Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1885, Image 5

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A Btcadj Ballding Boom In Itassivo Bnsi-
uew BlocJc.1.
Vine Polloo Work Tom Krnnnnl
Called to Omnlin Ootinljr t'oll
tlcHon the Boom < 3lonn
I'roin tlio
Ttin nrn'8 I.i.vortr.N DuilRAU.1
The continued plrmsunl. wcathor lends
to thu belief that the numerous large
blofkH in Lincoln now in coursoof con-
btruoti m will ho onolosrd and ready for
the carpenters before winter sets in.
Strangers who visit Lincoln unto with the largo number of buildings ,
both business and rosidcnco , that arc
going up. The year has been the mot
prosperous In the city PO far , and these
Interested say that ( he boom will bo pro-
portionutoly large next year.
Among the larger blocks now building
that of Hichardri Brothers , oornur of
Klovcnth and O streets , is the mostmotro-
) > olitan in luincaranco. It will bu four
stories with a high basement. The lower
walls are of heavy cut limostonu. From
thu baHumunt up to the coruico St. Louis
proHsed brick is used , with terra eotta
and sand stone for the window caps and
ornamentation. The corner room is
especially de.vgued for Iho USD of the
Lincoln National bank , mid llru and
burglar proof vaults will be built in the
f ails not only tor the bank's ue but for
whoso who occupy ollices. An elevator
tor the convenient ; . ' ot tcniinls aim those
doing business with them will add to the
desirability of ( he block. Although llio
building will not bo completed short of
thioo months cury ollicu has boon en
gaged ut gooil routs.
At the oorticr of O and Kightocnth
elrccta a ponderous four-story warehouse
It bo ing constructed lor Uaymond Bros.
tbe u-sed by thorn for their steadily in
creasing biiHincss. Tno front ulovatlon
is ornate in design and will bo thu most
beautiful in thai vicinity.
J. L. Osboruo lias just moved into a
new throe-story and basement building ,
which cost in the neighborhood of ? ! il- )
CO , ) . The walls iir. ) very heavy , mid
they were built so Unit the walls could
bo cariicd up two Moors higher , making
a h'vo story buildmsr.
At the corner of Tenth mul N streets
John M. Connell is just ! iuisliing up live
beautiful three-story store room * . They
nre models of beaul > and architectural
finish , and should justly bo a pride to
their owner and designer.
On N between Kluvcnth and Twelfth
Streets , Knlerpriso block , which covers 75
fool by 110 feet of ground , in under roof
nml given ever to the carpenters. It
hits thrcu lloors and will be healed by
eteam and have all modern conven
It would bo useless to attempt an
enumeration of all tlio buildings just un
closed and uiulur way , for they uro al-
aiost numberless.
"Whero is Chester B. Davis , tlio cele
brated sanitary engineer ? " asked a lead
ing citizen yesterday ; ' ' 1 have not seen
him for a month. . " A Bin : reporter un
dertook to learu Iho whereabouts of Mr.
JUiiv'iH , but while failing so to do learned
eomo interesting facts in connection
with Davis' advent into and departure
from ' 'ncoln. The BIB : in last August
took occasion to enlighten Lincoln citi
zens as to Davis' capabilities as an engi
neer. Before that time thu city council
had , without proper caution , entered into
n contract with Davis , who was unknown
to any of the members , or virtually so ,
to devise plans and specifications to
gether with profiles and working plans
lor a system of sewerage for Lincoln.
Davis WIIH to receive $ w'UO ( ) for his ser
vices. After the exposure made by the
BKI : , which as usual stood alonu in the
matter , inquiries were instituted and
questions asked and answered concern
ing thu work. Davis came here some six
or eight weeks ago and submitted a gen
eral fichemo for the sewerage to the
council. It was published in the Bin : at
the time , with comments and opinions of
citizens , who , as a rule , were not satis
fied with it. The council had madu a
contract and Davis could enforce its per
formance. It is said , and there scums to
bo no doubt about it , that the council
ollercd Davis a certain sum of money to
throw up his contract with thu city. It is
not , known whether Davis accepted the
proposition or not , but it is certain that
there has been not lung done on sewerage
binco Davis' last departure as stated.
There is no sewer bond proposition be
fore the voters to-day , no surveying has
been done , and Mr. Iavis'eouiitcuanco
lias not been visible on thu strutds of
Lincoln for quite a while. The Bir ; pro
tected the city's interests , and yet there
nro idiots and knaves who assert that the
paper has worked against Lincoln. The
liKi : would like to have its record com
pared will ) that of its Lincoln con
Last week a second-hand dealer on O
street was arrested for recuiviugand buy
ing stolen property. His accusers were
two men named 1-oliti and Frank Wat-
HOIP , the latter , It isundur.stood. is now in
prison. Thu two mon confessed that they
bad some timu Rineu entered the house of
n man named Hooker , who lived out in
thu country several mi e.s , and got a lot
of jewelry and wearing apparel to the
vaiua of about $ ! UH ) . The. men were after
wards arrested , bill not until they had
disposed of tlio property. While In prison
Folito confessed the robbery ami stated
that the ololldng had b en sold to the
second-hand dealer , and that ho had
burled the things In the back yard of his
residence , on Iv street. The policu went
and found the articles as designated by
the thieves. The dealer was arrested and
the eabo get for hearing before a justice.
Supdonly the case was dropped and noth
ing WIIM dono. When questioned , one of
the oIllecrK eald : ' 'Oh , well , ix a poor
man , and we beared him pretty bad ;
that's enough. "
Before the dismissal or suspension of
prosecution , the police said that thu man
had long been .suspected , and stolen
coeds were actually tonnii in his place of
business. The idea of thu policu waiving
iirosocutlnn from philanthropic motives
is something very refreshing to those ac
quainted with the trim status of affairs.
When il comes to taking down Bii : : bigns
the coppers iiru an immensu success mid
the onler of the mayor is immediately
carried out with alacrity worthy of a
just cause , but when real offenses are lo
Lo punished the milk of human kindness
Instantly pervades the cntlro anatomy of
the "finest perllcu in the land. "
Chief Bond Kngineur Tom Konuard , of
the Missouri IV.cllie , received a tuleuram
yesterday from S. II. 11 Clark at Omaha ,
mid Tom Immediately packed hisjgrip
und departed for the metropolis. It is
presumed that Mr Chirk desires to converse -
verso with Mr. Kennanl as to the deb-
tinioH of the town founded by thu latter
gentleman who proudly calls iiiniHelf the
father of Lincoln. Sin en the exposure In
tJiU paper yesterday of thu Missouri
1'Hcitic'H probable reason In ordering a
fciiKpcnsion of operations by Mr Cl.irk.
thu mutter has become ono of
discussion , and nearly every QUO agrees
that thu road , as stated ytutorday , only
dcriirca to further bleed the oily by
caring it again. Thu bchcnm in to luivu
llui uppvoliors make a now report and
citt down the fipiirps from about a hun
dred thousand dollars to from thlrt > 'to
fifty per cent IOM , thereby working an
Injury on those owning 'iho property
wi-diL-d by the oompany. Now
that the plan 1m ? bin exposed
It is not at all llkelv that pitht-r Mr.
Clark or Mr , Kennanl will ngiin ho suo-
cossful in hlindinir nnvone. Ono of Iho
appraisers , whtm spokfii to , ald ho con-
Bitfert-d tlu < valuation put upon the prop
erty very ron onnbl , mid less than wai
paid by the K. & M. , which had bought
adjoining but inferior property , us it
laid lower and toward thu marshes.
