Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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i. -1
Arttrth < < tTrfnttin < 1 ir''tlil hcnd 10ccnt per
tti e for the first Insertion , nnd 7 cent * foroaoh
tffluent Insortlon Sovcmuirds will Ixicount-
ti ) to tlio llnoi they rnum run conwcutlvoly nml
tnlift 1)0 1 HiM In iKivnmti. All edcetllMJiuouts
mi ft ( dimmed In bolero : o'clock | i rn. , nml
tinirrnu i-lKiimMnnecu will they lie taken or
.t lmrln UIPBO cxilumns nml hnr
| pjrtliunnn om ndclros od In euro < if HKK , wil
i jloflonftk for check toonnblolho'ii to > tot t'mlr
S intern , us none will bo dolivr-rol etcept on
T " fTon'nlntlon of check. All n.i wors to ndvor-
stlscmtnlfifthould ho riiclnM l l/i ouvulopcs ,
O LOAN On Improve I el y proiK-rtv , sums
Iroiii J-I.UxJ toifM. Amud , luU7 I'lirmim.
TyroNHV to lennon nml extntofrpcurlty. . N- >
k J.T ! conitnUploii charged. C. IMuvnti. ! . l.'ith an I
I'arnum. tlDiNov. >
' "ATONKY To loan. Tlio Omnlm I'ltinncl'il
rhnnun , IMClKiirniiin ntn-ct.
nn nn ulli liu < wes or 84 inlly li-oni nfli
lei loan to f HUlw on mill o lnlo. W o uinki < Imiin
to suit nil nipllcniils | on lotii ; or hluultmiu on
jmrrovtHl reiil iluie , bunt contnit-tH. Icmm.
bnlldlnnHon Ina-oil liiml. Monrod MOKK. eollaici--
1p.eliiiltcl . .orHioilscuillvoriiiv ( \ klml. Ixiw
rnltf > ! pnny tcruiit. Oiniiliu I'lnunoial ISxIimiuu ,
] Ut : Knrm in niretiii | Mulls. HI *
It.VN'ii : > llomla , IMIi nml DmiRlas
MONEY Ll nov.'o
ONKY T' > I.DAV-O. 1' . DnvN He To. TU-al
M Kstato nml txiim i ; < intn , irr/J 1'immm Hu
MONYiY TO UAN ) On ptxxt > pciirltlns. A
McUuvock , i-ooiu 7 Itudlolc lllock , Uu ! ) I'm uam
BU 77
TlfONKV TO LOAN On chattels. Wooloy .t
J'l Harrluon , room 'M , Unialiu Nutlouul hank
tulldlnif. MS
TO LOAN Oil real ostuto nud olial-
MONKY I ) . U Tlionms. Kti
I.OANKD-Onchnttcls , cnttntn. U.
HONKV bought uiul sold. A. TornumM
b.M ONKY TO "lioA X In sums of fJUH nnd up-
urnnl * on llrot-clno rt-ul calulu eovurltr.
I'oltcr 4 C ibli. Ifdfi Fiirnnm bt. f '
ONnY LOANii : > nt C. I' , ifrpd" * Oi'n. I nn
oltlro , on luriiltiire , tiliiiini , lini'ves. WIIKOIIS
jirrtoiili ) properly of all lilniN mid nil oilier IIP-
liiluH of viiln , witliollt reiunval. Onr Iht Nul'l
Hunk , corner Kith anil I'lirmun. All bii'iu
eti-iulr coiillilonlnl. KM !
loiiiiincliiitlel ooinlty liy W. It rioit.KMim
4 , Wlimipll Iniildlti ) . ' , N K ixirnmir.lh nnd llnr-
pcy Attur > uiirH or oxivunoneii mid iiemt-lul
Hi dy orihii liiHliiuri ol' loniilim'money on pui-
eomil propel ly , I huvn at liust iierlueteilii hylem
nlicrrliy tlui publicity imuid In mieh discs H
donnawiiy willi.iind I inn now in a position to
niccllhoiloniumlAol nil who btcomo tomiHir-
ntllroniluunutsiil und ilu . | iu lo I-IUKO money
vMlionl Ucliiy mid In a quiet milliner , llnn-ii-
kroiierfl.pinlewionnliioulloincii. mot liunlesund
nllirrf ID Omnlm an.I lonncll ItliittK. eau uliiiim
( nviincen limn HUlo I.UM mi Hiich wciuily
CH hoUkulioKt luriiltui-u. plHmm. imielimut v , lioi-
fp , WUKOIIH , wntoliom-o ix < 'lii. | | ( -i-eiiKsl iinlna
ol liomt.oto , without inuiinliltnan u lioiu own-
ri-s irt-Idoncd or plncool tn liiL-'H. Al-o on linn nml DiHiiidoiN. ono ol llio nilvautiiirc" I
ollnr l Unit nny pnil ol imy loan can l > opaldal
nny t'iro ' vlilt-li will tcilnco llio lulere1 * ! | iit > iiiUt
KIM ! nU IOHIIN returned m llinorl lmd lines ol In-
I crept. 1 linro iiolirokerHln e > innecll < in ullli my
on > f , but perMinally mpia Inicunl nil my loans , I
tintc private oIllLi-suonmictod with my frcnonil
of ) cv t-o that ciihtoniers do uoi cnniu In uio-
tluitHltli ouch olhor , c > < iiiM-4iipiilly | inuklir | ( nil
tr usnutloim Mrctly julvnte. W U. I'rolt ,
rr-otn 4. Wlthiicll biilldluir. N K. corner Kit li nnd
lianioy , Uinaliu , niuKC 1'oiirl bt. . Council IIIulls
GiiUiV ; .t IIOANK-lliml Ksmto AfiontR , 3.
W. our. intb mid Douglas. HID now oilnrlnx
for sul > luif Inos" , iiwlilaiitu und suburban | itop-
cily. t'omo of thu mo < l ndviiunu-'cous liarKnlus
DOW in tlio iiinrkul CUM bo obtained by calllitK on
( lioin. linprovixl mid uiiimpi-ovoil pnipurty ,
coruor lot nud ilo'lrnlilo flllew In t1 n bo l lo-
ciitfd nHdliloiis cnn bo Inul at rousoimhln nrleos
nnd easy terms. _ fttinnt'l.'i
FINI ! liripnivod fnrms.xvlll trade for unproved
city property. W. II. Urojn , ever 1st Nu-
riomil llunk. KU
1 [ roiSAIiK \ -A good pluno chcnp. Addrcsa
L1 Y.U. , Uoo Olllco. BM-4 )
JTKin SA1.H I'nrnluire .ml lo iso of ImrJIny
JL' liom-o iiuii liotcl. A biirfalii. AdJro < s v.
V. . Hoc Olllco.
MKAT Pclllnjr inon' nt packUi" IIOIIPO | > rlcO''uulal.ojrlHIi. Trod /Im-
uior , WPn25
JURE nUGKWHEAT l'lXtIll-Car lots orloss
J to tiiilt tiiulo. In bairol.tor Hiiukn. Our "No 1
Erndy llutaod" liiickwlu-ut Hour , wnrronted best
nnido , iwk yoin inocor tor It. llljli ( ( > Ht prlco puld
Inr bnckwliciit piutn * W. J.V'elshiina i Co. ,
City Mills Omnlm. _ 117
Foil HAI.K Furniture omploto of n ton-
room hoiiso.4 block from iKftoill
[ loiifo lor rout , 813 per month. Apply at 1
OrCIIJKVTAT. IIOTUIFiiniltiiro for enlo
mid hotel lor reuU Cull lit Uucldontul tor
Information , coruur 1U and Howard 8U 0 5
filOltHAI.K fluckwhont brnn. Sio per lt(1 ) ( .
JL1 W. J. WoklmiiB fi Co. , City .Mills. 41J
FOIt SAMJ-Two lota in I > ellmm I'lnco. ono
block from utrupt cur tiuck. Imiulro lUd.
lllth etreou _ _ f >
Foil HAI.K Or would tnulo for n ( rood horse
und buKKy. W acres In ( iospor county. A | > -
ply to 21B South Lith struct. KM
A II A 15 1C C1IANCU Tim propilotorg of the
Mmropolllnn Itostaiimnt.It.'O S. 10th Ht , l
Injr about to open thu uuVlnd nr llntol.otrur
Im rt'Gtminmt toguthur with leiuo of the biiild-
IrfT lor fiiln. Ihirt U uu iixculleni opiHirtuiilly
for the right purtiua. Apply ut llio roatuiinuil.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 771
ROOM nnd iKinnl , f5 per week ; very txvt lo
cation. IHU Davoiipurt BU KWnovli'
- ut 710 North I
nour lluru
r. C. MoUnorStovo llopidr Co.,111 South
IlttiUU bolwouu Dodrfu and Uou bu.
rr > KUSONAI Tlumo litllo HilvertlcomentBhuvo
JL iiimla It nofOHMury to ordur iinotmtr lot ol
tlioto Uo uomblnud lliuukiil und llund
Cull and M.O Ilium ut'a Cnliia uluio.Ii/w' N ,
KXCIIANfJH Wo hnvo tonio line farina
. to exclmiiHO for tuuukx of met oiuimlUo. Ail-
drrts at oiioo rilHii-wln.blioi win A. Uu. , l.lnoolu ,
Kob. , .s.j |
TiriDIl wratlu.-r Htrlps , HID rm nawli und doom , ( ro
JL1 to ! ' . IJ. tlwulMO S. lUlli U WJ
FOR I8UNT I'llTt clnpa pliino Ht rouM > uubu !
rules. AddiosnT. II. , llco OHioo. _ 7W _
HAVHKN" * Tire Klmllore. whitlo-wUi und ro-
.tullutJ. MoViltlox lltliantl K.irn nn ( II mil
T > IVV VAUI.'iy , wnus co * | KHU clmuimli
JL untlroly oiloi Idwuy. . U l.wlmi Ad-
< AretM llirouKh ( Kmiolllco. _ UsuovlB * _
LUKNONN IN ( ! UAYON ruplU tiniKbt how
to make crayon iiorlniltH. A llio nl/x > [ Mir-
Inilt froiu nny photo pupil limy ilo-uxi triven
I PO with lurm ol lOKwmii. Coin ell 1'noko ,
nrtlitv , llooui _ 0 , Aillnyion Illook , w exi ol l > . U.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -TTiiovM _
. vs nn hand nt n Imryidn , No. I BOCOIK !
AI.AVA currliiico pliiioions und olde-bar bu/-
& ! < * > , at A. J. Hmipson , MOU mid 1411 Dodge SU "
_ ii"i7
'l' ' A III US In want of peed douiOKtlolielpowi
J J IHJ piipplltxl liv nullmx' on the Oiniiliu I' n-
ployin iit lillkv17 N. tilth til. , iip-uir- ! , Jli-J.
