Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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ciLGil BMs Carpet Co.
| n
Till' III Illiu COIltUL.J Ull lilU l > .tUa B
KTO. , UTtt
-in- :
Largest Stock
, ' Lo\vcct Prices.
nj ci.Yi"nursivu ; : cAiti'iic itotrsn in
WUSlRltN 10. V A.
PAVPI.r'4 furnished upon application to n
ortoun puniiu.
'Council Bluffs Carpet Company
lE&ailv/ay Smio Tafelc.
All tnilimnruvo niul < u < | > nrt from Omnli'i liy
Cfiuiiil biuiiiiiinl tiinu.
Ill IIIIIH in tun L. , t > t l'iM. > V ( ) iiiiivu anil iln-
rnu litnn Hit u diipot , toinoi ot lull mill Wet )
ittxn btiutiin : linliHoa tliu H > NM ,15 , 11. X g ,
enil K. C. , 81. J. , V r. It trom the II. \ .VI. dupot ;
Dlliillini-M litnn tliu Union I'noillo ( lo | > < > t.
n , daily : liixunpl butuuliij ; c , O\LU.H Sinid.ij ;
fl.oxuipt Muudiiy.
llonnrt. WKJTWAIID. Aulvo
"X7 i. fi M 1 | I > . \ I'Ai-ll 1C. A. M. i IM
'u. . . . ,1 bt'-Ml 7KHI. :
p v nr.i1 vAi.i.r.i' .
1 .Sfti . Mull niul
. . , V.M i : . MII. :
E.ldl .Mull anil i\iiu--t ; |
l , < i a
Jlopnrt. I Anne
A. Al I I1. 11 | Mlhb > ) l 1(1 ( 1'AUIIU. A M I' M
ll.UuV. . - Diiv r.\Hv- | . L IXkl
. . ' . , . . 0'' ' .NUrfit i\pioss : . . 7UJi
K ( J.M1 .1 A. ( ! II. i
0:10.1 : Fsinb Via 1 Inll-niontli 7-f M
tLA1 : ( H/li Vln ( oinicil IHuirs . ' , :5 : 1 7.Ill
.St J ( Hilt * K\IUlx4
IPopnit. r.ASI'VVAUl ) . Ainvo
A M . " i7 c. M .vsr. r.vui , A M M
D.iv t\piih-i : '
U.lJl ! .
C. U-l. \ I'ACII'IU
6iro ; Duv i\ptos-i :
" Nielli i\iios ; | <
. Ai coininniliitiiia .
l-'Ui KiK'lit l'\ino.-- ( U.Htl
( ; n. , v g
r -twin I'orl'lil , via PuiitKiii Hi n.'M.l
I'oi Lhi ( i v..i U Itl iN a. 4.11
Dcpmt. NOUTIIVV'Altl ) . Aulvo
A M. r M C hi' I' . M \ ( > ! M
fc.Ull Htoiiv ( Itj i\in : O-H r , , ; j
. . . . ' ' ' OPo' '
IOVV'A 'niV'V c & i' .
tv . , i HI I'niii DIIJixino : M . . |
: "fiM I'aulNlirlit I\pips4 ! IMAi
'I rain No.I ) , dully riinal.iy. Utlior
i-.iib inn > .
Hi * Oilulniil mill OMI.V
nfn ( ) KrIUi If H\ttvt uurlhl * 'nultllvD * .
} i ii.i4i.iw. u rcnlE" * A. L n > ur llrucul. : * <
I Idibf.l.r- . I'ncll.u M t.llt i r fi l - .
( i iiMtu | u. ( M | . ril u ir I * Mi.r lif p filru HiHll
VtAMF PAP > ? H. I ' iriiil. lit ' . . .
Nebraska Kational Bank
* * * ' Y AII > ri r\i ni . 5 M
hi ni'M * , Ma > I. lv > > " > . % j.iijj.jJ )
U \ \ ' Yvn . I'l-i-- * limit
A P. TIUV.VI.IS , Yico 1'ruiiiluiit.
W V MintM. .
JllMN \ Cm 1.1 XS ,
' li vvis UM ii ,
i . \V II. S llimiM , t'ashli-r.
rv > . 1ili'ii
1'ree front Oplttli * Hiiiillc * ntnl J'olsoni ,
I'or Cou h , Sere Thmal , llnnn > nM , Inflnrnza ,
C'aM * . HroncSIIK Croup , VMimtplnj'oub ,
Anlhm * . Qulnitr , rnln.ln llicwf , i
r tlo-ii f film Throat n l l.iin
lCf 0 mnti" bnttlc. BolJ hr pra""lM
tr . l\til tunablttotnatitttui dell r 0 |
artIer / thrm I. Mr ru * * botllctEil > rit * cliargti
tialtt , IjtemllnoontfoUar lo
T.H : nur.ira A.votimn ttiTixy ,
boUUwlieriftnl > ltnti ( tnrtr. ,
lltlllBinr , MirjIiiUr.8. I ,
OI7 SI. CtinrIpnKtMfi.T < niil < 3Io.
A rrc Itrc 'lutUof twn VeJIctlCQllesf. , M * trcn | int f
tLt Kelln Ihf * pe i.t im'menlof CH. , nic , Nitrnlt , PHI *
and ute D li.n ti Ititnanr blbpr I'bTileltt iD&t. txiuli ,
Airily f tp r'10 * ID ! itlloUrt.lJfnlakliow
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Wcnkrif ss ; Mercurial nnd nlher Afire-
tlonsolTliroat , , Skin or Uonca , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sorts and Ulcers , ir tr lnl hb tmp.r.iuuj
necv'f enl.Uitiiel Dllflerrlnelrlcn H.ftlT Hrhtuly
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which rtttnM im or ib
rtilinwlnc tff t I Dcr * u < itifii , dcbltll ; dlmne.i or light
n 1 dtttcllvr racnorrlmtilci on lh tcf , pb f ilenl il iy ,
ftrrrilnn to ihf i Uiyor rrm&l0t , eonruilot or ld ti , cl4. ,
rendering riarrlniro Improper or unhArpr , * i
rrrm.orouBiirniL l-.mphleltSftpiEPiion ibeftlme icnl
In ftcftlcd tare op , rrraloftny adilr . . OQiulttlloDftlo' *
fiernrtiy m ll frw. Iniltelknd it Icdj c.nflJ iill.l.
