Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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TITI > 1)AV ) 5JOHNLNU , NOV. 8.
crrrcui Ko. IB r ri street.
relUfinUi } rttmi-r in i-ny Jiait of the Uly ftt
IB nil j i < tits i T tM < jK.
11. W. TII.T I , ifniwr. )
Hcilor , the Jailor , for ftill goods.
The police i.indo ninety-night nnwls
In th < im.ntli of October
Juciii il'i ninny jfMcnlay tied llin knot
uniting Frnnl , M. Korklny , of Omnlm ,
nu-J 1' . Stone of Fiinx f'lt.y.
Vole for Dr. F. 1' . UoUingcr for cor-
oniT. 21
] VrmiuTi ! to ninri-y wai' given yet-tor-
riav IP Ili'irj-uiiin Ar.dcrpon nml Mnltem
J. WnltorK , liotlt of tliif ) county.
This city Is to have a now weekly
, "A fjoo-l Idrji. , " U promise * ) to
n mop' xx-i nkly thuii a good i'loa. '
Vole for Ur. 1' . P. Bellinger for core
The rxf iiv.itlon of Hrvnnt street com
menced veatorday nml Iho laying of
Blocks will commence to tiny or to-mor-
Clirin Struxib is getting along well xvllli
his large nt-w building on Main Micet.
tin ex p < cts to have Uio tin roof on by
Aroto for Dr. V. P. Hollingcr for core
ner. iit.
Chi -f Skinner anil Oilioei" ? Towns ,
Bhleldf ) Mini Cm-ink now form tl\o \ day
police fic-ec , ami Orticeri Austin , Kirk ,
U'Jlrii n , Smnlji'ti and Captain Walters
nwko up tlio night force.
JMr Kn'incr. of the Colorado houso.
now mourns tlm lo s of a xvatoh and
chain and Hexi-ral mnall articles of lem
Value. and cxpoels a discharged employe
of going through the house.
A farm hmirii in llardin toxvnship ,
owned by Alderman Shug.irt , and oecu-
pled by John , fi il'rios. took tire at 3
o'clock y.'Mvrday morning and burned
np xvith all its contents. ' 1 ho family s-
caped. Damage , $ .100 ; insurant" ! , sXX ) .
Vote for Dr. F. P. Itcllingu' for core
ner. St
The noxv church ii n anining
form andoomelmeis , and as the roof gore
on the. building N-gins to phoxv up for
what it isone ot the handiome&t
churehcH in loxva.
The oalholio citizens have been great
exorcised about the record of Judge
whiting on the matter of taxing church
nroporty , tind called a meeting lastnight
lo talk over the mailer , many insisting
Ihat they xxxmld not vote for him bucatiho
of his opposition to the church.
Yoto for Dr. F. P. Bellinger for cm-o
ner. it
Mr. MiYontho ; architect , has jn t com
pleted plans for a new briek bupincr-s
block to bo built in Wnlnut by .J. 1J. , Jo-
IriniiNen , xvho has already niado some of
.fclho boyt building iinj > rovoni ) > iitn in that
phx'o. The new building 'vill probably
cost * 3UOO or ! fli,000.
William Lat.hrop and Charles Pillsbiiry
xver < > last owning thrown out of theS'r
bujrg.y and PilUbury's right hand was
badly bruised. A line xvan dropped , and
PillKoury in reaehins o\'er the danhboard
lirokn it and full. 'I'm ' horsen then became -
came frightened and Lathrop al&o was
thrown out and somoxxhat bruised.
Yesterday all the employes about the
tranufer xvero being measured for uni
forms , the order having cone forth that
all the employes should bo arrayed in
olllciiu garments and xvcar badgcH. The
jiow suits are to bo made by sonis St.
Lenis house , nnd are to cost $ , and the
jmnn nre gh'en three months in xvhich to
pay for them. Blue is to be the color ,
with the usual insignia of rank.
Veto for DV. F. P. Bellinger for core
ner. t
The BEE made a brief announcement
of the death of Louis 11. Brisbie , a young
man well known in Macedonia. It ap
pears that the cause of his sudden death
was that ho xvas oil'on a trip purchasing
land , and xx'as exposed to a storm from
which ho caught a severe cold , and not
being in rugged health ho sank very
vapidly , anu only reached homo to die.
Do xvas buried Friday under the auspices
of Kugbv lodge , A. ! . and A. M. He xvas
nged txventy-hvo years.
Vote for Dr. F. P. Bellinger for core
ner. i > t
The Homo steam laundry is noxv open
for the transaction of luinebS. ) Our ma
chinery being brand new and of the latest
improved pattern , xvo can Kiiaranteo
good xvork , equal to eastern laundries.