Polities were red hot In Lincoln yester
day. The leading candidatcson both the
republican and democratic tiekct.s were
inurshnlllng their forces in great shape ,
and u moro busy and energetic sot fit
men on both tlcKots never were ccn In
this olty. The wire pullers and success ,
sul political lcndm-4 on the republican
Ride claim that they have a dead sure
thing , though the majority will not bo us
great as at nrst oxmseti'd on account of
the lukewarm feeling of fiomo of the
party workers.
A Nr.w coiirnuTtoN. .
Yesterday , Iton. li. I' . Uoggon , cocro-
tary of sUite , received lor record from
Fremont. Nebraska , articles of incorpor
ation of the Western Trust and Security
comimny of Frnmont. llodgn i-ouuty.
Tno iticorpornlort are L. M. Richards ,
h. Al. Itceno , Henry Fnhrmiin and sov- others. The object ol the company
is to loan money on farms ami other su-
( Mirit'uM , and the aulliori7.rd capitid is
? .M)0OIIO. ) Tlio company Marts out with
! J5OJO ) paid in.
nuir.r nirs.
Sam Mi-lick , the prcsnnt sherifFof Lan
caster county , will have a walk-n-wuy
for the ollico to-day , if the ovpre. Jion of
his friends may be take n as correct.
Hon. H. T. Chirk , of Omaha , is in the
city on tmsinoii.
Them ere tunny farmers in the citv
yesterday buying goods , and the streets
presented n lively huuno.
Master 1'rcd Diirfee , who had his foot
badly injured some weeks ago , is now
nearly well , and the many fnends of the
briirnt , young lad uro glad of it.
1' P.'Kouhn , the well-known architect ,
who has been absent In the cast several
weeks , has returned to Lincoln with his
family and is again tit business.
The cold wave lhi"j was hoisted over
the government builuingSunduy , but the
weulhur predicted tailed to muteriali/.e.
Homo of the ours of the Capital City
railway company have been repainted
and tliev present a bright and clean up-
Mr. Itnhou" proprietor of the Commer
cial , is making extensive repairs and
alterations about his holel.
II. H. Mou"ot-Uentou ; A. II. Howard ,
Newton ; . Charles West , Osceola ; H. T.
Chirk , Omaha ; Walt M. Seelev , Hennctt ,
J. It. lical , Omaha ; John iucKurhroii ,
MilfordiC. W. Kaley , KedCloud ; 1) . Uos-
serman. L. B. Adams , Superior ; V. K.
Davis , Beatrice.
lIOWKIi COMPIjAINTS cured and prevented
vented by Ui'Frv's 1'i-iti : IAI.T WIIJHKI.Y
Hceommumlcil by leading iihysictuns. feolJ
by druggists und croccrs.
Ijlst or Voters Seoond District Sco-
ontl AVnrcl
Anderson OIolT 'ilth and Matuli
Amicrsun John SUb I7lh
Austin \V 111.WO Murcy
Alexander 11 SMliI Pierce
Allihon IrvInuiUHS ttith
Browned J At 17I ! > Luavenworth
Hrlggs A K P.irk ave near Uuntcoui Park
Brown J V U 1711 Matey
Bergman OOth bet Mason and Picico
Boidun LewillWiS Ibth
lliirnett A U UJJ7 Pieix'o
Unull L W l.VW lluxvaul
Itruns Henry ! iii. Leavenworth
CnapiuV K Uith and LeavemvorUi ,
Clover H O 817 S tt4th
Claikbun J K ( Hit S 0lh
Corner batuuul A' M but Mason and Marcy
t'hi } ton bluumaii 18th and Pierce
Cairier Kidiard ( ili : S loth
Ciaik Joim I * 17th and Jackson
Connor Alfred -J10 bt Mary's r
Cioiter Win JtfJOS 17th
IJrusto Kdward 8 J S Ibth
Uickbou J H 1KM S 10th
Dub.ich Oo Uilh and Howard
Diexcl Chiistlan Lcavcnxvonh W of Ifith
Uie.xcl l-'ied Leuvcnwoith W of LTith
Uiexel Lewis Leavenworth Wot'Lith
Davis K P 'J-WJ Pierce
KxlcstonV \ Paul -J5J7 Pacific
Knilisli J P Duane nearPoiwclton
Kdily lieo H 1517 Jackson
t'loncco Chas W Euclhl ave near Mlohlgan.
I'lulayson Saml Ceuriiiu ave near Wooiwuith
tarnxnaV W 511 S Sixteenth
Ureevoy M J Virginia bet Woelworth sail
Grllllth John W r,27 Park ave
tiiek'or Frank Twentieth and Williams
( iullivun P J Sixteenth and Marcv
( jibson J II Dclasvure Poppielon and Woolworth -
Huston WmfiOlS r.lghtcenth
llarpster C M SH S Twenty-fourth
Harrison C V ( Jcorgiii ave neat Mt Pleasant
Hough ( ieo K i lieoigia uve
Hurt John Nineto.onih bet Mason and Picrco
H iebet J M 7-HJ S Twenty-second
Howell T ( j 1717 Leavenxvonli
llaiman Chas SiO S Seventeenth
Haiibcn August Sixteenth und Marcy
Hurkncss John Stivuniconth mid Juuicson
llirKiif.HS : A O 71:1 : S Twentieth
Isaacs U 11 Twentieth and St Marys
Jo.msou S P bl ? b ' 'iil
Johnson Pctor lth and Poppleton ave
Jacobs Win KSWS Uilh
KIIIK Kdward "Oth and Lcavciuvortti
Keen ( ieo I' ' lX ( > S ' Jth
Knowdell Hcniy llttl S 18th
Koitlnnd Julius 1010 Jackson
Lund J P bltt S Ibth
Loomi.s ( Jt'O W C.ithnrino near Michigan
Lar.-on H P S W cortHth and Pierce
I.oimdsbitiy.I W I'aikund Woolwoilh
Moore I ) S Virginia uvti and llunsuoiu Place
MoLevu Samuel IWi Virginia ave
Murphy Jerry lil'J S Itith
McCoy L KM S 17th
McCoy 1 > SM and Plcrco
Moriurlty J V cor 3illi ) anil Plerco
Mullin lixniel J Irtlrt Pierce
Jlullln J P 1818 Plerco
Mctzger .lulls * S Hth
Mai tin Kiti-ild I'.Hli and Leaven worth
Mount W T cor Poppleton uvo und Dola-
McDernmld Win'JOthand Mason
McConnell K U'Oth und St Alury'a
MeDonuld ( > 1117th and Mason
McDonald J S 17th and Mason
Mans l-'iaiikllltiS lUth
MtL'arliiv Hani ( "larkson and Mixson !
