nny of the
polling places iiT 'counties. In 7 counties ,
those ofBcrgdn , Burllnpton , Cape May ,
llitntitigUin , Middlesex , Passaic nml Sussex ,
state senators were elected. They will serve
three yearn and will vote upon the next
United States senator , who will succeed
Uencial William J. Bowel ! , rep. There nro
sixty ns euibly districts in the Mate , and one
member of thu statu house of
assembly vyas elected tntlay from each dis
trict. Lost'ycar the state senate was com
pos d of 11 republicans and 10 democrats ,
and t IIOHO oMho assembly ot 'M tcpuhllcans
and'.Mdcmoc'i-ats , giving tlio republicans a
majority of 13 upon Joint biillot. Nine of
Iho senators holding over are lepublicans , so
they will control that body at the next sslon ,
it' their candidates were successful lu any
two of the s-oveu districts in which the eena-
tois were elected Ui-ihiy.
HAKTKoni ) , Nov. 3 , The election in this
plate Is for members of the legislature only
and tlm vote is consequently light.
Il.vr.Troitn , Nov. R. Idglity-slx towns , In
cluding Hartford , New Brltian , Noiwlch ,
Bridgeport and Staiuford , elected 01 republi
can sand fiO deinocrntji to the Lcgislatinc , a
democratic gain of in. Tin ; name districts
last year gave Blalnn 4 : > , t8 , Cleveland : ,1W ,
St. John 13 , ! O , a democratic gain of 1,400.
HAHTifoiti ) , Nov. . ' ! . Onu hiindied and
thirty-three towns elect 101) ) republicans , lu
democrats , 1 grcenbackur and 1 lnde ] > endont
in the state house of lepiesentatlvus , a demo
cratic uain of 10.
HAUTFOUI ) , Nov. 3. Hctuins fiom fifty
towns In tlio stale elect ! (7 ( republican amlti ! !
democrats members of Iho legislature , a dem
ocratic gain of 0 over last year , when the iti-
publlc4ins Iind4l nuilorltv in the house.
llAUTKoitn. Nov. . Thu election In this
state was for mombcrs of the Icgltihilnic. The
only returns at the Courant olllcoat U o'clock
from all hut four towns in thu stale show tlm
complexion of the next house to ho as fol
lows : Republican 130 , democrats 112 , Inde
pendent : . ' . Tim missing towns will not ma
terially change thu result. The town of
Mallmiough Isatloon icprcsentativcH. Last
year these towiiK stood : IlcpubllcanH 100 ,
democrats & ) . Senatorial elections took place
in 1'J odd numbered dlntric s. Kaclipaity
elects i ! . Of the IJ senators hojdlng over , 7
nro lepublicans ami 5 democrats , making
Iho next senate stand , in republicans and 7
democrats. This given a icpublican working
majority In both houss. < .
JACKSON , Nov. 9. Tlm election to-dav
passed off quietly. Indluittlons nio tlio vote
is unusually light , Jackson polled 3.V ) , regis
ters iOJO. , Thu negroes generally retrained
Irom voting. The liuht vole is to bu ac
counted tor becatfo of theiobolng no ticket
in the Held except the ugiilar demociatlu
hluto ticket. In ivfovvcouutie.1 having local
dlsnffectiniiB , the vote In divided and a few
IndependenUi may bo elected to the leglbla-
tine and to county oillccs.
, Kov. 3.r-Tho election of county
ofljcers iihsml of quietly , as far as known.
IndlKitioiiH an ; that the entire republican
ticket is eleclid. ; Thu city gives the usual re
publican majority.
Thn Canadian Ithbel Canes.
OrrAWA.ONT. , Nov. a. The eases of the
men under death sentence In connection
with the northwestern rebellion are now before -
fore the governor ireueral.
Trouble in Haytl.
LONDONXov. . a. The Internal troubles In
H ytleAUbe < l the British and French repre-
t-enlatlvca In that country to telegraph tholr
ivri.cciivc | government : ) to : iuud men-of-war
theie at ooco to'nrotcct foreign
A DisdllofCtini-Ked Wltli I'raott.