J. W. Morrlixm pniprlulor. H74 _ _
PICIVY vanlta nml co s | vcil8 cloantvl In an
rxlork'tm wuy by I' , (1. Aliul , 1 * . U. Itoz ii7&
. _ _ vui _
1.0 ST.
< 4T A liidli ' ulioo l''lndnr w III rcivlvo rowan
wan ! by loluniliiK to A , II , JlorM * . _ bJ.- . *
STKAVKU Onu fpnn of uniy borwa finm
IxmlH Mci iy 8 cHloon. liuil liul on , on.
LeuvoiUormul mi lib I
STKAVKD Dot , ttTith , N nuili l-ow ilUmt II
) i < un < old : biHiidixlon loll hip. horns U'lid-
InRilown Kinder w II U' i.tvunUxl II ituiiiniiitf
euiao to 1 * J , Joluioou , ll i N lUlli r-t.tlmuliiu
4l * T Knullnh IIUK pup , l > liick fuct , .
' i i > umuiobui N.uth
MlAKKX'Ul'-lly uio miter-Uiidl , u black
J- mule pix. d"IHT inn hu\ut > ! imc bj pa > | u
clmrHi nnd jiruvlmr iimiK-ny. Mns K.IMI u ,
Urownat. , noarSnonxl Ilvuil Content.
.J-A Ul U.itl ul Li. a.I.U t .
W ANT n-airlfor > rrrprrl houaotrorfc. IttT
AY ) Aelrltodn
Inquire- lUIIuilKOflUcur. ! Kith ,
\\rANT ! ' . ! > A thnrouithlj oimi tcnt Rtrl nl
} VI lii > n nlinitlifir IcntnnnotUi on Col lux
sf. . il Idi ok p < l ol Turk nvo ; Jljmr week lo
eoni | t-tt'iit B'rl. ' Mm T W. lllnckbtau. N > tt
W\\TIl ! > A entntiotont Rlrl nliont inyonrs
ofugo. InipdrtiHt.Mig Mima'W41'utkiivo.
" \\TANT ii-A : first lrl lit 138 soiilb ZUh hU
i * 7i-
XX'ANl'RD A Klrl for Rt-nond liouo orU nt
> , ! . ( . nli O'lilii Ml-eoU X7M (
\\TA\Tl.n -Ijiily nt-onU. llfl n dny with my
' ' \\ondoi ul iiniiul now rnlilMT iniili-rirnr-
mpiilH torloiiiulos ; liullos jni wll.liner It. Vn lam
I l-.tllo. DOT 41.1 , III. bU-P
TTrANTiinoxl dln'nv rnom HtrU nmt ( rlrh
' lorifoiiornl lioutoivoik , t.rtt . mill ( " ' ! . I
n-nrk. hold mnl kltoliuu noik. Cull ( it Hx fur-
mini ( . . up HinlM. NW-'J
\ \ rANTl : Poveinl ln'1liIn do imltillnir ; i v-
? ' plirllHlfK IKll IKXXI-8MM : Will M'tlll IMllllll'd
minplo tm tire lor 4u. Ailili-o < A Kienrli Alt
MiuiPw lloiisii , IU lUilh St. , KIIUHJS Cll.Mo. .
87KJ *
\\7ANTr.D-AnPiiljouiiBKlrlto nsslst xvlth
> iniiij. lues. aiUist. _ _ rw _
\\ANTIJD At mice , u itniil liiUor or np | > um-
tkii. Apply lo J.Voll Koil , IIUIiiK t'hy
\\rANir.D Thrco tlrst-clios tuck p <
' ' At ply lo W , II. HiiKHu.-i , Uh'Vimtli und O
Rlreol , Lincoln. HUM
WANTIMI LnTles'torarirfYto'Slllfookly nt
tluir humus Iu ully or country. Homo
l.tiiuvlrxluool cinehet nud fiinoy woik romiliisl.
' . L mall
fiiinplii unit IHWUHKU. J'.Um Silk Works , 1 2 W.
Hill M , Now Yoik. O.iln'i'i *
" \\r ANTKI > A plrl nlionl 14 your * old im nuro
' * AI pl > NW cor VliHlnlii Aiounil Uiiuil fit-
- .
" \ rANTii : > nn mnti fur It. It. work ! wnires
" ' H T > lo S-MKI per diiy. 1'rtHi tmn | iorliillon.
'pTiinailiiy ' inoi-iilnjf lit 7:15 , Nov. Ul l/ull
i rnrimm 81. KMS
WANTUI ) Plioo milemnnn : un o tvorleneixl
man on commission lo liaml'u a Hue of
lailit-v nml inlflM's' llimimtl inoilluiu.r ilohhws
In KiuiMHiinil Nn'iriiKkn. None but Hioso with
no twit ! l.chiMl tnulo m-od npply. Adilii-H wlh ;
l-teti'iicu- Kummitl & .S < ina , 1-1 Hunk Hi. ,
AVIIIO 41 tlrst-flnas coat milker * . A.
KnIMi.aillS. l.llh st. bTO
" \\rAVTliO-AK-onlsio pell mil i-rv s'ock for
* * f-pi'ii'T inulo for toi'iiii inMn ss Mldcoii *
tlnciiL.l Nui-Miil.'s , llox K , , Knn.-as Cily , Mo.
WANTlin Mnn nnd women to start n new
InixliRoiK in ttiulr lioititM. iMitlly learitoil In
( in I out : no pcildllmr ; ! . Tor4 finiiplos nnd a
pi o\iinc of muti-l lid tn roiiimcneo woiKon. Ad-
Ameileaiiyiipply Co. Albany , N. V.
C'Jlnif > *
"I VTANTKl ) Second cook nt Rmmni hou o.
WANTISI ) Stenographer. Itox KTi , Onudi.i
A < > INTS ? Polling Mlf ) iirl Meinn wmhor
mi'l.R ' blir money. J. Woith.Solo Mnnufiic-
li.ur.Su Louis , Mn. IKJiklocllp
" \\'ANTKI ) Position HKlmoklioopororennliler
* * natlsliioKiij lOleioucen will be lurnliluHl.
DhectA. A. lloeolllcu. ili-7 *
WANTKO A rr tM-ctiililo in Mil lady
wants sew In In cnrpot hnuior luctory :
will do bicoud woik. Iii'tmrj | f , ) Muiey
A\TANTIJI > A sltuntloii tiy nn experienced
' JOIIUK man us dork In yiocory or < ! >
froods t-toiii ; fifiik | Kn l.Hli. . Cermiin mid lloho-
mlan. Aildi-oasW. K. , lluoOllluu. 8 .u.
"V"\rANTKO Position us bookkeeper , nccount-
' nnt or otllwi clerk by un ovpeilonced bookkeeper -
keeper : Hinmks Rnrimm unit Knulltli ; : tii > t-cla-s
10 rronetis. Addio a J. It , Kiuso , 18U9 Kainam
- 7-1 u- '
LOCAL tmlosmnn wanted ut Oinnha lo Mill oa-
scutlul ods. ciixtllu to ips. ollvo oils , ole , enL
L < 'mml"lou to rctallorh only. No objoctlon lo
H do shew * . AddrB9 lth roforeucos , Imnoitcr ,
HoittU , Now Yoi k I * . O. MH 4
WANTI2D Km nlalKvl room mid boiirlfor
tun within I In on block * of iio.-tollicu. Ad-
dross. 8t tlur { tcrniB , etc. , Z. U.loo ! Olllco.
LAOIh'Swlahlii.r for irond Kirls lortrnnoial
homework can t-ccuro Ilium by cull UK at
the Noliritskii Kniploymont Asoncy. jjirj.'O
numlwr of KlrUm ullioo constantly. Call it IU
lilth U , Crouiu-o Itlnck. Ni7
QTKAYKD-A tin CO brown liorpo from Hurt St. ,
* ' bot. llrowu mid Dullon. Flnuorulll tiloas > o
return sumo lo nbovo uddrosa. H4T-,1 *
V\rANTitl : 1 wmit n lot of ( 'Uiillomon'R
' boi > os to wiulor nud Jo r on Iho roiul.
Hnvo n ( rood plnco und cuu fjlvo rofcronccs.
Cuss Smllh.Jllalr , Nqli _ _ Ktutu ;
WANTKI ) To Imy udniK slnrn ; nn luteiost
In ono In Omaha or vicluliy. Addrcis
VI ANTlSIl IPO Indies to know that Mrs.
' Holmes , llio fiedilonuhlo SU I'uul dit B-
milker. Is now prcpuiol Uixxxjivo and Hint
thoin nil nt No. ! IW N. loth btrooi , cor. Daven
port , Hoom U. ,5)J-ll ) ! *
WANTI3K To buy u peed youiifr horse : call
ntUfilh nnd lltirnoy : Hlmw & I'lold ,5Jill'
WANTKn-WclllKrc I-.cnll cor Hiunlltou &
Ixjwoavo , Walnut IllllJ USIiuw Tfd-Hl *
" \ \ ANTKO ToK chnmrocpniiof hornos for
' r good Hcllvo , medium apiui of mulvd. C. II.
Mooio A Co. , Ifdli DodHO BU GIVi
ANTKO-a'cnms. T. Murruy.
roxt KruT-iroTjsES AHD Z.OTO.
Foil HUNT Two nowBnnd'.l roomed hoimo :
fnrmico , bath loom and nil modern coiivoo-
iencen , ono blnck litun Rtredt cai > . Imiulro Jo.
1 < \ llmton.-Hffitli uU.or KuittiiiH ; Works. WH
"IT1OII HUNT The oletrtuit IIOIIHO nnd lot
Jl 1 inwn ns the Sullsbury I'laoo. on Shot-mini
iivonun ; larKO IIOIIHO , barn. olc. Hunt low to u
K < oj loiinnt. A. BnundorH & Co. W'-J-'I
FOIt ItHVT f.lKht dry biifomont , liijrH'i , nt
1U . 14lhj.U ( HVfl
linNT H-rrtom oollnvoon Calirrrii'n St. .
bet ' . ' 4th mid ilh btu. liiqulroon proadncB ,
1' . .1. Cioodon. tUi
Ifltllt IlKVT A two-Htorv liou'li. B rnnin * . t'4SU
DavetiMirl | i-U Imjulio ut Mrs. IU t-tovoiii ,
-/l * Davenport Ht. KxJiu !
IilOll iiNT A now lOitKim IIOIIFO , nil inod-
erii ImpinvtMiioniR. near Htroct cant : < lio.ip
to u t'CMMt loimnU II U Clark , UI12 UoiiKlaa hU
TTTIOIt HUNT Now houRO rfKmiT Ono"of
-i' I c-t built IIO-IKOH In Omalm , ! ud butween
Cumlntr and Iftird. * - \
( ( .tn.o4 | rooms Hiinth U'th KU.
Cofiiiiru II iiHims , lilth ft. , m-ur I'lorco , t
Coltnirti II rnotiiR , asili imnr IkuiKliiii , fs.
Two fnmt otllcat nocond Btmy llailfor lock
Ifith nnd rarnnni.
Two lunrt ) rooms in city luilHftilldlni/ and
I'll r num.