Mai.01 Hcniy Ibth and Jones
McXeil Patk Kith and Muroy
Newman A 1711 SI Marys ave
N'jo Ficd UJtn and St M urjs uvo
Ncelbs Alhnrt 1'itH ) Lcavcuxvorlh
NllusSilusW 1517 .lackbJii
O'BiInn Win 1H1S Ph-rco
Oclio Win IftWCIaikson
Powers Michael H-.MS Uith
IVteiMm Seven -Mth and Puclfla
PanNen Peter SWSttlst
IVtcibon Haas A aid a.ul Pacific
PIcKett Kdiuuiid lUihund Plercu
Peters Ames 1) 17th and Juuksoii
( i I ) Uith and Popplctuu
Piper.I B 1014 Georgia
Hupp Wm'JOIrt Pleu-o
Iteem S J KXJs South nvo
biH'rllug Pelci 17th and lx i > uvfliiworth
SU'lnlian-en Heniwn 1017 S IDth
StadehnamiVm \ -J.I11. ) bt Maiya uvo
Sclmlt . .lolm'fHJ P.icilio
Slejrel t'riu su S luth
.Saatlehltdu-tmoKtl S 17tli
Scliw.uvi-k Win sSl S 17th
Smith C IluriS 17th
Sully Mielmi'l iMrl b Iflth
hmlth Phllpi ) Vlrrfliilu and Wool worth
Schlei stein C' I .Ml Juckhon
Tnivlrs.lohn P Mich I 'anV of Park ave
Ti onji A I ! Mt Phusant near P.itk uvo
Wooiley C A 17th near Jackson
Wooley J L I'JIU Virginia uvo
WHIhinwKdHiWS tTlHfh
Wau'iier Win ( Ml S 17th
WllTt itt L K 17Ki St Mary's
WullerbJ K7WS lUlh
Wilson J T &U S 17th
Whelmtv I ) P DclH\\uro nnd Mt Pleasant
Voiinir It M Marey lunir'JOth
Yules ( Jeo CJOii Poppleton
Jou.v F. DAI.UV ,
Omulitt , Itc btrar ,
U known us the great
of tliu dfxc-stlvo organs all over Urn
world. Have It In your house. Ask your
( .Tocer or ilrustciHt fur the jjcnuinu article ,
uianuticturntl by Dr. J. l > . O. Slejert & Sana ,
The "Gale City" Puts a Qnictvu npoa ' 'The
Kaw'a Month" Boasting Claim ,
The Union I'nclllo Ht-mliiunrters
Not to be Ttoinovcd Uut to bo
Knlnrgcd Itcrr.
Ouco more tlio Kansas City pros * ( lies
its kilo from thr roof of tin- Union rnoiiio
headquarters , and claims llio immediate
removal of the general ollices irotn
Omaha to tlm mouth of the Kx\v. : This
time , however , tlio facts nro nt hand to
put un everlasting qulolii9 on tlio non
sensical stories.
To dolino the nttitudo of the Kansas
City papers In the matter and reveal llio
basis of their claims , the following from
Sunday's Times la given :
"Tho publication of the well authenti
cated rumor that Mr. Charles frauds
Adams , jr. , Is negotiating for thu pur-
chuso of the union depot for the purpose
of using It for thu olllees of the
Union'aeitie , outihed no little comment
in railroad circle * yosturday. Almost
universal credonee i i given llio rumor , as
itiHa well kiuiuii fuel that ( ho Union
1'uuilie must get moro commodious gen
critl olliocs. and Unit ; Mr. Adums has no
particular iovo for Omaha. 'I ho general
onices of tlio company occupy an old
building formerly used us a hold , which
in but half largo enough. As the busi
ness of the road is rapidly increas
ing under Mr. Adams's manage-
ini'iit , moro roomy ipnii-tera have tie-
eomo a necessity and no tlmo will be lost
in making HID onungo , as a new building
must bo prox ided. In any cvonl , theroes
no reason why it should bo located in
Omaha , us that placu has nuvor been the
choice of tlio company. A t'ow yours ago
it was proposed to remove tlio ollicus lo
Denver , but smee the decadence of the
Colorado metropolis this plan has long
since been abandoned. Mr. Adams'
pruleronou for Kansas City is well known
and ho if understood to have had Kan ; ia
City in view tor his headquarters over
since ho became president 01 tlio Union
Paoilie. Persons who are unacquainted
witli tlio sources of tlio rumor use the
foregoing as reasons why he will come
here , but those who know its authority
need no arguments for their belief. "
With thu clipping of the above alarming -
ing declaration in Hand , a reporter of the
H .K visited tlio Union Pacific manager s
oitico ye.-torduy morning.
Thu article was submitted to the nt-
tontiou ot the ollieials. A light laugh
greeted tlio reading , and tacts of over
whelming contradiction rovealed.
As lo .Air. Adams' ' desire to ptirohiibo
( ho Union depot building at Kansas City ,
nothing is allirmud nor denied , as it has
novur iiceu heard of here , but us to the
ohiim that the general ollices would bo
moved trom huio , the dllsot is positive.
So lur is the Union Pacific company from
any such intention either toward Kansas
City or any other ambitious county sent
in the road's onliro tributary territory ,
that stops were being yesterday taken to
moro lirinly cstablisa its location hero.
Last weelc the order was received here
for some extensive improvements on the
present building. Tlio greatest feature
of tliebo is tlio erection 01 a three story
addition on tlio north sidu facing on
Ninth street. The draftsmen in tlio en
gineering department are now busy out
lining the plans and the work will bo
pushed with -vigor which will bring it
to completion by the first of January.
When this is tiono it is intended then to
put a. mansard roof on the present head-
cuiurtors building , thus vastly improving
its appearance and rendering tlio upper
floor much moro commoJious. Those
enterprises with largo numbers of altera
tions , the details of which yet await com
pletion before being made public.
Tlio Planets m November.
There is no important celestial
phenomena for the month of November
unless the meteoric showers on the 13th ,
l. > th , and 'J7th are considered so. Those
of tiio 10th and IMh should occur in the
morning in tlio constellation Leo , near
the present position of the planet Mars ;
those on the SJTth in the evening , radial *
ing from the constellation of Andromeda ,
nearly overhead , about 8 _ o'clock. On
the "d Mercury roaches his aphelion
farthest from the sun. On the lid thu
moon passes near .Jupiter and Uranus ,
and at ! 3-H ; ) p. m on the Oth becomes
"now. " On the no.\l day it is near Mer
cury. On tlio 10th it passes Venus , and is
in apogee , farthoit from the oarlh , on ihu
K'tli. A'eptuno is in opposition on the
K.tli , and near the full moon the night of
llio 21bt. Ho is always invisible to the
naked oyo. Saturn rises in the constel
lation Oeinini early in the evening , whim *
ho can easily be seen a little northeast of
Orion , and is close to the moon on the
u'ltli. lie is receding from the earth ,
having passed his perihelion October til ,
but will bo most favorably placed for
observation on the tilith of December , as
he is then in opposition , that is , the earth
is passing between him and tlio sun. On
the Mh the moon is near Mars , and on
tlio following morning pastes close to
Prof. Walter II. Smith gives the
wealher forecast for the month in Yen-
nor'fl almanac for 1835 , as follows :
First week. Month opens line ; cold
weather , with sleet , snow or rain ; fair ,
cloudy and windy at close of week.
Second week Opens fair and frosty
variable : cud of week storms and heavy
gales , with damage on the lakes and At-
lantio coast.
Third week Cold and dull , with scat
tered snow tlurrjcs in northern and rain
in southern sections ; week ends cold.
Fourth we k Uainy , opening of week ,
with high winds ; cloudy ; mild ; tine ,
frosty weather ; end of week unsettled ,
with wind and rain south and snow in
northern sections.
Close of month Month closes with
rains and hiiow ( lurries ; cold.
The constellations are about the same
ns last mouth , only a lilt.lo moni ad
vanced ( o the westward. Arcturus is
almost gone in thu north , and Venus is
the moil i.rilliuat object in the early
ovouitifj southwestern sky. From mid
night till dawn the heavens are exceed
ingly houulilul. Saturn is overhead
about midnight , and near him are all thu
grand winter nmntallations. Mars fol
lows him in order , then Jupiter and then
the morning
"With rosy lingers mibirs the Kate ? of light. "
The firiinU Hall.