A Posltlto Written Guarantee t\m \ tattttrn.
> ntlect . tle < lieiaeeDtecr > wti r li7 uillorciprrii.
260 PAOE1. FUTE TLATES , tlc nt doth n4 pill
bin II' r , vnle.i ff > r OOo In iwtnftor turttittj Orer lift/
wrxiJcrfdl | > n ( tclurcji trur t lire mrttelo on ibo rollowlcf
vho mar totrrv w'oriftt.why ' tnnnhood , womsn *
phritl ' - dffnf , etlrt f citlfifit-j n loiucn.thrt t hji.
forrc oln Inn iti I n uny tn r * . Jlioi e mttrrlM or
tonlemIn ; lti ( m < iirU | thnuM rt1 IL. J1 i rltr eOUloa
iiii.o , rn. r coi-er. USc. AdJi i tie '
i Chartered by Ihu
ia tor iheexpresiparpose
giv iiiKimmeotatc reltelin
all chronicuunaryancl prl-
'vato dlLeases Oonorrhtca ,
I GlcetnndSyphitls m nil their
complicated Turin ! , , also all
diseases of toe Skin nnd
[ ilooil promptly relieved and
permanentlykurcd by reme >
dies icatedina/ ( / / > ir >
' . < ; - , til 1't iirliii. bcrnmal
Weakness. Mi lU Losses hv Dreams , Pimples on
the Pace.Lost Manhoi > dfi itllii tlyrtiti < l. rime
limit ffi > rrim fill Inn. Tne oppropnat- remedy
is at once uied In each case. Consulutijns , per-
tonal or by letter , sacrci.iy conTidcntul. Med
icines sent by Mall and Cypress. Nomnrks on
pacLace to Indicate contents or sender. Address
OR. JAMES.NO. 204Washinqlon GI.Cnlcagolll.
Is milim'R own ioio'\ undo fioia room
ditliinoil linnl ( HMIII.III. Tin nlio\o
ml U'IIMI-IMIIH tliu UK HID I of iis
twi'Mti MI-US tun 'I I ( < ! ( tnttiid lins IIIIMI ci.ul
inilly IIK ii ii-in until a $ IIX ) mi Inl latm-v N no\\
into H.IIJ lomipplv llio It do Thif. fioat Voir-
( tulilc Illooil Pi nt ( u ri'iis c IHCI , ( uliiiili ,
> c otiila. OI-/OMIII. nlu t- i iH'itmiin-'ii mill Mo
liiint , IK uiHtiii ) ( ii oiloi-\lr.o. vtitliuui tliu l
ul moid iv ( ii | on i.
TJIK JsUll-T SPrrll'JU ( O ,
N V lit WilM 1 i mci , t , Atlanta , Gil
_ j i i i i i i i i ita. Nt rroasncs' ' ,
( c8jpiEaBa | | | | | .UicuinntlBKi
. ,
Jrivtt3 Wca ! n s , lir-I i Worrj , JHwd .S'orn ,
JSlllosncss , Ccil.i'iit i , Kcncal' ,
JZl < lney TraullfX ami JfrfT "ri" " -
\Vhoc in H furl .sdiicluiM'puu rsvml' ! iv
Inf illllili > ii-iiiu'y Is iir li mil'Jln > nl..i I
v. Illlnil lUo luuicontt'lu.i.1 spcL'llio.iii ij
r. fitiri inofvllaltty nnd vlj-or. as , lofn'lil.ii ;
r'lil cx'illlnitl'iB tool fe-'Milaa
as u , spring <
v 'itDt lo the inrflu-il ninl l.ilntlni ; ir.ivulor In
I1 mil1 crt. Jo ( li llno t.iKliiK ivsnruri'iiiiMly
v ' ' ( "IH ckMoeoiirts'ittrr niiunill nitnih'.r'i. '
( T" Cuirispniiili'Hi o f , i.iy uunrnrrd. r J
.S.A. : ' \\w \ ca , si. Joscj-h ,
Sold l > y lO I Irncil l' < .
boitlo. or four buttles toi
FOU SALE BY C. F. COOCfi'A ? ! ,
Otllll Kll kill h * lUllll'1 llt : > I Illll III till II II Kill
I'liion iluu Ii iniincii imKiinilaii liuu > lee
noti a cm Nlioulii nt in 11 CIIIMIIII IK-LI I in ii'-c
ItilllJI- I Illl 1 ll > 11 lllll | > Illlll II .V ill MMllI KMIII
tllK.l'dljI'.IUI III.1UI ! , lull 0 1 IHi | Illlll C" HllllOII
i ul uillsv \ \ nil nuvili < l ulu' it III A I ill
The Mirror
is no flatterer. Would you
niaktj it tull a swuciur talu ?
Magnolia Malm is tincharm ;
er that almost cheats llio
lookinvj-jlass '
, v
Goncrd Thaycr'a Vijil "With Biantoa in
the War Department ,
n'fl Attempt lo Mnko Thoinna
Kcoirtnry of Wnr An Inciilont
of t.'io lXcltlii
ol1 . ) .