T.otriMMt.LK , Ky. ( Nov. ! ! . A sensational
suit , charging wholesale fraud agnlnst lUoh-
ard Monarch , the well known distiller of
Owensboro , was bled In ( lie United StnUw
court Ibis afternoon. The slylu of the suit Is
Simon O. FJaiinlgnn mid wlfo , Virginia
Mngale , James F. Mag.tlo and Lillian Mn-
gale vs. Klrhnnl Monarch , John CnllnRhnn
nnd the Davtess Counfy Distillery company.
The petition btnto * thnt the plaintiffs live In
( lalvcstou , 'IVxas , and Hint on the 1Mb of
April , 1N7 , n partnership was entered
Into between Hichnrd Monarch , L
F. Mntralo and H. K. Buinliam
nsdlstllltrs. The jiaitueishlp was to con
tinue until November , ISSii , but It was dis
solved bv MawluVde-ith In June , INsO. Ma-
pale's vlilovv aflerwanl married Simon ( J.
VlanniiMii. out * of the plaintiffs. On Decem
ber 1C. ISN ) , ( lie assets of the mm , It is
ela Mini , amounted lo S' . OOJ all of which ,
It is staled , .Monarch received and never ac
counted Mr. havlnsr by false entries and
other methods kept tlm widow In ignorance
ot her rights. The petition claims that the
[ insets of the firm of H. Monarch it Co. will
amount to over SWO.OW nnd prays for n com
plete settlement of tlu partnership.
The Htcml Tflnl.
I ONDON , Nov. S Mr. Stead , editor of the
Pall Mnll Ua/etlc , continued his testimony n
tlio opening of the Ccn'ral criminal court to-
dny , lie declined to give the nnmes of the
persons nllc cd to bo guilty of the Infamy
charged In thu Gazette , on tlm ground that he
proml.-iHl his informants secrecy In that res
pect. He stated thnt bo gained
Ids information by drinking chain-
pa''tio and npendlmr money in
brothels. Stead then , > n"ercd to call the
"Lily" as a witness , but Justice Lope de
clined llm offer. Ills Honor also doelined
the evidence of tlio archbishop of Canter
Howard Vincent , a well-known newspaper
correspondent , who orauii/ccl the detective
system of the metropolitan jiollce , tcstl.ied to
the magnitude of the infamous tiufliu in
voung "glrlb for Immoral purposes on the
The defense closetl their side of the
this afternoon. Justice Lopes dliocted the
jury to return a verdict of "not guilty' ns to
ci'ie of the defendants , F.IUnbeth Coombs , of
the salvation at my , who had IcsUucd that
she had acted entirely under the directions of
Mrs. Bruiuwcll Booth.
That Iriih LClopmcnt.
NKW YOHK , Nov. 3. [ Special to the BIE.
Thu Sun's London cable says : Fashion
able circles In the Irish capital nro agltnted
over the elopement of Hon. Kathlon Maud
Brooke , daughter of Sir Cornwallls Maude.
Viscount Hawardun , anil wlfo ot Mr. ( icrahl
Richard Brooke , of rho county of Dublin , to
whom the had been niiUried ton years , nnd
by whom she had four children. The com
panion in her tllght Is Seymour Biibbe , a de
scendant of Chief Justice Bushe , and one of
the oldest junior hirrifters in the Minister
circuit. Tlio lady's chaims are said to be
.Sftaiewbnt mntiuulM. - A caul has been issued
bv the friends ot Busho asking suspension
of public jndcmont regarding the simultan
eous disappearance.
Talton to the Itisnnn Asylum.
OIIANI > ISLAND , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special to
IheBici : . ] Paul Rollins , a vwll kn iwu clli-
/en , has buea taken to the insane asylum.
For some time ho has bspn gradually losing
his mind , anil his family , fearing that so.iu-
thingsiriom mi'it Inppsi-lf ha wiw al
lowed to go unreslralnsJ , IilJ him examined
byllnbiirJ.Qf tiijiiia coiililsjlonar ? . vv ip
pronounced hhn't'jwina. It is thouzht that
witli proper trdatmanCtia au bo''rc3loieil to
sanity. . CU ' * -
„ , - - .7
- - "OjCfecTitin r.Tofn-r .
* Anolher"dynam'd1s to ln5'tiidd.o < lto-lp
FoirrtTi Class. I'rtfttninsicrs Appohitnd.