Oneorlwo uniHll dtoni rootminn intli Ht near
rarnani In City Hull hiilldliiir will l > o ninm oil
lo suit rumor. C. It. Mayno , ISta and { ' 'uiiiiuu ,
_ _ _ 1.40
iTIOll HUNT Hou'Hjon I7th BU. boTwcen Cm > -
-L Itol axeiiui ) and Davimpoit , $16. 8. Uiliman.
PO IMt Ktff - irrlciTnonso , POVOII rooiiiHT"Ciill
ut MoVlltlo'B I lib mid V uruaiii. Gt.'iiuil
? ( ) ItlCN'T ; room liom-o near cor. Vth und
1llt . .M.K tluitln.-lUH. Hth.t. . _ tkM _
fl . (1C ltiNT : Tim-room IIIHIMI , JJ lilocks trom
1 ' llioo. O. K Uuvlu it Oo. 7..7iuJ
FOII ItKNT CotlflKO of 4 rooms uud busv-
liiiuil No luilSiibtirot city and clMorn wu-
tor. Imiulio of Duncan to wullaco , XlH H. It-Hi - Bt.
1/IHl ItKNT Newfl room hnm-onn Pauudont
biieot. pailor , buy window , em-t titml.iitilliir
cmterii , well , uulks , limcos uud out hoiifosj nuw
iiiuUiintuuieiil ; tit ! | H > r uioiilh. J. K Uiley i
l.o..l..S. Ulh oh-oot. .U
FOIt KlINT-llyJ. K. Itlloy & Co. , SIS South
Ulth fln > < ) t.
For Itunt Now e room IIOUHO. pun fro- " .
| Mjix-liott , buy window , In Ic.'k ci llur , oistorn , I.
timluudout IIOIIM-X. jro < hl uidk-s , binii , ovuij-
Ihliix iiiniil | < ! tOi llrt IHIIinontlL
Knr Item Two now brick boiiow , gucll frout ,
T IIMIIIISeloMH wilh ouch room , tpacioua Indl-
mi. * * , | Miielu-H , wiulh Irom , IUI-KD janli" , out-
ImiiM'sund cUliiru : I'i bUnks trom the Green
cur Hup : 1-7 Tii per month until April , * Ji ) allor-
uuitln , veiy cheap ,
rorllout 2 mmu ell front hoiiMts wijj , rjy
H liidnv on sliltw. Hi n > oiiiH , 0111 li-r , Slionimii
Ateiinu nil modern oonvoiiU uoa , voiy
blerc- c-nco "
I III1 lilllll NOW THIill llOUN ) , | IM" " < J' , Cld.Ot ,
-Iliiif Kiiintml. ) . well lilid outho _ ; th pur
' ' tunII vpijnu.
J. U llde > .V IO..SI5B. lUth struct.
Ij'Oll HUNT f < * H\ \ & room brlok tviitiiKoj oltjr
L ttiei'iluito > u.aUU nud Uktu.rXbi4. )
Vvil-7 *
Fen nrvr-Nov I , flrw-clftf * B-roomcot-
tniro ; tlno locntloni bS. . T. fcterocn. a , c ,
cor. 1Mb nod
FOII HUNT Two now n' ! dcocpst ) > ems onch.
rottminf. rooms , house U room. * . J , 1'hipps
lion. or. ' ,
TtKNT Tnevtory dwplllnff , 1 rooms :
pMl lociillty. Apply Cor. llth und Donglus.
T. Tnj lor. 715
J OIl HUNT 2 Mori * on Ptu nnd Ixjnvonwrirth
1 More on South 13th U llutli llrst-clnM lm l-
tiess Iccatlons. Al.-o lionsos to ronu A. Mcflnv *
oi k. tut
Jj Oll HUNT Hon o of P n > emi . Apply Cor.
I4tb iiti'l DoitKla * . C. T. Til ) lor. ill ) _ _
'liioit lll.XT-To mmill family , n llrnl-i-liSS
l coltnpo In tlinroiiKli it'pnlr , near i or. .IM uud
I i IHoiniii n , $ ; ) iper mouth , Imjulio room " 4 ,
OnuihuNntlouul IJnlik building. 171
IT'Olt Itr.NT-Severnl ilwr-lllmrs. Apply Or.
I 14th mid DoiiBlns. C.T. Tajlor. 7115
| ; < OIMtr.NT-Oot nftr , t dwolHiiT
I1 lieu r , fi nioms , nle < < jnrdNtqrn , \uilor. _ J-'J
( rmoiith. Apply 1411 rmk Wild uvo.orlno.
V V. lloll , dl UfTKlil. t O Soillll Utll 81. 5W
UINT : Tlnvo vorj ulco itnfnrnlsliol
IOOIIIH , wllh iif < n or bath room , for llgal
K. W)7 ) N I'tll H , tl'M '
Tj1tlt ItKNT : : , ilorf. rooms over drmr. More ,
H \ > cnrnir "nil nnd I'IOIXMI ; wntor works
nnd other eouveulcuces In houtto. J. I ) . Murphy.
li ICNTTO jfiMitldinnn.
without board , f,13 DixlnosU 878
] , itr.NT-Nloo furiilfhwl roomsIfllO ( VI
liirnlH strcot. Bi7-l *
IjMilt HUNT Thro nnmlHomely iuralMicd
1 liiiiil rooms , liioliiK eoufu ; balh room. ITM
Capitol mo. 7W-8 *
"l\'Avn'.l > At once-two iinfnrnlshod rooms
lorhnii'-okfCiihur. Adiliess with terms , C.
K. Small , City. kVM'
"I71OK KKNT A hamlfoinely fin-iil lioil front
-L' loom with buy window. IW1 iNorthl'tli 8u
if ( Hi KIINT Twit ntcKiiiit 1rmt ronms , moil-
rn Impmvi'inoius : ( joou Ixmnl tint a few
diKirs from the IIOIIMK.1) ) S ' 'Jtli sticut. PK-U
rifW HUNT-Storo ill ! N. 15thSU
874-0 *
rlt ( iii'VT l.inllo * nnil inoitlptiipn cnn oli-
tuln rooms and Urat uliiaa board lit 13J1 Fur-
m ni-cut. b51-0
HUNT Itouso.'i rooms H el' > ot , pnntry ,
J Folluiitor , li til liotwcoii tenter mil hoieax ,
hmiM- ! l rooms , cellar , I'Ui-d and neil \vi ter. cor.
ol 1 Hi uud I'liclllobt. lltieu ton ilollitrt. 11 K.
J HRNT Liirjro filruls'ipil front rrtom
with tl eve uud olo.-ot. toll DuvimiHirt nt.
hKMi *
T7OK HUNT A traveling miin'n wlfo would
1 lil.e t-omoMm < l's to laUo n itni' iic , !
room I'.llher lrrt' H or ( . outlemoii. Teims
n UMiimlilc. AdiliiH orcall iits/u / 06 < irffluii\ii. ,
two dooiHHOUIIi of I.euvounurlli street. b75-7
IntHt HUNT LniV't Btoio corner 10th nnd
I envrnunitli : t otd location lorn Brnocry :
ido thtoo lm > ! onioiiiH.
F OK IJT.N r rutuj nlsliod moms , 181.1
71lKN18Ili ) : loom with boiu-d. 1417 Ilowiird.
F'U KP.NT Siiltoo1 oll'i ' o n > om . Rimlim-in'H
lilnck. N. R. cor loihiutU L'ouylus. limuli-o
m lit : ! llounid btitpt. ' , Veil , \
F oil ItiNT A MiltPOf unfmnlMiod ronms to
rent , 15 I'upllol uvo. U'uiil
Ftut llivr : With l-onid , nlcoly furnished
front room ; HUB nnd buth room. 14 ti .UiiR-a
I IlKVr An elegant tmnlslmd I rout
1 room , iniil Do ipo. _ il.l _
F OK HUNT A closlrnblc room for rents incd-
cm cuutcnioiiLOj. luiiuiro 17 > 4 Cupltol uvo.
770ui ;
FOI ! KUNT-lloom with lionrd , 1013 Capitol
nvo. 701nU
J lOll IKM' Furutohod rooun ,
J 7OK HUNT Furnished nmms. 810 S IBlh u
FOU 11KNT A nicely furnlslitxl cottiifro , 0
rooiiw , WJ7 North tilth sU 6TJ
FOll HUNT For ll htliouso kcophlfr , 2" fur-
uliliod i-ooiud , b. W. corner build Howurd.
TTiOIl KINT : Larjio bnudaomo room , 1701
I1 Capitol uvo. OU
T7IOH UHNT-Nlcoly furulsliod room
1IXhljro Btrecu
FOU KKNT-lnrfc-o furnished room.lHlf
17OI : UKNT Itoora tvilli board. 181
FCIt KKNT 2 pioron n ho brluk b ulldlntt on
Hownrd St. . l' < tt Kith nnd I7lb. No IG1A nnd
11.17. lniiiiro | iUOnirnlorocor. | Ifcth sU W/ (
Foil Itl NT A nice , plensimt n > om. fiirnlHli-
ed or unturnisod. Imiulro ut 15U I.DUVOU-
woi I b M rcoU 44U
-IT IlKNT-lloomn with lionrd , doHTrnblo fAr
JL ! bummor. Apply ut St. Cl.urlos Hotel. Ml
flOIt HUNT Furnished room , IVX ) Knrnnni
FOI ! HUNT .1 fiirnlHhpd rooms on l > ucllo )
MHMII , iHitKecn Utli uud lUUi.ouo block boiuh
ot tinU. . I . UUIK > U 4JJ
roil HUNT 3 tilcASHiit Mitith f rout rooms S.
W. corner I'Jtfi anil lnvoni > ort. 7uU
roil HUNT Two nicely fnrnlfhtyl room * , N.
W. cor. " 1st and tl. Murv's avcnuo.
FOIlMAI.K-Ilommnndloton 1'hll Shorlilnn
t . I'J ' block noilh ol St Mary's uvn. 1'riio
'S cudU. bal'iuoo ' 1 mid yourd. A nun-
IrUHlKAf.H-No. 2rt ) . I hnvo six wcoof choice
laud cilieiliM tiom 1 lo 4 tnllut on y tiom
Mn > unll Minimi on llio II. I' Mont ol Ills
vulloy land tnivoit-oii by u lu'iiutll'id Htroiiin of
piln wuler. woiili ut u low emininlo fJi nor
IK-HI , tliut 1 can hell In oi" ) body lor only $ _ & ,
pnracio : Kio wiwli uud b. 1 ! on N jonrn ul 0 IMIT
cent luluiiwt. This IS tliu iliio t investniom that
1 Know ol In thOHtutn icday : cullutoneo. J. W.
15oJ ( Furiium , BUn
171 OU SAM' Smnll ptock or ( Irnira und modi
clmv u ul Inlloi uitleles tor Milo ut n tmr-
Kiiln , Win iiivolLii f Km. lloxcdf chlpincnt.J
A. ItiHH.or , ' , WN loili dlicot. hll ,
FOIt SAI.H A Kfmornl mcrolinudUo biwlno
In u rapidly tiiottli' town not tar li-oiu I , In-
( Kiln. | kb. | inidi. mid location In town A Hplon *
did opportunity tor u party \vlMdmr 11 iiood
oinnln | , nnd lmvln r I lorn i-uvor. loloii tliouHimd
ilollarH in ciifh. ill n > ll tor ciudi only , or part
ciihli , baJanco icnl ostiito in Omnlm. Addixw. )
Meifhant I k > o Olllco rj. ,
FOIl.SAI.K-Onoot the Itost farms in ISfirny
county ; two houses ; tuo orolnuiN ; l.uin
with HIIIIIU hni > oniimi : cribs , nmmirlos , olo. lioll
\ llcl , l.dl
FiUSAI.I . 'i , ,11 , d ' ) iioro lots will lie wd I
ildn weeK m Itoiiuuld. ut j-lWi uu auro.Ji ouali ,
liiclioiisjlotsln IlM'iKvim I'luoo , ? 7Wl tn fl.W ) ' ) ,
I ois In 1'utrlck'a 1 t uild , f7uo to f < ou ; uuv
I/UN In 1 'at lick's Bnnuo n add , } 9JO to ( JOO ;
near Ixilt lino.
imoiiuum Turk 1'liico , with IIOUKO , $ ViOO ,
F.'jk < , < ii li
A MUII.I Imrt-ft n J story houwi. 7 rooms lin/o
bum , well clt.oru uud line llio' . . ( .uiw , 1,01 til
f.i/ i ; iumy tiirniM Is only l > t it.Jc _ liximl'u ,
und near HI root car I nc.