Uerniuniu hall was filled with n gay
and happy throng la t evening , the occa
sion being the grand ball of the Coloniza
tion society , Knights of Labor. About
175 couples participated in the grand
march , which occurred at Uo'olock , after
which thu spacious lloor was tilled with
murry dancers. AH excellent programme
of twenty-six numbers was curried out
and was heartily enjoyed by all. 1'oil
man'a orchestra furnished excellent inn-
bio for thu occasion , mid everything
passed o V in the most approved manner.
Thu auctioning of lunch baskets at 12
o'clock ciuated considerable sport , and
added much to the good feeling and
joviality which characterised the entire
ontortahimcnf. Both socially and ( limn-
chilly the nfl'nir was highly successful ,
and tlio members of the society can con-
tuoiRjelveslhnt the colonization
ncliriun has received substantial assist-
nnro lit the Mart * .
During the droniift * Mr. R Rojowntor
at Iho Invitation of the committee , made
n short nddres * After thanking the
members for the honor Conferred on
him , ho compnrnd thu Knights of Labor
to the knights of old. Both endeavored
to rollout di tn , M be chivalrous and
protect the people. ' The ( wo orders ,
however , differed in one essential point.
for the older knights sometimes turned
robbers themselves , which was never ( ho
case with ( ho Knights of Labor. The
speaker , referring Xt > tlio colonization
scheme , said it was communism , but not
of that typo which has ulmoit revolution
ized some of the f'ouutrios of the old
world. The principle of that commun
ism was first to destiov and then build
ii ] ) , while the communism which was
proposed by tlio Knights of Labor aimed
to build ttii , but not destroy. The object
of the society was n worthy one , and had
the full sympathy and support of the
speaker. Mr. Rosowuter concluded his
address by ( dating his belief that the plan
of the colonization society was the only
satisfactory manner in which Iho labor
problem could be solved. It relieved the
overcrowded oilier and gives to mon
homes in the country , where they can
provide for themselves and families , and
secure a competence otherwise unattain
At the close of the addrovs dancing
was resumed nml continued till a Into
hour. The following are the gentlemen
who had thu all'alr in cliai-jro , and lo
whom great credit is duo for the success
of thu occasion :
Master of Ceremonies Jcromo C. Pent-
Floor Managers Jacob Komi , Wells
Hammond , S. M. Srnggs , A. Finkenkel-
lor , I' . Shoughroo , JJeorgo Blake. .
Committeeof Arrangements J. L.
Lohleiu , .John 1'etz , .la m us Farrell , Don-
ni.s Kellehcr , Daniel UohatmyVillium
( jis-iolinati , Jos'Mih Il.irimun. It Kam
merlins. Iliehard Therlcles , I' . Hinchey ,
Dan D.Tilov , John Burda , T. deary.
Uecojil'on ' Committee William Oissel-
man , C Wohrer , Dadey , D. Kcluher ,
I'at llinuioy , Jamus Farroll.
tiiliuorc'H Gfiuid Concert.
The following is the complete pro
gramme Issued by Mr. ( Vdmoro for the
grand concert lo bu gixen by his famous
band at Boyd's opera house Hits evening.
It will hosoen that agreal and Interest
ing variety of popular muio Is to bo pro-
scnted , and both educated musicians and.
those who make no pretentious to any
knowledge of thu "divino ait" will lind
something in the programme to make
the mvnlng memorable UN being ono of
the bestcutertainmenl.sof the kind over
prusunlod tor the p.itronugj of our oiti-
1 OviTturo "T\iinliiUNer. " . Wngncr
fiilmoro'd JtnuiL
2 Idyl "I'mc as Snow. " . Lance
Odmore's Itninl.
a Solo for Fluto--Ulul of r.ira'llsc ' > . " . . .La'c
itr. Kiwi Lax Accompanied by a Quartette
of French Horns. "
aiessw. Wcaton , Mueller , J Ilm and K.llcr.
} ( inmd OjKjm Suicctiuu . ifeeibeer
( iilinoLc'.s Jlaiiii.
Intioiluchi ! ; ceius Miom "L'Afrlc.'iuc , " "Lo
Prophete , " "J/Ktojlo du Xoul , " "Ll-s llu-
Kiieuots" and other openisitli ; s , < ilos lor
cornet ( Mr. Bent ) , cliliioticl ( IIrr . tockl t ) ,
anil onplionhun ( Sliriior It.illiiyolii ) .
. " ) Seemi iintl Caviitinafioiu lirnunl "Jr-
naid in Vohinn" . . . ' . Venll
.Mile. Louise I'yV.
0 Qinitetto for Troiulxines "Soldier
Choius from Faint. " . ( lounoil
MC.SMW. Uuerieku. Wilson , KrucKor ami
7 ( inuul lV rlithu | FuntaMo-- ( -
iiiore'slJand'sToiirot tho. Muttons. "
. J . Fancullll
This Knntasio is a tniu tone painting of iho
tour of CiliaonVs Hand in Kuropc. It has
nlieady Ivon played hy the hailj ( In ever liitv
cities of tie ! union , and hnsKlvon the greateb't
iilensure at every nerfhViimneo.
8 1'iilka " 1'i icato. " ' . - . . Strauss
0 Sfcmi and Duet From ' ' 1J Trovatore. "
"Miserere. " . Vcrdl-
Mr. li. U. r.L ntaiHlSl nocltirijoIo ! ; ; Arcoin-'d bv lull luiul.
10-Swedlsh Konj ; ' ' 1'ol-kii. ' . Hebbe
Mile. Louise I'vk.
11 Iujl-"Bluekbmlli ( in the Woods. " . . .
. Mlrhaclis
Finale-Old Jlimdiud.
uxoi.i : TOM'S CAIHV.
At thn Pcoplu's Theater last evening
Ihe Craig comedy company presciidd
that old Mand-by "Uncle Tom's Cabin. "
There was a very largo audicnco present
to witness tlio familiar play , and the uni
versal opinion oppressed that thu
old sennes were vividly and artintically
jiortraycd. Thu new management is de
termined to have a lirst-eluss stock com
pany al tlio People's , and to give Omaha
the benefit of tlio boat actors that can bu
procured. _ _ _ _ _ _ '
Jealous Women FlgM.
" ( leorgo Bolts and Mrs. BotU" were
registered on tlio blotter al the oily jail
la > t evening. The names weru Ihn prop
erty of two colored individuals who were
resting behind llio bars of separate cells.
George had his hand bandaged and his
arm in n 'sling , while a .streak of red on
hia shirt cull'.showed that someof his
blood had boon shed. "Who cut you ? "
nskod . " 1 don't know "
a reporter. , re
plied Bott.s. "Two women got to light
ing and I tried to soparuUt them , and
when the thing was over with 1 found 1
was cut. Ouo of the women diil it , but
which one I can't tell. Perhaps my wife
can. She's in the other cell. " So Mrs.
Bolls was interviewed. She acknowl
edged doing thu culling , bill said it was
a mislake. She had Intended to cut
Sophie Woodward , another dark-lined
damsel who had been itbubing ami
threatening her. Shu said she was married -
riod to Bolts hist July , and that previous
to the marriage ho had lived with Sophie.