WAKIII OT'ON , Mbv. ) . The po.4tniaster
general to-day npjiointed tlio following fourth
class postmasters :
Iowa -At , Wllliamstown , II. II. Bailey :
Peru , B. .k Hankin : Little Cedar , Lester
Conrad ; "Win Wort , John Cordett ; Lime
Spring , L. McNallv.
Nehriska At ( Jlcnwood. Wlllinin S. Prow-
ett ; Homerville , John K. Dunn :
The "Boonici'.s" to bu Removed.
WASHINGTON , . Nov. 3. Acting upon re-
lioits fiom agents In the Indian territory ,
Secretory Lumnr rcqucpl''d the war depart
ment to remove ( lie ' 'boomeis'1 Irom Oklaho
ma lauds. Information contained in the
agents iapori Is lo the effort that n large
numlitirot jier.sons aie 8Uj > i osed to bo1)00111 -
IMH , " but elaimimrUibc fiefpliters crossing the
Kansas bonier into Indian territory.
TlY ! Another for
Nfv. 3. The secreUiry of
the interior bus confirmed the action of the
commissioner of tlio land olTico in restoring
to the public domain the tract of land In
southern California at the Intersection ot the
Texas Pacific and Southein Pacific railroad
grants. The secretary ol the interior holds
thnt the Southern Pacific grant Included only
such lands as vveni net covered by
oilier railroad grants and theieforo could not
Include the tract In question , which Council u
p-irt of tlio forfeited Ti ti * I'n'-liie grant.
Thu case had coinn tip to the , n' < 'rctiir > on thu
appeal by the Southern Paclli < railroad com- ,
piinv from the commissioner's tiecision' ,
ANnll Pamiru ; fit
J'lTTSiuino , Nov. ! ' . Thcie is a nail fam
ine in Plttsburg and throughout the west on
ncoimt of the nailers' stnl ' . Nails are
dltilealt to obtain at 83.2. ' pt- keg , and all
that have been sold in the mai icet for the past
six weeks have been manufactured In the
oast. Builders and contractors uro com-
plainly Utteily alxmt liavlng to pay wieh
enoiniou i prices for nails and in onuurtwo
ctxtieiuc ( ases work on tlio buildings , not be
ing urgent , has been temporarily nuspcndcd
heio with a view of bringing the strike to an
end. Both slde.s. however , are still mm mid
.in early uelthtmcnt is not cousideied proba
WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. Thu report of the
fourth auditor of thu treasury for thu fiscal
year ended June ' ) , last , shows the total ex
penditures on account of the navy to have
been Sn.l.Vi.oOo , and there was uxpcnd-
ed S23I.OO In excess ol the appropriations.
Thei-o wa an unexiM'iided balan-u of $ ! ! V
000 on certain apppiopiiations. I'hn amount
jiaid to navy jiensloners during the je.uwus
C > 71'iOvO ,
A I'oiHonlni ; Tjitniitic.
CAIIIIONDAI.H , Pa. , Nov , 3. ( Special to
the Bu-John ] Hovvell. who poUoned four
of ill : , ehlldien a week ago and who IK now in
thu county jail nt llonesdale , has confessed
that ho killed his mother nnd Hlster. Ho aa.s ,
ho Intended to kill his wife , his eldest daugh
ter and his father-in-law and then mul liei
own lite. It iu generally thought that liu H
F ! iirn ol'u HK'anier'o Kul'oty ,
BOSTON , Nov. 3. Thu Mc.imcr Dominion ,
Capt. Blwiuvelt , from Varmoujli , N. K. , duo
heio Sunday last , has not Hirivcd. Fears aio
enterta'iicd for her safety.
AiiKdltoi-'M Wife Dead.
KKOKUK , lovva , Nov. 3. Mrs. KatoFarnir
Clark , wife of S. M. Claik. editor of the Oato
City , died suddenly this moiilng. |
When you buy Iiirimnro bo f nro yon cot
} irieiR ! at Cluunherlniri , Howe teliir -
.sliult'H. They buy from tlio boil nianu-
fucturors , and [ jrmrantco t j iniikuthu very
lowcht prlcea.Op _ . l'iUconi'r'iJI ) ualue.
Croft loans inone on Oiunouls : aiul
1'ino vvutchw. Ituou \ViUinell \ block ,
A OjpriWs Olnver Btenl from a Texas On * *
tie MAU.