The ironing department is under the su
pervision of a Chicago lady xvho is
' 'equalled by few and excelled by noms. "
Work called for and delix'enul free. Or
ders by mail promptly attended to. Tel
ephone No 105. ! We solicit a trial of our
laundry xvork. Geo. W. Schindclc & Co. ,
Ko. & 10 Broadxvay.
A fexv days ago a carload of nexv voters
wore brought hero from Avoca , under
the gtiiilanoj of an attorney lately con
verted to democracy. The cxcnrnfonifcts
nil bceame citizens before their return ,
taking out their second papers in the
Btiperior court. It is said that the singu
lar discovery has been made that of be
tween txvcnty and thirty of these nexv
citi/eiiB , nearly all made aflidavit that
they had taken out their first papers
long ago , but had lost them. The pro
portion of there xvho had lot their first
papers to those xvho had them , xx-as so
largo that the matter has attracted some
attention and caur > cd some talk.
VoUi for Dr. F. P. Bellinger for core
ner. at
Council Binds is much livelier than
eoniti would imagine xvho listen to none
Lut the eroakors , xvho are everlastingly
lioxvling about the city going to the beLow \ \ ' -
Low , With paving going on in several
puriH of the iJity. xvilh a big force of men
nt xvork on suxverrt , a little army xvorking
[ on the nuxv bridge , unoilu-r ff reo on the
noxv court hou e , preparations being
I made lor a largo force < m the nexv gov
ernment building , and any number of
private imiiroxenients being made , Coun
cil BIull'H HIOWH evidences of prosperity
and { jroxvlh not to be found in any other
city in loxva. The most the city needs is
to get rid of a few I'hrunlu croakers , and
moio eonllduncci of the eiti/ens them-
< ulvc8 in themselves and their chances.
Vote for Dr. F. P. Bolliugor for coroner
ner it !
Polities occupied the tlmo and ntti > n-
lion of many ieisturday. All the active
tiurlk'iimntb in the -
campaign xx-ere en
gaged in putting on the finishing touches
of xvar paint lor the light to-day at the
polls 'J ho only fsoitlnir Inoidont , ami
in that there xvas no gore spilled , xvastln
iitreet meeting of Perri Heel and Phi !
Armour , the txvo candidates for tin
ehriovalty Heed , In contrast to his
general mien , xvas very inuuhctcd !
nboiil a report that.Annonr xvas tolling
to thn ell'iK't that ho ( Heel ) had xyorkei
ucaiiift thu court houfe , and was not
friendly to this city. Heel denied th
truth of this charge , and was qu tu
wrought up about It. It wan the lii'M in
dletilionthat ho saxv defeat in the comin
election , and the p o.speet ol disappoint
incut Mfined to IrritiUo him.
Vote for Dr. F. P. Bellinger for core
ncr. 2t
i rinet-t display of nieerchniim am
' Btnokers' goodn for holiday gitls. T. 1) )
t King it Co , , Cigars and 'lolmocob , 5IU
J Broadway. _ _
. The very latodt Js'oxv Vork stales re
ccivo 1 M it . O. A.
Fifteen HunJr ( l Cir Offfwd Tlic
Ui tndTCHtliifr Hoiin-i | , of the V. M.
O. A. 'joomt ICvont * ) Koiindit *
I ton f the Nexv Court
A JSii-'ti nt the
at the ft eight transfer In this
city is heavier than it ha been in a long
xhllu past , and the number of ears arrlx1-
ng at this point is gteator than most
icoplu xx ould think. Three engines uro
-.opt bti y day and nl lit to hr.ndlo the
mineii'-o number of cars at this point ,
tut xvitli kceminjtly little etl'uct , as the
dace of the ears xxliieh are dlppo e < l of is
uion n tilled by others from either the
east or xvo 4.
On Sunday evening at ) o'clock 1,500
earn xvere lying in thejards waitingtobo
KXX itched , and in all probahi'itj' a largo
uiinber of the'-o rr main xvaiting , as with
leaxy Mrinjr1- continually being pushed
into the ynrd fiom the ca ° t and xx-est it
b almost impossible to handle the xxork
xxith FO fexv engines.
Thin is the xvay a great many cars get
( ist , as the consignee thinks , and starts
out "tracer * " for his goods , only to liud
them eome poking along.