[ \VltITTKN roil Tilt ! lit1.- ? ]
I rut HID following from the Chicago
( ' . r. Mrfnbe , a MMIioillst clcnrynmn ,
urlU-s ( lint ( lurliiK II o tiinu Hint tiiv.nt IHT-
Kl-tCll ill ImllllllL' Oil Ul tilt ) VWirollll'OIIIItt
U'MiH'tl to Irnvo It lor two or limit vviokM ,
lilsliiiphiiiitMiii | riillitl Uniii | lilni. l'li liHIioii
IUIIMJ to to. ( iniiil went on Ix'totv lilni ninl
Iwkwl tliu door , siivny : "HiMiii ) > , 1 iiv.uit
tin1 ii'imlilk' us In iiinrtMliilitft'I liuu Hi , in ut
nnj time liming Hitwin. . 1 twl tlm nwil ot
illvlai' liclp 1 wiuil .Mill tti | > riv with mi1.
niul tin- two nntilou Uiu-ll to i-inci In | im > tT
tu AiinlKlii } liMl lei lii'li ] In thu hum of
Hrotltpr Mi'Cabo lias got things slightly
mixed. Gen , ( irant d d not pcisist in
holding on to thu win'ol11ou not
vvilnt to take il in the lit'wl pliico let go
of it just as soon as hi1 could consistently
with duty b. > turning it over to Mr. Stanton -
ton , who held on to il for slvvccks
against his own vvisht1 ? , but in obcdicnoo
to a high ensp of duty , and in response
to thu public sentiment of tlu > friiMids of
" 'o government. 1 was present when
1) ) shop bimpson called upon S-erelary
Manton IIH cnfonjul continuous
occupancy ot tin1 war dcpa.tmcnt , bul
no pia.vcrs vv re ort'eied.
1 vvi'll remember thu dpi1) ) ) feeling cre
ated when the communication troiu thu
president ivachi'd tin1 senate , inlorinin
that bodv hi' had u-uiovi'd Mr btan
ton iniiii the o.lici1 of seorctari ot war ,
and hud appointed Adjutant ( Lo
ri ii/.o Tlmniiis in his stead , but tin1 feel-
in aiouM'il m thrcountrwasnuii'li , more
iiilcti.M1 , tor this ai'l was tJu ; culmination
of what -eemcil to bi1 a policy would
load to serious results.
On tin1 morning ot the 'JCd of February ,
IStis. , .Judge Ivoilei , , Moorehead , Do Ige ,
Van \Vvek , Van Iforu , Di lauo and I'Vco
man Clark , all mcmtiers ol tin1 lioiisi1 of
ri'pri'si'iit.itivi-s , winin .soctclaiy St in-
ton's ollice in the war depailmonl when
( icneral Thomas enteted and demanded
ol hue i clary Manton the Mil-render ol tno
war olliee ' blanton denied it to him and
onleled him Imtk to bis own o.nee as ad-
jntant general Thomas relused to go ,
and said " 1 claim tne ollio ; ot secretary
ol war , and demand it by order ol
president. "
bUntoa "I deny your author'.ty to act ,
nnd older > ou back to i our own olliee. "
Thomas " ! will t md here I want no
unpleasant ness in llio prcsjiidu Ot these
gentlemen. "
btanton-"Von can stand there if you
please , b it 3011 eaui ot act as et-rel.u.v ol
war. 1 am ven tii.y ot war aiul 1 older
ion out ol this olliee to i our "
Thomas "i ruiusi ! to go , and will
stand heio "
-1- a iton "How HIP you lo got possis
sic n doion mean to use loree. "
'l nonius'I do not care to iisi fop'p.
b it in v mind is made up as to vvliat I
MKIII do. I shall t-tay here and act , as
soeielaii i f war "
M. moil ' \ on shall not , and I order
ion , as ioi.r superior , back to i our own
olliee "
btanton did not yield , and dually
Thomas withdrew. Ho was ai rested ,
taken lipfoiu tne eouil , and put under
bonds to keep thu peace ' 1 he attempt to
oijt.tin possess.on of the department of
war , bv the ptesidcnU had proved a sig.
mil failure This was one ot the exerting
iacidcnt&ol that int..resting period ol our
\ \ lu-ii the communicntion of the presi
dent was read in the nenate , iinnoiiiiciiiL
the iMiioval ol St.iiiton and appointment ,
ot 'I , buinner sent tnat tanious
laconie telegram to btanton , "bt.ek , "
and lie stuck.
ben.itoi Cameron , Hamsay , Chandler
and in M-lt at oaeo diove to tae war
oiiiec anil ealkd upon Mr.btanton , whom
we toimd set'ciul. ) bat linnly holding the
toil , and the scnalois advised htm to
i old it at till lin/aitls. lie replied that
ho had made up Ins mind to stand a
siege , anil not leave his oincc night or
u.i } . j.s our pail. ) wine iiassing out ot
his ollito I happuicd to be the laM one
1 aving , and said to the seerctarv ,
\\ould iou like to hu.vo eomp.iny to
night. "
lie replied , "AVell , if 3011 are willing to
come and pass the night bete I would
like it "
I assured him I would return in llio
even i g U o I aim called al aimy
qn.iiui ) and had an interview with
( iiani .tie had intended to have gone to
New Vork night , but had given it
lip ( , m account of vvliat had transpired.
Lnti1 th .I aiturnoon a resolution im
peaching the picsnlcnl ol lno United
Mali's ot high climes an.I in t lenieanor
'was ' inltodiiC into the house ot repre-
suntativch. In lno evening 1 called at
warolhee , w liieh washlleil with M-nato
liu mbi'i.s , all iiigmg Manton to
Maud last , ol com se this uas eneonrag-
mir to him , but he was tnll > deteiimned
lo hold on. Alter awliic llio visitors oe-
gan to diop out , and ny II o cloek the
hci-relnr > and nivsi-lt wei'o lelt alone.
