Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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filieumatlsm , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
tlnrns. NrnliU , t'l-oul Illicit.
IM nt , onim niiMt.v rusi ID At
l ljCratUtiin.I | > l.r < r > rr > itUni. K.n/CVnu
litre * r nclnlt Miuanm *
rnn ciiAin.r.s A. vixir.i.r.u co.
, u i. TOOtUK A O0. | Btltlntr * , Z J , C. S. 1.
017 NL < 'lmrl < > HNt.NI. IouMo.
A r lfiUf Kf 4ntt4 of two U tlea ! Catl t t , I M r. o lour * :
t ( i.ri la tht iiM | t IrtutoBBt of Cat-tiie. rfhtrot't. 8111
nd u r > miiiiti thiatnr ell > r rhtileui InBkLttll
H fllj ftftn tfcow m J ill oil roiMrnti \ o
_ Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnc
Physical Weakness ; MercurUI ind oilier Alcc ( <
lions ot Throat. Sklnor Donoi , UloodPolsonlnn ,
Id Soret nnd Ulcers , r * tmu.1 . lih uo tnitjii
Diseases Arising trom fndltcreflon/Eiccst ,
txpoiurc or Indulgence , hleh rrt iot. MTU of tt > <
ilhUljorTflnVlei. eAruiToi ffttm'SL
cril'-ot < ilh - .
r 3ilorln ( Mirrlaita Imnropsr or imlnopy , MI
InvcalM QT 'O ' | * . ftrelo anj tddrrvi. Oon.alt tl a\lof <
f9 ! r b frM.tnrltfil knilitt Ittlf e &n < ltBtlt1.
A Positive Written Guarantee tinn l > enrjn.
r > bl < * . llellcloo tnt errrjnheti bj null or tiprcu.
fOO IM.OE9. FINH TLATCS. olfttnl eloth tnd jclK
* IBll | il d firDOo. In | oiareor eurreney * Over ( Ifli
Tonfltr ful r nrtotum , t rue t * Ufa ; nricUtonlh | foltowln )
| * Ioy urrrnriHtiicuon , u.l nmnr niore. Thoi ra'ftrrleil 01
ftoatiDplKilnc nirrUff * HmtiM rmIt. . r-rrltr oJilloa
katt p i > cr a f r SQoi A-lJr - * . * hg t pt , WhHUcr ,
I have B | > t U1r rnnlMly | , ir th > bu > e , bj lu
f CHat'41.1 tito wt.tnt klu l font
ftaD llnittiiti'al ' > a niMipM. linlr il , ontrnnel nirrKlib
uilnorjcncr Inut I wl I m.lTW ( ) HorrLKS HK
ll I * .
T A BLUCUU. Ulfa.rlSt. . Me * T fe
hm VodicallnsU
Chartered by CuStntcofllll.
all chronic , urinary nnd pri
vate dUcasea. Oonorrhoca ,
Qleet nndSyphills mVll their
complicated lorms. also all
dlecohcs of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved anil
pcrmanentlycurcd by rcme >
, .
. * * lli ) > rrtnll'rarltre. Seminal
V/enkneti. t icfil lx ses by Dreams , Pimplea on
tiie Face. 1-oit Mnnhood , imllttvlu rin il , Ttirrt
t no rrprrftnrHtiiiiit The npproprlatn remedy
IB at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med-
Iclnea lent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
Dn.JAMES.No. 204WashlnrjtonGI.CnIcagolll.
IB niituro'd own romoily , tnnrlo from root !
pHthorod from lortwisof OcorKliu The above
out niprosoniH tlio motlioil of lift tniuiuruotiiit
twpnty > onriiKO. Tlioilmnnnd luis bi-on i
Uiilly IncruHHlni ; until u fino.iioo lubiuUiry \ now
nwoHsnry to RUiiply tlio Irndo. Tills umut Vo '
etiiblo Iflood ruriPor curon OHiicor. caturrli
tcnifnla , orreinii , uktir. rlioiiniiitlsin mid blood
tulnl , hcrcilliury or otlioruisu , without tlieuat
Of morcnry or I olnHli.
K. V. 1M W. SW at. Bruwor , Atlun tu , Qa
Asthma Cure.
Tliid Invnlunlilo pp ( < clflo tflsullly nnil iwrmiv
nonlly ( jurat nil kinds of ANtliiiui. Tlio most
olM4llnBtoiiiiil loiiKHlaiHllnif IMISOS ylold prompt
ly to ItH wonderful ourliiir i > r | Krtlu-i. It in
known ttirouiruout tlio woiid for 114 unrlviiloU
J. U OA I.DW KLl. , city of Lincoln , Noh. . wnto ,
Jnn. ai. lb 4 : ainro UHliiR Dr. llulr'a Amlimu
Cure , lor inuio Iliiin ono jonr , my wllo hiut OIHSII
ontlrvly well , und not ovuu u Nymptoiu of tlio
fliMiiiM ) liiutappoitriHl.
WILI.IAM lIllNNItrr , Hlclilnn.t. IOWH. wrltos.
{ ! I liuvo boon mulct od with Iliiy
lover und AHtlinm slnco ! ' . I lollowul your
dliiKiiloiiH and urn happy U > wiy tlmt J never
Blopt better In my I Ho. I uiu Klixl ttnit I am
Binniiff tlio nmnjr who tun Bpuulc eo fuvorobly of
) nur roinihllDd.
A vuluublofll piiso troatlno contnlnln blinllni
Eroof fnnn uvury ntnto In the U H. , Ciiimdu and
rent Drlluln. ivill Ixi inulltxl upon nppllciitloii ,
Any druggist not Utiviujf It In Block will pro-
Bio IL
* ! v kU rrt * l lM.yMk I > lirrlM , Imr ! * rir , u
V.wrfVMftf A * 1 K tlrvUrf. * * . A l * dn > f l pi1 fch.U-u
> . , i . a .u-mu , ui u > ii .u . . /n t. i. , u
lIulT'Knl'k , /uftf7rJt ! WMJII.
j. w.jvrormuArE.3 : A : * . " ? ,
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
make it tell a sw etur tale ?