DlstniMt lu Kuropo
elioroiiii'H on a Htrlkn Vlto Toiu
Coiv vontlou
Dlspalolic * .
He NevniKofiiHod lwlnon.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. a. [ Special ( n Iho HEB.J
John (5. llarkur bus several ranches Iu
Texas , mid raises caltio and bronchos , llo-
eetitly hOMilda number of ponies lu Penn
sylvania , mid sent home S + ,000. Ho kept
alKiut Jl ? , . ' > 00 to buy slallllnir * with , and camu
to this city , hi Itlcclicr street , Batunioy
nlglit , ho met Mary Wlbou , n nognus. She
look n bottle from her puoktit mid said :
"Stranger , take a drink. " ( hillanlry prompted
Haiker to replv , "t never n rn od polcon
from any one , " and lie dinuk.Vn liour
later ho found himself stilniH'd In a loom on
the second floor of No.n \ WiwtThlnl street.
Ho had bocn robbe < l of 3lRJMn luoiiuy. i\
diamond stud , and u revolver , yonteixlny
tliu woman was ruosjcd , nnd aho vvlis hold
for examination.
Ward : it AVorlc with H Shovel.
Niw : YOUK , Nov. Si. [ Special to tlm Buu.J
Fordinanl Ward's In Slag Sing
prison at present Is to shovel ashen front
the engine lollers. Ho began woilc I'estor-
dny. To a ivpoiter lift nlil : " 1 Und U
pretty hard woik. YOUSM I ivui not uBCxl to
ibis kind of thin. ? . Don't know ho w long I
can stand this. 1 am going to do my r cst
while I am here and shall do ovcrylhjug I can
to the best of my ability. It Is pretty tough
work and I tcof plavod out. " .
I utervlews alleged to have been held with
Wind since he reached SlnicHitrj ; havu been
published. Waid said yesterday ; "I have
not talked to a newspiioer mvn'excmrt you
since I eaiuo hero. " The principal ketper !
Conaughtoii , bald this was trim.
Nr.w YOUK , Nov. : : . [
TheSun's London cable says : The dis
trust hot ween Austria and Bussla U dally > t
becoming more nurkivl. It Is turUIii tlin't )
Dcglers , HusMau foivlgu mlulnlor , (3 ( Htibrt
jected to strong and persistent procure frorx * .
Hussla Slavophiles , end which over way ho
turns is llki'Iy to have a vlgoruu.-i [ ho In ttha
rear. Count Kalnoky.Austrian foinlgn min
ister , is known to be inclined to pcaco. but ha
too , Is bampeicd bv tlio Hungarians , who .
.symiuthi/u with Kervla's ninbiliojiSr'T > ndlV ,
want power. The influence of AiifltrMltln-
uary is actively employed In Iter behalf. ,
Seventy thousand Iroopsliavo been mobilized ,
well omceivd nml ( > qulpied ) torn winter camv
palgn. The Turkish otfor of 5,000'regular' ' .
to combat thu Se.rvianij Is balug "
sldeied by the Bulgarians. V I
A Striking City.
GAi.vnsToy , Tex. , Nov. a. A . . . , T. . _ . . .
considerable magnitude was Inaugurated. " ; ,
licro this afternoon by the Knights of'J"
Thu troiiblo arose from the rotiwalu
agent of tlie Mullory line of
-vVrtlnlraw colorerjlongshoremen Xromjji ,
Mallory wharf , whertfthc/ have teen/vvor ]
* " ' '
arikli | !
shoremen. All the Knijrhts _ „ . . .
ployed by the Gulf , Coioraiu > , - , . fc'
railroad and'the Mis - Paoftfif'jh-i
Handllnr : of freight by tiiif mllrCn silaipi
ly/ed. It is reported 'lie lohpahorjji
employed In Now'Vork by tlio Moilt/ry/
will also bti ike.
The Tciiiporiincu Workcrfl1 , ' !