Since the competing roads have in-
Teased in number in Nebraska , or at
lea-t i-inee there has bcon f > o many com
peting points on the line , businei-s at the
transfer ban been completely reorgan
ised , inasmuch as noxv every possible
bill nf goods is loaded "straight" all the
way from the east , and ispiihliedovcr the
bridge with all possible speed , not now
necessitating a transfer to Union Pacific
jars , 'M xviiB the habit some time ago.
One of the reasons for such u rush of
business is eau ed by the troubles in the
coal regions of the wi"-t , anil a Inr u
amount of lUe biipine handled here is
earn ot coal for xx'iMlcrn point.s inconnec-
neetion with the xviuler rush of commer
cial business.
Bo sure and ask your grocer for the
bread made at Smith A : Leer ko's bakery ,
No. Wit Main vtreet. It is the vtry begt
made. Try it and bo convinced.
I'repnro Vonr ISnllot. : .
1 ho following have been eleeted as
tlie judges and clerks of election to-day :
1'in-t ward Western houto Judges ,
N. W. Williams , AleGl' > n , ( > . Holmes ;
clerks , Vie Jennings , K. T Bryant.
Second xvard No. fi.'xJ Uroadwiiy , Do-
hnny's opera hotifee. .Judges , S. s. Kel
ler , C. K. Stone , A. C. Kliodf'beck ; clerks ,
W. C. , 15. F. Connor.
Third xvardNo. . ' ( )5 ) Main street , No-
ffiio iV Landstrom'o old filand. Judges ,
II. Ihmtingtou , Sr. . 1 ] , Itosoncrans , K.
Itritlon ; clerks , J. L. Calhoun , II. P.
Fourth ward No. 503 First avenue , II.
H. Oberholzer'ri ofllcc. Judges , Henry
Paschel , M. DeGroat. E A. Becker ;
clerks , C. II. Oilmoro , I ! . B. Boxvmun.
The polls are to open nt tl o'clock and
close at i ! o'clock p. m. Tim judges and
: -lerks are expected to rojiort for duty an
liour belorc the opening of the polls.
Ed Wright , stenographer. r > 51 Mills
street. Amiuiueiisisxork. . Type xvritur ,
copying and reporting.
An Intcrohtliij ; Ilcport.
The folloxving is the third quarterly vo-
[ ) ort of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation , of this city , from August I , to
November 1 , 18-Vi :
It given us pleasure to report another
quarter of untiring xvork in our associa
tion. One of the greatest steps taken xvas
Llio organization of a boy's branch. This
band ot bright little t'elloxvn meet each
Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The first
half liour is spent in the gymnasium
where all exercise in class. This is done
systematically xvith a vioxv of developing
the boys physically. At the end ot the
lir-jt halt hour , all go into the parlor
xvherc the next is spent xvith the leaders
talking over some current tonics , some
practical ICESOII or some bible study.
One xveek the life of Grant xx-asreviexved ,
another the proposed nexv bridge
di-eiibaed. An evening xvas snout in
telling "dillercnt things men do , " an
other in "dill'erent things xvo cat. " As
bible lehsons , xxe have had the lives of
Joseph and Daniel , and a history of
Noah's time. There is si great field
opened for successful work among boys
and xvo expect to cultivate the field as
best xvo can.
The usual lines of xvork , as _ set forth in
other reports , xvc have continued to t'ol-
The rooms over the savings bank , cor
ner Main street and Broadxvay , are cen
trally located and have become a pleas
ant resort to men. Some xvho have
cheerful homes come often that they may
encourage and stimulate thoio xvho live
in boarding places ami have none of the
homo comforts.
Strangers in the city seek out our
rooms that they may gam such informa
tion as arrival and departure of trains ,
connections made , location of churches ,
public buildings , places of interest ,
boarding houses , furnibhed rooms , etc.
The gymnasium is much more commo
dious than ut the old place , and from
ten to thirty persons can exercise at a
time without mterferring xvith each
We hope to be able at an early date to
add borne necessary attractions to the
parlor and t-ocial rooms , then wovill bo
Fietter prepared and receive and enter
tain any young man xvho desires to fcnend
his evenings in good company.
Two fine entei'tainments xvero gix'cn ,
one by Miss Nellie Hatcher , of this city ,
the other by the Medibeny family , of
Portland , Oregon. xvero both
xvull attended , hut owing to heaxyex-
ponies , netted little lor us.
At the s'lNU'cnth annual convention of
the V. M. C. A. of the Mate of loxx'u , re-
contl.x held at Davenport , the secretary
represented the nM > i'iation , taking part
in thodi'-cussions and presented papers
upon dill'orcnt phases ol the xvork.
We expect greater things in the fi'turo
than in the past. Tim work is taking a
more definite shape. The importance of
reaching individual young men is plainly
manifest in the minds or many of the
nit mburs , and they are striving toward
that end.