Splunuld lot In tildir H mid , (1.IKIO.
l.imdrt toiinilo aim 0 aim jno.ioity to trado. .
for land. J W Marti ml , Icjfl 1 lumiin ita
oil KAi.u-iiyj. u. uiioj & at. , me. mil
U I ) led on Fnrmim. noari-ourt hoiitin.
V'ull lot.'lllxl.c. , Ijiuur Hi r mi m , flu.ol ,
I'ulilnt. faixUr ( . t.'ppcr Kuinuui , doeirabln for
m-idunuo .i.
Illll loU , on irruiln. south front , cortiur , on
I > ixU.o. f U.MI lor Ixilli
I6ncfi on r.ukuvo.oiwt front , riintilmr buck
. .
1'nll lot In HHIISCOIII I'luco , on Ctithcrlno BU ,
ei'Bi ' liiml , $ ) AJC.ri
4 lull loin , lixiiitlnir on lliniKCom Plm ; _ , jl fjO.
7 IntH on licnivlii uvo . fti to > i mj.
fl loin on HiiimdoiB HII eui lrttrtcUii Irom irit n
our line , non b oiu-l lnU. $ ; o < i mu-ii ,
ID li.t * . 5 bl ( ) < i jrom Kroop cur line , VAO ouch t
OtU. } plli.rtClltB.
Uioixou ITthtmd IHth Btixx > t8 , near Hawaii's
I'urk.K'xiuich ; fiiff puymeiiti *
-lidiioiuui I ts , ouu block from rod rur line
nnd Klu bin-uc MIIIOO ! buugo , $ lo.Vj each. Ilur-
tm n
KiJI corner loin , 3 blooka from rod car line ,
| t i cnoli , eiuij payments.
Full loin , nun coiimioilloua Vrixun lioufo.cU-
lern. oiiilioiiM' * uiul Icncos , umlli litmt , J
blocks west ol I'aik a vo , , < lfu / ; clump.
t.'iiriior loi.uYxl.livltli idloy , ono dloclc from
Bt. MuiVit mo , ll nu. Tins IH very chcnp.
HoiibOHiiU lei ua t Irom , r.tli mid Luulor
bliwus , J , K. ) A. iJu , , , i > t b , tutu bt , tji
FOtt CAIjE InHfn , com Ploco. bio1nnrt
Imlf f < uii cnr4 MfliaJ U-ttoiy buuto ; pi lee
J.V.OJ. Ames , ItOJ Tnrlmni. io > 7
. . . .j iioupo nml dwcmnif on
? r.lcplondld ; ! locnllon fora
. y ; must bof-old : n special bnnrnln If sold
within ono wook. I'-orl full pnrtlonlrrs enll or
nddro" " A Bnundors & Co. , 14ol rartiam ft , op-
| > oslto I'aitoti Haiti. I 7U (
171011 fl A Li : Aero /ots / In NowporUThis
beautiful plcch of lundoto'looka the nholo
city , nud Is the iioiuest nud hand ouie&t ueio
property for fnlo. 'loiins nro itituk- easy nnd
jit lev Is ft ry loiv. No ouo can sco New JHII t with *
out ndmltlliiK Its luorlts. Ames , luU7 Fiininm.
1 jloTfyA'Ll : llenutlful residence lots ItfWnT-
nut Illll JiVlto f.Wioncli ; bl IK > rout cash ,
bnlauco monthly piiyiu-uts. 0.1 ; . Ma ) no , ICta
uud Km num. i Kn3
ITIOH SALI-IxitntunoilBO rt.nnnr ttth nU.
-i 11.403i tciy ensterms. . A. 1" . Tukoy , KR ) (
rnrmiui su _ TO _ _
1fl.Hl 7sAl.l Molm o Illll. on lioiri.liio , $ < < >
a lot : $ tndown , f5 oiurymonths. ! ! Ames ,
int)7 ) Kuinnm. Kf !
TJOIIBALI ! Itoiuitlrul rivsldciicp lots In Wnl
nut Hill $ - . " ) ! tii i7i < Uoncli ; U per cent
bnlnnco mmilhl ) intjmoms. C. K. Miyno , l th
nud I'ui mini.
Ft H HUNT Two law rooms novt to connell -
ell cliaml or In city hull building ; sulinMo
lor foorot K c.nty or lal or orKnnl/ut oa ; { ! " > per
tnoiuli. U K. Mujno , 15h mnl I'urimin. tiiAl
HOUSES lots , lands -llcmU.Uh nnd OoiiKliu
IT'Oit BAM : in jtedlck's mldltlon. Vli-Rlnln
1 iiro , complctu , now , woll-bullt ronldcm.e ;
moilorii ImprovciiientA iirlco. f 7,00) . An oxco ) <
lent plnco. Amos , I , ' > , i7 I'nruam. 8a7
JJ1011 MAI.K llto'ncro'foncod , nil peed plow
Jland , " tulles tnim Maxwell ntmlou , t ? . r. It.
It , Jfkm ; MUcii'li , Imlnnco H years 0 per CPIIU
J. W. MarMliall , l&HVnrmuu. bi3 >
.i : txinwhuortiiTprrnoo , on I/our-
wor'h B' , f lv ) n lot , monthly payments.
ng , 1W7 l-'armiin. ba ,
TJl Jll SAli-A. McOnruclc'M Kurnnm su
New flvo-room liuiihc , l < it 4' > TlW , on Knst
Orovopt. , near licatvnwortb , $3 , 11.
I.OIH In KlikwiHid , DulKlit an. I Lymiin'R ,
ICount7o'H buiiplotuontnry. Turk I'laco , Civdlt
roucier , luiprovoiuo it Assoc.iltlon , Itowuiy
Illll , Kount.o'H ' _ < ! , Itocd'rt li < t , nud Haiibuoui
I'luio additions on easy icrms.
Two lois , Hi .xl.'n , conlapiliu two Kood houses
nud barns , I'ui-k Wild uvo. , * I.IMI.
blx-room hoiiso , lot &l < ixlJw , on UavcnpoH ,
. fit. mut'Jtd , ( 'UHii.
Thrco-irom hoti'tn with basement , lot 4"ixllO ,
on 1'ierco aiiott. ncur . < ih , f IU
ti-ioom hou-e. ctery iMiuvouUinco , lot 00x100 ,
on 1'opploMin uvo . m nr . ' .lh. yAM. .
i < -rfiom hou-o. every niodorn convonloico
( to ( l Htullo , lot fi \ Ifn , Gt-orirlu uvo. , imur Vop-
( .lOion , I block trom BtiiH't iar. . i-iKi. ( )
hcvon i-ooin liouso , lot 1 3\l-.i , troll uud cl'-torn ,
1'lliHt. . near i ontro. Very o icapon o i y loi-aix.
l-'lnu lot , 7.'iv . 5l , eontaliiii splimold li-i-ooin
hou.-o trontlmr oa t on 17ih xu , und u i-romn
cotliiKo Inmtli'K ut > l on IMtli HU , nlco luryo
barn and uiuliigo liont-o , with well mid two clg-
turns. 'i ins IHU dccldod bur uln. Call lor pilco
unit terms.
N-ioom house with nil modern improvoniuuts.
n buiiuiltiil iudeiico ! location , M. Mnr.\ . aio. ,
noar4th ; lot To lW. Vur ) oiioap unit uo lrublo.
FOIt BAI.r.-Good 7-voom hou o onlfithnU :
lull lot. "oil Improved ; tJ.SjO. 1'ottor
tobb , l.'ilA 1'n i mini st. 417-tf
TTtnitSAl.i : OnSlM 8U , flno lots ill eftY ) ; cn r
terms. Cull ut Olllco. roller It Cobb. l.d.'i
I'm mini bt. 41U-U'
FOK.SAIiK On Ixwomvorth St. , contr lot ,
7u.\lMi , lor J.l i tl. tiiRo. "tllvl.M , coinoriuj. ' on
Ult illioy , fy.oo. ) Amos , 1507 Kiirnum. M7
17/OHSAT.T : llciutlujrokldonro ) | ] lots In Wul-
1. nut Hill ifirK > lo fciinio.iuli : Iu pur cent cash ,
bidunce monthly iliiyniunts. C. K. Muyno. lilu
und I'arnam. * i\3
irioll SAI.I ! Cornet * oiV'Saundcrri st. : business
-L1 lol , UaixL-'O ; only * . } ju. Totter i : Cobh.
_ _ _ _
| . - < oil S.VLU-Nlco bapd-mado t-mt = $ 0 will
I1 'my il. A uroat linVpilii. Willis M Ymo * ,
laiOCumpboll. ' ts&t-'J *
FOICSA I , l > -IIiincom-l'lnco. Slots , oust J rout ,
I'urk uvo , * tjrxi each ; 'A lots , oiust front , ; )
blocks irom 1'uiX avu. , felUJ. ) AuiCM , 1HJ7 I'ur
num. . ba7
Foil &ALU Itnrirnlns In thirty lota In gpnuld-
liiHT & Kulm'M tftibiltvlslon , on lodio stieot ,
cast ot licit l.Iuol ralli-oad. 71.1) ) to $ r > > , on
monthly puymcuis. W"T. Giiilmui , Croltrnlou
Uluck. T71
H OUBKS , lots , Inudj Boiiila , l > tli nnd Douglas
Olj-6 inov'o
T7OU8Ar.K ncnullfnl rosldenco lots tn Wnl-
' nut Hill f'.i to J.iioeaoh. Iu poi- cent cash
balance monthly payments. C. U. Mayno , l.ith
Foil HAI.i : A bnrfrnln In two lots on Ocnr In
nvonno. l-'oniflioit time l7in wllltako the
two.V. . T. Giuliani , CreitflitoublocK. Ml
I.tOll hAI.K I'lallivicw , liint Hf.iith ot CuW
Chntt'iini , lots Irom bnundeitf to _ nth bt.