Pinr.Aiir.i.riiiA , Nov. n. At Iho laBk'ata i-
session of Iho convention of tliu lyrttidfvai ' * vy
Woman's Christian Temperaucji tin n"wg ' ,
n .olntion was ndojited ootltlonlug cjligresa ru
to pass n law preventing Unit ' ' " '
officers from collecting revcnmi . . . . .
liquor tmllle in states vvheio there nioi'part ( : < ial
ns total prohibitory laws. The coniQtltlc&'fln
p'aii of vvork.reiomuiended that c-ongress IM )
iiicuioiiallXeil in tlie Interest' ol U ill vernal
t'Hnige. The following was reported by Old
10 n iiitteeon roiolutionsaail atlonlt'it 'i
H solved. That the use of alcoliolbj vvln'i
in the holy communion furnlHhVsii.movaJi
t-u poit to the liquor lintlic , nnd | H not , in our
. uiument , n pioper typo of tho'blood'of
( 'nrist , nnd vvo won d eainestly rocotfnuciul
tlio use ot the pine , iinfermeuU ) < I Jlllojof the
graii at tlio Lord's tnhlo. ' . ' - - '
'tlio lesolution , ns drlgiioily. ropoit d ,
if coiumciKieil the removal of nil ( luit la tin-
cluan ii om tlie Loul H table.
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 8. The report was pub-
liched yqsterdav that warrants wore out for
the arrest of Maj or Grnco anil olljorfl for com'
pi Icily in frauds of Ward nnd I'Ujh. , Unltod
States Attorney Dorshelmer nayrf > Uio ftory'la
a fabrication and absolutely 'fnlKc7 'nn < l tn'at
no ovldunco lias h on olfurod to ixnuLt hljii
liutny erlmlnal way with the prj't Hjdingg 9 *
Tradorx. ' .
BKIILIN , Nov. 3 Thu Tagblntt , referring to
the probability of America niDicxfng Uo
Sandv/lch IslundK. warns Cermun' tradcrn to
IOR no time in luotecflii' ; theiiiHelv'on ngnin'sV
Amciicnii competition In JapnivCoruu and
RiiRil for Jol' V.
LONDON , Nov. 3 , The case of Mre. Langtry
forietuslngto pay a household _ "debtt wn-
ti-acled whllu living wHli lior Inmbu'iid , woa
decided Unlay In favor of thu plulntitl.
Catarrh Cured
Citanh Is n very prevalent dt-ciiH > , with
dlsUesfilm ; aiul uid-nslvu byiniitouid. lloud'a
B.ciiuiirllla : ] : gives ieuly : icllt-f und
euro , Trdin the fact II acts tluouRh Uie
ami thus reaches ovcry part of thu syutcni.
" I suffered w Itb catarrh flftecn ycura. Tool :
1 | ( XHIM 8.11 saparlllaiuul 1 am not tixiuhlod wy
with cDtarrh , and my general hcith : | lamuclt
lictter. " I.Y. . I.iu.iu , 1'ostal Clerk Chl aK <
& 81. Louts ItJllroad. I
" I RuiTrrcd w Ith tataiTh 0 or B years t tru4 |
many vxiudcrful cures , Inhalers , utiv , spend. ,
1 tiled Hood's HnrxaiiuHlla , nivl was grrullv
imiirovccl. " M. A. Aimnv , Worcotfor , MHIS ,
Hmxt Bi'.rf.apai lllri Is charactirlred by
llirco pccnllailtlCH ; 1st , the combliUiCton of
rcinvibal itgeuts ; d , ttio prcportlwi ; 3 < l , tlio
yrofcu tf Hccuilui ; tlio acllvo iiMMllcual
quulltlc.i. Tlio result lipmedicine of unii-ius !
ntieiigth , effecting clues l.lihoitu imHlunvii.
Bcncl for book contnlnluK ailitltlouul evidence.
"Hood's linrsararllU tones up rny < ytflOt
pmlncH lay Hood , i.haij > ci3iiyai ! : u IDV.jiml
rrcins to in'Ito : mo < nrt. " ,1 , V. TllOJU-iloi' ,
JUgidtc-roi IH'Cils , Luwull , Jlaw.
"llooil'g HimimrllU tietits nil otlipri , nnd
t WHth H'MU'lul Mll'ld. | ' ' I. li.UtlltNCnON ,
lao IJoJik Htrcci , New Vork
Hood's Sarsapsrilla
UoM by all Cmrr'jits. ' Ul Bli f r 5. MftJt
only by 0.1. TOO ! ) & CO , , I/jWfll , Mwa.
ZOO Do8ouOro _ DoUar ,