We extend our most hearty thanks to
all xvho have aided u.s in any manner ,
nnd xvould bespe.ik . of them the tame
interest lib heretofore.
Kx'eiyoni ! Inlying S,1c nt-s xv'of til of T.
1) ) . Kin j ixi ( " 'o. , ha.s ; i cluinuu , free , in the
l-anijis clicnp nt Iloniuv's , 2)5 ) Main fit.
A Kuru Foiiinlatloii.
Tlio xvorK on tliu fonmlntion of tlio
noxv court IIUUM ) is bolng xvatclicil xvltl
innuh intere.t , as till fetil tluit it is very
imnortunt that BO lar o a imiUlin
looated on thnt t-itu , must have thu X-LTJ
be .t potsiblo fonnilatioii. Piles nro bumt
drixtiii , anil upon theM3 15. phxecil u niu i >
of broken roclc ccinunteil tu < ; cthor xxitl
conurctu , nmkin n brouii iin < l thick be <
ulinobt equal t Koliil ronk. It dues no
hiu.'iu that tlm ) irint : fuiimlalion ( > liit
eoulil bit liuttured. Tlio | ileM nviMlnvei
twenty -1'our tuut. ' 1'Liut oaru is i
and extra prpfAUtlun n n'SRary Is evident
from Un ! eluirai'fer of tliu soil , which U
"hoxxn in tll'J ' dnvinixof these. j ili . A\'ilh
n Inmnicr xvel-jhin * ' 1 ! ) poniuls , f"lin/x ] /
> S fet'f , a pile is en-Jly driven i 0 Ccut
cneh blow. The xvork is pnnjtveMim
xvell , nnd 15 being xxatehed by innnx'
ultiwns , who seem fo bo well mitisHeil xvlmtever the futnro in y rexeal , the
foundation to tlio ne.xxcourt house is
olid and sure.
Correet AlistrneLs of Title and Real K1"-
nto Loans at MeMuliun te Co'e , No. 4.
'oarl direct.
For hardxvnrn nnd hoiirn Inrnlshlnps
ret jirlees of Cooper & .McGei1 , No.11
Main sfreol ,
The monthly reports of ( he. city fathers
were presented to the council last even-
iitf. The auditor presented the folloxv-
nj ? .howin of the xvarrnntH ipaued nnd
nils ulloxved during the month of Oelo-
10 r , and Iho amount of xvarrants issued
and billH nlluxveil by this council from
March 10 to November 1 , for ordinary
city purposes , inehnlinj ; such expend- !
tires IH como nniior the head of special
fnml warmnts for Ootoher.S 4.US9 10
Public fund xvnrr.inta for Outobcr. . 1AW SI5
Total . S 0i 3 Wl
Tlio following are the ordinnry ox-
ICIIBCS for Octouon
Oclobor. Y.vtr.
Itrlilgrc . 3 Oil 00 S UNHTJ
I'ollee . lit ! . " 7OT7 l
1'iiiitlnjj . 147 b3 lirM > 7
Paiks. . . . - XOJ )
inn . 419 Bl l.tll1 * HO
iiKlneor derailment. . . . 2M Kl i.OHOO
DamaKCS , ete . -17H ( M ) l,5t , " , CO
Fire ilennHmeiit . WH ss . lsr > 18
Ceneral tttinl IUOIHT . Md : B.lWi 43
Streets anil alloj S . 2,015 K ) 10 51 01
K. A. IH-iiKi : . City Auditor.
The city clerk ale renortw the folloxving
as the receipts of his ollico for October :
Permits . S 4 IK )
J jli'CllHM . 1 , 13J ! ! .J
( 'Hyeiimina ! . WUKJ
Civil rases . iS ! UO
] 'omul iiCH ! and iloi ; tax . 1 10
Xuturalfeation . " . . 4d CO
Ptcot Hibbon.i in the latofit colors tit
I\lrs. \ Holers.
Tlio Meri'i TliinlterM.
The Jierry TliinkoM met last evening
at the homo of missJCmmalJeobcand had
a very enjoyable limo. The following
programme xvas jiroxidod :
Kshay ' "The Aineriean Poets of the Nine
teenth Centnry1 Mr. lliL/ieton.
"Siveioh of tlio Llio of Jr.x ! > i I" MUsl/i/iio
"ijeleotions from Jlryant" Mr.NV. JJ. Sum-
Instrumental Musl > Miss Ln Mlllanl.