Ames , 15 17 Fmiinm. 6S7
"T71O11 8Ati : Onod Hldo-har huirffy cheap. Cull
U on ur tuiuroMi UU Virginia uvo. , city. Ku- ( . .
HOUHK3 , lots , lands-Benib , 15th nnd IouKlu3
17 < OIt SAUi Two lots In liuio iind Soldan'4
ndd. , corner , * lniJiJ ; ii cush. Potter * Cobb.
FOUSAJjK Clioan roslduiioa lots on Cuinlmr
6t. I'ottur &Cobb , lfll.1 Fariium at 4Ui-tf
FOH8AII5 Ucnutlful rosldonco lots In Will-
nut Illll ( _ . > > > to J nkipiiuh ; lj pur cout caau ,
Imlunco monthly puymonU. C. K. Mnyno , lutli
uiul Furmtm.
FOII HALK-Ouk Chnthnm lots. Rolt t.lnoilo-
pi t localid on llilH addition. lx > tti lion
BauudorH toXOui 8t. Amos , 1507 I'armua. Ni7
TjlOll 8ALK ChcnK | > st property Wont FurL -
-L mini Bl i lou In I'otlern ndd. Iruiu * 4 S to
Kooousy ; toriu . Potlcr , V Cobli. 4
HOU8KS , lota , lands-IJonil. . 15tTntil
til l Ulmitvo
Foil HALH Chrnp , fumlturo of nn elKht
rmitti IIOIIBO. milluhlo for Ixianluur lieu ooi
ttxiinors ; Also hoiluo for rout , ut I ol Howard HI.
01S- . * _
TJ10HBALK Chcnpost nun in.lde propnrtjr In
ti.e mm kol , iiwu.emo lola in HillMuo mid. ,
Hotoi . ) . I'otter 4. lxbb. + tf
T71OHSALH A Ilrst clas.i nnd wnl | payliw
- liOurdiiiKliousti.coutnilly locatixl lur nuilio-
ulurs. Aildnnvi < ; . A" . Iten oJlc.ii. U./I
J/OIl BALU Pholco corunr lot In Itoed'ti Iril uU
' C.I.UDU. Toiler Cobb.
Foil HALK A ucicfl. bouutlful hind , near
Hell line and Siinndor.-i ut , H > A ) , uiuy toims
KiKUlro | BUAO.I drii > c Bloro- Mil.
TjlOK KAIK APII < InlB In Uolvedoio , udjolnbiK'
-L I1' ! Omnlm on llio north. Tills Is by tar Iho
Ilmi9t und | iierupropeny In ilint dirnu-
tion. t all nnd sco it. PSKI lo J.KKI per ucro ouoy
tcrniB. C. I' . Muyuo , RW cor IMh and Fuiinun.
rnilRAUi 1'lnolotn In Ilnnsoom I'laeo. $700
tol/ j. 1 otter & Cobb. 41tf-tf
3'OU flA LF. Twenty ucriv * 8. W. of citv olioiip
ul tW | Mir ucru. rottor i Cobb. 4W-tf
HUHis : , lota , Inuds-lkMiiU , U > th and Doimlas
' '
FOII HALIC-ll aTATiKitwrn. lath uud Fnr-
num. Aero pro | > vrty ilu IllinoltamxIiV addi
tion : tliiHiidillilou iidjolni the now purulin-ioof
Iho Mlssoui I I'liclllo It It Co. fil
F01t8ALK-On rnllformn 8U , I'j mllosfrom
( MiHloltlco , halt ; ucrHW'ltli : ) vooil IIOIIHO and
barn , only J.loo. 'IHillor ' & Cobb. 4iVtf
. . . .
" * ' " * r"lM" ' * ' * * " " - - " - - ' '
HOIJSKS , iota , fnrmn. 'lundsllemlH ' , IMh nml
Douglas. " , tU4-ii > iiov > ci
J.I 4 > usis : , lots , InmU-'lloml 1.1th and IKnurlna
FDIIKAI.K- HiuiBCoiu HH-O , need Htory
uud H I nlf houHii ; lllM lol ; i.ioolt Hum c.irs.
VtJMiJ. AIIIUK , I.VJ7 Varniim. h,7-j |
FOIt H\I.K-nt | , wlt.b..rKw houiMi. 3 blookB
wostoM'arlt uV.Onuq , tl JJ. J. K. Ililuy JK
Lo..16 8. 1-th dU ' -1 a l'
T71 i > li HAI.K Aero lota from fjw to f JUJ un
J- ' ucro
Newport ,
fjiito llrl llunto ,
AIIIOIu7 , I'urnnm. 887
H OIISIM , ota.lunds Ikimla , 15th und
17011 KAMi-iienuilfiil luts iu
l1 I'lnco , on Ixui > viiwurni at. Itiwi pluce lo In-
vct.t money , ( tt-lt Line depot locatutl ut ono cor.
nor nt ttio addition. HtmotcurH ns < ured. ( > nv |
.ow loin loll. t-iVllii MV ) < ucn ; Ij | xr ! ci-nt
( lounund fli ) | * r mouth. C. 12. Jln > iio.8 W-
1. til and FMIIIUJII. bul
FOII SAI.K-Ou rnllfornlK ft . ( Wrtltt ; deslra
Me msldoiico , f./xJU. J. U. Itiloy .V Co. , .I" ,
Full SAI.I' Corner lot : i block * from sirvct
c id. J , li. l , . o > i. Co. , .uSUiu .u U j
Fen SAT.r Thrponowcottncr * , nro rooms
cacti , In Walmil Illll : irood collars , closets ,
rmntrle , clstcrn oto. ; two lots with cncti i\tlnra }
} lHt > rncb , $ ti < ) iloirn nndM per month. U. K.
Mnyno. liith und Pnrnam. _ id
HOUSlSloU : > , landsHomljl5th and
vi.i ; . lots Iu Hnrkpr A
JU' dlvMoti on t th slrool , thn-o blocks from
strfct our < , f.rx ) nml f IM ouoh. Monthly par-
Ixit.son Cnllfornlistrootnotr city HmlM , f 43) )
wich. r.vtiu lurg-ii HIM.
Two dcoidcd baojaltn , two lots 74r2i9 , hnlf
block trom 1'nrk nveuiio , one block from Ixiuv.
t-iiKortli , hlKh ground , CJ.jjo ouch. Very oiwy
to rni"
llousoProomt. ncro of iminnil , on I nvcn.
north Bt.llcU line KOOI within 1JJ loot of II ,
n.S/ ) : u.
Two lot j on flrovo t. nonr rnrnftin , | j50
riic-h , monthly paymoti's ; ihov nro cheap.
' 4 Hires ill iliMoktluo near proviso 1 IU IL ,
( letHit nud Hhops , f li M ,
Twelxo e-n t front lots on Colfnt ? U ono block
north of U'livoinrorth. tl.MHi. flu doivu tui.l
tM per monlli ; UifM ) uro iloslrublo lots , near
Mrcot car , ue-ar peed pchools , near bUMtiessj
they Mill makoKiHd lioniL'Sor iiiuko ( rood In *
tosiinoutM ,
ttiteet un Tiirnnm nonr 10th , $1,5(10. (
Ouu ucro m Gi > 9 audition mar Biiundors ft. ,
$ . . ( Kii : this ( sehcnp.
Ixits on llcorjrlii nvo. between lrnvpuworth
uiul I'liiuiim , SlVn'ioli : , , $ l5ido u uud $ Aiper
Ono ncro nn Pouth 13th fit , f 1 JW ) ! ciujr lorm .
2i)7 ) Ixit , 'i.a'u otii li st. li-tnocn Donulus and
IKKlfio , now cotiiiRe n rooms , JlSM , tJ
down uud $10 | HT mouth.
SWI llrlok hoimo 11 room- , nil modern Improve-
nanits , bath , fiimueo , lar o burn , Niiun'8
ndd. i.
fcH l/ > t a\lA ) . houvi 8 rooms , Doilgo sU bou
lath nud l-i til ; muknollor.
WO Full lot. two houtos , Shlun'8 mid , $3 V ) ;
eacy teitiiK.
0n-nim aero \tilh lion.-o , bouutlful Icentlon ,
West Oimilm , f'l.r > .it ) .
KuU lot , lurtto lieu o B rooms , north iMh sU ,
" .
" 5J IxitfKlxllOtno Mocks south of St. Mary's
avo. on _ 'd t , , nleo eoltiuo o ronuui , Inr o
I arn , m > u\i. \ JZr > j down mm ( Ti per mouth.
247 Neat itiltiiKti lull lot. north 1Mb Ht. . J..tHM.
-Jb HollhoT I1KIIII1. llllROlot , llllOII III
HuiiMcom plnco. eul ; I rout , Bploimid tluvr ,
$ ) , r > i i : cacy terms.
SSt Ilou-o 7 iiiom . lol MxlHO , llau ° com plnco.
Sli' ji , FTMJdowii , balance to suit ,
Sa , Good eottnjro 7 roouif. burn ci t f I , WO ,
niim'joi ( if oilier nutliulldliiKS , lot 1"4\"M ,
very linn liH'ailon , xvllldn ouo mid iihuir
miles ol ! ' . ( ) . , near I nvoiiuortli t. , VU.uUj ,
ensv leini- * .
Stfu-iiriuK uouso 7 rooma , llarnoy nciir "Itli ,
KtMXl lot , f-li-OO.
SIS ( iood i-ntti'iro 8 rooms. Inriro hit. tieautlful
location , HuiiM-iini | iliiL'o , 'A'Ji ' : ea-sy terms.
ot Iixl4ii , KIIIMI COIIIIA.O I riHitiiH , t-oulli
1'tli Ht.,0 o. SkOdoitliund RAIpuruiotitli.
IM Ncalost isttliiKO In Ouiuliii , new , nlee lot ,
imuiial IreoGooixlu uvo. near Ixnivon-
\voitli. til , . o.
173 Loinnvliil , biTutli l.lh uu , cottuao fi i-ootns ,
jidi ; l , $ . > ) do n und | J per mouth ; this
Is a biutrnlti.
ICO l.otUo\l4u , IUI-RO lioutto , ( rood , Hickory HU
bel mill mnl lllli , $ l,7iH ) , f lVI down ami
f Jl per inoiilli.
IK ! Ixit Kwv KI , unit coltnpo 6 looms , 140 bid
f-i-tH'i n , outhouse" , cuiiii ti'ed cellar , liioim ;
HuiiM'Oiu park ; tlioKiouud nlone U worili
muro tliiin tuo pi Ice a > ked tor Ililn plncc ;
II' you want u dCfliuhloplacu plouty
of I'lound room ; M-O thii , 54lX.fl ? ; t-uny
1KJ A tlm-two Htory house 11 rooms , comer lol ,
( xjvlln , on I m K u\o. , 5.tOi.