Tow aids m dnighl Bishop binipson
i-alhd , and the interview between him
and the hi etetary was ver.v earnest iinil
toulial Tim bishop cressed | > thedeep-
i , -olieituilu in regard to the tlipn condition -
dition ot public iiiuiiih , bis t-jinp.itli
with .Mr Sianton in h.s tr > ing position ,
and siiongl.v adv H d him to maintain his
posit on. Hi1 had . ( list ai i hi d iiom Phil
adelphia , and was lo take tint lain night
ti am lor tint south , having time enough
between train * to make a hasty visit to
the war dcpartnu'iit. Ho may have
via lid ( ieniril ( irant while acting as
.sect 11 u v ot u'iii' but thu latter was not
| > t i.siMmg in holding on lo the ollicu.
air. MeC.ibi ) evidently means btanlon
Alter the Heeielar.v and m.Vhejt were
li'lt alone , he iihkcd me il I kiiewieueial (
Carr , the oihcer in eommaiid of the do-
taihmint ol troops Mut oneil in tlm
gniuiids between tlie old war and navy
departments , and who had Ins ijuartii *
on the lirst Hi or in the hall ol
the war depailm nt I replied that
I knew him well wu having commando I
div it > ons in the b line corps lie ie.-
iiii'Meil ) mn lo see Can and put the onen-
I on ducct lo him "Krom vvnoin will \on
Like ouloM' " 1 called upon ( Jen. ( Sin
and entering into conver.salion with linn ,
lold liim what the seoM-tary desired mite
to ask Inni Ho very promptly rejilieil he would reeeive nooidern li tin any
one but ( ! i n ( irant ' 1 hat was satinlap
tin\ , and on lepoiting it lo Mr Stanton ,
he wan much lelievnd There were two
so lar in the olhce , and we whiled avvai
the night with not laitch .sleep , Ilit talking -
ing most ot the line hi ntineU wen :
hl.ilioni'il at each duorot thedepartnient ,
hothat things had ( he apjiearance ot a
military camp I returned the two fol
low ing nights and remained until , ' or i
0 cloek in thu morning Mr btanton
held on to llio olliee for about six week *
01 mote , never leaving it , and having bis
meals Mini to him 'I ne senate tailed to
convict the piv.sidi'iit on the impeach
ment trial , and btanton thnn gave up the
dlliee , ( ien bcholield having been ap
pointed ai'urelatj of war. who eontiiinei'
as Mich tor the balance ofiJohn.souY
term. .lolinson , ThoniiiManton ami
( , the actors in that con-
tio\ > have now nil pass > d away.
JIHIN M , ' '
( Jit.v.M ) ISLAND , Oct' 'l.
"Hello" ' we heard ono man HIV to nn
othci , tlm othei da > ' 1 didn't ' know
Jt > u ut ttal , why jou luok tunu. .
oungor than yAii 'Uld when ! Saw jou
ast" "Ij'ccl ten yi-nrs .vourgT , " was
the roplv. "Ypn , know I t.s.'d to bu
under ti o woathortill tlio time untl gave
Up cxtiecting to bo. any better The doc-
iorsiilil I had coiisumjition. I was terri
bly weak , had night-sweats , cough , no
appetite , and lb\"f tlesh , 1 aw Dr.
I'IITCO'S 'Golden Medical Discovery'ad
'otised. and thought it would do no
liarm if itdld no good. It has cured mo
I am a nuw man b.crauso 1 am a well
ono. "
How n Young Hull or Lost Ills Tnrm
nnd Won U liitok With n Will * .
\ corresponded/- ! llio Now Yorlv
in , vvr.tlng from Sally , Dakota , MI.V.S
A year ago last .spring \oimg man
named lleiden came to tnis county , took
up Hi , ) acres of land , and btnlt hiuis'lt a
fllnu'k. 'two weeks later a girl named
Helen Chapman took up the claim ad
joining b s on tlm west , and also built a
cabin. The neighbors became slightly
acipiaiiited but both were too busy lo do
nincli visiting. Hidden was an oas , > - going
ing fellow , none too fond of work , and
Helen was an active , aggressive , good
looking , and ambitions .voting woman ,
bho did two tlajs1 Work to his ono , and
hull a better I arm at the end of sixty
days than he would have had at the end
of a jeitr if IIP hail knit on in the vvio
that lie was going.
After lli-liicii bad been on his place
about three months he b' pamo weary of
tin1 monotonous lite , and , going lo town
to have some tun , found so inucii enjm-
ment tnat he came pretlv near torget-
ting to go homo. U'hcn ho In.d been
gene longer tnan perm tied by the land
law , Helen , who bad been vvalchiiig Her
opportunity , jumped his dain , an.I iu
less tnan ten houis had a intck of her
own siuiiling on his taini llcldcn 10-
lunied al last , and , linil ngthat his claim
had been jumped by a woman , Haul noth
ing. Il it had beun a man it would have
been ht.s duty to go out and light him to
the death , bill as it was a worn in , and a
lather comely one al that , ho thought he
would say notinig and trust to luck to
get rid ol' her. Occupying h s own ah.ick ,
lie was not more than lit i teet tiom her
new habitation , She held her gioimd
Well , tie.iting him as an mt-rlo
per , and nov or ael ing as t hough she hail
an.V idea he b.-lo igd t ier
Ueldeii s wrath began to liso finally ,
and when he tvilecli-d oa tae comments
thai would be maiK1 if he pennttid a
girl lo jump his cla in he giew lui on the temper ol most i llleis
would biool ; no intuHcivncc Witliagnl
fanner , he went to town lor consult ition.
Kit st he talked with som ot Ins It-lends
who drank his vymskj. TheV shoo' ' ; then-
heads and said it was a mighty bad job
Then he ( onsullcd a lawi .r who gave
b in some hope.
In lac cour o of a day or two he got
tweet hisfiiends ami the lawyer to go
out to bis place with h m ( o see what
they could do toward patching up a.set
tlement Onou on the ground it was
agreed that the ! awvor , should go aiul SPII
Ihogirl. HP w is alisent an hour and a
hall , and vvliufi luA leturncd ho said it
wasno Use. Iliuj Jr ! was poitivi , and he
didn t see vvhif could bo done about it "
"II it was a man. ! ' Iu sa d , "we could
go over there afid throw him out by the
ieels into tao next comity , but it won't
do lo harm a w'oma'ii. "
The lour talked , the mat IT over nnd
it was Imally jigijjod tnat the lawyer
should call again in tie ! morning , and
repiesenl lo Ifir Hidden h iriends
were coming li his assisiauco and laat it
RIIO wanted lo avonJ serious trouble she
bad better abandon her shack and leave
his cai in alone The law.v or .stalled out
on his errand lTo | lie\t day , but he was
baek again in , I' 'leen minutes wita a
lump oa his Iii-mlTitJui sl/e ofi : horse
eln stnitl , wllorti l\5"aid ! \ she hJul lul him an a\e ha'mflft.