"Suleetions from \Vlilttlcr" iliso Maiio
Oli < 'rholt7cr. '
Sonj ? Mi-H ICinma Uii'bc.
DLicusaionWns Ur > ant a Greater Poet
ami Man than WltittierV" AlUrmatlxe Mlsn
hiiuire nnd Mr. ( teoixe I ) , liif1. Nejjiittx'e
Miss Anna OljeiluiltiCr ami Jlr. J Imcr
JStac < 'y.
ticuunil disen sion of mitlior1' .
If yon xviMb to maki ! legitimately from
ten to liftv " dollars pr < lay xvnlu to .itidil
vt Smith , "No. ! ! 1 1'oiirth itret't. ouncil
. -
- - -
Substnntial abstract H of title and r al
e -tate loans. J.V. . , & K. L. S-iuiiv , lill
Pearl itruot.
A " \VoriIiIoss lli
Mrs. Barbara U. Hibbs lias cornm. need
an action for divorce from her husband ,
John J. Hibbs , to whom who says &ho
xvas marriud in Camiicn , X. J. , April
83 , 1885. Sh' ! olaima that xvhcn she mar
ried him sin ; did no ! know ho was in the
habit of getting drunk , bnt that , she soon
found it out , and that ho was not only an
habitual drunkard , but that xx hen drunlc
ho xvas very abnsix'e and cruel to her.
Uo had af-sjiulted her , even xvhen no had
a little babe in IKT ann = . and xvas ar-
rected and lined. Since then he had been
arrested and found guilty of.uino other
olfonse , and placed in tin ; state prison in
Nexv Jersey , Tor all thc-o ivas-ons filiu
thinUs lie is entitled to her freedom from
the matrimonir.l bond'j and Iho custody
of the child.
WANTTJI ) Wheat , corn and oaUin ear-
lots. Liberal advances made on all eon-
Mgnuionts , by , ) . V. I'uller , Council UlufTs ,
loxva , and Omaha , Neb.
Tor everything in tlio jrrorcr.v line gix-o
the noxv firm of HintKloob , Itil
liroatlxvay , a trial. Kvi.rythingnexv anil
frui'h. Fancy groceries a specialty .
Fell Tnlrty Fenl.
\V. J. Rnwtoll , a carpenter , while at
xrork on Air. FarriMxorth's house on
Eighth street yesl-orihiy , made a nii'teji
and fell from the top to the bottom , a
distance of about thirty feet , his fall
being partly broken by his striking
against the joisls on tlio peeond floor.
Hoxv ho managed to escape berioiis injury
is a mystery. His face win badly
sorati'hod and Mimexvhat brnis-cd , and one
of his le s xx'as hurt , lint no hones broken
and no injuries reeeix ed serious enough
to prevent his xvalking home.
Cottage ranges. Garland stovo'i , 15a-
diant Homes and Hub heaters of the very
Inti-ftt patterns at Ix'd rod : prices , at
Cooper 'i ilcOee's , No. HMain street ,
I'erHonal I'a
S. G , Underwood xvas in the dty yes-
I ) . M. Anderson , of Sioux City , xvas at
thePaeilie yesterday.
M. I. JJroxvn ami xxifo , of Fiillerton ,
Nob. , were at tlio Ogdi n yesterday.
Dr. C. H. iltidil hah returned from a
business trip in eastern Iox\i and north
ern Kansas , o
John T. Cheney , the popular Siouv
City hotel man , xvas in the city jentenlay
and ilin.-d at tlmUgden.
Mr. Horace Kxurolt returned yesterday
xx itli bin family from the east , lie has
been spending a month , in bib old Ver
mont. home , and has rejuvenated by de
lightful trips among the mountain scen
ery. Mr. Leonard Evenitt remains fora
cliort timu longer in Nexv York.
Frank \ . Shepard , xvho xvan formerly
in the employ uf lliirkntu-s. . linn. , of thi's
lily , but lately a rehhloutof North Platle ,
Neb. , returned to this city on Sunday
morning xxith n hcaxy touch of malaria ,
ai.d now lies at the rci-idimeo of liiu
brother. C. b. Shepard , on Fir-it avenue ,
dosing hinirclf xvith ipiinine.
Tlii > rity Couneil.
The regular mooting ot the city council
\vas lield last night. The amliior xxa.s in-
struotod hereafter to jirefcent no bills ex
cept tlioHo filed txvenly-four hourd before
the meeting.
The city attorney xvas itiEtrncted fo jiro-
pare an ordinance punishing parties tak
ing dirt from thu bunks of tlio Mxvcr
Foot pashiigoxvais xvero ordered built
on the Seventh street bridge.