10. " > ltn\inon ; ( amain KU tiparU."ith.tlXIO. (
WJb , A low pieces nn Sniiln l.illi bt with
bnlldhuia on thorn It > ou waul u wood
ln\estmenl look at Kit 11 , block. , Kouul/.o
3d add , lion o 4 IOOIIIH. fl.'JOl ) , tUOIdo\Ml \
nnd f.iJ tier tnontli. Kotlh half lot 1 1.
block ,1. Knnntvo H "H | add , house II looms ,
f-'i.O.Ji , f-VOOouu und ? _ il per month.
7i Uast ' - , lot-'tilock 171 on .lack-on Hi. with
IIOIHU nn I burn , fJ.UjO , f IM down und $ >
per month.
UIO I.ol on Sliurmnn nvu. i > l'At30 ' In Horbnch
fuldJ/iiuiuNu loin i iAlw on I'.tli. Hor-
lnicli'H udil , Jl. Hi.
207 10 ixftVl corner on 8U Mnry'B uvo. inukosC
voiy ilesirublu lota ; luriu.comal particu
lars call at ollico.
200 Lots In Vines & Hood's ndd , fCfiQonoli :
monthly pu.incuts. .
201 Ixit IU , b'ock ' Id , Iliuiscotu place , $1OW ; voiy
eusy tcrtim.
ISS-Lot In Cor.hiiult pluco on Howard St. , $0,500 :
\ory oiisy tcrnii.
ISO-Tw < i oi tlio l.uoU noiosln V'iw > t Omalm ,
iiumberflilaiid 4 , likiolt.M ; , fi.lXl.l.
174 TIIIOO lot- Oil Viiviiuauvo. UuiiMXim plnco ,
$ , N I lor taetliTOc.
17B Two lots on Virginia uvo. In block S , Huns-
coin plaio , < > i mien.
170 Two low Iu IlimoimiiKli pluco on UldKO BU ,
Catlioiimi nvo i jl.l'ii ' o.-icli.
Ixits uniniiirovcil nml Improved property In
every part 01 tlio city C. K Mnyno , S. W. Cor.
Kith uud Kiirmuu. ToloihonoU.'l. | H5utf
ONT.Y HO lots to tnulo for Improved pioporty ,
will ussunio mortniw * or pny dllloieneo in
cn h. I'arlles wlsliiuw to trade honor call at
onco.V. . II. lircon. ever Isl National Hunk. 174
FOUPAI.R-Afowlots In Itnrtletta addition ,
tiiioo blocks Irom Mn'ot cur. ViU to 7Tl on
monthly puyinonta. W. T. Uruhuui , Cruighton
block. l.'iJ
Hrnco nnd Int nn-l trn lot < \nenr
1 I'urk iivcnuo , chcan , on easy ( onus. G.I' .
Ftebbins , Hoom Ul. Arlington Itlock. UWnovi *
ticiilnr-i ubout Iruo nud cheap Inmln In
Wesieru NonrusKU iutdnH.s l'iitor.-ou ( it Whllo ,
Uoal Kntato A onU , North I'latto , Neb. iCU
POIIHAI.K-A two story , 2Ss13 ! , fr mo bull 1
IHK , biiltablo for a ftoro , Utll mid l > 'ur
mun Sla. Applyat thU oIlU-o. 1)47 )
"M"O onnrntlou or useless trus-.i . nr. M. M
- ! > Mooro.l , ( Wiib.iNb nvo. , Clilcnin ) . Will
bo ul COIMIII * HoiiMe. Octubur , ono < lay only.
UIRTHTCT or UOMTMHI s. vMuUimorton. I'.IKI ' : r > tli
Pt. "Till ! CKUAUS. " A bimrdln , ' uud day
hchool for yoimir ludlus. Doll.litlully BlliiatoJ
on ( liHirL'i oivii ITolv'liU. I.urg-y iriimniN ; HII-
p < < riorEcbolu.stioudviinUi ! A. Alias Hvnr.K.
'IIONAI.ISI' , ! J Tontli Simil , botwuon Karniim
und Hurnoy , will , with the uld of Kimnllun
spirits , ntitiilnliDr for any ono u plntico In the
past und pn > * < int , and or cortuln ( yindllious In
tlio lutiiro. lloiitx nnd MIUMH miulo to ordor.
I'vrloct HutUluulion MTUurunlood.
Proposals for Brldtra Construction.
TITI i ; i.oanl i I'i Id Works ol the city of
JOmalm , Noli. , Invl o propo-nln until - oVIoek
p. m..muiiirk'Hih. is h. lortho u n ruction of
u viaduct on llth 1-tioe.t , ever tlio nackH of t o
I'nlon I'luilllound Kiiillii ton Ac MKsouil Itlvor
I'ropo-uls must bo Imfol upon Iho ppoclllca-
tloiiH und o time plans on llio In llio o1 co of the
boiudot public woikx.coplos ol w.ucli "III bo
Itirnl-hed iixm upplicallon.
ItiiN inn to bu accompanied wllb i o n'l ' draw-
Inland strain iMicot * , and Hindi HJIO . y thu cost
ol MIIIIH | met nro lor u 'M tout io/wiij und u
llilool r.iadwiy , mill Khali Hopaniio tliu iiHr-
Htriioluio irom the loiindation work ,
Maoli biddershulldoposlt with bN proposals
ceitltiix ) cbeclt , paynh.o lo llio oi-dur of llio
inn orsl''onl.In llio Him of onolliou-uiiil dollars
lo IK > toricilotl totbou.ty of Omabu In imo lie
H mil lad in oxcoutoii coutruul and Imld HIIH |
lactory to tlio board , within -.Jilnya u..or the
noillienilon ol llui awaiu , nlioiil.1 . hlnproposul bo
Tim board tescrves the rlKht to icjoct nny or
Illlllld-l. TlIK ll'IMIDOl' ' PlIUl.lL WdllKH ,
J. K. llousr. , Chulrmun. oot .i-.Hv tojan a
Bldowalk Notice ! "
Notice U horohy Klvon Ki liuiowncrorownors
of the lidlpwintf ii'nl ostuto In llio oily of Omaha
to lav HldowulliN m trout of und iiiijolulmt the
Riinio within Ifiduyn fiom Ilio7tli day ol Novem
ber , A. I ) K'Vi.hluili HldliwidUs to bo COIIHII nctiHl
und laid In ui'coiiliinco with iiliuin und Kpuclllca-
tlmis on tile In Iliuolllooof the lionidol Public
U'orUs , and In ciiiuiillaneo with resolutions
udopliil by the City Omnell vl/ ;
Lots" nml H , notih eldo of Capllol avo. , In
block 7J , r > lecl uldo.
Ixil b W0bl bldo of tilth at. , In block fi'.l , 30 feet
Uit 4 uud A , oU3ltildo of lllli bt. . In block KU ,
Ixiih'Hindi ) , north Hldo of I'lorcofit. , Iu block
; tt4 teol wide.
Uilnliliiuii 4. Miulli Hldo of I'icrco st , In
blnoK&rii 4 lix'i wido.
Lot H , uebl Hldo ot 'Alth BU , In block l l'/li loot
Ixit ID , oaUhldo of intli at. , In block 112. . V.
Smith M mid. U I cot wbto
Wo > t hidoof" th M. . eommenclnir on I Im sec
tion Hue in Mellon l.'i , lou u 15 , luntfu U , u < ulux-
tonnlim north ' 4 lix'l.
Lots I. . ' 1,4r > iindi.ninth | oidit of I'curl BtitHit.
In block U. I'm KOI-h add.u tisil wldo.
lo wilt , 11,1' . ' , M Mini II , imiili bldo of JliiBon
Mcl'imdlmh \ I'la o. 4 ItxH wldo
Him III pait lot ; C. , nor Hi Hidool'rt Mary's uvo. ,
Grllliu V li-iiiioHinl I. tl leut wulu
North Hide fit. Jliuy'd avo. . In I rout of the
pwK-ily | owmxi b > hielornof Mnrcy.ii ( exit wldo.
lxt I. 4. ft , h.liuud U.OH8I Hldnoi Korest iu o. ,
I'm-too Wtlhaiii MI.Id . , 4 ( cut wldii.
Itnrweoii lot M mid Ht. Mary'n uvo , Mist eiiln of
Foicolute. , l'itt ) > tuii & WiillaiirB mid. , 4 luot
IxitH Humid , north Bldo nf l avenwortli Bt. ,
block J.I I lUila'k'Bnubdlv . fl loot ul'ln. '
Ixit a. WIHI Hldoof CoUnttdukU , Jomiaoil't ) iuld ,
udd , f ) loot wldo
IxitH.-iumH O'i t Hldoof l-th BU , block'J.llnw-
ory lllli , I UM uldu.
Ixiiji I und . ' , ( nt Bldo of lllli fat. , block 1 %
KouiiUKB.ldluld.ti Icet wldo
Ixit I , werti Piiiuiir'itli |"ck 7 , Kountru'a
i > d uld.U loot wide.
Ixiuio ni _ , 1:1 : , u uud IB , mirth Bldo of will-
lu'ii ht , block-I , Koimuoalid uud , Oliot uilo. |
IXIIB 'i , 0 , 7 und n , north i-ldoof Wlllluii ) HU ,
block II , KounlMrnitd udd.Oloet wldo
Chunuiuu Ituuul uf I'ublu Vi orlc .
Llvo Stock Onons tlio7o3k with n Steadier
Feeling ,
'When ! littles Sternly Tliroii ! iiut the
Dny , Cloilng n Point uiitler Slit-
mtlny's FlKiiro Markets
Homo nml 1'orelgn.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2 , [ Special to the Ilr.n. ]
CATTLI : A stronger teellng prevailed this
looming for good guides , but salesmen had
toork haul for It , anil then did not .snecctsl
In developing a.s much .strength as they
thought they might , Hecelpts were not MI
law us tin last Moml.iy ami yet thcro was a
linger share of natives than at thu beginning
of last week. The general miukut was
stronger , De.Miublo guides sold about UKJ
higher , making 4 ( > e aboto "low vtater maik1
hut as staled hcfbre , it.ilcsmen found It lianl
toudvaiicu nitud on eomnion stock. Theio
was a sttunger feeling In the gciictal market ,
l-'nr raiiKO entile , ptlees weregenet.illy
Hltongcr. Some Mouialiae.ittle Mild UK' bet-
tui than they VMinld have ilone at any time
last week. The iii.tllty | of oileritus were not
as good , ami tlieie WHS an active ilematul lor
good Int stock. Texans being In moderate -
erate supply Miltl niihei tUninger.
bhipplng hiuii-s , K.'fO to lfM.0 lls , SS.Oi'd'o.OO ' ' ;
\'M \ < lo I.'KO llu , JM.'J.Va'-V.'O. Through 'le\as
( firJ.V > u' ; ( XJ ) to * TM ib'-i , ' s'-Hi8J,70. ! : ) iMlIo1.
louO Mnnlamus , liVHbs , Sl.uhl ; ! ; MoiiUin.c ,
1'J.M Ibs , s4.0 ; ! ; Ml Monlanas , 1'J.i'J His , s-4.4 > ;
in Montana * , W75 IIB , & -l.i' > . ' > ; Wl W.voiuliigs ,
lll. " > Ibs , : i.tNi ; ISO Wyoming * , I-1 ' I'M ' , ! . ( " > .
llotis Tnulo oiemsl | iictlio ami prices
\\etu a stioni ; r Tilue higher on about all MIIIS ,
the mat ket closing bte uly at the lulvanee.