Magnolia Malnus thu charm
i er that almost cheats the
The Divinity That Doth Dodge tbe Oattli
King Composed Mainly of Dollars.
Appeal * for I'nslorn
A New IMnn Bng caled
l > y M Vigilant Katiofimnn.
Wyo. , Oct. SS.-fTo tin
Editor. ] For yours pn-st , the onltlo yn
dicatoH huvo lioisn devising wnyn ntu
tiioim.s by which they ini ht Rccuro en
tire control of thd woslorn.gni7.lng lunils
They Imvu lobbied und Importuned con
fjrcfH. and filled custom papers with distorted
tortod nnd imaginary representations o
tlio sHiintlon , ootidltlon , and surround
iiiRs nt the cnltlo rulsltiK biiRincsa. Am
whatever clue Urover Clovuland may , 01
may not do , during hln administration
ho is entitled to tlio'cvorlastlnggratilmli '
of thu Aninriunn pcoplo , for tiio thim fa :
grip lie has placed npot
tlio uvirpinu monopolies , that him
hcretofort ) bid delinnco to govern
mental authority or roqnpst.s. It is to bi
sincerely hoped tlmt ho will not relax lit1
hold until the impudunee , at least , ii
ttlmken out of them.
It is not calculated to Insp'ro ' nnygrenl
nniounlof palriotlHin , or conllduneo it
the stability , freedom or protecting pow
ers of our government , to witness llir
humiliating Hpeetaele of foreign , as wel
: IH native , corporation * * seizing upon ami
aipropriatlng | large trnotfl of the publk
domain , by muaim of foiiruM and other
wise , and coolly snapping their lingers al
any interference on the part of govern'
ment olliciala. A few montliH since , tlu
n'pruhonlutlvoH of those grasping monop
olfi'H were busily ad vocating and proinul
gating a aeheino by which they were tc ,
KiH'tiro control of largo tracts of graxinf ;
lands through the medium of nomina
rate leases , by the government. The o.s
tcnsible purpixeH of this move wiu
to enable ( lie government U
collect n revenue from r
system of ICIIHCH , njid to prevent tin
ranges from becoming' ovcrntockcd b >
thu influx of cnttlu--imt 'the ' real objcel
was to elluctually secure perfect control
of the ranged. "To give plausibility U
the di'tiiruu arrangement , they nntili
liable to promise that the small stwfc
growem already on the range hlioiilc
magnaniinonsly be ailowi'd to rcmait
and ply their vucttion : , unmolested ; ant
that the poor honitjsteitder was ' to hi
treated gently and even encouraged U
tiiko his abode on those leased lands
The iamb and the lion were to have :
regular millennial picnic , us 'ityuro. . I
am Hatislied'tlmt the lamb null lion , under
dor the proposed arrangement , wonlc
have lain down together , but the lion
most assuredly would iuivo been on tin
There were plenty of loophole *
through which they could have escaped
to nullify those fair promises. The smal
stock man , struggling to increase liii
Mnall herd , would have been informct.
that any considerable increase of hit
bunch of cattle in numbers , would lx
totally inconsistent with the object'
nought in leasing tlio public ranges Tc
the actual settler , seeking a pernmneni
home , where he and his family might ii
time sit under their own "vine and fij
tree , " would bo said : "Oh , yes , you Jiavi
n right to make a homo bn a quarter see
tion of tills land , but wo shall expect you
to keep what stock you possess on youi
own hind , as you are a\varo that wo have
los'Sjd those ranges to prevent then
from being overstocked , " and il
the lambs thus addressed aliouk
prcsnme to bleat a remonstrance , thej
would soon feel the convincing argu
incuts contained in the exorcise of the
lion's fangs and claws.
And now , a "Colorado nuichmau haF
evolved a theory" cuncerniiig the catthi
raising business , which the HUE seems to
endorse. "A Colorado ranchman" if
going to have the government give small
stockmen a few thousand acres each , in
order that they can protect themselves
against thu "whulo of tlio stock business.
Tlio timid "minnow" seems to forget
that the whale could avail himself of any
concessions made to tlio business in n
ten-fold ratio. To illustrate : If ilia cat
tle king can now iniiko bonafido settlers
out ot the cowboys ho emyloys in his
business and thereby secure a titlu
to large areas of choice lands.
under the restrictions of the prcsont land
laws , what would prevent him from mak
ing small stockmen out of those same
cowboys , and swooping Ih'o whole coun
try into Ins net , provided "a Colorado
ranchman's" "invention" , should bo
adopted. If the dominant parties who
now hold Hie reins of government , will
not cease their party wrangling long
enough to investigate the land steals that
nro being pcrpetr.itod all over the west ,
they certainly should refrain from such
legislation as would give thtovca still
greater latitude in gobbling up the public
lands. All legislation in this matter
should look towards the permanent dis-
couraegmentnf the creation and perpetu
ation ot cattle raising monopolies ,
This busino&i when allowed to iiRniitno
aggressive dimensions becomes n curse
to any ago , race , or nation. It per
petuates borbariSfflf cultivates cruelty
and dishonesty in the human mind ; it
creates , defends and enforced lawless
ness , and is the irrcconcilaiblo enemy of
all human progress. I know I am using
strong language , but the subject war
rants it. iknow whereof I it Hi nn. I am
not denouncing individuals MH individu
als , who may have amassed Hiifliciont for
tunes in the uuslncB * to bo denominated
"cattle kings. " I should not particular
ly object to bolng one mvself. long
unough to "brtico up" my personal di.r.