KVIMI Mnco the wedding day Sophie has
felt rather hurt and has done her bent to
make Mrs. Bott.s miserable. Last night
the two met on Twulith MrcotXmd in
dulged in H tirade of abuse and ended in
bt-iys. Bolts put in an appearance jiiut
as his better half drew a knifu and sep
arated tlio women. Ollicor White took
the r-oupln in charge and escorted them
to thu city jail. They were rcleaM-d
later in the evening by depositing $10
each for nppcaraqCo for trial this morn
_ _ _
I'ersonal PnrajjwphH.
A. H. Case , of Lincoln , is nt the Mil-
J. H. Overton , Nebraska City , is at the
Paxton. '
M. W. Stone , of Wahoo , in at the
Millard. fi
A. L. Snow , of 'York ' , is in the city ,
stopping at tlio Paxlon.
1) . J. Hamilton , of Crete , is In the city ,
stopping at the Millard.
Will ( ! . Jones and wife , of Fullortoii ,
an guests ut thuMilliH'd.
John Xohrung and Robert Dorgan , of
Lincoln , are at the PajUon.
Martin I. Brewer .and wife , of Fullerton -
ton , are guests at thu P.ixtou.
F. II. Suott and II. C. UriukorhoT , of
Harvard , are , blopping at thu Millard.
W. B. Wood , of the Union Pudlio rail
way , returned frim his visit in the cast
Low Pixloy has returned from Michi
gan , where ho has been hovonil weeks
packing and &hipplng apples to Branch
tic Co.
Mrs. P. S. Gilmoro. accompanied by
hur daughter , arrived in thu cit > last
evening from Now York. She expects to
meet her husband , leader of ( iilmorn'i
band , to-Jay , and accompany him on his
tour through the country.
Oololier Wont hop.
The following la the niotoorologbal
aunirunry for tno month of Ootobor , iu
reported by ( ho local signal eervico
IIUhcH barometer ftO-sri , dale flth.
ro\\cst iMroniclerWil , d.ito
Monthly rancoof Imrouwirr , 0iU ( ,
IllKluvf temperature 7.1.5 , dixtu tOth.
Lowest tennxMiitiiro 'MM , ilntoSlst.
( hinlMtilnfty range of temperature ffl.0 ,
date 4ih.
IxwH dally range of UunpOKilnro 0.0 , date
Mean daily ran go . . .
Menu dally dcw-poliil . .
Slcvm dully ruhtivo liumidlly 71.8.
Pivxalllnn direction of wind , north.
Total movement of wind , < i,7h > mllcn.
H1iliest ( velocity uf what ntul direction ft
No. of fogey days , I.
" " clear " W.
" " fnir "
" " cloudy " n.
Xo. of days on which rntn or snow fell , a.
Dates ot trosts , 4 , 5 , fl. y , 14 , 'M , si , y > , VJ.1 , i *
COMl'.VHATIVi : MlAN ! It' :
m rcw tars ot.t
ism oj.r >
ISSt ) ( Utl
1874 ( .l tBSl 011.0
tsw t : issi ou ,
tb7 ntU IMl 57. ! ) IMIICH'IT.VTIONS. :
IR71 'J.t : liu'htm 1873 .Vli Inches
. . .rt.'i " isrn 1.4:1 : i.1 * ! ISM ) . ! MU
IS74 . .7. IS
l 7ri U..V. u.fil
1S7I ! 4.511 1KSH
. .4.UI "
The giealc.stnilnfiill was on the llth , 1.7
Inches , the liM.-tt on the ' -Mh , . 'JS ot un Inch.
Election ruturns will bo read from the
stage of the People's Theater to-night.
Miss Udmi Courtney as "Top.ioy" in
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
of Votoi-s irilu ) Klrst District of
the Second Ward.
15th hot Cnstrllnraml Vlnton
Uulonek Joseph llth tvt Wlllliuns and Hick
lirown Prank 1421 JOIUM
Bianner Krnst loih bet WHIlnins and Center
Btiitun ( i Ifih and Ciistollar
lo\\'ii ! , ) J 18th and Castcllar
Uea.soii b Leaveuworlhhfl ith ; : and Itth
ll.iif.v ) Adoipli Nth and William *
Coiison K A lath and 1'aciiio
Daily Put Muitlm luM IMli and lO
Filcdimiii .losc'iih tilth and Jonus
Fox K F I Ith and .Inckson
FornuuiLk Vutl.u 10th bet I'inx-o and \Vil-
Fos .Mines Itth bet Pierce and Williams
( iouldV II l.ith bet Center and DIIIC.US
( iio-is.lolin 1'uciiH'bct llth and 15th
Ciiiia Aii t alley hot .lout's and Lviiveiiworth
llcdborg Jehu Leavenworth but UUh and
Hers Frank llth bet Williams mul Hickory
Klln .l Nth and Leavenworth
lyin K F llth mid Lc.ivcnuoith
KlimiK'l ( iooiio ll'Jl Ica\en\Miili )
Kunel John luth bet 1'lcico and U'llllaun
Keii.loseiili ith : ; hot Hickory and Williams
Kunel Joseph loth Ixit Pierce und Williams
KrcelJolm Itth and \ViIliaius \
I.iiuh'tnan ,1 C lh : ! | and LeavciiNVorth
Lnbler .Mix ; Puciuc but ith : : and Htli
Luper Win Jackson hot tilth and Utu
Lovl Josi'jili cor 14th and Williams
Mat.strom John F UitH ami Iliukory
MeCufre'ni l.VMS Iftth
Nomlt/ Mathew llth bet Plerco and Williams
I'ascht'iidorl Kolu'it litth and I'.iuiuu
Jtmes Jem 11th and Williams
Itoiniok Joseph Hit Le.ivenwnrth
Sokol John 1 tlh hot Williams and Hickory
Sells I ) M lllt ( ) S uith
Swab Henry 14W U'trnMiwoilh
hut lie Henry liith and Jack-son
helnulur Frank l ih but Jones and Leaven-
wet th
Schmidt Louis 101.1 8 10th
Shaw James I'.ith bet Center and Dorcas
btcvcns Win Ittth and Williams
Sviiiulti John llth and Willi.uiis
VHP IcJ V 14th and Williams
Welilon ( ieoiji A 1414 Leavenworth
Widte.I M 14th and I.e.i\en\u > rth
White T W 14th and Lea veil worth
\VIUu W II11118 litli
Wallbridco L l > 17th bet Williams and Hickory
ory "
' JAJIKS DoNsn.r.Y , Sit. ,
* T
Kortt I'.stntu Trutisrcrs.
The following tr.xnsfoiM were lilo'l Oct.
81 , with the county clerk , and , reported
'for the Biu : by AmoVKeul" Ktl-ate :
llclrs of Jacob Shnll to Dartholomnw .1.
Scamiell , lot IS block 10 Schuli's M. add
Omaha : wd-SBOO.
John li. McCa no and wife and others to
Otto Lohuck lots 4. r , ( i , 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 , 11 , W , lf ! , U
and 15 , liannchl , Omaha , w d-S7.HO ,
Thomas Collins und wite to P.ililck Con-
noi-s , n' ' oflot 10 block ti KounUe's 4th add
0 mall a , w d SSOO.
William Fleming and wife to A. S. ChurchIll -
Ill , lot 11 Illiuchaauh place Omaha , w d
Ad.i P. Drake and others to Xels C. Ander
son , lot 1 block ! ! , Diake's add Omaha , w d
S'.HK ) .
( ! uy Hoxvnrd and wife to William Muck , lot
1 block fi , Ituyd'b add Omaha , w d WOO.