Anil talking the matter ov-r every
body being mad , it was diculed Unit
they wonlil give her a scare as soon as it
been mo dark Al about ! ) o o.oek all
bands vvet.t over to the girl'sju w sli ick
and sin r.mnded it. Al a given signal
taei .veiled and litid their voivcrs in
llio a'.r. The repoits had hiullydied
awaj when a faut un was dsuhirg-d
trom one Window 01 the Hiniek and a mo
ment later another shot was liu-il troui
thoother Mio of ti.o hous' . The men
vvaiti d in silence fora few minutes wnen
two more bands were I red Tins con
vinced them Hint the girl was not to IIP
tnghtened and they crawled away as
Mi'.illhil.y as they could All that night
li e girl's shotgun laundered at njgnl ir
intervals until her advei .ar es , who were
vainly trying to sleep wished it
would imilodo and blow her and hoi-
s-niick lo kingdom come
In the morning Helden's lavvver and
two ft ends stalled lor town , leaving the
jumped tanner alone in his niis'i-y
Alter their depaitute ISelden did some
woik on the place , taking care not to
inn aeioss the grl , , and though Iliev
saw caen other IroipiL-ntly they beta
avoided a iimcting
rinngs went aloup in Ill's way until
tall Udell worked oa herownl.irm a
good pail of t'n ' : lime , and Hcldou pass -d
man.v d.i.\s m hunt ng He bad m ulo up
b s linnd'that ho uonlil tiio tlugilonl ,
and ho behevid thai alter she loiind
he was not lo be got lid of , she would
volunt nil/ab indon ihe c ! i m I-i Ins
he was nnstaken. One ( la.\ , wli le orl
on a hunting cxped t on. be' discharged
ln gnu accidiMilallv. , and fppivod M-vvr
al snot in his aim and Hide He got
home vvithonl dillienll\ , and , examining
thu wounds , made up h H mind Hi it h
would go to toivn in the morni'ig to have
tliin all Hide 1 to. The next day lie was
in no co u ditto i lo m > v , and was o i\\ \ \ t 'd
to keep In * bed ( flowing rapid ! v vvors1
and l ( aimg thai his mimics would n
suit senoiislv ll nul attended to , he
wati-hed tor his next door neighbor and
when he fi w her he signalled tor her t >
( imio lo him. The gul came u pa ml
his Htoi y and volunteered to go to tow n lur
a doc-tor \\hciiilieili\M' t arrived and
dressed Heldon's vv ( u idII leu told them
thai slie would iok in o , isio i illy a i I
all'lid to the sick man s wants and fi'io '
kepi her pinmisitiulijdoiihh. I'm ii'iuly
a month she visted the Helden shack
icgularh , coo'u-d and served Mi-Men's
mealH , dru.ssed his wounds , and liplpid
him as tenderly , as a r-lilivo onld
When ho got sft'Uiat ' ho could sit nil and
helii himself , her visits became sliord r
ami at longer interval- ) , and al Ien , tn
they ceas d alto iMnir.
'Jbs last spring il hocaino upoessiry
for someliody lo mil in the crops il any
thing lo hi dijjli ! . Hul.leu had
no Hiittlenn nt "WitW the gill , and sheap-
peand to lie mak ng prepar itiom * to
work his tarm as well as her own He
didn't want to'SHvfii ti ) > beatun , and he
could not ijuarrel with a worn in isni (
ialh to one lo-wmnu ho was under so
man > obligations 1 Hiding that things
wer.i beeoinm mlolor ibl i us tlmWitni ,
be ( 'tilled on h > ' IHIO ov inin in Mav ami
thov had a IJ'iJfl talk , the roaull ot
wlichhi8 just bueii discovered Aft -r consult itiolltlhev w u-ii frequently
toget ier They vvoi'nud both liirius thm
\ear and in ubi'bii iirois , , uiul last wuuk
thuy weio mariieu
Tin : nsr. T Ai.n.itvuvB AND Asn-
HII.IOUS medicine on caith is bamai Ian
Nervine . * ! ri ( ) "The Doctors said my
child must die with bpasms bamaritan
Nervine cuicd him " \Vi K Tanm-r ,
Da.\lon \ , Ohio. ft.Oi. at lrug.risls
1 ii-st class No. 8 Cook hlovo for Tldr
teen Dollai.s. Call and sue it
b'irmi. : iV A u.'jriT.
N \V. ror Ida and ( Jalilouua.
Carbon Cool ; Stoviw ,
N w.coY'ldth and Caluor.iia. ,
Hnll pr i/r nii"i i tiud . . ' i.t i. v i * . J ,
Catling Voting Men "Villains" Vow-
IIIR VoURiMii-o Asalust ilio
Now York Tiibiino : A tlihket wo
man of inedinm height Hint uncertain
agu. clad in a dark-colored dress , vvuai-
itig u light colotcd siinvv hat and cxn.v-
ing n bunch of llower * in her hniul ,
boarded tlio Harlem triin which left ( ho
( Irand Central Hint. on at 4 Ho p m. Tnu
cars were Idled with thu exception of
ono , which Is reset ved lor the Not mill
college g.rls , who boa id the ti. i \ at the
beventi-nf h street station. Tne wonriu
trieil to gel in the cni | ty car , and when
site found the door locked pounded v io-
lently on thu window. A workman told
her tnat thu car was reiurved and invi
ted her to go into one of thu others. She
did so , but found it Idled. She glared at
Ihuoung men who were ng , an I
linally alinuted thu attention of thu en
tire ear by walking up to two ioung men
and shouting angnl.v.