nity and self-esteem. Hut whore there * fn
11 king there must bo subjects. It is a
"grand scheme" for the king , but not fco
grand for Ills subject * . Now , I have a
proposition or suggestion to make , for
tlio Instruction ami guidance of our
national law makers , in any
ullort they mny make to
mitigate Homo of the many evils that are
llowing from thin modern "Pandora's
liox. " It may be that our legislators
will not pay any great attention to my
remedial suggestions ; however that may
lo. I will nave a uleop lnduolngcon-
JoioiiHnosfl of having contributed my mite
lowards a solution of tlio conundrum
Let the government levy an annuiil lax
> f one dollar per head for every head of
itoek exceeding one hundred , owned and
grazed upon the public pastures , and by
my Individual or corporation. This tax
tvould have a tendency to repress and
llaconrago the aggregation of largo herds
jf long-horned , slab-sided Texas rangers ,
mil at the uamu time encourage the in
Toiluctlon of ihu boltur. grades of stock ,
is it would bo iluniraulo tor block raisurn
'A ' concentraUi their capital in as few
lead us possible , HO ui roduuo the tax
in the amount invested.
The funds accruing from this tax lot
the government appropriate to the in-
h'OAligiilion mid punishment of the inul-
litudinouH land Intuita that urn being
lurputntUsd whttrevcr public lands re-
num. 'I'll us the govoninunt ( would
inuUu tlio iduutluul parties , guilty of Ihu
; ruaUr : portion of tlio traudulent land
. ntries , pay for invuatiguting their own
Another fabrication Invented and
widely by fitockiuen. and
no that the HrfK miomu prone to csjn
ho insertion tlntt thin wuHt ifcountry ia
> usetptiblu of iiutlii g tui-Uiur than tlio
iroduciion jui ingobruah , wiUi R scanty
; niw i , of bullHlo tfrnsa , and const ) .
iiiently ia iidnptod U > no other uvoca-
Ion than that of stoo'k < ramng. ! Thin U
ho remnant of the old " ( iruut Aniuricui.
iduu that 'Uio ' oiiutJulial march
\ \
westward ot'on Is exploding
To illu trato the fallacy of this n sr
lion , I will narrate nn incident that hn
taken place In this Immediate vicinity :
There is n Mock company here , tint
has fraudulently oceupid snvond thous
andncresof the best lnnd , under tin
t > rovloiotm of land laws. Tim
portion t.ik > m up inidor the < les.-rt act , b ;
settlers , who however , will bo unable tc
make entries of their claims until sucl
time RH tlu > ol.l desert filings are rovoket
nnd the hind reverts to government
Pending this lime , thos ) settlers un
miking improvom-nts and raising tini
crops of grain and vegetables. As i
standing evidence of tlio fnuidulen
character of those desert entries the sub'
sequent s.-ttlrrs have placed on o\hibl
tlon tit th" Sundance pesto llco , sample ;
of the corn raised on tl o siime land diir
lug the pant season , without irrigation
and upon freshly broken soil. The eari
are half as long as a man's arm , ant
bear t'io ' suggstive ! label. "D.'sert Lan <
Corn. " W. F. lit\i'KU.
Nervous Delillllntpil ,
i on nro allowed a fm ! trial Inr thirty tlnjr
of the UM ) of Dr. l\e's Celebrated Voltali
Kelt with Kleolrle su j > oiisory Aplliinces ]
tor the speedy relief nnd iKTinnneiit euro o
Neivous Debility , lees of vitality and Man
hood , and all Khulird trouhliM. Also fo
nianv othe diwascs. Comjilcto nist iratlon (4 (
health , vi < rand manhood. Xo risk is in
curml. Illuslnitud painplietVllh | full Infer
inntlon , lerniw. etc. . nmlleil free by nUUreidin :
Voltale Itell Co. Murshiill , Mich.
IIo Told the Truth.
Detroit Woo Press : A lough-lookln }
chap stood shivering In the rain and wint
at the ferry dock the other duv. Hii
every look and move showed the vagrant
and by and by he summoned courage U
approach a citizen anil my.
' Mister , can't you spare mo 10 cents ? '
"For whatr"
"To got n bile to cat "
"Humph ! If I iveroyoul'd jump Intc
the river and end my days "
"They won't let me end my days. I've
tried it , and they stop mo. "
"Who * "
"Tinpolice. . "
"Ilnsh ! They'd bo glad of it "
"They would , oh ! Here , you policeman
come over lu-rel"
"Didn't I try to hang myself in t'ic '
station ( lie other nightr" luskod the vag ,
"You did. "
"Didn't I jump into the river this morn *
ing ? "
nVes , sir , and I pulled you out. "
"Don't you believe I waul to die ? "
" 1 eoj'tainlydo. "
"Thero ! Was 1 Ii ing ? " demanded the
vagus he turned to the citi/en. "I toh
you 1 wanted to die , but they won't lei
me. What am I going to do ? I can'i
die because of tlio police , and 1 can't livt
without money. "
They ninde up a shake-purse of 0'
for him , and ho started oil'on a nu\\
Every lady uses Po//oni'a medicnte (
complexion powder. It is a honsrlmh
treasure. The inndam finds it impossi
ble to go down town without first rub
bing it on. If the baby cries she goes
for the pult'-box. If the -'old maii'Vome :
home milled or chafed , beeaiiMi husiiic
is dull , etc. , Po'/.oni's powd < r cools nnc
allays his troubles. Then all ihghidionu
joy. No family should bis without it.
The Hey With riis nnd the Mm
Without Anyth'Mj ; .