Seventh street xvas ordered gradud
from Myuslo'r btrwt to Uroadxxay.
Tlm rebolutlim pushed at the last incot-
Ing ordering JVarl htrcct paved , was re.
I'oss .street xvas orden l brviugli * to
The appuintuiunt of John Templeton
ns if > : tante'iicf rif tnellre di-pfirfmont ,
and appointment of Clurhvniehol -
son as drixi-r of No 1' , xvero approxed.
A rfsolution to elope the saloon * on
Snu'liy xv\s ; lull ! M-I ; until after the cleo-
A number of Rlrects , in the Third xvard
were ordered filled.
The council then adjourned until next
Monday ovcningi
When you find United States Senators
and Congressmen mibliely endorsing
Hod Star Cough Cute , you nmv re l as
sured that they have nail satisfactory
personal experience of its virtue.
The count tn-niulit Will bo necessarily
Mow nnd tedious , hs there is every indica
tion that theiv will be a good deal of
teratohlngof tickets , on both fiidef. es
pecially in regard to local candidates.
There Is every indication that the reimb-
heans xvill be gainers , hoxvevcr , on thn
scratching. For sheriff Phil Armour xvill
receive an entlniMaPtie suppoit. not only
of his own party , but al o of many not of
his ] ) olitieal faith. Col. Sapp , xvho in
being elected to tlm legislature will
honor the place , rather than receive
honor from it , xvill also secure many dem
ocratic votes , ns xvith nil liis repulMiean
enthusiasm , he is a broad built man.
xvho xvill legislate for the best interests ot
nil , nud In the coming seshion there is a
special necessity for this county lo bo
represented by men of experience and
influenceOn the other hand , Col.
Keatly xvill receive a goodly number of
republican votes here , from personal
reason * , and not because of any opposi
tion to Mr. Hake , xvho is as good and
true a man as the republicans could name
for the position. On the other nomina
tions then : xvill bo pretty straight work ,
comparatively , ami the republicans feel
confident , and xvith apparent good rea
son , of electing the entire county ticket.
JSOTICi : . Pieclul | nilx'drtlfempiit. ' , ruch as
LoM , FounO. To I/Jim , Tor Solo , To Kent , \Vimtn
Hoarding , etc. , will be inserted In this column nt
tlio Joxv tutu of TKM ( T.XTS I'KH IiINIJ for Iho
flist Insertion nnd 1'IVK CENTS 1T.U LINK for
each PUb-o'tient | Insertion , l.euxu ntlvorliso-
mentsat our oC'.cc , No. li 1'carl utrvot , nuur
otsis : i ou HK.NT At MoMnhon & GO'S ,
. No. I Pearl ftiwt.
ANTKD Sltuntlon liv Indv 'nlio
( Icrniuiuuiil KnelMi. HiHliiul ( i
clerk. Addro-s M. fccott , No. WJ Main ttieot.
\\rANTJH ) A Ocnnnn Imtchcr. Onod xxiigoo
It nml ptciuly job to HOIK ! innn. Address or
cull J'or 1 * . U. , HUE olllcu , Council lllutri.
JAXTKD A Knoil Kirl 1'or Brncrnl house
1 work ; No. IOH llniwroft tttrurt.
rou * AM : , rou KENT OK
Mil. 63 For mln or rout , on vrrv Jlltcml ti'Vini.
K The Counpll llluffii Puiior Sllll.eoiuvlete. xvitli
thclurira boanitri ; lioiitn ) und throe acres ot
No. y > A liuolncss properly in ,
rboiok" " ) cnxinty. Iowa , x\ ill Iniduf'u' xscnteru
lands. Vlilnu , tilioilt SUKXi.
No. iin A li-iiutitul home l'i tin1 toxui of Hii'f-
id' . 'tills county , Iowa , for XnlnutLu lauJ.
Vnlno..riO ( ) .
ISO. 41 A KOOiHiti'hiess , properly nml ul o u
l/oihl rt-sKii'iK r iiropi'rty In tin1 ti .n nl' Chon\o
Mel .can county. 111. , loxv tloxvn for i"i"hoi' will
uxiiiant'o lor weMs'i n liiml' .
No. 17U A siileiiilld luilii , well l < npmvod , WO
ncie in ll.'i'WiiMiu yoinitj , lowti , joiriinit tlio
town ol' bp'rll ' Lalio. I'rlco , for u f-Uoit tlmo ,
jvjii iMiere.
No. JM to 187 Aio four In proved farm1 ! In
r'nlllipM county. Kiiiwu ? , wicb witli n Bmall in-
riiiiibitiiico. The nin'luiH Ml b" rxclmnijoU for
unliioiimbcu-d wllil liwid Hi NolirtisUn.