Ouu mure packing tiriu eommeneeil Unlay
mnl one iliopieil | out , MI the numbiir of
luijcrs weie uhoiit the h.tiim as last week.
Itouuh uiul common Milil ul SOv'i : ! ; lair
to ixood p.iekiuu hiiit.s , 5fM. : > X } ' > " , and hcl
heavy at : i..V > vii : t.ii"i. ' .ickliu anil shipping ,
lo 170 Ibs , C'J.OOv'ii'.tO ' ' ; IbO to IJ Ibi , tfi.'JOviJ ;
CIIICAOO. Nov. 2 [ Spi-cHI to the HKI : . |
WIIKAT Alter thu nrst hour then-vviw very
little Hpecul.ithu in wheat , ami the market
r'uleil iniiet ami moderately Meatly within a
nanovv range of prices. Thu tr.ulo s-hovveil
an Itieltnatlun to iivvalt the pulilicatiou of thu
visible supply statement. In thu absence of
any inciting foieign or domestic news to
u ovu thu maiket iu cither dliectlon. Thu
market oiK-ueil easy uiul sold oil Uw > e , inl-
liul nUhet'bliMipl > . udvaiieliK "ie. tell buck
slowly , ' < e , lit e.uate.l ami eloped on the tenu-
Inrb mil Hii'40 " uiuler Sntuul.iy. Prices re-
mainexl vvlihotil unv special ehaitgu on thu
alicinoou board. The leeeliil.scnniiuuetuod-
eraiely itee and sliipmenw light. It was
stated Ihal faimeiV de Ivetie.s showed a fall
ing oil' , hut in the absence ol any
maiked tailing oil at thu receiving
point * , the .statement luiil very little i-lfcet
upon valueH. The e bles came in weak nnd
gave notice ol a deeli.iuul l.iveipool of ( xl
lorCaliioinia wheaU II was c-sUnmtcd Uiat
tlio vihible Mippljvou'l ' dlseiose an iuereaio
ol ( linn l,01JiADto-OJOJJ ) ) bushels.
Coit.N. Tluiro was an urgent shipping de
mand lor cah coin , and under tlie. u eoiidi-
tiou.s it eloped lilgher tliun Saturday ,
and the options woio generally htion er.
OATH. Tim speculative maiket lor oats
was unit and the near tuturea weru XC'S c
I'ltoviRioNH. Meas iKirk opened a shad o
lower , but uiiilei a good demand , advanced
7 > 5a > LOe , and cloausl Kteitdy. Lard vviia quiet
and bte-ady.
Now York , Nov. _ . MONT.Y On call
active and nun at 'JM-JJf t > er eetiU
riiuii : MIICANIII.K : : PAi'mtX ® " ' ) per
$1. 4 . it 'Ul mil , $ l.b.i. *
OovKisSMKSis Dull and fittoncr.
blocks oiiK-Kh woie active and irregular.
Tim announcement thai Hit ) Pennsylvania
railway had deu.iiied u dividend ol' only -
IKtreent iiihtcad or the tLsiial : i per cent waa
the signal lor a heavy sellitu movement in
the last hour , and in thu decline following ,
Western Union wits especially conspicuous.
The market c.OM'il decidedly teven.sli with
only changes ol small Inictiou.s in mostcuKes
fiom Satiirdav evening's ugurt4. ( I is under-
Ktiiil the 1'aeiiio Alaileompaiiy will vvltlulnuv
Ita Australian llnoiit once. il eontiact with
the colonies having exjiired to-day. A Lon
don syndicate- is said , lias recently pur
chased I03.0JO Bliares of Union 1'uuluo for
liliipment abroad.
ft'Jl cent bonds. . . 11 % U. < : . W rill
U. tIK'S 11oroteried. . . . HHJf
Now 4's 1'iyfN. Y. U lM' ( '
I'acilioO'.i of " ' " > . Itsyf Oregon Trim. . . ' ' 0/f
Cenlral I'aeiutJH ! I'.uiiue Mail Gift
C.iViA. i : > il' . . IX AK ; Ill
mvfened. . . . 1SI IM'.O * lUK :
C. , ft. &Q l ! ? Hock Ihlimd. . . . Wl
1) . . L. & W I'M , Su L. .vi S. K. . . . WX
l.i\ll.0 18 1 jiielened. . . 40
Erie Si < C. , M. & SI. I' . . . 1K > K
pwferred. . . . 4" > 'ifi ' prefened. . . ll4Jf
Illinois Cenlral. . 131 St. I1 , ito M/ !
I. . IS. i-W lliJi1 piefcrred. . . Vri\g
KaiiHiia A't' " 'Texas r-wjac. . . ai. ' <
I iko Shore . Union i'.iciuc. . . MW
UA N . W..SU L. * ! ' . . 1 %
Sllch. Central. . . . prefern'd. . . 1ft
ilo. I' . ! ( < < Western Union. N )
Noitiern I'.ie. . . O.
Clilrnso , Xov. 2. Klniip Quint nnd noinl-
nnily uieaaiued ; winter wneut , Miutin-rii ,
a..7.i . | ( < ( ! .oo ; U'lhtiiiiHlu , S4.LV ( l.b5 : Jllchljfan ,
_ ! . ! ; Mitt Hiiing | WUOQI.OOj.MlniitoOlu
b.ikets , 8X" > O I.i ) ; patents , { fl.7K.5" > .7' > .
Wheat Kalily netlve ; oiened ; vse.ik. ( lec.lln-
Ini ; e , advanced ? < e , gradually Hellletl hack
J < e ami closed about J e under Saluidav ;
8ilfd N'iK' ' c.ihli ; $ i',4tiir ' > % ( : November ; H7 ! ) (
tn/M'jC ueeember : S7fQWJ eliinuaiy ; DI %
( ! ! il'r ' May : No. 'J red. hi ) .
Coin "lining and higher : urgent demand
for cash , cloning kfyWfc higher ( or cash and
November , nnd a shade belter for .May ,
Out * Kit m ; near lutines J uC e Ixitter ,
Maj u shade better and Hte.ulv ; " { e cash ;
May.Kje Quiet at Ole.
ItaileyQuiet aim. .
Tlmolhv tjteudj ; juime , < M.fH < g
I'l.ixieeil ICa-sier ; No. I , M.H.
I'oik Onh moderately lU'livo ' ; ruled a trifle
lovvei call ) , hut latei iulvaiiewl7l/"jlOe
VMI.S modeialfly hiippoiU'il ; &S.IUI/H.IO Cnisli ;
vnvovemliei" SH.lO.ii . ) ' ' 'J ; Decem-
U-r ; ii.i/iKf ! i.'i.iiiiuir..U"v ( ) ) . ; < in.-K > f .May.
Laid ( fillet ami sleaily ; about niiehatiL'ed ;
g.'i.sVf.'i.siii e.i-h : S.'i.wxic.XWK November ;
' Decemlier ;
. . 1'
llmk .Meats blioiddiMB , fi..Wi5 : : ' . " > ; nhort
clear , < V > W"i.i'i { ; Hlioit illn , l.tilK I.70.
U'lilnLy-rnchniued ill sl.l' ' .
llutter Slow and e.wy ; jiood to fanry
rieamery , iKii 'xr goiid to ehoico daily , 1-
and fuhly active ; died-
d.u-s , HXulDJ-jc ; Hum. JWfQlojje ; Voun
Amerlisis. 1W/IIK ! ) ( > ; Hklnih , i e7ye
KKUH ( ioiHldfiuiind , and unn at IHJ CJJll'c.
Hides Sli-.idj and nncliaii < { od ; heavy cieen
hailed , lull > emed , fe'.fe ; IlKld , HKc ; daiua iMl ,
Oj < i' : bull hide * , OJfii : dry Hulled , HKe.
Tallow Steady und nnehaiued ; No. 1 ,
counliy , < rx > <
Hiv4jpU | , Shipment *
J'lniir. Mils . ll.o xi lii.iKK )
\Vheal , tin . 77X ( ) ( ) "i i.W (
foi n. bu . HiU ooo W.I.IMKI
OaK Im . 0\000 ( il.OW )
lt.\ebu . T.oiX ) l.oiW
Harle\bu . J.X ( ) W..OOO
Now Vnrlc , Nov. a. Wlic ! il-Hc 'lpln.
U Lee * ) ; expunKl.ooO ! ; spot ( 'iad - IIIUIM and
dull : options oJH > ned ueuk. lalm M-ac'tiMl und
eloMiiL' nun ; niiKiadt'd ird , Nui4. ( ie ; No. : t
it'd , wii , < ' , r. ( > ; Nn. i leil , IMe in elev.doi ; Uo-
ceiuher cin liiK "t Wl' c.
Cuiii-Klim ; rw'll'U ' , i" .i > " 'iJ ' i"iKirt | ( , is.-
( KX ) ; uiiirr.ulcii. : ' . ; ; No. : ! , 41 < .c4IVe ; No.
a , 5JK ( ! ' I" oluviitor. iy < isl' ' < r , w
( wfi'Ma ; I. ami i. ; DixemlH'reloslni ; at ' > n < ' .
Oafs .Moderately netivu ; uxixnUs. 4IixjJ ( :
Kxeiptrf. ialximixed weMeiuAtfitft' \ ( ( " ,
lhlteM' | rin..l " 'r.
reliuluum- in ; united clo ol at 51.11.
I' n HI ami lair IIHIIIIO , ivceipu ,
Pork -Stonily ; mew i.uotwl nl SO..W(310.0i ( )
for Inspected.
l.nrd A shrulo hlsjhpr" but fairly Rptlvo
piles ; wivstorn sU aili spot , Sft.-ji ) ii.x ! lo
nrrlvo , PiVIS a , mid f. ; December SU7 ( ( jl
'llidlor-Qiiletand Unn : wr torn , W3 ? < \
Cliwso il.irely stiudy and lllit demand ;
western Mat , S lPo.
> tll\vniiki > , Nov.Vlirat Oulcl }
cn li , M > * P ; December. 7Sc ; .May , l'J ' > je ,
Corn -Steady : No 'J. 4 < "re
( MtKlim ; No. U'J. , .
It\o-Qulet ; No. t , ftte ,
\rley-\Veak \ ; 'No.'ic '
I'l.ivlslonsIII ) jier ; mow porlc , ciMi nnd
NtnendMT. ! Ui ) ! ; DeeemlH-r. sS.1'4 .
CliH-liinntl , ' Nov. 2. Wheat-Dull nnd
lower ; No. a n-d , iMUftWc- .