An awkward , ill-favored boy , while or
nn Arkansas railway train approached t
man and said :
"Mister , won't you please give mo fifti
cents ? "
"What for ? "
"I have lit * urn ! "
"Oreat Ciosar , do they have to pav fl
fellow to have tits in this country ? tlj
where 1 panic from people don't have to
pay for tits. "
"I am not able to work "
"Well , don't do it. 1 don't oaro if yon
never work any. I am not so very foml
of work myself. "
"Won't you plcaso give mo uionoj
enough to "
'Have tits , you way ? "
"Yes. sir. "
"Well , you nro hotter off than I am. I
haven't anything. Go on o.f aomowheru
and umudo yourself. "
Captain aiitohell , of tlio bark Antonio
Sila : , New York and Havana trade , cnmc
home in May , entirely helpless with
rheumatism. Ho wont to the mountains ,
but receiving no benefit , at his wife's re
quest , begun to take Hood's Sursaparilla.
Ho immediately began to improve ; in
two months his rheumatism was all none
and he sailed in command of his vessel a
well man. Hood's Sursuparilla will help
you. Sold by all druggists.
Names of Third Ward.
Win cor Dou his and 14th
AlnlcyVni St Cluu los hotel
Bou mail Win 'M > S l.Jth
HrosbekoS-HtfE 10th
MIIOIU Morltz Kiirnior's housi
ISnssett.l WMIIIiiid hotel
lirciMiior Cea'-er 11MJ Harnoy
ISniu'ii I , (5 City hotel
lloyleJ II I'axton hotel
L'linrch N 11 110,1 Cailtol nve
Clink P II Caniluld Iiou < o
L'oates Knmk 10th mid llmne.y
Co.oniiin Wins K lOtli bet Uod o a d Canltol
nounclly Mnrtni ! ! Davenport
[ 'onnelly M-hael ( ( HI Daveniiort
Uonnollll WHIilSllth
Dnnciin I ! W Cniiiield
DnverosJ 100(1 ( Cnpltol ave
DyMirtJ W-I74S filh
Darling Knmk It 14ii ! Hownnt
Dwycr.liihn Uth mill
DolliaverT.I MyiOS UStli
Kineiiiiclser ( ieo IOJI
l-'cith Cha-s 1'ii N
b'ihhen ( ' . lUOi D
Kleck .lolin lUil
lirace.Io-tenli IL'3
: ; l ( ) sA Kin : Cnjilmi Ave
: ! roBeh Peter 4 8 uih
llanlln .luck. Hcilii'iiR ! Idtrn
Hooker Andrew : MOS lUth
Itulett C C Mlllnrd hotel
llaicouit W l-V.odio ) |
llcllllinn A .1 001 Ciinllol Ave
llannmsllniry I HIS IDtli
I udu'o Michel 4WSUMII
XohlniRNerChiiH 141'J Dixliro
'viioll ' KrnejiUHB Iltli
uilinluol ; Chris 1U1 Dunging
Atvun Ilitiiry-iUKS U'lli '
. ( twli it noith sldu Howard bet HUi and
khuS.o.1 O 111 K mil
iloiischeln A 2013 ISIh
ihiliiir Ii 1UOI lliiwiinl
> 1 nil In K.S l lDoilK'O
dead II .1 Kiaiiiettlimiso
Hiuniy AV IWi ) Capitol ave
ihilii'r. hiiuc.HO 18 bill
tluCli % k y J P Aiiii'iioan house
iIi'ionliHl ( J Uinahit hoiib
iliiirlhy.l ( ! I'-JWSHth
ili'l.uii'-'liliii Cnniiuld IIUII
ilullcaliv IMil.S Uth
anllcuhy U IM'itSl'lh '
) irA Cltt : . Iliirnuv
'eterson Oluy I IITJ Douslas
ulliK-k P W/l DmiKltw
'elerrton Cha * P IIM
ark Win A ail N Htli
'olniid KC HIM Capitol nva
ulKi K110N 14th
tiitilnsoii Win .V mil N UHh
> nyder.lohn4 8 lUth
iieln Kmll 1-J10 DniiKlna
iniith .Snni Htuveiiwin'H stabla
iplul Anilniwn City hotel
iiiuln Ixm HUN Illh
ac W K W Karnaitt
Volfo J M 1'JO S 14th
It always gives un nleasnro to
i cll of a good article. Thy "Carhind
itoves and Ranges" itro noknowledgcij
ti embody all that isHV { in that lino.
bey have the reputation of being thu
iest made. Though imitated by muuy
hey uro equalled by nona.
Tlio Now Crrmry'orj- IMount Olive
Nearly , Completed.