1 Von .vou.ig v.llians , why don't ion
get np and give me a s.i it ' Vii \ " \ oun r
villians ' looked slicepiinli ontol tl'ic win
dews wlilIc tau rest 01 thu pass.mgers lit
teicd andibl.v Tins sec med to enrage
tiie woman and she launched out in a
\igorousinviitivu against the rndunuss
and meiviliU ol lac piesunl guiieration
In a luw moment * ( he cai was in an up
roar and pasMMigeis trom thu other
coaches eiovvded in. Thu trouble subsi
tied lorn moment when thecondnelor en
tered thu car and asked lor lickets When
hu asked Ihu lady lor her t.cket shu re
liHjd to givu il tip until .shu had a seat
'I no conductor told her Unit thuru were
M-at1 * in some ot the other coaches , but
sue insisted on hav ing a buat in that par
ticular car
' I am used lo traveling in special
cars " .she said , "and 1 waul cvcr.v niton
t on to winch I am accustomed paid lo
me Tin ru is my caid , " she added ,
thrusting a p.cce of pasteboard healing
tnu Maine "Alary Irene llo. ) I" under tm
coadiiulor'H nos , ' .
One ol the " .voting villians" of'ekl.v
ollered Aiiss Hovl Ins seal , but will a
giance iil witlieiingcontcnij ) ! , she i ice I in
id it. When tno tia n icaened One linn
died and 'Iwent.v tilth street Miss llo.\l
Id ! U. H lying Him \\oulil 5riile no tnrtai i
w ith siicii a lot ot brutes , and vowud veil
geaiicc a ainM thu co iduct.jf.
ruins 1'inri s : j m rs
A snie riaii for It , mil. lllccillirj ; , licnm. ;
jiinl Uunau'it 1'iles his hi en ihscovcud n.v
Ui.Vilnaius , ( an liid an lenuilv ) , eaileij Hi.
Williains liiihan I'ue Ointment. A single
Imx has cam ! tliu wmtt elnonie i aseol - > 01
it ) jt.u-s si.uiiliiu' . No one med stuid n\ , .
minutes iuU'i aM | > lin , - tins uoml.-i ill soinh
| IU' mi dit'ine. Lotions nnd iiisiiinnents do
unite liana than pud. \Villiaais Indian
1'ilu Oiiunu nt ahsuilis thu tiunuis allii.vs tin.1
intense iichini : , ( > at nmhi alter
LCIIMIinn in IM | ) , ai tsas a | ioiiilir , , ui.s
iiisumi lener , and ispiepaiid on ) 101 I Me- , .
lici.ln. of nnvale pans , nnd n.i nntliin else
SKIN i nsi'jAo ! ; . ; c-tiht ; ; ) .
Dr. l''i./i < 'i's Alimic O.iiLinent iiiibS as h\
ma ie , rniiiiles , It , uk Iliads in diubs.
liiiiti lies anil Linptiiiiis on the hue , leaving
the j-uin el. .n and o. .iinirm. Also i mes liea
ball Km inn , boiu iNipjile-i , buie l ij > s , unl
O.d Oijsimme Un-eis
bold It ) ii ti jjKsts , 01 1'iallcd on iccclpt of
1'ci.ulriHn Kuhn ACo. . , ami HflnoeUil
IJieht. Al who < sile l > v C. K IOHM | >
11 usAcauAiNrco WITH THE r.coa-Mrmr or TIII $
COIi4m/V/ILLS lit LAAMIMirU * H i P IH T 1HI
lit ipiiintKiflt'iiPlitnl ' imvlllnii mill iln t > ll Inlliiri li >
nil fit III Ipil lint i I tit mi u i t ill In 11,1 ninl I. iv
lulu ll pn tit- , i mi illlntn Ilii' mi , linntitlittil inlil
i .mm. il .1 II 11. in I nli-M-l 111 ill Ihiinii'li It M | H. | .
* -\iion iii ii i it \ 41 ti i ft iin i * 111\ i i mi iii mi
I > , -'WI'MI PIIIK.I nr ( ho Alinnlli. nil 1'mllli < .nt-N 1C
I * nlitt Uiul ivnilli , niij In-I innl , . tumul In in IM.IIIUH
| oi lU WtM ttii | iu t nnil N , llt ! tif i > r
The Great Rocli Island Roulo
nttliintip ltd iiittrins lint fpiiMr ii.'r'.iiiuil fern ,
illv nllujnli I > , Y n. Mill I linn,1,11 lu , i , , | | , in | , , „ „ (
li < iu ii'hli i 1-i nr i "Iin nut , tint mil H.I-I/ . , .
II ill v linlli i nl vt i it uiul I , , | , i , iiiiiirrinil IIMI. iir
| i " n i II ,11 IM Iiiiin it I II t mi ninl i | i ( I p M , < ly
mi iiiiuiH ir n it MI limit M 11H fin ii , . nnii nti iii i , ! , < - . ; .
mi I Mii n , in-ill. In hit > , 1,1 , hinitiiti--Hi IHHC.
I l-ili.i | i ill i tor nil Hi ll iin- ( ulirr nt In'lliof ,
I lU lHI liu u 11 in 11 t nt nil 11 niii'i Itn ' i , hi in
llulim It nnw nil I III < mi ni | > isMd itmlulls ni.,1
Iu nnhi-iir It-i P IH II i t 1 iitl | | mint
'Hi" I iil < II'I > M lithis liinrpn flilrd nt-il
r - > li ( II in , . .
in nl ( ilj U mm. MIM |
At hlt.ui u , i .p. . I , , t u. II , , - , , , , I'M ' , I , nil.