Corn ralrdemalul and lower ; No. S mixed ,
43 ' e.
oO. ta-lCasler , bill lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2C < 3
Hjo-Qulet ; No. . , !
Barley Kxlrn No. : i , ' < „
1'orkQuiel and Meail >
L-ird hleady nt $ .YN\
Whisky St Md > at tf 1.00.
Minneapolis Nov. ' - . Wheat Quiet and
moderuiodcimind : No. t hard , a i'e ' cash nml
November ; til' ' < c Dcci'imVi ; inv May ; No. I
northern. MVfc eash and November ; MJo Do-
cemlier : vMo Mav ,
Flour Dull , buyct.s and fellers holding
ap.ut ; tiatunt.s , $ . > .t.'Xi $ ' ' > . " 3 ; bakers , SUlJ > j
Keeelpts-Whcat , 1107,000 ; Hour. 10H.
.Shipments-Wheat , tUlWJ : : Hour. . ' > S.OU
In Store Wheat , rs-,7tr : ; ) ; receipt.ot )
wheat In October. 7 CHviM : ; ( or the ten
iiiuntlm ending October Ul.0 , : " > lIVI. (
Si. I iuU , -Wheat-Unsettled and
lowi r. uxeept for November , which \va.s Kfo
higher ; til5j'e , for ejtsh ; fe fm Novemhi-r :
ltt\r \ ; for December ; \ ) % a for Januaiy ; $1.0 .ft
lei May.
Corn Cash lower nud options very slow ;
! V > @ " > ( | irr. fet rush ; iB asked for November ;
" Vie hid for May.
Oats AlKwlHU'iidy ; Si QCIc for cash ; 2-io
for the year.
live Dull at C , a
I'oik Dull ut SS.75.
I .aid Dull at 8.Y70.
Whisky-steady ut $1.10.
Kutter Steady ; eie.uuery2323c ; dairy ,
Arrr.iiNoiw HOAIW Wheat llrtit. Corn
nnd oats iulet | and unchanged.
UniiMim City , Nov. ' - . Wheat-Qnlotj
rash , 7lo hid , 71 c asked ; December , 77o ;
" " ' ' '
Slay , I"
cash , 2sVc ; tlio jeiir , 2Cc bid ,
Cfljf e asked ; Mav , av bif. (
Oats Nominal ;
Ijiverpool , Nov. " . Wheat I'oor do
maud ; new No. U winter and spilnj ; , 7s tkd ,
IViru I'uiii demand ; 4srr-fd tor spot , No
vember and December ; t.s id for January.
Toledo , Nov. VJMieat Maiket closed
quiet : No. 2 wish nnd Nove.mbfi , lMJl./e.
Corn Dull ; cash , 4 'V
Oats Dull ; eas-li ami No\embei'WXo.
Clilcnjjo , Nov. 2 , The Dnw-rs' Jouriml
rnpoim :
rattle Hccelpts , 0,000 ; lOe Idslier ; shipping
stO'-rs. st.7.'ii.Ul ; ' ( ) ; HtoeK'iMN nnd lei-den ,
3niW.75 ; COWH , bulls and mixed , St.iOJ
. ' ! .7.'i ; InilU. S'J.RD 'MK ) ; western nimers , Him ;
natives and half-breeds S&TuCJUiO ; cown ,
Hojrs ItecplptR. 157,000 ; actlvo and fiffBlOa
lilKlioi ; rough anil mixed , S'U.'HiKUU : paeUiuir
amlHhippliii , ' , 5.l.4.V } < . ! .i0 ! ; light weishis. S , JO
( ffi : < .70 ; skips. SJ.r > OejJ.OO.
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; steady ; natives ,
Sl.rrniti.iOtuturus { ( ; , S'itWusUt ) ; lambs ,
Drovers'Journal special Liverpool cablo-
gtam reports lighter .supplies an I liriuof
values , liasl grades lo higuer nl Uie per Ib
St. Louis , Nov.Cattle Heeclpts , BOOj
shipments , 1,000 ; dull anil vve.ik lor every *
thing except best ; native shipping steeti ,
$ : ! .7.X < 2M.OU ; oxtia would bring S.1.i'i'i. ' _ ! . ' > 0 ,
native butcher steers , $ aOK34.00 : mixed loN
ot bnlchei ing stock , -.00 < r : t.'i ; stockcrs uiid
feeders , Si.'ri@.r : ! > u ; Texnns , S1J.'J.X .i" .
Sheeit-Keceipts , : K ) ; shipmoiits. ! 0 ; very
seal(0 and quiet ; extremes. Sl.75S.5) .
IVIUIHUH City , Nov. - . Cattle Receipts ,
4.N/0 ; sliiptncuui , 2,71)0 ) ; til m and quiet ; ex >
porlerH , jjri.o."K < W.vJ5 ; common to choice ship
ping , S4. : ) @ 5.00 : utockers and feedei-s , S'JHJ
( t5.'l.covvs ! ) ; , SibO 'ibO ; gnujs Texas sloera ,
ilogs Kecclpts , r , TOO ; slilpmeiil.s , TOO :
wesik and Sc lower ; good to choire , i3.rx3 ;
: t.4iicommon to medium. U.V < $ l.iO. :
Sliwjp Kewipls , lut ) : no .shipmentsq.idet ; )
couiiuou U ) good , SI..ri0 i.f.0tt. !
Monday Kvening , Nov. . |
Tholivo stock niiiikel vvas m Ipatlicu'ar'jr
aeuvo to-day. A good many cuttle clmu idt
hands , ( mlthey writ * mostly leedets. 'Iho
puckers were not In tin- hog market to-day
and sales wore slow. The iticeipts of bola
caltlo nnd hogs wits very light.
I'oor lo ( illOll IO
IIUSCItll'TION. Medium. Kxtr.u
lM o Ibs and over , K > j ! ) 0. " > ( > K > 15
4 ( )0i ) > 4 40 4Kk' l VO
IK ) 75 ( < $4 BS
reeders : ioo
Slockers 8 UO aai
Cnuis Texaiis I ) h5 ate
Wcstcrn llangers 3 OOJM ! 3 75@4 00
Native Cow.- , a no _ 7S
3 23
iio _
Koti''h Mixed. 2 m 800
. .and Shipping. SIX )
Ligni Weights. U 10 i ) 15
Sklpi. 2 73
" \wjfiic OK rittcKs ron IIOOH.
The extreme , ranuu of prices for rough
mixed , parking uud shipping nml light
for Hevun davs is shown below :
lato. Mixed" . Jshlppln Welu'hts. Mifht
Monday 10SS
Tm-nlay 10 .t u ; @ : in
\VcdneMly ( W ! t 000i.t 10 ] : \ ] ( hw'lit \
Thiirsduy 2 ( Wwi.'l ( X ) OOiui.1 10
Ftlilay B 0@i : ( X ) : ) iiKir.'t ( , > s iWs Ca
Mntnnlny _ IKX i : ! 0 8 t o it ) t H 10,2. ' ! ISr
Monday H ( w ai i ( ft \r \
Note All sales tif stock In thin market me
imulo pe.r cwl. live- weight , nnloss olherwi o
stnted. Deiul IIO H sell at le i r Ib. tor all
wuliiliUs. "Skins , " or hoiw welghliu' less thnn
100 Ihs , , nn value I'rcgnaut sows me docked
10 Ibs. and hU s BO Ihs.
Mnml.i ) K veil I ML' , N v. ! i.U
General Markets.
Kens Sales vveivmiulu miMly at "Oo ( )
lin. a fevvsalea of exlia blight Much boll ,
nmmiitt 'Jle.
Itli 11 Hit-Cholco fiohh mil butler contlni
In good demand , while lower gr.uli's reim-
iliili , and can be dlHiHiwil of to packeis on
Hull butter sliuuld lie tuii'keil in IHIVOS ei
tiiinlng alKUil 7n Ibs , Bimcls ate nut des
able , as ( he aveniue dealer ptvlf-rs lo !
Himill package * Thine Is mil miieh of i > -
ehaiicein thuMato of the maikci. I lie ) '
valllug prices um ah follows : Choice la
li li'- : lair lo good , IO.rjJ-0 ; luliilor , fry
o eamery , - KiM-ic.
CIIII'.HK : Tim market Is ndvaiii lug lit
along , and | iilee vvll | go liluhei. Thti-tti
ply Is Miiall , ami demand good ; .Septeml'
make Is being htoied Im wiulei IIM ) . Qttot.
tioiH lire II.H follows. l''ull eieam eheih .
Septemliei , IUe ; full cream llnU UN1. ; h'
lember , l' ' ; lull eieam Young A me ; lei :
bi'iiti'iiilK'i , r.'e ; Swiss , fatiev. HV : Swu-- .
choice. 14 < n > 15c : brick. 13Lluilmu.'ei. . lie ;
New WlM'Olislli ll.ils. Illll eieam. I' Hr. New
Wisconsin chedditi , lull eiivim , I' o : hriel- ,
nevv. l.V'j hand , H do/en In box. per bf >
' '
'i'o'ri.iltv I.lwi | Miultry Is dull nml lovvr
Si.'il in now tlie oiiuldu nhiinn.ib e lor \ <
choice and r.iucj chickens , wliilu HIM mal '
ilv of sains ale being m.iilu nl c'J.tW. I "i
Mipply ol dre sed ehlekens has IIIMI Im t
tltillu huge , ami | > ilei' lmif Urns inr in > '
low , Diiwhed iinkes meel wild iiadyti i
on atilvui. Duekh aie In lair ileiuum
Old lou IK inn in slow demand Hi * ' - ' . '
( . 'iV Live ilucks HOU | al s'-.tWit'-/i'i ; h
tutkejs. 7e | K'l Ib. ilie-i-ed eliiekcnxaie iln ,
glng , colder \\eathel leipine l lo Ineie.i
Hie demand. Clioiie , p'-i Hi. .V'tlik" liilr I
uooil , l' < ! S(7i ( ! ; llllke.VK dies.sed , cholee , | "
Ib. 1'KsSr * . duckdieM'd. . choice , per II. , 11
WK'c. _ ees ' . dli-xKeil , cholee. per II ) , I'-J U ,
fail lo gooili HVvlle.
I'lil'A Uii ; > -'i'jie leiu'llils of | Ktlal'ieii aid
e\eec liiiK > llghl ami a iu ink di maid Is thu ioil-e < | Ueliee Out ili'ti ' m- have but
limltnl Hiiiplii | > in ilieli rellarsiiud me now
atiMoiis to hu.v , feaiiug dial roldeather
might wl In uud top hliiimi'tit | ullo.'Oiher.
( I would lie advi ablc Im e < nsigiiHilo make
hlilpmenls UKIMIII us pntxihlc. ( ! nod sliaigllt
euiiouiN will bringoui-idi ) iimtailnns. | Mix
ed vaiiete- . , ir < - h sde.Mr.iliic. . I'ulatoeJ
eholiT , stTdWOe : UOIH | . Ulii/ifH' ,
N l l I.Md hs : t eel'x. ( hi iloIHi' M'Vri
i roi in tvici jH'i ilo/ , i -"lior-u i ail
uo. tx