Now York Telegraph i On the sligl
cnilnenee known aa Mount Olivet , nn
tionrtlio cpmetcfyof thatnnmo , nboi
live miU from , Long Island City , th
United Stnlca Cremation company ha
for the jiast year been erecting a eremn
tory. 'Iho legislrtturo of tliis state so'n
time nuo npproprlutcd the sum of ? J.'i
0 hi , to bo used in completing the bullil
ing , nnd the larger portion of llm
iimoiint 1ms already been twd. It is
however , l lluvcd > tlinttiio appropriatioi
Will be sulllclent lolhilsh the worn , wide
is now far advance * ! . The crematory I
in plain view as one Mops o I' the trail
nt tlie little station of Fresh Pond on tin
Long Island railroad , and a short climl
up tiio hill brings you to it. The structure
turo is plain and HUbotantial. no altomp
ntorniiineiitJiI arch I cturo having beei
made. Inul it is about itO by IK ) feel
Tlio front and the walls for a few fee
back on the sides are built , of white mar
ble ; the rtwt is of red brick will
marblu trimmings. Thus far the fron
lias been carried up only one story , an
other , with a mansard roof , having ' vc
to bo added. There ro lour rooms'oi
tlieground floor , and when the sucom
story of the front is completed it wil
contain apartments for the use of tin
superintendent and his Tin
llr.-t room is separated entirely from tin
others. It is to bo used us an audienc <
room for the family and friends of deceased
ceased pcr.soiiH brought there for crema
tion. The second room is known as tin
retort room. Hero the bodies are lire
pared by tie ! undertaker and placed it
the retorts. These receptacles , two ii
number , open directly into the room
They tire round at the top and Hat at tin
bottom , and are miide of lire clay. Tin
top mid sides are pierced with h'olos ti
permit the escape of animal guses. : Twc
huge iron doors close the retorts. Then
is a small room opening out ot thin om
which \wll bo used temporarily lor ( In
reception of visitors. The last Is tin
furnace ronm and contains two 111:1111
moth furnucuH. Coke is to be used n
Mr , Wlll'am ' F.eandorfer was lound bi
the Dally Te.legraph reporter in chnrg'i
of the premises. He comes from Lun
caster , Pa. , where is located the onlj
crematory in the country now in opera
tion. He JIMS had much cxpercince liiero
: md will have charge of the cremat.irj
here. In respond ! to inquiries he said :
"Afi you M'n , we are not yet prepared t <
test tlic woiking of tint , crematory. 1
will be. about a wrok before wohha'll tin
np for the lir t time , and until wo do M
it is impossible to say whether these ar
rangenuMit.s will prove u success. Thii
crematory is supposed to be an improve
ment over that utLunciiMcr as that is re
giiivled a better ono than Dr Le Moyue1' '
at Washington , I'll. , the first ever'buil
in this country , and which has beei
closed up since tiio doelor's death. Tin
den dcnitum is to neconi ) > rsli cremntioi
in tic ! shortest possible t. me. At l > : incas
te.r it reijuirert uij hour and a qiiai'ti-r
h 're it is proposed .to do it in an hour a
tlio longest. 'I hey arc building two ere
in-1 tones in Cincim\tli \ : , and expect to bi
able with improved , apparatus to complete
pleto tlio prouciH in half an hour. Ii
ilsily tiws is all the tmio tiiat is required
The Italians are much ahead of us it
these matters. Even in Germany they d <
it in filly-live minutes.
"The process of Ornmatlon is simple
The II res uro started , and tiio llanics en
circle the retort on all Hides until tlio hea
inside. the hot air'-bc'conies most in
tunse. .Some people apper : | lo think Ihu
Ihc bodv to cremated is laid upon tin
tire it.self. It is r.oU When a body is U
be cremated , it is nunoved from the eas
ket and wrapped , in a shoot satnralct
with alum water. This i.s done to prevent
vent the bo-ly from burning wh lo boinj.
placed in the retort. After the under
taker has perfornuul this service tht
hinly is placed in an iron cradle. PO imub
that it riHe.s about two inches above tlu
the lloor of tiio retort. The door is tliei
opened and the cradle quickly placed
witiiin. That is all there is to bedoiu
except gather up the aslios utijr the lu-at
lias done its work
I Mud that nearly all who come licix
sneak favorably of cremation , cs.ieoialh
the ( lurmans. There is notaing to shouK
the feelings in the WIJT : the operation if
performed ; indeed , a burial in a cemetery
etery as at present conducted i.s , com
pared with cremation , a paiiu'ul spec
taelo. "
rieglst < 'rcd Names or First Diitricl
Uixth Wurd.
i And 'JHU C
ivr.k uter Ii it > l : tnd
digmst C A on N AK |
Auh.ind K Hlund
Keno oius1st mid Chiriv
liiownieo U C ii < s CJianoa
liuniina .1 U 2kl and Clarz
Ituullier U K l.'VUVelwur
liurloigh .lolin 71-1 N Jiuh
ttiown K A iiJ N lUth
Uurry .111 B. tii und ( inu-o
L'iiiioll.M Wwr NJcao.iia
LhmieHN ; U' 1-VMN li/tn /
L'nuioC ! J SXttMirhiftiiii uvo
L'omioliy 1 , 1'.NJ. ' ' > Cu.iini. , '
Joinpliuli .Jiis' kl and i
Jlnmliiili'-Dii NO.H.X ! l
Junmu-B i' ' MtfUl U'costor '
. 'o | > ciy UhuslitJUN luili
Jh.i.iiuoi.s U'mWill anilVcbdlor
DoU-y J il II ssili
iJixnii ( / K i ) C.uhoriihi
Dillon Kl 'J''d and ClMnoti
Doia A lUlTCundii
iUitln T'J''Jlhiand Criico
liii.sV \ HUdmulCluiK
crnaniles 10 > Ui Hint Slietninn
jeiit.eiiianViii yiuiudoia aaU JJIanu
\V P1U1 Naotli
iiiliiiiiKi V UMti \ and Hurt
n VVni'JIhtiind Webfc'lor
illjMJii KW I'JIU ' Clark
lelnio 11 M 1HJ N MM
lovvk AT UiChnr.e.3
Ionian \V \ K--M nail l.alio
uculi.s.lo.iii Mth inul
in t ! JM\ \ und I
\V I-'lfi-aiN li/th
t J C tfUl '
vcouliy K U'M
uii.M-r U A tfilti
vo.iy 1C 1114 Naum
.olu-ci ; Olln 1'Jlll Chicago
.yiimn C I1' I'M tSiiiuuora (
iloityn Put' Olli and
il.iihuis K It Larfou
ileliiido Win a-M and f4ko
ilcConnell J 11 TiWTf Imh
iIcKlpluitrluk U M vint mid Nicholas
s'owiuuii 'Jlhi und N.ulioliu
'n 1 H IDlrt CuinUijr
Until IKll .NPlivtfi
eter U-JON aw
) nteriiinil.l II 'JO NiMh
otter W II-J-JU ; | zdM
' ! > niton J V .Sanndi.-rH and Oraco
tuef John ! ii < l undiilnfio
\V Kiii3ni.VrU :
tnwleyj ItnuilCiillliiiiiln
losiickvr ll'th and
I O Ulhtund
ioutliiinl .1 II 3Jth mid bim
.milliard . 1C IIJon , und Hpruc *
Un Iviin J llid and Uhlu
ItarkK ( Jeo- l Hnd Clark
l 'rt DHiilel ItaONJOth
ddm-r 1C -if i nnd Hurt
iniith . John LVJON-jotti
jr tun IziuJ
lldner.Iohnatnt u d Iznnl
'lioiiiiM < iii .1 ( i tuu N aotU T
Vht K F CliiciiL'u Hi
. 'plH'r l All iW und < Jra
Vhllukur W C 80IH Cmainif
vomlwnrtli UtfMnnU Luuo
I liujvlii certify th ittho abiva lint of d-
liiuiml n isi.Til l ictines uf tiio lnt < IUIriel of
in Sixth wind Ii eonxi'i.