| n > > ii il Ui I'm in H M.'iiiillln nt i iiiiiniii I a in
Sll | i l of i ' liilp. t ilmicn onil i mi M llhilnir
( „ , I i. .hi i l In ilulv , , „ , ! , . . I mi „ in , | | . , , , J
nl n ll.liiC'n innnilK ll m I Hi n il A'I I IIUD
i ( tl u i in I In. itli'lit iti I Iliilliilni'i hnli ( lira
The F.im3JO Alljort LOT Route
I llio dlippt nnil fiiv.ill linp lii | iin rliitninnni |
Iliu iriliulUa ills I'n il ulu iu .omul Hiir MII inin o
In Iliiliin ll tmt < r , , ii I iinlni i in i , li iiilinliH iinil
li'itun I cuvI i es. ( , tlil-4 II.IIK I t I MIIIn
'I i HIM i o i i i ti , t u 11 HIM hi r pi i.pii M mini i 10
f w nli I | uj lit. Hi i. mi | mil ( nnil li-l'lni ! {
I- iin u r I , i < 11 n I Mit nt si i i ni , , | . , , n t
il liil.lui ii i.i , i il linlu it iiltljiiitil luttuiul
I.n "l lut I.n Hi nl i
Mill niiti'li | HMD ( T I.-V" ill , init' It-ll-
' " ' ' , , ' ' 'V,1' ' ' " ' ' l-l ' ' " " " ' i" ' " I I" ' '
r > ilinnnl Ii I > L ii .ml i IHIIII II | iiiirI'Mrm | l ly.
J. li ii > | , ' in I st I'uii niul nit , tin , il ii I .IIUM
I " 1 ill tilt it IHlllllll ltiill | M i N it III I olilpf *
r'il ' i ii 1'ilu ' t > i I IK i In I t nil n linip/il / lit l i
( i I * i in l to Unllo I bl u.i bii 1 tuu.iU 11 ci by uU >
cu. IIID' ,
n. n'en"1 , c. r.T. . "OM-I ,
CnsIand ; , Franco & QerRian'/i /
K'V | 1" | ! | 'VI'I < V
| , * i i il uii'i lit i' ( nul riitnil
t-i I In-il A < \ui f in in i I l
A t nvviuii u\
Ordinary llulihcr Koota
rl.t iii H ( ir o i r ti i
t > ub ill U ( V.D
1 , inta RM lUuL t t'i
on tlio
D : ) uuYIAI : : : \ : .
itvt tcortoinlca ! Uu'ih-
) ml in 1.10 i > ui. . c.
I -i * hm i r tli .a tiu/
< /iUi.r bout uiul ibo
Till nd
r ne ibo
O o
ni\'h.iA : . - Af.KNT.
± s-ft , crci x-XTt
! i
Gnc of i lift lies * awl Luvycst. Stool * ? in the U. 8.
to Kchwt
Ho Stairs to Climb. Elegant Passenger Elevator.
CM'.O 181 HUn , Mmmitor ,
UriY.HKNVr * f.'rrolinnti nail IVnnris' HnnK. lm\lil niv. N > 1) ) ! Knirnpy Nntttiii-vl
I ey.Noli. : ( "oluiiitiiMMiilo linnl , lolunitnn , Ncli ; Mclhunil I * Hank , Noilli I'latlo , Nelt. l.iua *
l 1'iiali. OiDiilip. .
AVlll juiy eUMtimioi-H1 ilinlt wltli bill of Itulliwnt liu hcil , lor twn-tliluls vnluourslooc.
cr rull Particulars about free ami Cheap Ltifitfs in Western Nebraska. AJdrosa PATTE/IS9\
& tttilTC , Estate A rnts. t > 'or'i ! Pltttte. Nebraska. ,
, = - _ \TlioltATo nwM OH ir unit nl\lp > rn 1 jimVor , w'1111"5
vnniiiiiui i tcrrlliln 1 > U MNS unit Jj < > b I.S , liO nro v i'M < V
-Vijs. 1 > I1' ( > ! IC.N Pi. i , | tnuil I rman.iv '
/ © \WIEN of ' ° { 'ls.'flf ! vt.lflr ! SS.SK ! S ?
/I rs * } , | , * js l ? hj . ? , . ? , .
I " JJ LU ) li Uni or ! " { < 1" Flan TPPI in. n | in | | \ . 4i < Htnff |
" " ClI R.I. , l Ouulu-r tn In.w In'M Minlliitf 1'iL , .si , ' . nr wli'l
liiu u.H.,1 l ( ini-.ii ) n ii . VD IT ini.iiilii u i > ni ilit ( .i-li.tinlli.4
ji ii.-i , , > \t litinti xn KII i' , nil I w > tl m1 unli.'ilt ' sjiionry Ilinn
any IMH r mi ill" I 1'iiliu - < irl . U t , U In * k Inaila in K t1 4ION-1.
liiMHinlc , I > i > rrnrilsn | iluinMti elmi uv IliuniiliU. tV r n il-1 til
ilniiiin , ill i UM niiiniirt , nil'OTI N T , IUH. lmicillim | nl * to
n vrr. LPj uutl in mn hrr B > nipiit i It ititliu lo < iNs VHN t * * " ' P
r niaiilitiOvl nsl r tl.
Married MCJ , or HiOKC trlio intend fo viarnji
UnirviKI'l ! , iii-ftii r\nil Kri"i Mi ni'-n-is luilili.lrnrnii * < \lr \ {
rrlnff tun-llfo aiultlio lovcntul ri , | , ii l nl 11 fii'liiul iio VVt uk mi HSI.I 11 n-t. lo Mjjor 3
liinnlniitil I 11 tro inn rUv.iPinofi. . tcsllinrnliilH a l inlitililo lit ill" " 'i hl mu.
Kaiaii.i. riroAduicss The Climax CVlce cai Co , CO4 , , St.J.o'jis , iVJO-
: TO
of Iiivo Sioci anil Oiliorn.
\\i : CAM. VOtnt Al'IUNl'ION Tl )
ro u ii f S
U \ uwJ d a Viyj
111' tlio lio-it niul clio'ipmt foml for torU of nil ) Klnl. Onoixiinil Is O'linil to lln-cn poilii U of
( ( in. MIIL ! > luil wit i ( itoini 1 UiU/.iliu ill tliu li'.ill anJ \ Vlnuniuuoil 01 iinninu ilo > n , ivill. l.v woljjlilnnd I J In s-'oinl iii.nknt ililo cqinlHioti In tliuHpuiiT. l > ili > nion us ell us otliorli
v , 1,11 IIMI it , run losiili to ilo niuina. 'Ji v it nail Jiiil o""f' > i" ionr-iolvos. I'IHO j ; | inr tun. NJ
. - , t.U\OI.I.U Oil , \UUv3 ) ] , ( JllUlll.l , JVUUVJ-jl .U
A. TUMIOL-K , iiif. ; } and Su | > t. U. t' . N. aAIlIr.It , Asst. Kw ' *
If VV DIAMOND. As-1.Socy. ' ' !