Ella L. Weslon and husband to Ainjust H.
Donecken , lots 1'J , : i , 4 , 5 , block a , Doneck-
iV mid to Walnut Hill , Omaha , w d S'J.IOJ.
us II. Donccken and xvit'c to Clitton
K .Miiyno , lots 1. 'J. I ! , 4 , 5 , block 'J , Uoneckeu's
odd to Walnut Hill. Omaha , w d S'i,10i ) .
John L. JleCasjtionnd wito to C. K. Maync.
lots I , r , 0 and 7. block 1 , West Cumin0' add
Onmli.i , w d SIK)0. )
Isa.ik liclchenbcrf : and wife to Clifton 15.
Ma \ ne. lots , block To , Walnut Hill , Omaha ,
Chailes 1 ! . liustln and wife to James
Neville , lot N , block 7S , Omaha , w d 810,500.
Katie A. 1'arkei und hii bdiid to Kmma K.
Plj > u\ lot 1 , block 3 , Huiibcom Place Om.ilui ,
w d W,7" > ! ) .
Howard H. Smith and wife to William .I.
Welshans. lots Hand 10. IIoiiM-lV Kiilnli vision
of lot 15 , Hartlett's add , Omaha , w d $ lyik > .
lefferfion W. Ucdfoid and wife and
others to Win. L. MrC'atftie , lot 3 , blocks ,
Kiikwood add , Onuili.i , w d-SbOO.
Kmma Hill lo Kll/abcth A. lirownlce , lot
10 , block I'J , K. V. Smith's add , Omaha , guar
dian de l-3h50.
John A.McShunoto Man" Butler , lots 18 ,
11 nnd 15 , block , Spilng Hill , Omaha , w d-
Election tickets at Omaha Lithograph
ing & Stationery Co.
liall programmed and invitations tit
Omaha Lithographing and Stationary
If you buy lumber anywhere , without
firot getting Iloaghmd's prices pou will
lose money.
Croft loans money on Diamonds and
Flue watches. Hoom ! , Willmell block.
II. W. Yatcs yesterday Hwolled the con
tribution for II L Wpolridge th'o street
car driver , b > tlie aildition of . * ) .
tie Oreatctt MadlcftlTriuia U of the Ace !
I.oMofiivprlllCt IluirciUcoatlTc , 1'iiln In
the tieinl , % rlili n dull Bi-nnittliiii In llio
bncli piirt. 1'nlii iia--v llio ( liauliler *
Undo , lfnllac § nfier > allnLr , williiull * .
luclluntlon to oxrillonol * builr orinlnd ,
IrrJtKlillltyorieiiipiir , I.oir ej.lilU , wlih
KforlliiuuriinTlnsiinclretcil Huinoiluif ,
AVearlurvt , lll/zlnei * , I-'Iutterlna al tha
Henri. Dais tiofoiotbo ores , llcaduclie
ver Ilia rlclit < T" . ] ( e tlc daii , wllb
fitful dreninn , lllzlilr colored llrlac , anil
TUTT'S I > JIr.S are c iitclully odaptod
to such oiiii ? , ona UIIBD elfccta Bitch a
Ttc-r Iiirr o ln > / iii > cllle. n'lt ' u Dth
fcody to Tnke ou Flt li. tnui tba erxem 14
yionriiheil.anil liylhclr Tonic Action on
UJB l > lt ( tlTcOranufllpt larHtool&ra
trftilyppj. ITIiajric. itt 3tiirruyNt..rU.V.
& < > noratM the Ixxlr , jiinkri licaltlix llcih.
BtreiiKtutin tit ) Hfjik , repuli B llio wastes of
Via n/sUitn witli pure blood ai.'l iiard nuuele ;
fjocii ttiii nervous tptotn. Inngortttov tha
brain , mid lmirt Uia vigor ot uuuUoad.
il. HollbrdnurcUt * .
piurray tNc 'YorIr.
Mst of'Votrr.i Iti llio Meoonit DUI clot
of ttio Hlvilt AVnrd.
Arohllmld J IMortuul Fr.mklln
Asmaslli 1 1. 1 U > 7 Mi vision
Aiii < rr oti lU-nt I'll ' lontiina
Aibcvu.i'jrio Hurt
Atulfiw U I' iim Sfirard
Amlcrsun , ) no ItmViiralon \ llonty iii-arltliiiT' hrlrkyarii
Auilcrsou Win I1UII7 llainiltvil
AnileiNon UV ; ' > M nud Sewaid
Anch iloodv S SVUOSewtirJ
Unmn lou 1 1 Y
Uniilliurst M L I'lor
Koilen L.I Dhl.slou
Uro.ull'iMit ' .1 II Pier and C.ildvvcll
Hubu'r .l.i < liter' * brio.t ynr.l
Itiitdort I triit \ u ; * .Montana
Hiown .Inincs M VWJ FnmUllii
lUiillcit IlC'.irr. DhKslun
Hnlloy Frsn'c P. ji Ciniiluaatid Idaho
-iHjC iK'iimpboll
A'JTth ami Ciuiilti ! :
a O S liUlon ) : uul Idaho ca'ithaud Unit
llclutmnv ! ' b'l .WlVtttor
llnrn.ifle .1 It vvali and Canir ion
Darnaclc Ulchnid'.vitli und CaiuiTon
IKdley'lM UKM r.uiinbull
IJovd I v W ISirkorVtaMh and iMIU
lirady.lohucttr Illondonud I'lcr
lli\\vn A U eor ( 'inaiitt ) and Ul.ilto
Ucldnltaan Kllti-ViO Doeatm
Itrown Andrew tttits Fmnklln
lira ) ton F li cor Franklin and Campbell
Hlt'U-e Owen CliarUw near IHindm , '
Onutplu'll C ) C ir Irene hid Kwutur
- i
,1 L Caimron
famish M U Uaidwrll and Irena
fallen K NNS ) DnlKlou
t'niw I ! I'rtli ) and Unit
filil IM12.11S Oaldwcll
Comes ,1 II f hurliM
( JaitMii f U'Saiindcra and Clark
Cr.tger ( ll&'ilri Ducatur
fain 0 W'JHV Sovvanl
f < > . \ m Kobcil S to a iKvatnr
f lixiNVI.s Hurt but : ( Kli and lllst
fan-en Alfix'd'JTifli and Ciulluinln
Cmlen Win Ivelldull
f ullfii M.utln KundiiU
f i.audU'r t liuN : K litncrs bi'.ok ' ynrd
f.itnoyV A cor Khuimil I'utii'O .ivo
C'hustciiien Flint aist and ( Iiunlnt ;
( lianuy li L L.ikov ot Sun in lot M
Dw. ver .loliu. lames and ilaiiililon
Dunv ( ieo T f iiiniibpll t
Davis U K\H \ \ fli.uleH
DennyV \ T Chailes st
Di-vol 1 * .1 llnrdi'tte bt-t ICIm ; nnd Campbell
Do.Me'l'hos lUitiiana Citniin
Dou heny .1 T Siiw f iimlni ;
DonI'nllip Yiittsnud la-no
Dot \\in ( , eoUJi : ulvblon
David Uaae W : Mtli and Seward
Doiiylu'iu Finnk ! todi and \Vobslcr
DavldKiu .J K llll Pier
DotvV .1 itlbit and f inidiij ;
Durlci'e W I'eor Dint and DutUm
laiS WT Montana t
Day Wr.lTFianklln
Daley Dan 'J..tli and California
f 1' oor Slate and Gnint
Kdlioiia Ilun iVXi f limit's
Krii'Usoti SiverfJTtb and Hurt
Likjen llansiWi Divibou
i -until Aica
Kw IIIK K : t4tli and Charles
FllvhC IlllW
Kitcli luldie lO
Fox .1 W UW Division
FelkerSS I'JIU California
Fiench KK llliJSaunders
Felker W S Whcalon and Indiana ave
Flood John eur lliuniiton anddainm
FI.IM ) Slephen 'MW CniaitiK
I > 'iiiiinitiu I'atrlckUtil Seward
Finiiiyhon D ! M and Hurt
Flood li 1' Yules mid Irene
FoixMtian Harvey cor Cundnff and Division
Fox F K btato and ( il c'Hadd
Fartell .las iMU anil Calltorulii
( iioihel F All . " > hewnid
( Jaid Miles f assius W ot Saundpra
Card l > aac C.issitw W of .Sanmina
< ionium < J J I'lerand Indiana ave
( iinskoKd Hnriand U'iliiatns
( iiAM'llnuinnVin \ lienc and 1'iirlccr
( Jiani J < ) Cuniiii und Comer
llumlin Jno-JJ-U Clurlus
HidsuyJ MDecatur > ? '
Itiithauay S li cor Center and Cumins
llan.M'ii i'eter Sewaid
Ilntnitvvortli .1 1'SOU Charles
Hadiield Jot ) Uniainx and Division
ItitiiLTE Flunk Yaws and Lrenu
HosloOSlMiO lluiniiion '
lloxie 1) D MM lluiinlU ) ! !