No. IM ! IMJ aarm In Hull count ) . Nvl > . . partly
InipiMVcd , ut n l > li ? barcnln. Wi'iit-i ' to e
No. 51 A Bun t o < - > wy lirit'l. xt't-Mi'lH'c , ono
of tin ) lie ft JonsIn Colincll llulJ. ! ! will tr.ulo
I- . > . mil unlni unlii'ird Kni aii or Xtbiu-iku
landValiJu. . S15.0II.J. ,
No. Miiud 11 Aio \ooluT ( beautiful homes
In ( Viiujfil HliilTfi , xvlilch cn-.h iiuytiic-uta will buy
lit n ijiuvnin.
No. M A Ije.uitlfiilirrtibm-ljrtn location In In : i
City , limit , will cAuhaufjo lor xxestcrn lauds.
VIIIIK , iV < 0.
'J'lic ul > ux o nro only n few ol our bp < " . lullur-
Piiins. J 1' you've 'rot nuyilitii ? to tnuloor hell ,
oi'xvnntti ] M > ) | anj ii-iil e.--tuie or iiii'ivliasidi o ,
wnt < ! ii" . XX'n liuv o sov oral ao < * l te < HH of iioodd
lo truilo ior lands. bXVAtt A , WAl.lvHir ,
Couneil Jliiltls , lo ' : i.
J , L. DC BEY01SE , Agent ,
No. C07 Broadway. Council
Bailway Time Table.
Tlio follow Inn1 1 tlio time of trvivul nnd
ili'jiii'luieol trulu1 * by I'dilnil t-tiiiiiluid tlino , nt
Ilio loeiil dopoid. Tiulm Ictivu tniiiMiirdt' | > ol lua
inlniili1"eurlitr nml turixu ten miiiuti-s Jati-r :
DUl'Altr. .XlllllX'fc
fl : ' ' "i . * . M . Miiil und P\iri" | > . fl-Wlp. xt.
12l'i r. M . Actoiiiinoiluiloii . 4 .dip. M.
5:3) : ) p. H . i : pru . Ut'5A.U. :
Cllll'AOO ft HOCK J 5lj\yil.
D:2 : , " > A. M . Mull mid l ! pie M . 6ip. : ! ! M.
7:15 A. M . AteonuiHidHtUin . .r > M.p , e. u.
6uUI' : . M . nvpicf. . Uaij.i.M.
C1IICAOO , XHI.WAl'KI ' K if M' . I'AUb.
DaO : A. ! . -Mull " ' " 1 1\iireso ! . : " ) . si.
"i : 5r. M . K | iitt < . W'Jj : A. M.
cjii'A < i < > . Hi'in.iMiroN A < jinsiv.
UMO.A. il . ilullund JJx | < rifj . 7UP. : ) M.
xx'xi'Xsii , hr. i.nei" %
Sil.'i P. M.lx.uil Kt. louiP. \ | > nc I/K'II !
H:00 : f. M.'l'ruii'U'r Ht. l.imls iTrmi'iliT ! i'rfn e. M
ltNh.XS WTXST. . .1(11 : & < OI M.1J. HM'I'i'S.
10HI : .x. u M.illimil 15\iirow < TKi'il' . xi.
Ui : ( { i > . M V Kiint K'Xi : A. si.
motix in iv A. I'Aoino.
7:1M , Sh uI Ity Mn.l HnOe. ; xr.
6U5 : 1' . M St 1'anl l.iirn"J | bj TiA.M.
IIMOV eu inc.
11:00 : A. M Tfiix-iTl'xi iHS i t''V r. xi.
1U1 : e. M..Lincoln I > af > > . .Oni. A. U. \ , . . " : a3 e. H.
7:15 : P. M ( n-i-rlanil i\iin- : 8tu.x. : ; i.
Teax'o Council Hliill'ti 7O"r : T.Cf > ) IW : ! 10:30 :
11:10 : u. in. ; IM : ; 'J.W 4t : : < 0 4.W : iri'f."i : 4 > : i" >
llini. : ] 111. I.onvo Oiunliu l'i"i ' : 1:2Ti : bifiil JUiiM
In Couneil 111 n rid having
Fire Esoa/pe
And nil niouurn Iiiipiovoiiicntii , crtll Ijcllt , , Jlro
iiliiriu b < < ilM , cto. , id tlio
Koi. X'15 , i.'l" and 2'i ! , Xliiln Street ,
.MAX 5.10H.V , I'roi > riotor.