CIIAVn MV8 , Uc lmrur.
UuiiUiu , UuUo'ljj Ca , Xoa , XoV.
Ans\\ credit It
Ak ( the most eminent physician
Of any school , Is ihc lnv < t tldnc In th
world for nbaylng all Irritation of the nervt
nun ciirliiR nif lornis of nervous roi
nutnnil , childlike ivfrixsliliK
And thijj' will tell you uuhwltaUusly
"fcomo form of I lops 1 1 1"
'i' .
Ask any or nil of the mo. t endiiptit physl
rlans :
"What Is the onlv remedy that cnnborc
lied on to euro all dl en cs of thokldnejN nni
uiliniij orpins ; Hrlcht's dlHeiwx , diiitH'tiv
retontldii. or Inabllltj to retain mine , and til
tlio diseases and nlliueiits pt'ciillnr t
Women "
"And they will toll you oxnllpltly and om
p'll\lli'all > Illleliuni1'
Ask the R line phys'.cinns
"What Is tlio iiiot rellahle and surest cur
for ail llu > r ibsea c-s or djspepnia , eon."tlpi :
tlon , Indiircstloii. lddMisni ( > s4 , mahin.i , level
ne , A.e. , and they will tell you
Abindr.ikel or D.indullonllll
lluntii , when thn o reinulloa nro cotnblnoi
wlllioilur ixiiiiuiyn'iiulile ,
Anil iiin. . ii.l MHO Hop lilt oi-s , f\icli i
nomic'iim iinil iny im inns oi nillto ponir l < dt
veio.o.i. | wiiiuti U NI vnrlnl > a In * opciut.oa
tlmt IKI d wMi.'o or III lii'ullli can i oMibly u.xls
orrt' ii ! < | Hiu > r , 1 11.1 ) it It l <
Iliiriiiuirwi K riiiom HI inul woiniin , ncnKm
Inv.iliil or Hinii.lost cnllil lo iif-o.
"Almost tto'iil or Hourly tlj l "
1 or yrniH , and ; iv n up by plijflrlans. o
I > rijlil ; M und oilier Kidney liSiiiMis. liver com
p n iif , Sfvure coughs , ealtud consumption
liuv.i IHHMI ruritl.
Jj'niiH'ii gone nearly cnuylt ! ! !
I'rom njjony oi neuralgia , nervoii iir s
waki'inbu s , and \arloim dlseatc.s pi-eulln
1 1 women ,
i.l'ioi > lo ilrniTti out of f-lmpo from oxoniolntln'
| miiiN or i/.ciiiniulsiii , lahiuiuiiiiiury uni
cliitnlo , oreiiiUirliiK r ) iu scrofula ,
"f-llllllll Illll , l , ,
KI < tlon , iiiul , in luct.iilinoct iillllM. > u-e < tiiill *
iMitUH- Illlil'll )
Iliuoioon uiitxd liy Hop Ilittcrf , p-on' r >
whMi enn lo foiniil fnovory
tlio known norlU.
the Swindler ! ! '
Ifwlmii > on cull for Hop lliMors.u-eonreot
hihlurot liopHon tlio wlmu liiooll UmilniHKiti
Iniims mil any oliuir utmr willixl U. I ) . Win nor i
uii Hop llliloiHor ullli iilluir 'Ilnp" hiiine
ilt uiiii nliuii tluitilniirrrlstiifl > ou would i
. nnd If IID IIIIH luUini your innney for ilu
Hull ItuliPt him Inr tlm Inuiil mit1 nu- him mi
ho UiniiKiM lor ilio hUliulln inul xo will ivwui\
oj Iliurill y lor lliimmvli'lloii
To Ciill ! ( > rnli.
On November fth the 15. & M. U. U.
\\ill stjirt a select excursion parly foi
California , via Denver and Salt Lake
Fort jI. . vn dollars pays one way , rotun
when you nleasc. l'' cars on ex
lin-ss trains through to destination. Star
liom any station on the 11. iV I\I. \ K. 11
For parncniara apply to A. U. Xiemer
ticket agent , Lincoln , Neb. , or to P. H
Kiistis , gi nenil pas.sengor and ticko
agent , Omaha , Nob.
- > -
riMCS IMI.K S M I'll f'f
A sine cure for liliiiil. Uleediiiff , Itchiiii
and I'lcrnUKl ' Piles ha" been discovered bj
l > r. Williams , ( an Indian lemedvi , callixl Dr
Williams' liidiiin Pne Ointment. A HIVI | !
box IIIIH emvd ihe wois-t chronic ra'uy * of \ ? > o
tOycaisHi.uidlii ! ! . No ono need llller n\ (
niuniU's iiitci iqmlyin HUH \\oiuleiiiil sooth
inr inuliriiu' Lotions nnd Instrument-Mi' '
niino haim tlian pmd.Vllltnins' Indiai
Pile Ointment tibsoilw the tiniiors , allajs tin
inteiiho Itcliiiu ; , ( partlctiliirly at nlcht alte
retthi ! ' wiiiiii In bi d ) , acts as a poultice , nlvc :
iiihlant iclief , nnd is | ) iepired : o ily tor Piles
itei.liu of pi iv.ite iiait.s , nnd Icr nothini ; else
Dr. Kin/ii'i's Mairic O ntinent emus ns b ]
ma. Us I'lmnlci , 11 lack Meads or ( iinhs
Diolchcs anil Kriiptlons on the face , Icavim
the skin rlearand bcnutlftil. Also euie.sftch
Salt Klietim , SOITJ Nijiples , Sore Lips , am
Od Obstinate Uleers.
by di ii ists , or mailed on receipt o
lieialled bv Kuhn & Co. , nnd Schroeter > S
licclit. \vho.eMilc by C. F. liiMHlin.ui.