llem.d A .1 IWi Stitiudera
Illlbeit Alois Ilauiiltoii iM *
Ilodder ( ieo.l
lloililer Itlch d tttui bcwanl
lle\tlion.-en U17 Divi.ston
llaininotul ( ieniaii ilainiitoa
llickiitun 11 lnt liLtlio
HodjtetlH Win OKI niVUKJh
llaiii'-on F.I corKin nnd CaitlwcH
Hutchison S.I UtililaliO
lliulaeldJiuscorCu.ning and Division
Haas , I no A N Weor Unlrago and Jefferson
llan.scn 1'eter Alhe.ii Kin
llaym-3 A C W side Snundera
Ilu.stis IS D20UD Webster
Htin-r-Srartin Irene and Dw.-atar
.lolm on Clttls Iruno
.Jatne.s.1 1) ' otli and California
.Jester K S S > . > 0 Montana
Jensen Peter Kiin < and I'arkuff
.len.scn JunsMU > Cinniti
Johnson .1 F'JJuTHnrt
Kint ? . IE S131 Seward
Kuril Cieol7 ! ) Wheaton
Knupl > Frank H iU : ! Jumcs
Kudur Henry I'urker
Klteliun A M eorChnrlt'i and Saandors
Kreit Ktnest ; Wd and Charles
Krnt'skon .1 S lW ) Division
Kiu JnoIS 'J4-JI Cinnliif
Keene Win H llainlltoii
KeniluJ C M uor State and Union
Kelsi-y Oi'o il West Hint
Knowles J K cur i'atiid ; ave and Campbell
Kent JV cor Patrick ave and > uiiiidtua
Krottt M L ror 1'iur and Uiunt
IJanber ur Henry HLst and Hamilton.
Lawton JnoC ithand lluiuillou.
Lucas A It 'JU5 Hamilton ,
Uuati (1V ( 1I liSotulo.
Lucas Uco W i' IH llaiuilton.
Lai.son Abrani Disl.slon.
Lawreiibon Anton iilst and Seward ,
Liddull .laiuo.i N' WA Htiuilltotl.
LIII.SOII Ni'lsl :7 Division.
Low David lUii Montana.
Llbliy A J U-tl4 faldwoll.
Lund Andiow Khu and 1'arkcr.
LiehtenlnirKh A C .W Ulaao.
Monroe F II I'axton st
Marsh \VttU5Craml \
Mudseti Jacob Million 1'laco
MtxiroJ Ka l t'.ukur
itackey V M ' .K50 Sanntlers
Martin Jamu.s Ilantiltiin nnd.latacs
Metcalt ( icoC 'JT t llaiulltou
Mar h K J "Mr , ( iiand
Manvillc F W ! J W Fmnklln
Mauss I'rt'd 'J7th and Cumin ; ;
Miller Win 1114 King
ilackuy V .M 1XW hannuYrs
Millmiisen UeotKitli and Cumins
Miner N'elnon 1114 Siituuleii
Miller Allied I'urker
Miller Wm K 27111 and Cass
Mortenstiii .M Noith State
Moioy Win California but 31th and ffiJlh
Miller Dr : d and l-/aid
Mairnuscn A\u'-/7lh \ and Hint
Mutlils Adoliih Franklin and Sherman
Ma > Jolm-Juili and Unit
Miller. I ICtlth und diaries
MoMttnn 'riionnis.'i l and C'ninlngs ]
McKclu-j K K J.ViO Chas
.MfMillan.Ino A : : ? ' ! Hamilton
MuMicliaol .las cor Ciiii.ln rt and Idaho
Mcf nlloi-h J H . ' 1.0 I nr
.Mufnifiie 'I'nos irfci NuunJcrs
Mcliunr l.i\ul ; : tth and Hamilton
Mt'AlvIn .1 H cor Hamilton and 1'icr
Mf ( uli > I'atnck i l Division
Mc > l.eod W ( ii-W * Jd.ilio
Nflxiii Jiipob'd and fnllfornla
Ncwcomb K \ . .WJVlnntou \
Nichols .1 W : > ! ( ! fhnihis
Na onV K'JUOfhailes
N'ttsli W FCnmlnjrs
Nil Uul ThosMM f iiinliiss
NcKon Hansel Division
Nelnon fhrix'JTIOf uiuliUH
Nc\uiian IliiiijMn Caminga
N't'lnoii Lai H " . CldCHUo
Nelson J I' Hart brt ttlih and 29th
Ndsuii Tied west of Suiiiidcrs
MckcllThus Chailes
O'llern M Lake and MrCli-Ilan
ONon Oie 'iMIi und
O'MiilIey IVU-rWlOfaiis
O bainu Win -.V.JO Dixatnr
I'crrin .J I ) Hlondo and Sophia
I'luilinA \ Hamilton und James
I'.UIoltc.l II 1IK > I I.Uho .