Fancy and Staplft Groceries ,
"No * 162 - ' Broadway.
Opposite 'ffgdep House ,
11 .1
Council BhdFs , - - la.
Tins hoiiM ) bulng a noxr one , con o-
qiutntly uverythinglu Ntuuk Ja nuxv tint
Prlous as reasonable as ny other gro
corj in thu xx't'at.
Onu trial is ; ili xvn ask.
Plumbing Co ,
Sanitary Hydraulic Engineers ,
Public end Private Systems
d Sewerage ,
Water xvoiks nud Ventilation designed
nml conptiucltid.
inf ; xx'ork in nil its liranchcB.Thls
company have one of the best assorted
stocks of plutubiug goods lu the xvest
Kstlmatea furnished.
N.JXV York i'lmnbing company 6o3 Uroad
xray Council DlntVd. Telephone No 27.
T1 !
ll j/l <
342 and 344 BROADWAY.
filens Fail § Winter Wear
Kens' rnil Tloyo * HiiFiiir j Pulls.
MOILS' and Ht y ' lri > tyiiit .
Chihlruiib' llvory Day and Uro'f Suits.
Ovciccfita 1 < ir .Men , Iloya nnd CbJJdieuu
Jloiciliunt 1 ollur Sultn.
Uuivbaut Tailor Overcoats.
JTorclmnf T
E'ual ] to iliu li'-'it , to onltT ,
At ft nil' tlio jirlco.
Kat.MmiV Sulls and Ovcrcoatn.
l.oiui MI-US' Sulth nml J.
1'at > Itii ' Ti ow : 01 s.
Ec'iinikas Sblil * and Trow ers In S
Je < lioi\'ol ti'itrli-tti , r.Mni lltnvv llalliriK ii- ,
Fancy Colored XVouls uuU nitjud fiuultiiud , liom
Lv ivt'li to Ht.'iO.
rou THI : IALT , OF isss.
G-loves ,
Neckwear ,
Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs ,
And Ottffs ,
Of fiittolma quiilllics und rcasnnablo iirloo * .
B" nnd : ili llivindway , Council DlullH , fovra.
1'ractires In StaK anil Kcdur.i !
iiiH 7 ,111 1 , 3ii.t UunuJcolc
2,53 s. A. , xt. z oEnnorc ,
rormtirly of Ncxr Vork ,
No. 'Ul't'ftrl Street , Council Illuffa , low *
No. 837 Hroadwny , Council JIlufK
Hair ( roods of all Kinds
Made to Order.
Hair G-oods of all tyles
Reaciy Made.
JVo , 337 Broadway.
"Was able to buy so many good goods for so li
tie money as now , at the low cash sales
Silks , Tricots ,
Hoiiiespims and Boucle Dress
Such Bargains in Blankets
and. lannels.
Our stock of
Are particularly choice , and our prices for
are the lowest they have been in twenty
. removed to ihoir NoxxRforn ,
Where they liax-e put in : i nexv stoek of
Ladies' ' and Gents Fufoistiing Goods , Etc , , Etc ,
Among which rrc the. folloxving lines :
Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens , Gents-
Neckwear , Gents' Underwear.
Ladies' Children's and Misses9 U-udvrtvccvr ,
Hosiery and Gloves , Cloaks and Shawls , Ladies' Valises , Blankets ana
Flannels , Rockford Carpet Warp in all Colors.
No. .T3 .and ill T\liin \ : Street , Council IMuft
No. 'M und ! 55 L'cui'l Street.
. . . . . . .
1 " " - - - - - "j. ' = 3
J 3irLGl'i : liV J. M rilll.LlPS , WIIOLESALH D15ALKK IN
Ho. 4:13 : Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Our rnslnmerf. { ; et flic lionefit of the pyrirnin Ihus nx-i > d. Rend for prieo
'U luifldinirr of nnjr Vdnd rnl cd or nv-i-cd no 1 sriti fnctloi ( ruara'itond. ' Hrnmo li
Oil l.UllU tilllllt tl'UOUB-'tllO IK'S I 111 tllUuud. .
wi'f oth sr , coL't.'cir. fJMJnw.
No. 29 Main street , Council BltirTs.
f V
N. SGHtrna ,
Justice of the Peace.
CUllco Over An\.ri \ < ! , ui KxproOT ,
CUUM-J1 , lll.Uia'o , IOWA.
R. RICE , M. D.
r > r 'Jll"-'i' imnom
OM I Hiiii ) 3ciu-b lu'ii' t leal inpun'Jii'-'O. OItio
Mo. II l'i in Iiicn I i iiinifil