List of Voters In tluj Plr t District o
t.'io Second Ward.
Kirtnr M tltli hot P eree and Willl.inis
Itnvah V K Uth and L-nvemvoHh
D.illy I'.it isth and Martha
Davenport A H uos.lonc.s
Fox Stephen 14th and P'o-co
( irnhani llnifli lt'i : ' und Mason
Iliihn H bet Pierre and WiPlams
Heidt Cieo Lisivcnworth bet I'Hh and Uth
.li'imctto Itiiv.lnlin inth nnd CuHli > | iar
.laru'crKlois Illth bet llicuuty und Center
I .use P IlliiOTSliilli
Morris Kohl P tilth and Mason
McCoy D.m KK-S ) ( li'th
Ondracek John Ulh bit Pine and M ason
l'o\\ei-H M .1 Center bet Kith and 17th
Svalnk Fnmk Hlh nnd Center
SlicwlknTlint. inth and Caslellnr
Seinaiiek .lolin 14lh l el Pierce and Williams
Vi'otly John Uth hot Jono.s and .Incit > oii In
nlh y
Kolbo Joseph tttb hrt. lines anil Leaven w'th
Morhli Wm 14th nnd I uivenwoith
.SnetiOTiiber II Williams hot IMh and lOlli
WrlL'litJ II Mlh and Dore.os
MmtiUer Wonsel Mil S liith
County ot Dinilni ( . I " '
I herefiy ceiilfv that the ll t pitbllRliod bv
the Omaha Hr.i : Is a lull and impartial llsttd
the lo' al votom whom 1 kii'iw ns Hitch nnd all
\\lio prehCiited themselves for toclMratioii HI
lecaloters as appe.irs on my ieil.ster tor the district Second ward todat' < .
, ) AIIIH ; OO.VMII.I.V , Htu ,
Nov. 2d , liJ:14 : p. m.
T 11 1 8 UNIUVAI.KI' '
CONTAIN A fllt.dl.n
It AVIII Cure nil DIHCIIHISH Caiihcd
by Dernnuemcnl ol'tho Liver ,
Kidney and Htoiunch.
If yon feolilull , ilrowcy , iloliilltiuoil luivofro
Teoiil lioimuoho , inoiith tnsms builly , poor up
liulllu ami KIIIKUO coalml , > oii m-u milltirjnu
Irnni torpid llvor , or " | > | | IOUHIIIMH. " ujiil notli ua
At tiny llmo you teol jour py tom
HHNNiilouiiHlii ! ? , lonlnf , nunlitliu vvli i.
dill vlolunl pniKiiiif. or hLliiiuJutliiur with
out Intoxicating' luke
Simmons Liver Regulator
I'ltHPAHI'.l ) IIY
J. 11.el flu & Co. , I'liilndcljihla , Pit
PCMtCTiow or GMO ; ,
THE success AT once ATTAIKCO ui
oun GOODS WHCRCVCR iNinooucto
Lft/tr t f ffamt an tk < Saltt.
" " * ' '
* * -
One ofUie Best and .Laryost tftocJts in the U. S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator.
i _ ! ' . . . _ . . . , _ -
GUI ) . ItniKi ; , Mnnnitor ,
lirfRni'.Nn:3i MerclmiilA and runners' Hank , IlnvM Cltv , Neti.t KiMiriipy Kntloinl Iti
rey , Neh. ; t'oliiuiliiiBSlnto Uiinl-.ixilmntms , Nob. ; Slt'Doiiaia'H Hank , North 1'hitte , Not * .
NtiHoiuil llnnk.Oii'idiii. Noli.
Will pu > - cuatoiiH'i-s' dmrt Illi bill of InithifT iittai'litMl ' , for Uro-lldnU valiio of stock.
or Full Particulars about Five anJ Cheap LanJs in Western A'ofrrnsAn. Address PATTERSON
A HHITE , Real Estate Agents , North Ptatte , Nebraska.
Growera of Idve Stock and Obher .
It iRilio IxiMt ninl olionpo't food for took of liny kind. Onnpntiiul Ii pqiinl to tliion jioumt ) o (
com. Block ted wltii Uround Oil Outto Hi tlio Rill unt Wlintir , linlonil of ruiuiln , ' trill In-
eren&e In uiiUrlitmul lm Ininxut ninrkeiiiMo ooiullllon In tliosiirliijf. Diilryiinjn us null nil , olliOr\
, oun lu.-uly lo Ha aiuiaa. Try It inul Jtul o tor yoiirnolvu * . I'rlco $ J | > ur ton.
lor buuua , AuUiuM WOOD.UAN 1.1NSLII > 1)11 , VVOHKS , Onuihii ,
A. TULUOCK , Ktiff. und Supt. U. I * . N. 8ADDLCU , AssL Knj.
II.V. . DIAMOND , Asat. Booy ,
Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron works.
M ANUFAtTttltKllfl AM > nDIDRRS 01
Wrought Iron , Steel , Howl
' 1 1 uts uiul ComliiimUoit
For Itnllround niul Hlffliromls.
Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Rocit
Trusses , Piers and Sub *
structures ,
B won ! of all brldso work lo lot. COrrosiiondonoq solicited Irom
brld ( , J cxjuuii
" ' ENGLISH. "
Tlm OrlKlnnl ami Only tirnulne.