I'aul f f ! finning bet Ml umlmh :
I't'fbui' Fiauk 'Xitii Ijft Ulirago and Cosi
1'arkfi l.H i'
lJno ( Hlondo bvt .th amiHh
I'roctor 'I'lio" 1'atkt-r and Sauuilora
I'rters'ju Nels tiTlh nntl Hurt
I'etcrson h raottuiuil CharhM
lYU.TSOti Wnr th und Chlciijjd
I'uU-ritun Fred WIT DIViKlon-
I { 1C cor Hurt and lirown
Oulnti Jnmrs 'vth nml California
HulHiisou .Simon I'roxvcll and "
Uitthbun ( < co U i or KliiK HIII
Itnnck Howard Wt Mouu
Kowles ( , 'liarr Kimrmul Parker
ill Henry tmounmiti *
. T H nanPatrick's W of Snumlua
Hupp Joseph ( 'Hlitornhx uwr llrowu
Kowiiwn.a A lie-iienml Franklin
Hlichio V V , Pa r umU'aid well
K-chlcr A ' . ' 111 CnmitiK
Kit Imnlsim Tln-s b07 Division
Kieeo.iohn cor Phrand Htirdclt
liohirisen ( ' K 'sl ixntU'nllfoinln
iauiloli ; > h V N ( Irani st
MCNCIIS Nutlniii Williams and Piukcj
Schmidt Wuiltncrss btlckyuid *
Salisbury H I11 ltd ( 'has
Strong U Kuril Idaho
Spilnuhuri ; I , I ) 1'inker
Seaman U T "tut Hamilton
bwoouoy ( ! I' HKM Ididio
Sclirllouii ; John 1)Vit4 ) Cumhia
SIIKworlhC II Wl'Jrnss
StatUey A IlKOili ami Sownrd
Smith D .1 ' . ' .its emil
Stetnur lliuj'.V V14 Moufana
hodoiholm If P JJt Montiina
Sterner C ( . ' I'll ' Montuuu
Spatloi.lS BWI1 Wltcatuu
htuntou H l. IH Bituido
SchenckV H aw t'hicngo
Siidlh U C ror Hianllton und Kins
Schmidt C II1110 I ion o
.Smallloscph Ul4 Saiiudcrs
SwMu'i1 Win cor Pierand Burdctt
Smith Amliew vitot Cldciuco
Simpson Pelor'JTlfi anil Cu'3 S > VJO Decatur
Tmidcr Sand N tf 15 Division
Tutider P 1'a.ithaiid Hun
TtmnlMin I ) O lientuind Illomlo
Tuipy PV it-Vlund Ciuulej
Tuufn WllllnmCuIdwcIl
Teal t'ltiiik 'Jt.f ! IKvulnr
TIOKO Martin : fMl Cinnlm :
Thompson N P vwth and Charles
\ mi Nens 11,1 VI7 \ \ hcatou
Van Hiiieii S S ; cfii ami California
Volkmjor li 'JtlW Cuiiiltij ;
Washington Lxuvls Paikci-ht
\Voodlndio C Al ana Dtvatiir
NVoixtcihl oJ V. J7I' ' > Dccainr
WciMlluldgo K Il .t7'liailcj
Waiii'ii II "it'l ( 'liniU's
WiiKlitT H M'li ' Irene
U i It'ht Silas ami lt ) c.itur st
\\hiithvst\v l.LUM Idaho .st
\ \ Id ; Oitdi'ild llumillon st-
Woods W I1'cor 'I XMMity-seeond anil f < > " nl
Williams U A Tucntliluh and Hankllu
Wciinoie ( ieo It Monuina bt
\VIjs ) | ; K \ntes and lienu
Williams blmoii'Jilll Cniiimg
Wcstenii'hl .1 Al Ills Pier
Wi'siorucld 11 A ill )
Wilcox Sei inour ( i ssi'W C.xldncll *
\Volle-sohonsKey Wenx.ol Txvonty-olfililli ( xnd
licne ,
WlNou M 0 U75 ( .enter
Wngmulici Cliusl' 7 Montana
Webster Illram F'J131 Cullivinlii
Williams II II cor licito and bcvvurd
Wiolh l < Kiiuiklln niMir lienu
Wurd J N Burlund Keniuily
Voiuiiabriei ! ( Ccntci unit indlnuunvo
YuU.sV M lillOCampbeil st '
I hereby ceitify time the above list Is n cor
rect copy of the above mimes us roglsloml In
tlio IM OI { of the Second district ot the b'lxiU
wutxl Jou.v IAI !
Registrar , Second Dlr.t. , Sixth
A Tlinatrlonl I r n TaJka.
IMcrco L. .Itirvis , tliu bustling udvanca
roprcsuulntix'u of Hartley Cnmpboli'8
"White Slave" company , is stopping at
the Millard , and xvill probably bo hero
for a day or two. Ho has many frlonda
hero , and is hustled around prcliji
lively in greeting them nil
" 'I ho bUirles about Hartley CampVoll'tf
being in n bad financial condition are
largely newspaper talk , " said Mr. Jar vis
to a reporter. "Of coursu , ho has had
some bad luck , especially xvith the latest
play of his , 'Piuima , ' and one misfort
une bus been f olios ed by another , but ha
is in nowise ho butt u strait us tlio publio
might , Taquitn' is un
doubtedly ii failure. Started out pi
sit tlio Fourteenth'street tubatnijn'
York mid bus beou playing to-bud uuai * .
ness over since. WJiy has it 'fallen ' , llalt
1'ooplosuy that it bus , , bad uiimot'n'nd
perhaps it has , und th > > intcjnsu inKirtst
of the plot and the pcrfcpt&otting < nn' {
siot overcome Liio prejudice udiiqji is thua
created Against it.1 ' '
The Great Invention ,
Without Jlartn to FAJtltlCor HANDS ,
and particularly adapted to ll'onnClimattf ,
Ko family , rich or i > oor , should bo without It.
Holil by all ( irocnra , but bncare Of Tlio lmt >
rations. I'JiAJiZfNJS is luanutacturcd
TIIR pni r
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only rend to tnko for Drr'Kfoln on , Mvt
MmllUiuii.Cciliu IliiililBCllnlon.Dlxlo | ClilunRo ,
AlllWUIlkL'OHIIll ull t ) lnlH < ) llHt 'IVj tllO IKMllllO oi
NptmiHkii. ( Xloniilo ) , W > omliiK , Ulnh. Iilnlio
Novinla.Oicuoii , WiiKliluvton und Ollfornliitt
UorHBiiimror uavumucrob not iiosilblo by nny
cnlicir llnu
AninriKa few of th numoioimpulnUot snpo.
rlorll > enjoyed by llio jiaimiH of IbU touilbo ,
tuooiiOmiilm und Clilojip ) , uro Its two .trains
day ot DA V ( XMCIIIE.S which are the tlnttn Hint
liininui nrt unit Inprumity can t'routo. llH I'Ali.
ACM HI.UKITNOltH. ( . which -nru nifHlol. „ (
V"ll"v'rJ,1lJ'lu"k'K"1"0' } ' IH | I'AUWH OltAWINQ
IIUOM ( JAIIH , nnsuinuxsoa bj liny , rtiid IIH wide } < S
telobruul I'AUTIAI. UlNINd OAUS , ll
nhloli ctinnnt bu found c > I owhuit ) .
At ( Cumuli llhiirx the UnliiH ot the Union I'nol.
do Hy. conned in Union Demit with lluinoof tlio
CliloiiKi . .VN < iitllwHtorn lt > In Chli-uyo tha
tiiihiN or Hilt linn miiliii closu ( Mimccllda with
tlmrool iillisiiKlori ) ham.
1'or Dotitill , ColiiinbiM , Iinlliiiiapolls , Cinclll.
null , MHKIIIH KnlU. llnllalo , I'lilslmiv. Toronto.
Monni-iil. lEoHliui , Now VnrK , l'lilludilililuKll | it'
Union WiiHlilnijton und nil | ioliuslutl"i east , ugk
thu tJcliol njf < : Mt for tlukcin \ la iho
"NoitTH-WJ' : * , "
If yon tvlflh ii ) burit iircomiiioilutloni. All ticket
iiHuntH soil tli-knm via tlui , llnu. . .
Ut'iicrul ' lIuiiUKcr. Ocn. 1' A oul
( Jilir-Aiio.
( Jen. Aitoat , HIJ Turinim Ht..luiulmNob
All Soits of
hurts and many sorts oRaife of
ma and beast need a coollnj
lotion. Mustang" '