* * t9 !
Ilissouri Valley Bridge and Iron VvTorlio.
ClhU AND V.Uhhb U.MV'EN\VOiniI ' , KANSAS ,
Klroiiiw IM , Stoi , HJWJ
'Iiuasiiinl t ooililinltlbli- '
1 ( it Hiilliiiiinil nnd Hli hrouiUr
Tuia Tables , Draw Spans ; ( bik
Trusses ! Piesand , Sub- ' '
- V'B.IJp'K flT MiffitlW.EW' VHlIilf k'fa struttuies ,
S ? 5hs V tu ? Slft Vva't vJ1- lotors
P W A. \
" .t # lf \ff rfa VfVt ; , AftSi ft fl-Va ? A.yi3n
rio-ropoiul i \\ni 1 nf all InlilKo niin lit. Coiiospondomo willcilwl Itoiu unplneors ip
\ > r ! (
Fci the Tieaiment of all Chronic and Sunjicel DiseasE/ ? " '
] , KsWW , Piiysician a d Siirg30ii in Cftarp
uttrittloii jiniil to Dijoi milut < , of cf I
* , Tn-
uini iiMH tn-dtnl by Mulirnti-il lit-
liittatlini. ti/i.\I > FOJt IXUALKli.
Urito for Crcu'ar ' on Deformities and B-cces -
, , Diseases of Wurcn. Piio-s , Tcns : *
lajc&rs , tPtarrli , HioncMus , Inbuiaion , electricity , Paralysis , fyi.
hp y , Kidney , Ear , Lye , SLID an.i BiooJ ,
TJiiQnlv IJcJiiil.lo Mnliual Instil ulu taitkint ; ft sipi'dally of . .
Private Diseases of the Urinary & Sexua ! Organo
r.iaxid liyoCUUDIIK. . IT VV I'HItV. llio INIiC-OIIITIONH ( IK \ UM II or lINCCs r.H ( if rllifr J
i i nr ttimii'vti nuy K-I il I . i t r t . nf lifi '
K \ii ii > n f i IIIMII MII r 1 01111 -i i' l H di'liil ,
I i , i iMiiii.ii , . t tiu.1 . .
i n. lainiii in rniir ni.n lliiiim > IM iiii'ili.irLuiii , UM l irn IIMIIIIII ili-mv inllnntJ
I t tin I .n.'liitin in M nil | mil- HUH u iin Hi.tlu r l > iin i Uiilmi viill. uruinr. ,1 liv nur nun r.ilntuiu *
Iri.iliiiuil n illwin.til jlu > mill > pir. unit it riniln | - ( ( uiul u < ninl iio ir
1 1 cirt.iua in I'M d i i-isnf IMJJIini > iiiiiiiliryriftnlly IK-HI iiigliiinl In > rlcntmc , tilnrnM
plit-iLiui jiiid limliim lain liiiinU . , f I'jii ni Mi ilidniiiinlo amid Ijjt.o tint nidi ( lulialniu luivo '
nun mi iluini1 III it ' Ii4ili > | ncillt nil Mould i llti' i M iv i i-c ,
Wii lnni ) tliillliu. iiiNiiilTirliilii | ; ( tt > l-tf ill , i cci | ia\n | i diit.ip dlniul en nty n III t v
tlii'viiri' iiiil | liiiruiiliiii | lil ( iii no I ( ipi-nfi xr lii'iiiL'iiirul ' c < ! etn. Hint
iu in i liiiifj IK ilu-j ( iniiii UL I'M VJK iijtSMiull i ftil | i rum i u' "r n | pMinin rcpriMiili 1 1 1 dire "
niilKllfi.i . . H i y nii Ilia y t ' lan t H' T yjiirbntdiBippiili niidii N.IU | I Hunrui xhrtlyjtlik * '
nut n i iiii'ri dy t , r Inn * liiuinri' * .
| ucpi.rcil innu'i ilitf niuinniii | in i f nit , v\i lm\ - ' ' '
ninilu n i in rm t i y f Pin illm r" . . n tmlr mil' lull rum mid imuiiiiiiiiluiiB , unit u uli ii , , niij nf *
tin iiliim-t in IlialUilcxnt inner Inn i limliiiti.i tti Iiiiin ii.inil i uer , > u brt. cimliliil tu tiirciifur
li nilv fillul
o r < lmnii
V\'u , \ HC-oniiKiii.'lliD ilrct Hi innkenriirln | | \ ninl i > niity"V'f ' llilidii i of Ulfiac , nnd tu ir/m ilina
. n i" i liliflc lirliuildiv. Wiulw. lunlhirii aii > . ( iln | nnd Viirmli AI.I ( 'ONTM'llVus '
I.i MIIII | i-i\ | ; . | s , | rin Vm , ; \ , iinin' pmiliiri ' . HKCI * fulij tfiuKd Vi can < rtiuove ' hiiJitl M i c )
| Kii > i n 'p m ( liurtMi > ii uiiJiiiii iiuiinn nr IIIIH > in tin H > I- tin ft
nu u < in- t nt n or i vpr . H i . I'V i l > nl i | i-V.\'l | i.V i , t I , t
hull' rnui'nt > 01 H i lir O i mtirui'v irifurnl if nn\iurut. I-l/iy roiAnl fir tbi V
lyLiiiiiiiiuiliil' ' 'i of lulu I" I'aiuluntl iituuiJanuuliiu-i.iiilili. Uim
Omaha RHedicol ana Curgtecl
In ; , ( /M.lll.l