( l\rr ui ( nlfiji UrlliMr. R'wwtor w erlhlrM ImltuloM ,
li-li.i.n.iMo lo LADIES. A > k jour Ilraxal * ! "
( ianin ) tfl an'i. . rtloula M tttter bj r turn M
R . OhlchtmtiT 'hf mlml O -
i a " nK.uu.rc.CLIUd-
nrriCEn. u. w. n. pussr.
. J i .
Thorough instruction en the Piano
and Organ
Person ! ) desirous of rocolvlnsr Initruotlon
Ibv ubuvu will ploatio cull on or uildroul
Prcf. G. B. Lipfarl ,
Council Bluffs Carpet Co.
OIT Rto"k Is now rninpliito In rmry dnpnrt >
mcnl und ( unUiiiu oil Ihu luuvilbiylobundoiluuta
CARPET ! ? ,
KTC. , irra
Largest stock
Lowest Priceg ,
flAM1'I.nafurnl3liotuj.oii npjiltcatJoti to o
of town pttrtlus.
Council Bluffs Carpel Company
& 05 Broadway.
England , Franco & Germany ,
Tlio BtoHiushlpa of this well knntrn llno'aro eH
of Iron , In wntur tlftlit compurtmo'ita ' , midro *
tiirnlahixi wllU.ovnrytlilnir to muku tlio passatf *
both Kufo Hiiil ngrooiitilo. Tlioy carry the Unite *
Htnl < anil Riiropoan mulls , and louvo Now Yortt
TliurwldymiiKl Hntiinluys for riynmntli. ( TOM.
IHINI , Clip rbouir. ( I'AKtS HnU HAMIIUlvSI. ' .
Hutes First oabla , ( SO-SluJ. Btuutaicp to Ko 4
Preventn iintl cure lliiKUaolon.tn8
hutpsturuilon. Aak your druKKltt ,
Clrculnri I roe. Adrtrcns , WruruUM
ItBMKiiy Co. , Omuua. Mebriulau
Railway Time
All trains nrnvo nnd depart from' Omaha b *
Cciituii bunidunl tlnio. jff.
'J rulna of tlio U. , Hi. I' . , M. & O. nrrlro nnd 4a <
pnrt Iruni tliolr depot , corner of Uth. ami Web
t-torKtrvou ; trains on tlio H. A : M. , ( J. , II. te O _
inul K. 0. , St. J. k C. II. from tlio 11. It M. dopou
ull otlicra from tlio Union 1'aolllo depot.
n , ilnlly ; Ii , oxoopt Bolurilay j c , oicopt Bundayf
d , uxoopt tlondur.
Dotmrt. WK31WAUD. Arrlra ,
A. U , . 1' . M , UNION I'AUl'lU. A. M. I'.ST
! SslWa . . . .I'KCillo Kxprcrts. . . . T:30a "
llUMa . . . . . . . .Denvor Kxpross. . . "tiiii
0. & III51' . VAU.KV.
. . .Mull anil EM > ruH3. . .
II. AM. IN Nlill.
eaoa .Mullunit . HxproHS. . .
0tWrt :
lci nrt. KABTWAIID. Arriro.
A. M. i | > . tl. O.M &HT. I-A in , A.M. IIU. .
Bl5o Duy UiprcHH. . . .
. . . .Night Kxiiriijs. . .
0. II.-1. & PAOIK1C
.Duy Htprosrt.
' ' t'M\ : \ > . . . .NIpFil UxiiroHH. , , . "
'tl'iixj Aufxiiiiinoiliitlon. . . "cris ;
C. & N-\V.
B:00o : .lny Itxproxs
0. U. & q.
fi''Ml _ . . : iii. viui'iiiuftin'ih
t-itrii 4 , , , Knr Clil'o via U. IILiTM
Uepiirt. NOItTHWAltl ) . ' Arrlvo.
A. M. I r. ii. | (1. "HT. I M , " * " > . ' 'jk'tu.
bmuu . . . . . .I..HIOIU City lixpniH.1 . . . / < . ,
DHOouiikbind AccoimmMl'n Jl00o ;
I , IO\VA 1)1 V. H. & , ,
OUOu. . I BU Punl Day lUpio
OiJinSt I'aul Nl fit KxprosM 0:45u
PUMMV TIIAINH-UJHVO Onmlm nt 0 : , T :
6M , iuuj. : llii6a.m. ! U-M.X-M. ; iiw. ; 4aw. r !
r.r/und ; Ililu p , m. On HunUayi tlio Uirf an
luiWH. in. , mid SJOJ aud 4iW : p. in. traliU do tiot
uiuvo Council I Illuirii ( llroiidwuy Dupot nt Till
nf.v-M. : ( luiw iiui , .u m , ; ina' ; ; : . { ] ; ,
M'UM > nii , > lliin.p. m. un fluuiluys thJ afll
niul MM B. in. , und : iW ; nnd i'M ; p , m. ( ruins irll |
TlUNHVKIlTltAINHlUronillllll ! | ) lit 8:00. : HjJJ
. ni. ; Kilivsiaj , 4SO. i.iUMiiil . 7s.w p. ni.diU / .
" m"U ! l ° * * ' " ' ' lt > Ml ' 1W' ! IiJI
o m
To nnd from Clilouvo vlJiTiiimrlltu Alllaiica.
( r
r *
n >
11 la . . ( Mobnr. . ll-i'l 17
B-a i.ISovnuil.or. | 4 i 7- * *
i.l' ' 'Ml..r ' . 1 rM I u
liiiio tnlilo of pii.iiiK ir inil
imilm uiul Union KliKik VuiiU ; li | oJoolvjj
'J ralp No. j , uUillji1 SiuOtejr. UtU < (